





¦æ¬F°|°ê®a¬ì¾Ç©e-û·|±MÃD¬ã¨s-p¹º¦¨ªG³ø§i¥xÆW¨ÅÀù¯f²z¦¨¦]¤§¬ã¨s-§íÀù°ò¦]¦b¨ÅÀù§Î¦¨¤¤¤§-«-n©Ê (²Ä¤T¦~)-p¹º½s¸¹: NSC 88-2314-B-002-365°õ¦æ¦~--: 87¦~08¤ë1¤é¦Ü88¦~7¤ë31¤é¥D«ù¤H : ³\ª÷¥É¥x¤jÂå¾Ç°|¥Í¤Æ©Ò¤¤¤åºK-nÃöÁäµü¡G¨ÅÀù/§íÀù°ò¦]p53,TSG101³\¦hªº¬ã¨s³ø§iÅã¥Ü¦b¨ÅÀù²Ó-M¤¤¦³«Ü°ª¤ñ¨Òªº¬V¦âÅé11p15¤§LOH(Loss of Heterozygosity )Åܲ§¡A Åã¥Ü¦¹°Ï°ì¤§°ò¦]Åܲ§»P¨ÅÀù¤§§Î¦¨¦³Ãö¡F¦ÓTSG101¬O 1997¦~¤~µo ²{¤§§íÀù°ò¦]¡A ¦¹°ò¦]´N ¦ì©ó11p15¡A¦Ó¥B³Ìªñªº³ø¾É«ü¥X ¡A¨ÅÀù²Ó-M¤¤½T¹ê·|§t¦³¦¹°ò¦]¤£¥¿±`ªºmRNA ªí²{¡A ¦]¦¹¦b³o-Ó-pµeùØ¡A §Ú-̥ΨӦۥx¤jÂå°|ªº¤@§å¨ÅÀùÀËÅé°µTSG101ªº¤ÀªR (Table 1)¡A¤S¥Ñ©ó³o§åÀËÅé¡A§Ú-̤w¸g¤ÀªR¹L¨äER¡A erbB2(HER2/neu)¤Îp53ªºªí²{±¡§Î(Table2, 3)¡A±N¨Ó§Ú-Ì¥i¥H¦P®É©Î¤À¶}¨Ó¤ÀªR TSG101¤Î³o¨Ç°ò¦]»PÁ{§É¯fª¬ªº¬ÛÃö©Ê¡A³o±N´£¨Ñ¤@-Ó§ó-ѯS²§©Êªºgenetic markers ¨ÓÀ°§U¤F¸Ñ¦¹Àù¯g¥i¯àªº-P¯f¾÷Âà¡A ¦Ó¥B¥i¥H´£¨Ñ±N¨Ó¬ã¨s T SG101ªº¥Í²z ¥\¯àªº¤è¦V ¡A ¥H¤Î³o ¨Ç°ò¦]¬Û¤¬¶¡ªº§@¥Î¡C -^¤åºK-nKeywords¡G Tumor Suppressor Gene p53 and TSG101/Breast CancerLoss of heterozygosity (LOH) on chromosome 11p15 occurs frequently in breast cancer indicating that this region may have a role in the pathogenesis of breast cancer. TSG101 was identified as a tumor susceptibility gene by homozygous functional inactivation of allelic loci in mouse 3T3fibroblasts.The human homologue of this gene was then isolated and mapped to 11p15.Moreover, abnormalities of TSG101transcripts in human breast cancer and prostate cancer from western country have been reported recently. To determine whether abnormal TSG101 expression has correlation with unique characteristics of breast cancer from Taiwan, TSG101 gene status of breast cancer specimens from National Taiwan University Hospital (NTUH) and several breast cancer cell lines have been studied by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR ) and directly sequencing the cDNA of this gene (Table 1). We haveaccomplished the study about variants ofestrogen receptor (ER), over expression of erbB2(HER2/neu) and the mutation of p53 in same pool of breast cancer specimens mentioned above for the past two years.Those genetic alterations do provide someclues about breast carcinogenesis (Table 2, 3).More genetic analysis will help to developeffective genetic markers for this cancer’sprogression. Therefore, our specific aims ofthis proposed study are the following.Screening a large pool of breast cancer samples with known clinical stages for mutation in the TSG101 gene. The status of ER, erbB2(HER2/neu), p53 and TSG101 in the tumor samples will be correlated with their clinical stages. Moreover, any positivecorrelation between phenotype and mutation would provide scientifically importantdirection to explore inter-relationshipbetween these genes.Background TSG101 was identified as a tumor susceptibility gene by homozygous functional inactivation of allelic loci in mouse 3T3 fibroblasts. The human homologous of this gene was then isolated and mapped to 11P15(6,8). Some previous reports indicate that the major function of TSG101 is the following. TSG101 proteins of putative DNA-binding and transcriptional activation domains, it has suggested that the 43kD TSG101 protein may act to control gene expression and regulate the cell cycle.On the other hand, the coiled-coil domain of TSG101 can interact with stathmin. This finding suggests that this gene may control cell growth and differentiation (4,9,12,14,15,16). Other reports indicate thatTSG101 transcripts are frequently abnormal in human cancer cell, including breast cancer (1,2,3,13,17), prostate cancer (11), and leukemia (5). The major type of abnormality of TSG101 is aberrant splicing but not mutations (7,10). The relaxation of RNA splicing fidelity of TSG101 may be an oncodevelopment marker in cancer. We,therefore, plan to screen the status of TSG101 in a large pool of breast cancer samples that has been analyzed for ER,erbB2(HER2/neu) and p53 alterations in my laboratory. Clinical data including the pathologic stage, histologic type and follow-up will be collected. Then, the statistical analysis will be use to clarity the association between genetic alterations of ER,erbB2(HER2/neu), p53 as well as TSG101and clinical outcome.ResultTo detect the aberrant transcripts of TSG101 gene in breast cancer as well as the normal counterpart.According to the structure of TSG101 gene,two pairs of primer (p1/p2 and p3/p4) have been used to analyze any of the TSG101truncated transcripts by RT-PCR. Further restriction enzyme mapping or sequencing of RT-PCR products have been performed to dissect those truncated transcripts as well.The results were listed in table 3.DiscussionIn this preliminary study the abnormal TSG101 transcripts have been detected in tissues of breast cancers but not normal counterparts. These abnormalities of TSG101may play some role in carcinogenesis of breast. Therefore , clinical data including the pathologic stage, histologic type and fellow-up will be collected. Then, the statistical analysis will be used to clearify the associations between genetic alterations of ER, neu, p53 as well as TSG101 and clinical outcome.Table 1:HER-2/neu Row-P=0.018P53+Column Total56.3%43.7%100% HER-2/neuRow -P=0.031PR+Column Total 56.4%43.6%100%p53Row-P=0.004ER+Column Total74.2%25.8%100%Note:HER-2/neu¡G¡Ï¡÷overexpression¡Ð¡÷low level of expression/no expressionp53¡G¡Ï¡÷ point mutation¡Ð¡÷ wild-typeTable 2:p53 Row-P=0.00193Systemic recurrence+Column Total74.1%25.9%100%HER-2/neuRow -P=0.5617Systemic recurrence +Column Total 56.1%43.9%100%Note:HER-2/neu¡G¡Ï¡÷overexpression¡Ð¡÷low level of expression/no expressionp53¡G + ¡÷ point mutatation¡Ð¡÷ wild-typeSystemic recurrence¡G¡Ï¡÷three year’s follow-up¡Ð¡÷no recurrence on follow-up dateREFERENCES1. Benard J. Ahomadegbe JC. TSG101 and breast ca Ali, I.U., Lidereau, R., Theillet, C. & Callahan, R. Reduction to homozygosity of genes on ncer: a correctly named tumor-suppressor gene? Bulletin du Cancer. 84(12):1141-2, 1997Dec.2. Driouch K. Briffod M. Bieche I. Champeme MH. Lidereau R. Location of several putative genes possibly involved in human breast cancer progression. Cancer Research. 58(10):2081-6, 1998 May 15.3. Hofferbert S. Brohm M. Weber BH. Search for TSG101 germ-line mutations in BRCA1/BRCA2-negative breast/ovarian cancer families Cancer Genetics & Cytogenetics. 102(1):86-7, 1998 Apr 1.4. Koonin EV. Abagyan RA. TSG101 may be the prototype of a class of dominant negative ubiquitin regulators Nature Genetics. 16(4):330-1, 1997 Aug.5. Lin PM. Liu TC. Chang JG. Chen TP. Lin SF. Aberrant TSG101 transcripts in acute myeloid leukaemia. British Journal of Haematology. 102(3):753-8, 1998Aug.6. Lee MP. Feinberg AP. Aberrant splicing but not mutations of TSG101 in human breast cancer. Cancer Research. 57(15):3131-4, 1997 Aug 1.7. Li L. Li X. Francke U. Cohen SN. The TSG101 tumor susceptibility gene is located in chromosome 11 band p15 and is mutated in human breast cancer. Cell.88(1):143-54, 1997.8. Li L. Cohen SN. Tsg101: a novel tumor susceptibility gene isolated by controlled homozygous functional knockout of allelic loci in mammalian cells. Cell.85(3):319-29, 1996 May 3.9. Ponting CP. Cai YD. Bork P. The breast cancer gene product TSG101: a regulator of ubiquitination?. Journal of Molecular Medicine. 75(7):467-9, 1997 Jul.10. Steiner P. Barnes DM. Harris WH. Weinberg RA. Absence of rearrangements in the tumour susceptibility gene TSG101 in human breast cancer Nature Genetics. 16(4):332-3, 1997 Aug.11. Sun Z. Pan J. Bubley G. Balk SP.Frequent abnormalities of TSG101 transcripts in human prostate cancer. Oncogene. 15(25):3121-5, 1997 Dec 18.12. Thomson TM. Khalid H. Lozano JJ. Sancho E. Arino J. Role of UEV-1A, a homologue of the tumor suppressor protein TSG101, in protection from DNA damage. FEBS Letters. 423(1):49-52, 1998 Feb 13. 13. Wang Q. Driouch K. Courtois S. Champeme MH. Bieche I. Treilleux I. Briffod M.Rimokh R. Magaud JP. Curmi P. Lidereau R. Puisieux A. Low frequency of TSG101/CC2 gene alterations in invasive human breast cancers. Oncogene. 16(5):677-9, 1998Feb 5.14. Watanabe M. Yanagi Y. Masuhiro Y. Yano T. Yoshikawa H. Yanagisawa J. Kato S. A putative tumor suppressor, TSG101, acts as a transcriptional suppressor through its coiled-coil domain. Biochemical & Biophysical Research Communications.245(3):900-5, 1998 Apr 28.15. Xie W. Li L. Cohen SN. Cell cycle-dependent subcellular localization of the TSG101protein and mitotic and nuclear abnormalities associated with TSG101 deficiency. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.95(4):1595-600, 1998 Feb 17.16. Zhong Q. Chen Y. Jones D. Lee WH. Perturbation of TSG101 protein affects cell cycle progression. [Journal Article] Cancer Research. 58(13):2699-702, 1998 Jul 1.17. Zhong Q. Chen CF. Chen Y. Chen PL. Lee WH. Identification of cellular TSG101 protein in multiple human breast cancer cell lines. Cancer Research.57(19):4225-8, 1997 Oct 1.Table 3 Truncated transcripts of TSG101 in pair specimens4。



瓶頸。 (二) 國內對於工業製品的需求必然有限。解決國內市場不足的方法可能只有組 成多國或區域性貿易協會,有如拉丁美洲自由貿易協會、中美洲共同市場。拉丁 美洲國家曾在這方面有所努力,但仍未能解決問題。 (三)拉丁美洲工業運用高度的科技,因此只創造了有限的就業機會。這導致了 兩個無法避免的不利結果:使國內消費品市場的大小受到限制;未能改善日益嚴 重的失業問題。 在這樣的情況下,拉丁美洲國家進入第二階段的進口替代工業化的第一個 時期,將由本地製造商生產原先仰賴進口的各種資本及技術密集的製造品包括: 耐久性消費財(如,汽車) 、中間性財貨(如,石化及鋼鐵) 、資本財(如,重機 械) 。這意味建立更技術性勞力的、資本的、技術密集的工業,能夠生產資本財 和耐久性消費財,並能加工處理原料;這也意味持續對內導向的發展,包括維持 前一階段保護性、控制取向的政策結構。此外,拉丁美洲繼續出口相對豐富的天 然資源。6基於以上的特徵,我們又稱之為垂直性的進口替代工業化。 拉丁美洲在一九六○年代末期都面臨赤字與通貨膨脹的問題,垂直性的進口 替代工業化並不能解決與外在世界之經濟關係處於不平衡的狀況。7因之,拉丁 美洲國家修正了第二階段進口替代的策略,包括了促進出口。換言之,以行政部 門的措施,選擇性鼓勵特定工業或廠商,推動出口,但並未改變保護性的結構, 也沒有走向市場自由化。促進出口需要給予補貼,這項補貼有來自公共部門,也 有來自民間部門。這是在既有進口替代工業化的大架構外,給予額外的管制與獎 勵。8 而出口促進策略使該地區主要國家工業製品出口都增加了一倍以上。伴隨 此政策而來的是主要拉美國家與全球跨國企業策略的進一步聯繫,於此同時,垂 直性進口替代仍繼續在資本財部分努力。巴西在此階段中由於先前創造了良好的 投資環境而具有優勢,而墨國則繼續其「墨西哥化」政策,吸引外資的結果當然 也有差異。9 在這個階段,經濟整合運動的發展,和擴大市場有密切的關係。從一九五○ 年代開始,拉丁美洲區域整合的運動即已出現,但遲至一九六○年代才有正式的 組織。最早兩個主要組織分別是中美洲共同市場( Central American Common



行政长官办公室2018年年度开放数据计划A.在2019年发放的部门数据集数据种类/数据集名称目标发放日期更新频率备注1. 其他/行政长官离港职务访问一览表01/2019 每月行政长官自2017年7月的离港职务访问列表已上载行政长官办公室网站,供公众阅览。


2. 其他/行政长官办公室发出的新闻稿02/2019 有新资料加入时行政长官办公室自2017年7月发出的新闻稿已上载行政长官办公室网站,供公众阅览。


3. 其他/行政长官的演辞和文章02/2019 有新资料加入时行政长官自2017年7月发表的演辞和文章已上载行政长官办公室网站,供公众阅览。


4. 康乐及文化/香港礼宾府开放日的举行日期03/2019 公布开放日的举行日期当天香港礼宾府开放日的举行日期现时经新闻稿公布。


5. 其他/行政长官施政报告重点03/2019 每年发表施政报告当天2017年和2018年的行政长官施政报告全文和重点已上载行政长官办公室网站,供公众阅览。


6. 其他/前任行政长官及政治委任官员离职后工作咨询委员会就政治委任官员的离职后工作所给予的意见06/2019 有新资料加入时前任行政长官及政治委任官员离职后工作咨询委员会就政治委任官员的离职后工作所给予的意见已上载行政长官办公室网站,供公众阅览。



行政院國家科學委員會專題研究計劃成果報告網際網路關係行銷之研究The Study of the Relationship Marketing on Internet 計劃編號: NSC 90-2416-H-415-002-SSS執行期限:90年8月1日至91年7月31日主持人: 陶蓓麗副教授 國立嘉義大學管理研究所一、中文摘要隨著網際網路無遠弗屆的影響,顧客與企業關係建立與維繫的方式也受到衝擊,企業瞭解線上顧客關係的建立與維繫已是迫切的議題。








關鍵字:關係行銷、網路行銷、顧客關係AbstractInternet is transforming the customers and sellers relationships. Understanding why customers are receptive to a company on Internet is an emerging issue in relationship marketing. Little research has been done to investigate the enabler role of Internet in relationship marketing theory and practice. The purpose of this study is to explore the customer relationship on the Internet. The study also examines the factors influencing online customer relationship.A model for online customer relationship is proposed. This study suggests that four broad drivers—society, customer, web site, and interaction—affect online customers’receptivity to relationship maintenance. Trust and relationship commitment are used to measure the desire of relationship establishment and maintenance. Results indicate that the customer relationship on the Internet exists. All four broad drivers, which included society, customer, web site and interaction, are significant predictors in terms of improving customer relationship on Internet. The study suggests that companies should establish their own online community, introduce customer relationship management, focus on their area of expertise and aware of the unique interactive feature on Internet. Results also find that young and low-income customers respond to indirect social bonding and tend to trust companies. Though low-educated customers are low in customer expertise, they are more likely to devote their energy for relationship establishment and tie to indirect social bonding. Also, portal and shopping web sites are less trustful and less likely to be committed. The results enable a firm to understand the roles of Internet on relationship marketing and to develop Internet strategy effectively. It serves as a basis for the future growth of Internetmarketing and can guide those wishing to champion Internet marketing in their organization.Keywords: Relationship Marketing, InternetMarketing, CustomerRelationship二、研究背景與目的自八○年代以來,關係行銷觀念的提出對行銷領域產生了深遠的影響。




































Improvement on the growth of ultrananocrystalline diamond by using pre-nucleation techniqueYen-Chih Lee1, Su-Jien Lin1, Debabrata Pradham2,I-Nan Lin2*1. Department of Material Science and Engineering, National Tsing-Hua University, Hsin-Chu 300, Taiwan, R. O. C.;2. Department of Physics, Tamkang University, Tamsui251, Taiwan, R. O. C.AbstractUltrananocrystalline diamond (UNCD) films, which possess very smooth surface, were synthesized using CH4/Ar plasma. The Si-substrate was pre-nucleated using bias enhanced nucleation (BEN) technique under CH4/H2 plasma, so that the growth of UNCD films can be markedly enhanced. The growth rate of these UNCD films were observed to be correlated intimately with the deposition conditions, such as substrate temperature, microwave power, total pressure, CH4 ratio. When the nucleation process was carried out under methane and hydrogen (CH4/H2) plasma with negative DC bias voltage, no pretreatment on substrate was required prior to the formation of diamond nuclei. The growth kinetics of BEN induced nuclei was monitored by the evolution of the bias current to ensure the full coverage of diamond nuclei on the Si-substrate. The average grain size of BEN induced diamond nuclei is about 30 nm, with the nucleation site density more than 1011 sites/cm2. The growth rate of UNCD is markedly enhanced due to the application of BEN induced nuclei. Moreover, the growth rate of UNCD films was more significantly affected by the substrate temperature, but was less influenced by the microwave power. All of these UNCD films showed similar morphology, i.e., with grain size less than 10 nm and surface roughness around 20 nm. They also possess the same Raman spectra, i.e., the same crystallinity. However, the deposition rate can be increased from about 0.2 µm/hr to 1.0 µm/hr when substrate temperature increased from 4000C to 600o C.Novelty:The ultrananocrystalline diamond (UNCD) films were grown on bias-enhaned nucleation substrate to improve the of growth behavior.Keywords: UNCD, high speed growth, BEN, MPECVDSubmission of this paper has been approved by the co-authors.Corresponding author: Prof. I-Nan Line-mail: inanlin@.twTel. 886-2-26268907; Fax. 886-2-26207717Department of physics, Tamkang University;151 Yin-Chuan Rd. Tamsui, Taipei, Taiwan 251, R. O. C.Estimated word count: 3571words1Improvement on the growth of ultrananocrystalline diamond by using pre-nucleation techniqueYen-Chih Lee1, Su-Jien Lin1, Debabrata Pradham2, I-Nan Lin2*1. Department of Material Science and Engineering, National Tsing-Hua University, Hsin-Chu 300, Taiwan, R. O. C.;2. Department of Physics, Tamkang University, Tamsui251, Taiwan, R. O. C.AbstractUltrananocrystalline diamond (UNCD) films, which possess very smooth surface, were synthesized using CH4/Ar plasma. The Si-substrate was pre-nucleated using bias enhanced nucleation (BEN) technique under CH4/H2 plasma, so that the growth of UNCD films can be markedly enhanced. The growth rate of these UNCD films were observed to be correlated intimately with the deposition conditions, such as substrate temperature, microwave power, total pressure, CH4 ratio. When the nucleation process was carried out under methane and hydrogen (CH4/H2) plasma with negative DC bias voltage, no pretreatment on substrate was required prior to the formation of diamond nuclei. The growth kinetics of BEN induced nuclei was monitored by the evolution of the bias current to ensure the full coverage of diamond nuclei on the Si-substrate. The average grain size of BEN induced diamond nuclei is about 30 nm, with the nucleation site density more than 1011 sites/cm2. The growth rate of UNCD is markedly enhanced due to the application of BEN induced nuclei. Moreover, the growth rate of UNCD films was more significantly affected by the substrate temperature, but was less influenced by the microwave power. All of these UNCD films showed similar morphology, i.e., with grain size less than 10 nm and surface roughness around 20 nm. They also possess the same Raman spectra, i.e., the same crystallinity. However, the deposition rate can be increased from about 0.2 µm/hr to 1.0 µm/hr when substrate temperature increased from 4000C to 600o C.Novelty:The ultrananocrystalline diamond films were grown on bias-enhaned nucleation substrate to improve the growth.Keywords: UNCD, high speed growth, BEN, MPECVD2I. IntroductionThe unique combination of the physical and chemical properties of diamond film save drawn more attention among researcher to use diamond in many applications. However, the high roughness of microcrystalline diamond films made them inapplicable in specific applications. In the recent past, very smooth ultra nano-crystalline diamond (UNCD) films deposited by CH4/Ar mixture has been established. The detail mechanism for the formation of UNCD from CH4/Ar plasma has been reported[1, 2]. Recent application of nano-diamond films in bio-sensors[3], filed emission[4, 5] and bio-medical application[6] have shown the promising future of this nano-material. Even so, no detailed study has been performed on the growth rate and formation of nucleation sites by biased enhanced nucleation (BEN) method to grow uniform UNCD film on the silicon surface. Therefore, it is significant to understand more precisely on the deposition rate and deposition conditions influencing growth process of UNCD film.The substrate pretreatment strongly affects the nucleation and growth process of diamond films determining the initial deposition rate, crystal quality and surface roughness. High deposition rate is primarily important to grow thick diamond films normally required for application like SAW devices[7]. Moreover, a smooth surface of diamond film is another important requirement. Thus, suitable conditions need to be established to grow ultrananocrystalline diamond grains to directly obtain a smoother film. One of the most effective methods of diamond nucleation is bias enhanced nucleation (BEN) method[8, 9]. The formation of nano-diamond phase on silicon acts as nucleation center for the growth of either nano-crystalline or microcrystalline diamond depending on the deposition parameters used.One of the main objectives of the present work was to systematically investigate the nucleation behavior of UNCD on silicon surface using a BEN technique. As BEN method does not involve any scratching by diamond abrasives, it avoids the confusion of presence of any residual diamond particle on the substrate. Another objective of current study is to find a suitable deposition condition for the high and uniform growth of UNCD. The effect of microwave power, substrate temperature, CH4 to Ar ratio and total pressure on the growth rate is reported in this article.3II. ExperimentalThe bias enhanced nucleation (BEN) diamond films were grown in a 2.45 GHz ASTeX microwave plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) system on N-type mirror polished Si (100) substrates. A microwave power of 1.5 kW (ASTeX 5400), total pressure of 55 torr and 300 sccm H2 flow rate were used during biased treatment. Different substrates were biased treated for different time intervals (0 to 15 minutes) at constant biased voltage (-125 V) and the resulted bias current – time relationship was measured. Silicon substrates after BEN process were used for the deposition of UNCD in an IPLAS MPCVD system. Table I presents the detail experimental deposition conditions used for UNCD growth. In Series - P, C, T and MW, chamber pressure, CH4/Ar ratio, temperature and microwave power was varied respectively, keeping rest of the parameters constant.Surface morphology of samples was examined with a field emission scanning electron microscope (JEOL 6010). Crystal quality of UNCD films was investigated by Raman Spectroscopy using 514 nm argon laser beam (Renishaw). Surface topography and roughness was measured with atomic force microscopy (PARK).III. Results and discussion(a) Nucleation processThe formation of nanodiamond phase for the nucleation of diamond growth during BEN is known for last few years. Therefore BEN time is crucial to create uniform nucleation center on the silicon. Figure 1 shows the nucleation of nano-diamond films deposited after different BEN time intervals. The SEM images show uniform island growth at the beginning after 5 minutes of BEN (Fig 1a) and subsequent increase of coverage in nano-diamond grains clusters on the surface after 7 minutes (Fig 1b). After 8 minutes of BEN, the whole silicon surface is covered by cluster of nano-diamond crystals. The average size of nano-diamond cluster is around 150 nm and size of each diamond grain in the clusters is ~ 20 nm (Fig 1c). A saturation of nano-diamond growth occurs after 8 minutes of BEN, covering whole area of silicon substrate. At 10 min of BEN, cluster size of nano-diamond is decreased but diamond grain of size 50 nm started to appear (Fig 1d). The surface morphology is almost same after 10 minutes BEN. This4establishes the minimum time (8 minutes) required for the creation of high nucleation centers and uniform nano-diamond layer on silicon. The grain size is also found to be smallest (~20 nm) after 8 minutes of BEN. The thickness was about 250 nm.The measurement of bias current during BEN in our study indicates direct correlation in the formation of nano-diamond phase on silicon, which is shown in fig. 2 for the trend of bias current versus time at a constant negative bias voltage of 125 V. When there is no methane flow, bias current is about -52 mA. This current starts to decrease in the first 3 minutes, which may be due to methane content increases and changes plasma condition. The subsequent increase of bias current which has been attributed to the enhancement in electron emission from the highly emissive diamond formed on silicon substrate surface and the bias current become saturated after 10 minutes indicating no more nano-diamond coverage increase in surface.(b) Growth processFigure 3 shows the effect of various parameters on the deposition rate of UNCD. The deposition rate of diamond film is found to depend significantly on the temperature and the ratio of CH4 to Ar in the reactant gas compared to microwave power and total pressure. The effect of chamber pressure in the deposition rate is linearly increases from 100 torr to 150 torr. There is no much effect of pressure on the deposition rate. However, there is a striking increase in deposition rate when CH4/Ar ratio was increased from 0.5 % to 2.0 %. The substrate temperature is another important parameter for increasing deposition rate. The deposition rate is found to increase around 4 times with increase in temperature from 400o C to 600o C while all other parameters were held constant. The deposition rate of UNCD increases with microwave power from 600 W to 750 W. However, deposition rate comes down and become almost constant in the microwave power range of 900 W to 1200 W. We have grown a UNCD film having highest deposition rate of ~1 µm/hr at 750 W with combination of parameters: 150 torr pressure, 600 o C temperature and 1 % methane.Figure 4 shows typical SEM images of UNCD film. Diamond grains of size less than 10 nm have been grown under above described deposition conditions. Unlike the agglomeration observed after bias enhanced nuclation, UNCD film shows a uniform and5smooth surface having numerical diamond crystallites density of as high as 1012 /cm2. This high nucleation density was due to formation of high nucleation centers during BEN and the growth in CH4/Ar plasma. The inset shows a cross-sectional image of UNCD film. The surface roughness of the diamond films is strongly affected by deposition method. AFM analysis shows that the surface roughness of the BEN film using CH4/H2 source gas under continuous bias (-125 V) in 8 minutes period was about 13.2 nm. This surface roughness reduces to 10 nm after deposition of UNCD using CH4/Ar source gas. The decrease of surface roughness is well matched with decrease of diamond grain size measured by SEM. Size of diamond grains were less than 10 nm after UNCD deposition on a 20 nm diamond crystallites film formed during negative biasing.Raman technique is one of the important non-destructive characterization techniques to study the properties of any type of carbon forms. There are four main peaks normally observed at around 1140 cm-1, 1330 cm-1, 1470 cm-1 and 1560 cm-1 in visible Raman spectrum of UNCD films[10, 11]. Figure 5 shows the Raman spectra of UNCD films deposited on silicon at different experimental conditions. These Raman spectra are found to be very similar to as reported in literature[10, 11]. The broad peak at 1330 cm-1 and 1560 cm-1 are commonly termed as D-band and G band respectively. The peaks at 1140 cm-1 and 1470 cm-1 are sometimes assigned to nano-crystalline diamond films[12, 13].However, there is certain ambiguity in these two peaks. Ferrari et. al.[14] and Kuzmany et. al.[15] have assigned these two peaks at 1140 cm-1 and 1470 cm-1 to trans-polyacetylene segments present at the grain boundaries and surfaces of diamond films. However, these two peaks are most commonly observed in UNCD or NCD film[10, 11]. Since the sp2-bonded carbon is highly sensitive to visible Raman spectroscopy than sp3-bonded carbon, sharp peak at 1332 cm-1 is not observed. In our study, the peak height of 1140 cm-1 and 1470 cm-1 suggests the increase in trans-polyacetylne percentage with substrate temperature. Raman spectra of series –P, -C and -MW samples are almost same indicating not much change in crystallinity of UNCD films by varying pressure, CH4/Ar ratio and microwave power.6IV. ConclusionUNCD film of diamond grain less than 10 nm was grown on BEN treated silicon surface. Nucleation density of ~1012 grains/cm2 was obtained in the growth process. Silicon substrate was biased for different time interval to study the formation of nucleation center. Our study has shown that a minimum 8-minute of bias enhanced nucleation was needed for uniform growth of UNCD film. Agglomeration of diamond crystallites obtained in BEN diamond growth was not observed after the growth of UNCD in a CH4-Ar medium. AFM study depicted the improvement in smoothness of UNCD film to 6.83 nm from 10.83 nm obtained by BEN NCD film. Raman spectra have shown the peak at respective positions that normally observed in UNCD films.V. AcknowledgmentThe authors would like to thank National Science Council, R.O.C. for the support of this research through the project No. NSC 93-2112-M-032-010.VI. References[1] D. Zhou, T. G. McCauley, L. C. Qin, A. R. Krauss, and D. M. Gruen, J. Appl. Phys.83 (1998) 540.[2] D. M. Gruen, Annu. Rev. Mater. Sci. 29 (1999) 211.[3] A. Hartl, E. Schmich, J.A. Garrido, J. Hernando, S.C.R. Catharino, S. Walter, P. Feulner, A. Kromka, D. Sreinmuller, M. Stutzmann, Nature Materials, 3 (2004) 736.[4] W. Zhu, G.P. Kochanski, S. Jin, Science282 (1998) 1471.[5] K. Wu, E.G. Wang, Z.X. Cao, Z.L. Wang, X. Jiang, J. Appl. Phys.88 (2000) 2967.[6] M. D. Fries, Y.K. Vohra, Diam. Rel. Mater. 13 (2004) 1740.[7] F. Benedic, M.B. Assouar, F. Mohasseb, O. Elmazria , P. Alnot , A. Gicquel, Diam. Rel. Mater. 13 (2004) 347.[8] S. Yugo, T. Kanai, T. Kimura, T. Muto, Appl. Phys. Lett. 58 (1991) 1036.[9] Q. Chen, Z. 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oäP H O c g v TK nY Q oäH O c t g v T C bs k W A B B P i2000¡o i q l gM w A R s o i P H O c g v T AK O y z A W q H R C D n s GA JB H O B s o i P tA M J h S G CäG s o i B gAbstractThis study examines the impacts of R&D expenditure and human structure on operating performance in Taiwan chemistry firms. Extended from the model of determining factors of operating performance among electronic firms developed by Yang, Fu, and Chang (2000), this study analyzed the influence of R&D and human structure on corporation productivity. We find that labor inputs, human capital, R&D activity, and marketing & managerial activities are significant factors on outputs of chemistry firms in Taiwan.Keywords: R&D, operating performanceB es Q s o i P H O c W q g v T Ai B x q g M w CAäg D n s P s NO A s o i P N i B O G u F P A H O c bt FäC b g PäM w Y Q W A YB B P i2000¡o i q l g M w AH z c R s o i P H O c g v T C Ai h1998¡s o i P g p s AäGW W d s y q o jäg n A o qA B o Päg p C G K Oy z A O B o K A Y H Q CG B m QA P v T OG C i N J n G H O P H O BäLB s o i B P g zäL L J jC Pe J n A s o i P H O h s sP v J A g z h A p e J n H FU J CW p h A L J G Hq P F t y J v T A D vM w C S A J A H p lq A i j t B C A s D nH t qäg A Y Q nJ y v T A c t o B P B T g Mw Cg A b g z W i H O H CäA PO g A i P n JO (Young, 1995)¡A O i N i B Pv C N i B D n O A Y s o i A P A H O c bt FäC s o i D O W i s q i t yA g s i o i s iB D n L v P, 1996¡C s o i s Näl N G A OO g n v T Spence, 1984: Iansiti and West, 1999; Hadjimanolis, 2000; ¼Ú¶i¤h, 1998¡¡C-Y©¿²¤¤F¬ãµo©Î¤H¤O¸ê¥»ªº¥~·¸®ÄªG(spillover effects) N Cäv T a P, 1996¡CA y y i oB B P T jA o H O n J CäA o N i BG F O U q A i PO C p A o s s s y N q n w I AälN P T A i W A i z P M P W CP a A b P g z W s P A p n q PS k A i o O Cs o i D n i G s P s C ss y v A C A UF A O C s s o i A U s A iA P t A i g i h, 1998¡Cs o i w I A o h t C As s o i I C A s h i S I j CA s o i P H O c J O n M w CA y y i oB p B B P B y B A (Kaplan and Atkinson, 1999)¡A s h N e o p o A P B y B A T PC A q I N o B P B T A b W i N w B o B P T C G O (Y ) P M R Y ++=(1)äAR B M B P o B P B CU (L ) M (K ) n J A h O J(³M )P M R PM R K K K K L L L L ++=++= (2)äA L R B L M B L P o B P B J A K R B K M BK P h T J CA q l p g A o N iB M v A o O äb v A o t F u P N A G w N E H H O n i B A B e A A N E h CM A b o A F s v T (ªG )¡A s N i i A v T (¥G )¡C Romer (1986) A Y t (¬o) i AäL t (¬o ) G C P a A b P A F P B y z B A v T (ªG)¡A v z M V m U A v T (¥G )¡C A N T i äL t C A U N A (¥) i w p U G ()()()()()()M R K L t C H P K L t B G M K L t A F R P P M M R R ,,,,,===(3)äA A (t )¡B B (t )¡B C (t )¤O o B P B N E l C A (t )L R B B (t )L M B C (t )L P h T v J(effective labor)¡C(3)¦A N E A b q H O c v T A i w)exp()(γH t C =(4) äAH H c CA U N E i P A G T N E()()()()MRt t B t t A αα+=+=11 (5)äA()M R i i ,=α←°∞…♠ ♥Τ♥ω♠≡°∇…∅ϒΑ⁄≅↓ƒ©♦∞i αϒ√-1¡CA t A t J A J äb U A G T äO11====K K E E K K E E H G H G H F H F(6)äA()()R E L t A R F ∂∂=ϒΒ()()M E L t B M G ∂∂=ϒΒ⁄∈()()P E L t C P H ∂=⁄ℵ♣Ο←°←©∝οϒΒ Π≡⇒ϒΒ⁄∈∞⊆″≤⁄Τ≥ϒ♠⁄♣→⊗″ϖ≥®°⊇℘™≈∨∞⊆″≤⁄ΟϒΑƒ©F i B G i B H i (i =E , K , R , M )h O T äO CQ (2)¡(6)¦A (1)¦L i H p U G()()()[]()()[]()M dM Y M R dR R K dK L dL e H e Y dY M M R R K L H L H ψπψπψψψγγγ++++++= (7)äA()L H E L =ψϒΑ()Y K H K K =ψϒΑ))1/(1(1R R απ+−=ϒΑ))1/(1(1M Mαπ+−=ϒΧW z A N o ä (©P ä) A t v T M G G C G o (©P ä) v T A Y ()Y R R π (©()Y M M π)¡F G h w q o ä (©P ä) z L v T A YR ψ (©M ψ)C Young (1995) Färe etal. 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類 料 精

類 行 行 年 立 年
立 參 理 理 林

料 利 度惡劣 零 力量 金 滑 度 例 力 度 來 度 量 力 力 力 度 不 滑 料 度 參數 例 度不 降 滑 度 不 流 度 力 行 力
摘要 碳化矽是一種陶瓷複合材料,有極佳的耐蝕性與耐磨性,它被利用在許多的機件上,像是承受高 速摩擦的汽缸壁或是在極度惡劣環境下運轉的零組件。本實驗中所使用的動態扭力桿是以瞬間扭轉的 力量讓試件與擋板表面接觸進行摩擦動作,主要是探討碳化矽薄膜與金屬表面接觸受到一個摩擦力所 產生的表面扭矩、滑移速度及溫度上升情形。 在本研究中,試片的製作過程針對不同的電流密度大小、電鍍操作時間及粉末添加的比例,測試 這三種情況下的碳化矽薄膜的動態機械性質,經過測試過後發現,在瞬間摩擦的情況下表面剪應力可 達 18MPa,表面扭矩可達 60N.m,表面滑移速度可達 4m/s ,碳化矽薄膜經過瞬間高速摩擦的動作, 其衍生出來的是薄膜溫升情形,從實驗結果得知碳化矽薄膜在厚度越厚以及粉末比例越多的條件下, 其表面溫升下降情形越是明顯,藉由 SEM 微觀察薄膜的厚度不同及沉積元素的含量,探討其薄膜厚 度的變化與摩擦表面後所改變的機械性質。本篇實驗亦將比較三種不同的薄膜沉積參數所測得的表面 應力、剪應力、扭矩、滑移速度及溫升情形。 關鍵字:動態扭力桿、陶瓷複合材料、碳化矽薄膜
及磨損的機械性質。 結果得知,增加碳化矽顆粒的尺寸大小和滑移速度會導致薄膜的硬度增加和摩 擦係數。 【4】 進行了乾式磨耗試驗利用(ring on disk) 2006 年 Yating Wu , Bin Shen, Lei Liu, Wenbin Hu 等人 環對盤磨損機,在室溫下空氣相對濕度 48±10RH%,,該環的材料為碳鋼其外部和內部直徑分別為 30mm 和 20mm。在進行磨耗實驗之前,所有的接觸面必須經過拋光的動作,清洗部分則使用丙酮清 潔之後處於乾燥狀態。磨耗試驗所負荷的力量為 150N 和轉盤旋轉的速度為 50rpm。測試的時間為 20 分鐘。磨損的表面以及表面特徵分析則使用(SEM)掃描式電子顯微鏡和 X 射線能譜儀。同年 Y. Yalcin 等人 【5】 製作以 A356 為主基材分別加入 5 、 、 , , 10 15 與 20vol.%的 SiC 成分 SiC 顆粒平均大小為 12μm 使用球對盤(ball-on-disk)試驗法,施加 1、2、3 與 5N 之正向負載;使用混合攪拌方式製作出的 MMCs 其材料硬度與耐磨耗性高,當正向負載與 SiC 體積分率增加,其摩擦係數將相對下降;經由 SEM 得知,體積分率越高則磨耗後表面越粗糙,即表面粗糙度增加。 對於(pin on disk)銷對盤試驗法而言,上方銷試片為固定端其功能是傳遞荷重,下方盤部分做為 旋轉,常用來測試材料間的滑動摩擦係數和滑動磨耗損失。銷試片與盤試片的接觸端面可做成平面或 半球體的端面。 2009年Manoj Singla, Lakhvir Singh, Vikas Chawla等人【6】進行不同密度的鋁材與碳化矽摩耗實 驗, 該測試在空氣中進行。磨損試驗用圓柱樣品(Ø 8mm × 25mm) ,面對一個旋轉的圓盤直徑約為 100mm,磨損測試進行四個不同的負荷如50、70、90、110 N和在固定的滑動速度1m/s,每個測試共 進行滑移距離為 1.8公里。結果顯示,磨損率線性增加伴隨著負荷增加而增加。 陶瓷材料的摩擦磨損性,如氧化鋁和碳化矽在不同溫度,環境介質,和表面形貌。在傳統類型的 摩擦試驗機中,磁盤上或板上的滾針技術通常用來進行摩擦試驗沿單向或反向進行測試。這些儀器是 適合研究穩態摩擦磨損行為是經過長時間獲得滑移(毫米以上)經過一段時間(分鐘以上) 。然而在 某些情況下動態滑移對於一開始動態摩擦效應是很重要的,例如,摩擦阻力受損陶瓷在動態壓縮條件 下的影響,移動陶瓷元件之間的接觸頻繁,突然增加或減少接觸負荷,滑動速度,或滑動方向可能導 致獨特的動態摩擦學響應,即使在同樣的負荷水平。動態摩擦反應一開始是金屬表面滑移,在動態壓 縮條件下進行,金屬表面滑移與與摩擦介面之間在某些情況下,例如摩擦阻力增加、突然增加或減少 接觸負荷、滑移速度、滑移方向,皆有可能改變動態摩擦效應。文獻中的磨耗數據整理如下表一所示。 表一、SiC 磨耗行為



΋ǵ!Ǻ!!!!!!ऍǴऍǴៈǴԶம୯ǴǶࣁ΋Ǵ౛ፕ΢ǴٿँᆶǶࡷǴჹǵೕǵᆶǴঃǴ߾ँ܄ࣁቚமǴӢࣁᚈБǵ୷ǵ୯ǵӵǴǶӢǴவǴ៙ँ൳ǶऍǴύம୯ǴࡪፕǴऍǵᝡँǶᐕǴǴಃǴհǴВǶ!!!!!Ǵँֽय़ǻ܈ँόǴࢂँǴᗉࣁᏯֽǻᚈБǴँǻவǴ΢ࣁ౛ǶٯࣁӄǴٿǹΒǴ᝵ǴٿǴԶँǴऍँޑǴаँϲࣁӄǶӢǴவǴ៙ँޑֽय़Ǵՠ҂ँǴٿǴхᚈБǵаǶӵǴ߾ᚈБँஒǹϸǴऩǴ߾ᚈБँޑǴࣗǶ྽Ǵ៙ࣁҭǴӵǴᚈБँǹϸǴӵǴ٠Ǵ߾ᚈБँǴวǶऍǴջፕॊǶӧǴόȨύፕȩ೏ǴٿँǴՠԿँǴ٠ӭǶǴǴமǶऍǴՠǴӧǴᚈँΨǶӧǴऍǴǶԶࣁǴࣁϸǶᗨǴѝᚈБࣁόǴ҂Ƕ!!Ǻǵ៙ǵύǵǵ៾ǵᏯǵΐ!ΒǵSummary:The United States and China have been in an interaction conditioned by international power structure after the Cold War. The United States is a dominant state in the system which defends the status quo while China is a rising state which may challenge the status quo. Theoretically, the United States and China will engage in competition and conflict. The rise of challenger will relatively weaken the dominant’s power and leadership, upset the current political and economic institutions, norms and interest. The conflict will be even more serious when the dominant state and rising state have different ideologies which will define their views of world order, fundamental values, international norms and institutions, and interest. Therefore, from the perspective of power structure, the United States will inevitably compete and conflict with China as Germany and the British did before World War I.However, will it be so pessimistic that a dominant power will definitely be hostile with a rising power? Will it be possible that the conflict between them can be moderated to avoid an escalation of war? History seems to offer a rather optimistic answer for these questions. The United States gradually replaced the Great Britain as the dominant in the world after World War I without eliciting a war between them. Therefore, there are other important factors which can reduce the likelihood of conflict between a dominant and a rising powers. These factors include the difference in ideologies and their respective strategic intention. A conflict between them will be inevitable if the rising power has a strategic intention to challenge the power status and interest of the dominant power. The possibility of conflict will be low if the rising power has no intention to challenge the dominant power. The strategic intention of the dominant power matters too. A tension between them will arise if the dominant intends to suppress the rising power by force. On the other hand, the possibility of conflict will be significantly reduced if the dominant power can tolerate the ascendance of other powers and integrate them into the existing system through peaceful means.The Sino-U.S. relations after the September 11th Incident has fully supported the above arguments. The concern of “China Threat” has often been raised in the United States after the Cold War and there have been frequent strives and conflict of interest between it and China. However, the two have not engaged in a military conflict and on the contrary have even cooperated in many ways. Of the majorreasons for this relatively smooth relationship is that China has not adopted a strategy with an aim to challenge American hegemonic status. China has conducted a peaceful strategy and asserted that it will never seek for a hegemony status. The United States on its part has also not taken a completely hostile strategy to suppress China. It has enacted a strategy of combining restraint and engagement to deal with China. After the September 11th Incident, the Bush administration has stressed on fighting terrorism to secure American security. For the success of this task, the United States needs China’s cooperation and assistance. China also took this opportunity to express its support and assistance for American anti-terrorism policy. The Bush administration considered China as a partner for fighting terrorism. The future relations between the United States and China will be a mix of conflict and cooperation as only as there is no change in both sides’ strategic intentions and actions.Key Words: Sino-U.S. Relations, Hegemony, China’s Rise, a ResponsibleStakeholder, Power Structure, Strategic Intention, the September 11thIncident!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!൘ǵ!!ऍ୯ԾΒԛεᏯ่״ࡕջࣁӄౚޑǴЀԾҗޑǴ៙୯ৎǴᆢ୯ሞޑکǶԾհᏯ่״ࡕǴҗޑှᡏǴऍ୯׳ࣁӄౚ୤΋ޑຬ୯Ǵӧैǵǵᔮǵε൯Ӄځ୯Ǵࣁൂޑ୯ሞᡏسǶՠᏯࡕǴύӧ٥ǴӧᔮǵैǵѦǴ࠶ऍ୯ޑ៙Ƕ!Ǵ྽΋୯ৎِǴԖ୯ޑӦǴٿӢԶᏯǶय़ޑِǴऍ୯୯ϣȨύ୯࠶ȩޑፕፓǴ٠ൎ୹Ϸڋύ୯Ƕऍ୯ࣁ྽ӄౚಃ΋ம୯Ǵ୯߾ࣁஙޑε୯Ǵٿޑϕ߯༈୯ሞޑวӄǶΐ΋΋٣ࡕǴऍ୯Ξӄౚ৮εޑӼӄ࠶ǴᙯޑЍբǶӧΐ΋΋٣ࡕऍ୯ᆶޑᜢ߯཮ޑวǻٿբǻჹǻਸǶ!!ມǵ!!Ǻ!΋ǵΐ΋΋٣ࡕऍύޑᜢ߯཮ǻࢂբǻ!Βǵቹऍύ߯วޑᜢӢનǻऍύ่ᄬޑڋऊǻ!Οǵऍύ߯҂ޑวޑӼӄԖǻךӢᔈǻ!!ୖǵ!!!!!!य़ޑஙǴऍ୯୯ϣޑཀǶ΋ࢴ΋ঁӧ΢໼Ǵࡹ΢௦ଯᓸޑ୯ৎǴόӧ౛ڋࡋ΢ᆶऍ୯਱ǴԜޑ୯ৎ׳ޑ஑ޑ໣ǴཱུᏯݾǶύӧ࿶ᔮׯޑ௃ǴैໆҭǴځ୯ٛᆉਥᏵ՗ीჴࣁऍ୯ޑΟϩϐ΋Ǵ&ޑԋǴӧ҂ऍ୯ǶᐕǴ΋ঁޑε୯ѸޑЬ୯ᄬᏯǴ࠶ޑ୯ሞǴ୯ৎϝӧ๱ޑݾ୺ǴӵǵǵѠǵύǴ΋εࡕ׳ޑБǴޑόǶӢԜǴԜ୯ޑ࠶Ǵऍ୯ჹᏯ΋Ǵ௦ൎ୹ޑᏯౣǴޑεᆶౣǶ2΋ࢴࣁύ1ଠᤜխഏ৖ౡᓵ֗ኙࠡආ࠷໮ങࢨሗࠫᖏฃृΔRichard Bernstein and Ross H. 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Nye, “China’s Reemergence and the Future of the Asia-Pacific,” Survival, V ol. 39, No. 4 (Winter 1997-98), pp. 65-79; Kenneth Lieberthal, “A New China Strategy,” Foreign Affairs, V ol. 74, No. 6 (November/December 1995), pp. 35-49; Robert R.Ross, “Beijing as a Conservative Power,” Foreign Affairs, V ol. 74, No. 2 (March/April 1997), pp.41-42; Ross, “The Geography of the Peace: East Asia in the Twenty-first Century,” International Security, V ol. 23, No. 4 (Spring 1999), pp. 117-118; David Shambaugh, “Containment or Engagement of China?” International Security, V ol. 21, No. 2 (Fall 1996), pp. 180-209; Bates Gill, “Limited Engagement,” Foreign Affairs, V ol. 78, No. 4 (July/August 1999), pp. 65-76; Audrey and Patric Cronin, “The Realistic Engagement of China,” Washington Quarterly, V ol. 19, No. 1 (Winter 1996), pp. 141-170; Zbigniew Brzezinski, The Grand Chessboard, op. cit; Richard Nixon, Seize the Moment(New York: Simon & Schuster, 1992); A. Doak Barnett, et. al., Developing a Peaceful, Stable, and Cooperative Relationship with China(New York: National Committee on American Foreign Policy, 1996); James Shinn, ed., Weaving the Net: Conditional Engagement with China (New York: Council on Foreign Relations, 1996); Δᖏழཚભኙխ٥ፂυΔխഏழΔ1999ڣ4ִ25ֲΔठ14ΙࠡהAlexander Haig, James Baker, III, Harry Harding, Michael Swain࿛Δ೶ΔխભΔִעΔร11࠴Δร12ཚ(ഏ85ڣ12ִ)Δ଄22ΖǴϩ݋Ǵ୯ޑǵৎޑ๱բǵޑϩ݋Ǵޑϩ݋Ƕ!!!!!!!่!Ҵǵ!!!!!!!΋ǵऍύ่ᄬޑ៾߯Ƕ่ᄬ߯୯ሞᡏسϩଛޑ่ǴᏯࡕ୯ሞᡏسȨൂࣁЬޑᡏسȩ.n!Ǵऍ୯Տ΋ᡏسޑ៙ǴӄΚ΋ᡏسޑ៾่ᄬǵᡏڋǵǵӄǶύࣁԜ΋ᡏسޑம୯Ǵ΋ᡏسޑ៾่ᄬǵᡏڋǵǵۓǶऍύ୯ӢԜ΋ঁ่ᄬޑ៾ޑϕ߯ύǶவ่ᄬޑǴऍύ୯҂ޑᜢ߯όǶ୯ΚޑԋǴǴӄౚࡽޑ៾่ᄬǵᡏڋǵǵǴऍ୯ό୹ޑᄊޑஙǴޑӦǶԜǴᏯࡕޑύऍᜢ߯ёǶऍ୯୯࠶Ǵ୯ࣁჹऍ୯ճӄޑ࠶Ǵٿӧᜢ୯ሞӄȐǴύޑΓǵѠǵ΢Ԗ୺Ƕऍ୯Ψӧޑै߯Ȑऍ߯ϷऍᏯౣұՔ߯ǴڋޑஙǶ!!!!!!Βǵ่ᄬޑڋऊໆϝڋǶऍύޑᜢ߯ڋܭ่ᄬޑڋԶǴՠޑैǶǴϝޑӢનऍύ߯ޑวǶځǴύऍ୯ޑᏯౣޑǶύޑஙӧ΢ऍ୯ޑճǴՠӧЬޑᏯౣ΢ǴύᏯऍ୯ޑ៙ǶύԾࡕǴࣁ୯ϣޑ࿶ᔮǴջޑکࣁѦǶӧȨǴȩޑѦǴύԾךӧ୯ሞޑۓࣁӄΚᔮǴǶ܈ޑӢӧܭԾޑჴǴਥᏯऍ୯ޑ៙ǴӵᏯऍ୯ޑ៙Ǵऍ୯ޑ΢ϐၡǶύᏯౣޑڋǴӧࡕวӧޑ௃ǴύޑѦǶӢԜǴک΋ࡕհᏯᏯౣޑЬǴፓޑȨکȩǴޑȨکȩࣣǶӧΐ΋΋٣ࡕǴύऍ୯ӄౚޑ৮ǴӄౚϷޑӼӄǶӧύޑᏯౣᏯऍ୯ޑ៙Ǵऍ୯ޑᏯϷԾǴჹӄڋޑᏯౣǴޑᜢ߯ϝǶ!!!!!!ǴځޑᏯౣࣁׯ຾ޑ୯ᡏسϐǴ٠ޑᡏسϐǶЬޑӢǺ΋ǵύᡏڋޑᏯౣǹΒǵ௦ൎ୹ޑᏯౣଯǹΟǵऍ୯ޑ࿶߯Ǵ΋ᜢ߯ჹऍ୯όǴ΋ᜢ߯ჹऍ୯ԖǹѤǵύӧ୯ሞޑቹǴऍ୯ёໆӅ୯ሞϐӄǴऍ୯ᆢᡏڋޑԋǶЀӧΐ΋΋ࡕǴऍ୯୯ৎӼӄᏯౣޑख़ӧܭεޑǴբᜢ߯Ԗޑǹϖǵऍ୯୯ϣǵᔮǵᏢޑΚໆޑౣǹϤǵޑཀǵࡹᔮᡏڋǵᆶǴޑᏯౣǶӢԜǴԾΐ΋΋٣ࡕऍ୯ჹޑࡹޑԋϩǴࣁޑᏯౣұՔ୯ሞ΢Ȩޑճ߯ΓȩǶ!Οǵӧ่ᄬǵᏯౣޑࡹǴ҂ऍ୯ᆶբ٠ޑϕ߯Ƕ!ѤǵѠऍ୯ჹޑᏯౣӢᔈǶӧࣁځᏯౣ!΋ޑ௃Ǵऍ୯բڋޑӧǴӢԜऍ୯཮ǴϐǶѠऍ୯ԜϩϐᏯౣǴԶԾϐӄǴϷϐǶՠऍ୯΋ϐᏯౣǴջᆶբǶӢԜǴऍБӢѠǶ྽ǴऍБޑЍǴ٠ऍБޑᓸڋǴቹऍѠϐޑᜢ߯ǶǵڋǵڋǶ҂ӧໆऍБϐǴ୯ৎǶ!!ഌǵ!!!΋΋٣ࡕޑऍύ߯Ǵٿբ܈Ƕε΋ࣴޑǴऍύ୯բᆶޑᜢ߯Ƕ΢ԶǴҁǴऍύ୯ڋܭ่ᄬӢનޑڋऊޑ໼ǴՠჴޑࣴǴٿ୯ӚԾޑᏯౣ୯ޑϕǴޑ໼ǴբޑǶԜǴऍύ߯ޑวǴᔈޑٿǴԖჴޑࡹǶ҂຾΋ޑȐ΋ǵϣऍύޑѦᏯౣǻȐΒǵ྽୯ΚࡕǴࢂޑѦᏯౣǻऍύޑϕ߯ǻ!!ୖԵȐ!΋ǵ1. 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三、调研结果1. 当前我国就业状况总体良好,但存在结构性矛盾。



2. 青年就业压力较大,创业需求凸显。



3. 区域发展不平衡,就业分布不均衡。



4. 职业培训和技能提升亟待加强。






行政院國家科學委員會專題研究計畫成果報告鉤端螺旋體造成腎小管間質腎炎之機制及台灣人畜鉤端螺旋體症流行病學計畫編號:NSC 90-2313-B-002-295執行期限:88年8月1日至91年7月31日主持人:潘銘正國立台灣大學獸醫學系計畫參與人員:謝旺儒、黃雅惠國立台灣大學獸醫學研究所一、中文摘要本計劃的目的為調查鉤端螺旋體在台灣地區豬及軍犬之流行病學及研究鉤端螺旋體造成腎小管間質腎炎之機制。




外膜蛋白萃取物及LipL32皆可使鼠腎小管細胞的iNOS表現、MCP-1 及TNF-α的mRNA表現量增加。

以RNA 差異展示法所得到的prs基因及相減雜交法所得到的基因需進一步研究,才能清楚與致病基因的關係。


關鍵詞:鉤端螺旋體、流行病學、外膜蛋白、RNA差異展示法、相減雜交法AbstractThe purpose of the plan is to investigate the epidemiology of leptospirosis in pigs, and military dogs and studies the mechanism of tubulointerstitial nephritis by pathogenic leptospira. A total of 659 pigs and 127 military dogs were examined by using standard microscopic agglutination test (MAT). The pathogenic Leptospira shermani outer membrane extract and recombinant LipL32 protein were administered to cultured mouse tubule cells. We use the RNA differential display technology and subtracted hybridization technology to search thepossible pathogenic factors. The seroprevalence of leptospira in Taiwan were 57.7% in pigs and 77.2% in military dogs. We found that outer membrane extract and recombinant LipL32 protein could cause the increase of iNOS, mRNA of MCP-1 and TNF-αof mouse tubule cells.The prospective study of prs gene from the RNA differential display technology and genes from subtracted hybridization technology can help to understand the relationship of the genes and pathogenic mechanism. The results of the plan were high prevalence in animal in Taiwan and the inflammation factors expression increase of tubule cells causing by outer membrane proteins.Keywords: leptospira, epidemiology, outermembrane protein, RNAdifferential display, subtractedhybridization二、緣由與目的鉤端螺旋體病長久以來一直是重要人畜共通傳染病,藉由老鼠、狗、豬、牛等動物的尿液可傳染給人。



行 度料度 精類行 年 年行 料理 不年微波製備可溶性二萘嵌苯嵌段共聚體前言共價鍵聚合的有機高分子材料,具有ㄧ維鏈狀的結構,經由分子鏈間的凡得瓦而作用力,可形成結晶或非晶態結構。




研究目的二萘嵌苯衍生物(perylene tetracarboxylic acid bisimide) 簡稱為perylene diimide (PDI),是一重要的工業顏料/染料。







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四、 研究目的
本研究主要之研究目的如下: 進行天然生物性高分子幾丁聚醣胺基 官能機之化學修飾後調理濾材,使纖維 濾材成為另一種形式之帶電濾材,並評 估調理後之纖維濾材帶電量。 探討不同濃度調理之濾材對過濾效能 之影響。 探討不同型態之氣膠微粒(固態與液 態)之過濾效能。 評估不同操作條件下(表面風速、相對 濕度等)之過濾效能。
Study on the Performance of Aerosol Filtration Using Fibrous Filter Modified by Kitosan 計畫編號:NSC 93-2211-E-041-009 執行期限:93 年 8 月 1 日至 94 年 7 月 31 日 計畫主持人:黃小林 嘉南藥理科技大學職業安全衛生系 一、 中文摘要
從氣流中收集細小微粒,使用濾材進行 過濾是最有效及可靠的方法之一。本研究於 實驗室中自行調理幾丁聚醣前處理之帶電 濾材濾材,並利用卡里遜噴霧器產生多粒徑 分佈氣膠,以電移動度分析儀(Differential Mobility Analyzer)篩出單一粒徑分佈氣膠 微粒,再經由氣膠微粒計數器 (Condensation particle counter)同時量測濾材前端與後端 的氣膠微粒數目,及使用差壓計量測過濾前 後之壓降,以評估幾丁聚醣前處理濾材之微 粒穿透率。 實驗結果顯示不帶2.5wt%之幾丁聚醣前處理濾材之穿透率 分別是 65%、63%及 57%,整體穿透率相 比,當處理幾丁聚醣後,微粒穿透率明顯下 降。利用表面電場計量測濾材表面電荷,當 處理幾丁聚醣後,濾材表面電場有明顯上升 現象,故總和兩者結果可知,幾丁聚醣處理 濾材的確可使濾材帶電。另,氣膠微粒之最 大穿透粒徑由不帶電濾材之 0.3 µm 降低至 幾丁聚醣前處理濾材之 0.12 µm。同時當表 面風速增加時,其微粒穿透率會隨之上升, 此一類型之帶電濾材對於固體氣膠有較低 之微粒穿透率,同時相對濕度之變化對於此 型帶電濾材之微粒穿透率影響不大。此研究 結 果 有 助 於 進一 步 開發 新 型 態 之 帶 電 濾 材,並將其應用在空氣微粒清淨領域。 關鍵字: 帶電濾材、過濾、氣膠、幾丁聚醣、 穿透率
及壓降測試,結果顯示在不同粒徑下氣膠微 粒之去除效率曲線會隨著壓降之增加而有 下降之現象,同時不同氣膠微粒之過濾特性 均不相同。雖靜電濾材之過濾效能已較非帶 電濾材來的高,但在不同環境下,去除之微 粒種類不同,處理效率仍有很大之差異。 Kanaoka et al.[3]利用兩台 DMA 控制氣膠微 粒之帶電量,比較不同帶電量微粒對靜電濾 材之穿透率,在表面風速 0.1 m/s 時,帶 2 個正電之微粒穿透率為 1.62×10-4,帶 3 個正 電之微粒穿透率為 1.83×10-5,可發現帶 3 個 正電之氣膠微粒對濾材穿透率較低,換言 之,當微粒帶電量較高時,靜電濾材之效能 更高。Ackley[4]探討在高相對濕度下對靜電 濾材過濾效率之影響,研究中針對三種靜電 濾材進行研究,研究結果發現在高相對濕度 時靜電濾材之過濾效能有明顯下降之趨勢。 本計畫為改善過去靜電濾材之缺點,即 利用天然生物性高分子幾丁聚醣調理一般 未帶電纖維濾材,使其成為帶有電荷之帶電 濾材,降低帶電濾材之價格,並增加表面帶 電之時間,以提升對氣膠微粒之去除效率。 幾丁聚醣取製於天然高分子 (甲殼綱動 物外殼、真菌細胞壁等) ,其具有一些相當 好的性質,例如與生物體細胞具有良好組織 互容性(histocompatibility) ,不會排斥、無 毒 性 ( non-toxicity )、 具 生 物 分 解 性 ( biodegradability ) 、生物活性( biological function) ,且分子結構之可變性大,包括聚 合鍵結方式及聚合長度等。因此,近年來幾 丁 聚 醣 天 然 高分 子 已廣 泛 運 用 在 環 境 保 護、醫療用品、機能保健食品、紡織抗菌、 化妝品、農業、化學工業等領域[5]。幾丁聚 醣除可應用於廢水處理外,也有利用幾丁聚 醣 來 加 強 輔 助薄 膜 過濾 來 去 除 二 價 重 金 屬,例如在 pH 為中性的溶液下,Cu2+去除 效果較佳,而在酸性範圍,重金屬之去除效 率提升 6~10 倍 [6] 。 另有研究將鋁與幾丁聚 醣製成交聯之複合基質薄膜,可將 50mg/L Cu2+降至 1mg/L 以下[7]
penetration through the untreated, 1.0wt%, 1.5wt% and 2.5wt% chitosan-pretreated filters were around 82%, 65%, 63%, and 57%. The electric field measured by an electrofieldmeter of the chitosan-pretreated filter was larger than that of untreated filter obviously. These findings imply that pretreatment with chitosan made the filters charged. The most penetration particle size (MPPS) of aerosols shifted from 0.3 µm to 0.12 µm after coating chitosan on the filter. Additionally, aerosol penetrations through the chitosan-pretreated filters raised with the face velocity. Chitosan-pretreated filter performed better against solid aerosol than against liquid aerosol. RH has no effect on penetration through the chitosan-pretreated filters. The results of the study show that pretreatment with chitosan decreases the aerosol penetration through the filter and provides a good reference to develop a new aerosol control technology for air filtration. Keywords: Electret filter, Filtration, Aerosol, Chitosan, Penetration
除效率,同時過濾時壓力損失低。 不過由於市面上的帶電濾材其價格較 一般普通濾材高得許多,而且目前帶電濾材 之表面上電荷經過一段時間後會逐漸衰 減,因此本計畫將利用天然生物性高分子幾 丁聚醣調理一般未帶電纖維濾材,使其成為 帶有電荷之帶電濾材,降低帶電濾材之價 格,並增加表面帶電之時間,以提升對氣膠 微粒之去除效率。
六、 研究方法
1. 過濾理論
過濾是一相當複雜之程序,在說明濾材 對氣膠微粒之收集效率時,通常以單一纖維 效率(Single-Fiber Efficiency)作為估算濾 材之捕集效率 [8] 。假設所有纖維之直徑相 同,且與氣流方向垂直,則將單一纖維所收 集到之粒數與在同一纖維上理論可收集的 微粒數比,即稱為單一纖維效率[8]。根據此 一定義,即可利用質量平衡求得單一纖維效 率為,
五、 文獻探討
近年之纖維性濾材發展,因靜電可以增 加過濾效能,因此帶電濾材之研究成果較 多。其中在帶電濾材過濾機制探討方面, Romay et al.[1]針對庫輪力與介電力之過濾 行為進行探討,主要粒徑為 0.05-0.5 µm,結 果顯示在次微米微粒下靜電收集機制十分 明顯,庫倫力在較大微粒時較不明顯,隨著 粒徑之增加,庫倫力就越不明顯,此時介電 力成為主要之靜電收集機制,亦即隨著粒徑 之增加,偶極力就越明顯。 Lehtmäki and Heinonen[2] 利用靜電濾 材分別對三種不同之氣膠微粒進行穿透率
Filtration is one of the most effective and reliable methods for the collection of small size particulate matters from gas stream. The chitosan-pretreated filters were applied to investigate the filtration efficiency of aerosols in this work. Polydisperse aerosols were generated from a Collison Atomizer. Then, the polydisperse aerosol was electrically classified using a Differential Mobility Analyzer to obtain monodisperse aerosol. A condensation particle counter measured the upstream and downstream aerosol concentrations and the pressure gauge measured the pressure drop. Thereafter, the filtration efficiency of the chitosan-pretreated filter was determined by the difference of the numbers of the aerosols and the difference of pressure after filtration. The results demonstrate that the aerosol penetrations through the chitosan-pretreated filters were lower than that through the untreated filter. The maximum aerosol