ByteDance01. Introduction 02.03.04.Name & Image05.Awareness LoyaltyStretchingand Range06.07. Placement & EndorsementLaunch & Lifecycle01. IntroductionIntroductionByteDance is a Chinese technology company that was founded in March 2012 by Zhang Yiming. It is best known for its content platforms such as Toutiao, Douyin, TikTok and others.•ByteDance was founded in anapartment called Jin Qiu Jia Yuan. There,he and his team created Toutiao, whichbecame an instant hit and broughtByteDance to the attention of investors.•Today, ByteDance has become the topunicorn on the Hurun Unicorn List, witha market value far exceeding that of thesecond-place SpaceX by 50 million USdollars.2012Launched Toutiao 2014Rasied $100million inSeries B2016Launched Douyin2017Acquired Musical.ly202has over 60 thousand employees across more than 180 cities in 30 countries 2020hired Kevin Mayerformer head of Disney sstreaming business,as the chief operating officerNovember 2018became the world s mostvaluable startupAugust 2018Merged Musical.ly withDouyin and rebrand itas Tiktok02.Name & Image of ByteDanceWhy TikTok ?•A play on tick-tock•Short & repetitive syllables•Implication of short videos•Energetic and creative•Superior naming technique•Greater appeal and higher exposureto products!Slogan: Make your day In the US(2023):•Over 1.5 billionregistered users •An average usetime of 90minutes dailyHowever... Governments in countries like the United States have been opposed to TikTok for a long timeOn Mar. 24, TikTok's CEO attended a congressional hearing where he was grilled for hours, facing the suspicion and accusation due to the Chinese ownership of ByteDance.03. LoyaltyBytedance has a huge user base. Its products, including Douyin, Toutiao and TikTok, enjoy high user activity and loyaltyworldwide.According to the public records of App Annie, a third-party market data agency, the overseasversion of Douyin has covered more than 150 countries and regions around the world, and has ranked among the top app stores in more than 40 countries.User engagement•Bytedance's products also have a high level of user engagement, with many interactive and social elements embedded in them to facilitate interaction and communicationbetween users.Bytedance's products have a strong reputation amongusers, who generally speak highly of their content and experience.User reputation04.Stretching and RangeBytedancecovering a wide range of fields, includingFeishu,Tiktok, Toutiao, Volcano video, face camera, Wukong Questions and moreStretching and RangeBytedance has a certain user baseand market share worldwideFor example, TikTok has high user activity globally, and in India, TikTok has launchedproducts like TikTok Lite to cater to the low-end market. In addition, ByteDance hasfurther expanded its market position through acquisitions or investments, such asMusical.ly and News RepublicIn addition to its success in short video and news, ByteDance has expanded into other categories, such as games, e-commerce ,search ,medical treatment and health and so on.Stretching and RangeTaken together, ByteDancehas excelled at brandextension, and its continuedefforts to introduce newproducts and enter newmarkets demonstrate itscommitment to brandextension05. AwarenessAwarenessIn China, ByteDance is a well-known Internet company with popular apps such as Douyin, Toutiao, Feishu and others. Therefore, most Chinese users have some degree of awareness of ByteDance.In overseas markets, especiallyin Europe and the United States,users' awareness of ByteDancemay be relatively low, but withthe rapid development ofapplications such as Douyin inoverseas markets, ByteDance'sawareness of overseas marketsis gradually increasing.For younger users,especially those whoregularly use short videoand news apps, theygenerally have a high levelof awareness ofByteDance and a positiveimpression of it.•For some occupation-related users, such as Internet practitioners, marketers, etc., they usually have a high degree of awareness of ByteDance, and they also have a deeper understanding of its performance in relatedfields.Awareness06.Launch & LifecycleDuring the initial stage (2016-2017): Douyin primarily targeted the Chinese market, with its main concept being "Record beautiful life, share an interesting world." During the rapid expansion phase (2018-2019), Douyin began to enter the overseas market, emphasizing the concept of "creating and sharing happiness," and emphasizing that users can find fun and happiness on theDouyin platform and share it with other users.During the vertical expansion phase (2020-present), as Douyin's user base continued to grow and user demands changed, Douyin began to expand into vertical fields.07.Placement & EndorsementVideo editing tools•has a range ofproducts that arespecificallydesigned for thefilm and televisionindustryShort-form video production•Users can producttheir short-formvideo on theirphone,which iseasier and moreconvenient•be distributedquickly and easily.Distribution ByteDance products allowfor easy distribution of content across a range of platforms. For example, TikTok has a function that allows users to share their videos on other social media platforms such as Twitter and Instagram.Celebrity selection•There is no specificspokesperson forByteDance•publicly registeringand using ByteDanceproductsEndorsement formats•video promotions•live-streamed eventsReporter Group 5。
实用英语构词法 - 前缀at- == at; to,或表示加强及引伸意义attra p 使入陷阱 attes t 证明 attra c t 吸引auto- == self;perso n ally autom a tion 自动化autog r aph 亲笔 autoa l arm 自动报警器 autoc r itic i sm 自我批评 autor o tati o n 自动旋转 autob i ogra p hy 自传 be- == make or cause to bebefog 使迷糊befit 适宜 belit t le 贬低 befri e nd 以朋友相待becal m 使镇静 befoo l 欺骗,愚弄 be- == 加以...,饰以...,用...(做某事) bepow d er 在...上撒粉 bejew e l 饰以珠宝 beclo u d 遮蔽 be- == 在besid e 在...旁 below 在...下面 befor e 在...之前 be- == 加强及引伸意义befal l 降临,发生 bespa t ter 溅污 belau d 大加赞扬 bene- == well;goodbenig n 和善的benev o lent 乐善好施的benef i t 好处bened i ctio n 祝福 benef a ctio n 恩惠,善行benef i cent 行善的 bi- == twobicyc l e 自行车bilat e ral 双方 bimon t hly 双月刊 biwee k ly 双周刊bicol o r 两色的 bilin g ual 两种语言的 by- == 旁、侧、非正式、副byroa d 小路,僻径 bywor k 业余工作 bynam e 别名,绰号 circu - == aroun dcircu l ate 流通circu m navi g ate 环球航行circu m spec t 考虑周到的circu m plan e tary 环绕行星的circu m pola r 在两极周围的 circu m avia t e 环球飞行co- == toget h er coact i on 共同行动 coope r ate 合作 coedu c atio n 男女同校 col- == toget h er colla b orat i on 协作,勾结 colli n gual 用同一种语言的collo c ate 并置,并列com- == toget h er compa t riot 同胞,同国人 combi n e 联合,结合 commi s erat e 同情 com- == 加强或引伸意义 commo v e 使动乱 compr e ss 压缩comme m orat e 纪念con- == toget h erconco l orou s 同色的 conna t ural 同性质的 conte m pora r y 同时代的 con- == 加强或引伸意义concl u de 结束,终结confi r m 使坚定 conso l idat e 巩固,加强contr a - == again s tcontr a dict i on 矛盾contr o vers i al 可能引起争议的contr a cloc k wise 逆时针方向的contr a -missi l e 反导弹导弹contr a posi t ion 对照,针对contr a band 走私,违法交易cor- == toget h ercorre l atio n 相互关系 corra d iate 使(光线)共聚于一点 corre s pond 符合,相应 cor- == 加强或引伸意义corre c t 改正,纠正corru p t 腐败,败坏corru g ate 使起皱纹counte r- == opposi te counte rrevo lutio nary反动的counte rmeas ure 对策,应策counte rcurr ent 逆流counte rmarc h 反方向行进counte ratta ck 反攻,反击counte rchar ge 反控,反告de- == down from deplan e 下飞机dethro ne 使离王位derail使(火车)脱轨de- == 向下、降低、减少depres s 压低,压下depopu latio n 人口减少devalu e 贬值de- == 使成...,作成...,或仅作加强意义delimi t 划定界限denude使裸露depict ure 描绘,描述de- == not denati onali ze 非国有化demili tariz e 使非军事化demobi lize复员de- == 除去、取消、毁desalt除去盐份defore st 砍伐森林decont rol 取消管制dec(a)- == ten decade十年decima l 十进位制的decath lon 十项全能deci- == 十分之一decigr am 十分之一克decime ter 十分之一米decili tre 十分之一升demi- == 半demigo d 半神半人demi-fixed半固定的demiwo lf 半似狼之犬di- == 二、双diatom ic 二原子的disyll able双音节的dichro matic两色的dia- == throug h;betwee n;across diamet er 直径dialog ue 对话diagno sis 诊断dif- == 1)apart. 2)not;opposi te difflu ence分流diffid ent 不自信的diffus e 散开,散布dis- == 不、无、相反dislik e 不喜欢disagr ee 不同意discon tinue中断disord er 混乱disbel ieve不信dispro of 反证dishon est 不诚实的dispra ise 贬损,非难disapp ear 消失disrem ember忘记discom fort不舒服disabi lity无能,无力dis- == 取消、除去、毁disorg anize瓦解disroo t 根除discou rage使失去勇气disrob e 脱衣disarm解除武装,裁军dishea rten使失去信心disbur den 解除负担discol or 使褪色dismem ber 解体dis- == 加在含有“分开”、“否定”等意义的单词前,作加强意义dispar t 分离,裂开dissev er 分裂,切断dissem inati on 散布,传播dis- == 分开、离、散dissec t 切开dissol ve 分离,溶解distra ct 分心,转移dispen se 分配dispel驱散dissip ate 驱散,浪费dis- == 有时作di-,dispir it 使气馁,使沮丧divorc e 离婚digres s 离正题,入歧路dys- == 不良、恶、困难dysfun ction (医)机能失调,功能紊乱dyspho nia 发音困难dyspep sia 消化不良dyspat hy 反感dysgen esis生殖力不良dysops y 弱视e- == 加强或引伸意义evalua te 评价elonga te 使延长,拉长estop阻止,禁止estran ge 使疏远evanis h 消失elabor ate 精心制作,详细描述e- == 出、外eject投出,掷出emigra te 移居国外elect选出emerge浮出,出现erupt喷出evade逃出ef- == 出、离去efflue nce 流出effabl e 能被说出的effoli ation落叶em- == 表示“置于...之内”、“上...”embay使(船)入湾embus上车,装入车中emboso m 藏于胸中,怀抱emplan e 乘飞机embed安置embog使陷于泥沼中em- == 表示“用...做某事”、“饰以...”、“配以...”embalm涂以香料(防腐剂)embank筑堤防护embar上门闩,囚禁em- == 表示“使成某种状态”、“致使...”、“使之如...”、“作成...”embow使成弓形empowe r 使有权力,授权empurp le 使发紫embody体现,使具体化embitt er 使受苦embrow n 使成褐色eco- == ecolog icalecosph ere 生态圈ecosys tem 生态系统ecocid e 生态灭绝en- == 表示“置于..之中”、“登上...”、“使上...”entrai n 乘火车encage关入笼中encase装入enplan e 乘飞机encave藏于洞中enroll登记,记入名册中enthro ne 使登基enshri ne 藏于神龛中enfold包进、拥抱en- == make or causetobe,“使成某种状态”、“致使...”、“使之如...”、“作成...”enable使能够endang er 使受危险enligh ten 启发,启蒙enlarg e 扩大,放大enrich使富足enslav e 使成奴隶,奴役en- == "用...来做某事"、“饰以...”、“配以...”enchai n 用链锁住enlace用带缚entrap诱陷en- == 家在动词之前,表示“in”,或只作加强意义enclos e 围入,关进entrus t 信任,委托enforc e 强制执行enkind le 点火enwrap包入,卷入enhear ten 鼓舞,振奋endo- == 内endopa rasit e 体内寄生虫endoga my (同族)内部通婚endoge n内生植物eu- == good;well;easyeugeni ca 优生学eulogi ze 赞美emphem ism 委婉语euphon ic 声音优美的eupeps ia 消化良好euthen ics 优境学ex- == out;out of exclus ive 不包括...的expose揭露emit 发射出export出口,输出exclud e 排外,排斥excava te 挖出,挖掘exit 出口extrac t 抽出,拔出exhume掘出ex- == 前任的、以前的ex-presid ent 前任总统ex-Nazis前纳粹分子ex-mayor前任市长ex-chance llor前任大学校长ex-premie r 前任总理ex-wife 前妻ex- == 表示“使”、“做”,或作加强意义expurg ate 使清洁exalt使升高,增高excruc iate施刑,使苦恼exo- == 外、外部exobio logy外空生物学exogam y 异族通婚exosph ere 外大气圈extra- == 以外、超过extrap oliti cal 政治外的,超政治的extrao ffici al 职权以外的extrac urric ulum课外的extrao rdina ry 格外的extra-specia l 特别优秀的extral egal法律权力以外的extrap rofes siona l 职业以外的extras olar太阳系以外的extrae ssent ial 离开本质的、非主要的fore- == aheadforehe ad 前额foreca st 预测forewo rd 前言,序言forete ll 预言forese e 预见forewo rd 序言,前言forear m 前臂forekn ow 先知foreti me 以往,过去foregr ound前景forefa ther前人,祖先foreru n 先驱hecto- == 百hectog ram 百克hectow att 百瓦hectoa mpere百安培hemi- 半hemisp here半球hemicy cle 半圆形hemicr ania偏头疼hepta- == 七(在母音前作h ept-)heptag on 七角形heptod e 七极管heptah edron七面体hetero- == 异hetero polar异极的hetero sexua l 异型的hetero doxy异教,异端hexa- == 六(在母音前作h ex-)hexago n 六角形hexode六极管hexame ter 六韵步诗holo- == 全hologr am 全息图hologr aphy全息照相术holoph one 声音全息记录器holocr ystal line全结晶的holohe dron全面体holoph ote 全射镜homo- == of the same homose xual同性恋的homogr aph 同形异义词homoty pe 同型homopo lar 同极的homoph one 同音异义字homoce ntric同中心的homoth ermic同温的homoge neous同族的homost asis同态hyper-== above;excess ive;too much hyperc ritic al 吹毛求疵的hypert ensio n 高血压hypers ensit ive 过敏的hyperm ilita nt 极度好战的hypers low 极慢的hypers uspic ious过分多疑的hypers exual性欲极强的hyperv erbal说话太多的hypera ctive活动过度的hyper s onic 极超音速的hyper a cid 胃酸过多的hyper c orre c tion 矫枉过正hypo- == 下、低、次、少hypos e nsit i ze 减弱...的敏感度hypod e rmic 皮下的 hypog l ossa l 舌下的 hypot h ermi a 体温过低 hypot e nsio n 低血压hypoc h lori t e 次氯酸盐il- == (用在l 之前)不、无、非illeg a l 非法的illog i cal 不合逻辑的 illit e rate 文盲 illim i tabl e 无限的illoc a l 不只一处的,无所不在的illib e ral 吝啬的,粗鄙的il- == (用在l 之前)加强或引伸意义illus t rate 举例说明,图解 illum i nate 照明im- == (用在b,p,m 之前)into immig r ate 移民inspe c t 视察 ingre s s 入侵 impor t 进口,输入 impri s on 入狱imbib e 吸收immis s ion 注入,允许进入 immer g e 浸入,没入 im- == (用在b,p,m 之前)不、无、非impos s ible 不可能的immem o rial 古老的,无法记忆的 imper f ect 不完美的impol i te 无礼的 immor a l 不道德的 impas s ive 冷漠的,无表情的 impur e 不纯的imper s onal 非个人的imbal a nce 不平衡的im- == (用在b,p,m 之前)加强意义,或表示“使成...”、“饰以...”、“加以...”impul s e 冲动,刺激imman a cle 加以手铐impel 推动,驱使imbru t e 堕落,使成禽兽imper i l 危害,使处于危险impea r l 使成珍珠,饰以珍珠 in- == 不、无、非inglo r ious 不光彩的,不名誉的 incap a ble 无能力的incor r ect 错误的incom p arab l e 无以伦比的 incom p lete 不完全的insen s ible 无知觉的,麻木不仁的inhum a n 野蛮的,不人道的 injus t ice 不公正 infor m al 非正式的 in- == 内、入insid e 内部,里面inbre a k 入侵 indoo r 室内的 intak e 入口,输入量,摄入 inlan d 内地的,国内的inbre a the 吸入 injec t 注射,注入inrus h 涌入in- == 加强意义,或表示“使...”、“作...”inspi r it 激励infla m e 燃烧 intre n ch 用壕沟围绕,使起皱纹inton e 吟诵 invig o rate 鼓舞 ingra f t 接枝infra - == below infra r ed 红外线的infra s truc t ure 下部结构infra s onic 低于声频的infra h uman 类人猿的,低于人类的infra s ound 次声,亚音速infra o rbit a l 眼眶下的inter- == 在...之间、...之际interc ontin ental洲际的interl ay 插入中间intern ation al 国际的interl ine 插写进去,写于行间intero ceani c 大洋间的interg roup团体之间的interc ity 城市间的interj ect 插嘴,突然插入interp erson al 人与人之间的inter- == 相互interc hange交换interv iew 接见intera ct 相互作用interw eave混纺,交织interd epend ence相互依赖interm ix 混合,混杂interc ourse交往,交流interc onnec t 使相互连接interm arry通婚,近亲结婚intra- == 在内、内部intrap arty党内的intrap erson al 内心的intrac ity 市内的intrar egion al 地区内的intrad ay 当天的intrac ompan y 公司内部的intrac olleg iate大学内的intra-tradin g 内部贸易intrac loud云间的intro- == withinintrod uce 介绍intros pect反省introv erted内向introf lecti on 向内弯曲introm it 插入introv ision内有ir- == (用在r之前)不、无irregu lar 不规则的irresi stibl e 不可抵抗的irremo vable无法移动的irrela tive无关系的irrati onal不合理的,无理性的irreso lute犹豫不决的ir- == (用在r之前)向内、入irrupt ion 侵入,急速增加irriga te 灌溉iso- == 等、同isogen等角多角形isotop e 同位素isothe rm 等温线kilo- == one thousa nd kilogr am 千克kilome ter 公里kiloto n 千吨macro- == big macrow orld宏观世界macroc limat e 大气候macros cale大规模macroc osm 宏观世界macroc hange大变动macrob ian 长寿的(人)mal- == wrongmaltre at 虐待malnut ritio n 营养不良malmin istra tion管理不善malcon tent不满的malpra ctice玩忽职守,不法行为malfor matio n 畸形malfun ction机能失常,故障malodo ur 恶臭maledi ction诅咒meta- == 超metaph ysica l 超自然的,形而上学的metacu lture超级文化metama teria list超唯物论者meta- == 变化metamo rphos is 变形,变态,退化metage nesis世代交替metach romat ism 变色反应micro - == small micro s cope 显微镜micro p roce s sor 微处理机micro c ompu t er 微型电脑micro b iolo g y 微生物学 micro e leme n t 微量元素micro w orld 微观世界 micro s kirt 超短裙micro w ave 微波 micro p rint 缩影相片 milli - == one thous a ndth milli o hm 毫欧 milli m eter 毫米milli l itre 毫升milli - == thous a nd milli p ede 千足虫 milli e nnia l 一千年的 milli f old 千倍的 mini- == small minis t ate 小国 minic r isis 短暂危机 minis k irt 迷你裙、超短裙 mis-==wrong ;wrong l y;unfav o rabl emisus e 乱用mista k e 错误misfo r tune 不幸missp e ll 拼错 misdo i ng 恶行、坏事 misun d erst a nd 误解 misru l e (施)暴证misst e p 失足 mispo l icy 失策 mono- == one;alone monar c h 独裁者 monot o nous 单调的 monod r ama 单人剧 multi - == manymulti n atio n al 多国的multi l ater a l 多边的 multi p arty 多党的 multi -purpo s e 多种用途的multi l ingu a l 使用多种语言的multi r acia l 多民族的neo- == 新neore a lism 新现实主义neona t al 新生的、初生的neoga m ist 新婚者neoli t hic 新石器时代 neofa s cism 新法西斯主义neoim p ress i onis m 新印象派non- == 非nonfi c tion 非小说类文学作品nonhu m an 非人类的 nonpe r iodi c 非周期的 nonme t al 非金属 nonag e 未成年 nonwh i te 非白人non- == 不nonsm o ker 不抽烟的人nonal i gned 不结盟的nonag g ress i on 不侵略不侵略 nonex i sten t 不存在的nonst o p 不断的 nonco o pera t ion 不合作non- == 无nonef f ecti v e 无效的nonpa y ment 无力支付nonpa r ty 无党派nonse x ual 无性别的 nonel a stic 无弹性的 nonre a der 无阅读能力的人 octa- == 八(亦作oct o -与oct)octag o n 八角形octos y llab l e 八音节字(诗句)octol a tera l 八边的Octob e r 十月(古罗马八月) octoc e nten a ry 八百周年纪octac h ord 八弦琴 omni- == 全、总、公、都omnip r esen t 无所不在的omnip o tent 全能的 omnif o rm 式样齐全的 omnib u s 公共汽车、合刊本omnip a rity 一切平等 omnis c ient 无所不知的 out- == 外、出outbu r st 爆发outle t 出口outdo o r 户外的out-party在野党outwor k 户外工作outtel l 说出outflo w 外流outbre ak 突发outrus h 冲出out- == 胜过、超过outdo胜过、超越outrun超过、比...跑得快outdis tance远远超过(竞赛中) outgo走得比...远、支出ourbra ve 以勇胜过outliv e 比...长命、比...耐久outact行动上胜过outeat吃得比...多outnum ber 数目超过out- == 过度、太甚outsiz e 特大号outsit坐得太久outwea r 穿旧、穿破out- == 除去outroo t 除根outlaw剥夺法律权利outgas除去...的气over- == 过度、太甚overst udy 用功过度overwo rk 过度劳累overlo ad 超负荷overta lk 过分多言overpr aise过奖overus e 使用过度overdr ink 饮酒过量overpr oduct ion 生产过剩overpa y 付得过多over- == 在上、在外、从上、越过overbr idge天桥overse a 海外的、国外的overco at 外套overle ap 越过oversh oe 套鞋overlo ok 俯瞰over- == 颠倒、反转overtu rn 傾覆、推翻overth row 推翻overse t 推翻、颠覆paleo- == 古、旧paleoz oolog y 古动物学Paleol ithic旧石器时代paleoc limat e 史前气候pan- == 全、泛Pan-Americ an 泛美的pancos mism泛宇宙论pantro pical遍布于热带的panthe ism 泛神论pansop hic 全知的panchr omati c 全色的para- == 半、类似、准para-party半政党组织parami litar y 准军事的para-book 类似书籍的刊物para-instit ution半官方机构parast atal半官方的、半政府的para-govern ment伪政府的para- == 辅助、副parala nguag e 辅助语言parapr ofess ional专职人员的助手paraty phoid副伤寒para- == 旁、靠近、外parasi te 寄生虫parace ntral靠近中心的parabi osphe re 外生物圈的para- == 错误、伪parach ronis m 年代记录错误paralo gism谬论parado x 谬论、自相矛盾的话para- == 降落伞、伞投、空降parabo mb 伞投炸弹paradr op 空投parapa ck 空投包裹pen- == almost (亦作pene-)penins ula 半岛penult imate倒数第二的penepl ain 准平原penta- == five the Pentag on (美国国防部)五角大楼pentat hlon五项全能pentan gular五角的词干domin== rule;contro l domina te 主宰indomi table不屈不挠的duce/duct == lead;take introd uce 介绍induce引诱conduc t 指导equ == same;equalequali ty 平等equiva lence对应物equato r 赤道faci == easy facile易得到的,不花力气的facili tate使...容易fact == make;do manufa cture制造factor y 工厂benefa ctor恩人,施恩者fer == carry;bringferry轮渡transf er 搬运,转移interf ere 干预fin == end;limitfinali ze 使...了结infini te 无限的define限定,下定义flect/flex == bend reflec t 反射,反映flexib le 易弯曲的reflex ctor反射镜flu == flow influe nce 影响fluent流利fluid流动的;液,流体form == shapereform改革confor m 符合frag == breakfragil e 易碎的fragme nt 碎片fractu re 骨折gen == produc e genera te 产生geneti cs 遗传学genesi s 起源,创始geo == land;earthgeolog y 地理学geomet ry 几何学geocid e 地球末日grad == go;step gradua te 毕业gradua l 逐步的degrad e 退化,堕落graph/gram == write;writin g telegr aph 电报progra m 节目,说明书diagra m 图表grate/grati== thanks gratef ul 衷心感谢的gratit ude 感谢grav == heavy;seriou s gravit y 重力;严重性grave严重的gravim eter比重计,测重器gress== go;walk progre ss 进步aggres sive侵略的congre ss 会议herb == grassherbal草本植物的;草药书herby长满草的,似草的humid== wet humidi ty 湿度,湿气humidi fy 使湿润hydr == water;liquid hydroe lectr ic 水电的hydrop lane水上飞机hydros pace海洋世界ject == throweject喷射;逐出inject注射reject拒绝juven== youngjuveni le 青少年rejuve nate(使)返老还童juveni lia 少年文艺读物just/jur == just justif y 证明正确jurist法学家jury 陪审团labor== work labori ous 费力的collab orate合作,协作later== side;partybilate ral 双边的unilat eral单方的equila teral等边的leg == law legisl ate 立法illegi timat e 非法的legisl ature立法机关litera t == letter litera ture文学illite rate文盲semili terat e 半文盲的loc == placelocati on 地点alloca te 分配locali sm 地方主义lumi == light;bright illumi nate照明illumi nance照明度lumina ry 发光体,杰出人物magni== big;greatmagnif icent宏大的magnif y 放大magnit ude 巨大,广大man(u) == hand manufa cture生产,加工manage管理manusc ript手稿mar == sea submar ine 潜艇mariti me 海事的,海运的marine r 海员meter/metri== measur e therme meter温度计altime ter 高度计mit/miss == send emit 放射vomit呕吐transm issio n 播送,传送mort == deathmortal致命的immort al 不朽的postmo rtem死后的nomin== name nomina l 名义上nomina te 提名innomi nate无名的,匿名的nounce == procla im pronou nce 发音denoun ce 公开指责ortho== straig ht;correc t orthod ox 正统的orthop aedy矫正术pater/patr == father patern al 父亲般的patria rch (男性)族长patric ide 弑父;杀父者pathy== feelin g sympat hy 同情antipa thy 反感empath y 移情ped == foot pedest rain行人expedi tion远征(队)pedal足的;踏板pel/pulse== push;driveexpel驱逐impuls e 冲动dispel驱散pend/pens == use up;hang expens e 花费expend iture开支suspen d 悬浮;使悬而未决phon == soundheadph one 耳机sympho ny 交响乐microp hone麦克风plic = fold duplic ate 二倍的,副本compli catio n 综合症;并发症;复杂implic it 含蓄的port == carryporter脚夫export出口passpo rt 护照pose == put;placepropos e 建议dispos e 处理expose使暴露,揭发prim == initia l;firstprimar y 初级的primit ive 原始的prime首要的,最初的psych== mind psycho logy心理学psycho analy sis 心理分析punct== pointpunctu ate 加标点acupun cture针灸punctu al 准时的,精确的rupt == breakcorrup tion腐败interr upt 打断bankru pt 破产scop == see;look at micros copic微观的macros copic宏观的scope== instru mentfor observ ing micros cope显微镜telesc ope 望远镜scribe/script == write;writin g;look at descri be 描述prescr iptio n 处方sequ == follow conseq uence后果sequen ce 次序sequel结局,续集sens/sent == sense;feelin g sentim ental多愁善感的sensit ivity灵敏度consen t 赞同simil== like simila rity共性simile明喻simila r 类似的sol == alonesole 唯一的solita ry 单独的solilo quy 独白soph == wise philos opher哲学家sophis ticat ed 老练的,尖端的pansop hic 无所不知的spec(t) == see;look at inspec t 视察expect盼望retros pect回顾suspec t 怀疑prospe ct 展望respec t 尊敬spir == breath e respir ation呼吸perspi re 出汗expire死亡断气struct == buildconstr uctiv e 富有建设性的supers truct ure 上层建筑destru ction毁灭stup == be motion lessstupid愚蠢stupef y 使麻木;使呆若木鸡stupor昏迷,麻木sum == use up;take consum ption消费assume自以为resume继续进行tain == hold mainta in 维持attain获得abstai n 放弃,戒,禁the(o) == god theolo gy 神学theist有神论者atheis m 无神论后缀。
英语前后缀归纳(详细版)2、pre-加在名词,形容词和动词前:preheat(预热)、n(预防)、premature(过早的)3、fore-加在名词,形容词和动词前:foresee(预见)、XXX(祖先)、forehead(前额)4、pro-加在名词,形容词和动词前:proactive(积极主动的)、prosperous(繁荣的)、proceed(继续进行)5、ante-加在名词前:XXX(前事)、XXX(前厅)、antedate(先于)三、表示“后after”的前缀1、post-加在名词,形容词和动词前:postgraduate(研究生)、postpone(推迟)、ar(战后的)2、after-加在名词,形容词和动词前:aftermath(后果)、afternoon(下午)、XXX(事后想法)后缀一、名词后缀1、-ment:表示“状态,行为或结果”,如:enjoyment(享受)、agreement(协议)、movement(运动)2、-ness:表示“状态或品质”,如:happiness(幸福)、kindness(友善)、darkness(黑暗)3、-ity:表示“状态或品质”,如:reality(现实)、XXX(平等)、diversity(多样性)4、-XXX:表示“行为或过程”,如:XXX(教育)、XXX(交流)、XXX(竞争)5、-er/-or:表示“人或物”,如:XXX(教师)、actor(演员)、doctor(医生)二、形容词后缀1、-ful:表示“充满的”,如:colorful(色彩斑斓的)、wonderful(神奇的)、helpful(有帮助的)2、-less:表示“没有的”,如:hopeless(无望的)、useless(无用的)、fearless(无畏的)3、-able/-ible:表示“能够的”,如:comfortable(舒适的)、flexible(灵活的)、visible(可见的)4、-al/-ial:表示“关于的”,如:nal(国家的)、financial(金融的)、social(社会的)5、-ous/us:表示“有…性质的”,如:famous(著名的)、us(美味的)、us(好奇的)1.Pre- means before。
Good morning, every one. I'm glad to introduce myself to you here.As you can see, I am always wearing a smile on my face, and most of my classmates and other consequences regard me as an outgoing girl. However, that's not exactly true. In fact, I'm shy and even afraid to speak with people. This symptom was more sever before I come to SUFE. At that time, I was always lowing my head, and avoided making any conversation with others. I was looking forward to making friends with others and hanging out like any peers. However, I am afraid, I am afraid I will make mistakes and annoy them, then they will refuse me forever.During that period, I was really trapped in a lonely and helpless condition. Luckily, the long vacation after NMET offered me an chance to adjust. I tell myself not be afraid , and called my classmates to hang out and chat as much as I could. When I made mistakes, I pushed myself not to care, and learned from them. I tried to learn how to find a topic, how to make the conversation joyfully, how to build relationships with others, and so on. Yes, these may be just a little sweat for you, but I studied with tears and fear.Things seemingly go better after I went to university. Maybe, it is worse. Better or not, I am trying my best to accept the way I am. I know I can’t satisify everyone, but I will try.For me, the best thing is meeting my boyfriend. Maybe he can't understand my sadness sometimes, he is always there for me. With his encouragement, I become more optimistic and stronger.OK, this my felf-introduction, it is too down. So at last, please let me tell you a joke named good boy:Little Robert asked his mother for two cents."What did you do with the money I gave you yesterday?""I gave it to a poor old woman," he answered."You're a good boy," said the mother proudly. "Here are two cents more. But why are you so interested in the old woman?""She is the one who sells the candy."占慧珍2015111409。
以pre为前缀的英语单词编号单词解释1pre以前的;(前缀)前,先;预先2preacceptance事先承兑3preach vt.说教,布道;鼓吹4preacher n.传道者,讲道者,牧师5preaching n.说教;a.说教的6preamble n.前言,序言7precarious adj.危险的8precariously ad.不安全地9precaution n.预防;警惕10precautionary a.预先警戒的,预防的,留心的11precede vt.先于…vi.领先12precedence n.优先,居先13precedent n.先14preceding adj.前面的,上述的;在先的;先的,以前的15precent vt.(from)预防,防止16precept n.箴言,格言17preceptor n.教师18precinct n.范围,区域19preciosity n.过分文雅,过于讲究20precious a.珍贵的,宝贵的21precipice n.悬崖22precipitant n.沉淀剂;adj.突如其来的23precipitate v.加速,促成adj.匆忙的,鲁莽的24precipitation n.急躁,降雨(量)25precipitous adj.陡峭的,仓促的26precis n.摘要,大纲27precise a.精确的,准确的28precisely adv.正好;正确地;严密的;精确地;刻板地;明确地29precision n.精确,精密,精密度30preclude v.排除;除去;避免,防止31precocious adj.早熟的32precocity n.早熟,早成33precognition n.预感,早知34preconceive vt.预想35preconception n.先入之见36precursor n.先驱,先兆37predate n.在日期上早于38predator n.食肉动物39predatory a.掠夺的,进行掠夺的,捕食生物的40predecessor n.前辈,前任者41predestinate vt.注定42predestination n.预定;命运43predestine v.注定44predetermine vt.预定,先决,预先决定做...45predicament n.困境,穷境46predicate n.谓语,本质47predication预报;判断48predicative a.表语的;n.表语49predict v.预言,预告,预测50predictable adj.可预知的,平庸的51prediction n.预言,预告;预报52predilection n.偏好53predispose vt.预先安排,使偏向于54predisposition n.倾向,癖性55predominance n.主导地位;显著56predominant a.占优势的;主要的57predominate vi.占主导地位58preeminence n.杰出,卓越,超群59preeminent adj.出类拔萃的60preempt v.以先买权取得,取代61preemption n.先买权,取代62preemptive以先买权取得的;优先占有的63preen v.整理羽毛,(人)打扮修饰64preengage预约65preexist vt.vi.先前存在66preexistent adj.先存的,先在的67preface n.序言,前言,引语68prefatory a.前言的,序文的69prefect n.长官,提督,地方首长70prefecture n.任期,管区,县71prefer vt.宁可,宁愿72preferable a.更可取的,更好的73preferably adv.更好地74preference n.偏爱,优先;优先权75preferential adj.优惠的;优先的,特惠的,差别制的76preferment n.升迁,升任,大官77preferred优先的78prefigure v.预示,预想79prefix n.字首80pregnancy n.怀孕,丰富81pregnant a.怀孕的;意义深长的82prehensile a.适于抓住的83prehistoric a.史前的84prejudge vt.预先判断,未充分审问就判决,85prejudice n.偏见,成见86prejudicial adj.有害的,引起偏见的87prelacy n.高级教士之职,主教88prelate n.高级教士89preliminary a.预备的,初步的90preliterate adj.无文字91prelude n.序幕,前奏92premarital a.婚前的93premature a.早熟的,过早的,不按时的94premeditate vt.vi.预谋,预先考虑95premeditated adj.预谋的,事先计划的96premeditation n.事先考虑;计划97premier n.总理,首相98premiere n.首次公演99premise n.前提,房屋100premises n.建筑物;房屋,房产101premium n.保险费,奖金102premonition n.预告,预感,征兆103premonitory a.预告的,前兆的,前驱性的104preoccupied adj.被先占的;心事重重的,出神的105preoccupy vt.先占领,先取,迷住106preordain vt.预定,预先注定命运107prepackaged n.预先包装好的商品108prepaid a.预先付讫的109preparation n.准备,预备;制备;预习(时间);配制;安排,筹备,制剂110preparatory a.预备的,准备的,初步的111prepare vt.&vi.准备;预备112prepared adj.准备好的,预制的113prepay vt.先付,预付,预缴114preponderance n.优势,多数115preponderant a.以重胜的,优势的,压倒性的116preponderate v.(数量重要性)压倒超过117preposition n.前置词,介词118prepositive a.前置的,前缀的119prepossess vt.给<人>好印象,使<人>有好感120prepossessing adj.(个性等)给人好感的121prepossession n.先入之见122preposterous adj.荒谬的,可笑的123prepubescent adj.青春期前的124prerequisite n.先决条件125prerogative n.特权126presage n.预感,不祥感v.预示127presbyter n.发起人,牧师,长老128Presbyterian a.长老会制的,长老教会的129presbytery n.长老会,长老会管辖区,内室130prescience n.预知,先见131prescient adj.有先见之明的132prescribe vt.命令;处(方)133prescribed adj.规定的134prescript n.命令,规定135prescription n.药方,处方的药136prescriptive a.规定的,指示的,惯例的137presence n.出席,到场;在138present a.现在的n.目前139presentable a.可见人的,漂亮的,有规矩的140presentation n.介绍;赠送;呈现141presenter n.主持人142presentiment n.预感,预觉143presently adv.一会儿,不久144presentment n.陈述,叙述145preservation n.保存,储藏;保持146preservative n./adj.防腐的,防腐剂147preserve vt.保护;保存;腌渍148preserver n.保存者,保护者149preset vt.预先装置;预置;预先调整;预先安排150preside vi.主持;主奏151presidency n.总统职位,总裁职位,主席职位152president n.总统153presidential a.总统的,首长的,支配的,统辖的,154press n.印刷机,印刷所155pressed a.加压的,压缩的156pressing adj.紧迫的;急迫的;n.&a.压制;紧急的157pressure n.压力;压力;压,按158prestidigitation n.变戏法,手法敏捷159prestige n.威望,威信,声望160prestigious adj.有名望的,有威信的161presto n.(音乐)快拍,急速162presumable adj.可能的,可假定的163presumably adv.也许,大概;推测起来;假定地,推测地164presume vt.假定,假设,揣测165presumption n.假定,冒昧166presumptive a.根据推定的,假定的,给与推定之根据的167presumptuous adj.自大的,专横的,冒昧的168presuppose vt.预先假定,预料,预料为必要的条件169presupposition n.预先假定,臆测170pretence n.虚伪,借口171pretend vt.假托,借口vi.假装172pretended adj.假的,虚伪的173pretender n.冒牌者,要求者,要求王位者174pretense n.借口175pretension n.自命不凡176pretentious adj.做作的,自抬身价的177pretentiousness n.自命不凡178preterit a.过去的179preternatural adj.异常的,超自然的180pretext n.借口181prettily悦人地182pretty a.漂亮的,标致的183prevail vi.胜,优胜;流行184prevailing adj.占上风的;占优势的;主要的;盛行的,流行的185prevalence n.普遍;流行186prevalent a.流行的;盛行的187prevaricate v.支吾其词,说谎188prevarication n.支吾,搪塞189prevent vt.预防,防止;阻止190preventable adj.可阻止的,可防止的,可预防的191prevention n.预防,阻止,妨碍192preventive a.预防的,做预防的,妨碍的193preview n.&vt.预映;预习194previous a.先的;前的ad.在前195previously adv.预先,先前;以前196prevision n.先见,预感197prewar a.战前的198prey vi.猎物vi.捕获。
Unit 11.Do you agree that it is sheer neuron overload on the doctor side that leads to thecomplaint that doctors don’t listen? (Pre. 1)Neuron overloadPatients’ high expectationsMistrust and misunderstanding between the patients and physician2.One stray request (偏离正题的要求)from Mrs. Osorio sends the delicatelybalanced three-ring circus tumbling down. (Pre. 4)The author was in moderate state of panic: juggling so many thoughts about Mrs. O sorio’s conditions and trying to resolve them allMrs. Osorio made a trivial request, not so important as compared to her conditions Mrs. Osorio seemed to care only about her “innocent—and completely justified—request”: the form signed by her doctorThe doctor tried to or at least pretended to pay attention to the patients while completing documentationThe doctor could no longer handle everything properly.pare multitasking in human beings and in the computer field. (Pre. 5) Multitasking originated in computer science.Microprocessors in fact linear, actually performing only one task at a time Multitasking is just as an illusion both in computer and humans.At best, human juggling only a handful of thoughts in this mannerThe more thoughts we juggle, the less we are able to attune fully to any given thought.Ve numbers to justify that it is juggling mind that keeps doctors awake at night.(Pre. 6)If the doctor does a good job juggling 98% of the time, that still leaves ten thoughts that might get lost in the process.5.Possible solutions to the impossible high-wire act of juggling competing detailsand panicking about slipping a critical one. (Pre. 7)computer-generated reminders (计算机提示)case managers (病例管理人)ancillary services (辅助服务)the simplest: timeUnit 21.What does the author imply by mentioning two choices? (Pre. 1)The war against infectious diseases is not over.If we do not do anything about the reemerging diseases, there will be seriousconsequences.People are wrongly complacent about the prevention and control of infectious diseases.2.Describe the heady days (令人兴奋的日子) of victory declarations and whatfollowed ever since. (Pre. 2)Victory declarationsSurgeon General William Stewart’s hyperbolic (夸张的) statement of closing “the book on infectious disease”A string of (一系列的) impressive victories incurred by antibiotics and vaccinesThe thought that the war against infectious diseases was almost overUnexpected outcomeAppearance of new diseases such as AIDS and EbolaComeback of the old afflictionsDiphtheria (白喉) in the former Soviet UnionTB in urban centers like New York CityRising Group A streptococcal conditions like scarlet fever (猩红热)The fear of a powerful new flu strain (流感病毒) sweeping the world3.Justify “the realization that world health is indivisible”. (Pre. 4)We can not meet most local needs without proper attention to the health conditions of the globe.National borders are meaningless as pathogenic microbes may spread across the world.4.What are the four areas of focus according to Bob Howard? (Pre. 7)Need for surveillanceUpdated science capable of dealing with discoveries in the fieldAppropriate prevention and controlStrong public health infrastructure (基础设施)5.“Old enemies never dies.” Justify it medically. (Pre. 8)Resurgence of infectious diseasesTBFluDiphtheriaScarlet feverUnit 31.How much do you know about MS and autoimmune disease? (Pre. 2) Symptoms as mentioned by the authorloss of stamina and strength体力和精力下降problems with balance平衡问题bouts of horrific facial pain可怕的脸部疼痛dips in visual acuity视敏度下降Cause as mentioned by the authorthe assault of immune cells on the brain, with possible origin in genetic make-up and/or combination of environmental factorsTreatment as mentioned by the authorInterferon(干扰素) and copolymer-1(共聚物-1)2.What did Terry do before she self-experimented? (Pre. 3)Relearning much of what I had forgotten in my basic science years: cellular physiology, biochemistry and neurophysiology温习了基础科学中遗忘的内容:细胞生理学、生物化学和神经生理学Turning to articles concerning neurodegeneration of all types—dementia, Parkinson’s disease, Huntington’s, and Lou Gehrig’s disease开始研究各种神经退化疾病的相关文章,包括痴呆、帕金森症、亨廷顿舞蹈症和路·盖里格氏病3.What approaches did Terry mainly use to deal with neurodegeneration? (Pre. 4) self-experimentation with various nutrients to slow neurodegeneration based on literature reports on animal modelsself-experimentation with neuromuscular electrical stimulation still based on literatureonline search to identify the sources of micronutrientsreduction of food allergy and toxic load4.One example to illustrate the correlation between toxic load and disease (Pre. 5) Pesticide/mercury exposure and neurodegeneration接触杀虫剂/汞和神经退化5.What does the tile “The Seventy Percent Solution”mean? (Pre. 6)With 70% to 90% of the risk for diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and autoimmunity being due to environmental factors other than genetics, we can provide the real solution to many health problems and the health care crisis by changing our environment, for example, optimizing our nutrition and reducing our toxic load. Unit 41.Give a brief explanation of the concepts: complementary medicine,alternativemedicine. (Pre. 1)National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM)CAM: a group of diverse medical and health care systems, practices, and products that are not generally considered part of conventional medicineComplementary medicine : use of CAM together with conventional medicine Alternative medicine: use of CAM in place of conventional medicine2.Traditional Chinese medicin e as being “affordable, low tech, safe, and effective”? Facilities: simple, inexpensive (needles, cups)Low tech: easy to manage (massage and Tai Chi)Nature of the procedures: mostly noninvasiveThe substances used as medicine: all natural, from raw herbs or abstracts from them Effectiveness: proven and ensured with a long history3.Summarize the clinical uses of acupuncture. (Pre. 3)An adjunct treatment, an alternative, or part of a comprehensive management program fortennis elbow, fibromyalgia, myofascial pain, osteoarthritis, low back pain, carpal tunnel syndromeand asthma, post-operative and chemotherapy induced nausea and vomiting, post-operative dental pain, addiction, stroke rehabilitation, headache, menstrual cramps.4.Do you think the author is overoptimistic in predicting a wider future use ofacupuncture in the US? (Pre. 4)More intense research with increased funding and scientific vigorMore interest from healthcare providersMore demand from patientsMore push for insurance companies to provide coverage of acupuncture treatment 5.Explain how inappropriate uses of herbs may result in complications. (Pre. 5) Appropriate uses of herbs depend on proper guidanceProper TCM diagnosis of the zheng of the patient正确诊断患者之“证”(病例生理状况)Correct selection of the corresponding therapeutic strategies and principles that guide the choice of herbs and herbal formulas正确选择相应的治疗策略和草药/草药配方挑选原则Misuses of herbs will result in a wide array of complications in patient6.What are the difficulties in investigating herbal therapies? (Pre. 6) Dependence of synthesis of evidence onThe completeness of the literature search (Unavailable for foreign studies)The accuracy of evaluation7.What are the factors to consider when we integrate eastern and westernmedicine?(Pre. 8)Assessment of the intrinsic value of traditional medicine in societyResearch and educationPolitical, economic and social factorsUnit 51.Clarify the differences between disease and dis-ease. (Pre. 1)Dis-ease refers to the imbalance arising from a continuous stress, pain and hardships Disease is a health crisis ascribable to various dis-easesEase: the state of being very comfortable and able to live as you want, without any worries or problems.Dis-ease: lack of ease.Disease: the result of lack of ease——an impairment of health or a condition of abnormal functioning.2.Your personal understanding about the claim that Health is a multidimensionalexperience of body, mind and spirit. (Pre. 2)Wellness as a state involving every aspect of our body: body, mind, and spirit Manifestations of a healthy personEnergy and vitality (精力和活力)A certain zip in gait (步伐有力)A warm feeling of peace of heart seen through behavior (内心平和温暖,呈现于行为)3.Illustrate the relationship between life on automatic pilot and wellness. (Pre. 3) Constant messages, positive and negative, sent to our mind about the health of our bodyPhysical symptoms suppressedWellness confused with an absence of symptoms=> Ignore key information about health4.Describe the time of great confusion we live in. (Pre. 4)People’s mind infected by spinhalf-truthfearful fictionsblatant deceit: some as a form of self-deceitSpin as a result of unconscious livingPandemic falsenessShowing up on every front in society and the mediaSpreading to all corners of the globeDeeply embedded in our mindsment on “a culture that values thinking more than feeling and emphasizesreason over intuitive awareness and knowing”. (Pre. 5)Our body intelligence suppressed and dormantTremendous amount of stress on a daily basisLimiting, self-defeating, and even self-destructive behaviors that undermines our well-being and keeps them from achieving our full potential6.Explain the process where we change from “playing full-out” to “play it safe, orplay not to lose”. (Pre. 6)Play full-out:全面发挥Play it safe / play not to lose: 不冒险,避免失败Unable to feel and acknowledge our feelings and the courage to speak out.No sense of self-confidence.Reluctant to take risks.An unconscious and self-protective habit——fear, denial, and disconnection from our bodies and feelings7.Explain how wellness can be established? (Pre. 7)A multi-faceted process (多方面)Issues rooted and resolved in different dimensionsBuilding our wellness toolbox slowlyPicturing our whole state of beingAttention to the little stuff (细节)Wellness not a goal but a processMaintenance of a balance of our mind, body, and spirit8.Make a list of the tips on how to become a fully integrated human being. (Pre. 8) Try to awaken and evolve in order to live more consciouslyGet in touch with our genuine feelings and emotionsCome to terms with / Make peace with the toxic emotionsUnit 61.How has the end-of-life care changed over time?(Pre.1)In the past: died at homeAt present: stay in hospitals or nursing homes at the end of life2.What advantages does a hospital have over a nursing home for end-of-lifecare?(Pre. 3)Availability of medical resources, including doctors, nurses and facility around the clockAnything else you can add to that?Advantages of Nursing HomePrearranged plans for end-of-life careEstablishment of a relationship between the staff and familyMore personalized carePrivacy arrangement: time alone3.What’s the role of family and friends when the patient is ca red at home? (Pre. 4) Taking on a job which is big physically, emotionally, and financially;Hiring a home nurse for additional help;Arranging for services (such as visiting nurses) and special equipment (like a hospital bed or bedside commode)4.What needs to be considered to make comfort care available at home? (Pre. 5) Health insurancePlanning by a professional, such as a hospital discharge planner or a social worker Help from local governmental agenciesDoctor supervision at homeUnit 71.What difficult situation is the young doctor facing? (Pre. 1)A dying patientDecision whether to withdraw life-support machines and medication and start comfort measuresThe family’s refusal to make any decision or withdraw any treatments2.What is paternalistic decision-making in medicine? (Pre. 2)Doctors as exclusive decision makerPatients as participants with little say in the final choice3.In what way can patient empowerment be good for the patient? (Pre. 3) Respect for the patient, especially the patient’s autonomyPatient-centered care4.Why does the author say too much physician restraint may not be that good for thepatient? (Pre. 4)The patients are forced to make decisions they never want to.Patients, at least a large majority, prefer their doctors to make final decisions. Shifting responsibility of decision making to the patients will bring about more stress to the patients and their families, especially when the best option for the patient is uncertain5.What kind of considerations may have prevented doctors from making decisionsfor their patients? (Pre. 5)Doctors are very much cautious about committing some kind of ethical transgression. ‘Who am I to presume to know what my patients need?’6.Do you agree that doctors should be prepared to make any decisions together withtheir patients? (Pre. 6)Shouldering responsibility together with the patient may be better than having the patient make decision on their own alone.Balancing between patern alism and respect for patient’s autonomy constitutes a large part of medical practice.Unit 81.How are research and practice related to each other? (Pre. 1)Practice: interventions solely to enhance the well-being of an individual patient or client and that have a reasonable expectation of success.to provide diagnosis, preventive treatment or therapy to particular individuals Research: an activity to test hypothesis, permit conclusions to be drawn, and thereby to develop or contribute to generalizable knowledgeexpressed in theories, principles, and statements of relationshipsBlurred distinction 区分模糊Cooccurrence of research and practice in research designed to evaluate a therapy 2.What is the principle of respect for persons? (Pre. 2)Autonomy: Individuals treated as autonomous agentsVoluntary involvement in the researchAdequate informationProtection: Persons with diminished autonomy entitled to protectionAn Instructive Example: prisoners involved in researchNot be deprived of the opportunity to volunteer for researchBe subtly coerced or unduly influenced to engage in research activities for which they would not otherwise volunteer3.What is the principle of beneficence? (Pre. 3)Such treatment falls under the principle of beneficence.The term "beneficence" is often understood to cover acts of kindness or charity that go beyond strict obligation.Two rules:1. Do not harm.2. Maximize possible benefits and minimize possible harms.4.How is the principle of beneficence related to Hippocratic Oath? (Pre. 4) Hippocratic Oath (excerpts)Whatsoever house I may enter, my visit shall be for the convenience and advantage of the patient; and I will willingly refrain from doing any injury or wrong from falsehood…To benefit patients according to the best judgment.Claude Bernard extended to the realm of research5.What concrete examples can be given to illustrate the principle of justice? (Pre. 5) Benefits denied or burdens imposed with no good reason.Enrolment of patients in new drug trial: who should be enrolled and who should not? Equal treatment of equalsDetermining factors of equality: age, sex, severity of the condition, financial status, social status6.What is informed consent and its application? (Pre. 6)Definition: the opportunity to choose what shall or shall not happen to them ApplicationA process rather than signing a written formAdequate information as the premiseA well-informed decision as the expected result7.What are the considerations involved in selection of human subjects in research?(Pre. 7)Requirement for consent as entailed by the principle of respect for personsRisk/benefit assessment as entailed by the principle of beneficenceMore requirements of fairness as entailed by the principle of justiceAt the individual level: fairnessAt the social level: distinction between classes。
PTE英语等级考试,全称为Pearson Tests of English,是由培生语言考试中心研发的英语水平考试系列,其中包括与英国国家学历职业认证机构——爱德思(Edexcel)推出的PTE少儿英语考试(PTE Young Learners),PTE通用英语考试(PTE General)以及受美国管理学研究生入学考试委员会(GMAC)委托开发的PTE学术英语考试(PTE Academic)。
关于口语部分,PTE考试中口语部分分为两个部分:Part 1和Part 2。
在Part 1中,考生需要和另外一个考生进行对话,回答两个问题;在Part 2中,考生需要进行个人陈述,回答一个问题或谈论一个与该话题相关的问题。
最后,写作部分分为两个部分:Part 1和Part 2。
在Part 2中,考生需要根据所给的题目,写一篇约150个单词的短文,表达自己的观点和想法。
ensure enrich enlarge encourage
en-/-en soften strengthen brighten threaten harden
-ize realize generalize organize standardize
Musician bilingual
Pedestrian bicycle
tritricycle triangle
multi-cultural handsome painful
tiresome handful
troublesome mouthful
uninvited unreal
ununnoticed unexpected
unthinkable unearthed
disdisuse disorder
-ist specialist novelist racist
bitterness politeness brightness kindness tenseness nervousness fairness
-ness rudeness fearlessness happiness endlessness vastness brightness liveliness
antecedent 先前的,先行的 ante- == before anteroom 前室,接待室
ante stomach 前胃
antipathy 反感 anti- == against anti-imperialist 反帝的 ap- == 加强或引伸意义 ap-/apo- == 离开 ar- == at; to,或表示加强及引伸 意义 arch- == 1)big; chief. 2)ancient appoint 指定,任命 apogee 远地点(远离地球之处)
dyspepsia 消化不良
dyspathy 反感
dysgenesis 生殖力不 良 elongate 使延长,拉 长 evanish 消失 emigrate 移居国外 erupt 喷出 effable 能被说出的 embus 上车, 装入车 中 embaluate 评价 e- == 加强或引伸意义 estrange 使疏远 eject 投出,掷出 e- == 出、外 emerge 浮出,出现 ef- == 出、离去 effluence 流出
amphi- == 两、双
amphicar 水陆两用车
amphibian 水陆两栖 amphitheatre 两边都可观看的 的 antetype 先型,原型 antedate 比实际早的 日期 antifreeze 防冻 antiaging 防衰老的 appraise 评价 apostasy 脱党,叛教 剧场,圆形剧场 anteport 前港,外港
embog 使陷于泥沼中
embalm 涂以香料(防腐剂)
embank 筑堤防护
embar 上门闩,囚禁
em- == 表示“使成某种状态”、 “致使...”、 “使之如...”、 “作成...”
pre-existing单词讲解 -回复
简单句型孩子们需要学习一些简单的英语句型,比如“I am...”(我是...),“I have...”(我有...),以及“Do you like...?”(你喜欢...吗?)等。
Organizational culture is a set of shared assumptions that guide what happens in organizations by defining appropriate behavior for various situations.As a technology company in Silicon Valley, our target product is application and innovation device, so the innovation is one of the most significant culture elements we needed. What’s more, over 70% of our staff is Asian-bred engineer, mainly from China and Korea. Our organization culture should also be accepted by the majority and the character of the job, so I believe preciseness, diligencyand more attention to collective is also very important.These basic elements are similar to those in Huawei’s organization culture. They have achieved a lot in Huawei’s system, a technology company just same to ours, so I believe it can work in our corporate as well.Based on my analyzing, let me tell you what I think. Firstly, I should say that we are not setting up a Japanese culture based company. We desire staff to innovate, which is just what the Japan companies is lack of.So we ought to get rid of the character preventing ideas.In order to achieve this goal, we need to respect our staff. Far from strict to them, they need to be respected. The mistake should be tolerated sometimes. Your talent to create new products is the best approach for your promotion. We need creator, not producer! So thekindness and respect from Confucianism is the essential element in our culture system. The organization is like a family, not a hell full with pressure and money.Moreover, although creation is vital to us, to some extent, our corporate contains a number of Asian engineers. So our management can be similar to some China or Korean company. Collective should be considered firstly, and loyalty is encouraged here. It is a great method to build their sense of belonging to the organization.Our staff ought to finish work on time, although they are not pushed to do something and errors could be tolerated. We emphasized creation and talent first, but diligency is of equal importance to the talent. You could also succeed and win everyone’s respect by your own effort. Finally, it is obvious that as aengineering company, we need to focus on the preciseness. The first step is accomplished by creator who provided ideas and methods to established thorough new products. Of course, our diligent staff will give us a favor to perfect our products step by step. In the process, preciseness is the only thing you should concern. To conclude, from one hand, we couldn’t ignore the respect and kindness to inspire the creation, on the other hand, loyalty, diligency and preciseness is what we emphasize in our work. As long as tradition east wisdom is blended into the root of our corporate, I suppose a brighter prospect is just waiting for us!You have talked about the freedom, especially the available working time and free working style. These are not totally against my opinion. However, I do believe there should be some principles. For example, a regular time for work is the best way to set up the sense of belonging, and we should let them work together in a room to build an atmosphere, where everyone just focuses on their jobs to push them working more efficiently. And it does destroy the sense of collective, but we could make a compromise in this aspect.。
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SHANGHAI was the most "satisfactory" touristdestination on the Chinese mainland in the thirdquarter, according to a report released by the ChinaTourism Academy yesterday.
根据中国旅游研究院昨天发布的一份报告, 上海成中国大陆第三季度最“满意”的旅游目的地。
The report ranked 60 cities based on tourists'comments and complaints. Suzhou in JiangsuProvince and Huangshan or Yellow Mountain in AnhuiProvince secured second and third spots on thesatisfaction list, respectively, while Sanya in Hainan, Nanchang in Jiangxi and Shantou inGuangdong were at the bottom.
Infrastructure, service, ticket prices, traffic, shopping, emergency management andenvironment of tourist destinations were considered while ranking the cities.
Shanghai ranked second in terms of tourists' willingness to visit again and to recommend itto others, following Guang'an City in Sichuan Province.
The report said individual tourists complained the most about admission prices while groupvisitors' grumbled about too much shopping. However, the degree of satisfaction among foreigntourists dropped significantly due to ticket prices, hygiene conditions and taxi service.
Shanghai topped the list of satisfaction degree among tourists, the reportrevealed. Visitors said they mostly appreciated Shanghai's tourism environment, though therewere some small issues.
First holiday memory?
What have you learnt from your travels?
Ideal travelling companion?
Worst travel experience?
Where next? the time to travel
冰岛共和国(英语:The Republic of Iceland)冰岛是欧洲西部的国家,位于北大西洋中部,靠近北极圈。
There is a wonderful saying, your soul and your body must have one in the road.。