
E-commerce in China Co mputer Engli sh09计科1班201190504张小倩Electronic CommerceElectronic Commerce, referres to as the EC. E-commerce is a wide range of commercial trade activities in the the Internet around the world,based on browser / server application mode, both buyers and sellers are not met to develop various business activities, consumers online shopping, business to business model for online transactions between households and online electronic payments, as well as a variety of business activities, trading activities, financial activities and related service activities.Some people find it useful to Categorize electronic commerce by the types of entities particpating in the transactions or business processes. The e-commerce model refers to using the Internet to carry out operations achieved operating income; The traditional view is that enterprise e-business models, summarized as: B2C (Business to Consumer), B2B (Business to Business), C2B (Consumer to Business), C2C (Consumer to Consumer), B2G (Business to Government), BMC (Business Medium Consumer), ABC (Agents Business Consumer) seven kind of business model.The three categories that are most connonly used are: Consumer shopping on the Web,often called business-to-consumer(or B2C)Transactions conducted between businesses on the Web,often called business-to- business(or B2B)Transactions and business processes that companies,governments,and other organizations undertake on the Internet to support selling and purchasing activities With the rapid development of the domestic Internet, the numbers of users increase, the use of the Internet for online shopping and consumer bank card payment gradually come to our life, the market share is also growing rapidly, e-commerce sites are endless.From the classification of a new point of view to analyze. From the traditional differences in point of view of the type of the body of the e-commerce activities of the e-commerce activities classify, To develop enterprises e-commerce activities to a certain extent lacks of significance, because enterprises can be easier to know are the four e-commerce model, but can not own the revelation of how to conduct business activities derive. And the "B" side here on behalf of the enterprise may be wondering whatever type people. What will be different, so the problem complicated by the People will not only ask four types of e-commerce model differences between different types of "B", also ask the four modes of e-commerce activities.In fact, the e-commerce model that businesses or individuals make money through the network mode. When research it to make money, the behavior by whom is not important, the important thing is whether it is who will carry out e-commerce to make money from the network, he will take the inevitable pattern of behavior. These patterns of behavior is our the real goal of studying.Profitting model of e-commerce project can be attributed to the following three points: The first is the use of existing resources. For example: a garment enterprise sells their products through the network, a marketing consultancy firm provides consultancy services through the network , portal uses the huge traffic to sell advertising space.For this mode of e-commerce enterprise, provides customers with good products, find the right sales channels and the necessary promotion on the line.Second, the use of accumulated some resources. For example, the massive music, music website known online, on the site of the Listening massive English audio lectures onlinemassive video lectures.For this mode of e-commerce enterprise, as long as the accumulated wealth of resources need to build a good platform and you can increase the intensity of promotional success, paid membership.Third, taking advantages of the convergence of two visitors resources. For example, Taobao and Alibaba brings together buyers and sellers of commodities resources, the task of Chinese website brings together buyers and sellers of labor resources, Regarding as soft paper advertising alliance brings together buyers and sellers of advertising spaces soft paper resources, Zhaopin network brings together job seekersand recruiters information resources, online games, where are many games.For this mode of e-commerce enterprise, the need to build a good platform, and two kinds of visitors are attracted by a strong promotional platform-oriented, usually the starting stage are at the same time to take the free strategy with two visitors.To date, the most charm of the e-commerce, is to be freed from the rent costs of the traditional market, warehousing costs, staff time, distance, and other hardware conditions. That will be able to share the business opportunities around the world for a second time, the supply-side and demand-side information docke. And saving time costs and communication costs to find each other in order to complete the transaction within the shortest possible time. Improving the efficiency, profitability is to increase the speed and profitability. But the most critical mention to operate the e-commerce, we can not see the immediate benefits, while ignore the long-term gains. So we want to be innovatived, mobile e-commerce, not only to provide electronic shopping environment, but also provide a new sales and distributionchannels.Therefore, the development of e-commerce marketing of Chinese enterprises own industry characteristics, the behavioral characteristics of the target market of consumers, the economic strength of the enterprise, marketing the state of the environment, and other factors to the development of the corporate marketing objectives, select the products for Internet transactions, use network toolsmarketing to plan, select the appropriate marketing of financial intermediaries to conduct online transactions and online tools for data statistics and evaluation, timely adjustment of the strategy to win market dominance. At this stage, the combination of conditions, tracke technology, promoting development, while protecting market resources and national culture, the path of sustainable development, which is fundamental to development.References:[1]The Present Situation of Chellona's E-commerce and Its Future Development).Journal of Yantai University( Phellolosophy and Social Science Edition)][2]The Actuality and Expectation of Electronic Business Payment in Chellona .Journal of Chongqing RTV University][3]Present Situation and Development of Electronic Commerce .Lin Jianxia[4]"Chinese enterprise e-commerce development strategy”, Peking University Press, 2001[5] Vision of affairs on the growth in China's e-commerce.。

计算机专业的好处英语作文The Benefits of Computer Science: A Perspective from the Digital Age.In the rapidly evolving digital age, the field of computer science has become increasingly relevant, not only in terms of technological advancements but also in its profound impact on society, economy, and everyday life. The benefits of computer science are vast and multifaceted, spanning from personal growth to societal progress.Firstly, computer science offers a range of employment opportunities that are both diverse and lucrative. As the demand for skilled computer scientists continues to grow, individuals with a strong background in this field arewell-positioned to secure highly paid jobs in a wide array of industries. From software development and data analytics to cybersecurity and artificial intelligence, the opportunities are endless.Moreover, computer science skills are transferrable across multiple fields, making it a versatile qualification. Whether it's applying programming principles to solve medical problems or leveraging data science techniques to make informed decisions in business, the application of computer science is limitless. This adaptability ensuresthat computer science graduates are well-prepared to navigate changing job markets and take on new challenges.Beyond employment opportunities, computer science also promotes personal growth and development. It cultivates analytical thinking, problem-solving skills, and creativity, all of which are crucial for success in today's world. By learning to think logically and break down complex problems into manageable chunks, computer science students gain a powerful toolbox of skills that they can apply to a wide range of situations.Additionally, computer science is a key driver of innovation and societal progress. The development of new technologies and applications has led to improvements in areas such as healthcare, education, transportation, andsustainability. Computer scientists are constantly pushing the boundaries of what's possible, working to create solutions that address the challenges of our time.In the realm of healthcare, for example, computer science has enabled the development of remote patient monitoring systems, precision medicine, and advanced diagnostic tools. These innovations have the potential to revolutionize healthcare delivery, improving patient outcomes and reducing costs.In education, computer science is revolutionizing the way we learn. Online learning platforms, adaptive learning algorithms, and virtual reality simulations are just a few examples of how technology is transforming the educational landscape. These tools not only make learning more engaging and accessible but also personalize the learning experience to meet the unique needs of each student.In transportation, computer science is driving the development of autonomous vehicles, intelligent traffic systems, and connected vehicles. These innovations have thepotential to significantly reduce traffic congestion, improve safety, and enhance the overall efficiency of our transportation systems.Moreover, computer science is playing a crucial role in addressing global challenges such as climate change and resource scarcity. By leveraging data analytics and predictive modeling, computer scientists are helping to identify patterns and trends that can inform more sustainable decision-making. They are also developing innovative solutions in areas like renewable energy, smart cities, and circular economies to promote more sustainable practices.In conclusion, the benefits of computer science are numerous and far-reaching. It offers lucrative employment opportunities, promotes personal growth and development, and drives societal progress and innovation. As we continue to navigate the digital age, the importance of computer science will only increase, making it an essential fieldfor individuals and society alike to embrace and invest in.。

关键词:Computer hardware;3D printer;Kinect;DNA storage device(2)论计算机网络技术以网络的新应用,新的网站制作工具,物联网技术以及网络安全等为方向,选择其一,查阅资料,进行说明论述。
关键词:Network;Website establishment;Internet of things;Network security (3)Android应用程序设计介绍结合网络上的一些介绍资料,了解一些Android开发的小游戏或小应用,可以从Android 平台介绍,到以简单的应用程序为例的设计过程介绍,以及Android程序的市场前景等方面进行论述。
关键词:Android application development;Android platform;Small games(4)数据可视化研究方向初探我们前面课上也看过几个这方面的公开课视频,也可以再到网络上查找相关资料,找到一两个点写一写,以信息图形、信息可视化、科学可视化、统计图形等为关键词,也可以结合实例论述其应用意义。
关键词:Information graphics;Information visualization;Scientific visualization;Statistical graphics(5)游戏程序设计语言介绍结合你们平时玩的一些游戏,了解其开发语言,并作一些初步介绍,C语言、C++、Java、Matlab等等,可能还涉及到一些调用的图形库openGL、程序接口Direct X等,比较其异同。

英语作文计算机专业的重要性和用途英文回答:Computer science is an increasingly important field in today's world. As a computer science major, I have witnessed firsthand the significance of this discipline in shaping the way we live and work.First and foremost, computers are essential tools for communication. From sending emails to video conferencing, computers have revolutionized the way we connect with others. In my own experience, I rely on my computer to stay in touch with friends and family, especially those who live far away. Without computers, it would be much moredifficult to maintain these relationships.Furthermore, computers play a crucial role in the workplace. Many industries, such as finance, healthcare, and entertainment, rely heavily on computer technology to streamline processes and improve efficiency. For example,in my internship at a software development company, I saw how computers were used to analyze data and develop innovative solutions for clients. Without a strong foundation in computer science, I would not have been able to contribute to these projects.In addition, computer science is essential for innovation. Many of the technological advancements we enjoy today, such as artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and self-driving cars, are made possible by computer scientists. As a computer science major, I am excited to be a part of this rapidly evolving field and to contribute to the development of new technologies that will shape the future.Overall, the importance of computer science cannot be overstated. From communication to innovation, computers are integral to our daily lives and will continue to play a vital role in the years to come.中文回答:计算机专业在当今世界变得越来越重要。

In the digital age, there is no shortage of resources available for computer science students seeking to enhance their professional English skills. Online learning platforms, such as Coursera and edX, offer courses specifically focused on technical English for computer science, covering topics such as academic writing, public speaking, and technical communication. Additionally, language learning apps and websites, such as Duolingo and Memrise, provide interactive exercises and lessons tailored to the specific needs of technical professionals.
3. Practical Tips for Improving English Proficiency
For computer science majors looking to improve their professional English skills, there are several practical strategies that can be employed. Immersing oneself in English-language technical materials, such as research papers, articles, and documentation, can help build familiarity with the vocabulary and style of writing prevalent in the field. Furthermore, seeking out opportunities to engage in English-language discussions, whether through online forums, coding communities, or networking events, can provide valuable practice in applying technical English in real-world contexts.

如IT(informationtechnology);online;E-commerce 等都是随着新技术的发展产生和应用的,因此它的时效性和实用性显而易见。
1.3专业术语多如:CPU(CentralProcessingUnit):中央处理器;DBSM(DatabaseSystem)数据库管理系统(OperatingSystem)操作系统.1.4缩略语经常出现如:MB(MotherBoard):主板,LCD(LiquidCrystalDisplay):液晶屏幕USB(UniversalSerialBus):通行串行总线;1.5合成的新词多如:input出入;output输出;PersonalComputer:个人计算机;1.6介词短语、分词短语和名词性词组和长句使用频繁如:Someapplicationpackagesofferconsiderablecomputingpowerbyf ocusingonasingletask,suchaswordprocessing;others,calledintegratedsoftwareoffersomewhatlesspowerbutincludesev eralapplications,suchasawordprocessor,aspreadsheet,andadatabaseprogram.有些应用程序包可就一个单项任务提供相当的计算能力,如文字处理;其它应用程序包,称为综合软件,计算能力略差但也包括了很多应用功能,如:文字处理器,电子表格和数据库程序等。

关键词:计算机英语;缩略词;构词法Computer English Learning StudyBi Lanlan(Liaoning Forestry Vocational&Technical College,Shenyang110101,China)Abstract:The computer has become the contemporary society,people work,learn,and live without a common tool.It seems able to read and translate the computer information in English and networks in computer science and technology information is particularly important.In this paper,the characteristics of computer English learning method skills and competency-based training aspects to elaborate on how to learn computer English.Keywords:Computer English;Acronyms;Word formation在科学与技术发展如此迅速的今天,计算机网站的发展如此迅猛。


关于计算机专业英语的英语作文英文回答:Computer science is the study of the theoretical foundations of information and computation, and ofpractical techniques for their implementation andapplication in computer systems. It is a vast and rapidly growing field, with new developments occurring all the time. As a result, there is a constant need for new and updated resources to help students and professionals stay up-to-date on the latest advancements.One of the best ways to stay up-to-date on the latest developments in computer science is to read academic journals. Academic journals are peer-reviewed publications that contain original research findings. They are an excellent source of information on the latest theoretical and practical advances in the field.Another great way to stay up-to-date on the latestdevelopments in computer science is to attend conferences. Conferences are gatherings of researchers and professionals where they can share their latest findings and discuss new ideas. They are a great opportunity to learn about the latest research and to network with other professionals in the field.Finally, there are a number of online resources that can be helpful for staying up-to-date on the latest developments in computer science. These resources include news websites, blogs, and discussion forums. They can be a great way to get quick updates on the latest news and developments in the field.中文回答:计算机科学是研究信息和计算的理论基础和其实际技术在计算机系统中的实现和应用的一门学科。

题目:计算机硬件概述(Overview of the computer hardware based)学院:信息技术学院班级:XXXXXX学号:XXXXXXXXXX姓名:XXXXA computer is a fast and accurate symbol processing system. It can accept, store, process data and produce output results. A computer can automatically process data without human intervention. However, it must be given a set of instruction to guide it, step by step, through processes. The set of instructions is called a program, The program is stored physically inside the machine, making it a program.All computer systems of interest to us are similar. They contain hardware components for input, central processing unit and output. The system on the small-scale is called a microcomputer or minicomputer. Continuing up the size scale, the mainframe computer is one that may offer a faster processing speed and a greater storage capacity than a typical mini. Finally comes the supercomputer, designed to process complex scientific applications,which is the largest and fastest.Although the capacity of computers' storage locations is varied,every computer stores numbers,letters,and other characters in a coded form. Every character in the storage is represented by a string of 0s and 1s,the only digits founded in the binary numbering system. BCD and ASCII are popular computer codes.So, what part of computer hardware that contains it? Computer hardware has four parts: the central processing unit (CPU) and memory, storage hardware, input hardware, and output hardware.The Central Processing UnitPronounced as separate letters it is the abbreviation for central processing unit. The CPU is the brains of the computer. Sometimes referred to simply as the central processor, but more commonly called processor, the CPUis where most calculations take place. In terms of computing power, the CPU is the most important element of a computer system.On large machines, CPUs require one or more printed circuit boards. On personal computers and small workstations, the CPU is housed in a single chip called a microprocessor. Since the 1970's the microprocessor class of CPUs has almost completely overtaken all other CPU implementations.Early CPUs were custom-designed as a part of a larger, sometimes one-of-a-kind, computer. However, this costly method of designing custom CPUs for a particular application has largely given way to the development of mass-produced processors that are made for one or many purposes. This standardization trend generally began in the era of discrete transistor mainframes and minicomputers and has rapidly accelerated with the popularization of the integrated circuit (IC). The IC has allowed increasingly complex CPUs to be designed and manufactured to tolerances on the order of nanometers. Both the miniaturization and standardization of CPUs have increased the presence of these digital devices in modern life far beyond the limited application of dedicated computing machines. Modern microprocessors appear in everything from automobiles to cell phones and children's toys.The CPU itself is an internal component of the computer. Modern CPUs are small and square and contain multiple metallic connectors or pins on the underside. The CPU is inserted directly into a CPU socket, pin side down, on the motherboard. Each motherboard will support only a specific type or range of CPU so you must check the motherboard manufacturer's specifications before attempting to replace or upgrade a CPU. Modern CPUs also have an attached heat sink and small fan that go directly on top of the CPU to help dissipate heat.Two typical components of a CPU are the following:The arithmetic logic unit (ALU), which performs arithmetic and logical operations.The control unit (CU), which extracts instructions from memory and decodes and executes them, calling on the ALU when necessary.To properly perform its job, the CPU must complete a cycle of four steps. The first step in this cycle is to fetch a instruction from a software program's memory. Once the CPU fetches the instruction, its second step is to decode the instruction. By decoding the instruction, the CPU is able to organize theinformation from the instruction in a manner that allows the CPU to complete the next step, which is executing.During the execution step, the CPU completes the instruction. It accomplishes this by following the information gained during the decoding step. Once the CPU has finished executing the instruction, the final step in this cycle is to write-back the results that occurred during the execution step. The CPU can write-back the results to its own internal register, or to the main memory of the computer.The Control Unit: A control unit is one of the two components of the central processing unit. The function of the control unit is to extract information which is stored in the memory and to decode and execute those instructions.It also takes help from the arithmetic logic unit , whenever required. The control unit is very important for computers functioning . The control unit has outputs which take charge of the activities of the entire device. Some regard the control unit to be an FSM or finite state machine which is used for hardware and software applications.Control Unit and Microprogram :There was a time when the manufacturing of control units was a difficult process, especially in designing it. But today the scenario has changed. A control unit is executed in the form of microprograms which remain in control stores. There is a micro sequencer which chooses the words and certain portions of those words which directly manage the various computer parts. These parts are arithmetic and logic units, buses, instruction registers, registers and input/output. Today the latest computers may possess subsidiary controllers for every subsystem, which would be supervised by the main control unit .Functions of Control Unit:A control unit can be described as a sort of circuitry that supervises and controls the path of information that runs over the processor and organizes the various activities of those units that lie inside it.It carries out many tasks such as decoding, fetching, handling the execution and finally storing the results.It controls the execution of instructions in a sequential order.It guides the flow of data through the different parts of the computer.It interprets the instructions.It regulates the time controls of the processor.It sends and receives control signals from various peripheral devices.A control unit is a major computer part which helps in the functioning of the central processing unit and in turn runs the whole computer.The Arithmetic-Logic Unit: An arithmetic-logic unit (ALU) is the part of a computer processor ( CPU ) that carries out arithmetic and logic operations on the operand s in computer instruction word s. In some processors, the ALU is divided into two units, an arithmetic unit (AU) and a logic unit (LU). Some processors contain more than one AU - for example, one for fixed-point operations and another for floating-point operations. (In personal computers floating point operations are sometimes done by a floating point unit on a separate chip called a numeric coprocessor.)Typically, the ALU has direct input and output access to the processor controller, main memory (random access memory or RAM in a personal computer), and input/output devices. Inputs and outputs flow along an electronic path that is called a bus . The input consists of an instruction word (sometimes called a machine instruction word) that contains an operation code (sometimes called an "op code"), one or more operands, and sometimes a format code. The operation code tells the ALU what operation to perform and the operands are used in the operation. (For example, two operands might be added together or compared logically.) The format may be combined with the op code and tells, for example, whether this is a fixed-point or a floating-point instruction. The output consists of a result that is placed in a storage register and settings that indicate whether the operation was performed successfully. (If it isn't, some sort of status will be stored in a permanent place that is sometimes called the machine status word.)In general, the ALU includes storage places for input operands, operands that are being added, the accumulated result (stored in an accumulator ), and shifted results. The flow of bits and the operations performed on them in the subunits of the ALU is controlled by gated circuits. The gates in these circuits are controlled by a sequence logic unit that uses a particular algorithm or sequence for each operation code. In the arithmetic unit, multiplication and division are done by a series of adding or subtracting and shifting operations. There are several ways to represent negative numbers. In the logic unit, one of 16 possible logic operations can be performed - such as comparing twooperands and identifying where bits don't match.The design of the ALU is obviously a critical part of the processor and new approaches to speeding up instruction handling are continually being developed.MemoryIn computing , memory refers to the state information of a computing system, as it is kept active in some physical structure. The term "memory" is used for the information in physical systems which are fast (ie RAM ), as a distinction from physical systems which are slow to access (ie data storage ). By design, the term "memory" refers to temporary state devices, whereas the term "storage" is reserved for permanent data. Advances in storage technology have blurred the distinction a bit —memory kept on what is conventionally a storage system is called " virtual memory ".Colloquially, computer memory refers to the physical devices used to store data or programs (sequences of instructions) on a temporary or permanent basis for use in an electronic digital computer . Computers represent information in binary code , written as sequences of 0s and 1s. Each binary digit (or "bit") may be stored by any physical system that can be in either of two stable states, to represent 0 and 1. Such a system is called bistable. This could be an on-off switch, an electrical capacitor that can store or lose a charge, a magnet with its polarity up or down, or a surface that can have a pit or not. Today, capacitors and transistors, functioning as tiny electrical switches, are used for temporary storage, and either disks or tape with a magnetic coating, or plastic discs with patterns of pits are used for long-term storage.Computer memory is usually meant to refer to the semiconductor technology that is used to store information in electronic devices. Current primary computer memory makes use of integrated circuits consisting of silicon -based transistors . There are two main types of memory: volatile and non-volatile .Storage HardwareThe purpose of storage hardware is to provide a means of storing computer instruction and data in a form that is relatively permanent, that is, the data is not lost when the power is turned off—and easy to retrieve when needed for processing . There are four kinds of storage hardware: floppy disks, hard disks, optical disk, and magnetic tape.Floppy Disks: A soft magnetic disk. It is called floppy because it flops ifyou wave it (at least, the 5??-inch variety does). Unlike most hard disks, floppy disks (often called floppies or diskettes) are portable, because you can remove them from a disk drive. Disk drives for floppy disks are called floppy drives. Floppy disks are slower to access than hard disks and have less storage capacity, but they are much less expensive. And most importantly, they are portable.Floppies come in three basic sizes:8-inch: The first floppy disk design, invented by IBM in the late 1960s and used in the early 1970s as first a read-only format and then as a read-write format. The typical desktop/laptop computer does not use the 8-inch floppy disk.5.25-inch: The common size for PCs made before 1987 and the predecessor to the 8-inch floppy disk. This type of floppy is generally capable of storing between 100K and 1.2MB (megabytes) of data. The most common sizes are 360K and 1.2MB.3.5-inch: Floppy is something of a misnomer for these disks, as they are encased in a rigid envelope. Despite their small size, microfloppies have a larger storage capacity than their cousins -- from 400K to 1.4MB of data. The most common sizes for PCs are 720K (double-density) and 1.44MB (high-density). Macintoshes support disks of 400K, 800K, and 1.2MB.Hard Disks: In any computer system the hard disk is considered as the secondary memory device that is used for the primary data storage. The primary memory is obviously the RAM. But as the RAM is the primary memory it cannot be used for the purpose of the permanent data storage. Hence a secondary memory device is necessarily needed for the purpose of the data storage in any computer system. Apart from hard disk drive the tape storage media can also be used as the secondary storage device. But the hard disk drive is the most popularly used secondary memory device. The main reason for this is the access speed and the reliability of the data it can offer. In the case of the tape drives the access speed is much low and the data transfer is comparatively low than the hard disk drive.Since the primary memory that is the RAM is a non volatile memory hence it cannot be used as the permanent memory storage device. Hence the hard disk or the need for as a secondary memory device is needed in any computer. The primary function of the primary memory is to load the programs so that the CPU – Central Processing Unit can easily and speedily access and execute the instructions. The primary memory can only boot the computer system; but it the hard disk drive that is responsible for the loading and the proper functioning of any operating system. The operating system is a necessary for the computers to run to the expectations of the user. Hence the hard disk is a must for the loading of the hard disk drive. The importance of the primary memory is that it is a compulsion that is necessary for the start up of thecomputer. A computer can start up even with out a hard disk. But since there is no operating system that is present in the computer hence it is not possible to load the operating system. The computer will display a message usually in such a situation stating that ―Disk Boot Failure‖.The information that is required to boot a computer is stored in the hard disk boot sector. Also the importance of the hard disk drive is to store the backup of the data or any information that is created by the user. Apart from the hard disk drives the other storage devices like the optical disks that are the CD ROM, DVD ROM etc can be used for the purpose of the backup of the data or user information. The floppy disks can also be used for the backup of the data. The hard disk specification should also match the expectations of the computers; that is the storage capacity and access speed.The internal organization of the any hard disk drive consists of the following four parts primarily. They are as listed below: the Platters, the Head Arm, the Chassis, and also the Head Actuator. The hard disk drives are also available in two different types that is the internal and also the external hard disk drives. The internal hard disk drives are used for the storage of the data in the computer case. There are not portable and usually are inside the case. The external hard disk drives are portable can be connected to other computer systems as well. There is a hard casing over the hard disk.Optical Disks: In computing and optical recording , an optical disc is a flat, usually circular disc which encodes binary data in the form of pits (binary value of 0 or off, due to lack of reflection when read) and lands (binary value of 1 or on, due to a reflection when read) on a special material (often aluminium ) on one of its flat surfaces. The encoding material sits atop a thicker substrate (usually polycarbonate ) which makes up the bulk of the disc and forms a dust defocusing layer. The encoding pattern follows a continuous, spiral path covering the entire disc surface and extending from the innermost track to the outermost track. The data is stored on the disc with a laser or stamping machine, and can be accessed when the data path is illuminated with a laser diode in an optical disc drive which spins the disc at speeds of about 200 RPM up to 4000 rpm or more depending on the drive type, disc format, and the distance of the read head from the center of the disc (inner tracks are read at a faster disc speed). The pits or bumps distort the reflected laser light, hence most optical discs (except the black discs of the original PlayStation video game console ) characteristically have an iridescent appearance created by the grooves of the reflective layer. The reverse side of an optical disc usually has a printed label, generally made of paper but sometimes printed or stamped onto the disc itself. This side of the disc contains the actual data and is typically coated with a transparent material, usually lacquer . Unlike the 3?-inch floppy disk , most optical discs do not have an integrated protective casing and aretherefore susceptible to data transfer problems due to scratches, fingerprints, and other environmental problems.Optical discs are usually between 7.6 and 30 cm (3 to 12 in) in diameter, with 12 cm (4.75 in) being the most common size. A typical disc is about 1.2 mm (0.05 in) thick, while the track pitch (distance from the center of one track to the center of the next) is typically 1.6 μm .An optical disc is designed to support one of three recording types: read-only (eg: CD and CD-ROM ), recordable (write-once, eg CD-R ), or re-recordable (rewritable, eg CD-RW ). Write-once optical discs commonly have an organic dye recording layer between the substrate and the reflective layer. Rewritable discs typically contain an alloy recording layer composed of a phase change material, most often AgInSbTe , an alloy of silver , indium , antimony and tellurium.Optical discs are most commonly used for storing music (eg for use in a CD player ), video (eg for use in a DVD player ), or data and programs for personal computers . The Optical Storage Technology Association (OSTA) promotes standardized optical storage formats. Although optical discs are more durable than earlier audio-visual and data storage formats, they are susceptible to environmental and daily-use damage. Libraries and archives enact optical media preservation procedures to ensure continued usability in the computer's optical disc drive or corresponding disc player.For computer data backup and physical data transfer, optical discs such as CDs and DVDs are gradually being replaced with faster, smaller, and more reliable solid state devices, especially the USB flash drive . This trend is expected to continue as USB flash drives continue to increase in capacity and drop in price. Similarly, personal portable CD players have been supplanted by portable solid state MP3 players , and MP3 music purchased or shared over the internet has significantly reduced the number of audio CDs sold annually.Magnetic Tape: Magnetic tape is an effective way of making a backup, or duplicate, copy of your programs and data. We mentioned the alarming consequences that can happen if a hard disk suffers a head crash. You will lose some or all of your data or programs. Of course, you can always make copies of your hard-disk files on floppy disks. However, this can be time-consuming and may require many floppy disks. Magnetic tape is sequential access storage and can solve the problem mentioned above.Input Hardware: Input devices take data and programs people can read or understand and convert them to a form the computer can process. This is the machine-readable electronic signals of 0s and 1s. Input hardware is of two kinds: Keyboard entry and direct entry.Keyboard Entry: Data is input to the computer through a keyboard that looks like a typewriter keyboard but has additional keys. In this method, the user typically reads from an original document called the source document.The user enters that document by typing on the keyboard.Direct Entry: Data is made into machine-readable form as it is entered into the computer, no keyboard is used. Direct entry devices may be categorized into three areas: pointing devices (for example, mouse, touch screen, light pen, digitizer, they are all pointing devices), scanning devices (for example, image scanner, fax machine, bar-code reader are all scanning devices), and voice-input devices.Output Hardware: Output devices convert machine-readable information into people-readable form. Common output devices are monitors, printers, plotters, and voice output.Monitors: Monitors are also called display screen or video display terminals. Most monitors that sit on desks are built in the same way as television sets, these are called cathode-ray tubes. Another type of monitor is flat-panel display, including liquid-crystal display (LCD), electroluminescent (EL) display and gas-plasma display. An LCD does not emit light of its own. Rather, it consists of crystal molecules. An electric field causes the molecules to line up in a way that alters their optical properties. Unfortunately, many LCDs are difficult to read in sunlight or other strong light. A gas-plasma display is the best type of flat screen. Like a neon light bulb, the plasma display uses a gas that emits light in the presence of an electric current.Printer: There are four popular kinds of printers: dot-matrix, laser, ink-jet, and thermal.Dot-Matrix Printer :Dot-matrix printers can produce a page of text in less than 10 seconds and are highly reliable. They form characters or images using a series of small pins on a print head. The pins strike an inked ribbon and create an image on paper. Printers are available with print heads of 9, 18, or 24 pins. One disadvantage of this type of printer is noise.Laser Printer: The laser printer creates dot like images on a drum, using a laser beam light source. The characters are treated with a magnetically charged ink like toner and then are transferred from drum to paper. A heat process is used to make the characters adhere. The laser printer produces images with excellent letter and graphics quality. Ink-Jet Printer An ink-jet printer sprays small droplets of ink at high speed onto the surface of the paper. This process not only produces a letter-quality image but also permits printing to be done in a variety of colors.Thermal Printer: A thermal printer uses heat elements to produce images on heat-sensitive paper. Color thermal printers are not as popular because oftheir cost and the requirement of specifically treated paper. They are a more special use printer that produces near photographic output. They are widely used in professional art and design work where very high quality color is essential.Plotters: Plotters are special-purpose output devices for producing bar charts, maps, architectural drawings, and even3D diagram. Plotters can produce high-quality multicolor documents and also documents that are larger in size than most printers can handle. There are four types of plotters: pen, ink-jet, electrostatic, and direct imaging.Voice-Output Device s: Voice-output devices make sounds that resemble human speech but actually are pre-recorded vocalized sounds. Voice output is used as a reinforcement tool for learning, such as to help students study a foreign language. It is used in many supermarkets at the checkout counter to confirm purchases. Of course, one of the most powerful capabilities is to assist the physically challenged.。

Development of computer network communicationtechnology计算机网络通信技术的发展概况With the rapid development of science and its application in calculation in the real world, on the one hand, users are in urgent need of different computer soft hardware and information resource which sharing can be achieved. On the other hand, a large class of problems with the geographical distribution, whose processing to distributed computing technology characteristics of these objective requirements led to the birth of the computer network and the development of the computer network system. In recent years, due to the human society, the rapid exchange of information and fast processing needs, as well as driving the rapid development of computer and communication of the two technologies, the computer network has an unprecedented development. The computer network communication technology is the product of computer technology and communication technology combined with the advanced technology,which is one of the fastest development in the world.随着计算科学及其应用的高速发展,在现实世界中,一方面,用户迫切需要实现不同计算机上软硬件和信息资源的共享,另一方面,有一大类问题本身具有地域上分布,其处理需要分布计算技术的特点这些客观要求导致了计算机网络的发展和网络计算机系统的诞生。

计算机专业英语写作范文In the rapidly evolving world of technology, the field of computer science stands as a beacon of innovation and progress. Encompassing a vast array of disciplines, computer science is not merely about programming or machines; it is about understanding the fundamental principles that govern the digital world we inhabit.The essence of computer science lies in the intersection of mathematics, engineering, and problem-solving. Algorithms, the backbone of computer science, are the recipes that dictate how computers perform tasks efficiently and accurately. The beauty of algorithms lies in their simplicity and elegance, often reducing complex problems to manageable chunks.Programming languages, another crucial aspect of computer science, are the tools that enable humans to communicate with machines. From the early days of machine code to the more abstract and user-friendly languages of today, programming has evolved significantly. It is not just about writing code; it is about understanding theunderlying concepts and applying them effectively to solve real-world problems.Data structures, another crucial aspect, are the building blocks of efficient programming. They help organize and manage data in a way that facilitates quick access and manipulation. Knowledge of data structures is crucial for writing efficient and scalable software.Moreover, computer science is at the forefront of innovation in fields like artificial intelligence, machine learning, and cybersecurity. The development of intelligent machines that can learn and adapt, as well as the creation of secure systems that can protect against cyber attacks, are just two examples of the remarkable advancements inthis field.In conclusion, computer science is not just a discipline; it is a way of thinking. It teaches us to approach problems with a logical and analytical mindset, to break them down into manageable parts, and to findefficient solutions. As we enter an era where technology is becoming increasingly intertwined with our lives, the importance of computer science cannot be overstated. It isnot just a tool; it is a critical skill that will help us navigate the digital world and contribute to its continued growth and development.**探索计算机科学领域:一篇英语写作**在科技迅速发展的世界中,计算机科学领域如同创新与进步的灯塔。


自考07832计算机专业英语(一)作文Computer Professional English (1)Computer Professional English is essential for students majoring in computer science. It is not only a tool for communication, but also a key to accessing the latest developments and trends in the field of computer technology. In this course, students will learn how to communicate effectively in English, especially in professional situations such as job interviews, business meetings, and technical presentations.This course covers various aspects of computer science, including programming, networking, and software engineering. Students will learn how to write technical documents, such as reports, manuals, and research papers, in clear and concise English. They will also learn how to present their work effectively, both orally and in writing. In addition, students will develop their listening and reading skills by studying authentic materials such as technical articles, research papers, and conference presentations.One of the key objectives of Computer Professional English is to help students build their confidence and fluency in using English in a professional context. To achieve this, students willhave the opportunity to practice their English skills in a variety of real-world scenarios, such as group discussions, role-plays, and presentations. They will also receive feedback and guidance from their teachers on how to improve their language skills.In conclusion, Computer Professional English is a vital course for students majoring in computer science. It equips them with the language skills they need to succeed in their future careers. By mastering English, students will be able to communicate effectively with colleagues, clients, and partners from around the world, and stay up-to-date with the latest developments in the field of computer technology. This course is a stepping stone to success for aspiring computer professionals.。



一、计算机英语词汇与日常词汇的比较计算机英语是专门用途英语(English for Special Purposes)大家族里的一名重要成员。
计算机英语与一般英语既相互联系, 又相互区别。
那么,这些运用在计算机专业中与运用在日常用语中的同一个英语单词在含义上是不是相同呢?首先,让我们来看看以下几个例子:1.bus在日常用语中,bus 的意思是“公共汽车”。
例如:I usually go to school by bus.我通常乘公共汽车去上学。
而在计算机英语中,bus 的意思是“总线”。
例如:System bus is a set of lines that facilitates all communication between the individual major components of a computer.系统总线是用于在计算机各个主件之间进行通讯的一组线。
例如:His short-term memory was damaged in the accident.他的短时记忆在事故中受到了损害。
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姓名:王雪健学号:201390503 专业:计算机科学与技术3班学院:信息科学与工程学院On Information ResourcesAbstract:With the development of human society, the way people gather information more and more rmation resources as a special social resources, With strategic nature, can spread the properties, it can increase the properties and comprehensive quality characteristics. Information resource with great economic and social value, not only is important to take a new road to industrialization led forces, but also changes the mode of production and social progress in an enormous boost.1 IntroductioInformation resources, as a special configuration has a special meaning and forms of social resources, their role is with each passing day growing. Information resources are the basic elements of modern social productive forces, while change in the way of social production and people's way of life enhancement, resulting in an invaluable influence and promote the role. At the same time in the modern society, the content of information resources is continuously expanding to include not only the growing number of natural science information resources, but also times of social science information resources. The availability of information resources and use of attention is whether the growth of a country's comprehensive national strength is an important factor, but also the extent a country is an important symbol ofmodernization.2 Information resources scientific connotation and basic characteristicsOn the content of information resources have yet to form a precise definition. Generally speaking, the so-called information resources, that is, through a variety of media and channels of information dissemination, can be directly translated into the basic elements of social productive forces, the social mode of production and way of life have a direct or indirect impact of the various types of information.From this level of understanding, it contains the basic characteristics of information resources:1) With the development, use and value of the conversion ofCompared with the general material resources, information resources is a kind of development, utilization and value into the nature of the resource. First, the information resources as a direct social impact of the main role of the person, inspired by people's initiative, and into practical productive forces and the elements. This characteristic of information resources, require people to understanding information resources on the strategic vision and consciously use of information resources, based on favorable economic and social development of the high degree of strategic information resources to actively promote the development and transformation.2) TransmissibleWith various types of media information resources widely spread to the community, so often profoundly affected the social, and members of society have a osmosis effect. Continue the process of dissemination of informationresources, that is, its value continue to be realized in the process. Transmissible nature of information resources, requires that people must pay great attention to open up channels of information dissemination and flow. Information dissemination channel construction, the modern economic and social development important component. In developed countries, information dissemination economy increasingly prominent position occupied, and even has become a pillar industry of national economy has become an important new economic growth point.3) The nature of growthInformation resources is the wisdom and talents of the crystallization of intangible assets, which could increase with nature. Development and utilization in the continuous process of constantly enriched and growth process. The nature of information resources can be increased, people were asked only to focus on the use of information resources, but also to focus on research and development of information resources. In the modern information society, research and development of information resources and level of intensity as the development of social productive forces, a prominent symbol of social progress and even become an important measure of scale.4) IntegratedInformation resources is not only a reflection of the social productive forces, and any type of information resources, there are hardly alone, but with other types of information resources in close contact. Generated by a source of information triggered another source of information, which is the development of information resources in a universal phenomenon. Comprehensive information resources, asking people to not only focus on the development of natural science and utilization of information resources, but also to focus on social sciences, humanities information resourcesdevelopment and utilization of information resources and be good at all kinds of mutual influence and infiltration in the discovery, excavation Information Resources in the tremendous social value.3 Economic and social value of information resources1). Information resources for the development of social productive forces: the importance of taking a new road to industrialization led force.Information environment in the world, we can give full play and the use of their advantages.Take a lead in information technology industrialization, information technology to promote new road to industrialization. This new road to industrialization, the first link is obviously to give full play to the value of information resources function, the value of information resources effectively to promote the transformation of the development of productive forces at all levels are based on sensitivity, smooth and efficient information resources, resulting in greater efficiency. Admittedly, in the full utilization of the economic value of information resources, China and the developed countries there is still a gap. Currently, the developed countries, technological progress contribution rate of economic growth above 60% generally, and some countries even more than 80%, and our only about 40%.This shows that China's economic development relies on the use of modern information resources and there is still a weak link; other instructions, information resources, in particular the transformation of modern high-tech information resources there is considerable work in our space and potential.2). Information resource for the production of change: towards the modern market-oriented mode of social production an important driving force.Information resources to promote the value of the social productive forces, can not do without some form of production relations role. Naturaland economic conditions, narrow relations of production, information channels are sluggish, but it does not matter the formation and role of information resources, this is caused by low productivity, stagnant economic development, an important reason. In modern society, changes in the relations of production, development and promotion of social productive forces, the role of communication channels with the constant flow of information and information resources into the value of the continuous increase closely linked.The process of China's market economy, benefit more from the outcome of the world's information revolution, which clearly reflects the transformation of information resources on the production characteristics. In the continuous development of network technology today, we can use the mass of information the world, large bridge for communication, the use of endless, inexhaustible resource of information and transform our methods of production, improve market relations of production, social level. This is the current market-oriented reforms in China to further promote the important task of contemporary Chinese industrial revolution is the inevitable choice.3). Information resources for social development: improving the quality, and promote an important spiritual force of social progress.Information resources on the role of human development play a crucial role. In modern society, people's overall development so that by the idealized model into a workable process, the quality of construction so people can quickly than traditional society, one of the important reasons is the rapid growth and social information the formation of a wide range of information resources. Here, both the natural science information resources, but also the humanities and social sciences information resources. Dissemination of scientific information on natural resources, conversion, greatly opened up the vision of human interaction, to enhance people's awareness of scienceand the scientific spirit and enhance people's understanding of the objective world and the ability to transform the objective world. Humanities and social science information resources, communication, transformation, then the people standing on a higher point of view of understanding the world and transform the world, greatly improved the scientific content of their own humanity to a higher level to improve understanding of the world and transform people the ability of the world. The modern technological revolution occurred in network technology as a link to the emergence of new media, greatly accelerated the speed of all kinds of information resources, communication, make information resources more widely and deeply into the building to enhance the quality of man's own power and source.In such a human quality to improve the economic and social development of the historical process, an increasingly broad range of information resources, negative for an irreplaceable role. In a sense, the degree of information resources are important, the degree of social use of information resources, directly determines the quality of modern people in the degree of increase, and ultimately determines the degree of social development. We are therefore very necessary to explore, use, transformation of the social value of information resources, as an important social development strategy.。