erp Enterprise Resource Planning 企业资源计划
erp/R3 sap 的Erp系统
FI 财务会计
TR 财务管理
CO 管理会计
EC 企业控制
IM 投资管理
PP 生产计划
MM 物料管理
bo(boe) bussiness object ( bussiness object enterprise)
CX crystal Xcelsius Boe的水晶仪表报表产品
web intelligence Boe的即时查询与分析报表工具
CR crystal reports Boe的水晶报表产品
universe 语义层
BI Widgets Boe的 BI微件
LO live office office 插件 可以用来将web intelligence报表插入到office软件中
3.BI and IM 4。NetWeaver IM(Information management)EIM信息管理解决方案 数据仓库(把业务系统的数据经过处理)
BI商务智能事业部 数据查询展现business intelligence 可视化数据分析 杜邦财务分析
abap Advanced Business Application Programming ABAP是一种高级企业应用编程语言;现在的版本为ABAP/4,SAP R/3的应用程序就是用ABAP/4编写的
olap On-Line Analytical Processing 联机分析处理
PM 工厂维护
QM 品质管理
PS 专案管理
SD 销售与分销
HR 人力资源管理
10.业务范围(Business Area):根据单位的业务部门或业务区域来划分确定的财务会计的组织单元。
601description 701 combined transport 联合运输602discrete 离702 commodity inspection 进出口商品检验603ergonomic 703 competitive edge 竞争优势604 facility 设备、功能704 container 集装箱605 feature 基本组件/705 container transport 集装箱运输606forecast 预706 CRP Continuous Replenishment Program 连续补充系数607 freight 运费707 core competence 核心才能608holidays 例708 cross docking 直接换装609implement 709 CLV Customer Lifetime Value 客户生命周期价值610ingredient 710 CReM Customer Relationship Marketing 客户关系营销611 inquire 查询711 CSS Customer Service and Support 客户服务和支持612inventory 712 Customer Service Representative 客户服务代表613 item 物料项目713 customized logistics 定制物流614 job 作业714 customs declaration 报关615Kanban 看715 cycle stock 经常库存616 level 层次(级)716 data cleansing 数据整理617 load 负荷717 Data Knowledge and Decision Support 数据知识和决策支持618 locate 定位718 data level integration 数据层集成619logistics 后719 data transformation 数据转换620 lot 批次720 desktop conferencing 桌面会议621 option 可选件721 distribution 配送622outstandin 722 distribution and logistics 分销和后勤623overhead 723 distribution center 配送中心624override 覆724 distribution logistics 销售物流625overtime 725 distribution processing 流通加工626 parent 双亲(文件)726 distribution requirements 分销量627 part 零件727 DRP distribution resource planning 配送/分销资源计划628phantom 728 door-to-door 门到门629 plant 工厂,场所729 drop and pull transport 甩挂运输630preference 730 DEM Dynamic Enterprise Module 动态企业建模技术631 priority 优先权(级)731 ECR Efficient Consumer Response 有效顾客反应632procureme 732 e-Government Affairs 电子政务633prototyping 733 EC Electronic Commerce 电子商务634 queue队列734 Electronic Display Boards 电子公告板635 quota任务额,报735 EOS Electronic order system 电子订货系统636 receipt收款、收据736 ESD Electronic Software Distribution 电子软件分发637 regeneratio 737 embedding 插入638 remittance 738 employee category 员工分类639 requisition 739 empowerment 授权640 returned 退740 engineering change effect work order 工程变更生效单641 roll 滚动741 environmental logistics 绿色物流642 routing工艺线路742 experiential marketing 直效行销(又称体验行销)643 schedule 743 export supervised warehouse 出口监管仓库644 shipment 744 ERP Extended Resource Planning 扩展资源计划645 ship-to 交货地745 field sales/cross sale/cross sell 现场销售/交叉销售/连带销售646 shortage 746 franchising 加盟连销权647 shrink损耗747 FCL Full Container Load 整箱货648 spread分摊748 Global Logistics Management 全球运筹管理649 statement 749 goods collection 集货650 subassem 750 goods shed 料棚651 supplier 供751 goods shelf 货架652 transaction 752 goods stack 货垛653 what-if如果怎样-753 goods yard 货场654754 handing/carrying 搬运655 post-deduct 755 high performance organization 高绩效组织656 pre-deduct 756 inland container depot 公路集装箱中转站657 generally 757 inside sales 内部销售658 direct-deduct 758 inspection 检验659 Pareto Principle 759 intangible loss 无形消耗660 Drum-buffer-rope760 internal logistics 企业物流661761 international freight forwarding agent 国际货运代理663 Open Database 762 international logistics 国际物流664 Production 763 invasive integration 侵入性集成665 Work in Process 764 joint distribution 共同配送666 accelerate 765 just-in-time logistics 准时制物流667accounting766 KM Knowledge Management 知识管理668 acceptable 767 lead (customer) management 潜在客户管理669 constant 768 learning organization 学习型组织670 break-even 769 LCL less than container load 拼装货671 book value 帐面770 load balancing 负载平衡672 cost-benefit 771 loading and unloading 装载673 chief financial 772 logistics activity 物流活动674 degree of financial 773 logistics alliance 物流联盟675 degree of 774 logistics center 物流中心676 first-in , first-out 775 logistics cost 物流成本677 economic 776 logistics cost control 物流成本管理678 first-in ,still-here 777 logistics documents 物流单证679 full pegging 完778 logistics enterprise 物流企业680 linear programmi 779 logistics information 物流信息681 manageme 780 logistics management 物流管理682 value engineerin 781 logistics modulus 物流模数683 zero based 782 logistics network 物流网络684 CAQ computer 783 logistics operation 物流作业685 DBMS database 784 LRP Logistics Resource Planning 物流资源计划686 IP Internet 785 logistics strategy 物流战略687 TCPTransmissi786 logistics strategy management 物流战略管理689787 logistics technology 物流技术690 API Advanced 788 MES Manufacture Execute System 制造执行系统691 A2A Application 789 mass customization 大规模定制692 article物品790 NPV Net Present Value 净现值693 article reserves 791 neutral packing 中性包装694 assembly 792 OLAP On-line Analysis Processing 联机/在线分析系统695 balance-793 OAG Open Application Group 开放应用集成696 bar code 条形794 order picking 拣选697 boned warehouse 795 outsourcing 外包698 CPA Capacity 796 package/packaging 包装699 change 797 packing of nominated brand 定牌包装700 chillspace 冷藏798 palletizing 托盘包装799 PDA Personal Digital Assistant 个人数据助理800 personalization 个性化Planning 802 POS Point Of 803 priority queuing 优804 PBX Private 805 production 806 publish/sub 807 quality of working 808 Quick Response 809 receiving 810 REPs Represent 811 return logistics 回812 ROI Return On 813 RM Risk814 sales package 815 scalability 816 shipping 817 situational 818 six sigma 六个819 sorting/sta 820 stereoscop 821 storage 保822 stored procedure 823 storehouse 824 storing 储存825 SRM Supplier 826 tangible 827 team building 团828 TEM Technolog 829 TES Technolog 830 TSR TeleSales 831 TPL Third-Part 832 through 833 unit loadingManageme 835 value-added836 Value-chain837 VMI Vender 838 virtual logistics 虚839 virtual warehouse 840 vision 远景管理841 volume 842 warehouse 843 waste material 844 workflow 845 zero latency 零846 ZLE Zero847 ZLP Zero848 zero-inventory。
SAP:system applications productsABAP:advanced business application problemSTO:转储订单stock transfer orderABAP:advanced business application problemDW:data warehouse数据仓库FICO : financial control 财务管理MM:material management物料管理SD:sales distribute 销售与分销PP:product plan 生产计划PS:project system 项目管理PM:plant management 设备管理WM:warehouse management库房管理WMS:warehouse management systemCRM:customer relationship management 客户关系管理BW:business warehouse 商业智能SCM:supply chain management供应链管理PLM:product life cycle产品生命周期ECC:ERP Central Components 企业核心组件COA:chart of accountingAUC: Asset under construction在建工程BOM:bill of materialMDM:main data management 主数据管理平台PK: posting key记账码T-code: transaction code 事务代码ML: material ledger 物料分类账数据通配符:*代表任意字符,+代表单个字符;如需要其代表本身,则在之前加上字符统预科目:有分类账的总账科目。
SD常用术语汇集Sold-to-party : 下订单客户Ship-to-party : 收货之客户Bill-to-party : 仅指收发票之客户Payer-to-party : 付款人Customer Code : 客户代码Sales Organization : 销售业务组织,指台达的某一事业部Distribution Channel : 销售通路Division : 产品别Sales Areas : 销售网, 销售业务组织+ 销售通路+ 产品别Company Code : 公司代码Incoterms : 国际交运条件Payment Terms : 付款条件Price Master : 单价主档YWST : 销项税则ZWST : 销退税则内销: 凡以人民币付款的均为内销外销: 凡非以人民币付款的均为外销Order Type : 合约类别ATP check : Available to promise 通过ATP check confirm so 的delivery date 和数量反转: 因SO中某些资料Key in 错误,影响后续出货作业,才执行此动作D/O (Delivery Note) : 出货通知单Shipping Method : 运输方式PP常用术语汇集BOM (Bill of Material): 某机种或组合料号包含所有材料的表列,它分为group bom (client bom)是整个集团的材料表;bom是已经做过allocate的group bom .BLK(Block):工单锁定.Backflush材料: 不按工单领料,仓库也不作扣帐动作.它是由制作部confirm工单时进行扣帐.CFC CONFIRM工单,由制造部完成,可以确认实际工时,实际产出数量,BF材料的扣帐动作.DMS(Document Management System): 文件管理系统,目前DELTA 的所有有料号者皆可将其材料资料存放于Server中.Depedent Requirement: 相依需求,相对于独立需求而产生的需求.DLV(Delivery):工单完全入库.ECN (Engineer Change Notification):工程变更通知书.EO/P 制程外包订单.Hierarchy: 各工作站可透过一个结构关系将其产能需求及有效产能整合到一个统计性(虚拟)的工作站中,此结构关系的设定称为Hierarchy的建立.Indepedent Requirement: 根据业务的FORECAST和S/O而产生的需求.Lead Time : 某机种的生产时间.MPS(Main Production Schedule):主生产排程.OP(operation) Code: 制程代码,即是routing中各个制程的序号.Order Date:工单日期.Pilot run: 试制,即是试验性生产.Pro.ord(Production Order):工单,也就是工令,它是生产顺利进行的核心.S/O产生出来的需求.Routing: 制造途程,生产某一机种的过程.Rework: 针对某些不合格的产品,进行重新加工.REL: release工单,由生管完成,它是工单核准作业,release过后的工单才能算作有效工单. Schedule Date:上线日期.TECO(Technical Complete):工单关闭.Work Center: 工作站或工作群组.有生技部IE维护.工时:生产所需时间,它包括:标准工时,实际工时,异常工时,除外工时.MM常用术语汇集MM: materials management,即物料管理.MRP: material requirement planning,即物料需求计划.P/ purchase order,采购向厂商所下正式订单.P/R: purchase requisition, run MRP时所得的采购需求单.PlOrd: planned order, run MRP时所得的计划订单.ROH: SAP系统中所定义raw material 类别.FERT: SAP系统中所定义成品类别.S/ sales order, 业务订单.Delivery: 常指业务订单的出货单号码.Schedule: 常指工作计划的时间表或进度表.Master data: 当有增加新厂商时,需维护该厂商的主文件资料,包括Vendor master / Source list / Info record / material master等资料.Source list: 设定料号的供货商名单.Info record: 主要用于维护购买单价.此单价需经采购主管核准后始得键入,并于开立订单时系统自动带出单价.Subcontract process: 指外加作业,可不需开立工单就能将Subcontract BOM带入订单内;可直接于SAP系统直接控管台及厂商处的库存, 可免除现行手记帐的缺点.Consignment parts: 指厂商将材料寄放于台达仓库,待台达厂需要时,再领出使用;执行优点是厂商交货时不须付款,待台达厂领用后才付款.Components: 成品或机种组成成份的称谓.Confirm: 确认事务的一种行为方式,如采购为使材料能够准确满足生产需求,必须confirm厂商的交期.Release: 采购向厂商下P/O之后,必须透过一定权限经由主管对此张P/O做release后才能收料. Goods receipt: 收料,如厂商送货到台达后,仓库需做收料动作.Goods issue: 发料,如生产线从仓库领走材料后,仓库需做发料动作.Goods transfer: 转仓,如B.F.材料从仓库发料后需做转仓动作.P/N: part number,材料的料号.Spare parts: 呆料,即已不使用的材料.Return delivery: 退货,如当厂商的材料发生品质问题时,仓库配合相关单位所做的退货处理作业. MVT: Movement type, 材料收发料后仓库在SAP系统中所做相应动作产生的异动代码,如101 / 102 / 261 / 262等.Work order: 指工单发料或扣帐中所识别的工单号码,即工令.Cyclecount: 仓库平日库存盘点,盘点资料由YMD2产生.FI常用术语chart of account 会计科目chart of accounts 会计科目表primary cost elements 主要成本要素secondary cost elements 次要成本要素order-related cost elements 订单相关成本要素stocks of finished and semifished products 产成品和在产inventory change 库存变动closing accounts 结帐short-term capital resources短期资本来源current assets 应该是“流动资产”ledger 分类帐、分类总帐sub-ledger 明细帐。
SAP系统名词解释生产(PP)1、物料主数据:描述物料设计、生产、销售、采购、库存、成本核算等基本状况的长期有效的数据;2、PP:Production planning(生产与计划);3、BOM:物料清单,描述组成一个产品或装配的完整、正式的零部件结构清单。
工作中心同时是计划下达,能力核算,成本核算的基本单位;11、工序分解数:生产工序中定义的资源数量;12、主配方:即制造行业的工艺路线,描述了一个产品的生产步骤;13、生产版本:连接产品BOM和产品主配方的组合;14、SOP:Sales operation planning(销售运作计划);15、作业类型: 分配给工序操作的相应成本中心中设定的类型,例如直接人工、设备时间;16、长期计划模拟:在SAP系统中对模拟的需求做计划,以考察产能供需是否均衡,产出期是否能保证.计划结果存在生产版本中,可以设计多个模拟方案,存于多个生产版本中;17、MPS:Master planning scheduling主生产计划,在对全部产品运行物料需求计划之前,对关键件单独运行生产计划,以确保关键件的产出期;18、MRP:Material requirement planning物料需求计划,按照BOM、零部件采购或加工时间、及产品的最终产出期,计算出所有相关零部件的采购或加工的起始时间与数量,形成相应的计划订单的过程;19、工厂级别MRP:以工厂为单位进行MRP,该工厂中所有物料将进行数量及时间的匹配运算;20、单物料级别MRP:对物料及相应BOM中所有物料进行MRP运算;21、计划策略11:按毛需求进行生产,不考虑库存,只按独立需求进行生产,不考虑销售订单;22、计划策略40:考虑库存,独立需求及销售订单均能指导生产,且独立需求及销售订单能进行对冲,按照两者中数量大的进行生产;23、计划策略70:考虑库存,相关需求能与独立需求进行对冲;24、计划订单:系统MRP/MPS运行以后产生的相关零部件的采购或加工的计划,包括物料号、数量、及日期等信息;25、MRP清单:每一件物料有一个编制计划时计算的未来库存量及需求量的记录;26、库存/需求清单:结构形式和内容与MRP清单对应。
Sap实施宝典中的各个模块概念与术语一、MM二、PP三、SD四、FI1.统驭项:Rcconcilation ltem2.余额审计线索:Balance Audit Trail3.总分类账:GL,General Ledger4.交易货币:处理经营业务的原始货币set(数据集)这个数据在特别用户分类账中是一个重要的单元,而数据集的定义对于报表、计划和所有帐户处理都是基本的前提。
Price control
-用标准价格(standard price)评价 -用移动平均价格(moving average price)评价
Payment master Physical Inventory Planned Delivery cost Picking list
支付头目 在库实查
SAP - ERP 用语集 PI U
Goods receipt processing time gross price
用于检查Material,并储存在storage的程序;material入库,并反映在在库需要的时间,日程计划的树立 时入库处理时间被考虑到。 考虑打折或涨价之前的价格 从检查lot中出来的material的量。进来的物品是否符合要求将检查这个标本量。检查的标本一般从接收 的goods的总量中提取后临时存放在检查领域(inspection area)中。利用WM(Warehouse Management)系统,可将检查标本与库中残存的量一同存放在一般storage bin中。最终在检查步骤中易 区分检查标本。 表示使用部门已把材料master recode管理的项目。材料master recode允许别的操作使用它的内容。 例) - E = Purchasing ; - D = MRP ; - B = Accounting 入库管理 达到40字的短的是material的简单说明。可以用语言别定义。 形成一个以上 的证据,成为有关 的情报资源的文件, 动的凭证[GR(goods receipt)/IR (invoice receipt)slip]。 包含一个以上的项目可以打印为 物品移
Inspection sample Maintenance activity type Maintenance item Material description Material document Material status Material Management Material Master Material master record OBJECT CURRENCY OBSOLESCENCE
SD 常用术语汇集SD (Sales and Distribution) : 销售和分销Sold-to-party : 下订单客户Ship-to-party : 收货之客户Bill-to-party : 仅指收发票之客户Payer-to-party : 付款人Customer Code : 客户代码Sales Organization : 销售业务组织,指台达的某一事业部Distribution Channel : 销售通路Division : 产品别Sales Areas : 销售网, 销售业务组织+ 销售通路+ 产品别Company Code : 公司代码Incoterms : 国际交运条件Payment Terms : 付款条件Price Master : 单价主档YWST : 销项税则ZWST : 销退税则内销: 凡以人民币付款的均为内销外销: 凡非以人民币付款的均为外销Order Type : 合约类别ATP check : Available to promise 通过ATP check confirm so 的delivery date 和数量反转: 因SO中某些数据Key in 错误,影响后续出货作业,才执行此动作D/O (Delivery Note) : 出货通知单Shipping Method : 运输方式PP常用术语汇集BOM (Bill of Material): 某机种或组合料号包含所有材料的表列,它分为group bom (client bom)是整个集团的材料表;bom是已经做过allocate的group bom .BLK(Block):工单锁定.Backflush材料: 不按工单领料,仓库也不作扣帐动作.它是由制作部confirm工单时进行扣帐.CFCO: CONFIRM工单,由制造部完成,可以确认实际工时,实际产出数量,BF材料的扣帐动作.DMS(Document Management System): 文件管理系统,目前DELTA 的所有有料号者皆可将其材料数据存放于Server中.Depedent Requirement: 相依需求,相对于独立需求而产生的需求.DLV(Delivery):工单完全入库.ECN (Engineer Change Notification):工程变更通知书.EO/PO: 制程外包订单.Hierarchy: 各工作站可透过一个结构关系将其产能需求及有效产能整合到一个统计性(虚拟)的工作站中,此结构关系的设定称为Hierarchy 的建立.Indepedent Requirement: 根据业务的FORECAST和S/O而产生的需求.Lead Time : 某机种的生产时间.MPS(Main Production Schedule):主生产排程.OP(operation) Code: 制程代码,即是routing中各个制程的序号.Order Date:工单日期.Pilot run: 试制,即是试验性生产.Pro.ord(Production Order):工单,也就是工令,它是生产顺利进行的核心.S/O产生出来的需求.Routing: 制造途程,生产某一机种的过程.Rework: 针对某些不合格的产品,进行重新加工.REL: release工单,由生管完成,它是工单核准作业,release过后的工单才能算作有效工单.Schedule Date:上线日期.TECO(Technical Complete):工单关闭.Work Center: 工作站或工作群组.有生技部IE维护.工时:生产所需时间,它包括:标准工时,实际工时,异常工时,除外工时. MM常用术语汇集MM: materials management,即物料管理.MRP: material requirement planning,即物料需求计划.P/O: purchase order,采购向厂商所下正式订单.P/R: purchase requisition, run MRP时所得的采购需求单.PlOrd: planned order, run MRP时所得的计划订单.ROH: SAP系统中所定义raw material 类别.FERT: SAP系统中所定义成品类别.S/O: sales order, 业务订单.Delivery: 常指业务订单的出货单号码.Schedule: 常指工作计划的时间表或进度表.Master data: 当有增加新厂商时,需维护该厂商的主文件资料,包括Vendor master / Source list / Info record / material master等资料. Source list: 设定料号的供货商名单.Info record: 主要用于维护购买单价.此单价需经采购主管核准后始得键入,并于开立订单时系统自动带出单价.Subcontract process: 指外加作业,可不需开立工单就能将Subcontract BOM带入订单内;可直接于SAP系统直接控管台达及厂商处的库存, 可免除现行手记帐的缺点.Consignment parts: 指厂商将材料寄放于台达仓库,待台达厂需要时,再领出使用;执行优点是厂商交货时不须付款,待台达厂领用后才付款.Components: 成品或机种组成成份的称谓.Confirm: 确认事务的一种行为方式,如采购为使材料能够准确满足生产需求,必须confirm厂商的交期.Release: 采购向厂商下P/O之后,必须透过一定权限经由主管对此张P/O做release后才能收料.Goods receipt: 收料,如厂商送货到台达后,仓库需做收料动作. Goods issue: 发料,如生产线从仓库领走材料后,仓库需做发料动作. Goods transfer: 转仓,如B.F.材料从仓库发料后需做转仓动作.P/N: part number,材料的料号.Spare parts: 呆料,即已不使用的材料.Return delivery: 退货,如当厂商的材料发生质量问题时,仓库配合相关单位所做的退货处理作业.MVT: Movement type, 材料收发料后仓库在SAP系统中所做相应动作产生的异动代码,如101 / 102 / 261 / 262等.Work order: 指工单发料或扣帐中所识别的工单号码,即工令. Cyclecount: 仓库平日库存盘点,盘点数据由YMD2产生.。
SAP常用名词SAP常用名词解释Manufacture: 制造商Vendor: 供应商AML( Approval manufacture list): 合格制造商清单MM( Material management): 物料管理,包括采购和仓库管理.AVL( Approval vendor list): 合格供应商清单Info record: 采购资讯记录,记录Vendor与Material之间的关联信息主要是价格信息和有效期Source list: 来源清单,记录某料有哪些合格vendor供应,各vendor供应有效期限是多久.Quota arrangement: 配额协议,记录某料由哪些vendor供应,各vendor供应比例占多少,供应有效期限是多久.PR (Purchase Requisition): 采购物料前开立的请购单,一般是在Run MRP时根据实际需求自动产生,也可以手工开立,是采购下正式采购单的重要依据.PO (Purchase Order): 采购部开给供应商的正式订单.也是供应商交货和我们收货的重要依据.一般是根据PR转为PO.SA (Scheduling Agreement): 排程协议,相当于采购通常所说的“空白订单”,“Blanket Order”,一般订单数量比较大,而且SA不可以直接收货,必须在SA的每个Item中在维护具体的交货信息才可以作收货.SL (Schedule Line): 交货排程,即SA中所提到的每个Item中在维护具体的交货信息,只有维护了SL的SA才可以收料.一般是在Run MRP时根据实际需求自动产生.GR (Goods receive): 收货.当供应商交货后, 仓库根据PO/SA/SL 将货收入系统仓库.GT(Goods transfer): 物料转移,比如说把11-1231-01这颗料A仓库转移到B仓库.GI (Goods Issue): 发料.比如工单开立后要发料到工单中, 产线才有料做生产的动作.MRP (Material Requirements Planning): 物料需求计划,采购下单的基本依据,根据demand.ROP (Reorder point): 再订购点, run MRP时当库存低于该水位时系统自动产生PR/SL/Plan order.PP: Production Planning 生产计划,与生产相关的事务处理, 如建立BOM, 开立工单, 计划物料需求, 生产排程等。
Consumption (master planning/MRP)
Storage location
用在组装对象所用材料结构的信息要素(bill of material).
BOM项目是通过BOM内的项目编号(item number)来区别。
BOM项目是根据可区别的特征来的项目范围(item category)而构成的。
在Work center里说明生产能力分类的特征.生产能力范畴在各Work center里只能生存一次。但是其他Work center的生产能力可以具备同一个生产能力范畴.
Capacity requirements
指定有多少生产能力特定时间内为了个别订单而有必要。生产能力部门是分配为Work center,生产能力要素是根据下列而发生。
具有数个生产工艺(production process)生产一种产品时,可使用数个alternative.
SD常用术语汇集Sold-to-party : 下订单客户Ship-to-party : 收货之客户Bill-to-party : 仅指收发票之客户Payer-to-party : 付款人Customer Code : 客户代码Sales Organization : 销售业务组织,指台达的某一事业部Distribution Channel : 销售通路Division : 产品别Sales Areas : 销售网 , 销售业务组织 + 销售通路 + 产品别Company Code : 公司代码Incoterms : 国际交运条件Payment Terms : 付款条件Price Master : 单价主档YWST : 销项税则ZWST : 销退税则内销 : 凡以人民币付款的均为内销外销 : 凡非以人民币付款的均为外销Order Type : 合约类别ATP check : Available to promise 通过ATP check confirm so 的 delivery date 和数量反转 : 因SO中某些资料Key in 错误,影响后续出货作业,才执行此动作D/O (Delivery Note) : 出货通知单Shipping Method : 运输方式PP常用术语汇集BOM (Bill of Material): 某机种或组合料号包含所有材料的表列,它分为 group bom (client bom)是整个集团的材料表;bom是已经做过allocate的group bom .BLK(Block):工单锁定.Backflush材料: 不按工单领料,仓库也不作扣帐动作.它是由制作部confirm工单时进行扣帐.CFC CONFIRM工单,由制造部完成,可以确认实际工时,实际产出数量,BF材料的扣帐动作.DMS(Document Management System): 文件管理系统,目前DELTA 的所有有料号者皆可将其材料资料存放于Server中.Depedent Requirement: 相依需求,相对于独立需求而产生的需求.DLV(Delivery):工单完全入库.ECN (Engineer Change Notification):工程变更通知书.EO/P 制程外包订单.Hierarchy: 各工作站可透过一个结构关系将其产能需求及有效产能整合到一个统计性(虚拟)的工作站中,此结构关系的设定称为Hierarchy的建立.Indepedent Requirement: 根据业务的FORECAST和S/O而产生的需求.Lead Time : 某机种的生产时间.MPS(Main Production Schedule):主生产排程.OP(operation) Code: 制程代码,即是routing中各个制程的序号.Order Date:工单日期.Pilot run: 试制,即是试验性生产.Pro.ord(Production Order):工单,也就是工令,它是生产顺利进行的核心.S/O产生出来的需求.Routing: 制造途程,生产某一机种的过程.Rework: 针对某些不合格的产品,进行重新加工.REL: release工单,由生管完成,它是工单核准作业,release过后的工单才能算作有效工单. Schedule Date:上线日期.TECO(Technical Complete):工单关闭.Work Center: 工作站或工作群组.有生技部IE维护.工时:生产所需时间,它包括:标准工时,实际工时,异常工时,除外工时.MM常用术语汇集MM: materials management,即物料管理.MRP: material requirement planning,即物料需求计划.P/O purchase order,采购向厂商所下正式订单.P/R: purchase requisition, run MRP时所得的采购需求单.PlOrd: planned order, run MRP时所得的计划订单.ROH: SAP系统中所定义 raw material 类别.FERT: SAP系统中所定义成品类别.S/ sales order, 业务订单.Delivery: 常指业务订单的出货单号码.Schedule: 常指工作计划的时间表或进度表.Master data: 当有增加新厂商时,需维护该厂商的主文件资料,包括Vendor master / Source list / Info record / material master等资料.Source list: 设定料号的供货商名单.Info record: 主要用于维护购买单价.此单价需经采购主管 >主管核准后始得键入,并于开立订单时系统自动带出单价.Subcontract process: 指外加作业,可不需开立工单就能将 Subcontract BOM带入订单内;可直接于SAP系统直接控管台及厂商处的库存, 可免除现行手记帐的缺点.Consignment parts: 指厂商将材料寄放于台达仓库,待台达厂需要时,再领出使用;执行优点是厂商交货时不须付款,待台达厂领用后才付款.Components: 成品或机种组成成份的称谓.Confirm: 确认事务的一种行为方式,如采购为使材料能够准确满足生产需求,必须confirm 厂商的交期.Release: 采购向厂商下P/O之后,必须透过一定权限经由主管对此张P/O做 release后才能收料.Goods receipt: 收料,如厂商送货到台达后,仓库需做收料动作.Goods issue: 发料,如生产线从仓库领走材料后,仓库需做发料动作.Goods transfer: 转仓,如B.F.材料从仓库发料后需做转仓动作.P/N: part number,材料的料号.Spare parts: 呆料,即已不使用的材料.Return delivery: 退货,如当厂商的材料发生品质问题时,仓库配合相关单位所做的退货处理作业.MVT: Movement type, 材料收发料后仓库在SAP系统中所做相应动作产生的异动代码,如101 / 102 / 261 / 262等.Work order: 指工单发料或扣帐中所识别的工单号码,即工令.Cyclecount: 仓库平日库存盘点,盘点资料由YMD2产生.FI常用术语chart of account 会计科目chart of accounts 会计科目表primary cost elements 主要成本要素secondary cost elements 次要成本要素order-related cost elements 订单相关成本要素stocks of finished and semifished products 产成品和在产inventory change 库存变动closing accounts 结帐short-term capital resources短期资本来源current assets 应该是“流动资产”ledger 分类帐、分类总帐sub-ledger 明细帐SD常用术语汇集Sold-to-party : 下订单客户Ship-to-party : 收货之客户Bill-to-party : 仅指收发票之客户Payer-to-party : 付款人Customer Code : 客户代码Sales Organization : 销售业务组织,指台达的某一事业部Distribution Channel : 销售通路Division : 产品别Sales Areas : 销售网 , 销售业务组织 + 销售通路 + 产品别Company Code : 公司代码Incoterms : 国际交运条件Payment Terms : 付款条件Price Master : 单价主档YWST : 销项税则ZWST : 销退税则内销 : 凡以人民币付款的均为内销外销 : 凡非以人民币付款的均为外销Order Type : 合约类别ATP check : Available to promise 通过ATP check confirm so 的 delivery date 和数量反转 : 因SO中某些资料Key in 错误,影响后续出货作业,才执行此动作D/O (Delivery Note) : 出货通知单Shipping Method : 运输方式PP常用术语汇集BOM(Bill of Material): 某机种或组合料号包含所有材料的表列,它分为 group bom (client bom)是整个集团的材料表;bom是已经做过allocate的groupbom .BLK(Block):工单锁定.Backflush材料: 不按工单领料,仓库也不作扣帐动作.它是由制作部confirm工单时进行扣帐.CFC CONFIRM工单,由制造部完成,可以确认实际工时,实际产出数量,BF材料的扣帐动作.DMS(Document Management System): 文件管理系统,目前DELTA 的所有有料号者皆可将其材料资料存放于Server中.Depedent Requirement: 相依需求,相对于独立需求而产生的需求.DLV(Delivery):工单完全入库.ECN (Engineer Change Notification):工程变更通知书.EO/P 制程外包订单.Hierarchy: 各工作站可透过一个结构关系将其产能需求及有效产能整合到一个统计性(虚拟)的工作站中,此结构关系的设定称为Hierarchy的建立.Indepedent Requirement: 根据业务的FORECAST和S/O而产生的需求.Lead Time : 某机种的生产时间.MPS(Main Production Schedule):主生产排程.OP(operation) Code: 制程代码,即是routing中各个制程的序号.Order Date:工单日期.Pilot run: 试制,即是试验性生产.Pro.ord(Production Order):工单,也就是工令,它是生产顺利进行的核心.S/O产生出来的需求.Routing: 制造途程,生产某一机种的过程.Rework: 针对某些不合格的产品,进行重新加工.REL: release工单,由生管完成,它是工单核准作业,release过后的工单才能算作有效工单.Schedule Date:上线日期.TECO(Technical Complete):工单关闭.Work Center: 工作站或工作群组.有生技部IE维护.工时:生产所需时间,它包括:标准工时,实际工时,异常工时,除外工时.MM常用术语汇集MM: materials management,即物料管理.MRP: material requirement planning,即物料需求计划.P/ purchase order,采购向厂商所下正式订单.P/R: purchase requisition, run MRP时所得的采购需求单.PlOrd: planned order, run MRP时所得的计划订单.ROH: SAP系统中所定义 raw material 类别.FERT: SAP系统中所定义成品类别.S/ sales order, 业务订单.Delivery: 常指业务订单的出货单号码.Schedule: 常指工作计划的时间表或进度表.Master data: 当有增加新厂商时,需维护该厂商的主文件资料,包括Vendor master / Source list / Info record / material master等资料.Source list: 设定料号的供货商名单.Info record: 主要用于维护购买单价.此单价需经采购主管 >主管核准后始得键入,并于开立订单时系统自动带出单价.Subcontract process: 指外加作业,可不需开立工单就能将 Subcontract BOM 带入订单内;可直接于SAP系统直接控管台及厂商处的库存, 可免除现行手记帐的缺点.Consignment parts: 指厂商将材料寄放于台达仓库,待台达厂需要时,再领出使用;执行优点是厂商交货时不须付款,待台达厂领用后才付款.Components: 成品或机种组成成份的称谓.Confirm: 确认事务的一种行为方式,如采购为使材料能够准确满足生产需求,必须confirm厂商的交期.Release: 采购向厂商下P/O之后,必须透过一定权限经由主管对此张P/O做release后才能收料.Goods receipt: 收料,如厂商送货到台达后,仓库需做收料动作.Goods issue: 发料,如生产线从仓库领走材料后,仓库需做发料动作.Goods transfer: 转仓,如B.F.材料从仓库发料后需做转仓动作.P/N: part number,材料的料号.Spare parts: 呆料,即已不使用的材料.Return delivery: 退货,如当厂商的材料发生品质问题时,仓库配合相关单位所做的退货处理作业.MVT: Movement type, 材料收发料后仓库在SAP系统中所做相应动作产生的异动代码,如 101 / 102 / 261 / 262等.Work order: 指工单发料或扣帐中所识别的工单号码,即工令.Cyclecount: 仓库平日库存盘点,盘点资料由YMD2产生.FI常用术语chart of account 会计科目chart of accounts 会计科目表primary cost elements 主要成本要素secondary cost elements 次要成本要素order-related cost elements 订单相关成本要素stocks of finished and semifished products 产成品和在产inventory change 库存变动closing accounts 结帐short-term capital resources短期资本来源current assets 应该是“流动资产”ledger 分类帐、分类总帐sub-ledger 明细帐。
SD 常用术语汇集SD (Sales and Distribution) : 销售和分销Sold-to-party : 下订单客户Ship-to-party : 收货之客户Bill-to-party : 仅指收发票之客户Payer-to-party : 付款人Customer Code : 客户代码Sales Organization : 销售业务组织,指台达的某一事业部Distribution Channel : 销售通路Division : 产品别Sales Areas : 销售网, 销售业务组织+ 销售通路+ 产品别Company Code : 公司代码Incoterms : 国际交运条件Payment Terms : 付款条件Price Master : 单价主档YWST : 销项税则ZWST : 销退税则内销: 凡以人民币付款的均为内销外销: 凡非以人民币付款的均为外销Order Type : 合约类别ATP check : Available to promise 通过ATP check confirm so 的delivery date 和数量反转: 因SO中某些数据Key in 错误,影响后续出货作业,才执行此动作D/O (Delivery Note) : 出货通知单Shipping Method : 运输方式PP常用术语汇集BOM (Bill of Material): 某机种或组合料号包含所有材料的表列,它分为group bom (client bom)是整个集团的材料表;bom是已经做过allocate的group bom .BLK(Block):工单锁定.Backflush材料: 不按工单领料,仓库也不作扣帐动作.它是由制作部confirm工单时进行扣帐.CFCO: CONFIRM工单,由制造部完成,可以确认实际工时,实际产出数量,BF材料的扣帐动作.DMS(Document Management System): 文件管理系统,目前DELTA 的所有有料号者皆可将其材料数据存放于Server中.Depedent Requirement: 相依需求,相对于独立需求而产生的需求.DLV(Delivery):工单完全入库.ECN (Engineer Change Notification):工程变更通知书.EO/PO: 制程外包订单.Hierarchy: 各工作站可透过一个结构关系将其产能需求及有效产能整合到一个统计性(虚拟)的工作站中,此结构关系的设定称为Hierarchy 的建立.Indepedent Requirement: 根据业务的FORECAST和S/O而产生的需求.Lead Time : 某机种的生产时间.MPS(Main Production Schedule):主生产排程.OP(operation) Code: 制程代码,即是routing中各个制程的序号.Order Date:工单日期.Pilot run: 试制,即是试验性生产.Pro.ord(Production Order):工单,也就是工令,它是生产顺利进行的核心.S/O产生出来的需求.Routing: 制造途程,生产某一机种的过程.Rework: 针对某些不合格的产品,进行重新加工.REL: release工单,由生管完成,它是工单核准作业,release过后的工单才能算作有效工单.Schedule Date:上线日期.TECO(Technical Complete):工单关闭.Work Center: 工作站或工作群组.有生技部IE维护.工时:生产所需时间,它包括:标准工时,实际工时,异常工时,除外工时. MM常用术语汇集MM: materials management,即物料管理.MRP: material requirement planning,即物料需求计划.P/O: purchase order,采购向厂商所下正式订单.P/R: purchase requisition, run MRP时所得的采购需求单.PlOrd: planned order, run MRP时所得的计划订单.ROH: SAP系统中所定义raw material 类别.FERT: SAP系统中所定义成品类别.S/O: sales order, 业务订单.Delivery: 常指业务订单的出货单号码.Schedule: 常指工作计划的时间表或进度表.Master data: 当有增加新厂商时,需维护该厂商的主文件资料,包括Vendor master / Source list / Info record / material master等资料. Source list: 设定料号的供货商名单.Info record: 主要用于维护购买单价.此单价需经采购主管核准后始得键入,并于开立订单时系统自动带出单价.Subcontract process: 指外加作业,可不需开立工单就能将Subcontract BOM带入订单内;可直接于SAP系统直接控管台达及厂商处的库存, 可免除现行手记帐的缺点.Consignment parts: 指厂商将材料寄放于台达仓库,待台达厂需要时,再领出使用;执行优点是厂商交货时不须付款,待台达厂领用后才付款.Components: 成品或机种组成成份的称谓.Confirm: 确认事务的一种行为方式,如采购为使材料能够准确满足生产需求,必须confirm厂商的交期.Release: 采购向厂商下P/O之后,必须透过一定权限经由主管对此张P/O做release后才能收料.Goods receipt: 收料,如厂商送货到台达后,仓库需做收料动作. Goods issue: 发料,如生产线从仓库领走材料后,仓库需做发料动作. Goods transfer: 转仓,如B.F.材料从仓库发料后需做转仓动作.P/N: part number,材料的料号.Spare parts: 呆料,即已不使用的材料.Return delivery: 退货,如当厂商的材料发生质量问题时,仓库配合相关单位所做的退货处理作业.MVT: Movement type, 材料收发料后仓库在SAP系统中所做相应动作产生的异动代码,如101 / 102 / 261 / 262等.Work order: 指工单发料或扣帐中所识别的工单号码,即工令. Cyclecount: 仓库平日库存盘点,盘点数据由YMD2产生.。
SD 常用术语汇集SD (Sales and Distribution) : 销售和分销Sold-to-party : 下订单客户Ship-to-party : 收货之客户Bill-to-party : 仅指收发票之客户Payer-to-party : 付款人Customer Code : 客户代码Sales Organization : 销售业务组织,指台达的某一事业部Distribution Channel : 销售通路Division : 产品别Sales Areas : 销售网, 销售业务组织+ 销售通路+ 产品别Company Code : 公司代码Incoterms : 国际交运条件Payment Terms : 付款条件Price Master : 单价主档YWST : 销项税则ZWST : 销退税则内销: 凡以人民币付款的均为内销外销: 凡非以人民币付款的均为外销Order Type : 合约类别ATP check : Available to promise 通过ATP check confirm so 的delivery date 和数量反转: 因SO中某些数据Key in 错误,影响后续出货作业,才执行此动作D/O (Delivery Note) : 出货通知单Shipping Method : 运输方式PP常用术语汇集BOM (Bill of Material): 某机种或组合料号包含所有材料的表列,它分为group bom (client bom)是整个集团的材料表;bom是已经做过allocate的group bom .BLK(Block):工单锁定.Backflush材料: 不按工单领料,仓库也不作扣帐动作.它是由制作部confirm工单时进行扣帐.CFCO: CONFIRM工单,由制造部完成,可以确认实际工时,实际产出数量,BF材料的扣帐动作.DMS(Document Management System): 文件管理系统,目前DELTA 的所有有料号者皆可将其材料数据存放于Server中.Depedent Requirement: 相依需求,相对于独立需求而产生的需求.DLV(Delivery):工单完全入库.ECN (Engineer Change Notification):工程变更通知书.EO/PO: 制程外包订单.Hierarchy: 各工作站可透过一个结构关系将其产能需求及有效产能整合到一个统计性(虚拟)的工作站中,此结构关系的设定称为Hierarchy 的建立.Indepedent Requirement: 根据业务的FORECAST和S/O而产生的需求.Lead Time : 某机种的生产时间.MPS(Main Production Schedule):主生产排程.OP(operation) Code: 制程代码,即是routing中各个制程的序号.Order Date:工单日期.Pilot run: 试制,即是试验性生产.Pro.ord(Production Order):工单,也就是工令,它是生产顺利进行的核心.S/O产生出来的需求.Routing: 制造途程,生产某一机种的过程.Rework: 针对某些不合格的产品,进行重新加工.REL: release工单,由生管完成,它是工单核准作业,release过后的工单才能算作有效工单.Schedule Date:上线日期.TECO(Technical Complete):工单关闭.Work Center: 工作站或工作组.有生技部IE维护.工时:生产所需时间,它包括:标准工时,实际工时,异常工时,除外工时. MM常用术语汇集MM: materials management,即物料管理.MRP: material requirement planning,即物料需求计划.P/O: purchase order,采购向厂商所下正式订单.P/R: purchase requisition, run MRP时所得的采购需求单.PlOrd: planned order, run MRP时所得的计划订单.ROH: SAP系统中所定义raw material 类别.FERT: SAP系统中所定义成品类别.S/O: sales order, 业务订单.Delivery: 常指业务订单的出货单号码.Schedule: 常指工作计划的时间表或进度表.Master data: 当有增加新厂商时,需维护该厂商的主文件资料,包括Vendor master / Source list / Info record / material master等资料. Source list: 设定料号的供货商名单.Info record: 主要用于维护购买单价.此单价需经采购主管核准后始得键入,并于开立订单时系统自动带出单价.Subcontract process: 指外加作业,可不需开立工单就能将Subcontract BOM带入订单内;可直接于SAP系统直接控管台达及厂商处的库存, 可免除现行手记账的缺点.Consignment parts: 指厂商将材料寄放于台达仓库,待台达厂需要时,再领出使用;执行优点是厂商交货时不须付款,待台达厂领用后才付款.Components: 成品或机种组成成份的称谓.Confirm: 确认事务的一种行为方式,如采购为使材料能够准确满足生产需求,必须confirm厂商的交期.Release: 采购向厂商下P/O之后,必须透过一定权限经由主管对此张P/O做release后才能收料.Goods receipt: 收料,如厂商送货到台达后,仓库需做收料动作. Goods issue: 发料,如生产线从仓库领走材料后,仓库需做发料动作. Goods transfer: 转仓,如B.F.材料从仓库发料后需做转仓动作.P/N: part number,材料的料号.Spare parts: 呆料,即已不使用的材料.Return delivery: 退货,如当厂商的材料发生质量问题时,仓库配合相关单位所做的退货处理作业.MVT: Movement type, 材料收发料后仓库在SAP系统中所做相应动作产生的异动代码,如101 / 102 / 261 / 262等.Work order: 指工单发料或扣帐中所识别的工单号码,即工令. Cyclecount: 仓库平日库存盘点,盘点数据由YMD2产生.。
9 Inventory management
10 create/change/display
11 maintain
12 Release
13 Individual Release
14 Collective Release
79 Transfer
80 Consignment
81 Subcontracting
82 RFQ
詢價(Request for Quotation)
83 Source list
84 Normal P/R
85 Miscellaneous P/R
15 Standard PO
16 Bonded Transfer PO
17 Pilot Run PO
18 Return PO
19 Net price
20 Non-Value Plant
21 Material
22 Stor. location
23 Batch
63 layout
64 database
65 check short docmts in archive
66 display material flagged for deletion 顯示加有刪除旗標的物料
SAP系统术语SAP (Systems, Applications and Products in Data Processing) GlossaryInformation Technology has many key words and SAP R/3 has introduced many others. In order to understand the field of SAP even better you should keep those terms in mind.ALE (Application Link Enabling)It provides integration for separate R/3 systems, keeping full interaction. This makes possible distributed enterprise applications.Application serverThe application server is used to run the business application programs in the R/3 client/server concept. The application modules are loaded from the data base server to the application server as required. Thus the application server requires only storage capacity to accommodate UNIX, Swapping and the SAP runtime environment.Batch InputA technique to input data safely. It ensures application data integrity for background interfaces. It pretends to be someone typing. See also direct input.CATT (Computer Aided Test Tool) It allows you to combine and automate sequences of repeatable transactions in test procedures. CATT reduces the number of manual tests, and forces you to test systematically, defining input values and expected test results.CCMS (Computer Center Management System)It allows you to monitor, control and configure your R/3 system. This toolset lets you analyze and distribute clientworkloads and report on resource consumption for system components. Central SystemIn an R/3 central system, both application and data base software are run on one computer.ClientIn commercial, organizational and technical terms, a self-contained unit in an R/3 system with separate master records and its own set of tables.Client/Server SystemClient/server systems are structured modularly, with components working in a sender/receiver relationship. Software components can also be used in a client/server relationship.Communication ServerIt provides the connection between local area and wide area networks and may be either a router, a bridge or a gateway. In R/3 installations, the communication server must support the TCP/IP protocol over wide area networks.Company codeThe smallest organizational unit for which a complete self-contained set of accounts can be drawn up for purposes of external reporting. This involves recording all relevant transactions and generating all supporting documents for legally-required financial statements, such as balance sheets and profit and loss statements.Computer typeThe R/3 system supports various computer types of SAP's platform partners, such as Bull, DEC, IBM and HP. The suitability of a particular computer type depends on sufficient CPU performance.Common Programming Interface-CommunicationsCommon CPI-C Programming Interface of Communication has been introduced by IBM as a high-level interface to SNA/LU6-2. CPI-C has become the subject of the X/Open standardization and is used by SAP to facilitateprogram-to-program communication between R/3 and external system. SAP offers CPI-C libraries based on TCP/IP. Correction It contains all the objects that a developer has changed or created. It also controls customizing that has been maintained.CSPA system to help SAP employees to give comprehensive support to their clients.Data Base ServerThe data base server stores the SAP application programs and data in the R/3 client/server concept. It also handles the SAP update program and batch jobs.Direct InputA recent technique to input data safely. It ensures application data integrity for background interfaces. See also batch input.The system R/3 agent that identifies the type of task (on-line, update, batch, etc.) and sends the job to an idle work process.EarlyWatchIt is a service that entails having your R/3 installation regularly inspected by SAP employees, in other to ensure high system availability and high data throughput at all time.EthernetIt is a LAN architecture using bus topology. The transmission speed is 10 MBit/s.FDDI (Fiber Distributed Data Interchange)It is a local high-speed network with ring topology based onlight wave conductors. The transmission speed is 100 MBit/s.Field statusIndicator that specifies whether a field can take an entry in the entry screen or if it must be filled.FirewallIt is a means of controlling access through a public network to a private network.FTP (File Transfer Protocol)It is the most commonly used file transmission protocol of the TCP/IP protocol family.GUI (Graphic User Interface)user frontend.IDES (International Demonstration and Education System) It is a model of an international firm. It is a separate demonstration and education system for speeding up the pilot process. IMG (Implementation Management Guide) It is a hierarchical structure that reflects the R/3 component hierarchy and contains every configuration activity. Released from version 3.0 onwards. Instance It means application server and each one has its own set of work processes.IDoc (Intermediate Document)An IDoc is a data container for data exchange between SAP systems or between an SAP system and an external system.ITS (Internet Transaction Server)It links the R/3 application server with one or more Web servers, thus enabling the R/3 to communicate with the Internet.KernelIt means a standard core previously configured. A set of default parameters delivered with the system.LAN (Local Area Network)It is a network for a a tightly limited area with high level data transmission performance. Common LANs include Ethernet, Token Ring and FDDI. These LANs support different transport protocols, such as TCP/IP and IPX.MatchcodeA tool for finding specific records. It is made up of search terms. It is used to find possible entries for an input field.Number rangeA range of numbers that are laid down per file for the assignment of document numbers. It can be internal (carried out automatically by the system) or external (carried out manually by the user).OLEIt is a technique introduced by Microsoft to incorporate objects of one application into another.OSS (Online Service System)SAP's Online Service System offers fast and effective help for R/3 System problems. It is also the basic element of communications between customers, partners, and SAP.RepairIt contains all the objects that a developer has changed but the originals of the objects are located in another system.RFCA way to implement communication between application programs via Abap/4 function call.Semaphoreswants to access it must then wait.SysIDA set of three letters or number that identify a system. Some sets are not allowed because they are used by SAP. They areinformed when the system is installed.TCP/IPIt is the most widely used transport protocol for open systems. R/3 clients and servers communicate using TCP/IP.TelnetIt provides terminal access to hosts using TCP/IP protocol. It is a well-known command among System Administrators.Token RingIt is a LAN architecture with ring topology. The transmission speed is 4 MBit/s or 16 MBit/s. This involves a 'free token' which circles the loop picking up transmissions. The receiver station places a confirmation bit into the busy token. As soon as the busy token reaches the sender station again, it is converted back to a free token and sent on to the next station.TransportIt is a request to transport objects from the software development environment, identified as the source system, to the specified target system.They are normally operated either by the telephone company or by private companies that offer leased lines, switched lines or packet lines.Work processWork processes perform the bulk of the processing carried out by SAP systems. They perform dialog steps in user transactions and carry out updates, lock management, printing services, and so on.WorkbenchThe ABAP/4 Workbench, a graphical programming environment, is used to create application programs. The programming tools are accessed using buttons, dialogs andwindows.WorkflowIt consists of time and logical sequence of work items, which are processed by human agents or mechanical processing units.X.25It is a standardized network access protocol for the packet switching network. The maximum transmission speed is 64 KBit/s.==============================。
SAP ERP设备模块_术语对照表
部门,或执行检修、运 32012601 白山发电厂电气一次部变电一班 行工作的班组 04012105 沈阳超高压局辽阳变电站变电运行一值 P01 输电设备 代表了设备所属的不同 P02 变电设备 专业 P07 IT设备 G 国网委托资产 指资产性质 Y 用户委托资产 Z 非委托资产等 设备的安装位置 21-2103-S-30001 河西220kV变电站 21-2103-S-30001-0001 河西220kV变电站1号主变单元 间隔
描述了服务或维护的原因、对象和其他内容的单据。 不同的通知单类
维护订单也被称为PM工单,指需要执行的一项设备检修或维护工作。 工单主要包含以下信息:维护工作的对象,维护工作的时间,维护工作的需求, 维护成本的相应设置。 不同的订单类型可以用来区分工单不同的审批流程,工单界面中不同的填写内 容,材料费、服务费不同的记账科目等 材料
140100 变电设备-变压器 170000 用电计量设备 功能位置主数据 数据 工作中心主数据 设备主数据 系统中设定了以下通知单类型: NT 东北电网设备退役通知单 设备主数据管理业务申 NW 东北电网主数据维护通知单 请单据,主要包括设备 B1 东北电网直属单位生产性设备报废通知单 退役、转移、报废单据 … 等 … 等 设备对应的资产分类
从地理位置、功能、技术、职责等角度对维护工厂进行划分 功能位置是对管理对象的结构的划分,是一个组织单元,可以从功能、技术和空 间角度去划分。 功能位置表述了运行和维护工作发生的地点。 功能位置可以是多层的树状结构。 对技术对象(功能位置和设备)的类型的详细说明 Master Data。指在SAP系统中设备管理常用数据。
PM 公司代码 工厂
SAP 模块中文解释客户服务CS-Customer Service模块是SAP ERP系统的一个标准模块,主要用于企业在销售产品后对客户售后服务的管理。
我们如何做到快速准确地响应客户的服务需求?第一:我们应该有准确的销售产品数据库,SAP CS模块可以提供所有有关产品/产品安装地/客户的数据存储及数据结构链接,我们可以把设备结构性的“安装”到“客户地点”,结构性是CS主数据的一大特点。
第二:我们应该快速准确的捕捉、记录、跟踪客户的服务需求,SAP CS模块提供服务通知单来记录客户提出的各种服务需求,可以根据故障的影响级别/客户要求的紧急程度等设定服务优先级,继而跟踪管理我们的服务流程,提高客户服务的效率。
第三:对于有计划的服务需求,SAP CS模块提供服务合同/服务计划功能,我们可以按照之前签订的合同/设定的服务计划给客户按时提供服务。
我们如何做到最大限度的调配企业可利用资源来满足客户的服务需求?第一:我们应该有准确的对于企业内部人工的能力计划及对于配件库存的可用性的管理,SAP CS模块提供服务订单(类似PP模块的生产订单)来计划执行一个或多个工作中心/维修中心的人工及配件库存的可用性管理。
第二:我们可以利用服务外包商的资源来满足客户对我们的服务需求,SAP CS模块可以通过服务的外部采购来计划执行对客户的服务。
第二:我们需要对服务过程进行严格的成本控制/利润核算,SAP CS模块提供对各种资源耗费对象的多个成本/利润结算方式,通过成本核算报表我们可以清楚地查看资源利用效率。
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SAP (Systems, Applications and Products in Data Processing)GlossaryInformation Technology has many key words and SAP R/3 has introduced many others. In order to understand the field of SAP even better you should keep those terms in mind.ALE (Application Link Enabling)It provides integration for separate R/3 systems, keeping full interaction. This makes possible distributed enterprise applications.Application serverThe application server is used to run the business application programs in the R/3 client/server concept. The application modules are loaded from the data base server to the application server as required. Thus the application server requires only storage capacity to accommodate UNIX, Swapping and the SAP runtime environment.Batch InputA technique to input data safely. It ensures application data integrity for background interfaces. It pretends to be someone typing. See also direct input.CATT (Computer Aided Test Tool) It allows you to combine and automate sequences of repeatable transactions in test procedures. CATT reduces the number of manual tests, and forces you to test systematically, defining input values and expected test results.CCMS (Computer Center Management System)It allows you to monitor, control and configure your R/3 system. This toolset lets you analyze and distribute client workloads and report on resource consumption for system components. Central SystemIn an R/3 central system, both application and data base software are run on one computer.ClientIn commercial, organizational and technical terms, a self-contained unit in an R/3 system with separate master records and its own set of tables.Client/Server SystemClient/server systems are structured modularly, with components working in a sender/receiver relationship. Software components can also be used in a client/server relationship.Communication ServerIt provides the connection between local area and wide area networks and may be either a router, a bridge or a gateway. In R/3 installations, the communication server must support the TCP/IP protocol over wide area networks.Company codeThe smallest organizational unit for which a complete self-contained set of accounts can be drawn up for purposes of external reporting. This involves recording all relevant transactions and generating all supporting documents for legally-required financial statements, such as balance sheets and profit and loss statements.Computer typeThe R/3 system supports various computer types of SAP's platform partners, such as Bull, DEC, IBM and HP. The suitability of a particular computer type depends on sufficient CPU performance.Common Programming Interface-CommunicationsCommon CPI-C Programming Interface of Communication has been introduced by IBM as a high-level interface to SNA/LU6-2. CPI-C has become the subject of the X/Open standardization and is used by SAP to facilitateprogram-to-program communication between R/3 and external system. SAP offers CPI-C libraries based on TCP/IP. Correction It contains all the objects that a developer has changed or created. It also controls customizing that has been maintained.CSPA system to help SAP employees to give comprehensive support to their clients.Data Base ServerThe data base server stores the SAP application programs and data in the R/3 client/server concept. It also handles the SAP update program and batch jobs.Direct InputA recent technique to input data safely. It ensures application data integrity for background interfaces. See also batch input.The system R/3 agent that identifies the type of task (on-line, update, batch, etc.) and sends the job to an idle work process.EarlyWatchIt is a service that entails having your R/3 installation regularly inspected by SAP employees, in other to ensure high system availability and high data throughput at all time.EthernetIt is a LAN architecture using bus topology. The transmission speed is 10 MBit/s.FDDI (Fiber Distributed Data Interchange)It is a local high-speed network with ring topology based on light wave conductors. The transmission speed is 100 MBit/s.Field statusIndicator that specifies whether a field can take an entry in the entry screen or if it must be filled.FirewallIt is a means of controlling access through a public network to a private network.FTP (File Transfer Protocol)It is the most commonly used file transmission protocol of the TCP/IP protocol family.GUI (Graphic User Interface)user frontend.IDES (International Demonstration and Education System) It is a model of an international firm. It is a separate demonstration and education system for speeding up the pilot process. IMG (Implementation Management Guide) It is a hierarchical structure that reflects the R/3 component hierarchy and contains every configuration activity. Released from version 3.0 onwards. Instance It means application server and each one has its own set of work processes.IDoc (Intermediate Document)An IDoc is a data container for data exchange between SAP systems or between an SAP system and an external system.ITS (Internet Transaction Server)It links the R/3 application server with one or more Web servers, thus enabling the R/3 to communicate with the Internet.KernelIt means a standard core previously configured. A set of default parameters delivered with the system.LAN (Local Area Network)It is a network for a a tightly limited area with high level data transmission performance. Common LANs include Ethernet, Token Ring and FDDI. These LANs support different transport protocols, such as TCP/IP and IPX.MatchcodeA tool for finding specific records. It is made up of search terms. It is used to find possible entries for an input field.Number rangeA range of numbers that are laid down per file for the assignment of document numbers. It can be internal (carried out automatically by the system) or external (carried out manually by the user).OLEIt is a technique introduced by Microsoft to incorporate objects of one application into another.OSS (Online Service System)SAP's Online Service System offers fast and effective help for R/3 System problems. It is also the basic element of communications between customers, partners, and SAP.RepairIt contains all the objects that a developer has changed but the originals of the objects are located in another system.RFCA way to implement communication between application programs via Abap/4 function call.Semaphoreswants to access it must then wait.SysIDA set of three letters or number that identify a system. Some sets are not allowed because they are used by SAP. They are informed when the system is installed.TCP/IPIt is the most widely used transport protocol for open systems. R/3 clients and servers communicate using TCP/IP.TelnetIt provides terminal access to hosts using TCP/IP protocol. It is a well-known command among System Administrators.Token RingIt is a LAN architecture with ring topology. The transmission speed is 4 MBit/s or 16 MBit/s. This involves a 'free token' which circles the loop picking up transmissions. The receiver station places a confirmation bit into the busy token. As soon as the busy token reaches the sender station again, it is converted back to a free token and sent on to the next station.TransportIt is a request to transport objects from the software development environment, identified as the source system, to the specified target system.They are normally operated either by the telephone company or by private companies that offer leased lines, switched lines or packet lines.Work processWork processes perform the bulk of the processing carried out by SAP systems. They perform dialog steps in user transactions and carry out updates, lock management, printing services, and so on.WorkbenchThe ABAP/4 Workbench, a graphical programming environment, is used to create application programs. The programming tools are accessed using buttons, dialogs and windows.WorkflowIt consists of time and logical sequence of work items, which are processed by human agents or mechanical processing units.X.25It is a standardized network access protocol for the packet switching network. The maximum transmission speed is 64 KBit/s.==============================。