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上海版牛津英语8B 第一章学习辅导材料(11.01)


product n. 产品例如:

Our new product will go on the market. 我们的新产品即将上市。


produce v. 生产;制造;产生例如:

We produce vegetables. 我们生产蔬菜。

production n.生产;产生例如:

The production of television sets is very complex. 电视机制造非常复杂。

scientist n. 科学家例如:

My brother’s ambition is to be a scientist. 我兄弟的志愿是成为一名科学家。

【同根词】:science, scientific

science n. 科学scientific adj.科学的例如:

The scientists in this university are interested in modern science and they spend most of their time on their scientific research.


breathe v. 呼吸例如:

He breathed hard when he was ill yesterday. 他昨天生病时,费力地呼吸。

【同根词】:breath, 呼吸例如:

Smith’s heavy breath disturbed his wife’s sleep.史密斯沉重的呼吸扰乱了他太太的睡眠。hectare n. 公顷 1 hectare = 10,000 square metres (1公顷= 10,000平方米) 例如:That factory covers an area of 150 hectares. 那个工厂占地150 公顷。

alive adj.(表语形容词)活着;在世

【词义辨析】:alive,living 都是“活着”的意思,用法不同。例如:

alive 是表语形容词,一般在句子中放在系动词后面,用作表语。例如:

I am your friend as long as I am alive. 只要我活着就是你的朋友。

living 是定语形容词,一般在句子中放在名词前用作定语。例如:

There are not any living things in the mountain area.在这个山区里没有任何活着的东西。

warn v. 警告:使警惕例如:

Xiaofeng warned me against pickpockets. 小峰警告我要提防扒手。

【同根词】:warning n. 警告;警示例如:

There is a warning sign at the corner of the street. 街角那儿有一块警示牌。

nature n. 自然界;大自然例如:

I am in favour of return to nature. 我赞成回归自然。

【同根词】:natural adj. 自然的例如:

This mountain village has natural beauty. 这个山村有自然的美。


(be) interested in 对……感兴趣例如:

Are you interested in movies? 你对电影感兴趣吗?


interested adj. 感兴趣的。一般表示对某人或某物感兴趣。例如:

He is interested in computers. 他对电脑感兴趣。

interesting adj. 有趣的;令人感兴趣的。一般表示某样事物令人感兴趣。

He is an interesting boy. 他是个有趣的男孩。

Chemistry is an interesting subject. All of us are interested in it.


as well as 也,还例如:

They study French as well as Chinese. 他们既学法语也学中文。

【词义辨析】:as well as, not only … but also, both … and… 都用于连接两个相同的语法部分。as well as 强调的是两个相同语法部分的前者。例如:

He can play violin as well as guitar. 他既能拉小提琴,也能弹吉他。(强调会小提琴)

not only … but also … 强调的是两个相同语法部分的后者。例如:

He can play not only violin but also guitar.他不仅能拉小提琴,也能弹吉他。(强调会吉他)both … and … 前后两个语法部分都注重。例如:

He can play both violin and guitar. 他能演奏小提琴和吉他。(不分前后一样重要)

air conditioner n.空调例如:

Air conditioners make us feel more comfortable in summer and winter.


one another 互相例如:

We must help one another and learn from one another. 我们必须互相帮助,互相学习。
