



第二节 公共选择理论
• • • • • 一、政府失灵(政府缺陷) (1)政府决策的失灵 (2)政府运转的失灵 (3)政府干预的失灵 二、政府失灵的纠正 1.引入竞争机制 (1)在行政机构之间引入竞争机制。比如允许若 干办事机构就完成某些工作提供相互竞争的预算, 预算主管部门选取报价最低者,以降低成本。
假设有三个投票人张三、 李四和王五,他们需 要在三个提案A、B、 A C之间选择,用1、2、 3分别表示其对提案的 B 偏好程度由最强到最 弱。偏好次序见下表 C
张三 李四 王五
1 2 3 3 2 1 3 1 2
比较A和B方案,B优于A 比较B和C方案,B优于C (比较A和C方案,C优于A) 所以,最终胜出的方案是B。
• 平均主义认为,不论社会成员的收入和效用 水平是高还是低,只要大家是完全一致的, 那么,社会状况就达到了最好的状态,社会 福利就达到了最大化。 • 要达到这样的一种状态,有两条路径可遁: 一是提高社会中那些低收入成员的收入水平, 使之追上社会中那些富有的社会成员,这一 途径事实上和罗尔斯主义所表明的有着许多 一致之处;二是降低社会中富有成员的收入 水平,使他们向社会中最低收入成员的水平 看齐,而这是不同于罗尔斯主义的主张的。
----思考1 : 大局上面仍然有另一个大局 ----思考2 : 公平永远有不同角度的公平 ----思考3 : 这个游戏只有站在切换器旁边的人可以决定结果
第二节 公共选择理论
• 三、公共选择理论 公共选择理论就是用研究经济的一系 列方法来分析和研究政府的政策制定过程, 研究在既定的社会公众的偏好和政治程序 下,政府政策是怎样制定出来的,以及如 何改革政治程序,以改进决策的效率。

《Public Finance》双语课程教学大纲

《Public Finance》双语课程教学大纲

《Public Finance》(双语)课程教学大纲(2003年制订,2006年修订)课程编号:110110中文名:公共财政课程类别:专业主干课前置课:西方经济学、财政学、大学英语后置课:学分:3学分课时:51课时主讲教师:任巧玲、郭晔、毛翠英等选定教材:Harvey S. Rosen: Public Finance, New York: McGraw-Hill, 2002(节选).课程概述:本课程为财政学专业的专业主干课,本大纲适用于财政学本科专业。








各章教学要求及教学要点Chapter 1 Introduction课时分配:3课时教学要求:通过本章的学习使学生掌握财政学的内涵及其主要功能,并以此为基础把握两种主要的财政思想。


教学内容:1.1Introduction of Public FinancePublic finance, also known as public sector economics or public economics, focuses on the taxing and spending activities of government and their influence on the allocation of resources and distribution of income.1.2 Public Finance and Ideology1. Organic view of governmentSociety is conceived of as a natural organism.Each individual is a part of this organism,and the government can be thought of as its heart. The individual has significance only as part of the community,and the good of the individual is defined with respect to the good of the whole. Thus,the community is stressed above the individual.2. Mechanistic view of governmentGovernment is not an organic part of society. Rather, it is a contrivance created by individuals to better achieve their individual goals.The individual rather than the group is at center stage.思考题:1. How is public finance defined?2. What are the ideological views concerning the relationship between the individual and the state?Chapter 2 Public Goods课时分配:12课时教学要求:通过本章学习使学生掌握公共品的界定和内涵,并以此为基础把握公共品的有效提供及其生产方面的基本观点。



Chapter 3 – Tools of Normative Analysis1. a. In this particular insurance market, one would not expect asymmetric informationto be much of a problem –the probability of a flood is common knowledge.Moral hazard could be an issue – people are more likely to build near a beach ifthey have flood insurance. Still, one would expect the market for flood insuranceto operate fairly efficiently.b.There is substantial asymmetric information in the markets for medical insurancefor consumers and also malpractice insurance for physicians. For efficientconsumption, the price must be equal to the marginal cost, and the effect ofinsurance may be to reduce the perceived price of medical care consumption.That would lead to consumption above the efficient level. Because of the roles ofregulation, insurance, taxes, and the shifting of costs from the uninsured to theinsured, there is little reason to expect the market to be efficient.c.In the stock market, there is good information and thousands of buyers and sellers.We expect, in general, efficient outcomes.d.From a national standpoint, there is a good deal of competition and informationwith regards to personal computers. The outcome will likely be efficient forcomputer hardware. However, some firms might exercise some market power,especially in the software market; in these markets “network externalities” may bepresent where the value of a programming language or piece of software isdependent on the number of others who also use that software.e.The private market allocation is likely inefficient without government intervention.Student loan markets may suffer from asymmetric information –the studentknows better than the lender whether he will repay the loan or default on it, a formof adverse selection. Government intervention does not “solve” the adverseselection problem in this case (because participation in the student loan program isnot compulsory), but it may create a market that would not exist withoutintervention.f.There are several reasons why automobile insurance provision is likely to beinefficient without government intervention. As with other insurance markets, theautomobile insurance market suffers from asymmetric information. Drivers whoknow they are particularly accident prone will be particularly likely to want carinsurance (or policies with greater coverage), while drivers who are less accidentprone (or able to self-insure) might choose to go without insurance. By mandatingthat people purchase auto insurance if they choose to drive, the adverse selectionproblem is mitigated to some extent (but, again, more accident prone drivers couldstill by more generous plans). Another market imperfection, related to“underinsurance” has to do with the financial externalities from an aut omobileaccident. An uninsured motorist who is at fault may not have sufficient income tocover the costs of the other driver’s bills, and instead default on the obligation byChapter 3 - Tools of NormativeAnalysisg.declaring bankruptcy. The bankruptcy “floor” on costs creates various moralhazard problems.2. Point a represents an equal allocation of water, but it is not efficient because there is notangency. Point b is one of many Pareto efficient allocations, representing a case where Catherine benefits enormously by trade, and Henry’s utility is unchanged from the initial endowment.AD: 1) The dashed line is positioned at the halfway point on the horizontal axis.2) Point b is a tangency3. If insurers in California could no longer use location to determine automobile insurancerates, some of the higher costs incurred by urban residents would be shifted to rural and suburban residents. This change would reduce efficiency, but the purpose of the policy is to improve equity, based on an argument that it is unfair that urban residents should have to pay more for insurance because they are more likely to be involved in accidents.Social welfare increases if the additional utility enjoyed by urban residents offsets the loss in utility to rural and suburban residents.7Part 1 - Getting Started4. a. Social indifference curves are straight lines with slope of –1. As far as society isconcerned, the “util” to Augustus is equivalent to the “util” to Livia.8Chapter 3 - Tools of NormativeAnalysis b. Social indifference curves are straight lines with slope of –2. This reflects the factthat society values a “util” to Augustus twice as much as a “util” to Livia.9Part 1 - Getting Started5. Musgrave (1959) developed the concept of merit goods to describe commodities thatought to be provided even if the members of society do not demand them. “Sin taxes”work the opposite way and apply to commodities that members of society might demand, but ought not to have.6. a. There is no obvious reason why there is a market failure with burglar alarm calls;the Los Angeles police could set a response fee equal to the marginal cost.b. Welfare economics provides little basis for such a subsidy of wool and mohairproduction.c. There is no economic reason why cherry pies should be regulated, especiallysince there are no such regulations for apple, blueberry, or peach frozen pies.d. It is hard to imagine a basis in welfare economics for this regulation forhairdressers.e. This is not an efficient policy. If the problem is that too much water is beingconsumed, then the answer is to increase the price of water. On that basis, peoplecan decide whether or not they want to buy toilets that require less water. Water,like most other resources, is a private good.f. There is no economic reason why the federal government should subsidize theproduction of electricity, whether the electricity comes from coal, nuclear power,or chicken manure. One can assume the question that the R&D process ofcreating electricity from chicken manure is already developed, so there is not apositive externality argument. Since the production of electricity is a private good,with no obvious violations of the fundamental welfare theorem, there is nojustification.7. In this case, the “Edgeworth box” is actually a line because there is only one good on theisland. The set of possible allocations is a straight line, 100 units long. Every allocation is Pareto efficient, because the only way to make one person better off is to make another person worse off. There is no theory in the text to help us decide whether an allocation is fair. Although splitting the peanuts even between the people may be fair, it may not be fair if the calorie “needs” of the people are different. With a social welfare function, we can make assessments on whether redistribution for society as a whole is a good thing. 8. Social welfare is maximized when Mark’s marginal utility of income is equal to Judy’smarginal utility of income. Taking the derivative of Mark’s utility function to find his marginal utility function yields MU M= 50/(I M1/2) and taking the der ivative of Judy’s utility function yields MU J = 100/(I J1/2). If we set MU M equal to MU J, the condition for maximization becomes I J= 4I M and, since the fixed amount of income is $300, this means that Mark should have $60 and Judy should have $240 if the goal is to maximize social welfare = U M + U J.10Chapter 3 - Tools of NormativeAnalysis 9. Although Victoria’s marginal rate of substitution is equal to Albert’s, these are not equalto the marginal rate of transformation and the allocation is, therefore, Pareto inefficient.Both people would give up 2 cups of tea for 1 crumpet but, according to the production function, could actually get 6 crumpets by giving up 2 cups of tea. By giving up tea and getting crumpets through the production function, both utilities are raised.10. a. False. As shown in the text, equality of the marginal rates of substitution is anecessary, but not sufficient, condition. The MRS for each individual must alsoequal the MRT.b. Uncertain. As long as the allocation is an interior solution in the Edgeworth box,the marginal rates of substitution must be equal across individuals. This need notbe true, however, at the corners where one consumer has all the goods in theeconomy.c. False. A policy that leads to a Pareto improvement results in greater efficiency,but social welfare depends on equity as well as efficiency. A policy that improvesefficiency but creates a loss in equity might reduce social welfare.d. Uncertain. The tax reduces efficiency, but if education creates positiveexternalities, then increased funding for education improves efficiency. This is aPareto-improving policy if the increased efficiency in the education market morethan offsets the reduced efficiency in the market for cigarettes.11。



《财政学》课程中英文简介Public Finance课程代码:090012B/090013A/090013B Course Code:090012B/090013A/090013B课程名称:财政学Course Name:Public Finance学时:32 Periods:32学分:2 Credits:2考核方式:考查/考试/考查Assessment:Inspection/Examination/Inspection先修课程:政治经济学、经济学Preparatory Courses:Political Economics, Economics《财政学》是经济、管理类专业的核心课程。







Public Finance is the core curriculum for the study of economics and management. It’s an applying course which links the curriculum of economic theory and professional financial courses. Having grasped the basic theory, the basic knowledge and basic skill of the public finance, the students may be ready enough to learn other related courses. The main parts of the course are as follows, the basic concept of the public finance, fiscal expenditure, fiscal revenue, the fiscal management system and the fiscal policy. The contents of the curriculum involve the concept and function of public finance, the basic theory of fiscal expenditure, the purchase expenditure, the transfer expenditure, the basic theory of fiscal revenue, the taxation system, the public debts, the state budget, balance of financial revenue and expenditure, the match of the fiscal policies and monetary policies, and etc.505《国有资产管理学》课程中英文简介State-owned Asset Management课程代码:090022B/090023A Course Code:090022B/090023A课程名称:国有资产管理学Course Name:State-owned Asset Management 学时:32/48 Periods:32/48学分:2/3 Credits:2/3考核方式:考查/考试Assessment:Inspection/Examination先修课程:西方经济学Preparatory Courses:Western Economics 财政学Public Finance政治经济学Political Economics本课程是财政学、公共管理等专业的必修专业拓展课。



罗森财政学复习资料(双语版)第一篇:罗森财政学复习资料(双语版)罗森财政学复习资料(双语版)Unified budget: The document which itemizes all the federal government’s expenditures and revenues.统一预算:联邦政府在一种文件中将其支出逐项列出的文件Regulatory budget: an annual statement of the costs imposed on the economy by government regulations 管制预算:政府管制对经济产生的成本Entitlement programs: programs whose expenditures are determined by the number of people who qualify ,rather than preset budget allocations.公民权利性计划:(是指有关社会保障、公共福利计划、农产品价格维持等法律规定受益人和收益数额的政府支出项目)项目的成本不是由固定的美元数额来决定,而是由符合条件的人的数量决定。

Substitution effect :the tendency of an individual to consume more of one good and less of another because of a decrease in the price of the former relative to the latter.替代效应:是指一种商品价格的变化所引起的使消费者调整该种商品与其他商品需求量比例的效应。

Income effect : the effect of a price change the quantity demanded due exclusively to the fact that the consmer’s income has changed 收入效应:收入效应指由商品的价格变动所引起的实际收入水平变动,进而由实际收入水平变动所引起的商品需求量的变动。

Public Finance - Chapter 3 财政学第三章

Public Finance - Chapter 3 财政学第三章

• At point v in the figure, Adam’s allocation of apples is Ox, and of figs is Ou. Eve consumes O’v of apples, and O’w of figs.
Pure Exchange Economy
• Assume that Adam and Eve each have conventionally shaped indifference curves. • Adam’s happiness increases as he consumes more; therefore, his utility is higher for bundles toward the northeast in the Edgeworth Box.
The Contract Curve
Pure Exchange Economy
• The previous figure shows that each of the Pareto efficient points is where an indifference curve of Adam is tangent to an indifference curve of Eve.
– Often used as the standard for evaluating desirability of an allocation of resources. – Pareto inefficient allocations are wasteful.
• A Pareto improvement is a reallocation of resources that makes one person better off without making anyone else worse off.



财政学双语重点(重中之重啊!)1.Unified budget: The document which itemizes(逐项列出)all the federal government’s expenditures(支出)and revenues (收入).统一预算:联邦政府在一种文件中将其支出逐项列出。

2.substitution effect: The tendency of an individual to consume more of one good andless of another because of a decrease in the price of the former relative to the latter.替代效应一个人因一种商品相对于另一种商品的价格降低而多消费前者,少消费后者的倾向。

3. income effect :The effect of a price change on the quantity demanded(需求量)due exclusively(唯一的)to the fact that the consumer’s income has changed.收入效应价格变化对需求量的影响完全是由于消费者的实际收入的变化所致。

4. Pareto efficient: An allocation of resources such that no person can be made better off without making another person worse off.帕累托效率一种资源配置状态,在该状态下,如果不使一个人的境况变差就不可能使另一个人的境况变好。

5. Pareto improvement: A reallocation of resources that makes at least one person better off without making anyone else worse off.帕累托改进资源的重新配置可在不使任何人的境况变差的前提下,至少使一个人的境况变好。























财政学Chapter 11、Unified budget: The document which itemizes(逐项列出)all the federal government’s expenditures(支出)and revenues(收入).统一预算:联邦政府在一种文件中将其支出逐项列出。

2、regulatory budget: An annual statement of the costs imposed on(施加影响于)the economy by government regulations.(Currently, there is no such budget.)管制预算:政府管制给经济造成的成本的年度报告。

(目前尚无)3、entitlement programs: Programs whose expenditures are determined by the number of people who qualify, rather than preset budget allocations(分配).公民权力性计划其支出由符合条件的人数而非预先的预算安排来决定的计划。

Summary :1、public finance ,also known as public sector economics or public economics, focuses on the taxing and spending activities of government and their influence on the allocation of resources and distribution(分配)of income.财政学,也称公共部门经济学或公共经济学,以政府的收支活动及其资源配置与收入分配的影响为研究对象2、I n an organic view of society ,individuals are valued only by their contribution to the realization of social goals. These goals are determined by the government.按照社会有机论,个人只有在有助于社会目标实现时才有价值。


亚当· 斯密
约翰· 梅纳德· 凯恩斯
约瑟夫· 斯蒂格利茨
3 Focus of public finance

Focus is on microeconomic functions of government ------the way government affects the allocation of resources and the distribution of income.
framework Size of government Expenditures Revenues
1 The Legal framework
Expenditure: No real constraints on spending in
of resources
of income
and development of economy
§2 Public Finance and Ideology
should a government function in economic sphere? (1)Organic view
Positive policy –Neutral policy --Passive
(negative) policy How about the present fiscal policy?



哈维·S·罗森(Harvey S. Rosen),特德·盖亚(Ted Gayer)著.财政学(第八版).中国人民大学出版社,2009.09.











《Public Finance》双语课程教学大纲

《Public Finance》双语课程教学大纲

《Public Finance》(双语)课程教学大纲(2003年制订,2006年修订)课程编号:110110中文名:公共财政课程类别:专业主干课前置课:西方经济学、财政学、大学英语后置课:学分:3学分课时:51课时主讲教师:任巧玲、郭晔、毛翠英等选定教材:Harvey S. Rosen: Public Finance, New York: McGraw-Hill, 2002(节选).课程概述:本课程为财政学专业的专业主干课,本大纲适用于财政学本科专业。








各章教学要求及教学要点Chapter 1 Introduction课时分配:3课时教学要求:通过本章的学习使学生掌握财政学的内涵及其主要功能,并以此为基础把握两种主要的财政思想。


教学内容:1.1Introduction of Public FinancePublic finance, also known as public sector economics or public economics, focuses on the taxing and spending activities of government and their influence on the allocation of resources and distribution of income.1.2 Public Finance and Ideology1. Organic view of governmentSociety is conceived of as a natural organism.Each individual is a part of this organism,and the government can be thought of as its heart. The individual has significance only as part of the community,and the good of the individual is defined with respect to the good of the whole. Thus,the community is stressed above the individual.2. Mechanistic view of governmentGovernment is not an organic part of society. Rather, it is a contrivance created by individuals to better achieve their individual goals.The individual rather than the group is at center stage.思考题:1. How is public finance defined?2. What are the ideological views concerning the relationship between the individual and the state?Chapter 2 Public Goods课时分配:12课时教学要求:通过本章学习使学生掌握公共品的界定和内涵,并以此为基础把握公共品的有效提供及其生产方面的基本观点。



财政学考试重点:第一章:中文P4 :财政学定义、帕累托最优、英文p2 :public finance?财政思想(public finance and ideology)、organic :政府有机论P4 :机械论(医疗保险等)中文p9 政府规模英文P7 :the size of Government (政府应该重建信誉)P11 :图的异同中文p 11 英文P10 :支出expenditures 收入renenues第二章:中文p36 :效率英文p35 :帕累托最优、帕累托改进、4E理论P48 :有益物品merit goods中文p65 、英文p65Should airport security be produced publicly or privately?基层安检应由公共生产还是私人生产BOT(built、operate、transfer)第五章:中文p70 :外部性英文p71 :首句when man is happy, he is harmony with himself and his environment.中文p80 、英文p82 :外部性的内部化taxes (税收、补贴)产权中文p83 、英文p85 :PUBLIC RESPONSES TO EXTERNALITIES :emissions fees and cap and trade programs 排污费和总量控制与交易制度(要引导社会向善……)中文p86 、英文p88 Congestion Pricing (拥挤定价)、用价格去影响一个人的行为中文p97 :谁受益谁承担英文p99 :Who benefit?第六章:中文p115 、英文p118 :政治经济学、public employees英文p119 :adequate margin(适当限度)第三句latitude and power(回旋余力和权力)However……第3段institutional memory (制度存储器)(解读政策才能执行正确)中文p131 、英文p135 :IS EDUCATION A PUBLIC GOOD中文p139 、英文p144 :NEW DIRECTIONS ……中文p133 、英文p137 :IS the EDUCATION MARKET inequitable?政府干预教育能否取得成果?中P141:学校绩效责任制英P146 :School Accountability第八章:中文p152 、英文p158 :社会贴现率、Social discount rate中文p156 、英文p163 :the value of time / life中文P174 保险的作用英文p180 :the role of insurance第十章:中文p197、英文p207 :图sources 收支中文p205 :医疗保险成本控制英文p215 :cost control under medicare中文p211 、英文p222:health care reform 改革(趋势、经验)个人托管:individual mandateSingle payer第十一章:中文P220 社会保障制度结构英文p232 :STRUCTURE OF SOCIAL SECURITY中文P227 信托基金英文P240 : Social Security Trust Fund中文P232 退休效应遗赠效应英文P245 :Retirement Effect Bequest Effect 中文233 退休决策P247 :Retirement Decisions第十二章:标题、名言p244能否给穷人提供像样的生活条件,是对文明社会的真正考验。



CHAPTER 3 - Tools of Normative AnalysisMultiple-Choice Questions1. The slope of the production possibilities curve is thea) marginal rate of substitution.b) contract curve.c) offer curve.d) Engel curve.e) marginal rate of transformation.2. The First Fundamental Theorem of Welfare Economics requiresa) producers and consumers to be price takers.b) that there be a market for every commodity.c) that the economy operate at some point on the utility possibility curve.d) all of the above.3. Points outside the production possibility frontier area) producible.b) endowment points.c) consumer equilibrium points.d) unattainable.4. General equilibrium refers toa) examining markets without specific information.b) finding equilibrium from general information.c) pricing goods at their shadow price.d) all of the above.e) none of the above.5. The marginal rate of substitution isa) the slope of the utility curve.b) the slope of the contract curve.c) the slope of the utility possibilities curve.d) none of the above.6. Market failure can occur whena) monopoly power exists in the market.b) markets are missing.c) consumers can influence prices.d) all of the above.7. Partial equilibrium isa) exactly like general equilibrium.b) studying only the supply side of the market.c) studying individual markets.d) examining the demand side of the market.8. A public good isa) a good that the public must pay for.b) nonrival in consumption.c) more costly than a private good.d) paid for by the government.9. Merit goodsa) are provided for those who behave themselves and play nice.b) should be provided even if there is no demand for them.c) increase in costs along with demand.d) do none of the above.10. A social welfare functiona) is a function made by the Department of Welfare.b) is a function that shows that the utilities of society are incorporated into society’swell-being.c) can never be derived numerically.d) is all of the above.11. Movement from an inefficient allocation to an efficient allocation in the Edgeworth Boxwilla) increase the utility of all individuals.b) increase the utility of at least one individual, but may decrease the level of utilityof another person.c) increase the utility of one individual, but cannot decrease the utility of anyindividual.d) decrease the utility of all individuals.12. Points on the utility possibility frontier area) inefficient.b) points of incomplete preferences.c) not producible.d) Pareto.13. The Edgeworth Box shoulda) lie inside the PPF.b) lie partially inside the PPF.c) lie completely outside of the PPF.d) never touch the PPF.14. Pareto points in the Edgeworth Box area) found when utility curves are tangent.b) found when MRS are equal.c) found when one person cannot be made better off without making another personworse off.d) all of the above.e) none of the above.15. The Second Fundamental Theorem of Welfare Economics requiresa) that indifference curves be convex to the origin.b) that isoquants be concave to the origin.c) that there are no set prices for Pareto efficient allocations.d) that production be twice as large as consumption.e) all of the above.Discussion Questions1. Consider an Edgeworth economy where there are two citizens, Mr. Cortopassi andMs. Thomas. There are only two goods to be consumed in the economy, Beer and Pretzels. The total amount of Beer is 12 units. The total amount of Pretzels is 12 units.Answer the following: Suppose Mr. Cortopassi has utility for the two goods characterized as U C(B,P)=B+P. Ms. Thomas’s utility function is U T(B,P)=B+P. Identify the points that are Pareto efficient.2. Imagine a simple economy with only two people, Leroy and Percy. If the Social WelfareFunction is W = U L + U P, and the Utility Possibilities Frontier is UPF = U L + 2U P, what will be the societal optimum?3. If James has a utility curve characterized by the function given below, what is hismarginal rate of substitution between goods X and Y? U = 2X1/4Y3/4?4. Consider a simple exchange economy where the marginal rate of transformation betweentwo goods is greater than the marginal rate of substitution for the same goods. Can a Pareto equilibrium be derived?5. Suppose that a competitive firm’s marginal cost of producing output q is given byMC=2+2q. Assume that the market price of the firm’s product is $13.a) What level of output will the firm produce?b) What is the firm’s producer surplus?True/False/Uncertain Questions1. Welfare economics is concerned with individual desirability of alternative economicstates.2. The contract curve is the collection of points where utility curves are tangent in theEdgeworth box.3. The Utility Possibility Curve is derived from utility curves.4. When the First Fundamental Theorem of Welfare Ec onomics doesn’t hold, there is amarket failure.5. Externalities can be difficult to detect in open economies.6. Social indifference curves are the same as a Social Welfare Function.7. A utility possibilities frontier need not incorporate the utility of every individual.8. In equilibrium, the MRT should equal the MRS of all individuals.9. If the market does not allocate resources perfectly, the government can.10. Normative economics is more important than positive economics.Essay Questions1. Social welfare functions can be formed in many ways. They can be additive, meaningthat the all utilities curves are added together. They incorporate the idea of least-best, meaning that the utility of the person with the least is maximized. If you were a central planner for an economy, what type of social welfare function would you create?2. Merit goods have received considerable attention toward the end of this chapter. Canconcerts and other publicly provided services be rationalized using these ideas?3. Why might government intervention be needed in a market?。

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Pure Exchange Economy
• Economy with – 2 people (Adam & Eve) – 2 commodities (Apples & Figs) – Fixed supply of commodities (e.g., on a desert island) • An Edgeworth Box depicts the distribution of goods between the two people.
Pure Exchange Economy
• Similarly, Eve’s happiness increases as she consumes more; therefore, her utility is higher for bundles toward the southwest in the Edgeworth Box. – Eve’s indifference curves therefore are “flipped around.” Her utility is higher on E3 compared E2 or E1.
Chapter 3 – Tools of Normative Analysis
Public Finance
Welfare Economics
• Need systematic framework to assess the desirability of various government actions. • Welfare economics is concerned with the social desirability of alternative economic states. – Distinguishes cases when private markets work well from cases where government intervention may be warranted. • Relies heavily on basic microeconomic tools, particularly indifference curves.
Figure 3.1
Pure Exchange Economy
• Each point in the box in Figure 3.1 represents an allocation between Adam and Eve. – Each point in the box fully exhausts the resources on the island. Adam consumes what Eve doesn’t. – Adam’s consumption of apples and figs increases as we move toward the northeast in the box. – Eve’s consumption of apples and figs increases as we move toward the southwest in the box. • At point v in the figure, Adam’s allocation of apples is Ox, and of figs is Ou. Eve consumes O’v of apples, and O’w of figs.
It is the absolute value of the slope of the production possibilities curve.
The marginal rate of transformation can be written in terms of marginal costs:
Pure Exchange Economy
• An allocation is Pareto efficient if the only way to make one person better off is to make another person worse off. – Often used as the standard for evaluating desirability of an allocation of resources. – Pareto inefficient allocations are wasteful. • A Pareto improvement is a reallocation of resources that makes one person better off without making anyone else worse off.
Pure Exchange Economy
Figure 3.7 shows that each of the Pareto efficient points is where an indifference curve of Adam is tangent to an indifference curve of Eve. Mathematically, the slopes of Adam’s and Eve’s indifference curves are equal. The (absolute value of) slope of the indifference cundividual is willing to trade one good for another, know as the marginal rate of substitution (MRS).
Pure Exchange Economy
• Assume that Adam and Eve each have conventionally shaped indifference curves. • Adam’s happiness increases as he consumes more; therefore, his utility is higher for bundles toward the northeast in the Edgeworth Box. – We can therefore draw “standard” indifference curves for Adam in this picture. Adam would get even higher utility by moving further to the northeast, outside of the Edgeworth Box, but he is constrained by the resources on the island. 8
Figure 3.2
Pure Exchange Economy
• Suppose some arbitrary point in the Edgeworth Box is selected, for example, point g in Figure 3.3. • This provides an initial allocation of goods to Adam and Eve and, thus, some initial level of utility.
How the government do is desirable for the society
• Value judgement • Normative analysis
• How to make an right judgement on what government has done? —firstly,you must know,different person has different opinion —secondly,whoever he is,he has to make an exact discription on what government do and why. —lastly,he still has to establish an criterion before he makes judgement.
Pareto improvement
Figure 3.5
Figure 3.7
Pure Exchange Economy
In fact, there are a whole set of Pareto efficient points in the Edgeworth Box. The locus of all the set of Pareto efficient points is called the contract curve. Figure 3.7 illustrates the contract curve.
Figure 3.3
Pure Exchange Economy
• We can now pose the following question: Is it possible to reallocate apples and figs between Adam and Eve to make Adam better off, while Eve is made no worse off? • Allocation h in Figure 3.3 is one possibility. We are “moving along” Eve’s indifference curve, so her utility remains unchanged. Adam’s utility clearly increases. • Clearly, other allocations achieve this same goal, such as allocation p. • Once we reach allocation p, we cannot raise Adam’s utility any more, while keeping Eve’s utility unchanged.