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WORLD ECONOMY refers to the entirety of all the national economies which are linked together with different economic links.


WORLD ECONOMICS is a branch of ECONOMICS which studies the WORLD ECONOMY.

The start of the study:

at the end of 1970s

In 1980---China World Economy Academy

The source of this branch of study:

a branch --- Economics

background and necessary conditions : International division of labour →international trade → the world market → the world economy.

The objects of the branch of study: the international relations of production.

1. to study the national economies of the countries in the world, which are parts of the world economy

2. to study the international economic relations.

mechanism links the national economies together

different economic links

international division of labour




transfer of technology.

3. to study the world economy as a whole.

the laws of the changes and development of the world economy

world economy studies the system of economic development

human beings--- the principal part of the system

the environment and the resources of the earth --- the base for the system

Chapter One

Productive Forces and the World Economy

1.the development of productive forces : the scientific and technological revolutions

in the history of human beings; the significance and impact of the revolutions

2.the formation and development of the world economy as a result of the scientific

and technological revolutions


1.Basic Economics, Hailstones & Mastrianna, 9th edition, South-Western Publishing Co. ,

Cincinnati, Ohio, 1992

2.Economics Today, roger Leroy Miller, 9th edition, Adisson-Wesley Education Educational

Publishes Inc., 1997

3.《世界经济学》张伯里主编中共中央党校出版社 2004年7月第1版

4.《当代世界经济》王广信赵丽娜主编人民出版社 2002年3月第1版



I. the development of the Productive Forces and the Formation of the World Economy

1. the influence of the Renaissance and of the Dicovery of the new continent

the primitive economic system--- low productive forces--- no world economy Renaissance liberated people

the beginning of the Renaissance---Dante’s Commedia (14th century) Renaissance: the intermediate between the Middle Ages and the modern times;

the beginning of capitalist cultural ideas

the product of the new, rising capitalist relations of production

ideological feature: humanism,

the enlightenment: in 18th century

In 1492, Columbus discovered the new continent.

the new sea route

European ports ---international trade centres: London, Antwerp, Lisbon

a solid base for the big jump of the economy.

2. the impact of the first scientific and technological revolution on the world ecnomy

In 18th century, the first scientific and technological revolution

steam engine --- work continuously

machine makes machines

more products for the market

steam boat and steam engine train --- revolution in the transport industry

the capitalist mode of production

Industry was totally separated from farming.

object of the capitalist mode of production: profit-pursuing

markets--- raw materials

the world market--- the world economy

3. the impact of the second scientific and technological revolution on the world ecnomy

Time: in the 19th centuy
