DU-BANG PROPERTY & CASUALTY INSURANCE CO., LTD.Temporary Protection ClauseIt is hereby agreed and understood that in the event of any part of the Insured Property sustained damage for which the Insurers are liable, the indemnity provided by this Policy is extended to include such cost necessarily incurred in order to make reasonable repairs, temporary or permanent, provided such repairs are confined solely to the protection of the property from further damage, and provided further the Insured shall keep an accurate record of such repair expenditures.The total liability as afforded under this extension shall not exceed ____________ or ____________ of the loss whichever is the less and such limit shall form part of and not in addition to the Total Sum Insured under the Policy.This clause is subject otherwise to the terms, conditions and exclusions of this Policy.。
DU-BANG PROPERTY & CASUALTY INSURANCE CO., LTD.Temporarily Working Overseas ClauseIt is hereby agreed and understood that the cover by this Policy is extended to apply:(1)In respect of employees of the Insured whilst temporarily working overseas.(2)In the event of any injury by accident or disease sustained by an employee of the Insured in the course of employment whilst temporarily working outside China the insurers shall indemnify the Insured as though such injury by accident or disease was sustained in China.This Clause is subject otherwise to the terms, conditions and exclusions of this policy.。
DU-BANG PROPERTY & CASUALTY INSURANCE CO., LTD.Seepage, Pollution and Contamination CoverThis Insurance does not cover any liability for:1) Personal Injury or Bodily Injury or loss of, damage to, or loss of use of property directly or indirectly caused by seepage, pollution or contamination, provided always that this paragraph(1) shall not apply to liability for Personal Injury or Bodily Injury or loss of or physical damage to or destruction of tangible property, or loss of use of such property damaged or destroyed, where such seepage, pollution or contamination is caused by a sudden, unintended and unexpected happening during the period of this Insurance.2) The cost of removing, nullifying or cleaning-up seeping, polluting or contaminating substances unless the seepage, pollution or contamination is caused by a sudden, unintended and unexpected happening during the period of this Insurance.3) Fines, penalties, punitive or exemplary damages.This Clause shall not extend this Insurance to cover any liability which would not have been covered under this Insurance had this Clause not been attached.This Clause is subject otherwise to the terms, conditions and exclusions of this policy.。
DU-BANG PROPERTY & CASUALTY INSURANCE CO., LTD.Full Theft Cover ClauseIt is hereby understood and agreed that notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary and subject otherwise to its terms exclusion limits and conditions, if the property or any part thereof whilst within the premises shall be stolen or damaged by theft not consequence upon forcible and violent entry of or exit from the premises the Company will indemnify the Insured against such loss or damage. The amount recoverable shall not exceed .Provided that this extension shall not cover:1. the first ____________ of each and every loss;2. any disappearance or shortage discovered at the time of stock taking.This Clause is Subject otherwise to the terms, conditions and exclusions of this Policy.。
都邦财产保险股份有限公司海洋运输货物战争险条款(保监会备案编号:都邦[2009]N307号)保险责任第一条 保险人负责赔偿:(一)直接由于战争、类似战争行为和敌对行为、武装冲突或海盗行为所致的损失。
责任免除第二条 保险人对下列各项,不负赔偿责任:(一)由于敌对行为使用原子或热核制造的武器所致的损失和费用。
保险期间第三条 (一)本保险责任自被保险货物装上保险单所载起运港的海轮或驳船时开始,到卸离保险单所载明的目的港的海轮或驳船时为止。
DU-BANG PROPERTY & CASUALTY INSURANCE CO., LTD.OCEAN MARINE CARGO WAR RISKS CLAUSESI. Scope of CoverThe insurer shall be liable for:1. Loss of or damage to the insured goods caused directly by or consequent upon war, warlike operations, hostile acts, armed conflicts or piracy;2. Loss of damage caused by capture, seizure, arrest, restraint or detainment arising from the events in Section I. 1.above.3. Loss or damage caused by conventional weapons of war including mines, torpedoes and bombs.4. Sacrifice in and contribution to General Average and Salvage Charges arising from the risks covered hereunder.II. ExclusionsThe insurer shall not be liable for any loss\damage or expense followed:1. Loss, damage or expenses arising from any hostile use of atomic or nuclear weapons of war.2. Any claim based upon loss of, or frustration of, the insured voyage caused by arrest, restraint or detainment by any executive authorities, authorities in power or any other armed groups.III. Duration of the Insurance1. This insurance shall attach from the time the insured goods are loaded on the seagoing vessel or lighter at the port of shipment named in the Policy until discharged overside from the seagoing vessel or lighter at the port of destination named in the Policy. If the insured goods are not discharged therefrom, the longest duration at the port of discharge shall be limited to fifteen (15) days counting from midnight of the day of the vessel’s arrival at such port. Anchoring, mooring or securing at a berth or place within the harbour shall be deemed as the vessel’s arrival. In the absence of such berth of place, the vessel’s arrival refers to the vessel’s first anchoring, mooring or securing either at or off the intended port or at or near the place of discharge.2. In case of transhipment at an intermediate port, regardless of whether or not the insured goods are unloaded, the longest duration of this insurance at such port of transhipment shall be limited to fifteen (15) days counting from midnight of the day of the vessels’ arrival at such port or place of discharge. However, this insurance shall reattach when the insured goods are loaded on the oncarrying seagoing vessel.3. If the contract of affreightment is terminated at a port or place other than the destinationnamed in the Policy, such port or place shall be deemed the destination under the Policy and this insurance shall terminate according to Section III. 1. Above. If the insurance goods are to be reshipped to the original or any other destination, this insurance shall reattach when the goods are loaded on the oncarrying vessel provided notice is given to the Company and an additional premium is paid prior to the commencement of such further transit.4. This insurance shall remain in force during any deviation, change of voyage, variation of adventure arising from the exercise of a liberty granted to the shipowners under the contract of affreightment subject to immediate notice to the Company and payment of an additional premium, when such event comes to the knowledge of the Insured.Note:These clauses are the clauses of an additional insurance to the Ocean Marine Cargo Insurance of the Company. In case of conflict between any clauses of these clauses and the ocean marine cargo clauses, these clauses shall prevail.。
都邦财产保险股份有限公司财产一切险条款(保监会备案编号:都邦[2009]N2号)总则第一条 本保险合同由保险条款、投保单、保险单或其他保险凭证以及批单组成。
保险标的第二条 本保险合同载明地址内的下列财产可作为保险标的:(一)属于被保险人所有或与他人共有而由被保险人负责的财产;(二)由被保险人经营管理或替他人保管的财产;(三)其他具有法律上承认的与被保险人有经济利害关系的财产。
第三条 本保险合同载明地址内的下列财产未经保险合同双方特别约定并在保险合同中载明保险价值的,不属于本保险合同的保险标的:(一) 金银、珠宝、钻石、玉器、首饰、古币、古玩、古书、古画、邮票、字画、艺术品、稀有金属等珍贵财物;(二)堤堰、水闸、铁路、道路、涵洞、隧道、桥梁、码头;(三)矿井(坑)内的设备和物资;(四)便携式通讯装置、便携式计算机设备、便携式照相摄像器材以及其他便携式装置、设备;(五)尚未交付使用或验收的工程。
第四条 下列财产不属于本保险合同的保险标的:(一)土地、矿藏、水资源及其他自然资源;(二)矿井、矿坑;(三)货币、票证、有价证券以及有现金价值的磁卡、集成电路(IC)卡等卡类;(四)文件、账册、图表、技术资料、计算机软件、计算机数据资料等无法鉴定价值的财产;(五)枪支弹药;(六)违章建筑、危险建筑、非法占用的财产;(七)领取公共行驶执照的机动车辆;(八)动物、植物、农作物。
保险责任第五条 在保险期间内,由于自然灾害或意外事故造成保险标的直接物质损坏或灭失(以下简称“损失”),保险人按照本保险合同的约定负责赔偿。
第六条 保险事故发生后,被保险人为防止或减少保险标的的损失所支付的必要的、合理的费用,保险人按照本保险合同的约定也负责赔偿。
都邦财产保险股份有限公司地崩及地陷条款(保监会备案编号:都邦[2009]N227号)责任免除第一条兹经双方同意,如果保险期间发生地崩或场所地陷直接导致保险财产损失,保险人不负责赔偿:(一)下列意外事故直接或间接引致的损失:1. 岸坡侵蚀;2. 隆起;3. 工程完工五年内结构下沉或地基陷落;(二)地陷或地崩导致的通路、车道、围栏、门、边界及保留墙的损失;(三)除非特别投保,清除地陷或地崩残骸的费用,或地陷或地崩后修复场所的费用,除非该费用为修理保险财产所必需;(四)设计错误、工艺不善或原材料缺陷直接导致的损失;被保险人义务第二条被保险人保持保险财产处于良好的维护之中,并恪尽职责防止承保风险引起损失;第三条被保险人在下列情况下立即通知保险人:在保险财产的下方、周围或附近开始任何挖掘作业。
DU-BANG PROPERTY & CASUALTY INSURANCE CO., LTD.Landslip & Subsidence ClauseIt is hereby agreed and declared that in case of loss of or damage to the property insured directly caused by subsidence of the site or landslip, occurring within the Period of Insurance, this Policy does not cover:(A) loss or damage occasioned by or through or in consequence directly or indirectly of any of the following occurrences:erosion(1) Coastal(2) Heave(3) Bedding down of structures or the settlement of made up ground within 5 year(s) of the completion of such works(B) loss of or damage to paths drives fences gates boundary and retaining walls caused by subsidence and/or landslip.(C) unless otherwise specifically insured, the cost of removal of subsidence and/or landslip debris or the making good of the site following subsidence and/or landslip except in so far as is necessary to repair the property insured.(D) loss or damage directly occasioned by or through defective design or workmanship or the use of defective materials.(E) the first ____________ or ____________ of each and every loss, whichever is the greater, as ascertained after the application of any condition of average.WARRANTED:(A) The Insured shall maintain the insured property in sound repair and shall take all responsible steps to prevent damage from the perils covered hereby.(B) The Insured shall notify the Company immediately:(1) any excavations are commenced beneath, around or in the vicinity of the insured property.In such event the Company shall have the right to vary or cancel the cover provided under this Policy.(2) of the operation of an insured peril affecting any part of the site (whether or not the insured property is involved) or its nearby surroundings.This Clause is subject otherwise to the terms, conditions and exclusions of this policy.。
DU-BANG PROPERTY & CASUALTY INSURANCE CO., LTD.Alteration of Building ClauseIt is agreed and understood that this Policy shall be extended to cover loss of or damage to the properties insured in the course of alterations, additions, structural repairs and decoration works provided that the Insured shall give the Company a prior notice in writing and exercise due diligence in preventing accidents, it being understood that the total contract value shall not exceed ____________.This Clause is subject otherwise to the terms, conditions and exclusions of this policy.。
第六条 保险事故发生时,被保险人对保险标的不具有保险利益的,不得向保险人请求 赔偿保险金。
第七条 在保险有效期内,保险船舶发生保险事故的损失或费用支出,保险人均按以下 规定赔偿:
船舶全损按照保险金额赔偿。但保险金额高于保险价值时,以不超过出险当时的保险价 值计算赔偿。
第三条 保险船舶由于下列情况所造成的损失、责任及费用,本保险不负责赔偿:
一、船舶不适航、不适拖(包括船舶技术状态、配员、装载等,拖船的拖带行为引起 的被拖船舶的损失、责任和费用,非拖轮的拖带行为所引起的一切损失、责任和费用);
二、船舶正常的维修保养、油漆,船体自然磨损、锈蚀、腐烂及机器本身发生的故障 和舵、螺旋桨、桅、锚、锚链、橹及子船的单独损失;
被保险人向保险人请求赔偿并提供理赔所需资料后,保险人在 60 天内进行核定。对属 于保险责任的,保险人在与被保险人达成赔偿或给付保险金的协议后 10 天内,履行赔偿义 务。
被保险人未履行前款约定的单证提供义务,导致保险人无法核实损失情况的,保险人 对无法核实的部分不承担赔偿责任。
第十四条 被保险人应在签订保险合同时一次缴清保险费。除合同另有书面约定外,保 险合同在被保险人交付保险费后才能生效。
第十五条 被保险人应当遵守国家有关消防、安全、生产操作等方面的其他相关法律、 法规及规定,维护保险船舶的安全。
保险人可以对保险标的的安全状况进行检查,向被保险人提出消除不安全因素和隐患的 书面建议,被保险人应该认真付诸实施。
第八条 保险船舶发生保险事故的损失时,被保险人必须与保险人商定后方可进行修理 或支付费用,否则保险人有权重新核定,并对不属于保险人责任或不合理的损失和费用拒 绝赔偿。
最高赔偿限额: 。
四、免赔额: 。
Act of Terrorism Extension Clause
It is understood and agreed that subject to the Insured having paid the agreed additional premium, this Policy shall be extended to cover the Insured’s liability for claims made against the Insured for the bodily injury of and/or property damage to any third party at the specified premises directly caused by any terrorist or terrorism organization.
This Clause is subject otherwise to the terms, conditions and exclusions of this Policy.。
DU-BANG PROPERTY & CASUALTY INSURANCE CO., LTD.Social &/or Sports Clubs Liability ClauseIt is hereby declared and agreed that this Policy extends to indemnify the Insured and/or the Insured’s welfare social or sporting clubs and/or any individual members of such clubs whilst undertaking activities on behalf of such clubs (whether committee members or otherwise) for claims in respect of bodily injury or damage to property occurring as a result of an accident and happening in connection with their business as welfare social and/or sporting clubs.Provided that:(a) such clubs and/or members are not entitled in indemnity under any other policy of insurance otherwise the indemnity granted herein will apply only in respect of an amount in excess of the provided by such other policy.(b) such clubs and/or members shall as though they were the Insured observe fulfill and be subject to the terms, exclusion and conditions of this Policy so far as they can apply.This Clause is subject otherwise to the terms, conditions and exclusions of this policy.。
DU-BANG PROPERTY & CASUALTY INSURANCE CO., LTD.REJECTION CLAUSE1. The insurer will be liable for rejection and/or condemnation at the port of entry by the government of the country of import or its relevant Authorities and will indemnify the Insured on the basis of the insured value of the goods so rejected or condemned.2. In the event of any embargo or prohibition being declared by the importing Country after the insured goods have left the port of shipment named in the policy, the insurer is only to pay the cost of return freight to the country of export or the additional freight to other destination, but such return freight or additional freight shall not exceed the insured value of the goods so rejected.3. This insurance shall terminate at the warehouse of the port of discharge after landing from the seagoing vessel or:(1) On the expiry of 30 days after discharge of the goods from the seagoing vessel;(2) When the goods have been passed by the government of the country of import or its relevant Authorities.Whichever shall first occur.4. It is warranted by the Insured:(1) That the production, quality, packing and inspection and testing of the insured goods shall comply with the relevant regulations of the country of origin and the importing country; and(2) That all necessary valid permits and licences of the insured goods must be obtained.5. The insurer shall not be liable for any loss arising from:(1) Breach of any conditions stipulated in clauses 4 above.(2) Loss of market.(3) Misbranding, faulty labels, misdescription of the insured goods or any error or omission in the contract of sale or other documents.(4) Non-compliance with any regulations of the government of the country of origin or its relevant Authorities on exported goods.(5) Embargo or prohibition has already been declared by the importing country before the insured goods leave the port of shipment named in the policy.6. In the event of loss within the scope of cover, the Insured shall notify the insurer immediately and take all possible measures as required by the insurer. All measures so taken by the Insured or by the Company on the goods rejected or condemned shall not be considered, respectively, as a waiver or an acceptance of claim.。
都邦财产保险股份有限公司董事及高级职员责任保险条款(保监会备案编号:都邦[2009]N62号)总则第一条 本保险合同由保险条款、投保单、保险单、批单和特别约定组成。
保险责任第二条 本保险合同的保险责任包括董事及高级职员责任保险,公司补偿保险,被保险个人配偶的赔偿责任,诉讼费用和继承人或法定代理人保障五个部分。
第三条 (一)董事及高级职员责任保险被保险个人在以其身份执行职务的过程中,由于单独或共同的过错行为导致第三者遭受经济损失,依法应由被保险个人承担的经济赔偿责任,且被保险个人不能从被保险公司获得赔偿的,保险人按本保险合同的约定负责赔偿。
DU-BANG PROPERTY & CASUALTY INSURANCE CO., LTD.Prevention of Access ClauseIt is hereby agreed that loss as insured by this Policy resulting from interruption of or interference with the Business in consequence of the damage (as within defined) to property in the vicinity of the Premises which shall prevent or hinder the use thereof or access thereto, whether the premises or property of the Insured therein shall be damaged or not, shall be deemed to be loss resulting from damage to property used by the Insured at the premises.This clause is subject otherwise to the terms, conditions and exclusions of this Policy.。
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(一) 在下列情况下,执行上述规定或条例而产生的费用:
1. 损失发生在本扩展条款生效之前;
2. 损失不在本保险责任范围内;
3. 损失发生前,被保险人已接到有关通知;
4. 未受损财产或未受损部分财产,但不包括受损财产的地基(除非地基已在本保险单中特别除外);
(二) 如果无需执行上述规定或条例,恢复受损财产以达到其新的状态应产生的额外费用;
(三) 执行上述规定或条例导致资产增值而产生的税费或评估费用。
Public Authorities Clause
The insurance by Item ______ in the Schedule of this Policy extends to include such additional cost of reinstatement of the destroyed or damaged property thereby insured as may be incurred solely by reason of the necessity to comply with Building or other Regulations under or framed in pursuance of any Ordinance, Law, Statute or with Bye-Laws of any Municipal or Local Authority,
Provided that:
1) The amount recoverable under this Extension shall not include
a) the cost incurred in complying with any of the aforesaid Regulations or Bye-Laws
(i) i n respect of destruction or damage occurring prior to the granting of this Extension,
(ii)in respect of destruction or damage not insured by this Policy,
(iii)under which notice has been served upon the Insured prior to the happening of the destruction or damage,
(iv)in respect of undamaged property or undamaged portions of property other than foundations (unless foundations are specifically excluded from the insurance by this Policy) of that portion of the property destroyed or damaged,
b) the additional cost that would have been required to make good the property damaged or destroyed to a condition equal to its condition when new had the necessity to comply with any of the aforesaid Regulations or Bye-Laws not arisen,
c) the amount of any rate, tax, duty, development or other charge or assessment arising out of capital appreciation which may be payable in respect of the property or by the owner thereof by reason of compliance with any of the aforesaid Regulation or Bye-Laws.
2) The work of reinstatement must be commenced and carried out with reasonable dispatch and in any case must be completed within twelve months after the destruction or damage or within such further time as the Company may (during the said twelve months) in writing allow and may be carried out wholly or partially upon another site (if the aforesaid Regulations or Bye-Laws so necessitate) subject to the liability of the Company under this Extension not being thereby increased.
3) If the liability of the Company under Item ______ of this Policy apart from this Extension shall be reduced by application of any of the terms and conditions of this Policy then the liability of the Company under this Extension (in respect of such item) shall be reduced in like proportion.
4) The total amount recoverable under Item ______ of this Policy shall not exceed the sum insured thereby.
5) All the terms and conditions of this Policy except insofar as they may be hereby expressly varied shall apply as if they had been incorporated herein.
This clause is subject otherwise to the terms, conditions and exclusions of this Policy.。