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双基限时练(一)Unit 1Part ⅠⅠ.单词拼写

1.Any ________ (组织) that received money from the US government had to treat blacks equally.


2.How long will the ________ (接通;连接) of the telephone take?


3.Their ________ (举止) towards me shows that they don't like me.


4.I was ________ (鼓舞) to work harder than ever before by what my teacher had said.


5.I doubt if it is ________ (值得) for you to read that book.


6.She ________ (支持) her husband on the money she earns from teaching.


7.An eye ________ (专家) checked her eyes carefully and advised her not to use her eyes too much.


8.Jane spent many years ________ (观察) and recording their daily activities.


9.My parents ________ (尊重) my own opinion on most subjects.


10.Now many theme parks are built for ________ (娱乐).



1.Don't spoil the children. Can't you make your little son behave ________ (him)?

答案与解析himself behave oneself“表现得有礼貌”。句意:不要宠坏孩子。你就不能让你的小儿子表现得有礼貌一些吗?

2.All the students felt ________ (inspire) when they were hearing the ________ (inspire) music.

答案与解析inspired; inspiring句意:当听到那首鼓舞人心的音乐时,所有的同学都感到受到了鼓舞。inspired意为“受到鼓舞的”,常以人做主语;inspiring意为“鼓舞人心的”,常以物做主语或修饰物。

3.Since 1994, the glacier (冰川) in Antarctica has lowered by as much as 90cm, ________ (cause) sea level to rise.

答案与解析causing此处逻辑主语是前面的整个句子,与cause 是主动关系,所以用cause的现在分词形式。

4.— Were you busy last week?

— Very. Instead of wasting time playing computer games as usual, I devoted myself to ________ (make) some flash cards.

答案与解析making句意:——你上周忙吗?——非常忙。我没有像往常一样浪费时间玩电脑游戏,而致力于制作幻灯片。devote oneself to“致力于”,其中to为介词,后面接名词、代词或动名词。

5.Although he was disabled, he tried to lead as normal ________

life as possible.

答案与解析a句意:尽管他残疾了,他却尽可能过一种正常的生活。lead a ... life“过着……的生活”,相当于live a ... life。

6.At the moment, many problems crowded ________ my head.

答案与解析in句意:此刻很多问题涌上了我的心头。crowd in“(问题、想法等)涌上心头;涌入脑海”。

7.Though we spent a lot, we think ________ worthwhile because we succeeded in the end.

答案与解析it worthwhile作宾补,构成“think+宾语+宾补”。句意:虽然我们花费了很多,但是我们认为是值得的,因为我们最后成功了。

8.After the rest of the work ________ (be) done, the rest of the students ________ (go) home.

答案与解析was; went the rest of the work中,the work是不可数名词,所以谓语动词用第三人称单数形式。

9.The government will put the murderer to ________ (die) by shooting him.

答案与解析death put ... to death短语中的to为介词表示结果,故其后应当用名词death。

10.Her research showed the ________ (connect) between chimps and human beings.

答案与解析connections connection为可数名词,根据题意人与猩猩之间的联系不止一个,故用复数形式。


I am a student of African wildlife and my group and I are doing some research __1__ chimps. __2__(follow) Jane Goodall's way of
