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Unit 6 Our Local Area

Topic 1 Is there a computer in your study?


1、It’s on the second floor.There is a study next to my bedroom.


(1)floor “地板;楼层”,常以介词on连用。



一楼:the ground floor the first floor

二楼:the first floor the second floor

三楼:the second floor the third floor


Eg: a five-story/storey house 一栋五层的房间。

My family lives on the fourth floor of that 15-story/storey building.


(2)next to 在……近旁,紧邻

I sit next to Jim. 我坐在吉姆旁边。

3、Is there a computer in ypur study? 你的书房里有电脑吗?

(1)study 名词,“书房”复数为studies.

Eg: Tom often does his homework in his study.汤姆经常在他的书房里做作业。

Is there a sofa in your study?你的书房有沙发吗?

(2)study 动词,“学习,研究”

Eg: We are studying Section A. 我们正在学习A部分。

Su Lan doesn’t study Japanese at school. 苏兰在学校不学日语。

2、Why not come upstairs and have a look? 为什么不上楼来看看呢?

(1)come upstairs 上楼。反义词“come downstairs下楼”

(2)have a look “看一看,瞧一瞧”后面可+ at sth have a look at sth 看一看某物

Eg: Let me have a look at your pictures. 让我看看你的照片。

“have + a + 名词”结构

have a ride 骑车have a swim 游泳have a walk 走路,散步have a sleep 睡觉

3、Oh,there are so many books on the shelves. 哇,书架上有这么多书啊!

so many + 名词复数“这么多的……”

so much + 不可数名词“这么多的……”

Eg: There are so many students here. 这儿有这么多的学生。

There is so much milk in the bottle. 瓶里有这么多的牛奶。

4、He’s in front of the house. 他在房子前面。

In front of “在…前面”指在某物外面的前面反义词“at back of “

Eg: In front of / At back of my home there is a rive. 在我家前/后面有一条河。

In the front of “在…的前部”指物体内部的前面反义词“at the back of”

Eg: He sits in the front of / at the back of the classroom. 他坐在教室的前面/后面

5、Jane and Michacl are talking about her study.简和迈克尔正在谈论她的书房。

Talk about意为“谈、谈论”,后面接谈论的内容。

Eg: The students are talking about the picture.学生们正在谈论那幅画。

Talk to/with 意为“与….交谈”,后面接谈话的对象。

Eg: My English teacher is talking to/with my father .我的英语老师正在和我父亲谈话。

6、It’s near my desk.在我桌子附近。

near 意为“在….附近,靠近”。next to是短语介词,意为“在…近旁”所表达的距离要比near 更近。

Eg: Sarah is sitting next to the window.萨拉挨着窗户坐着。

Sarah is sitting near the window 萨拉坐在窗户附近。

7、But there is one next to my family photo on the wall……但是墙上全家福旁边有一


on the wall在墙体外部表面。

Eg: There is a picture on the wall.墙上有副画。

in the wall (全部或部分)在墙体里。

There are three windows in the wall.墙上有三扇窗户。

There is a holw in the wall. 墙上有个洞。

8、Don’t put them there . Put them away,please.别把它们放在那儿,请把它们收起来


(1)Don’t put them there . 是否定形式的祈使句。句型结构Don’t + 动词原形

Eg: Don’t be late for school!上学别迟到!

(2)put away “将……收起”短语动词相当于及物动词,后面加宾语。当宾语是代
