



阅读课讲义主讲:杜昶旭——花花(Fleur)根据老杜录音整理怎样的考试和怎样的我们…….托福考试的本质探求——对”Test of English as a Foreign Language”的再认知托福到底有多难习惯的说法:高考->六级->考研->托福->SAT->GRE->GMAT->LSAT用合理的方式进行难度的评价从“OF”到“IN”Test OF English:“对”英语的测试TOEFL (Test Of English as a Foreign Language)IELTS (International English Language TestingSystem)TOEIC (Test Of English for InternationalCommunication)CET-4 (College English Test-Band 4)CET-6 (College English Test-Band 6)PETS (Public English Test System)Test IN English:“用”英语的测试GRE (Graduate Record Examination)GMAT (Graduate Management Admission Test)SAT (Scholastic Assessment Test)LSAT (Law School Admission Test)NCEE (National College Entrance Examination)NGEE (National Graduate Entrance Examination)托福作为语言考试的本质测试考生对英语的综合应用能力——包括听、说、读、写的独立能力和综合能力;测试考生在实际的学习、生活过程中的语言应用能力——所有测试内容均与实际结合;考生的英语水平与分数具有直接相关性——零基础测试假设;包含且仅包含语言使用过程中的所有因素——词汇、句子、语篇、语境、交流方式。

【尚友资料】ShareWithU GMAT 语法精解

【尚友资料】ShareWithU GMAT 语法精解

知识点讲解 .............................................................. 81 作业 .................................................................... 82 后记 ................................................................... 92
在 ShareWithU 的论坛上,有很多尚友的用户都分享他们自己的语法方法,这之中最为有名 的包括:白勇语法,曼哈顿语法,Knewton 语法,羽凌版主的语法每日一题。有很多的朋友 们问我,到底哪个语法做题方法最好呢?到底什么样的 GMAT 语法做题方法才是“官方” 的语法做题方法?什么样的方法才能在考场上攻无不克呢? 等等„但其实我要说的是,这 些方法也许都不适合你,也许都不能让你在考场上战无不胜,你要做的,是参考他们,然后 找出,更准确的说是总结出自己的语法方法。
b. 学习 GMAT 语法的重要性
① GMAT 语法在考试中的比率非常高,41 道里面很可能遇到 14-17 题。GMAT 语法 题目做的好坏能直接影响到你 GMAT 考试的成绩。 ② GMAT 语法是学好 GMAT 逻辑和 GMAT 阅读的基础。 只有对规范英语字词句的掌 握。达到深刻理解句义目的后。那么在看阅读和逻辑就有很大帮助了。

ShareWithU GMAT 语法精解

前 言
GMAT 语法是 GMAT 中的考试核心内容。 GMAT 语法题目的数量不仅是在 GMAT 考试占有 了最多的题目数量(一套差不多在 14-17 题) ,而且在对 GMAT 阅读和逻辑文章的理解中都 扮演了非常重要的角色。话大家都是这么说,但是究竟怎样才能提升自己的 GMAT 语法能 力呢?其实这样的问题是没有一个答案的,或者说,除了练和读,没有捷径。我在认识和学 习 GMAT 的两年中并没有发现一本系统的可以很好解释 GMAT 语法做题思路的语法教材。 这也是我编写这本书的动力的源泉。本书的大部分例句出自于 GMAT 考试真题和模拟题里 面的例句。



TMS320VC5402AFixed-Point Digital Signal Processor Data ManualPRODUCTION DATA information is current as of publication date.Products conform to specifications per the terms of the TexasInstruments standard warranty.Production processing does notnecessarily include testing of all parameters.Literature Number:SPRS015FSeptember2001–Revised October2008Revision HistoryTMS320VC5402AFixed-Point Digital Signal ProcessorSPRS015F–SEPTEMBER 2001–REVISED OCTOBER 2008NOTE:Page numbers for previous revisions may differ from page numbers in the current version.This data sheet revision history highlights the technical changes made to the SPRS015E device-specific data sheet to make it an SPRS015F revision.Scope:This document has been reviewed for technical accuracy;the technical content is up-to-date as of the specified release date with the following corrections.2Revision History Submit Documentation FeedbackContentsTMS320VC5402AFixed-Point Digital Signal ProcessorSPRS015F–SEPTEMBER 2001–REVISED OCTOBER 2008Revision History ...........................................................................................................................1TMS320VC5402ADSP...........................................................................................................1.1Features.......................................................................................................................2Introduction.......................................................................................................................2.1Description..................................................................................................................2.2Pin Assignments............................................................................................................2.2.1Terminal AssignmentsfortheGGUPackage...............................................................2.2.2Pin Assignmentsfor the PGE Package ......................................................................2.3Signal Descriptions .........................................................................................................3Functional Overview ...........................................................................................................3.1Memory ......................................................................................................................3.1.1Data Memory .....................................................................................................3.1.2Program Memory ...............................................................................................3.1.3Extended Program Memory ...................................................................................3.2On-Chip ROM With Bootloader ...........................................................................................3.3On-Chip RAM ...............................................................................................................3.4On-Chip Memory Security .................................................................................................3.5Memory Map ................................................................................................................3.5.1Relocatable Interrupt Vector Table ............................................................................3.6On-Chip Peripherals .......................................................................................................3.6.1Software-Programmable Wait-State Generator .............................................................3.6.2Programmable Bank-Switching ................................................................................3.6.3Bus Holders ......................................................................................................3.7Parallel I/O Ports ...........................................................................................................3.7.1Enhanced 8-/16-Bit Host-Port Interface (HPI8/16)..........................................................3.7.2HPI Nonmultiplexed Mode ......................................................................................3.8Multichannel Buffered Serial Ports (McBSPs)..........................................................................3.9Hardware Timer ............................................................................................................3.10Clock Generator ............................................................................................................3.11Enhanced External Parallel Interface (XIO2)...........................................................................3.12DMA Controller .............................................................................................................3.12.1Features ..........................................................................................................3.12.2DMA External Access ..........................................................................................3.12.3DMPREC Issue .................................................................................................3.12.4DMA Memory Map ..............................................................................................3.12.5DMA Priority Level ...............................................................................................3.12.6DMA Source/Destination Address Modification .............................................................3.12.7DMA in Autoinitialization Mode ...............................................................................3.12.8DMA Transfer Counting .........................................................................................3.12.9DMA Transfer in Doubleword Mode ..........................................................................3.12.10DMA Channel Index Registers ..............................................................................3.12.11DMA Interrupts ................................................................................................3.12.12DMA Controller Synchronization Events ....................................................................3.13General-Purpose I/O Pins .................................................................................................3.13.1McBSP Pins as General-Purpose I/O .........................................................................3.13.2HPI Data Pins as General-Purpose I/O ......................................................................3.14Memory-Mapped Registers ...............................................................................................3.15McBSP Control Registers and Subaddresses ..........................................................................3.16DMA Subbank Addressed Registers ....................................................................................Contents3TMS320VC5402AFixed-Point Digital Signal ProcessorSPRS015F–SEPTEMBER2001–REVISED 3.17Interrupts....................................................................................................................4Support.............................................................................................................................4.1Documentation Support...................................................................................................4.2Device and Development-Support Tool Nomenclature................................................................5Specification......................................................................................................................5.1Absolute Maximum Ratings...............................................................................................5.2Recommended Operating Conditions...................................................................................5.3Electrical Characteristics Over Recommended Operating Case TemperatureRange(Unless Otherwise Noted)........................................................................................5.3.1Test Load Circuit...........................................................................................................5.3.2Timing Parameter Symbology............................................................................................5.3.3Internal Oscillator With External Crystal.................................................................................5.3.4Clock Options............................................................................................................... and Divide-By-Four Clock Options......................................................... Clock Option(PLL Enabled)..................................................................5.3.5Memory and Parallel I/O Interface Timing.............................................................................. Read.................................................................................................. Write.................................................................................................. Read........................................................................................................ Write.........................................................................................................5.3.6Ready Timing for Externally Generated Wait States..................................................................5.3.7HOLD and HOLDA Timings...............................................................................................5.3.8Reset,Interrupt,and Timings.............................................................................5.3.9Instruction Acquisition and Interrupt Acknowledge Timings..........................................5.3.10External Flag(XF)and TOUT Timings.................................................................................5.3.11Multichannel Buffered Serial Port(McBSP)Timing................................................................... Transmit and Receive Timings................................................................... General-Purpose I/O Timing....................................................................... as SPI Master or Slave Timing....................................................................5.3.12Host-Port Interface Timing............................................................................................... Data.................................................................................................................6.1Package Thermal Resistance Characteristics..........................................................................4Contents Submit Documentation FeedbackTMS320VC5402AFixed-Point Digital Signal Processor SPRS015F–SEPTEMBER2001–REVISED OCTOBER2008List of Figures2-1144-Ball GGU MicroStar BGA™(Bottom View)..............................................................................2-2144-Pin PGE Low-Profile Quad Flatpack(Top View)........................................................................3-1TMS320VC5402A Functional Block Diagram.................................................................................3-2Program and Data Memory Map................................................................................................3-3Extended Program Memory Map...............................................................................................3-4Processor Mode Status Register(PMST).....................................................................................3-5Software Wait-State Register(SWWSR)[Memory-Mapped Register(MMR)Address0028h]....................................................................................................................3-6Software Wait-State Control Register(SWCR)[MMR Address002Bh]...................................................3-7Bank-Switching Control Register(BSCR)[MMR Address0029h]..........................................................3-8Host-Port Interface—Nonmultiplexed Mode.................................................................................3-9HPI Memory Map.................................................................................................................3-10Pin Control Register(PCR)......................................................................................................3-11Multichannel Control Register1x(MCR1x)....................................................................................3-12Multichannel Control Register2x(MCR2x)....................................................................................3-13Receive Channel Enable Registers Bit Layout for Partitions A to H.......................................................3-14Transmit Channel Enable Registers Bit Layout for Partitions A to H.......................................................3-15Nonconsecutive Memory Read and I/O Read Bus Sequence..............................................................3-16Consecutive Memory Read Bus Sequence(n=3reads)...................................................................3-17Memory Write and I/O Write Bus Sequence...................................................................................3-18Transfer Mode Control Register(DMMCRn)..................................................................................3-19DMA Channel Enable Control Register(DMCECTL).........................................................................3-20On-Chip DMA Memory Map for Program Space(DLAXS=0and SLAXS=0)..........................................3-21On-Chip DMA Memory Map for Data and IO Space(DLAXS=0and SLAXS=0)......................................3-22DMPREC Register................................................................................................................3-23General-Purpose I/O Control Register(GPIOCR)[MMR Address003Ch]................................................3-24General-Purpose I/O Status Register(GPIOSR)[MMR Address003Dh].................................................3-25IFR and IMR.......................................................................................................................5-1Tester Pin Electronics............................................................................................................5-2Internal Divide-By-Two Clock Option With External Crystal.................................................................5-3External Divide-By-Two Clock Timing..........................................................................................5-4Multiply-By-One Clock Timing...................................................................................................5-5Nonconsecutive Mode Memory Reads.........................................................................................5-6Consecutive Mode Memory Reads.............................................................................................5-7Memory Write(MSTRB=0).....................................................................................................5-8Parallel I/O Port Read(IOSTRB=0)...........................................................................................5-9Parallel I/O Port Write(IOSTRB=0)...........................................................................................5-10Memory Read With Externally Generated Wait States.......................................................................5-11Memory Write With Externally Generated Wait States.......................................................................5-12I/O Read With Externally Generated Wait States.............................................................................List of Figures5TMS320VC5402AFixed-Point Digital Signal ProcessorSPRS015F–SEPTEMBER2001–REVISED 5-13I/O Write With Externally Generated Wait States.............................................................................5-14HOLD and HOLDA Timings(HM=1)..........................................................................................5-15Reset and BIO Timings...........................................................................................................5-16Interrupt Timing....................................................................................................................5-17MP/MC Timing.....................................................................................................................5-18Instruction Acquisition(IAQ)and Interrupt Acknowledge(IACK)Timings.................................................5-19External Flag(XF)Timing........................................................................................................5-20TOUT Timing......................................................................................................................5-21McBSP Receive Timings.........................................................................................................5-22McBSP Transmit Timings........................................................................................................5-23McBSP General-Purpose I/O Timings..........................................................................................5-24McBSP Timing as SPI Master or Slave:CLKSTP=10b,CLKXP=0.....................................................5-25McBSP Timing as SPI Master or Slave:CLKSTP=11b,CLKXP=0.....................................................5-26McBSP Timing as SPI Master or Slave:CLKSTP=10b,CLKXP=1.....................................................5-27McBSP Timing as SPI Master or Slave:CLKSTP=11b,CLKXP=1.....................................................5-28HPI-8Mode Timing,Using HDS to Control Accesses(HCS Always Low)................................................5-29HPI-8Mode Timing,Using HCS to Control Accesses.......................................................................5-30HPI-8Mode,HINT Timing.......................................................................................................5-31GPIOx Timings....................................................................................................................5-32HPI-16Mode,Nonmultiplexed Read Timings.................................................................................5-33HPI-16Mode,Nonmultiplexed Write Timings.................................................................................5-34HPI-16Mode,HRDY Relative to CLKOUT....................................................................................6List of Figures Submit Documentation FeedbackTMS320VC5402AFixed-Point Digital Signal Processor SPRS015F–SEPTEMBER2001–REVISED OCTOBER2008List of Tables2-1Terminal Assignments...........................................................................................................2-2Signal Descriptions...............................................................................................................3-1Standard On-Chip ROM Layout................................................................................................3-2Processor Mode Status Register(PMST)Field Descriptions...............................................................3-3Software Wait-State Register(SWWSR)Field Descriptions................................................................3-4Software Wait-State Control Register(SWCR)Field Descriptions.........................................................3-5Bank-Switching Control Register(BSCR)Field Descriptions...............................................................3-6Bus Holder Control Bits..........................................................................................................3-7Sample Rate Generator Clock Source Selection.............................................................................3-8Receive Channel Enable Registers for Partitions A to H Field Descriptions..............................................3-9Transmit Channel Enable Registers for Partitions A to H Field Descriptions.............................................3-10Clock Mode Settings at Reset...................................................................................................3-11DMD Section of the DMMCRn Register........................................................................................3-12DMA Channel Enable Control Register(DMCECTL)Descriptions.........................................................3-13DMA Reload Register Selection................................................................................................3-14DMA Interrupts....................................................................................................................3-15DMA Synchronization Events....................................................................................................3-16DMA Channel Interrupt Selection...............................................................................................3-17CPU Memory-Mapped Registers................................................................................................3-18Peripheral Memory-Mapped Registers for Each DSP Subsystem.........................................................3-19McBSP Control Registers and Subaddresses.................................................................................3-20DMA Subbank Addressed Registers...........................................................................................3-21Interrupt Locations and Priorities................................................................................................5-1Input Clock Frequency Characteristics.........................................................................................5-2Clock Mode Pin Settings for the Divide-By-2and Divide-By-4Clock Options............................................5-3Divide-By-2and Divide-By-4Clock Options Timing Requirements........................................................5-4Divide-By-2and Divide-By-4Clock Options Switching Characteristics....................................................5-5Multiply-By-N Clock Option Timing Requirements............................................................................5-6Multiply-By-N Clock Option Switching Characteristics.......................................................................5-7Memory Read Timing Requirements...........................................................................................5-8Memory Read Switching Characteristics.......................................................................................5-9Memory Write Switching Characteristics.......................................................................................5-10I/O Read Timing Requirements.................................................................................................5-11I/O Read Switching Characteristics.............................................................................................5-12I/O Write Switching Characteristics.............................................................................................5-13Ready Timing Requirements for Externally Generated Wait States.......................................................5-14Ready Switching Characteristics for Externally Generated Wait States..................................................5-15HOLD and HOLDA Timing Requirements.....................................................................................5-16HOLD and HOLDA Switching Characteristics.................................................................................List of Tables7TMS320VC5402AFixed-Point Digital Signal ProcessorSPRS015F–SEPTEMBER2001–REVISED 5-17Reset,BIO,Interrupt,and MP/MC Timing Requirements...................................................................5-18Instruction Acquisition(IAQ)and Interrupt Acknowledge(IACK)Switching Characteristics............................5-19External Flag(XF)and TOUT Switching Characteristics....................................................................5-20McBSP Transmit and Receive Timing Requirements.......................................................................5-21McBSP Transmit and Receive Switching Characteristics...................................................................5-22McBSP General-Purpose I/O Timing Requirements.........................................................................5-23McBSP General-Purpose I/O Switching Characteristics.....................................................................5-24McBSP as SPI Master or Slave Timing Requirements(CLKSTP=10b,CLKXP=0)..................................5-25McBSP as SPI Master or Slave Switching Characteristics(CLKSTP=10b,CLKXP=0).............................5-26McBSP as SPI Master or Slave Timing Requirements(CLKSTP=11b,CLKXP=0)..................................5-27McBSP as SPI Master or Slave Switching Characteristics(CLKSTP=11b,CLKXP=0).............................5-28McBSP as SPI Master or Slave Timing Requirements(CLKSTP=10b,CLKXP=1)..................................5-29McBSP as SPI Master or Slave Switching Characteristics(CLKSTP=10b,CLKXP=1).............................5-30McBSP as SPI Master or Slave Timing Requirements(CLKSTP=11b,CLKXP=1)..................................5-31McBSP as SPI Master or Slave Switching Characteristics(CLKSTP=11b,CLKXP=1).............................5-32HPI8Mode Timing Requirements...............................................................................................5-33HPI8Mode Switching Characteristics..........................................................................................5-34HPI16Mode Timing Requirements.............................................................................................5-35HPI16Mode Switching Characteristics.........................................................................................6-1Thermal Resistance Characteristics............................................................................................8Submit Documentation Feedback List of Tables1TMS320VC5402A DSP1.1FeaturesTMS320VC5402AFixed-Point Digital Signal ProcessorSPRS015F–SEPTEMBER 2001–REVISED OCTOBER 2008•Arithmetic Instructions With Parallel Store and •Advanced Multibus Architecture With Three Parallel LoadSeparate 16-Bit Data Memory Buses and One Program Memory Bus•Conditional Store Instructions •40-Bit Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU)Including a •Fast Return From Interrupt 40-Bit Barrel Shifter and Two Independent •On-Chip Peripherals40-Bit Accumulators–Software-Programmable Wait-State •17-×17-Bit Parallel Multiplier Coupled to a Generator and Programmable 40-Bit Dedicated Adder for Non-Pipelined Bank-SwitchingSingle-Cycle Multiply/Accumulate (MAC)–On-Chip Programmable Phase-Locked OperationLoop (PLL)Clock Generator With Internal Oscillator or External Clock Source (1)•Compare,Select,and Store Unit (CSSU)for the –Two 16-Bit TimersAdd/Compare Selection of the Viterbi Operator –Six-Channel Direct Memory Access (DMA)•Exponent Encoder to Compute an Exponent ControllerValue of a 40-Bit Accumulator Value in a –Three Multichannel Buffered Serial Ports Single Cycle(McBSPs)•Two Address Generators With Eight Auxiliary –8/16-Bit Enhanced Parallel Host-Port Registers and Two Auxiliary Register Interface (HPI8/16)Arithmetic Units (ARAUs)•Power Consumption Control With IDLE1,•Data Bus With a Bus Holder FeatureIDLE2,and IDLE3Instructions With •Extended Addressing Mode for 8M ×16-Bit Power-Down ModesMaximum Addressable External Program •CLKOUT Off Control to Disable CLKOUT Space•On-Chip Scan-Based Emulation Logic,IEEE •16K ×16-Bit On-Chip RAM Composed of:Std 1149.1(JTAG)Boundary Scan Logic (2)–Two Blocks of 8K ×16-Bit On-Chip •144-Pin Ball Grid Array (BGA)[GGU Suffix]Dual-Access Program/Data RAM•144-Pin Low-Profile Quad Flatpack •16K ×16-Bit On-Chip ROM Configured for (LQFP)(PGE Suffix)Program Memory• 6.25-ns Single-Cycle Fixed-Point Instruction •Enhanced External Parallel Interface (XIO2)Execution Time (160MIPS)•Single-Instruction-Repeat and Block-Repeat • 3.3-V I/O Supply Voltage Operations for Program Code•1.6-V Core Supply Voltage•Block-Memory-Move Instructions for Better Program and Data Management(1)The on-chip oscillator is not available on all 5402A devices.For applicable devices,see the TMS320VC5402A Digital •Instructions With a 32-Bit Long Word Operand Signal Processor Silicon Errata (literature number SPRZ018).•Instructions With Two-or Three-Operand (2)IEEE Standard 1149.1-1990Standard-Test-Access Port and ReadsBoundary Scan Architecture.Please be aware that an important notice concerning availability,standard warranty,and use in critical applications of Texas Instruments semiconductor products and disclaimers thereto appears at the end of this document.TMS320C54x,BGA,C54x,TMS320C5000,C5000,TMS320are trademarks of Texas Instruments.All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.PRODUCTION DATA information is current as of publication date.Copyright ©2001–2008,Texas Instruments IncorporatedProducts conform to specifications per the terms of the Texas Instruments standard warranty.Production processing does not necessarily include testing of all parameters.。

2019-2020学年高中语文苏教版选修实用阅读课件:第12课 熵:一种新的世界观

2019-2020学年高中语文苏教版选修实用阅读课件:第12课 熵:一种新的世界观

【注】 ①陈慥:字季常,眉州人。东坡至黄州,季常数 从之游。②司州:王长官当时住在黄陂,古时属司州。③摐摐: 形容雨声。④釭:灯。
【诗歌鉴赏】 上阕刻画王长官的高洁人品,下阕描绘会 见王长官时的环境、气氛,以及词人当时的思绪和情态。上阕 就王长官其人而发,描绘了一个饱经沧桑、令人神往的高士形 象。开篇前三句语出不凡,将长江拟人化的同时,又对王长官 充满赞誉。“凛然苍桧,霜干苦难双”两句喻其品格之高。“闻 道”两句中,从“闻道”二字就足见词人对王先生慕名已久, 且暗含相见恨晚之意,而“云溪”“竹坞”“松窗”则描绘了王
③所谓历史文脉,就是指一座城市的历史文化传统,它是 在城市产生和发展的漫长历史进程中慢慢积淀和形成的,一旦 形成,它又影响着生活于这座城市的市民共享的生活体验和共 有文化想象,由于中国很早就是个统一的多民族国家,因而其 城市必然烙有大体一致的中国特色;同时由于中国疆域辽阔, 分成许多文化区域,因而每座城市又往往形成鲜明的地方特点。 王国维说过“都邑者,政治与文化之标征也”,就是说,城市是 一个国家、民族和区域政治与文化的标征。城市新地标,理应
⑤强调城市新地标要与历史文脉相协调,并不是说一味复 古,不要创新,只是说创新首先要有个文化底色和基调,这个 底色和基调就是中国特色、地方特点。世博中国馆的设计体现 了这一思路,如国家馆的“故宫红”色调就代表了最典型的中 国元素。但无论国家馆还是地区馆又都不是一味复古,而是在 传统的基础上进行了大胆的革新,从而体现了传统和现代的完 美结合,以及国家和地区的和谐一致。世博中国馆的建设,为 2010 年中国上海世博会留下了一座纪念碑式的建筑,也给今天 和未来的上海留下一座新的城市地标。
②城市地标是一座城市最具标志性的建筑或景观,它聚焦 了一座城市的魅力,是这座城市区别于另一座城市的特色之所 在。我国历史上唐代长安之曲江,北宋汴州之金明池,南宋杭 州之西湖,明清南京之秦淮河、北京之故宫、苏州之虎丘、扬 州之瘦西湖,近代上海之外滩,都是历史上极具特色和标志性 的城市景观,并积淀为一种独特的城市意象。随着我国当代城 市化进程的迅猛发展,新的城市地标不断浮出地表。这些新的 城市地标如何与城市的历史文脉相协调,并体现出创新和发展, 已成为今天城市建设中一个普遍性的问题。










考点解读 讲义2024届高考语文二轮复习信息类文本阅读

考点解读 讲义2024届高考语文二轮复习信息类文本阅读















高考语文一轮复习 第三章 第二节 第二讲 分 析 综 合配套专题强化复习课件 苏教版

高考语文一轮复习 第三章 第二节 第二讲 分 析 综 合配套专题强化复习课件 苏教版

明白它的意思,而不觉有什么怪异之处。然 而,假如它放声大笑呢? 假如,当你走进房 间,它不是摇尾吐舌,表示见到你时的欢愉, 而是发出一串咯咯的笑声——咧着大嘴 笑——笑得浑身直哆嗦,显出极度开心的种 种神态呢? 那样,你的反应一定是惊惧和恐 怖。笑,似乎(sì hū)主要是而且纯然是属 于人的。②
的小镜子,映照出在它前面走过的人们(rén men)身
④笑可体现人的才智,反 映人们身上的瑕疵和怪癖
【把握文章思路】 2.请简要分析文章第三段的论述层次。 (6分) 【审题推断】
细审文本及题干,写出你读取的有效信息和由此推断出的结论。 【信息1】 首句“要做到能够嘲笑一个人,你首先必须(bìxū)就他的本来面目来 看他”。 推论: 提出论点。
2.考查特点 归纳内容要点,概括中心(zhōngxīn)意思在我省高考中也经 常考查。例如:
2012年 江苏卷
2011年 江苏卷
考查对文章中“笑的价值”包含内容的归纳 能力
【规律总结】 从高考的实际可以看出,题目难度适中。对“归纳内容要点,
第二(dì èr)讲 分 析 综 合
一、 筛选并整合文中的信息 1.内涵阐释 所谓“文中的信息”,并不是指一般意义上的信息,而是文章中 的重要(zhòngyào)信息。它一般包括以下几方面的内容:




























高三语文高考二轮复习(书讲解课件)第一部分专题突破 专题三 文学类文本阅读 抢分点六 概括分析题——学

高三语文高考二轮复习(书讲解课件)第一部分专题突破 专题三 文学类文本阅读 抢分点六 概括分析题——学
第9章 扩声系统调音
查找短板 突破方略
规范作答 评分细则
小说中的祖母是一个什么样的形象?请简要分析。(4 分)
第9章 扩声系统调音
他跟着老寿爷上了贩米船。他帮着村里人把船上的米袋卸完,拉着 老寿爷进了一家小酒店。就是那次我祖父酒后还吃了八只粽子。
据说他是在新婚的五天后 出走的,走了就没再回
“你回去吧,你儿子会满村跑了。”老寿爷说。祖父摇着头说,“出 来了就不回去了。”后来祖父把他的二胡交给贩米船上的人带回
来”——命运悲惨 “她不让人把码齐的青粽
第9章 扩声系统调音
查找短板 突破方略
两人告别时,焦发祥手里挑着一只灯笼,笑着说:“把这只灯笼送给 你做个纪念。关于那个‘习惯’问题的答案,就在这只灯笼里。”杨书记 红着脸,接过了那只小灯笼。
第9章 扩声系统调音
查找短板 突破方略
试题 答案
小说塑造了村支书刘治泰一个怎样的形 常见的错误你有没有?
第9章 扩声系统调音
查找短板 突破方略
焦发祥说到这儿,动情地说:“乡亲们,我没来过这儿,想不到咱们 县竟然有这样一块好风水的地方。刘治泰同志呀!你甭把这样好山好水好 百姓的清水湾,给搅和成一个混水湾……”他的嗓门被清水湾村民的呼喊 和掌声淹没了。
吉普车驶出清水湾,在土石公路上疾驰。秋天的田野,秋庄稼收获净 尽了,冬小麦泛起一抹新绿。夕阳如金。
[典例1] 阅读下面的文字,完成后面的问题。



1. 时态要用对。


2. 文章整体结构要完整并符合要求。

●前面要有总起的introductory sentence,该句的主要是概括reading和lecture有观点冲突。

【The reading passage’s author is convinced there were several reasons why the rise of factories occurred in England, yet the professor disagrees that they were the main reason why factories became successful】3. 中间的正文展开要按照lecture的顺序,一点一点逐一与reading对应地展开。

to begin with, in addition, as a final point, to conclude●先说reading的观点,再说原因;然后是转折,说lecture的观点,并说原因。


●开头和结尾段首尾呼应比如disagree ,后面有refutation●段内一方有多个理由或者观点需要展开时,要有逻辑,比如在claim/declare 等词前面加上first/next/also等。

4. 主要语言的丰富性,同一种意思用多种不同的表达方式,并且,千万不要照抄passage的原文。

●比如,the rise of factories began = the rise of factoriesoccurred●spread throughout the world = became successful●those without any land = landless people●have the ability to do sth. = have the capability to do sth.= be able to do sth.5.表示认为的:the author claims/believes/notes / argues /points out/states/insists/mentions/asserts/maintains/declares/ is convinced that或者the point brought up 引用:cites that6.表示lecturer反对的用法:●the lecturer counters by insisting that ……= the lecturercounters the points made by the reading, whose author thinksthat ……=the lecturer disagrees and claims that=To argueagainst the reading’s assertion that ……= in contrast to thereading’s argument that……, the professor says= to respondto the reading’s claim that…,the professor says …●on the contrary = in contrast7. 一些比较好的用法:●lay the foundation of●the prevalence of sth.●ascribe to 归因于●enable 使得【比make要地道些】8. 承认:the lecturer acknowledges that9. both the reading and the lecture mention that ……10. developed muscles in their stomach. To argue against thereading’s assertion that ……11. sb. be responsible for sth.= blame sb. for sth. 模板:Introductio n While the reading asserts that _________________________________________, the lecturer provides evidence/reasons contrary to this assertion and believes _________________________________________________________________.Body 1 First, in response to the accusation that________________since_________________________________, the lecturer saysthat________________________________________________________________. [适用于解释比较少的正文段]She/He believes that _____________________________________________.Body 2 The reading also points outthat_____________________________________________________________, However, lecturer disagrees and first statesthat_______________________________________.He next declares that __________________________________________.Body 3 Finally, according to the reading _________________________.On the contrary, the lecturer is convinced that ________________________. Also he believes that _____________________________________________.Conclusion In short, while the reading brings up several reasons to______________, the lecturer provides refutations and his/her own theory about ______________________.ORIn short, the reading is skeptical/not approved of _______________; however, the professor fully believes ___________________________.对于一些两者都提到或者lecturer承认的事实,可以用:Both the reading and the professor mentions____________________.Although the reading mentions_____________, the lecturer still claims _______________. Although the lecturer acknowledges that _____________, he/she does regard _______________ as the reason of _________________________.常用的逻辑关系词组:【内容来自杜昶旭老师的托福阅读讲义】◆否定明显的否定关系特色词汇:no, not, none, nor, neither, never, deny隐含的否定关系特色词汇:fail to , lack (of), absent from, refuse, ignore, remove, few, little◆因果明显的因果关系特色词汇:因为:because, because of, since, for ,as, due to ,owing to, in that,所以:so, so that, therefore, thereby, hence, thus, as a result, consequently 隐含的因果关系特色词汇:导致[A★B:因为A所以B,前因后果]:cause, lead to, result in, give rise to,produce, render, engender, make, enable, support, stimulate, spark, spur, motivate,push, encourage, prompt, be responsible for,由…而来[C★D:C由D而来,前果后因]:come from, result from, originate from,initiate from, derive from, stem from, be attributed to, be responsible to反映,体现[E★F:E反映F,E是现象/结果,F 是本质/原因]:reflect,represent,demonstrate, suggest, imply, show, epitomize考虑到,依赖于[★G,H /H, ★G]: given, considering, in view of, on account of,according to, rely, depend on, resort to, thanks to◆比较明显的比较关系特色词汇:比较级:er/more同级比较:as……as隐含的比较关系特色词汇:表示变化:increase/decrease/decline/enlarge/swell/expand/widen/inflate/magnify/broadenshrink/reduce/deflate/narrow/diminishcreate/destroydevelop/improve/meliorate/ameliorate/progress/perfect/betterdegrade/debase/impair/worsen/deterioratecontinue/remain差异:same/different超越:exceed/better/cap/beyond/surpass/transcend/excel/overshadow◆最高级明显的最高级特色词汇:-est/most隐含的最高级特色词汇:自身含有最高级含义:maximum/minimum/outstanding/top/super/favorite否定+比较=最高级:few islands are more remote than these程度较深的词:surprising/amazing/extremely/beautiful[惊艳的]superior= greater/higher/betterinferior =subordinate/secondary/lower/worse/lesser。



























杜昶旭老师的阅读讲义1新托福阅读讲义杜昶旭托福阅读是以句子为核心的3.阅读的本质:(1) 获取有效信息(2) 消除阅读障碍4.文章结构特点(1) 文章主体分为结构主体和细节主体.➢结构主体(支撑): 主题段(文章的前几段)和主题句(每段的前几句).➢细节主体(填充)(2) 文章具体结构如下:➢Intro: background(细节) & topic(结构)➢Body: sub-topic(结构), analysis(细节) & evidence(细节) ➢Conclusion: topic(结构)5.快速笔记方法(1) 快速笔记的意义:➢辅助思维框架形成➢索引功能(2) 快速笔记的内容➢结构主体的核心词➢时间和数字:同步记录时间及相应的事件;一律记录为数字➢人名\地名\专有名词:使用首字母标记➢举例主体➢新概念和核心概念➢重要的逻辑关系(3) 快速笔记的简单符号体系(4)快速笔记的重要性和必要性----阅读中的指导性逻辑(PREDICTING)(5) 好笔记的特点:➢笔记中有清晰的逻辑脉络➢根据笔记可以对文章进行有效复述6.阅读和口语的关系:(1) 规范口语的逻辑(2) 提供口语表达的素材二.阅读方法1.精读----句子结构分析和解析方法(1) 句子阅读中的障碍1) 定语➢前置定语: adj+n➢后置定语:n+ adj phrase形容词短语: a book useful for youprep phrase介词短语: a pen on the deskv-ing/-ed phrase分词短语: a person walking on the road; atool developed for the project不定式: a way to solve the problem注:✧分词短语作后置定语时,其逻辑主语是其修饰的名词✧不定代词只能用后置定语修饰✧不定式作后置定语其逻辑主语是第三方: sb use the way to solvethe problem➢定语从句:✧关系代词引导定语从句: that, which, who, whom, whose( 其中that, which, who, whom引导的是非完整句, whose 引导的是完整句)✧关系连词: when, where, why在句子中不作成分, 引导的是完整句✧介词+关系代词: in which, 此关系代词不包括what2) 同位语: 同插入语一样处理----删除➢A, B( 定语从句/同位语从句)➢A, or B➢ A that + 句子( 完整句)➢ A of B: the city of Beijing3) 状语: 处理方式----隔离➢Adv 副词➢Prep phrase 介词短语➢分词短语➢不定式注: 非谓语动词作状语其逻辑主语是句子的主语4) 并列结构➢并列连词的用法: 并列连词连接结构\功能\性质均相同的成分----必须完全对等5) that引导的各种从句➢S+V+THAT+句子(完整句)----宾语从句S+系动词+表语+句子----表语从句➢It + Vi + that +句子It + be + adj +that +句子完整句That +句子+ VN+ that +句子+ 同位语(完整句)定语从句(非完整句)➢S + Vi + that+ 句子: The sun rises that is bright.S + be + adj + that + 句子: The desk is clean that is used by the student(定语从句); The fact is true that Tom is handsome(同位语从句).(2) 复杂句的阅读方法----层次化句子阅读法1) 括号匹配➢……关联词(完整句)➢…… (关联词+ 非完整句)2) 化右括号的条件:➢句子终结➢连接句子的并列连词或标点符号之前例1: However, for many years physicists thought that (atom and molecules always were much more likely to emit light spontaneously)and that (stimulated emission thus always would be much weaker)例2: It appeared that 〔Canada was once more falling in step with the trend toward smaller families (that had occurred all through the Western world since the time of the Industrial Revolution)〕.例3: The history of clinical nutrition, or the study of the relationship between health and how the body takes in and utilizes food substances(同位语,删除), can be divided into four distinct eras: the first began in the nineteenth century and extended into the early twentieth century (when it was recognized for the first time that (food contained constituents (that were essential for human function) )and that (different foods provided different amounts of these essential agents).例4: Using techniques first developed for the offshore oil and gas industry, the DSDP’s drill ship, the Glomar Challenger(同位语), was able to maintain a steady position on the ocean’s surface and drill in very deep water, extracting samples of sediments and rock from the ocean floor.例5: The desperate plight of the South has eclipsed the fact that (reconstruction had to be undertaken also in North, though less spectacularly).例6: The technique of direct carving was a break with the nineteenth century in which (the making of a clay model was considered the creative act) and (the work was then turned over to studio assistant to be cast in plaster or bronze or carved in marble).例7: Anyone (who has handle a fossilized bone) knows that (it is usually not exactly like its modern counterpart), the most obvious difference being that( it is often much heavier)独立主格结构.例8: The impressive gain in output 〔stemmed primarily from the way in which (workers made goods since 1790’s)〕, North American enterpreneurs----even without the technological improvement----had broadended the scope of the outwork system (that made manufacturing more efficient by distributing materials to succession of workers (who each performed a single step of the production process))例9: The fact that (artisanss, (who were locked on as mechanics or skilled workers in the eighteenth century), (are frequently considered artists today) is directly attibutable to the Arts and Crafts Movement of the nineteenth century)例10: A few art collectors James Bowdoin III of Boston, WilliamBbyrd of Virginian, and the Aliens abd Hamiltons of Philadelphia (同位语)introduced European art traditions to those colonists〔privileged to visit their galleries, especially aspiring artists〕and established in their respective communities the idea of the value of art and the need for institutions 〔devoted to its encouragement〕.(2) 倒装句的阅读方法1) 部分倒装处理方法: 把提前的助动词/be动词/情态动词去掉或还原,并按顺序理解.2) 完全倒装的处理方法➢构成主语的成分: 名词代词The +形容词不定式主语从句动名词➢完全倒装的判断流程阅读和写作的关系:为写作提供原始模仿素材,并且是抽象结构.Basic to any understandingof the disadvantages ofbuilding a large factorynear a community is_________.例1: Herein (adv) lay(宾语) the beginning of what ultimately(最终) turned from ignorance(无知) to denial of the value of nutrition therapies in medicine(主语).例2: Surrounding the column are three sepals and three petals(主语), sometimes easily recognizable as such, often distorted into gorgeous, weird, but always functional shapes.例3:With the growing prosperity brought on by the Second World War and the economic boom( that followed it)独立主格,young people married and established households earlier and began to raise larger families than had their predecessors during the Depression. 没有倒装例4: Basic to any understanding of Canada in the 20years after the Second World War(宾语) is the country’s impressive population growth(主语).句子结构: adj + prep +B+ be + A = A + be +adj +prep +B例5: Among the species of seabirds (that use the windswept cliff of the Atlantic coast of Canada in the summer to mate, lay eggs, and rear their young) are common murres, Atlantic puffins, black-legged kittiwakes, and northern gannets(主语).句子结构: Among A + be + B = B是A的一部分例6: Implicit in it is an aesthetic principle as well: (that the medium has certain qualities of beauty and expressiveness with which (sculptors must bring their own aesthetic sensibilities into harmony)).例7: Most important perhaps, was that (they had all maintained with a certain fidelity(状语) a manner of technique and composition consistent with those of America’s first popular landscapes artist, Thomas Cole, (who built a career painting the Catskill Mountain scenery 〔bording the Hudson River〔)).句型结构: S + Vt + prep + n1 (介词短语)+ n2, Vt的宾语实际上是n2.例8: With the turn-of-century Crafts movement and the discovery of nontraditional sources of inspiration(独立主格), such as wooden African figures and masks, there arose a new urge for hands-on, personal execution of art and an interaction with the medium(主语).例9: Accustomed though we are to(倒装) speaking of the films made before 1927 as ‘slient’, the film has never been seen, in the full sense of the word, silent.句型结构: adj + though + S + be + prep + n = though + S +be + adj + prep + n, 仅发生在让步状语从句中.例10: Coincident with concerns about the accelerating loss of species and habitats has been a growing appreciation of the importance of biological diversity, the number of species in a particular ecosystem(同位语), to the health of the Earth and human well-being(主语).句型结构: the importance of A to B = A 对B 的重要性例11: Matching the influx of foreign immigrants into the larger cities of the United States during the late nineteenth century was a domestic migration(主语), from town and farm to city, within the United States. 例12: Indeed, had it not been for the superb preservation of these fossils(虚拟条件句if it had not been) , they might well have been classified as dinosaurs.(4) 强调句的阅读方法➢构成:It + be + 强调成分+that/ who+ 其他成分➢注意:把强调结构去掉句子仍然完整\正确的就是强调句.强调句不强调形容词和代词.例1: It was just a decade before this (强调句)that many drug companies had found their vitamin sales skyrocketing and were quick to supply practicing physicians with generous samples of vitamins and literature extolling the virtue of supplementation for a vatiety of health-related conditions.例2: It was she, a Baltimore printer, (强调句)who published the first office copies of the Declaraton, the first copie (that included the names of its singers and therefore heralded the support of all thirteen colonies).例3: It was in the cities(强调句)that the elements (that can be associated with modern capitalism first appeared-----the use of money and commercial paper in place of barter, open competition in place of social deference and hierarchy, with an attendant rise in social disorder, and the appearance of factories using coal or water power in place of independent craftspeople working with hand tools).2. 泛读----快速阅读与有效阅读(1) 阅读中的详略结合-----SKIMMING1) 需要详细阅读的内容➢结构主体的内容➢非举例性质的概括描述➢题目映射回原文的内容2) 可以快速浏览的内容➢大量的数据堆砌➢明显的举例: 为何而举,举例主体,结束位置➢对比\类比读一半➢让步\转折读一半(转折以后的那一半)(2) 理解单位扩大和阅读中逻辑的构建----模糊理解理论1) 阅读中的恶习----指读\声读\回读\视角高度过低\二次阅读2) 理解单位和阅读逻辑➢加大理解单位,变单词为意群组合----焦点训练法✓可以合并为意群的成分:✧副词✧介词短语✧分词短语✧非谓语的不定式✧主语和谓语或谓语和宾语✧固定搭配例: Generally, in order to be preserved in the fossil record, organisms must prosess hard body parts such as shells or bones. Soft, fleshy structures are quickly destroyed by predators or decayed by bacteria.Even hard parts left on the surface for certain length of time will be destroyed. Therefore, organisms must be buried rapidly to escape destruction by elements and to be protected against agents of weathering and erosion. Marine organisms thus are better candidates for fossilization than those living on the land because the ocean is typically the site of sedimentation, whereas the land is largely the site of erosion.➢构建阅读逻辑, 变翻译为整体理解----强调一遍阅读法(3) 文章的类型和题材1) 文章类型: :参见OG第19页➢顺承式: 时间及时间发展线索.(线型结构)➢分类式: 分类方式及类别特征. (树型结构)➢问题解决式\现象解释式: 解决方案\解释及最终结论.(伞型结构) 2) 题材分类➢自然科学a. 生物学✧植物学: 植物的分类和特征✧动物学: 动物的分类和行为.鸟类\群体昆虫\海洋生物✧微生物学: 真菌(蘑菇\真菌的顽固)b. 地理\地质学✧地形\地貌特征: 成因\分布\气候\生态\影响✧地质事件: 成因或原理\过程\影响c. 天文学✧具体的星体特征: 基本特征(形状\距离\轨道\旋转\温度\质量);大气层(氢气\氦气\氨气\甲烷); 表面特征; 水和生命形式; 人的探索✧天文学事件: 成因\过程\影响d. 考古学✧古生物: 恐龙(灭绝), 鸟类( 进化史pterosau r→archaeopteryx→modern birds)✧古代遗址\遗迹: 中国的古代遗迹e.气象学✧灾害性天气: 成因\过程\危害\预防✧天气预报: 卫星\计算机技术f. 新技术和新事物✧发展史✧特征及应用➢人文科学a. 美国历史✧土人: 生活\宗教\艺术✧都市化过程: 人口增长\城市扩张\交通发展\经济繁荣b. 历史学和人类学✧原始人生活变迁: 游牧到定居(农业)✧古代文明c. 文学✧流派: 产生\思想\代表✧作家: 生平\作品d. 绘画和雕塑✧类型:城市艺术✧画家e. 音乐✧类型: country, ragtime…✧乐器f.心理学: 人类情感分析三. 新托福阅读题型解析1. 词汇题(Vocabulary Question)(1) 词汇题简介和提问方式: 参见OG第25页(2) 词汇题的解答方法➢认识:直接解题,沾边就对。

9月21日考G归来 155+167—我的经验、教训以及思考

9月21日考G归来 155+167—我的经验、教训以及思考
















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14-Xu et al., 2016

14-Xu et al., 2016

Full Terms & Conditions of access and use can be found at/action/journalInformation?journalCode=koni20Download by: [Hong Kong Baptist University]Date:16 August 2017, At: 23:13OncoImmunologyISSN: (Print) 2162-402X (Online) Journal homepage: /loi/koni20Comprehensive molecular profiling of the B7family of immune-regulatory ligands in breast cancerZhenyu Xu, Jing Shen, Maggie Haitian Wang, Tao Yi, Yangyang Yu, Yinxin Zhu,Bo Chen, Jianping Chen, Longfei Li, Minxing Li, Jian Zuo, Hui Jiang, Dexi Zhou,Jiajie Luan & Zhangang XiaoTo cite this article: Zhenyu Xu, Jing Shen, Maggie Haitian Wang, Tao Yi, Yangyang Yu, Yinxin Zhu, Bo Chen, Jianping Chen, Longfei Li, Minxing Li, Jian Zuo, Hui Jiang, Dexi Zhou, Jiajie Luan & Zhangang Xiao (2016) Comprehensive molecular profiling of the B7 family of immune-regulatory ligands in breast cancer, OncoImmunology, 5:8, e1207841, DOI: 10.1080/2162402X.2016.1207841To link to this article:/10.1080/2162402X.2016.1207841View supplementary materialAccepted author version posted online: 11Jul 2016.Published online: 11 Jul 2016.Submit your article to this journalArticle views: 275View related articlesView Crossmark dataCiting articles: 1 View citing articlesORIGINAL RESEARCHComprehensive molecular pro filing of the B7family of immune-regulatory ligands in breast cancerZhenyu Xu a ,*,Jing Shen b ,*,Maggie Haitian Wang c ,Tao Yi d ,Yangyang Yu e ,Yinxin Zhu f ,Bo Chen g ,Jianping Chen h ,Longfei Li b ,Minxing Li b ,Jian Zuo a ,Hui Jiang a ,Dexi Zhou a ,Jiajie Luan a ,and Zhangang Xiao baDepartment of Pharmacy,Yijishan Af filiated Hospital of Wannan Medical College,Wuhu,Anhui Province,P.R.China;b Laboratory of Molecular Pharmacology,Department of Pharmacology,School of Pharmacy,Southwest Medical University,Luzhou,Sichuan,P.R.China;c JC School of Public Health and Primary Care,Chinese University of Hong Kong,Hong Kong,P.R.China;d School of Chinese Medicine,Hong Kong Baptist University,Hong Kong,P.R.China;e Center for Diabetes,Obesity and Metabolism,Department of Physiology,Shenzhen University Health Science Center,Shenzhen,Guangdong,P.R.China;f Department of Gastroenterology,the Third Af filiated Hospital of Soochow University,Changzhou,P.R.China;g Experiment Center for Medical Science Research,Kunming Medical University,Kunming,Yunnan,P.R.China;h Department of Breast and Thyroid Surgery,Yijishan Af filiated Hospital of Wannan Medical College,Wuhu,Anhui Province,P.R.ChinaARTICLE HISTORYReceived 15April 2015Revised 23June 2016Accepted 24June 2016ABSTRACT The B7gene family has crucial roles in the regulation of adaptive cellular immunity.In cancer,deregulation of co-inhibitory B7molecules is associated with reduced antitumor immunity and cancer immune evasion.FDA approval of cancer immunotherapy antibodies against cytotoxic T lymphocyte-associated protein 4(CTLA-4)and programmed cell death-1(PD-1)—both ligands of the B7family —demonstrate the impact of these checkpoint regulators in ing data from cBioPortal,we performed comprehensive molecular pro filing of the 10currently known B7family proteins in 105different cancers.B7family members were ampli fied in breast cancer:with B7mRNA levels upregulated in a cohort of 1,098patients with all types of breast cancer and in 82patients with triple-negative breast cancer.Promoter methylation analysis indicated an epigenetic basis for deregulation of certain B7family genes in breast cancer.Moreover,patients with B7-H6genomic alterations had signi ficantly worse overall survival,and certain clinical attributes were associated with B7-H6expression,which indicates that B7-H6may be a potential target for breast cancer immunotherapy.Finally,using network analysis (based on data from cBioportal),we identi fied BTLA,MARCH8,PLSCR1and SMAD3as potentially involved in T cell signaling under regulation of B7family proteins.KEYWORDSB7family;breast cancer;cancer immunotherapy;CD28family;check pointIntroductionAn effective immune response involves activation of both innate and adaptive immunity (which requires an array of immunocytes)followed by dampening of the immune response to avoid unnecessary damage to the host.T cells are essential to adaptive immunity,and are activated by two classical signals:antigen recognition (signal one),where peptides presented by the major histocompatibility complex (MHC)are recognized by T cell receptors (TCRs);and co-stimulation (signal two),which involves the combination of co-regulators such as B7proteins,which consist of co-stimulatory and co-inhibitory molecules expressed on anti-gen-presenting cells (APC),with their corresponding recep-tors on T cells.Co-stimulation is balanced by co-inhibitory signals,which ultimately determines whether the T cell response is activating or inhibitory.1The B7family of immunoglobulins has 10reported mem-bers,which function as important secondary signals to either co-stimulate or co-inhibit T cells by selectively binding to T cellligands,with B7-H2,B7-H6and B7-H7stimulating activation of naive T cells;2-4B7-DC,B7-H4and B7-H5inhibiting T cell responses;5-7and B7-1and B7-2providing both stimulatory and inhibitory signals.8-10Under normal circumstances,co-stimulators facilitate the development of protective immunity via receptors such as CD28and CD28H,9,11whereas co-inhibi-tors including CTLA-4and PD-1inhibit in flammation to avoid over-activation.12Co-inhibitory signaling pathways,including B7/CTLA-4and PD-L1(B7-H1)-PD-1,have over the past decade proven to be important targets in cancer immune checkpoint therapy,13as evidenced by the clinical success of anti-CTLA-4and anti-PD-1antibodies (Ab)in various cancers.Drugs like atezolizu-mab that target PD-L1,which is highly expressed in many cancers,have been effective in clinical trials in the treatment of several different cancers.The B7family and their receptors therefore have great potential as therapeutic targets in cancer immune checkpoint therapy.CONTACT Jiajie Luan luanjiajie757@ Department of Pharmacy,Yijishan Af filiated Hospital of Wannan Medical College,Wuhu,Anhui,China;Zhangang Xiao xzg555898@ Laboratory of Molecular Pharmacology,Department of Pharmacology,School of Pharmacy,Southwest Medical Univer-sity,Luzhou,646000,P.R.China.Supplemental data for this article can be accessed on the publisher ’s website .*Zhenyu Xu and Jing Shen contributed equally to this article.©2016Southwest Medical UniversityONCOIMMUNOLOGY2016,VOL.5,NO.8,e1207841(10pages)/10.1080/2162402X.2016.1207841D o w n l o a d e d b y [H o n g K o n g B a p t i s t U n i v e r s i t y ] a t 23:14 16 A u g u s t 2017In this study,we used existing,publically available data from cBioPortal,to investigate various aspects of B7family members and their corresponding receptors in various cancers.Based on these results,we selected breast cancer for further analyses of B7gene alterations,mRNA expression and DNA methylation as well as relevant clinical data.We identi fied speci fic B7family members with therapeutic and prognostic potential and report several putative ligands or targets of the B7family with so far unknown receptors through network analysis.ResultsB7family co-signaling moleculesTo date,10B7family proteins have been identi fied,which,unfortunately,have not been consistently named between stud-ies.We therefore propose a uni fied nomenclature by using the gene names as listed in NCBI (Fig.1A ).The ten members of the B7family:B7-1,B7-2,B7-DC,B7-H1,B7-H2,B7-H3,B7-H4,B7-H5,B7-H6and B7-H7are mainly expressed by APCs and tumor cells.B7proteins function as secondary signals that co-stimulate or co-inhibit T-cells by selectively binding to CD28proteins expressed on T-cells (Fig.1B ).Alignment of B7family amino acid sequences indicated that each of the 10B7proteins shared at least 15%identity with all other B7family members (Table S1).To further analyze the relationship among B7family members,a phylogenetic tree was constructed (Fig.1C ).Our phylogenetic tree of human B7was generated using MEGA and was divided into three groups,which shows that B7-H7is the least similar to any of the other proteins (B7-1,B7-2,B7-DC,B7-H1,B7-H2,B7-H3,B7-H7,B7-H4,B7-H6)with high bootstrap probability.Determination of B7family gene alterations across different cancersThe frequencies of B7family gene alterations (including muta-tions,deletions and ampli fications)across various cancers are shown in Fig.2.B7mutations and deletions were less frequent than ampli fications in cancer patients.B7family genes were notably ampli fied in several cancers,including breast,lung,ovarian and stomach cancer.In breast cancer,all 10B7proteins were ampli fied,with no mutations in 29of the patients;in this dataset more than 50%of cases had B7ampli fications,which suggests important roles for these proteins in breast cancer.B7family proteins are over-expressed in breast cancer Given the high frequency of B7gene ampli fication in breast cancer,B7expression was likely also dysregulated.We there-fore assessed B7genetic alterations in breast cancer data from TCGA,queried with cBioPortal.14For each of the 10B7genes,mutations were either not observed in any of 1,098breast can-cer patients,or present at less than 1%in the case of B7-2and B7-H2(Fig.3A ).Interestingly,B7mRNA levels were upregu-lated in about 10%(»100/1,098)of breast cancer cases.Nota-bly,B7-1,B7-DC,B7-H4,B7-H6and B7-H7were exclusively upregulated with no downregulation in any of the cases(Fig.3B ).We also evaluated B7family expression in a cohort of 82patients with triple-negative breast cancer,which has limited therapeutic options;several B7family members were upregu-lated to a greater extent in triple-negative breast cancer com-pared with the full cohort of 1,098patients with all types of breast cancer.B7-H3was the only B7protein that was downre-gulated in (only 2/82)triple-negative breast cancer cases (Fig.3C ).Although B7proteins are constitutively expressed in breast cancer,15the underlying mechanism thereof remains unknown.We therefore investigated the correlation between B7promoter DNA methylation with their mRNA expression levels.Intrigu-ingly,B7-1,B7-2,B7-DC,B7-H3,B7-H4and B7-H5mRNA levels were negatively correlated with promoter methylation status in the 1,098breast cancer cases (Fig.4A )as well as in the 82patients with triple-negative breast cancer (Fig.4B ).These results indicate that B7family expression may be epigenetically regulated in breast cancer.B7-H6as a potential prognostic biomarker in breast cancerOverall survival was compared between tumor samples with or without alterations in each of the B7family members using cBioPortal.Notably,patients with B7-H6alterations had signif-icantly worse overall survival (Fig.5A ).We also determined whether B7-H6was altered in four different data sets from cBioPortal,and found B7-H6gene ampli fications in each of the four data sets,albeit at varying frequencies (Fig.5B ).Mean-while,B7-H6expression was associated with positive surgical margins (Fig.5C ),which suggests that B7-H6expression may be associated with severe local invasion.These results suggest that B7-H6may be a promising target for breast cancer immu-notherapy.Finally,to elucidate the underlying mechanism of B7-H6overexpression,mRNA levels (which were not signi fi-cantly correlated with promoter methylation)were compared by B7-H6gene alteration (shallow deletions,diploid,copy number gains,ampli fications)in cBioPortal.Not surprisingly,B7-H6mRNA was increased in cases with B7-H6relative to all the other groups (Fig.5D ).Network analysis of B7family proteins in breast cancer The genomic alterations in B7family signaling networks in breast cancer are listed in Fig.6A .CD28,PD1and CTLA4,ICOS were ampli fied together with their ligands B7-1,B7-2,B7-H1and B7-H2.Interestingly,we identi fied four putative B7receptors within this network —MARCH8(Membrane-associ-ated RING-CH 8),BTLA (B and T lymphocyte attenuator),SMAD3and PLSCR1(Phospholipid Scramblase 1)—that had similar genomic alterations to B7-2,B7-H4and B7-H5,respec-tively.We are the first to report these putative interactions (B7-2/MARCH8,B7-H4/BTLA,B7-H5/SMAD3,B7-H5/PLSCR1).Alignment of the amino acid sequences of MARCH8,BTLA,SMAD3and PLSCR1to other CD28family members indicates that these proteins share at least 10%identity with all other CD28family members (Table S2).Phylogenic analysis further revealed that MARCH8and PLSCR1formed an exclusivee1207841-2Z.XU ET AL.D o w n l o a d e d b y [H o n g K o n g B a p t i s t U n i v e r s i t y ] a t 23:14 16 A u g u s t 2017group,while SMAD3clustered with ICOS,CTLA-4and CD28,and BTLA clustered with NKp30,PD-1and TMIGD2(Fig.6B ).Domain analysis showed that N-terminal signaling peptides,V-set domains and transmembrane regions were present in most CD28molecules (Fig.6C ).The newly identi fied B7-H4-interacting protein BTLA has domains similar to that of the CD28family,which indicates that BTLA may well be a novel B7-H4receptor.MARCH8,PLSCR1and SMAD3do notcontain any v-set domains,suggesting that these proteins may be involved in T cell signaling under the regulation of B7family.DiscussionCo-stimulation comprises a complex molecular network princi-pally including the B7and CD28protein families,whichFigure 1.B7family co-signaling molecules.(A)Uni fied nomenclatures of each B7family member.(B)Interactions between co-stimulatory and co-inhibitory B7and CD28family members.(C)Phylogenetic analysis of B7family members.Neighbor-joining tree was constructed with Mega3.1program.The numbers on the branches represent the con fidence level of 10,000bootstrap replications.ONCOIMMUNOLOGY e1207841-3D o w n l o a d e d b y [H o n g K o n g B a p t i s t U n i v e r s i t y ] a t 23:14 16 A u g u s t 2017modulate T cell responses.Recent efforts have led to the identi-fication of novel B7family members and their corresponding receptors,which has deepened our understanding of their role in the immune system and in cancer.Given the promising results obtained with second-generation antibodies like anti-PD-L1in the treatment of advanced,treatment-refractory can-cers in recent clinical trials,the B7family of co-inhibitory molecules are being closely watched as potential immune checkpoint cancer therapeutic targets,particularly B7-H5and B7-H7.7,10,11Here,we provide an overview of the 10currently known B7family members,under a uni fied nomenclature based on previous studies.Our phylogenetic tree of human B7was generated using MEGA and was divided into three groups:B7-H1and B7-DC (which is consistent with reports from Zhao et al.16);B7-H5;and the remaining members as the third group.Different phylogenetic classi fications could be ascribed to dif-ferent clustering algorithms.Additionally,there has been some confusion in the literature regarding the naming of B7-H5and B7-H7.11,17Here,we present a uni fied nomenclature of the B7family according to the NCBI database.Several B7family members,including B7-H1,B7-H3and B7-H4,are over-expressed in cancer,and their expression is signi ficantly associated with cancer progression and progno-sis.18-24We assessed genomic alterations in the 10B7family members across multiple cancer types using cBioPortal and TCGA.B7family members showed higher levels of ampli fica-tion in lung and ovarian cancer,but particularly in breast can-cer,with more than 50%of patients having at least one B7family gene ampli fication.We therefore analyzed B7family expression in 1,098patients with breast cancer and 82patients with triple-negative breast cancer.Consistent with the ampli fi-cation results,most B7family members had increased levels of mRNA expression at varying frequencies,while a few members (including B7-2,B7-H2,B7-H3and B7-H5)were downregu-lated in a small proportion of breast cancer patients.Among triple-negative breast cancer cases,only B7-H3was downregu-lated,in two cases.Intriguingly,the results of DNA methylation analysis showed that the expression of B7-1,B7-2,B7-DC,B7-H3,B7-H4and B7-H5,but not that of B7-H1,B7-H2,B7-H6and B7-H7,were negatively correlated with methylation of their respective promoters in both breast cancer and triple-negative breast cancer.Taken together with the gene ampli fication results (Fig.2),we speculate that the expression of B7-1,B7-2,B7-DC,B7-H3,B7-H4and B7-H5might be regulated by both gene ampli fication and promoter methylation,while the expression of B7-H1,B7-H2,B7-H6and B7-H7might be more strongly regulated by gene ampli fication.Of the B7family,only B7-H6alterations (primarily gene ampli fications)were signi ficantly associated with worse overall survival in a large cohort of breast cancer patients.Moreover,B7-H6expression was associated with positive surgical margins.However,other studies have reported that B7-H6has limited value as a prognostic marker in lung and gastric cancers.25,26Interestingly,however,Zhou et al.found that overall survival was signi ficantly improved in ovarian cancer patients with rela-tively lower B7-H6expression.27Semeraro M et al.demon-strated that serum concentration of soluble B7-H6correlated with the downregulation of NKp30,bone marrow metastases and chemoresistance of high-risk neuroblastoma (HR-NB),and they also indicated that soluble B7-H6contained in the serum of HR-NB patients inhibited NK cell functions in vitro .28Together,our results support a notorious role of B7-H6in the progression of certain types of cancer.Hence,we conclude that theoutcomeFigure 2.The alteration frequencies of B7family across 105different cancer studies.B7family ampli fication frequencies are the highest in breast cancer.For the alteration frequencies of B7family across 105different cancer sets,the red bars indicate gene ampli fications,blue bars are homozygous deletions,green bars are non-synonymous mutations,gray bars indicate multiple alterations.For the alteration frequencies of B7family in breast cancer,red bars indicate gene ampli fications,blue bars are homozy-gous deletions,gray bars indicate no changes.e1207841-4Z.XU ET AL.D o w n l o a d e d b y [H o n g K o n g B a p t i s t U n i v e r s i t y ] a t 23:14 16 A u g u s t 2017of B7-H6expression might vary by cancer type.B7-H6report-edly alerts the innate immune system to cellular transformation by binding its corresponding receptor,NKp30,on natural killer cells.4B7-H6has consistently been detected in various cancers but not in normal tissues.4,29It was recently reported that defec-tive expression and function of NKp30might be induced by B7-H6in ovarian cancer,which results in impaired NK cell-depen-dent interferon-gamma (IFN g )production and cytolytic func-tion.B7-H6-mediated downregulation of NKp30in NK cells might therefore contribute to immune evasion in ovarian can-cer.30Although this mechanism has not been investigated in breast cancer,it may well explain the clinical signi ficance of increased B7-H6expression in breast cancer,since B7-H6is involved in the progression of human breast cancer and could function as a signi ficant prognostic biomarker.The B7-CD28family is the major driving force of T cell co-stimulation and co-inhibition.Manipulation of co-stimulatory or co-inhibitory checkpoints facilitates reversal of tumor-induced T-cell anergy observed in many cancers.Some of these family members have been well studied for their clinical impact on tumors,especially with regard to PDL1(B7-H1)-PD1and CD80(B7-1)/CD86(B7-2)-CTLA4.Immune checkpointtherapyFigure 3.The mRNA expression of B7family are upregulated in breast cancer.(A)Mutation alterations of B7family in 1,098breast cancer cases.(B)The dysregulation of B7family mRNA levels in 1,093breast cancer cases.(C)The dysregulation of B7family mRNA levels in 82patients with triple-negative breast cancer.Green bars indicate gene mutations,red bars indicate mRNA upregulation,blue bars indicate mRNA downregulation.ONCOIMMUNOLOGY e1207841-5D o w n l o a d e d b y [H o n g K o n g B a p t i s t U n i v e r s i t y ] a t 23:14 16 A u g u s t 2017Figure 4.The correlation between the promoter DNA methylation status and the mRNA expression levels of B7family in breast cancer.(A)The mRNA levels of B7-1,B7-2,B7-DC,B7-H3,B7-H4and B7-H5are negative correlated with their promoter methylated status respectively in 1,098breast cancer cases.(B)The mRNA levels of B7family are negative correlated with their promoter methylated status,respectively,in 82patients with triple-negative breast cancer.e1207841-6Z.XU ET AL.D o w n l o a d e d b y [H o n g K o n g B a p t i s t U n i v e r s i t y ] a t 23:14 16 A u g u s t 2017with monoclonal antibodies directed at CTLA-4,PD-1and PD-L1has emerged as a successful treatment for advanced mela-noma.31-33Other ligands or receptors of the B7-CD28family have subsequently been investigated,with B7-H1,34B7-H3,35,36B7-H4,37B7-H5,38B7-H627,39and B7-H717,40found to be aber-rantly expressed in various cancers.However,B7receptors are still poorly studied.Although the B7-H7receptor was recently identi fied,17other B7receptors,including B7-H3,B7-H4,B7-H5,remain ing the network derived from cBioPor-tal,which consists of pathways and interactions from several databases,we identi fied BTLA as a putative receptor for B7-H4,which is consistent with a previous report.41Moreover,BTLA is co-expressed with certain B7family members including B7-H4.42However,almost none of the relevant review articles include BTLA as a B7-H4receptor.10,43-50Our findings provide additional support for the role of BTLA as a B7-H4receptor.In summary,all 10B7family members were over-expressed in breast cancer,at varying frequencies,and their upregulation is plausibly related to gene ampli fication and/or DNA methylation.Importantly,only B7-H6gene ampli fication was signi ficantly associated with worse overall survival in breast cancer patients.MethodsBioinformatics analysesThe NCBI database was queried for human B7,CD28and B7-interacting proteins (Supplementary File 1);their corre-sponding sequences were analyzed by SMART and CBS to locate protein domains,including signaling peptides,IgV-like domains and transmembrane regions.Amino acid sequences were analyzed for similarity with otherknownFigure 5.B7-H6is a potential biomarker in breast cancer.(A)The overall survival of breast cancer patients with B7family alteration.(B)The genetic alteration of B7-H6in four different data sets from cBioPortal.(C)The higher expression of B7-H6in positive surgical margin when compared that in negative surgical margin.(D)B7-H6mRNA was increased in the breast cancer tissues in which B7-H6was ampli fied.ONCOIMMUNOLOGY e1207841-7D o w n l o a d e d b y [H o n g K o n g B a p t i s t U n i v e r s i t y ] a t 23:14 16 A u g u s t 2017sequences by BLAST and multiple sequence alignments were generated using CLUSTALW.The protein family sig-nature was identi fied by InterPro.51A phylogenetic tree was constructed based on the full-length amino acid sequences of B7family proteins and their corresponding ligands using the neighbor-joining algorithm within MEGA version 3.1.52Determination of B7family alterations across different cancersThe frequency of B7family gene alterations (including mutations,deletions,copy number gains and ampli fications)were assessed across multiple cancer types using the cBio-Portal for Cancer Genomics database and TCGA which contains 105common cancer studies with almost 23,000patients ’details.Genetic and clinical pro files of B7family proteins in breast cancerGenomic alterations,including mRNA expression and pro-moter methylation were assessed across 1,105sequenced breast cancer samples from cBioPortal,which had clinical pro files,including survival work analysisTo identify genomic alterations in B7family signaling networks in breast cancer,we used all B7family members as query genes in cBioPortal and explored the resulting network,which was based on pathways and interactions from various databases including Human Reference Protein Database (HPRD),Reac-tome,National Cancer Insititue (NCI),and the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC)Cancer Cell Map.14Figure work analysis of B7family networks in breast cancer.(A)The genomic alterations in B7family signaling networks in breast cancer.(B)Phylogenetic analysis of B7reacting proteins.Neighbor-joining tree was constructed with Mega3.1program.The numbers on the branches represent the con fidence level of 10,000bootstrap replications.(C)The domain analysis of B7family reacting proteins.e1207841-8Z.XU ET AL.D o w n l o a d e d b y [H o n g K o n g B a p t i s t U n i v e r s i t y ] a t 23:14 16 A u g u s t 2017Statistical analysesGraphPad Prism 5(GraphPad Software,La Jolla,CA)was used for statistical analyses.Student ’s t-test (two-tailed)was used to compare the means between two groups.Overall survival data are displayed as Kaplan –Meier plots with p values calculated using the log-rank test.mRNA expression data were presented as mean §SD.p values less than 0.05were considered statisti-cally signi ficant.Disclosure of potential con flicts of interestNo potential con flicts of interest were disclosed.AcknowledgmentsWe would like to thank Prof.Chi Hin CHO and Prof.Herbert H F Loong (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)for valuable advices.FundingThis work was supported by Grants from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No.81503093),the University Natural Sci-ence Research Project of Anhui Province (Grant No.KJ2016A732)and the Talent Scienti fic Research Foundation of Yijishan Af filiated Hospital of Wannan Medical College (Grant No.YR201504).References1.Saleh S,Johnston A,Turner P.Medifoxamine:oral tolerance and phar-macokinetic study in healthy human volunteers.Eur J Clin Pharmacol 1990;39:169-71;PMID:2253668;/10.1007/BF002800532.Kopf M,Coyle AJ,Schmitz N,Barner M,Oxenius A,Gallimore A,Gutierrez-Ramos JC,Bachmann MF.Inducible costimulator protein (ICOS)controls T helper cell subset polarization after virus and para-site infection.J Exp Med 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problem�定语从句:�关系代词引导定语从句:that,which,who,whom,whose(其中that,which,who,whom引导的是非完整句,whose引导的是完整句)�关系连词:when,where,why在句子中不作成分,引导的是完整句�介词+关系代词:in which,此关系代词不包括what2)同位语:同插入语一样处理----删除�A,B(定语从句/同位语从句)�A,or B�A that+句子(完整句)�A of B:the city of Beijing3)状语:处理方式----隔离�Adv副词�Prep phrase介词短语�分词短语�不定式注:非谓语动词作状语其逻辑主语是句子的主语4)并列结构�并列连词的用法:并列连词连接结构\功能\性质均相同的成分----必须完全对等5)that引导的各种从句�S+V+THAT+句子(完整句)----宾语从句S+系动词+表语+句子----表语从句�It+Vi+that+句子It+be+adj+that+句子完整句That+句子+VN+that+句子+同位语(完整句)定语从句(非完整句)�S+Vi+that+句子:The sun rises that is bright.S+be+adj+that+句子:The desk is clean that is used by the student(定语从句);The fact is true that Tom is handsome(同位语从句).(2)复杂句的阅读方法----层次化句子阅读法1)括号匹配�……关联词(完整句)�……(关联词+非完整句)2)化右括号的条件:�句子终结�连接句子的并列连词或标点符号之前例1:However,for many years physicists thought that(atom and molecules always were much more likely to emit light spontaneously)and that (stimulated emission thus always would be much weaker)例2:It appeared that〔Canada was once more falling in step with the trend toward smaller families(that had occurred all through the Western world since the time of the Industrial Revolution)〕.例3:The history of clinical nutrition,or the study of the relationship between health and how the body takes in and utilizes food substances(同位语,删除),can be divided into four distinct eras:the first began in the nineteenth century and extended into the early twentieth century(when it was recognized for the first time that(food contained constituents(that were essential for human function))and that(different foods provided different amounts of these essential agents).例4:Using techniques first developed for the offshore oil and gas industry,the DSDP’s drill ship,the Glomar Challenger(同位语),was able to maintain a steady position on the ocean’s surface and drill in very deep water,extracting samples of sediments and rock from the ocean floor.例5:The desperate plight of the South has eclipsed the fact that (reconstruction had to be undertaken also in North,though less spectacularly).例6:The technique of direct carving was a break with the nineteenth century in which(the making of a clay model was considered the creativeact)and(the work was then turned over to studio assistant to be cast in plaster or bronze or carved in marble).例7:Anyone(who has handle a fossilized bone)knows that(it is usually not exactly like its modern counterpart),the most obvious difference being that(it is often much heavier)独立主格结构.例8:The impressive gain in output〔stemmed primarily from the way in which(workers made goods since1790’s)〕,North American enterpreneurs----even without the technological improvement----had broadended the scope of the outwork system(that made manufacturing more efficient by distributing materials to succession of workers(who each performed a single step of the production process))例9:The fact that(artisanss,(who were locked on as mechanics or skilled workers in the eighteenth century),(are frequently considered artists today)is directly attibutable to the Arts and Crafts Movement of the nineteenth century)例10:A few art collectors James Bowdoin III of Boston,William Bbyrd of Virginian,and the Aliens abd Hamiltons of Philadelphia (同位语)introduced European art traditions to those colonists〔privileged to visit their galleries,especially aspiring artists〕and established in their respective communities the idea of the value of art and the need for institutions〔devoted to its encouragement〕.(2)倒装句的阅读方法1)部分倒装处理方法:把提前的助动词/be动词/情态动词去掉或还原,并按顺序理解.2)完全倒装的处理方法�构成主语的成分:名词代词The+形容词不定式主语从句动名词�完全倒装的判断流程例1:Herein (adv)lay(宾语)the beginning of what ultimately(最终)turned from ignorance(无知)to denial of the value of nutrition therapies inmedicine medicine((主语).例2:Surrounding the column are three sepals and three petals petals((主语),sometimes easily recognizable as such,often distorted into gorgeous,weird,but always functional shapes.例3:With the growing prosperity brought on by the Second World War and the economic boom(that followed it)独立主格,young people married and established households earlier and began to raise larger families than had their predecessors during the Depression.没有倒装例4:Basic to any understanding of Canada in the 20years after the SecondWorld War War((宾语)is the country country’’s impressive population growth growth((主语).句子结构:adj +prep +B+be +A =A +be +adj +prep +B例5:Among the species of seabirds (that use the windswept cliff of the Atlantic coast of Canada in the summer to mate,lay eggs,and rear their young)are common murres,Atlantic puffins,black-legged kittiwakes,and northern gannets gannets((主语).句子结构:Among A +be +B =B 是A 的一部分阅读和写作的关系:为写作提供原始模仿素材,并且是抽象结构.Basic to any understanding of the disadvantages ofbuilding a large factory near a community is _________.例6:Implicit in it is an aesthetic principle as well:(that the medium has certain qualities of beauty and expressiveness with which(sculptors must bring their own aesthetic sensibilities into harmony)).例7:Most important perhaps,was that(they had all maintained with a fidelity((状语)a manner of technique and composition consistent certain fidelitywith those of America’s first popular landscapes artist,Thomas Cole,(who built a career painting the Catskill Mountain scenery〔bordingthe Hudson River〔)).句型结构:S+Vt+prep+n1(介词短语)+n2,Vt的宾语实际上是n2.例8:With the turn-of-century Crafts movement and the discovery of nontraditional sources of inspiration(独立主格),such as wooden African figures and masks,there arose a new urge for hands-on,personal executionmedium((主语).of art and an interaction with the medium例9:Accustomed though we are to to((倒装)speaking of the films made before1927as‘slient’,the film has never been seen,in the full sense of the word,silent.句型结构:adj+though+S+be+prep+n=though+S+be+adj+ prep+n,仅发生在让步状语从句中.例10:Coincident with concerns about the accelerating loss of species andhabitats has been a growing appreciation of the importance of biologicalecosystem((同位语),to the diversity,the number of species in a particular ecosystemwell-being((主语).health of the Earth and human well-being句型结构:the importance of A to B=A对B的重要性例11:Matching the influx of foreign immigrants into the larger cities of the United States during the late nineteenth century was a domestic migration((主语),from town and farm to city,within the United States. migrationfossils((虚拟条例12:Indeed,had it not been for the superb preservation of these fossils件句if it had not been),they might well have been classified as dinosaurs.(4)强调句的阅读方法�构成:It+be+强调成分+that/who+其他成分�注意:把强调结构去掉句子仍然完整\正确的就是强调句.强调句不强调形容词和代词.例1:It was just a decade before this(强调句)that many drug companies had found their vitamin sales skyrocketing and were quick to supply practicing physicians with generous samples of vitamins and literature extolling the virtue of supplementation for a vatiety of health-related conditions.例2:It was she,a Baltimore printer,(强调句)who published the first office copies of the Declaraton,the first copie(that included the names of its singers and therefore heralded the support of all thirteen colonies).cities((强调句)that the elements(that can be associated 例3:It was in the citieswith modern capitalism first appeared-----the use of money and commercial paper in place of barter,open competition in place of socialdeference and hierarchy,with an attendant rise in social disorder,and the appearance of factories using coal or water power in place of independent craftspeople working with hand tools).2.泛读----快速阅读与有效阅读(1)阅读中的详略结合-----SKIMMING1)需要详细阅读的内容�结构主体的内容�非举例性质的概括描述�题目映射回原文的内容2)可以快速浏览的内容�大量的数据堆砌�明显的举例:为何而举,举例主体,结束位置�对比\类比读一半�让步\转折读一半(转折以后的那一半)(2)理解单位扩大和阅读中逻辑的构建----模糊理解理论1)阅读中的恶习----指读\声读\回读\视角高度过低\二次阅读2)理解单位和阅读逻辑�加大理解单位,变单词为意群组合----焦点训练法�可以合并为意群的成分:�副词�介词短语�分词短语�非谓语的不定式�主语和谓语或谓语和宾语�固定搭配例:Generally,in order to be preserved in the fossil record,organisms must prosess hard body parts such as shells or bones.Soft,fleshy structures are quickly destroyed by predators or decayed by bacteria.Even hard parts left on the surface for certain length of time will be destroyed.Therefore, organisms must be buried rapidly to escape destruction by elements and to be protected against agents of weathering and erosion.Marine organisms thus are better candidates for fossilization than those living on the land because the ocean is typically the site of sedimentation,whereas the land is largely the site of erosion.Generally,in order toprosess hard body parts such as shells or bones.Soft,fleshy structures are quickly destroyed by predators or decayed by bacteria.Even hard parts left on the surface for certain length of time will be destroyed. Therefore,organisms must be buried rapidly to escape destruction by elements and to be protected against agents of weathering and erosion.Marine organisms thus are better candidates for fossilization than those living on the land because the ocean is typically the site of sedimentation,whereas the land is largely the site of erosion.�构建阅读逻辑,变翻译为整体理解----强调一遍阅读法(3)文章的类型和题材1)文章类型::参见OG 第19页�顺承式:时间及时间发展线索.(线型结构)�分类式:分类方式及类别特征.(树型结构)�问题解决式\现象解释式:解决方案\解释及最终结论.(伞型结构)2)题材分类�自然科学a.生物学�植物学:植物的分类和特征�动物学:动物的分类和行为.鸟类\群体昆虫\海洋生物�微生物学:真菌(蘑菇\真菌的顽固)b.地理\地质学�地形\地貌特征:成因\分布\气候\生态\影响�地质事件:成因或原理\过程\影响c.天文学�具体的星体特征:基本特征(形状\距离\轨道\旋转\温度\质量);大气层(氢气\氦气\氨气\甲烷);表面特征;水和生命形式;人的探索�天文学事件:成因\过程\影响d.考古学�古生物:恐龙(灭绝),鸟类(进化史pterosau r→archaeopteryx →modern birds)�古代遗址\遗迹:中国的古代遗迹e.气象学�灾害性天气:成因\过程\危害\预防�天气预报:卫星\计算机技术f.新技术和新事物�发展史�特征及应用�人文科学a.美国历史�土人:生活\宗教\艺术�都市化过程:人口增长\城市扩张\交通发展\经济繁荣b.历史学和人类学�原始人生活变迁:游牧到定居(农业)�古代文明c.文学�流派:产生\思想\代表�作家:生平\作品d.绘画和雕塑�流派�类型:城市艺术�画家e.音乐�类型:country,ragtime…�乐器f.心理学:人类情感分析三.新托福阅读题型解析1.词汇题(V ocabulary Question)(1)词汇题简介和提问方式:参见OG第25页(2)词汇题的解答方法�认识:直接解题,沾边就对。
