大学英语实用翻译教程Unit 6 英汉词语对比
大学英语Unit 6 单词整理

Unit 6 单词整理intelligence与intelligentintelligence:智力,理解力1. His intelligence quotient is very high.他的智商很高。
1.You should use your intelligence.你应该发挥你的聪明才智。
intelligent:聪明的,智能的adj. Though very intelligent, she is nevertheless rather modest.她很聪明,倒也很谦虚。
Someone as intelligent as you should go far.像你这样聪明的人一定很有作为。
bright: 口语常用词,多指年轻人,尤指小孩思路敏捷,理解力强,机灵等。
clever: 强调头脑灵活,接受新事物快,有智有谋,但不一定暗示全面妥当地考虑问题。
wise: 侧重不是一般的聪明伶俐,而是有远见,有智慧,能明智地处理问题。
brilliant: 指人的才华出众,思路敏捷,常令人赞叹不已。
intelligent: 正式用词,指在理解新的、抽象东西或处理解决问题时,智力超过一般常人。
ingenious: 指思路敏捷,并暗示有创造与发明的才能和技巧。
smart: 普通用词,与bright和clever的意思很相近,但更强调机灵。
shrewd: 指精明老练,有头脑,善于判断和把握有利机会。
reveal: vt. 显示, 透露, 揭示, 展现I promise never to reveal his secret.1.我答应决不泄漏他的秘密。

• 11. Thunder roared and a pouring rain started. • 试翻译:雷声怒吼中开始下起了倾盆大雨。(拟人) 试翻译:雷声怒吼中开始下起了倾盆大雨。(拟人) 。(拟人 • 12. It took a few dollars to build this indoor swimming pool. • 试翻译: 建一个室内游泳池只花几美元。(夸张) 。(夸张 试翻译: 建一个室内游泳池只花几美元。(夸张) • 13. To tell you the truth, I was really scared to death at that time. • 试翻译:说真的,我那时真是吓得要死。(夸张) 试翻译:说真的,我那时真是吓得要死。(夸张) 。(夸张 • 14. His words made my blood freeze. • 试翻译:听了他的话,我的血都快凝固了。(夸张) 试翻译:听了他的话,我的血都快凝固了。(夸张) 。(夸张 • 15. He threw a nervous glance at his brother. • 试翻译:他紧张地朝他的兄弟瞥了一眼。(移就) 试翻译:他紧张地朝他的兄弟瞥了一眼。(移就) 。(移就
• "You're giving me a pain in the neck," shouted Dr. Ruby, "Do you have a chip on my shoulder or something? Just laugh!" • 你是不是成心找不愉快 成心找不愉快? 成心找不愉快 • "I don't have a chip on my shoulder. Nothing is broken. I told you I have a sore throat and a pain in my knee." • "My knee only hurts when dance," said the doctor. "That's because I have two left feet." • 那是因为我笨手笨脚 笨手笨脚。" 笨手笨脚
《大学英语》第6段 段落与课文翻译

Book 3 Unit 4 中译英翻译你能想像一个身体严重残疾的妇女独自经营一个网站并且像一个专业的体育记者一样详细报道洛杉矶道奇队吗?如果我没有亲眼见到她蜷曲在轮椅里,用固定在头上的一根棍子敲击字键打出她的评论,我是绝不会相信的。
Could you imagine a woman with a severe physical handicap running a website on her own and covering the Los Angles Dodgers as extensively as a professional sportswriter? I would never believe it if I had not seen her with my own eyes, curled up in a wheelchair, typing her comments by hitting the key with a pointer fastened to her head. I had driven a long way in hopes of uncovering an elaborate hoax, but watching her strain in the gloom of her shanty to add to her story, I knew I had found a true winner. Her enthusiasm for the game and her trust in the athletes brought me back to a positive attitude.Unit 5 中译英翻译1) 就能力而言,我肯定他能胜任这件工作。

大学英语精读第6册全文课文翻译THE QUEST FOR EXTRATERRESTRIAL INTELLIGENCEThrough all of our history we have pondered the stars and musedwhether humanity is unique or if, somewhere else in the dark of the ni ghtsky, there are other beings who con template and wonder as we do, fellowthinkers in the cosmos. Such beings might view themselves and the universe differe ntly. Somewhereelse there might be very exotic biologies and tech no logies and societies.In a cosmic setting vast and old beyond ordinary huma n un dersta nding, we are a little Ion ely; and we ponder the ultimate significanee, if any, of our tiny but exquisite blue pla net.The search for extraterrestrial intelligence is the search for a gen erally acceptable cosmic con text for the huma n species. In the deepest sen se, the search forextraterrestrial in tellige nce is a search for ourselves.In the last few years -- in one-millionth the lifetimeof our species on this planet -- we have achieved anextraord inary tech no logical capability which en ables us to seek out uni mag in ably dista nt civilizati ons even if they areno more adva need tha n we. That capability is called radio astr onomy and in volves sin gle radio telescopes, collecti ons or arrays of radio telescopes, sen sitive radio detectors, advaneed computers for processing received date, and theimagi natio n and skill of dedicated scie ntists. Radio astronomy has in the last decade opened a new window on the physical uni verse. It may also, if we are wise eno ugh to make the effort, cast a profo und light on the biological uni verse.Some scie ntists work ing on the questi on of extraterrestrial intelligence, myself among them, have attempted to estimate the number of advaneed technical civilizatio ns -- defi ned operati on ally as societies capable of radio astronomy -- in the Milky Way Galaxy. Such estimates are little better than guesses. They require assigningnumerical values to quantities such as the numbers and ages of stars;the abundance of planetary systems and the likelihood of the origin of life, which we know less well;and the probability of the evoluti on of in tellige nt life andthe lifetime of technical civilizations, about which we know very little in deed.When we do the arithmetic, the sorts of nu mbers we come up with are, characteristically, around a million technical civilizations. A million civilizations is a breathtakingly large number, and it is exhilarating to imagine the diversity,lifestyles and commerce of those million worlds. But the MilkyWay Galaxy contains some 250 billi on stars, and eve n with a million civilizations, less than one star in 200,000 would探寻外星人自从人类有历史记载以来,我们一直在思索着星星,反复考虑是否只有人类存在,或者说在太空深处的某个地方是否存在其他同我们一样在不停地思索着的生命,也就是宇宙中跟我们一起思考的人。
全新版大学英语第三册unit 6 重要单词,词组讲解

Para 1be familiar for 因…而被熟悉find the taste in art 发现在艺术方面的兴趣in tune 和谐的(地)in tune:harmonious(ly) (often followed by with)- 他的想法与我的一样。
(=His ideas were in tune with mine.)- The price of gold coins fluctuates (波动) in tune with that of commodities.Collocation:out of tune with …与…不和谐change one’s tune改变看法、做法等Para 2scarcely, barely & hardly这三个词都是副词,都有“几乎不、刚好”之意。
scarcely 含有“不太够”的意思,强调不能令人满意。
例如:He is so uneducated that he can scarcely write his name.barely 含有“仅仅够、一点不多”的意思,强调没有多余。
例如:We barely succeeded.hardly 表示接近最低限度,差不多没有多余,而且强调困难。
例如:We could hardly endure the winter here.Para 4one chance in ten 十分之一的机会,一成机会make up one’s mind 下定决心Para 6bosh 胡说bullshit, nonsensebe worth doing 值得做Nothing he said was worth listening to. 他说的话没有一句值得听。
She’s not worth getting angry with. 犯不上跟她生气think twice 再三考虑Para8subtract from 从…中减去march into 迈向merry: adj.happy; cheerful; bright and gay- Peter and Mary were strolling about among the merry crowd enjoying Christmas Eve in Time Square.- We had a merry time at the party.- The more the merrier, the fewer the better fare.(=人越多越快乐, 人越少吃得越香。
英汉翻译讲义 Unit 6

Unit 6 Omission教学目的:通过对以前所学习的英语和汉语句法结构的区别的回顾,在把英语翻译成汉语的过程中,把握如何删减不必要的词语,使译文表达通顺、自然,减词不减意。
教学重点:省略法的运用1. 代词的省略.2.冠词的省略 3. 介词的省略4. 连词的省略 5. 动词的省略 6. 非人称代词 "It"的省略教学内容:所谓省词译法,就是把原文中需要而译文中不需要的单词、词组等在翻译过程中加以省略。
1. 省略冠词Article不定冠词(a/an)最基本的意义是“一”,表示数字概念时不能省略,但用于引伸意义表示类别,或用在固定短语中,可省略不译。
Ex 1. The horse is a useful animal.Ex 2. The earth goes around the sun.2.省略介词Preposition一般说来,表示时间和地点的英语介词,译成汉语如出现在句首,大都可以省略,出现在句尾大都不省略。
Ex 3. On July 1, 1997, Hong Kong returned to the People’s Republic of China.Ex 4. Smoking is prohibited in public places.3. 省略代词Pronouns人称代词we,you,及不定代词one,ones在句中含有泛指的意思时,常可省略不译;it在句中(引导主语、宾语、或强调句中)作为引导词,没有实际意义,可省略;作宾语或同位语用的反身代词,常可省略不译;作定语用的物主代词,常可省略不译,这样其关系更为明确些。
Ex 5. We live and learn.Ex 6. 有条件要上;没有条件,创造条件也要上。
大学实用翻译教程(英汉双向 )第六章 商贸翻译

由于国际贸易双方具有非常明确的目的,在其签订合同或起草来往的函电中 往往使用缩略词来简化术语表达。这些缩略语是双方都了解的国际通用的表 达术语,既节省了双方的时间,又能准确表达其目的,所以在实际运用中是 非常流行的,也被贸易双方所接受,这也是学生需要重点学习的。如:
OPEC (The organization of petroleum Exporting Country)石油输出组织。
专业术语:汇付remit 信汇mail transfer 订金down payment 跟单托收documentary collection 缩写词:提单 B/L ( Bill of Landing) 装箱单 P/L (Packing List) 商船 M.V. (Merchant Vessel)
特定含义:他经常向有困难的人主动提供帮助。 He always offers his help to those who meet difficulties.
目的港船上交货(Delivered EX Ship,DES) 未完税交货(Delivered Duty Unpaid,DDU)
目的港码头交货(Delivered EX Quay,DEQ) 完税后交货(Delivered Duty Paid,DDP)
象征性交货( Symbolic Delivery )
良好平均品质(Fair Average Quality, FAQ)
对等样品;回样(Counter Sample) 拼箱货( Less than Container Load, LCL )
国际多式联运(International Multimodal Transport 或 International Combined Transport, 美国也
大学英语CET3-Unit 6 单词详解

1. 转变,变换 They converted the garage into a theater. 他们将车库改成戏院。 2.(使)皈依;(使)改变信仰 The priest converted many natives into Christianity. 这个牧师使许多土著居民改信基督教。 3. 兑换(证券、货币等) He wanted to convert his dollars into Japanese yen. 他想将美元换成日币。
1. 归附者,皈依者,改变信仰者 He is a convert to Buddhism. 他皈依佛教。
distinguish v.
1. distinguish (between) A and B; distinguish A from B 区别,辨别(人或事物) We should distinguish between right and wrong. 我们应辨别是非。 2. distinguish A (from) B 显示(两者)之间的差别; 为某人[某事物]之特征或特性,使某人[某事 物]有所不同 I must distinguish myself from other people. 我一定要与众不同。 3. 看清、听清...(某事物) I can't distinguish things so far. 那么远的东西我分不清。 4. distinguish oneself(因善于做某事)受人注目,出名 He distinguished himself by his scholarship. 他以博学而闻名。
• n.
1.前提;假定 His reasoning is based on the premise that all people are equally capable of good ang evil. 他的推理是以人可以为善亦可以为恶为前提的。
Unit 6 翻译赏析(译文)

Unit 6E-CKobe Bryant is better than Michael Jordan —at least as far as the NBA’s all-time scoring list is concerned.Indeed, the milestone is no small feat for Bryant, as he forged his Hall of Fame career in Jordan’s shadow. Almost since the day Bryant entered the league in 1996 at the age of 18, everything about the two invited comparison. From their sizes (each 198 cm) to the almost eerie similarities of the way they pump their fists after big shots. The debate has raged on whether Bryant can surpass Jordan all the time.Bryant seemed to long for getting rid of these comparisons. “The thing that I always bristled at was the notion that I learned everything that I know from Michael,” Bryant told Bleacher Report.However, his health issues got in the way. The 36-year-old player missed all but six games in 2013-14, first recovering from a torn Achilles and then suffering a season-ending knee injury.科比比乔丹更优秀?至少在NBA个人职业生涯总得分榜上他已经超越了“飞人”。
大学英语读写译2 Unit6 textA paragraph10 单词短语解析

without regard to Regardless of
in this/that regard
Formal used to connect what you are going to say with something you have just mentioned
e.g.Progress is slow.In this regard,lack of funds is a factor. 进展很缓慢,就这一点而言,缺 乏资金是一个因素。
conservative adj.&n.
1.Belonging to concerned with the Conservative Party in Britain
2.Not liking changes or new ideas
3.Not very modern in style,taste etc 4.Someone who supports or is a member of the Conservative Party in Britain 5.Someone who does not like changes in ideas or fashion
take a chance/take chances
To do something that involves risks
e.g.1.The rope might break but that‘s chance we’ll have to take. 绳子可能会断,但我们只能冒这 个险了。 2.After losing $20,000 on my last business venture,I‘m not taking any chances this time. 上次买卖我损失了两万美元, 这次我不会冒任何风险了。

Problem Section. The first required section of a research report is the statement of the problem with which the research project is concerned. This section requires a precise statement of the underlying question which the researcher has set out to answer. In this same section there should be an explanation of the significance -- social, economic, medical, psychological, educational, etc. -- of the question; in other words, why the investigation was worth conducting. Thus, if we set out, for example, to answer the question "What is the effect of regular consumption of fast foods on the health of the American teenager?" we must explain that the question is thought to have significant relevance to the health of this segment of the population and might lead to some sort of regulations on such foods.

Unit11. An imbalance between the rich and poor is the oldest and most fatal ailment of republics贫富不均乃共和政体最致命的宿疾2. Their poverty is a temporary misfortune, if they are poor and meek, they eventually will inherit the earth他们的贫穷只是一种暂时性的不幸,如果他们贫穷但却温顺,他们最终将成为世界的主人3. Couples in love should repair to R H Macy’s not their bedroom一对对儿热恋的新婚夫妇应该在梅西百货商店过夜,而不是回到他们的新房。
4.The American beauty rose can be produced in the splendor and fragrance which bring cheer to its beholder only by sacrificing the early buds which grow up around it.and so is in economic life. It’s merely the working out of the a law of the nature and a law of god美国这朵玫瑰花以其华贵与芳香让观众倾倒,赞不绝口,而她之所以能被培植就是因为在早期其周围的花蕾被插掉了,在经济生活中情况亦是如此。
这是自然规律和上帝的意志在起作用5. (It has become) an economically not unrewarding enterprise. (它已成为)经济上收入不菲的行业6.There is…no form of oppression that is quiet so great, no constriction on thought and effort quiet so comprehensive, as that which come from having no money at all没有哪种压迫比身无分文更厉害,也没有哪种对思想和行为的束缚比一无所有来得更全面彻底7. Freedom we rightly cherish, cherishing it, we should not use it as a cover for denying freedom to those in need.我们珍惜自由式对的。

大学英语(六)中1—6课课后词汇练习和翻译练习答案Unit 11) Only when we have weighed all the factors involved can we decide when would be the best time to take action.(权衡)2) The management invited the employees to voluntarily submit proposals for projects to improve work performance.(提出)3) The new students were told that they must register with the University before they could claim their grants.(注册)4) The club,which claimed to have found a suspicious package that might contain bombs,was still sealed off(被封锁起来) following a security alert earlier this morning.(警报)5) A crowd of people gathered round ,outraged by the way the police officers were hitting the two men.(激怒)6) Extensive conversations with native speakers form a(n) integral part of the English language course in our university.(不可或缺的)7) In this chapter the author illustrates his marketing theory with lots of first-hand materials from his business career.(说明)8) After each group finish their presentation,the rest of the class should critique their performance and vote for the best speaker.(评价)1) You don’t need to dress up just to go the pub —jeans and a T-shirt will do.(穿上礼服)2)Could you type up the questions and answers from the press conference,please?They are due to be carried in tomorrow’s newspaper.(把…打字成文)3) As the training progressed to the advanced level,most of the students drifted away while Melanie and several others stayed to the end.(逐渐离去)4) A group of teenagers put on a musical play about wildlife protection,which attracted a large audience every time they appeared on the stage.[安排上演(戏剧等)]5) Economic recovery is already under way and business is becoming brisk again.(进行中)6) After lying in hospital for two weeks,Jenny was afraid that she had fallen behind with her school work.(落后于)Unit 21) He was merely a boy;I wouldn’t have expected him to understand those abstract formulas.(仅仅是)2)Though leading a frugal life,Charles is very generous,contributing time and money to a number of charitable organizations.(慈善的)3) He wasn’t the sort of person who kept things for sentimental reasons;he threw them away immediately after use.(多愁善感的)4) The fire had destroyed most of the buildings,but we managed to salvage a few valuable items.[抢救(货物、财产等)]5) He was looking through a pile of old newspaper clipping for the report on the 100th anniversary of the university.(剪下物)6)Reclining in a comfortable chair,David idly flipped through a sports magazine.(躺卧)7) How can you expect an ‘A’ for this course when you turn in an essay as sloppy as this?(马虎的)8) The project needs to be meticulously planned as we have a tight deadline and only a limited budget.(极谨慎地)1) Due to the cleaners’ strike,the rubbish in my house had been left unattended for days and it began to pile up against the wall.(积聚)2) I was thinking of giving away those baby clothes of my daughter’s,but for sentimental reasons I couldn’t bring myself to part with them.(放弃)3) First apply shampoo to your hair and leave the shampoo for two minutes,then rinse it off with warm water.(从…上冲洗掉)4) After months of preparation,Kate and her partner finally set up their own printing business.(建立)5) I put forward a number of suggestions to improve working efficiency,but the management just toyed with my ideas for awhile and then rejected them.(随随便便地对待)6) When questioned about the high oil prices at present,nearly all interviewees claimed they had been foced to cut down on fuel and many reported inconvenience in their lives.(减少)7) Have you finished with the scissors?We’re waiting to have our paper-cutting done.(用完)8) Buried in mounds of files,I just want to get the whole thing over with sooner so that I could go away and enjoy my holiday with all my heart.(做完)9)The global financial crisis is cutting a swath through the country’s economy,with companies going bankrupt and individuals cutting down on their expenditure.(大肆破坏)10) Paul is an easy-going fellow at heart through sometimes he is very harsh and strict with his students.(实际上)Unit 31) Every year George gives his wife Gigi a huge bunch of red roses on her birthday.(一束)2) I tried to give up smoking several times before I realized I was addicted to it.(上了瘾的)3) Young people who abuse drugs regularly often end up as very immature adults because they never learn to cope with their problems.(滥用)4) After long separation we finally had a family reunion where I saw relatives I hadn’t seen for 20 years.(团聚)5) He catches cold easily because his body’s immune(免疫的) system is suppressed by virus.(阻止…的生长)6) His words have sown the seeds of suspicion in our minds and we are going to re-examine the evidence he has given in court.(播种)7) Miss Walker’s father had gone bankrupt owing to a failed business venture with his dishonest partners.(冒险行动)8)The invention of modern appliance such as washing machines and plug-in conveniences has liberated women from household chores and enabled them to enter the workforce.(解放)9) The Smiths adopted a poor little girl who had been starved of affection since her parents died in an accident.(使急需)10) According to official statistics there are 58 deaths per 1000 children born in that remote area of the country.(统计资料)1) A reputation for quality, coupled with very competitive prices, has made these cars very popular.(使…与…结合)2)Many officials have been wondering aloud about the Prime Minister’s competence in handing the current financial crisis.(说出内心的疑虑)3) You can lose five pounds a week on this diet.And best of all,you never have to feel hungry.(最好的)4) The doctor advised those with heart problems to put a first-aid kit close at hand all the time.(非常近)5) Several times it had crossed his mind to check on the car,but he never actually did it.(想起)6) I’m not going to sit by and watch a man go to prison for something I’ve done.(无动于衷)Unit 41) Smart and hardworking,Carmen seemed destined for a successful career ahead.(注定的)2) At 31,Peggy feels trapped in the boring job of an office secretary and she has a yearning to escape.(困住)3) Yesterday a storm blasted the Florida coast with 75 m.p.h winds and left two tourists missing.(摧毁;使枯萎)4) The couple hardly ever reach an agreement —their conversations often erupt into quarrels and shouting.(爆发)5)The ballet company’s new performance successfully blended tradition and creative innovation,which won great admiration from critics.(使混合)6) Repeated examfailures had eroded her confidence and exerted an influence on her —she started to skip classes more often.(逐步毁坏)7) Ever since our secretary resigned,our office has been in a state of total chaos.(大混乱)8) Parents are usually inclined to impose their own moral values on their children,which might bring on rebellion from teenagers. (把…强加于)9) Some fathers are jealous of the attention a newborn baby receives from its mother,even if they won’t admit it.(嫉妒的)10) I have this strong yearning for open spaces from having lived in a crowded city for too many years.(渴望;思念)1) The result of the survey is quite alarming —half the marriages in this country end in divorce.(以…结束)2) Being addicted to betting on horses,he had gambled away most of his inheritance(遗产) by the time he was thirty.(赌光)3) We cooked too much for lunch and had to take what was left over for supper.(剩下)4)Many companies are now suffering from a chronic shortage of funds brought on in recent years by the financial crisis.(导致)5) She didn’t quarrel with her husband when she found out about his infidelity,but her annoyance showed itself in her looks.(呈现)6) Inflation nibbles away at people’s savings and reduces their value considerably.(慢慢侵蚀)7)To show my affection for the little girl,I bent down and tried to kiss her on the forehead,but she pulled away in time,which made me embarrassed.(脱身)8) As the advancing soldiers closed in on the town,people started running into the underground shelters for safety.(逐渐包围)Unit 51) The police are constantly searching for new ways of steering young people away from criminal activities.(引导)2) The audience were thrown into a(n) panic after a bomb exploded in the theatre.(恐慌)3) He explained later that he had refrained from commenting on his opponents’ anti-constitutional claims in order to avoid open confrontation at the meeting.(忍住;节制)4) Corporate executives should not be given the right to intrude into employees’ private lives by monitoring their phone calls.(闯入;侵扰)5)To protect intellectual property rights,the government is making a great effort to unify the KTV system in karaoke bars.(统一)6)As the factory is faced with the danger of being shut down,many workers are suffering from an inner sense of desperation.(绝望)7) It is totally nonsense to assert that smoking can help prevent bird flu or swine flu.(宣称)8) The bus was already full up but the old lady managed to squeeze in.(用力挤压)9) Using too many pieces of electrical equipment at once may overload the circuit and cause power cut or fire.[使(电力)超载]10) Despite all the treatment he has had over the past few months,Ashby is still suffering from skin rashes and recurring respiratory(呼吸的) problems.(复发)1) As I was shopping one day,a girl mistook me for the well-known actor Jackie Chan and asked for my autograph(亲笔签名).(错认为…)2) The box has been left unattended in the cellar for years,and it came apart as we tried to lift it up.(破裂)3) The government promised to the public that they shall keep close watch on the latest developments in relation to the disease.(关于)4) I can put up with your room being cluttered with paintings and prints,but I hate in if it’s not clean.(忍受)5) To prepare food for the elderly,make sure to cut out the fat and bone before you cook the meat.(剪下)6)The pain of losing his only daughter still sweeps over him in waves though it has been two years since the traffic accident occurred.(一阵阵地袭来)7)The people who got hurt in the collision were rushed to the only hospital in the vicinity of the scene of the accident.(在…附近)8) Detectives were searching the scene of the crime closely,being careful enough not to leave any details out.(遗漏)9) For some days he had been mulling over the new plan,trying to come up with something more constructive.(仔细考虑)10) According to the latest survey,only 5% of American adults engage in regular annual physical check-ups,which healthscientists consider quite worrying.(参加)11) All of your achievements for the week should be gathered up in a ten-minute talk with the manager every Friday.(概括)12)Of the 88 locomotives(机车) on this railroad line,35 are out of commission,either awaiting repairs or being replaced.(不能使用)Unit 61) Every morning he would wake up at 6 a.m. and stagger half-awake into the bathroom to get washed.(蹒跚)2)In September these birds migrate2000 miles south to a warmer climate and then fly back to their home the next spring.(定期迁移)3) Woodchucks(早獭),like many other ground squirrels,hibernate in their underground tunnels where they are thought to sleep away the winter.(冬眠)4) The area where we’ll be planting trees are outlined in red on the map.(描…的外形)5) Eileen collected the leaves,heaped them into piles along the curb,and waited for the garbage truck.(堆积)6) I walked up the tower from the bottom to the top and could only marvel at its grandness and artistic taste.(惊奇)7)The silverware excavated(挖掘) from the ancient tomb is a distant reminder of a well-off empire that vanished one thousand years ago.(灭绝)8) To celebrate the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China,we had a(n) spectacular fireworks display on the city square.(雄伟的)9) A large section of the roadway began to disintegrate after only a few cars had passed over it.[(使)碎裂]10) There is an Egyptian art collection on display at the museum at the moment.(陈列)1) A hedgehog(刺猬) is hiding in a bush,and when it hears you approaching,it will roll up into a ballpromptly.(卷起来)2) A bolt(螺钉) broke on an amusement park ride,and several children who fell off were seriously injured.(脱落)3) After many failures in promoting his new products, he was considering closing up shop for good.(停止做某事)4) Because of the current economic recession a lot of companies have pared their staff down.(缩减)5) It is feared that higher interest rates might choke off economic recovery.(制止)6)New companies are springing up all the time,providing information and services of all kinds you could imagine.(迅速出现)7) The doctor was dismissed because he was accused of dishing out drugs more than necessary.(大量分给)8) He used to lock himself in his bedroom for hours on end and refuse to talk to anyone.(连续地)Unit 1 Teaching in Your Pajamas: Lessons of Online Class刚接触网络教学时,我质疑过这种教学方式的有效性。
新编实用英语综合教程UNIT6 课后翻译

The dinning-hall on the North campus is twice as large as that on the south.盐湖城街道的宽度是我们城市街道的两倍。
The streets in The Salt Lake City are twice as wide as those in our city2.这座新立交桥(overpass)的宽度是48英尺。
This new overpass is 48 feet in width.The Indian Ocean measures 3 900 meters in depth.3.你只需先付给那所语言学校50美元便可以开始学英语了。
Y our study of English begins when you pay 50 dollars at the language school.你只需先在正门口花4美元买一张门票便可以开始参观花园了。
Y our visit to the Garden begins when you spend 4 dollars to buy a ticket at the front gate.4.从大学到购物广场的大巴每隔10分钟就发出一辆。
The bus from the university to the shopping mall leaves every ten minutes.从韶关到广州的火车每半小时就发出一列。
The train from Shaoguan to Guangzhou leaves every half an hour.5.这些杂志每本的价格是两美元These magazines cost 2 dollars each.他们每个人都在文件上签了字。
They each signed the paper.6.用计算机请到中心实验室。
Computers available in the central laboratory买旧书请到四楼Old books available on the fourth floor.。

Some scientists working on the question of extraterrestrial intelligence, myself among them, have attempted to estimate the number of advanced technical civilizations -- defined operationally as societies capable of radio astronomy -- in the Milky Way Galaxy. Such estimates are little better than guesses. They require assigning numerical values to quantities such as the numbers and ages of stars; the abundance of planetary systems and the likelihood of the origin of life, which we know less well; and the probability of the evolution of intelligent life and the lifetime of technical civilizations, about which we know very little indeed.
大学英语实用翻译教程Unit 6 英汉词语对比

又如,汉语里 “软饭” 一词,被用来比喻男子依赖女子 为生,是一个带有贬讽意味的比喻,在英语中就不存在类似 的喻体;英语中的 cat 可用以比喻心肠恶毒的女人,而汉语里 “猫” 就不具有这种联想意义。
Cultural Implications 文化内涵
再如,汉语的 “宣传” 和英语的 propaganda 二者是否等同?
6.3 文化内涵 (Cultural Implications)
各个社会都有其独特的文化,文化包罗万象,无处不 在,渗透在社会的各个方面。语言是一种特殊的文化,是 文化的载体和写照;同时,它的形成和发展又或直接或间 接地受到社会文化因素的影响。词语是构成语言大厦的基 石,因此,各民族文化的个性特征经过历史的积淀而结晶 在词汇层面上,词语承载着丰厚的文化内涵。有效地把握 语言与文化之间的内在联系,准确地理解词语的文化内涵, 我们才能最大限度地传达语言载体所承载的文化信息,做 出精当的翻译。
1) lucky dog(幸运儿) 1) 走狗 2) dog-like devotion(象 狗 2) 狗腿子 一 样忠实) 3) 狼心狗肺 3) to work like a dog(忘我 4) 狗仗人势 工作) 4) Every dog has his day. 5) 狗眼看人低 (每个人都有梦想实现的 …… 一天。/凡人都有得意之 日。) 你还能举出一些英、汉词语指称意义相同,但情感意义不同 的例子吗?
完全对应(Complete Correspondence)
由于人类物质文化、感觉、认知和思维方式等方面的相似,英语和 汉语中有些词所表示的意义是完全互相对应的。主要是一些已有通用译 名的专有名词、科技术语和日常生活中的一些事物的名称。例如: Shakespeare — 莎士比亚,the Himalayas — 喜马拉雅山脉, astronomy — 天文学,multimedia —多媒体,philosophy — 哲学, baby — 婴儿,sky — 天空,snow — 雪,等等。 这类词语一般不会带来翻译障碍,不存在词义的选择和转化问题。 但是,我们在译语中寻找词义对应的词语时,还得提防找到的是 “假朋 友”,即假对应词。例如: brown sugar ≠ 褐糖(= 红糖) 吃药 ≠ eat medicine (= take medicine) 喝汤 ≠ drink the soup (= eat / have the soup) 拳头产品 ≠ fist product (= knockout product)(原语中“拳头”的意 义已经引申为“引人注目的人或事”) green hand ≠ 绿手(= 新手)(原语中green一词多义,除了指“绿 色”,还指“无经验的”) drawing room ≠ 画室(= 客厅)
大学英语实用翻译 - lesson6

He is inexperienced in driving.
开车他没有经验。 他开车方面没有经验。
I’ll make my own decision in marriage.
英语t something you don’t want and you want something you can’t get.
得到的东西不想要,想要的东西得不到。 得到的东西不想要,想要的东西却得不到。 得到的东西不想要,而想要的东西却得不到。
That’s why we think that even the independent African countries are already
qualified to have international relations.
Lesson 6
简单句 simple sentences 并列句 compound sentences 复句
单句 联合复句
复合句 complex sentences
She went out with her daughter. 这是我的书。 他和同学关系很好。
英语中物主代词具有强制性。 “我的”不能省略,有强制性 没必要说成“他和他的同学”
大学英语读写译第六单元词汇 Unit6 A Valentine Story

sensitive 敏感的;[仪] 灵敏的;感光的; sensing 感觉,了解(sense的现在分词) senseless 愚蠢的;无知觉的;无意识的 vi. sensing 敏感的 sensitise 变得敏感(等于sensitize) sensate 可感觉的;知觉的
sensibly 明显地;容易感知地;聪明地 sensitively 敏感地;易感知地 senselessly 毫无知觉地;无意识地
Words And Expressions Unit 6 A Valentine Story
词 语 辨 析
adj. 明智的 合乎情理的 通情达理的
sensible, rational, reasonable 这组词都有“明智的”的意思
• sensible 一般指合乎常情、切合实际的行为与思想, 侧重明白事理。 • rational 指有理性的,有思维推理能力,而不是凭 感觉冲动从事。 • reasonable 一般不十分着重推理的能力,而往往 用来表示合乎情理、公正或务实。
sense 感觉到;检测 sensibilize 使感觉敏锐 sensitise 使敏感(等于sensitize)
sense 感觉,官能;观念;道理;理智 sensation 感觉;轰动;感动 sensitivity 敏感;敏感性;过敏 sensibility 情感;敏感性;感觉;识别力 sensing 传感;感觉;测知 sensationalist 感觉论者
Words And Expressions Unit 6 A Valentine Story
adj. 感谢的;令人愉快的, 宜人的
因某事而感激某人 感激涕零 ; 感激 ; 感谢 感激 ; 感谢的

Unit 6第六单元Karoshi过劳死You might be of the opinion that a little hard work never hurt anyone, but this old saying你可能会以为有点努力工作不会损害任何人,但这个老说is wearing thin. Tokyo interiors fitter Nobuo Miuro, quite literally, died in his work boots衣着瘦。
东京的内部装修来使其拥有和蔼感钳工Nobuo Miuro 照字面上 ,死于他的工作的靴子in the middle of a 17-hour shift: a Japanese doctor returned a verdict of death by overwork.这场中间的改变:日本医生裁定死于加班。
It's a phenomenon that has become so common in Japan (where a typical office worker can那是一种现象 ,已经特别广泛在日本(在一个典型的办公室工人能够leave home at 7am, only getting back after 11pm) that they even have their own word for it:清晨 7 点走开家 ,只在夜晚11 点后打回到 ,他们甚至还有自己的的话:"karoshi".“过劳死”。
Karoshi has yet to make it as a buzzword in current British usage, but that's not to say 还没有过劳死 ,在目前的热点话题,而英国的用法 ,但这其实不是说that long hours and work-related stress aren't taking their toll on us here. Self-reported 那么长时间和工作压力不重要,我们这里的代价。
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早期汉语词语以单音节和多音节的单纯词居多:“天”,地”, “人”,“蜘蛛”,“彷徨”,“窈窕”,“徘徊”,等等。发 展过程中,汉语词汇构词方式日益多样化,合成词逐渐增多;汉 语还吸收了许多外来词汇。
英语:词,短语,当今世界上国际性最强,使用最广泛的语言, 词汇量颇为丰富。 发展过程中,1)新造词(coined-up words; coinage); 2)通过各类构词法产生新词 (words from new formations); 3)吸收了大量外来词汇 ( loaned words; loans)
6.词语的翻译(一) 英汉词语对比 6.1 构词特征 6.2 词义关系 6.3 文化内涵 Reference Key to Exercise Six
6.1 构词特征 (Features of Word Formation)
汉语:字,词组,由“字”所构成的灵活多样、数量巨大的词 是汉语使用的主体层级,其使用价值为最高。
Semantic Relations of Words 词义关系
部分对应(Partial Correspondence)
在英语和汉语之间,有些词在词义上只有部分对应。 1、它们的意义范围有广、狭之分。例如: uncle — 叔叔,叔父,伯父,姑父,姨父,舅父 再如:“吃饭、吃药、吃官司、吃苦、吃回扣” 中的 “吃” 词 义范围远远大于英语的表层对应词 eat ,在英文中其正确意义包括 have (a meal),take(medicine),involve in(a legal action),bear (hardships),receive(rebate),等等。 2、对应词的词义有抽象和具体、一般和个别之分。如: 1) beauty — 美貌(抽象),美人(具体) 2) 饭 — meal(一般),breakfast,lunch,supper,rice(个别)
式上仍呈现出许多不同之处。总体说来,利用加缀法派生而 来的词语在英语中的比例要比在汉语中高;而复合法构词的 比例在汉语中要比在英语中高。
6. 2 词义关系 (Semantic Relations of Words)
词语除了具备形态特征,还具有约定俗成的词义,对词义 的准确理解是翻译实践中的基础和重要环节。只有这样,才能 恰当地选择译文中的对应词,精准得体地翻译。 语言的形成和发展受到社会文化因素的影响,不同文化之 间既有差异,也有相通之处,因此,不同语言之间也必然存在 着种种异同,从词语意义来看,存在着对应与不对应的关系。
Features of Word Formation 构词特征
英语和汉语词汇的构词方式: 加缀法(affixation) 音变法(sound-changing) 复合法(compounding) 缩略法(abbreviation) 重叠法(reduplication) 减缀法(back formation) 转化法(conversion)
完全对应(Complete Correspondence) 部分对应(Partial Correspondence)
交叉对应(Intersection in Meaning)
不对应 / 零对应(Zero Correspondence)
Semantic Relations of Words 词义关系
由于一词多义现象的普遍存在,一个汉语词的词义可以 能在汉语中找到多个词义与之对应的词语。这样就形成了一 种交叉的词义对应关系。例如:
A Practical Course in English-Chinese Translation
Pre-learning translation 1) A burnt child dreads the fire. 2) A fall into a pit, a gain in your wit. 3) 信息高速公路 4) 暗箱操作 Reference 1) 一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳。 2) 吃一堑,长一智。 3) information highway 4) black case work
完全对应(Complete Correspondence)
由于人类物质文化、感觉、认知和思维方式等方面的相似,英语和 汉语中有些词所表示的意义是完全互相对应的。主要是一些已有通用译 名的专有名词、科技术语和日常生活中的一些事物的名称。例如: Shakespeare — 莎士比亚,the Himalayas — 喜马拉雅山脉, astronomy — 天文学,multimedia —多媒体,philosophy — 哲学, baby — 婴儿,sky — 天空,snow — 雪,等等。 这类词语一般不会带来翻译障碍,不存在词义的选择和转化问题。 但是,我们在译语中寻找词义对应的词语时,还得提防找到的是 “假朋 友”,即假对应词。例如: brown sugar ≠ 褐糖(= 红糖) 吃药 ≠ eat medicine (= take medicine) 喝汤 ≠ drink the soup (= eat / have the soup) 拳头产品 ≠ fist product (= knockout product)(原语中“拳头”的意 义已经引申为“引人注目的人或事”) green hand ≠ 绿手(= 新手)(原语中green一词多义,除了指“绿 色”,还指“无经验的”) drawing room ≠ 画室(= 客厅)
3、还有些词语指称意义对应,但蕴涵意义不对应。例如: 英语的west wind和汉语的“西风”(指称的自然现象对应,但蕴 涵意义则迥然相异。英语的 west wind 相当于汉语的东风,具有温暖, 和煦的含义。)
Semantic Relations of Words 词义关系
交叉对应(Intersection in Meaning)