




◆(2016·北京高考单项填空)I live next door to a couple whose children often make a lot of noise.


◆(2015·福建高考单项填空)China Today attracts a worldwide readership, which shows that more and more people all over the world want to learn about China.


◆As is often the case with children, Amy was better by the time the doctor arrived.


(1)whom, which, that在从句中作宾语时可省略;但介词提前时不能省略,也不能用that;

(2)as用在限制性定语从句中时,先行词必须有such, so, as或the same等修饰,且as 在从句中作宾语时不能省略。


1.(2016·四川高考)I prefer to work in black and white, ____________ allows me to show different specific worlds more clearly.


2.(2015·江苏高考单项填空)The number of smokers,____________ is reported, has dropped by 17 percent in just one year.


3.(2015·四川高考单项填空)The books on the desk, ____________ covers are shiny, are prizes for us.



the weather may be better.


◆(福建高考)Students should involve themselves in community activities where they can gain experience for growth.学生们应该参与社团活动,在这些活动中他们可以获得成长的经验。

◆Is this the reason why he refused our offer?



(1)当先行词是way时,若定语从句中不缺少主语、宾语或表语,即way在从句中作状语时,则从句用in which或that引导,引导词也可省略。



1.(2015·北京高考单项填空)Opposite is St. Paul’s Church, ____________you can hear some lovely music.


2.(2015·陕西高考)As the smallest child of his family, Alex is always longing for the time ____________ he should be able to be independent.


3.(2015·天津高考单项填空)The boss of the company is trying to create an easy atmosphere ____________ his employees enjoy their work.




◆(2015·安徽高考单项填空)Some experts think reading is the fundamental skill upon which school education depends.


◆(大纲全国卷)September 30 is the day by which you must pay your bill.



◆(2016·浙江高考单项填空)Scientists have advanced many theories about why human beings cry tears, none of which has been proved.


◆(2016·江苏高考单项填空)Many young people, most of whom were well-educated, headed for remote regions to chase their dreams.


“名词+of which/whom”结构常可替换成“whose+名词”。

◆(江苏高考)The newly-built café,the walls of which (=whose walls) are painted light

green, is really a peaceful place for us, especially after hard work.




(2)准确判断先行词在从句中的成分(主、宾、定、表、状), 才能正确选择出关系代词或关系副词。如果先行词在从句中作主语、宾语、定语,选择关系代词(which, that, who, whom, whose);如果先行词在从句中作状语,选择关系副词(when, where, why)。熟练掌握每个关系词的用法是解题的关键。另外,还应考虑特殊情况:只用that的情况、只用which的情况、as引导的定语从句等。


1.(天津高考) English is a language shared by several diverse cultures,each of _____________ uses it differently.


2.She showed the visitors around the museum, the construction of ____________ had taken more than three years.


3.The children, all of ____________ had played the whole day long, were worn out.



1.(2017·浙江东阳二中调研)The book tells stories of the earthquake through the eyes of those ____________ lives were affected.


2.(2017·河北唐山一模)Then I noticed an elderly lady walking with difficulty in front of me, ____________ seemed in her 80s.


3.(2017·山东济宁模拟)This means people can check out the pictures ____________ appear in the brains of animals such as insects, birds, and fish.


4.(2017·江苏泰州一中模拟)Those who can achieve high grades in class tend to be weak in

handling some practical problems, ____________ is often the case.


5.(2017·山西师大附中月考)Scientists have searched for a long time for a reason ____________ so many bees are disappearing.


6.(2017·安徽黄山一模)Cultural shock is a feeling ____________ most travelers experience in a foreign country____________ they find the culture is quite different from that of their own.

答案:which/that where

7.Some think it is convenient to get in touch with others with the cellphone, ____________ also makes them feel safe especially in time of trouble.


8.The baby,____________ health was ruined after taking the medicine, was only one year old.


9.—When did you know Mr. Wang?

—It was last month ____________ he was knocked down by a motorbike.


10.That evening, ____________ I will tell you more about later, I ended up working very late.



1.(2017·山西四校联考)Julie enjoyed reading when young. She grew up in a key middle school in her city, which her parents both taught Chinese.________________


2.(2017·四川宜宾一诊)The results of the experiment proved to be very good, that was more than we expected.________________


3.Tibet is such a place that all the people across the world are dreaming of visiting.________________


4.In our class there are 46 students, half of them wear glasses.________________


5.Happiness and success often come to those whom are good at recognizing their own strengths.________________



(2017·东北三省四市教研联合体一模)The choices people make can cause cancer. Not everyone who 1.____________(use) tobacco products will get cancer, but the chance of getting certain 2.____________ (type) of cancer increases with tobacco use. The research 3.____________ (show) us that the constant misuse or overuse of alcohol may cause cancer of the mouth and throat as well recently.

Sometimes cancer can be caused by radiation 4.____________ (find) in sunlight and X-rays, in addition 5.____________ other places. This doesn’t mean you should stop getting X-rays or stay indoors, but limiting your 6.____________ (expose) to radiation can reduce the chances of developing cancer. The X-rays you get at 7.____________ doctor’s or dentist’s are not enough 8.____________ (cause) cancer.

And sometimes, the reason 9.____________ someone gets cancer is simply an unfortunate mystery. Some cells in the body may start to increase and change. Doctors and researchers can see it happening, 10.____________ they cannot provide a description of why it starts.




2.解析:考查名词复数。certain 前没有冠词,且type为可数名词,certain types of cancer 意为“某些种类的癌症”,故填types。


3.解析:考查动词的时态和主谓一致。主语“research”与“show”是主谓关系,又由时间状语“recently”可知应用现在完成时,主语为单数,故用has shown。

答案:has shown



5.解析:考查固定短语。in addition to“此外”。故填to。




7.解析:考查冠词。the doctor’s指诊所,因此此处用定冠词the。


8.解析:考查动词不定式。根据enough to do sth.的固定用法可知,此处应用动词不定


答案:to cause

9.解析:考查定语从句。句意:有时,某人得癌症的原因确实是一个不幸的谜。本处先行词为the reason,定语从句中缺原因状语,故用关系副词why。





(2017·山东潍坊模拟) Last weekend, I went to visit my grandparents with Dad. On way back, we met so much red lights that Dad shut down the engine to save gas. Unfortunate, when the lights turn green, Dad couldn’t start the car again. Stuck on the traffic, we didn’t know what to do.

Just then, a car stopped on the right side, and the driver was offered to help push our car to the roadside. We were so grateful. With his car preventing other car passing, he and I pushed his car aside as Dad controlled the wheel in the car.

Dad thanked the driver but soon Dad’s friends came to our rescue, restart our car with new batteries.


Last weekend, I went to visit my grandparents with Dad. On ∧


way back, we met so


many red lights that Dad shut down the engine to save gas.


Unfortunately,when the lights


turned green, Dad couldn’t start the car again. Stuck on

in the traffic, we didn’t know what to do.

Just then, a car stopped on the right side, and the driver was

\offered to help push our car to

the roadside. We were so grateful. With his car preventing other car

cars passing, he and I pushed


our car aside as Dad controlled the wheel in the car.

Dad thanked the driver but

and soon Dad’s friends came to our rescue,


restarting our car with

new batteries.


用合并句子法讲解定语从句 定语从句是高中英语教学中重要的语法部分,同时也是为下一步学好其他从句(名词性从句)打好基础。但在实际英语教学中,学生因为对英语句子成分没有清晰的概念,所以导致对定语从句知其然而不知其所以然。在教授定语从句时,应先从句子成分入手,使学生先了解什么是定语,然后在利用合并句子的方式解析定语从句是如何构成的,并引出引导词的使用方法。 一、什么是定语 句子中修饰名词或代词的成分叫做定语。定语可以由形容词,名词,不定式,分词,动名词或从句来充当。 eg: I bought an (expensive) computer. (形容词) I met someone( funny) on my way to school. (形容词)(修饰不定代词的定语后置) she is an( English) teacher. (名词) I have a lot of work( to do). (不定式) The book( written by Tom) is very popular now. (过去分词短语) We can see the (rising) sun. (现在分词)= the sun is rising. He is in the( reading) room. (动名词) = the room for reading The boy (who broke the window)is Tom’s brother. (从句) 二、定语从句 两个术语:先行词,关系词 先行词:被修饰的名词、名词词组或代词 关系词(关系代词或关系副词):连接先行词与定语从句的词。 关系代词有:who, whom, whose, that, which等;关系副词有:when, where, why等; 1、关系词在定语从句中充当主语 先行词为人时 (1)两个单句为The boys are from Class One. The boys are playing football. (2)第一句为主句,第二句为从句,将两个单句合并为一句。 The boys(the boys are playing football)are from Class One. (3) 括号中句子里的主语the boys, 和先行词是同一个词,应该用关系词替换从句中重复 的the boys. The boys 在从句中作主语,关系词中能作主语并代表人的是who, that The boys(who\that are playing football)are from Class One. (4) who\that==the boys, 在定语从句中做主语的成分,并连接先行词和定语从句。 先行词为物时 (1)I found the letter. The letter came yesterday. (2)I found The letter( the letter came yesterday). (3)用关系词替换从句中重复的the letter, 关系词中能作主语并代表物的是which, that I found The letter(which\that came yesterday). (4)which\that==the letter, 在定语从句中做主语的成分,并连接先行词和定语从句。 2. 关系词在定语从句中充当宾语 先行词为人时 (1)The man is my friend. You met the man just now


第二讲 Part 1 定语及定语从句 强化练习 1 判断下面划线部分是否充当定语。 1.I don’t like lazy people. 2.The boy in worn-out clothes is clever. 3.The boy is standing under the tree. 4.I know the boy under the tree. 5.The student who is elected monitor is usually very capable. 6.I don’t know who was elected monitor. 强化练习 2 下列定语从句中先行词的划分是否正确。 1.I will never forget the days which we spent together. 2.The boy who is sitting in the classroom needs a pen. 3. A dictionary is a tool which is of great importance in learning languages. 4.I know a place which is famous for its beautiful natural scenery. 5.The woman who I often visit is Tom’s mother. 强化练习 3 判断下面一段话中有几个定语从句。 I’m talking about friends who care deeply about each other, who support each other, who make life worth living. I’ m talking about friends who you can share almost everything with. A. 1个 B. 2个 C. 3个 D. 4个 Part 2 关系代词 强化练习 1 下列句子中的关系代词可省略的有哪些。(多选) A. These are some questions which I want to ask you. B. The man who I phoned spoke Spanish.


定语从句讲解 1.注意英汉差异:汉语的定语无论多长都放在被修饰词的前面,而英语中的定语则不然,是一个词时,放在被修饰词的前面,如: ①.a beautiful girl ②.a lovely boy 是两个以上的词组、短语或从句则放在被修饰词的后面,如: ③.She is the girl in red. 她就是穿红衣的女孩。 ④.The lady carried a bag full of money. 那位女士背了个装满钱的包。 ⑤.He is the man who you are looking for. 她就是你在找的人。 2.分清主句与从句,看究竟哪个句子缺少成分。 如上面第5: 主句:He is the man 从句:who you are looking for 在从句中,looking for 的宾语是the man.因此选用关系代词who(whom)放置于句首,便是定语从句。3.从句中做宾语的关系代词可以省略, 故第5题可以写成: He is the man you are looking for. 1、功能:相当于形容词,修饰名词或代词,在句中作定语 2、位置:定语从句置于被修饰词之后 Those who are willing to attend the party, sign here please. 3、先行词:被定语从句修饰的词称为先行词 (1)先行词一般是名词和不定代词,如:some-, any-, every-和no与-boy, -thing的合成词;或all、none、any、some、that、those等代词。数词也可以作先行词,人称代词也同样可作先行词。 (2)先行词与关系词是等量关系。必须注意两点: ①先行词在从句中作主语时,从句谓语动词的数由先行词而定。 This is the place which is worth visiting. ②关系词在从句句子中充当了成分,其意思就是先行词的意义,所以在从句中不能重复其意。 There are many places we can visit(them)in China. 4、关系词:引导定语从句的都称关系词 关系代词:who, whom, which, that, whose, as. 关系副词:when, where, why. (that偶尔也作关系副词。) 5、确定关系词的步骤 (1)先找关系词,看先行词指的是什么。 (2)看关系词在从句中所充当的成分。 6、在定语从句中,当先行词指物时,下列情况的关系词宜用that而不用which (1)先行词被①形容词最高级②序数词③数词几种词修饰或被④only、any、few、little、no、all、one of等修饰时。 (2)先行词为all、much、little、none、few、one、something、anything等不定代词时。 (3)先行词中既有人又有物时。 He was looking pleasantly at te children and parcels that filled his bus. (4)先行词在主句中作表语关系词在从句中作表语时。 The village is no longer the one that was 5 years ago. (5)当主句中含有疑问词which时。 Which are the books that you bought for me ?


第二讲定语从句 定语从句(Ⅰ) 1、定义及相关术语 1. 定义:修饰某一____或____的从句叫定语从句。定语从句一般紧跟在它所修饰的_____之后。 2. 先行词:被_______修饰的词叫先行词。 3. 关系词:引导定语从句的词叫关系词。 关系词有关系代词和关系副词。关系代词有that ,which ,who ,whom, whose ,as等;在句中充当____ ____ ___和____.关系副词有when ,where ,why 等,在句中充当____. 关系词通常有三个作用:(1)______:关系代词引导定语从句,把从句和主句连接起来;(2)______:关系代词在从句中替代它前面的先行词;(3)______: 关系代词在从句中总是充当句子成分。 2、关系代词引导的定语从句 1. who指_____,在定语从句中作________。 2.whom指_____,在定语从句中作宾语,可省略。 3. which指______,在定语从句中作________,作宾语时常可省略。 4.that指____时,相当于who或whom ; 指____时,相当于which ,在定语从句作_____。作宾语时,可省略。 5. whose通常指____,也可指______,在定语从句中作_______。即“人的或物的”,表示“______关系” The boys_____ are playing football are from Class One. Li Ming is just the boy _______ I want to see They planted some trees ______ didn’t need much water. The fish _____ we bought this morning were not fresh . I once lived in a room ____ window faces south The child _______ parents were killed in the air crash is now living with his aunt . 1)who 与whom 的区别与联系 关系代词whom 在口语或非正式文体中常可用who来代替,也可省略。The man ___________you met just now is my old friend . 当动词短语中的介词提在关系词前时,只用whom 不用who The student ____our teacher is talking to is our monitor. . The student to___ our teacher is talking is our monitor. 2 ) whose 指物时,常用下列结构来代替:whose +n == the +n +of which == of which +the +n Do you like the book _____ cover is yellow? Do you like the book the


定语从句语法专题(Attributive Clauses)教案一.定语从句的概述: 1.定语从句:在复合句中,修饰某一名词或代词的从句叫定语从句。在句中做定语,被 修饰的名词或代词,叫做先行词。从句通常放在先行词之后,由关系词(关系代词或关系副词)引导。其作用是作定语修饰主句的某个名词性成分,相当于形容词,所以又称为形容词性从句,一般紧跟在它所修饰的先行词后面。 eg She is the girl(who got the first prize.) girl先行词who充当从句主语,从句做定语修饰girl This is the boy who broke the window. 这就是打破窗子的孩子。 the boy是先行词,who broke the window是限制性定语从句,明确指出the boy是打破窗子的那个孩子,who 在从句中充当主语 That is the house where he lived ten years ago. He is the man who/that lives next door. He is the manwhoI want to see. 先行词关系词定语从句 复合句:是由一个主句和一个或一个以上的从句构成的句子,复合句中的主句和从句 都具有完整的的主语和谓语,主句是复合句的主体,可以独立存在,从句需要有一个连 词引导,是修饰说明主句的,不能独立存在,根据在句中的不同作用,从句可以分为三 类:定语从句,名词性从句,状语从句。 二.引导定语从句的关系词有两大类: 1. 关系词:引导定语从句的关联词称为关系词,关系词有关系代词和关系副词。 关系代词:that, who, whom, whose, which,as(主,宾,定) 关系副词:when, where, why.(状语) 2. 关系词的作用: (1)引导定语从句,在先行词和定语从句之间起连接作用; (2)代替先行词在句中充当成分。 三.定语从句的分类: 限制性定语从句 非限制性定语从句 1.限定性定语从句:限制性定语从句是先行词在意义上不可缺少的定语,如果去 掉,主句的意思就不完整或者失去意义。从句和主句的关系 十分密切,不可用逗号隔开,也不可省略。


语法填空?练习(2) 用所给词的适当形式填空 1. (2017·湖南六校联考)Learning it is like _______ (climb)a mountain. 2. (2017·盘锦一模)She said I just wanted good grades, but I didn’t put enough effort into _______ (get)them. 3. (2017·衡水中学二模)I knew she needed my help, and her smile was enough _______ (make)my day. 4. (2017·哈尔滨二模) _______ (face)with many problems while chasing his dream, he often sleeps in homeless shelters and even a public bathroom. 5. (2017·钦州一模)But in China, smiling is not only an expression of happiness, but also a way to avoid _______ (be)embarrassed. 6. (2017·重庆一模)People do have different ideas about what _______ (wear). 7. (2017·临汾三模)Almost every Chinese student is made _______ (recite)classical Chinese poems during their primary and middle school, even kindergarten days. 8. Instead of _______ (ask)the participants to simply recite, the TV show tests their profound understanding and rich knowledge of classical poetry as well as quick responses. 9. (2017·山东师大附中一模)The teahouse recreates the character of old Beijing, which makes it a must for foreigners, who, from around the world, come to China _______ (appreciate)Beijing Opera, drama and other Beijing folk art, as well as drink tea. 10. (2017·南昌一模)So when my friends invited me _______ (go)for a long weekend


初中英语分类练习 ——定语从句 【复习目标】 ▲掌握定语从句的意义及作用。 ▲区别各类引导词。 【课前准备】 ●要求学生用定语从句造五个句子。 【知识要点】 在复合句中,修饰名词或代词的从句叫定语从句,被修饰的名词或代词叫先行词,引导定语从句的有关系代词who, whom, whose, which, that等和关系副词where, when, why等,关系代词和关系副词在定语从句中担任句子成份。 1.由who引导的定语从句中,who用作主语,如:This is the boy who often helps me. 2.由whom引导的定语从句中,whom用作宾语,如:The man whom you are waiting for has gone home. 3.由whose引导的定语从句中,whose用作定语,如:Do you know the girl whose skirt is white? 4.由which引导的定语从句中,which用作主语或谓语动词的宾语或介词的宾语,如: The room in which there is a machine is a work shop. The river which is in front of my house is very clean. 实用文档

This is the pen which you want. 注意: (1)whom, which用作介词宾语时,介词可放在whom、which之前,也可放在从句原来的位置上;但在含有介词的动词固定词组中,介词只能放在原来的位置上。如:He is the very person whom we must take good care of. (2)引导非限制性定语从句时,必须用关系代词which,不用that,如:I have lost my bag, which I like very much. (3)关系代词在句中作主语时,从句的谓语动词的人称和数必须和先行词保持一致。 5.由that引导的定语从句中,that可以指人或物,在从句中作主语或谓语动词的宾语,但不能放在介词后面作介词宾语,如: The book that I bought yesterday was written by Lu Xun. 注意在下面几种情况下必须用that引导定语从句。 (1)先行词是不定代词all, few, little, much, something, nothing, anything等,如: All that we have to do is to practise English. (2)先行词被序数词或形容词最高级所修饰,如 The first letter that I got from him will be kept. (3)先行词被all, any, every, each, few, little, no, some等修饰,如 I've eaten up all the food that you gave me. 实用文档


定语从句详解 Prepared on 24 November 2020

定语从句(AttributiveClauses) 一:定义 (AttributiveClauses):在复合句中,由关系词(关系代词或关系副词)引导的,用作定语来修饰主句的某个名词或代词(先行词)或者整个句子的形容词性从句(定语从句),一般紧跟在它所修饰的先行词后面。 定语从句三要素:先行词,关系词和从句 1)先行词:被定语从句修饰的词 2)关系词:引导定语从句,代替先行词在从句中充当成分的词 3)从句:既然为句,就有人称,时态,数的变化。 二:关系词:关系代词和关系副词 关系代词:who(指人),whom,whose,that,which,as;在从句中做主语,宾语,或定语,指人或物 关系副词:when(时间),where(地点),why(原因);在从句中依次做时间,地点,原因状语,可以用介词(in,on,for,during等)+ which替换★补充1:人称代词:指直接指代人或者事物的代词 ★补充2:物主代词:表示所有关系的代词叫做物主代词,也叫人称代词的所有格

★归纳表格(1)—关系代词 ★归纳表格(2)—关系代词 ★归纳表格(3)—关系代词 ★归纳表格(4)—关系副词

3:具体用法及实例 关系代词 1)Who:who在从句中主要作主语,在非正式语体里who还可以作从句中的宾语,但不能放在介词后 (1)主语 分解:The man is a teacher. The man is speaking in the classroom. 合并:The man who is speaking in the classroom is a teacher (2)宾语 分解:The man is my friend. You met the man in the street just now. 合并:The man who(whom)you met in the street just now(可后置) is my friend. (3)概括 He is the man who wants to see you. He is the man who I saw in the park yesterday. 2)Whom:在从句中作宾语,可放在介词后 (1)宾语 分解:The woman is a doctor. They want to visit the woman. 合并: The woman whom they wanted to visit is a doctor. (2)概括 He is the man (whom) I saw in the park yesterday. 小结:Who whom 都可在定语从句中充当宾语成分,但whom作为宾语,较为正式;而who作为宾语使用时,常用语非正式语中;二者若同时出现而且充当相 同成分,whom优先。 3)Whose:用来指人或物,(只能用作定语,若指物,相当于名词所有格,可以同of which互换)。 (1)定语 分解:The teacher praised Lilei. His English is the best in our class.

第二讲 第一节考点三复合句

板块三句法提升表达升级 第二讲复合句 第一节定语从句 考点三定语从句与其他从句的区分 1.非限制性定语从句和并列句 I have three cars, none of which is in good condition.(定语从句) 我有三辆汽车,没有一辆车是好的。 I have three cars, but none of them is in good condition. (并列句) 我有三辆汽车,但是没有一辆车是好的。 2.定语从句与同位语从句 The suggestion that he came up with is practical.(定语从句中,that在从句中充当宾语可省略)他提出来的建议是可行的。 He gave me a suggestion that we should read aloud every morning.(同位语从句,that在从句 中不作成分,但不可省略) 他给我一个建议就是每天早上都要大声朗读。 3.非限制性定语从句与主、表语从句 (1)It be done(reported/said/suggested等)+that从句 that从句是主语从句,it作形式主语“据说(报道、建议等)” It is required in the regulations that you should not tell other people the password of your e-mail account.(主语从句) 据规章要求你不应该把你电子邮件账户的密码告诉别人。 (2)What be done(reported/said/suggested等)is(was)that从句 what引导主语从句;that引导表语从句“所(报道、建议)的是……” What is required in the regulations is that you should not tell other people the password of your e-mail account.(表语从句) 规章所要求的是你不应该把你电子邮件账户的密码告诉别人。 (3)As be done(reported/said/suggested等),主句As引导非限制性定语从句“正如所(报道、建议)的那样,……” As is required in the regulations, you should not tell other people the password of your e-mail account.(非限制性定语从句) 正如规则要求的一样,你不应该把你电子邮件账户的密码告诉别人。


内容 基本要求 定语从句 (一) 1. 定义 2. 关系代词和关系副词 新概念二 第20课 动名词 定语从句 定语从句在句中做定语,修饰一个名词或代词,被修饰的名词词组或代词即先行词。定语从句通常出现在先行词之后,由关系词(关系代词或关系副词)引出。定语从句分为限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句。 关系代词有:who, whom, whose, that, which, as 等。 关系副词有:when, where, why 等。 如:The girl (that) we saw yesterday is Jim’s sister. 我们昨天看到的那个女孩是吉姆的姐姐。 The fish (which) we bought yesterday were not fresh. 昨天我们买的那条鱼不新鲜。 1. 关系代词引导的限制性定语从句 关系代词所代替的先行词是人或物的名词或代词,并在句中充当主语、宾语、定语等成分。关系代词在定语从句中作主语时,从句谓语动词的人称和数要和先行词保持一致。 1)who, whom, that 这些词代替的先行词是人的名词或代词,在从句中作主语和宾语。 如:Is he the man who/that wants to see you? 他就是想见你的人吗?(who/that 在从句中作主语) 2)whose 用来指人或物,(只用作定语, 若指物,它还可以同of which/of whom 互换) 如:They rushed over to help the man whose car had broken down. 那人车坏了,大家都跑过去帮忙。 Please pass me the book whose (of which the ) cover is green. 请递给我那本绿皮的书。 3)which, that 所代替的先行词是事物的名词或代词,在从句中可作主语、宾语等。 如:The package (which / that )you are carrying is about to come unwrapped. 你拿的包快散了。 2. 关系副词引导的限制性定语从句 关系副词可代替的先行词是时间、地点或理由的名词,在从句中作状语。 关系副词when, where, why 的含义相当于“介词+ which”结构,因此常常和“介词+ which”结构交替使用。 如:There are occasions when (on which )one must yield. 第六讲 定语从句(一) 本讲内容 语法考点


第二讲定语从句 一、明备考方向 语法填空常考点短文改错常考点写作常用句式 1.关系代词who, whom, whose, which, that, as 的用法; 2.关系副词where, when, why的用法; 3.“介词+关系 代词”引导的定语从句。1.引导非限制性定语从句该 用which而误用其他关系 词(如that); 2.关系代词who, whom, whose, which, that的缺失; 3.关系代词who, whom的 错用; 4.先行词是人或物时,关系 代词who, which的错用; 5.关系代词as的错用; 6.关系副词和关系代词的误 用; 7.人称代词与关系代词的误 用。 1.As we all know .../As is known to all ... “众所周知……” 2.As sb. puts it ...“按照某人所说的……” 3.such ...as ...“像……这样的……” 4.the same ...as .../the same as ...“像……一 样的” 5.one of the+复数名词+定语从句“…… 中的一个” 6.the only one of the+复数名词+定语从句 “……中唯一的一个” 7.由which引导的非限制性定语从句。 ..., which ...(which代替上文整句话,译为 “这一点”) 二、攻重点难点 (一)who, whom, whose引导定语从句的用法 1.先行词是人,关系词在定语从句中作主语时,用who/that,关系词不可省略;关系 词在定语从句中作宾语时,用whom/who/that,关系词可以省略。 2.先行词those后常用who引导定语从句。 3.“介词+关系代词”引导的定语从句,如果先行词指人,用whom指代人且不能省略。 4.whose引导定语从句时,作定语,且不能省略。 I've become good friends with several of the students in my school who/whom/that I met in the English speech contest last year. 我与好几位去年在英语演讲比赛中遇到的同校同学成了好朋友。 I have many friends to whom I'm going to send post cards. 我要寄贺卡给我的很多朋友。 The school shop, w hose customers are mainly students, is closed for the holidays. 这家主要顾客是学生的校内商店,放假时关闭。


定语从句 一、限制性与非限制性定语从句 (一)限制性定语从句与非限制性定语从句的区别 限制性定语从句对先行词起修饰限制作用;而非限制性定语从句是对先行词起补充说明作用。非限制性定语从句中,先行词与定语从句往往有逗号割开。非限制性定语从句相当于并列句、状语从句等。如: I want this man, who (=for he) can speak English. He gave up the plan, which (=though it) was a very good one. I met John, who (=and he) told me the news. I will take this one, which (=for it) seems to be the best one. He has two sons, who work in the same pany. (He has only two sons.) He has two sons who work in the same pany. (Perhaps he has more than two sons.) (二)非限制性定语从句中关系代词和关系副词的用法 1、关系代词和关系副词在任何情况下都不能省略; 2、Who(主语),whom(宾语),which(主语、宾语)不能用that代替,也不能互相替 换; 3、介词+which/whom+从句结构中,介词不能移到从句的后面; 4、when, where可用于非限制性定语从句。 二、关系代词的用法 (一)关系代词的作用和分类 1、关系代词的作用有三个: (1)连接作用:关系代词引导从句,把它和主句连接起来; (2)替代作用:关系代词在从句中替代它前面的先行词; (3)成分作用:关系代词在从句中总是充当句子成分。 2、关系代词的用法分类 关系代词的用法与分类有三点依据: (1)根据所引导的从句的限制性和非限制性; (2)根据所替代的先行词是指人还是指物; (3)根据它在从句中所充当的成分----主语、宾语、表语或者定语。 (二)关系代词that和which的用法 1、限制性定语从句中,必须用关系代词that的情况: (1)当先行词是不定代词all, much, little, something, everything, anything, nothing, the one时。如:


第六讲定语从句 定语从句是高考考查的热点。在语法填空题和短文改错题中主要考查:关系代词和关系副词的正确使用;“介词+关系代词”引导定语从句时介词或关系代词的选用等。在语法填空题中一般都会涉及定语从句的考查,且考查形式为无提示词型填空。在短文改错题中主要涉及:(1)关系代词与关系副词的误用;(2)“介词+关系代词”中介词的误用或关系代词的误用;(3)限制性定语从句与非限制性定语从句在关系代词上的误用;(4)句子成分的赘余;(5)定语从句与其他从句的混淆而产生的错误等。 考点一关系代词引导的定语从句

◆(2016·北京高考单项填空)I live next door to a couple whose children often make a lot of noise. 我隔壁住着一对夫妻,他们的孩子经常制造很多噪音。 ◆(2015·福建高考单项填空)China Today attracts a worldwide readership, which shows that more and more people all over the world want to learn about China. 《今日中国》吸引了全球的读者群,这说明全球越来越多的人想要了解中国。 ◆As is often the case with children, Amy was better by the time the doctor arrived. 正如孩子们常有的情况一样,医生到的时候Amy就好些了。 (1)whom, which, that在从句中作宾语时可省略;但介词提前时不能省略,也不能用that; (2)as用在限制性定语从句中时,先行词必须有such, so, as或the same等修饰,且as 在从句中作宾语时不能省略。 【即时训练】——单句语法填空 1.(2016·四川高考)I prefer to work in black and white, ____________ allows me to show different specific worlds more clearly. 答案:which 2.(2015·江苏高考单项填空)The number of smokers,____________ is reported, has dropped by 17 percent in just one year. 答案:as 3.(2015·四川高考单项填空)The books on the desk, ____________ covers are shiny, are prizes for us. 答案:whose 考点二关系副词引导的定语从句 the weather may be better. 我们将把在公园的野餐推迟到下周,届时天气可能会更好些。 ◆(福建高考)Students should involve themselves in community activities where they can gain experience for growth.学生们应该参与社团活动,在这些活动中他们可以获得成长的经验。 ◆Is this the reason why he refused our offer?


英语定语从句用法详解 在复合句中,修饰名词或代词的从句叫定语从句,被修饰的名词或代词叫先行词,引导定语从句的有关系代词who, whom, whose, which, that等和关系副词where, when, why等,关系代词和关系副词在定语从句中担任句子成份。 1.由who引导的定语从句中,who用作主语,如:This is the boy who often helps me. 2.由whom引导的定语从句中,whom用作宾语,如:The man whom you are waiting for has gone home. 3.由whose引导的定语从句中,whose用作定语,如:Do you know the girl whose skirt is white? 4.由which引导的定语从句中,which用作主语或谓语动词的宾语或介词的宾语,如: The room in which there is a machine is a work shop. The river which is in front of my house is very clean. This is the pen which you want. 注意: (1)whom, which用作介词宾语时,介词可放在whom、which之前,也可放在从句原来的位置上;但在含有介词的动词固定词组中,介词只能放在原来的位置上。如:He is the very person whom we must take good care of. (2)引导非限制性定语从句时,必须用关系代词which,不用that,如:I have lost my bag, which I like very much. (3)关系代词在句中作主语时,从句的谓语动词的人称和数必须和先行词保持一致。 5.由that引导的定语从句中,that可以指人或物,在从句中作主语或谓语动词的宾语,但不能放在介词后面作介词宾语,如: The book that I bought yesterday was written by Lu Xun. 注意在下面几种情况下必须用that引导定语从句。 (1)先行词是不定代词all, few, little, much, something, nothing, anything等,如: All that we have to do is to practise English. (2)先行词被序数词或形容词最高级所修饰,如 The first letter that I got from him will be kept. (3)先行词被all, any, every, each, few, little, no, some等修饰,如 I've eaten up all the food that you gave me. (4)先行词被the only, the very, the same, the last修饰时如 He is the only person that I want to talk with. (5)先行词既有人又有物时,如: They talked about persons and things that they met. (6)当句中已有who时,为避免重复,如:Who is the man that is giving us the class? 6.由when, where, why引导的定语从句,如: I don't know the reason why he was late. This is the place where we have lived for 5 years. I'll never forget the day when I met Mr Li for the first time. 注意:先行词是表示地点时,如果从句的谓语动词是及物的,就用that(which),如果从句的谓语动词是不及物的,就用where引导。This is the house Which /that he has lived in for 15 years.(Where he has lived for 15 year.)

02 定语从句第二讲【导学案】-2021年高考英语语法之定语从句精讲精练

专题语法:定语从句 第二讲 导:1. Have a dictation of words we have learned last class. 2. To show some examples of attributive. 思:认真看导学提纲并完成相关题目。 1.关系代词的具体用法。 1) 关系代词 that 的用法:判断that 在定语从句中的成分。 A plane is a machine. The machine can fly. The noodles were delicious. I ate the noodles. She isn’t the girl. She was the girl 10 years ago. 2) Which 的用法: 判断which 在定语从句中的成分。 They planted the trees. The trees didn’t need much water. The fish were not fresh. We bought the fish. 3) Who 和whom 的用法:判断who 或whom 在定语从句中的成分。 A plane is a machine that can fly. ( ) The noodles that I ate were delicious. ( ) She isn’t the girl that she was 10 years ago. ( ) They planted the trees which didn’t need much water. ( ) The fish which we bought were not fresh. ( )
