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a. 单一价格;不二价:one price

b. 价格条件:price terms

c. 净值:net price

d. 讨价还价:bargain

e. 最高价:top price

f. 货币:currency

g. 价格偏低:on the low side

h. 市场价:market price

i. 价格标签,价格条:price tag

j. 离岸价:FOB price

k. 现行价:current price

l. 底价:floor price

m. 让价:better the price

n. 卖方开价:ask price

o. 卖方报价:asking price



b. terms of shipment装运条件

c. prepare goods备货

d. load装货

e. unload卸货

f. board木板,板,船舷

g. on board在船(或车、飞机)上

h. steamer轮船

i. space of a steamer舱位

j. shipping department运输部门

k liner班轮,班机

l. book up(票、车位、舱位等)订完

m. transship转运

n. transshipment转载

o. Force Majeure人力不可抗力

p. European Main Ports --EMPs欧洲主要口岸

q. vessel船;飞船;飞机

r. the first available vessel第一艘可订到的船

s. call at停泊

t. duly 按期地,按时的



b. 中性包装:neutral packing

c. 吸塑包装:skin packing

d. 挂式包装:hanging packing

e. 唛头:shipping mark

f. 无牌的包装:unlabeled packing

g. 散装:in bulk

h. 裸装:nude packing

i. 整批包装:bulk pack

j. 零售包装:consumer pack

k. 大包装:large packing

l. 外包装:outer packaging

m. 散货包装:bulk packaging

n. 热缩包装:shrunk packaging

o. 组合包装:combination packaging p. 复合包装:composite packaging q. 销售包装:distribution packaging r. 软包装:flexible packaging

s. 材线包装:wire packaging

t. 单件包装:unit packaging

u. 塑料包装:plastic packaging

v. 防锈包装:rust preventive packaging w. 油品包装:oil packaging

x. 内包装:inner packaging

y. 简易包装:pre-packaging

z. 密集封装:dense packaging

aa. 特殊包装:special packaging

bb. 麻袋:jute bag

cc. 塑料袋:polyethylene bag, plastic bag

dd. 尼龙绳网袋:polyethylene net

ee. 拉链袋:zippered bag

ff. 木箱:wooden case

gg. 纸箱:carton

hh. 集装箱:container

ii. 纤维板箱:fiber board case



b. metric ton公吨

c. long ton长吨

d. short ton短吨

e. kilogram, kilo, kg公斤

f. pound, lb磅

g. ounce, oz盎司

h. number个数

i. piece件

l. pair双

m. dozen打

n. ream令

o. set套

p. length长度

q. area面积

r. volume体积

s. cubic meter立方米

t. capacity容积

u. litre升

v. gallon加仑

w. bushel蒲式耳

x. metric system公制

y. British system英制

z. U.S.System美制

aa. gross weight毛重

bb. net weight净重

cc. shipping weight装运重量dd. landed weight卸货重量ee. theoretical weight理论重量
