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()1. I read a book written ________ Jones.

A. at

B. in

C. to

D. by

( ) 2. _________ great picture! Who painted it?

A. How

B. What

C. How a

D. What a

( ) 3. In the end, they end up ________ Chinese.

A. speak

B. spoke

C. to speak

D. speaking

( ) 4. How do you communicate with your foreign friends?

--- _________ writing e-mails, of course.

A. With

B. By

C. At

D. From

( ) 5. The lamb _________for quite some time.

A. has died

B. die

C. has dead

D. has been dead

( ) 6. Nancy took my dictionary ______ mistakes.

A. for

B. in

C. at

D. by

( ) 7. ----How heavily it is raining!

----What a pity! We have to ________ our sports meeting.

A. put off

B. put out

C. put on

D. put up

( ) 8. New technology _______ to stop the students from cheating in the exam last year.

A. is used

B. used

C. was used

D. are used

( ) 9. They wonder ________ robots will make humans lose their jobs or not.

A. that

B. if

C. whether

D. so

( ) 10. -----Could you tell me _____ in your hometown in winter?

---- Sure.

A.whether does it often snow

B.whether it often snows

C.if it often snow

D.if does it snow

( ) 11. We are going for a picnic tomorrow. I’ll call Wendy to make sure _______.

A. why to start

B. when to start

C. what to start

D. which to start ( ) 12. Traveling around big cities by taxi can cost a lot of money, but it’s usually ______ to take the underground train to most places.

A. amazing

B. expensive

C. convenient

D. exciting

( ) 13. ----Let’s go shopping at the new mall.

----Why not shop online? It’s ______.

A. expensive

B. more expensive

C. less expensive

D. most expensive ( ) 14. It was a difficult time for the earthquake-hit victims in Yun Nan, but they didn’t _____ hope.

A. give up

B. give off

C. give in

D. give out

( ) 15. My grandma _______ me stories when I was young.

A. was used to tell

B. is used to telling

C. used to tell

D. used to telling ( ) 16. Your father used to eat meat, ________?

A. did you

B. didn’t you

C. didn’t he

D. did he

( ) 17. My uncle doesn’t like fast food, so he _______ eats it.

A. always

B. often

C. sometimes

D. seldom

( ) 18. We’re made ________ the words again and again.

A. read

B. reading

C. to reading

D. to read

( ) 19. In our school library there ______ a number of books on science, and in these years the number of them ______ growing larger and larger.

A. are; is

B. is; are

C. have; are

D. has; is

( ) 20. It _______ last week that the haze(雾霾) in Beijing caused many problems.

A. reports

B. reported

C. is reported

D. was reported


Sometimes people come into your life. They may teach you a lesson to help you ___21____ who you are or what you want to be. You never know ____22___ these people may be: your classmate, your neighbor, friend or even a stranger.

Sometimes ___23____ happen to you. At that time, they may seem terrible, painful and unfair. But after thinking them over, your realize that if you don’t get over the difficulties, you will ___24___ know your potential(巨大潜能). Everything happens for a reason and nothing happens ___25___ accident or by good or bad luck.

The people you meet influence your life. The successes and failures you experience create who you are. Even the ___26___ experience can be learned from. To be honest, they are probably the worst ___27___ the most important ones.

So my child, whatever happens to you, just make every day count, enjoy every moment, for you may never experience it __28__. Talk to people you have never talked to before. Learn something you are not good at. Try your best to do everything well without thinking about the result. Tell ___29__ that you are great and you can make it. The way to _____30___ is different. Create your own life and then go out to enjoy it.

21. A. look at B. hear of C. worry about D. find out

22. A. who B. why C. what D. where

23. A. dreams B. stories C. things D. chances

24. A. always B. never C. sometimes D. often

25. A. in B. at C. by D. to

26. A. good B. pleasant C. bad D. usual

27. A. but B. and C. so D. or

28. A. too B. again C. finally D. suddenly

29. A. yourself B. himself C. myself D. herself

30. A. study B. think C. understand D. succeed


Passage 1.

A MOBILE phone app (应用软件) has recently become very popular at the Middle

School Attached to Guangzhou University. It is named Health Helper. Put your weight, height and age into the app, and it will give you suggestions on how to get healthier. Surprisingly, the app is not designed by a company but by two Junior 3 boys from the school.

The two boys are Yang Chengxi and Yang Zhenglin, both 14 years old. They learned to design apps by taking part in the school’s app-making course, which started last year.

“Electronic (电子的) products are becoming increasingly popular,” said Wang Xiaopeng, the teacher of the app-making course. “It’s unpractical to block (阻隔) students from them. So why not lead them using it in a more creative way?”
