预算软约束" 在学术文献中的解释1、预算软约束是指,向企业提供资金的机构(政府或银行)未能坚持原先的商业约定,使企业的资金运用超过了它的当期收益的范围2、广义的预算软约束是指当一个预算约束体的支出超过了它所能获得的收益时,预算约束体没有被清算而破产,而是被支持体救助得以继续存活下去3、长期以来,在传统经济体制环境下,国有企业处于一种所有者缺位的状态,国有企业经营者的利益与其所有者的利益处于一个不十分一致的状态,其受到约束相对较少,学术界称为“预算软约束”4、社会主义经济中的国有企业一旦发生亏损,政府常常要追加投资、增加贷款、减少税收,并提供财政补贴,这种现象被亚诺什·科尔奈(Kornai,1986)称为“预算软约束”5、这种现象被亚诺什·科尔奈(Kornai,1986)称为“预算软约束”.科尔奈把社会主义经济中的许多问题都归因于预算软约束的存在.为了取得国有企业改革和社会主义经济改革的成功,消除预算软约束刻不容缓科尔奈版本的预算软约束非常简单,说一个家里,有老子有儿子,老子自然是非常喜欢这个儿子,用他的原话就是“父爱主义”。
我对文献已经忘得差不多了,Eric Maskin的理论是认为,如果一个非常集中的金融体系,那么银行很可能被一个坏企业给套住。
预算软约束的成因可以从以下几个方面进行分析:1.1 预算制定不科学预算制定过程中,可能存在预算目标不清晰、指标设定不合理、数据不准确等问题,导致预算制定的基础不牢固,难以为预算执行提供有效的约束力。
1.2 预算执行不到位预算执行中,可能存在预算执行责任人不尽职、预算执行过程不透明、预算执行监管不到位等问题,导致预算执行无法有效约束组织或个人的行为。
1.3 利益冲突与信息不对称在预算制定和执行过程中,可能存在各方利益冲突,导致预算制定者和执行者之间存在信息不对称,从而降低了预算的约束力。
二、预算软约束的后果预算软约束的后果可能表现为以下几个方面:2.1 预算目标无法实现由于预算无法约束组织或个人的行为,导致预算制定的目标无法实现,影响组织或个人的发展和运营。
2.2 资金浪费与效益低下预算软约束可能导致资金的浪费和效益的低下,由于无法有效约束和监管资金的使用,可能出现不必要的支出和低效的投资,导致资源的浪费和效益的降低。
2.3 组织失去信任与动力预算软约束可能导致组织内部失去对预算的信任和执行的动力,预算无法发挥激励和约束的作用,可能影响组织的凝聚力和团队合作。
三、治理预算软约束的对策为了解决预算软约束问题,我们可以采取以下几个方面的对策:3.1 完善预算制定过程在预算制定过程中,要加强对预算目标的明确和指标的科学设定,确保预算制定的合理性和可行性。
3.2 健全预算执行机制建立健全的预算执行机制,明确预算执行的责任人和监管机构,加强对预算执行的监督和考核。
3.3 加强沟通与协调在预算制定和执行过程中,要加强各方的沟通与协调,减少利益冲突和信息不对称,提高预算制定者和执行者之间的信任和合作,从而增强预算的约束力。
1 农村信用社产权改革方 向与职能定位存在矛盾 2 0 年农村信用社的资产已 占我 国金融资产总值 的9 6 , 03 .% 农业贷款 余额 占全部金融机构农业贷款 的 8 .% 是我 国金融 38 , 业的一支重 要力量 ,在农村金融领域 发挥着主导作用 。但 是, 农村信用合作 社在体制上存在严重的问题 , 从成立之初 , 它就 不是真正的农 民之间的互助组织 。1 9 年 以前 ,它是农业银 96 行的基层组织 ,19 9 6年与农业银行脱钩之后 ,经营方式也 与 商业银行基本相同 。 由于农村信用社产权 不明晰 , 管理体制 不 顺 ,导致了身份尴尬 以及严重 的经 营困难 ,不 良资产 比例过 高,资产充足率极低 ,行业全面亏损 ,风 险积聚 己相 当严重 。
经过近年来的改革 , 虽然上述情况得到了全面好转 , 但究其原 因, 是依靠国家的资金支持来实现的 , 农村信用合作社 自身的
生存能力仍然非常弱 。
20 0 0年从 国家在江苏省进行 农村信用社改 革试 点以来 ,
农村信用社的改革正逐渐扩展 。 目前的信用社改革重点主要集
中在 明晰产权 关系和解决由于历史原因造成的农信社资产质量 问题 。 然而 , 对于农村信用社的职能定位 问题 , 仍未达成 共识 。
如 果仅仅把服务三农的经营方 向看作 是业务范 围的选择 , 那 么它 与产权制度的建立并无直接联系 。 然而在我 国, 服务 三 农几乎 己成了政策扶持 的代名词 。由于我国农村经济水平落
后, 农民人均 收入低下 ,农业投 资受不确定因素影响多, 险 风 大 ,一般商业性机构都 不愿介入 。1 9 9 6年后 ,不但除农信 社 以外的金融机构全面撤离 农村 市场 ,农村储蓄存款还通过各 种渠道流向城市 , 便是明证 。 目前的农村信用合作社之所以 而 基本坚持了为三 农服务 的方针 ,是和国家的支农 贷款 资金投 放, 税收上的优惠 ,以及较宽的利 率浮动上 限是分不开的 , 并 且 以产生大量的亏损挂账和不 良资产为 代价 。 如 果农村信 用社成为真正 的市场经济主 体 ,就必然 以盈 利为 目标 , 只有这样才能求得生存和发展 。 然而如 果继续承担 政策 陛业务 , 必然会与商业性 目标 构成 冲突, 从而影响改革最 终 目的的达成 , 可能产生新一轮难以解决 的问题 。 并 本文将就 此 点进 行深 入分 析 。 2 农村信用社承担政策性业务导 致的问题
商业 性业 务 的努 力 程度 ,产生 小 同效 用观 察信 息 : S 0X+ 1 - 2 P,0 、 为 政 策 性 与 商 业 性 业 务 - = 1IP ,P- x+ 2 1 - O 努 力 程度 的边 际 收 益 ,e 为外 部 随 机 囚 素干 扰 的影 响 ,
假设 4 :涉农 金 融 机 构 为风 险规 避 者 ,风 险 规 避
程度 为 r 。涉 农 金 融 机构 的 激 励 报 酬 契 约 采 用线 性 合
作者简介: 覃道爱 (9 5 ) 男, 16 一 , 湖南人, 博士, 高级经济师, 供职于中国人民银行海口中心支行 ; 李兴发 (9 0 ) 男。 17一 。 湖南人, 供职于中国人民银行海 口中心支行; 向志容 (94 ) 男, 17一 , 湖南人, 供职于中国人民银行海口中心支行。 ・ 本文仅代表作者个人观点. 不代表作者所在单位意见。
( 9 4)等 人 的研 究 结 果 表 明 ,政 策 性 负担 会 导 致 企 19
假设 2 :涉 农 金 融 机 构 政 策性 与商 业 性 业 务 的努
力 程 度 的选 择 是 一 次 性 的 ,X 和 分 别 是 政 策 性 和 ,
业 的预 算 软 约 束 。涉 农 金 融 机 构 较 高 的 不 良贷 款 率 、
( )模 型 假 定 。 一
假设 l :委 托 人政 府 为 风 险 中性 ,既 追 求 政 策 性
业 务 的社 会 目标 ,也 追求 商 业 性 业 务 的经 济 目标 。政
府 期 望 效 应 U 出卒: 效 益 和 经 济 效 益 尸组 成 ,而 { 会
收 稿 日期 : 0 8 1—0 2 0 —0 1
源整体配置 中的马太效应 , 这难免加剧一些i 苗校之问 的竞争和
分化 , 从而导致一些基 础差的高校陷入财务危机。
( 二) 长 期 影 响 因素 方 面
1 . 政府对高校 的投入严重不足
财 政 拨 款 是我 国高校 稳 定 的资 金米 源 之 一 , 但是 近 2 O 年来,
教育经 费支 出占 GD P比例为 4 %的日标始终没有实现, 这在很 大程度上表 明我 国政府对高校 的投入严重不足 。此外 , 我 国对 高校基本遵 循扶强 的原则推行 “ 综合定额+ 专项补助” 的基本拨
款模式 , 比如 “ 2 1 1 ” 和“ 9 8 5 ” 工 程 等 在 很 大 程 度 上 强 化 了教 育 资
2 . 高校财务 治理存在结构缺陷问题 从财务学的角度 来说, 我 国高校整体来看并未真正实现 从 政府机构 向独立经济 主体 的本质转变,也就是说 尚且缺乏财权 配置合理和权责对称 的财务治理结构。这也是 导致某些高校财 务管理漏洞频发的重要 原因。 二、 化解我 国高校财务风险的若 干对策 通过上文的三方面影 响因素分析 , 文章捉出 日前我国高校 解困财务危机的若干对 策, 具体如下 。 ( 一) 正确理顺政府和高校 的关系 , 逐 步完 善拨款机制
浅谈我 国高校 财务风险 防控 的若干对策
( 0 0 0 )
要 :随着近年来高校 财务危机的频发 ,高校 财务 管理 已经引起人 士的关注,如何建立一套完善 的高校财务风险预 警成为 当前
重要 的研 究课题。文章 旨在通过剖析我 国高校财务风 险形成的原因基础上 ,并 紧密结合 高校资金 的管理特点 ,提 出了化解 高校财 务 风险防控 的若干措施 :正确理顺政府和高校 的关 系,逐步完善拨款机制 ;构建和完善 高校的资金安全管理体 系;推行 高校的全 面预算管理 建设 ;积极倡 导多元化 办学理念 ,大力拓 宽资金渠道。 旨在 为高校发展 中存在 的突出财务风险防范和控 制提供一些借
政策性负担、道德风险与预算软约束(Policy burden, moral hazard and soft budget constraint)
政策性负担、道德风险与预算软约束(Policy burden, moral hazardand soft budget constraint)Policy burden, moral hazard and soft budget constraintPolicy burden, moral hazard and budget soft constraint, 2008-12-20, 15:09:58Main ideaThe existing literature still has a lot of arguments about the reasons for the soft budget constraint. Although no single theory can not explain the soft budget constraint of all aspects of the phenomenon, but for the former socialist economy and transition economy, the formation of soft budget constraints but there are some common reasons.Lin Yan Fu and its partners (199419971999) introduced the soft budget constraint of enterprises in transition economy point of view, that "the policy burden" is the fundamental cause of the problems of the soft budget constraint, soft budget constraint between the ownership of enterprises and there is no causal relationship. Further, Yifu Lin and his partners in a larger framework of why in transition economy enterprises "policy burden" will exist: these countries have varying degrees pursued against economic comparative advantage strategy. Here, we take the economic realities of China as an example and make a brief summary of the above ideas.China's state-owned enterprises generally bear two policy burdens: strategic, policy burden and social policy burden.Policy burden, refers to the influence of traditional overtaking strategy, investment in China has not formed a comparative advantage in capital intensive industry or industry sector burden; social policy burden, is refers to the state-owned enterprises undertake functions of employees and workers and other social welfare and the formation of multiple burden. The policy burden of these two aspects is an endogenous product of China's implementation of the priority development strategy of heavy industry.China started to carry out the heavy industry development strategy in 1950s, and Chinese is a very scarce capital, relative labor surplus economy, capital intensive government wants to give priority to the development of heavy industry is comparative advantage with Chinese economy deviates from, so that some enterprises lack of viability in the open and competitive market environment. In order to implement the strategy of heavy industry priority development, is the inevitable result of economic distortions, artificially low interest rates, exchange rates, raw material prices and other heavy industrial enterprises to reduce the cost, and give the market monopoly to increase product prices; however, when the market reform began, the economy factor and product prices gradually by market competition, after losing these subsidies and protection, the lack of viability of heavy industrial enterprises, can not be profitable in open competition in the market is from recessive into dominant which will form the strategic policy burden of state owned enterprises. On the other hand, due to the heavy industry is capital intensive industry, it is able to absorb the employment of the population is very small, but China is a labor surplus countries, in orderto solve the employment problem, the government will require state-owned enterprises to hire more staff, and assume some enterprises should not bear the social function of the on the formation of the state-owned enterprise social burden, it will undoubtedly increase the cost of state-owned enterprises.Have the responsibility of the government policy burden on enterprises caused by the loss, in order to let the government take the policy burden of state owned enterprises to survive, must advance the protection of state-owned enterprises or subsidies, but because of the information asymmetry, the government does not know the policy burden to the enterprise's loss is how much. Also it is hard to know a business loss is the policy burden caused by the enterprise itself or due to improper management or moral risk managers which, in the incentive compatibility condition, enterprise managers will all losses, including the loss of policy burden and moral risk caused by improper management the loss is attributed to the policy burden, the government cannot distinguish the two kinds of loss difference, but can not dodge the work of policy burden When a loss is made, the enterprise has to bear all the losses of the enterprise. After the loss of the enterprise, it also gives the subsidy afterwards, thus forming the soft budget constraint of the enterprise. Because of the possibility of ex post protection or subsidy, the moral hazard of enterprise manager is more important. Thus, in the case of asymmetric information and inconsistent incentives, the soft budget constraint caused by the policy burden will seriously affect the operating efficiency and incentive mechanism ofstate-owned enterprises.As long as enterprises bear the policy burden, it will lead to soft budget constraints. Whether the enterprise bears the policy burden or not has nothing to do with the form of ownership of the enterprise, so there is no necessary link between the soft budget constraint and the nature of the ownership of the enterprise. State owned enterprises such as Eastern Europe and Russia have not been stripped of their policy burden since their massive privatization,Moreover, privatization will increase the bargaining power of enterprises, so the problem of soft budget constraints has not only been solved, but the government subsidies have increased. These facts can be explained by the above theory.Policy burden and soft budget constraint of state owned enterprisesWe use L to represent the policy burden of state-owned enterprises bear, with profits of state-owned enterprises no PI said the policy burden, the enterprise policy burden after profit for the l. We use B PI Zi (L) said the enterprise policy burden l to government benefits, assuming general B (L) >l, which means that in addition to economic benefits, but also bring some benefits to the policy burden of other government, such as the establishment of the government officials can performance to show off the capital intensive advanced industries, or to increase employment and promote social stability. Suppose the government to managers of state-owned enterprises pay a fixed payment. W * here we consider when state-owned enterprises policy burdens, following the game between government and enterprise: a game: a period, before theproduction of state-owned enterprises, state-owned enterprises to choose whether to let the government bear the burden of policy during the period of two L; the managers in the state-owned enterprises, to observe whether the enterprise policy burdens of L, and then choose their effort for the production period; three, the production is completed, the government observed that the profits of state-owned enterprises, and then decide whether and how much subsidy subsidy.Several explanations are needed for the game. The first is the government subsidy policy, assuming that the government only in the case of loss of production enterprises will consider whether subsidies; and, if the government decides business subsidies, subsidies is just equal to business losses; in addition, the government's subsidy cost of theta s, including theta, (0, 1). That is to say, the government could only bear part of the cost of subsidies. The second is the question of pay managers, we assume that only when the production is completed, and to pay for production start-up capital and enterprise policy burden, before the payment of enterprise manager's compensation w *; that is to say, if in the period of three business losses and the government does not provide subsidies, managers will not get paid in this case, the closure of enterprises, the government's payment is 0. third is the information structure of the model, if there is policy burden, production increased by some uncertain factors, which will bring the problem of information asymmetry hypothesis in the production process of enterprises in (stage two), to the degree of government, which is not observed unable to control the entrepreneur. Finally, it is the government and enterprisemanagers to retain payment, if the government does not allow enterprises to bear the burden of policy, the government kept the payment pi *, reserve managers in the state-owned enterprises to pay 0. we assume at the same level of payment, the government tends to allow enterprises to bear the burden of policy, and the enterprise manager is always tend to make less effort. We use the backward method to solve the above, from which we can clearly see the policy burden is how to influence the production of state-owned enterprises, and take the policy burden of the enterprise is how to obtain the conditions of existence.First of all, the policy burden will affect the production efficiency of state-owned enterprises, which from the proposition 1, China has the choice of production managers can see. Many empirical studies have found that the state-owned enterprise's production efficiency is lower than that of private enterprises, the literature tends to be attributed to the public nature of the state-owned enterprises, but from the analysis here can see that state-owned enterprises policy burden is an important cause of the lack of efficiency of state-owned enterprises.Secondly, due to the policy burden, l will inevitably increase the cost of state-owned enterprises, so these enterprises do not have "viability" in a competitive market environment". A proposition tells us that the policy burden of state-owned enterprises to survive the conditions, can rely on two ways: one is to rely on government subsidies to help the loss of state-owned enterprises; the two is to maintain the monopoly of state-owned enterprises, restriction of entering the marketto obtain monopoly profits. In fact, from a broader concept, the maintenance of monopoly status of state-owned enterprises is actually a subsidy, which is a hidden subsidy for state-owned enterprises at the expense of social efficiency.Of a proposition for further analysis, we can get some of the following corollary: corollary one, when the state-owned enterprise policy burdens, enterprise managers choose q production yield is always less than the optimal output of Q *. A corollary the fact that under the condition of asymmetric information, moral hazard problem of policy burden will bring the enterprise manager the enterprise manager will reduce their effort, thereby reducing the state-owned enterprise production efficiency, increase social producer and consumer surplus losses. The policy burden is the cause of low efficiency of state-owned enterprises,Because it raises the moral hazard problem of state-owned enterprise managers. In fact, from the critical value proposition for B (L) and non l of this, we have seen the impact of policy burden on the efficiency of state-owned enterprises, because when the l< pi * corollary two, when the state-owned enterprise policy burdens, increase the degree of market competition will be more prone to loss of state owned enterprises, and increases the costs of government subsidies.Inference two, in fact, shows that the increase of market competition will make the budget soft constraints ofstate-owned enterprises explicit and increase the cost of government subsidies. The course of China economic reform can well reflect the conclusion of corollary two: before the reformand opening up, generally profitable state-owned enterprises, since the reform and opening up, the loss of small and medium-sized state-owned enterprises more and more big, largely because of their industry market entry threshold is low, a large number of non-public economy into the competition. Due to bear the burden of policy, and the resulting low efficiency of state-owned enterprises (corollary 1), so small and medium-sized state-owned enterprises loss also can hardly be avoided, and the increasing loss of government subsidies for these enterprises are also increasing, which brings the risk of fiscal and financial system. By corollary two, we can also understand why the central government will adopt a "large" strategy for the reform of state-owned enterprises,state-owned enterprises nationwide because almost all of the profits are created by large state-owned enterprises in the monopoly industry, small and medium-sized state-owned enterprises widespread losses, the government will have the motivation to get rid of the burden of small and medium-sized state-owned enterprises.Inference three, when the state-owned enterprise bears the policy burden and the loss, the lower the theta, the more the government subsidies, the output of state-owned enterprises deviate (lower), the greater the magnitude of the output.Inference three tells us that if the rate of government subsidy costs is lower, the larger the subsidy it can afford. The managers of state-owned enterprises have the incentive to expand their losses, so that companies can receive more subsidies from the government. Corollary three the conclusion reflects the characteristics of China Economy: the localgovernment has a strong incentive to intervene in financial institutions, the financial institutions to provide loans to the local state-owned enterprises, and once these loans become bad debts, the loan loss costs are mostly borne by the central government; the operators of state-owned commercial Chinese the bank is also reflected, since the reform of commercial banks in 1994, the state-owned commercial banks by the central government intervention has become less and less, and they are mainly from the local government intervention. We can infer from corollary three, when the market competition degree is high enough, if strict financial policy, local government fiscal or financial constraints more hard (theta is higher), then the budget constraints of local state-owned enterprises is hard (get less subsidies), the higher the efficiency of state-owned enterprises.Inference four, when state-owned enterprises bear the policy burden, if the B (L) is bigger, the output of the state-owned enterprises deviates (lower), the magnitude of the optimal output is greater.Inference four and inference are similar in three ways, but they apply more widely (do not require state owned enterprises to lose money). If more benefits from the government policy burden from the enterprise, the government is willing to pay the subsidy amount is bigger, so the state-owned enterprise managers have an incentive to less effort to share the government from the policy burden of goodExplanation of realistic problems and policy suggestionNext, we will use the model results to analyze some realistic problems in socialism and transitional economy. First of all, why, in the era of planned economy, enterprises basically do not have any production autonomy? When the enterprise undertakes the policy burden, enterprise managerial discretion completely will bring serious moral hazard, and deprived of the sovereignty of the enterprise, such as the use of means of production quotas, is a suboptimal institutional arrangement, it can reduce the efficiency loss under certain conditions, to ensure the efforts of enterprises the manager of the lowest. Second, why, in the process of China's state-owned enterprises reform, the government subsidies to state-owned enterprises experienced a process from financial subsidies to bank loans, and then to the stock market financing In fact, for the government, this is because finance is the most hard on the financial constraints of the government, bank loans, financial constraints and stock market financing the most soft (i.e., theta minimum) is the government finance to take their money to subsidies, while bank lending is with other people's money subsidies, while the stock market financing. And equity financing constraint than debt financing more flexible. Third, why is the government offering more subsidies to firms after Russia's massive privatization of state-owned enterprises? If private enterprises bear the policy burden, private enterprises receive more subsidies from the government than state-owned enterprises,This can explain the phenomenon of Russia's economy. Then why does the Russian government not divest the policy burden of the enterprises after privatization? This is because in the "Big Bang" type of reform measures, the policy burden of theenterprise has not been stripped, or do not have the conditions to divest enterprise policy burden.Finally, we discuss the policy implications of the above model results. In the economic transition from plan economy to market economy, and inevitable market competition more intense, in this case, the policy burden of enterprises will inevitably bring about the issue of soft budget constraint, so enterprises, to the soft budget constraint hardening of enterprise must peel the policy burden of enterprises. But how to divest the enterprise's policy burden? From the above analysis we can see that the key from two aspects: one is to reduce the enterprise policy burden to the government to bring the benefits of B (L), or increase the government to allow enterprises to take the policy burden cost. B (L) in our model is exogenous, but obviously, B (L) size is also affected by external factors, such as economic system, if sufficient employment or social security system is perfect, so the necessity for the government to allow enterprises to maintain a large number of redundant personnel is reduced, the B (L at the same time) will be relatively small, if the whole society know to catch up with the price, the government gave up to catch up with the idea, then B (L) will decrease.Two is the financial constraint to hardened government, implementation relatively tight financial and fiscal policies of the government behavior, the purpose is to let the government bear the full cost of its subsidies to enterprises (0 1), for example, reduce government intervention in the financial system, the commercial financial institutions to become independent, the government subsidy of state-owned enterprisestool. In addition, the competitive pressures brought by the entry of WTO into the financial system also contribute to the commercial reform of the financial system.When has two above conditions, the government will have the enthusiasm to eliminate the policy burden of enterprises, but once the policy burden eliminated, the government is no longer on the loss of the enterprise responsibility, enterprise budget constraints also can be hardened, can improve the economic efficiency. From the above analysis, we can see why privatization in Russia without hardening budget constraints of enterprises, because it is not stripped of the policy burden of the enterprise, will only make the privatization of government subsidies increased financial pressure, leading to serious inflation and financial risks.Policy burden is the fundamental reasons existing in the enterprise in the transition countries of soft budget constraints, due to the government's strategy, so that our country to cancel the soft budget constraint of existing enterprises, and to avoid the soft budget constraint of new enterprises, must first give up the idea of catching up. Secondly, the right policy should be taken to remove the policy burden borne by state-owned enterprises. In the short term, is to accelerate the establishment of social security system, accelerate the development of labor-intensive small and medium-sized enterprises, to social policy to reduce the burden of stripping enterprise for the government and society to bring pressure; on the other hand, is to reduce government intervention in financial institutions and the financial system, the financial constraints of the government to reducethe risk of atherosclerosis. The financial system, and to create conditions for capital intensive enterprises excessive use of international capital or converting to labor intensive industry to solve the problem of viability of state-owned enterprises, state-owned enterprises to eliminate strategic policy burden.conclusionUnder the framework of a dynamic game, this paper modeled the theory of the policy burden and the soft budget constraint of Yifu Lin and its partners (1994, 1997 and 1999). The main conclusions of the article include: information asymmetry, incentive incompatibility, policy burden will inevitably lead to the moral hazard problem of enterprises, reduce the efficiency of the enterprise; further, if the degree of market competition is sufficient, policy burden will lead to soft budget constraints of enterprises, that is to say, in such a situation the former is the sufficient condition of the latter; not the public ownership of the soft budget constraint and the enterprise, contrary to the enterprise policy burden under the condition of private enterprise than state-owned enterprises are more prone to soft budget constraint, and the incentive to the government to more subsidies; when the state-owned enterprise policy burdens, the production manager ofstate-owned enterprises deprived of autonomy, such as production quotas, is often a suboptimal system arrangement, which explains why the country before the reform The reasons for the ownership of the enterprise, the factory director and the manager, as well as the ownership of the wealth, material, production, supply and marketing have been deprived. Further,in the logic framework of this paper we put forward the corresponding policy recommendations: in the process of economic transition, the degree of market deepening, to harden the soft budget constraint of state-owned enterprises, it must be the policy burden stripping of state-owned enterprises,To divest the policy burden of state-owned enterprises, we must abandon the idea of catching up, reduce the benefits of the government from the policy burden of state-owned enterprises, and harden the financial constraints of the government itself.。
政策性负担、道德风险与预算软约束1. 引言政策性负担、道德风险与预算软约束是经济学领域中一些重要概念。
2. 政策性负担政策性负担是指政府通过一些经济政策向特定群体转移资源或权益的行为。
3. 道德风险道德风险是指当个体或组织面临一定的制度约束时,由于其行为的道德性和正当性存在偏差,从而可能对其他人或集体产生不利影响的风险。
4. 预算软约束预算软约束是指政府在预算执行过程中面临的一种制约形式。
5. 政策性负担、道德风险与预算软约束的关系政策性负担、道德风险与预算软约束之间存在着一定的关系。
6. 应对政策性负担和道德风险的措施为了有效应对政策性负担和道德风险,需要采取一系列相应措施。
政策性负担与 长期预算软约束北京大学中国经济研究中心龚强徐朝阳内容摘要:传统预算软约束模型隐含假定借贷双方只进行一次合作,本文在重复博弈的框架下考察了借贷双方长期合作时的博弈行为,发现此时预算软约束和道德风险问题都将得到有效缓解。
他们认为,预算软约束是一个内生现象:由于时间非一致性问题(time inconsistent problem),政府或贷款者有积极性对未完工的无效率投资项目追加投资,从而导致预算软约束问题。
例如,Roland(2000)所著的《转型与经济学》教科书中,Dewatripont 和Maskin(1995)的理论框架就被当作一个基准模型贯穿全书。
关键词政策性负担预算软约束道德风险国有企业私有企业Policy Burden,Moral Hazard and Soft Budget ConstraintJustin Yifu Lin and Zhiyun Lee(CCER, Peking University)Abstract: We present a model of policy burden and soft budget constraint (SBC) that explains many stylized facts in socialist and transition economies. We find that in the condition of information asymmetry, policy burden will lead to the moral hazard of SOE managers and hence the low efficiency of SOEs; and when competition increases to certain degree, policy burden will definitely beget the SBC problems. Privatization will not necessarily eradicate the SBC problem of firms; on the contrary, a private firm with policy burdens will be more likely to bring SBC problems and ask for more subsidies from the government than a SOE in the same condition. We also prove that in socialist and transition economies, when the SOEs bear policy burdens, a restriction of the control power of SOE managers by the government, as a second-best institution arrangement, may improve the efficiency of SOEs and the social welfare.Key Words: Policy burden, Soft Budget Constraint, Moral Hazard, SOEs, Privatization政策性负担、道德风险与预算软约束摘要本文在一个动态博弈的框架下,考察了政策性负担与转轨经济中企业的预算软约束问题。
国有企业预算软约束的成因:文献综述作者:周苗苗来源:《新经济》 2016年第2期周苗苗摘要:随着我国市场经济的深入发展,我国已经进入到经济发展转型时期。
不具备 比较 优势 的资 本密 集型产 业 或
改革 的核 心 是什 么 ,我
林 毅 夫 曾 任 第 7 、 9届 全 国 政 产 业 区 段 所 形 成 的 负 担 。 中 国从 2 、8 O世
普 遍主 张 ,是 产权 制度 协 委 员 ( 0 5年 任 全 国 政 协 经 济 委 员 纪 5 0年 代 开 始 推 行 重 工 业 优 先 发 展 20 夫却 认 为 ,国有企 业 问 会 副主任 ) ,中国人权发展 基金会专 家 的战 略。 政府 为 了实 施重 工业优 先发 原 因 不仅 在 于 产 权 制 度 , 委 员 会 主 任 ,第三 世 界 科 学 院 院 士 , 展 的战略 ,就 必然会对经济 进行扭 曲, 分竞争 的外部环境。
林 毅 夫 的 金 改 革 超 产权 理论”
口/ 卢栎仁
系 学 习。 1 8 9 2年 , 林 毅 夫 怀 揣 北 京 道 德风险 与预 算软约 束 》 、《自生能 力、 大 学 硕 士 学 位 证 书 , 远 渡 重 洋 ,到 芝 经济 转型与新古典经济学的反思 》 、《自 加 哥 大 学 师从 舒 尔 茨 学 习 农业 经 济 ,
生能 力与 国企 改革 》 论 中 国经 济 改 、《
Байду номын сангаас
18 9 6获 得 美 国芝 加 哥 大 学 经 济 系博 士 革的 渐进 式道 路 》 论股 份制 与 国营 、《
学 位 ,1 8 9 7年 回国,成 为我 国改革开 大中型企业改革 》等。 放 后 的第一 个从 海外 归来 的经济 学博 士,1 8 — 1 9 7 0年任 国务 院农村发展 二 、 国 有 企 业 主 要 问 题 是 政 策 9 9
研 究 中 心 发 展 研 究 所 副 所 长 ,1 9 — 90 19 9 3年 任 国 务 院 发 展 研 究 中 心 农 村 部
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图1 预算软约束问题的因果链条图表来源:Kornai et al (2002)关于分析预算软约束问题的理论文章,Dewatripond和Maskin(1995)是一篇重要文献,这篇文献的重要贡献在于,它从动态承诺不一致的角度为分析预算软约束问题提供了一个一般性的分析框架。
然而,在东欧和俄罗斯都进行了大规模的私有化之后,预算软约束现象并没有消失,有不少企业从政府得到的补贴不减反增(World Bank 2002, 1996; Lavigne 1995),这些事实都已经说明产权并不是造成预算软约束的根本原因。
中国从50年代开始推行资本密集型的重工业优先发展的战略,然而当时中国却是一个资本非常稀缺、劳动力相对富余的经济,政府想要优先发展的重工业中的企业所从事的产业、以及所选择的技术都是同中国经济的比较优势相背离的,所以这些企业在开放、竞争的市场环境中缺乏自生能力(Lin 2003),国家为了推进资本密集的重工业优先发展的战略,就必然会对经济进行扭曲,人为压低利率、汇率、原材料价格等以降低重工业中企业的投资和经营成本,并且给与市场垄断地位以提高产品价格;但是,当市场化改革开始后,经济中的要素和产品价格逐渐由市场竞争决定,失去了这些补贴和保护以后,重工业企业缺乏自生能力,在开放竞争的市场中无法盈利的问题就由隐性变为显性,这便形成了国有企业的战略性政策负担。