关于英语的名人名言1、Genius only means hard-working all one's life.天才只意味着终身不懈地努力。
——门捷列耶夫2、There is no such thing as a great talent without great will - power.没有伟大的意志力,便没有雄才大略。
——巴尔扎克3、Cease to struggle and you cease to live.生命不止,奋斗不息。
——卡莱尔4、A strong man will struggle with the storms of fate.强者能同命运的风暴抗争。
——爱迪生5、Living without an aim is like sailing without a compass.生活没有目标,犹如航海没有罗盘。
——罗斯金6、Live a noble and honest life. Reviving past times in your old age will help you to enjoy your life again.过一种高尚而诚实的生活。
7、Accept what was and what is, and you’ll have more positive energy to pursue what will be.接受过去和现在的模样,才会有能量去追寻自己的未来。
8、Behind every successful man there's a lot u unsuccessful years.每个成功者的后面都有很多不成功的岁月。
——鲍博·布朗9、Enrich your life today,. yesterday is history.tomorrow is mystery.充实今朝,昨日已成过去,明天充满神奇。
可编辑修改精选全文完整版1、Suffering is the most powerful teacher of life.苦难是人生最伟大的老师。
2、Great hopes make great men.伟大的希望造就伟大的人物。
3、You make the failure complete when you stop trying.当你停止尝试的时候,你就完全失败了。
4、Man proposes, God disposes.谋事在人,成事在天。
5、Life is tough,but you can be tougher.生活很艰苦,但你可以更加强大。
6、Do not teach fish to swim.不要班门弄斧。
7、East or west, home is the best.东奔西跑,还是家里好。
8、Experience is the best teacher.实践出真知。
9、Faith can move mountains.精诚所至,金石为开。
10、Better late than never.迟做总比不做好。
11、Good wine needs no bush.酒香不怕巷子深。
12、Difficult circumstances serve as a textbook of life for people.困难坎坷是人们的生活教科书。
13、He that promises too much means nothing.轻诺者寡信。
14、He who has an art has everywhere a part.一招鲜,吃遍天。
15、He would climb the ladder must begin at the bottom.千里之行始于足下。
16、Home is where the heart is.心在哪里,哪里就是家。
17、Man is not made for defeat.人不是为失败而生存的。
●Lookerson see most of the game.
—— Smedley斯密莱
●One swallow does not make a summer.
●Easy come, easy go.
●There is no rose without a thorn.
●The darkest hour is that before the dawn.
●The longest day has an end.
●Time is money.
——Benjamin Franklin富兰克林
●All for one, one for all.
——[法] Dumas peacute;re大仲马
●A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
——里根Self-made friendship lasts longer than bought friendship.2、聪明的人有长的耳朵和短的舌头。
——弗莱格Smart people have long ears and short tongues.3、世上友谊本罕见,平等友情更难求。
——培根Friendship is rare in the es at a high price.7、明智者创造的机会比他发现的要多。
——培根A of success lies in determination.17、切记,成功乃是辛劳的报酬。
——索福克勒斯Keep in mind that success is the reward of hard work.18、世间万物有盛衰,人生安得常少年。
——于谦Everything in the world has its ups and downs, and life is always young.19、死生一事付鸿毛,人生到世方英杰。
——秋瑾Life and death pay pidends, life to the world's heroes.20、人才进行工作,而天才则进行创造。
——舒曼Talents work, while geniuses create.21、保持人格不仅靠功劳,也要靠忠诚。
——歌德Maintaining personality depends not only on merit, but also on loyalty.22、时间是我的财产,我的田亩是时间。
——歌德Time is my property, my field is time.23、富贵不淫贫贱乐,男儿到此是豪雄。
——程颢Richness is not prostitution, poverty or pleasure. The man is a hero here.24、我们的骄傲多半是基于我们的无知。
——藏克家Reading a good book is like making a good friend.2、天下无难事,只要肯登攀!——格言Nothing is impossible to a willing man.3、宁可失钱,不可失信。
——英国Better lose money than lose faith.4、真诚是处世行事的最好方法。
——怀特Sincerity is the best way to do things.5、聪明出于勤奋,天才在于积累。
——华罗庚Intelligence is from diligence, genius is accumulation.6、高尚、伟大的代价就是责任。
——丘吉尔The price of nobility and greatness is responsibility.7、艺术应当担负起哺育思想的责任。
——白朗宁Art should shoulder the responsibility of nurturing the mind.8、书犹药也,善读之可以医愚。
——刘向Books and medicines are also good for reading.9、宝剑锋从磨砺出,梅花香自苦寒来。
——佚名April showers bring May flowers.10、鞠躬尽瘁,死而后己。
——诸葛亮Do your best and die.11、问渠那得清如许,为有源头活水来。
——朱熹Ask the canal so clear, for the source of water.12、轻千乘之国,而重一言之信。
——孔子In light of the state of 1000 times, it is a word of faith.13、鸟要紧的是翅膀,人要紧的是理想。
——俗语What matters to a bird is its wings. What matters most is ideals.14、三军可夺帅也,匹夫不可夺志也——格言The three armies can take advantage of the handsome, but not the apathy.15、内不欺己,外不欺人。
Action is the ladder of success. The more actions you take, the higher you climb.2、和平是建立在信念之上,而不是威胁之下。
Peace is built on belief, not threats.3、只有怀着爱心迎接困难,才能在困难面前保持镇定。
It is only with love that we can face difficulty calmly.4、耐心是事业的大臣,它能决定成功的机会。
Patience is the minister of success; it determines the opportunities of victory.5、不要做那些你自己不愿意接受的事情。
Do not do unto others what you would not have them do unto you.6、成功的路上永远走的都是独自一人。
Success is a journey that must be taken alone.7、人最大的敌人是自己的懒惰欲望。
The greatest enemy of man is his own lazy desires.8、机遇来到时,你必须能够抓住它,因为它绝不会主动出现。
Change can give us a new beginning, but ultimately we must change ourselves.10、坚持不懈是成功的法宝,世上无难事,只怕有心人。
Perseverance is the key to success. There is nothing impossible in the world, as long as one has the will.。
经典英语名人名言15篇经典英语名人名言11、"Knowledge makes humble, ignorance makes proud.知识使人谦虚,无知使人骄傲。
"2、Knowledge comes from experience alone.知识来自实践。
3、"Real knowledge, like everything else of value, is not to be obtained easily,it must be worked for, studied for, thought for, and more than all, must be prayed for.——Thomas Arnold真知如同珍宝,不是轻易获得的,必须学习、钻研、思考,最重要的是必须有强烈的求知欲。
——托马斯·阿诺德"4、Knowledge is a city to the building of which every human being brought a stone.——Emerson知识是一座城堡,每个人都应为它增砖添瓦。
——爱默生5、True love's the gift which god has given to man alone beneath the heaven.真爱是上帝单独赐予普天下芸芸众生的礼物。
6、"All love is sweet, given or returned. common as light is loved, and its familiar voice wearies not ever.所有的爱都是甜蜜的,无论是给予还是回报。
"7、"Loveliness, needs not the foreign aid of ornament, but is when unadorned, adorned the most.可爱,并不需要外来的装饰,天然的可爱远比雕饰的更可爱。
英语名人名言带作者1、走自己的路,让别人说去!但丁Go your own way and let others say it!2、生活比胆汁还要苦,但假设没有胆汁,就谁也没有生活。
阿尔特Life is more bitter than bile, but if there is no bile, there is no life.3、老师总是真正上帝的代言者,真正天国的引路人。
杜威Teachers are always the spokesman of the true God and the guide of the real kingdom of heaven.4、天下事以难而废者十之一,以惰而废者十之九。
颜之推It is one of ten things that are difficult to abolish, and nine out of ten to be lazy.5、必需在奋斗中求生存,求进展。
茅盾We must strive for survival and development in struggle.6、在学问的山峰上登得越高,眼前呈现的风光就越壮丽。
拉吉舍夫 The higher you climb the mountain of knowledge, the more spectacular the scenery will be.7、强大的士气,崭新的意志,这就是期望。
马丁路德Great courage, new will, that's hope.8、或作或辍,一曝十寒,那么虽读书百年,吾未见其可也。
吴梦祥If I write or stop, I can't see it in spite of studying for a hundred years.9、自信是成功的第一秘诀。
爱默生Confidence is the first secret of success.10、阅读使人充实,会谈使人灵敏,写作与笔记使人精确。
——苏联you know his eating。
——孔丘gentleman yuyuyi, a downside。
——卢梭no gratitude, no true virtue。
——门捷列夫life is to seek new knowledge。
——周恩来wish to meet in off the world。
——普希金hope is the faithful sisters of fate。
——托尔斯泰man does not become a good husband。
——拉美谚语seize this day, is worth two tomorrow。
——朗非罗music is the common language of mankind。
——德谟克利特 moderate increase happiness and enjoy。
——塞内加courage to heaven, cowardice to hell。
——杜甫be ling e某tremely, see the mountains small。
——邓拓the more no ability became more pretentious。
——西德尼wake up the sleeping lion is not a good thing。
1.孔子(Confucius)When I walk along with two others, they may serve me as my teacher. I will select their good qualities and follow them, their bad qualities and avoid them."译文:三人行,必有我师焉。
2.海伦·凯勒(Helen Keller)The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart."译文:世界最美好的东西是看不见摸不着的,必须用心去感受。
3.罗伊·T.贝内特(Roy T. Bennett)You cannot control the behavior of others, but you can always choose how you respond to it."译文:你无法控制他人的行为,但你始终可以选择如何回应。
4.马丁·路德·金(Martin Luther King Jr.)We must accept finite disappointment, but we must never lose infinite hope."译文:我们必须接受失望,因为它是有限的,但千万不可失去希望,因为它是无限的。
5.列夫·托尔斯泰(Leo Tolstoy)Ideal is the beacon. Without ideal, there is no secure direction; without direction, there is no life."译文:理想是指路明灯。
——柏克 Life in the flash show bright, in the ordinary real.2、今天应做的事没有做,明天再早也是耽误了。
──裴斯泰洛齐 Should do not do today, tomorrow early and delayed again.3、青春是生命中最美好的一段时间。
——黑格尔 Youth is the best in life for a period of time.4、把每一个黎明看作是生命的开始,把每一个黄昏看作是你生命的小结。
——罗斯金 The every dawn as the beginning of life, see every evening as the summary of your life.5、我们的生命是天赋的,我们惟有献出生命,才能得到生命。
——泰戈尔Life is given to us, we earn it giving it can obtain the life.6、把时间用在思考上是最能节省时间的事情。
——卡曾斯 The time in thinking is the most can save time.7、燃烧一个人的灵魂,正是对生命的爱,那是至死方休。
——三毛 Burn a person's soul, is the love of life, that is to die.8、生命的价值不在于时间的长短,而在于你如何利用它。
——蒙田 The value of life lies not in the length of time, but in how you use it.9、我荒废了时间,时间便把我荒废了。
——莎士比亚 I wasted time, time will waste me.10、生命如同寓言,其价值不在于长短,而在于内容。
20句英语的名人名言1、when shepherds quarrel,the wolf has a winning game.鹬蚌相争,渔翁得利。
2、truth is the daughter of time.时间见真理。
3、the first wealth is health.安康是人生第一财富。
4、take care of the pence,and the pounds will take care of themselves.积少自然成多。
5、strike the iron while it is hot.趁热打铁。
6、sloth,like rust,consumes faster than labor wears.懒惰像生锈一样,比操劳更能消耗身体。
7、one’s sin will find one out.坏事终归要败露。
8、no man is wise at all times.智者千虑,必有一失。
9、never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.今天能做的事绝不要拖到明天。
10、live and learn.活到老,学到老。
11、kill two birds with one stone.一石双鸟。
12、it takes two to make a quarrel.一个巴掌拍不响。
13、haste trips over its own heels.忙易出错。
14、expericence is a hard teacher because she gives the test first,the lesson afterwards.经历是一位先行测试然后才授课严厉的教师。
15、early to bed and early to rise,makes a man healthy,wealthy and wise早睡早起会使人安康、富有和聪明。
——屈原Live with the sky and the earth, shine with the sun and the moon.2、有生命,那里便有希望。
——泰伦提乌斯Where there is life, there is hope.3、练世情之常尤,识前修之所淑。
——陆机Practice the common feelings of the world, know the former Shu Xiu.4、只有顺从自然,才能驾驭自然。
——培根Only by obeying nature can we control nature.5、读书志在圣贤,为官心存君国。
——朱用纯Reading aspires to the sages and the government.6、培养意志是我们生存的目标。
——爱献生To cultivate will is the goal of our existence.7、要以探求真理为毕生的事业。
——笛卡尔To seek truth is a lifelong career.8、文明就是要造成有修养的人。
——罗斯金Civilization is to create cultured people.9、生活中唯一乐趣就是忘却。
——托尔斯泰The only joy in life is to forget.10、只有爱给你解开不死之谜。
──费尔巴哈Only love can solve the mystery of immortality for you.11、爱情的野心使人倍受痛苦。
——莎士比亚Love's ambition is painful.12、对我来说,信念意味着不担心。
——杜威For me, faith means not to worry.13、谦固美名,过谦者,宜防其诈。
——朱熹If you are too modest and have a good reputation, you should guard against fraud.14、必须在奋斗中求生存,求发展。
————郭沫若Time is speed,time means strength。
————巴尔扎克Great men have passed overprudent desert,to the glorious peak。
————张九龄Opportunity knocks but once。
————莎士比亚Thrift is the wealth of the poor,the rich wisdom。
————米歇潘Life is a dangerous cajon,only a brave man can pass。
————西德尼Wake up the sleeping lion is not a good thing。
————苏格拉底When many people are stuck in a way, they had to get out of the way a road, let the cherish the time people to their front.8、我们世界上最美好的东西,都是由劳动、由人的聪明的手创造出来的。
————高尔基Our most beautiful things in the world is created by labor,by the people's clever hands。
————华罗庚Genius is gained by accumulation, clever lies in hard work。
——拿破仑The real talent is resolute aspirations。
——培根The miracle appear in bad luck。
——托尔斯泰Man does not become a good husband。
——列宁To learn to swim,you must be in the water。
——特里萨修女Life is a challenge,meet it。
——郭沫若Time is speed,time means strength。
——马尔腾Thought correctly,life unbeaten。
——歌德Forget today will be forgotten tomorrow。
——张九龄Opportunity knocks but once。
——俄罗斯Regardless of the twists and turns,but at the end。
——松苏内吉Manners make human co-existence of golden key。
——王尔德No more like ignorance than rashly。
- Oscar Wilde13、最可怕的敌人,就是没有坚强的信念。
——罗曼·罗兰The most terrible enemy is no h2 belief。
——扬格Waste of time wasted,peel with time is called life。
100条英语名人名言1、There is no royal road to learning.求知无坦途。
2、Doubt is the key to knowledge.疑心是知识的钥匙。
3、To be both a speaker of words and a doer of deeds.既当演说家,又做实干家。
4、Variety is the spice of life.变化是生活的调味品。
5、Bad times make a good man.困难困苦出能人。
6、The greatest test of courage on earth is to bear defeat without losing heart.世界上对勇气的最大考验是忍受失败而不丧失信心。
7、A man's best friends are his ten fingers.人最好的朋友是自己的十个手指。
8、Only they who fulfill their duties in everyday matters will fulfill them on great oasions.只有在日常生活中尽责的人才会在重大时刻尽责。
9、The shortest way to do many things is to only one thing at a time.做许多事情的捷径就是一次只做一件事。
10、Sow nothing, reap nothing.春不播,秋不收。
11、Life is real, life is earnest.人生真实,人生诚挚。
12、Life would be too smooth if it had no rubs in it.生活假设无曲折险阻,就会过于平淡无奇。
13、Life is the art of drawing sufficient conclusions form insufficient premises.生活是一种艺术,要在不充足的前提下得出充足的结论。
1. "The only way to do great work is to love what you do." - Steve Jobs“做伟大的工作的唯一途径就是热爱自己的工作。
” - 史蒂夫·乔布斯2. "In the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity." - Albert Einstein“在每个困难的中间都蕴藏着机会。
” - 阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦3. "The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall." - Nelson Mandela“生活中最伟大的荣耀不在于永不倒下,而在于每次跌倒之后都能重新站起来。
” - 尼尔森·曼德拉4. "Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts." - Winston Churchill“成功不是终点,失败不是致命的:重要的是勇于继续前进。
” - 温斯顿·丘吉尔5. "All our dreams can come true, if we have thecourage to pursue them." - Walt Disney“只要我们有勇气追求,所有的梦想都可以实现。
” - 沃尔特·迪士尼6. "The best way to predict the future is to create it." - Peter Drucker“预测未来的最好方法就是创造未来。
那么关于英语有哪些呢?下面是小编为您整理的英语名人名言大全,希望对您有所帮助!英语名人名言【精选篇】1. The first wealth is health .(Ralph Waldo Emerson , American thinker)健康是人生第一财富。
(美国思想家爱默生. R. W.)2. Where there is life, there is hope.有生命必有希望。
3. What makes life dreary is the want of motive.(George Eliot)没有了目的,生活便郁闷无光。
(乔治·埃略特)4. At twenty years of age , the will reigns; at thirty , the wit ; and at forty , the judgment .(Benjamin Franklin ,American president)二十岁时起支配作用的是意志,三十岁时是机智,四十岁时是判断。
(美国总统富兰克林 . B.)5. Shallow men believe in luck.Self-trust is the first secret of success.肤浅的人相信运气,而成功的第一秘诀是自信。
6. I have no secret of success but hard work.除辛勤工作之外,我别无成功的秘诀。
7. If you fail, don't forget to learn your lesson.如果你失败了,千万别忘了汲取教训。
8. I have nothing to offer but blood, boil, tears and sweat. (Winston Churchill, British politician)我能奉献的没有其它,只有热血辛劳眼泪与汗水。
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——威廉·李卜克内西To spark, often burst in hard stone. -- William Liebknecht02、不论是老人,还是青年,航行对我们来说都是最后一次。
——斯蒂文森Whether it is the old man, or the young, it is the last time for us to sail. -- Stevenson03、九州生气恃风雷,万马齐喑究可哀。
——龚自珍China Life rely on wind and thunder, the Ten thousand horses stand mute. sorrow. We are dying, not to stick to one pattern of talented people. -- Gong Zizheng04、修养的花儿在寂静中开过去了,成功的果子便要在光明里结实。
——冰心The flower of the culture is open in the silence, and the fruit of success will be strong in the light. -- Bing Xin05、真正的才智是刚毅的志向。
——拿破仑Is the true wisdom fortitude ambition. -- Napoleon06、书籍是全世界的营养品。
生活里没有书籍,就好像没有阳光;智慧里没Nutrition books in the world. There is no book in life, there is no sunlight; wisdom without books, as if the birds do not have wings. -- Shakespeare07、把友谊限于两人范围之内的人,似乎把明智的友谊的安全感与爱的妒嫉和蠢举相混淆。
——亚当·斯密The friendship within the scope of the two person who seems to have a sense of security, wise friendship confused with love and jealousy fandangle. -- Adam Simy08、给青年人最好的忠告是让他们谦逊谨慎,孝敬父母,爱戴亲友。
——西塞罗The best advice for young people is to make them modest and prudent, honor their parents, and love their relatives and friends. -- Cicero09、读书之法,在循序而渐进,熟读而精思。
——朱熹Reading of the law, in an orderly and progressive, familiar with the fine si. -- Zhu Xi10、谁不会休息,谁就不会工作。
——列宁Who won't rest, who won't work. -- Lenin11、只有人们的社会实践,才是人们对于外界认识的真理性的标准。
真理的Only people's social practice is the standard of the truth that people know about the outside world. The standard of truth can only be social practice. -- Mao Zedong12、人生贵知心,定交无暮早。
——袁中道Life is precious, you have to pay no sooner. -- Yuan Zhongdao13、管理的第一目标是使较高工资与较低的劳动成本结合起来。
——泰罗Management's first goal is to make higher wages and lower labor costs combined. -- T aylor14、你可以从别人那里得来思想,你的思想方法,即熔铸思想的模子却必须是你自己的。
——拉姆You can get ideas from others, thinking of you, the casting mold is thought must be your own. -- Rahm15、先付报酬的工作是肯定干不好的。
——约·弗洛里奥A paid job is sure to do well the. -- John Florio16、富裕带来荣誉,富裕创造友谊,穷人到哪儿都是下人。
——奥维德The rich bring honor, create rich friendship, where are the poor people. -- Ovid17、人的活动如果没有理想的鼓舞,就会变得空虚而渺小。
——车尔尼雪夫斯基Human activity, if not inspired, will become empty and small. -- Chernyshevsky18、人生就象打橄榄球一样,不能犯规,也不要闪避球,而应向底线冲过去。
——罗斯福Life is like playing football, not foul, don't dodge ball, but should be rushed to the bottom line. -- Roosevelt19、人生须自重。
——黄宗羲Life must be self weight. -- Huang Zongxi20、让我们继续以此闻名:「这家代理商,花了大部分时间在改进它的理念,而不是在辩解它的正确性」。
——李奥贝纳Let's continue to be famous: "this agent has spent most of the time improving its ideas, and not on the right to justify it.". -- Leo Burnett21、选择朋友一定要谨慎!地道的自私自利,会戴上友谊的假面具,却又设好陷阱来坑你。
——克雷洛夫Choose a friend must be cautious! Pure egoistic, will put on the mask of friendship, but also set a trap to hang you. -- Krylov22、躯体总是以惹人厌烦告终。
——萧伯纳The body is always in the end. In addition to thinking, there is no beautiful and interesting things to stay, because thought is life. -- Bernard Shaw23、读书何所求?将以通事理。
——张维屏What are the requirements for reading? Will be the common sense. -- Zhang Weiping24、我所谓共和国里的美德,是指爱祖国也就是爱平等而言。
——孟德斯鸠The virtues of the Republic of China, is the love of the motherland is equal to love. This is not a moral virtue, nor is it a virtue, but a political virtue. -- Montesquieu25、时间像奔腾澎湃的急湍,它一去无还,毫不留恋。
——塞万提斯Time is like surging rapids, it also did not want to. -- Cervantes26、持续不断地劳动是人生的铁律,也是艺术的铁律。
——巴尔扎克Continuous labor is the life of the iron law, also the art of iron. -- Balzac27、生活是一种绵延不绝的渴望,渴望不断上升,变得更伟大而高贵。
——杜伽尔Life is a kind of endless yearning, eager to continue to rise, become more great and noble. -- Du Charm28、我不能说我不珍重这些荣誉,并且我承认它很有价值,不过我却从来不曾为追求这些荣誉而工作。
——法拉第I can't say I do not cherish the honor, and I admit that it is very valuable, but I never had the pursuit of these honor work. -- Faraday29、我们不应该不惜任何代价地去保持友谊,从而使它受到玷污。
——泰戈尔We should not be at any price to keep our friendship, so that it is defiled. If you have to sacrifice friendship for that great love, that's noway to do it; but if you can keep it, it will be a perfect state. -- Tagore30、人和人之间,最痛心的事莫过于在你认为理应获得善意和友谊的地方,却遭受了烦扰和损害。
——拉伯雷Between people and people, the most sad thing is that you think that should be in good faith and friendship, but suffered a disturbing and damage. -- Rabelais。