



商务英语合同中名词化结构使用分析In business English contracts, nominalization is a common linguistic strategy used to convert verbs or adjectives into nouns. It is utilized to create a more formal and professional tone in the contract, as well as to condense information and emphasize key points. Nominalization is a vital aspect of legal writing as it provides clarity, precision, and conciseness to the language used in contracts.By converting verbs or adjectives into nouns, nominalization enables the writer to streamline the language and eliminate unnecessary words, resulting in a more direct and authoritative tone. In business contracts, nominalization is frequently used to express actions, processes, or qualities as concrete entities. For example, "We will undertake the development of the project" can be nominalized to "The development of the project will be undertaken." This transformation not only reduces the word count but also emphasizes the action of undertaking the development.Moreover, nominalization in business English contracts serves to emphasize key points and make them more prominent within the text. By turning verbs or adjectives into nouns, the writer can highlight important concepts and make them stand out in the document. For instance, "The company will provide financial support" can be nominalized to "The provision of financial support by the company." This nominalized form places greater emphasis on the provision of financial support, making it a central point in the contract.Furthermore, nominalization aids in creating a more formal and professional tone in business contracts. By using nouns instead of verbs or adjectives, the language becomes more sophisticated and appropriate for legal documents. This formal tone is essential for establishing the seriousness and authority of the contract, as well as for ensuring that the terms and conditions are clearly articulated.In summary, nominalization is a crucial linguistic tool in business English contracts. It helps to condense information, emphasize key points, and create a formal tonewithin the document. By converting verbs or adjectives into nouns, nominalization enhances the clarity, precision, and professionalism of the language used in contracts.在商务英语合同中,名词化是一种常见的语言策略,用于将动词或形容词转化为名词。



1. If the thickness of the lagging(绝热材料)is increased, it willreduce the heat losses.(An increase in the thickness of the lagging.)(如果落后的厚度增加,它将减少热量损失。


))2. If machines are tested by this method, there will be some loss ofpower.(The testing of machines by this method.)(如果机器测试这种方法,将会有一些能量损失。


))3. If the temperature rises by 50℃, it would result in a in Zenervoltage of 3.75%.(A temperature rise of 50℃[=A rise in/of temperature by 50℃])(如果温度上升到50℃,这将导致3.75%的齐纳电压。


)4.If these listings are studied , it will greatly help the programmerin finding any errors made in writing the program.(A study of these listings)(如果这些研究上市,它将极大地帮助程序员找到任何书写程序造成的错误。

)5. If the diode(二极管)is physically analyzed, it will be shown thatthe current and voltage are related by the following equation. ( A physical analysis of the diode)(如果二极管物理分析,它将会显示相关的电流和电压是通过以下方程相关联的。


例 3.The diluted reagent call be used within 7 days
when stored onboard ABC instrument.
译 文 1:稀释试 剂可在 ABC仪器 内存放 7天。 译 文 2: 当存 放在 ABC仪器 上 时,稀释 试 剂在 7天 内都 可 以使 用 。 背景介 绍 :ABC仪器 是一种分析 仪 ,配套试 剂是要 在稀 释后用 在该仪器上 。另外 ,这款仪 器还 附带 有存放 试剂稀 释液 的用途 。也 就是说 ,原试剂 经稀释形 成的稀 释液 ,可 当即供运行分 析仪使用 ,而 如果当 即不 用 ,还 可选择 存放在仪 器上 (原文 中的 onboard一词 ),存 放期 限是 7天 ,7天里随时可用 ,7天后 则失效。 译文 2乍一 看感 觉更 忠实于原 文 ,基 本上 做到 了与 原文 保持 功能对 等 ,也做 到了神 似 。相 比之 下 ,译 文 1 则 看上 去 似乎 是 略去 了原 文 中的 很多 信 息 ,不 那 么对 等 ,也谈 不上神 似 。译 员如果基 于这一角 度判断 哪项 译 文更忠实 ,则很 可能会认定译 文 2更 忠实。的确 ,译文 2 从 字 词 、词组 、句 法结 构方 面着手 ,步 步谨遵 “忠实 ” 教条 ,最终实 现了全局 忠实 。但 是 ,如果 从另一个 角度 想问题 ,也许 ,上述判断也并 非无懈 可击的。 译者 在 翻译 时 ,有 几个 忠实 对象 可供 选择 :作 者 、 原文 、 目标语读 者 。而 目标语读 者又可 以细分为业 内读 者 、业外 读者 。在翻译 活动 中,作 者 、原 文 、读者是 信 息 的顺 序传递者 ,即作 者把 自己所 要表达 的信息用 “原 文 ”承 载并传递 给读者 ,这 是一项单 线 、单 向活动 。译 者 在这种 活动 中起到催化 剂 的作用 。而催 化剂 自身又 往 往 会受 到 “温度 ”“湿度”等其它各种 因素的影 响 ,对于 译 者来说 ,这些 因素就有可 能是 自身所具备 的素质 、素 养 、道德 标准 、价值观 、心理与 生理状态 等。催化 的结 果就是 这条 活动线有 了两种版本 ,试看下 图 :




以下是一些名词化结构的例子:1. 动名词(Gerund):将动词加上-ing形式,表示动作或状态。

例如:Swimming is my favorite sport.(游泳是我最喜欢的运动。

)2. 不定式(Infinitive):将动词原形前面加上to,表示目的或意图。

例如:To learn a new language takes time and effort.(学习一门新语言需要时间和努力。

)3. 分词(Participle):将动词加上-ed或-ing形式,表示被动或进行中的动作。

例如:The broken vase needs to be replaced.(破碎的花瓶需要被替换。

)4. 从句(Subordinate Clause):将一个完整的句子作为名词的主语、宾语、表语等成分。

例如:What he said was true.(他说的是真的。

)5. 复合名词(Compound Noun):将两个或多个单词组合在一起形成一个新词。

例如:A bookcase is a piece of furniture used for storing books.(书柜是用来存放书籍的家具。

)6. 形容词性物主代词(Adjective Possessive Pronoun):表示所属关系的代词,如my, your, his, her, its, our, their等。

例如:My car needs an oil change.(我的车需要换油。

)7. 名词性从句(Noun Clause):将一个句子作为名词的主语、宾语、表语等成分。

例如:That he arrived late was not his fault.(他迟到不是他的错。




在这组例子中,名词化发生在两个地方.rectifyrectification,insert-insertion,经过名词化处理后,含有 两个诸位结构的复合句变成了只含一个主谓结构的简单 句,从而使句子的结构更加精炼,也由于使用抽象名词 替代原来的人称代词做主语而使句子的语体更加正式。
名词化结构分类(根据修饰词不同 名词化结构分类 根据修饰词不同) 根据修饰词不同
acute bacterial peritonitis 急性细菌性腹膜炎 special strengthening filler material 特殊的强化用的填料 low average stress values 较低的平均应力值 a non-uniform temperature field非均匀的温度场 a mechanically worked surface layer经过机械加T的表层 a precise differential air pressure meter一只精密的差动气压 表 a reversing variable-displacement reciprocating pump可反 置的变容积往复式工作泵
1) 名词与动词相比较,名词更具有静态性,不像动词那 样生动具体和活跃。假如简单地述说一个事实或概念,仅指 出动作和技术的特点,不需要动词那样生动具体,可用动作 名词来替代动词。科研技术人员关心事物的现象、事实、特 点,特别是抽象化的逻辑思维,因而名词化结构的使用,尤 其符合科研技术人员表达的需要:比如: 例5.The rate of evaporation of a liquid depends enormously by on temperature, The dependence of the rate of evaporation of a liquid on temperature is enormous. 液体的蒸发速度很大程度上取决于它的温度。



• (16)They are the employers of managers, as much as they are the employers of workpeople. • 他们不仅雇用工人也雇用经理。 • 此句=They employ managers as well as workpeople. 又如: • Television is the transmission and reception of moving objects image by radio waves. • 电视通过无线电波发射和接收活动物体的图像。 • Farm tractors are big users of diesel power. • 农用拖拉机也大多以柴油机为动力。 • 在这一句话中,从表层结构来看,big users 与of diesel power是从属关系,可其深层结构却是动宾补的关系; big use of diesel power=mainly use diesel as power, 所以在翻译时不能译成“农用拖拉机也是柴油机的大用 户。”
• 在此结构中,名词在表层结构上是前置定 语,但在翻译过程中,其深层结构的内在 含义可以译成动宾词组,行为名词转换成 谓语。 Power generation 发电 hail prevention 防冰雹
• 美国语言学家乔姆斯基(Chomsky )也曾指出,语言文 字的表层结构通过转换规则,在结构深层产生出新的语义 来。因此,对名词化结构的翻译,不能停留在结构表层上, 仅满足于词汇本身概念含义的对应,而必须深入到结构的 第二层、第三层中,按照转换的规则,从概念的组合当中 发掘其关联含义。名词化结构的翻译,在结构上要从表层 剖析至深层的含义; • 在概念上从词汇的绝对词义剖析至相对含义,因为词汇的 概念意义只是词汇含义的基础,翻译时绝对不能停留在这 点上,而必须对词义持动态观,不能持静态观;要从发展 转换中理解,不能僵化地孤立地去理解。由于科技英语中 词性转换较多,这种情况恰好与汉语结构中动词数量多的 特点相对应,可互相利用与补充。在翻译过程中就要运用 这些规律,使译文更加符合汉语的习惯与要求。

【做】博士英语第五次作业 (名词化结构 — 从属结构)

【做】博士英语第五次作业 (名词化结构 — 从属结构)


(①主语部分—主语的语言层级—词;短语;从句;长主语的翻译②谓语部分—动词的5种类型③宾语—宾语种类、数量等)4.从语言层级看,英汉句子的主语语言层级数量一样吗?/各有有几种?5.如果某个汉语句子的主语是个单句(不是复句),英译时对这个单句有几种处理策略?6.汉英句子语序都有哪些差异(除前面讲的定语的一部分差异外)?二.把下面的英语转化为名词化结构1、A cool flame appears. The appearance of cool flame.2、Large digital computers are available. Large digital computers have availability.3、The design is simple. The design in simpleness.4、The steam flows. The flow of steam.5、The beam deforms. The deformation of the beam.6、The farmers irrigate more land. The farmers do irrigation on more land.7、They examine carefully the equipment. They have a careful examination on equipment.三、翻译1.20世纪60年代我国重工业飞速发展(。

)The rapid development of China's heavy industry in 1960s,In 1960s,China's heavy industry made rapid development./developed rapidly.2.中华人民共和国建立(了)(,这)是一件举世瞩目的大事。



Unit 8
• A gear is a form of disk, or wheel, having teeth
around its periphery for providing a positive drive by meshing these teeth with similar teeth on another gear or rack.
• All the other gear forms — bevel gears, helical •
gears, and worm gears — are modifications of the spur gears. The general principle, or the principle on which gear teeth are formed, is practically the same in all the forms of gears in use.
• This results in reduced dynamic effects and attendant
The machining of forgings by this method
entails some loss of material.
2. 非人称语气(Impersonal)(无生 命的第三人称语气)
由于科技文章所描述和所讨论的是科学发现或 科技事实。重视事物自身的性能、特征和规律,重 视研究方法及获得结果的真实性,而不是报告这些 结果或自然规律是由谁发现或完成的。例如:
• The advantage of helical gears lies in the gradual

Unit 1:科技英语阅读方法及翻译技巧(一):名词化结构

Unit 1:科技英语阅读方法及翻译技巧(一):名词化结构
the romoval of a lp16-17 1.将名词化结构翻译成动词: 适用于实义动词派生的名词作为中心名词的结构; 汉语动词极为丰富 2.将名词化结构翻译成动宾关系: 适用于大多数复合名词性词组 3.将名词化结构翻译成独立的从句: 适用于名词化结构较长且复杂的情况
e.g.acute bacterial peritonitis急性细菌性腹膜炎
3.由动词派生的名词化结构 (1)定义:由实义动词派生的名词搭配介词短语构 成。
the principle of displacement of water by solid bodies固体排水原理 the building of these giant iron and steel works那些 巨大的钢铁构筑物
laser noise amplitude modulation激光噪音调幅
2.复合名词化结构 (1)定义:由一个中心名词和形容词、名词、副词、 分词及介词短语等多个前置或后置修饰语构成。
(2)阅读技巧:确定中心名词——> 确 定 中 心 词 与 修饰语的逻辑关系
(3)特点:意义越具体、物质性越强、与中心词关 系越密切的修饰词离中心词越近
大量使用名词化结构是科技英语最突出的特点之一。 使用名词化结构的优点: -客观 -强调动作的客体而非动作本身 -简洁:可以代替同位语从句等较长的句子结构
1.单纯名词化结构 (1)定义:由一个或者多个名词修饰一个中心名词 构成的名词化结构。 (2)阅读技巧:确定中心名词——> 确 定 修 饰 词 和 中心名字的关系 e.g. water purification system净水系统





名词化的名词有其自己的特征,主要表现在以下四个方面:(1)泛指一类人或事物the rich 富人the wounded伤员(2)表示抽象的概念feeling情感thinking思想、思维(3)表示动作have a swim去游泳make a study学习、研究(4)表示特殊含义a somebody重要的人物a something重要的东西2.各种形式的名词化英语中名词化的形式主要有如下几种:(1)the +形容词“the+形容词”常表示一类人或一类事。


常见的有:the new新生事物the old陈旧的事物、老年人the rich富人the poor穷人the blind盲人the deaf聋哑人the dead死的人(2)the+动词的-ed形式the wounded伤员the unknown未知之人或事the aged老年人the beloved心爱的人the killed被杀害的人the learned有学问的人(3)动词的-ing形式the dying奄奄一息的人feeling情感suffering苦难thinking思维(4)基数词in one's fifties在某人五十几岁时in threes and fours三三两两的at sixes and sevens 乱七八糟,不和(5)序数词come out first获得第一名from the first从第一个开始need a third in the game三缺一(6)具有动作意义的名词have a look看一看have a break休息一下make a choice作出选择make a decision作出决定have a swim去游泳take a sleep睡一觉have a go试一试(7)个别不定代词Jim is really a somebody.吉姆真了不起。

名词化结构举例 -回复

名词化结构举例 -回复




1. 动词的名词化a) open(动词)-> opening(名词)例句:The opening of the store attracted a large crowd.(商店的开业吸引了很多人。

)b) study(动词)-> study(名词)例句:I need to find a quiet place for my study.(我需要找一个安静的地方学习。

)c) hope(动词)-> hope(名词)例句:I have high hopes for my future career.(我对我的未来事业抱有很大的希望。

)2. 形容词的名词化a) expensive(形容词)-> expense(名词)例句:Traveling to exotic destinations can be a significant expense.(去异国旅行可能会是一笔可观的开支。

)b) tired(形容词)-> tiredness(名词)例句:His tiredness was evident after working for long hours.(在长时间工作后,他的疲劳显而易见。

)c) poor(形容词)-> poverty(名词)例句:Many people are trapped in a cycle of poverty and struggle to escape.(许多人陷入贫困循环并努力摆脱。

)3. 副词的名词化a) quickly(副词)-> quickness(名词)例句:His quickness in solving problems impressed everyone.(他解决问题的迅速给大家留下了深刻印象。



1.后缀派生法,即把-ance,-al, -sion, -tion, -ment 等 例1. When one type language disappeared, that very culture becomes extinct and this means a nonreversible loss of human civilization.
名词化:The disappearance of one type of language resulted in the extinction of that very culture, which means a nonreversible loss of human civilization.

动词名词化+介词短语(of)/to do + by 主语 top management is committed insufficiently to overcome the initial difficulties and financial requirements of exporting. insufficient commitment by top management to overcome the initial difficulties and financial requirements of exporting

练习: Last year Hans Materials Co. Ltd. invested 625 project in China. Companies involved in international trade use the host country’s materials, products, facilities and services. the investment of 625 projects in China by Hans Materials Co. Ltd. the use of the host country’s materials, products, facilities and services by companies involved in international trade











以Halliday 为代表的系统功能语言学从语境和交际功能的角度出发,把名词化解释为一种曲折表达事态变化的“隐喻式”表达,认为名词化是发生在语法层面的隐喻化过程,“是用名词来表现本来一致性情况下由动词或者形容词所体现的过程或者是特征”,使小句中的“过程”或“属性”经过名词化变成了“事物”,名词化后的“事物”具有双重语义特征,为重新认识名词化提供了新的研究途径。








级阶理论容许向下移动的“级转移”(rank shift),即一个已知单位可移至下一级,但下级单位不能上移。


例如,在下面的两个句子中:(4a) The driver drove the bus too fast down the hill, so the brakes failed.(4b) The driver’s overrapid downhill driving of the bus caused brake failure.(4a)是一致式,(4b)通过语法隐喻把(4a)的两个小句向下转移为两个名词性词组结构。

名词化的语义功能变化伴随着级向下转移,名词化结构产生了有别于一致式结构的功能意义变化(changes in status)。


就上例而言,动词drive转化成driving时,语义功能由process 转化为entity,语法功能由transitivity转化为thing ,语法类别则由动词转化为名词。

而too fast转化为overrapid后,语义功能由circumstance转化为quality,语法功能由manner转化为epithet,语法类别则由副词转化为形容词。



动词名词化结构的英语作文In the realm of the English language, the process of verb-to-noun conversion is a fascinating linguistic phenomenon that enriches the vocabulary and provides a nuanced way to express ideas. This essay will delve into the concept of verb nounification and explore its applications in writing.Verbs are action words that describe what a subject does or experiences. However, when verbs are transformed into nouns, they become entities or concepts that can be discussed, analyzed, and contemplated. This transformation is achieved through various grammatical mechanisms, such as the addition of suffixes, the use of gerunds, and the formation of participial adjectives.One common way to convert verbs into nouns is by adding suffixes. For instance, the verb "create" can become "creation," the act of creating something. Similarly, "innovate" turns into "innovation," signifying a new idea or method. These noun forms allow writers to discuss the outcomes or products of actions without directly referencing the action itself.Gerunds are another form of verb nounification, where the -ing form of a verb is used as a noun. For example, "reading" is the gerund form of the verb "read," and it can be used in sentences like "Reading is my favorite pastime." Gerunds are particularly useful in academic writing, where they candenote processes or activities.Participial adjectives, formed by adding -ing or -ed to a verb, can also serve as nouns. For example, "interesting" is an adjective derived from the verb "interest," but it can be used as a noun in phrases like "The interesting is the life of the mind." This form allows for a more abstract discussion of qualities or states.In literature, verb nounification can add depth and sophistication to the narrative. For example, a writer might describe a character's "realization" or "discovery" to convey a moment of insight or understanding, rather than simply stating that the character "realized" or "discovered" something.In conclusion, the transformation of verbs into nouns is a powerful tool in the English language that can enhance the expressiveness and variety of writing. By understanding and utilizing verb nounification, writers can create more engaging and thought-provoking texts that resonate with readers.。



商务英语合同中的名词化结构及其语篇分析Business English is a specialized area of English language focused on the vocabulary and communication skills needed in business settings. One important aspect of business English is understanding and using noun phrases in contracts. Noun phrases, also known as nominalizations, are derived from verbs, adjectives, or other parts of speech and play a critical role in business contracts by providing clarity, conciseness, and formality to the language used.In this article, we will explore the use of noun phrases in business English contracts and analyze their role in creating effective and professional communication.1. Definition of Noun Phrases in Business ContractsNoun phrases are groups of words centered around a noun and its modifiers, which can function as subjects, objects, or complements in a sentence. In business contracts, noun phrases are commonly used to convey key terms, agreements, responsibilities, and obligations in a concise and formal manner. By turning verbs or adjectives into nouns, noun phrases help simplify complex ideas and provide a clear structure to the contract language.For example, the verb "to negotiate" can be turned into the noun phrase "negotiation," which captures the action of negotiating in a single word. Similarly, the adjective "financial" can be transformed into the noun phrase "financial terms," which refers to the specific financial conditions outlined in the contract.2. Importance of Noun Phrases in Business ContractsNoun phrases serve several important functions in business contracts:- Clarity: Noun phrases help avoid ambiguity and confusion by providing a precise and unambiguous way to express concepts and ideas. By using nouns instead of multiple words or phrases, business contracts can convey information more clearly and effectively.- Conciseness: Noun phrases allow for the compression of complex ideas into shorter, more manageable units of language. This helps reduce redundancy and unnecessary repetition, making the contract more concise and to the point.- Formality: Noun phrases lend a sense of formality and professionalism to business contracts. By using specialized terminology and structured language, noun phrases helpestablish a professional tone and convey the seriousness of the agreement.- Legal Validity: Noun phrases are a common feature of legal language and are often used in contracts to define rights, obligations, and responsibilities in a legally binding manner. By using precise and concise language, noun phrases help ensure the legal validity and enforceability of the contract terms.3. Example of Noun Phrases in Business ContractsLet's examine a sample excerpt from a business contract to illustrate the use of noun phrases:"The parties hereby agree to enter into a confidentiality agreement to protect the confidential information disclosed during the negotiation period. The terms of the agreement shall include non-disclosure obligations, intellectual property rights, and dispute resolution mechanisms."In this example, the noun phrases "confidentiality agreement," "confidential information," "negotiation period," "non-disclosure obligations," "intellectual property rights," and "dispute resolution mechanisms" play a crucial role in defining the terms and conditions of the contract. By using noun phrases, the contract language is clear, concise, and professional, makingit easier for both parties to understand and comply with the agreement.4. ConclusionIn conclusion, noun phrases are an essential feature of business English contracts, providing clarity, conciseness, formality, and legal validity to the language used. By understanding the role of noun phrases and using them effectively in business contracts, professionals can enhance their communication skills, improve their negotiation abilities, and build stronger business relationships. Mastering the use of noun phrases in business English is a valuable skill for anyone working in the business sector and can contribute to successful and effective contract negotiations.。






(1)The buyer shall furnish ocean vessels for the transportation of the rice under this contract.(2)The buyers shall give the notice of the vessel‟s name beforehand.(3)The storage of the rice shall be done in the way stated.(4)A certificate is needed attesting the existence of such event.1.动词的名词化作为一种专用英语,简洁和客观是经贸英语的灵魂,故在一般英语中用动词表示的内容,经贸英语却惯于将动词名词化,并由此产生一个名词化结构,让原来的施动意义隐含在结构的深层里。


1.1动词名词化的基本形式就形态变化而言,经贸英语动词的名词化通常有两种:一是后缀派生法,即把-al, -sion, -tion, -ment等后缀分别加在不同的动词词尾,在句法研究中这种词称为动词派生名词(deverbal noun);二是零位派生法(zero derivation),也就是说不借助后缀直接由动词转化为名词,本文将这种词称为动词转类名词(conversion noun)。

例如:(1) the conclusion of difficult negotiations(2) the formulation of export sales contracts(3) the participation in GA TT(4) the involvement in international economy and trade activities(5) a decline in industrial production and a marked upturn in inflation(6) the fall in the growth rate of the world economy1.2动词名词化结构的两种形态动词名词化时,动词原来所带的客体和主体转化为名的修饰语或附加成分后,就构成了一个动词名词化结构,常见的形式有两种:一是动词原来所带的客体由一个介词(其中及物动词介词of)或不定式符号to引导,接在动词派生名词或动词类名词后面,形成一个后置修饰语,而主体往往以名词的格形式转化为动词派生名词或动词转类名词的前置修饰语例如:(7) Recently China reduced tariffs substantially.(8) China‟s recent substantial reduction of tariffs(9) Ericsson studied the target market carefully.(10) Ericsson‟s careful study of the target market(11) The new-to-export firm failed to treat international distributors on an equal basis with domestic counterparts.(12) the new-to-export firm‟s failure to treat international distributors on a equal basis with domestic counterparts二是客体和主体均转化为后置修饰语,客体在前,由一个介词(其中及物动词由介词of)或不定式符号to引导;主在后,通常由介词by引导。



2 用介词连接-作介词宾语 The method of transfer metal to the workpiece depends on the magnitude of the current. the method by which metals transferred to the work-piece
2 用介词连接-作介词宾语 However, in the presence of air, surface oxides may form within the engine. if air is present
3 用中性动词(empty word)过渡 中性动词make, take, give, get, do, have等 意义份量轻、接近中性动词的动词perform, achieve, obtain, carry out, establish, present等
The recovห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ring of distillates is also performed in the vacuum unit
examining the object with an ordinary microscope hydrogen ions’ combining with chloride ions in the solution
动词性 名词性
1 直接作句子的主语、宾语和表语
2 用介词连接-作介词宾语 By opening the valves 11 and 12, residual gas from the adsorber 2 flows into the evacuated adsorber 1. While the valves 11 and 12 are opened,
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1. 简单名词化结构

比如,"to run"(跑步)可以转化为"running"(跑步)作为名词使用:
例句1: Running is a great way to stay fit and healthy.

例句2: I enjoy running in the park.

2. 形容词名词化结构

例句3: We should be aware of the dangers of smoking.

例句4: The job involves a lot of physical dangers.

3. 名词化的副词结构

比如,"carefully"(小心地)可以转化为"carefulness"(小心):例句5: The success of this project depends on the carefulness of our team.

例句6: Her carefulness in handling delicate equipment is admirable.

4. 名词化的短语结构

比如,以"make a decision"(做决定)这个短语为例,可以将其转化为"decision-making"(决策):
例句7: Good decision-making is essential for successful leadership.

例句8: His poor decision-making has led to disastrous consequences.




