德马格起重机械有限公司DCS-PRO环链电动葫芦检测证书共2页识别号:235 309 44版本:0104第1页分类号:787 4115XB检测符合出厂证明2."1DIN EN 10204标准生产商:德马格起重机械有限公司订货方:hisINDUSTRIEHANDLING订单号:550901客户号:C8."064设备型号:DCS-PRO 2-250 1/1 H5 VS16-30工厂编号:最大行程:最小速度:0."15米/分电压:380-480V50/60Hz/cs链条数:1/1安全工作负荷:0."25吨防护等级:IP55精行程:16米/分额定速度:16米/分部分负载最大速度:30米/分检测电压:400V50/60Hz控制器以95%的额定电压和25%的过载测试德马格电动葫芦DCS-PRO,无任何异常,防滑离合器正常运转。
电机工厂检测证书电机型号:ZNK 71 B 43相鼠笼型异步电动机功率因数:0."5接通时间:60转数(1分钟):2480是否连接:是频率:50/60功率(kW):0."73电压(V):380-480电流(A):3."1最高环境温度(℃):40可承受绕组温度(K):105绝缘等级:F绝缘电阻定子:≧1MOhm温度监控:M绝缘强度:1."2×(2U+1000V)≦30m A约1秒备注:德马格起重机械有限公司DCS-PRO环链电动葫芦检测证书共2页识别号:235 309 44版本0104第2页分类号:787 4115XB起重吊钩检测证书吊钩类型:简易吊钩起重吊钩标识供应商商标:PS起重吊钩检测最大测试力(k N):(变形<0."25%)材料特性:34CrMo4 EN10083化学成分在-20℃的性能RelA(≥)J(≥)MPa(≥)强度等级:V起重吊钩号码:2标准:DIN15400融化编号:吊钩最大承受力:C(≤)Si(≤)MnP(≤)S(≤)Cr(≤)Mo(≤)R meMPa0."370."400."60-0."900."0350."0350."90-1."200."15-0."30实际功率在额定功率范围内精确性:所有数据都在允许误差范围之内起重吊钩无影响使用的表面裂纹和裂痕。
电动葫芦 技术参数
![电动葫芦 技术参数](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/d0fe77834128915f804d2b160b4e767f5bcf8057.png)
3.德马格推出DCS-Pro 10变频调速环链电动葫芦系列
起重量:0.25t-60t 起升高度:3m-30m 工作级别:M3 运行速度:20(30)m/min 起升速度:8m/min
电动葫芦是一种特种起重设备,安装于天车、 龙门吊之上,电动葫芦具有体积小,自重轻, 操作简单,使用方便等特点,用于工矿企业, 仓储码头等场所。
起重量一般为 0.1~80吨,起升高度为3~30米。由 电动机、传动机构和卷筒或链轮组成,分为钢丝绳电动 葫芦和环链电动葫芦两种。其中环链电动葫芦分为进口 和国产两种;钢丝绳电动葫芦分单速提升、双速提升; 微型电动葫芦、卷扬机、多功能提升机。
电动葫芦主要参数文字说明部分.一、文字说明部分1、产品概述D型系列钢丝绳电动葫芦系在原CD、MD 型1基础上的改进型产品。
固定式又分为“A、A、A、A”四种型式,见图3,可直接安 4 123装在构架上使用;小车式具有运行功能,可安装在轨道上使用。
一级,其额定起吊量必须相应降低产品规格型号及其外形结构4、4.规格型号及外形结构1D(C291/ D电动小车起升高度 9mA下固定式22t 额定起重MD 为常速(CD慢速)/常速11型电动葫芦规格型号参数技术参CD4.2 MD 114数和外形安装尺寸见表.4.3 外形结构图见图1~图155、传动结构与工作原理CD MD型电动葫芦主要由三部分组11成,一为提升机构;二为运行机构(固定式则无);三为电器装置。
5.1 起什机构起升机构由起升电机通过联轴器经减速器空心轴驱动卷筒旋转,使绕在卷筒上的钢丝绳带动吊钩装置上升或下降。
参数对照表Kone 5吨固定式葫芦
6钢丝绳破断来了2190NM, 非标钢丝绳,备件不容易买。
德马格 5吨固定式葫芦国产HM系列 5吨固定式葫芦德马格的开放式结构
列 5吨固定式葫芦。
德马格行车DR20 Pro技术数据
![德马格行车DR20 Pro技术数据](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/371fd5631eb91a37f1115c68.png)
Code 02
FDR with solo electrical equipment for use as a solo travelling hoist. DSE-10R control pendant with control cable included.
Code 03
As for code 01 but control via a radio control system DRC.
Selection criteria
Selection table
Group of mechanisms FEM/ISO
1Am/M4 2m/M5 3m/M6 4m/M7
1Am/M4 2m/M5 3m/M6 4m/M7
DR 20
1Am/M4 2m/M5 3m/M6 4m/M7
Hook paths
Length of hoist unit 2/1
Motor selection depending on reeving arrangement and SWL
Foot-mounted hoist 2/1 reeving
Mounting position C3
Mounting position B4
Foot-mounted hoist 4/1 reeving
Code 04
As for code 02 but control via a radio control system DRC.
Code 05
FDR with fitted parallel “in” interface
德马格电动葫芦 链条限位
![德马格电动葫芦 链条限位](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/3fd5c4907e192279168884868762caaedc33ba49.png)
型号CD1MD1钢丝绳电动葫芦起重量(吨)0.5 1 2 3 5 10 起升高度(米)6-12 6-30 6-30 6-30 6-30 6-30 起升速度(米/分)CD1(8)MD1(8/0.8)CD1(7)运行速度(米/分)20钢丝绳规格(GB359-64)6x37+1工字梁轨道型号(GB706-65)16-28b 16-28b 20a-32c 20a-32c 25a-63c 25a-63c 环型轨道最小半径(米) 1.5 1.5-3.5 2-4 2-4 2-4 3-7.2起重电机型号ZD21-4 ZD22-4 ZD31-4 ZD32-4 ZD41-4 ZD51-4 额定功率(千瓦)0.8 1.5 3 4.5 7.5 13额定转速(转/分)1380 1380 1380 1380 1400 1400额定电流(安) 2.2 4 7 10 16.5 28运行电机型号ZDY11-4 ZDY11-4 ZDY12-4 ZDY12-4 ZDY21-4 ZDY21-4 额定功率(千瓦)0.2 0.2 0.4 0.4 0.8 0.8X2额定转速(转/分)1380 1380 1380 1380 1380 1380额定电流(安)0.7 0.7 1.3 1.3 2.2 2.2X2自重(千克)135-195 180-255 250-360 320-440 590-800 820-1125。
德马格公司的新型DC 环链电动葫芦德马格起重机械(上海)有限公司 须雷摘 要:介绍了德马格公司新型DC 环链电动葫芦的系列参数、结构特点、主要传动部件和安全保护装置。
关键词:环链电动葫芦;产品特点Abstract: This paper introduces Demag’s new DC chain hoist and its series parameter, structure characteristic, main driver components and safe protection devices. It also elaborates the trait of this series to be improved ergonomics, increased performance, safety and reliability for greater productivity and optimum efficiency.Keywords: electrical chain hoist, production characteristic环链电动葫芦属于轻小型起重设备,量大面广,具有体积小、自重轻、使用灵活、操作方便、适用性强等特点,既可固定使用,也可配以不同的运行小车,组成柔性组合式悬挂搬运系统、梁式起重机、轻型门式起重机、悬臂起重机等。
德马格DC-Pro系列链条葫芦 德马格DCM-Pro系列电动葫芦 新型高性能葫芦说明书
![德马格DC-Pro系列链条葫芦 德马格DCM-Pro系列电动葫芦 新型高性能葫芦说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/0cc07a9029ea81c758f5f61fb7360b4c2e3f2adb.png)
Demag DC-Pro Chain HoistDemag DCM-Pro ManuliftThe New High Performance Hoists115126810943217All inclusive: popular optionsare standardMany of the most popular featuresare integrated into the Demag DC-Prochain hoist as standard; where asin other hoists they are optional.The DC-Pro chain hoist is a fullyfeatured, highly versatile chain hoist,which can be installed and put intoservice in a minimal amount of time.CertifiedDC-Pro chain hoists are testedand approved by several standardauthorities including CSA.Electromagnetic compatibility israted according to EN 61000-6-2to 4 for interference immunity inindustrial environments and forinterference emissions in commercialand industrial environments.The hoist motor, chain hoist andtravel drive with IP55 enclosureand control pendants with IP65enclosure to EN 60529 ensure highprotection against moisture and dustpenetration for outdoor operation.cable – The length of the control cableand, therefore, the suspension heightof the control pendant can be infinitelyvaried for a hook path range of 6.5–16ft (2 – 5m) and 16–26 ft (5 – 8m).The excess control cable (not required)is accommodated behind the servicecover. The control cable is rated forelectric travel applications in 3 axes.24 V contactor control,operating limit switches (upper/lower)and elapsed operating time counterare standard on DCI-10. A geared limitswitch with four contacts for fast-to-slowand limit cut-off is used as the operatinglimit switch on sizes DC 16 and 25.maintenance-free for upto 10 years. With an FEM Group ofMechanisms classification of 2m+,the DC-Pro sets a new standard witha rated service life of 1900 full loadhours. In practical terms, this meansthe service life is extended by approx.20%. The helical gearing inside thegearbox also reduces operating noiseand provides smooth operation.maintenance-free for upto 10 years (sizes DC 10 – 25 upto 5 years). Thanks to minimumwear, adjustment is not necessary.The brake is enclosed in theelectrical panel and provides doubleprotection from the elements.maintenance-freefor up to 10 years. Integrated behindthe brake in the power drive, itprovides reliable protection againstoverload. Integrated slip clutchmonitoring prevents permanentdamage to the slip clutch.Standard Features42DC-Pro chain hoist selection tablehigh-performancemotor with large safety reserves evenat high ambient temperatures and inprolonged operation. 2 hoist speedswith 4/1 ratio as standard. (Insulationclass F, 360 s/h and 60% CDF)The unit is a completeassembly consisting of the chain andchain guide which facilitates quickand easy replacement of the entirechain drive without having to removethe motor or gear parts. Downtimecan therefore be reduced significantly.The chain drive consists of highlywear-resistant materials for a longservice life.a special Demagchain of high-strength, hardenedage-resistant material. Galvanizedand other surface-treatments areavailable to protect against specifichostile environments.DC-Pro chainhoists are suspended in pendulumfashion and make optimum use ofthe available height thanks to theirlow headroom dimension. DC-Prounits are supplied with short and longsuspension brackets as standard andcan always be attached to the super-structure with the optimal connection.robust and weight-savingdie-cast aluminium housing ofcompact and modern industrial design.UV-resistant powder-coated finishis resistant to nicks and scratches.suspended froma pivoting connection, is made of tough,flexible and particularly impact-resistantplastic; capacity for up to 26ft (8m) hookpath. A flexible chain container for chainlengths up to 131ft (40m) as well asspecial lengths up to 393ft (120m).hoist up to 2200 lb(1000 kg) are supplied with singlechain fall for improved ergonomichandling of the hook. Chain wear issimultaneously reduced, since no chainreturn arrangement is required. The new,compact and particularly ergonomicDC bottom block is used for 2/1 reevingarrangements. The cut-off springsrequired for the limit switches areintegrated inside the bottom blockand therefore save 2.36in (60mm) ofthe valuable headroom dimension.1) 2m+ corresponds to 1900 hours at full load 2) Longer hook paths possible, please consult Demag3The gearbox, brake and coupling operate maintenance free for up to ten years (brake for sizes DC 10 – 25 up to 5 years). The brake-coupling system ensures that the load is held securely in any operating situation. The load cannot drop. This is achieved by the arrangement of the brake directly in the power drive chain (red line). Thanks to regenerative braking which minimizes wear, the brake never requires adjustment.Improved safety and reliabilityDemag DC-Pro chain hoist A New Industrial StandardSensitive and fastDC-Pro units can be integrated into your work and production processes flexibly and precisely. While the high lifting speed guarantees fast and effective operation at a minimum of 6 ft/min, the slow lifting speed ensures that loads are placed gently and precisely.longer service life for greater efficiency.In practical terms, Demag means the service life is extended by approx. 20% in comparison with the conventional 2m classification for chain hoists FEM rating. This results in significantly prolonged time between serviceintervals and general overhauls. This extra operating life is only offered by the new Demag DC-Pro chain hoist.Speed detectionBrakeChain drive GearboxDriving Braking 4A great benefit offered by the new Demag DC-Pro chain hoist is simple commissioning. The pivoting suspension bracket and infinitely adjustable flange width of the U 11, U 22, U 34 and U 56 trolleys make the mechanical parts easy to install. The plug-in connections beneath the service cover and the power plugs, included in the scope of delivery, make the electrical parts simple to connect. This enables the DC-Pro to be ready for operation in a minimum of time.Integrated beneath the coverYou have quick access to all importantcomponents for service and commissioning beneath the service cover.n Storage for 10 ft (3 m) of pendant cablen Plug-in electrical connections for power cable, pendant cable, limit switches and trolley n Strain relief for power supply and trolley supply cables n Chain guidenChain lubricationPivoting service coverThe chain drive of the DC-Pro is designed as a compact unit which is slid into place and can be replaced in a minimum of time without the need to disassemble motor or gearbox parts. Long downtimes as a result of maintenance work are now a thing of the past.Commissioning/MaintenanceInternal diagnosticsService technicians can read the standard operating time counter or call up the relevant information on the operating status – from the outside via the display on the base of the chain hoist housing.Chain driveDiagnostic display 5The DCM-Pro Manulift was developed for handling loads quickly and safely with only one hand. The new DCM-Pro is based on the DC-Pro chain hoist and the DSM-C control unit which is connected to it by a helical cable. The control unit is rigidly connected to the load handling attachment for right and left-handed operation, the operator only needs one hand to operate the chain hoist and guide the load.Demag DCM-Pro Manulift:Safe, fast and ergonomic single-handed load handling at the workplaceThe quick-disconnect coupling enables a wide variety of load handling attachments to be changed with ease. All Manulift load handling attachments are fitted with a connecting pin with a swivel lock, which snaps into the quick-disconnect coupling. It can be easily removed by lifting the unlocking sleeve.Manulift units can travel on Demag KBK profile sections and I-beams, which enables them to be flexibly integrated into work and production processes.Versatile adaptability to any taskA variety of proven load handling attachments facilitate optimum and flexible adaptation of the “Manulift” chain hoist to meet your needs. They range from normal load hooks and various pantograph-type tongs to parallel gripper systems. The DCM-Pro Manulift can be used with s pecially developed load handling attachments. The universal coupling pin is used to connect customer-designed attachments. Itis provided with an M12 internal thread for connecting special load handling attachments.Manulift load handling attachments can also be connected to the DC-Pro chain hoist load hook by means of an adapter. The versatility and flexibility of the new Demag chain hoist provide for improved load handling efficiency at the workplace.1) 2m+ corresponds to 1900 hours at full load Demag DCM-Pro Manulift selection tableN o t l i a b l e f o r e r r o r s o r o m i s s i o n s . S u b j e c t t o c h a n g e .P r i n t e d i n t h e U .S .A .California 5435 Industrial Parkway • San Bernardino, California 92407 Telephone (909) 880-8800 • Fax (909) 880-4469Georgia 254 Lake Ruby Drive • Suwanee, Georgia 30024 Telephone (678) 546-0593 • Fax (678) 482-7653Illinois 11261 Kiley Drive • Huntley, Illinois 60142Telephone (847) 515-7030 • Fax (847) 515-7040Michigan 46545 Continental Drive • Chesterfield, Michigan 48047 Telephone (586) 949-6035 • Fax (586) 949-6038Missouri 3375 Hwy 185 • Washington, Missouri 63090 Telephone (636) 390-2495 • Fax (636)390-0366South BTC 560, Suite 150, 454 S. Anderson Road • Rock Hill, SC 29730 Carolina Telephone (803) 909-9000 • Fax (803) 909-9001Ohio 29201 Aurora Road • Cleveland, Ohio 44139 Telephone (440) 248-2400 • Fax (440) 248-3874Ontario 1155 North Service Road West, Unit 1 • Oakville, Ontario L6M 3E3Telephone (905) 825-5900 • Fax (905) 825-5901Quebec 3524, Rue Ashby • St-Laurent, Quebec H4R2C1Telephone (514) 336-5556 • Fax (514) 336-4349Texas 16430 Aldine-Westfield Road • Houston, Texas 77032 Telephone (281) 443-7331 • Fax (281) 443-7308Washington 704 - 228th Avenue NE • Sammamish, Washington 98074 Telephone (425) 883-4668 • Fax (425) 883-4828Demag Cranes & Components Corp.29201 Aurora Road Cleveland, Ohio 44139Telephone (440) 248-2400Fax (440) 0309 US/EN 229 309 49 701 IS 817Electric TrolleyThe E 11, E 22, E 34 and E 56 electric travel drives were specially developed for operation with the new DC-Pro chain hoist. This significantly extends the range of applications of this state-of-the-art hoist.The same travel drives can be adapted to the U 11 – U 34 trolleys. Particularly short approach dimensions can be achieved when the units aremounted in a vertical arrangement. Fast retro-fitting and commissioning offer further benefits as nochanges need to be made to the manual-travel trolleys.Manual TrolleyT he new U style manual trolley generation is available in four sizes for load capacities up to: 2425 lb (1100 kg) (U 11), 4850 lb(2200 kg) (U 22), 7500 lb (3400 kg) (U 34) and 12,125 lb (5600 kg) (U 56). The flange width can be infinitely adjusted and covers a range from 2.28 (58 mm) to 7.87 (200 mm), and7.91 (201 mm) to 12.20 (310 mm). This facilitates fast and simple installation.The travel rollers, made of high-strength and wear-resistant Polyamide, provide for smooth operation and low rolling resistance. Optional steel rollers are also available for special ambient conditions, e.g. high temperatures.Travel Trolleys。
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德马格电动葫芦中文说明书 零部件手册 20027045
![德马格电动葫芦中文说明书 零部件手册 20027045](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/afbbc64cbe1e650e52ea99c3.png)
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1. 承载能力电动式手拉葫芦的承载能力是选购时需要优先考虑的重要参数。
2. 起升高度和起升速度起升高度和起升速度也是选购电动式手拉葫芦时需要关注的参数。
3. 动力系统电动式手拉葫芦的动力系统对其性能有很大影响。
4. 控制方式电动式手拉葫芦的控制方式也是选购时需要注意的参数。
5. 安全保护安全保护是选购电动式手拉葫芦时非常重要的考虑因素。
6. 质量和品牌在选购电动式手拉葫芦时,质量和品牌也是重要的考虑因素。
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Technical dataDemag FDR-Bas rope hoistFDR-Bas 3 - 5 - 10 foot-mounted hoist121211 en CN203 735 44714 IS 813220373544_e n _121211 © D e m a g C r a n e s & C o m p o n e n t sContentsDesign overview3Explanation of size designations/type assignment 3Selection criteria 4Selection table 5FDR-Bas 3- 2/1, H12, H20, H30 foot-mounted hoist, m ounting p osition A 6- 4/1, H12, H20 foot-mounted hoist, m ounting p osition A 7- 4/1, H30 foot-mounted hoist, mounting position A8- 4/1, H12, H20, H30 foot-mounted hoist, m ounting p osition B 9FDR-Bas 5- 2/1, H12, H20, H30 foot-mounted hoist, m ounting p osition A 10- 4/1, H12, H20 foot-mounted hoist, m ounting p osition A 11- 4/1, H30 foot-mounted hoist, mounting position A12- 4/1, H12, H20, H30 foot-mounted hoist, m ounting p osition B 13FDR-Bas 10- 2/1, H12, H20, H30 foot-mounted hoist, m ounting p osition A 14- 4/1, H12, H20 foot-mounted hoist, m ounting p osition A 15- 4/1, H30 foot-mounted hoist, mounting position A16- 4/1, H12, H20, H30 foot-mounted hoist, m ounting p osition B 17DR 3 - 5 - 10 motor data with pole-changing hoist drives18320373544_e n _121211© D e m a g C r a n e s & C o m p o n e n t sDesign overviewExplanation of size designations/type assignment1) Code CC - with contactor controlNC - without contactor control420373544_e n _121211© D e m a g C r a n e s & C o m p o n e n t s Selection criteriaExampleLoad capacity 5 t Load spectrum “Medium” from table Lifting speed 6 m/min Creep lifting speed 1 m/min Reeving 4/1Average hook path 3 m No. of cycles/hour 20Working time/day 8 hoursThe average operating time per working day is estimated or calculated as follows:The size of the hoist is determined by the loadspectrum, average operating time per working day, load capacity and reeving.L o a d c a p a c i t yOperating time L o a d c a p a c i t yOperating timeL o a d c a p a c i t yOperating time Operating timeVery heavy dead loadSmall partial load Small dead loadLarge partial load Medium partial load Medium dead loadHeavy dead loadL o a d c a p a c i t y4 Very heavyHoist units which are usually subject to maximum or almost maximum loads.3 HeavyHoist units which are usually subject to medium loads but frequently to maximum loads.2 MediumHoist units which are usually subject to small loads but rather often to maximum loads.The load spectrum(in most cases estimated) can be evaluated ac-cording to the definitions below:1 LightHoist units which are usually subject to very small loads and in exceptional cases only to maximum loads. 1. What are the operating conditions?2. What is the specified safe working load?3. To what height must the load be lifted?4. What is the required lifting speed?5. Do the loads need to be lifted and lowered withgreat accuracy?6. Is horizontal load travel necessary?7.How is the hoist to be controlled?For the medium load spectrum and an average daily operating time of 2,66 hours, the table above shows group 2m. For a load capacity of 5 t and 4/1 rope reeving, the following table indicates hoist size DR-Bas 5 - 5.Operating time/day = 2 · average hook path · no. of cycles/hour · working time/day=60 · hoist speedOperating time/day =2 ·3 · 20 · 8= 2,66 hours60 · 6The group is determined by the load spectrum and operating time.Load spectrum Average operating time per working day in hours 1Light 2-44-88-16more than 163Heavy 0,5-11-22-44-84Very heavy0,25-0,50,5-11-22-4Group of mechanisms toFEM1Am 2m 3m 4m ISOM4M5M6M71) Gearbox service life 20 % higher than the FEM full-load service life520373544_e n _121211© D e m a g C r a n e s & C o m p o n e n t s Selection tableNote:If no specifications for the mounting position or rope lead-off are included in an order, mounting position A with rope lead-off 1 is supplied as standard.Range Group of mechanisms Load capacityHook pathLifting speed vLifting Motor sitzFEMISO[t][m][m/min]DR-Bas 32/1MH-Bas 112A1Am M4212; 20; 3010/1,62m M51,612/23mM61,254mM714/11Am M446; 10; 155/0,8MH-Bas 112A2m M53,26/13m M62,54mM72DR-Bas 52/11Am M43,212; 20; 3010/1,6MH-Bas 132A2m M52,512/23mM624mM71,64/11Am M46,36; 10; 155/0,8MH-Bas 132A2m M556/13m M644mM73,2DR-Bas 102/11Am M46,312; 20; 308/1,2MH-Bas 160A2m M5510/1,63mM644mM73,24/11Am M412,56; 10; 154/0,6MH-Bas 160A2m M5105/0,83m M684mM76,3620373544_e n _121211© D e m a g C r a n e s & C o m p o n e n ts FDR-Bas 3 - 2/1, H12, H20, H30 foot-mounted hoist, m ounting p osition A43414444.epsGroup of mechanisms to FEM/ISO 1Am/M4, 2m/M5, 3m/M6, 4m/M7Dimensions in mmC1240d2 2)180FDR-Bas 3 dimensions in mm1) Weight data including rope, motor and bottom block2) In root of grooveSee page 21 for motordimensions F, G and LRope drum H12H20H30Foot distance R 590,5815,51095,5Hook travel n2168280,5421Rope lead-off point at highest hook position m2/centre R144256,5396,5Main dimension l1, limit-switch side/centre R 367,0479,5619,5Main dimension l2, gearbox side/centre R 357,5470,0610,0Distance l3, bracket frame bore hole 6118361116Rope dia. D 7Pitch P 7,8Weight 1) [kg]227242266720373544_e n _121211© D e m a g C r a n e s & C o m p o n e n tsFDR-Bas 3 - 4/1, H12, H20 foot-mounted hoist, m ounting p osition A43414544.epsFDR-Bas 3 dimensions in mmRope drum H12H20Foot distance R 590,5815,5Hook travel n484140Rope lead-off point at highest hook position m4/centre R23135Main dimension l1, limit-switch side/centre R 367,0479,5Main dimension l2, gearbox side/centre R 357,5470,0Distance l3, bracket frame bore hole 611836Rope dia. D 7Pitch P 7,8Weight 1) [kg]246264Group of mechanisms to FEM/ISO 1Am/M4, 2m/M5, 3m/M6, 4m/M7Dimensions in mmC1240d2 2)1801) Weight data including rope, motor and bottom block 2) In root of grooveSee page 21 for motordimensions F, G and L820373544_e n _121211© D e m a g C r a n e s & C o m p o n e n ts FDR-Bas 3 - 4/1, H30 foot-mounted hoist, mounting position AFDR-Bas 3 dimensions in mmRope drum H30Foot distance R 1095,5Hook travel n4210Rope lead-off point at highest hook position m4/centre R 275,5Rope dia. D 7Pitch P 7,8Weight 1) [kg]295Group of mechanisms to FEM/ISO 1Am/M4, 2m/M5, 3m/M6, 4m/M7Dimensions in mmC1240d2 2)1801) Weight data including rope, motor and bottom block2) In root of grooveSee page 21 for motor dimensions F, G and L43414744.eps920373544_e n _121211© D e m a g C r a n e s & C o m p o n e n tsFDR-Bas 3 - 4/1, H12, H20, H30 foot-mounted hoist, m ounting p osition BFDR-Bas 3 dimensions in mmRope drum H12H20H30Foot distance R 590,5815,51095,5Hook travel n484140210Rope lead-off point at highest hook position m4/centre R23135275,5Main dimension l1, limit-switch side/centre R 367479,5619,5Main dimension l2, gearbox side/centre R 357,5470610,0Distance l3, bracket frame bore hole 6118361116Distance l4, bracket frame bore hole 5587831063Rope dia. D 7Pitch P 7,8Weight 1) [kg]246264295Group of mechanisms to FEM/ISO 1Am/M4, 2m/M5, 3m/M6, 4m/M7Dimensions in mmC1240d2 2)1801) Weight data including rope, motor and bottom block 2) In root of groove1020373544_e n _121211© D e m a g C r a n e s & C o m p o n e n ts FDR-Bas 5 - 2/1, H12, H20, H30 foot-mounted hoist, m ounting p osition A43413944.epsFDR-Bas 5 dimensions in mm1) Weight data including rope, motor and bottom block2) In root of grooveSee page 21 for motordimensions F, G and LRope drum H12H20H30Foot distance R 619,5854,51149,5Hook travel n2174291436Rope lead-off point at highest hook position m2/centre R151268416Main dimension l1, limit-switch side/centre R 381,5499646,5Main dimension l2, gearbox side/centre R 376493,5641Distance l3, bracket frame bore hole 6408751170Rope dia. D 9Pitch P 10Weight 1) [kg]351381439Group of mechanisms to FEM/ISO 1Am/M4, 2m/M5, 3m/M6, 4m/M7Dimensions in mmC1256d2 2)2251120373544_e n _121211© D e m a g C r a n e s & C o m p o n e n tsFDR-Bas 5 - 4/1, H12, H20 foot-mounted hoist, m ounting p osition AFDR-Bas 5 dimensions in mm1) Weight data including rope, motor and bottom block 2) In root of grooveSee page 21 for motordimensions F, G and LRope drum H12H20Foot distance R 619,5854,5Hook travel n487145,5Rope lead-off point at highest hook position m4/centre R37,8133Main dimension l1, limit-switch side/centre R 381,5499Main dimension l2, gearbox side/centre R 376493Distance l3, bracket frame bore hole 640875Rope dia. D 9Pitch P 10Weight 1) [kg]394429Group of mechanisms to FEM/ISO 1Am/m4, 2m/M5, 3m/M6, 4m/M7Dimensions in mmC1256,5d2 2)22583414044.eps1220373544_e n _121211© D e m a g C r a n e s & C o m p o n e n ts 43414244.epsFDR-Bas 5 - 4/1, H30 foot-mounted hoist, mounting position AFDR-Bas 5 dimensions in mmGroup of mechanisms to FEM/ISO 1Am/M4, 2m/M5, 3m/M6, 4m/M7Dimensions in mmC1256,5d2 2)2251) Weight data including rope, motor and bottom block2) In root of grooveSee page 21 for motor dimensions F, G and LRope drum H30Foot distance R 1149,5Hook travel n4218Rope lead-off point at highest hook position m4/centre R276Main dimension l1, limit-switch side/centre R 646,5Main dimension l2, gearbox side/centre R 641Rope dia. D 9Pitch P 10Weight 1) [kg]4961320373544_e n _121211© D e m a g C r a n e s & C o m p o n e n tsFDR-Bas 5 - 4/1, H12, H20, H30 foot-mounted hoist, m ounting p osition BFDR-Bas 5 dimensions in mm1) Weight data including rope, motor and bottom block 2) In root of grooveRope drum H12H20H20Foot distance R 619,5854,51149,5Hook travel n487145,5218,5Rope lead-off point at highest hook position m4/centre R37,8133276Main dimension l1, limit-switch side/centre R 381,5499646,5Main dimension l2, gearbox side/centre R 376493,5641Distance l3, bracket frame bore hole 6408751170Distance l4, bracket frame bore hole 5788131108Rope dia. D 9Pitch P 10Weight 1) [kg]399429496Group of mechanisms to FEM/ISO 1Am/M4, 2m/M5, 3m/M6, 4m/M7Dimensions in mmC1256,5d2 2)2251420373544_e n _121211© D e m a g C r a n e s & C o m p o n e n ts FDR-Bas 10 - 2/1, H12, H20, H30 foot-mounted hoist, m ounting p osition A43413544.epsFDR-Bas 10 dimensions in mmGroup of mechanisms to FEM/ISO 1Am/M4, 2m/M5, 3m/M6, 4m/M7Dimensions in mmC1452d2 2)3151) Weight data including rope, motor and bottom block2) In root of grooveSee page 21 for motordimensions F, G and LRope drum H12H20H30Foot distance R 76910291359Hook travel n2195325488Rope lead-off point at highest hook position m2/centre R162,5292,5457,5Main dimension l1, limit-switch side/centre R 473,5603,5768,5Main dimension l2, gearbox side/centre R 471,5601,5766,5Distance l3, bracket frame bore hole 79510551385Rope dia. D 13Pitch P 14Weight 1) [kg]5976427001520373544_e n _121211© D e m a g C r a n e s & C o m p o n e n tsFDR-Bas 10 - 4/1, H12, H20 foot-mounted hoist, m ounting p osition A43413644.epsFDR-Bas 10 dimensions in mm1) Weight data including rope, motor and bottom block 2) In root of grooveSee page 21 for motordimensions F, G and LGroup of mechanisms to FEM/ISO 1Am/M4, 2m/M5, 3m/M6, 4m/M7Dimensions in mmC1343d2 2)315Rope drum H12H20Foot distance R 7691029Hook travel n497,5162,5Rope lead-off point at highest hook position m4/centre R33163,5Main dimension l1, limit-switch side/centre R 473,5603,5Main dimension l2, gearbox side/centre R 471,5601,5Distance l3, bracket frame bore hole 7951055Rope dia. D 13Pitch P 14Weight 1) [kg]7227801620373544_e n _121211© D e m a g C r a n e s & C o m p o n e n ts FDR-Bas 10 - 4/1, H30 foot-mounted hoist, mounting position A43413844.epsFDR-Bas 10 dimensions in mm1) Weight data including rope, motor and bottom block2) In root of grooveSee page 21 for motor dimensions F, G and LGroup of mechanisms to FEM/ISO 1Am/M4, 2m/M5, 3m/M6, 4m/M7Dimensions in mmC1343d2 2)315Rope drum H30Foot distance R 1359Hook travel n4244Rope lead-off point at highest hook position m4/centre R325Main dimension l1, limit-switch side/centre R 768,5Main dimension l2, gearbox side/centre R 766,5Rope dia. D 13Pitch P 14Weight 1) [kg]7001720373544_e n _121211© D e m a g C r a n e s & C o m p o n e n tsFDR-Bas 10 - 4/1, H12, H20, H30 foot-mounted hoist, m ounting p osition BFDR-Bas 10 dimensions in mm1) Weight data including rope, motor and bottom block 2) In root of grooveGroup of mechanisms to FEM/ISO1Am/M4, 2m/M5, 3m/M6, 4m/M7Dimensions in mmC1343d2 2)315Rope drum H12H20H30Foot distance R 76910291359Hook travel n497,5162,5244Rope lead-off point at highest hook position m4/centre R33163,5325Main dimension l1, limit-switch side/centre R 473,5603,5768,5Main dimension l2, gearbox side/centre R 471,5601,5766,5Distance l3, bracket frame bore hole 79510551385Distance l4, bracket frame bore hole 6939231253Rope dia. D 13Pitch P 14Weight 1) [kg]7227808531820373544_e n _121211© D e m a g C r a n e s & C o m p o n e n t s DR 3 - 5 - 10 motor data with pole-changing hoist drivesDesign is in accordance with the VDE regulations and the FEM design rules to meet the high demands made on electric hoists.FDR-Bas 3: Main/creep lifting F6Motor sizeNo. of polesLifting speedPNCDFnStarts/hRated current IN and start-up current I Afor 50 Hz 380 - 415 V cos cos[kW]%[rpm]I N [A]I A [A]φN φA MH-Bas 112A - 12/21210/1,6;12/2;5/0,8; 6/10,6204501604,69,20,360,4823,7402790807,947,10,940,87Required supply cable conductor cross sections and fuse linksMotor sitzMains connection delay fusefor 50 Hz 1)Supply lines 2) for 5% voltage drop ∆U and start-up current I A for 50 Hz380 V 380 V (∆U 20 V)[A][mm²][m]MH-Bas 112A - 12/232454MH-Bas 132A - 12/2 32653MH-Bas 160A - 12/250636Motor sizeNo. of polesLifting speedPNCDFnStarts/hRated current IN and start-up current I Afor 50 Hz 380 - 415 V cos cos[kW]%[rpm]I N [A]I A [A]φN φA MH-Bas 132A - 12/21210/1,6;12/2;5/0,8; 6/11,0204651607,717,400,350,5425,84028208011,974,730,930,81FDR-Bas 5: Main/creep lifting F6Motor sizeNo. of polesLifting speedPNCDFnStarts/hRated current IN and start-up current I Afor 50 Hz 380 - 415 V cos cos[kW]%[rpm]I N [A]I A [A]φN φA MH-Bas 160A - 12/2128,0/1,310/1,64,4/0,65/0,81,62046516012,528,50,310,4729,84028208021,5130,010,810,76FDR-Bas 10: Main/creep lifting F61) Fuse links also apply in conjunction with a cross-travel motor.2) The lengths of the supply lines are calculated on the basis of an earth-loop impedance of 200 m Ω.1920373544_e n _121211 © D e m a g C r a n e s & C o m p o n e n t sMotor dimensionsHoist motor sizeMH-Bas 112A - 12/2MH-Bas 132A - 12/2MH-Bas 160A - 12/2Dimensions in [mm]F109,2119,7148,7G 109,2119,7148,7L439514,5533Motor weight [kg]557690Required cross-section =Known cross-section · required length= 4 mm² · 70 m= 5,2 mm²Known cable length54 mselected cross-section = 6 mm²Modification of conductor c ross-sectionsExample for calculating the cross-sections Q of the conductors of cables exceed-ing the length indicated in the table:The current addresses of the sales offices and the regional subsidiaries and agencies worldwide can be found on the Demag Cranes & Components homepage at/ContactDemag Cranes & Components (Shanghai) Co., Ltd125 Ye Zhuang Road, European Industrial ZoneZhuanghang Town, Fengxian DistrictShanghai 201415, P.R. ChinaTelephone (86-21)3718 2222 · Telefax (86-21)5756 4558E-mail: info@Reproduction in whole or in part only with prior consent of Demag Cranes & Components No liability for errors or omissions. Subject to change.。