
一.1.Because according to my score, I can come to this school.And OUC ranked second in Shandong province.I’m sure I can learn many knowledges I want here, no matter in what field.In addition,OUC is very close to my home,I don’t want to go far away from my parents. Our university is famous for its ocean technology.But in other majors,the teachers are also very excellent,and the learning environment is very comfortable.2.Yes,absolutely.When I arrived at our campus,I was surprised at its magnificence,the buildings here are brilliant,the classmates here are all kindness and lovely.I was very excited because I was always looking forward to my new college life.3.Yes,I do.But I didn’t choose it,I choose it just because our university choose it for me.In my view,the Optical information science and technology is about using light on the ocean technology to help building our country more stronger.I can learn many advanced technology about it from my major.4.Yes,it’s really like what I expected.The buildings are brilliant,the classrooms are bright and clean and the teachers are excellent.I can learn everything I want,use the abundant resources in the library and besides that,the learning environment is very comfortable.5.I love it.I can do everything by myself,learn anything I want,join in the clubs and societies I like.And what is most important is that I have already made many lovely friends,we get along well with each other,help each other to overcome the difficulties in new college life.I enjoy it.6.I expect to learn the knowledge of our major,improve my abilities in many aspects,do everything I want by myself,and make many friends.The most important is,I’d like to learn how to learn,how to become stronger and maturer.二.1.It’s very convenient for me to use the Internet.Our dormitory has networked,I can use the Internet whenever I want.In addition,the second floor of our library offers Wi-fi,and the top floor provides computers,I can use the Internet two hours a day.2.No,I didn’t.I’m afraid that surfing the net would make me don’t want to study,so maybe about twice a week.When I surf the net,I will make sure that it makes no difference to my study and always avoid watching movies which may cost a lot of time.3.All of us must get information,do our English homework,and hand it in online.But in spare time,I think boys often play computer games and girls would like to watch movies.Besides that,chatting online is usual.4.In my view,today the computer engineers design the computer games more and more real.It will attract students,especially boys who are more competitive.And maybe another reason is that they don’t want to face the difficulties in their lives.5.Too much addiction to the computer games will waste our time.The person who always plays computer games would recognize the reality as the game.It’s so dangerous because it may make the person do something wrong that he doesn’t dare to do in reality.6.We can do our homework and hand it in to our teacher on the Internet.Searching for some useful information on the Internet is fast which avoid wasting our time on picking up a piece of information from books.In addition,browsing through the Internet for news could help us know the world on time.三.1.I think the most important thing we should do well now is studying,so if I am going to enjoy my leisure activities,I would assure enough learning time.From doing leisure activities I could acquire some friends and abilities, but it’s no more important than study.2.When I was at home,I’d like to do some shopping with my friends,playing the piano,listening to music,watching movies or drawing some pictures.I also surf on the Internet,It help me to know the world clearly and deeply.3.Guitar club,Martial arts club,Cartoon club,Drama club,Roller skating club4.In my opinion,it couldn’t.Maybe just for me.In my leisure time,listening to classical music and playing the piano are my hobbies.But I am really naughty.I am not as quiet as my hobbies.Instead,I’d like to talk,laugh and wouldn’t feel boring in the place where is full of noise.5.A well-balanced life is necessary to live in today’s stressful world. Without a well-balanced life a person cannot function properly nordevelop into a well-rounded individual. Without some sort of balance in life people tend to be unfulfilled and unhappy.6.I agree with the author. It is necessary to have a well-balanced life and leisure time helps a great deal in relieving one’s stress. But I prefer to solve the problems all by myself rather than talking to my friends.四.1.My parents pay it for me.If they can’t afford it,I will do a part-time job.Because I think they have been so hard to bring me up.Now that I have grown up,I would like to do everything I can to pay them back.I shouldn’t let them be bother for me.2.I would always spend my money on eating.I really don’t like to eat at school,so buying food out of the north school gate is normal.Besides that,I often copy some documents,sometimes I buy some books.3.As far as I am concerned,we students prefer to get a part job as a tutor.It can not only earn more money than being a waiter,but also could improve our study,let us remember our basic knowledge clearly.In addition,being a tutor is more easier for us students.4.Doing part-time job could help us to acquire abilities which we can not learn from books.We will know not only how to communicate with strangers,but also to understand the difficulties that others faced during this job.5. She went to England and worked in a bank near Buckingham Palace. The people were nice and the work was interesting.6.She learned about British culture and her own ability to succeed in a new situation and she improved her résumé.五.1.I always get information from books.And I think getting information from books is the best way.Because in my view,if one person’s book could be published,they should be responsible for what they wrote.So we may get healther information than from the Internet.2.In the author’s opinion,the resource from the Web is quick, easy to access,and full of useful information.3.First I would just look through some formal websites.Second,it’s important to know whether things are right or not.Follow theserules,I could always assure myself of reliability of a website.4.I think TV is better than newspapers.When we acquire information on TV,we could not only understand the events by the letters,but also can see some pictures or watch videos which make us know clearly about the events.And the most important is that information from TV could be much on time.5.The biggest difference between newspapers and magazines is that newspapers can be much on time.Because it’s published ever day,but magazines are published about once or twice a week.Besides,magazines are more expensive than newspapers.6.I prefer e-book reading.Because reading an e-book is more convenient.I needn’t to hold a heavy book so that I can read it wherever I want.Besides,if I like a passage in the book,I could copy it immediately into the computer not write it down for a long time.六.1.They should know clearly about their parts,understand at least one foreign language,show the way to the visitors and provide many other necessary service.In addition,they should be enthusiastic and patient.2.They must be responsible for their jobs even though there is no paid.Besides that,being patient,enthusiastic,kindness and don’t afraid of hard and difficulties.The most important is that then must love their country very much.3.They should know clearly about their parts,understand at least one foreign language,show the way to the visitors and provide many other necessary service.The most important is,they should know what others need and offer them on time.4.I would like to decorate the environment.Because I love painting and decorating.I desire to build a comfortable environment for the players who join in the games so that to make them perform perfect.5.First,I should know clearly about my part.Then,prepare for all kind of situation I may meet.Next,I should be enthusiastic to everyone who is in trouble.Finally,it’s important to smile all the time.Smiling is charming.6.I think it’s great.Helping others makes me happy and do some jobsfor no paid let me feel comfortable.Besides,it could accumulate many experience for my future job,teach me how to get along well with others.七.1.I would copy my text from textbooks again and again.Not only can that way help me improve my English writing,but also makes me remember the text.It’s not the best way,but it’s very useful for me.2.In my opinion,the best way to speak English well is speak as possible as I can,whenever and wherever.Besides that,reading as much English articles as I can,it will improve my sense of speaking English.3.I have two methods.First,listen to the English tapes,it’s a normal but useful method.Secondly,find some English musics that sing the word clearly to listen.This method is much enjoyable but may less effective.But as long as I could listen seriously,both of them is available.4.It’s difficult to say why because everyone’s answer is different.Some one need to get a diploma for a good job or earning more money.Some one want to know more knowledges about the field they love very much.It all depend on the environment they live in.5.In my view,emulation is an excellent way to improve each petition adds inspiration to both parties.They can continue to find that where they can not reach the others so that to make themselves better.It’s positive.6.During the four years before graduation,we can not only learn the knowledge from textbooks about our major,but also can acquire abilities from being involved in many kinds of activities.That offers us a good way to contact social.。

公共英语考试一级口语必考话题及参考答案(1)A节部分即口头提问,是针对所给的T o p i c(主题)设计出若干问题,向考生发问。
常用的表达方式有:A s e v e r y b o d y k n o w s.S o f a r a s I a m c o n c e r n e d. W h a t I m e a n i s...W e l l...T h a t i s t o s a y...Y o u k n o w, ...(2)重复考官的问题也是一种得体的方式,为的是让自己有一点时间思考。
A节部分常考话题汇总及答案1.A n d w h a t s h a l l I c a l l y o u?M o s t p e o p l e c a l l m e X i a o H u a n g.2.W h e r e d o y o u c o m e f r o m?a. I w a s b o r n i n X i‘a n, w h i c h i s o n e o f t h e m a j o r c i t i e s i n C h i n a. I t u s e d t o b e t h e c a p i t a l c i t y a t o n e p o i n t i n C h i n a’s h i s t o r y.b.I c o m e f r o m S h a n g h a i, b u t I w a s b o r n i n X i ‘a n. M y p a r e n t s m o v e d t o S h a n g h a i w h e n I w a s j u s t 4 y e a r s o l d, s o I r e a l l y d o n’t k n o w m u c h a b o u t X i ‘a n, a p a r t f r o m o c c a s i o n a l s u m m e r v i s i t s t o s e e s o m e g o o d f r i e n d s o f t h e f a m i l y. I n f a c t, I d o n’t h a v e a n y r e l a t i v e s a t a l l l i v i n g i n X i’a n.3.W h e r e a b o u t i s y o u r h o m e t o w n?X i’a n i s l o c a t e d i n S h a n x i P r o v i n c e,w h i c h i si n c e n t r a l C h i n a.4.C o u l d y o u t e l l m e s o m e t h i n g a b o u t y o u rh o m e t o w n?a. H m m. . w e l l, t h e p o p u l a t i o n i s a b o u t 6 m i l l i o n.I t’s f a m o u s f o r i t s h i s t o r i c s i t e s, e s p e c i a l l y f o r t h e T e r r a c o t t a W a r r i o r s.X i’a n w a s n a m e d t h ec a p i t a l o f C h i n a s e v e r a l t i m e s o v e r m a n yd y n a s t ie s.A l s o,X i’a n i s t h e s t a r t i n g p o i n t o f t h e f a m o u s S i l k R o a d,w h i c h w a s i m p o r t a n t i n a n c i e n t t i m e s. T h e w e a t h e r i s e x t r e m e l y h o t i n s u m m e r,a b o u t40 d e g r e e s C e n t i g r a d e, a n d f a i r l y c o l d i n t h e w i n t e r,a b o u t14d e g r e e s C e n t i g r a d e b e l o w z e r o.b. O k a y. W e l l, f i r s t o f a l l, m y h o m e t o w n i s“X”.I w a s b o r n i n t h e c i t y, b u t m o v e d t o t h e o u t s k i r t s o f t h e t o w n w h e n I w a s s m a l l.“X” i s a f a i r l y l a r g e c i t y— a p r e t t y i m p o r t a n t e c o n o m i c c e n t r ea c t u a l l y. I t h a s a p o p u l a t i o n o f 3 m i l l i o n. I t’s p r e t t y f l a t,a n d i s s i t u a t e d r i g h t n e a r a l a r g el a k e.5.W h a t i s t h e c l i m a t e l i k e i n y o u r h o m e t o w n?I t’s g e n e r a l l y v e r y h o t i n s u m m e r,a b o u t40 d e g r e e s C e n t i g r a d e. I n w i n t e r, i t’s c o l d— a b o u t m i n u s 14 d e g r e e s C e n t i g r a d e. T h e s p r i n g a n d a u t u m n a r e b o t h m i l d a n d p l e a s a n t,w i t h t e m p e r a t u r e sr a n g i n g f r o m 12 t o 25 d e g r e e s C e n t i g r a d e. O h, a n d t h e s u m m e r t i m e i s e x t r e m e l y h u m i d a s w e l l. T h e r e a r e f o u r s e a s o n s. W i n t e r i s c o l d a n d s n o w y; s p r i n g i s s h o r t a n d r a i n y;s u m m e r i s h o t a n d h u m i d;a n d a u t u m n i s b e a u t i f u l.。

大英一U1-U6口语试题4U1 Are there some other experiences that you think are equally important in university as learning from your professors? (在大学里,有没有其他你认为和向教授学习同样重要的经历)第一个观点I think the university is a bridge between the school and society, so in addition to learning, we should also attach great importance to taking part in social practice. We can gain not only knowledge but also happiness.第二个观点Well, I Don’t think so, my goal is to go to graduate school, I decide to put my heart into study, social practice will take up too much time. So I don’t think other things can be as important as study.第三个观点Though, study is important, social practice also have its significance. We can go to the nursing home to visit the elderly, we can volunteer at the zoo, through these activities, we can also learn some practical knowledge which can also be helpful to study.U2 Forrest Gump said “Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get.”How do you understandhis words? (阿甘说:“生活就像一盒巧克力。

Topics for the Oral English Test1.Exchange with your partner some personal information such as name, age/date of birth, hometown, department, major, telephone number, address, family, likes and dislikes, hobbies, favorite sports/movies/foods , etc.2.A semester has passed since you became a college student.Discuss with your partner the differences between senior high school and college.Then exchange with him/her each other’s plan for the four-year college life.3.Chinese New Year is coming and you are going shopping for gifts.Think of at least 2 people you want to get something for.Discuss with your partner what would be a suitable present for each of them.Then compare briefly the similarities and differences between Christmas and Spring Festival.4.Discuss with your partner what to do for the coming weekend.Try to invite him/her to join you for some activities, say, going shopping, seeing a movie, eating out, going to a picnic, visiting a museum or any places of interest.Your partner may accept or refuse your invitation and suggest his or her own plans.Fix a time for the activity.5.Living in an information society, we’re unavoidably intouch with all kinds of advanced electronic devices.Discuss with your partner the conveniences and problems modern technology has brought to us and express your own opinion on how to make good use of such devices as computers, Internet, mobile phones, etc.6.The first time we do something can often leave a deep impression on us.T alk with your partner about your experience of some i mportant “firsts” in your life, such as your first day at primary school, your first English class, your first day at college, the first time you fall in love with a girl/boy, the first time you’re cheated/betrayed, etc.第二篇:大学英语二口语考试考试话题1.Dreams and Ambition(梦想与抱负)Everyone has a lot of dreams.Some people want to be rich, dreaming of becoming millionaires overnight.Others want to be famous, dreaming of suddenly jumping to great fame.I have a lot of dreams,too.When I was a young girl, I dreamed of becoming a scientist like Hua Luogen in future.However, I knew very well that I could not succeed without painstaking efforts.So I studied hard in the middle school and college in order to attain my goal.After graduating from college, I found a job as a teacher.Although I was very busy with teaching, I never gave up my goal.I read a lot of books to get more knowledge.I made experiments to practise and apply what I had learnt from the books.Sometimes, I was so deeply indulged in my research that I forgot my meals and time.Now I have made great progress.Several of my research papers have been published.The methods proposed in my papers have been proven to be valuable for the solution of some problems.I am very happy.The ladder of becoming a scientist is still far ahead, but I have climbed the first rung anyway.每个人都有很多的梦想。

一级考试口语问题及答案1. 请描述你最喜欢的季节,并解释原因。
2. 谈谈你最近读过的一本书,并说明它对你有何启发。
3. 描述一次你感到非常紧张的经历。
4. 你认为学习外语最重要的因素是什么?答案:我认为学习外语最重要的因素是持之以恒的练习。
5. 请谈谈你对环保的看法。
6. 描述一次你帮助他人的经历。
7. 你认为科技对现代生活的影响是什么?答案:科技极大地改变了现代生活。
8. 谈谈你对健康饮食的看法。
9. 描述一次你感到非常高兴的经历。
10. 你认为团队合作中最重要的是什么?答案:我认为团队合作中最重要的是沟通和信任。

英语一级口语考试真题The English Proficiency Test (EPT) is an important assessment for individuals who want to demonstrate their oral English skills. This test evaluates a person's ability to communicate effectively in English, covering various aspects such as pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, and fluency. In this article, we will explore the EPT and provide tips on how to prepare for this exam.The EPT consists of several sections, including an interview, a picture description, a role-play, and a discussion. Each section is designed to assess different language skills and abilities. The interview section aims to evaluate the candidate's ability to answer questions about personal experiences, opinions, and future plans. It tests the candidate's fluency, coherence, and vocabulary usage.The picture description section requires the candidate to describe a given picture within a specific time limit. This section assesses the candidate's ability to provide detailed descriptions, use appropriate vocabulary, and organize their thoughts effectively. It is important to practice describing various types of pictures to improve this skill.The role-play section simulates real-life scenarios where the candidate needs to interact with an examiner. This section evaluates the candidate's ability to engage in a conversation, express opinions, and negotiate. It is crucial to practice role-plays with a partner to develop the ability to think on your feet and respond appropriately in different situations.The discussion section involves a group discussion on a given topic. Candidates are expected to express their opinions, listen to others, and engage in meaningful discussions. It is essential to actively participate, express ideas clearly, and respect others' opinions during this section.To prepare for the EPT, there are several strategies you can employ. Firstly, it is important to familiarize yourself with the test format and requirements. Understand the scoring criteria and practice past exam papers to get a sense of what to expect.Secondly, focus on improving your overall English language skills. Read extensively, listen to English podcasts or news, and practice speaking in English as much as possible. This will help you expand your vocabulary, improve your grammar, and enhance your fluency.Thirdly, practice speaking in front of a mirror or record yourself speaking. Pay attention to your pronunciation, intonation, and clarity of speech. Identify areas that need improvement and work on them systematically.Furthermore, seek opportunities to engage in English conversations with native speakers or join English conversation groups. This will provide you with real-life practice and help you become more comfortable speaking in English.Lastly, manage your time effectively during the exam. Allocate sufficient time for each section and make sure to complete all tasks within the given time limits. Practice time management during your preparation to build the necessary skills.In conclusion, the EPT is a comprehensive assessment of oral English skills. To excel in this exam, it is crucial to understand the test format, practice extensively, and focus on improving your overall English language skills. With proper preparation and practice, you can confidently demonstrate your proficiency in English and achieve a successful outcome in the EPT.。

口语考试按照学号顺序进行,3人一组,每组3-4分钟;五个主题都要准备,考试时抽签确定一个主题1. CultureWhat problems could people have when they get to a new culture?What do you think are the major differences between western and eastern culture?Is it a good thing that some traditional customs of China have been affected by foreign cultures? 版本一:A: well, as we have learned from our text when we get to a new culture ,we will face w ith many problems such as language di f ferences, nonverbal misinterpretations, the presence of preconceptions and stereotypes and so on. But what do you think is the most troublesome ?B:For me, maybe it is the language that makes me confused . Language is the basement of communication w ith foreigners. If we know very little about a foreign language or can’t speak it ,we can’t understand what foreigners express, just looking at them talking and laughing w ithout joining them.C: yeah ,language is an obvious di f ference between western and eastern culture. Language is influenced and shaped by culture. It reflects culture .But from my view point, there are many other major differences: the value di f ference, the food di f ference, the wedding di f ference and other differences.A: Sure ,you are right. In my opinion, the food and wedding di f ference can be concluded as customs di f ference. For food customs, westerners pay more attention to the nutrition of food, however we Chinese prefer the beauti f ul color , good smell of a dish, even the nutrition is lost in the process of cooking. But now, it seems that traditional food customs of China have been affected by foreign cultures.B; w ell, It is very common. Just look around , you w ill see how greatl y Chinese culture is affected by foreign cultures. You could easily see a rain of fast food around you, like KFC and McDonald, w hich have almost taken the place of our traditional Chinese food.C:E r., how ever, fast food is usually rich in calories and fat but low in nutrition. If w e go on depending on such kind of food, it’s bad for the whole nation’s health. T o some extent, It isn’t a good thing that traditional customs of China have been affected by foreign cultures.版本二:A: My best friend will go abroad for further education, she is so worried about the culture di f ference. I think the culture difference w ould be a great challenge for an eastern student, what do you think about this di f ference?B: Culture difference is really a big challenge for students not only at psychological level but also at the physiological[.fiziə'lɔdʒikəl] level. She will face a plenty of problems in daily life and in learning process. For example, if social reality pushes your friend to change her faith, ho w should she deal with?C: It sounds cruel. T o adapt to a complete new culture is a hard thing for us, especially for young students. But on the other hand, the students who go abroad also help the cultural exchange and culture integration.A: yeah, every coin has two sides, w hen two di f ferent cultures meet, they w ill absorb nutriment from the other and getpromoted in this communication. Do you agree w ith me?B: yes, of course. The history of every country or nationality is made up of its own development together w ith the new part learning from other country or nationality. We can see many examples now, right?C: yeah, absolutely right. I can give you some examples. We can see now in the w edding, Chinese bride w ear bridal veil instead of ancient clothes. This phenomenon reflects the influence western culture gi v e to E astern culture.2. Marriage and FamilyHow to maintain a happy marriage according to you?What do you think are the reasons for a rising divorce rate?How to bridge the gap between generations and what is your ideal parent-child relationship?A: Well, We have noticed that more and more people have been divorced in recent years. I think the reason should be different from family to family. In my point of view, with people’s gro w ing demand of free lives, more and more couples choose to divorce when they find they are not suitable for each other. What is your idea?B: I think maybe w omen have become more economically independent than they used to be. That means they needn't to depend on men for a living. They themselves are al s o the bread w inner. If their love is over or their marriage is dead, they won’t tolerate it.C: I have a different idea. Maybe, the couple married because of love, but they did not know ho w to maintain a happy marriage. It is vital of importance.It needs communication, honesty, understanding, commitment and so on. It is really a skill.A: Well, there are also some other problems to be solved . Besides the relationship of the couple , one also should pay much attention to the generation gap w ith the old in a family. Bridging the gap betw een generations may help to maintain a happy family.B:yeah ,you are right. The young and the old should have an open talk and tell each other w hat they think about certain problems and solve the problems together. In a word, to bridge the gap between generations , patience and mutual understanding are necessary.C: In another way, parent-child relationship is al s o important to maintain a happy family. In my opinion ,in an ideal relationship, parents can make friends w ith children. They communicate frequently with their children about funny things in the school and get to know their experiences and thoughts. So, marriage brings so many things----complex but very happy.3. EconomicsWhat should the government do when so many college graduates are facing employment problem? Should we stop college enrollment expansion? Why or why not?Why do we need to reform "hukou" policy? Is it the time to put an end to the policy?A: As we all know, the employment problem is caused by many reasons. I think, the government should take measures in many aspects. For example, some enterprises refuse to employ nonlocal persons, the government should reform “hukou”policy to ensure that persons form different places can acquire equal employmentopportunities .Do you think so ?B: So it is .The “hukou” policy makes it di f ficult for us to find jobs in many cities such as Beijing, shanghai, Guangzhou and etc. But I think it still can’t solve the problem, the government should provide more job opportunities. Only in this way can we make more choices when w e find jobs .C: Yeah ,I think the most important thing is that the government should reform the college education . Because there are so many graduates in China every year, but the society don’t need so many employees. So we need to stop college enrollment expansion.A: But the ( college enrollment) expansion can make more students have the opportunities to accept high education.B:I think your opinion is right. But what w e should think more is how to solve the problem . Moreover, many people can choose to learn practi c e skills instead of staying in the college.C: Yeah, I think if the government takes some useful measures, we believe that we can finally sol v e the employment problem.4. Man and NatureWhat do you think is the most serious environmental problem in China?What can we do to protect the environment?Why do today's people long for a "return to nature"?Are we facing energy crisis now?A: As we all know China is facing w ith so many environmental problems such as environmental pollution, ecological damage, energy crisi s and so on. Which one do you think is the most prominent problem?B: All of us can feel that the nature has been destroyed severely. In my opinion, the most obvious problem is the pollution of the environment——water pollution, air pollution, noise pollution and so on. When we’re walking on the road, we even can’t breathe the clean air .C :I could’t agree w ith you in some degree,I think that energy crisis problem is so obvious that we can’t ignore it. But many people don’t have the consciousness of rational utilization of energy. So it is time for us to take measures to protect the environment.A: So it is .I think it is everyone’s duty to protect our environment. In our daily life, we should get a good habit such as save w ater,save electricity and so on. It is also necessary to advocate others to act together.B: E r, As individuals, we must do something from now——start from the little things and try our best to protect our nature.Only in this way can we live in a harmonious environment.C: Yeah, it’s lucky that more and more people have come to realize the importance of environmental protection now, many people are trying to make friends w i t h nature. I believe that we can get on well w ith the nature one day.5. LiteratureHow do you like JinY ong's novel? Which character most impresses you? Why?Do people need good education to become a good writer? What do you think make a successful writer?Has internet technology ever changed people's reading habit? How?A: hello, I have been reading JinYong’s novels these days. When I finished reading<倚天屠龙记>, the character ZhaoMin impressed me most. She is really a lovely and smart lady, she dares to pursue her own love with her family’s opposition. Have you ever read JinYong’s novel?B: of course, JinYong’s novels have influenced many teenagers, especially in 1990s. on the other hand, JinYong is one of the most famous writers in China.I think his education is a factor in his success.C: yeah, that’s right, but on the other hand, his life experience also has an important influence on his works. And without li f e experience, one can’t create excellent work s.A: I agree w ith you, education and experience make a writer. Currently, more and more persons tend to read novels online instead of reading books. This i s so di f ferent with us, do you think so?B: I have noticed this phenomenon. With the progress of science and technology, computer has entered more and more families, children are accustomed to doing almost everything online.C: yeah, I think it reflects the development of society, but it is a pity to stop reading books.。

英语一级考口语自我介绍英文回答:Hello everyone, my name is [Your name]. I am from [Your country] and I am very happy to be here today. I have been learning English for [Number] years and I am now at a level where I feel comfortable speaking in front of an audience.I am here today to talk about my experience learning English. I started learning English when I was [Age] years old. I was fascinated by the language and I wanted to be able to communicate with people from all over the world. I started by taking classes at a local language school. I also practiced speaking English with my friends and family.As I progressed, I started to watch English movies and TV shows. I also read English books and articles. This helped me to improve my listening and reading comprehension skills. I also started to write in English. I kept ajournal and I wrote short stories. This helped me toimprove my writing skills.I have now been learning English for [Number] years and I am very happy with my progress. I can now speak English fluently and I can understand most English speakers. I am also able to read and write in English.I am very grateful for the opportunity to have learned English. It has opened up so many new possibilities for me.I am now able to travel the world and meet new people. I am also able to read and enjoy books and articles in English.I encourage everyone to learn English. It is abeautiful and expressive language. It can open up so many new possibilities for you.中文回答:大家好,我叫 [你的名字]。
武汉大学 英语口语考试

Doing some bankingC:Good morning, can I help you?S:Yes,I’d like to draw some money.C:How much would you like to draw?S:1000yuan.C:OK,Let me check your passbook and credit card, please enter your password here.Sorry, the password you inputted is not right.S:What? Oh my god, I forget my password? That’s impossible, let me try again.Fine, I forget it… What shall I do?Do I have to take my ID card to re-apply it?Oh no, Oh my god!!!M:Calm down, dude. That’s OK. Think it over. Did you use your birthday or your family’s birthday as your password? Or some special nu mbers like your lucky numbers? Try to phone your husband see if he remembers your password.S:Thank you so much. I remember it.About negative feelingsC: I quarreled with my mother yesterday, I feel so depressed, and I don’t have any passion to deal with the problem of my study and life. What shall I do?M: Dear, we all have such problems, you calm down for several days, and how about later you take a shower and sleep for a while. It always makes me feel better when the same occasion comes to me.S: I have another idea, listen, since you are so upset now , let’s go out for hotpot and see a horror movie ,is that OK?C: Wow, your plans are so rich and colorful.M: Don’t be worried. Your mom did everything for your own good.S: How about tomorrow you call your mother and talk about it again. C: I’m much better now, thanks for both of you, I know how to solve it, now , let’s go out and eat hotpot .Environment issuesC: Oh my gosh, don’t you feel that these days the air pollution are getting more and more serious, it becomes harder for my nose to bear it, and I can’t stop sneezing.S: That’s what I mean. Look at the ashes in the air, not only the nose,after I back home from outside, my cheek and my forehead are full of dust.M: But we can do nothing to avoid it.We are using up our natural resources , and polluting our environment with dangerous chemicals. C: Do not use plastic bags, save water, and use less one-off chopsticks and paper greeting card, the more green space in our earth, the better the air quality will be.S: I will tell my father to drive less in order to reduce the tail-gas pollution.M: And since we are pharmacy students, we can do experiments to see if we can deal with the problem.About breaking newsC: Do you guys know that we have a new headmaster?M: Oh, who? Does the new headmaster already take up the post.S: Maybe. And I heard of that he is from Chongqing University.C: That’s right. The ex-headmaster of chq University. And my friend told me that he is young.M: Wait, let me search for him in Baidu. Oh, got it. Li xiaohong?S: Let me see, oh, he was major in mechanical when he’s in university. Do you think he will bring us some new thoughts and atmosphere? C: That stands a good chance. Hope he’s opening to the outside world. M: He may come to inspect our medicine department, oh, our cafeteria please~S: since he is from mechanical major, will he put the emphasis on the engineering department?C: I don’t know nor do I care, I just wonder if he will install air conditioner for us.M: I can’t agree more~~Topic 5: Celebrity EndorsementM: Wow,that is Jay's ads!S: Yes,it is!He always does some celebrity endorsements.C: Yes, Celebrity endorsement has become increasingly prevalent in recent years.M: What's the the types of products that celebrities endorse now ? S: There are many types of products ,such as foods,cosmetics,athletic equipments and so on!C: Yes , even more, instead of a mere celebrity endorsement, these reigning star athletes became marketing machines for the shoes.M: And these products often promoted by celebrity endorsement, have been increasing in popularity.S: So celebrity endorsement for brand could really creat massive recognization and acceptance, but if the brand quality is not good, it could creat insignificant effect to the society.C: That's right, it has become an important problem today.And our government has made some laws to punish.M: In fact, and foreign legal compared to our country on a false celebrity endorsement ads star punishment enough light, and abroad have administrative penalties and criminal involvement.S :Yes ,I agree with you !Topic 6: About HumorM: Have you heard an Americans' expression?S: Which one ?M: "It's good to have a sense of humor about life."C: Yes , I have!S: And it is good to keep your sense of humor about life.C: It's also important that humor is to an individual’s development.M: Humor can make our life happy and make us energetic!C:Yes, keep a sense of humor, especially about yourself, and it's a strength in all measure;S: But how can we keep a sense of humor?C: That's easy! You can read books, movies about humor and jokes.M: Yes, it is!S:So we'd better have a sense of humor to make our life better!Topic 7: About Gender DifferencesS: Have you heard that more and more female university students faced Gender Differences and sexual discrimination in employment and education .C: Yes,it is . These days there has been a heated discussion about“sexual discrimination”since a growing number of cases of sexual discrimination were appealing to the society .M:Can you give some examples of Gender Differences and sex discrimination?S: Such as some of the company’s long-time clients are more comfortable dealing with men.C: You are required to use your sick and vacation leave to take time off for your pregnancy because your employer doesn’t provide long-term disability leave for pregnancy, but does cover other health conditions. A male co-worker was on leave for six months because he had a heart attack and he was able to use the long-term disability plan.S: And Sexual Harassment is also a big problem in today!M: Is to eliminate sexual discrimination and prejudice and promote equality and justice between men and women.S: And our government has made some laws to protect male's and female's right!C:Yes ,hope one day it become better and better!8.S: so,do you think whether knowledge or creativity should a priority in educationC: in my opinion, creativity should be more important in education.M: why do you think so? I just think knowledge should a priority. In china, you can see that all the students study the knowledge first. And if you want to get more education, you should study it hard. For so many years, china is always like this. It must mean that knowledge should learn first. C: i can't agree with you. China is just a part of the world. We must see things open. I think you should know that the science and technology in china is behind of other counties. And the reason may be the education have some problems. In Europe or America, creativity always be the first. Hey, meng, what do you think?S: well, i think i'm in your part. As you say, other counties always take more attention to creativity. they foster the creativity when the child is young. They teach them to think by themselves, to do study by themselves. But in china, we just learn the knowledge from the books. M: anyway, though the students from other counties may learn a lot of knowledge out of books, the first step they do is getting knowledge.S: so,maybe we can say that knowledge is important and we should get it first. But the way we use to get it should make us be more creative at the same time.C: that's a great idea. Both of them should be the first in education.M:yeah.9.M: hey, dear. I just have a thought about life.S: what is it?M: how about a life full of risks.C: are you kidding me.M: no. I think it seriously. You see, we always feel boring during these days. If my life full of risks just like a novel, how exciting it will be.C: oh,no. Life should be peaceful. I just want the life like this. Risks is too dangerous to my heart.I don't want to be a hero or something like that. And i suggest you give up your absurd idea.S: can i say something? In my opinion, risks is necessary in life. Sometimes we need risk, but not full of the life.M: well, i can agree with you.C: i think it reasonable.but i still don't expect any risk appear in my life.10.C: xi!S: tong? Oh, long time no see.C:yeah. How have you been these days.S: good. Hey,is it meng?C: yes. Meng! Meng!M: isn;t it a small world!S: what are you doing these days.M: i'm studying in whu now. How about you two.C: i'm in huazhongkeji university.S:i'm in whu too.M: oh. That's perfect. We're in the same school. Tong, how about your school life?C: the life is different now. I don't need to study too much and i have so much time to do the things i like. In university, i'm more free.S: yeah. I have the same feeling. And as you know, whu is beautiful. So i take photos now. It is an amazing thing in my collage life.M: how wonderful it is in your life. I just get some part-time job and earn some money. It's much easy than the time during high school.C:ha. You still like money a lot.S: we all have different life. But we are still who we are.C: of course.M: and we're the best friends. So,how about go to a meal togetherC: that's great.S: let's go,。

英语一级考试口试自我介绍English: Hello, my name is [Your Name], and I am delighted to have the opportunity to introduce myself to you today. I am currently a student at [Your University/School], studying [Your Major]. I have always been passionate about learning languages, which is why I decided to study English. I believe that learning different languages not only broadens your horizons but also helps you to understand different cultures and perspectives. In my free time, I enjoy reading books, watching movies, and traveling. I am a very sociable person and love meeting new people from different backgrounds. I am looking forward to improving my English skills through this exam and hope to continue expanding my knowledge and experiences in the future.中文翻译: 你好,我叫[你的名字],很高兴今天有机会向大家介绍自己。
武汉大学 英语口语考试

Doing some bankingC:Good morning, can I help you?S:Yes,I’d like to draw some money.C:How much would you like to draw?S:1000yuan.C:OK,Let me check your passbook and credit card, please enter your password here.Sorry, the password you inputted is not right.S:What? Oh my god, I forget my password? That’s impossible, let me try again.Fine, I forget it… What shall I do?Do I have to take my ID card to re-apply it?Oh no, Oh my god!!!M:Calm down, dude. That’s OK. Think it over. Did you use your birthday or your family’s birthday as your password? Or some special nu mbers like your lucky numbers? Try to phone your husband see if he remembers your password.S:Thank you so much. I remember it.About negative feelingsC: I quarreled with my mother yesterday, I feel so depressed, and I don’t have any passion to deal with the problem of my study and life. What shall I do?M: Dear, we all have such problems, you calm down for several days, and how about later you take a shower and sleep for a while. It always makes me feel better when the same occasion comes to me.S: I have another idea, listen, since you are so upset now , let’s go out for hotpot and see a horror movie ,is that OK?C: Wow, your plans are so rich and colorful.M: Don’t be worried. Your mom did everything for your own good.S: How about tomorrow you call your mother and talk about it again. C: I’m much better now, thanks for both of you, I know how to solve it, now , let’s go out and eat hotpot .Environment issuesC: Oh my gosh, don’t you feel that these days the air pollution are getting more and more serious, it becomes harder for my nose to bear it, and I can’t stop sneezing.S: That’s what I mean. Look at the ashes in the air, not only the nose,after I back home from outside, my cheek and my forehead are full of dust.M: But we can do nothing to avoid it.We are using up our natural resources , and polluting our environment with dangerous chemicals. C: Do not use plastic bags, save water, and use less one-off chopsticks and paper greeting card, the more green space in our earth, the better the air quality will be.S: I will tell my father to drive less in order to reduce the tail-gas pollution.M: And since we are pharmacy students, we can do experiments to see if we can deal with the problem.About breaking newsC: Do you guys know that we have a new headmaster?M: Oh, who? Does the new headmaster already take up the post.S: Maybe. And I heard of that he is from Chongqing University.C: That’s right. The ex-headmaster of chq University. And my friend told me that he is young.M: Wait, let me search for him in Baidu. Oh, got it. Li xiaohong?S: Let me see, oh, he was major in mechanical when he’s in university. Do you think he will bring us some new thoughts and atmosphere? C: That stands a good chance. Hope he’s opening to the outside world. M: He may come to inspect our medicine department, oh, our cafeteria please~S: since he is from mechanical major, will he put the emphasis on the engineering department?C: I don’t know nor do I care, I just wonder if he will install air conditioner for us.M: I can’t agree more~~Topic 5: Celebrity EndorsementM: Wow,that is Jay's ads!S: Yes,it is!He always does some celebrity endorsements.C: Yes, Celebrity endorsement has become increasingly prevalent in recent years.M: What's the the types of products that celebrities endorse now ? S: There are many types of products ,such as foods,cosmetics,athletic equipments and so on!C: Yes , even more, instead of a mere celebrity endorsement, these reigning star athletes became marketing machines for the shoes.M: And these products often promoted by celebrity endorsement, have been increasing in popularity.S: So celebrity endorsement for brand could really creat massive recognization and acceptance, but if the brand quality is not good, it could creat insignificant effect to the society.C: That's right, it has become an important problem today.And our government has made some laws to punish.M: In fact, and foreign legal compared to our country on a false celebrity endorsement ads star punishment enough light, and abroad have administrative penalties and criminal involvement.S :Yes ,I agree with you !Topic 6: About HumorM: Have you heard an Americans' expression?S: Which one ?M: "It's good to have a sense of humor about life."C: Yes , I have!S: And it is good to keep your sense of humor about life.C: It's also important that humor is to an individual’s development.M: Humor can make our life happy and make us energetic!C:Yes, keep a sense of humor, especially about yourself, and it's a strength in all measure;S: But how can we keep a sense of humor?C: That's easy! You can read books, movies about humor and jokes.M: Yes, it is!S:So we'd better have a sense of humor to make our life better!Topic 7: About Gender DifferencesS: Have you heard that more and more female university students faced Gender Differences and sexual discrimination in employment and education .C: Yes,it is . These days there has been a heated discussion about“sexual discrimination”since a growing number of cases of sexual discrimination were appealing to the society .M:Can you give some examples of Gender Differences and sex discrimination?S: Such as some of the company’s long-time clients are more comfortable dealing with men.C: You are required to use your sick and vacation leave to take time off for your pregnancy because your employer doesn’t provide long-term disability leave for pregnancy, but does cover other health conditions. A male co-worker was on leave for six months because he had a heart attack and he was able to use the long-term disability plan.S: And Sexual Harassment is also a big problem in today!M: Is to eliminate sexual discrimination and prejudice and promote equality and justice between men and women.S: And our government has made some laws to protect male's and female's right!C:Yes ,hope one day it become better and better!8.S: so,do you think whether knowledge or creativity should a priority in educationC: in my opinion, creativity should be more important in education.M: why do you think so? I just think knowledge should a priority. In china, you can see that all the students study the knowledge first. And if you want to get more education, you should study it hard. For so many years, china is always like this. It must mean that knowledge should learn first. C: i can't agree with you. China is just a part of the world. We must see things open. I think you should know that the science and technology in china is behind of other counties. And the reason may be the education have some problems. In Europe or America, creativity always be the first. Hey, meng, what do you think?S: well, i think i'm in your part. As you say, other counties always take more attention to creativity. they foster the creativity when the child is young. They teach them to think by themselves, to do study by themselves. But in china, we just learn the knowledge from the books. M: anyway, though the students from other counties may learn a lot of knowledge out of books, the first step they do is getting knowledge.S: so,maybe we can say that knowledge is important and we should get it first. But the way we use to get it should make us be more creative at the same time.C: that's a great idea. Both of them should be the first in education.M:yeah.9.M: hey, dear. I just have a thought about life.S: what is it?M: how about a life full of risks.C: are you kidding me.M: no. I think it seriously. You see, we always feel boring during these days. If my life full of risks just like a novel, how exciting it will be.C: oh,no. Life should be peaceful. I just want the life like this. Risks is too dangerous to my heart.I don't want to be a hero or something like that. And i suggest you give up your absurd idea.S: can i say something? In my opinion, risks is necessary in life. Sometimes we need risk, but not full of the life.M: well, i can agree with you.C: i think it reasonable.but i still don't expect any risk appear in my life.10.C: xi!S: tong? Oh, long time no see.C:yeah. How have you been these days.S: good. Hey,is it meng?C: yes. Meng! Meng!M: isn;t it a small world!S: what are you doing these days.M: i'm studying in whu now. How about you two.C: i'm in huazhongkeji university.S:i'm in whu too.M: oh. That's perfect. We're in the same school. Tong, how about your school life?C: the life is different now. I don't need to study too much and i have so much time to do the things i like. In university, i'm more free.S: yeah. I have the same feeling. And as you know, whu is beautiful. So i take photos now. It is an amazing thing in my collage life.M: how wonderful it is in your life. I just get some part-time job and earn some money. It's much easy than the time during high school.C:ha. You still like money a lot.S: we all have different life. But we are still who we are.C: of course.M: and we're the best friends. So,how about go to a meal togetherC: that's great.S: let's go,。

一级口语考试真题及答案1. 请描述一下你最喜欢的一部电影。
2. 请谈谈你对环境保护的看法。
3. 请介绍一下你的家乡。
4. 请描述一次难忘的旅行经历。
5. 请谈谈你对健康生活方式的理解。

大学英语一级口语考试题型及样题1、试卷构成大学英语一级口语考试由四个部分构成:Part I Read aloud (20%)Part II Describe pictures (20%)Part III State opinions (30%)Part IV Answer questions (30%)2、试卷各部分所考核的内容、答题方式及评分标准1)Read aloud第一部分的内容共5句话,其中3句话选自一级综合教程《新视野大学英语读写教程》,2句话涉及英语绕口令与名人名言,总长度为100个词左右。
2)Describe pictures第二部分给考生1分钟思考所给图片的内容,然后在2分钟内描述该图片。
主要考查学生《新视野大学英语听说教程》与《Inside out》教材中某一单元的内容掌握情况,鼓励学生将所学内容运用于实践。
3)State opinions (30%)第三部分要求学生基于所提供的关键词,就某个话题阐述自己的观点。
4)Answer questions (30%)第四部分的内容选自听说教程的某一单元,或某几个单元。
南通大学一级口语试题库样题Part I Read aloud (20%)Directions: Read the following 5 sentences aloud. Please pay attention to your pronunciation and intonation. Give a proper pause when reading a long sentence.Sentence 1: Badmin was able to beat Bill at billiards, but Bill always beat Badmin badly at badminton.Sentence 2: I find life an exciting business and most exciting when it is lived for others. (Helen Keller, American writer)Sentence 3: Not only can students choose when and where to learn for an online course, but they can also take time to think through answers before making a reply.Sentence 4: I’ll never forget the teacher who showed me that learning a foreign language could be fun and rewarding. Were it not for him, I would not be able to speak English as well as I do now. Sentence 5: Learning a foreign language was one of the most difficult yet most rewarding experiences of my life.Part II Describe pictures (20%)Directions:Step 1:You are given 1 minute to organize your thoughts about the following picture before you start recording. Please use as many words and expressions you have learned in class as possible.Step 2:You are encouraged to describe the picture within 2 minutes. Please keep talking before the due time.Part III State opinions (30%)Directions: Based on the given key words and phrases, you are required to state your opinions about how to learn a foreign language well within 2 minutes.Key words: rewarding, frustration, participate, reap the benefit of, intimidatePart IV Answer questions (30%)Directions: Answer the following question within 2 minutes.Please talk about one of your family members.(hints: name, age, job, physical appearance, hobby…)More ExamplesPart I-1A snow-white swan swam swiftly to catch a slowly-swimming snake in a lake. 湖中一只雪白的天鹅快速地游动着去追赶一条慢慢游动的蛇。

一级英语口语考试答案1. 请用英语自我介绍。
答案:Hello, my name is [Your Name], and I am currently studying at [Your School]. I enjoy reading books and playing sports in my free time.2. 描述一下你最喜欢的季节。
答案:My favorite season is spring because the weather is warm and the flowers are blooming, making everything look fresh and beautiful.3. 你通常如何度过周末?答案:I usually spend my weekends by going to the park with my friends, doing some shopping, and sometimes watching movies at home.4. 请谈谈你对环境保护的看法。
答案:I believe that environmental protection is very important. We should recycle more, reduce waste, and protect our natural resources for future generations.5. 你有什么爱好?答案:I have several hobbies, including playing the guitar, painting, and hiking. These activities help me relax and enjoy my free time.6. 请描述一下你的家庭。
答案:I come from a loving family of four. My parents areboth teachers, and I have an older brother who is studying engineering. We often spend time together and support each other.7. 你最喜欢的科目是什么?答案:My favorite subject is English because it allows me to communicate with people from different cultures and broadens my understanding of the world.8. 你认为学习英语最重要的是什么?答案:I think the most important aspect of learning English is practice. The more you speak and use the language, the better you will become.9. 请谈谈你对健康饮食的看法。

一级口语考试真题及答案1. 请用英语自我介绍。
答案:Hello, my name is [Your Name]. I am [Your Age] years old and I come from [Your Hometown]. I am currently studying at [Your School] and my major is [Your Major]. In my free time, I enjoy [Your Hobby] and I am looking forward to improving my English skills.2. 描述一下你最喜欢的一本书。
答案:My favorite book is "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee. It's a novel that explores themes of racial injustice and moral growth. The story is set in the 1930s in a small town in the American South, and it follows the experiences of two children, Scout and Jem Finch, as they learn about the world around them through the eyes of their father, Atticus Finch, a lawyer who defends a black man accused of raping a white woman. The book is a powerful commentary on the nature of good and evil and the importance of standing up for whatis right.3. 谈谈你对未来的规划。

9.考生联系方式审题人:________________Part I Listening Comprehension(25%)Section ADirections:In this section,you will hear eight short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the question will be spoken only once.After each question there will be a pause.During the pause. you must read the four choices marked A). BL. C) and D).and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line though the centre.I.A) She mst walk five miks.B)She must walk five or six blocks.C)She must walk to the comer for three blocks.D)She must tour two bbcks.2.A)He will do anything to make the soup.B)He can't eat any soup.C)He prefers another job.D)He doesn't want any dinner.3.A)He ade an improper turmB)He went the wrong direction on a one-way street.C)He got a one-way plane ticket.D)He sbwed down at the wrong time.4.A) She i too shy to apply for the job.B)She is peiful.C)She is quabfied.D)She is inteligent.5.A) The bus has broken down and will not arrive.B)The bus was debiyed by the traffic jamC)The bus will probably arrive at 9:15.D)The bus will arive tonighu.but the man isn't sure.6.A) The report might be short.B)The report might be bngC)The report has been finished.D)The report mighu be easy.7.A)Go to her sister's home.B)Go to make the phone callC)Go to the dinner.D)Go to the concert.8.A)James never comes bate.B)James i always bte.C)James is not surprised.D)James hates to wai.Section BDirectlons:In this section,you will hear TWO shon passages. At the end of each passage. you will hear some questions. Borh the passage and the questions will be spoken only once.After you hear a question, you must choose the bes answer fom the four choices marked A). B).C) and D1.Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line though the centre.Questions 9 to 12 are based on the following passage:9.A)It helps the Estener to remember what has been sail.B) It interferes with listening comprehensionC)It has no effect on Estening comprehension.D) It helps the students with poor memory.10.A)50%B)80%C)90%D)100%11.A)They shoukd keep their notes as kong as possible.B)They should check ther notes wih other students.C)They should review their noles from time to time.D) They should never take notes when Estening.Questions 13 to 15 are based on the following passage:12.A)They speak several bngunges.B)They offen travel by air for free.C)They needn't work lke a wairess.D)They eam money and see the world at the same time.13.A)They can speak several langunges.B)They can do the simple job in the routine manner.C)They must kam abou psychology.D)They must work Eke a nurse sometimes.14.A)She must be able to carry oul the necessary procedure wih calm and efficiency.B)She must be able to expbin the situation in several anguages.C)She mst take the advantage of the psychology and the murse.D)She must estirate the work of the pilot exactly.15.A)Because she does the routine job effciently.B)Because she ik a charming waitress.C)Because she is a well-trained essential menber of the crew.D)Because she is able to communicate wih the passengers in several bingunges.Section CDirections:In this section,you will hear TWO passages. Each passage will be read TWICE. Listen carefully and fill in the blanks with the information you get from the reconding.(注意:本部分请直接把答案写在主观答题纸上。

武汉大学口语考试材料(5篇模版)第一篇:武汉大学口语考试材料Topic 1: Campus Love1Some students say one of their wishes at college is to develop a romantic relationship with someone they love.Do you support that opinion.2In a way I agree it.from my point of view , pursuing romance is good for the contemporary college students if controlled within a more reasonable range.and students can make deep friendships even be a couple.what about your opinions?1I think that students can build up their ability to deal with things by dating with someone.What's more , students may have access to reach a higher level of the success by working out setbacks on their way seeking romance.However , if students wastes too much time pursuing romance , there will be many problems, such as bad study marks, suffering from bad affection.Do your think so?2Yes,I could not agree more,In a word , only if we can spend appropriate time ,feelings and energy seeking romance ,will we be able to enjoy a fantastic college life even have a promising future.T opic 2: Communication Problems1.I think that three are a lot of differences between women and man ,which result in many communication problems.what is your opinions about this?2.yes,it difinately exist.For example ,in women language,‟yes ‟is …no‟,while …no‟is …yes‟,“we need”is”I want”and so on.sometimes I really get confused about what should I do accoding to their language.1.What‟s more,to fully express their feelings, women would tend to exaggerate the facts a little bit foreffect and use various words that was not fited for the fact.2.While men‟s language is much directly than women‟s.We just want to express our opinion in a few accurate words,and our man will not think too much about other people‟s feeling,because we just tell them the facts.But women will not think so,and some misunderstandings will appear.1.So,in order to have a batter relationship between men and women,both of them should learn and understand more about each other.第二篇:大学口语考试稿Situation 1 A:Hey,T om,do you like pop music? B:No,no at all,it make my stomach turn.I like classical music for it is graceful and pure.A:Classical music?It’s not for me.Most of the them are out-of-date.B;So you like pop songs,right? A:Yes,especially Rock songs.It is passionative.Im crazy about it.B:But it’s too noisy,I don’t like it very much.A:Sometimes it sounds loudly,but not noise.It’s an active attitude towards life.B:Maybe you’re right,but I really can’t stand that noise.Situation 2 A:Tom,what do you think about the movie? B:I think the plot of the movie is superb.A:Why do you think so? B:the movie made you think,not like other commrcial films.A:I can’t agree more.The actors are excellent,and the casting is very strong.B:You’re right,But the special effects were not so good.A:Well,after all,the cost of the movie is very low.B:Yes,above all,it is an affective movie.Situation 3 A:Look,here’s a magazine-a free magazine.B:It’s a magazine of ads.It’s not free.A:I don’t understand you.B:Well,the products i nclude the advertisingcosts.So it’s not free.A:But I think advertising is useful,it tells me about mew products.B:A lot of companies spend more money on advertising than on making quality products.A:But some commercials are really fascinating.B: you’er rig ht.Situation 4A-Albert B-Ann A: Albert, if you become a millionaire, what would you do with your money?B:Oh, if that comes true, I would be as happy as a king , I’d be able to get everything I wanted.A:Well,many rich people are unhappy, what do you say to that? B:But if I were a millionaire, there would be nothing I couldn’t buy.A:Can you buy true love? Can you buy happiness? B:May be not, but I can buy a house with a lot of modern conveniences.A:So many people think like you do, but look at all the divorces, suicides and murders among wealthy people, how do you explain that? B:maybe there’s something in what you said.Situation 5Willian-W Tracy-T W:You look so pale, what’s the matter? T:My house was broken into last night.W:Was anything missing? T:Yes, my jewelery’s, and my computer too.And they wrote dirty words all over my walls.W:How did they get in? T:They forced the back door.W:That’s too bad, I think it’s high time that the government take tough measures against burglary.T:So it is.Situation 6Lisa-L Brown-B L:Brown, what happen to you? You look a mess.B:And I feel even worse than I look, I was daydreaming on my bike and fell off when a diver suddenly honked.L:What’s the reaction of the driver? B:He was panicked too.L:You should be more careful in the future.B:Sure, you are right.The car almost hit me when I fell down.L:My god!That’s too dangerous, you were so lucky at that time!B:So Idid第三篇:大学口语考试1)What will you do to get well prepared for an earthquake?I will regularly check and reinforce my home, place heavy objects in low positions, attach cupboards and cabinets to walls, and fasten doors so that we will not open accidentally during anearthquake.I will have supplies of water and food at home and at work.I will also prepare some survival supplies including a radio receiver, a torch, extra batteries, a tent, some rope, and warm clothing.I will have a fire extinguisher handy.Plus, I will work out an earthquake emergency st, I will have all of my family members call to check in with a friend or relative who lives more than a hundred miles away 2)How do you see one’s academic performance at school in relation to their future achievement?Personally, I think one’s academic performance at school doesn’t affect his future achievement too much.One’s academic performance at school does reflect his hard-working and leaning ability to some extent.But in the society, we need more abilities like management, ability to cooperate, creative thinking and so on.So one’s academic performance at school just reflects his potential to be successful, not determine his future achievement.3)Do you believe so-called “the tall, the handsome, and the rich”(高帅富)and “the white, the rich, and the beautiful”(白富美)are the universal pursuit of Mr.Right and Miss.Right for all yo ung people? From my point of view, I don’t believe so-called “the tall, the handsome, and the rich”(高帅富)and “the white, the rich, and the beautiful”(白富美)are the universal pursuit of Mr.Right and Miss.Right for all young people.And as I know, many people ar ound me don’t believe it as well.Regardless of “the tall,the handsome,and the rich”or “the white,the rich,and the beautiful”,those people are not common in our daily life and they have the same title “the rich”.So some people like them maybe just because t hey have lots of money.As the saying goes,beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.I think if someone fall in love with you sincerely ,he will love you no matter who you are.4)do you prefer as signmentsthat need teamwork or that can be done individually?Why? Each of them has its own benefits as well as disadvantages.I prefer working alone on my assignments, because it provides me with privacy.To sum up, working individually helps me prepare for the future, to learn to make my own choices as well as to improve my methods of studying.I wouldn't need to rely on anyone else, but myself to get my work done.But i do understand the advantages of working in a group, and having the help of others, who can provide the team with new knowledge and ideas.5)Do you want to be a boss who is starting a company or an employee with a high salary? Actually, I want to be an employee with a high salary.It seems that the answer will reflect that I’m short-sighted and out of ambition.But actually I know it is more suitable for me.First, a boss needs the quality of management, ability to cooperate, creative thinking and so on, while I’m not equipped of them.Second, I want to have a long term development of my own major.Third, I think being a boss will be very busy, tired and worried all the time, and I’m bored of st, I just want to make enough money instead of being a millionaire, so I don’t need to undertake such a large burden like a company A: I just read an article about parent-child relationship, I am absorbed in it.B: Really.I am also interested in it.Let’s talk about this topic.A: OK!I think the relationship of parent and child is very complicated.There are many different parent-child relationships.B: I heard some relationships of parents and children are called “specialist and fool”.A: It sounds interesting.But I really don’t understand this kind of relationship.Can you tell me what it is in detail? B: Of course.When this relationship happens in a family, parents always tell children to do what they think is right.So, children cant helpbut accept their parents’ views.A: I don’t like this kind of parent-child relationship.I think if parents always tell children their own views, children may lose themselves and have no minds of their own.B: Of course.There’s another parent-child relationship called “a relationship between brothers”.Under this relationship, parents give children advice and respect them.If children don’t want to accept parents’ advice, parents never force them.A: I think this parent-child relationship is quite good.Under this relationship, children can feel happy.B: Yes.I hope more and more family can have this relationship.It can bring harmony to a family.A:I think communication conflict seems to be the biggest problem between children and parents.Do you think so? B:Yes.Parents worry about their children no matter how old they are.Children tend to strive for more independence as they age.These two competing feelings can cause conflict.A:If parents or children can realize the importance of communication and take some actions to improve it,they can have’a better relationship.B:What do you think parents and children can do ? A: Regular and consistent communication, even about little things such as current events or even the weather can help parents and children practice communication and prevent communication conflicts.B Active listening, meaning responding to and absorbing what children have to say also can create a positive environment for family communication.A:Yes,you are right.I am very happy to talk with you.B:So am I.第四篇:大学口语考试对话Campus loveA:Well, have you ever seen that movieB: Certainly , it’s a so romantic movie ,and every time afterseeing this movie ,I just want to have a lover in campus!A:really?you desire for campus love? B:yes!nothing is more wonder ful than love!A:Um …but I think that campus love is a bitter fruit which may cause pains and make people hurt.B:But we are college student now!since we are college students, we should learn to take total responsibility and it is time for us to experience v arious kinds of “growing pains”, including love.A:oh…may be you are right!But as you can see ,some student around us who were fell in love would have less time in their studies and they are also be absent-minded sometimes!It’s awful!B:Um ……yes ,it is reall y a big problem for them.A:I think students should not neglect study!It’s their main task in college!B:Of course ,you are right!I do not mean that study can be neglected compared with love.Actually, but if you can arrange your time well, or if you find your soulmate ,and he would encourage you to be a better person, Don’t you think it is so excellent to have a try!A :OK …I just wish you can find your soulmate in campus B:Thank you dear!the same wish to you!Communication problem A;Hello XXX!What‘s wrong wi th you ?you look so upset … B:….um….there are really something bother me …A:Well ,you can just complain to me, it may comfort you after speaking out.B:I just had a quarrel with my boyfriend ,I found he totally couldn’t understand me!A:what happen? Why do you think so? B:you know I did badly in the exam ,I just so sad ,and I really want him to comfort me ? A:um?Have he done? B:……He said: “It’s not a big deal。

Topic 1: Long-distance FriendshipDirections: You and your partner are talking about a long-distance friendship. The following questions may be answered in your conversation: Is it difficult to maintain a long-distance friendship? What are the barriers? How to keep it strong and long-lasting?L:hi,renxuejing.The weather is so good.R:Yes,it’s a sunny day.It’s suitable to go out.Why don’t you go out with your friend?L:oh,you know it’s time for final exams,the time is so tight.I have no interest to play.R:I know it,it makes me think of my best friend.e…she is in another city because of the college entrance exam.L:So,do you think your friendship is the same as before?R:yes,we are good now.When we are on holiday,we always gather together to play.L:but I think the relation with my friends before is not close as high school.I find we don’t have many topics to talk,it’s embarrassing.R:I can understand,you are in different environment now,and have new friends.Long distance and long time no see make you a little unfamiliar. L:yes,Iknow,but I treasure my friendship,what can Ido?R:as far as I am concerned,you should usually chat with them online or call them sometimes,tell them what happened surrounded with you.L:emem,do you often chat with your friends before?R:of course,we usually share some interesting things,I think it’s a secret to keep us close as before.L:what else?R:when you are on holiday,you can go to their cities for a look,It is good for you that you have so long time no see.L:yes,it’s a good idea,I also can travel a lot.thank you for your idears. R:It’s nothing,best wishes for you.Topic 2: Working Experience before Starting University Directions: You and your partner are discussing following questions: Do you think young people should be required to spend some time in the world of work before starting university? What benefits young people can get from such an experience?L:hello,long time no see.R:hi.how are you?L:I am fine.thank you.R:the term is going to end,the freshmen will enter our university to study with us.L:yes,so they are free in the summer vacation.Do you think they should do a job before they start university?R:I think work in the vacation is a good idea.They just have free time,and they can use it to acquire some working experience.L:I think so,they just end the life of high school.and don’t have much time to contact with society,It’s a good chance.R:yes,It can train their social skill.forexample,communicate with strangers,deal with problems without parents’help and so on.L:It sounds reasonable.they can learn how to distinguish between right and wrong.R:yes,and they can meet some cases that they didn’t know before,know about the condition of our society in time.L:en.it’simportant.some student can’t adapt to the college life at the beginning,I think working experience can help them.R:I agree with you.Topic 3: Y our Dream HouseDirections: You have bought a house and you are talking with your partner about what you want to do to make it your dream house. Discuss with your partner how to design and decorate the house?L:hi how are youR:fine,I hear you have bought a house.L:yes,just two weeks ago.you are well informed.R:I just heard in accident.do you have any idea for designL:of course,I have thought about it for two weeks.there is a front yard,I want to plant many beautiful flowers for fou seasons.R:sounsgreat,but it is difficult to take care.L:e,but I like.there are two floor,on the first floor,I think the right is asittingroom ,we can relax,watch TV and enjoy entertainment.R:what about the left?L:the left is a computer room for study belonging me.R:then the second floor?L:en,there are four rooms that equipped with modern equipment such as vision phone and automatic doors.R:what else?L:I just think of these.if you have any ideas,you can tell meR:ok,I see.Topic 4: College RomanceDirections: You and your partner are talking about college romance. Are you for or against it? Support your opinion with arguments.L:hello,the weather is good thisweek,but it rained a lotlast week.wuhan’s weather is so strange.R:so it is,do you see many loversin the campus?L:yes,so what do you think of college romance?R:I think being in a romantic relationship at college is becoming increasingly common.I am not againt it.L:but I thinkstudents will get distracted from their study. Once students get distracted, they are easy to not focus on study.R:year,it’sreasonable,butstudents can learn to take care of others andcommunicate with others. Once in a relationship, students have to learn to get along with girlfriend or boyfriend.L:en,the balance of the relationship is a big subject, which we can’t learn in the class.R:So college romance almost happens in every student, I am not object to it, students should learn to control their emotion, not let it affect their study.L:Yes,I agree with you.Topic 5: Cell Phone FeaturesDirections: You are going to buy a new cell phone but you are not sure which brand of cell phone is suitable for you. You go to your partner for suggestion. You and your partner compare different cell phone brands such as “Hua w ei” , “Samsung”, “Apple”, or “Xiaomi” to see their particular features and discuss why or why not you like them.L:hello,rxj,comehere,I have a problem.R:I am here,what’s matter with you.L:oh,my phone can’t use,so I need to buy a new one,but I don’t know which brand is suitable for me?R:e…I am using Samsung now,I am used to it so I think it is ok,but it is easy to break down,I am always mad to it.L:So what about apple?R:en,I think the cost-effective is not high,the price is high,butonce breakit,you may never use it.L:I see,my father just break one.so how about xiaomi?many people around me use it.R:Thebattery of xiaomi is not good,so it always hot,soyou know xiaomichargepal sell well.L:then,how about oppothatliyifengadvertaises for it,it looks well,I like the outlook.R:soundswell,but I hav en’t use it,you can try.L:ok,thank you for your advice.R:it’s nothing.Topic 6: Polite and Impolite Behaviorson CampusDirections: You and your partner are talking about polite and impolite behaviorson campus. What are the behaviors you consider the most polite and impolite on campus? List the top 3 of those behaviors respectively and explain the reasons why you choose them.R: hi,lujue why are you look so unhappy? What’s matter?L:I had ordered a takeout, however when I came downstairs, only to find my takeout was taken by others!R:oh that sounds really lack morals. You must be very angry about it.L:I am starving now!R:so what is the most impolite behavior on campus in your mind?L:maybe today’s trouble can be one.R:anything else?L:let me think in the library……R:yes, you remind me of that guys who occupying a seat by just a paperor a pen.L:right it is annoying.R:and jumping a queue is also very impolite.L:what about something positive? Like what is the most polite behavior on campus in your mindR:I think when I was in a hurry in the dining hall someone may let me order my meal first.L:yes and when you go out they hold the door for you ,that’s gentle!R:onceI forgot to take my umbrella when it was raining, someone lent me an umbrella, it was really indeed!Topic 7: Only the Fittest SurvivesDirections:It is often said that in competitive situations only the fittest survives. Do you agree or disagree to the statement? Now you and your partner are talking about your personal views with arguments.R:have you ever heard about the fittest survives?L: yes it is an old saying.R:soDo you agree or disagree to the statement?L: I agree to the statement. Like the forest, the most weak one would die and the stronger one would be chosen to survive.R:I think it is same in the human social .if you don’t have a skill it is difficult to keep your job.L:yesI agree with you, so I feel very stressful now.R;for example?L: I want a good job so I have to study hard .R:you are right, good score is a base of good job.L: many students spend most of their time studying. Our library is full of students.R:they all want to try their best.L:the final exam is coming I feel very anxious.R:take it easy, you can make it.Topic 8: HappinessDirections: You and your partner are talking about happy and unhappy moments together. The following questions may be answered in your conversation: What makes you happy or unhappy? What shall we do to achieve happiness?R: hi,lujue why are you look so unhappy? What’s matter?L:I had ordered a takeout, however when I came downstairs, only to find my takeout was taken by others!R:oh that sounds really lack morals. You must be very angry about it.L:I am starving now!R: calm down, this matter happens very often. Don’t let others change your mood.L: it is easy to say but hard to make it.R:so you need to adjust your mood. When you feel unhappy just think about something interesting divert your attention from that matter.L;it sounds reasonable. But what Ishould do now?R: clam down and have your meal in the dinning hall.L:maybe it is the only way to solve the trouble.R:and try to think a matter in a positive view. You can consider it as achance to lose weight!L:stop teasing me! I am starving!R:I was just try to make you happyL: only yummy food can make me happy now!Topic 9: Job HoppingDirections:Discuss with your partner the pros and cons of giving up a tedious but well-paid job to start something entirely new. You and your partner are talking about the current situation, possible advantages and disadvantages of your decision.R:you look tired, is there anything wrong with your work?L: no everything is ok, but I feel the job is too boring to insist doing it. R:why not give it up?L: although it is boring it is well-paid, so I was annoyed. It is too hard to make a decision.R: why did you choose this job?L: the salary is really attractive. And I thought Iwon’t get bored with it. R:so do you lack of money now?L: not so muchR: I think it is better to change a job. If you have interest in it, you will work hard and get promoted. You still can get enough money!L;what you said sounds reasonable. This job is nearly driving me mad! R: so it is time to change one. I will pay attention to the job that suitable for you. Don’t worry!L;ok, balabalaTopic 10: How to Develop Confidence in SpeakingDirections: The ability to give speech is one of the most valued communication skills today. Yet most people report that giving a speech is their number one phobia (fear). Discuss with your partner about how to get over one’s nervousness and develop confidence while speaking. Here a list of tips for your reference: prepare, practice, focus on your audience, simplify, visualize success, connect with your audience, and act confidentlyR:I am going to give a speech to our grade, I am very nervous.L:takeit easy, as long as you make a full preparation you can make it successfully.R:yesin order to make me get over nervousness I havepracticed many times.L: you’d better focus on your audience when you are on the stage, this can make you feel less nervous.R:okI will remember this.L: what’s more, try to connect with your audience it can make your speech more vividly.R: that’s a good advice. What about my act, do I need some actions?L: act confidently. Some gestures just beyourself.R:your suggestion make me feel better, I am relax now. I think I need to recite my speech more proficiency.L:yes go to review your speech draft, and be relax.。
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Oral Test (Band 1) For Grade 2012
(2012, 12 )
Topic 1: Love from Parents
Directions: Some people say that motherly love is unconditional, while fatherly love is conditional. Create a conversation with your partner(s) and exchange your opinion on love from your parents respectively.
Topic 2: Winning In the World
Directions: Have a discussion with your partner(s) about winners in your eyes. What do you think are the most important factors that contribute to one’s success? Offer your reasons.
Topic 3:A Phone Call-Making a Hotel Reservation
Directions: Suppose you are a hotel receptionist and your partner is a customer who calls to make a hotel reservation. Make a conversation with your partner and get some information necessary about him/her, such as name, single or double room he/she wants, the number of nights and dates. Meanwhile, offer some information about the hotel, such as its location, price and service, etc.
Topic 4: Dreams
Directions: Everyone dreams. How often do you dream, and what sort of dream do you usually have? Do you believe in dreams’ function of predicting? What are the possible causes of dream? Talk with your partner(s) about these issues concerning dream.
Topic 5: Dream Your Own Dream
Directions: Making a dream is very common in our daily lives. What dream do you have? What will you do to realize your dream?
Topic 6: Psychology in Daily Life
Directions: Do you think a placebo may help a patient get well? Discuss with your partner(s) about the reasons for placeboes’ helping to he al the patients and how to make good use of psychology in daily life.
Topic 7: Talking about Schedule
Directions: You are to invite your partner to play badminton, but he/she is busy at the moment. Create a conversation with your partner by exchanging your information on daily schedule and deciding on a date for fun.
Topic 8:Self-introduction
Directions: Suppose this is your first day in class. You and your partner are getting to know each. Make a conversation by exchanging your information such as name, hometown, department, major, personalities, telephone numbers etc.
Topic 9: Choosing a Job
Directions: You and your partner(s) are talking about choosing a job. Exchange your opinion on the ideal job in your minds and the factors you will take into consideration when choosing a job.。