高级口译听力第三版教程Roy读书笔记 Unit 1




Book OneUnit One10.Translate the following paragraph into Chinese.Socrates was a classical Greek philosopher who is credited with laying the fundamentals (基础) of modern Western philosophy. He is a mysterious figure known chiefly through the accounts of later classical writers, especially the writings of his most famous student Plato, Socrates has become well known for his contribution to the field of ethics. His method of teaching, known as the Socratic Method, by asking and answering questions to stimulate critical thinking and to explain ideas remains a commonly used tool in a wide range of discussions. He also made important and lasting contributions to the field of epistemology(认识论) and logic,and the influence of his ideas and approach remains a strong foundation for Western philosophy that followed. Socrates was the most colorful figure in the history of ancient philosophy. His fame was widespread in his own time, and his name soon became a household word although he constructed no philosophical system, established no school, and founded no sect(宗派).译文:苏格拉底是古希腊哲学家,被誉为现代西方哲学的奠基人。

Unit 1(英语听力教程第三版)

Unit 1(英语听力教程第三版)
the switchbord 5. switchbord: centrl pprtus t which telephone lines re connected nd
disconnected 6. clcultor: smll electronic device tht you use for doing mthemticl clcultions,
putting in telephone numbers, etc. 7. hunt round: look for 8. telephone directory: book listing the nmes, ddresses, nd telephone numbers of
the people nd businesses in prticulr re. 9. look up: serch for 10. hng on: continue witing
. You re going to her some recordings tht the telephone compny uses to tell you why you cll did not go through. Listen crefully nd write down ll the telephone
1. a. Mr. Rodgers, please.
b. I’ll call this afternoon.
c. This is Samuel Peterson.
2. a. Okay. I’ll call him right now.b
b. I’ll call him after lunch.
c. Okay. Lunch time is fine



Roy读书笔记之高口笔试温习策略Spot Dictation温习思路:单词写的又快又准又精,熟悉自己的书写适应,快速誊写练习内容:真题,《高级口译备考指南》,任何4-5个单词组成的词组,随时“动手”评分标准:只对名、动、形、副词直接扣分,其余错误作标记,酌情统一扣1-3分保底分数:70%,21分潜力指数:★★★★重要性指数:★★★Multiple Choice温习思路:踊跃预判,轻松笔记,果断选择练习内容:真题,CET,TOEFL评分标准:略保底分数:70%,14分新闻听力:新闻导语类+细节类潜力指数:★★★重要性指数:★★Note Taking and Gap Filling温习思路:awareness+ability+legibility+sustainability6分钟以上的持续有效笔记,层次图练习内容:真题,IELTS (lecture),真题MC Q16-20评分标准:略保底分数:40%,8分潜力指数:★★★★重要性指数:★★★★Sentence/Passage Translation温习思路:练习量+复述+句式归纳+熟练笔记练习内容:真题,Roy讲义,《中级口译备考指南》,《高级口译备考指南》评分标准:大体句子框架50%,细节补充50%保底分数:60%,18分潜力指数:★★★★重要性指数:★★★★★一句话归纳口译听力训练整体思路:“听得懂、记得下、记得住、说得快”-听得懂温习思路:背景知识熟悉,新闻套路熟练,听力有效辞汇量,适应各类发音现象练习内容:CNN,BBC,NPR及类似难度的精听训练,听抄(dictation),CET6辞汇--听力有效辞汇精听的步骤:-记得下温习思路:个人笔记适应训练,属于自己的笔记符号,熟悉常考套路练习内容:Roy讲义-记得住温习思路:以复述强化短时间经历,源语言复述,目口号言复述练习内容:任何语言输入,包括中文,以30-60秒为单位口译证书考试——笔试、阅读温习纲要题型考察:1. 全文总结能力main idea, best title, the author’s tone2. 部份总结能力举例、数据、引用、对照、比喻等写作手法的释义3. 信息定位能力对相应句子的paraphrase4. 综合推断能力“Which of the following is NOT true?”“Which of the following is true but not directly mentioned?”…做好高口阅读的几个关键点:1.相关利益人(stake-holders)概念的培育大体立场判定,以“政府打算对大学生助学贷款实行社会化、私有化”这一话题为例相关大学生/家庭,父母放贷机构政府主管部门/和谐者/监督者反对派/反对者其他观点持有者横向、纵向比较2.批判性思维(critical thinking)适应的培育对政府的监督约束对以盈利为导向的利益集体的行为与政策,加以监督约束对相对弱势,信息不对称的群体,更多关注,爱惜“I can do nothing else but to voice my care for you.”3.大体写作思路引出观点更具体地介绍报导,政策细节,产品研发进程,特点,理论假说论述,事件始末相关利益人陈述作者述评4.重要句式总结5.常见话题总结6.政府新政策7.写作套路A政府推出B政策,出于…缘故论述说明政策,出台进程相关利益人的反映,“各执一词”作者进行评论,横向纵向分析评论结论,凝视,疑心,弊大于利,短处不容轻忽,8.以往真题涉及内容-对烟草业暂缓加税-扶持某机构进行临床用干细胞研究-出台新的旨在减少青青年吸毒的政策-服刑人员实行早九晚五制度-警方开展改善黑人警察形象的行动-新产品,新科技9.写作套路A研究机构B专家对C话题进行研究并有所发觉“a room of scholars…”, “turf war”实际推行的压力凡涉及克隆、环保等话题的典型观点“What is medically possible may not be ethically wise.”新保守主义观点10.以往真题涉及内容。









翻译下半场section5,30分钟,3篇略长的简单文章,题数分布为3,3, 4,每题5分,多为summary 类,正常分数30分左右。

要求:外刊阅读Newsweek ,Times ,The Economist ,每天3-4段篇章特点:所有的文章都是围绕comflicts 进行的。

`英文文章分为fiction 和non-fiction 两种,其中non-fiction 包含facts 和opinion 两部分,进行辩论说理时主要针对opinion 部分-you can never deny a fact.段落的基本结构:英文文章是以段落为基础的。

篇章特点 题材scientfic 环保类非环保类privacycopy right protction 体裁(更重要) argument多为演绎法,先读论述部分,再度说理部分从科技话题引入,用于证明某种观点,引发社会的思考1. 阅读段落时应注意找出主题句,其他句子用于验证2. 说理部分应当区分道理和例子(例子可适当忽略)3. 在道理中应当区分要点和解释(重视要点)题型:1. 选择题 4+1(先读题,尽量不读选项,除非选项错误特征特别明显,标记题干)1) 主旨题thesis ,可用排除法,排除偏选项以偏概全和以全概偏; 2) Details (60%的细节题),主要有以下四类细节题:a. 转折 一般性,but, however, yet, nevertheless捎带暗示,despite, in spite of ,though, rather than, instead(of)纯粹暗示,without(否定转折)居然不是,却没有,until b. 因果(超强辨识) 一般性,because P85特殊词组,in light of语法,用来表强烈因果,如虚拟语气c. 立场P86.16文章是围绕conflicts 进行,一篇文章至少有正反两个观点。



Section A Text A Toward a brighter future for all1. Good afternoon! As president of the university, I am proud to welcome you to this university. Your achievement is the triumph of years of hard work, both of your own and of your parents and teachers. Here at the university, we pledge to make your educational experience as rewarding as possible.下午好!作为校长,我非常自豪地欢迎你们来到这所大学。



Words and phrase1. achievement n something very good and difficult that you have succeeded in doing:e.g. An Olympic silver medal is a remarkable achievement for one so young.2. triumph n being successful or victorious 成功,胜利shouts of triumphgreat achievement or success 成功one of the triumphs of modern sciencev. ~ (over sb/sth) be successful or victorioustriumph over one's difficulties 战胜困难.3. pledge v ~ sth (to sb/sth) (fml ) promise solemnly to give (support,etc); give (one's word, honour, etc) as a pledge 保证给予(支持等); 以(誓言﹑名誉等)作担保:pledge loyalty to the king 发誓效忠国王be pledged to keeping a secret 誓守秘密.~ sb/oneself (to sth/to do sth) promise solemnly that sb/one will do sth or support a cause, etc保证某人[自己]做某事或支持某事业等The Government has pledged itself to send aid to the famine victims. 政府已承诺赈济饥民.[Tn] leave (sth) with sb as a pledge典当(某物):He's pledged his mother's wedding ring.[Tn] (fml ) drink to the health of (sb); toast (sb) 为(某人)的健康祝酒; 向(某人)祝酒:pledge the bride (新娘)and bridegroom(新郎)4. rewarding adj giving you satisfaction, pleasure, or profit 值得的;有意义的;有回报的Our journey to the orphanage (孤儿院) was a very rewarding experience. Antonym: unrewardingSynonym: satisfying5. as...as possible as + adj / adv +as ; as + adj + n + as 尽力做某事的意思We have to run as fast as possible.Can you say it as loudly as possible?I hope you’ll stay as long as possible.We need as many apples as possible.You must come back as soon as possible.Word formation note:adj suffix -ing1. -ing加在某些transitive verb后,构成adj,主要用于表示事物的性质或特征,或某物或某事给人的感觉、情感、印象等。

高等教育出版社英语听力教程1第三版unit1 (课堂PPT)

高等教育出版社英语听力教程1第三版unit1 (课堂PPT)
A. You are going to hear some recordings that the telephone company uses to tell you why your call did not go through. Listen carefully and write down all the telephone numbers you hear and the reasons why the calls did not go through.
Woman: __4_2_6_6_1___. Girl: What?
Woman: I said __4_2_6_6_1___. Girl: OK. Thank you.
3. Woman: My husband’s broken his leg. Man: What’s your phone __n_u_m__b_e_r_?
temporarily disconnected 暂时停机 changed to an unpublished number 更换号码(新号码是非 公开的)
Sometimes even when a telephone call goes through, the caller is still unable to speak to the person being called. Instead, the call might be answered by a machine. An answering machine answers calls with a tape recording, and many answering machines also allow the caller to record a message. It’s more efficient to leave your name and telephone number than to waste your time calling again and again.















口译笔记的注意事项:1. 口译笔记必须与理解和记忆结合才有效。




2. 口译笔记记的是意思而非个别词,笔记记录的应该是提示自己回忆的符号或文字,而非原文听写。

3. 口译笔记要重视逻辑关系和上下文联系,这对原文的理解和口译表述有很大的帮助。

4. 关联词没有记下,或没有放在显著位置,导致译文支离破碎,没有逻辑二、口译笔记符号系统的设计原则:1. 简而精。


2. 清楚易懂好区分。


三、口译笔记符号系统的设计方法:1. 关系词不用文字而只用符号:因果∵∴(∵表示“因为,由于,原因是”∴表示“所以,如此,结果是”)转折//并列递进+ 列举{包括( )否定×肯定√导致→关于@大于>(多于,大于,强于等)小于<(少于,小于,不如等)之前→"达到,至,导致,前进等"之后←(表示"返回,倒退等")相当于=(等于,相同,与...相同/相当) 有差异不同于≠,数学符号:+,-,(﹢表示"加,增加,此外,另外,又加之等"﹣表示"减少,减等")⊥(基础)-其他符号:下划线(以……为基础),上划线(在……情况下或形势下),着重号(重视/强调,或者作为副词、形容词的提示符号等意思)↑表示"上升,快速上升,快速发展,快速上涨等"↓表示"下降,减少,急剧下降,急速下跌等"↗表示"缓慢上升,缓慢发展,缓慢上涨等"2. 高频词以大写字母缩写为主,象形符号或汉字为辅:工业 I 或工农业 A 或农经济 E感谢 T祝贺 C会议 M 改革开放 RO(即reform and opening up)中国中国家□世界○(世界/全球/领域/国家)主席 h荣幸 :世界贸易组织WTO, 3S(持续、快速、健康发展的个人缩写形式,即,sustained, sound and rapid)T 表示thousand M 表示 million b 表示 billion1st 表示 first3.单词的一部分:telecom,com + edu (communication and education)等等4.意思上有关联的词组和短语可以将多个符号结合为一体:发展中国家□→DD(Developed countries) 发达国家□↑DG (Developing Countries) 世界瞩目○:重要的经济政策 !5. 多个词代表同一个概念时要统一使用一个符号:高兴、荣幸、骄傲、乐观 :)会谈、会议、大会 M-自创符号:⌒(得到控制,防控等意思),B˚(右上角的˚表示人,B˚即商人、商人士,C˚可指中国人民,依次类推)口译笔记到底应该记什么?首先就是要将听到的话语按照意思记下来。



大学英语精读第三版第一册课后习题全部答案Unit11)e2)g3)j4)a5)b6)i7)c8)d9)h10)f1) handling2) summarized3) process4) absorb5) are bound to6) feel free7) for instance8) strategies9) complained10) has committed to memory11) Nevertheless12) rely on13) Apart from14) command1) over and over again2) at a time3) put it into practice4) watching out for5) by no means6) concentrate on7) In addition t8) in detail1)action2)employ3)announce4)examination5)communication6)express7)compose8)improvement9)concentration10)management11)consider12)motivate13)development14)movement15)discuss16)operate17)division18)production19)educate20)repeat1) additional2) add3) addition4) addition1) effectively2) effect3) effective4) effect1) helpful2) help3) helpless4) help5) helplessly6) helpfully7) helpful1) reliant2) reliable3) reliance reliable4) relies5) reliably6)1) repetition2) repeating3) repeatedly4) repeated5) repetition1) In my opinion2) According to Mary3) In our opinion4) According to today's papers5) In most doctors' opinion According to most doctors1) Shakespeare was not only a dramatist but also an actor.2) Miss Crain not only took me home in her car, but also came the next day to see if I had recovered.3) Hainan Island attracts tourists not only in winter but also in summer.4) There is always a black market not only in Britain, but also in other European countries.5) At the Athens Olympics in 2004, Liu Xiang not only won a gold medal in the 110-meter hurdles, but also broke the Olympic record.1) It is true that your sentences are all grammatically correct, but they don’t make any sense.2) It is true that they lost that battle, but they still went on fighting.3) It is true that Tom’s very clever and hardworking, but I still don’t think he is the right person for the job.4) It is true that learning English is by no means easy, but we can make the task easier by using some learning strategies.1) strategies2) frequently3) over and over again4) commit to memory5) acquaintance6) watch out for7) communicate8) process9) opportunities10) rely on11) put into practice12) absorbed1) if2) about3) it4) know5) up6) as7) addition8) even9) into10) other11) for12) while1) memorize2) a matter of3) taught4) shelf5) realize6) written7) idiomatic8) join in9) difference10) gain a good command翻译1) 史密斯太太对我抱怨说,她经常发现与自己十六岁的女儿简直无法沟通。



英语高级口译听力笔记英语高级口译听力笔记英语高级口译听力笔记note-taking and gap filling:culture/ set/ behavior/ value/ society/ share culture/ primary behavior, practice/ difference/ socially acceptable behavior/different countriesglobal/ travel/ emergence/ multinational organizationcultural differencetherefore/ different/ socially acceptable business behavior business behavior/ vary/ different culturessay no/ different countriessocially unacceptable/ say no/ even/ ultimate answer/ negativejapan/ never/ say no/ each other/ business people from other countriesprolonged discussionuntil/ negativejapanese businessman/ agreenegotiation/ resumeamerican/ value decisivenessdecision/ effectiveamerican/ say no/ quicklyoffensive/ people/ discussion/ vary/ different cultures/ countriesbusiness/ physically closer/ familiarfrequently/ two businessmen/ business negotiationbusiness between japan and latin american countriesclose/ judge/ closer/ agreement/ business negotiationphysically/ stand/ sitamerica/ dislike/ others/ invade/ personal space/ esp. menif/ businessman/ japan/ move towards american businessman/ back awayconsequently/ suspicion of each other/ poor communicationbusiness card/ different significance/ different countries japanese/ exchange/ business card/ important ritualmost important person/ exchange business card firstmanagers/ note/ details/ thorough10-15 minutes/ exchange business card/ qualification/ experienceanswer questions/ compliment each otheramerican business people/ collect business cardview/ information/ importantaccept/ quickly/ 2-3 secondscoat pocket/ glance/ later/ office/ examine/ detailsfinally/ cultures/ ethical behavior/ unethicalamerica/ bribe/ unethical/ illegalcharge/ criminal activity/ jail/ crimeemployee/ caught/ taking bribe/ fine/ a lot of moneyother countries/ different attitudes/ briberyeurope/ business gift/ acceptable/ conduct businessdetails vary/ different countries/ europeexample/ spain/ bribe/ regular business/ illegal/ law/ not concerngermany/ people/ bribe/ business/ deduct/ income taxnecessary expense/ business organizationbribe/ common/ government officialssentence translation1 与其他许多国家一样,英国在犯罪现象方面呈上升趋势,2003年,警方接到报告的暴力事件是20年前的5倍.2 帮助贫困人群,应当从帮助其子女开始入手,因为很多贫困家庭的子女无法享受良好的教育,而如果能帮助他们得到好的教育,他们就可以实现自助.3 今天,我们将一起探讨社会福利在瑞典与瑞士这两个欧洲国家所起到的作用. 这两个经济体都可被成为福利国家,或是由民主掌控的社会主义.4 自二战以来,法国实行被成为指导市场经济的制度,既国家通过某些措施,如选择部分工业对其实行国有化等,对市场经济进行指导与调控.5 吸烟严重有害人体健康.在美国,导致本来可预防的死亡原因中,吸烟是最突出的一条.每年吸烟导致40万美国人死亡,另有1千万人遭到吸烟相关疾病的困扰.passage translation1 澳大利亚是世界六大旅游目的地之一.到2005年,旅游业将成为该过第二大支柱产业. 2000年至2002年,到澳大利亚旅游的外国游客总数上升了50%. 2003年,外国游客总数突破一千九百一十万.64%的游客来自欧洲与北美.其余多位亚洲及世界其他地方的游客.商务旅游占来自海外游客总收入的1/5. 澳大利亚的旅游胜地包括: 剧院,博物馆,艺术馆,历史名胜,购物中心,体育场馆,各类商务场所等.2 何以谓之健康?最简单的定义,莫过于无病痛之患.此乃简单的医学上定义的健康,既经过诊断治疗,没有疾病的困扰.无疑该定义是狭隘的,因其仅考虑了生理上的健康既无疾病.世界卫生组织给出了更为广泛的定义.所谓健康,是指这样一种状态,包括了更全面的生理、心理、情绪、社会、智力、环境、精神等方面的健康良好状态.对上述方面进行综合考虑,一个人才更为完整地拥有健康.因此,良好的健康应包括,与自我,与他人,与环境,均保持和谐融洽的关系,这样才能在生活中最大可能地收获.英语高级口译听力笔记相关内容:。



Unit 1 Fresh StartText A Toward a Bright Future for AllBefore readingBefore reading Text A, you may need to know the following things to help you with a better understanding.American higher educationIn the United States, students can choose to go to college after high school. (They can also choose to go straight to the workforce after high school.) They have the option of attending a two-year community college before applying to a four-year university. Admission to community college is easier, tuition is lower, and class sizes are often smaller than at a university. Community college students can earn an associate degree and transfer up to two years of course credits to a university.College and university students need to pay tuition, but many earn scholarships or receive loans. Although admissions policies vary from one university to another, most determine admission based on several criteria, including a student's high school course of study, high school Grade Point Average (GPA), participation in extracurricular activities, SAT (Scholastic Assessment Test) or ACT (American College Testing) exam scores, a written essay, and possibly a personal interview with a representative from the admissions office.Most students in the United States take the SAT Reasoning Test or the ACT during their final year of high school. Each university sets a minimum SAT or ACT score that a student must achieve in order to gain admission. These are standardized quantitative examinations. The SAT tests critical reading, mathematics, and writing skills. The ACT tests English, mathematics, reading, science reasoning, and includes an optional writing test.Extracurricular activities may include scholastic clubs, athletic teams, student government, and philanthropic clubs. V oluntary participation in these kinds of activities is an indication that a student has learned valuable life lessons, such as teamwork, leadership, or civic responsibility.University students pursuing a bachelor's degree are called "undergraduates"; students pursuing a master's or doctoral degree are called "graduate students". Most universities give undergraduate students a liberal education, which means students are required to take courses across several disciplines before they specialize in a major field of study. Graduate and professional programs, such as medicine or law, are specialized. All degree programs require students to complete a minimum number of credit hours before graduating.Selection for admission to a graduate program is based on several criteria. These include completion of a bachelor's degree, the student's undergraduate coursework and GPA. Students are also expected to write an essay as part of their application or to submit a writing sample. Most master's programs require students to have a minimum score on the Graduate Record Examination(GRE), which tests verbal reasoning, quantitative reasoning, critical thinking, and analytical writing skills.Students continue to take courses at the graduate level. A final thesis is required for most master's programs. Doctoral students take courses until they have earned enough credit hours to attempt their qualifying examinations. These are usually taken over several days and often include a written and oral component. After doctoral students pass their qualifying exams, they are advanced to candidacy and can begin writing their dissertation. Before the degree is given, the completed dissertation must be orally defended before the candidate's faculty committee.Vera WangVera Wang (王薇薇, 1949- ) is aChinese-American fashion designer. Shewas born and raised in New York City.While trained as a figure skater in highschool, she eventually earned a degree in arthistory from Sarah Lawrence College in1971. But a career in fashion was her dream.She worked as a senior fashion editorfor Vogue magazine for 15 years. In 1985,she left Vogue and joined Ralph Lauren as adesign director for two years. In 1990, she opened her own design salon in New York, and featured her trademark bridal gowns. Wang has made wedding gowns for many celebrities and public figures, such as Jennifer Lopez (珍妮弗•洛佩兹), Sharon Stone (莎朗•斯通) and Chelsea Clinton (切尔西•克林顿).Detailed study of the textPara.1. Good afternoon! As president of the university, I am proud to welcome you to this university. Your achievement is the triumph of years of hard work, both of your own and of your parents and teachers. Here at the university, we pledge to make your educational experience as rewarding as possible.下午好!作为校长,我非常自豪地欢迎你们来到这所大学。

高级口译第三版教程1 梅德明

高级口译第三版教程1 梅德明

高级口译第三版教程梅德明著目录Unit One Reception 外事接待 (3)Unit Two Ceremonial Speech (10)Passage One (10)Unit Three Business Negotiation ................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

Unit Four Tourism .......................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

Unit Five Conference Address .................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

Unit Six Publicity and Presentation ............................................ 错误!未定义书签。

Unit Seven Tour and Visit参观访问............................................. 错误!未定义书签。

Unit Eight 人物访谈Interview ................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

Unit Nine Cultural Exchange ...................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

Unit Ten Science Report ............................................................. 错误!未定义书签。



Unit1 奔向更加光明的未来下午好!作为校长,我非常自豪地欢迎你们来到这所大学。























剑桥国际英语教程第三版听力 Unit 1

剑桥国际英语教程第三版听力  Unit 1

Unite 1 Please call me BethExercise 1 Where are you from?Hello, I am David Garza. I am a new club member.Hi, My name is Elizabeth Sliva. Please call me Beth.OK, Where are you from, Beth?Brazil. How about you?I am from Mexico.Oh, I love Mexico. It’s really Beautiful.Thanks. So is Brazil.Oh good. Sun Hee is here.Who is Sun Hee?She is my classmate. We are in the same math class.Where is she from? Let’s go and say hello. Sorry, what’s your last name again? Garcia? Actually, it’s Garza.How do you spell that?G-A-R-Z-A.Exercise 2 SpeakingI am sorry. What’s your name again?It’s a Elisabeth Silva.What do people call you?Everyone calls me Beth.How do you spell last name?S-I-L-V-AExercise 3 What’s Souel like?Sun Hee, this is David Garza. He is a new club member from Mexico.Nice to meet you, David. I am Sun Hee Park.Hi, So you from South Korea.That’s right. I am from Souel.That’s cool. What’s Souel like?It’s really nice. It’s big and very exciting.So, David where are you from?I am from Mexico.Really? What’s city?Mexico city.Woo, what’s like there?It’s a very interesting city.Is it big?Yes, it’s big but I like it love.Exercise 4 PronunciationI am a new club member.Sun Hee is over there.My name is Elisabeth Silva.Excerise 5 Grammer focusI am from Mexico. You are from Brazil. He is from Japan.She is a new club member.It’s an exciting city.We are in the same class.They are my classmates.I’m=I am you’re=you are he’s=he is she’s=she is it’s=it is we’re=we are there’re=there areWh-questions with beWhat’s your name? My name is Beth.Where’s your friend? He is in class.Who’s Sun Hee? She is my classmate.What are your classmates like? They are very nice.Where are you and Loise from? We are from Brazil.How are your classes? They are really interesting.Exercise 7 How’s it going?Hi, David, how’s it going?Fine, thanks. How are you?Pretty good. So are your classes interesting this semester?Yes, they are. I really love chemistry.Chemistry? Are you and Beth in the same class?No, we are n’t. My class is in the morning. Her class is in the afternoon.Listen, I am on my way to the cafeteria now. Are you free?Sure, Let’s go.Exercise 8 Grammer FocusYes-No questions and showed answers with beAre you free? Yes, I am. No, I am not.Is David from Mexico? Yes he is. No he is not. No, he isn’t.Is that class in the morning? Yes, it is. No, it is not. No, it isn’t.Are you and Beth in the same class? Yes We are. No, we aren’t. No, we are not.Are classes interesting? Yes, they are. No, they are not. No, they aren’t.Exercise 10 Lestening What’s your last name again?John, this is my Friend Linda Tanaka. We are in the same English class.Hi Linda, I am Johnsonful Miller. Everyone calls me John.Nice to meet you, John. And what’s your last name again?It’s Miller. M-I-L-L-E-R.Where are you from, John?I am from here, United States. Actually Chicago. How do you like Chicago.I love it. It’s my favourite city.。

高级口译听力第三版教程Roy读书笔记 Unit 3

高级口译听力第三版教程Roy读书笔记 Unit 3

高级口译听力第三版教程Roy读书笔记Unit 3Part One, Tourism in Britain叙述,英国旅游业,多次作为句子与段落听译在真题中出现题型:A 选择,B 填空难度:★★★Notes:1,contribute …to,这里表示带来…产值2,gross domestic product, 即GDP,国内生产总值3,account for,占…4,package holidays, 旅行社包办一切的一揽子旅游,套餐旅游5,long-haul holidays,长途旅游,long-haul本身除表示长途,也可表示长时间6,Caribbean,加勒比海7,air fares,机票费用8,codes of conduct,行为准则9,the Office of Fair Trading,公平交易办事处10,resolve complaints,解决争议,处理投诉11,independent arbitration,独立仲裁Part Two, Where Are You Planning on Traveling?对话,共两部分,旅行社与游客之间关于旅行事宜的对话题型:填空难度:★★Notes:1,airline rates,机票价格2,21-day advance purchase,提前21天购买3,round trip,往返,又,single trip单程4,ticketing deadline,出票截止时间5,claim check,行李认领凭证Part Three, Stories about Travel对话:旅行中发生的故事(明显是节选,开头显得有些突兀)题型:T/F难度:★★☆(故事性强,线索不难把握,但较松散,似乎与高口实考风格不太相符;飞机sick及如何“粗暴”解决一段饶有兴味)Notes:1,extended business trip: 时间较长的商务旅行2,Central Park: 中央公园,位于纽约曼哈顿3,Oslo: 奥斯陆,挪威首都4,Stockholm: 斯德哥尔摩,瑞典首都5,departure lounge: 机场离港旅客候机厅6,Heathrow: 伦敦西斯罗机场,代号LHR7,manifesto: 航班信息8,fully compensated: 全额赔偿9,escort: 陪同10,knock back the gin and the whisky: 这里表示饮酒,喝杜松子酒和威士忌11,screwdriver: 螺丝起子12,aisle: 中间走廊,过道Part Four, Booking Accommodation 叙述:游客向宾馆前台订房间,较容易题型:A. 选择B. 填空难度:★★Notes:1,trade fair: 商品交易会2,balcony: 阳台3,wheelchair: 轮椅4,accessible: 这里表示可供残疾人方便出入5,telex: 电传Part Five, Changes in Transportation 叙述:Changes in Transportation以往高口听力NT/GF真题题型:NT/GF难度:★★★☆现场笔记草稿(图)Part Six, Listening and Translation难度:★★★★现场笔记草稿(图)。



Unit 11.选词填空explore(v.勘探,探测 )transmit(v.传送,传递,传播 )resource(n.资源 ) emerge(v.出现,为···所公认 )yield(v.产生,出产,屈从,让步 )pose(v.摆姿势,导致 )assume(v. 认为,假定,假设 ) confidence(n.信任信赖,自信心 ) inherit(v.沿袭,秉承,继承 )comprehensive(a.综合的,多方面的 )1.Given the chance to show his ability, he regained confidence and began to succeed in school.2.It is so difficult to explore the bottom of the ocean because some parts are very deep.3.It was about 30 seconds before Alex emerged from the water; we were quite scared.4.We often assume that when other people do the same things as we do, they do them forthe same reasons; but this assumption is not always reasonable.5.There is widespread concern that the rising unemployment may pose a threat to social stability.6.After a(n)comprehensive physical exam, my doctor said I was in good condition exceptthat my blood pressure was a little high.7.It is well known that China is a country with rich natural resources and a very big population.8.Some people believe that the earth can yield enough food to support at least twice its present population.9.Saminherited the gift of imagination from his family, but he lacked the driving powerto take action.10. A bee that has found honey is able to transmit to other bees the information they need in order to collect the honey.2.15 选 10attain赢得,获得,得到 fascinating迷人的,吸引人fulfill履行,执行pursue 追求,致力于available可获得的可利用的qualify使合适,合格raise提升,增加passion强烈的爱好,热爱virtually实际上classify分类归类acquire获得,取得,学到fashionable流行的especially特别的sample样品,标本prosperous繁荣的University students come from different parts of the country with various purposes.However, a closer look at their reasons for studying at the university will enable us to(1) classify them roughly into three groups: those who have a(n)(2) passion for learning, those who wish to(3) attain a bright future,and those who learn with no definite purpose. Firstly,there are many students who learn simply because they (4) pursue their goal of learning.Someread a wealth of British and American novels because they are keenly interested in literature.Others sit in front of the computer screen, working on a new program, (5)virtually day and night, because they find some computer programs (6) fascinating, and they dream of becoming a "Bill Gates" one day. Secondly,there are students who work hard mainly for a better and more (7) prosperous future.It seems that the m ajority of students fall into this group. After admission to the university, they read books after books to (8)acquire knowledge from allof the resources which are (9)available to them, and finally, to succeed in the future job market. Thirdly, there are still some students who learn without a clear goal. They takeor challenging. They have no idea what they will be doing after college. And they mayend up with nothing in their lives.3. 选词组open the door to给···以机会in advance预先,提前all at once同时,一下子reap the benefits (of)得享(某事物)的好处 make the most of 最大限度的利用某物over time逐渐地,慢慢地get by 过活,活的去stand a chance (of)有(做成某事)的希望remind ... of使某人想起take pleasure in乐于做某事1. My family got by on my father's unemployment benefit after he lost his job.2. Many subway riders read books or listen to music in order to make the most of their time on the way to work.3.In order to make sure he would be able to attend the meeting, I called him up two weeksin advance.4.Experts say our companyis amazing in that sales have been increasing steadily over time .5.In order to reap the benefits of the physical exercise, you have to exercise regularly, and for at least half an hour each time.6.They all tried to talk all at once, but I couldn't hear anything they said.7.Yellow flowers in the field always remind meof my childhood in the countryside.8.We have been practicing for so long and so hard that our team should stand a chance of winning the game.9.Research on genes will open the door to exciting new medical treatments.10. Every one of you has madea contribution and I take pleasure in acknowledging what each of you has done to make this academic convention such a success.4.翻译Socrates was a classical Greek philosopher who is credited with laying t he fundamentals(基础 )of modern Western philosophy.He is a mysterious figure known chiefly t hrough the accounts of later classical writers,especially the writings of h is most famous student Plato.Socrates has become well known for his contri bution to the field of ethics.His method of teaching,known as the Socrat ic Method,by asking and answering questions to stimulate critical thinking and to explain ideas remains a commonly used tool in a wide range of disc ussions.He also made important and lasting contributions to the field of e pistemology(认识论 )and logic,and the influence of his ideas and approach remains a stron g foundation for Western philosophy that followed.Socrates was the most col orful figure in the history of ancient philosophy.His fame was widespreadin his own time,and his name soon became a household word although he co nstructed no philosophical system,established no school,and founded no sect (宗派).苏格拉底是古希腊哲学家,被誉为现代西方哲学的奠基人。

高级口译听力第三版教程Roy读书笔记 Unit 4

高级口译听力第三版教程Roy读书笔记 Unit 4

高级口译听力第三版教程Roy读书笔记Unit 4Part One, About a Language Test叙述,听力考试须知,考试流程介绍题型:A T/F,B 填空难度:★★Notes:1,supervisor,督导,这里表示监考老师2,if your pen has run out,钢笔没有墨水3,correcting fluid,修正液4,examination index number,考试编号5,go like a flash,这里表示时间过的很快,飞逝Part Two, What Makes a Good Language Learner?叙述,语言学习中的动机、个性、学习技能与独立性等因素题型:笔记填空难度:★★★(转化为笔记、复述练习,难度★★★★)Notes:1,eternal,永恒的,ever-lasting, perpetual2,characteristic,特征,feature3,instrumental motivation,工具型动机,比如出于通过考试的目的而学习英语4,integrative motivation,融合型动机,比如为了移民而学习英语5,extrovert,外向(的人)6,tyranny,暴政,专治,这里表示课堂教学中教师掌控一切7,conversely,相反地8,plateau,高原,稳定,这里表示停滞不前,瓶颈现场笔记草稿(图)Part Three, Differences in North American English叙述:北美各地英语的差别题型:笔记填空难度:★★★☆转化为笔记、复述,难度★★★★☆(起始、结尾关于北美大陆的介绍、demographic information、各地英语差异的整体介绍,重要性要高于涉及到个别单词发音差别的文字)Notes:1,accent,口音2,vowel,元音3,past tense,过去式4,groceries,杂货5,interfere with,干扰现场笔记草稿(图)Part Four, Functions of Language叙述:语言的功能题型:NT/GF难度:★★★☆Notes:1,railway compartment,火车车厢2,analysis of climatic conditions,对天气情况的分析3,embarrassing,令人尴尬的4,in the company of someone,在某人的陪伴下,某人在场的情况下5,acquainted with,与…熟悉6,neutral topic,中立、中性的话题7,strained,紧张的8,strike up a relationship,建立某种关系,结识9,subconsciously,潜意识里10,make intelligent guesses,猜的准,猜的八九不离十11,companion,同伴12,formulate,整理,组成,表达13,“clue-bearing” role,带有交流线索的角色(未查到术语的语言学对等译文,存疑)14,reflections,体现,反映现场笔记草稿(图)Part Five, Learning Italian 对话:成人学生学习意大利语的体会题型:选择题难度:★★☆Notes:1,an awful lot,特别多2,pick it up,这里表示重新学习掌握该语言3,adventurous,有冒险精神的,不怕犯错的4,hoot,原指猫头鹰叫声,这里表示嘲讽Part Six, Listening and Translation难度:★★★★现场笔记草稿(图)。



maintain 保持prestige 声望whereby 其中nominate提名inhibit抑制patriotic爱国的pursuit追求dedication奉献endeavor努力transcend超越1. Most cities in the country have introduced "Clean AirZones" (whereby) factories and households are only allowed to burn smokeless fuel.全国大多数城市都实行了“洁净空气区”,工厂和家庭只允许燃烧无烟燃料。

2. He knows that the (pursuit) of social status can consume vast amounts of histime and effort.他知道追求社会地位可以消耗他大量的时间和精力。

3. The doctors are at a loss because so far no medicine has been found to(inhibit) the spread of the disease.医生们感到困惑,因为到目前为止还没有发现能抑制这种疾病蔓延的药物。

4. We see many special education directors trying to (maintain) the quality oftheir programs with much less money and much smaller staff.我们看到许多特殊教育主管试图用少得多的钱和少得多的职员来维持他们的节目质量。

5. People there are told it is their (patriotic) duty to support the national economyby buying their own products.那里的人们被告知,通过购买自己的产品来支持国民经济是他们的爱国责任。

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高级口译听力第三版教程Roy读书笔记Unit 1Part One, About Cambridge University对话,剑桥大学简介题型:A选择题,B对错判断题(T/F)难度:★★☆Notes:1, a quarter of a mile 注意a quarter of在听力中需要快速反应,比如a quarter million表示25万2,chapel, King’s College Chapel 见插图/chapel/3,don’t walk on the grass在实际场景中的表达方式为“Off the Grass”4,fellow一词在本篇中的意思为教员,又,research fellow研究员5,bursar表示大学里掌管财务的人,财务主任,会计。

An official in charge of funds, as at a college or university; a treasurer. 助记,bursar---purse(钱包) Middle English burser, from Medieval Latin bursārius, from Late Latin bursa, purse.6,permanently表示永久性地,=perpetually7,Trinity College表示“三一学院”,trinity一词来自基督教,tri-,三位一体,Holy Father, Holy Son, Holy Ghost,圣父圣子圣灵。

8,be steeped in the past表示沉浸在过去,这里steep做动词,to make thoroughly wet; saturate. 9,Cambridge Science Park,剑桥科学园/10,choir 唱诗班,注意发音[5kwaiE] 并与chorus家务事区别开。

11,the Bridge of Sighs 叹息桥见以下网络资料/view/619853.htm如果说到和英国有关的话,那我觉得你应该指的是康河上的叹息桥,也就是剑桥大学所在地剑桥城的叹息桥。


据说,维多利亚女王参观这座桥时,赞叹不已:“这么秀丽!这么别致!”叹息桥位于圣·约翰学院,建于1831年,连接了该学院的老庭(The Old Court)与新庭。














2002年出版的一本剑桥大学的画册,在叹息桥图片下方的文字说明中,还专门强调:圣·约翰学院这座叹息桥没有给她的学生带来任何的折磨或处罚!补充练习:剑桥大学简介/wiki/University_of_CambridgeThe University of Cambridge is the second-oldest university in the English-speaking world. It is regarded as one of the world's leading academic institutions. The University grew out of an association of scholars in the city of Cambridge that was formed, in 1209 by scholars leaving Oxford. The two universities also have a long history of rivalry with each other. Academically, Cambridge is consistently ranked in the world's top 5 universities. It has traditionally been an academic institution of choice of the Royal Family and has produced 82 Nobel Laureates to date, more than any other university throughout the world. (100 words)剑桥大学是英语世界里第二古老的大学,也被认识是世界上顶级的学术机构。





(2007全球大学排名/rank/2007/ARWU2007_Top100.htm)Quiz: 以下哪几位不是剑桥大学毕业生?A. Prince CharlesB. Bill ClintonC. Charles DarwinD. Stephen HawkingE. Francis Bacon答案:B D,克林顿与霍金均为牛津大学毕业Part Two Cornell University对在康奈尔大学求学学生的建议题型:Spot Dictation,也是2001年3月高口笔试听力Spot Dictation实考真题难度:★★★没有生僻或难度特别大的词。


现场笔记草稿(图)补充:Cornell University 康奈尔大学/OverviewFounded 1865 By Ezra Cornell and Andrew Dickson White.Opened 1868 Morrill Hall was the first building constructed on the main Ithaca campus, which today includes more than 260 major buildings on 745 acres.Identity PublicandprivateCornell is the federal land-grant institution of New York State, a privateendowed university, a member of the Ivy League/Ancient Eight, and apartner of the State University of New York. It has been described asthe first truly American university because of its founders'revolutionarily egalitarian and practical vision of higher education, andis dedicated to its land-grant mission of outreach and public service.Collegesand schools 14Seven undergraduate units and four graduate and professional units inIthaca, two medical graduate and professional units in New York City,and one in Doha, Qatar.Part Three Women Teachers in Primary Schools对话,小学女教师的职业发展难度:★★摘要:Do men get promoted far quicker than women in primary schools?Yes. (支持依据:in the primary sector there are far more women teachers than men but there are more headmasters than headmistresses)What are the possibilities of promotion for women teachers?Lower School, with children who are aged from 3 to 7, before they are transferred to junior department.Do you have ambition to be a headmistress?No. Enjoying being a teacher. Prefer to be in the classroom …than doing administrationAre you please to have primary teaching as a career? Any advice for young prospective teachers?Pleased. (第二个问题没有回答)Notes:1,full circle表示back to one's starting point,绕个圈又回到起点。

2,sector表示部门3,largish, = fairly large 相当大的4,be committed to,致力于,投入于5,ambitious 有野心的,雄心勃勃的6,follow in one’s footsteps 追随…的脚步Part Four When I was at Harrow话题:叙述,男生在Harrow学院的经历题型:选择,填空难度:★★★重点在于了解此类寄宿制私立学校的培养学生的目标,对sports的偏好(强身健体,锻炼团队合作意识与领导能力),对gentleman的定义(摈弃一味读书的swot形象)等。
