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1. The book states that fried food is not good for our health.

A. says in a clear way

B. answers

C. reviews

2. Eating plenty of vegetables and fruits make us much healthier.

A. lots of

B. a large amount of

C. more

3. We should stay away from strong sunlight in summer.

A. not view

B. go near

C. keep off

4. Could you treat me to some cakes?

A. show me

B. pay for me

C. bring me

5. It’s usual for him to say bad things about others, for he is an impolite


A. special

B. interesting

C. common

6. This restaurant only serves fast food, fish and chips.

A. supports

B. offers

C. praises

7. We’re going to do some research on other planets.

A. study

B. programmes

C. learning


8. When we go for a ____, the doctors will have a close look at our bodies.

A. medical examination

B. research

C. survey

9. Please add some ____ in the coffee to make it sweet.

A. milk

B. fat

C. sugar

10. If you want to have a healthy body, you should avoid _____.

A. protein

B. fried food

C. vegetables

11. He wants to _______ by doing sports and eating less meat.

A. keep still

B. lose weight

C. pass out

12. We call food made of milk ______.

A. soft drinks

B. grain products

C. dairy products

13. The supermarket is crowded with _______ at the weekend.

A. customers

B. contestants

C. hosts

14. We can know quickly what an article is about from its _____.

A. ending

B. title

C. writer

15. It’s ____ for every student to have enough sleep.

A. necessary

B. careless

C. impossible


Last Sunday I had a medical examination. The doctor said that I was 16.____ heavy. He told me to lose some 17.___________ (weigh) by 18._______ (eat) fewer

19.______________ (sandwich), less sugar and dairy 20.____________ (produce).

It is also 21.______________ (need) for me to do more exercise.

For my health, I decided to eat plenty 22.______ vegetables and fruits and never go out for dinner 23. ____________ the restaurant near my home has a very good

24. __________ (serve). However, on some 25._____________ (usual) days such

as my birthday or a festival, I will treat myself to a big meal.



A good breakfast is the best thing to start your day. There are different __26__

of breakfast around the world.

"Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper (乞丐 )."__27 __ the old saying tells us, breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It__28__ us energy after a long night without food.

If people don't have breakfast in the morning, they will feel __29__ and get angry easily. Breakfast helps children stay more focused (专心的) at school.

A study __30__ that children who eat breakfast regularly score higher in most


Breakfast is also __31__ for weight loss. If you have a balanced breakfast, you will eat less throughout the day.

A healthy and __32__breakfast should include some proteins like eggs, milk or

a little meat, and it__33__ you energetic all day.

Carbohydrates (碳水化合物) like rice or bread can keep you __34__. Vegetables and fruit have the vitamins that humans need.

Although Western culture has influenced China a lot, most people still __35__ the traditional Chinese breakfast. They think that porridge and noodles are not only easily digested (消化), but also can provide enough energy in the morning. ( ) 26. A. ways B. kinds C. rules

( ) 27. A. So B. Though C. As

( ) 28. A. seems B. suggests C. offers

( ) 29. A. tired B. excited C. pleased

( ) 30. A. supposes B. shares C. shows

( ) 31. A. important B. amazing C. lucky

( ) 32. A. experienced B. balanced C. different

( ) 33. A. makes B. tells C. hopes

( ) 34. A. useful B. helpful C. active

( ) 35. A. dislike B. know C. prefer

IV. 阅读理解(30分)



A man went to a fast food restaurant to buy his lunch.

“Hi," a worker said, "may I help you?"

“I'd like a hamburger, large chips, and some Coke," the man said.

"Anything else?" the worker asked.

"No," the man answered. "That's all."

"For here or to go?" the worker asked.

"To go," the man said.
