rexroth VFC 3610
Keysight E36100B系列可编程直流电源说明书

E36100B Series ProgrammableDC Power SuppliesPower ForwardDesigns change—and so should your DC power supply. Meet the E36100B, engineered by Keysight to power your designs safely and quietly during manual tests or automated sequences. From every angle — size, display, and I/O — the E36100B will impress you. Add one to your bench and power forward.•Choose the best model for your needs: five models offer up to 5 A or 100 V •Save space on your bench, 2U ¼-form factor•Connect for computer control with standard LAN (LXI Core) and USB connectivity •Perform manual tasks quickly with the intuitive on-screen menu system•Easily view the high-contrast OLED display from anywhere on your bench, even from a sharp angle•Protect your device under test (DUT) with overvoltage and over-current detection •Power your DUT with confidence through excellent accuracy in programming and readback•Quiet operationAccurate, Reliable PowerThe E36100B Series is the latest addition to Keysight’s ind ustry standard family of bench power supplies.Power your DUT with excellent voltage and current programming and readback accuracy. Use the power supply’s highly accurate low-current measurement feature for demanding measurements. Protect your DUT with built-in overvoltage and overcurrent protection, and count on the built-in overtemperature protection to keep your power supply safe.Excellent Front-Panel UsabilityThe clean design of the E36100B Series front-panel lets you become productive with the unit very quickly. The easy-to-use rotary knob and keypad interface allows you to set the output at your desired resolution quickly and easily, with digit-by-digit control. You can store and recall up to 10 complete power supply setups from non-volatile memory to quickly change instrument states. The output on/off key quickly turns the output on and off.Fast, Industry-Standard ProgrammingEvery E36100B Series model ships standard with both LAN (LXI Core) and USB (TMC488). The easy-to-use SCPI (Standard Commands for Programmable Instruments) programming language lets you create fast and simple programs with transient response faster than 50 μs and fast command processing time–less than 10 ms. You can also program the instrument with the power supply’s Interchangeable Virtual Instruments (IVI) driver.Use the Keysight IO Libraries Suite (/find/iosuite) to accelerate your programming. The IO Libraries’ instrument-centric view and auto-discovery of instruments get you connected to your instrument quickly.Simple, Powerful Soft Front PanelWhen you cannot be near your DUT, open your browser and control the instrument via the power supply’s built-in Web interface, with a look and feel that replicates the front-panel experience.BenchVue Control and VisualizationBenchVue software for the PC makes it simple to connect, control, and view Keysight power supplies simultaneously with other Keysight bench instruments without programming.•Visualize the outputs of multiple power supplies simultaneously•Log data, capture screen shots, and save a system state•Recall a past state of your bench to replicate results•Export measurement data in desired format fast•Quickly access manuals, drivers, FAQs and videos•Monitor and control bench from mobile devicesThe power supply app within BenchVue lets you control power supplies, visualize voltage and current output, log data and annotate captured data. Use the companion BenchVue Mobile app to monitor and respond to long-running tests from anywhere.Easy Power and I/O ConnectionConnect for computer control with standard LAN (LXI Core) and USB connectivity. Use the security slot to keep the supply on your bench.Do you need to convert the power supply for different mains power? The two switches on the bottom of the instrument make it straightforward. See the product manual for details.Option J01 recessed binding postsPerformance Specifications1. Applicable in constant voltage mode and at ≥1% of rated voltage only.Typical CharacteristicsTypical CharacteristicsOrdering InformationE36100B Series Power SuppliesStandard Shipped AccessoryAC power cord (based on destination country)Ordering OptionsOptions DescriptionOption 0E3 230 VAC ± 10%Option 0EM 115 VAC ± 10%Option 0E9 100 VAC ± 10%Option UK6 Commercial calibration with test result dataOption J01 Recessed binding postsJ1520AC Universal shelf rackJ1526AC Metal sliding shelfE36110A Rack mount kit solutions for the E36100B series DC power supplieshttps:///my/en/products/dc-power-supplies/bench-power-supplies/e36100-series-bench-power-supply-30-40w.htmlLearn more at: For more information on Keysight Technologies’ products, ap plications or services,please contact your local Keysight office. The complete list is available at:/find/contactus。
戴尔 Precision 工作站 T3610 用户手册说明书

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Rexroth (力士乐) EFC 3600 变频器使用说明书

Electric Drivesand Controls Hydraulics Linear Motion andAssembly Technologies Pneumatics ServiceRexroth EFC 3600变频器R912003769版本 01使用手册Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-RCON03-EFC-3600***-IT01-ZH-PRexroth EFC 3600变频器题目Rexroth EFC 3600变频器文件类型使用手册文件类型代号DOK-RCON03-EFC-3600***-IT01-ZH-P内部存档附注RS-e03b3b5d543d14c90a6846a000478a68-1-zh-CN-15更改过程出版颁发日期备注DOK-RCON03-EFC-3600***-IT01-ZH-P2013年1月第一版版权所有© 博世力士乐(西安)电子传动与控制有限公司, 2013没有明示授权,不得复制本文档、将其转交给其他方,以及使用或传达其中的内容。
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出版方博世力士乐(西安)电子传动与控制有限公司中国西安经济技术开发区尚稷路3999号邮编:710021电话:400 887 6910传真:+86(0)29 8655 5323service.fc@EnglishDo not attempt to install or put these products into operation until you have completely read, understood and observed the documents supplied with the product.If no documents in your language were supplied, please consult your Bosch Rexroth sales partner.DeutschNehmen Sie die Produkte erst dann in Betrieb, nachdem Sie die mit dem Produkt gelieferten Unterlagen und Sicherheitshinweise vollst ändig durchgelesen,verstanden und beachtet haben.Sollten Ihnen keine Unterlagen in Ihrer Landessprache vorliegen, wenden Sie sich an Ihren zust ändigen Bosch Rexroth Vertriebspartner.Fran çaisNe mettez les produits en service qu'après avoir lu complètement et après avoir compris et respecté les documents et les consignes de sécurité fournis avec le produit.Si vous ne disposez pas de la documentation dans votre langue, merci de consulter votre partenaire Bosch Rexroth.ItalianoMettere in funzione i prodotti solo dopo aver letto, compreso e osservato per intero la documentazione e le indicazioni di sicurezza fornite con il prodotto.Se non dovesse essere presente la documentazione nella vostra lingua, siete pregati di rivolgervi al rivenditore Bosch Rexroth competente.Espa ñolLos productos no se pueden poner en servicio hasta después de haber leído por completo, comprendido y tenido en cuenta la documentación y las advertencias de seguridad que se incluyen en la entrega.Si no dispusiera de documentación en el idioma de su país, diríjase a su distribuidor competente de Bosch Rexroth.Português (Brasil)Utilize apenas os produtos depois de ter lido, compreendido e tomado em considera ção a documentação e as instruções de segurança fornecidas juntamente com o produto.Se n ão tiver disponível a documentação na sua língua dirija-se ao seu parceiro de venda responsável da Bosch Rexroth.DOK-RCON03-EFC-3600***-IT01-ZH-PRexroth EFC 3600变频器 Bosch Rexroth AGI/207Bosch Rexroth AG DOK-RCON03-EFC-3600***-IT01-ZH-PRexroth EFC 3600变频器NederlandsStel de producten pas in bedrijf nadat u de met het product geleverde documenten en de veiligheidsinformatie volledig gelezen, begrepen en in acht genomen heeft.Mocht u niet beschikken over documenten in uw landstaal, kunt u contact opnemen met uw plaatselijke Bosch Rexroth distributiepartner.SvenskaAnvänd inte produkterna innan du har läst och förstått den dokumentation och de säkerhetsanvisningar som medföljer produkten, och följ alla anvisningar. Kontakta din Bosch Rexroth återförsäljare om dokumentationen inte medföljer på ditt språk.SuomiOta tuote käyttöön vasta sen jälkeen, kun olet lukenut läpi tuotteen mukana toimitetut asiakirjat ja turvallisuusohjeet, ymmärtänyt ne ja ottanut ne huomioon.Jos asiakirjoja ei ole saatavana omalla äidinkielelläsi, ota yhteys asianomaiseen Bosch Rexroth myyntiedustajaan.ČeskýPřed uvedením výrobků do provozu si přečtěte kompletní dokumentaci a bezpečnostní pokyny dodávané s výrobkem, pochopte je a dodržujte.Nemáte-li k dispozici podklady ve svém jazyce, obraťte se na příslušného obchodního partnera Bosch Rexroth.MagyarÜzembe helyezés előtt olvassa el, értelmezze, és vegye figyelembe a csomagban található dokumentumban foglaltakat és a biztonsági útmutatásokat. Amennyiben a csomagban nem talál az Ön nyelvén írt dokumentumokat, vegye fel a kapcsolatot az illetékes Bosch Rexroth-képviselővel.PolskiProdukty wolno uruchamiać dopiero po przeczytaniu wszystkich dokumentów dostarczonych wraz z produktem oraz wskazówek dotyczących bezpieczeństwa i ich pełnym zrozumieniu. Wszystkich wskazówek tam zawartych należy przestrzegać.Jeżeli brak jest dokumentów w Państwa języku, proszę się skontaktować z lokalnym partnerem handlowym Bosch Rexroth.Πо русскиВводить изделие в эксплуатациюразрешается только после того, как ВыII/207полностью прочли, поняли и учлиинформацию, содержащуюся в поставленныхвместе с изделием документах, а такжеуказания по технике безопасности.Если Вы не получили документацию насоответствующем национальном языке,обращайтесь к полномочному представителюфирмы Bosch Rexroth.Rom ân ăPunerea în func ţiune a produselor trebuie efectuat ă dup ă citirea, în ţelegerea şi respectarea documentelor şi instruc ţiunilor de siguran ţă, care sunt livrate împreun ă cu produsele.În cazul în care documentele nu sunt în limba dumneavoastr ă matern ă,contacta ţi furnizorul dumneavoastr ă competent pentru Bosch Rexroth.Türk çeÜrünleri beraberinde teslim edilen evraklar ı ve güvenlik talimatlar ın ı tamamen okuduktan, anlad ıktan ve dikkate ald ıktan sonrak i ‚leme koyun.Şayet size ulusal dilinizde evraklar teslim edilmemi ş ise, sizinle ilgili olan Bosch Rexroth da ğıt ım orta ğınla irtibata ge çin.中文请在完全通读、理解和遵守随同产品提供的资料和安全提示后才使用这些产品。
乔治·雷克罗斯 VFC 和 EFC 频率转换器目录说明书

Catalog of Rexroth VFC and EFC Frequency Converters2VFC 3210 Frequency ConverterRexroth VFC 3210 with enhanced V/f control, covering the power range from 0.4 to 4 kW, is a multi-functional mini type frequency converter. It is widely used in the fields of woodworking machinery, packaging machinery, food processing and HVAC due to its characteristics like side by side mounting, smaller depth than VFC 3610, free cooling (up to 1.5 kW), built-in PID, multi-speed control and torque compensation etc.VFC 3610 & 5610 Frequency ConverterRexroth VFC 3610 & 5610 series has been especially developed to meet the requirements of emerging markets. VFC 3610 is an enhancement solution for small machinery application as well as other V/f application. With the power output range of 0.4 (22)kW, start-up torque of 1.5 Hz/100 % and 3 Hz/150 %, Heavy-duty/ Normal duty etc. features, VFC 3610 is widely used in fan, water pump, materials transmission, mixing equipment, HVAC, textile and wooding machinery.VFC 5610 is a high performance vector frequency converter for high end machinery applications. With the power range of 0.4...250 kW, start-up torque of 0.5 Hz/200 %, torque control or speed control options, high control accuracy and fast response etc. features, VFC 5610 serves for industry mixer, CNC machine, extruding equipment, machine tool, food packing and printing industries.EFC 3610 & 5610 Frequency ConverterThe Rexroth EFC 3610 & EFC 5610 are the series for the worldwide market. They comply with all major certification standards, such as CE, UL, cUL, RCM, EAC ,TÜV and RoHS. EFC 3610 & 5610 not only have VFC 3610 & 5610 Functions, but also have additional series of functions.►Synchronous motor control(EFC5610), which improvesaccuracy and reduces energy consumption.►Built-in EMC C3 mains filter to reduce EMI.►Designed for up to 45 °C ambient temperature without derating.►STO function reaching SIL3 level is realized in standard EFC 5610.►Built-in DC reactor for EFC5610 30 kW and above.►I n addition to PROFIBUS DP and CANopen like VFC, EFC also supports ERCOS III, PROFINET IO, Ethernet IP, Modbus TCP, Ether-CAT. And the speed of its unique SERCOS III could reach microsecond.Product Introduction3 Technical Details4VFC 3210Smaller dimension Side by side mounting Easy to commissionVFC 3210 0.4 kW VFC 3610 0.4 kWCompact designVFC 3210Rexroth has always been paying great efforts in deeply understanding the Chinese demands and characteristics so as to keep up with the market development in China. Therefore, aiming at providing simple OEMs with simple, reliable and cost-effective solutions in drives and controls, VFC 3210, one multifunctional mini type frequency converter is designed specifically for Chinese users.To supply with better products and services, VFC 3210 with V/f control in compact design, offers the output power from 0.4 to 4 kW, supports side by side mounting, and has removable fan and obtains CE certificate, which thus shows a powerful product with safety, reliability and easy operation.Smart & Delicate► Nearly 30 % decrease in depth than 3610 to better adjust to customer installation requirements.► A super mini type in compact design.► Side by side mounting.Superior performance► The high starting torque of 150 % 3 Hz and 100 % Hz 1.5.► Over-excitation control to reduce the braking time.► The capacity overload of 150 % 60 s.► Modbus RTU is standard.► PC software and firmware updates (via Mini-USB port).Easy to operate► Built-in LED operating panel.► Easy to operate and maintenance, removable fan, free cooling (not more than 1.5 kW).► Structured parameter group for convenient commissioning.► Automatic speed limiting and capture.Stable & Reliable► Systematic safety standard and reliability test system. ► Complete converter protection (phase failure,interphase short circuit, the earthing short circuit, overcurrent, overvoltage, under-voltage, overload, overheat and overheating protection for motors).► Reinforced coating of circuit boards for dust-proof and anti-corrosion.56VFC 3610 & 5610Demands of emerging markets and especially focus on its market development andcharacteristics Rexroth VFC 3610 is an enhancement frequency converter for small machinery application as well as other V/f application, the power output range of 0.4...22 kW(Heavy-duty), and VFC 5610 is a high performance vector solution for machinery application with high demands, the power output range of 0.4...250 kW(Heavy-duty).VFC 3610 & 5610 series frequency converters have outstanding features with compact size, widely voltage range, low voltage ride-through, side by side mounting, over-excitation brake, and also got CE certificates, provides best solution and service for Chinese customer.Compact design► Modularized design► Side by side mounting capability to save cabinet space.►DIN rail mounting (up to 7.5 kW) for flexible installation.► Up to 1.5 kw, no cooling fan; above 1.5 kw, a detachable cooling fan designed to improve the cooling efficiency.Easy to use► Standard equipped LED pluggable, optional equipped LCD pluggable.► Bluetooth Adapter optional for easy connection by mobile.► Quick Start Menu for easy commissioning.► Removable panel, supports remote operation and parameter copy.► Quick connectors for I/O terminals to easy installation and maintenance.► Integrated brake chopper (up to 22 kW).► Fans can be cooled down without removing.► Wiring by PNP/NPN.Powerful► Normal duty/heavy duty operation.► VFC 5610 110 kW and above have built-in DC reactor ► High performance vector and torque technology (VFC 5610).► Low frequency oscillation suppression and start with speed capture.► Inversion forbidden, low voltage ride-through and swing frequency function.► Stand-by mode, counter function and energy savings calculator.► Pulse input (50 kHz) and pulse output (32 kHz).► Over-excitation braking, to reduce braking times up to 50 %.► 24 V auxiliary power output for external devices, max. 100 mA (up to kW); max. 200 mA (30...90 kW).► Build-in Modbus RTU, option cards for PROFIBUS DP, CANopen, I/O and relais terminal.► ConverterWorks for fast commissioning and software update (via Mini USB) .VFC 3610 & 5610Quick connectors Side by side mounting DIN rail mountingBluetooth Adapter7EFC 3610 & 5610The Rexroth EFC 3610 & 5610 series has been developed for the worldwide market. With the relevant certifications of CE, UL, cUL, RCM, EAC TUV, RoHs, etc., consolidated sales and service is provided worldwide.The power output range of EFC 3610 is 0.4...22 kW (Heavy duty), and the power range of EFC 5610 is 0.4...160 kW (Heavy duty). The EFC series shares the parameter structure, dimensions and connections with VFC series as well as many functions, EFC series contains several enhanced features such as synchronous motor control (EFC 5610), built-in EMC filter, and multi-Ethernet communication to satisfy worldwide customer more application demands.Synchronous Motor Drives► Except asynchronous motor, EFC 5610 has the capability of synchronous motor drives to improve the control accuracy and reduce energy consume.Built-in mains filter► Complies with EN61800-3 category C3 requirements and r educes electromagnetic interference on the power grid.► Shielding motor cable length: 15m (up to 4 kW), 30 m (5.5...18.5 kW), 50m (30...90 kW), 75 m (110...132 kW)► EMC filter can be disconnected by EMC screw for use in environments that require especially low leakage currents.Built-in DC Reactor► Built-in DC reactor of EFC 5610 30 kW and above EFC 5610 30 kW.Safety Torque off(STO)► Class 0 cutoff refers to EN60204-1 standard, and got SIL3 certificate.► Frequency converter false tripping prevent for operation and maintenance safety.Up to 45 °C ambient temperature without derating ► The EFC series can be used in up to 45 °C ambient temperature (VFC 40 °C) without a reduction of output power.Additional communication options► In addition to PROFIBUS DP and CANopen also a SERCOS III, PROFINET IO, Ethernet IP, Modbus TCP,EtherCAT are available. Especially, the Rexroth exclusive SERCOS III communication function Communication rate could be microsecond level.STO Integrated EMC filterPermanent magnet motor Asynchronous motorsEFC 3610 & 5610CertificationMultiple motor types8910HVACFans, pumps, air conditioning Energy savings calculator► Keeps track of the achieved energy savings.Life time reminder► Reduces downtime by helping to organize the maintenance schedule.Speed tracing► For smooth catching and restarting of a running fan.Dry pump protection► Automatically detects a dry running pump to protect the equipment.Pump cascading► Use Application Specific Firmware and relay card, 4 maximum pumps could be circularly controlled by frequency converter.Woodworking machineryWelt fitting machine, T enoning machin, Grooving machine, Carving machine, Sanding machine, CNC machine Compact Size► Subminiature compact design.► Side by Side mounting.Easy Operation► LEC panel with same parameter structure, Parameter copy function of 3610 series, easy to use.► Structuring parameter convenient to commissioning.Cost-performance function design► 60 seconds last of 150 % rated torque output.► Over excitation control to reduce stop time.► Standard equipped Modbus RTU.► Built-in Mini USB connected with computer forcommissioning, parameter copy and software updating.VFC & EFC 3610 Applicationsis the applicable frequency converter type commonly. Please inquire application engineer for details.: Available for 5.5 kW and above.Textile and DyeingHeat setting stenter, twister, air-flow spinning Smart cooling concept► Double duct design isolates heat sink and semiconductor to prevent semiconductor from pollution.► No cooling fan up to 1.5 kW and detachable cooling fan above 1.5 kW for cotton fiber easy clean. Import PCBA coating► Coating materials is made in Germany, enhanced anticorrosion in high temperature and humidity.Low voltage ride-through► Derating output when voltage reduced on power grid.DC generatrix 1► DC generatrix operation to reduce the technicalinfluence from instable power supply, and save energy through load sharing.11VFC & EFC 5610 ApplicationsFood and packagingConveyor, blow molding, blender, cutter, labeling machines Quick connectors and DIN rail mounting (up to 7.5 kW)► Quick and easy installation and maintenance.Counter function► Built-in Counter to realize the classification and packing of food & drink industry.Removable control panel► Parameter copy function for efficient commissioning of multiple drives.► Remote panel support for convenient and safe monitoring and operation.Integrated sequence control (16 steps)► Multi-stage speed control without an additional PLC.Rubber and plastic machineryScroll extruder, pelletizer, bagging machine Compact design► DIN rail mounting (up to 7.5 kW) and side by side mounting (up to 22 kW), to save cabinet space.High start torque, 200 % at 0.5 Hz► T o ensure the extruder can start up and operate during the uneven heating temperature environment.High control accuracy, fast dynamic response► Precise control is to ensure the material thickness evenly, in order to save cost and ensure the quality of products.Torque limit and slip compensation► Especially used for constant output torque. Minimize the torque fluctuation and improve the extrusion processquality.: Available up to 22 kW.: Available for EFC 5610 30kW and above.Metal processing machineryLathe, grinder, drill, planer, boring, cold forging Compact design► DIN rail and side by side mounting to save space.High start torque► To meet the process demand of high strength metal cutting, avoid overcurrent and overload during low speed operation .Quick and dynamic response► Accurate speed control for highly smoothness and quality especially for concavo-convex workpiece surface.Over excitation braking► Can help to reduce braking times up to 50 %, without an external break resistor.Safety Torque off(STO)2► Frequency converter false tripping prevent for operation and maintenance safety.12Mounting plates and panel extension cables 2Mounting plates are used for installing the panel in order to operate and monitor frequency converter without opening control cabinet.► Make the hole 85mm(horizontal) * 75mm (vertical)on cabinet door.► R emove the panel to install in the mounting plates. Then connect the panel with frequency convertervia panel extension cables.► Extension cables 2m, 3m, and 5m are available, and the longest operation distance is 5m.LED/LCD panel 2LED and LCD Panel options of VFC & EFC series. LED panel► Parameter edit and commissioning via LED panel.► Real-time display of operating data, fault displayand diagnosis maintenance.► Parameter copy.LCD panel► Available in Chinese, English, Germany, and other 9 languages.► Six line big display screen with backlight, easy tocommissioning.► Parameter copy.Bluetooth Adapter 2► Wireless operation.► ConverterWorks APP on Cell or Pad to connect frequency converter for commissioning, firmware update, parameter copy; easy to long-distance commissioning or fault handling directed by experts 3. ► Apply to Android System 4.2 and above.Accessories1R912006011R9120057842m :R912007623R912005783R912005787R9120063763m :R9120076245m :R912007625R912006375R912006856: Only apply to VFC 3610/5610 & EFC 3610/5610 : All the accessories need to be purchased individually, please inquire Rexroth distributer for details : Available for 03V12 version and above, and the firmware version can be checked viaparameter d0.9913:Only apply to VFC 5610 & EFC 5610Brake chopper in paralleling wiring mode 11:Paralleling wiring mode applies when the capacity of a single brake choppercould not meet the requirementFrequency converterFuseBrake resistorBrake chopper(Master)Brake chopper (Master/Slave)Brake chopper(Slave)Brake resistorBrake resistorBasic wiring mode Main switchFuseBrake resistorFrequency converterBrake chopperBrake Chopper 1The brake chopper is used for consuming electric energy transmitted from external motor to frequency converter and limiting bus voltage within a reasonable range to improve its braking performance and fast stop of the motor.The brake chopper has standard dust cover, but you can also set the parameters with the use of LED and LCD operating panel of VFC & EFC1 series. It supports the linkage input and linkage output with paralleling up to 3 braking units in maximum. And it also has overvoltage, overcurrent, overheating, short circuit resistance, overheating protection.u Operation voltage: 600...785 V, parameter adjusting step size: 0.01 Vu T he length between brake chopper and frequency converter plus the length between brake chopper and brake resistor should not be more than 5m.14Extension card moduleAs part of the modular design concept for the VFC & EFC series, the separately available Option Card Module offers the user a variety of customization options, which benefits for operation cost reducing.The extension card module provides two slots that can be used for a range of extension card module. Cards include an I/O extension card, a multi relay card and various communicationextension card module, such as Profibus DP and CANopen.►PROFIBUS DP Adapter►Multi Relay Card►I/O Card►Extension Module:It is not possible to combine 2 extension card modules.15I/O Extension CardTo extend the I/O terminals on VFC & EFC frequency converter, an I/O extension card is available. The maximized I/O points of frequency converter with I/O extension card could be: 9DI, 3AI, 2AO, 2OC ,2 relay outputMulti Relay CardThe Multi Relay Card offers 4 programmable relay outputs, that can be especially useful in pump and fan control, drive status monitoring or water supply applications.u By combining the Multi Relay Card and the I/O ExtensionCard it is possible to take advantage of up to 6 relays atthe same time and save extra wiring cost and installing space.Multi Relay Card+R912006050PROFIBUS DP adapteru Simple connectionu Wide installation base, Good compatibility u Maximum 127 stationsCANopen adapteru Short response timeu High communication quantity and performance. ReducedEMC problem and cable costu Built-in terminated resistorPROFIBUS DP adapterCANopen adapter16PROFIBUS DP card CANopen cardMulti-Ethernet cardMulti-Ethernet Card 1u Below communication protocols are supported by Multi-Ethernet Card, which only needs Exchange parameters in frequency converter. PROFINET IO, Ethernet IP, SERCOS III, EtherCAT, Modbus TCPu A multi-application card, with which users need onlycommunication protocol switching by setting parameters.uEFC series of multifunctional unique options throughEthernet, with greater flexibility and adaptability in theInternet of things. With the BOSCH Rexroth WebConnector 2 technology. In the near future, the customer to sit in theoffice or home, intelligent mobile phone monitoring from the inverter operation, storage and analysis of data acquisition, will become a realityR912006133R912006134:Only apply to EFC series : Java based network applications17Technical DataCable lengthTerminal diagramTerminal DescriptionR912006414ABZ Incremental encoder cardu It is a standard extension card of Rexroth EFC 5610 seriesproduct and should be used together with extension card boxu It has a variety of voltage levels, which could match the common5 V encoder and 9...30 V wide voltage encoders in marketu It supports various encoders, covering the difference, opencollector and push-pull typeu It includes frequency output interface of encoder signal,supporting NPN and PNP outputu It is extended in the same way like other option cards. And itsmounting position is optional18Application Specific Firmware 2 – Download firmware for different specific applicationsu Different application specific firmware easy fordifferent application demands. (textile, printing, water supply, etc.)u Download ASF to frequency converter throughUSB and ConverterWorks software.u Each standard frequency converter could beupdated to application specific firmware product via installing ASF.u Reducing customer and partner ’s stock, onlys tandard equipment is fine.Application Specific Firmware ASF:Available in 2017. :Please download latest ASF software via /fc.1MPull rollTrim wind-up rollFloating rollRegister ratioEncoder linear velocity * coiler calculating + PIDPID feedback sourcesPull rollTrim wind-up rollRegister ratioEncodercoiler calculating * tension given19PC Software 1 - easy commissioningThe Rexroth VFC and EFC frequency converters can be commissioned and operated remotely with the free PC software. The connection to the PC is established via a standard Mini-USB interface.Parameter Comparison Functionu Compared adjusted parameter with defaultparameter, comparison between 2 parameter groups.Online Commissioningu Connected with PC, it is easy to online start-upand stop, parameter revise, and back-up.Online Monitor Signalu Real time monitoring signal data for fast diagnosisand monitoring.PC Software:Please download latest PC software via /fc.Core Firmware Update 1u Core firmware updated via Convcerterworks software, easy and convenient to get latest function.Open Platform for flexible applicationsAccording to various of special application demand, and based on standard software of frequency converter, Application Specific Firmware( e.g. water supply ASF) could be downloaded to frequency converter via commissioning software.u ASF via frequency converter commissioningsoftware, your frequency converter now available for serving special function request.For AP region, (Xi’an)Phone: +86 (29) 86555479 (8:30am-17:10pm / Mon-Fri) Email:***************************.cnFor other region, (Lohr)Tel. +49 9352 40 5060***************************Bosch Rexroth (Xi’an) Electric Drives and Controls Co., Ltd. No. 3999 Shang Ji Road, Cao Tan Ecology Industry Park, Economic and Technological Development Zone, 710021,Xi'an, Shaanxi, P.R.C.Phone: +86(29)86555 100Fax: +86(29)86555 106************************.cnR91200602309/2017A© Bosch Rexroth China 2016The data specified above only serve to describe the product. No statements concerning a certain condition or suitability for a certain application can be derived from our information. The information given does not release the user from the obligation of own judgment and verification. It must be remembered that our products are subject to a natural process of wear and aging.。

1、技术参数1.1 产品型号意义注:※前的项目选型时必须标注,※后的项目为选择项目,不要时可省略,但顺序不可颠倒。
表1.11.2 结构1.2.1 361普通型结构图图1.11.2.2 361防爆型结构图图1.21.3 主要技术参数表1.21.4 安装尺寸图1.3注:表中h1是输出轴位于最下端时的尺寸,H2是拆卸护罩所必须的尺寸,R是手动曲柄操作所必须的尺寸,在设计安装时应予以考虑。
2、工作原理3610系列电子式执行器是以220V单相交流电源作为驱动电源,接受来自计算机、调节器或操作器4~2 OmAd·c、或1~5 Vd·c输入信号来工作的电子式执行机构。
当控制模块接受的变化输入信号4~2OmAd·c(或1~5 Vd·c)和来自反馈机构的开度信号进行比较、放大后,向消除其差值的方向驱动和控制电机。
3、接收、搬运及保管3.1 接收、搬运警告执行器系重量物体,使用时应注意以下事项,否则可能导致重大人身伤害事故。
3.2 保管●在安装之前最好在原包装状态下保管。
H3C S3610_5510主打胶片v1

Better Choice Closer Partnership
支持丰富的组播协议IGMP v1/v2/v3, PIM-DM, PIM-SM/SSM, MSDP
支持组播静态路由,组播组静态加入 组播Vlan可以跨Vlan复制
支持IGSP v1/v2/v3
Better Choice Closer Partnership
QinQ即VLAN-VPN特性,是指将用户私网VLAN Tag封装在公网VLAN Tag中,使报 文带着两层VLAN Tag穿越运营商的骨干网络(公网)。在公网中报文只根据外层 VLAN Tag(即公网VLAN Tag)传播,用户的私网VLAN Tag被屏蔽。
Better Choice Closer Partnership 5
S5510 产品规格
全GE端口, 支持电源冗余和负载分担 外型尺寸 (宽×高×深): 440×43.6×360 mm
可插拔 1+1 冗余AC/DC输 入
24个10/100/1000M电口 4个千兆SFP Combo端口
IPv6 over IPv4 Tunnel
Better Choice Closer Partnership
IPv6 over IPv4 Tunnel
Better Choice Closer Partnership
手动隧道是点到点之间的链路,一条链路就是一个单独的隧道。主要用于 两个边缘路由器或主机与边缘路由器之间定期安全通信的稳定连接,或用 于与远端IPv6网络的连接。
爱森电力XL DG1可变频率驱动器数据手册说明书

Eaton DG1-34061FN-C21CEaton PowerXL DG1 variable frequency drive, 61A 400V inputThree-phase mains connection/three-phase motor connectionInternal EMC filter Graphic LCD display and keypad , NEMA 1General specificationsEaton PowerXL DG1 variable frequencydriveDG1-34061FN-C21C15 in18.5 in28 in83 lb Eaton Selling Policy 25-000, one (1) yearfrom the date of installation of theProduct or eighteen (18) months from thedate of shipment of the Product,whichever occurs first.RoHS Compliant CE MarkedC-Tick Compliant UL cULCE IEC/EN 61800-5-1 IEC 61800-5-2 UL 508C IEC 61508 EN 62061 EN ISO 13849-1Product Name Catalog NumberProduct Length/Depth Product Height Product Width Product Weight WarrantyCompliances Certifications110% for 1 minuteInternal EMC filter61 AThree-phase main, three-phase motorFrequency, Speed, Open-loop speed, Open-loop torqueYesYes37 kW2 expansion slotsEtherNet/IP, Modbus TCP, RS-485: Modbus RTU, BACnet MS/TPInductio, PM (IPM & SPM)EMC FilterGraphical Keypad1500 W30 kW20 hpNEMA 1, IP21DG1 in pump and fan applicationsSmoke Mode und Fire ModeStart, Stopp und BetriebBetrieb bei niedrigen Temperaturen Echtzeituhr und TimerDigital I/OsLastverteilung in Mehrmotorenanwendungen Motor data and V/f curvesAnalog I/OsKonfiguration der analogen I/OsConnecting drives to generator suppliesPID controllerKonfiguration der digitalen I/OsReal time clock and use of the timersDual Rating What exactly does that mean? DrehmomentregelungPID-ReglerDG1 in Pumpen- und Lüfteranwendungen Operating at low temperaturesFirmware Update DG1Torque controlSmoke Mode and fire mode Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)Load balancing in multi motor applications Starting, stopping and operationMotordaten und U/f-KennlinieEaton's Volume 6—Solid-State Motor Control Data sheetProduct Range Catalog Drives EngineeringDG1_FN_(FR4-UL) 2D Drawing XchangeDG1_FN_(FR4-UL) 2D PDFDG1_FN_(FR4-UL) 3D Model XchangeDG1_FN_(FR4-UL) AutoCAD 2D FootprintDG1_FN_(FR4-UL) AutoCAD 2D Footprint (mm)Max overloadProtection filteringHigh overload (CT) ampsPhaseMotor control modesInternal DC chokeConformal coated boardsLow overload (VT) kWNumber of slots Communications onboardMotor typeElectromagnetic compatibility filter User interfacePower consumptionHigh overload (CT) kW HorsepowerNEMA rating Application notesCatalogues Drawings50-60 Hz400 V50 hp61 A72 A40 hp40 - 400 HzAF drive380 - 500 V10050 - 60 HzQuick start wizard advanced PS tool 50 hp constant torqueRS-485 CANopenLCD graphical DG1_FN_(FR4-UL) 3D InventorPowerXL DG1 Series VFD Application ManualPowerXL DG1 Series VFD Installation ManualPower XL General Purpose DrivesPowerXL DG1 Variable Frequency Drive - Setup via WebUI Eaton Specification Sheet - DG1-34061FN-C21CFrequency ratingInput voltageLow overload (VT) hp Output current - max Low overload (VT) amps High overload (CT) hp Frame sizeOutput frequency range TypeInput voltage range Recommended fuse size Input frequency range SoftwareTorque ratingSerial interfaceDisplay Installation instructions MultimediaSpecifications and datasheetsEaton Corporation plc Eaton House30 Pembroke Road Dublin 4, Ireland © 2023 Eaton. All rights reserved. Eaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks areproperty of their respectiveowners./socialmedia。

CD3610CN带时钟的收音机频率显示驱动电路概述CD3610CN 是一种用来显示FM/AM 收音机信号频率的LCD 显示驱动电路CD3610CN 内部包含有12小时制带闹钟的时钟电路采用CMOS 工艺在时钟显示模式下的功耗极低功能特点FM 信号输入频率最大值150MHz AM 信号输入频率最大值30MHzLCD 显示4位LCD 3个COM 端口13个SEG 端口1/3偏置 外接32.768kHz 晶振的振荡器10.7MHz/70kHz 用于FM 信号的中频偏置455kHz 用于AM 信号中频偏置 12小时制内部实时时钟 可选择时钟或频率显示 电源电压 1.8V 到3.3V 的时钟显示模式下的功耗I DD 110µA V DD =3.0V 采用COB36或QFP44封装管脚排列图Hinix广州汇佳电子科技有限公司Guangzhou Hinix electronic technology Co,Ltd.管脚说明管脚名称I/O 管脚说明VDD — 电源正端COM1COM3 OL LCD公用驱动信号端口SEG0SEG12 OL LCD段驱动信号端口OSCI I 32.768kHz晶振输入端口OSCO O 32.768kHz晶振输出端口VLCD OLCD电源使用时此端口与V SS之间连接一个0.1µF电容RST I SU带上拉电阻大约750kΩ低电平有效的复位端TESTCLK I SD带下拉电阻的测试时钟端口TEST I SD当为高电平时处于测试模式AL-ON/OFF I SU开启或关闭报警功能内接上拉电阻AL-DISP I SU按下时显示报警时间内接上拉电阻MIN-SET I SU分钟设置内接上拉电阻HR-SET I SU小时设置内接上拉电阻NC — 不连接CLKFREQ-SEL I SD 时钟或频率显示模式内接下拉电阻输入端口低电平时为时钟显示模式高电平时为频率显示模式VSS — 电源负端AL-SIG OD10 开漏报警信号输出端口低电平有效AL-OUT O4 报警输出持续或间歇均为0.2s的输出端口IF70k I SD在FM模式下选择中频补偿为70kHz或10.7MHzNC — 不连接RANGE I SU只用于频率模式Range=H或L门限时间均为0.1sAM/FM-SEL I SU AM/FM选择端内有上拉电阻接高电平为AM接低电平为FMA VDD — 模拟电源电压AMIN — AM信号输入振幅为0.3V500kHz30MHzA VSS — 模拟地端FMIN — FM信号输入振幅0.3V11150MHz备注I振荡输入端口O振荡输出端口I SU带上拉的史密特触发器输入端 OD10 10mA驱动开漏输出端I SD带下拉的史密特触发器输入端 O4 4mA驱动推挽输出端口OL LCD段和公用输出端口功能说明1.频率显示功能DTS 模式FM 或AM 本振输出信号分别通过CD3610CN 的FMIN 和AMIN 端口进入一个高增益的输入放大器依据AM/FM -SEL 端口的状态选择FM 或AM 信号进入中频补偿电路FM 信号先通过一个6分频器预先分频依据FM/AM 选择10.7MHz/ 70kHz 或者455kHz 中频频率去和输入的信号进行差频 LCD 显示范围 模式 范围 在LCD 上的显示范围 步长 分辨率 FM H L 11.00MHz 99.99MHz11.00MHz 149.9MHz 10kHz 100kHz 1kHz 10kHz AMH L500kHz 9999kHz 0.5MHz 29.99MHz1kHz 10kHz100Hz 1kHz不同应用下的中频偏置IF70k AMFM-SEL IF 偏置 操 作0 0 +10.7MHz 显示FM 输入频率 – 10.7MHz 0 1 +455kHz 显示AM 输入频率 – 455kHz 1 0 -70kHz 显示FM 输入频率 + 70kHz 1 1 +455kHz显示AM 输入频率 – 455kHz2. 时钟功能(1) 时钟可被预置为PM12:00PM11:59AM12:00AM11:59(2) [:]为秒的标志符并以2Hz的频率闪烁(3) 时间的设置按下[TIME SET] [HR SET]组合键小时设置或[TIME SET] [MIN SET]组合键分钟设置进入时钟设置模式当按下上述组合键的一种超过0.5秒时相应的字数分或小时位会以2Hz的频率递增(4) 按下组合键[AL DISP] [HR SET]或[AL DISP] [MIN SET]将进入闹钟时间设置此时[AL]标识符出现[:]符号停止闪烁当按下上述组合键超过0.5秒时相应的数字将以2Hz的频率递增(5) 报警功能AL OUT端口将输出频率为1024Hz且持续和间歇时间均为0.2s的信号AL OUT端口可用于直接驱动一个压电式蜂鸣器在报警期间通过按下[AL-ON/OFF]键或自动让其持续三分钟AL-OUT端口的报警信号便会关闭AL SIG端口是一个开漏输出低电平有效报警期间可通过按下[AL-ON/OFF]键或自动让其持续1小时此端口报警信号便会关闭当按下[AL DISP]键时[AL][AL-ON/OFF]信号可以开关]符号的显示当]符号出现报警功能开启(6) 32.768kHz参考频率(7) 当CLKFREQ SEL为高电平时频率显示[HR SET]和[MIN SET]键功能被关闭[AL-DISP]键[AL-ON/OFF]键和AL-SIG输出仍起作用3. 上电复位在闹钟模式下开始显示时间为AM7:00在DTS频率模式下如果CLKFREQ-SEL为高电平并且FM IN和AM IN端口接地所有LCD段将开启LCD测试模式典型LCD布局11 AM 3c11 — 3c 3b极限参数特 性 符 号 极 限 值 单 位 电源电压 V DD 0.57.0 V 输入输出电压 V IN V OUT -0.5V DD +0.5 V 存贮温度 TSTG -40+125 ESD 保护-2+2kV电参数除非另外说明VDD =3V Temp =25特 性符 号 测 试 条 件 最小值 典型值 最大值 单 位 电源电压V DD 1.8 3.0 3.3 V I DD1 频率模式 — 1.8 3.6 mA V DD 电源下电流功耗 I DD2 时钟模式 — 55 110 µA 内部LCD 参考电压 V LCD 相对与V DD0.5 0.75 1.0 V LCD 驱动电流功耗 I LCD 全段信号开启— — 5 µA LCD 帧频率 F LCD— 32 — Hz 振荡器频率 F OSC— 32.768 — kHz FM 输入频率 F FM V IN =0.3V PP 11.0 — 150 MHz AM 输入频率 F AM V IN =0.3V PP0.5 — 30 MHz FM 输入阻抗 R IN(FM) F FM =120MHz— 150 — Ω AM 输入阻抗R IN(AM) F AM =12MHz — 2.0 — k Ω开漏输出低电平电压 V OLOC V DD =3V Isink =10mA — — 0.5 V低电平输入电压 V IL— — 0.3V DD V 高电平输入电压 V IH0.7V DD — — V 低电平输出电压 V OL V DD =3V Isink =4mA — — 0.4 V 高电平输出电压 V OH V DD =3V I SOURCE =-4mA V DD -0.5— — V 史密特正阈值电压 V t + V DD =3V— 2.3 2.4 V 史密特负阈值电压 V t - V DD =3V0.6 0.9 — V 史密特输入电阻 R IN +/- 上拉或下拉 — 75 — k Ω复位端口上拉电阻 R IN -UP — 750 — k ΩV LCD 与V DD 差值 2 2.25 2.51F.1F7k1M.1F1F.1F7k1M.1F。

HR070 Series Remote Control Programming Guide
6. Repeat steps 1 to 5 for the other components you want to control. For future reference, write down each working component code below:
HR Series Remote Control Programming
Assigned Push-button Component Program Code
Push-buttons available for Programming
Flashes during Programming
Used to activate Programming Mode
with the most popular code first. If the component
responds, go to step 7.
6. If the component does not respond, press LEVEL+
Push-button and the Remote Control will test
The HR70 Series Remote Controls have stored in permanent memory the necessary information to send the correct commands to the component to be controlled. By entering a five digit numeric code the commands for controlling the component is activated.
Dell FluidFS NAS 解决方案 NX3600 NX3610 部署指南.pdf_17007

Dell FluidFS NAS Solutions NX3600/NX3610部署指南注、小心和警告: “注”表示可以帮助您更好地使用计算机的重要信息。
: “小心”表示可能会损坏硬件或导致数据丢失,并说明如何避免此类问题。
: “警告”表示可能会造成财产损失、人身伤害甚至死亡。
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目录第1章产品介绍.....................................................................................................................1-11.1 概述....................................................................................................................................1-11.2 S3610-28TP交换机............................................................................................................1-11.2.1 前面板......................................................................................................................1-11.2.2 后面板......................................................................................................................1-71.2.3 电源系统..................................................................................................................1-71.3 S3610-28P交换机..............................................................................................................1-81.3.1 前面板......................................................................................................................1-81.3.2 后面板....................................................................................................................1-111.3.3 电源系统................................................................................................................1-121.4 S3610-28F交换机............................................................................................................1-121.4.1 前面板....................................................................................................................1-121.4.2 后面板....................................................................................................................1-161.4.3 电源系统................................................................................................................1-161.5 S3610-52P交换机............................................................................................................1-171.5.1 前面板....................................................................................................................1-171.5.2 后面板....................................................................................................................1-181.5.3 电源系统................................................................................................................1-181.6 S3610-52M/S3610-52M-DC交换机.................................................................................1-181.6.1 前面板....................................................................................................................1-181.6.2 后面板....................................................................................................................1-201.7 S3610系列以太网交换机系统特性..................................................................................1-21第2章安装前的准备..............................................................................................................2-12.1 安全注意事项.....................................................................................................................2-12.2 检查安装场所.....................................................................................................................2-12.2.1 温/湿度要求.............................................................................................................2-12.2.2 洁净度要求..............................................................................................................2-22.2.3 抗干扰要求..............................................................................................................2-22.2.4 激光使用安全...........................................................................................................2-22.3 安装工具.............................................................................................................................2-3第3章安装.............................................................................................................................3-13.1 交换机的安装.....................................................................................................................3-13.1.1 安装交换机到19英寸机柜.......................................................................................3-13.1.2 安装交换机到工作台................................................................................................3-53.2 电源线及地线连接..............................................................................................................3-53.2.1 交流电源线的连接....................................................................................................3-53.2.2 直流电源线的连接....................................................................................................3-63.2.3 地线的连接..............................................................................................................3-93.2.4 多电源输入............................................................................................................3-113.3 配置(Console)电缆连接...............................................................................................3-113.3.1 配置电缆................................................................................................................3-113.3.2 配置电缆连接.........................................................................................................3-123.4 可选接口模块安装............................................................................................................3-133.4.1 可选接口模块的安装..............................................................................................3-133.4.2 可选接口模块的拆卸..............................................................................................3-133.5 安装完成后检查................................................................................................................3-14第4章交换机初次上电启动....................................................................................................4-14.1 搭建配置环境.....................................................................................................................4-14.2 连接配置电缆.....................................................................................................................4-14.3 设置终端参数.....................................................................................................................4-14.4 交换机启动.........................................................................................................................4-44.4.1 上电前的检查...........................................................................................................4-44.4.2 上电启动..................................................................................................................4-4第5章 BOOTROM和主机软件的加载.....................................................................................5-15.1 加载方式简介.....................................................................................................................5-15.2 本地加载.............................................................................................................................5-15.2.1 BOOT菜单...............................................................................................................5-25.2.2 通过Console口利用XModem完成加载....................................................................5-35.2.3 通过以太网口利用TFTP完成加载............................................................................5-75.2.4 通过以太网口利用FTP完成加载..............................................................................5-95.3 远程加载...........................................................................................................................5-105.3.1 通过FTP实现远程加载...........................................................................................5-105.3.2 通过TFTP实现远程加载........................................................................................5-12第6章维护与常见故障处理....................................................................................................6-16.1 加载失败的处理..................................................................................................................6-16.2 口令丢失情况下的处理.......................................................................................................6-16.2.1 用户口令丢失...........................................................................................................6-16.2.2 交换机BOOTROM口令丢失....................................................................................6-26.3 电源系统故障处理..............................................................................................................6-26.4 配置系统故障处理..............................................................................................................6-2第7章可选扩展卡..................................................................................................................7-17.1 8端口100Base-FX单模/多模模块.....................................................................................7-17.1.1 模块面板与面板指示灯............................................................................................7-17.1.2 模块接口光纤...........................................................................................................7-1 7.2 8端口10Base-T/100Base-TX模块....................................................................................7-27.2.1 模块面板与面板指示灯............................................................................................7-27.2.2 模块接口电缆...........................................................................................................7-2 7.3 百兆SFP模块接口属性.......................................................................................................7-37.3.1 模块面板与面板指示灯............................................................................................7-37.3.2 百兆SFP模块接口....................................................................................................7-3第1章产品介绍1.1 概述H3C S3610系列以太网交换机是杭州华三通信技术有限公司(以下简称H3C公司)自主开发的一系列L2/L3层线速以太网交换产品,是为要求具备高性能、较大端口密度且易于安装的网络环境而设计的智能型可网管交换机。

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
SC3610B (QFP-44-10x10-0.8 封装)
频率显示模式 时钟显示模式 相对于VDD 开启所有字符段
1.8 3.6
55 110
2.25 2.5
-- 32.768 --
35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26
AM/FM-SEL 36 AVDD 37 AMIN 38 AVSS 39 FMIN 40 VDD 1 COM1 2 COM2 3 COM3 4 SEG0 5
VOLoc VDD=3V, Isink =10mA
爱尔顿 Moeller 系列快速链接速控器 198996 数据表 说明书

Eaton 198996Eaton Moeller® series Rapid Link - Speed controllers, 5.6 A, 2.2 kW, Sensor input 4, Actuator output 2, PROFINET, HAN Q4/2General specificationsEaton Moeller® series Rapid Link Speed controller1989964015081970544157 mm 270 mm 220 mm 3.44 kg IEC/EN 61800-5-1 UL 61800-5-1 RoHS UL approval CEProduct NameCatalog NumberEANProduct Length/Depth Product Height Product Width Product Weight Certifications Catalog Notes 3 fixed speeds and 1 potentiometer speedcan be switched over from U/f to (vector) speed control Connection of supply voltage via adapter cable on round or flexible busbar junction Diagnostics and reset on the device and via PROFINET integrated PTCParameterization: drivesConnectParameterization: KeypadParameterization: FieldbusParameterization: drivesConnect mobile (App)PTC thermistor monitoringControl unitKey switch position AUTO2 Actuator outputsInternal DC linkIGBT inverterKey switch position HANDThermo-click with safe isolationPC connectionKey switch position OFF/RESETTwo sensor inputs through M12 sockets (max. 150 mA) for quick stop and interlocked manual operationSelector switch (Positions: REV - OFF - FWD)3 fixed speeds1 potentiometer speed NEMA 12IP651st and 2nd environments (according to EN 61800-3)IIISpeed controllerPROFINET IOC1: for conducted emissions onlyC2, C3: depending on the motor cable length, the connected load, and ambient conditions. External radio interference suppression filters (optional) may be necessary.2000 VAC voltagePhase-earthed AC supply systems are not permitted. Center-point earthed star network (TN-S network)Vertical15 g, Mechanical, According to IEC/EN 60068-2-27, 11 ms, Half-sinusoidal shock 11 ms, 1000 shocks per shaftResistance: According to IEC/EN 60068-2-6Resistance: 57 Hz, Amplitude transition frequency on accelerationResistance: 6 Hz, Amplitude 0.15 mmResistance: 10 - 150 Hz, Oscillation frequency Max. 2000 mAbove 1000 m with 1 % performance reduction per 100 m -10 °C40 °C-40 °C70 °CFeatures Fitted with:Functions Degree of protectionElectromagnetic compatibility Overvoltage categoryProduct categoryProtocolRadio interference classRated impulse withstand voltage (Uimp) System configuration typeMounting position Shock resistance Vibration AltitudeAmbient operating temperature - min Ambient operating temperature - max Ambient storage temperature - min Ambient storage temperature - max Climatic proofing< 95 %, no condensationIn accordance with IEC/EN 50178Current limitation0.5 - 5.6 A, motor, main circuitAdjustable, motor, main circuitDelay time< 10 ms, Off-delay< 10 ms, On-delayEfficiency98 % (η)Input current ILN at 150% overload5.3 ALeakage current at ground IPE - max3.5 mAMains current distortion120 %Mains switch-on frequencyMaximum of one time every 60 secondsMains voltage - min380 VMains voltage - max480 VMains voltage tolerance380 - 480 V (-10 %/+10 %, at 50/60 Hz)Operating modeSensorless vector control (SLV)U/f controlSynchronous reluctance motorsPM and LSPM motorsBLDC motorsOutput frequency - min0 HzOutput frequency - max500 HzOverload currentFor 60 s every 600 sAt 40 °COverload current IL at 150% overload8.4 A45 Hz66 Hz5.6 A at 150% overload (at an operating frequency of 8 kHz and an ambient air temperature of +40 °C)2.2 kW480 V AC, 3-phase400 V AC, 3-phase0.1 Hz (Frequency resolution, setpoint value)200 %, IH, max. starting current (High Overload), For 2 seconds every 20 seconds, Power section50/60 Hz8 kHz, 4 - 32 kHz adjustable, fPWM, Power section, Main circuitAC voltagePhase-earthed AC supply systems are not permitted.Center-point earthed star network (TN-S network)3 HP≤ 0.6 A (max. 6 A for 120 ms), Actuator for external motor brakeAdjustable to 100 % (I/Ie), DC - Main circuit10 kAType 1 coordination via the power bus' feeder unit, Main circuit 24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %, external via AS-Interface® plug)PROFINET, optionalPlug type: HAN Q4/2Max. total power consumption from AS-Interface® power supply unit (30 V): 250 mASpecification: S-7.4 (AS-Interface®)Number of slave addresses: 31 (AS-Interface®)Rated frequency - minRated frequency - maxRated operational current (Ie)Rated operational power at 380/400 V, 50 Hz, 3-phase Rated operational voltageResolutionStarting current - maxSupply frequencySwitching frequencySystem configuration type Assigned motor power at 460/480 V, 60 Hz, 3-phase Braking currentBraking torqueRated conditional short-circuit current (Iq)Short-circuit protection (external output circuits) Rated control voltage (Uc)Communication interfaceConnectionInterfacesCable length10.2.2 Corrosion resistanceC3 ≤ 25 m, maximum motor cable length C1 ≤ 1 m, maximum motor cable length C2 ≤ 5 m, maximum motor cable length Meets the product standard's requirements.Meets the product standard's requirements.Meets the product standard's requirements.Meets the product standard's requirements.Meets the product standard's requirements.Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Meets the product standard's requirements.Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Meets the product standard's requirements.Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Is the panel builder's responsibility.Is the panel builder's responsibility.Is the panel builder's responsibility.Is the panel builder's responsibility. Verification of thermal stability of enclosures10.2.3.2 Verification of resistance of insulating materials to normal heat10.2.3.3 Resist. of insul. mat. to abnormal heat/fire by internal elect. effects10.2.4 Resistance to ultra-violet (UV) radiation10.2.5 Lifting10.2.6 Mechanical impact10.2.7 Inscriptions10.3 Degree of protection of assemblies10.4 Clearances and creepage distances10.5 Protection against electric shock10.6 Incorporation of switching devices and components10.7 Internal electrical circuits and connections10.8 Connections for external conductors10.9.2 Power-frequency electric strength10.9.3 Impulse withstand voltage10.9.4 Testing of enclosures made of insulating materialIs the panel builder's responsibility.The panel builder is responsible for the temperature risecalculation. Eaton will provide heat dissipation data for the devices.Is the panel builder's responsibility. The specifications for the switchgear must be observed.Is the panel builder's responsibility. The specifications for the switchgear must be observed.The device meets the requirements, provided the information in the instruction leaflet (IL) is observed.Generation change RAMO4 to RAMO5Generation change from RA-SP to RASP 4.0Generation change from RA-MO to RAMO 4.0Generation Change RASP4 to RASP5Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)Generation Change RA-SP to RASP5Connecting drives to generator suppliesConfiguration to Rockwell PLC for Rapid LinkRapid Link 5 - brochureDA-SW-drivesConnect USB Driver DX-COM-PCKITDA-SW-USB Driver PC Cable DX-CBL-PC-1M5DA-SW-drivesConnectDA-SW-drivesConnect - installation helpDA-SW-Driver DX-CBL-PC-3M0DA-SW-drivesConnect - InstallationshilfeDA-SW-USB Driver DX-COM-STICK3-KITMaterial handling applications - airports, warehouses and intra-logisticsProduct Range Catalog Drives EngineeringProduct Range Catalog Drives Engineering-ENDA-DC-00003964.pdfDA-DC-00004184.pdfDA-DC-00004514.pdfDA-DC-00004508.pdfeaton-bus-adapter-rapidlink-speed-controller-dimensions-002.eps eaton-bus-adapter-rapidlink-speed-controller-dimensions-003.eps eaton-bus-adapter-rapidlink-speed-controller-dimensions.epseaton-bus-adapter-rapidlink-speed-controller-dimensions-004.eps ETN.RASP5-5420PNT-4120000S1.edzIL034093ZU10.10 Temperature rise10.11 Short-circuit rating10.12 Electromagnetic compatibility10.13 Mechanical functionApplication notesBrochuresCataloguesCertification reportsDrawingseCAD modelInstallation instructionsEaton Corporation plc Eaton House30 Pembroke Road Dublin 4, Ireland © 2023 Eaton. All rights reserved. Eaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks areproperty of their respectiveowners./socialmediaRapid Link 5MN040003_EN MN034004EN MZ040046_EN DA-MN-MZ040045EN rasp5_v35.stp ramo5_v35.dwgInstallation videos Manuals and user guides mCAD model。

a)YKJ3610 使用说明书(电气部分)b)YKJ3610电气图册;c)机床参数表;d)BEIJING-FANUC 0i Mate-TD操作说明书;e)BEIJING-FANUC 0i Mate-TD 维修说明书;f)步进驱动器资料1主要用途、适用范围1.1 主要用途1.1.1YKJ3610 高效卧式滚齿机主要用于加工模数≤2.5mm的直齿圆柱齿轮、斜齿轮。
1.1.2使用高精度滚刀、采用合理的切削规范时,可加工GB/T2363-1990( m < 1mm) 或GB/T10095-1988(1mm≤m≤1.5mm)5-6-6级精度的直齿圆柱齿轮及斜齿轮,齿面粗糙度 Ra为1.6μm。
1.1.3使用高精度滚刀、采用合理的切削规范高效加工时(例如零件m=1时,轴向进给速度为0.6mm/r,一次切削加工完成),可加工GB/T2363-1990 ( m < 1mm)或GB/T10095-1988(1mm≤m≤1.5mm)7级精度的直齿圆柱齿轮及斜齿轮,齿面粗糙度Ra为3.2μm。
1.2 适用范围1.2.1本机床电气控制系统采用BEIJING-FANUC 0i Mate-TD 数控系统控制,机床的轴向拖板、径向拖板通过伺服电机编程实现轴向进给、径向进给的无级调速,机床的移位滚刀架采用步进电机对滚刀架的切向移动进行控制,机床主电机通过变频电机可实现无级调速。
Rexroth变频器VFC 3610 VFC 5610快速启动指南说明书

Rexroth变频器VFC 3610 / VFC 5610快速启动指南版本19R912005517Rexroth变频器 VFC 3610 / VFC 5610更改过程出版颁发日期备注DOK-RCON04-VFC-X610***-QU09-ZH-P2015.07功能新增DOK-RCON04-VFC-X610***-QU10-ZH-P2015.10功能新增DOK-RCON04-VFC-X610***-QU11-ZH-P2016.03功能新增DOK-RCON04-VFC-X610***-QU12-ZH-P2016.06功能新增DOK-RCON04-VFC-X610***-QU13-ZH-P2017.01机型扩展及功能新增DOK-RCON04-VFC-X610***-QU14-ZH-P2017.06功能新增DOK-RCON04-VFC-X610***-QU15-ZH-P2017.12机型扩展及功能新增DOK-RCON04-VFC-X610***-QU16-ZH-P2019.04机型扩展及功能新增DOK-RCON04-VFC-X610***-QU17-ZH-P2020.07机型扩展及功能新增DOK-RCON04-VFC-X610***-QU18-ZH-P2021.12内容修订DOK-RCON04-VFC-X610***-QU19-ZH-P2023.03机型扩展及功能新增关于此文档该《快速启动指南》基于产品《使用手册》, 《使用手册》包含产品的详细数据。
在未通读产品《使用手册》中的安全相关章节内容以及产品标准供货所附《安全说明》前, 请勿操作该产品。
不当应用、安装或操作可能导致人身伤害或财产损失!在未通读以下文档前, 请勿操作该产品●标准发货附带的《安全说明》●《使用手册》中的安全说明信息参考文档如需其他类型或语言的文档, 请联系当地代理商或访问以下网址:/vfcx610版权© 博世力士乐(西安)电子传动与控制有限公司 2023保留所有权利, 也保留包括任何使用、利用、翻印、编辑、转让以及申请知识产权的权利。

2EFC 3610, EFC 5610 frequency converter | Using valuable energy responsiblyBosch Rexroth Corporation , R999000430A (2018-04)Using valuable energy responsiblyRising energy costs and increasing demands for environ-mentally-friendly production pose major challenges to the industry and, in particular, mechanical engineering. End customers demand energy-efficient machines and equipment to significantly reduce operating costs and CO 2 emissions especially in the field of drive technology.With the new EFC 3610 and EFC 5610 frequency converters, Rexroth offers both economical and easy-to-use solutions for a variety of applications in which valuable energy has to be used responsibly. Rexroth EFC 3610 and EFC 5610 frequency converters for electronic speed and torque control contribute significantly to the energy savings desired by customers.Rexroth EFC 3610 is a universal, low-cost converter for reliable speed control and demand-oriented energy supply. Rexroth EFC 5610 offers a power range of up to 160 kW (200 hp), an efficient vector control for an optimum torque curve and high starting torque.Both series are designed with intelligent features such as expansion options through different I/O and fieldbus modules, an operator display panel with a parameter copy function or the standard integrated Modbus interface for networking.For safety-relevant applications, the EFC 5610 with STO (Safety Torque Off) option offers up to Cat. 4/PL e, SIL3safety levels.Using valuable energy responsibly | EFC 3610, EFC 5610 frequency converter 3R999000430A (2018-04),Bosch Rexroth CorporationThe energy-efficient solution for most industry segmentsEFC 3610, the energy-efficient solution for most industry segments: f Pumps, compressors f Ventilators, fans f Woodworking machinesf Food and beverage manufacturing f Paper manufacturing and processing f Textile machinesf Environmental and processing systems f Packaging machinesTypical applicationsEFC 5610, the high-torque solution for special requirements: f Logistics and material transport, conveyors, roller tables f Processing systems: Mixers, agitators, centrifuges f Building material machinery f Building technologyf Plastic production and processing machines f Machine toolsHighlightsf Power range:–EFC 3610: 1AC 200–240V 0.4 kW (0.5 hp) to 3AC 380–480V 22 kW (30 hp)–EFC 5610: 1AC 200–240V 0.4 kW (0.5 hp) to 22 kW (30 hp), to 3AC 200–240V 11 kW (15 hp) and to 3AC 380–480V 160 kW (200 hp)f Use in HD (heavy duty) or ND (normal duty) mode f Operate permanent magnet motors with EFC 5610 f Built-in brake chopper (up to 22 kW [30 hp]) andmains filterf Integrated operator display panel for easy start-up f Expandable I/O, fieldbus, and encoder modules f Side-by-side mounting (up to 22 kW [30 hp]) f Flexible expandability with application-specificfirmware (ASF)4EFC 3610, EFC 5610 frequency converter | Perfect integration in a wide range of applicationsBosch Rexroth Corporation, R999000430A (2018-04)Perfect integrationin a wide range of applicationsIntelligent featuresf Detachable operator display panel with memoryfunction for fast parameter transfer and commissioning f Integrated diagnostic LEDs for operating without anoperating panelf Potentiometer for command valuef Analog inputs and outputs with switch-over optionbetween current and voltagef Digital inputs and outputs for direct PLC coupling f Pulse-train input and outputf Simple parameter input and harmonized parametersthroughout the whole seriesf Clear visualization with 5-digit 7-segment LED displayor optional LCD displayf Integrated sequence control (16 steps)f Switch-over option between two sets of parameters f Integrated PID controllerf Pump operation with protective function in idle mode f Bridge for short-term power failures f Integrated energy counterf Application specific firmware (ASF) for enhancedfunctionsTrouble-free assembly, simple to install and use: EFC 3610 and EFC 5610 frequency converters meet your engineering demands and the desires of your customers with respect to optimum handling as a whole and down to the smallest detail.Function extension throughoption card module for I/O and communicationThey impress as intelligent, economical, and compact solutions in a wide variety of applications: in pumps, compressors, fans, conveyors, packaging machines,hydraulic applications, and many more.Perfect integration in a wide range of applications | EFC 3610, EFC 5610 frequency converter 5R999000430A (2018-04), Bosch Rexroth CorporationPerfect servicef Long-term availability of componentsf Fan replacement without tools (on units with fan) f PCB varnish to protect against dirt and damage f Easy and fast device exchange f Fast worldwide delivery of spare parts f Worldwide repair and on-site service Electrical propertiesf Power supply: 1AC 200–240 V, 3AC 200–240V, or3AC 380–480 Vf Power range: 0.4 to 22 kW (0.5 to 30 hp) [EFC 3610]/0.4 to 160 kW (0.5 to 200 hp) [EFC 5610]f High overload capacity: from 5.5 kW (7.5 hp) heavy duty(HD) mode at 150% for 60 sec or normal duty (ND) mode at 120% for 60 secf Optimum start torque: EFC 5610 with 200% at 0.5 Hz f Motor temperature monitoringf STO (safe torque off) with EFC 5610 up to Cat. 4/PL e, SIL3Mechanical propertiesf Space-saving installation due to compact design f Easy DIN rail installation up to frame size E andmounting holes for easy device mountingf Gapless side-by-side mounting up to 22 kW (30 hp) f Easy wiring through pluggable connection terminalsfor I/O connectionsf Shield connection for optimum EMC properties (option)Detachable operator display panel with memory functionfor fast parameter transferAdvantages at a glancef Expanded power range from 5.5 kW (7.5 hp) and usewith HD (heavy duty)/ND (normal duty) configuration f Significant energy savings and longer engine life throughfreely definable V/f curve and optimal torque control f EFC 5610 with efficient vector control for optimumtorque curvef Maximized energy efficiency and minimal engine noisesthrough the option of using permanent magnet motors and an infinitely adjustable pulse frequency f No external components needed due to the built-inbrake chopper (up to 22 kW [30 hp]) and built-in mains filter (EN61800-3 C3)f Fast start-up with the integrated operator display panel f Extensive connectivity through Multi-Ethernet interfaceoption (Sercos, EtherNet/IP, PROFINET, EtherCAT, andModbus/TCP)fFieldbus options like Profibus DP and CANopenf Flexible use with various I/O and fieldbus optionmodulesEasy installation on TS35(EN 50022) DIN rails fordevices up to frame size E6EFC 3610, EFC 5610 frequency converter | Optimal easy-to-use handlingBosch Rexroth Corporation , R999000430A (2018-04)Optimal easy-to-use handlingRexroth technology stands for easy installation and imple-mentation. So the integrated user panel includes everything necessary for fast commissioning and operation of the EFC x610 frequency converters. And, with no need for a PC or an additional programming unit, commissioning is easy. For the configuration of several frequency converters with identical or similar parameterization, the copy function of the operating panel can be used.Simply user-friendly: All parameter values are entered using robust keys. The 5-digit LED display visualizes all operating variables in a clear and obvious form. The documentation available, provides guidance for the parameterization and explains the menu structure.With easy applications, the frequency converters can be controlled using both, the user panel, and the digital and analog inputs and outputs.For straightforward, fast commissioning, the frequency converter EFC x610 can be parameterized using the user panel. The EFC 3610 and EFC 5610 can also be configured via a PC using the integrated mini USB interface with the ConverterWorks or IndraWorks Ds software ing an option module, all EFC 3610 and EFC 5610 can be extended by a Multi-Ethernet interface with Sercos, EtherNet/IP, PROFINET, EtherCAT, and Modbus/TCP or fieldbus interfaces such as PROFIBUS or CANopen, and can be integrated in all common automation solutions.With the Multi-Ethernet interface and the OpenCore interface (OCI for Drives), EFC 3610/EFC 5610 are perfectly prepared for modern machine concepts in the environment for Industry 4.0. With available libraries, the EFC x610 can be controlled via most programminglanguages.Technical data | EFC 3610, EFC 5610 frequency converter 7 Technical dataPerformance dataR999000430A (2018-04), Bosch Rexroth Corporation8EFC 3610, EFC 5610 frequency converter | Technical dataBosch Rexroth Corporation, R999000430A (2018-04)Technical data | EFC 3610, EFC 5610 frequency converter 9R999000430A (2018-04), Bosch Rexroth CorporationØHØHØHØHSize LSize K Device dimensions10EFC 3610, EFC 5610 frequency converter | Technical dataBosch Rexroth Corporation, R999000430A (2018-04)Technical data | EFC 3610, EFC 5610 frequency converter 11R999000430A (2018-04),Bosch Rexroth CorporationBlock diagram12EFC 3610, EFC 5610 frequency converter | Ordering information Ordering information Frequency converter – EFC3610 and EFC5610Bosch Rexroth Corporation, R999000430A (2018-04)Ordering information | EFC 3610, EFC 5610 frequency converter 13R999000430A (2018-04),Bosch Rexroth Corporation14EFC 3610, EFC 5610 frequency converter | Ordering informationBosch Rexroth Corporation, R999000430A (2018-04)Software | EFC 3610, EFC 5610 frequency converter 15R999000430A (2018-04), Bosch Rexroth CorporationSoftwareRexroth frequency converters EFC 3610 and EFC 5610 can be commissioned and remotely controlled by use of the free downloadable software tools ConverterWorks or IndraWorks Ds. The connection with the PC is established via a standard USB interface. Using the software, it is possible to specify converter speeds, to control start and stop, and to adjust the parameters. Parameters can be saved and stored in order to ensure reliable archiving.With the optional Multi-Ethernet interface, the EFCx610 frequency converters can be integrated into Rexroth control systems making engineering possible in a single IndraWorks project.Free software tools download available from/efcx610U SB commissioning cable available for EFCx610 (R911376069)Find your local contact person here:/contactusMore information:/efcx610Bosch Rexroth Corporation Corporate Headquarters 14001 South Lakes Drive Charlotte, NC 28273Telephone (800) REXROTH (800) 739-7684************************R999000430A (2018-04) Replaces: 2017-02© Bosch Rexroth Corporation 2018Subject to change.Printed in the United States This information is only provided to describe the products. It cannot be used to determine a specific property or suitability for a specific purpose. This information does not release the user from performing their own evaluations and tests.Our products are subject to a natural wear and aging process.。
Rexroth VFC变频器 木工机械行业应用—封边机说明书

Rexroth VFC变频器木工机械行业应用—封边机产品特点灵巧精致►深度较3610系列平均减小近30 %,更适应客户的安装需求。
性能优越►高启动转矩150 % 3 Hz 和 100 % 1.5 Hz。
►过载能力150 % 60 s。
►标配Modbus RTU。
►通过调试软件实现快速调试和软件更新 (可通过Mini USB接口连接电脑)。
►操作便捷,维护容易,风扇可自由拆卸,1.5 kW及以下自冷散热。
►保护完善 (缺相、相间短路、对地短路、过流、过压、欠压、过载、过热、 电机热保护)。
尺寸更小并排安装轻松调试VFC 3210 0.4 kW VFC 3610 0.4 kW紧凑型设计博世力士乐(西安)电子传动与控制有限公司西安经济技术开发区尚稷路3999号 邮编:710021 传真:************总机:************销售咨询电话:************邮箱地址:************************.cn 网站:/fc上述数据仅用于产品说明。
封边机工艺图木工封边机功能包括: 预铣、涂胶、齐头、粗修、精修、刮边、开槽、抛光。
►预铣:采用双铣刀对波纹痕迹、毛刺或者不垂直现象,进行再次修饰, 以达到更好的封边效果。
►粗修/精修:均采用靠模自动跟踪和高频高速电机结构,保证修边的板材 上下部分的平整光滑。

TP电机内温度开关LS1—下限限位开关PT—电位器LS—上限限位开关L—扼流圈M—电动机C—电容各功能选择开关作用如下动作方向选择(一、2开关)1 ON-2 OFF:当输人信号由4mAd·c增加到20mAd·c,直行程输出轴由上至下动作角行程输出轴顺时针转动(俯视),反馈信号由减小到。
1 OFF-2 ON:当输人信号由增加到,直行程输出轴由下至上动作/角行程输出轴逆时针转动(俯视),反馈信号由4mAd.c增加到20mAd.c。
输入信号切断时输出轴动作选择(3、4、5开关)3、4 OFF-5 ON:维持原位3、5 OFF-4 ON:直行程下降/角行程顺时针转动(俯视),至限位开关动作后停止。
4、5 OFF-3 ON:直行程上升/角行程逆时针转动(俯视),至限位开关动作后停止。
输入信号选择(6开关)6 ON:4mAd.c6 OFF:1—3410系列电动执行机构是以220V单相交流电源做为控制信号的执行机构。
电动机(M)采用AC可逆电机,驱动量的反馈检测采用高性能的导电塑料电位器(PT),开度信号4~20mAd c电流输出或0~Ω电阻输出两种,供用户选择。
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力士乐VFC 3610变频器小型机械类应用微信·扫一扫,了解最新资讯产业结构调整的加快和人力成本的不断上升,给制造业尤其是中小型设备制造商们带来了巨大的挑战和机遇。
力士乐VFC 3610变频器拥有强大的功能,难以比拟的可靠性及客户友好化设计,为各种应用提供了经济便捷的产品技术解决方案。
成本?竞争力?鱼和熊掌可否兼得?VFC 3610VFC 3610专注于中国市场模块化设计满足客户多样化的需求 本地化生产为您提供最快捷的物流 完善的销售渠道和服务网络稳定可靠独立风道和PCBA增强涂层,防尘防腐蚀全面的安规和电磁干扰测试以及完善的保护功能卓越品质来自博世标准生产系统CE认证 (EN/IEC61800-3)产品特点导轨安装(7.5kW及以下)快速连接端子多种显示模式热插拔中文液晶面板通信扩展或I/O扩展卡风扇易于拆卸紧凑型设计最大缩小60%VFC 3610以往机型调试软件(Converter PCII-Mini USB接口)重载/轻载穿墙安装1)1)1)无操作面板(防尘盖)热插拔LED面板风机、供水泵、中央空调火灾模式►用于楼宇、地铁、隧道通风设备,最大程度保障生命安全。
节能计算 ►为您提供实时节能数据,可通过参数了解设备的耗电状况。
寿命提醒 ►关键器件寿命超出限值时报警但不停机,便于及时维护。
多段速控制►无需购买PLC 即可实现多段速控制,满足工艺要求。
►无风扇设计(0.75kW 及以下),防止棉絮进入。
►易拆卸式风机(1.5kW 及以上),便于棉絮清理。
1)1)1)恒压供水、玻璃行业、制药化工继电器扩展卡 ►可作为供水附件,实现固定变频泵与循环变频泵控制。
PID 调节►通过过程量调节实现恒压供水,节省调试时间,提高生产效率。
可插拔型ModBus 通讯接口►快速实现与控制器通讯,易于维护。
多种通讯卡模块►标配ModBus ,另提供选配PROFIBUS DP 满足不同应用的通讯要求。
1)1)1)1)技术数据输入电源电压单相200 VAC系列:200...240V (-10%/+10%)三相400 VAC系列:380...480V (-15%/+10%) 电源频率50/60Hz (±5%)输出功率范围重载:单相200 VAC 0.4...2.2kW; 三相400 VAC 0.4...18.5kW轻载:三相400 VAC 7.5...22kW输出频率0...400HzI/O端子2路模拟输入端子0(2)...10V/0(4)...20mA可切换1路模拟输出端子0(2)...10V/0(4)...20mA可切换5路多功能数字输入端子可编程数字输入端子,X5可作为脉冲输入,Max. 50kHz 1路继电器输出端子AC 250V/3A; DC 30V/3A1路开路集电极输出端子DC 30V/50mA, 可作为脉冲输出,Max. 32kHz1路直流24V电源输入DC 24V/200mA功能控制模式V/f过载能力重载: 150%, 60s轻载: 120%, 60s调速范围 1∶50启动转矩 1.5Hz, 100%; 3Hz, 150%多段速运行通过内置简易PLC或控制端子制动单元内置制动电阻外置频率分辨率模拟给定:最高频率 x 0.1%数字给定:0.01HzV/f特性曲线自由定义加减速方式线性,S曲线载波频率(PWM) 1到15kHz,连续可调,步进1kHz自动调整运行功能PID控制,自动限流,失速防止,多段速运行,自动稳压运行,手/自动转矩提升,转差补偿、主辅给定、直流制动、2/3 线控制,低频震荡抑止技术,转速追踪启动,反转禁止,低电压穿越,内置计数器和节能计算器,睡眠唤醒和启动停止延时,过励磁控制通讯协议 ModBus, PROFIBUS DP1)(选件), CANopen1)(选件)环境环境温度-10至+40℃ 无需降额使用最大安装高度海拔高度1,000m以下无降额,1,000m...4,000m每增加100m降额1%相对湿度< 90%防护等级IP20dDWhHVFC 3610ECM变频器型号VFC 3610额定功率[kW]输出额定电流[A]宽[mm][W]高[mm][H]高[mm][h]深[mm][D]深[mm][d]单相200 VAC机型 0K40-1P2-MNA-xx0.4 2.395166145167159 0K75-1P2-MNA-xx0.75 3.91K50-1P2-MNA-xx 1.57.095206185170162 2K20-1P2-MNA-xx 2.29.7120231210175167三相400 VAC机型 0K40-3P4-MNA-xx0.4 1.295166145167159 0K75-3P4-MNA-xx0.75 2.11K50-3P4-MNA-xx 1.5 3.795206185170162 2K20-3P4-MNA-xx 2.2 5.13K00-3P4-MNA-xx 3.07.6120231210175167 4K00-3P4-MNA-xx 4.08.85K50-3P4-MNA-xx 5.512.7130243-233225 7K50-3P4-MNA-xx7.516.811K0-3P4-MNA-xx1124.3150283-233225 15K0-3P4-MNA-xx1532.418K5-3P4-MNA-xx18.539.2165315-2432351)以上规格若有变更,以实际产品为准 xx:7P=LED操作面板 NN=无操作面板(防尘盖)结构参数外置制动电阻仅适用于:3P 380...480 VAC5K50至18K5机型模拟输出模拟电压输入/模拟电流输入模拟电压输入/模拟电流输入模拟输入M3~开路集电极或脉冲输出继电器输出RS485+RS485-AO1GNDDO1a DO1b电源开关制动单元多功能数字输入内部电源PNP型外部电源PNP型24VL1L2L3L1L2L3U V WGNDAI 2AI 1Tb Tc Ta控制回路端子请使用屏蔽电缆主回路端子3P 380...480 VAC (50/60Hz)(L1, L2, L3)1P 200...240 VAC (50/60 Hz) (L1, L2)+-(+)B(-)X1X2X3X4X5SC 24V COMDC_IN GNDX1X2X3X4X5SC 24V COM+10V +5V配线图物料编码:R91200525705/2014APrinted in China© Bosch Rexroth China 2014上述数据仅用于产品说明。
博世力士乐 (西安) 电子传动与控制有限公司西安经济技术开发区尚稷路3999号邮编:710021总机:029 - 8655 5100传真:029 - 8655 5106售后服务电话:400 887 6910售后电子邮件:service.fc@ 邮箱地址:info.fc@网站:。