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Biblioteka Baidu
• 获悉贵方对等样品以及最优惠价格,我们非常感 激。
• 贵方样品非常适合我们的需求,而且价格也很符 合市场价格。至于贵方所要求的500打为最低起 订量,恐怕我方很难订购如此多的量。在6月2号 的询盘函中我们特别指出每个款式的需求量为 300打,总共1500打。
• 如能尽可能地降低起订量,我们肯定很乐意与贵 方达成交易。我们期待您的同意。
• 关于贵方六月二日来函咨询我方是否能供应中 国丝绸围巾,作为回复,现我们给您另邮寄对 等样品,我们确信,对等样品几乎完全符合贵 方的样品。 • 款式编号1-4号:每打25美元成本保险运费到洛 杉矶 • 款式编号5号:每打30美元成本保险运费到洛杉 矶 • 货物能在收到信用证一个月内送到。 • 此发盘适用于起订量每种款式 500 打,本月底 前有效。 • 盼早日收到您的订单。
And now ….. Counter –offer
Dear Sirs, We acknowledge receipt of your counter samples together with your favorable quotation, for which we thank you. Your smples exactly match our needs and your prices are quite in line. However, as for the minimum quantity of 500 dozen per design you required, we regret that we cannot take so many. In our letter of enquiry dated June 2nd, we have pointed out that our demand for them is 300dozen per design, totaled 1,500 dozens. If any reduction in quantity is possible, we would, ofcourse, be pleased to conclude the first transaction with you. We await your agreement. Yours truly,
• Dear Sirs, In reply to your letter of June 24, requesting us to reduce the required minimum quantity for order to 300 dozen per design, we wish to point out that it is our practice to set a smallest quantity for any sale by buyer’s sample or counter sample. However, we have decided to comply with your request, in the hope to initiate business with you. Accordingly, we confirm the following: Article: Chinese Silk Scarves Design: Same as our samples No.1 to No.5 Specification: 50*50 cm Quantity: a total of 1,500 dozen, 300dozen per design Packing: Each in a poly-bag and every 5dozen in a box Price: USD 25 per dozen CIF Los Angeles for No.1 to No.4 USD 30 per dozen CIF Los Angeles for No.5 Payment: Draft at sight under an irrevocable L/C established within 10 days from date of our Sales Confirmation Shipment: Within 30 days upon receipt of your L/C Our Sales Confirmation in duplicate will follow in several days for your counter-signature. We trust this transaction will be a good beginning of our friendly business relations. Yours truly,
还盘信函的写作应该十分小心,这种信函应该包括如下内容: (1)对发盘人的感谢 (2)对由于某种原因无法接受发盘表示遗憾,同时解释原因 (3)对还盘的内容也就是自己所希望的交易条件提出建议 (4)希望对方能够接受自己方所提出的还盘建议 如果收盘人认为能够接受发盘的全部内容和条件,那么就可以向发 盘人定购商品。这种买方或者卖方同意对方在发盘中提出的各种交 易条件,并原意按照这些条件达成交易、订立合同的表示称为接受 (acceptance)。接受必须具备下列四项条件: (1)接受只能由收盘人做出 (2)接受必须是无条件的,完全同意发盘中提出的各项交易条件 (3)接受的方式必须符合发盘的要求 (4)接受必须在发盘规定的有效期内作出。
Task Four
Counter-offer and Acceptance
Background Knowledge
在接到发盘之后,收盘人必须对报盘内容进行认真研究。如果收盘 人认为发盘价格难以接受或者对其他条件不满意,既可以拒绝接受, 也可以向发盘人提出建议,要求对发盘内容进行修改。这种收盘人 对发盘内容进行变更的表示称为还盘(counter-offer)。 事实上,还盘既是收盘人对发盘的拒绝,又是收盘人以发盘人的地 位提出的新发盘。在交易磋商过程中,通过不断的还盘,买卖双方 逐渐在贸易条件上趋向一致,直到最后达成交易。 如果拒绝发盘,在信中应该明确说明拒绝的原因,同时应该表达希 望日后再开展贸易的希望。
• Let’s start from the offer !
II. Learn to read Dear Sirs, With reference to your letter of June 2nd, enquiring the possibility of supplying Chinese Silk Scarves, we are sending you by separate post our counter samples which, we are sure, almost exactly match your sample. Design No.1 to No.4 : USD 25 per dozen CIF Los Angeles. Design No.5 : USD 30 per dozen CIF Los Angeles. Shipment can be made in within one month from receipt of your Letter of Credit. The above offer is for the amount of not less than 500dozen per design and available up to the end of this month. We look forward to receiving your order at an earlier date. Sincerely yours,