look 动词短语

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look 动词短语


1.look after:照顾,照料。例如,“Can you look after my dog while I'm on vacation?”(我度假的时候你能帮我照看一下我的狗吗?)

2.look forward to:期待,盼望。例如,“I'm looking forward to our vacation next week.”(我期待着我们下周的假期。)

3.look into:调查,研究。例如,“I'll look into the matter and get back to you.”(我会调查这件事,然后给你回复。)

4.look up:查找,查阅;好转,改善。例如,“I'll look up the word in the dictionary.”(我会在字典里查找这个词。);“His health has looked up since he started exercising.”(自从他开始锻炼,他的健康状况已经好转了。)

5.look out:当心,小心。例如,“Look out for that step, it's very steep.”(小心那一步,它非常陡。)

6.look through:浏览,快速查看。例如,“I'll look through the report before the meeting.”(我会在会议前浏览一下报告。)

7.look over:检查,查看。例如,“Could you look over my homework before I turn it in?”(你能在我交作业前检查一下吗?)

8.look back on:回顾,回忆。例如,“I like to look back on my childhood with fondness.”(我喜欢带着喜爱之情回顾我的童年。)

