
举例如下:ee:three tree green sheep meet beef see seek bee蜜蜂;ea:eat east tea meat leave lead teacher team mean speak clean please leaf;e:he she me;ie:piece;ei:receive ceiling;ey:key。
举例如下:i:sit picture it is list six mix fix fit pig big build miss give live ship listen;y:myth many twenty happy dictionary study;ey:money;e:defect decide delicious。
举例如下:a:bag hand and ant happy hat map mad bad black back glad flag shall man cat cap apple at。
举例如下:ea:head bread pleasure;e:elephant electric remember sell shell lesson better bed desk hotel yes test rest beg get let friend bell leg egg pen;a:many any 。

1./s/+/j/→/?/ 如:this year等(1)I guess you’re right. 我想你是对的。
(2)I miss you. 我想念你。
2./z/+/j/→/?/(1)What brings you here? 什么风把你刮到这儿来了?(2)I’m not gonna lose you again.3./t/+/j/→/?/ 如:congratulation、last year等(1) Nice to meet you.很高兴见到你。
(第二次见面就说Nice to see you.)(2) What you doing? 你在做什么?4./d/+/j/→/?/ 如:education等(1)Pinned ya. 压在你身上了。
)(2)How did you like it? 你觉得怎样?连读在正常英语口语中,连读现象比比皆是。
(1)I’m so fed up with him. 他让我烦透了。
(2)I’ve already made up my mind. 我意已决。
(3) That is so gross [ɡr?us].太俗了。
(4) Turn on the juice. 合上开关,恢复通电。
(1) Just do it. 尽管去做吧!(2)It’s snowing. 下雪了。
/i/美式读音符号 7.字母组合:ee在单词been中时,美语中发音为此音,/i:/英式读音符号这跟英音中是不一样的。
//美式发音符号李阳疯狂发音秘诀: /e/英式发音符号 1.发音时,上下唇微开,嘴唇扁平。
/e/传统的国际音标的读音符号 2.上下齿分开,距离约能容纳一个火柴棍。
李阳疯狂发音秘诀: 5.在发音的时候要尽量拉长,就像古人喝醉酒以后吟诗1.舌尖抵下齿,舌前部稍微抬起,舌位比/I/低。
ei. 5.常发这个元音的有:字母“e”和字母组合“ea”。
美语语音课笔记整理-ID Chordata

中国人发音时易吞掉音节末尾的/ m /,如 name; 对于homemade这样的词,心理上发两次/ m /,但生理上只发一个 /m/ ·/ n / 发音方式:鼻音
发音技巧:舌尖舌页轻触上齿龈,封闭半个口腔,做好发/ t /的准备,不要漏 气,再发/ m /的感觉
·/ N / 发音方式:鼻音
②舌两侧碰四颗牙 ③方唇(嘴向外噘,利用唇腔对音起一个修饰作用) 其中/ F /为清辅音,/ V /为浊辅音 ·/ tF / & / dV / 发音方式:破擦音 发音部位:齿龈后 发音技巧:舌尖舌页碰上齿龈后,感觉像发/ t /,嘴也向外噘(利用唇腔的修 饰),然后舌头突然下降,让气流冲出。其中/ tF /为清辅音,/ dV /为浊辅音 ·/ w / 发音方式:半元音 发音部位:双唇,软腭 发音技巧:圆唇 ·/ j / 发音方式:半元音
骆毅 00211181 @ 北大 & 协和
圆唇松弛元音 ·/ u: / boot 后元音 中元音:碰两颗牙,舌高略高于/ u / 圆唇紧张元音 ·/ ai / fine 前移元音:舌位由舌后到舌前 上升元音:舌高由最低到次高 松弛元音 ·/ Ci / boy 前移元音:舌位由舌后到舌前 上升元音:舌高由低到次高 松弛元音 ·/ au / house 后移元音:舌位由舌前到舌后 上升元音:舌高由低到高 松弛元音
这门课还是相当不错的,颇能学到点东西,就是考勤严了点……总之,大家 好运吧
· 因为习惯的原因,下文使用的均是 D.J.音标,而不是现在更为国际通用的 K.K.音标。
D.J.音标记作: i: i e ei A Q E E: B: C C: Eu u u: ai Ci au p b t d k ^ m n N r l f v W T s z F V tF dV j w h ·“听起来”和“读起来”的区别 “听起来”是从听众角度来描述一个音,而“读起来”是从说话人这个角度 来描述的。两者完全是相互独立的,不能因为某个音听起来怎么样,在发音时就 刻意地去模仿那个音。只要按照正确的发音规则去发音,对听众而言自然就会产 生正确的听觉效果。 ·舌头分区 Tip of the tongue:感觉发汉语拼音“le”时舌头最高的部位 Blade of the tongue:感觉发汉语拼音“te” 时舌头最高的部位 Front of the tongue:感觉发汉语拼音“yi” 时舌头最高的部位 Back of the tongue:感觉发汉语拼音“ke” 时舌头最高的部位

2.英国人将字母o读作[)],而美国人则将o读作近似 [a:]音的[a]。 • crop • box
3. 英国人将字母a 读作[a:],而美国人则读作[ê] (梅花音) • can't • fast
4.在以-ary或-ory结尾的多音节词中,英国人 通常将a或o弱读,而美国人不仅不弱读, 还要将a或o所在的音节加上次重音,所以 这些词在英语和美语中不仅读音有差异, 节奏也显然不同,例如: • laboratory • preparatory • secretary
地道美国味速成 ●典型的美国特有的大嘴发音
元音字母O在重读闭音节中,美音和英音有不同 的发音。这是英美发音重大差别之一。 ■ Do what you want. ■ Where is the watch I put in my pocket to take to the shop because it had stopped. ■ Darling , did you see my wallet,?
5. 除此之外,另有一些难于归类的单词在英语和美 语中读音也各有不同:
英语读音 美语读音
• • • • • • •
clerk either figure issue leisure neither schedule
[kla:k] [kl2rk] ['ai92] ['i:92r] ['fig2] ['figj2r] ['isju:] ['ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱJu:] ['le32] ['li:32r] ['nai92] ['ni:92r] ['Jedju:l] ['sked32l]
■ I don't like people asking me for money.

H [etʃ]美式英语[K.K.] 英式英语/Jones/Vowels[i]长元音/i:/发音时,上下唇微开,上下齿分开,舌尖稍微抵住下齿,嘴角尽量往两旁移动,像微笑的样子。
两个音节以上的单词就有重音符号[' ],标于重音音节前。
一般字典列出的音标实际念成four [for] [fɔr]course [kors] [kɔrs]mourn [morn] [mɔrn]pour [por] [pɔr][ɔɪ]双元音听起来像将两个汉字“喔”及“衣”连在一起的发音。

举例如下:ee:three tree green sheep meet beef see seek bee蜜蜂;ea:eat east tea meat leave lead teacher team mean speak clean please leaf;e:he she me;ie:piece;ei:receive ceiling;ey:key。
举例如下:i:sit picture it is list six mix fix fit pig big build miss give live ship listen;y:myth many twenty happy dictionary study;ey:money;e:defect decide delicious。
举例如下:a:bag hand and ant happy hat map mad bad black back glad flag shall man cat cap apple at。
举例如下:ea:head bread pleasure;e:elephant electric remember sell shell lesson better bed desk hotel yes test rest beg get let friend bell leg egg pen;a:many any 。

美式音标基本知识今天丽思教育英语部给大家收集一些关于美式音标发音的基本知识,希望大家都能发一口标准的美式英语![1] 奇妙的[ r ]音。
[ r ]音是最具区别性特征的美语音标之一。
而当它出现在词中与其它单元音组合在一起时,美语中的[ r ]便成了个典型的卷舌音,如bIRd, teachER等。
这个[r]音简单易学,如teacher一词,你先按国际音标的发法,发出[ʧə]音,等[ə]音马上结束时,只需将舌尖轻轻向后上方一挑就OK 了(点击[ɜr],听听标准的美语发音吧),你若不卷舌呢,那你发的就是英音呗。
不过提醒大家注意,只有单词中含有字母R时,才有可能出现这个卷舌的[r]音,在美语单词的音标标注当中,这个需要卷舌的[ r ]是以上标的形式出现的。
有些同学觉得这个[r]音真的很好听,所以就不加辨别地瞎发,一遇到[ə]就加[r]音,如下几个单词是不可以卷舌发的,idea [ɑɪ‟diə];money […mʌnɪ]; China [‟ʧɑɪnə]; banana [bə‟nɑnə]。
[2] 咧嘴的梅花[æ]与卷舌的长音[ɑr]:英美语中都存在[æ]音,具体的发音方法也没什么差别(点击[æ] ,听听标准音吧)。
但凡英语音标为[ɑ:]且单词中对应的是ar组合(如car),那么美语中的对应音标为[ɑr],在发音时要注意在收尾时发出[r]音,如Car [ka:] [kɑr]。

Session Fourteen1. Putting it all together – Part I2. The 10 Key steps towards ImprovementHi, and welcome back. Again my name is Paul Gruber and we’ve made to the Pronunciation Workshops---Fourteenth Training Session. What I’ve done in the last two sessions is put together reading passages that contain all of the material covered throughout the program. In the past, my clients have often requested that I do some paragraph reading using correct American pronunciation. So they could hear and repeat and get a chance to practise everything that they have learned in this program. It’s sort of like review. I have been told many times that this is extremely helpful and aids in overall improvement of pronunciation abilities. So therefore, this is what I have done. Today’s session contains four short paragraphs. Each paragraph is designed to address everything that we have covered: Consonants, Vowels, Intonations, Phrase Reductions and Word Endings. All the components needed to speak clearly and with good pronunciation.You may want to listen to these paragraphs a few times. Read along with me and then practise your pronunciation on your own using your manual. As I told you earlier in the program, I recommend that you speak out loud a little slower than usual and try to incorporate as much the material as you can from all the previous sessions. Now don’t worry if first it doesn’t come out perfectly, you can’t possibly remember everything. It takes time. B ut soon you’ll find that they’ll all come together and you’ll sound just great. Also at the end of today’s session, I’ll cover the 10 keys towards improvement, which I believe will guarantee you success in speaking with American Accent. Ok. Let’s begin. This first paragraph is about Photo Albums.Photo albumKeeping a family photograph album is a good way to save family memories for yourself and future generations of your family. Very old pictures can be taken to a photo shop and reprinted so that they can be placed in an album. Be sure to write on the back of the picture any information you remember about the people in it. Also, write the date if you remember it. Looking at photo albums is a relaxing way to spend the day and it is a fun activity to share with family and friends. Your children, grandchildren and their children will appreciate your efforts, too.Ok, this next paragraph is called The Public Library.The Public LibraryYour library card can be your ticket to entertainment, current events and new ideas. Almost every city has a public library and there is no charge for a library card. Libraries have books about many subjects, but there are also other things at the library. These include books on cassette tape, videotapes, large print books, CD’s, DVD’s and magazines. Many have free programs in the afternoon or evening about travel, hobbies or other topics of interest. Some cities also have a bookmobile or traveling library, which brings the library right into your neighborhood.Very good. Ok, this next paragraph is about John D Rockefeller who is a famous American.John D. RockefellerJohn D. Rockefeller did three amazing things. First, he acquired probably the greatest fortune in all history. He started out in life digging potatoes under the hot sun for four cents an hour. In those days, there were not half a dozen men in all the United States who were worth even one million dollars. Eventually, John D. managed to collect a fortune said to be anywhere from one to two billion dollars. And yet, the first girl he fell in love with refused to marry him.The reason given was because her mother refused to allow her daughter to throw herself away on a man who had such poor prospects.Very good. Ok. This next paragraph is called Stars. In this paragraph. Be aware of my pronunciation of numbers, especially the TH and the voiced Z sound/z/ in the word Thousand. Thousand. Ok? Here we go.StarsHow many stars can you see on a dark, clear night? You can see about 3,000 stars with your eyes alone. But keep in mind that you are viewing only part of the sky. If the whole sky were visible, you could count about 5,000 stars. If you look through a small telescope you might see as many as 600,000 stars. Through the most powerful telescopes, astronomers can spot millions of stars. No one is sure exactly how many stars there are altogether, but astronomers believe there are at least 200 billion, billion stars out in space.Ok, very good. Now, then we’re putting it altogether. I wanna give you the 10 keys that I believe will guarantee you success in speaking with American accent. Here we go.No.1. Practise and listen are the key. You can improve your pronunciation in only a few weeks. But for many people, it takes longer. As I told you when we started. Practising is important but so is listening. As you go through your day, you listen to the melody of English. English has its own rhythm and flow. It goes up and it comes down. Master that and people will more easily understand you. Also, listen to native speakers, imitate the way they speak. You’ll see that they also follow the same speech rules that I presented throughout this program.No.2. Do not leave off the endings of your words. Say the ending ofeach word, especially the final Ss and the final ED sounds and the final LY sounds. These sounds have a lot to do with making you better understood, especially when saying numbers clearly.No.3. Make a list of frequently used words or words related to your profession that you find difficult to pronounce. Ask a native speaker to pronounce them for you. Perhaps you may want to record those words into a mini-voice recorder and play them back at later time.No.4. And this is a big one. Open your mouth, open your mouth more when you speak English than when you speak your native language. Native speakers of English generally open their mouth wider than speakers of other languages. People who speak English as a second language sometimes speak like this and they fell embarrassed to open their mouth too much. Trust me, if you open your mouth more, you most likely will speak slower and produce clearer speech in more intelligible English.No.5. Don’t be afraid to speak. Get involved in conversations. It is very import ant that you practise what you’re learning and use these techniques that I’m teaching you to make yourself understood in all different situations.No.6. Read aloud in English for 10 to 15 minutes every day. This will help you strengthen and retrain the movement patterns of your mouth muscles that you use to pronounce intelligible English. It will also give you the experience to focus straightly on pronunciation without having to think about anything else.No.7. Record your own voice and listen for pronunciation errors. Nowthis could be just audio or audio in video. It’s really a good idea to do because it will increase your awareness of pronunciation mistakes that you may not even be aware of.No.8. Watch the mouth movements of native speakers and try to imitate them. When you watch TV, look at the mouth movements of actors. Repeat what they’re saying. Try to imitate the intonation and rhythm of their speech.No.9. Here’s a really good tip that many of my clients do. Buy books on tape and also buy the actual book. Go to your favorite bookstore and buy a book that you’ll really enjoy reading on tape and then also buy the same book. Be sure that the person reading on the tape is a native-borned American. This is very important so that you can hear their American pronunciation. Listen and read out loud at the same time. Maybe record yourself reading some sessions of the book and compare the sound of your English without the speaker from the recording. Many of my clients have found this to be extremely helpful step in improving their English.And here is the last one. No.10 is Be patient. You can change the way you speak, but it won’t happen overnight. It will take time. Some people expect instant results and they give up too soon. You definitely can change the way you sound, but you must be willing to put some efforts into it and you must give it time. Now go on practise the paragraphs that we covered today and I’ll see you at our next sess ion. Thank you for watching. I’m Paul Gruber for the Pronunciation Workshop. Goodbye!。

【i:】长元音字母组合: ee ea e ie ei y发音类似汉字“衣”得读音,但声音拉长些。


[1] 奇妙的[ r ]音。
[ r ]音是最具区别性特征的美语音标之一。
而当它出现在词中与其它单元音组合在一起时,美语中的[ r ]便成了个典型的卷舌音,如bIRd, teachER等。
不过提醒大家注意,只有单词中含有字母R时,才有可能出现这个卷舌的[r]音,在美语单词的音标标注当中,这个需要卷舌的[ r ]是以上标的形式出现的。
有些同学觉得这个[r]音真的很好听,所以就不加辨别地瞎发,一遇到[ə]就加[r]音,如下几个单词是不可以卷舌发的,idea [ɑɪ’diə];money [‘mʌnɪ]; China [’ʧɑɪnə]; banana [bə’nɑnə]。
[2] 咧嘴的梅花[æ]与卷舌的长音[ɑr]:英美语中都存在[æ]音,具体的发音方法也没什么差别(点击[æ],听听标准音吧)。

英语国际音标表 (48 个)元音 (20 个)长元音 /ɑ:/ /ɔ:/ /ə:/ /i:/ /U:/啊(长音) 奥(长音) 额(长音) 一(长音) 屋(长音)短元音/^ /阿/ɔ/奥/ə/额/I /一/U:/屋/e/挨/æ /挨/eI / /aI / /ɔI /和拼音的“ei” 一挨外样双元音 /I ə/ /eə/ /Uə/一而挨而勿而/əU/ /aU/欧袄辅音 (28 个)轻辅音浊辅音轻辅音浊辅音/ θ/四(咬舌音)/ð /字(咬舌音)/tr/缺/dr//t/特/d/得/h/和/r/若/k/克/g/个/ts//f/佛/v/勿/tJ /迟/d3 //p/颇/b/伯/J /是/3 /日/s/四/z/英语音标及字母组合对照一、元音字母在重读音节中的读音二、元音字母在非重读音节中的读音元音字母编 号 例 词读 音元音字母在开音节中a在闭音节中 在开音节中e在闭音节中 在开音节中i在闭音节中 在开音节中o例 词n a me pl a ne J a ne b a by c a ke b a g d a d h a t m a p bl a ck b a ck h e th e se m e Chin e se b e d l e t p e n d e sk y e s e gg b i ke fl y dr i ve t i me n i ce k i te f i sh b i g dr i nk s i t m i lk sw i m th o se cl o se g o h o e h o me n o cl o ck n o t b o x sh o p s o ck st u dent exc u se d u ty T u esdayb u sc u p j u mp m u ch l u nch编 号 1-01 1-02 1-03 1-04 1-05 1-06 1-07 1-08 1-091-10读 音 [ei] [æ ] [i:] [e] [ai] [i] [ou] [ ] [ju:] [ ]标准实用在非重读音节中,许多单词中的元音字母 a e i 即可以读作[]音,也可以读作[i]音。

P r o n u n c i a t i o n W o r k s h o p Instructor:Paul GruberIntroduction:(01:17-02:27)When you learned English as a second language, you kept many of the sounds and speech rules from your first language and you were continuing to use them when you speak English. This is what gives you an accent. You were using the sounds and speech rules from your native language instead of the sounds and speech rules of English. This program will show you and train you on how to use these sounds and speech rules correctly and showing you how to correctly form new sounds by changing the position of your tongue or changing the shape of your lips. These small changes are going to make very big changes in your speech.How to Practice(02:35-03:15)Speak slowlyUse a Loud VoiceExaggerate Your Mouth MovementsWhat would you be doing is retraining the muscles of your mouth in your tongue to move in new ways, which will produce a new pronunciation patterns. These new speech patterns will slowly and eventually involve into your own spontaneous fast speech, but it is important that you start out going very slow.The Key to Success(03:15-05:15)Being aware of your errorsRecognizing mistakes when you hear themWhen most Americans speak you will notice that we seem to open our mouth a lot and there is a great amount of mouth movements.Arrangement of this program(05:15-05:45)During the course of this program, I will begin by addressing consonant sounds and then later on we’ll work with vowel sounds. Now vowel sounds, as you know, are A E I O and U, l ike ahh, ohh, eee, ehh, ihh and ooo. And consonant sounds are basically all the other letters’ sounds, like b, ch, s, t, f, g, sh, w and of course, there are many many more sounds.Session One(05:55-22:34)1. Consonant R2. Consonant WR Tips(07:07-09:00)Mouth and lips come tightly forward as if you would be saying the OO sound.Tongue moves back.Now one way of checking if you’re doing this correctly with your tongue is by actually putting your finger around an inch into your mouth while saying an R sound.You should be able to take the tip of your finger and feel the tip of your tongue.Practice (09:00-12:34)R at the beginning of words (like Rock Rain)Bringing your mouth forward and pulling your tongue back.R at the end of words or after a vowel (like Car Far Air Poor)Your tongue hasta pull back and also your lips close a little bit in the front. The R needs to be very strong and you need to close the word.R in the middle of words(like Very Arrange Everyone)Your tongue is back and your lips are coming all the way forward.R Blends (12:34-14:10)The ‘R’ is always the strongest sound of the blend.Your lips come forward before you even say the word.When the blend is at the beginning of a word, your mouth prepares for the R, by coming forward before you even say the word.R blends at the beginning of words(Training Trust)R blends in the middle of words(Subtract Waitress)W Tips(similar to R)(15:34-17:42)Practice first with OO.Then go into OOOOOWAWAWA.Remember, A W is always makes a W sound. It NEVER makes a V sound.Remember, the W sound is also at the beginning of the words One and Once.Practice (17:43-19:24)W at the beginning of words(like Why Which )W in the middle of words(like Always Away)Don’t forget to bring your mouth forward at the beginn ing of each word.Q sounds (Q=KW) (19:24-20:18)For example, the word Quick is pronounced with the K and the strong W sound. KWICK, like that. Session Two (22:50-44:25)1. Voicing2. Consonant pairs3. Consonant S4. Consonant Z VoicingVoicing is when your vocal cords are vibrating in your throat, producing a sound. All vowels are voiced. Some consonants are voiced, some are not. (24:35-26:23)Paired Consonants: (26:23-29:11)P&B T&D F&V SH&ZSH K&G S&ZConsonant S & Consonant Z : (29:11-30:00)The S consonant, made with the air going through your front teeth. /s/ the S sound is unvoiced.You just add voicing. What would the S sound become /s/---/z/. It will become a Z sound/z/. So S has no voicing /s/, Z has voicing/z/. So we say the S sound and Z sound are also Pair Consonants. And this brings us to what I would like to cover today---S sounds/s/, Z sounds /z/and how they work in terms of word endings.Three rules for S&Z endings (30:11-38:27)Rule 1If the last sound in a word is unvoiced, and you’re adding an S, well, then the S remains unvoiced, too.Examples:1 cup,2 cups (the p in cup is unvoiced, so you just add an unvoiced s)I break, he breaksRule 2If a word ends in any of these sounds: s, z, sh, ch, or dg (j), when adding an S ending, add IZZZZZZExamples:1 Page2 PagesI Raise, He RaisesRule 3If a word ends in a vowel sound (like the word Tree) or a voiced consonant (like the word Game), then when you add an S, continue the voicing throughout the entire word, and it should become a voiced ZZZZ.Examples:1 Tree,2 Treezzzz (correctly spelled Trees)1 Day,2 DaysI Fly, He FliesSome common words where S’s are pronounced as Z’s (38:27-39:50)Is His As Was These Those Easy BecauseSession Three (44:41-61:15)1. The Unvoiced TH Sound2. The Voiced TH Sound3. THR Blends4. Voicing the T SoundThe Unvoiced TH Sound (46:55-49:53)Flat tongue protruding through your teeth. Maintain a steady air stream. Stretch out the TH sound.Example:Think of the word Thumb as having two beatsTh . umb1 2Unvoiced TH at the beginning of words(Thanks Thick)Unvoiced TH at the middle of words(Anything Bathmat)Unvoiced TH at the end of words(Bath North)The Voiced TH Sound (49:53-53:05)To make a voiced TH sound[ð], you just need to add voicing to the unvoiced th sound. There’s the voiced TH. You should be able to feel the strong vibration in your throat and on your tongue[ð].Voiced TH at the beginning of words (The That)Voiced TH in the middle of words (Clothing Mother)Voiced TH at the end of words (Smooth Bathe)THR Blends: the combination of TH sound and the R sound (55:18-56:30)Be aware that the R is the strongest sound of the blend and it’s louder than the TH.So when you say a word which begins with THR. First make the TH sound and then strongly push out the R.(Thread throw)TH Exceptions (58:20-60:47)Although the following words are spelled with a ‘TH’, they are pronounced as a T. Thomas Thompson Theresa Thailand Thames Esther ThymeVoicing the T SoundIf a T falls within two voiced sounds (usually vowels), the T becomes voiced like a D. Examples: Water Wader (the whole word is voiced)Better Bedder Butter BudderVoiced T PracticeBetty bought a bit of better butter. But, said she, this butt er’s bi tter. If I put it in my batt er, it’ll make my batter bitter.Session Four(61:28-80:21)1. Consonant ‘F’2. Consonant ‘V’3. The Unvoiced ‘SH’ Sound4. The Voiced ‘SH’ SoundConsonants F and V (62:40-63:39)Consonants F and V are produced with contact of your upper teeth and lower lip. Think of it as biting your lower lip. Maintain a steady air stream.They are both identical, except the F is unvoiced, and the V is voiced.Fs and Vs are friction sounds and not that loud. So we stretch these sounds out a little bit, so they can be clearly heard.Practice F and V (63:40-72:46)The OF ExceptionNOT OF. BUT OV.The Unvoiced SH Sound (72:48-73:36)To make the Unvoiced SH sound, bring your mouth and lips forward, teeth should be slightly apart. Produce air stream. Words beginning with SH begin with this sound. (So are the words Sugar, Sure, Chef and Chicago.)SH practice (73:36-76:29)The Voiced SH Sound [ʒ] (76:29-77:00)The Voiced SH sound is exactly like the SH except voicing is added. To produce this sound, first make a [ʃ] sound and then you add voicing [ʃ] --[ ʒ]-, like that. [ʒ]. Now, for some people this may take a little bit of practice, you should feel the vibrations right here in your throat [ʒ].SH practice (77:00-78:31)Usual(U→zshu→al) Put your hand on your throat and feel for the vibration in the second syllable U-ZSHU-AL.Session Five (80:25-93:20)1. Consonant LL Tips: (81:05-83:05)Your bottom jaw should be down and your mouth should be wide open.Your tongue should RISE UP (independently of your jaw) and touch right behind your top teeth.Produce the ‘L’ sound by dropping and relaxing your tongue.Practice “LA, LA, LA”, keeping your bottom jaw lowered and open while only raising your tongue.Practice(83:05-87:48)To produce an L at the end of a word, remember to slowly raise your tongue upward, towards your upper teeth, while keeping your bottom jaw as open as possible. The L sound comes from the tongue movement, not from the placement.(Using your finger to push down on your bottom teeth to keep your jaw open, may be helpful for practicing.)FL Blend (87:48-89:05)Here we’ re combining two sounds that we have already covered. The F sound and now the L sound. Don’ t forget to first bite your lips for that F/f/, like that and then quickly push your tongue up and against your teeth for the L to creat the FL blend FlyComparing R and L(90:52-92:12)Keep in mind when you’ re producing an L, your tongue moves forward and up behind your tip. When you’ re producing an R sound, your lips move forward but your tongue moves all the way back. Basically, the L and the R are completely opposite sounds.L and R Combinations (92:12-93:02)These words and phrases having an L sound and an R sound right next to each other. This forces you to make a clear L and then roll it right into a strong R.Example: Seal ringSession Six(93:30-106:35)1.Word EndingsOften people who speak English as a second language drop the endings or final sounds off their words, well, they do not pronunce the final sounds correctly.Make sure that the final sounds in your words come th rough clearly and fully. Don’t drop off or shorten the endings!(94:12- 95:50)Practice P/B/T/D ending (95:50-98:48)Three rules for ED endings(98:48-103:10)Many verbs that are in the past tense end in ED.Rule 1If a word ends in an unvoiced consonant, when adding ED, just add an UnvoicedT Example: Jump → jumped. (pronounced jump T)Rule 2If a word ends in a voiced consonant, add a Voiced DExample: Rub → Rubbed Today I rub, yesterday I rubbed. (pronounced rub-D)Rule 3If a word ends in a T or a D sound, we add a Voiced IDExample: Lift → Lifted Today, I lift the ball. Yesterday, I lifted the ball.Three Nasal Sounds: M N NG(104:09-106:15)Try to say the M sound /m/ while closing off your nose. You see you can not do it. Because the M sound comes out o f your nose. It’s the nasal sound.Same thing with the NG sound-- [ŋ]-- comes out of your nose. It’s a combination of a N and a G and it’s found at the ends of words, like Ring and Sing. And I want you to realize that there’s not a /k/ K sound.Session Seven (106.48-118:02)1. CH sound [ʧ]2. The American J sound (DG)3. Consonant HCh sound and J sound (107:37-109:24)CH Unvoiced as in Ch-ur-ch, It’s a combination of the T sound/t/ and the SH sound [ʃ]. When you put these two sounds together, you get a [ʧ]. It’s an unvoiced sound.American J Voiced as in J-u-dge, if you take this CH sound and you keep everything in your mouth the same, you just add voicing. It becomes an American J sound [ʤ]. CH [ʧ], unvoiced. J, voiced. Practice(109:24-113:20)Consonant H (113:28-114:12)When an H is at the beginning of a word it is pronounced with a strong, loud air-stream. Practice: Ha... Ha… Ha.Put your hand in front of your mouth for this exercise. You should be able to feel the airstream come out onto the palm of your hand.Note that some words in English that begin with the letter W are also pronunced just like an H Practice (114:12-117:09)Session Eight (118:14-129:48)1. American English Vowels2. Vowel EE3. Vowel IAmerican English Vowels (118:47-120:18)There are five vowel letters in English: A E I O and U. But there are around 15 vowel sounds and some vowels have as many as 10 different spellings.Vowel sounds are made by slightly changing the Size, Shape and the Tension of the muscle in your mouth, your tongue and your lips. A small change can produce an entirely different sound. Instead of giving you diagrams of tongue placement---how round your lips should be or how far you should open your mouth. I believe the best way to learn American vowels is by Ear Training. Listen carefully and repeat.To help teach you the American vowel sounds, I’ ll separate them to two groups: front vowels and back vowels. When your tongue rises up in the front, it’ s a front vowel. When your tongue rises up in the back, it’ s a back vowelFront Vowels: (From high to low)(120:18-123:50)EE - I - AE - EH – A [ i:] [ i ] [ ei ] [ e ] [ æ ]EE as in HeatI as in HitAE as in HateEH as in Het (nonsense word)A as in HatHeat - Hate - Het - HatBack Vowels: (From high to low) (121:45-122:59)OO - Uh - Oh - Aw - Ah [ u:] [ u ] [ əʊ ] [ ɔ ] [ ɑ ]OO as in BootUh as in BookOh as in BoatAw as in BoughtAh as in Bot (nonsense word)Boot - Book - Boat - Bought – BotComparing Heat (EE) and Hit (I)(122:59-129:42)Remember: Heat is high. Hit is lower.EE Vowel SoundRemember, smile and think high.i vowel soundSession Nine(130:00-144:42)1. Vowel OW2. Vowel AEVowel O (131:10-132:45)The Hidden W: OWE, OWE, OWE, OWE, OWEWoke and Wont(134:51-137:50)Practice: WOWOWOWOWOWoke:Whoa(W)+KWon't:Whoa(W)+ntVowel AE (137:50-138:22)This sound is a combination of two vowel sounds. You start with an A and then you glide up to an E. A—E, A—E. Notice how my mouth also closes a little bit at the end of the vowel A—E.The 50 United States (Stressed sounds are in bold)(140:35-144:25)Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas CaliforniaColorado Connecticut Delaware Florida GeorgiaHawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana IowaKansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine MarylandMassachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi MissouriMontana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New JerseyNew Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota OhioOklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South CarolinaSouth Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah VermontVirginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin WyomingSession Ten(144:52-154:18)1. Vowel OO2. Vowel UH3. Vowel EHOO Vowel Sound(146:08-146:37)Bring your lips tight and forwardDouble OO words that are pronounced as UH(148:18-149:19)Food has a high vowel (OO)Foot has a lower vowel (UH)EH Vowel Sounds(151:51-152:12)It’ s made with the front of the tongue low.Session Eleven(154:29-163:09)1. Vowel A as in Hat2. Vowel AU as in Out3. Vowel AH as in TopA Vowel Sound(155:20-155:49)Your mouth has to be wide open.AU Vowel Sound(156:47-158:34)This is an important sound! If mispronounced, it can often make you misunderstood. Begin this sound with the A sound as in hat…Then, slide your mouth forward to form a small W sound.Example: Downtown. DA –wn…TA – wnDowntown DowntownAre VS Our(159:59-161:02)Are (Close with strong R sound, tongue retracts back.)Are you going?Our (Begin with the AU sound (A as in Hat), Then close your mouth and say Were.) Our meeting is in one hour.Pronounced as AU-WERE (The word Hour is also pronounced the same way). Session Twelve(163:21-176:42)1. Tongue TwistersF, W, Voiced Z(164:49-165:46)Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear, Fuzzy Wuzzy had no hair. Fuzzy Wuzzy wasn’t fuzzy, was he? Voiced V (165:46-166:18)Vincent vowed vengeance very viciously.P (166:18-167:33)Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked.If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,How many peppers did Peter Piper pick?SH, S and Z(167:33-168:49)She sells seashells by the seashore.The shells she sells are surely seashells.So if she sells shells on the seashore,I’m sure she sells seashore shells.W, CH, and Final Consonants(168:49-169:54)How much wood, would a woodchuck chuck,If a woodchuck could chuck wood?He would chuck, he would, as much as he could,And chuck as much wood as a woodchuck wouldIf a woodchuck could chuck wood.W(169:54-171:31)Which witch, wished which wicked wish?While we were walking, we were watching window washers wash Washington’s windows with warm washing water.If two witches would watch two watches, which witch would watch which watch?R(171:31-172:05)Roberta ran rings around the Roman ruins.B, BR, and BL blends(172:05-172:39)Bradley’s big black bath brush broke.Bradley’s b ig black bath brush broke.TH(172:39-174:15)Tom threw Tim thirteen thumbtacks.He threw three free throws.There are thirty-three thousand birthdays on the third of every month.The father gathered smooth feathers for Thanksgiving.The sixth graders are e nthusiastic about Jonathan’s birthday.GR, and GL blends(174:15-174:44)Green glass globes glow greenly.L, OO vowel(174:44-175:20)Aluminum Linoleum, Aluminum Linoleum, Aluminum Linoleum,Won’t(175:20-175:58)I would if I could! But I can’t, so I won’t!Woke(175:58-176:31)I woke, he woke, she woke, they woke. We all woke up.Session Thirteen(176:53-190:10)1. Phrase Reductions2. Intonation PhrasePhrase Reductions(177:37-181:42)Phrase Reductions: in conversational English, words are often broken down or not fully pronunciated. Two and three words are sometimes squeezed together to creat easy-to-say phrases.Going to try (gonna try)I’m gonna try to finish this book.(gonna try)Want to eat (wanna eat)Do you wanna eat at seven o’clock?(wanna eat)Have to start(hafta start)I hafta start a diet tomorrow.(hafta start)Has to try (hasta try)He hasta try harder.(hasta try)Got to leave (gotta leave)I (very) gotta leave in fifteen minutes.(gotta leave)Ought to believe (oughta believe)She (very)oughta believe what he is saying.(oughta believe)Out of bed (outa bed)I got outa bed when I heard the alarm clock.(outa bed)Did you go (Didja go)Didja go to the store?(Didja go)Would he help (Woody help)Woody help me move the furniture?(Woody help)Won’t you play (Woncha play)Woncha play one more song on the piano? (Woncha play)Didn’t you know (Didincha know)Didincha know that she was coming home tomorrow? (Didincha know)Is he (Izzy)Izzy the one that called?(Izzy)What do you want (Whadaya_want)Give it to me (GividaMe)Gividame right (now)away.(GividaMe)Intonation (181:43-184:48)English is a very musical language. As we speak our words and phrases go all the way up and then they come all the way down, much like the music does.In American English, words that carry the highest information of value in a sentence are given more emphasis with increase loudness—a higher pitch and sometimes a longer duration. Asking questions: voice goes up at the end of a question(184:48-185:28)Syllable Stress (185:28-189:45)Generally, two-syllable words have stress on the first syllable.Two-Syllable Words stress 1st syllableCommentTwo-Syllable Words stress 2nd syllableDeleteGenerally, three-syllable words have stress on the second syllable.Three-Syllable Words stress 2nd syllableReductionSession Fourteen(190:22-203:10)1. Putting it all together – Part I2. The 10 Key steps towards ImprovementPhoto album(192:40-193:52)Keeping a family photograph album is a good way to save family memories for yourself and future generations of your family. Very old pictures can be taken to a photo shop and reprinted so that they can be placed in an album. Be sure to write on the back of the picture any information you remember about the people in it. Also, write the date if you remember it. Looking at photo albums is a relaxing way to spend the day and it is a fun activity to share with family and friends. Your children, grandchildren and their children will appreciate your efforts too.The Public Library(193:52-195:15)Your library card can be your ticket to entertainment, current events and new ideas. Almost every city has a public library and there is no charge for a library card. Libraries have books about many subjects, but there are also other things at the library. These include books on cassette tape, videotapes, large print books, CD’s, DVD’s and magazines. Many have free programs in the afternoon or evening about travel, hobbies or other topics of interest. Some cities also have a bookmobile or traveling library, which brings the library right into your neighborhood.John D. Rockefeller(195:16-196:43)John D. Rockefeller did three amazing things. First, he acquired probably the greatest fortune in all history. He started out in life digging potatoes under the hot sun for four cents an hour. In those days, there were not half a dozen men in all the United States who were worth even one milliondollars. Eventually, John D. managed to collect a fortune said to be anywhere from one to two billion dollars. And yet, the first girl he fell in love with refused to marry him.The reason given was because her mother refused to allow her daughter to throw herself away on a man who had such poor prospects.Stars(196:45-198:17)How many stars can you see on a dark, clear night? You can see about three thousand(3,000)stars with your eyes alone. But keep in mind that you are viewing only part of the sky. If the whole sky were visible, you could count about five thousand (5,000) stars. If you look through a small telescope you might see as many as six hundred thousand (600,000) stars. Through the most powerful telescopes, astronomers can spot millions of stars. No one is sure exactly how many stars there are altogether, but astronomers believe there are at least two hundred (200) billion, billion stars out in space.The 10 Keys towards Improvement(198:17-202:58)1. Practice and listen.2. Do not leave off the endings of your words.3. Make a list of frequently used words.4. Open your mouth more when you speak English.5. Don’t be afraid to speak.6. Read aloud in English for ten to 15 minutes every day.7. Record your own voice and listen for pronunciation errors.8. Watch the mouth movements of native speakers and try to imitate them.9. Buy books on tape. Read along with the tape out loud.10. Be patient.Session Fifteen(203:22-225:40)1.Putting it all together – Part IIA foreign student(205:11-206:28)When a student from another country comes to study in the United States, he has to find out for himself the answers to many questions, and he has many problems to think about. Where should he live? Would it be better living in a dormitory or in a private room off campus? Should he spend all of his time studying, or should he take advantage of the many cultural and social activities that are offered? At first, he may not feel that he fits in with the American culture. He may not feel confident when he speaks. Little by little, however, he learns how to handle himself in various situations. Finally he begins to feel very secure and ‘at home’. Unfortunately, this long-awaited feeling doesn’t develop suddenly. It takes time.Volcanoes(206:28-207:53)Volcanoes are holes in the Earth’s crust which allow molten rock to escape from beneath. The molten rock, or lava, may flow out gently or it may be blasted high in the air with gas and ash in a violent explosion. There are eight hundred and fifty active volcanoes around the world. Do youknow where these mountains of fire are found? Three quarters of them are found within a zone called the “Ring of Fire.” One edge of the zone stretches along the west coast of the Americas from Chile to Alaska. The other edge runs along the east coast of Asia from Siberia to New Zealand. Twenty percent of these volcanoes are located in Indonesia. Other big groupings are in Japan, The Aleutian Islands, and Central America.The Chinese Language(207:53-210:04)Chinese is a most unusual language. It differs from English and most other major languages in that it has hundreds of different dialects. A person who lives in one section of the vast country of China, often cannot understand a fellow Chinese who lives in another section. These two major dialects are Cantonese and Mandarin. Cantonese is a southern dialect. Mandarin, a dialect that originated in northern China, is spoken by more Chinese than any other dialect.Non-Chinese people often say that the Chinese seem to “sing” their language. Chinese sounds as though it is sung, because many words are only one-syllable long and because the tone of voice changes for each word. A s in English, many words have more than one meaning. The speaker’s tone of voice indicates each word’s specific meaning.Even more fascinating than the variety of spoken sounds is the Chinese written language. It has no alphabet. Instead, it employs signs called “characters.” Each spoken word in the language is represented by a separate character. Originally, the characters were drawings that depicted the meanings of the words, but over the years, they have simplified, and most no longer look like the things they represent.The Supercontinent(210:04-211:49)Around one hundred (100) to one hundred and fifty (150) million years ago, there may have been only one continent on our planet. At least that is what some earth scientists have decided after years of research. If you look at the map of the world carefully, you can see that the present-day continents could be thought of as the pieces to a gigantic jigsaw puzzle. In your imagination carefully put the pieces together to form the supercontinent. You will see that if you took away the South Atlantic Ocean and pressed South America and Africa together they would fit very nicely. You could continue removing oceans and seas and put other parts of the world together quite easily until you get to those last two pieces of Australia and Antarctica. Scientists believe that the continents of Australia and Antarctica were once linked together. They may have split slowly off from the supercontinent and then separated from each other as recently as forty (40) million years ago.The 50 Most Mispronounced Words in English(212:39-223:27)AccountingArgueActuallyAvailableArrangementsCalls Complete Continue Contribute Corporation Differences Directly Exactly Educational Every Exceptional Familiar Financial Frustrating General Immediately Inconvenience Introduce Irrational Justice Likeable Loosen Measurements Middle Multiple National Original Outrageous Particular Partnership Problem Prohibit Quality Question Referring RegardlessSpecific Value Visualize Vulnerable Working。

14天一口气学会国际音标Day1《解决大boss》五个元音字母a e i o u的长短音Aa Ee Ii Oo Uu短音:[æ] [e] [І][ɒ] [ʌ]长音:[eI] [i:] [aI] [əʊ] [ju:](PS:五个元音字母长音发字母本身的音)Day2《玩转孪生派》第一组:(发字母汉语拼音的音)Bb [b]babe[b ei b]Dd [d] deed[d i:d](PS:元音字母e和任何元音一起发长音[i:])Pp [p]pig[p ig]Tt [t]tape[t eip](PS:辅音+元音+辅音+e,元音发长音字母e不发音)Kk [k]kick[k ik](PS:辅音+元音+辅音,元音发短音)第二组:(发字母汉语拼音的音)Hh [h]hot[hɒt]Ff [f]fat[fæt]Vv [v] vet[v et]Ww [w] weed[w i:d](PS:w在单词开头,后面紧跟r,一般情况下w不发音,例如:write[rait])Zz [z]zoo[z u:]第三组:(在单词开头发汉语拼音的音,单词末尾发音与开头不同)Mm [m]mum[mʌm]----末尾发“木”Nn [n]noon[n u:n]----末尾发“en的一声”Ll [l] level[ˈl evl]----末尾发“vr”带r要卷舌Rr [r] rear[r iə]-----末尾发“儿”要卷舌Day3《终结辅音字母》异生派:Cc [k] (词首)cat[kæt]Cc [s] (词尾)race[rei s]Jj [dʒ] jeep[dʒi:p]qu [kw] queen[kw i:n]Xx [ks] box[bɒks]Xx [gz] exam[ɪgˈzæm]Yy [j](词首)yes[j es]Yy [ai](词尾)sky[sk ai]Yy [i] (词尾)happy[ˈhæp i]双面派:Gg [g](词首)gas[gæs]Gg [dʒ](词尾)“汁”cage[kei dʒ] Nn [n] noon[n u:n]Nn [ŋ] sing[siŋ]Ss [s](词首)seat[s i:t]Ss [z](词尾)rose[rəʊz]Day4《一网打尽元音音标》第一组:ar[a:] car[k a:]park[p a:k]or[ɔ:] pork[pɔ:k] corn[kɔ:n]e r p er son [ˈpɜ:sn]ir [З:] d ir ty [ˈdɜ:ti]ur n ur se [nɜ:s](PS:字母组合后面带有r,发音要卷舌)a r coll ar[ˈkɒlə(r)]er nev er[ˈnevə(r)or [ə] auth or[ˈɔ:θə(r)]ur fig ur e [ˈfɪgə(r)](PS:字母组合后面带有r,发音要卷舌)第二组:oo长音[u:] food[f u:d] noon [n u:n]oo短音[ʊ] look [lʊk] book [bʊk]第三组:o i v oi ce [vɔɪs][ɔI]oy b oy[bɔɪ]o u sh ou t[ʃaʊt][aʊ] 【傲】ow h ow[h aʊ]第四组:e ar n ear[nɪə(r)][iə]【衣-饿连着读】eer pion eer[ˌpaɪəˈnɪə(r)]先驱者a re c are[k eə(r)]照顾[eə] 【哎-饿连着读】air f air [f eə(r)]公平的ure s ure[ʃʊə(r)] 当然lure [lʊə(r)]诱饵、吸引our [ʊə]【乌-饿连着读】t our[tʊə(r)]旅行、巡回观光ower fl ower[ˈflaʊə(r)]花Day5《嘿,我们都是双辅音》变音大侠:sp [sp]→[sb] speak[sp i:k ]j讲space[sp eɪs]空间st [st] →[sd]stop [stɒp]停止student[ˈst ju:dnt]学生sk [sk]→[sg] sky [sk aɪ]天空skip [skɪp]跳绳破擦兄弟:tr [tr] “吹”trip [trɪp]旅行tree [tr i:]树dr [dr] “煮”dream[dr i:m]梦想drive[dr aɪv]驾驶ts [ts] “次”nuts [nʌts]坚果cats[kæts]猫ds [dz] “子”hands[hæn dz] 手friends[fren dz]朋友bl pl gl cl组合bl [bl] black [blæk]黑色blue [bl u:]蓝色pl [pl] plus [plʌs]加please[pl i:z]请gl [gl] glass [glɑ:s]玻璃glad[glæd]高兴的cl [kl] class [klɑ:s]班级close [kləʊz]关闭br pr gr cr组合br[br] broke [brəʊk]打破brain [breɪn]脑pr [pr] proud [praʊd]自豪的pride [praɪd]骄傲gr [gr] green [gri:n]绿色grape [greɪp]葡萄cr [kr] cry [kraɪ]哭cream [kri:m]乳霜Day6《拼组合,我们是认真的》二字组合:Sh[ ʃ] “sh”fish [fɪʃ]鱼ship [ʃɪp]船Ch[ tʃ] “ch”cheap [tʃi:p]便宜的cherry[ˈtʃeri]樱桃Th[ θ] “丝”thank [θæŋk]谢谢three [θri:]三Th[ ð ] that [ðæt]那个father [ˈfɑ:ðə(r)]父亲Ph[ f ] photo [ˈfəʊtəʊ]照片elephant [ˈelɪf ənt]大象Wh[ w ] white [w aɪt]白色whale [w eɪl]鲸鱼Gh[ 不发音] hi gh[haɪ]高的ni gh t 英[naɪt]晚上三字组合:(PS:小括号里的ə可发音也可不发音,但要卷舌)ful[f(ə)l]wonderful 英[ˈwʌndəfl]美妙beautiful 英[ˈbju:tɪfl]美丽的nal[n(ə)l]national英[ˈnæʃnəl]国家的criminal 英[ˈkrɪmɪnl]犯罪tal[t(ə)l]capital 英[ˈkæpɪtl]首都hospital 英[ˈhɒspɪtl]医院四字组合:Ment[ m(ə)nt ]“闷t”movement 英[ˈmu:v mənt]运动treatment 英[ˈtri:t mənt]治疗Ture[ tʃə]“车儿”future 英[ˈfju:tʃə(r)]将来的nature 英[ˈneɪtʃə(r)]大自然Tion[ ʃ(ə)n ] “深”station英[ˈsteɪʃn]车站nation英[ˈneɪʃn]国家Tion[ tʃ(ə)n (不常见)“称”question 英[ˈkwes tʃən]问题Sion[ ʒ(ə)n ] “这嗯”television 英[ˈtelɪvɪʒn]电视occasion 英[əˈkeɪʒn]机会Day7《开始疯狂拼读吧(上)》辅元辅----短(PS:元音发短音)辅+a+辅----短音[æ] cat 英[kæt]猫辅+e+辅----短音[e] net[n e t]网辅+i+辅----短音[І]fit 英[fɪt]合适的辅+o+辅----短音[ɒ] nod 英[nɒd]点头辅+u+辅----短音[ʌ] cut 英[kʌt]切、剪辅元辅e----长(PS:后面带e,元音发长音,e不发音)辅+a+辅+e----长音[eI]fade 英[f eɪd]衰老辅+i+辅+e----长音[aI] bike 英[b aɪk]自行车辅+o+辅+e----长音[əʊ] code 英[kəʊd]密码辅+u+辅+e----长音[ju:] cute 英[k ju:t]漂亮的(PS:1、拼读的时候先小后大,前连后滑,元音读第四声;2、e和任何元音字母一起都发长音[i:],例如:feed 英[fi:d]喂养,cheat 英[tʃi:t]欺骗;3、三个辅音一个元音,元音发短音,例如:stop 英[stɒp]停止4、一个辅音+一个元音,元音发长音,例如:me[mi:] )Day8《开始疯狂拼读吧(下)》拼读方法:1、第一步找元音划分音节,有几个元音就有几个音节;2、找到元音后,按后元抱前辅的方法把辅音和元音相拼,在拼读的时候重音节读第四声,重音节后面的那个音节读第三声,其余的读第一声;例如:corner 英[ˈkɔ:nə(r)]拐角sunny 英[ˈsʌn i]和煦的receive 英[rɪˈs i:v]收到,接收capital 英[ˈkæpɪt(ə)l]首都confident 英[ˈkɒnfɪdənt]确信的potato 英[pəˈt eɪtəʊ]马铃薯repeatedly 英[rɪ'p i:tɪdlɪ]反复的qualification英[ˌkwɒlɪfɪˈk eɪʃ(ə)n]资格坚持不懈持之以恒第11页共11页。

元音音素:通用:单元音:前元音: /i/ /i:/ /e/ /?/后元音: /u/ /u:/ / ?/ /?:/ / ?/ /a:/中元音: /?/ /?:/双元音:合口双元音:/ei/ /ai/ / ?i/ /au/ / ?u/集口双元音:/i?/ /??/ /u ?/KK:单元音: /i/ /?//?/ /? / /ɑ/ /?/ /?//?/ /?/ /u//?//?/双元音: /e/ /o//a ?/ /a ?/ /??/DJ:单元音:前元音: /?/ /i:/ /e/ /?/后元音: /?/ /u:/ / ?/ /?:/ /?/ / ɑ:/中元音: /?/ / ?:/双元音:合口双元音:/e?/ /a?/ /??/ /a ?/ /??/集口双元音:/??/ /e ?/ /??/辅音音素KK&DJ :爆破音: /p/ /b/ /t/ /d/ /k/ /g/摩擦音: /f/ /v/ /θ / /e / /s/ /z/ /∫ / /?/ /r/ /h/破擦音: /ts/ /dz//tr/ /dr//t ∫/ /d ?/鼻音: /m/ /n/ /?/边音: /l/半元音: /w/ /j/1.元音音素/i/ / ?//?/ /?/ /ɑ / /?/(/?/) / ?/ /?/ /u// ? //?//e/ /o//a ?/ /a ?/ /??/please see meat believethis difficult if dinnerbed men dress friendapple man stand angryhot topic office modernbut gun jump lovealways tall bought thoughtbook foot pull push tookmoon shoes room bluefirst Thursday girl worklate gate baseball stay OKgo drove slow momenttime wild nine diningnow house ground announceenjoy noise boys annoying2.中性 /松元音 /?/ /?/ /?/ /?/ 紧元音 /i/ /? //ɑ //u//?/ fool - full hot - hut steel - still bag - beg3./i/ 与 /?//i/嘴唇向两边收紧,扁唇;舌头在口腔里向后收紧see cheese please beat believe deceive/?/嘴唇放松;舌头位于正常位置,放松if different this thing system gymfeet - fit leave - live sleep - slip these - this feel - fill steel - still eat - it beach - bitch sheet - shit注意:主要区别不是长短而是紧松。

1. No pain, no gain.
2. We should keep our promise.
3. He should speak more slowly.
4. Girls should not stay out late at night.
5. Ive really enjoyed talking to you about old time.
6. You should have gone to see the doctor earlier.
7. I had a test this morning. I didnt do well on the test because I didnt study for it last night. I should have studied last night.
8. We went to the movie, but it was a bad movie. We wasted our time and money. We should not have gone to the movie.。

英语笔记英语入门一. 音素发信规律:(元音20个,辅音28个)1.元音[i:]:是字母ea,ee,ey,ie,ei在单词中的发音。
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美式音标2015年2月班《导学课》的笔记:A a大写字母:句首,姓名首字母,地名,文章标题等情况下…apple 苹果A is for apple.One apple a day keeps the doctor away.(这句话不同的语境场合下有不同的意思)1.每天吃一个苹果,身体棒棒的不用去看医生。
B bbirthdayB is for birthday.Happy birthday to you!生日快乐!C ccakeC is for cake.It's a piece of cake to me!这事情非常简单对我来说小菜一碟。
D ddate 日期、约会D is for date.It's a date!一言为定。
E eeggE is for egg.Don't put all your eggs in one basket.不要把所有的鸡蛋放在一个篮子里,(意思是不要孤注一掷)F ffire 火F is for fire.You're fired.你被解雇了。
G gGold金子G is for gold.She is a gold-digger. 她是淘金的人(她是一个傍大款的人)H hHide 躲藏H is for hide.Let's play hide and seek.我们来玩捉迷藏吧。
I iice cream冰激凌I is for ice cream.Ice creams are my favorite!冰激凌是我的最爱。
J jJog慢跑J is for jog.Jogging is good for your health!慢跑有益健康。
K kKite风筝K is for kite.Let's fly the kite咱们去放风筝吧L lL is for light.You're the light of my life。
你是我生命之光M mmilkM is for milk.Don't cry for the spilt milk.不要为已经撒出的牛奶哭泣(不要为无谓的事后悔)。
N nnoN is for no.You need to learn how to say no.你需要去学习如何去拒绝别人。
O oO is for oh.Oh my God. 我的天啊。
(=OMG)P pPopular 流行,时尚P is for popular.Everyone wants to be popular.每个人都想变得流行(成为受人欢迎的那种人)Q qQueue 队伍Q is for queue.Don't jump the queue.不要插队R rRest休息R is for rest.You need to have some rest.你应该好好休息一下。
S ssorryS is for sorry.I'm sorry for doing this.我很抱歉我做了这样的事情T tteamT is for team.We'll play as a team.我们是一个团队。
U uumbrellaU is for umbrella.Take this umbrella with you.把这把伞带上,别淋湿了。
V vVictory胜利V is for victory.Let's celebrate our victory.让我们庆祝一下我们的胜利W wwill意愿,意向W is for will.Where there is a will, there is a way.有志者,事竞成。
X xX-ray医院里的X光X is for X-ray. He had his chest X-rayed.他的胸腔照过X光Y is for yoga. 瑜伽Yoga is the study of balance通过学习瑜伽可以达到内心和身体的平衡Z zZebra 斑马Z is for zebra.We can find zebras in the zoo.我们在动物园可以看到斑马。
在26个英语字母中:元音字母:Aa Ee I i Oo Uu辅音字母:其他都是辅音字母。
ABC songA B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z X Y Z Now you see I can say my A B C什么是音标?汉语——拼音英语——音标(注意音标和字母的区别)音标是初学者的发音拐杖International Phonetic Alphabets48个国际音标1. 发音要领+ 口型学习(Pronunciation)2. 故事串讲(Story Time)①单词带读②故事串讲③字母/ 字母组合发音规律④带读练习3. 练习时间(Practice)4. 发音技巧(More to Learn)Lesson One《A Big Piece of Pizza!》的笔记:两段绕口令1、Picky people pick Peter Pan peanut butter. Peter Pan peanut butter is the peanut butter picky peoplepick.挑剔的人会选择“Peter Pan”这个牌子的花生酱。
2、A big black bug bit a big black bear and made the big black bear bleed blood.一只大黑虫咬了大黑熊一口,让大黑熊流血了。
My sister Liz is eating a meal at the mill. Liz正在磨房吃一顿饭。
It is a big piece of pizza that Liz is eating! Liz正在吃的是一大块披萨。
Her sheep "Peach" is sleeping on the beach. 她的羊叫“桃子”,正在沙滩上睡觉。
Sheep "Peach" is dreaming about a ship on the big blue sea!Peach梦到了广阔大海上有条船。
)eating a meal→My sister Liz is eating a meal.→My sister Liz is eating a meal at the mill.a big piece of pizza→It is a big piece of pizza.→It is a big piece of pizza that Liz is eating.sleeping→Her sheep "Peach" is sleeping.→Her sheep "Peach" is sleeping on the beach.dreaming→Sheep "Peach" is dreaming.→Sheep "Peach" is dreaming about a ship on the big blue sea![p]发音要领:清辅音双唇紧闭,气流从双唇冲出,声带不振动,发音送气[b]发音要领:浊辅音双唇紧闭,气流在口腔滞留,伴随声带振动发音不送气字母p通常发[p]的音, 字母组合pp通常发[p]的音,例如:happy字母b通常发[b]的音,字母组合bb通常发[b]的音,例如:rubberLesson two《How to Cook Food?》的笔记:[u:]发音要领:长元音,舌端离开下齿,舌后部抬高,唇形尽量收缩得小而圆,并且向前突出。
Tera: Pat, do you know how to cook food?Pat: We would better dine out, Tera. Put on your new blue shoes.Tera:Ok, I want to have a pudding and some tomato soup.And after that, I would like to buy two good books.dine out 出去吃字母u或字母组合oo或ou通常发[u]音,比如:look, could,food,wood;字母u或字母组合oo, ou, oe或ue, 通常发[u:]音,比如:zoo, route,soup, moose麋鹿,pool;[t]发音要领:清辅音舌尖轻触上齿龈,突然离开,气流从舌尖和上齿龈中冲出,发爆破音,声带不振动,发音送气。
字母t,或者tt通常发[t]的音,比如:water, butter(值得注意的是,在美音当中,当[t]出现在两个元音音素中间的时候,经常像[d])字母d,或者dd通常发[d]的音,比如:food, middle绕口令How many good cookies could a good cook cook if a good cook could cook as many good cookiesas a good cook could cook?如果一个好厨师能够像一个好厨师一样做那么多饼干,那么他能够做多少饼干呢?《Mr. Hart’s hut 哈特先生的小屋》的笔记:a:长元音舌端离开下齿, 舌后部略抬高口张大,开口最大唇形自然成圆形。
ʌ短元音舌后部的靠前部分稍抬起舌端两侧轻触下齿, 舌头位置靠近[ə] 唇形扁平,放松Mr. Hart has a hut in the woods. After having supper, he took a bath.It got darker and darker outside.Mr. Hart shut the gate with the key in his pocket.All of a sudden, a squirrel showed up with a nut.after, bath 英音[ɑ:] 美音[æ]字母u,有时o和字母组合ou发[ʌ]音,比如:cup, bus, come, touch, hut, up, mud, bug;字母a或者字母组合ar通常发[a:]音,比如:half, hard, card, heart,dark;k清辅音舌后部隆起紧贴软腭然后突然离开,气流由舌后部和软腭之间冲出,发爆破音声带不振动,发音送气. g浊辅音舌后部隆起紧贴软腭然后突然离开,气流由舌后部和软腭之间冲出,发爆破音声带振动,发音不送气. squirrel 浊化现象[k] →[g]字母c, k 或字母组合ck通常发[k], 有时ch也发这个音,比如:pick, crow, stomach, kick, lock, geek; 字母g或字母组合gg通常发浊辅音[g],比如:go, glad, bigger, fog, log ;got, dark→darker and darker→It got darker and darker outside.gate, key, pocket→the key in his pocket→Mr. Hart shut the gate with the key in his pocket.Jim: Kate, do you know how to kick football?Kate: What? I'm not a geek.Jim: Hey, Look! There's a log in the river.Kate: I don't think so. There's no lock in the river.Jim: Not a _lock with a K, but a log with a G!《4 Coffee or Vodka?》的笔记:[ɔ]短元音舌端离开下齿舌前尽量降低,后缩,舌后部抬高双唇稍稍收圆,开口大[ɔ:]长元音舌端离开下齿,舌后部抬高,唇形较圆,向前突出Fiona: Vivian, look! There is a man selling coffee in the van!Vivian: Ah, yes! Over there, on the port!Man: What would you like to have, a cup of coffee or juice?Vivian: A cup of coffee sounds fine. This is the very first time I see a mobile coffee van.How about you, Fiona?Fiona: I have seen it before. But I don't like coffee or juice. I prefer vodka.字母o通常发[ɔ]音,有时字母a也发这个音, 比如:Oxford, copy, watch, what, vodka, cock, fox, on, ; a, ar, ough 等字母组合发[ɔ:] , 比如:call, warm, bought, or, before, cork, fork;→What would you like to have?→What would you like to have, a cup of coffee or vodka?→Over there, on the port!f发音要领:清辅音声带不振动,发音送气,上齿放在下唇上,气流从上齿和下齿间的缝隙流出,上齿下齿摩擦成音;v浊辅音声带振动,发音不送气,上齿放在下唇上,气流从上齿和下齿间的缝隙流出,上齿下齿摩擦成音;字母f,字母组合ff通常发[f]的音,有时字母组合ph或gh也发这个音,比如:leaf, office, photo, laugh; 字母v通常发[v]的音,比如:vote, visit;coffee, van→sell coffee in the van.→There is a man selling coffee in the van!very, first, coffee, van→ a mobile coffee van.→the very first time, a mobile coffee van.→This is the very first time I see a mobile coffee van.Take a photo of us ,please.请帮我们拍张照。