



一、职业enterprise(创业) career(一生为之奋斗的) job(用于谋生的)work occupation(占用时间精力做的) profession(教师什么的带有专业性的) entrepreneur二、下降减少减轻缓和eliminate (消除 eradicate)diminish decrease decline mitigate (减轻缓和 ease) alleviate soothe ease appease mollify deplete descend weaken lessen relieve defuse 三、超过exceed outstrip transcend leapfrog surpass overtake emulate四、收入earnings: 多指通过劳动或投资等手段所得到的收入。

allowance: 指收入中的补贴部分。

income: 与earnings含义很相近,但前者强调总收入。

salary: 指按年定下,按月或星期平均给予的报酬,指脑力劳动者的薪水。

wage: 多用复数形式,指按小时、日或星期的报酬,通常指体力劳动者的工资。

pay: 是个通用词,可取代salary与wage. fee: 指提供某种服务收取的固定费用五、基本的基础的最初的初级的primary prime rudimentary elementary六、原始的original rudimentary primitive primary七、考虑、思量consider thinkof contemplate ponder deliberate八、猜测推测guess speculate conjecture conclude九、可行的practical viable feasible十、degrade degenerate十一、推动推进促进propel promote advance(advance the process toward ……)motivate(激励)further (增进促进进一步发展)boost(使增长使兴旺)十二、引起造成pose incur cause spark trigger induce generate arouse(激起引起某种感情)be productive of ignite十三、组成成分ingredient component constituent composition comprise(包含包括)十四、花费开支expense expenditure outlay cost十五、阻碍阻塞妨碍obstruct hinder hamper block obstacle barrier intervene handicap interfere frustrate discourage inhibit stem quash禁止:forbid prohibit ban bar inhibit十六、延期推迟delay defer postpone extend extension put off十七、极好的marvelous superb splendid glorious awesome terrific fabulous fantastic十八、恢复复职restore rehabilitate还可恢复名誉recover revive revitalize rally十九、摇摆摇动swing sway waggle wobble vibrate(震动颤动)二十、倾斜tilt incline slope lean(人倾斜倚靠) bank(斜坡) slant hillside二十一、minute二十二、短暂的momentary temporary transient provisional二十三、建立建造build establish construct found二十四、撒把…布满strew sprinkle scatter 洒:spatter spray splash(飞溅泼洒)二十五、给予赠予授予accord grant render give bestow confer(confer citizenship to...) award二十六、理解掌握absorb grasp take in master understand comprehend grip(只有名词是理解的意思) digest (理解吸收)make sense of apprehend二十七、承认准许同意allow acknowledge admit grant concede二十八、翻译translate render二十九、使处于某种状态=makerender三十、修正改正amend modify revise三十一、补偿make amends for compensate for三十二、附属物appendix adjunct attachment三十三、背景background setting context backdrop三十四、繁荣发展flourish boom blossom prosper thrive bonanza三十五、轻率鲁莽的rash reckless abrupt foolhardy三十六、大胆的勇敢的brave bold fearless dauntless gallant audacious三十七、限制restrict constrain (constraint 限制限定约束)limit confine restrain三十八、必需的necessary indispensable integral essential三十九、地区地域zone area region district belt四十、条带belt band strip bar四十一、竞争斗争搏斗contend combat fight四十二、冲突名词:clash(动名) collision conflict(动名) discord(名词不一致不和纷争)四十三、微弱的昏暗的faint dim四十四、模糊的vague dim fuzzy四十五、满腔怒火的flaming raging四十六、侵犯入侵invasion incursion intrude(打扰侵入人生活) infest(侵扰) aggression assault四十七、职权范围权限remit purview四十八、有吸引力的吸引人的magnetic attractive tempting absorbing seductive名词:allure诱惑力吸引力 glamour intriguing enticing fascinating四十九、不重要的marginal trivial lesser五十、融合结合合并混合merge integrate combine blend(v&n 混合物)compound五十一、不公平的偏心的有偏见的biased prejudiced unjust unfair partial(bias prejudice) inequitable inexpedient 五十二、热情的狂热的fond enthusiastic zealous torrid intense(热情的强烈的) passionate五十三、有洞察力的insightful penetrating五十四、非凡的extraordinary phenomenal remarkable eminent五十五、确定的sure positive(completely sure)五十六、宣传publicity propaganda publicise advertise五十七、初级的初步的preliminary rudimentary elementary五十八、原始的未充分发展的落后的rudimentary primitive五十九、初等的elementary primary六十、基本的prime primary rudimentary elementary radical(激进的)fundamental ultimate六十一、问题question query六十二、击退抵抗抵制拒绝repel repulse resist reject六十四、使厌恶反感repel repulse disgust obnoxious(极讨厌的)六十五、取消cancel call off scrap六十六、碎片segment scrap shred chip fragment debris六十七、取回索回retrieve(挽回) reclaim六十八、搜寻search seek forage scour scout(某地) grope rummage六十九、结实的robust stout sturdy七十、纤细的苗条的slim slender delicate thin slight(瘦小的纤细的)七十一、壮丽的宏伟的magnificent splendid spectacular grand dazzling glorious epic七十二、经受住抵挡住耐热性resist withstandendure bear七十三、相似resemble similar alike analogous七十四、天才天资talent gift genius aptitude七十五、集会meeting gathering assembly rally七十六、立法机构legislature assembly七十七、燃烧v.或n.burn flame blaze combustion kindle combust七十八、使保持使稳定持续sustain maintain七十九、卷coil reel八十、浏览look through browse八十一、愉悦的宜人的pleasant agreeable八十二、一致的coherent consistent accord with be compatible with correspond(动词) uniform 八十三、遵守obey comply with conform八十四、结构structure configuration fabric framework八十五、“腐”腐败腐烂:decay decompose腐蚀:erode贪污腐败的:corrupt八十六、献身致力于devote dedicate be commited to doing八十七、缺点缺陷不足disadvantage weakness shortcoming defect fault deficiency handicap flaw drawback 八十八、缺乏的insufficient lacking deficient devoid of scarce deficit(名词缺少赤字)八十九、谴责condemn denounce censure九十、指责blame reproach scold(斥责)九十一、控诉控告accuse charge denounce prosecute indict sue九十二、支配命令指定command dictate appoint designate dominate prescribe assign specify九十三、分散split scatter disperse九十四、处理解决deal with cope with tackle handle dispose manipulate solve resolve confront九十五、证明demonstrate verify prove manifest substantiate testify sustain九十六、屈服认输succumb(抵挡不住诱惑攻击…屈服) give in back down (放弃认输自己观点)yield sell out submit subject(臣服服从)九十七、散布disperse(实的) disseminate(虚的) spread九十八、包含包括comprise include embrace encompass incorporate embody九十九、持久的lasting enduring durable perennial一百、全神贯注的absorbed buried engrossed be immersed in忙于:be busy doing be devoted to(致力于be dedicated to be commited to) doing be occupied in be engaged in一百零一、构想conceive formulate envisage(设想想象=envision)一百零二、仅仅only solely merely solitary(唯一的仅有的用于疑问句否定句)一百零三、断裂break crack fracture一百零四、模糊的vague blurred fuzzy nebulous hazy一百零五、无秩序的无计划的unplanned unsystematic chaotic random haphazard arbitrary indiscriminate(不加分析的随意的) disorderly一百零六、潮湿的wet damp humid moist dripping(湿淋淋的)一百零七、残废的disabled handicapped crippled一百零八、加剧exacerbate aggravate escalate intensify一百零九、区别distinguish discriminate一百一十、危害hazard jeopardy一百一十一、充满be filled with be laden with一百一十二、有害的harmful lethal detrimental adverse一百一十三、表明demonstrate manifest114.明了的clear manifest115.平常的普通的mundane mediocre ordinary116.假的仿制的fake false mock117.证实confirm verify corroborate substantiate sustain118.富饶的luxuriant prolific opulent fruitful(productive)119.骚乱混乱turmoil riot disorder ferment chaos disturbance uproar agitation无秩序的:disorderly haphazard120.困惑confuse bewilder muddle puzzle121.实施carry out implement enforce (enforcement authorities执法机构)put sth into practice122.强制迫使enforce compel oblige(be obliged to do)123.线索clue hint124.态度观点opinion point of view perspective outlookviewpoint125.繁殖breed reproduce multiply propagate bear126.明显的obvious bold conspicuous evident distinct apparent visible 127.撤退withdraw retreat128.批准approve sanction129.隐藏藏匿secrete conceal screen(掩藏庇护保护shield wrap)130.控告accuse prosecute indict impeach(弹劾)131.断言宣称assert allege affirm132.残忍的cruel ruthless vicious(残酷的)133.诱饵decoy bait134.指挥控制take command of in command of135.检查inspect examine scrutinize scan136.掩藏保护庇护screen shield shelter wrap conceal(隐藏藏匿)137.抓住grip grasp seize clasp(握紧)138.夺snatch grab139.抓住机会grab seize140.利用utilize seize on tap141.处罚discipline(动词) penalty punish(动词) sanction142.杰出的著名的outstanding famous eminent celebrated renowned well-known 143. 停止halt cease cessation stop drop144.致命的fatal lethal deadly145.代替取代substitute replace supersede146.监视scrutiny spy on surveillance147.支持back support underpin stand for uphold(支持维护(正义)uphold the law维护法律)sustain(bear 支撑)pro148.仓库storehouse depot warehouse storage store149.奇怪的古怪的eccentric weird odd strange grotesque(怪诞的奇形怪状的)150.infest interfere intervene intrude151.掩盖veil overshadow conceal152.强壮的stout(肥壮) sturdy153.初学者novice virgin rookie recruit(新兵新成员)154.使应接不暇淹没inundate overwhelm155.罢免oust unseat depose156.揭露unveil disclose reveal uncover expose157.控制rig curb rein back(严格控制) manipulate regulate(控制管理调节调整)handle manoeuvre158.分配Allot distribute allocate assign dispense(分配配药)159.评价评估appraise assess estimate evaluate160.把……归于Attribute...to...credit A with B =criedit B to A ascribe sth to sb accredit ;owe……to161.决心做Be bent on doing(通常指坏事) be determined to do162.承担责任shoulder/take/bear /assume /undertake the responsibility for hold sb accountable for 责任义务:liability obligation163.小册子booklet pamphlet brochure(介绍手册指南)leaflet(传单)164.运动campaign drive(有组织的运动)165.投,掷,抛cast (cast doubt on;cast one's vote for)throw fling hurl166.容量容积volume capacity167.分类classify categorise168.坟墓cemetery(坟地,公墓)tomb grave tabut(棺材坟墓)169.引用cite quote170.跟踪track trail trace171.著名的renowned famous celebrated distinguished (著名的杰出的 outstanding customer)well-known eminent prestigious(有名望的声誉高的 a prestigious university名牌大学branded名牌的)notable(著名的;名人)172.导致引起lead to ;cause incur breed raise induce173.养育抚养bring sb up ;raise rear ;upbringing(名词养育培养)foster nurture nurse(培养培育 cultivate)nourish174.仁慈的charitable clement (宽容仁慈的)benevolent(好心肠的慈善的仁慈的)175.与……一致accord with; in accord with;be consistent with ;be identical to/with be identified with;uniform 一致的统一的 coincide with176.拥抱hug(v&n) cuddle(v&n)embrace(v)177.私密的private(私人的私密的;n 列兵)intimate(私密的亲密的 intimacy亲密关系密切)178.动力刺激stimulus(刺激物促进因素复数stimuli)motivation impetus incentive spur179.(凭空)猜测hypothesis speculation180.假定假设hypothesis assumption presume(动词) presumption supposition181.详细阐述explicate(详细解释) elaborate specify articulate delineate182.复杂的complex complicated intricate(错综复杂)sophisticated183. 抑制suppress(镇压抑制控制)dampen(弄湿抑制控制感情、反应)inhibit(禁止抑制)crack down restrain(控制自己抑制压制)184.装饰装扮decorate adorn ornament(v&n 装饰品)trim(修剪修整 to trim your hair理发装饰(be trimmed with)185.剥夺deprive bereave(指丧失亲友) strip(还可指剥夺荣誉)dispossess186.规模dimensions size scale187.丢弃discard abandon desert(遗弃抛弃擅离部队 deserter逃兵)derelict(被遗弃的指土地/建筑物;无家可归者 vagrant)scrap188.灾难不幸misfortune tragedy disaster catastrophe mishap(小事故)adversity(逆境)doom(厄运)189.部门department section branch division faculty(院系)190.不同的distinct different dissimilar191.活力vigour vitality dynamism192.巨大的huge tremendous giant enormous immense colossal fabulous gigantic monstrous heroic 193.节约节省economize retrench economical(形容词)194.开始做着手commence ;embark on ;set about ;get down to sth/doing sth;initiate(发动 launch)195.核心要点坚果或子粒的核仁core kernel196.遭遇遇到meet run into(遇到困难途中遭遇)encounter(不期而遇;遭遇不好的事;n 邂逅相遇)come across偶然遇见;被理解197.危及损害endanger hazard jeopardize menace threaten intimidate harm impair(damage destroy ruin wreck)compromise198.加强提高enhance reinforce intensify heighten strengthen consolidate cement199.擅长be good at ;be expert in/on/at ;be adept at ;be skilled in ;excel in/at ;specialize in(专门从事专攻)200.最后at last ;ultimately;eventually; finally;in the end201.能力才能capability capacity ability faculty202.强制的义务的compulsory mandatory obligatory203.煽动鼓动agitate foment provocative(形容词) incite204.委员会commission council205.外国的异域的alien exotic206.加快加速expedite speed up quicken207.扩大enlarge expand extend amplify(扩大声音信号)208.短途旅行expedition(远征探险exploration 考察短途出行:a shopping expedition 外出购物)excursion(远足短途旅行)209.外部的outside external exterior 同理内部的210.编造make up fabricate fictitious(编造的)211.基本原理foundation basics212.脆弱的易碎的fragile delicate213.搜寻查找search for forage for seek for grope for rummage(乱翻)214.实现fulfill realize215.承认admit acknowledge grant216.机密的confidential classified undisclosed(秘密的未公开的)217.感动的touched moved affected218.使适应adapt to adjust to(微调) accommodate219.改变change alter convert(转变转换 shift)220.预期expect anticipate foresee(预知预见)forecast(预报)predict(预测预言)221.背叛betray rebel defect222.监禁关押imprison captivity take ……into custody(监禁监护权)detain ;confine sb in;jail sb for sth223.折磨使痛苦torture torment afflict224.约会appointment engagement date225.保证guarantee(动词&名词保证书担保品) assure ensure warrant(许可证使正当warranty 保修期)promise pledge(保证诺言誓约使保证使发誓)commitment(承诺许诺保证)226.小屋hut cabin cottage shanty(棚屋简陋小屋shed)227.忽视ignore overlook neglect disregard228.非法的illegal illicit illegitimate unlawful lawless229.生动的vivid graphic230. 任命委任commission appoint designate nominate install accredit231.接合处交叉点junction joint(接头关节)intersection connection232.幼稚的不成熟的childish juvenile(不成熟的未成年的 juvenile employment 童工的雇用)233.律师solicitor(初级律师推销员法务官)attorney(律师(代表当事人出庭)代理人)barrister (出庭律师大律师辩护律师在英国有资格出席上级法庭进行辩护)234.建立build establish found set up institute erect235.敏锐的acute sharp keen agile penetrating236.保持keep preserve maintain(保持保养) retain sustain(维持支撑)237.记住背诵recite memorize238.不朽的immortal monumental239.想法概念concept idea notion240.包裹bag package parcel pack packet241.阶段时期stage phase242.意识到注意到notice realize be aware of perceive(perception 知觉)be conscious of243.允许许可同意admission permission agreement authorization(批准授权)244.受害者victim casualty prey245.恰当的appropriate apt proper decent(得体的)246.很可能做Be liable to be apt to be inclined to be prone to sth/do sth be likely to 247. 资产财产property(财产房地产 estate) possessions belongings asset248.性质特性特征characteristic feature quality attribute property trait identity249.考虑预料到take into account take account of take into consideration reckon with250.依靠depend on rely on reckon on(指望依靠)rest on251.纺织品fabric textile252.老生常谈truism commonplace trite(老生常谈的) 可乐谁253.改正改进correct remedy refine254.代表stand for(代表参加竞选) represent on behalf of255.描绘描画describe depict represent portray(portrait肖像)256.竞争对手rival competitor opponent257.阴谋scheme plot(n&v) conspiracy(conspire)258.会议meeting congress conference convention (conventional 传统的墨守成规的习惯的常规的)assembly parliament session259.一连串a sequence of a succession of260.收缩contract shrink261.无声的寂静的silent soundless still(静止的安静的)placid(平静的安静的平和的)tranquil(安静的平静的安宁的)serene(安静的安详的)262.避难所 shelter refuge263.滑滑行slide slip slither264.留出抽出spare set aside put apart265.世故的sophisticated worldly266.多余的redundant surplus(a&n)267.种品种种类breed species category variety sort kind type268.样本specimen sample(n&v)269.起源于originate from derive from stem from arise from(arise out of由……引起proceed from)270.撒洒spray sprinkle spatter splash shower271.反省reflect (on oneself) introspect272.屈服屈从give in to succumb to yield to submit to sell out to surrender to(投降)273.药(片)medicine pill drug tablet274.补充(物)supplement compliment(v&n)replenishment275.利用开发exploit tap276.疗法remedy therapy277.临时的短暂的temporary temporal brief momentary transient short interim278.素食者vegetarian vegan279.消灭eradicate wipe(out)exterminate uproot(根除)280.解雇开除fire dismiss discharge sack281.大量的considerable substantial282.温和的(气候)mild temperate283.事业career enterprise undertaking cause284.明显的obvious bold visible apparent patent285.不利的adverse disadvantageous286.可信的可靠的trustworthy reliable authentic genuine(真的 true authentic)287.事先预先in advance beforehand288.爆炸explode blow up bomb(轰炸)blast289.一阵风a blast of /a gust of wind290.典礼仪式礼节(ritual)ceremony rite291.条约公约协议treaty pact convention accord292.技艺skill feat craft293.差异difference diversity variety discrepancy distinction discrimination nuance divide disparity 综英书294.直立的垂直的vertical erect295.夸大夸张exaggerate overstate296.坦率的直言的explicit frank straightforward direct297.统治rule govern dominate(主宰)control(控制)298.小路path trail lane track299.废除不再使用abolish(法律习俗)do away with sth dispense with sth(摒弃不再需要)300.努力竭力try one's best to do;endeavour to do ; exert oneself301.奇迹令人惊奇的事物奇观wonder spectacle marvel302.选择挑选choose select pick opt for303.许可证permit license warrant304.处罚惩罚discipline(动词)punishment penalty(惩罚刑罚)305.继续做continue to do proceed to do proceed with sth306.粉碎smash shatter crash(碰撞)mince(切碎 chop剁碎绞碎)307.上涨上升rise increase soar rocket skyrocket mount(准备安排组织开展 mount a protest)surge(v&n) upsurge(名词急剧上升)leap shoot up308."分"分裂分开split bisect(对半分二等分)crack;劈砍:cleave hack chop ;sever切开309.镇压压制crack down crush suppress quash squash310.忍耐忍受tolerate bear stand endure stomach(一般否定句)311.堆(v堆积 &n堆)pile stack heap mass312.压力stress pressure strain313.涌surge billow gush314.遭受经受undergo suffer sustain315.调整调节tune(机器)adjust adapt316.可行的行得通的viable workable feasible practicable practical317.示威游行demonstrate march318.剧烈的激烈的severe intense violent fierce acute raging furious319.流产abortion miscarriage320.模范model role model example321.足够的充裕的enough adequate abundant rich ample plentiful322.酸的sour acid323.获得get gain attain obtain acquire324.渴望desire be desperate for aspire to sth/to do be thirsty for be dying to do/for sth anxiety to do/for325.边界边境boundary border(n&v bound) frontier326.小心的谨慎的careful cautious wary discreet prudent327.小的small tiny little mini compact minute328.逮捕arrest apprehend329.宣言announcement declaration proclamation330.使成为必要entail necessitate331.疲劳tiredness weariness(weary疲劳的疲倦的)fatigue332.同盟联盟alliance federation333.香料spice flavour condiment seasoning flavouring334.味道flavour taste savor(好的气味scent)odour(难闻的气味)335.赞扬praise compliment hail glorify336.放牧graze herd337.免于keep from be immune from338.直觉instinct intuition339.跳jump skip hop spring leap bounce340.垃圾废弃物rubbish garbage litter waste341.危险的hazardous dangerous harmful342.裂缝crack split leak343.独裁的arbitrary dictatorial344.商品commodity merchandise345.模仿mimic imitate simulate impersonate346.反对object disapprove oppose347.貌似有理的似乎正确的plausible(花言巧语的有道理的) specious(事实上不对似是而非)348.促销推销promote merchandise349.闲逛wander roam stroll350.严重severity gravity351.严厉的severe rigorous harsh352.优点美德advantage virtue goodness merit asset353.彻底的utter exhaustive354.显著的notable striking noticeable prominent355.压碎crush squash356.收入收益income proceeds357.无装饰的朴素的simple plain358.使害怕frighten scare alarm panic(使惊慌)359.突然的意外的sudden abrupt360.滥用abuse(滥用虐待mistreat) misuse misapply361.诽谤辱骂侮辱insult defame slander362.芽bud germ363.使烦恼烦扰annoy bother plague(给……造成长时间的痛苦/麻烦)364.挖掘dig burrow365.陶瓷陶器chinaware pottery porcelain(瓷器)366. 粗糙的rough harsh crude coarse367.同时发生的simultaneous coincident concurrent368.合作cooperate collaborate369.同意agree concur370.建议劝告advise suggest counsel371.极重要的关键的vital critical crucial372.猛冲迅速行进匆忙完成dash rush373.使忧虑worry distress depress(frustrate使抑郁使沮丧)374.破环damage destroy ruin devastate(彻底摧毁)wreck destruct 375.分离part separate divorce376.恶化worsen deteriorate exacerbate aggravate377.专门知识expertise professionalism378.虚弱的体弱的weak feeble infirm379.暴怒狂怒fury(furious) rage380.快速的quick rapid fleet fast381.欺骗cheat fraud deceit deception deceive deceitful fool(欺骗愚弄)382.供给供应provide supply furnish383.温和的gentle mild384.独创性originality ingenuity inventiveness385.插入insert interpose……between……and……(sandwich……between and )386.完整的intact integral387.固有的内在的intrinsic inherent388.引用cite quote invoke389.穿透穿过penetrate pierce390.含蓄的implicit implied pregnant391.结合与……联合conjoin in conjunction with392.预备的preliminary preparatory393.抢救rescue salvage394.挽救挽回retrieve(取回拿回 reclaim recover) salvage395.傻的愚蠢的foolish silly stupid fool396.孤单的独自的单独的lone(a lone mother 单亲母亲 sole parent 单亲家庭) solitary 397.溢出spill overflow398.使旋转rotate spin399.挤进塞进jam squash squeeze cram stuff (塞进塞满overflow) fill 400.空缺的未被占用的vacant unoccupied401.热带地区the tropics = the torrid zone402.静的不发展的static still stagnant dormant inactive inert403.平坦的flat even404.邻近的neighboring in the vicinity of adjacent405.尽管in spite of ;in the face of ;albeit406.弄乱clutter muddle407.证书证明书certificate credential408.与……有关be identified with in reference to409.争论debate dispute argument quarrel410.变形distort deform411.电梯升降梯:lift elevator 扶梯:escalator412.时代era age epoch413.唤起summon invoke evoke414.同伴companion associate colleague comrade415.对半分bisect(一分为二)halve416.暗示hint implicate417.臭名远扬的notorious infamous418.不可避免的inevitable unavoidable inescapable419.。



雅思写作经常使用近义同义词替换表之老阳三干创作1.2.A band of= a herd of=a flock of 一群3. A range of=an array of= a list of= a collectionof=a series of=a set of一系列4.Accelerate=speed up加速5.Accomplishment=achievement 成绩, 完成Accomplish=achieve (V)完成, 告竣, 成绩6.Attend=participate in 介入7.Achieve=obtain=gain=access to sth 获得、获得8.Adapt to=integrate into使适应、融为一体9.Aim(.n)=objective=goal目的10.Aim at=focus on=concentrate on=emphasize on 集中、强调11.Attempt to do=try to do=intend to do检验考试作, 想要作12.Approximately=roughly=about=some=around 年夜约13.Appreciation=interest 欣赏14.As a result=consequently=as a consequence=hence因此、从而15.As well as=and和As well=too也16.Associate with=connect with=link with=relate to=involve in与……相关联17.Attach to=connect to=link to=serve与……相连接、附着在……上18.At will=at random=by chance=by accident=accidentally随意地19.Automatically ensure=guarantee确保20.Be similar to=closely resembled =have something incommon相似21.Be used to=be devoted to专门用于22.Be equivalent to=be equal to 同等于23.Be taken aback=be surprised 受惊24.Briskly =rapidly=swiftly快速地25.Calculate=measure 衡量26.Catch up with=keep pace with跟上法式27.Chief=major=dominant=principle主要的28.Chronic=long term 慢性病的plain=illness 病症30.Concern n. =focus关心的问题31.Concern v. =about 与……有关32.Concept =conception=notion=idea=understanding概念、理解33.Condition=regulate 调节34.Confront=encounter=in the face of面临35.Concern = care关心36.Consist of=comprise由什么组成37.Concur with sb=agree with sb 同意某人38.Contaminate=pollute=poison 污染39.Contend=assert=cliam断言40.Contribute to=result in=lead to=link to=responsible for招致41.Cooperate with=work with 与……协作42.Convert to=turn into 转为、转酿成43.Crop up=crop out=come up 呈现44.Degenerated=underdeveloped退化45.Distract from= can not concentrate 使精力分散46.Deadly=fatal 致命的47.Diminish=decrease=shrink 减少48.Distort reality=far from reality=dishonest不真实的49.Distinction=difference=nuance 分歧之处50.Distinct=distinguish=different=unique分歧的51.Distinct variety of =different kind of=separate kindof分歧的52.Distinguish=tell分辨53.Due to=because of由于54.Drawback=defect=ill缺点55.Eat=feed 喂食, 进食56.Endanger=threaten 威胁57.Engage in=participate in=join in 介入58.Establish=set up建立59.Establish=find out=figure out=work out查明60.Evolvement=development=progress发展、发育61.Emphasize=stress 强调(v)62.Embark upon=start=launch开始63.Enlighten=illuminate=instruct=educate启蒙、给予知识64.Entire=whole 全部65.Exceptional=extremely 特别(特别好)66.Fail to do=failure to do=can not to do不能够做67.Far from=not at all根本不68.Fault=flaw=defect毛病69.Form=shape=mould形成70.Foundation=basis基础71.Finance=sponsor=fund 提供赞助(金钱)72.Free=release=set free释放73.Frequently=often 经常74.Great milestone=impact=effect=influence对…具有很重要的影响力75.Grant=give授予76.Gas=petrol石油77.Hold=harbor=embrace拥有78.Halt=stop=hamper(v.) 阻止、使停滞79.Hurdle=barrier(n.) 阻碍80.Identical=the same一模一样81.Imitate=impersonate模仿82.Incline to do=tend to do倾向于做某事83.Indicate=show=suggest=signify=identify标明84.Identify=recognize鉴别85.In reaction to=respond to 对……起反应86.Interpret=illustrate解释87.Introduce to=import to引入88.Key (a.)=important=significant=crucial=essential=play avital/ an important part/role in重要的, 关键的89.Key (n.)=approach=means=method=technique方法90.Likelihood=possibility可能性91.Linkup=connection 联系92.Master=grasp 掌握93.Match sth to=assign sth to把……和……搭配起来94.Misconception=misunderstanding=mistaken view毛病的理解95.Modify=change=alter修改、改变96.Manifestation=demonstration 显示、标明97.Nature=character=characteristics实质、特点98.Nontoxic= less poisonous=safe 无毒的、平安的99.Novel a.=fresh=new=up to date 新潮的、立异的100.Numerous= a number of 许多101.Owing to=thanks to =contribute to多亏……, 有赖于……102.Pattern=format形式, 模式103.Pattern=design图案104.Pore over=study 研究105.Poisonous=toxic 有毒的106.Portray=describe描写塑造(v.)107.Portrait=description描写塑造(n.)108.Preserve=store 贮存109.Prevailing=popular=prevalent 盛行的110.Present day=modern society 现代社会、现在时代111.Prodigious effort=enormous effort重年夜的努力112.Produce=trigger=generate=spawn=bring about=result=breed =spawn激发、发生113.Provide=offer 提供114.Protect A from B =shelter A from B 使A不受B的侵害115.Questionnaire=survey 问卷调查116.Readily=easily=accessible 容易地117.Reflect=consider考虑118.Relate to=understand=appreciate理解119.Rely on=depend on 依靠……120.Remarkable=extraordinary 特别突出的(好的事物)121.WordStr=take the place of 取代122.Residue=remains=relics=relicts=ruins剩余物、废墟123.Resemble=like=as像124.Show=reflect暗示125.Significance=importance 重要性126.State=Situation=circumstance 状况,状态,情形127.Striking=noticeable值得注意地128.Struggle for=strive for 努力地争取129.Substantial=considerable 想当可观的130.Success=achievement=great outcome=great progress=huge development胜利、成绩131.Surprising=unexpectedly uncommon令人受惊的132.Take to=be used to=get used to 对……习惯133.Tale=story=fairytale 故事134.Talent=gift 天赋135.Tuition=formal teaching正式的学校教育136.Turn to=consult 寻求帮手、求助于137.Toxic=poisonous 有毒的138.Unbiased=without prejudice 无立场、不带任何偏见的139.Up to=depend on/upon=rely on 由……决定140.Universal=popular普遍141.Virtue=advantage=strength 优点好处142.Work out=figure out=reckon 计算出、作出Youknow,我是悠悠的分割线君1.Solve= deal with=cope with=handle=resolve=address=tackle解决2.Damage= hurt=injure=harm=impair= undermine= jeopardize损害3.给与:Give=offer=render= impart= provide=supply=afford4.培养:Develop= cultivate= foster5.优势:Advantage=merit= virtue= benefit= upside= strength6.缺陷:Disadvantage= demeri= drawback=downside= weakness7.使迷惑:Puzzle=bewilder=perplex= baffle8.Key=crucial=critical= important= significant= vital= substantial= indispensable= imperative 重要的9.Think=believe= insist= maintain= assert= conclude= deem= hold= argue=be convinced=be firmly convinced= be fully convinced 认为10. 呵护:Protect=conserve= preserve11. 确保:Assure= ensure= guarantee=pledge12. 有害的:Bad= baneful evil= harmful= detrimental13. 要求:Request= demand=needs= requisition14.Eliminate= clear=remove= clear up= take away= smooth away消除15.Lead to= bring about= result in= cause=spark off= conduce to=procure= induce= generate 招致16.So=therefore= thus=hence= consequently= as a conseque nce=accordingly= as a result=because of this= as a re sult of this 因此17. Grow to=rise to=increase to=go up to=climb to=asce nd to=jump to=shoot to增长至18. Dip to=fall to=decline to=decrease to=drop to=go d own to =reduce to=slump to=descend to=sink to=slide to降低至19. 坚持稳定:Level out=do not change=remain stable=remain still,=remain steady=be stable=maintain the same level=remain unchanged=be still=remain the same level=stay constant =keep at the same level=level off=stabilize=keep its s tability=even out20.急剧的:Dramatically=drastically=sharply=hugely=enormously, =steeply=substantially=considerably=significantly=markedly,=surprisingly=strikingly=radically=remarkably=vastly=noticeabl y21. Steadily=smoothly=slightly=slowly=marginally=gradually,=moderately=mildly平稳地22. 宣称:Allege=assert=declare= claim23. 发生:Happen= occur= take place24. 原因:Reason=factor= cause25. 发展:Development= advance=progress26.有益的:Useful=helpful=beneficial=profitable= rewarding,=advantageous27. 影响:Influence = impact=effect28.Clear= obvious, evident, selfevident, manifest, appar ent, crystalclear 明显的29. Comprise=take up= account for= constitute= consistof= make up=occupy=hold= compose 占30. 与…相比:Compared with=compared to=in comparison with,=in comparison to=by comparison with=by comparison to 31. 比较而言:By contrast=in contrast=on the other hand, =on the contrary=conversely32.Show=reveal=illustrate=demonstrate=depict=present=represent = descried 展示33. 年夜约:Approximately=almost=about=around=nearly=roughly34.摆荡:Fluctuate=go ups and downs=display a fluctuation,=demonstrate a fluctuation35. 事实上:Practically=in practice=essentially=in essence=in reality, =in effect=in fact=as a matter of fact=it is a fact that36. 换言之:Namely=that is to say=in other words,=to put it like this,=to put it differently=to put it from another way=to put it from another angle36. 与…有关: Concern with = relate to37. 增加:grow= increase= rise38. 集中:concentrate on = focus on40. 计划做…:tend to do sth = plane to do sth/ want to do sth 41. 与…有关联:be associated with = be connected with = be linked to42. 方法:approach = method = way43.建立:establish= found = set up= establishment = organ ization44.offer sb. sth. =supply sb. with sth. =provide sb.with sth. = grant提供…给某人45. 争论:argument= disagreement46.合同, 合约:contract = agreement47.没有:no= without = have no48.混乱:chaos = mess49.里程碑:monument= landmark50.帮手某人:help sb with = assist sb in doing sth=reach a h and to sbpetitor= rival recognize as = look/assume as52.作品:work = masterpiece对, 没错, 我就是分割线君^_^★高频短语:1. be filled with = be inundate with = be saturated with 布满了2. struggle for = aspire after =strive for=spare no efforts for 努力3. embark on = take up = set about = go in for从事4. in presentday society =in contemporarysociety=in this day and age在今世5. a host of = a multitude of = a vast number of=a vast amount of 年夜量的6. be good for=do good to =be beneficial to =be adv antageous to =be conducive to 对…有益处7.harmful/bad for =be detrimental to =be disadvantageou s to =be pernicious to 对…有害处8. focus on devote oneself to =dedicate oneself to= commit oneself to =engage oneself in =employ onese lf in 集中精力于9. think = argue= assert= contend= claim= maintain= hold the viewpoint that= hold the standpoint that=ho ld the perspective that =harbour an idea/opinion that =embrace a view that 认为10. be against=reject= object= oppose=be opposed to=be come hostile to 反对11. support=take sides with =advocate =lend support to =sing high praise of 支持12.lead to=trigger=result in= bring about= contribute t o=give rise to= give birth to=be responsible for 招致13.be ascribed to=be attributed to 归咎于14. 发展(develop), 提高(increase), 改善(improve) =A 及物动词组promote, advance, enhance, reinforce 名词promotion, advancement, enhancement, reinforcement =B 不及物动词rocket, boom, flourish, p rosper15. be faced with=be encountered with=be poised on the brink of 面临, 面对16.destroy= damage=decompose=destruct = endanger= impai r = decimate =deteriorate 破坏17. limit=restrict,=restrain,=constrict=constrain =obstacl e= barricade =smother=curb = hinder= impede 阻碍, 限制18. make a conclusion= draw a conclusion =reach a c onclusion = arrive at a conclusion=hammer a conclusion = crystallize a conclusion 下结论19. dialect方言accent腔调20. look like= resemble类似, 像21. chronic长期的,慢性的 longterm长期的22. online =net= cyber 网络23. solely= merely= only独自地, 唯一地。



雅思同义替换词1. force=power 力量2. reduce=decrease 减少3. imitate=mimic 模仿4. implement =put into practice 实施,实行5. beneficial =valuable 有用的,有利的6. inaccessible =isolated达不到的; 难见到的7. major=main 主要的8. rage=anger 生气9. seldom=rarely 几乎不10. incident=event 事件11. abandon=give up 放弃12. testimony=evidence 证据13. spot=track 发现14. passage=path 通路15. commence =begin 开始16. tool=equipment 器具17. emphasize=focus on 强调18. figure out=understand 理解,明白19. perception=idea 观念20. address=solve 解决21. remove=extract 移除22. positive=advantageous 积极的,有利的23. impressive=unforgettable 印象深刻的24. contribute to=cause 促成,导致25. storyline=plot 故事情节26. unfold=expand 展开27. convince=persuade 说服28. insist=claim 声称;断言29. principle=law 准则30. outperform=surpass 胜过31. blight=plague 灾害32. whereas=but 但是33. occur=happen 发生34. property=character 特性35. clever=intelligent 聪明的36. deficit=loss 亏损; 亏空37. reproduce=copy 复制38. utilize=employ 利用,使用39. tie=connect 连接40. primarily=mainly 主要地41. adversity=difficulty 逆境; 不幸42. flow=passing 流动43. unprecedented=unique 前所未有的,无前例的44. research=investigation 调研45. heritage=relic文化遗产46. investigate=analyse 调查;分析47. brink=verge 边缘48. context=situation 语境;背景49. finance=fund 资金50. detailed=explicit 明确的,清楚的51. approximately=about 大约,将近52. identify=recognize 确定; 识别,认出53. attack=hurt 攻击,伤害54. recognise=know 认识55. scale=measure 测量56. value=price 价值,价格57. inexpensive=cheap 便宜的58. hinder=impede 阻止59. comprehend =understand 理解60. encourage =induce 鼓动61. link to =associate with 联系62. pattern=format 模式63. rare=unusual 罕见的64. divide=separate 划分; 分离65. communal=public 公共的66. provide shade=shelter 为…遮阳67. education=cultivation 训练;培养68. concept=idea 观念69. scarce =insufficient 稀缺的70. soaring=increasing 猛增的71. beneath=underlie 在…的下方72. provide=supply 提供73. surrounding=environment 环境74. require=depend on 需要75. odour=smell 气味76. large=massive 大的77. hostile=hazardous 不利的,有危险的;78. look like=resemble 像79. cue=clue 线索80. criticism=judgement 批评,批判;81. astonishing=surprising 吃惊的82. demanding=difficult 困难的83. eradicate=wipe out 摧毁; 完全根除84. favour=love 喜爱85. overcome=get over 克服86. sophistication=complex 复杂87. absence of a sound=silence 寂静88. incongruity=incompatible 不兼容89. difficult=harsh 困难的90. highlight=emphasize 强调91. enroll=attend 加入92. adapt to=adjust to 使适应于….93. improve=upgrade 提高94. effective=useful 有效的95. carry=bear 具有96. enough=sufficient 足够的97. origin=root 起源98. performance=achievement 表现;成就99. unique=distinct 独特的;卓越的,不寻常的100. ignore=neglect 忽略101. manufacture =produce 制造102. goal=objective 目标103. argument=dispute 争论104. impose=force 强迫,强加于……105. prosper=flourish 繁盛106. surprising=unexpected 吃惊的,令人惊讶的107. correspond=match 相应,符合108. charge =pricing 收费109. master=govern 掌握110. downward=fall 向下111. legitimate=legal 合法的112. image=picture 影像,肖像113. alone=solely 单独地114. method=mode 方式115. deliver=send 发送,传达116. examine=analyse 检查,调查117. prior to=before 在……之前118. military=battlefield 军事的; 军用的119. curiosity=interest 好奇心120. close=shut down 关闭121. ultimate=final 最终的,最后的122. accident=disaster 事故,意外事件123. distinguish=differ 区分,辨别124. fortune=wealth 富有125. local=domestic 当地的,本地的126. remain=keep 保持,留下127. approach=measure 措施128. hidden=disguised 隐藏的129. supply=provision 供应130. transport=move 运送,运输131. ignite=light 点火,燃烧132. commute=travel 通勤133. sole=only 唯一的,单独的134. consumer=user 消费者135. constant=continuous 不断的,持续的136. revision=change 修订,修改137. reduction=drop 减少,降低138. accumulate=collect 堆积,积累139. location=position 定位,位置140. similar=like 与……相似141. restrict=limit 限制,限定142. predict=expect 预计143. serious=severe 严肃的,严重的144. misunderstanding=confusion 误解,误会145. impair=damage 损害,损伤146. spacious=large 宽敞的,广阔的147. back =support 支持148. plan=prepare 计划,打算149. vanish=disappear 消失150. innovation=creation 改革,创新151. significant=considerable 重要的,有意义的152. halt=stop 暂停,停止153. specific=particular 具体的,明确的,特种的154. forage=search 搜寻155. label=display 把……列为156. fragment=patch 碎片157. trial=experiment 实验,试验158. often=invariably 经常;总是159. overstate =exaggerate 夸张,夸大160. strike=hit 打击,击打161. reproduce=breed 繁殖162. govern=rule 治理,统治163. emotion =feeling 情感,感情164. impact=effect 影响165. expect =anticipate 期待,预料166. advance=progress 前进167. duties=responsibilities 职责168. delay=slow 耽搁,推迟169. surface=top 表面,外观170. measure=calculate 计算,衡量171. foster=establish 培养,促进172. construct=build 构成,构建173. talent=gift 天赋174. emerge=appear 出现175. death=mortality 死亡176. decline=deteriorate 下降,衰退177. die out=extinct 灭绝178. obey=comply with 顺应,遵从179. orbit=circulate 盘旋180. biased=unfair 有偏见的181. output=product 产量182. international=global 全球的183. detect=inspect 查明184. prompt=cause 引起185. in excess of=over 多于,超出186. illustrate=show 说明,展示187. constant=stable 稳定的188. observe=watch 观察,注意189. self-reliance=independence 自立190. consciousness=awareness 意识191. actor=star 演员,明星192. odd=strange 奇怪的193. raise=lift 提升,举起194. fair=equitable 公平地195. help=contribute to 有助于196. incomplete=oversimplified 不完全的197. remote=distant 遥远的198. account for=explain 解释,说明199. freezing=cold 严寒的200. moral=ethical 道德的201. combine=integrate 组成202. coin=invent 创造203. assumption=hypothesis 假说204. react=respond 反映205. intact=undamaged 完整的206. initiate=start 开始207. equivalent to=equal to 等同于208. additional=extra 额外的209. produce=develop 发展210. superior=better 更好的211. extend=prolong 延伸212. field=domain 领域213. wreck=damage 破坏214. supplementary=additional 补充的215. memorise=remember 记住216. abundant=plenty 充足的217. dense=tight 紧的218. developed=advanced 发达的219. approach=way 方法220. pioneer=initiative 先锋; 先驱221.smuggle=hide藏匿222. intense=powerful 强有力的223. target=goal 目标224. feedback=comment 反馈225. evaporate=disappear 消失226. generate=create 创造227. appreciate=recognize 认出228. elaborate=explain 解释229. key=important 重要的230. threat=danger 危险231. undervalued=unappreciated 不重视的232. outlook=view 观点233. beforehand=prior to 优于234. conclude=summarize 总结235. regulation=standard 标准236. speed=rate 速率237. static=stationary 静止的238.omit=leave out 遗漏239. breakthrough=discovery 发现240. agriculture=farming 农业241. blanket=cover 覆盖242. carry out=perform 执行243. aid= support 支持244. promotion=advancement 提升245. flat=horizontal 水平的246. eliminated=eradicated 消除247. inaccurate=incorrect 错误的248. crucial =important 重要的249. rival=compete 竞争250. concur=agree 同意251. increase=surge 增加252. conventional=traditional 传统的253. fragile=vulnerable 易受伤的254. interpret=translate 解释255. request=demand 要求256. interfere=disrupt 打扰257. fatigue= tiredness 劳累258. pitfall=trap 陷阱259. initial=original 原始的260. collaborate=co-ordinate 合作261. civilization=culture 文明262. promotion=marketing 促销263. separate=disparate 分离264. collapse=fail 失败265. built-in=innate 内在的266. essential=substantial 重大的267. limit=minimize 限制268. expertise=skill 技术269. detection=finding 发现270. undermine=destroy 损坏271. substitute=instead 代替272. self-confidence=assertiveness 自信273. transport=deliver 运输274. funding=money 金钱275. confront=face 面对276. disagreement=conflict 冲突277. interior=inner 内在的278. grow=increase 增加279. asset=value 资产280.classifying=categorizing分类281. conserve=save 保留288. bend=flex 弯曲289. early=initial 早的290. discuss=debate 讨论291. wealth=income 收入292. split=divide 分开293. cornerstone=landmark 地标294. involve with=associate with 涉及到295.sustainable=renewable可持续的296.outcome=result结果297.extend=spread扩大298. sharp points=tips 尖部299. medium=average 平均的300. municipal=city 城市。



雅思写作常用近义同义词替换表1. A band of= a herd of=a flock of 一群2. A range of=a n array of= a list of= a collect ion of=a series of=a set of 一系列3. Accelerate=speed up 力卩速4. Accomplishme nt=achieveme nt 成就,完成Accomplish=achieve (V)完成,达成,成就5. Atte nd=participate in 参力卩6. Achieve=obta in=gain=access to sth 得至U、获得7. Adapt to=in tegrate into 使适应、融为一体8. Aim(. n)=objective=goal 目的9. Aim at=focus on=concen trate on=emphasize on 集中、强调10. Attempt to do=try to do=intend to do 尝试作,想要作11. Approximately=roughly=about=some=around 大约12. Appreciation=interest 欣赏13. As a result=consequently=as a consequence=henee 因此、从而14. As well as=and 和As well=too 也15. Associate with=connect with=link with=relate to=invoIve in与……相关联16. Attach to=connect to=link to=serve 与... 相连接、附着在17. At will=at random = by chance=by accident=accidentally18. Automatically ensure=guarantee 确保19. Be similar to=closely resembled =have someth ing in com mon相似20. Be used to=be devoted to 专门用于21. Be equivale nt to=be equal to 等同于22. Be taken aback=be surprised 吃惊23. Briskly =rapidly=swiftly 快速地24. Calculate=measure 衡量25. Catch up with=keep pace with 跟上步伐26. Chief=major=dominant=principle 主要的27. Chronic=long term 慢性病的28. Complain=illness 病症29. Concern n. =focus 关心的问题••…上30. Concern v. =about 与....... 有关31. Concept =conception=notion=idea=understanding 概念、理解32. Condition=regulate 调节33. Confront=encounter=in the face of 面临34. Concern = care 关心35. Consist of=comprise 由什么组成36. Con cur with sb=agree with sb 同意某人37. Contaminate=pollute=poison 污染38. Contend=assert=cliam 断言39. Con tribute to=result in=lead to=li nk to=resp on sible for 导致40. Cooperate with=work with 与... 协作41. Con vert to=tur n into 转为、转变为42. Crop up=crop out=come up 出现43. Degenerated=underdeveloped 退化44. Distract from= can not concentrate 使精力分散45. Deadly=fatal 致命的46. Diminish=decrease=shrink 减少47. Distort reality=far from reality=dishonest 不真实的48. Distinction=difference=nuance 不同之处Distinct variety of =differe nt ki nd of=separate ki nd of 不同的Distin guish=tell 辨别 Due to=because of 由于 Drawback=defect=ill 缺点 Eat=feed 喂食,进食 Endan ger=threate n 威胁 En gage in=participate in =JOI n in参与Establish=set up 建立Establish=find out=figure out=work out 查明 Evolvemen t=developme nt=progress 发展、发育Emphasize=stress 强调(v )Embark upon=start=la unch 开始Enl ighte n=illumi nate=i nstruct=educate 启蒙、给予知识En tire=whole 全部Exception al=extremely 特别(特别好)Fail to do=failure to do=ca n not to do 不能够做Far from=not at all 根本不49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56.57. 58.59. 60.61.62. 63.64. 65. 66.Fault=flaw=defect 错误Form=shape=mould 形成Foun datio n=basis 基础Finan ce=sp onsor=fund 提供赞助(金钱)Free=release=set free 释放Freque ntly=ofte n 经常Great milest on e=impact=effect=in flue nee 对…具有很重要的影响力Gran t=give 授予Gas=petrol 石油Hold=harbor=embrace 拥有Halt=stop=hamper(v.) 阻止、使停滞Hurdle=barrier( n.) 阻碍Iden tical=the same 一模一样Imitate=impers onate 模仿In cli ne to do=te nd to do 倾向于做某事In dicate=show=suggest=sig ni fy=ide ntify 表明Iden tify=recog nize 鉴别67. In react ion to=resp ond to 对 ........ 起反应85. Interpret=illustrate 解释86. Introduce to=import to 引入87. Key (a.)=important=significant=crucial=essential=play a vital/ an importa nt part/role in 重要的,关键的88. Key (nJ=approach=means=method=technique 方法89. Likelihood=possibility 可能性90. Link-up=connection 联系91. Master=grasp 掌握92. Match sth to=assign sth to 把........ 和... 搭配起来93. Misconception=misunderstanding=mistaken view 错误的理解94. Modify=change=alter 修改、改变95. Mani festati on=dem on strati显示、表明on96. Nature=character=characteristics 本质、特点97. Non-toxic= less poisonous=safe 无毒的、安全的98. Novel a.=fresh=new=up to date 新潮的、创新的99. Numerous= a number of 许多100. Owi ng to=tha nks to =con tribute多亏... ,有赖于to101. Pattern=format 形式,模式102. Pattern=desig n 图案103. Pore over=study 研究104. Pois ono us=toxic 有毒的105. Portray=describe 描写塑造(v.)106.Portrait=description描写塑造(n.)107. Preserve=store 储存108. Prevaili ng=popular=prevale nt 盛行的109. Prese nt day=moder n society 现代社会、现在时代110. Prodigious effort=e no rmous effort 重大的努力111. Produce=trigger=ge nerate=spaw n=bring about=result=breed=spaw n 激发、产生112. Provide=offer 提供113. Protect A from B =shelter A from B 使A不受B的侵害114. Questi onn aire=survey 问卷调查115. Readily=easily=accessible 容易地116. Reflect=c on sider 考虑117. Relate to=un dersta nd=appreciate 理解118. Rely on=depe nd on 依靠......119. Remarkable=extraordi nary 特别突出的(好的事物)120. Replace = take the place of 取代121. Residue = rema ins =relics = relicts =rui ns 剩余物、废墟122. Resemble =like = as 像123. Show = reflect 表现124. Sig nifica nee = importa nee 重要性125. State = Situatio n =circumsta nee 状况状态情形126. Striki ng =n oticeable 值得注意地127. Struggle for = strive for 努力地争取128. Substa ntial =con siderable 想当可观的129. Success= achievement = great outcome = great progress =huge developme nt 成功、成就:un expectedly un com mon 令人吃惊的130. Surpris ing=131. Take to = be u sed to = get used to 对...... 习惯132. Tale= story : =fairytale 故事133. Tale nt = gift 天赋134. Tuition =formal teaching 正式的学校教育135. Turn to = consult 寻求帮助、求助于136. Toxic = pois onous 有毒的137. Un biased = without prejudice 无立场、不带任何偏见的138. Up to =depend on /up on =rely on 由……决定139. Uni versal = popular 普遍140. Virtue = adva ntage =stre ngth 优点好处141. Work out = figure out = reck on 计算出、作出You know,我是悠悠的分割线君1. Solve = deal with = cope with = handle = resolve = address =tackle 解决2. Damage = hurt = injure = harm = impair = un derm ine = jeopardize损害=render : =impart =provide = supply =afford3. 给与:Give =offer4. 培养:Develop - cultivate : =foster5. 优势:Advantage =merit = :virtue = ben efit = upside = stre ngth6. 缺陷:Disadvantage = demeri = drawback =downside =weakness7. 使迷惑:Puzzle = bewilder = =perplex =baffle8. Key= crucial = critical = importa nt = sig nifica nt = vital = substa ntial=in dispe nsable = imperative 重要的9. Thi nk = believe = in sist = main tai n = assert = con clude = deem = hold =argue = be convinced = be firmly convinced = be fully convi n ced 认为10. 保护:Protect =conserve = preserve11. 确保:Assure = ensure = guarantee = pledge12. 有害的:Bad = baneful evil = harmful = detrimental13. 要求:Request = dema nd =n eeds = requisiti on14. Elim in ate = clear = remove = clear up = take away = smooth away 消除15. Lead to = bring about = result in= cause = spark off = conduce to = p rocure = in duce = gen erate 导致16.So = therefore = thus =henee = consequently = as a consequenee =a ccordingly = as a result = because of this = as a result of this 因此17. Grow to = rise to = increase to =go up to = climb to = ascend to =ju mp to = shoot to 增长至18. Dip to = fall to=decline to = decrease to = drop to = go down to=reduce to = slump to = descend to =sink to = slide to 降低至19. 保持稳定:Level out = do not change = remain stable = remain still ,= remain steady = be stable = maintain the same level =rema in un cha nged = be still = remai n the same level = stay con sta nt = keep at the same level = level off = stabilize = keep its stability = even out20. 急剧的:Dramatically = drastically = sharply = hugely =enormously ,=steeply =substantially =considerably = significantly = markedly ,= surpris in gly = strik in gly =radically = remarkably = vastly =no ticeably21. Steadily = smoothly = slightly = slowly = marginally = gradually ,=moderately = mildly 平稳地22. 宣称:Allege = assert = declare = claim23. 发生:Happen = occur = take place24. 原因:Reas on = factor = cause25. 发展:Development = advanee = progress26. 有益的:Useful = helpful =be neficial = profitable = rewardi ng ,= adva ntageous27. 影响:In flue nee = impact = effect28. Clear= obvious , evident , self-evident , manifest , apparent , crystal -c lear 明显的29. Comprise =take up = account for = constitute = consist of =make up = occupy = hold = compose 占30. 与…相比:Compared with = compared to = in comparison with ,=in comparison to = by comparison with = by comparison to31. 对比而言:By contrast =in contrast =on the other hand ,=on the contrary =conversely32.Show = reveal = illustrate = dem on strate = depict = prese nt = represe nt =descried 展示33. 大约:Approximately = almost = about = around =nearly = roughly34. 波动:Fluctuate =go ups and downs = display a fluctuation ,= demonstrate a fluctuation35. 事实上:Practically = in practice =essentially =in essence = in reality ,=in effect = in fact = as a matter of fact = it is a fact that36. 换言之:Namely =that is to say= in other words , =to put it like this , =to put it differently =to put it from another way=to put it from another angle36. 与…有关:Concern with = relate to37. 增加:grow = in crease = rise38. 集中:concentrate on = focus on40. 计戈M故…:tend to do sth = plane to do sth / want to do sth41. 与…有关联be associated with = be connected with =be linked to42. 方法:approach = method = way43. 建立:establish = found = set up = establishment =orga ni zati on44. offer sb. sth. = supply sb. with sth. = provide sb. with sth.=grant 提供…给某人45. 争论:argument = disagreement46. 合同,合约:contract = agreement47. 没有:no= without = have no48. 混乱:chaos = mess49. 里程碑:monument = Iandmark50. 帮助某人:help sb with = assist sb in doing sth = reach a hand to sb51. competitor = rival recognize as = look /assume as52. 作品:work = masterpiece对,没错,我就是分割线君A_A★高频短语:1. be filled with = be inundate with = be saturated with 充满了2. struggle for = aspire after = strive for = spare no efforts for 努力3. embark on = take up = set about = go in for 从事4. in prese nt-day society =in con temporary society=in this day and age 在当代5. a host of = a multitude of = a vast number of=a vast amount of 大量的6. be good for = do good to = be beneficial to = be advantageous to =be conducive to 对…有益处7. harmful /bad for =be detrimental to =be disadvantageous to =be pernicious to 对…有害处8. focus on devote on eself to = dedicate on eself to = commiton eself to =en gage on eself in = employ on eself in 集中精力于9. think = argue = assert = contend = claim= maintain = hold the viewpoint that= hold the standpoint that = hold the perspective that=harbour an idea/opinion that =embrace a view that 认为10. be against = reject = object = oppose = be opposed to =become hostile to 反对11. support =take sides with = advocate = lend support to= sing high praise of 支持12. lead to = trigger = result in= bring about = con tribute to=give rise to = give birth to = be responsible for 导致13. be ascribed to =be attributed to 归咎于14. 发展(develop ),提高(increase ),改善(improve ) = A 及物动词组promote , adva nee , enhance , rein force名词promoti on , adva nceme nt , enhan ceme nt , re in forceme nt = B 不及物动词rocket , boom , flourish , prosper15. be faced with = be encountered with = be poised on the brink of面临,面对16. destroy = damage = decompose = destruct = endan ger = impair =decimate = deteriorate 破坏17. limit = restrict ,= restrain ,= c on strict =con stra in = ade = smother = curb = hin der = impede 阻碍,限希918. make aeonclusion = draw aeonclusion =reach=arrive at a conclusion =hammer a conclusion= crystallize a conclusion 下结论19. dialect 方言acce nt 腔调20. look like = resemble 类似,像21. chro nic长期的,慢性的long -term 长期的22. on -line =net = cyber 网络23. solely = merely = only 单独地,唯一地obstacle = barric a conclusion。



chou名词1. 上义词V.S 下义词e.g cold drink → chilled mineral waterreptile → snakesimprovement → innovation2. 抽象V.S 具体e.g transport → bus, traindiscount → 10% off3. 解释,下定义e.g neigh bors → people living nearbysolution → ways in which people may overcome their problemsconclusion → the last part4. 同义词,近义词e.g disadvantages → drawbacksgift → presentbooking → reservation5. 指代替换,人称代词e.g we → library staffyou → postgraduates形容词1. 同义词,近义词替换e.g easy → elementary, simple tall → highideal → perfect2. 反义替换e.g interesting → boringnoisy → quieteasy → difficult3. 抽象到具体名词e.g near → just 35 minutes long → fortnight, we ek, hour4. 同根词互换e.g important → importance beautiful → beauty动词1. 同义词,近义词替换e.g book → reservechange → adjustignore → overlook2. 同根词互换e.g arrive → arrivaldepart → departure3. 反义替换e.g include → exclude been told → heard4. 跨词性替换e.g listen to → talksreduce → lower5. 抽象到具体e.g recover → overcome its problems地图题核心词汇be far from 距离某处很远be nearby 距离某处很近go straight across/to/through 径直走过/向/穿过cross(over) 穿过(某条街道)be next to 紧邻turn left/right 左转/右转go up/down 向上(北)/向下(南)go back/back up 往回走go east/west/south/north 向东/西/南/北go on/along…till you meet…沿。



chou名词1. 上义词V.S 下义词e.g cold drink → chilled mineral waterreptile → snakesimprovement → innovation2. 抽象V.S 具体e.g transport → bus, traindiscount → 10% off3. 解释,下定义e.g neigh bors → people living nearbysolution → ways in which people may overcome their problemsconclusion → the last part4. 同义词,近义词e.g disadvantages → drawbacksgift → presentbooking → reservation5. 指代替换,人称代词e.g we → library staffyou → postgraduates形容词1. 同义词,近义词替换e.g easy → elementary, simpletall → highideal → perfect 2. 反义替换e.g interesting → boringnoisy → quieteasy → difficult3. 抽象到具体名词e.g near → just 35 minut eslong → fortnight, week, hour4. 同根词互换e.g important → importance beautiful → beauty动词1. 同义词,近义词替换e.g book → reservechange → adjustignore → overlook2. 同根词互换e.g arrive → arrivaldepart → departure3. 反义替换e.g include → excludebeen told → heard4. 跨词性替换e.g listen to → talksreduce → lower5. 抽象到具体e.g recover → overcome its problems地图题核心词汇be far from 距离某处很远be nearby 距离某处很近go straight across/to/through 径直走过/向/穿过cross(over) 穿过(某条街道)be next to 紧邻turn left/right 左转/右转go up/down 向上(北)/向下(南)go back/back up 往回走go east/west/south/north 向东/西/南/北go on/along…till you meet…沿。



雅思写作常用近义同义词替换表1.Abandof=aherdof=aflockof一群2.Arangeof=anarrayof=alistof=acollectionof=aseriesof= asetof一系列3.Accelerate=speedup加速4.Accomplishment=achievement成就,完成 Accomplish=achieve(V)完成,达成,成就5.Attend=participatein参加6.Achieve=obtain=gain=accesstosth得到、获得7.Adaptto=integrateinto使适应、融为一体8.Aim(.n)=objective=goal目的9. Aimat=focuson=concentrateon=emphasizeon集中、强调10. Attempttodo=trytodo=intendtodo尝试作,想要作11. Approximately=roughly=about=some=around大约12. Appreciation=interest欣赏13. Asaresult=consequently=asaconsequence=hence因此、从而14. Aswellas=and和Aswell=too也15.Associatewith=connectwith=linkwith=relateto=involvein与⋯⋯相关16.Attachto=connectto=linkto=serve与⋯⋯相接、附着在⋯⋯上17.Atwill=atrandom =bychance=byaccident=accidentally随意地18.Automaticallyensure=guarantee确保19.Besimilarto=closelyresembled=havesomethingincommon相似20.Beusedto=bedevotedto用于21.Beequivalentto=beequalto等同于22.Betakenaback=besurprised吃惊23. Briskly=rapidly=swiftly快速地24. Calculate=measure衡量25. Catchupwith=keeppacewith跟上步伐26. Chief=major=dominant=principle主要的27. Chronic=longterm慢性病的28. Complain=illness病症29. Concernn.=focus关心的30. Concernv.=about与⋯⋯有关31. Concept=conception=notion=idea=understanding概念、理解32. Condition=regulate33. Confront=encounter=inthefaceof面34. Concern=care关心35. Consistof=comprise由什么成36. Concurwithsb=agreewithsb同意某人37. Contaminate=pollute=poison染38. Contend=assert=cliam断言39. Contributeto=resultin=leadto=linkto=responsiblefor致40. Cooperatewith=workwith与⋯⋯作41. Convertto=turninto、42. Cropup=cropout=comeup出43. Degenerated=underdeveloped退化44. Distractfrom=cannotconcentrate使精力分散45. Deadly=fatal致命的46. Diminish=decrease=shrink减少47. Distortreality=farfromreality=dishonest不真的48. Distinction=difference=nuance不同之49.Distinct=distinguish=different=unique不同的50.Distinctvarietyof=differentkindof=separatekindof不同的51.Distinguish=tell辨别52.Dueto=becauseof由于53. Drawback=defect=ill缺点54. Eat=feed喂食,进食55. Endanger=threaten威胁56. Engagein=participatein=joinin参与57. Establish=setup建立58. Establish=findout=figureout=workout查明59. Evolvement=development=progress发展、发育60.Emphasize=stress强调(v)61.Embarkupon=start=launch开始62. Enlighten=illuminate=instruct=educate启蒙、给予知识63. Entire=whole全部64. Exceptional=extremely特别(特别好)65. Failtodo=failuretodo=cannotto do不能够做66. Farfrom=notatall根本不67. Fault=flaw=defect68. Form=shape=mould形成69. Foundation=basis基70. Finance=sponsor=fund提供助(金)71. Free=release=setfree放72. Frequently=often常73. Greatmilestone=impact=effect=influence⋯具有很重要的影响力74. Grant=give授予75. Gas=petrol石油76. Hold=harbor=embrace有77. Halt=stop=hamper(v.)阻止、使停滞78. Hurdle=barrier(n.)阻碍79. Identical=thesame一模一80. Imitate=impersonate模仿81. Inclinetodo=tendtodo向于做某事82. Indicate=show=suggest=signify=identify表明83. Identify=recognize84. Inreactionto=respondto⋯⋯起反85. Interpret=illustrate解86. Introduceto=importto引入87.Key(a.)=important=significant=crucial=essential=playavital/animportantpart/rolein重要的,关的88. Key(n.)=approach=means=method=technique方法89. Likelihood=possibility可能性90. Link-up=connection系91. Master=grasp掌握92. Matchsthto=assignsthto把⋯⋯和⋯⋯搭配起来93. Misconception=misunderstanding=mistakenview的理解94. Modify=change=alter修改、改95. Manifestation=demonstration示、表明96. Nature=character=characteristics本、特点97. Non-toxic=lesspoisonous=safe无毒的、安全的98. Novela.=fresh=new=uptodate新潮的、新的99. Numerous=anumberof多100.Owingto=thanksto=contributeto多⋯⋯,有于⋯⋯101.Pattern=format形式,模式102.Pattern=design图案103.Poreover=study研究104.Poisonous=toxic有毒的105.Portray=describe描写塑造(v.)106.Portrait=description描写塑造(n .)107.Preserve=store储存108.Prevailing=popular=prevalent盛行的109.Presentday=modernsociety现代社会、现在时代110.Prodigiouseffort=enormouseffort重大的努力111.Produce=trigger=generate=spawn=bringabout=result= breed=spawn 激发、产生112.Provide=offer提供113.ProtectAfromB=shelterAfromB使A不受B的侵害114.Questionnaire=survey问卷调查115.Readily=easily=accessible容易地116.Reflect=consider考虑117.Relateto=understand=appreciate理解118.Relyon=dependon依靠⋯⋯119.Remarkable=extraordinary特突出的(好的事物)120.Replace = taketheplaceof取代121.Residue = remains = relics = relicts = ruins剩余物、墟122.Resemble = like = as像123.Show = reflect 表124.Significance = importance重要性125.State = Situation = circumstance状况,状,情形126.Striking = noticeable得注意地127.Strugglefor = strivefor努力地争取128.Substantial = considerable想当可的129.Success= achievement= greatoutcome= greatprogress = huge development成功、成就130.Surprising = unexpectedlyuncommon令人吃惊的131.Taketo = beusedto = getusedto⋯⋯132.Tale= story = fairytale故事133.Talent = gift天134.Tuition = formalteaching正式的学校教育135.Turnto = consult求帮助、求助于136.Toxic = poisonous有毒的137.Unbiased = withoutprejudice无立、不任何偏的138.Upto = dependon /upon = relyon由⋯⋯决定139.Universal = popular普遍140.Virtue = advantage = strength点好141.Workout = figureout = reckon 算出、作出--------------------------------------------------------------------------------You know ,我是悠悠的分割君1. Solve = dealwith =copewith = handle = resolve = address =tackle解决2. Damage = hurt = injure = harm = impair = undermine= jeopardize害3.与:Give = offer = render = impart = provide = supply = afford4.培养:Develop = cultivate = foster5.:Advantage = merit = virtue = benefit = upside = strength6.缺陷:Disadvantage= demeri = drawback = downside = weakness7.使迷惑:Puzzle = bewilder= perplex = baffle8.Key= crucial = critical = important= significant = vital = substantial = indispensable = imperative重要的9.Think = believe = insist = maintain= assert = conclude = deem =hold =argue = beconvinced = befirmlyconvinced = befullyconvinced认为10.保护:Protect = conserve = preserve11.确保:Assure = ensure = guarantee = pledge12. 有害的:Bad = banefulevil= harmful = detrimental13.要求:Request = demand = needs = requisition14.Eliminate = clear = remove = clearup = takeaway = smoothaway消除15.Leadto = bringabout = resultin = cause = sparkoff = conduceto= proc ure = induce = generate导致16.So= therefore = thus = hence = consequently = asaconsequence= acc ordingly = asaresult = becauseofthis = asaresultofthis因此17.Growto = riseto = increaseto = goupto = climbto = ascendto = jumpto = s hootto增长至18. Dipto = fallto = declineto = decreaseto = dropto = godownto= reduceto = slumpto = descendto = sinkto = slideto降低至19. 保持稳定:Levelout = donotchange= remainstable= remainstill ,= remainsteady = bestable = maintainthesamelevel= remainunchanged= bestill = remainthesamelevel= stayconstant= keepatthesamelevel= leveloff = stabilize = keepitsstability= evenout 20. 急剧的:Dramatically= drastically= sharply = hugely= enormously ,= steeply = substantially= considerably= significantly= markedly,= surprisingly= strikingly=radically = remarkably= vastly = noticeably 21. Steadily = smoothly = slightly = slowly = marginally= gradually,= moderately= mildly平稳地22.宣称:Allege =assert = declare = claim23.发生:Happen = occur = takeplace24.原因:Reason = factor = cause25. 发展:Development= advance = progress26.有益的: Useful = helpful = beneficial = profitable= rewarding,= advantageous27. 影响:Influence = impact = effect28.Clear =obvious ,evident ,self -evident ,manifest ,apparent ,crystal -clear明的29. Comprise = takeup = accountfor = constitute= consistof =makeup = occupy = hold = compose占,30. 与⋯相比:Comparedwith = comparedto = incomparisonwith =incomparisonto = by comparison with = bycomparisonto31.比而言:Bycontrast = incontrast= ontheotherhand,= onthecontrary= conversely32.Show = reveal = illustrate = demonstrate = depict = present = represe nt = descried展示33.大:Approximately = almost= about = around = nearly = roughly34.波:Fluctuate = goupsanddowns = displayafluctuation,= demonstrateafluctuation35.事上:Practically = inpractice= essentially = inessence = inreality ,= ineffect = infact = asamatteroffact= itisafactthat36.言之:Namely = thatistosay= inotherwords,= toputitlikethis,= toputitdifferently= toputitfromanotherway= toputitfromanotherangle36.与⋯有关: Concernwith = relateto37.增加:grow = increase = rise38.集中:concentrateon= focuson40.划做⋯:tendtodosth = planetodosth /wanttodosth41. 与⋯有关:beassociatedwith = beconnectedwith= belinkedto42.方法:approach = method = way43. 建立:establish = found = setup = establishment= organization44. offersb.sth. = supplysb.withsth. = providesb.withsth.= grant提供⋯某人45.争:argument = disagreement46.合同,合: contract = agreement47. 没有:no = without= haveno48.混乱:chaos = mess49.里程碑:monument = landmark50. 帮助某人:helpsbwith = assistsbindoingsth= reachahandtosb51. competitor = rivalrecognizeas= look / assumeas52.作品:work = masterpiece--------------------------------------------------------------------------------,没,我就是分割君 ^_^★高短:1. befilledwith =beinundatewith = besaturated with充了2.strugglefor = aspireafter = strivefor = sparenoeffortsfor努力3. embarkon = takeup = setabout = goinfor从事4.in present-day society =in contemporary society=inthisdayandage在当代5. ahostof = amultitudeof = avastnumberof= avastamount of大量的6.begoodfor = dogoodto = bebeneficialto = beadvantageousto= becond uciveto⋯有益7. harmful /badfor = bedetrimentalto = bedisadvantageousto = beperniciousto⋯有害8.focusondevoteoneselfto= dedicateoneselfto= commitoneselfto = engageoneselfin = employoneselfin集中精力于9.think = argue =assert = contend = claim=maintain= holdthe viewpointthat=holdthestandpointthat= holdtheperspectivethat= harbouranidea /opinionthat = embraceaviewthat认为10.beagainst = reject = object = oppose = beopposedto = becomehostileto反对11.support =takesideswith = advocate = lendsupportto= singhighpraiseof支持12. leadto =trigger = resultin = bringabout= contributeto= giveriseto = givebirthto = beresponsiblefor导致13. beascribedto = beattributedto归咎于14.发展(develop ),提高(increase ),改善(improve)= A 及物动词组promote ,advance ,enhance ,reinforce名词 promotion ,advancement ,enhancement ,reinforcement= B 不及物动词 rocket ,boom ,flourish ,prosper15. befacedwith = beencounteredwith = bepoisedonthebrinkof面临,面对16. destroy = damage = decompose= destruct = endanger = impair= decimate = deteriorate破坏17.limit = restrict ,= restrain ,= constrict = constrain = obstacle = barric ade = smother = curb = hinder = impede阻碍,限制= 18.makeaconclusion= drawaconclusion=reachaconclusion arriveataconclusion = hammeraconclusion =crystallizeaconclusion下结论19.dialect方言accent腔调20. looklike = resemble类似,像21. chronic长期的,慢性的long -term长期的22. on - line = net = cyber网络23. solely = merely = only单独地,唯一地。



雅思高分词汇转化1.困: difficulty / handicap / hardship / complication /dilemma / plight2.将来: future / prospect / forthcoming3.障碍: obstacle / barricade / block / obstruction / snag /hurdle4.机 /目 /成因: motive/ motivation/ incentive/ driving force/ inducement/ intention/ purpose/ object=objective/ for the sakeof/ goal / pursuit /ideal/ aim / target/end5.估 /估 /期望 : estimate assess sth at +figure(具体数字) evaluate( 价,不能用于物品估价) reckon( 估,期望 )6.要求: demand / request / claim / require / call for7.下降: decline / decrease / degenerate / drop / fall / worsen / depress8.: find / discover / come across / encounter / expose /spot / recognize / uncover / notice / observe9.模: simulate / virtual / create / reproduce / imitate10.欺 :deceive sb (into doing) (某人做某事) fraud (n.;子 ) cheat sb (out) of sth(某人的西)Cheat sb into the belief that ⋯.(某人去相信⋯ ) =dupe sb into doing swindle sb out of sthTake in sb take advantage of sb(利用某人) defraud sb of sth 11.Isolate(隔离,孤立) split(sth) into⋯(分裂成⋯/把sth分离 ) split from/with sb=break off=part(v.) from sb (与sb分手 /交 ) divide sth into (将sth划分 ) sever(断 ) part sb from sb(隔离 ) separately(分做⋯【不能用respectively,respectively表示各自是多少。



雅思常见同义词汇总1解决: Solve, deal with, cope with, handle, resolve, address, tackle 2损害: Damage, hurt, injure, harm, impair, undermine, jeopardize3给与:Give, offer, render, impart, provide, supply, afford4培养:Develop, cultivate, foster5优势:Advantage, merit, virtue, benefit, upside, strength6 缺陷:Disadvantage, demerit, drawback, downside, weakness7 使迷惑:Puzzle, bewilder, perplex, baffle8 重要的:crucial, critical, vital, substantial, indispensable, imperative9 认为:insist, maintain, assert, conclude, deem, hold, argue, be convinced, be firmly convinced, be fully convinced10 保护:Protect, conserve, preserve11确保:Assure, ensure, guarantee, pledge12 有害的: baneful evil, harmful, detrimental13 要求:Request, demand, needs, requisition14 消除:Eliminate, clear, remove, clear up, take away, smooth away15 导致: Lead to, bring about, result in, cause, spark off, conduce to, procure, induce, generate16 因此:So, therefore, thus, hence, consequently, as a consequence, accordingly, as a result, because of this, as a result of this17 增长至:Grow to,rise to,increase to,go up to,climb to,ascend to,jump to,shoot to18降低至:Dip to,fall to,decline to,decrease to,drop to,go down to,reduce to, slump to,descend to,sink to,slide to19保持稳定:Level out,do not change,remain stable,remain still,remain steady,be stable,maintain the same level,remain unchanged,be still,remain the same level,stay constant,keep at the same level,level off,stabilize,keep its stability,even out20 急剧地:Dramatically,drastically,sharply,hugely,enormously,steeply,substantially,considerably,significantly,markedly,surprisingly,strikingly,radically,remarkably,vastly,noticeably21平稳地:Steadily,smoothly,slightly,slowly,marginally,gradually,moderately,mildly22 宣称:Allege, assert, declare, claim23 发生:Happen, occur, take place24 原因:Reason, factor, cause25 发展:Development, advance, progress26 有益的:Useful, helpful, beneficial, profitable, rewarding,advantageous27 影响:Influence, impact, effect28明显的:Clear, obvious, evident, self-evident, manifest, apparent, crystal-clear29占:Comprise, take up, account for, constitute, consist of, make up,occupy, hold, compose30与…相比:Compared with,compared to,in comparison with,in comparison to,by comparison with,by comparison to31对比而言:By contrast,in contrast,on the other hand,on the contrary=,conversely32展示:Show, reveal, illustrate, demonstrate, depict, present, represent, describe33 大约:Approximately,almost,about,around,nearly,roughly34波动: Fluctuate,go ups and downs,display a fluctuation,demonstrate a fluctuation35事实上:Practically,in practice,essentially,in essence,in reality,in effect,in fact,as a matter of fact,it is a fact that36换言之:Namely,that is to say,in other words,to put it like this,to put it differently,to put it from another way,to put it from another angle。



chou名词1. 上义词下义词cold drink → chilled mineral waterreptile → snakesimprovement → innovation2. 抽象具体transport → bus, traindiscount → 10% off3. 解释,下定义neigh bors → people living nearby solution → ways in which people may overcome their problemsconclusion → the last part4. 同义词,近义词disadvantages → drawbacksgift → presentbooking → reservation5. 指代替换,人称代词we → library staffyou → postgraduates形容词1. 同义词,近义词替换easy → elementary, simpletall → highideal → perfe ct2. 反义替换interesting → boringnoisy → quieteasy → difficult3. 抽象到具体名词near → just 35 minuteslong → fortnight, week, hour 4. 同根词互换important → importance beautiful → beauty动词1. 同义词,近义词替换book → reservechange → adjustignore → overlook2. 同根词互换arrive → arrivaldepart → departure3. 反义替换include → excludebeen told → heard4. 跨词性替换listen to → talks reduce → lower 5. 抽象到具体recover → overcome its problems地图题核心词汇be far from距离某处很远be nearby距离某处很近go straight across/to/through径直走过/向/穿过cross(over)穿过(某条街道)be next to紧邻turn left/right左转/右转go up/down 向上(北)/向下(南)go back/back up往回走go east/west/south/north 向东/西/南/北go on/along…till you meet…沿。

(完整word版)雅思词汇 近义词(word文档良心出品)

(完整word版)雅思词汇 近义词(word文档良心出品)

雅思高分词汇转化1. 困难:difficulty / handicap / hardship / complication / dilemma / plight2. 将来:future / prospect / forthcoming3. 障碍:obstacle / barricade / block / obstruction / snag / hurdle4.动机/目标/成因:motive/ motivation/ incentive/ driving force/ inducement/ intention/ purpose/ object=objective/ for the sake of/ goal / pursuit / ideal/ aim / target/ end5.评估/估计/期望: estimate assess sth at +figure(具体数字) evaluate(评价,不能用于物品估价) reckon(估计,期望)6.要求:demand / request / claim / require / call for7. 下降:decline / decrease / degenerate / drop / fall / worsen / depress8. 发现:find / discover / come across / encounter / expose / spot / recognize / uncover / notice / observe9. 模拟:simulate / virtual / create / reproduce / imitate10.欺骗:deceive sb (into doing) (骗某人做某事) fraud (n.诈骗;骗子) cheat sb (out) of sth(骗某人的东西)Cheat sb into the belief that….(骗某人去相信…) =dupe sb into doing swindle sb out of sthTake in sb take advantage of sb(利用某人) defraud sb of sth 11.Isolate(隔离,孤立) split(sth) into…(分裂成…/把sth分离) split from/with sb=break off=part(v.) from sb (与sb分手/绝交) divide sth into (将sth 划分为) sever(断绝) part sb from sb(隔离) separately(分别做…【不能用respectively,respectively表示各自是多少。



chou名词1. 上义词V.S 下义词e.g cold drink → chilled mineral waterreptile → snakesimprovement → innovation2. 抽象V.S 具体e.g transport → bus, traindiscount → 10% off3. 解释,下定义e.g neigh bors → people living nearbysolution → ways in which people may overcome their problemsconclusion → the last part4. 同义词,近义词e.g disadvantages → drawbacksgift → presentbooking → reservation5. 指代替换,人称代词e.g we → library staffyou → postgraduates形容词1. 同义词,近义词替换e.g easy → elementary, simple tall → highideal → perfect2. 反义替换e.g interesting → boring noisy → quieteasy → difficult3. 抽象到具体名词e.g near → just 35 minuteslong → fortnight, we ek, hour4. 同根词互换e.g important → importance beautiful → beauty动词1. 同义词,近义词替换e.g book → reservechange → adjustignore → overlook2. 同根词互换e.g arrive → arrivaldepart → departure3. 反义替换e.g include → excludebeen told → heard4. 跨词性替换e.g listen to → talksreduce → lower5. 抽象到具体e.g recover → overcome its problems地图题核心词汇be far from 距离某处很远be nearby 距离某处很近go straight across/to/through 径直走过/向/穿过cross(over) 穿过(某条街道)be next to 紧邻turn left/right 左转/右转go up/down 向上(北)/向下(南)go back/back up 往回走go east/west/south/north 向东/西/南/北go on/along…till you meet…沿。



最新的雅思词汇同义词替换最新的雅思词汇同义词替换大全1. important =crucial (extremelyimportant),significant(amount or effect large enough to be important)mon=universal, ubiquitous(if something is ubiquitous, it seems to be everywhere)3.abundant=ample(enough and usually extra), plentiful(enough for people's needs and wants)4.stick=adhere, cling(hold on something tightly)5.neglect=ignore.(difference: neglect means someone has not paid enough attention to something; ignore means no attention.)6.near=adjacent(twothings next to each other), adjoin(the same as adjacent)7.pursue=woo(man woos woman, old-fashioned), seek(if you seek sth, you try to obtain it. FORMAL)8.accurate=precise(precise is exact and accurate in all details), exact(correct in every detail)9.vague=obscure(unknown or known by only a few people)10.top=peak, summitpetitor=rival, opponent(especially in sports and politics)12.blame=condemn(if you condemn something, you say it is very bad and unacceptable)13.opinon=perspective, standpoint(means looking at an event or situation in a particular way)14.fame=prestige(describe those who are admired), reputation15.build=erect(you can erect something as buildings, FORMAL), establish16.insult=humiliate(do something or say something which makes people feel ashamed or stupid)plain=grumble (complain something in a bad-tempered way)18.primary=radical (very important and great in degree), fundamental19.relieve=alleviate(alleviate means you make pain or sufferings less intense or severe)20.force=coerces into(coerce means you make someone do something s/he does not want to),compel21.enlarge=magnify(magnify means make something larger than it really is)plex=intricate(if something is intricate, it often has many small parts and details)23. Lonely=solitary (if someone is solitary, there is no one near him/her24.small=minuscule(very small), minute,25.praise=extol(stronger than praise), compliment(polite and political)26.hard-working=assiduous(someone who is assiduous works hard or does things very thoroughly27.difficult=arduous(if something is arduous, it is difficult and tiring, and involves a lot of efforts)28.poor(soil)=barren, infertile(used to describe the soil is so poor that plants cannot be planted on it)29.fragile=brittle, vulnerable(someone who is vulnerable is easily hurt emotionally or physically)30.show=demonstrate (to demonstrate a fact means tpmake it clear to people.)31.big=massive(large in size, quantity, or extent), colossal(use this word, you emphasize something’s large), tremendous(INFORMAL)32.avoid=shun(if someone shuns something, s/he deliberately avoid that something or keep away from it.)33.fair=impartial(someone who is impartial is able to give a fair opinion or decision on something.)34.attack=assault(physically attack someone), assail (attack violently35.dislike=abhor(abhor means you hate something to a extreme extent for moral reasons), loathe(dislike very much)!36.ruin=devastate (it means damage something very badly, or utterly destroy it.)39.always=invariably(the same as always, but better than always)40.forever=perpetual(a perpetual state never changes), immutable(something immutable will never change or be changed)41.surprise=startle(it means surprise you slightly), astound(surprise you to a large degree),astonish(the same as astound)42.enthusiasm=zeal (a great enthusiasm), fervency (sincere and enthusiasm)43.quiet=tranquil(calm and peaceful), serene(calm and quiet)!44.expensive=exorbitant(it means too expensive that it should be)45.luxurious=lavish(impressive and very expensive), sumptuous(grand and very expensive46.boring=tedious(if you describe something tedious, you mean it is boring and frustrating)47.respect=esteem(if you esteem someone, you respect and admire him/her. FORMAL)48.worry=fret(if you fret about something, you worry about it)49.cold=chilly(unpleasantly cold), icy(extremely cold)50.hot=boiling(very hot)51.dangerous=perilous(very dangerous, hazardous(dangerous, especially to people's safety and health)52.nowadays=currently53.only=unique(the only one of its kind), distinctive;54.stop=cease(if something ceases, it stops happening or existing)55.part=component(the components of something are the parts that it is made of)( h56.result=consequence(the results or effects of something)57.obvious=apparent, manifest58.basedon=derived fromcan see or notice them very easily)60.quite=fairly61.pathetic=lamentable(very uncomfortable and disappointing)62.field=domain(a particular field of thought, activities or interest)63.appear=emerge(come into existence)64.whole=entire(the whole of something)865.wet=moist(slightly wet), damp(slightly wet), humid(very damp and hot)66.wrong=erroneous(incorrect or partly correct)67.difficult=formidable68.change=convert(change into another form)69.typical=quintessential(this word means represent a typical example of something)70.careful=cautious(very careful in order to avoid danger), prudent(careful and sensible)71.ability=capacity, capability(the same as ability)72.strange=eccentric(if some one is eccentric, s/he behaves in a strange way, or his/her opinion is different from most people)73.rich=affluent(if you are affluent, you have a lot of money)e= utilize (the same as use)75.dubious=skeptical(if you are skeptical about something, you have doubts on it.)76.satisfy=gratify (if you are gratified by something, it gives you pleasure and satisfaction)77.short=fleeting, ephemeral(if something is ephemeral, it lasts a short time)78.scholarship=fellowship79.angry=enraged(extremely angry)80.smelly=malodorous(used to describe an unpleasant smell)81.ugly=hideous(if something is hideous, it is very ugly or unattractive)82.attractive=appealing(pleasing and attractive), absorbing(something absorbing can attract you a great deal)83.diverse=miscellaneous(a miscellaneousgroups consists of many different kinds of things)84.disorder=disarray, chaos85.crazily=frantically(used to describe someone who behaves in a wild and uncontrolled way)86.rapid=meteoric(ATTENTION: meteoric is only used to describe someone achieves success quickly)87.ordinary=mundane(very ordinary and not at interesting or unusual)88.despite=notwithstanding(FORMAL)89.best=optimal(used to describe the best level something can achieve)/90.sharp=acute(severe and intense)91.unbelievable=inconceivable(ifyou deem something inconceivable, you think it very unlike to happen ^92.puzzle=perplex(something perplex someone means it confuses and worries him/her because he/she does not understand it)93.method=avenue(away of getting something done)94.famous=distinguished(used to describe people who are successful in their career)95.ancient=archaic(extremely old and extremely old-fashioned)96.decorate=embellish(embellish means make something look more attractive via decorating it with something else)/97.possible=feasible(if something is feasible, it can be done, made or achieved)98.so=consequently, accordingly99.rare=infrequent (doesn’t happen often100.greedy=rapacious(greedy and selfish)。

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一、职业enterprise(创业) career(一生为之奋斗的) job(用于谋生的)work occupation(占用时间精力做的) profession(教师什么的带有专业性的) entrepreneur二、下降减少减轻缓和eliminate (消除 eradicate)diminish decrease decline mitigate (减轻缓和 ease) alleviate soothe ease appease mollify deplete descend weaken lessen relieve defuse 三、超过exceed outstrip transcend leapfrog surpass overtake emulate四、收入earnings: 多指通过劳动或投资等手段所得到的收入。

allowance: 指收入中的补贴部分。

income: 与earnings含义很相近,但前者强调总收入。

salary: 指按年定下,按月或星期平均给予的报酬,指脑力劳动者的薪水。

wage: 多用复数形式,指按小时、日或星期的报酬,通常指体力劳动者的工资。

pay: 是个通用词,可取代salary与wage. fee: 指提供某种服务收取的固定费用五、基本的基础的最初的初级的primary prime rudimentary elementary六、原始的original rudimentary primitive primary七、考虑、思量consider thinkof contemplate ponder deliberate八、猜测推测guess speculate conjecture conclude九、可行的practical viable feasible十、degrade degenerate十一、推动推进促进propel promote advance(advance the process toward ……)motivate(激励)further (增进促进进一步发展)boost(使增长使兴旺)十二、引起造成pose incur cause spark trigger induce generate arouse(激起引起某种感情)be productive of ignite十三、组成成分ingredient component constituent composition comprise(包含包括)十四、花费开支expense expenditure outlay cost十五、阻碍阻塞妨碍obstruct hinder hamper block obstacle barrier intervene handicap interfere frustrate discourage inhibit stem quash禁止:forbid prohibit ban bar inhibit十六、延期推迟delay defer postpone extend extension put off十七、极好的marvelous superb splendid glorious awesome terrific fabulous fantastic十八、恢复复职restore rehabilitate还可恢复名誉recover revive revitalize rally十九、摇摆摇动swing sway waggle wobble vibrate(震动颤动)二十、倾斜tilt incline slope lean(人倾斜倚靠) bank(斜坡) slant hillside二十一、minute二十二、短暂的momentary temporary transient provisional二十三、建立建造build establish construct found二十四、撒把…布满strew sprinkle scatter 洒:spatter spray splash(飞溅泼洒)二十五、给予赠予授予accord grant render give bestow confer(confer citizenship to...) award二十六、理解掌握absorb grasp take in master understand comprehend grip(只有名词是理解的意思) digest (理解吸收)make sense of apprehend二十七、承认准许同意allow acknowledge admit grant concede二十八、翻译translate render二十九、使处于某种状态=makerender三十、修正改正amend modify revise三十一、补偿make amends for compensate for三十二、附属物appendix adjunct attachment三十三、背景background setting context backdrop三十四、繁荣发展flourish boom blossom prosper thrive bonanza三十五、轻率鲁莽的rash reckless abrupt foolhardy三十六、大胆的勇敢的brave bold fearless dauntless gallant audacious三十七、限制restrict constrain (constraint 限制限定约束)limit confine restrain三十八、必需的necessary indispensable integral essential三十九、地区地域zone area region district belt四十、条带belt band strip bar四十一、竞争斗争搏斗contend combat fight四十二、冲突名词:clash(动名) collision conflict(动名) discord(名词不一致不和纷争)四十三、微弱的昏暗的faint dim四十四、模糊的vague dim fuzzy四十五、满腔怒火的flaming raging四十六、侵犯入侵invasion incursion intrude(打扰侵入人生活) infest(侵扰) aggression assault四十七、职权范围权限remit purview四十八、有吸引力的吸引人的magnetic attractive tempting absorbing seductive名词:allure诱惑力吸引力 glamour intriguing enticing fascinating四十九、不重要的marginal trivial lesser五十、融合结合合并混合merge integrate combine blend(v&n 混合物)compound五十一、不公平的偏心的有偏见的biased prejudiced unjust unfair partial(bias prejudice) inequitable inexpedient 五十二、热情的狂热的fond enthusiastic zealous torrid intense(热情的强烈的) passionate五十三、有洞察力的insightful penetrating五十四、非凡的extraordinary phenomenal remarkable eminent五十五、确定的sure positive(completely sure)五十六、宣传publicity propaganda publicise advertise五十七、初级的初步的preliminary rudimentary elementary五十八、原始的未充分发展的落后的rudimentary primitive五十九、初等的elementary primary六十、基本的prime primary rudimentary elementary radical(激进的)fundamental ultimate六十一、问题question query六十二、击退抵抗抵制拒绝repel repulse resist reject六十四、使厌恶反感repel repulse disgust obnoxious(极讨厌的)六十五、取消cancel call off scrap六十六、碎片segment scrap shred chip fragment debris六十七、取回索回retrieve(挽回) reclaim六十八、搜寻search seek forage scour scout(某地) grope rummage六十九、结实的robust stout sturdy七十、纤细的苗条的slim slender delicate thin slight(瘦小的纤细的)七十一、壮丽的宏伟的magnificent splendid spectacular grand dazzling glorious epic七十二、经受住抵挡住耐热性resist withstandendure bear七十三、相似resemble similar alike analogous七十四、天才天资talent gift genius aptitude七十五、集会meeting gathering assembly rally七十六、立法机构legislature assembly七十七、燃烧v.或n.burn flame blaze combustion kindle combust七十八、使保持使稳定持续sustain maintain七十九、卷coil reel八十、浏览look through browse八十一、愉悦的宜人的pleasant agreeable八十二、一致的coherent consistent accord with be compatible with correspond(动词) uniform 八十三、遵守obey comply with conform八十四、结构structure configuration fabric framework八十五、“腐”腐败腐烂:decay decompose腐蚀:erode贪污腐败的:corrupt八十六、献身致力于devote dedicate be commited to doing八十七、缺点缺陷不足disadvantage weakness shortcoming defect fault deficiency handicap flaw drawback 八十八、缺乏的insufficient lacking deficient devoid of scarce deficit(名词缺少赤字)八十九、谴责condemn denounce censure九十、指责blame reproach scold(斥责)九十一、控诉控告accuse charge denounce prosecute indict sue九十二、支配命令指定command dictate appoint designate dominate prescribe assign specify九十三、分散split scatter disperse九十四、处理解决deal with cope with tackle handle dispose manipulate solve resolve confront九十五、证明demonstrate verify prove manifest substantiate testify sustain九十六、屈服认输succumb(抵挡不住诱惑攻击…屈服) give in back down (放弃认输自己观点)yield sell out submit subject(臣服服从)九十七、散布disperse(实的) disseminate(虚的) spread九十八、包含包括comprise include embrace encompass incorporate embody九十九、持久的lasting enduring durable perennial一百、全神贯注的absorbed buried engrossed be immersed in忙于:be busy doing be devoted to(致力于be dedicated to be commited to) doing be occupied in be engaged in一百零一、构想conceive formulate envisage(设想想象=envision)一百零二、仅仅only solely merely solitary(唯一的仅有的用于疑问句否定句)一百零三、断裂break crack fracture一百零四、模糊的vague blurred fuzzy nebulous hazy一百零五、无秩序的无计划的unplanned unsystematic chaotic random haphazard arbitrary indiscriminate(不加分析的随意的) disorderly一百零六、潮湿的wet damp humid moist dripping(湿淋淋的)一百零七、残废的disabled handicapped crippled一百零八、加剧exacerbate aggravate escalate intensify一百零九、区别distinguish discriminate一百一十、危害hazard jeopardy一百一十一、充满be filled with be laden with一百一十二、有害的harmful lethal detrimental adverse一百一十三、表明demonstrate manifest114.明了的clear manifest115.平常的普通的mundane mediocre ordinary116.假的仿制的fake false mock117.证实confirm verify corroborate substantiate sustain118.富饶的luxuriant prolific opulent fruitful(productive)119.骚乱混乱turmoil riot disorder ferment chaos disturbance uproar agitation无秩序的:disorderly haphazard120.困惑confuse bewilder muddle puzzle121.实施carry out implement enforce (enforcement authorities执法机构)put sth into practice122.强制迫使enforce compel oblige(be obliged to do)123.线索clue hint124.态度观点opinion point of view perspective outlookviewpoint125.繁殖breed reproduce multiply propagate bear126.明显的obvious bold conspicuous evident distinct apparent visible 127.撤退withdraw retreat128.批准approve sanction129.隐藏藏匿secrete conceal screen(掩藏庇护保护shield wrap)130.控告accuse prosecute indict impeach(弹劾)131.断言宣称assert allege affirm132.残忍的cruel ruthless vicious(残酷的)133.诱饵decoy bait134.指挥控制take command of in command of135.检查inspect examine scrutinize scan136.掩藏保护庇护screen shield shelter wrap conceal(隐藏藏匿)137.抓住grip grasp seize clasp(握紧)138.夺snatch grab139.抓住机会grab seize140.利用utilize seize on tap141.处罚discipline(动词) penalty punish(动词) sanction142.杰出的著名的outstanding famous eminent celebrated renowned well-known 143. 停止halt cease cessation stop drop144.致命的fatal lethal deadly145.代替取代substitute replace supersede146.监视scrutiny spy on surveillance147.支持back support underpin stand for uphold(支持维护(正义)uphold the law维护法律)sustain(bear 支撑)pro148.仓库storehouse depot warehouse storage store149.奇怪的古怪的eccentric weird odd strange grotesque(怪诞的奇形怪状的)150.infest interfere intervene intrude151.掩盖veil overshadow conceal152.强壮的stout(肥壮) sturdy153.初学者novice virgin rookie recruit(新兵新成员)154.使应接不暇淹没inundate overwhelm155.罢免oust unseat depose156.揭露unveil disclose reveal uncover expose157.控制rig curb rein back(严格控制) manipulate regulate(控制管理调节调整)handle manoeuvre158.分配Allot distribute allocate assign dispense(分配配药)159.评价评估appraise assess estimate evaluate160.把……归于Attribute...to...credit A with B =criedit B to A ascribe sth to sb accredit ;owe……to161.决心做Be bent on doing(通常指坏事) be determined to do162.承担责任shoulder/take/bear /assume /undertake the responsibility for hold sb accountable for 责任义务:liability obligation163.小册子booklet pamphlet brochure(介绍手册指南)leaflet(传单)164.运动campaign drive(有组织的运动)165.投,掷,抛cast (cast doubt on;cast one's vote for)throw fling hurl166.容量容积volume capacity167.分类classify categorise168.坟墓cemetery(坟地,公墓)tomb grave tabut(棺材坟墓)169.引用cite quote170.跟踪track trail trace171.著名的renowned famous celebrated distinguished (著名的杰出的 outstanding customer)well-known eminent prestigious(有名望的声誉高的 a prestigious university名牌大学branded名牌的)notable(著名的;名人)172.导致引起lead to ;cause incur breed raise induce173.养育抚养bring sb up ;raise rear ;upbringing(名词养育培养)foster nurture nurse(培养培育 cultivate)nourish174.仁慈的charitable clement (宽容仁慈的)benevolent(好心肠的慈善的仁慈的)175.与……一致accord with; in accord with;be consistent with ;be identical to/with be identified with;uniform 一致的统一的 coincide with176.拥抱hug(v&n) cuddle(v&n)embrace(v)177.私密的private(私人的私密的;n 列兵)intimate(私密的亲密的 intimacy亲密关系密切)178.动力刺激stimulus(刺激物促进因素复数stimuli)motivation impetus incentive spur179.(凭空)猜测hypothesis speculation180.假定假设hypothesis assumption presume(动词) presumption supposition181.详细阐述explicate(详细解释) elaborate specify articulate delineate182.复杂的complex complicated intricate(错综复杂)sophisticated183. 抑制suppress(镇压抑制控制)dampen(弄湿抑制控制感情、反应)inhibit(禁止抑制)crack down restrain(控制自己抑制压制)184.装饰装扮decorate adorn ornament(v&n 装饰品)trim(修剪修整 to trim your hair理发装饰(be trimmed with)185.剥夺deprive bereave(指丧失亲友) strip(还可指剥夺荣誉)dispossess186.规模dimensions size scale187.丢弃discard abandon desert(遗弃抛弃擅离部队 deserter逃兵)derelict(被遗弃的指土地/建筑物;无家可归者 vagrant)scrap188.灾难不幸misfortune tragedy disaster catastrophe mishap(小事故)adversity(逆境)doom(厄运)189.部门department section branch division faculty(院系)190.不同的distinct different dissimilar191.活力vigour vitality dynamism192.巨大的huge tremendous giant enormous immense colossal fabulous gigantic monstrous heroic 193.节约节省economize retrench economical(形容词)194.开始做着手commence ;embark on ;set about ;get down to sth/doing sth;initiate(发动 launch)195.核心要点坚果或子粒的核仁core kernel196.遭遇遇到meet run into(遇到困难途中遭遇)encounter(不期而遇;遭遇不好的事;n 邂逅相遇)come across偶然遇见;被理解197.危及损害endanger hazard jeopardize menace threaten intimidate harm impair(damage destroy ruin wreck)compromise198.加强提高enhance reinforce intensify heighten strengthen consolidate cement199.擅长be good at ;be expert in/on/at ;be adept at ;be skilled in ;excel in/at ;specialize in(专门从事专攻)200.最后at last ;ultimately;eventually; finally;in the end201.能力才能capability capacity ability faculty202.强制的义务的compulsory mandatory obligatory203.煽动鼓动agitate foment provocative(形容词) incite204.委员会commission council205.外国的异域的alien exotic206.加快加速expedite speed up quicken207.扩大enlarge expand extend amplify(扩大声音信号)208.短途旅行expedition(远征探险exploration 考察短途出行:a shopping expedition 外出购物)excursion(远足短途旅行)209.外部的outside external exterior 同理内部的210.编造make up fabricate fictitious(编造的)211.基本原理foundation basics212.脆弱的易碎的fragile delicate213.搜寻查找search for forage for seek for grope for rummage(乱翻)214.实现fulfill realize215.承认admit acknowledge grant216.机密的confidential classified undisclosed(秘密的未公开的)217.感动的touched moved affected218.使适应adapt to adjust to(微调) accommodate219.改变change alter convert(转变转换 shift)220.预期expect anticipate foresee(预知预见)forecast(预报)predict(预测预言)221.背叛betray rebel defect222.监禁关押imprison captivity take ……into custody(监禁监护权)detain ;confine sb in;jail sb for sth223.折磨使痛苦torture torment afflict224.约会appointment engagement date225.保证guarantee(动词&名词保证书担保品) assure ensure warrant(许可证使正当warranty 保修期)promise pledge(保证诺言誓约使保证使发誓)commitment(承诺许诺保证)226.小屋hut cabin cottage shanty(棚屋简陋小屋shed)227.忽视ignore overlook neglect disregard228.非法的illegal illicit illegitimate unlawful lawless229.生动的vivid graphic230. 任命委任commission appoint designate nominate install accredit231.接合处交叉点junction joint(接头关节)intersection connection232.幼稚的不成熟的childish juvenile(不成熟的未成年的 juvenile employment 童工的雇用)233.律师solicitor(初级律师推销员法务官)attorney(律师(代表当事人出庭)代理人)barrister (出庭律师大律师辩护律师在英国有资格出席上级法庭进行辩护)234.建立build establish found set up institute erect235.敏锐的acute sharp keen agile penetrating236.保持keep preserve maintain(保持保养) retain sustain(维持支撑)237.记住背诵recite memorize238.不朽的immortal monumental239.想法概念concept idea notion240.包裹bag package parcel pack packet241.阶段时期stage phase242.意识到注意到notice realize be aware of perceive(perception 知觉)be conscious of243.允许许可同意admission permission agreement authorization(批准授权)244.受害者victim casualty prey245.恰当的appropriate apt proper decent(得体的)246.很可能做Be liable to be apt to be inclined to be prone to sth/do sth be likely to 247. 资产财产property(财产房地产 estate) possessions belongings asset248.性质特性特征characteristic feature quality attribute property trait identity249.考虑预料到take into account take account of take into consideration reckon with250.依靠depend on rely on reckon on(指望依靠)rest on251.纺织品fabric textile252.老生常谈truism commonplace trite(老生常谈的) 可乐谁253.改正改进correct remedy refine254.代表stand for(代表参加竞选) represent on behalf of255.描绘描画describe depict represent portray(portrait肖像)256.竞争对手rival competitor opponent257.阴谋scheme plot(n&v) conspiracy(conspire)258.会议meeting congress conference convention (conventional 传统的墨守成规的习惯的常规的)assembly parliament session259.一连串a sequence of a succession of260.收缩contract shrink261.无声的寂静的silent soundless still(静止的安静的)placid(平静的安静的平和的)tranquil(安静的平静的安宁的)serene(安静的安详的)262.避难所 shelter refuge263.滑滑行slide slip slither264.留出抽出spare set aside put apart265.世故的sophisticated worldly266.多余的redundant surplus(a&n)267.种品种种类breed species category variety sort kind type268.样本specimen sample(n&v)269.起源于originate from derive from stem from arise from(arise out of由……引起proceed from)270.撒洒spray sprinkle spatter splash shower271.反省reflect (on oneself) introspect272.屈服屈从give in to succumb to yield to submit to sell out to surrender to(投降)273.药(片)medicine pill drug tablet274.补充(物)supplement compliment(v&n)replenishment275.利用开发exploit tap276.疗法remedy therapy277.临时的短暂的temporary temporal brief momentary transient short interim278.素食者vegetarian vegan279.消灭eradicate wipe(out)exterminate uproot(根除)280.解雇开除fire dismiss discharge sack281.大量的considerable substantial282.温和的(气候)mild temperate283.事业career enterprise undertaking cause284.明显的obvious bold visible apparent patent285.不利的adverse disadvantageous286.可信的可靠的trustworthy reliable authentic genuine(真的 true authentic)287.事先预先in advance beforehand288.爆炸explode blow up bomb(轰炸)blast289.一阵风a blast of /a gust of wind290.典礼仪式礼节(ritual)ceremony rite291.条约公约协议treaty pact convention accord292.技艺skill feat craft293.差异difference diversity variety discrepancy distinction discrimination nuance divide disparity 综英书294.直立的垂直的vertical erect295.夸大夸张exaggerate overstate296.坦率的直言的explicit frank straightforward direct297.统治rule govern dominate(主宰)control(控制)298.小路path trail lane track299.废除不再使用abolish(法律习俗)do away with sth dispense with sth(摒弃不再需要)300.努力竭力try one's best to do;endeavour to do ; exert oneself301.奇迹令人惊奇的事物奇观wonder spectacle marvel302.选择挑选choose select pick opt for303.许可证permit license warrant304.处罚惩罚discipline(动词)punishment penalty(惩罚刑罚)305.继续做continue to do proceed to do proceed with sth306.粉碎smash shatter crash(碰撞)mince(切碎 chop剁碎绞碎)307.上涨上升rise increase soar rocket skyrocket mount(准备安排组织开展 mount a protest)surge(v&n) upsurge(名词急剧上升)leap shoot up308."分"分裂分开split bisect(对半分二等分)crack;劈砍:cleave hack chop ;sever切开309.镇压压制crack down crush suppress quash squash310.忍耐忍受tolerate bear stand endure stomach(一般否定句)311.堆(v堆积 &n堆)pile stack heap mass312.压力stress pressure strain313.涌surge billow gush314.遭受经受undergo suffer sustain315.调整调节tune(机器)adjust adapt316.可行的行得通的viable workable feasible practicable practical317.示威游行demonstrate march318.剧烈的激烈的severe intense violent fierce acute raging furious319.流产abortion miscarriage320.模范model role model example321.足够的充裕的enough adequate abundant rich ample plentiful322.酸的sour acid323.获得get gain attain obtain acquire324.渴望desire be desperate for aspire to sth/to do be thirsty for be dying to do/for sth anxiety to do/for325.边界边境boundary border(n&v bound) frontier326.小心的谨慎的careful cautious wary discreet prudent327.小的small tiny little mini compact minute328.逮捕arrest apprehend329.宣言announcement declaration proclamation330.使成为必要entail necessitate331.疲劳tiredness weariness(weary疲劳的疲倦的)fatigue332.同盟联盟alliance federation333.香料spice flavour condiment seasoning flavouring334.味道flavour taste savor(好的气味scent)odour(难闻的气味)335.赞扬praise compliment hail glorify336.放牧graze herd337.免于keep from be immune from338.直觉instinct intuition339.跳jump skip hop spring leap bounce340.垃圾废弃物rubbish garbage litter waste341.危险的hazardous dangerous harmful342.裂缝crack split leak343.独裁的arbitrary dictatorial344.商品commodity merchandise345.模仿mimic imitate simulate impersonate346.反对object disapprove oppose347.貌似有理的似乎正确的plausible(花言巧语的有道理的) specious(事实上不对似是而非)348.促销推销promote merchandise349.闲逛wander roam stroll350.严重severity gravity351.严厉的severe rigorous harsh352.优点美德advantage virtue goodness merit asset353.彻底的utter exhaustive354.显著的notable striking noticeable prominent355.压碎crush squash356.收入收益income proceeds357.无装饰的朴素的simple plain358.使害怕frighten scare alarm panic(使惊慌)359.突然的意外的sudden abrupt360.滥用abuse(滥用虐待mistreat) misuse misapply361.诽谤辱骂侮辱insult defame slander362.芽bud germ363.使烦恼烦扰annoy bother plague(给……造成长时间的痛苦/麻烦)364.挖掘dig burrow365.陶瓷陶器chinaware pottery porcelain(瓷器)366. 粗糙的rough harsh crude coarse367.同时发生的simultaneous coincident concurrent368.合作cooperate collaborate369.同意agree concur370.建议劝告advise suggest counsel371.极重要的关键的vital critical crucial372.猛冲迅速行进匆忙完成dash rush373.使忧虑worry distress depress(frustrate使抑郁使沮丧)374.破环damage destroy ruin devastate(彻底摧毁)wreck destruct 375.分离part separate divorce376.恶化worsen deteriorate exacerbate aggravate377.专门知识expertise professionalism378.虚弱的体弱的weak feeble infirm379.暴怒狂怒fury(furious) rage380.快速的quick rapid fleet fast381.欺骗cheat fraud deceit deception deceive deceitful fool(欺骗愚弄)382.供给供应provide supply furnish383.温和的gentle mild384.独创性originality ingenuity inventiveness385.插入insert interpose……between……and……(sandwich……between and )386.完整的intact integral387.固有的内在的intrinsic inherent388.引用cite quote invoke389.穿透穿过penetrate pierce390.含蓄的implicit implied pregnant391.结合与……联合conjoin in conjunction with392.预备的preliminary preparatory393.抢救rescue salvage394.挽救挽回retrieve(取回拿回 reclaim recover) salvage395.傻的愚蠢的foolish silly stupid fool396.孤单的独自的单独的lone(a lone mother 单亲母亲 sole parent 单亲家庭) solitary 397.溢出spill overflow398.使旋转rotate spin399.挤进塞进jam squash squeeze cram stuff (塞进塞满overflow) fill 400.空缺的未被占用的vacant unoccupied401.热带地区the tropics = the torrid zone402.静的不发展的static still stagnant dormant inactive inert403.平坦的flat even404.邻近的neighboring in the vicinity of adjacent405.尽管in spite of ;in the face of ;albeit406.弄乱clutter muddle407.证书证明书certificate credential408.与……有关be identified with in reference to409.争论debate dispute argument quarrel410.变形distort deform411.电梯升降梯:lift elevator 扶梯:escalator412.时代era age epoch413.唤起summon invoke evoke414.同伴companion associate colleague comrade415.对半分bisect(一分为二)halve416.暗示hint implicate417.臭名远扬的notorious infamous418.不可避免的inevitable unavoidable inescapable419.。
