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Feasible Study Reporton Expanding the 320,000 tonnes Casting of the Lost Foam with the continuing Casting of a 380m³ Blast-furnace Project(LFHF)Content1, The general remarks1.1 Outline1.2 The background and the construction necessary of the project 1.3 The basis and scope of design1.4 Guiding ideology and the principle of design1.5 Construction condition of the project1.6 The scale and plan of the product1.7 The technical of agglomeration and equipment1.8 Iron-smelting crafts and the main technical characteristic1.9 The craft characteristic of LOST FOAM CASTING1.10 Energy using, environmental protection,The labor safety and the industrial hygiene1.11 Fire prevention1.12 Work routines and work distribution1.13 Investment estimation1.14 Economic efficiency analysis1.15 Construction progress1.16 Main technology economic indicator1.17 Guestions and suggestion1.18 Conclusion2, The market forecast3, The supply of the material and fuel3.1 Raw material's supply3.2 Coke's supply3.3 Blast furnace gas supply3.4 Other raw materials3.5 Blast-furnace charge balance4, The iron-smelting craft4.1 Outline4.2 Design scale and work routine, product plan4.3 The summary of the iron-smelting craft flow4.4 Workshop arrangement and the craft plan characteristic 4.5, The trough system4.6, Supply system4.7 Blast furnace structure4.8 Blast furnace dimension and parameter4.9 Gusty areas platform and the casting house4.10 Blast furnaces blower system4.11 Hot-blast furnace system4.12 Gas system4.13 Powdered coal spurt and blow system4.14 Dreg iron processing system5, Agglomeration craft5.1 Design scale and productivity5.2 The material \ fuel and the ignition gas5.3 Technical processing5.4 Agglomeration balance5.5 Main equipment calculation5.6 Workshops6, The casting craft6.1 Outlines6.2 Construction scale and product plan6.3 Original helping material's supply6.4 Production crafts and main equipment6.5 The merit of LOST FOAM casting6.6 Production crafts characteristic6.7 The production line of LOST FOAM casting6.8 The equipment of LOST FOAM casting6.9 Workshops7, 2×3MW the blast furnace gas power set7.1 Design basis and scope7.2 Principles of design7.3 Units selection7.4 Combustion systems7.5 Main workshops' arrangement7.6 Freezing system and equipment selection7.7 Thermodynamic system7.8 Supply and drainage system7.9 Chemistry water treatment7.10 Electricity portion7.11 Hot- working controlling8, Public and ancillary facilities8.1 Assembly drawings transportation8.2 Construction8.3 Supply and drainage8.4 Power distribution and transmission8.5 Foundation automation8.6 Electric lightings8.7 Anti-radar and connection protection8.8 Telecommunication8.9 Heating and ventilation8.10 Dust removing8.11 Thermal energy9, Chemical examination and machinery repair 9.1 Analysis facilities9.2 Machinery repair10, Environmental protection10.1 Outlines10.2 Meteorological data10.3 Design basis10.4 Poject main sources of pollution and pollutant10.5 Contamination controlling measures10.6 Factory afforest10.7 Environment management organization and its monitor 10.8 Environmental protection investment10.9 Briefly analysis of environmental effect11, The labor safety and industrial hygiene11.1 Design basis11.2 Production unsafety factor and the occupation harm factor 11.3 Protection measures11.4 Investment on safty and health11.5 The forecast of investment on safty and health12, Fire protection12.1 Design basis12.2 Project outline12.3 The fire prevention designs13, The earthquake resistance13.1 The basis and principle of establishment13.2 Earthquake resistance13.3 Earthquake resistances design14, The energy analysis14.1 Outline14.2 Energy conservation measures14.3 Energy useing summary15, The works organization and work distribution16, Project operation program16.1 Construction cycling plan16.2 Various stages implementation progress plan17, Investment estimation17.1 Projects survey17.2 Total investment constitution17.3 Establishment basis17.4 Related instruction17.5 Total budgetary estimation tablesand synthesis budgetary estimation tables18, Technology and economic evaluation18.1 Outline18.2 Foundation data18.3 Financial appraisal18.4 ConclusionAppendix:(1) the design contract of the feasibility study report betwwen Fenxi County yuxia foundry limited company and Shanxi Province metallurgy design institute . (2) the feasible mandate of LFHF of YUXIA(3) the approval letter of LFHF project of Shanxi Province economical trade committee(4) The approval letter of power supply plan of Fenxi County power supply subsidiary company on the project(5) the approval letter of water supply of Fenxi County water conservation bureau(6) the approval letter of pollutant discharging control target of Fenxi County environmental protection bureau(7) the certification of the land using of Fenxi County people's government .(8) the approval letter of the land using of Linfen people's governmentAttached figure: general layout1, The General Remarks1.1 Outline1.1.1 Poject name, the undertaking unit and the person in chargeProject name: LFHF projectUndertaking unit: Fenxi County YUXIA foundry limited company Enterprise owner: Mrs.Duan Xiulan (chairman of the board)Project person in charge: Mr. Zhao Shuilong (President)Location:Tuanli town,tuanbo village,Fenxi county,shanxi province1.1.2 Enterprise Survey and Development Superiority1, Basic SituationFenxi County Yuxia foundry limited company constructed in 1997, private enterprise, was located at Tuanli town,tuanbo village,Fenxi county,shanxi province. The company had been established for ten years, in under the Chairman Duan Xiulan leadership, it has been making great progress ,as well as from melting-iron to LOST FOAM casting ,and the new craft innovation of LFHF project .Presently the company has the fixed asset 32 million RMB. And has been awarded by local goverment as the titleof "the model labor", "Advanced Individual", "the model of tax payment " "the advanced enterprise of adjustment industrial structure " and so on .The company has two branch companies ,smelting, with annually production of pig iron 20000T, and casting productivity 10000T. There is more than 300 staffs in the company, engineers and technicians 28 people, high-level title 3 people, intermediate title 3 people.the company has area of 46620 square-meter.with 3980sq-meter of Light steel structure workshop , work and life area 1680sq-meter, 300 meter mechanical well to supply all the needs of water. One 10KV high-electric wire can meet the needs of 4000KW elecric consumption.At present the company has the Casting、Rough machinery、Examination、Test equipments with high level technical and administrative staffs and self-research、design、manufacturing、test ability.The moist mold、the resin sand、lost foam mold production line has manifested the production pattern of small batch、multi-varieties、multi-specifications and high efficency management characteristic to satisfy all needs of our customers. Because of our rich nature resourses, it suits for prodcing lower material quality and single heavy product.The region of the company was set up " Lost foam process casting park by Fenxi county.in 2005 the company obtained both certificates,ISO9000 international quality system Authentication and the rank AA of credit unit of China Agriculture bank.In 2006 it has obtained the rights of import and export.The location of the company is 10 km to the north and south DAYUN road,16 km to the DAYUN expressway,13 km to the railway,only 200 km to TAIRMB airport,and 600km to Tianjing port 2, Project Superiority(1) r egion superiorityCompany is situated between Fenxi and Hongtong with convenient transportation , 15KM to NANTONGPU railway- zhaochen,and Huozhou railway station .10 KM to Dayun road and 16 KM to dayun high-way. 200KM to taiRMB airport. 600 KM to tianjin port.(2) R esources SuperiorityFenxi County has extremely rich mineral resources, such as iron ore, power coal, the coke ect. the power supply is guaranteed with cheapper price.high-quality product made by blast furnace with lower S and P,can meet varoius needs of casting.(3) Technical SuperiorityThe company has many experienced technical workers .and have been establishing long term relations with Xi'an technical university, TaiRMB technical university on talent training,product development,teechnical cooperation ect.(4) Industrial SuperiorityThe LFHF project is more effective and economic and supported by goverment,which conforms to the industrial policy, and the market economy.1.2 The background and Construction Necessary of the Project1.2.1 The BackgroundWith the Provincial readjustment of the economic structure ,many talented entrepreneurs has been emerged to become a main new force in this traditional industry.Shanxi probably has more than 2,000 years history in casting,esp, in Jincheng's Yangcheng, Yangquan's Pingding and Lingfen. with the development of industrial production in the world, Shanxi has constantly played important role in this field because of rich natural resoures,labor cast,and innovation technical ability ect.1.2.2 Construction Necessity1, the Tendency of Industrial DevelopmentComparing to the ancient magnificent asting product, as well as the dynasty of Xia,Shang,Zhou's bronzeware,at present our casting technical should get further progress. furthermore ,there is big disparity comparing to overseas. the casting industry is important role in the manufacturing industry .The related statistical data indicated that our country's casting output have continuously been situated the first one in the world in six years since 2002. but our comparing to every aspects to the casting powerful nation is still not enough,such as synthesis quality, material quality structure, cost, energy consumption, benefit and clean production.Our country approximately has 24,000 casting enterprises that ismore than the developed country , but our productivity is lower than US, Germany ,Japan ect.as well as we yearly produce 10 tons , some be 30 tons, but US, Germany are 46 tons to 60 tons, Japan is 60 tons to 85 tons, the disparity is obvious.Our country factories yearly produces more than 500 tons, but Japan is 4,700 tons, Germany is 4,300 tons, US is 4,280 tons. 80% of factory produce low-grade ,ordinary casting , but production efficiency low, labor intensity big, environmental pollution is serious. In order to guarantee the casting precision degree and underlying tissues's uniformity, compactness, simultaneously enhanced the production efficiency, many factories has been using the advanced production equipment , including the advanced modelling production line,According to casting size characteristic, the most advanced vertical shaper, the high pressure shooting sand, the two-sided extrusion takes shape modelling production line, namely DISAMATIC modelling production line;To the complex structure, medium volume(generally in 20~60kg), and requesting better casting surface , the resin granulated substance modelling line production has been used;To the drilling press, the housing, the counterweight and so on would be used the LOST FOAM casting.In order to enhance the casting industry overall level, expand export and satisfy the need of the market development, the advanced production equipment should be set up to benefit the regional resoures , form a industrial chain and impel a common prosperity.2, the needs of enterprise' s developmentAt present the company yearly produces pig iron 20,000 tons, the casting shot for mill, the drilling press fitting ,the counterweight casting 10,000 tons.According to document of [ 1,998 ] 40 ,2002 of National MetallurgicalBureau , the blast furnace below 100m3 will be eliminated or closed the end of Nov. 2003.For a further development,and to make a great progress and become a strong company,the company has made a decision for expanding the LOST FOAM casting scale on producing counterweight,drilling press, casting shot for mill ect. we have been making a great achievement on LFHF for years.The LFHF project not only conforms to the national environmental protection policy, but also deepens the industrial structure, guarantees the needs of the enterprise interior product scale .After this project goes into production, the products will export to US, Iran, Japan ect. Simultaneously we will make a further domestic market. gradually enhances the product scale, to adapt the new international environmental variation.After the project project goes into production, with reduceing the environmental pollution, simultaneously the project implementation may solve the local partial empolyment.1.3 the Basis and Scope of Design1.3.1 Design Basis(1) t he design contract of the feasibility study report betwwen FenxiCounty yuxia foundry limited company and Shanxi Province metallurgy design institute .(2) Appointment letter of the feasible study/design of LFHF of YUXIA(3) the approval letter of LFHF project of Shanxi Province economical trade committee(4) The approval letter of power supply plan of Fenxi County power supply subsidiary company on the project(5) the approval letter of water supply of Fenxi County waterconservation bureau(6) the approval letter of pollutant discharging control target ofFenxi County environmental protection bureau(7) the certification of the land using of Fenxi County people'sgovernment .(8) the approval letter of the land using of Linfen people'sgovernment1.3.2 the scope of establishmentthe design content including a 380m3 blast furnace, 62m2 agglomeration, 320,000 ton /a LOST FOAM casting workshop, 2×3MW heating power station and so on ancillary facilities .(1) plant design:the whole processing crafts from the original materials to the molten iron . the assembly drawing transportation, the heating ventilation, the dust removal, supply and draining water, the electricity, the correspondence, the measuring appliance automation, the construction, the machinery repair and analysis, heating and energy conservation, fire prevention, environmental protection, the labor safety and the industrial hygiene. The study do not include the work and life ancillary facilities .(2) non- stardard equipment design;(3) investment estimation and economic efficiency analysis.1.4 the guiding ideology and principle of design(1) Seriously implement national industrial policy and national economical trade commitee about controlling total quantity, the optimized structure, the elimination of backwardness craft and technical equipment to improve the metallurgical industry development quality and spirit of benefit .To establish a new craft production line of LFHF, makes the factorymore economic efficiency, and meets the needs of international market.(2) the LFHF craft is a new advanced, reliable, economical equipment with the advanced smelting craft as well as the blast furnace - intermediate frequency furnace molten iron LOST FOAM casting caft.(3) Reasonable organization and design According to company's situation. and take consideration of using original production ancillary facilities.(4) To save the investment is the criterion of design.(5) Highly pay attention on the environmental protection and energy conservation .1.5 construction condition of project1.5.1 the Supply of the Raw Material and FuelAfter the LFHF project goes into production, the annual production is pig iron 425,600 tons. Approximately needs the coke 201,300 tons,The 62m2 belt type agglomerating machine, the annual production amounts to 615,000 tons.The casting factory yearly produces the casting prodcuts 320,000 tons, with consumption of the polystyrene plastic approximately 800 tons.The local resources is extremely rich that can satisfy the needs of the accessory material as well as limestone, the dolomite, the casting granulated substance and so on.1.5.2 Power SupplyEstimatly the installed capacity is 19000KW, the work capcity is 9710KW.1.5.3 Water SupplyThe project water consuption amounts 150m3/h, the water resources is much sufficient.1.5.4 TransportationCompany is situated between Fenxi and Hongtong with convenient Transportation , 15KM to NANTONGPU railway- zhaochen,and Huozhou railway station .10 KM to Dayun road and 16 KM to dayun high-way. 200KM to taiRMB airport. 600 KM to tianjin port.1.6 the Scale and Plan of the ProductTo produce the casting products 320,000 tons yearly , the casting shot 100,000 tons, heavy and medium mechanical counterweight 200,000 tons, 300,000pcs of the mechanical housing and tussor beds fittingsProduct paln:Elevator, oil field counterweight, ship counterweight, power plant, mine, wear-resisting, tussor beds fitting, automobile, truck middle-grade casting fittings.1.7 Agglutinatng Technical Equipment(1) to use advanced agglutinating technical process as well as small ball agglomeration, the fuel recharge ect. Higher utilization factor and lower fuel consumption( 10-20%).(2) to use the automatic weight ingredient.to use limestone high agglutinating technology.to Use the 62m2 belt type agglutinating machine,The dust removal system selects high efficeincy and energe saving such the high efficiency blower sysem.(3) the main equipment selects the advanced reliable equipment suchas the belt type agglutinating machine, convulsion cycling machine ,mixture machine(4) advanced electrical controller and automation such as DCS control system composited by PLC(5) environmental protection.The dust remover control the agglutinating process ,the density discharge no more than 100mg/m3.The production water recycle using,1.8 iron-smelting crafts and the main technical characteristicsome partial systems have been enhancing comparing to related system :(1) the fuel and material selection measure.(2) the high-pressured operation and computer controller , .(3) the blast furnace capacity is 380m3. big portal frameconstruction, with 14 blow-exit , 1 iron gate, 2 leaving-exit.(4) the blast furnace has 1 rectangular casting house, 1 iron gate.the 35t molten iron tanker transports the molten iron.(5) the blast-furnace cinder completely flushed by water .(6) equiped three high temperature ball type hot-blast stove,designed wind temperature 1,150 ℃(7) double pipe heat interchanger recycling smoke waste gas(8) in order to strengthen the environmental protection, reduce thedust pollution, to set up dust remover at every dust spot,1.9 the Craft Characteristic of the LOST FOAM casting.1, complete foam plastics model set inside for casting2, the dry granulated substance(sand) to vibrate model,3, one casting will use one foam plastics model4, the artificial pattern making is various , can made by hand5, the casting surface just have to be processing at some portion 1.10 Energy Using, the Environmental Protection,the Labor Safety and the Industrial Hygiene1.10.1 Energy UsingThe extension project main energy consumption equipment: Agglomeration, the blast furnace, the hot-blast stove, the foundry, the crude fuel transportation processing facility, the dust remover and the water treatment facility and so on.The energy consumption is 482kg/t iron, that satisfies "Iron and steel enterprises Designs Energy conservation Technology Stipulation"(490kg/t).1.10.2 Environmental ProtectionTo reduce the waste gas ,the recycling coal gas,the surplus gas generates electricityTo recycling the water with water treatment.To reduce the noise pollutionPolystyrene and PMMA burning while casting produce the carbon monoxide,the carbon dioxide, the water and other hydrocarbon gas that lower than Europe standard.all design will prodcue better environment benefit.1.10.3 Security and Industrial HygieneTo build according to "Metallurgy Construction Earthquake resistance Design Standard"Every kind of equipment 's installment must meet national stanard 1.11 Fire ProtectionStrictly followed the "Architectural design Fire protection Standard" and "iron and steel enterprise assembly drawing transportation design standard "1.12 Work Routines and Work Distributionthree shit / 24 hrs1200 staffs1.13 Investment EstimationThe project investment estimation is made by its design content, including : 62m²agglomeration, workshops, the LFHF workshops, 320,000 tons LOST FOAM casting ,6MW heating power station and so on ,other ancillary facilities as well as water treatment, transformer substation, assembly drawing transportation, outside network and so on.Project investment estimation 498.89 millionRMB:The architectural construction 97.3769 millionRMBThe installation work 33.0358 million RMBThe equipments 293.154 millionRMBOthers 17.76 millionRMBPreparation cost 6.2428 millionRMBIterest of construction period 10.43 millionRMBCurrent capital 1.84 millionRMB1.14 Economic Efficiency AnalysisThrough all datum 's indicator,The financial interior income rate is 31.68%The financial current value is 683.5 million RMB (Ic=12%)Before the income tax it is 42.63%, and the financial current value is 1.14719 billionRMB(Ic=12%).That means the profit ability satisfies the profession request, the project in the finance is feasible.The investment recycling time after income tax is 4 years and 9months 40days(including construction preiod),On the contrary,before income tax just 4.19years,that is faster than the profession datum recycling time.1.15 Construction ProgressAccording to the situation, the construction cycle is two years, experiment producing 3 months, then will carry on the production designed output.1.16 Main Technology Economic Indicator1.17 Questions and Suggestions1, the blast furnace with rich oxygen blowing is one of iron-smelting energy conservation measure that will not take consideration due to lack of fund.2, after it goes into production, for the guarantee of the raw material structure entered reasonablly , will take a consideration of the acidic ball project3, to suggest carrying on the environmental effect appraisal work as soon as possible.1.18 conclusion(1) the LFHF project conforms to national and the Shanxi Province industrial policy request.(2) It has taken the effective environmental protection government measures in desiging(3) sufficient material resources as well as transportation, water supply and the power supply(4) the economic efficiency forecast indicated that the project has the better benefit.In summary, this project conforms to the industrial policy, and should implement as soon as possible to make the contribution for the local economy development .2, Market ForecastThe casting market development has been developed swiftly sine the enter of the new century . the mechanical industry have continuously increased by 15% rate for 6 years. according to the Chinese mechanical industry federation statistics, in 2003 our country mechanical industry investment grows 65.8%.The industry increased 556.3 billion RMB, comparing to the sametime in 2002 that grows 25.89%, generating set grows 72.5%, the numerical control tussor beds grows 46.2%, the automobile grows 33%, (passenger vehicle grows 81.4%).View the international market, the world casting total demand quantity about 80 million tons, all countries' casting product produced mainly for their own using. only 20 million tons casting is marketing in the world . As a result of the labor force, the raw material, the energy, the environmental protection cost the developed countries casting output has been reduced and shifted to developing countries. For example, Japan need to import casting products above 2 million tons yearly, they have to purchase from international market such as China, India, South Korea and Taiwan,excepting for their establishment of sole ownership or joint -venture as well as Malaysia, Vietnam, Indonesia. in recent years ,many other countries also need to import from China like Korea,US, England, Australia, Canada.In 1999 an American market investigation in American weistar university's indicated that, in the future 6 to 10 years , the LOST FOAM casting would have a bright future: in 1990 6% of aluminum alloy casting .to Estimate in 2007, will be 29% of aluminum alloy casting .in 1997, the gray iron and the nodular cast iron will aslo get more growth, presently approximately 2% , and in 2009 that will increase to 15% .At present domestic and foreign automobile industry, drilling machine industry, mining industry and mechanical manufacturing industry has been on a vigorous development time, esp, the LFHF proect will make a new casing revolutionary on casting product like bob-weight casting.our country need 2 million tons of casting shot for mill and mechanical counterweight over 8 million tons. recently our company have obtained an exportation intention on cast ball and bob weight casting with US, Iran, Mongolia.In summary, the casting market has a very bright prospect.3, the Material and Fuel Supply3.1 To expand the LFHF project needs the pig iron 300,000 tons,the polystyrene plastic 900 tons.After it goes into production, the annual production pig iron 425,600 tons, the agglomerating approximately is 610,000 tons, the ball group, the lump ore approximately 140,000 tons, the coke 201,300 tons.The expand of 1×62m2 belt type agglutinating machine, the annual production agglomerating amounts to 615,000 tons, annually need hard raw material contained iron 502,000 tons.The agglomeration, the iron ore qualitative index table3.2 Cokes SupplyThe first rank of melting coke .physics and chemistry performance table3.3 Blast Furnaces as SupplyBlast furnace gas is from self -producedthe coal gas, the consumption approximately 40% (37080m3/h), agglomeration needs 3700m3/h, the surplus partial gases (51920m3/h) generates electricity.gas ingredient3.4 Other Raw MaterialsLimestone qualitative index3.5 Blast-Furnaces Charge BalanceThe furnace charge structure : High alkalinity agglomeration 80%, acidic ball 15%, native ore 5%. the complex statutes of Entering the stove is bigger than 58%. consumption 1.65t/tFe. the blast furnace capacity using rate 3.2t/m3d,4, The Iron-Smelting Craft4.1 OutlineThe LFHF project has taken an advanced technology craft to realize the goal of t "high quality, the high production, the low consumption, the longevity, the environmental protection" .4.2 Design Scales , the Work Routine and the Product Plan4.2.1 Design ScalesThe project is the LFHF workshop,the blast furnace capacity using rate 3.2t/m3d, the annual production of pig iron 425,600 tons.4.2.2 Work RoutinesContinuous working system for iron-smelting workshop , 350 days/year.4.2.3 Product Plan(1) The pig iron output380m3 blast furnace productivity :Q =n·V·η·T=1×380×3.2×350=425600t/yearformula:n--blast furnaceV-- dischargeable capacity,m3η-- capacity using rate,t/m3. dT--blast furnace working days,d(2) Product PlanPrimarily produce pig iron4.2.4 Iron-Smelting System Materials Balance Sheet(ten thousand tons/year-t-t/t/year)。

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报告的这部分应说明收集信息或资料的方法 和步骤。在报告中注明提供这一信息可以增 强报告的真实性和客观性 A sample of workers was individually asked for their opinions. A questionnaire was completed by those who were surveyed in this project. The information was mainly achieved with a number of telephone c7alls to manufacturers. 精选ppt
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可行性报告范文 英文

Feasibility Report SampleIn the realm of business and project management, conducting feasibility studies is a crucial step in determining the viability of a proposed project or initiative. A feasibility report serves as a comprehensive assessment that evaluates various aspects of the project to determine if it is feasible and worth pursuing. This report outlines the key components of a typical feasibility study and provides insight into the process of assessing the feasibility of a project. IntroductionThe purpose of this feasibility report is to assess the viability of implementing a new marketing strategy for a multinational corporation looking to expand its market share in the Asia-Pacific region. The objective of the proposed project is to increase brand awareness, customer engagement, and ultimately drive sales in the target market.Market AnalysisA thorough market analysis is essential in determining the feasibility of the proposed marketing strategy. This includes an evaluation of the target market, competitive landscape, consumer behavior, and market trends. The Asia-Pacific region offers significant growth opportunities for the company, with a large and diverse consumer base. However, intense competition and cultural differences must be taken into consideration when developing the marketing strategy. Technical FeasibilityThe technical feasibility of the project involves assessing the resources, technology, and infrastructure required to implement the new marketing strategy. This includes evaluating the company's existing marketing capabilities, the availability of skilled personnel, and the need for any additional technology or tools to support the initiative. A thorough analysis of the technical aspects is crucial to ensure the successful implementation of the project.Financial AnalysisA comprehensive financial analysis is a critical component of the feasibility report. This involves estimating the costs associated with implementing the new marketing strategy, including advertising, promotional activities, personnel expenses, and technology investments. Additionally, revenue projections and return on investment (ROI) calculations are essential in determining the financial viability of the project. A detailed financial analysis helps in assessing the potential risks and rewards of the proposed initiative.Risk AssessmentIdentifying and evaluating potential risks is essential in assessing the feasibility of the project. Risks may arise from various sources, including market volatility, regulatory changes, competitive pressures, and internal challenges. Conducting a thorough risk assessment enables the project team to develop mitigation strategies and contingency plans to address potential challenges that may impact the success of the project.ConclusionIn conclusion, the feasibility report provides a comprehensive assessment of the proposed marketing strategy for the multinational corporation in the Asia-Pacific region. The analysis of market dynamics, technical requirements, financial implications, and risk factors suggests that the project is feasible and has the potential to yield positive results for the company. However, it is essential to address the identified risks and challenges effectively to ensure the successful implementation of the new marketing strategy.Overall, the feasibility report serves as a valuable tool for decision-makers to evaluate the potential of a project and make informed choices regarding its implementation. Conducting a thorough feasibility study helps in minimizing risks, maximizing opportunities, and ultimately achieving the desired outcomes.。
学术英语(人文社科类)Unit 10幻灯片课件

Unit 10 The Study of Politics as a Science
Text A
Critical reading and thinking of Text A
Text Analysis
When the national unemployment rate is greater than seven percent at the time of the election, presidential incumbents are not reelected.
学术英语(人文社科类)Unit 10
Unit 10 The Study of Politics as a Science
Text A
Critical reading and thinking of Text A
Text Analysis
Major sub-fields (Para 1) eight major sub-fields
Unit 10 The Study of Politics as a Science
Text A
Critical reading and thinking of Text A
Text Analysis
5. Clear, consistent, objective writing →avoid the use of impressionistic or metaphorical language; →persuade through their command of the facts and their ability to relate those facts to theories; →clarity and concision (e.g. clearly define terms/concepts) →operationalize key terms →operationalization: the process of specifying the extension of a concept – describing what is and is not a part of that concept

Strategic Planning – A Framework for IT Systems Development
● Strategic planning is the process of identifying long-term organizational goals, strategies, and resources
– Many smaller companies rely on one person to evaluate system requests instead of a committee
– The goal is to evaluate the requests (feasibility test) and set priorities
– Means that a project can be implemented in an acceptable time frame
Evaluating Feasibility
● The first step in evaluating feasibility is to identify and weed out systems requests that are not feasible
● In this phase, you will learn how IT projects get started and how a systems analyst evaluates a proposed project and determines its feasibility(可行性)
Information Systems Projects
● Main Reasons for Systems Projects

DISCUSSION DRAFTFeasibility Study Reportfor_____________ Co., Ltd[Date]Feasibility Study Report forI. Basic Information(1) Name, legal address, legal form, purpose, business scope and scale of the whollyforeign-owned e nterprise (the “Company”)1. Name of the Company:Chinese:English:2. Legal Address:Shanghai, People’s Republic of China3. Legal Form:The Company will be a wholly foreign-owned enterprise with limited liability. Theliability of the Investor will be limited to its registered capital contribution ofUS$__________.With the approval of its Board of Directors and the relevant approval authorities,the Company may establish branch offices inside China.4. Purpose:The purpose of the Company shall be to establish and operate a manufacturingfacility for the production of _________ and other related products (the“Products”); to carry out its business, reduce production costs and gain acompetitive position in the market in quality and price by adopting advancedtechnology and management methods, so as to raise economic results andensure satisfactory financial returns for the owners.5. Scope of Business:6. Business Scale:It is estimated that the business revenue of the Company will be about RMB___________ in the first year of operation and will increase to about RMB___________ in the fifth year of operation.There will be ___ employees on establishment of the Company. It is anticipatedthere will be ___ employees in two years time.(2) Name, place of registration, and legal address of the investor (the “Investor”) and name,title and nationality of the legal representative1. Investor’s Name:2. Place of Registration:3. Legal Address:4. Legal Representative:Title: ChairmanNationality:(3) Total investment, registered capital, method of capital contribution, source of funds andtiming of capital contribution1. Total Investment: US$_________2. Registered Capital: US$_________3. Method of Capital Contribution and Source of Funds:Method of Capital Contribution:US$________ in cash will be contributed as registered capital.Source of Funds: The Investor.4. Timing of Capital Contribution:The registered capital shall be contributed in cash according to the followschedule:Time of contribution Amount of contributionWithin three (3) months following the dateof the issuance of the business license $_______ Cash(4) Term of Operation and Distribution of Profits1. Term of Operation: 50 years2. Distribution of Profits:Profits available for distribution to the Investor will be distributed pursuant to thedecision of the Board of Directors in accordance with the provisions of theCompany’s Articles of Association.(5) Overview, Conclusion, Problems and Suggestions of the Feasibility Study Report1. Overview:As is indicated in this Feasibility Study Report, the Investor is of the opinion thatthe market conditions and development prospects of China are favorable for theestablishment of a wholly foreign-owned enterprise in Shanghai for the purposeof establishing and operating a manufacturing facility for the production of__________ and other related products (the “Products”); to perform theseoperations, reduce production costs and gain competitive position in the marketin quality and price by adopting advanced technology and management methods,so as to raise economic results and ensure satisfactory financial returns for theowners.2. Conclusion:On the basis of the findings of this feasibility study, the Investor believes that it isfeasible to proceed with an application to establish a wholly foreign-ownedenterprise in Shanghai, for the purpose of establishing and operating amanufacturing facility for the production of ________ and other related products(the “Products”); to perform these operations, reduce production costs and gaincompetitive position in the market in quality and price by adopting advancedtechnology and management methods, so as to raise economic results andensure satisfactory financial returns for the owners.3. Problems and Suggestions:The Investor is well aware that the establishment of any new business ventureentails a certain risk, and the establishment of the Company will not be anexception to this rule. After analysis, however, the Investor is confident that thelong-term prospects of the Company will justify the investment contemplatedhereunder.II. Business Procedures & Market Forecast(1) Business Procedures[The raw materials will be imported; these imports will gradually be phased out and replaced with locally sourced components and materials as available. The finished products will be packaged for export and domestic sales.](2) Market ForecastYear after start-up Anticipated business revenueYear 1 RMBYear 2 RMBYear 3 RMBYear 4 RMBYear 5 RMB(3) BasisThe revenue projections are based on the business plan, market research, initial staffing and comparable annual growth estimations of other regions in Asia.III. Arrangements Concerning Supply of Raw Materials and Components and Accessories (including Energy Sources and Transportation etc.) and Basis therefore(1) Arrangement for Supplies of Raw Materials and Components and Accessories[The components and accessories etc. required for the production, such as ____________, etc. will be initially imported from abroad and gradually replaced with locally sourced materials.](2) Energy SourcesWater:[The supply of water usually provided by the property management of the premises should suffice.]Electricity:The Company will require electricity for lighting, air-conditioning, office automation equipment, machines, manufacturing equipment and ancillary facilities. The supply of ___KVA provided by the property manager of office buildings should suffice.(3) Transportation[Based on the need of the Company, vehicles will be purchased/ leased].IV. Selection of Location and Basis thereforeShanghai was selected as the site for the Company because it has the appropriate office space, production premises, services and facilities to support the Company’s management and employees and their business requirements.V. Technology, Production and Office Equipment and Production Procedures(1) TechnologyDuring the initial period after the establishment of the Company and start-up of its operation, the Company will primarily utilize the advanced production technologies of the Investor and its affiliated companies.(2) Production and Office Equipment(3) Production ProceduresThe productions procedures of the Company shall be as follows.VI. Organization of the Company(1) ShareholderThe Investor shall be the Company’s single shareholder (the “Shareholder”). TheShareholder shall be the highest authority of the Company(2) Board of DirectorsThe Board of Directors shall be the highest management authority of the Company. Itshall discuss and determine all major issues regarding the Company.(3) ManagementThe Company will adopt a management system under which the management organization will be responsible to and under the leadership of the Board of Directors.The Company will have one general manager, to be appointed by the Board of Directors of the Company. The general manager will be responsible for the day-to-day operations of the Company.(4) Size and Composition of Staff(5) SalariesThe salaries and remuneration of the Company’s staff shall be determined by theBoard of Directors in its sole discretion. Subject to the requirements of local andnational law, th e Company’s staff shall be employed in accordance with labourcontracts which shall be entered into between the Company and each individualmanagerial or working staff.VII. Environmental Protection, Labor Safety and Health Facilities[The Company will use production equipment, raw materials and technologies which will have minimal adverse effect on the environment. No waste gas or industrial liquid will be produced in the production process of the Company. A small quantity of solid waste, daily-life rubbish and domestic sewage will be recycled or will be properly released and discharged to the designated sites in compliance with the relevant environmental protection regulations or will be collected and disposed of by professional institutions of solid waste recycling. The level of noises created in the production of the Company willbe in compliance with the relevant standards prescribed by the State and the Shanghai Municipality.]VIII. Method and Progress Schedule of ConstructionAt its initial stage, the Company will use existing factory buildings by way of lease.IX. FinancingThe Company’s entire registered capital of US$________ will be financed by the Investor’s own fund and will be injected into the Company in United States Dollar in c ash. X. Overall Analysis1. Overheads and Depreciation: Refer to Attachment A2. Taxes and Total Costs: Refer to Attachment B3. Cash Flow, Earning Rate and Investment Recovery Period: Refer toAttachment CAttachments:A Balance SheetB Statement of IncomeC Statement of Cash Flow(No text on this page; this page is solely for the purpose of signature.)Signature:Name:Title: Authorized RepresentativeDate:1112。
可行性分析报告feasibility report 英文版 内容详细

Model Answer A Marketing OptionEnglish for International Students UnitBusiness Management English Presessional 2013BME COVER SHEET AND DECLARATIOND E C L A R A T I O NBy completing the above, I declare that this submission is my work; that it has been written in my own words; and that all references, direct or indirect, to other published or unpublished sources have been accurately acknowledged using the Harvard Referencing System.Report to Investigate the Feasibility of Launching Satisfying Soups in Birmingham, UKLorraine MightySeptember 2013Contents1. Executive Summary (4)2. Introduction (4)3. UK Market Analysis (4)3.1 PESTEL Analysis (4)3.2 Target Market (6)3.3 Porter’s Five Forces Analysis (7)4. USP of Satisfying Soups (9)5. First Year Cash Flow Forecast for Satisfying Soups (10)Analysis of Cash Flow Forecast (11)6. Marketing Plan (11)6.1 Product (11)6.2 Place (12)6.4 Promotion (13)6.5 People (13)6.6 Process (13)6.7 Physical Evidence (13)7. Conclusion (13)8. Recommendations (14)9. Reference List (15)10. Appendices (16)Appendix 1: EAT Soup Menu (16)Appendix 2: Projuice Price List – Soups (17)List of Tables & FiguresFigure 1: Mobile phone ownership, by platform provider, October 2011 (Mintel, 2012b) (5)Figure 2: Consumer attitudes towards social networking sites, March 2011 (Mintel, 2011a) (6)Table 1: First Year Cash Flow Forecast for Satisfying Soups (10)Figure 3: Enticements towards particular dishes, May 2008 (Mintel, 2008) ..................................... (12)1. Executive SummaryThis report assesses the feasibility of launching Satisfying Soups, a soup foodservice outlet in the UK.A combination of in-depth research into the target market and competitors and the application of business tools such as PESTEL and Porter’s Five Forces has enabled a robust evaluation of the viability of this proposition. As a result, it has been determined that although the foodservice sector is competitive and the UK is going through a period of austerity, Satisfying Soups will be successful if it capitalises on some key opportunities for gaining competitive advantage that current players in the market do not appear to have exploited to date.2. IntroductionThe decision was made to investigate the launch of this new service in the UK because this is my birth country and so I am familiar with the general business market. A foodservice outlet was chosen as I have experience of working in the food and beverage sector. Additionally, each aspect of my career to date has had a strong focus on delivering outstanding customer service, which is something that I find very rewarding. Therefore, I have an understanding of the practical requirements and enthusiasm needed to make this business a success.Based on my awareness of the UK economic and obesity crises frequently discussed in the media, I, therefore, decided to examine the viability of selling an economical and healthy soup snack with the idea that customers would be able to purchase the soup from retail outlets located in areas with a large number of passers-by at lunchtime.In this report, I will explain my idea to set up a private limited company called Satisfying Soups to sell healthy soup snacks and analyse whether it would be feasible to launch this service in Birmingham. Firstly, a market analysis will be carried out and the Unique Selling Point of Satisfying Soups will be identified. A marketing plan will be designed and, finally, conclusions from this analysis will be drawn and some recommendations offered.3. UK Market Analysis3.1 PESTEL AnalysisThe UK has a stable, democratic political system currently headed by a coalition government. As the country recovers from the 2008 banking crisis, and subsequent recession, the government is heavily focused on achieving economic stability via public spending cuts and increasing VAT (Datamonitor, 2011). The social impact of this can be seen in public sector pay freezes and a significant increase in unemployment which, in 2010, stood at a 12 year high (Datamonitor, 2011). Alongside rising food, petrol and energy prices, these factors have led to a fall in consumer confidence and spending power (GMID, 2012a). Such conditions seem unfavourable in relation to establishing a business within the UK. However, an analysis of the UK’s legal system offers a more opti mistic view.Datamonitor (2011:26), states that “The [UK] government has made continuous efforts to ensure that the overall [legal] environment is conducive to business.” Examples of this welcoming business environment include the fact that there are only six required steps when establishing a new business in the UK (Datamonitor, 2011) and that corporation tax was reduced in April 2012 from 28% to 26% and will continue to “...be reduced by one percentage point a year to reach 23% by 2014-15” (Datamonitor, 2011:27). The government’s commitment to ensuring the UK is open for business is further illustrated in its directive to UK banks that they must “...increase lending or else...face more bank levies, taxes and bonus taxes” (Datamonitor, 2011:18).A significant technological factor to consider is the market penetration of smartphones in the UK, as illustrated in Figure 1 (Mintel, 2012b). When combined with the tendency for mobile phone users to regularly check their handsets throughout the day (ibid), this presents the innovative opportunity for businesses to advertise via mobile and social media marketing channels as an alternative to traditional advertising channels (ibid).Base: 15,000 mobile phone users aged 13+Figure 1: Mobile phone ownership, by platform provider, October 2011 (Mintel, 2012b)Source: ComScore MobiLens/MintelDue to the fact that 73% of internet users have a Facebook page (Mintel, 2011a), which can also be accessed via smartphones, Facebook would appear to be a key advertising channel. However, Figure 2 (ibid) shows that two thirds of consumers are oblivious to advertising on social network sites and over half state they are not influenced by such adverts. In contrast, 22% of consumers appear to see value in location-based services that offer real-time discounts within their locality (ibid). As a result, businesses are using these types of services alongside establishing their own social network page as viral marketing methods (ibid).Base: 1,597 internet users aged 16+ who use social networking sitesFigure 2: Consumer attitudes towards social networking sites, March 2011 (Mintel, 2011a) Source: GMI/MintelAs a result of social and political campaigning, food wastage has become a topical issue for both businesses and consumers (Mintel, 2012a). With this in mind, consideration must be given to how waste can be minimised through effective stock control and disposed of in an environmentally friendly and ethical manner. In the case of Satisfying Soups, daily waste could be transferred to local soup kitchens to be distributed to the homeless within the city.Overall, this analysis suggests that whilst the UK offers a promising environment for establishing Satisfying Soups, the economic climate and its social impacts may make it difficult to maintain the business. Environmental issues must be considered in order to build a sustainable and ethical business model and technology will need to be utilised efficiently in order to maximise exposure of our brand to our target market.3.2 Target MarketWith longer life expectancy and increased awareness of health issues, it seems that consumers in the UK are striving to improve their eating habits and incorporate a well-balanced diet into their lifestyle (GMID, 2011a). As such, the healthy properties of soup could be looked upon favourably by consumers. However, further research suggests that women are more health conscious and more likely to eat soup than men (GMID, 2012a; Mintel, 2011b). Indeed, Mintel (2011c) states that “...48% of men did not buy or eat soup in the past year as opposed to just a third of all women” (s.Executive Summary). Therefore, the core target market of Satisfying Soups will be women.As the main trade will focus on lunch, it is anticipated that most customers will be employed and self-employed people in the local area. However, it must be noted that with increased working pressures as a result of the recession (GMID, 2012a), the length of time spent on lunch breaks has reduced. In a recent survey of office workers, 56% of respondents said they took less than 30 minutes for lunch (ibid). As a result, convenience has become a key driver for consumers within the foodservice industry (GMID, 2011b).With regard to age group, although in the UK consumer expenditure on food and non-alcoholic beverage is highest amongst the 30-39 and 40-49 year-old age brackets (GMID, 2012b), Mintel (2011b) highlights that “those that make their own lunch at home the most often...tend to be the most a ffluent”( s.How Often Do Consumers Make Their Own Lunch?). It goes on to state that people with children are more likely to have homemade lunches (ibid). This data is somewhat corroborated by a further report which states that nearly 30% of working 16-34 year-olds eat soup for lunch (Mintel, 2011c). Therefore, Satisfying Soups will focus on this age bracket.3.3 Porter’s Five Forces Analysis3.3.1 Competitive Rivalry – Indirect CompetitorsFast food chains could be seen as indirect competitors, but with McDonalds and KFC now displaying calorie information on their menus (GMID, 2012a), it could be argued that our target market is less likely to use these as regular lunchtime options.A further competitive threat comes from “healthy fast casual chains” (Mintel, 2011b panies and Products – Foodservice Brands – Other Lunchtime Foods). These establishments focus on providing healthier lunchtime options such as sushi or salads and also have a strong focus on ethical, sustainable and/or locally sourced ingredients (ibid). However, many of these businesses, for example Abokado, Canteen and Pod, are currently only located within London and the South East, meaning that this is still a niche market (ibid). Consequently, should Satisfying Soups be established in another city, the impact from these outlets is likely to be negligible.3.3.2 Competitive Rivalry – Direct CompetitorsThe most direct competition comes from retailers focused on the ‘grab-and-go’ lunchtime trade. Figure 1 illustrates that the market is dominated by grocery stores and supermarkets which achieve significant market penetration across a large demographic (15-44 year olds) due to their prominent presence on the high street (Mintel, 2011b).Perhaps the most significant competitive threat derives from foodservice brands such as EAT, Pret-a-Manger and Philpotts, all of which provide soups alongside their other products (Mintel, 2011b). EAT offers the widest variety of soups, with over forty different types for sale over a four-week period (). Pret-a-Manger offers three soups each weekday and at least two on Saturday and Sunday, all of which they claim are 100% natural (), whereas Philpotts appears to sellonly two soups daily, these are marketed as freshly-made on site (). Alongside their diverse soup range, these chains are well-established in the high street and so are likely to be strong competition within the market. Howeve r, their perception in customers’ minds as a “chain” may be a weakness that could be capitalised upon if Satisfying Soups positions itself as an “independent and local” outlet.3.3.3 Buyer Power and Threat of SubstitutionAs highlighted in the previous section, rivalry within the foodservice industry is strong, as there are a significant number of small to medium businesses within the sector and this leads to direct competition (Datamonitor, 2012). However, it is noted that growth in the market alleviates the level of competition and it is suggested that a competitive advantage can be achieved through differentiation of product, place and/or price (ibid).Although customers do not have much buyer power individually (Datamonitor, 2012), it could be argued that collectively their power is significant as they have the option of substituting the proposed product with that of a competitor or a home-cooked alternative. This would suggest that providing an outstanding customer experience could be a key differentiator to secure return business and mitigate the threat from substitutes. This concept is underpinned by the fact that McDonalds and Darden spent 15% and 70% respectively, of their net revenue in 2011 on advertising in order to build their brand in a bid to develop customer loyalty (ibid).3.3.4 Supplier PowerWith labour constituting a great deal of the operating costs within this industry, it is critical to keep other operating costs down (Datamonitor, 2012). However, due to the fact that many suppliers within the foodservice industry are large businesses supplying goods to numerous companies, they are in a strong negotiating position when setting their prices as, “the loss of business with any one contract is unlikely to affect revenues too much.” (ibid:16). One possible solution to this in the case of Satisfying Soups may be to establish a relationship with an independent local supplier that may be more willing to negotiate on product prices.3.3.5 Threat of New EntrantsIn addition to the above factors, a further consideration for new entrants to the foodservice sector is the significant amount of food safety and health and safety legislation which must be adhered to and the costs associated with ensuring that premises, equipment and staff all meet the required standards in these areas (Datamonitor, 2012).Possibly the most critical of considerations is the current economic climate. The sector has been in decline since 2008 and the outlook is for marginal growth (Datamonitor, 2012). Nevertheless, with low initial outlay costs, low exit costs and the potential to still gain competitive advantage over some of the key players (ibid), it seems that Satisfying Soups could make a low risk and successful entry into the market.4. USP of Satisfying SoupsAs competition within the lunchtime foodservice market is strong, as discussed in the previous two sections, it is critical that Satisfying Soups considers methods that will provide it with a competitive advantage in the market place.In relation to capitalising on the health benefits of soup, Mintel (2011c) highlights that “the soup industry is lagging behind other food sectors in catering for... [coeliac disease] sufferers” (petitive Context) and suggests that a forecast growth in the demand for gluten-free products presents a good opportunity for the soup industry. Therefore, Satisfying Soups will sell only gluten-free soups, providing it with key differentiation within the market.A further advantage will be gained through the customer experience that Satisfying Soups will offer. Mintel (2011b) suggests that as the uncertainty of the UK economic climate increases anxiety and stress amongst consumers, it is important for businesses to inject some playful distraction into the lives of their customers. To this end, Satisfying Soups will use bold, sophisticated branding and train its staff to deliver personalised cheerful customer service. In addition, presence on social media channels such as Facebook and Twitter will extend the customer experience beyond the retail outlets, enabling ongoing dialogue with our consumers in order to respond to their needs and build customer loyalty.5. First Year Cash Flow Forecast for Satisfying SoupsThis cash flow forecast has been devised using the assumptions in Section 4 inputted into an adapted excel template (Business Link, n.d. cited in Barrow et.al, 2008).Table 1: First Year Cash Flow Forecast for Satisfying Soups10Analysis of Cash Flow ForecastThe pre-start up expenses needed to launch Satisfying Soups will be relatively high (estimated at £6826) to take account of the immediate need to invest in the following fixed assets: ∙ A freezer for keeping the stock∙ A refrigerator for day-to-day use∙ A display refrigerator∙Five soup kettles and five soup ladlesAs the business will have to be advertised, the printing of brochures and other advertising expenses will add a further £1,000 to these costs. The business will, thus, start out in a position of negative cash flow. The rent of suitable premises will be another significant expense for the business as the year goes on. A small café (about 500 to 1,000 square feet) in Central Birmingham is likely to cost £24,000 to £27,000 per year (Birmingham property, 2012). This rental charge has been divided equally over the first 12 months of operation of the business. Soup sales are expected to reach their maximum during the months of January and February (the coldest months of the year), but there will be a associated rise in the price of stock. The negative cash flow position is expected to continue throughout the first year of operation, and by December the business is anticipated to be £19,074 in debit. The cash flow forecast also points to a lowering of demand for soup (which is normally consumed in the colder winter months) during the summer.The cash flow analysis reveals that an investment by B rilliant M inds E nterprise of £20,000 would be sufficient to ensure that the business breaks even in its first year of operation. To counter the dip in demand for soups during the summer, market research would be conducted during the months of June, July and August to determine whether the addition of a premium ice cream product (for instance) would be well received by the target market. If so, it is envisaged that ice cream would be offered during the hotter summer months as well as soup. Ice cream would be a logical product to offer as Satisfying Soups will already have ample freezers and refrigerators, so there would be no need for additional capital investment.6. Marketing Plan6.1 ProductSatisfying Soups will offer take-away, ready-to-eat, gluten-free soups. The company will operate a 4-week rotational menu, with each of the 4-weeks offering a ‘soup of the week’and two additional options which will be changed daily throughout the week. This is similar to the menu model that Pret-A-Manger uses and should help to manage stock control and reduce food waste as stock will be bought in from a local supplier. The soup flavours will be traditional and simple as Figure 3 highlights that these are key drivers when consumers select what they wish to eat (Mintel, 2008). This is further corroborated by an article which stated that the top five soups were vegetable, tomato, chicken,mushroom and lentil (Caterer and Hotelkeeper, 2007). Gluten-free bread rolls will be an optional complement to the soup and healthy snacks such as fruit, vegetable crisps and gluten-free products will be available.Base: 2,011 adults aged 16+Figure 3: Enticements towards particular dishes, May 2008 (Mintel, 2008)Source: GfK NOP/Mintel6.2 PlaceThe company will begin with one outlet in the home city of the owner - Birmingham. The ideal premises would be in the Colmore Row area as there are many offices within this part of the city centre, thus, we would be positioned close to our target market. The retail outlet will be open between 10:00-18:00 Monday to Friday.6.3 PriceThe initial price point of a 12oz serving of soup will be £2.75 and a 16oz will cost £3.00. This is slightly below the price points that EAT (see Appendix 1) and Prêt-à-Manger currently charge. It is anticipated that the proposed price for Satisfying Soups, will appeal to price conscious consumers.Based on the wholesale cost of £5.50 per 2 litres quoted by Projuice, a UK supplier of gluten-free soups (see Appendix 2), the product cost prices equate to £0.97 per 12oz serving and £1.31 per 16oz serving, constituting a profit margin of 65% and 56% respectively before running costs are accounted for.6.4 PromotionIn order to maintain low initial outlay costs and thus minimise the risk of entry into the market, the promotion budget for year one will be set at £2500. Within this budget, a pre-opening lunchtime event will be held, with local businesses and press invited to sample our products and discover the Satisfying Soups ethos. As this event is likely to consume a good deal of the budget, more cost effective viral marketing will be employed via the establishment of a Facebook page and Twitter account which will be used to communicate with prospective customers pre-launch. Additionally, conscious of the economic issues discussed in the PESTEL analysis, our social media channels will be used to offer weekly special offers to our customers post-launch.The remaining budget will be spent on constructing an internet page which enables customers to pre-order and collect orders. This service is to be offered in response to the fact that convenience has been cited as a key driver in consumers’ lunch purchasing habits.6.5 PeopleIn addition to the owner-manager, one full-time and one part-time customer assistant will be recruited. All staff will be trained in Food Safety standards and general Health and Safety as well as receiving training in providing excellent customer service. An induction programme will be implemented to support new staff members.6.6 ProcessAn operation manual will be created and maintained and a current copy held at each outlet to ensure that all business processes are documented and can be referred to by any member of staff if required. This will include a range of instructions, from how to serve customers our products to how to recruit new staff.6.7 Physical EvidenceAs mentioned in the discussion on competitive advantage, Satisfying Soups will create a brand and a retail environment that strikes a balance between being warm and welcoming whilst also being bold and sophisticated. It is expected that this will appeal to our core target market of 16-34 year old professional women.The retail outlets will offer limited seating space as the aforementioned reduction in time spent on lunch suggests that workers are more likely to opt for take-aways rather than eating in store.7. ConclusionDespite a challenging economic climate and a competitive foodservice landscape, it appears that the launch of Satisfying Soups in the UK is a feasible proposition.To penetrate the market, Satisfying Soups will need to be price conscious, capitalise on the demand for gluten-free products and offer a personalised and meaningful consumer experience rather than the transactional experience offered in many outlets.Additionally, it will be imperative to build brand recognition and loyalty within the first year in order to develop the customer base and enhance the profile of our product. Both of these factors will underpin our ability to branch out into manufacturing and distributing our own products for sale in local supermarkets as well as in our own stores.8. RecommendationsBased on the conclusions of this report, the following recommendations are proposed:Short-term – 0-3 months:1. Research potential/existing suppliers in the local area.2. Investigate potential premises within the Colmore Row area of Birmingham.3. Engage a marketing agency to work on designing the Satisfying Soups brand.Mid-term – 3-6 months:1. Design customer service training and an induction programme for new staff.2. Create an operation manual with key processes documented.3. Secure premises and select a preferred supplier.4. Launch the first Satisfying Soups outlet.Long-term – 6-12 months1. Conduct market research to determine if customers needs are being met.2. Investigate the opening of a second Satisfying Soups outlet.3. Become a public limited company to attract more investors.9. Reference ListDatamonitor (2011) Country Analysis Report - The UK In-depth PESTLE insights. London: Datamonitor. Available from: [Accessed 9 March 2012].Datamonitor (2012) Profit Foodservice in the United Kingdom. London: Datamonitor. Available from: [Accessed 8 March 2012].EAT (2012) Soups. Available from: /pages/soup_1.php [Accessed 8 March 2012]. Euromonitor International (2011a) Weight Management in the United Kingdom. London: GMID. Available from: https:// [Accessed 8 March 2012].Euromonitor International (2011b) Consumer Foodservice in the United Kingdom. London: GMID. Available from: https:// [Accessed 8 March 2012].Euromonitor International (2012a) Consumer Lifestyles in the United Kingdom. London: GMID. Available from: https:// [Accessed 9 March 2012].Euromonitor International (2012b) Consumer Expenditure by Age of Household Head. London: GMID. Available from: https:// [Accessed 8 March 2012].Mintel (2008) Menu Flavours - UK - December 2008. London: Mintel. Available from: [Accessed 3 April 2012].Mintel (2011a) Social Media and Networking - UK - May 2011. London: Mintel. Available from: [Accessed 11 May 2012].Mintel (2011b) Sandwiches and Lunchtime Foods – UK – May 2011. London: Mintel. Available from: [Accessed 8 March 2012].Mintel (2011c) Soup – UK – May 2011. London: Mintel. Available from: [Accessed 8 March 2012].Mintel (2012a) Fruit and Vegetables - UK - February 2012. London: Mintel. Available from: [Accessed 11 May 2012].Mintel (2012b) Mobile Phones - UK - February 2012. London: Mintel. Available from: [Accessed 11 May 2012].Philpotts (2012) Soup Page. Available from: /Shop/Consumer/Soups.aspx [Accessed 8 March 2012].Pret-a-Manger (2012) This Week’s Soups. Available from: /our_food/soup.htm [Accessed 8 March 2012].'Time to soup up your menu' (2007) Caterer & Hotelkeeper, 197, 4494, p. 47, Business Source Premier, EBSCO host, viewed 3 April 2012.10. AppendicesAppendix 1: EAT Soup MenuAppendix 2: Projuice Price List – Soups。
学术英语写作unit Feasibility Report

• How well do your readers understand the technical, scientific, or other specialized terms and concepts you might use?
What is a feasibility report
• A report that is developed as a result of a feasibility study, and is presented to senior management to determine whether the project has sufficient merit to continue into more detailed phases.
Unit 10 论文写作

Reasearch Paper Writing
Learning Objectives
know what a research paper is;
learn how to plan, prepare and present a research paper;
understand the basic methods anpaper;
An Evaluation of Community Facilities at Hightown Leisure Centre: their use, management and development.
Aim of research Following recent criticisms from organizations and the public that the use of the new leisure centre is restricted to certain groups, the study aims to investigate the present use of the centre and to determine whether some people are disadvantaged by the facilities currently offered. The study will concentrate particularly on the use of the centre by mothers of smallchildren, ethnic minority groups and the elderly over a six month period. The hypothesis is that greater community use would result if more attention was paid to the needs of these groups. It is intended that the research will result in practical management recommendations. Questions to be addressed include: 1. Are there perceived and real inadequacies in provision? 2. Do they disadvantage certain social groups? 3. Does this have an undesirable effect on community relations? 4. How may provision be made more equitable?
Feasibility Report

Feasibility ReportCost-effectiveness:1.Total investment:10000yuanmainly used for team policy seminar, developing of arcview, training of staff, wages of members, office supplies, advertising, extending business, training of part-time staff, and the necessary management expenses of other activities.2.Number for specific items:Office supplies: 800yuan wages of members and training: 3000yuan advertising: 1500yuan extending business: 1500yuan floating capital: 2000yuan other expenditure: 1200yuan3.Capital raising: ask for a loan4.Efficiency analysis:150 posts can be provided per month in the infant stage. So incomes of the team come from the agency fee, which is charged from students for provide those posts to them. And the profits are about 750yuan per month. With the development of the business, 400 posts are supposed to provide to students per month. After a year’s development, the profits of the team are expected to reach 3000yuan each month.Social benefits: first, we can provide students part-time jobs. And it’s good for those students to earn some money to reduce the burden of their parents. Also, those students can gain social experience which is useful for their future job hunting. Second, companies can directly hire part-timer from our team. This could save their time as well as money. And it’s an effective use of social resources.。

1) Informal Reports
Short , each containing one to three pages of narrative and occasionally attachments such as drawings , photographs , and statistics , etc.
3) Change the Structure of the Sentence
(1)An order has been given that the researchers who are now in
the skylab should be sent back.
2) ”It ”Functioning as a Formal Subject
(1)It seemed inconceivable that the pilot could have survived the crash.
(2)It is clear that the difference between elements is in the
2) Self-sufficient 3) More Active Voice
4) Clear Citation
5) Standard Language
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可行性研究报告英文版Feasibility Study ReportIntroduction:The purpose of this feasibility study report is to assess the viability of a proposed project. This report will provide a comprehensive analysis of the project's potential success, considering various factors such as technical feasibility, economic viability, and legal requirements. The study aims to provide an objective evaluation to aid decision-making.I. Technical Feasibility:1.1 Technical Requirements:- Identify and outline the technical specifications and requirements necessary for the project's implementation.- Assess the availability and compatibility of existing technology and infrastructure.- Evaluate the feasibility of integrating the proposed project with the current system or processes.1.2 Resource Assessment:- Determine the availability and suitability of resources required for the project, such as skilled personnel, equipment, and materials.- Evaluate the potential risks and challenges associated with resource acquisition and management.- Analyze the project's scalability and flexibility in adapting to future technological advancements.1.3 Project Timeline and Milestones:- Develop a detailed timeline for the project, including key milestones and deliverables.- Identify potential risks and bottlenecks that may affect the project's timeline.- Evaluate the feasibility of meeting project deadlines and milestones based on available resources and technical requirements.II. Economic Viability:2.1 Market Analysis:- Conduct a thorough market analysis to identify the target audience, competition, and market trends.- Assess the demand and potential profitability of the proposed project in the current market.- Analyze the project's potential for growth and sustainability in the long term.2.2 Cost-Benefit Analysis:- Estimate the initial investment required for the project, including development costs, equipment, and operational expenses.- Evaluate the potential revenue streams and return on investment.- Conduct a comprehensive cost-benefit analysis to determine the financial viability of the project.2.3 Risk Assessment:- Identify and analyze potential risks and uncertainties that may impact the project's financial viability.- Develop risk mitigation strategies to minimize potential losses and maximize profitability.- Assess the project's sensitivity to external factors such as market fluctuations and regulatory changes.III. Legal and Regulatory Considerations:3.1 Compliance Requirements:- Identify and understand the legal and regulatory frameworks relevant to the proposed project.- Assess the project's compliance with local, national, and international laws and regulations.- Determine the necessary permits, licenses, and certifications required for project implementation.3.2 Intellectual Property Rights:- Evaluate the project's potential impact on intellectual property rights, both for the organization and its stakeholders.- Identify any potential infringement risks and develop strategies to protect intellectual property.- Ensure compliance with copyright, patent, and trademark laws.3.3 Ethical and Social Responsibility:- Assess the project's potential social and environmental impact.- Evaluate the project's alignment with ethical standards and corporate social responsibility.- Develop strategies to minimize negative impacts and enhance positive contributions.IV. Project Management:4.1 Organizational Structure:- Define the project's organizational structure and roles and responsibilities of team members.- Assess the availability of skilled personnel and their suitability for the project.- Develop a communication and reporting framework to ensure effective project management.4.2 Risk Management:- Identify potential risks and develop strategies to mitigate them.- Establish a risk management plan to monitor and control risks throughout the project lifecycle.- Evaluate the project's resilience to unforeseen circumstances and develop contingency plans.4.3 Stakeholder Engagement:- Identify key stakeholders and their roles in the project.- Develop a stakeholder engagement plan to ensure effective communication and collaboration.- Address any concerns or conflicts that may arise during project implementation.V. Conclusion:In conclusion, this feasibility study report provides a comprehensive analysis of the proposed project's viability. The technical feasibility, economic viability, legal considerations, and project management aspects have been thoroughly assessed. Based on the findings, it can be inferred that the project holds significant potential for success. However, it is crucial to continuously monitor and adapt to changing circumstances to ensure its long-term sustainability.。
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Planning guide for feasibility report
• Team Members
• Client
• Overall Purpose
• Client's Major Concerns and Expectations about the Report
Unit 10 Feasibility Report
• 1. Definition and Purpose of a feasibility study?
• 2. What is a feasibility report?
• 3. Planning guide for feasibility report
• The feasibility study is conducted to assist the decision-makers in making the decision that will be in the best interest of the (eg. school foodservice) operation. The extensive research, conducted in a nonbiased manner, will provide data upon which to base a decision.
• This type studies a situation (for example, a problem or
opportunity) and a plan for doing something about it and then
determines whether that plan is "feasible"--which means
• 4. Feasibility Report Format and Requirement
• 5. Details of the Standard Format & Contents
Definition and Purpose of a
Feasibility Study
• A feasibility study is defined as an evaluation or analysis of the potential impact of a proposed project or program. A feasibility study is conducted to assist decision-makers in determining whether or not to implement a particular project or program. The feasibility study is based on extensive research on both the current practices and the proposed project/program and its impact on the relevant fields. The feasibility study will contain extensive data related to financial and operational impact and will include advantages and disadvantages of both the current situation and the proposed plan.
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determining whether it is technologically possible and whether
it is practical (in terms of current technology, economics, social
needs, and so on). The feasibility report answers the question
• How well do your readers understand the technical, scientific, or other specialized terms and concepts you might use?
Reader Profile
• Who are your primary readers?
• Who else might read your report?
• What are your readers' titles and professional responsibilities? How will they influence what your readers look for in your report?
What is a feasibility report
• A report that is developed as a result of a feasibility study, and is presented to senior management to determine whether the project has sufficient merit to continue into more detailed phases.
• Reader Profile
• Readers' Informational Needs
• Readers' Attitudes • Stakeholders • Research • Situational Analysis • Superstructure • Visual Aids • Organization
"Should we implement Plan X?" by stating "yes," "no," but
more often "maybe." Not only does it give a recommendation, it
also provides the data and the reasoning behind that