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1.in London在伦敦

2. be back from 从..回来

3. come back回来

4. last Sunday上星期天

5. live in/at住在

6. look at 看

7.ice cream 冰激凌

8. come with 与……一起来

9. hurry up 赶快10. wait for 等待11. by bus 乘坐公交车12.Chinese friends 中国朋友句型:一. 疑问词(放在句首)


二. (用什么提问,用什么回答)(疑问句直接回答)

1.Did you walk to school? (你步行去学校么?)Yes, I did. No, I didn’t

2.Did they go home by bike?(他们骑自行车去学校么?)Yes, they did. No, they


3.When did you come back with Sam?(你和sam什么时候回来?)

I came back with Sam yesterday.(昨天我和sam回来的。)

4. I dropped my ice cream.

三、with 加某人放在后面。如:I went to school with Sam.(我同sam去学校)

四、过去式:come-came go-went meet-met buy-bought drop-dropped run-ran see-saw walk-walked send-sent eat-ate live-lived have-had do-did take—took


1. shopping list 购物单

2. how many多少(可数名词复数)

3.how much 多少(不可数名词)

4.half a kilo 半公斤

5.make a list 做一个清单

6. one kilo of noodles 一公斤面条7、go to the supermarket 去超市8、the first thing 第一项9、five bottles 五瓶10、here you are给你12.all right 好吧


1. How many +可数名词的复数+did you buy? 你买了多少……呢?问可数名词的数量

例:How many banana s did you buy?

2. How much +不可数名词+ did you buy?

对不可数名词的数量进行提问(不可数名词:milk,juice,water,meat,rice,bread,cake,cheese)例:How much milk do you want?

3. do you like ……?你喜欢……吗?例:Do you like cheese?Yes, I do./No, I don’t.


1. at the weekend 在周末

2. lots of 许多

3. the British Museum 大英博物馆

4. Big Ben 大本钟

5. the London Eye 伦敦眼

6. like ……best 最喜欢

7. at ten o’clock 在10点8. take photos of 拍照9. by bus 乘坐公共汽车

10. the Great Wall 长城11、in the morning在早上


1.What did you do at the weekend? 你周末干什么了?We visited lots of places

2. Where did you go? We went to the British Museum .

Where 对地点提问,回答用表示地点的词回答。



1. W hat’s the matter? 发生什么事了?

2. on the line 在绳上3、Don't argue不要争吵


1. Whose bag is this?

这是谁的书包?Whose :谁的,后面直接跟名词,询问时谁的东西。

2. lingling’s cap玲玲的帽子。人名’s +名词:名词所有格,表示是谁的东西。

例:Tom的书Tom’s book Sam的包Sam’s bag

3、A:Sam took my T-shirt。He wants to wear it。

B:but it is n’t hers.It’s mine. A:Is this Sam’s bag ?B: Yes it’s his.


1.give out 分发

2.give to 给

3.in the class 在班级里

4.have got 有

5.put……in 把……放进去

6.in the blue box 在蓝色的盒子

7.be careful 小心

8.too many book 太多的书

9.enough pencils 足够的铅笔

10.every child 每个孩子11.learn Chinese学习汉语12.twenty pencils 20枝铅笔13.in the bag在书包里14.put on 穿上


1. There are +数量+名词复数表示名词有多少个

例:有四个苹果There are four apples

2.There are only four books on the desk.桌子上只有四本书。

3.There are +名词+地点。表示在……有太多的……。

例:书包里有太多书。There are too many books in the bag.



1.in the football team 在足球队

2.play well 打得好

3.run fast 跑得快

4.catch the ball well接球接得好

5.control the ball 控球

6.jump high 跳得高

7.be good at 擅长干…… 8. in china 在中国9. a fantastic goalkeeper 一个出色的守门员


1. Can you run fast? 你能跑得快吗?Yes, I can. No, I can’t.

2. You can catch the ball well.(你能接球接得很好。)

3.In the past ,he ran very fast。(他以前跑得很快。)

4. You can play football well。(你能踢足球踢得很好。)


