
雅思写作大作文思路 交通拥堵解决办法 traffic solutions.doc

雅思写作大作文思路交通拥堵解决办法 traffic solutions上篇文章我们说到交通问题的原因,今天我们雅思写作大作文思路的文章来探讨下交通拥堵的解决办法。
交通拥堵解决办法 traffic solutionsIn order to reduce the traffic, we should change our working habits为了减少交通,我们应该改变自己的工作习惯。
The internet can now be used to connect people现在,互联网可以用来联系人们。
More people could work from home更多的人可以在家中工作Meetings can be held as video conferences会议可以用视频会议的方式举行。
Workers could be given flexible timetables工人应该按照灵活的时间表工作。
Another solution would be to tax drivers另外一个解决方案是出租车。
Workers should share their cars and travel together上班的人应该共用他们的车辆并且一起上下班。
In London, for example, there is a congestion charge例如,伦敦会对拥堵收费。

2024年4月27日雅思大作文写作解题范例一、题目In the past, important knowledge about culture and history was stored in museums. Nowadays, information is freely available on the Internet; therefore, there is no longer any need for museums. To what extent do you agree or disagree?二、思路:(一)这是一个关于博物馆在互联网时代是否仍然有必要存在的问题。
I tend to disagree. 不可否认(Undeniably),互联网的普及(prevalence) 为人们了解文化和历史提供了很多便利(convenience)。
1. 信息获取(information acquisition) 方便快捷。
互联网为我们提供了(provides us with) 无限的(unlimited) 信息来源(sources of information),包括文化和历史知识。
我们可以在任何时间,任1何地点访问(access) 这些信息,这大大超越了(greatly surpasses) 博物馆的物理限制(physical limitations)。
2. 互动性(interactivity) 更强。
在线学习平台(online learning platforms) 和虚拟博物馆(virtual museums) 提供了更多的互动性,使学习过程(learning process) 更加有趣和吸引人。
3. 成本更低(lower cost)。
维护(maintain) 博物馆的成本很高,而在线信息的获取成本相对较低(relatively low)。
但是,真实的博物馆(real museums) 不仅是文化交流(cultural exchange) 的地方,还有文化保存(cultural preservation) 的意义(significance),这些是互联网无法替代(replace)。

根据提示性词语(比如I believe that...;I suggest that...),首先明确作者的观点,即认为什么是重要的、有价值的。
二、示例:2019年12月的题目作为例子:Nowadays people are living in a 'thrown-away' society where they use things for a short time and then throwaway. What cause this and what problem it may lead to?审题:利用1分钟弄清题目、类型。
包括:题目类型是什么?要求讨论的话题是什么?有几个问题?常见大作文题型有以下五个大类:To what extent do you agree or disagree?Discuss both views and give your opinion.Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?What are the reasons and is there any solution can be taken?To what extent do you agree or disagree? Do you think it is a positive trend or negative?那么上题就是第四种报告说明类型的题目,讨论的话题就是人们用完就丢弃这种现象,两个问题:原因和影响利用3-5分钟列提纲好多考生在真实考试中会省略这一步,觉得费时间、没必要。

1. 解读主题。
2. 确定立场。
1. 开头。
”2. 主体段落。


15句逻辑框架Some people think that universities should provide graduates with the knowledge and skills needed in the workplace rather than pure knowledge. To what extent do you agree or disagree. 第1句:背景介绍Nowadays, an increasing number of people are concerned about the purpose of university education.现在,越来越多的人关心大学教育的目的。
Explanation:•Nowadays, an increasing number of people are concerned about the phenomenon that …•Nowadays, an increasing number of people are concerned about the purposes that university education serves.•Nowadays, more and more students are concerned about what they will learn in the universities.•Universities are one of the most important institutions in modern society.如果很难再短时间内想出第一句内容,就直接表达观点,两句话写完首段。
•I agree with this opinion. Reasons are as follows. 我赞同的观点是……原因如下。
A.“是否应该However, whether universities should mainly provide job-related skills to graduates is a controversial issue.但是,大学是否应该主要提供给学生工作相关的技能是一个饱受争议的话题。

以2014年2月15日雅思写作真题为例:Some people think success of life is based on hard work and determination, but others think there are more important factors, like money and personal appearance. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.烤鸭们可以从题目中的success of life, 仔细想想这样的生活包含的方面。
? Success of life:a well-paid professional job and an affluent materialistic life style, make great contributions to society, have access to high reputation (be appreciated and valued), have happy and harmonious family, maintain optimistic mood (keep the spirit of perseverance), be healthy physically and mentally它们又与hard work and determination有什么关系呢?? Hard work:a well-paid professional job and an affluent materialistic lifestyle;make great contributions to society;have access to high reputation (be appreciated and valued); ? Determination:have happy and harmonious family;maintain optimistic mood (keep the spirit of perseverance); he healthy physically and mentally;同样的道理分析另一个观点:成功的生活还需要别的要素,诸如金钱和个人形象。

写作部分题目观点与思路A 类1.政府是否应该资助理科生,因为科学家为社会贡献大。
For:1.The social development is based on science, as any high technological product derives from scientific theories.2.The payment for those who are engaged in science is still at a low level, which should be changed. Therefore, the support from the government is indispensable.3.Emphasis from the government will ignite the passion of citizens so that science will be promoted to a higher level.Against:Science and arts should be placed equally1.Itcannot b e deniedthatthe m odernmaterial aspect o f civilizationis createdby the modern technology. It is scientists’ hard work that prospers the material life.2.Our life is greatly enriched by the works of arts, such as literature, painting and mu1233.Without the contribution from the workers of the arts, such as social workers, litterateurs and legist, the society cannot remain healthy, peaceful and stable, and people cannot engage in the scientific work in a good environment. Therefore, it is necessary to put equal emphasis on the science and arts.2、衡量政府成功是否以经济繁荣为标志?For:1.The economy is the criterion of a country or government’s success.2.The economy is the fundamental of everything.3.Without economic prosperity, happiness is just the castle in the air.4.The economic situation is the most objective criterion.5.A powerful economy is the cornerstone of social development. With a strong economy, we can have a comprehensive welfare system accessible to all citizens.6.With a sound economy, our people will have sufficient access to free medical care and education.7.Alongwith e co n o m ic prosperity, our national defensesystemwill be g reatly enhanced.Against:1.The criter ion of a country or government’s success should be citizens’ satisfaction to the country or the g overnment.2.The criterion of a country or government’s success should be the country’s comprehensive strength.3.With money while devoid of sense of security, life will become dull and monotonous.4.M o n e y is o m n ip o t e n t,so t h at e co n o m ic le ve l isn’t e ve ryt h in go f a co u nt ry.5.Without a sense of security, a democratic atmosphere, economic prosperity doesn't mean everything.6.It is not uncommon that in some countries that boast so-called economic prosperity, corruption and discrimination are prevalent.3、强迫退休制度For:1.Every one is human with limited energy and vigor; therefore, after an exhaustingworkinglife, one tends to beincreasingly slow bothinmindand action. Remaining in one’s post would undoubtedly impair one’s physical and emotional health.2.When one reaches an old age, he/she tends to be more conservative and reluctant to accept new ideas and innovations. They are likely to adhere to past practices and old ways. One’s originality and creativity will dry out. They always hesitate to strive forward.3.Too many old people remaining in high positions will hinder the developmentof society.4.Offer more employment opportunities and promotion to the young so that they will be able to give full play to their talent.5.If one never stops working, what’s the point of life?Against:1.Different occupations have their diverse traits and distinguishing features. Some jobs call for special psychological requirements. For example, professors, doctors and research fellows are always required to work into their seventies for their richexperience and a cademic achievements, while professional athletes, suchas gymnasts, retire even at the age of twenty.2.Some people think working gives them the mentalsatis fa ct io n/co nte n t me n t anda role in society. If they areobligedtowithdraw from work to complete domesticity, they will feel that they are abandoned by the society and useless. Work brings social and personal esteem.3.It is regarded as a breadwinning process. Retirement will bring about some financial troubles.4.It is unfair to some people who have studied for years to obtain a higher degree. If they are required to retire at the same age as those who receive shorter schooling, the y ca n n o t e njoy thesame l engthof working. It i s also a great waste of talents.5.Thanks to the improvement in medical science, people enjoy a much life sp an/e xp e cta n cy.W e sh ou ld r e d e fin e t h e t e rm“o ld a g e”.6.Chronological age is not always a true indicator of one’s capabilities.7.It would be more economical to some employers to retain the old hands than to spend more time and money training greenhands.8.Older workers usually are more stable, skilled and experienced than younger ones. It is deemed as an economic asset.Conclusion/suggestion:1.One’s retirement age should be decided according to one’s own conditions and willingness. We shall adopt aflexible andrational retirement age sothat different age can have a chance to give play to their talents and wisdom.2.We should implement the policy of mandatory retirement, because it really brings us a good many benefits. The policy is not only good to the old, but also beneficial to the young.4、体罚是否为好的教育方式FOR:1.We should teach children to respect discipline.2.Discipline is the basis of all achievement.3.Children are hardy creatures.4.It moulds strong a n d r eal character.5.It helps to reinforce the authority of teachers and parents.6.Sometimes children will test the patience of their parents and teacher; teachers and parents should not be too permissive; otherwise they will spoil the children.7.Permissiveness results in undisciplined children.8.Parental laxity leads to the spread of juvenile delinquency.Against:1.Children shouldn’t be exposed to parental abuse (emotionally and physically).2.It seriously violates the legal rights and interests of children.3.It is tremendously cold-blooded and unhealthy, resulting in life-long adverse/negative repercussions/rebellious reaction.4.It endangers children’ physical and mental development.5.N o t“yo usp aret h e ro d”b u t“sp are”t h e“re act io nan d a t t e n t io n”an dyou spoil the child. We should employ moderate and appropriate discipline.6.It i s a kind o f brutality and c ruelty whichmay lead t o i njury or evendeathofthe student.7.Achieve the reverse r esult.8.Researchreveals that s t u d e n t s who s uffer fromcorporal p u n i s h m e n t t endtoresort to violence in their future life.5、小孩是学会竞争还是合作For Competition:petition is inevitable; it’s human nature.petition builds character; it strengthens our self-esteem.petition is regarded a s anopenand f air race where success goes to t he swiftest people regardless of their social status.petition is required to help us reach our fullest potential.5.Natural selection and survival of the fittest.For Cooperation:1.Cooperation offers us a break from the pressure and stress of competition.2.A win-win approach tends to fosters exploration of the root causes of the conflict and leads to constructive, sustainable solutions with positive expectation for future encounters.3.Cooperative g r o u p s display more coordinatedefforts, more divisionof labor, more acceptance of other ideas, and fewer communication difficulties than competitive groups.4.Two heads are better than one.5.Cooperation is marvelously successful at helping children to communicate effectively, to trust in others and to accept those who are different from themselves.6、广泛使用机器人是好事还是坏事For:1.The employment of robots on assembly lines saves a lots of labor forces.2.This trend not only improves the work efficiency, but also enhances accuracy.3.Robots can take the place of human beings and work in the dangerous environment or the places not accessible for us.4.Robots can work around the clock, never knowing tiredness.Against:1.As robots are designed by human beings, what they do is just to follow the instruction and preset programming by human being.2.Once there is something wrong with the electric or programms, robot willbecome a good-to-nothing machine.3.Robots cannot work creatively when confronted with complicated situations.4.With the excessive dependence on robots, human beings will degenerate into a kind of animals that only to take food.7、明星高薪是否合理?For:1.The stars are talented p eople.2.Their brilliant performances enrich people’s cultural/spiritual life, which partly contributes to the spiritual c ivilization.3.They bring great pleasure and happiness to ordinary people. They make money by means of their skills and they deserve it. No one forces you to pay for his/her performance. Both are willing.4.Some of the stars also have undergone painstaking training and practice. No pains, nogains. The road t o s uccess m a y not be easy for m ost p op s tars, whichmay set examples for the youngsters.5.Different occupations or professions can command a different amount ofmoney.6.They sacrifice a lot for what they gain including privacy.7.They bring benefits to the tertiary industry and prosper some professions like entertainment and related ventures.8.It is an inevitable outcome of the market economy. We should not make a fuss of it. It is decided by the market.Against:1.We should value the talents who promote the welfare of the society as a whole rather than these pop s tars.2.We c anlive without p opstars, but c ann ot w ithout a doctor or a teacher. Our society can proceed well without these stars.3.The value of knowledge is depreciating.4.Discourage /strike the initiative and zeal of people in other fields.5.Impose an adverse influence on the development of the next generation, which may easily become m oney-oriented.6.This phenomenon, to some extent, even contaminates the order of theday/general mood.7.What they pay cannot equal their gain.8.They make little contribution to the development of the society compared with the scientists.9.Withthe quick- earned money the pop star’s vanity may quickly expand and their souls may be distorted.Conclusion:It is essential that effective measures should be taken to redress such inequality and disparity. The government should levy heavier income tax on these stars in order to narrow the gap between the income of so-called pop stars and that of the ordinary professions such as doctors and teachers.G 类1. 妇女犯罪1.Th e rap idd e ve lo p m e n t o f so cie t y an dt h ech an g e s o f p e o p le’s va lu e o f t h eworld account mainly for the i ssue.2.With the eye-catching development of economy, many young women go out to find a job, which renders them more opportunities to contact the outsideworld.3.Women’s quality attributes partly to the rise of criminal rate.4.The prosperity and luxury in some metropolises are very attractive to some young women.5.Some of women leave the countryside in the hope that they can make a good fortune in the cities, where they often find themselves disappointed for lack of good education or skills.6.The over-description of violence on the media leads young women astray.Suggestion:1.The government should pay more attention to the problem and issue relevant laws to crack down young women crimes.2.We should strengthen education and raise the quality of people, helping them set up a correct outlook of the world.2. 家庭和睦问题Causes:1.Mobility. Nowadays many jobs require workers who are ready and able tomove off the land and to move again whenever necessary.2.Changes in customs and habits have a significant impact on people’s concept of and attitude towards familial life.3.Fierce competition. One has to work and study hard tomeet the d e m a n d of society and face the challenge. Both husband and wife have to go out workfull-t im e t o s u p p o rtt h e fam ily.To o o ccu p ie d t osp are t im e fo r o n e’s fam ily.4.In t his busy modernworld i nwhichmaterial thi ng s are muchvalued, peopleare attaching less importance to emotion and therefore are growing more and more isolated and i ndifferent.5.While fast urban development enables people to enjoy better living conditions, people have to spend more on commuting every day.Suggestion:1.Keep this line of communication open. Frank exchanges are of great importance.2.Eat a s a family. Dinner is a valuable o pportuni ty for the f amily to s pend t imet o g e t h e r.3.Never bring your office work home, and always keep in mind that home is home.4.Share the same p astimes.5.A loving atmosphere. Do what you can to create a tranquil harmonious home.6.When you are out, make sure that you call home regularly.3. 新生总是会由不适应的问题,为什么,如何解决Causes:1.Part of the difficulties they face over this period is due to a changed academic environment.2.When proceeding to a university or a new school overseas, a student may face a different set of academic norms and expectations.3.Challenges also come from their peers. To ensure that their study performance is equal to or better than their fellow students, they need to work very hard, under great psychological pressure.4.For many students, this may be their first foray beyond the borders of the family home, perhaps living in another city or country.5.These new students are likely to find it hard to get used to and blend into the local culture, especially in the case of overseas students.Suggestion:1.School authorities may play an important role in helping students to settlein.2.The orientation program could last long enough to enable students to feelat home.3.Such programs should be on a more individual basis so that new studentscan get a clearer picture of school rules and facilities.4.It would be a good idea for schools to organize some excursions andoutings during the first days.4.私立学校Public School1、 Public education is the fundamental way to prepare children from diverse ethnic,religious ,and class backgrounds to live as responsible citizens in ademocracy 。

⼀、外显连接 所谓外显连接是指⽤特定的连接词将相关信息进⾏连接。
通常情况下,例⼦作为论据由for example, for instance, like, such as, take… as 等引出。
如:it is undeniable that mobile phones have facilitated our lives in many different ways. For example, when an emergency occurs, such as a traffic accident or a violent crime, mobile phones can help the victims to call the police or an ambulance immediately for help. 本例中,for example 引出例⼦论证“mobile phones have facilitated our lives in many different ways.” ⽽后⾯的 such as则引出emergency 的具体形式。
For instance 与它的⽤法完全相同,即后⾯要接句⼦例证。
Like, such as, take…as 等直接名词(或相当于名词的词)。
为了使连接词多样化,建议考⽣运⽤下⾯的⼀些短语(或句式)连接论点和论据: …is a case in point; …serve as a typical example …can be taken as an example; one example is that… another one is that等 如:Working part time when you are studying in university is beneficial to your life. I myself is a case in point(or 'my experiences serve as a typical example'). Through those experiences, I have learned to be independent and responsible. ⼆、内化连接 实际上,⼤家看原汁原味的⽂英⽂⽂章会发现有些信息的连接不⽤外显式,⽽是通过某些特定的词或者特定的⽅式给读者以清晰的层次感,从⽽使⽂章信息传递更通畅。

一、雅思大作文同意与否类(Agree or Disagree)题目示例:Some people think that all university students should study whatever they like. Others believe that they should only be allowed to study subjects that will be useful in the future, such as those related to science and technology. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.口语化、幽默化范文:Well, when it comes to what university students should study, there are two really different ideas out there.On one hand, some folks say students should study whatever floats their boat. I mean, think about it. University is supposed to be a place where you can explore your interests, right? If a student is crazy about art history or ancient languages, they should be able to go for it. It's like when you're at a buffet. You should be able to pick the dishes you like, not just the ones that are "good for you" according to someone else. Studying something you love can make you super motivated. You'll be like a little knowledge seeking detective, digging deep into the stuff that really makes your heart sing.On the other hand, there are those who think students should just focus on subjects that are useful in the future, like science and technology. I get it. We live in a world that's all about high tech and innovation. Thereare lots of jobs waiting in those fields. It's like these subjects are the shiny new toys that everyone wants to play with because they seem to lead to well paying jobs and a stable future.But here's my two cents. I think we need a bit of both. Sure, it's great if students study useful subjects, but we can't forget about the joy of learning. A world where everyone just studies science and technology would be a bit like a party where everyone is wearing the same boring suit. We need art, we need literature, we need those "useless" subjects to add some color and soul to our society. And for those who study the so called "unuseful" subjects, they can always find ways to make their knowledge relevant. For example, an art history major could work in cultural heritage preservation or in the art market. So, let students have a bit of freedom to choose, but also encourage them to think about how their choice can contribute to the big, wide world out there.二、雅思大作文问题解决类(Problem Solution)题目示例:In many cities, the use of private cars is increasing. What problems does this cause? What are the solutions to these problems?口语化、幽默化范文:Hey, you know what's going on in our cities these days? Private cars are popping up like mushrooms everywhere. And boy, does it bring some headaches.One big problem is traffic jams. It's like the roads turn into huge parking lots during rush hour. You sit in your car, fuming, watching the minutes tick by, and you're not going anywhere fast. It's like being in a slow motion nightmare. And all those cars are spitting out exhaust fumeslike there's no tomorrow. The air gets all yucky, and it's not good for our lungs or the environment. It's like the city is choking on all that pollution. Another issue is the lack of parking spaces. You drive around in circles, praying for a little patch of empty ground to park your precious car.But don't worry, there are some ways to fix this mess. For traffic jams, the government could invest more in public transportation. Make the buses and subways so nice and convenient that people would rather jump on them than deal with the car chaos. You know, like making the buses like comfylittle moving living rooms with free Wi Fi and all. And for the pollution problem, we could encourage people to use electric cars or car sharing services. It's like sharing is caring, right? If we all share cars sometimes, there would be fewer cars on the road. And for the parking headache, well, we could build more multi story parking garages. They'relike car hotels, giving cars a proper place to stay.三、雅思小作文柱状图(Bar Chart)题目描述:The bar chart shows the number of international students from different countries studying in a UK university in 2022.口语化、幽默化写作思路:When we look at this bar chart about international students in a UK university in 2022, it's like looking at a little international party on paper.First off, we can see that some countries are really sending a whole bunch of students. Let's say China. Oh boy, the bar for China is like a skyscraper compared to some others. It's like China is saying, "We've gotlots of bright minds ready to study in the UK." Then there's India. Their bar is also pretty tall. It's like they're right on China's heels, bringing their own unique charm and intelligence to the UK university scene.But then there are some countries with shorter bars. Maybe they're just starting to dip their toes into sending students to the UK, or they have other options closer to home. It's like they're the quiet guests at the party, but still important.To really make sense of this chart, we can compare the heights of the bars easily. We can see that the differences between the numbers of students from different countries are quite obvious. Some countries are the superstars, while others are the up and comers or the more laid back participants.These are just some basic ways to describe this bar chart in a waythat's easy to understand and a bit more fun than just dry numbers.。
雅思写作大作文思路 童工 child labor.doc

雅思写作大作文思路童工 child labor今天我们雅思写作大作文思路的文章来研究下童工的问题。
童工 child laborIn some countries, children are exploited在一些国家,儿童受到压榨和剥削。
They do repetitive jobs for very low pay他们做着重复性的工作,只拿非常微薄的报酬。
Children are often used in agriculture and factory work孩子经常被用于农业或者工厂的工作中。
The employment of children is prohibited in other countries在其他一些国家,雇佣孩子是被禁止的。
Many people think that children should be free to enjoy their childhood许多人认为孩子应该自由的享受他们的童年。
Governments should make education a priority政府应该将教育放在首要地位。
They should build new schools他们应该修建新的学校。
They should supply the resources to educate children他们应该提供资源来教育孩子。

雅思写作题目:Technology makes our life too rich and some people say that we should live a simple life without technology. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (一些人认为科技的发展使得我们的生活更加复杂,因此解决方法在于过一种没有科技的简单生活。
雅思写作范文:The development of modern technology has made people’s life more complex, so people should choose to have a simple and easy life without using technology. To what extent do you agree or disagree?现代科技的发展使人们的生活更加复杂,人们应该选择一种不用技术的简单而轻松的生活。
你在多大程度上同意或不同意?Give reasons for your answer and include relevant examples from your knowledge or experience.The advancement of modern technology is making people’s life more comfortable and at the same time less human. To those who enjoy the benefits of technology, there is no better time to be alive than now, but to others life has been increasingly complex and stressful. The issue is whether such new technological machines as computers and the Internet would be our servants forever or eventually could become our masters.给出你的答案的理由,并从你的知识或经验中包含相关的例子。


DAY 0 题目(社会类):1题目:Some people think developing countries should invite foreign companies to open offices and factories, and the others think developing countries should keep them out and help local companies. Discuss both opinions and give your opinion.答:(括号内为论据)正:1、外国公司能带来新的技术(如大众汽车);2、创造更多的就业岗位(总比单靠本地产业多吧?);3、竞争会带来进步(列举单一垄断企业会给百姓带来的各种不便)反:1、外国公司并不能教给我们核心技术(IPHONE 在中国组装,但是我们的国产手机仍然杯具);2、外国公司把本地优秀人才都揽走了(相对高薪和舒适的环境等);3、会侵吞市场,削弱本地企业的优势(如本地刚开始发展服装产业,那么就不要引入H&M 和ZARA 这类又便宜又有极高知名度的潮牌~)DAY 1 题目(社会类):Some people think government should build public libraries in every town. Others believe it is a waste of money because we can get information via internet at home. Discuss both views.正:1、不是每个Town 都有条件装宽带的(农村就要先普及书,再普及电脑,然后普及网络);2、书籍上的内容是经过作者的精心撰写和出版社的审核,所以有质量的保证(网络上的内容参差不齐)3、书籍能够陶冶人们的情操(上网时人们习惯匆忙地直奔主题,这种行为非常浮躁~)反:1、宽带始终是要普及的,不如早点建设(bring about long term benefits);2、人们能够分辨是非黑白,所以他们能够分清哪些资料是值得看的(很多作者为了凑字数赚稿费而使得书中的内容滥竽充数)3、网络比图书更快捷、方便(打一个关键词就可以搜索出一大堆相关文献,无须一本本书地翻)DAY 2题目(个人类):Some people are giving more importance to employing people with good social skills in addition to with good qualification. Do you agree or disagree?正:1、促进同时之间的合作(情商高的人不会恃才傲物);2、公司氛围和睦(否则一群很牛逼又很固执的人在一起工作是绝对是场灾难);3、两者兼备的人更容易拉倒客户,从而提升公司业绩(谁不喜欢知识渊博而且嘴甜的)。

雅思大作文环保类写作思路雅思大作文环保类写作思路雅思考试全称为国际英语语言测试制度(International English Language Testing System),简称IELTS。
1.动物需要保护吗?母题:Now many people think that we are spending too much money and time on protecting wild animals. The money should be better spent on human population. Do you agree or disagree? (031213, 110709)提示:这类题型采取驳斥的写法来写,先驳斥这是浪费钱,因为在动物上花的钱可以通过发展旅游业来得到补偿。
子题:要不要进行动物实验?要不要把动物关在动物园里?要不要吃动物的肉?人们可以采取什么措施来保护珍稀的动植物物种?2.环境保护谁来负责?母题:Environmental problem is too big for individual countries and individual people to address. In other words, we have reached the stage where the only way to protect the environment is at an international level. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? (040228, 040515,110507) 提示:不管题目怎么出,永远记得国际合作、企业、政府、个人,都可以为环境保护做出自己的努力。

教育的多重目的决定了不同教育方式和教育内容的优劣性教育的五大目的(Five Purposes of Education):1、德:提高道德标准1、Moral:Improve moral standard2、智:学习理论知识,培养独立和批判思考、创造性思考、分析和解决问题的能力,提高人际交流技巧和社交技能,适应社会2、Intellectual:Theoretical knowledge, independent and critical thinking, creative thinking,analysing skills and problem-solving ability;communication and social skills, adapt to new environment3、体:提高身体素质,养成良好的生活习惯3、Physical:Develop physical fitness, healthy lifestyle4、美:提升文化修养和对文学艺术的欣赏水平,心灵充实健康4、Psychological:Self-cultivation, an appreciation of art and literature5、劳:学习实用知识,5、Work:Practical skills, improve career核心词汇:theoretical adj. 理论的talent n. 天才才干practical adj. 实践的动手的curriculum n. 课程nurture vt. 培养教育discipline n. 纪律学科physical adj. 身体上的subject n. 科目学科psychological adj. 心理上的adolescent adj. 青春期的,青春的 n. 青少年intelligence n. 智力智能team spirit 团队精神intellectual adj. 智力的有智力的 n. 知识分子all-rounded adj. 全面的motivate v. 激发adapt to sth. (使)适应某事qualify v. (使)具有资格mature adj. 成熟的interactive adj. 交互式的互动的feedback n. 反馈earn a living 谋生raise family 养家learn by rote 死记硬背degree factory 学历工厂learner-oriented 以学生为导向的impart knowledge 传授知识obtain knowledge and skills 获得知识和技能practical and professional skills 实用的职业技能become qualified employees 成为合格的雇员become competitive in the job market 在职场上有竞争力make contributions to social progress 对社会进步做出贡献achieve life value 实现人生价值heavy burden of study and lack of sleep and physical exercise 学习负担重和缺乏睡眠和锻炼encourage students to think critically and independently 鼓励学生批判地和独立地思考promote students’ physical, intelle ctual and emotional development 促进学生的身体、智力和情感发展help foster in the young the morally sound values and outlook on the world and life 帮助年轻人梳理正确的价值观、世界观和人生观a school is society in miniature. 学校是社会的一个缩影2、环境类万能思路:环境问题是当今世界的一个热门话题。

(三)、递进论证 模板:To begin with → In the second place → Lastly Sample 1:科学研究应由政府还是私人机构开展 范文 1: There are many reasons for entrusting scientific research to the governments rather than private companies. [支持 1]To begin with, many large-scale and long-term research projects require substantial funding that only national governments can afford. [支持 2]In the second place, first-rate scientists who enjoy international reputation are largely concentrated in government-sponsored research institutions. [ 支 持 3]Lastly, since most private companies are profit-orientated, the findings and conclusions from their research are more likely to be skewed or biased and even represent the interests of a small group. 剖析: 支持 1:大型、长期的研究项目需要大量的资金,通常只有政府有这样的财力; 支持 2:一流科学家大量集中在由政府资助的研究机构中; 支持 3:私人机构大都以利益为导向,故而得出的结果可能是歪曲或带有偏见的,甚至代表 某些小团体的利益。 注意: 不要用 Last but not least,否则引起考官反感,直接用 Lastly 即可! 句型:(适用说明缺点)

Often new commercial centers are planed with respect to green areas and sport facilities. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Why?其实简单的看起来,这个文章就是让你讨论商业和公共绿地和体育的重要性。
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8000-10000词汇是怎样估算出来的呢?简单说来,要写好某一个雅思写作话题,例如语言文化保护问题,我们起码需要准备40个关键词汇(aboriginal, minority, indigenous, cultural assimilation, cultural diversity, cultural heritage, cultural identity等);当我们写宠物话题时,起码又需要另外的40个关键词汇(bark, aggressive, shit, litter, parasite, virus, germ, rabies, allergy, stink等);当我们写关于肥胖问题时,又需要另外的40个关键词汇(obese, overweight, coronary heart disease, stroke, heredity, inheritance, junk food, carnivorous, excessive drinking and smoking, couch potato, diabetes, a balanced diet, vegetarian等)。
高频写作题目:Do the benefits of tourism outweighthe drawbacks?
Positives of tourism:
Tourism is a popular leisure activity.
Tourists can relax, have fun, 'recharge theirbatteries', experience different customs and cultures(sight-seeing, visiting monuments, tasting newcuisine).
Travel opens our minds. It can broaden ourhorizons.
The tourism industry is vital for some countries.
People rely on tourism for their income.
Tourism attracts investment from governments and companies.
It creates employment due to demand for goods and services (hotels, entertainment etc.).
It helps to improve the standard of living.
Negatives of tourism:
Tourism can have a negative impact on the environment.
Excessive building (roads, hotels etc.) destroys natural habitats and spoils the landscape.
Tourism creates pollution and waste.
It puts pressure on local resources such as food, water and energy. 从文化角度思考:Local traditions may be lost.
Traditional jobs and skills die out (e.g. farming, fishing).
Local people are forced to work in the tourist industry.。