考研英语作文精选主题词中心词一、金钱原则词汇资产asset v.浪费be extravagant预算budget n.消费品consumer goods贵重的costly a.存钱deposit vt.经济负担economic burden经济困难economic difficulty花费expend vt.奢侈的extravagant a.资助finance n. 接受某人的资助经济资助finance aid 给某人经济资助资金紧张finance strain 某部门资金紧张政府税收government revenue医疗保健healthcare 政府的医疗保健无家可归homeless饥饿hunger n.收入income n.保险insurance n.投资invest v.失业者jobless n.下岗工人laid-off worker滥用lavish v.有限的公共资金limited public funds赚钱的lucrative a.豪华的luxurious a.挥霍money-consuming a.拜金主义的money-oriented a.必需品necessity n.贫困的needy a.透支overdraft v.抵押pawn v.财产property节约紧缩开支retrench vi.赢利的profitable a.津贴subsidize v.纳税人taxpayer福利welfare二、健康原则词汇有氧运动aerobic exercise平衡饮食balanced diet有害健康的be physically damaging 过于肥胖的bloated致癌的cancer-causing食肉类的carnivorous adj慢性的chronic方便食品convenience food治愈cure头昏眼花的dizzy危及endanger vt精力充沛的energetic adj.传染病epidemics根除eradicate vt.使恶化exasperate vt.过量摄入excessive intake排气exhaust疲劳fatigue n.高脂肪高热量high fat and calorie 免疫的immune绝症incurable disease消化不良indigestion懒惰的indolent adj.传染病infectious disease失眠症insomnia n.垃圾食品junk food慢跑jog预期寿命life expectancy减肥lose weight疾病malady营养不良malnutrition医学的medical近视near-sighted营养品nourishment n.器官移植organ transplant超重overweight预防prevention治疗treatment肿瘤tumor提供营养nourish卡路里calorie饥饿starvation营养不良malnutrition三、智力原则词汇表达能力ability of expression洞察力acumen熟练的adept赏识appreciate vt.评价assessment n.智力brains n发挥才干bring into the talents证书certificate n.创造性的creative adj培养cultivate vt.识别力discernment n.天资endowment n.开发explore vt.幻想的fantastic adj.理想主义idealism n.个性individuality n.天赋inherence n.本能的instinctive adj.智商intelligence quotient有文化literacy掌握master vt.值得称赞的品质merit n.激情passion n.观点perspective n.充分发挥put into great play素质教育quality education荒谬的ridiculous adj.生存能力survival ability依赖科技的technology-dependent adj. 远程教育tele-education n.思维模式thinking pattern智慧wit n.四、文化原则词汇传统与现代巧妙结合 a clever blend of traditional and modern同一的世界文化 a homogenous world culture归属感a sense of belonging土著文化aboriginal culture吸取精华absorb the quintessence吸收absorb美学价值aesthetic祖先ancestor古代的ancient人类学家anthropologists陈旧观念antiquated idea艺术价值artistic value同化assimilate vt.丰富的be abundant adj. 传递be passed down灿烂光辉的文化brilliant and gorgeous culture发扬光大carry forward著名的celebrated特有的characteristic adj文明的civilized adj.凝聚力cohesion n.文化摇篮cradle of culture培养cultivate vt.文化习惯cultural habit文化遗产cultural heritage文化特性cultural identity文化古迹cultural objects and historic relics 文化、精神和学术生活cultural, spiritual, and intellectual life狂热的崇拜cult n.破坏devastate vt.知识的传播diffusion n.多样性diversity n.民族文化特色ethnic and cultural identity节日气氛festivity n.民间艺术folk art文化全球一体化globalization of culture博大精深great and profound手工艺handicraft n.历史文物historic relics文盲illiteracy不朽的immortal adj.正流行in vogue根深蒂固的看法ingrain notion继承inherit n.有意义的instructive adj.少数民族minority n.民族特性national identity民族自豪感national pride思想开放open-minded adj.不流行了的out of fashion外来影响outside influence通俗的popular adj.宝贵的precious adj.取其精华去其糟粕reject the dross and assimilate the essence表现、象征represent vt.保护retention n.社会学sociology n.壮丽的splendid adj.时髦的stylish adj.表面的superficial adj.传统文化教育traditional cultural education 以……为骄傲take pride in种族传统tribal traditions多样性variety n.五、道德原则词汇虐待abuse,好斗的aggressive adj.自私自利的人an egocentric person易受社会恶习的侵蚀be prone to social ills 虐待儿童child abuse家庭暴力domestic violence有深远的影响have a tremendous impact无知ignorance不成熟的immature adj.干涉intervention n.青少年的juvenile adj.松散的纪律lax discipline引入歧途的misleading adj.天真的naive负面的影响negative role model不恰当的材料offensive material家长的过分宽容parental permissiveness 犯罪perpetrate不正当的perverted adj.恰当的指引proper guidance合理化rationalization抵挡住诱惑resist the temptation危险的行为risky behaviors行为榜样role model单亲家庭single-parent family宠坏的spoiled adj.密切家庭感情strengthening the family ties 把虚幻当现实take fantasy for reality抚养upbringing受害者victim n.粗俗的vulgar adj.扫除文盲wipe out illiteracy六、感情原则词汇充满深情的affectionate adj.忧虑anxiety n.孤独apartness n,愉快的cheerful adj.性格相似的congenial adj.令人绝望的desperate adj.缺乏自信的diffident adj. 行为古怪的人eccentric adj.情绪emotion n.热情enthusiasm n.忠实的faithful adj.鼓励foster vt.友好的friendly adj.失败的frustrated隔阂gap n.和谐的harmonious adj.怀有希望的hopeful adj.忽视ignore vt.虐待ill-treat vt.自卑的inferior adj.内向的introverted adj.误会misunderstanding n.乐观者optimist n.悲观的pessimistic adj.反叛的rebellious adj.浪漫的romantic adj.诚挚sincerity n.紧张的strained adj.充耳不闻turn a deaf ear不爱交际的unsociable adj.热心的warm-hearted adj.忧虑worry n.七、权利原则词汇指责accuse vt.禁止ban vt./n.公然侵犯brazen encroachment公正的candid adj.集体主义collectivism n.秘密的confidential adj.消费者协会consumer’s association 版权c opyright n.视为……权利demand as one’s due 确立establishment n.被迫force vt.合理的legality adj.限制limit n./vt.压力pressure n.隐私privacy n.正直的righteous adj.性别歧视sexual discriminations社会保障制度social security强制的compulsory adj.八、时间原则词汇浪费时间 a great waste of time效率efficiency n.沉湎于indulge in沉迷于be obsessed with消磨时光pass time自控self-control n.自律self-discipline挤时间squeeze time占用take up上瘾be addicted to九、环保原则词汇大气污染atmospheric pollution被耗尽be exhausted美化beautification n.污秽的begrimed adj.化学物质chemical substances条件condition n.保护conserve vt.沙漠化desertification n.使恶化deteriorate vt.灭绝die out一次性产品disposable products持久的,耐用的durable adj.生态平衡ecological balance生态系统ecological system排放emit vt.濒临灭绝的物种endangered species 能源短缺energy shortage环保的environmentalist n.使加剧exacerbate vt.风景landscape n.城市垃圾municipal refuse城市污水municipal sewage噪声污染noise pollution尽可能改善工作环境optimize the environment农药pesticide有毒的poisonous污染物pollutant n.毁灭ruin v.水土流失soil erosion土壤污染soil pollution废气waste gas废水waste water水体污染water body pollution使变得更坏worsen v. 考研英语作文模板,超强!本人已考上研究生,现有考研英语超强作文万能模板,本套模板含四篇,含盖了四大类不同形式,本套模板句型复杂多变,需填文字极少!而且不论考什么题目都能用!保证大作文16+(满分20)不但能使您做文拿个高分,而且节约了大量时间做别的题目!此万能模板决对不同于辅导班的作文,本人也上过辅导班,而且当时同学也上了很多,基本大的辅导班都上了,相信你们已经上过英语辅导班的也都清楚了,那些老师就是能吹,时不时的说我跟命题的有什么什么关系,再就是讲些笑话说点轶闻什么的,根本就没什么收获,花几百块钱还不说,还浪费了我们大量宝贵时光!!!那些辅导班冲刺班提供的作文资料不是一大本很厚的书就是只有一些连接词的所谓的作文模板,你们也可问一下学长什么的就知道辅导班的真实情况了!有需要的加第二节:生活话题分类词汇一、图表写作常用词汇★★表格图table ;图表chart;diagram graph column描述:show; describe; illustrate; reveal; represent数字figure; 数据statistic; 百分比percentage; 比例proportion一般have 10%; at 20%; over 40% 在面积上in area最高peaks; reached a peak/high point最低bottomed out; reached the bottom变化increase; jump; rise; climb; decrease; fall; drop; decline; reduce; fluctuate; remain; steady; stable; stay; same程度sudden/suddenly; rapid/rapidly; dramatic/dramatically;significant/significantly; sharp/sharply;steep/steeply; gradua l/gradually; slow/slowly; slight/slightly; stable/stably; almost; nearly; approximately; exactly; precisely;increase by /decrease by (写出变化幅度)合计200美元add up to $200 总数达:add up to占世界总人数的20% make up 20% of 从……增加到rose/grew/climbed from…to增加到grew up to 增至最高峰:Rise to a high of减少到decrease to 跌至最低谷:drop to a low of大幅度增长increase sharply 飞速:rapidly;sharply;steeply高居榜首Top the list/head the chart饼状图/圆形图(pie chart)稳固下降steady decline由…组成:consist of/be made up of /be composed of占44%比例:account for /make up 44 percent位居第一:rank the first 仅次于is second to 居第二位:in second spot 倒数第一is the last one第二大部份rank the second/the second largest section与..相比:compared withA与B成比例A be in proportion to B差不多:About/around/roughly 多达as many as正好:Exactly/precisely 水平:level off 递增:on the rise/increase/grow/rise/climb/go up急剧上升: grow sharply;递减:on the decline/decrease/fall/reduce/go down曲线图(graph/chart/diagram)柱状图(bar chart)增加:increase/grow/rise/climb/go up减少:decrease/decline/fall/reduce/go down 剧烈/显著/大幅度:sharply/dramatically/significantly / rapidly/considerably / enormously/profoundly/substantially平稳/逐渐:steadily / gradually / slightly持续上升/下降:on an increase / on the decline保持不变:remain stable / remain steady / remain unchanged上升后变得平稳:reach a plateau达到顶点/低谷:reach the top/peak / fall to the bottom波动:fluctuate /rise and fall达到了:reach / approach / add up to / amount to / increase to / decrease to某年发生的变化:1998 saw/ witnessed a sharp increase in….是1998年的2倍:was twice as many as that in 1998从图表上看:From these graphs得到结论:draw a conclusion二、关于生活体验等(常考,特别重要)★★★1. 产品科技含量technological element ofproduct2. 大学生创业university students’innovative undertaking3. 双赢局面win-win situation4. 首创精神pioneering spirit5. 振兴中华make China powerful andstrong;6. 富裕affluence7. 繁荣boom8. 购买力buying powe r9. 竞争competition10. 生活费用cost of living11. 解决问题crack the nuts12. 大家公认it is universally acknowledgedthat13. 全力以赴bring one’s talent into full play14. 适应新的形势变化adapt/adjust/accommodate oneself tonew environment/change15. 获得成功achieve/accomplish success16. 提出观点advance/put forward/come upwith arguments/ideas17. 较好地驾驭生活be a better pilot ofone’s life18. 对……很好的了解have a betterunderstanding of19. 把某种因素考虑进去take sth. intoaccount/consideration;20. give much thought to21. 品味人生/自由/青春savor thelife/freedom/youth22. 交流经验shareexperience/ideas/problems/knowledge 23. 发挥,起到积极作用play animportant/active/great role/part24. 面临困难危险be confronted withdanger/difficulty; in the face of25. 阻碍了成功stand in the way of success;be an obstacle/barrier to26. 缩小差别narrow/fill the gap/gulf(between city and country)27. 把成功/错误归因于attribute/owe one’ssuccess/failure to28. 对……重要bevital/important/indispensable to29. 施加压力exert/put pressure on30. 重视attach/assign muchimportance/significance to31. 把注意力集中在focus/concentrate one’sattention/efforts upon32. 抓住机会grab/seize/take theopportunity33. 有可能there is (little/much)possibility/likelihood that34. 献身于devote/dedicate/commit oneselfto a cause/career35. 真正重要的是what really matters/countsis36. 影响思想,态度shape one’sthinking/attitude37. 实现自己的理想,愿望realize/fulfill/achieve one’s dream/hope;38. 减轻压力,紧张reduce/alleviate thestress/pressure 39. 提高社会地位upgrade social status;enhance social position40. 加快,促进发展accelerate/advance/enhance thedevelopment41. 随着生活节奏的加快with the quickeningpace of modern life42. 充满激情have a burning desire for43. 充满渴望have a great passion for44. 沮丧的gloomy; 客观的objective; 主观的subjective45. 乐观的optimistic ;悲观的pessimistic;46. 怨恨的resentful ;可敬的respectable47. 深远的影响far-reaching consequences48. 以其最强有力的形式in its strongestform49. 挣钱养活自己earn one’s living50. 赡养父母support one’s parents51. 普遍现象common phenomenon52. 现代社会modern society53. 相互对立in opposition to each other54. 不管no matter how55. 如何对待财富与幸福how to approachwealth and happiness?56. 一个更美好更光明的未来a much betterand brighter future57. 从失败中吸取教训draw useful lessonsfrom58. 丧失信心并退却了lose heart and give in59. 人民对待……的看法截然不同people arequite different from each other in theiropinions on…60. 无可否认there is no denying the factthat61. 赏识他的非凡的能力appreciate hisexceptional ability62. 人才招聘会job-hunting63. 大势所趋the wave of the future64. 一时冲动an impulse activity65. 体力劳动physical labor66. 灵活的flexible67. 充分发挥……的积极性brin g one’sinitiative into full play三、关于教育的词汇(非常重要)★★★★1. 入学enter;entrance2. 登记;注册become a member of;to enroll;enrollment;register;registration3. 录取admission;be admitted to;accept4. 获取进一步教育obtain further education5. 要求;录取条件requirements6. 录取标准admission standards7. 学习成绩academic record;academic achievements8. 索要申请材料request for application material9. 教育目标educational goals10. 文凭diploma11. 学位degree12. 教育体制educational system13. 学前教育pre-school education14. 小学primary schools;elementary schools15. 中学middle schools;high schools16. 初中junior middle school;junior high school17. 高中senior middle school;senior high school18. 职业学校;技术学校vocational schools;technical schools19. 大学;学院colleges;universities;institutes20. 同样地;类似地likewise;similarly;in the same way21. 与……相似;与……一致;和……等同be the same as;correspond to;agree with;resemble;be equivalent to22. 相反;与……不同;相比而言;另一方面;不过in contrast;by contrast with/to;on the other hand;on the contrary;by comparison23. 与……不同different from24. 不同之处;差别;差异;区别distinction;dissimilarity;25. 尖端科学advanced science26. 一流的设施first-rate facilities27. 扩大知识面broaden one’s scope of knowledge28. 人生观outlook on life29. 体验新文化experience a new culture30. 优缺点strengths and weakness31. 高素质、有经验的老师highly qualified, well experienced teaching staffs32. 多文化multicultural33. 脱颖而出stand out from the crowd34. 核心能力core competencies 35. 独立思考think independently36. 挑战challenge37. 机遇opportunities38. 开阔视野expand your horizons39. 与人交往integrate with other people40. 人际交往能力interpersonal skill41. 建设性constructive42. 前景prospects43. 国际声誉world class reputation44. 发挥学习潜能reach his or her full learning potential45. 素质教育education for all-round development46. 知识产权intellectual property rights47.失学儿童dropout student48. 扫盲eliminate illiteracy49. 人才外流brain drain50. 复合型人才inter-disciplinary talent51. 教书育人impart knowledge andeducate people52. 精神文明建设promote cultural andideological progress53. 科教兴国rely on science and educationto rejuvenate the nation54. 因材施教teach students according totheir aptitude55. 义务教育compulsory education56. 知识经济knowledge-based economy57. 丰富生活enrich our life58. 扩大视野broaden my horizon59. 接触各种思想be exposed to newideas/experience60. 产生影响have/exert a profoundinfluence on life/personality;61. have a dramatic/undesirable effect on62. 开阔眼界broaden one’s outlook;expand one’s mental horizons63. 充分发挥能力give full play to one’sability64. 论题,主题:themes65. 大学毕业生university graduates66. 儿童教育child education67. 热门话题hot topic68. 教育专家educational expert69. 保护知识产权protect intellectualproperty70. 成人教育和职业教育adult education andvocational education71. 文化素质cultural qualities72. 推动give a push to73. 促进进步promote progress74. 概念concept75. 改进教和学improve teaching andlearning76. 按分数according to the grades77. 培养train, cultivate78. 地区性的regional79. 读写困难difficulties for employment80. 就业机会opportunities for employment81. 受过良好教育well-educated82. 遗憾的是it is a pity that83. 造成了困难cause some difficulties84. 希望工程Hope Project85. 青年志愿者Young Volunteers86. 有用的知识useful knowledge87. 创新innovation88. 分析的技巧analytical skill本人提供超强考研英语万能大作文模板,(详细内容见QQ空间日志)极适合英语基础差或对考研英语作文头疼的同学,本人今年考上的研究生,英语基础非常差,要是自己写可以说一个完整没错的句子都写不出,但使用此套模板考研作文答的非常好(可使您轻松16+(满分20)),而且节约了大量时间做其他的题目(考试时时间是非常紧的!),此套模板绝对是经实践检验的!大家知道考研单科受限绝大多数都是出在英语上,英语难是出了名的,尤其对英语基础稍差的更是头疼,害怕总分考得很高却挂在英语上实在可惜,平时花费大量时间在英语上效果却不理想。
考研作文主题词英语一1. Stress。
Stress is a common issue that many people face in their daily lives. It can come from work, relationships, or even just the pressures of society. Finding ways to manage and reduce stress is important for maintaining overall well-being.2. Technology。
Technology has become an integral part of modern life, with smartphones, social media, and artificial intelligence shaping the way we live and interact with the world. While technology has brought many benefits, it also raises concerns about privacy, addiction, and the impact on mental health.3. Climate change。
Climate change is a pressing global issue that is affecting the environment, wildlife, and human populations. The need for action to reduce carbon emissions, protect natural resources, and mitigate the effects of climate change has never been more urgent.4. Education。
考研英语作文词汇及素材「人生哲理类」1、毅力:willpower/persistence2、经得住挑战:withstand challenges3、有进取心的:aggressive4、精力充沛的:energetic5、进取精神:striving spirit6、心胸开阔:open-mindedness7、增长见识:widen one’s knowledge8、创新:innovation9、自信心:self-confidence10、雄心壮志:ambition必备素材句:1、我们应该具有积极的态度,并且表现自信。
We should embrace positive attitudes and behave confidently.Only in this way can we crack down the difficulties confronting us successfully and lead a happy life.2、我们应当始终把“没有付出就没有收获”当作工作学习的座右铭。
To begin with, “No pains, no gains”should always be our motto in our life and work.Only thosewho are hard-working and brave enough to encounter difficulties of all sortsare most likely to reach the summit of success.3、学习生活中我们肯定会遇到一些挫折。
17.经济转轨economic transformation
18.经营机制operative mechanism
19.整顿经济秩序rectify economic order
20.引进竞争机制introduce a competitivemechanism
21.建立技术密集型企业set up technologically-intensive enterprises
22.招商引资canvass business and introduce investment
23.房地产real estate
24.经济特区special economic zone
25.基础设施infrastructure facilities
11.实行股份制introduce the shareholding system
12.全面深化改革deepen reform all round
13.提高经济效益improve economic results
14.增进效益increase economic returns
15.宏观经济调控macro-economic control and management
26.豆腐渣工程jerry-built projects
1. 社会热点话题社会热点话题一直是考研英语一作文的重要考点之一。
下面是一些与这些话题相关的核心词汇:- 环境保护:pollution(污染)、ecosystem(生态系统)、climate change(气候变化)、sustainable development(可持续发展)- 人口老龄化:aging population(老龄化人口)、pension(养老金)、healthcare(医疗保健)、retirement(退休)- 教育问题:education system(教育体制)、curriculum(课程)、compulsory education(义务教育)、educational equality(教育公平)2. 科技与创新话题科技与创新是现代社会不可忽视的重要领域,也是考研英语一作文中常见的话题之一。
以下是一些相关的核心词汇:- 人工智能:artificial intelligence(人工智能)、machine learning (机器学习)、big data(大数据)、automation(自动化)- 科技发展:technological advancement(科技进步)、digitization(数字化)、internet of things(物联网)、virtual reality(虚拟现实)- 创新思维:creative thinking(创造性思维)、entrepreneurship(创业精神)、problem-solving(问题解决)3. 教育与人才话题教育与人才是国家发展的基石,因此在考研英语一作文中也经常涉及这些话题。
一、个人品质:理想:(ideal, ambition, dream, goal)创新: (creation, innovation, critical mind, critical thinking, unconventional thinking )独立: (independence,being independent, self-reliance) 1.顺境与逆境(Favorable Circumstances and adverse Circumstances)2.勤奋(hard working, diligence, painstaking efforts)3.谨慎(prudence and determination)4.坚持/毅力(perseverance,persistence, determination)5.热情和乐观(enthusiasm and optimism)6.博学和求知(learnedness and seeking knowledge/pursuit of knowledge)7.活力(vitality)8.身强体壮,充满活力(bursting with vitality and good health)9.独立 (independence)10.感恩(gratitude ,gratification)11.创新(creation, innovation, critical mind, critical thinking, unconventional thinking )12.鼓励 (encouragement)13.真诚(sincerity)14.宽容(humanity, love, understanding and tolerance)15.自满和谦逊(Being self-satisfied and being modest)16.勇敢(courage and bravery)17.敬业精神(professional dedication and professional ethics )18.业务水平(competence)19.苦难(suffering and hardship)20.简朴(simplicity)21.谦逊耐心(moderation and patience)22.适应性(adaptability)23.果敢性(decisiveness)24.羡慕(admiration)嫉妒(jealousy envy)25.榜样(example, model)26.时间管理(time management)守时(punctuality)诚实守信(honesty,credibility and being trustworthy)垃圾分类 (trash sorting, rubbish separation)二、社会公德文化和环保1.爱国主义(Patriotism)2.努力工作(hardworking)3.勤俭(plain living)4.相信科学(belief in science),5.为人民服务的意识(consciousness of serving the people)6.团结互助(solidarity and helping each other)7.诚实守信(honesty,credibility and being trustworthy)8.遵纪守法(observation of the law)9.中华传统美德(traditional Chinese values)勤hardworking 俭Thrift信honesty 孝filial piety/filial duty/filial respect礼courtesy, 忠loyalty, 仁benevolence , humanity and humaneness爱 affection10.现代美德(modern virtues)志愿者精神(volunteer spirit)契约精神(spirit of contract, observation of the law, abiding faith of the law)11.社会公德(public morals)12.梦想的力量(the power of dream)13.文化融合(Cultural integration/combination/fusion/blending/mixing)14.文化交流(Cultural exchange/communication/ interchange/ interaction)15.文化传播(Cultural transmission)16.跨文化(inter-culture, cross-culture;alien culture;foreign culture)文化多样性(cultural diversity)。
英语⼀:1、enthusiasm热⼼/热情【你还必须会写: enthusiastic 热情的】2、piousness 孝顺/ provide for the aged 养⽼3、privacy protection 隐私保护/ historical relics protection 历史古迹保护4、significance of xxx xxx的重要性/意义【xxx可以是 Fairness 公平 independent 独⽴ confidence 信⼼ self-confidence ⾃信 respect 尊重 unity 团结 self- -discipline ⾃律 Integrity 诚信 time 时间detail 细节 being punctual 守时 competence 能⼒ economy 节约 patience 耐⼼ traditional culture 传统⽂化 pop culture 流⾏⽂化 social morality 社会公德 pay 付出 practice 实践 communication 沟通 exercise运动 innovation创新 mindset ⼼态 dream梦想 optimism 乐观 hardworking 勤奋executive force 执⾏⼒ opportunity 机遇 teamwork 团队合作5、the spirit of xxx xxx 的精神【xxx 可以是 craftsman ⼯匠 bravery 勇敢 dedication 奉献 self- sacrifice ⾃我牺牲 competition 拼搏精神6、xxx evils xxx 之弊(xxx 可以是 network ⽹络;social 社会;internet 互联⽹;cheat 作弊)7、cultural conflict and integration ⽂化冲突和融合8、the sense of responsibility 责任感9、work stress ⼯作压⼒;life stress ⽣活压⼒10、关于环境的主题词:sustainable development 可持续发展;environmental protection 环境保护;global warming 全球变暖11、gains and losses 得与失 make no complaints 不抱怨12、mutual understanding/ support 互相理解/⽀持13、reading 阅读14、takeaway food 外卖15、keep fit 保持健康英语⼆消费相关:market share 市场份额消费⽅式:consumption pattern 在线购物:online shopping 传统购物:traditional shopping 市场规模:market sizeChinese outbound tourists 中国出境游客(⼊境则改成inbound)production and sales of new-energy cars 新能源汽⻋的产量和销量。
考研英语二作文主题词1. Social media addiction。
Nowadays, people are glued to their phones, constantly checking their social media accounts. It's like an addiction that's hard to break.2. Environmental pollution。
The air we breathe and the water we drink are becoming more and more polluted. It's a serious issue that needs immediate attention.3. Mental health awareness。
It's important to talk about mental health openly and honestly. We need to break the stigma surrounding mental illnesses.4. Gender equality。
Men and women should be treated equally in all aspectsof life. It's time to break down the barriers that hold women back.5. Technology advancements。
Technology is advancing at a rapid pace, changing the way we live and work. It's both exciting and a little scary.6. Global warming。
The Earth is getting warmer, and we need to take action to stop it. Climate change is a real threat to our planet.7. Education reform。
2011年:旅程之“余”(负面、社会)2010年:文化融合(正面、社会)2009年:网络的远与近(正面/负面、社会)2008年:团队合作(正面、社会)2007年:自信(正面、个人)2006年:明星崇拜(负面、社会/个人)2005年:养老“足球赛”(负面、社会)2004年:终点又是新起点(正面、个人)2003年:温室花朵经不起风雨(负面、社会/个人)2002年:An American girl in traditional Chinese costume(正面、社会)2001年:爱心是一盏灯(正面、社会/个人)2000年:海洋的过度捕捞(负面、社会)发现规律:通过分析上面历年英语大作文的命题规律,发现英语大作文无外两个维度四个问题,就是:反映正面问题,反映负面问题,反映个人问题,反映社会问题。
反面文章第一段:As is vividly depicted in the picture, which seems to be humorous and ridiculous but thought-provoking on second thoughts.第二句简单描述图画。
大作文:段落一(1) (主题词) is nowadays an emerging topic that is gaining increasing popularity. (2) What the illustration is describing can be analyzed as follows: (描述图). (3) By drawing this picture, the illustrator wants to get public fully aware of the significance of(主题词).段落二(4) I will only focus on two subsequent viewpoints in spite of all these possible interpretations. (5) First and foremost, the society tends to have great regard for those who firmly keep conscious of their conduct of(主题词). Additionally, the constant appeal for (主题词)has greatly expedited the establishment of an upbeat social environment. It is shown from the official data that over 85% of the nation surmise that this conduct is worth respecting. (6) Accordingly, how insufferable our lives will be if people lack the awareness of(主题词)is hard to imagine.段落三(7) As they say, “Nothing ventured, nothing gained”.(8) From the personal perspective, besides ourselves, every individual should motivate surrounding people to play exemplary roles with spontaneous actions. (9) Socially speaking, more efforts are required from families and schools for the advancement of youngsters’ overall qualities.中文翻译段落一(1) 如今,(主题词)是一个时下日益流行的话题。
考研英语一大作文主题词In today's fast-paced world, the importance of English proficiency is increasingly being recognized, especiallyfor those aiming to further their studies through postgraduate entrance exams. The demand for a strong grasp of the language goes beyond just academic pursuits; it's a gateway to a wider world of opportunities and cultural understanding.For many students, English is not just a subject but a challenge. The vast vocabulary, complex grammar rules, and diverse cultural nuances can be overwhelming. However, with dedication and practice, these challenges can be overcome. Regular reading, listening to English podcasts, and participating in speaking clubs are excellent ways to improve one's English skills.The biggest hurdle in learning English, perhaps, is the fear of making mistakes. But the truth is, making mistakes is a natural part of the learning process. It's how welearn and grow. Embracing these errors, understanding them, and correcting them is crucial to achieving fluency.Moreover, English is not just a language of academics but also a language of the world. It's the lingua franca of international business, science, and technology. Mastering English opens doors to a global network of ideas, innovations, and collaborations.In conclusion, the journey of learning English, especially for those preparing for postgraduate entrance exams, can be challenging but rewarding. It's a processthat demands persever。
以下为大家梳理 2024 年考研英语写作中可能会涉及到的核心词汇。
“academic”(学术的),例如“academic performance”(学业表现)。
“curriculum”(课程),比如“curriculum design”(课程设计)。
“tuition”(学费),“tuition fee”(学费费用)。
“qualification”(资格,资质),常见表达“professional qualification”(专业资质)。
“enrollment”(招生,注册),如“enrollment rate”(招生率)。
“technology”(技术),“advanced technology”(先进技术)。
“innovation”(创新),“technological innovation”(技术创新)。
“digital”(数字的),“digital era”(数字时代)。
“automation”(自动化),“industrial automation”(工业自动化)。
“artificial intelligence”(人工智能),简称“AI”。
“big data”(大数据)。
“virtual reality”(虚拟现实),简称“VR”。
“society”(社会),“modern society”(现代社会)。
7.社会问题Social Issues社会公正:关注社会中的公平和正义问题。
8.个人发展Personal Development自我提升:讨论个人如何通过学习和发展提升自我。
9.创新与创业Innovation and Entrepreneurship创新思维:强调创新在解决问题中的作用。
考研英语一大作文主题词英文回答:The theme for the big essay in the postgraduateentrance examination is "The Impact of Technology on Society". This is a very interesting and relevant topic in today's world. Technology has had a profound impact on our society in various aspects such as communication, education, and employment.Firstly, in terms of communication, the development of technology has greatly changed the way we communicate with each other. With the invention of smartphones and social media platforms, people can now easily connect with others regardless of their geographical location. This has both positive and negative effects. On one hand, it has made communication more convenient and efficient, but on theother hand, it has also led to issues such as cyberbullying and addiction to social media.Secondly, technology has also revolutionized the field of education. With the internet, students now have access to a vast amount of information and resources that were not available before. Online courses and educational apps have also made learning more flexible and accessible. However, there are concerns about the quality of online education and the potential for cheating in online exams.Lastly, the impact of technology on employment cannot be overlooked. While technology has created new job opportunities, it has also led to the automation of many traditional jobs. This has caused a shift in the job market and has raised concerns about unemployment and job displacement.In conclusion, the impact of technology on society is undeniable. It has brought about many positive changes, but it also poses challenges and risks. As we continue to advance in technology, it is important to carefully consider its impact on society and to find ways to mitigate its negative effects.中文回答:考研英语一大作文的主题是“技术对社会的影响”。
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原因: 1、many drivers are forced to drive days and nights 2、a lot of people drive after drinking alcohol 八、城市发展与历史传承 1、a balanced economic development is not accompanied by sacrifice of history. 2、historical sites are the treasure of our country’s glorious past. We must figure out a win-win method to promote sustainable development while retaining our cultural heritage. 九、身体健康、锻炼、心理问题、减肥、知识分子 1、 to develop good health 2、 to keep regular exercise 3、 to make more contributions to the society 4、 to make do with bad diet 5、 to neglect sports and exercise 十、职业道德及素质类 该类别主要包括:虚假宣传、假冒伪劣产品、排队、鼓掌、文明言行、文明 交通、谦虚、宽容、医患矛盾、药品回扣诚信、豆腐渣、家庭作坊卫生、跳槽与 商业机密。 1、the sanitation problem of family workshops 2、the promise of one’s own responsibility is like a method of cheating, and is quit against professional morals(职业道德) 3、low-quality products 4、the ignorance of sanitation 5、short of occupational disciplines 6、the false commercial advertising and promotion 十一、工作就业前途 该类别主要包括:高薪、 加班、技能、学历、自立自强、创业。 1、to display talent and capability; 2、to be of real service to fellowmen and the country; 3、to feel guilty in front of parents and family supporters; 4、to encounter discrimination on the basis of sex or height or even birthplace; 5、to despise jobs of lower social status and less income; 6、to avoid the possibility of working in the rural areas 7、to find (search\hunt) the right career; 十二、环境保护、动植物保护 该类别主要包括:保护森林、水污染、汽车尾气、沙尘暴、温室效应、节约 资源、垃圾污染。 1、the exhaustion of resources; 2、pollution from industrial production transform many clean rivers into undrinkable water. 3、the convenience brought by cars, their harmful impact on the atmosphere.
以下是一些可能的考研英语大作文主题词,以及围绕这些主题词可以展开的讨论点:1. Education (教育)- 教育的重要性- 终身学习的概念- 网络教育与传统教育的对比- 教育公平性问题2. Technology (技术)- 人工智能对就业市场的影响- 社交媒体对人际关系的影响- 科技在医疗领域的应用- 信息技术在教育中的作用3. Environment (环境)- 气候变化对人类社会的影响- 可持续发展的重要性- 绿色能源的开发与利用- 环境保护政策的实施4. Health (健康)- 健康生活方式的重要性- 心理健康与身体健康的关系- 公共健康政策的作用- 预防医学的重要性5. Culture (文化)- 文化多样性的价值- 传统文化的保护与传承 - 文化交流与国际关系- 现代文化对青少年的影响6. Economy (经济)- 全球化对经济的影响- 经济危机的成因与对策 - 创新与经济发展的关系 - 贫富差距问题7. Society (社会)- 社会公正与平等- 社会问题与解决方案- 社会变迁与个人发展- 社区服务的重要性8. Innovation (创新)- 创新在企业发展中的作用 - 创新思维的培养- 科技创新对社会的影响 - 创新政策的制定与实施9. Employment (就业)- 就业市场的现状与挑战 - 职业规划的重要性- 创业精神的培养- 就业政策的制定与执行10. Globalization (全球化)- 全球化对国家经济的影响- 文化全球化的利弊- 全球化与国际合作- 全球化对个人生活的影响这些主题词可以作为考研英语大作文的出发点,考生可以根据这些主题词展开深入的思考和论述,形成自己的观点和论证。
1.精神品质team spirit 团队精神teamwork n.团队合作strengthen/enhance the cooperation 增强合作cultivate/foster the sense of teamwork 培养团队意识optimism n.乐观optimistic adj.乐观的pessimism n.悲观pessimistic adj. 悲观的patience n.耐心patient adj. 耐心的prudence n.谨慎prudent adj.谨慎的persistence / perseverance n.恒心/毅力/坚持persevering adj. 坚持不懈的give up halfway 半途而废努力做某事endeavor to do sth./ strive to do sth./do one's utmost to do sth diligence n.勤奋painstaking effortsself-dependence/self-reliance/independence n. 独立; 自立innovation n.创新innovative adj. 创新的;具有创新精神的creativity n.创造力creative adj. 有创造力的critical thinking 批判性思维self-confidence n. 自信modesty n. 谦虚modest adj. 谦虚的aggressive adj.有进取心的strong-willed adj.意志坚强的tireless adj. 孜孜不倦的consistent adj. 始终如一的逆境和苦难adversity and hardship成就感a sense of achievement荣誉感a sense of honorambition n. 胸怀;抱负不劳而获reap without sowing欲速则不达haste makes wasteutilitarian adj. 功利的,急功近利的付诸行动take actionsdown-to-earth adj. 务实的thrift n.节俭thrifty adj.节俭的honesty n. 诚信respect the old and care for the young 尊老爱幼curiosity n. 好奇心curious adj. 好奇的spirit of the craftsman/craftsman's spirit/craftsmanship spirit 工匠精神strive for the best/strive for excellence 精益求精2.道德类public morality 公德devotion n. 投入;忠诚dedication n. 奉献精神charity n. 慈善a sense of responsibility/duty 责任感shoulder/undertake one's duty/responsibility 承担责任avoid/shirk one's duty/responsibility 逃避责任traditional virtues 传统美德filial piety 孝道selfless devotion 无私奉献patriotism n. 爱国主义comply with the law/observation of the law 遵守法律comply with the public morality 遵守公德follow the morals 按道德行事improve public morals 改进社会风气safeguard public morals 维护公共道德the lack of moral sense 道德缺失spit everywhere 随地吐痰make noise/talk loudly 大声喧哗litter n. 垃圾;v. 乱丢垃圾litter the house with sth. 在房间里乱扔……empty promise 空洞承诺false promise 虚假承诺unfair competitions 不公平竞争consumers' rights and interests 消费者权益disregard the public rules 无视公共规章break/violate public regulations 违反公共规章benevolence n. 善心仁慈amicable adj.友好的charitable adj.乐善好施的credibility n.信誉,美誉fake commodities 伪劣产品dishonest behaviors 欺诈行为unaffordable prices of medicines 药价虚高illegal ads 非法广告food safety 食品安全misdeed/misconduct n.不良行为spirit of contact 契约精神volunteer/volunteering/volunteering service 志愿者/志愿者活动/志愿服务volunteer spirit 志愿者精神3.家庭/两代关系类set an example 树立榜样mutual understanding 相互理解the aged society 老龄化社会population aging 人口老龄化generation gap 代沟widen/expand generation gap 扩大代沟narrow/bridge generation gap 消除代沟career women 职业妇女domestic/family violence 家庭暴力foster/raise/breed/nurture/bring up 抚养household chores 繁杂家务spoil children = dote on children 溺爱孩子over-indulgence n. 纵容溺爱only child 独生子女the universal two-child policy 全面二孩政策a well-off family 小康之家nuclear family 核心家庭a single-parent family 单亲家庭one's later years/one's remaining years 晚年practice filial piety/fulfill filial duty 奉行孝道support(take care of/sustain) the elderly(the old/the aged/the senior/aged parents/the old and infirm parents) 赡养老人mistreat/ill-treat/maltreat parents 虐待父母cousin n. 堂兄妹,表兄妹offspring n. 后代,后辈ancestor n.祖先heir n.继承人4.健康成长idol n.偶像blind/irrational worship of ... 对……盲目/非理性的崇拜physical health/fitness/well-being 生理健康mental/psychological health/fitness/well-being 心理健康improve/enhance physical(psychological) health 增进生理(心理)健康hurt/damage physical(psychological)health 损害生理(心理)健康health concern 健康问题state of health 健康状况sub-health n.亚健康public health 公共卫生state of mind 心态physical exercises 体育锻炼well-balanced diet 均衡饮食sacrifice health 牺牲健康junk food 垃圾食品food additives 食品添加剂go on a diet 节食,减肥indigestion n.消化不良vaccinate v. 给……接种疫苗infectious disease/illness 传染病chronic disease/illness 慢性病non-acclimatization 水土不服short-sightedness n.近视malnutrition n. 营养不良5.文化类culture and civilization 文化和文明the Spring Festival 春节dining together/ gathering dinners 聚会吃饭the joyful atmosphere of the New Year 新年的喜庆氛围museum n.博物馆art gallery 艺术馆be free of charge 免费的The cultural blending/integration/fusion 文化融合cultural exchanges/interaction/interchange 文化交流cultural diversity 文化多元化multiculturalism n.多元文化cultural identity 文化特性cultural treasures 文化宝藏cultural heritage/legacy 文化遗产cultural relics 文物cultural facilities 文化设施cultural devolution 文化退化cultural insights 文化视角traditional Chinese culture/national culture 民族(传统)文化alien/foreign culture 外国文化Chinese cultural symbols 中国文化的符号advocate/carry forward traditional culture 弘扬传统文化preserve and cherish traditions 保存和珍惜传统undermine traditions 破坏传统great and profound 博大精深的literature n.文学local customs and practices 风土人情cross-cultural communication 跨文化交流spiritual civilization 精神文明break with old customs 抛弃传统hand down from generation to generation 代代相传national pride 民族自豪original adj. 原始的;原创的charming adj. 极具魅力的splendid adj. 壮丽辉煌的talk show 谈话节目crash v./n.碰撞collection n. 收藏品mahjong 麻将Peking/Beijing Opera 京剧Tang Suit 唐装folk art 民间艺术paper cutting 剪纸6.教育读书类part-time jobs 兼职工作vacation n.假期compulsory education 义务教育life-long education 终身教育exam/test-oriented education 应试教育quality-oriented education 素质教育comprehensive development of a child 孩子的全面发展impart knowledge 讲授知识to enrol new students 录取新生admissions 录取人数recruitment n. 招募popular fiction 通俗小说poetry n. 诗歌(不可数)poem n.诗歌(可数)intellectual property 知识产权law education 法制教育teach students according to their aptitude 因材施教academic/theoretical knowledge 学术/理论知识practical skills 实用技能integrate theory with practice 理论联系实际disconnect theory from practice 理论脱离实际shape/mould one's character 塑造性格extra-curricular activities 课外活动the spirit of exploration 探索精神cultivate (nurture, foster) creative/original thinking 培养创新思维stifle/constrain/extinguish creativity 扼杀创造力sap/dampen student's interest in sth. 挫伤学生对某事的兴趣opening ceremony 开学典礼key school 重点中学private school 私立学校public school 公立学校eliminate illiteracy 扫盲miss a class 缺课drop out 辍学dropout n.退学者quit school 退学assistantship 助学金scholarship 奖学金university graduates 大学毕业生pursue post-graduate study/prepare for the national entrance examination for postgraduates 考研study abroad/go abroad for further education 出国留学excessive/undue academic pressure 过大的学习压力the burden of study/learning 学习负担ease/relieve academic pressure 缓解学习压力intensify academic pressure 增强学习压力academic atmosphere 学习气氛7.经济社会发展market share 市场份额mobile phone/ cell phone 手机industry n. 工业;行业developing countries 发展中国家developed countries 发达国家saturation n.饱和manufacturer n.制造商brand n.品牌the domestic market 国内市场the competitive edge 竞争力;竞争优势urban adj. 城市的rurual adj. 农村的urbanization n. 城市化population expansion 人口规模膨胀medical care 医疗shorten/narrow the gap between the rural and urban areas 缩小城乡差距canteen n.餐厅start one's own business 创业;开公司satisfaction n. 满意economic globalization 经济全球化mobile payment 移动支付shared bikes 共享单车high-speed trains 高铁online shopping 网络购物recession/bleeding economy 经济不景气economic/financial crisis 经济/金融危机economic recovery 经济复苏economic prosperity/boom 经济繁荣delayed retirement 延迟退休the family planning policy/ the one-child policy 计划生育政策spur/stimulate economic development 刺激经济发展hinder/impede economic development 阻碍经济发展job market 就业市场look for/hunt for/seek a job 找工作job seeker 求职者a tough job market 严峻的就业形势unrealistic salary expectations 不切实际的薪资期望pursue a high-paid job 追求高薪工作the lack of practical experience/hands-on experience/practical abilities/vocational skills/career skills 没有或缺乏实践经验/实践能力/职业技能lose one's job/be unemployed 失业unemployment n.失业人数generate/create job opportunities/employment opportunities 创造/提供就业机会career guidance 就业指导decline/recession/depression n.萎缩/衰退/萧条the demand exceeds the supply 供不应求turn loss into gains 转亏为盈to stabilize prices 稳定物价unfair competition 不正当竞争fierce/intense/furious competition 激烈竞争fake and inferior product 假冒伪劣产品after-sale service 售后服务enterprise image 企业形象brand effect 品牌效应over-consuming 超前消费enhance citizens’ standard of living 提升居民生活水平eliminate poverty 消除贫困narrow the gap between the wealthy and the needy 缩小贫富差距8.环保类environment-friendly adj.生态环保的conserve natural habitats 保护生存环境animal rights activist 动物权益保护者natural reserve 自然保护区natural resources 自然资源energy conservation and environmental protection 节能环保biodiversity n. 生物多样性extinction n. 灭绝wind breaks 防风林sand breaks 防沙林climate change 气候变化greenhouse effect 温室效应threat of global warming 全球变暖的威胁develop renewable resources 开发可再生资源low-carbon economy 低碳经济low-carbon lifestyle 低碳生活方式environmental awareness 环境意识deforestation n.森林消失landslide n.山体滑坡biodegradable adj. 可生物降解的environment-friendly(eco-friendly) products 环保产品household garbage 生活垃圾waste sorting/garbage classification 垃圾分类motor vehicle pollution 汽车尾气污染reduce exhaust emission from cars/automobiles 减少汽车尾气的排放low-emission cars 小排量汽车high-emission cars 大排量汽车public transport 公共交通water and soil erosion 水土流失soot emissions 烟尘排放sea water desalinization 海水淡化eco-demonstration region 生态示范区create pleasant living environment 创造怡人的生活环境air pollution 空气污染degradation/deterioration of air quality 空气质量恶化discharge/emit poisonous/toxic gas 排放有毒气体drought n.干旱sandstorm n.沙尘暴toxic waste 有毒废物industrial waste 工业废物sewage treatment 污水处理。
考研英语作文必会主题词环保健康environmental preservation(环境保护);environmental contamination (环境污染);ecological balance(生态平衡);ecological degradation(生态退化);environmental-friendly economy(环境友好型经济);sustainable development(可持续发展);clean energy(清洁能源);renewable resources(可再生资源);haze(雾霾);disposable products (一次性产品);extinction of wildlife(野生动物灭绝);physical and mental health(身心健康);good living habits(好的生活习惯);balanced diet(均衡的饮食);high calorie(高热量);overweight (超重);obesity(肥)教育文化tuition fee(学费);academic performance(学习表现);broadenone's horizon(开拓视野);dropout(退学);quality-oriented education (素质教育);diploma(文凭);diploma devaluation(学历贬值);specialized knowledge(专业知识);generalized knowledge(通识);virtual class(虚拟课堂);exotic culture(外来文化);cultural conflict(文化冲突);cultural heritage(文化遗产);cultural identity(文化认同);celebrate westerm festivals(过洋节)心态品质peaceful/positive state of mind(平和/积极的态度);mental satis- faction(精神满足);sense of belonging/ security(归属感/安全感);respect and recognition from the public(公众的认可);the spirit of independence/cooperation/collaboration(合作);team-work spirit(团队精神);adaptability(适应能力);benevolence(善心);honesty(诚实);self-discipline(自律);perseverance(坚忍不拔);frustration(挫败感);loneliness(孤独感);indiference(冷漠);tolerance(宽容)经济科技innovation(创新);money worship(拜金);copycat products(山寨货);protect the interest of consumers(消费者权益保护);aging problem(老龄化问题);empty-nester(空巢老人);urbanization(城市化);globalization(全球化);industrialization(工业化);modernization(现代化);informatization(信息化);jerrybuilt project(豆腐渣工程);gap between the rich and the poor(贫富差距);unfair competition(不正当竞争);purchasing power(购买力);brand loyalty(品牌忠诚);marketing(营销);three guarantees(三包);domestic product(国货)工作学习job market(劳动力市场);job hunter(应聘者):employment pres-sure(就业压力);peer pressure(同辈压力);competitive power(竞争力);decentjob(体面的工作);major(专业),expertise(专业知识);balance between work and entertainment(学习和娱乐取得平衡);practicality(实践力);procrastination syndrome(拖延症);teaching students in acordance with their aptitude(因材施教)社会风尚online shopping(网购);cyber space(网络空间);online rumors(网络谣言);online games(网络游戏);smartphone syndrome(手机病);overseas purchasing(海淘);violate one's privacy(侵犯隐私);food security(食品安全);generation gap(代沟);filial piety(孝道);financial security(金融安全);internet addiction(网瘾);life-long education(终身教育);moral degeneration(道德沦丧/堕落)。
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勤奋diligence耐心patience机遇opportunity挑战challenge节约thrifty浪费waste创新innovation拼搏精神the determined spirit奉献精神the dedication spirit自信self-confidence诚实honesty正确的价值观correct values谦虚modesty奋斗strive团队精神team work spirit个性personality竞争competition合作cooperation大学生创业College Students start an enterprise社会公德public morality礼貌politeness提高个人修养shaping the morality网隐net addiction思考道德教育moral education道德观:the value of ethics 学习观: the purpose of study社会观:the view of society危机观:the consciousness of crisis剽窃plagiarism交通堵塞traffic jam酒驾drunken driving捷径shortcut 环境污染environmental pollution责任responsibility谅解understanding不守规则disobeying rules和谐社会harmonious society逆境adversity挫折与坎坷twists and turns能力capabilities木桶理论the Wooden Barrel Theory学历diplomas可持续发展sustainable development诚信integrity打好基础的重要性the importance of fundamentals理论与实践theory and practice终身学习life-long study 成功无捷径there is no shortcut to success从小事做起start from small details沟通communication 幽默感a sense of humor医疗费用medical cost人生处处面临选择We are always faced various choices 身心健康physical and mental health全球化Globalization 扩招enrollment expansion侵权Copyright Infringement 知识产权intellectual property rights捐献donation腐败corruption人生观outlook on life社会保障体系social security system拜金主义money-oriented跳槽Job-Hopping因材施教teach students according to their aptitude Keep Wits about Viruses in Medium远离不良媒体宣传5.The Prospect of Electronic Books发展中的电子书籍6.E-mail or Letter有电子邮件还是书籍9. The Convenience Information Technology Has Brought to Us信息技术给我们带来的方便10.From Dolly to Man从多利羊到人的克隆技术puter and Security电脑与安全12.Is Outer Space Worth Exploring太空探索13. On Nuclear Power论核能14. Television Violence电视暴力15.Is Television a Blessing or a Curse电视是福还是祸16.On Advertisements论广告17.The Increasing Amount of Mobile Phones手机的利弊第二章教育/人才/就业28.The Reasons for the Differences between Urbanand Rural29.The Similarities and Differences betweenCollege Entrance Examination andPostgraduate Entrance Examination考研与高考的异同30.My Understanding of Campus Culture谈谈你对大学校园文化的理解31.How to View the Phenomenon of Class-skipping如何看待大学生逃课现象32.Is Dormitory—Study Romm—Dining Romm Enoughfor College Life“宿舍一自习室一食堂”三点一线的生活是否充实33.The Survey and Suggestion for CollegeStudent’Daily Habits大学生作息习惯的调查和启示34.Whether Grade Point Average (GPA) IsImportant学分是否重要35.What Can We Learn from College大学教会了我们什么36.Should Girls Be Forbidden to Enter Boys’Dormitory男生宿舍女生是否应该止步37.Overseas Graduate School Fever出国留学40. The Qualities of the Cross-Century Talents跨世纪人才的素质41.Two Educational Patterns应试教育与素质教育43. Intelligence—Heredity or Environment智力:遗传的还是环境决定的44.Should Compulsory Education Be Free of Charge义务教育应当免费吗45.Learn How to Learn对学习的看法46.Sunshine and Its Shadow阳光与阴影47.Job-Hopping跳槽48.The Newly Unemloyed失业第三章经济/贸易/旅游53. The New Relations of Net Economy网络经济54.Holiday Economy假日经济55.How to Solve the Housing Problem in Big Cities大城市住房问题56.Is Internationalization Americanization国际化是否是“美国化”57.What Is “Merging with the World”何谓“与国际接轨”58.The Advantages and Disadvantages ofGlobalization全球化的利弊59.lottery彩票60.Developing the Western Regions西部大开发61.The Changes in College Students’SpendingVacations大学生度假方式62.Buying Accommodation买房63.China’s International Trades中国的国际贸易64.WTO Entry: Nore Benefit than Detriment中国入世:利大于弊第四章人文/品德/理想69. What Behind the Cat-abuse.“虐猫”事件的背后70.On Good Deeds Do Not Earn Good Retun“好心不得好报”71.Whether the Boycott of Japanese Goods is aPatriotic Performance“抵制日货”是否是爱国的表现72.The Spirit of Americans Reflected in the WorldTrade Center (WTC) Attacks of September 11,2001从“9.11”事件看美国国民的精神73.Cultures—National and Intenational跨文化交流74.On Cultural Desert论“文化沙漠”75.Greed论贪婪77. How to See Chinese of Other Nationalities to Win Nobel Prize如何看待“加入别国国籍的华人诺贝尔奖获得者”78.Beijing Olympic Games北京奥运79.Should Traditional Chinese Festivals BePreserved中国传统节日是否应该保留80.Hobbies业余爱好81.Sports and Games体育运动:一项全民都应参与的活动84.On China’s Cultural Industry谈“文化产业”86. Whether the Old Summer Palace Needs Renovation是否该重建圆明圆87.On Challenge论挑战88.Individuality论个性89.Diligence论勤奋94.My View on Wealth论财富95.Patriotism in a New Era新时期下的爱国主义97. We Should Respect Our National Flag尊重国旗98. On “Li Suli Spirit”论“李素丽精神”99.More and Harder Work Does Not Represent LovingWork肱岗不是加班加点,敬业不任劳任怨100.Teachers Should Firstly Behave Themselves 老师应当为人师表101.On Hand-chopping Gang“砍手党”现象102.Is Going Abroad a Fawning on Foreign Countries 出国是否是崇洋媚外103.On the Sign of “Please Flush after Use”“请便后冲水”给我们的启示第一节本主题重点词汇aggressive 有进取心的amicable 友好的audacious 大胆的,有冒险精神的charitable 宽厚的dynamic 精力充沛的have an inquiring mind 爱动脑筋strong-willed 意志坚强的sweet-tempered 性情温和的tireless 孜孜不倦的persevering 不屈不挠的genteel 有教样养的diplomatic 老练的,有策略的forceful (性格)坚强的fate's plaything 命运的玩物dodge life's blow 逃避生活的打击be honored as 被尊为......arrogant 傲慢的,自大的paycheck 式资contentment 满足bear...in mind 把......记在心上cherish 珍爱,珍视;怀抱(希望等)acting on作用于,影响cultural heritage 文化遗产cultural facilities 文化设施the State Administration of Cultural Relics 国家文物局art gallery 画廊,美术馆cultural/historical relics 文物collection 收藏品(总称)to unearth 出土to excavate 发掘auction house 拍卖行relic traffickers 文物走私者to smuggle cultural relics 走私文物folklore/folk tales 民间传说cross talk 相声contemporary literature 现代文学moral伦理perseverance 恒心virtue 美德patience耐心prudence谨慎persistence恒心bastion of freedom自由保垒numinous summits 光辉的顶点endeavor 努力destiny 命运genius 天才hard-working 终身不懈的a great aim 一个伟大的目标illusions 幻想consistent 始终如一的respect the old and care for the young 尊老爱幼working style 工作作风eulogy 赞美cultured 有教养的virtue and morality仁义道德the humanities 人文科学第五章自然/生态/环境107. Developing Economy or Protecting Environment发展经济还是保护环境108.The Protection of Nature Means theProtection of Ourselves保护自然意味着保护我们自己112.Preserve Every Inch of Farmland保护耕地第六章医疗卫生/农村建设119. The Cautions AIDS Villages Have Brought to Us“艾滋病”村给我们的警示120.The Advantages and Disadvantages of the Reform of Medical Treatment医疗改革的得弊121. On Office Workers’Sub-health上班一族的亚健康状态122. On Spitting Casually论随地吐痰123.On the Awareness of Safeguarding Public Health维护公共卫生的意识125. The Significance of Washing Hands“洗手”的意义126.The Significance of China’s Rural Medical Treatment Reform农村医疗改革的重要意义127.On Building New Rural Areas建设新农村128. Change of the Annual Income of Farmers农民的收入第七章社会/生活/其他129. Migrant Workers: a Biessing or a Curse农民工问题130.My View Terrorist Activity in Some Countries 如何看恐怖活动131.Eager Learners充电-----适应形势的需求132.Time Bomb Projects豆腐渣工程133.On Looking after the Children谁来照顾孩子134.The Life in Metropolises国际大都市下的生活135.The Problem of Juvenile Delinquency青少年犯罪137. Competition and Cooperation竞争与合作138.Should Euthanasia be Legalized安乐死是否应该合法化139.Women Shouldn’t be Neglected发性不能被忽视140.Piracy论盗版142. Quality Provides Best Guarantee质量——生存的根本ozihao: Live or Let Die老字号:生存还是消失144.Capital Punishment死弄存废问题145.Population Explosion论人口增长146.Private Cars in China私家车147. To Bridge the Generation Gap between Parents and Children代沟148. Keeping Pets论养宠物149.Is the Only Child more Advantageous独生子女是否更有优势150.On Fast Food论快餐151.On Using Cell Phones谈用手机爱心捐赠 the caring donation捐赠短信 the message of donation救援 rescue义务献血 donate blood默哀 observe silence赈灾晚会 Funding-raising showThe financial crisis金融危机三鹿Sanlu三聚氰胺melamine结石门Kidney Stones Gate婴幼儿配方奶粉baby formula奶粉Milk Powder奶农dairy farmers乳制品行业Dairy Industry处理亚健康How to Deal with Sub-health。