
200个压力容器的核心中英文名词A B类category A B安全阀safety valve安装Installation鞍式支座saddle support凹面concave半球形封头Hemispherical heads棒bars保温支撑insulation support爆炸性explosive泵pump变径段reducers标记stamping标志marking标志的移植Transfering marking波纹板Corrugating Paper补强管reinforcing nozzle补强圈reinforcing ring不锈钢stainless steel不圆度out-of-roundness材料materials材料证明书Certification of material超声检验Ultrasonic Examination衬里Linings成型Forming成型封头Formed heads尺寸Dimensions翅片管finned tubes冲击试验impact test储罐storage tank传热面积heat transfer surface磁粉检验Magnetic Particle Examination 次要应力secondary stress粗糙度roughness淬火Quenching带折边的锥形toriconical弹簧springs弹簧垫圈spring washer弹性模量modulus of Elasticity挡板baffle plate低合金钢容器low alloy steel vessels低温容器Low-temperature vessels地震烈度seismic intensity垫板Backing strip垫片gasket垫圈washer碟形封头Dished heads顶丝jbckscrew定距管spacer定位销pin dowel定义Definitions毒性toxicity镀锌容器Galvanized vessels锻件Forgings对焊法兰welding neck flange耳座lug阀门valves法兰flanges法兰接触面Flange contact facings防冲板impingement baffle防腐蚀衬里Corrosion resistant linings防火fire protection防涡流挡板vortex breaker非受压件nonpressure parts非圆形容器Noncircular vessels峰值应力peak stress腐蚀裕量corrosion allowance附加载荷supplementary loading附件attachments复合板Clad plate覆层容器clad vessels盖板Cover plates杆rods or bars过渡段transition in过渡圆角Knuckles焊后热处理after postweld heat treating焊接工艺welding procedure specification 焊接接头welding joints焊接系数welding coefficient厚度thickness滑动的sliding环向应力hoop stress回火tempering基本地震加速度basic seismic acceleration 基本分压basic wind pressure计算厚度calculated thickness技术条件form of Specification加强圈stiffening rings夹套容器Jacketed vessels检查孔Inspection openings检验inspection角焊Fillet welds接地板earth lug截止Stop valves介质特性fluid property金属温度Metal temperature筋板rib plate径向应力radial stress静(压力)水头static head局部areas局部local局部焊后热处理Local postweld heat treatment 矩形设计rectangular design卡箍clamp开孔补强reinforcement for openings快开盖Quick-actuating closures拉杆tie rod裂缝Cracking流体(介质)fluid螺孔holes for screw螺母nut螺塞plug螺栓bolt螺纹threaded螺柱studs名义厚度nominal thickness铭牌Nameplates内部构件Internal structures内衬筒internal shell盘管coil tube配件fittings膨胀节expansion joint平封头Flat heads评定Qualification气孔Porosity气压试验Pneumatic test钎焊brazing强度strength of球形封头spherically dished曲率curvature屈服yielding全容积total volume缺陷defects群座skirt support热处理thermal treatment热处理heat treatmen热应力thermal stress人孔manholes韧性ductility容积volume容器vessel容器净重empty weight容器类别vessel classification塞焊Plug welds设计压力design pressure射线超声检验Radiographic Examination渗透检验Penetrant Examination石墨graphite试样Test coupons适用范围Scope手孔(ha)ndholes水压试验hydrostatic test/hydraulic test/hydrotest 碳钢carbon steel搪玻璃容器enameled vessels梯子、平台ladders, platforms填充金属filler metal筒体shell凸面convex凸缘socket椭圆封头Ellipsoidal heads外压容器vessels subjected to external pressure 未注尺寸公差tolerance grade n0t noted无支撑unstayed系数fact0r现场安装Fie1d assemb1y校核checking 0f泄放(Disc)harge泄压装置Pressure relieving (dev)ices性能properties许用工作压力al1owable working pressure许用应力al1owable stress易然的flammable应力腐蚀stress corrosion应力集中stress concentration预热Preheating圆度roundness圆角和倒角corners+fillets载荷Loadingse(xpa)nded c0nnections折流板baffle plate蒸发器(Evap)orators直边长度length 0f skirt直径Diameter制造fabrication制造厂fabricator制造方法methods 0f fabrication 制造工艺fabrication technology 周长Girth主应力primary stress柱状壳体Cylindrical shells铸铁容器cast iron vessels转角半径knuckle radius装配assembling锥度tapered锥壳conical shell锥形封头Conical heads资格qualification纵向接头Longitudinal joints组对fitting up。

1、管子及管件缩写中文名称英文名称P管子PipeEL弯头ElbowELL长半径弯头Long radius elbowELS短半径弯头Short radius elbowMEL斜接弯头(吓米腰弯头)Mitre elbowREL异径弯头Reducing elbowT三通TeeLT斜三通Lateral teeRT异径三通Reducing teeR异径管接头(大小头)ReducerCR同心异径管接头(同心大小头)Concentric reducerER偏心异径管接头(偏心大小头)Eccentric reducerCPL管箍CouplingFCPL双头管箍Full couplingHCPL单头管箍Half couplingRCPL异径管箍Reducing couplingBU内外螺纹接头BushingUN活接头UnionHC软管接头Hose couplerSE翻边短节Stub endNIP短节Pipe nipple or straight nipple SNIP异径短节Swaged nippleCP管帽(封头)CapPL管堵(丝堵)PlugBLK盲板BlankSB8字盲板Spectacle blind (blank)RP补强板Reinforcing pad2、法兰缩写中文名称英文名称PLG法兰FlangeWNF对焊法兰Welding neck flangeSOF平焊法兰Slip-on flangeSWF承插焊法兰Socket-welding flangeT螺纹法兰Threaded flangeLJ松套法兰Lapped joint flangeREDF异径法兰Reducing flangeBF法兰盖(盲法兰)Blind flangeFSF法兰密封面Flange dealing faceFF全平面Flat faceRF凸平面Raised faceMFF凹平面Male and female faceLF凹面Female faceLM凸面Male faceRJ环连接面Ring joint faceTG榫槽面Tongue and groove face TF榫面Tongue faceGF槽面Groove face3、垫片缩写中文名称英文名称G垫片GasketNMG非金属垫片Non-metallic gasketAG石棉垫片Asbestos gasketRG橡胶垫片Rubber gasketTEG聚四氟乙烯包复垫片PTFE envelope gasket SMG半金属垫片Semimetallic gasketMJG金属包垫片Meta-jacket gasketSWG缠绕式垫片Spiral wound gasketMG金属垫片Metallic gasketFMG金属平垫片Flat metallic gasket SMSG齿形金属垫片Solid metal serrated gasket LER透镜式金属环垫Lens ring gasketOCR八角形金属环垫Octagonal ring gasket OVR椭圆形金属环垫Oval ring gasketIR/OR内外定位环Inner ring and outer ring IR内定位环Inner ringOR外定位环Outer ring4、紧固件缩写中文名称英文名称B螺栓BoltSB螺柱Stud boltNU螺母NutTB花篮螺母TurnbuckleWSR垫圈WasherSWSR弹簧垫圈Spring washer5、阀门缩写中文名称英文名称GV闸阀Gate valveGLV截止阀Globe valveCHV止回阀Check valveBUV蝶阀Butterfly valveBAV球阀Ball valvePV旋塞阀Plug valve(cock)CV调节阀Control valveSV安全阀Safety valveRV减压阀Pressur reducing valveST蒸汽疏水阀Steam trapperPRV泄压阀Pressur relief valveBV呼吸阀Breather valveNV针形阀Needle valveAV角阀DV隔膜阀TWV三通阀SGV插板阀6、管道上用的小型设备缩写中文名称英文名称SPR气液分离器SeparatorFA阻火器Flame arresterSR过滤器StrainerSRY Y型过滤器Y-type strainerSRT T型过滤器T-type strainerSRB桶式过滤器Bucket type strainerTSR临时过滤器TemporarySIL消声器SilencerSG视镜Sight glassSC取样冷却器Sample coolerDF排液漏斗Drain funnelLM管道混合器Line mixerRO限流孔板Restriction orificeMO混合孔板Mixing orificeRD爆破片(爆破膜)Rupture diskEJ补偿器(膨胀节)Expansion joint7、隔热、伴热缩写中文名称英文名称INS隔热Thermal insulationH保温Hot insulationC保冷Cold insulationP防烫伤隔热Personnel protection insulation T&I伴热Tracing and insulationT管道伴热(冷)TracingEST蒸汽外伴热External steam tracingIST蒸汽内伴热Internal steam tracingSJT蒸汽夹套伴热Steam-jacket tracingET电伴热Electric tracing8、配管材料和等级缩写中文名称英文名称M金属材料Metallic materialCS碳钢Carbon steelCAS铸钢Cast steelFS锻钢Forged steelAS合金钢Alloy steelSS不锈钢Stainless steelAUST·SS奥氏体不锈钢Austenitic stainless-steelCI铸铁Cast ironMI可锻铸铁Malleable ironDI球墨铸铁Ductile ironAL铝AluminumBRS黄铜BrassBRZ青铜BronzeCU紫铜CopperLAS低合金钢Low alloy steelFLAS低合金锻钢For low alloy steelCLAS低合金铸钢Cast low alloy steelTHK壁厚ThicknessSCH表号Schedule numberSTD标准StandardXS加强Extra strongXXS特强Double extra strong9、装置布置缩写中文名称英文名称CN建北Construction northE东EastW西WestS南SouthN北NorthH水平HorizontalV竖直、铅直、直立VerticalGRD地坪GroundUG地下UndergroundBL装置边界线Battery limit lineESEW事故淋浴洗眼器Emergency shower and eye washer HS软管站Hose stationML持续分界线Match linePS管道支架(管架)Piping support PR管桥Pipe rack STRU构架(构筑物)Structure BLDG建筑物BuildingPD清扫设施Purge device PT池PitSHLT棚Shelter COFF围堰CofferdamFL楼板FloorPF平台Plateform10、尺寸标注缩写中文名称英文名称EL标高EBOP管底BCOP管中心CTOP管顶TFOB底平FFOT顶平FCL(屯)中心线CTL切线TSYM对称的SBOS支架底BTOS支架顶TCL净距(净空)CCTC中心至中心CCTF中心至面CCTE中心至端部CETE端到端EFEF法兰端面FFTF面到面FD直径DDN公称直径DID内径IOD外径ODIM尺寸DMAX最大MMIN最小MAVG平均AAPP约、近似APT、EL点标高P11、图表缩写中文名称英文名称工艺流程图管道和仪表流程图接续图详图管段图SPDWG(ISOD-WG)DWG-NO。

北京石油化工设计院体系文件管道专业常用的英文及缩写词BPDI BE321321-05l 范围本文件规定了管道专业在设计文件上常用的英文及缩写词,在设计文件中使用的其它专业缩写词应按相关专业的规定执行。
2 说明本文件编制目的是为了统一用词和词的缩写,使设计文件的用词统一、规范并推荐在图纸上采用英文缩写词,尽量减少使用汉字,以利于国际交流。
3 按中文分类排列汉语词英语词英语缩写3.1 阀门类3.1.1常用阀闸阀截止阀(球心阀)节流阀针型阀角阀(角式截止阀) Y型阀(Y型截止阀) 球阀三通球阀蝶阀柱塞阀旋塞阀三通旋塞阀四通旋塞阀旋塞隔膜阀夹紧式胶管阀止回阀Gate valveGlobe valveThrottle valveNeedle valveAngle valveY-valve(Y-boby globe valve)Ball valve3-Way ball valveButterfly valvePiston type valvePlug valve3-Way ball valve4-Way ball valveCockDiaphragm valvePinch valveCheck valveTRV汉语词英语词英语缩写3.1.2其它阀安全泄汽阀(安全阀) 安全泄液阀(卸荷阀) 安全泄压阀罐底排污阀波纹管密封阀电磁阀电动阀气动阀低温用阀蒸汽疏水阀呼吸阀减压阀控制阀调节阀3.1.3不表明结构的阀切断阀手动控制阀调节阀快开阀隔断阀三通阀夹套阀排污阀排液阀放空阀卸载阀排出阀吸入阀多路阀取样阀手动阀旁路阀冲洗阀根部阀底阀3.2 管子与连接3.2.1管子管子(标准规格)管子(非标规格)钢管铸铁管衬里管复合管(包复金属管) Safety valveRelief valveSafety relief valveFlush-bottom tank valveBellow sealed valveSolenoid valveElectrically operated valvePneumatic operated valveCryogenic service valveSteam trapBreather valveReducing valveControl valveBlock valve, Shut-off valve ,Stop valveHand control valveRegulating valveQuick opening valveIsolating valve3-Way valveJacketed valveBlow down valveDrain valveVent valveUnloading valveDischarge valveSuction valveMultiport valveSampling valveHand operated valve, Manually operated valveBy-pass valveFlush valveRoot valve, Primary valve, Header valveFoot valvePipeTubeSteel pipeCast iron pipeLined cining pipeClad pipeSVTRVHCVVTV汉语词英语词英语缩写碳钢管合金钢管不锈钢管奥氏体不锈钢管铁素体合金钢管]无缝钢管焊接钢管镀锌钢管水煤气钢管塑料管玻璃管橡胶管壁厚系列号(管子表号) 壁厚3.2.2管子零件弯头异径弯头长半径弯头短半径弯头180°弯头(回弯头) 三通(T型三通)异径三通等径三通45°三通正三通(Y型三通)四通(十字通)异径管(大小头)同心异径管偏心异径管支管连接支管台(凹台)活接头管接头(管箍)管帽短节(短管)管堵(丝堵)焊接管帽盲板,管道盲板8字盲板特殊管件3.2.3连接对焊的法兰的Carbon steel pipeAlloy steel pipeStainless steel valveAustenitic stainless steel pipeFerric alloy steel pipeSeamless steel pipeWelded steel pipeWater gas steel pipeGalvanized steel pipePlastic pipeGlass tubeRubber tubeSchedule numberWall thicknessElbowReducing elbowLong radius elbowShort radius elbowReturn elbowTeeReducing teeStraight tee45°LateralTrue “Y”CrossReducerConcentric reducerEccentric reducerBranch connectionBossUnionCouling, Full couplingCapNipplePlugWelded capBlank, Blind, Line blankSpectacle blankSpecial pipe fittingsButt weldedFlangedSch.NoW.TLRESREREDCONECCCNIPPLGWCL.BS.PBWFLGD汉语词英语词英语缩写螺纹的承插焊的承插的对焊连接法兰连接螺纹连接管螺纹连接承插焊连接承插连接,套筒连接整体法兰螺纹法兰承插焊法兰松套法兰对焊法兰平焊法兰板式平焊法兰松套板式法兰滑套法兰(平焊法兰)法兰盖孔板法兰异径法兰螺栓圆直径法兰面光面,光滑面突面凹凸面凸面凹面榫槽面榫面槽面环连接面,梯型槽密封面全平面,满平面光滑突面螺栓热紧螺栓冷紧螺纹管帽螺纹焊管座承插焊管帽承插焊管座垫片非金属包覆垫片ThreadedSocket weldedBelledButt welded jointFlanged jointThreaded jointPipe threaded jointSocket welding flangeBell and spigot jointIntegral pipe flangeThreaded flangeSocket welding flangeLap joint flangeWeld neck flangeSlip on flange, Slip on weld flangeWelding plate flangeLoose plate flangeSlip-on-welding flangeBlind flange, BlindOrifice flangeReducing flangeBolt circle diameterFlange facing, facing of flangePlain faceRaised faceMale-female(Seal contact)faceMale faceFemale faceTongue groove faceTongue faceGroove faceRing joint faceFlat face, Full faceSmooth raised faceBolt hot tighteningBolt cold tighteningThread capThread letSocket welded capSocket welded letGasketNon-metallic jacked gasketTHDSWBWTSWTHDFLJFWNFBCDFOFPFRFMFMMFFMFTGFTFGFRJFFFSRFTHDCTHLETSWCSWLET汉语词英语词英语缩写金属包覆垫片缠绕式垫片内环外环金属垫片3.3 管道附件3.3.1组件气液分离器阻火器临时粗滤器永久粗滤器(固定粗滤器) Y型粗滤器T型粗滤器网状粗滤器粗滤器过滤器永久过滤器消音器(消声器)视镜浮球式视镜全视镜取样冷却器喷嘴,喷头喷射器洗眼器膨胀器(伸缩接头)波纹膨胀节球型补偿器填函式补偿器安全淋浴器3.3.2元件排液漏斗漏斗爆破板限流孔板混合孔板软管接头金属软管橡胶管挠性管(柔性管)快速接头旋转接头Metallic jacket gasketSpiral wound gasketInner ringOuter ringMetallic gasketGas-liquid separationFlame arrested(Flame trap)Temporary strainetPermanent strainetY-type strainerT-type strainerGauge strainerStrainerFilterPermanent filterSilencerSight glass(Sight flow glass)Floating ball sight flow indicatorFull view sigh flow indicatorSample coolerSpray nozzleEjectorEye washerExpansion jointBellow expansion jointBall type expansion jointSlip type(packed type)expansion jointSafety showerDrain funnelFunnelRupture diskRestriction orificeMixing orificeHose connectionMetal hoseRubber hoseFlexible hoseQuick couplingSwivel jointE.WS.SRPROHC汉语词英语词英语缩写减压器3.4材料3.4.1 金属材料碳钢合金钢合金结构钢工具钢不锈钢奥氏体不锈钢马氏体不锈钢锻钢铸钢铸铁灰铸铁可锻铸铁球墨铸铁高硅铸铁铝铜黄铜铝镁合金蒙乃尔合金(镍铜合金)钛铅型钢角钢槽钢工字钢(工字梁)宽翼线工字钢(H钢)T字钢方钢扁钢园钢钢带钢板网纹钢板3.4.2非金属材料塑料丙烯晴、丁二烯、苯乙烯橡胶聚乙烯聚氯乙烯ReducerCarbon steelAlloy steelStructural alloy steelTool steelStainless steelAustenitic stainless steelMartensitic stainless steelForged steelCast steelCast ironGrey cast ironMalleable ironNodular cast iron, Nodular cast graphite ironHigh silicon cast ironAluminumCopperBrassAluminum magnesiumMonelTitaniumLeadShaped steelAngle steelChannelI—BeamWide flanged beamT—BarSquare BarFlat BarRound steel, rodStrap steelPlateCheckered platePlasticAcrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene rubberPolyethylenePloy vinyl chlorideREDC.SS.SC.IM.IABSPEPVC汉语词英语词英语缩写氯化聚氯乙烯聚丙烯聚苯乙烯氯化聚醚聚碳酸酯有机玻璃聚四氟乙烯碳纤维聚三氟氯乙烯氯化聚乙烯氯磺化聚乙烯环氧树脂泡沫聚苯乙烯玻璃纤维增强聚酯丁腈橡胶氯丁橡胶天然橡胶丁基橡胶丁苯橡胶顺丁橡胶不饱和聚酯聚氨酯耐火砖陶瓷搪瓷石棉3.5 设备安装3.5.1布置装置边界边界内边界外中心线接续线设备布置标高,高程,立面图绝对标高坐标坐标原点装置北真实北方位危险区Chlorinated ploy vinyl chloridePoly propylenePolystyreneChlorinated polyetherPolycarbonatePoly methyl methacrylatePolytetrafluoroethleneCarbon fiberPoly chlorotrifluoroethyleneChlorinated poly ethyleneChlorosulfonated polyethyleneEpoxy resinExpanded poly styreneGlass fiber reinforced polyesterNitride butadiene rubberNeoprene rubberNatural rubberButyl rubberStyrene-Butadiene rubberCis-polybutadiene rubberUnsaturated polyesterPolyurethaneFire brickCeramicPorcelain enamelAsbestBattery limitInside battery limitOutside battery limitCenter lineMatch lineEquipment arrangement; Equipment layout; Plot PlanElevationAbsolute elevationCoordinateOrigin of coordinatePlant northtrue northOrientationHazardous areaCPVCPPPSCPEPCPMMAPTFECARPCTFECPE;CMCSM;CSPREPEPSFRPNBRNRPIBISBRCBRUPPUB.LL.S.B.LO.S.B.LM.LELTN汉语词英语词英语缩写铺砌区非铺砌区楼面地面标高平台场地管廊电缆槽(架) 建筑物钢结构基础柱梁桁架墙篦子板吊装孔吊梁架顶面钢结构顶面混凝土顶面梁顶面板表面吊勾顶面,上面底面,底下支撑点固定点建筑北设计北电缆沟管沟明沟明火地点散发火花地点防火间距支架间距地面坡度吊装孔道路地面内径外径汉语词Paving areaUnpaving areaFloorGround levelPlatformYardPipe rackCable tray(channel)BuildingSteel structureFoundationColun ; Post; StanchionBeamGirderWallGrate; GratingErection openingHoisting beamTop of supportTop of steelTop of concreteTop of BeamPlat faceHookTopBottomPoint of supportFixed pointConstruction northDesign northElectric cable duct; Electrical trenchPipe trenchOpen trenchOpen fire placeSend-out spark placeFire protection spacingSupport spacingGround gradeErection openingRoadGround; Ground levelInside DiameterOutside Diameter英语词GLPFHBTOSTOSTOCTOBPLATFTOPBOTPOSFPDNGRDIDOD英语缩写公称直径公称压力切线中心线门窗地下底板底面控置室分析室配电室变压器室通风室更衣室贮藏室维修室盥洗室,厕所办工室门卫室,传达室接待室,会客室地秤室泵房压缩机室电池室消防栓电气盘仪表盘就地盘3.5.2设备塔洗涤塔吸收塔冷却塔精馏塔换热器空冷器水冷却器冷却器螺旋板换热器套管换热器石墨换热器板片换热器汉语词Nominal diameter; Nominal(pipe)sizeNominal pressureTangent lineCenter lineGateWindowUnder groundBottom of base plateControl roomAnalyzerSubstationTransformer roomVentilation roomLocker roomStorage roomMaintenance roomCloste ; Toilet; WashroomOfficeEntrance guard room; Janito r′s roomReception roomWeigh-bridge roomPump house; Pump roomCompressor house(room)Battery roomFire plugElectrical panelInstrument panelLocal panelTower; ColumnScrubberAbsorberCooling towerFractionating towerHeat exchangerAir coolerWater coolerCondenserSpiral plate exchangerDouble pipe heat exchangerGraphite heat exchangerPlate type heat exchanger英语词DNPNTLUGBBPW.CFPL英语缩写板翅式换热器板式塔填料塔浮阀塔反应器贮罐缓冲器混合罐浮顶罐内浮顶罐固定顶罐卧式储罐球罐罐,鼓,筒,桶气柜螺旋式气柜湿式气柜干式气柜离心泵涡轮泵旋涡泵转子泵齿轮泵内啮合齿轮泵螺杆泵柱塞泵双作用往复泵计量泵,定量泵泥浆泵管道泵手摇泵深井泵输送泵屏蔽泵液下泵潜水泵多级泵立式泵磁力泵气动泵轴流泵混流泵Plate-fin heat exchangerPlate towerFloating distillation towerValve towerReactorTankKnock-out drumMixing tank(drum)Floating roof tank; Pontoon roof tankFloating internal roof tankStationary roof tankHorizontal tankSpheroid; Spherical tankDrumGas holderHelical gas-holderWet gas holderDry gas-holderCentrifugal pumpTurbine pumpV ortex pumpRotary pumpGear pumpInternal gear rotary pump; Crescen gear pump Screw pumpPlunger pumpDouble action reciprocating pumpMetering pumpSlurry pump; Sludge pump; Mud pumpInline pumpHand pump; Wobble pumpDeep well pumpTransfer pump; Delivery pumpShielding can-type pump; Canned pump Submerged pump; Submersible pumpSubmerged pump; Immersible pumpStage pump;, Multistage pumpVertical pump;Magnetic transmission pump; Magnetic coupled pump Pneumatic pumpAxial flow pumpMixed flow pump汉语词英语词英语缩写陶瓷泵陶制泵自吸泵消防泵真空泵叶片式真空泵水环式真空泵(压缩机) 液环泵(压缩机)活塞式压缩机螺杆压缩机离心压缩机多级压缩机往复式压缩机风机,风扇鼓风机离心机离心分离机离心过滤机压滤机板框式压滤机厢式压滤机带式过滤机转鼓式过滤机盘式过滤机板式塔填料塔浮阀塔带式(皮带)运输机螺旋输送机加热器搅拌器炉子烟囱火炬锅炉发电机汽轮机电动机起重机,吊车板式起重机Ceramic pumpStoneware pumpSelf suction pump; self priming pumpFire pumpVacuum pumpVane vacuum pumpWater ring vacuum pump(compressor)Liquid ring pump(compressor)Piston compressorHelical screw compressorCentrifugal compressorMultiple stages compressorReciprocating compressorFan; VanBlowerCentrifugerCentrifugal separatorCentrifugal filterPressure filterPlate and frame filter pressBox type filer pressBelt filterRotating drum type filterTray filterPlate towerPack tower; Packed columnValve tower; Floating distillation towerRibbon conveyer; Belt conveyerScrew convery ; Spirla conveyer; Worm conveyerHeaterAgitatorFurnaceStackFlareBoilerGeneratorSteam turbineMotorGraneBridge crane汉语词英语词英语缩写吊车梁电动葫芦成套设备附属设备,附件干燥器混合器蒸发器萃取器结晶器澄清器喷射器喷头分离器旋风分离器,旋风除尘器布袋收尘器电除尘器除尘器,吸尘器振动筛破碎机颚式破碎机粉碎机,磨碎机提升机,卷扬机斗式提升机电梯泡沫站软管站3.6 管道布置3.6.1设计文件管道布置管道布置平面管道研究“X”视图“A-A”视图详图轴测图,空视图索引图接续图管道及仪表流程图工艺控制图工艺流程图汉语词Crane beam; Hoist beamMotor hoist; Electric hoist; Electric blockPackage unitAttachment equipmentDryerMixerEvaporatorExtractorCrystalligerGravity settlerEjectorSprayerSeparatorCyclone; Cyclone separator deviceCloth envelop collectionElectrostatic precipitator; Electridust precipitatorDuster; Dust arresterVibrating screen; Riddler; Oscillating sieveBreaker; Cracker mill; Crusher; Crushing millJaw breaker ;Jaw crusher; AlligatorGrinder; Pulverizer; Disintegrator; AtomizerHoister; Lifter; Gig; ElevatorBucket elevatorElectrical lift; ElevatorFoam stationHose stationDesign documentPiping assembly; Piping layoutPiping arrangement planPiping studyView“x”Section“A-A”Detail drawingIsometric drawingKey planContinue on drawingPiping and Instrument diagramProcess control diagramProcess flow diagram英语词H.SPAPCODP&ID英语缩写公用工程流程图总图总平面布置图放大图节点地上地下地面附图草图图例符号比例蒸汽伴管热水伴管电伴热夹套管高压中压低压大气,大气压工作压力,操作压力设计压力工作温度,操作温度设计温度管口取样接口清除口,清洗口排出口出口入口连接,接头管口方位排液放空污水坑,污水池地坑,井地漏下水管人孔手孔关闭后加铅封(封关)开启后加铅封(封开)汉语词Utility flow diagramGenera planGeneral arrangement planEnlarged viewNodeAbove groundUnder groundGroundFigueSketchLegendSymbolScaleSteam tracingHot—water tracingElectrical tracingJacketed tracingHigh pressureMedium pressureLow pressureAtmosphereOperating pressure; Working pressureDesign pressureOperating temperatureDesign temperatureNozzleSampling connectionClean outExhaustOutlet; DischargeInlet; suctionConnectionNozzle orientationDrainVentSump pitPitFloor drainSewerManholeHandholeCar seal closeCar seal open英语词UFDAGUGGRDH.P.M.P.L.P.ATMS.CC.ODISCHINLETVENTF.DM.HH.HC.S.CC.S.O英语缩写关闭后加锁(锁关)开启后加锁(锁开)正常时关闭正常时开启故障时关闭故障时开启垂直,正交平行管顶管底管内底底平顶平水平的,卧式的立式的,垂直的水平安装垂直安装管件直连管间距管道跨距管道等级管道材料规定等级分界隔热分界管道附件管道元件面至面中心至面中心至中心中心至端面坡度公称直径公称压力外径内径螺栓圆直径软管接头管段,短管可拆短管直管弯管管内底标高汉语词Locked closedLocked openNormally closedNormally openValve closes on failure of actuating energyValve opens on failure of actuating energyPerpendicularParallelTop of pipeBottom of pipeInvert, Inside bottom of pipeFlat on bottomFlat on topHorizontalVerticalHorizontal installationVertical installationFitting to fittingLine spacingLine spanPiping classPiping material specificationMaterial Specification breakInsulation breakPiping attachmentPiping elementFace to FaceCenter to FaceCenter to CenterCenter to EndSlope; GradeNominal DiameterNominal pressureOutside DiameterInside DiameterBolt circleHose connectionSpool piece; SpoolRemovable joint spoolRun pipe; Straight pipeBendInvert elevation英语词L.CL.ON.CN.OFCFOTOPBOPINVFOBFOTHORVERTFTFF-FC-FC-CC-EDNPNODIDB.CHCRSPIE英语缩写不许出现袋形孔板孔,洞开孔低点标高低点高点平台袋形管外壳3.6.2 管道安装管托管卡管架支耳U型卡带状卡托座吊耳导向板,夹板底板顶板予埋件支承环加强板垫片(垫平用)锚固件预焊件(设备上) 聚四氟乙烯滑动板连接板连接杆限制杆鞍座裙座支承架滑动架固定架导向架吊架弹簧架弹簧托汉语词Not allow pocketOrifice plateHoleCaving holeLow point elevationLow pointHigh pointPlatform; Flat; Floor; Surface plateBag-Shape pipe(outside)Shell; Case(shell);Casing; CoverShoeClampPiping supportLugCleviceStrap clampStoolEarCleatBase plateTop plateEmbedded part; Inserted plateRingStiffenerShimClipClip(on equipment)PTFE sliding plateTie plateTie rodLimit rodSaddleSkirtResting supportSliding supportAnchorGuideHangerSpring supportResting type spring support英语词NO.PC.HLP.LELPHPPF英语缩写弹簧吊架恒力吊架滚动支架减振器悬臂架三角架支腿N型管架L型管架柱式管架墙架管墩,低管架特殊管架(予埋螺栓)伸出长度对中心,找正跨度力矩弯矩扭矩荷载反力位移角位移冷紧,冷位约束固定点应力惯性矩断面系数安全系数3.6.3 焊接与热处理电弧焊电熔焊气熔焊电阻焊气焊等离子焊电渣焊焊条焊丝平焊角焊间断焊汉语词Spring hangerConstant hangerRolling hangerSnubberCantilever supportTriangular supportLegn-type supportL-type supportPole type supportSupport on wallSleeperSpecial supportExtrusionAlignmentSpanMomentBending momentTorqueLoadReactionDisplacementAngular rotationCold springRestraintFix point; Anchor pointStressMoment of inertiaSection modulesSafety factorArc weldingElectric fusion weldingFusion gas weldingElectric resistance weldingGas welding; flame weldingPlasma weldingElectroslag weldingWelding electrode(rod)Welding wireFlat weldingFillet weldingIntermittent welding英语词EFWFGWERW英语缩写点焊对焊搭焊现场焊工厂(车间)焊接坡口无损检验肉眼检验,外观检验超声波控伤磁粉探伤荧光渗透试验水压试验气压试验退火回火正火淬火调质高频淬火渗氮渗碳3.6.4 隔热及涂漆玻璃棉岩棉泡沫玻璃硅酸钙硅酸铝纤维珍珠岩泡沫混凝土蛭石矿渣棉硅藻土石棉板石棉布聚氨酯泡沫聚苯乙烯玻璃布沥青油毡镀锌铁丝镀锌铁丝网管壳毡(被)汉语词Spot weldingButt weldingLap weldingField weldShop weldGrooveNon-Destruction testingVisual testingUltrasonic testMagnetic particle testFluorescent penetrate inspectionHydraulic testingPneumatic testingAnnealingTemperingNormalizingQuenchingQuenching and temperingInduction hardeningNitrogen case-hardeningCarbonizationGlass woolRock woolFoam glass; Cellular glassCalcium silicateAluminosilicace fiberPerliteFoamed concrete; Cellular concreteVermiculiteMineral woolKieselguhr; DiatomiteAsbestos boardAsbestos clothPolyurethaneCellular polystyreneGlass(fiber)clothAsphaltAsphalt feltGalvanized wireGalvanized wire meshShellBlanket英语词F.W英语缩写镀锌铁皮铝板隔热,隔离,绝缘保温保冷人身保护隔音吸声导热系数支承环分贝涂漆底漆面漆防锈漆醇酸瓷漆酚醛漆沥青漆聚氨酯漆有机硅漆环氧树脂漆过氯乙烯漆无机富锌漆3.6.5 紧固件螺栓六角头螺栓方头螺栓双头螺栓环头螺栓沉头螺栓地脚螺栓松紧节,花兰螺栓U型螺栓T型螺栓自攻螺钉膨胀螺栓六角螺母方螺母蝶形螺母锁紧螺母垫圈方垫圈斜垫圈汉语词Galvanized(sheet)ironAluminum sheetInsulationHot instructionCold instructionPersonal protectionSound insulationSound-absorbingThermal conductivity factorSupport ringDecibelPaintingPrimary coat; Bottom coatFinishing coatAntirust paintAlkyd enamelPhenolic paintBituminous paintPolyurethane paintOrganic silicon paintEpoxy resin paintEthylene perchloride paintInorganic zinc-rich paintBoltHexagonal head boltSquare head boltStud boltEye boltCountersunk(head)screwAnchor bolt; Foundation boltTurnbuckleU-boltT-boltSelf tapping screwExpansion boltHexagonal nutSquare washerWing nutLock nutWasherSquare WasherSlant Washer英语词INS英语缩写弹簧垫圈开口销定位销铆钉右螺纹管螺纹锥管螺纹直管螺纹美国标准直管螺纹管子内螺纹梯形螺纹公制螺纹粗牙螺纹通长螺纹,全螺纹粗制的精制的3.7 相关词语基础设计详细设计规划布置阶段初步阶段分析设计阶段成品设计阶段先期确认图纸资料最终确认图纸资料数据表设计文件设计注释设计规定设计规定汇总表详细设计版用户变更通知命名表,管道表规划研究版设计布置图概略版设备布置图投标版设备布置图合同版设备布置图送审版设备布置图成品版设备布置图施工版设备布置图工作程序界区条件标准汉语词Spring washerCotter pinDowel pinRivetRight hand threadPipe threadTaper pipe threadStraight pipe threadAmerican standard taper pipe threadInternal pipe threadTrapezoid threadMetric threadCoarse threadFull threadCoarseFinished; FineBasic designDetail designPlanning stagePreliminary stageAnalytical Engineering phaseProduction design phaseAdvanced certified finalCertified finalData sheetDesign documentDesign noteDesign specificationDesign specification summary sheetDetail design issueClient change noticeNomenclaturePlanning plot planConceptual plot planProposal plot planAward plot planApproval plot planProduction plot planConstruction plot planWorking procedureBattery limit conditionStandard英语词NPTIPTACFCFSPECDSSSDDICCNSTD;STAND英语缩写参考,基准开工会议项目审核会厂商协调会项目进展情况报告顾客承包安装建设试车说明待定版次修改,修订审核提纲审定校核制图部门部,科,室专业图号项目项目号工厂,装置买方(供货)卖方(供货)制造厂(供货)由仪表(专业负责) 铭牌询价净正吸入压头静电接池分散控制系统附件合同号外汇备忘录公章索赔交货付款摄氏汉语词ReferenceKick-off meetingProject review meetingVender co-ordinative meetingProject status reportClient; CustomerContractorErectionConstructionCommissioningDescriptionHoldIssueRevision; ModifyCheck listApprovedCheckedByDepartmentDivisionDisciplineDrawing numberProjectJob No.PlantBy buyerBy sellerBy venderBy instrumentName plateInquireNet positive suction headStatic groundingDistributed Control SystemsAttachmentContract numberForeign exchangeMemorandumOfficial sealClaim indemnityCash on deliveryCentigrade英语词K.O,MVCMPSRREVAPVDCHKDBYDWG. No.Job. No.B.BB.SB.VB.INSTDCSCont No.C.O.DC英语缩写华氏国际单位制美国材料试验协会阀门及配件制造工业标准化协会(美) 全国消防协会(美)石油管线协会(美)美国国家标准协会(美)美国机械工程师学会国际标准化组织国际电工技术委员会美国石油学会美国自来水厂协会美国仪表学会全国电气制造商协会(美) 日本工业标准加拿大标准协会英国标准德国工业标准FahrenheitSystem InternationalAmerican Society for Testing and MaterialsManufacturer s′Standardization Society of ValvAnd Fittings Industry National Fire Protection AssociationAssociation of Oil Pipe LinesAmerican National Standard InstituteAmerican Society of Mechanical Engineers InternationalOrganization for Standardization International Electrotechnical CommissionAmerican Petroleum InstituteAmerican Water Works AssociationInstrument Society of AmericanNational Electrical Manufactures Association Japanese Industrial StandardCanadian Standard AssociationBritish StandardDeutsche Industrie NormFSIASTMMSSNFPAAOPLANSIASMEISOIECAPIAWW AISANEMAJISCASBSDIN4 按英文字母排列英语词英语缩写汉语词3-Way ball valve3-Way ball valve3-Way valve4-Way ball valve45°LateralAAbove groundAbsolute elevationAbsorberAcrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene rubber Advanced certified finalAgitatorAir coolerAlignmentAlkyd enamelAlligatorAlloy steelAlloy steel pipeAluminosilicace fiberAluminum英语词AGABSACF英语缩写三通球阀三通旋塞阀三通阀四通旋塞阀45°三通地上绝对标高吸收塔丙烯睛·丁二烯:苯乙烯橡胶先期确认图纸资料搅拌器空冷器对中心,找正醇酸瓷漆颚式破碎机合金钢合金钢管硅酸铝纤维铝汉语词Aluminum magnesium Aluminum sheetAmerican National Standard Institute American Petroleum InstituteAmerican Society for Testing and Materials American Society of Mechanical Engijeers American standard taper pipe thread American Water Works Association Analytical Engineering phaseAnalyzerAnchorAnchor boitAnch pointAngle steelAngle valveAngular rotationAnnealingAntirust paintApproval plot planApprovedArc weldingAsbestAsbestos boardAsbestos clothAsphaltAsphalt feltAssociation of Oil Pipe Lines AtmosphereAtomizerAttachmentAttachment equipmentAustenitic stainless steelAustenitic stainless steel pipeAward plot planAxial flow pumpBBag-Shape pipeBall type expansion jointBall valveBase plateBasic designBattery limit英语词ANSIAPIASTMASMENPTAWW AAPVDAOPLATMB.L英语缩写铝镁合金铝板美国国家标准协会(美)美国石油学会美国材料试验协会美国机械工程师学会美国标准直管螺纹美国自来水厂协会分析设计阶段分析室固定架地脚螺栓固定点角钢角阀(角式截止阀)角位移退火防锈漆送审版设备布置图审定电弧焊石棉石棉板石棉布沥青油毡石油管线协会(美)大气,大气压粉碎机,磨碎机附件附属设备,附件奥氏体不锈钢奥氏体不锈钢管合同版设备布置图轴流泵袋形管球型补偿器球阀底板基础设计装置边界汉语词Battery limit condition Battery roomBeamBell and spigot joint BelledBellow expansion joint Bellow swaled valve Belt filterBendBending moment Bituminous paintBlankBlanketBlindBlindBlind flangeBlock valveBlow down valve BlowerBoilerBoltBolt circleBolt cold diameter Bolt cold tightening Bolt hot tightening BossBottomBottom coat Bottom of base plate Bottom of pipeBox type filer press Branch connection BrassBreakerBreather valve Bridge crane British Standard Bucket elevator BuildingButt weldedButt welded joint Butt welding Butterfly valve英语词L.BL.BB.CBOTBBPBOPBSBWBW英语缩写界区条件电池室梁承插连接,套筒连接承插的波纹膨胀节波纹管密封阀带式过滤机弯管弯矩沥青漆盲板,管道盲板毡(被)盲板,管道盲板法兰盖法兰盖切断阀排污阀鼓风机锅炉螺栓螺栓圆直径螺栓圆直径螺栓冷紧螺栓热紧支管台(凹台)底面,底下底漆底板底面管底厢式压滤机支管连接黄铜破碎机呼吸阀板式起重机英国标准斗式提升机建筑物对焊的对焊连接对焊蝶阀汉语词Butyl rubberByBy buyerBy instrumentBy sellerBy venderBy-pass valveCCable tray(channel)Calcium silicateCanadian Standard Association Canned pumpCantilever supportCapCar seal closeCar seal openCarbon fiberCarbon pipeCarbon steel CarbonizationCase(shell)Cash on deliveryCasingCast ironCast iron pipeCast steelCaving holeCellular concreteCellular glassCellular polystyreneCenter lineCenter to CenterCenter to EndCenter fo FaceCentigradeCentrifugal compressor Centrifugal filter Centrifugal pump Centrifugal separator CentrifugerCeramic英语词PIBIBYB.BB.INSTB.SB.VCASCC.S.CC.S.OCARC.SC.O.DC.IC.HC-CC-EC-FC英语缩写丁基橡胶制图买方(供货)由仪表(专业负责)卖方(供货)制造厂(供货)旁路阀电缆槽(架)硅酸钙加拿大标准协会屏蔽泵悬臂架管帽关闭后加铅封(封关)开启后加铅封(封开)碳纤维碳钢管碳钢渗碳外壳交货付款外壳铸铁铸铁管铸钢开孔泡沫混凝土泡沫玻璃泡沫聚苯烯中心线中心至中心中心至端面中心至面摄氏离心压缩机离心过滤机离心泵离心分离机离心机陶瓷汉语词。

管子及管件编号缩写中文名称英文名称1.1 P 管子 Pipe 1.2 EL 弯头 Elbow1.2.1 ELL 长半径弯头 Long radius elbow 1.2.2 ELS 短半径弯头 Short radius elbow1.2.3 MEL 斜接弯头(虾米腰弯头) Mitre elbow 1.2.4 REL 异径弯头 Reducing elbow1.3 T 三通 Tee 1.3.1 LT 斜三通 Lateral tee1.3.2 RT 异径三通 Reducing tee 1.4 R 异径管接头(大小头) Reducer1.4.1 CR 同心异径管接头(同心大小头) Concentric reducer 1.4.2 ER 偏心异径管接头(偏心大小头) Eccentric reducer 1.5 CPL 管箍 Coupling 1.5.1 FCPL 双头管箍 Full coupling1.5.2 HCPL 单头管箍 Half coupling 1.5.3 RCPL 异径管箍 Reducing coupling1.6 BU 内外螺纹接头 Bushing 1.7 UN 活接头 Union1.8 HC 软管接头 Hose coupler 1.9 SE 翻边短节 Stub end1.10 NIP 短节 Pipe nipple or straight nipple 1.10.1 SNIP 异径短节 Swaged nipple1.11 CP 管帽(封头) Cap 1.12 PL 管堵(丝堵) Plug1.13 BLK 盲板 Blank 1.13.1 SB 8字盲板 Spectacle blind (blank)1.14 RP 补强板 Reinforcing pad2 法兰编号缩写中文名称英文名称2.1 PLG 法兰 Flange 2.1.1 WNF 对焊法兰 Welding neck flange2.1.2 SOF 平焊法兰 Slip-on flange 2.1.3 SWF 承插焊法兰 Socket-welding flange2.1.4 T 螺纹法兰 Threaded flange 2.1.5 LJ 松套法兰 Lapped joint flange2.1.6 REDF 异径法兰 Reducing flange 2.1.7 BF 法兰盖(日法兰) Blind flange2.2 FSF 法兰密封面 Flange scaling face 2.2.1 FF 全平面 Flat face2.2.2 RF 凸台面 Raised face 2.2.3 MFF 凹凸面 Male and female face2.2.4 LF 凹面 Female face 2.2.5 LM 凸面 Male face2.2.6 RJ 环连接面 Ring joint face 2.2.7 TG 榫槽面 Tongue and groove face2.2.8 TF 榫面 Tongue face 2.2.9 GF 槽面 Groove face3 垫片编号缩写中文名称英文名称3.1 G 垫片 Gasket 3.1.1 NMG 非金属垫片 Non-metallic gasket3.1.1.1 AG 石棉垫片 Asbestos gasket RG 橡胶垫片 Rubber gasket3.1.1.3 TEG 聚四氟乙烯包复垫片 PTFE envelope gasket 3.1.2 SMG 半金属垫片 Semimetallic gasket3.1.2.1 MJG 金属包垫片 Meta-jacket gasket SWG 缠绕式垫片 Spiral wound gasket3.1.3 MG 金属垫片 Metallic gasket FMG 金属平垫片 Flat metallic gasket3.1.3.2 SMSG 齿形金属垫片 Solid metal serrated gasket LER 透镜式金属环垫 Lens ring gasket3.1.3.4 OCR 八角形金属环垫 Octagonal ring gasket OVR 椭圆形金属环垫 Oval ring gakset3.1.3.6 IR/OR 内外定位环 Inner ring and outer ring IR 内定位环 Inner ring3.1.3.8 OR 外定位环 Outer ring4 坚固件编号缩写中文名称英文名称4.1 B 螺栓 Bolt 4.1.1 SB 螺柱 Stud bolt4.2 NU 螺母 Nut 4.3 TB 花蓝螺母 Turnbuckle4.4 WSR 垫圈 Washer 4.4.1 SWSR 弹簧垫圈 Spring washer5 阀门编号缩写中文名称英文名称5.1 GV 闸阀 Gate valve 5.2 GLV 截止阀 Globe valve5.3 CHV 止回阀 Check valve 5.4 BUV 蝶阀 Butterfly valve5.5 BAV 球阀 Ball valve 5.6 PV 旋塞阀 Plug valve (cock)5.7 CV 调节阀 Control valve 5.8 SV 安全阀 Safety valve5.9 RV 减压阀 Pressure reducing valve 5.10 ST 蒸汽疏水阀 Steam trap5.11 PRV 泄压阀 Pressur relief valve 5.12 BV 呼吸阀 Breather valve5.13 NV 针形阀 Needle valve5.14 AV 角阀 5.15 DV 隔膜阀5.16 TWV 三通阀 5.17 SGV 插板阀6 管道上用的小型设备编号缩写中文名称英文名称6.1 SPR 气液分离器 Separator 6.2 FA 阻火器 Flame arrester6.3 SR 过滤器 Strainer 6.3.1 SRY Y型过滤器 Y-type strainer6.3.2 SRT T型过滤器 T-type strainer 6.3.3 SRB 桶式过滤器 Bucket type strainer6.3.4 TSR 临时过滤器 Temporary strainer 6.4 SIL 消声器 Silencer6.5 SG 视镜 Slight glass 6.6 SC 取样冷却器 Sample cooler6.7 DF 排液漏斗 Drain funnel 6.8 LM 管道混合器 Line mixer6.9 RO 限流孔板 Restriction orifice 6.9.1 MO 混合孔板 Mixing orifice6.1 RD 爆破片(爆破膜) Rupture disk 6.11 EJ 补偿器 Expansion joint7 隔热、伴热编号缩写中文名称英文名称7.1 INS 隔热 Thermal insulation 7.1.1 H 保温 Hot insulation7.1.2 C 保冷 Cold insulation 7.1.3 P 防烫伤隔热 Personnel protection insulation 7.2 T&I 伴热 Tracing and insulation 7.3 T 管道伴热(冷) Tracing7.3.1 EST 蒸汽外伴热 External steam tracing 7.3.2 IST 蒸汽内伴热 Internal steam tracing7.3.3 SJT 蒸汽夹套伴热 Steam-jacket tracing 7.3.4 ET 电伴热 Electric tracing8 配管材料和等级编号缩写中文名称英文名称8.1 M 金属材料 Metallic material 8.1.1 CS 碳钢 Carbon steel8.1.2 CAS 铸钢 Cast steel 8.1.3 FS 锻钢 Forged steel8.1.4 AS 合金钢 Alloy steel 8.1.5 SS 不锈钢 Stainless steel8.1.6 AUST SS 奥氏体不锈钢 Austenitic stainless-steel 8.1.7 CI 铸铁 Cast iron 8.1.8 MI 可锻铸铁 Malleable iron8.1.9 DI 球墨铸铁 Ductile iron 8.1.10 AL 铝 Aluminum8.1.11 BRS 黄铜 Brass 8.1.12 BRZ 青铜 Bronze8.1.13 CU 紫铜 Copper 8.1.14 LAS 低合金钢 Low alloy steel8.1.15 FLAS 低合金锻钢 Forged low alloy steel 8.1.16 CLAS 低合金铸钢 Cast low alloy steel8.2 THK 壁厚 Thickness 8.2.1 SCH 表号 Schedule number8.2.2 STD 标准 Standard 8.2.3 XS 加强 Extra strong8.2.4 XXS 特强 Double extra strong9 装置布置编号缩写中文名称英文名称9.1 CN 建北 Construction north 9.2 E 东 East9.3 W 西 West 9.4 S 南 South9.5 N 北 North 9.6 H 水平 Horizontal9.7 V 竖直、铅直、直立 Vertical 9.8 GRD 地坪 Ground9.9 UG 地下 Underground 9.10 BL 装置边界线 Battery limit line9.11 ESEW 事故沐浴洗眼器 Emergency shower and eye washer 9.12 HS 软管站 Hose station9.13 ML 接续分界线 Match line 9.14 PS 管道支架(管架) Piping support9.15 PR 管桥 Pipe rack 9.16 STRU 构架(构筑物) Structure9.17 BLDG 建筑物 Building 9.18 PD 清扫设施 Purge device9.19 PT 池 Pit 9.20 SHLT 棚 Shelter9.21 COFF 围堰 Cofferdam 9.22 FL 楼板 Floor9.23 PF 平台 Plateform10 尺寸标注编号缩写中文名称英文名称10.1 EL 标高 Elevation 10.2 BOP 管底 Bottom of pipe10.3 COP 管中心 Center of pipe 10.4 TOP 管顶 Top of pipe10.5 FOB 底平 Flat on bottom 10.6 FOT 顶平 Flat on top10.7 CL(屯) 中心线 Center line 10.8 TL 切线 Tangent line10.9 SYM 对称的 Symmetrical 10.10 BOS 支架底 Bottom of support10.11 TOS 支架顶 Top of support 10.12 CL 净距(净空) Clearance10.13 CTC 中心至中心 Center to center 10.14 CTF 中心至面 Center to face10.15 CTE 中心至端部 Center to end 10.16 ETE 端到端 End to end10.17 FEF 法兰端面 Flange and face 10.18 FTF 面到面 Face to face10.19 D 直径 Diameter 10.20 DN 公称直径 Nominal diameter10.21 ID 内径 Inside diameter 10.22 OD 外径 Outside diameter10.23 DIM 尺寸 Dimension 10.24 MAX 最大 Maximum10.25 MIN 最小 Minimum 10.26 AVG 平均 Average10.27 APP 约、近似 Approximate 10.28 PT.EL 点标高 Point elevation11 图表编号缩写中文名称英文名称11.1 PFD 工艺流程图 Process flow diagram 11.2 PID 管道和仪表流程图 Piping & instrument diagram11.3 COD 接续图 Continued on drawing 11.4 DTL 详图 Datail11.5 SPDWG(ISODWG) 管段图 Spool drawing (each line isometric drawing)11.6 DWGNO 图号 Drawing number 11.7 DWGI 所在图号 Drawing identification11.8 LOW 材料表 List of material 11.9 MTO 汇料 Material take-off11.10 APPX 附录 Appendix 11.11 JOB. No. 工号 Job Number11.12 BEDD 基础工程设计数据 Basic engineering design data 11.13 DEDD 详细工程设计数据 Detail engineering design data 11.14 REV. No. 修改号 Recision number 11.15 REF DWG 参考图 Reference drawing11.16 SC 采样接口 Sample connection12 操作方式及工作参数编号缩写中文名称英文名称12.1 AUT 自动 Automatic 12.2 ML 手动 Manual control12.3 CHOP 链条操作 Chain operated 12.4 CSC 铅封关 Car seal close12.5 CSO 铅封开 Car seal open 12.6 LC 锁闭 Lock closed12.7 LO 锁开 Lock open 12.8 NC 正常关 Normally close12.9 NO 正常开 Normally open 12.10 ATM 大气压 Atmosphere12.11 PN 公称压力 Nominal pressure 12.12 A 绝压12.13 G 表压 12.14 (T) 温度 Temperature12.15 (P) 压力 Pressure13 施工编号缩写中文名称英文名称13.1 W 焊接 Welding 13.1.1 AW 电弧焊 Arc welding13.1.2 GSAW 气体保护电弧焊 Gas shielded-acr welding 13.1.3 EFW 电熔焊 Elecric fusion welding13.1.4 ERW 电阻焊 Electric Resistance welding 13.1.5 GW 气焊 Gas welding13.1.6 LW 搭接焊 Lap welding 13.1.7 BW 对焊 Butt welding13.4.8 TW 定位焊 Tack welding 13.1.9 SW 承插焊 Socket welding13.1.10 CW 连续焊 Continuous welding 13.1.11 SEW 密封焊 Seal welding13.1.12 SFG 堆焊 Surfacing 13.1.13 FW 现场焊接 Field welding13.2 HT 热处理 Heat treatment 13.2.1 PH 预热 Preheating13.2.2 SR 应力消除 Stress relief 13.2.3 PWHT 焊后热处理 Post weld heat treatment13.3 EIT 检查、探伤和实验 Examination, inspection & testing 13.3.1 VE 外观检查 Visual examination13.3.2 UI (UT) 超声探伤 Ultrasonic inspection (test) 13.3.3 RI (RT) 射线探伤 Radiographic inspection (test)13.3.4 MPI (MT) 磁粉探伤 Magnetic particle inspection (test) 13.3.5 LPI (PT) 液体渗透检验 Liquid penterant inspection (test) 13.3.6 HADT 硬度实验 Hardness testing 13.3.7 HYDT 水压实验 Hydraulic testing13.3.8 PNET 气压实验 Pneumatic testing 13.3.9 CE 焊条 Covered electrode13.3.10 WW 焊丝 Welding wire 13.3.11 ASSY 装配、组合 Assembly13.3.12 F 现场 Field 13.3.13 F/F 现场制造 Field faricated13.3.14 SF 现场决定 Suit in field 13.3.15 CSP 冷紧 Cold spring13.3.16 BCT 螺栓冷紧 Bolt cold tightening 13.3.17 BHY 螺栓热紧 Bolt hot tightening13.3.18 CO 清洗口 Clean out 13.3.19 ANNY 退火 Annealed13.4 PE 平端面 Plain end 13.5 BE 坡口端 Belelled end13.6 THR 螺纹 Thread 13.7 HB 布氏硬度 Brinnel hardness13.8 RC 洛氏硬度 13.9 AT 酸洗14 其他编号缩写中文名称英文名称14.1 FDN 基础 Foundation 14.2 INF 信息(资料) Information14.3 REF 参考 Reference 14.4 REV 修改 Revision14.5 SEQ 序号(顺序) Sequence 14.6 W/E 设备带来 With equipment14.7 W/I 仪表带来 With instrument 14.8 CM 色标 Colour mark14.9 CA 腐蚀裕度 Corrosion allowance 14.10 UTL 公用系统 Utility14.11 UC 公用工程接头 Utility connection 14.12 QTY 数量 Quantity14.13 WT 重量 Weight 14.14 MHR 工时 Man hour14.15 BC 螺栓分布圆 Bolt circle 14.16 HP 高点 High point14.17 LP 低点 Low point 14.18 SUC 吸入(口) Suction14.19 DIS 排出(口) Discharge 14.20 SO 蒸气吹扫(口) Steam out14.21 NPT 美国标准锥管螺纹 National standard taper pipe thread 14.22 NPS 美国标准直管螺纹 National standard straight pipe thread14.23 DR 排液 Drain 14.24 VT 放气 Vent14.25 RTG (压力)等级 Rating 14.26 CL 等级 Class。

管道常用英文与代号管道介质英文简称Service IdentificationService Description中文介质AIInstrument Air仪表空气AUUtility Air公用气AVAtmospheric Vent排气\泄气BDBlow down吹扫\排污CIChemical Injection化学剂注入CSCL Hypochlorite Sea Water 次氯酸盐海水CO2Carbon Dioxide Gas碳酸气DCClosed Drains(暗)排水DOOpen Drains (明)排水FDDiesel Fuel 柴油FGFuel Gas燃料气FLFlare照明FWFire Water 消防水FMFM 200FM200HMHeating Medium热介质HOHydraulic Oil液压油JFJet Fuel (Helicopter)航空燃料LOLube Oil润滑油MEGMonoethylene Glycol乙二醇N2Nitrogen氮气NGNatural Gas天然气PLProcess-Liquid (Condensate) 冷凝物PVProcess-Vapour (Gas)水蒸气PWProduced Water 生产水PFProcess Fluid工艺流体TEG Triethylene Glycol 三甘醇WFFresh Water淡水WSSea Water海水WWWaste Water污水WBBlack Water污水(黑水)WGGray Water中水WDDrilling Water钻井水WKWell Kill Fluid压井液管道材料表中的英文缩写AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD INSTITUTE美国国家标准委员会APIAMERICAN PETROLEUM INSTITUTE美国石油学会ASMEAMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS 美国机械工程师协会ASTMAMERICAN SOCIETY OF TESTING AND MATERIAL 美国材料试验协会BBbolted bonnet螺栓连接的阀盖bolted cover螺栓连接的阀帽BGbolted gland螺栓连接的填料压盖BEbeveled end坡口端面BLEbevel large end 大端坡口BWbutt welding对焊corrosion allowance腐蚀裕量CLclass压力等级CALCcalculation计算(壁厚)COMGcorrugated metal gasket 金属波齿垫片CONconcentric同心CScarbon steel碳钢DNnominal diameter公称直径DSAWdouble submerged arc weld 双面埋弧焊ECCeccentric偏心EFWelectric fusion welding电熔焊FIRE-Sfire safe防火安全(密封)结构FFflat face全平面FLGflange法兰GALVgalvanized镀锌的GRAFgraphite石墨grade等级HBbrinnel hardness number 布氏硬度HEXhexagonal六角HTheating treatment热处理IRinner ring内定位环large大端(母管)LRlong radius长半径MMmilimeter毫米MFFmale and famale face凹凸面NPTnational standard taper pipe thread 60°锥管螺纹octagonal ring gasket 八角环形垫片O.D.outside diameter外径ORouter ring外定位环OS&Youtside screw and yoke 明杆支架型PBEplain both ends两端平口plain end平口PLslip-on welding plate 板式平焊PPLpolyphenyl对位聚苯PSBpressure seal bonnet 压力密封阀盖PSEplain small end小端平口PWHTpost weld heat treatment 焊后热处理Rtaper pipe external thread 55°锥管外螺纹RCtaper pipe internal thread 55°锥管内螺纹REDreduced异径的RFraised face突面ring joint face环连接面TBthreaded bonnet螺纹连接的阀盖TBEthreaded both ends两端螺纹TEMPtemperature温度TFWTtolerance of wall thickness 壁厚偏差thread螺纹TOEthreaded one end 一端螺纹TRI-ECCThr-eccentric三偏心TSEthreaded small ends 小端螺纹Ssmall小端(支管)submerged arc weld 埋弧焊SCHschedule壁厚等级SMLSseamless无缝的SOslip-on平焊S-OUTsteam-out吹扫孔stress relief应力消除SRshort radius 短半径STLstellite司太立合金SSstainless steel 不锈钢SWsocket welding 承插焊wafer对夹式WNwelding neck 带颈对焊WSweld steel pipe 焊接钢管UT ultrasonic test 超声检测PTFE暖通南社编辑聚四氟乙烯管道常用介质代号序号介质代号中文名称序号介质代号中文名称1PG工艺气体41MC中压冷凝水2PL42PC工艺冷凝液3PS工艺固体43W水4PM工艺物料44BW5AR空气45CW冷却(循环)水6BA鼓风空气46CWS冷却(循环)上水30℃进40℃出7EA47CWR冷却(循环)回水30℃进40℃出8LA仪表空气48WS工业上水9PA工艺空气49WR10SA开车空气50DW饮用水、生活用水11G气体51DNW脱盐水12FG52FW消防水13 FLG烟道气53 HW热水14IG惰性气体54 HWS15NG天然气55 HER热回水16VG放空气体56 PWW 生产废水17FV火炬排放气57QW急冷水18H氢气58RW冷冻水19NG氮气59 RWR冷冻回水(7℃进12℃出)20OX氧气60RWS冷冻上水(7℃进12℃出)21R冷冻剂61RAW原水22AR62SW软水23ER乙烷或乙烯冷冻剂63WW废水24FR氟利昂冷冻剂64BR25MR甲烷冷冻剂65BRS冷冻盐水上水(-15℃进-10℃出)26PR丙烷或丙烯冷冻剂66BRR冷冻盐水回水(-15℃进-10℃出)27S67CS化学污水28HS高压蒸汽68DR排净29HSS高压饱和蒸汽69SL30HUS高压过热蒸汽70VE真空抽气31LS低压蒸汽71O油32LSS低压饱和蒸汽72FO燃料油33LUS低压过热蒸汽73GO填料油34MS中压蒸汽74LO润滑油35MSS中压饱和蒸汽75SO密封油36MUS中压过热蒸汽76HO加热油37ES废气(排出蒸汽)77WO冲洗油38C冷凝水78QO急冷油39HC高压冷凝水79FS熔盐LC低压冷凝水字母名称字母名称(1)被测变量(第一位字母)T温度K时间或时间程序Td温差Q数量或件数P压力或真空W重量或力Pd压差Z位置Pt压缩比B喷嘴火焰F流量C导电率L物位S速度或频率A分析U多变量D密度或比重V振动M水分或湿度X工业电视(2)功能字母(后继字母)I指示W套管C调节J扫描R记录或打印E检测元件S连锁、开关P试验点(接头)A报警K自动—手动操作器Q累计或积算O节流孔板H手动Y继动器或计算器T传动G玻璃V阀L指示灯。

管道工程英文术语缩写(中英对照)1.管子及管件1.1 P 管子 Pipe1.2 EL 弯头1.2.1 ELL 长半径弯头1.2.2 ELS 短半径弯头1.2.3 MEL 斜接弯头(虾米腰弯头)1.2.4 REL 异径弯头1.3 T 三通 Tee1.3.1 LT 斜三通1.3.2 RT 异径三通1.4 R 异径管接头(大小头) Reducer1.4.1 CR 同心异径管接头(同心大小头) Concentric reducer 1.4.2 ER 偏心异径管接头(偏心大小头) Eccentric reducer 1.5 CPL 管箍 Coupling1.5.1 FCPL 双头管箍 Full coupling1.5.2 HCPL 单头管箍 Half coupling1.5.3 RCPL 异径管箍 Reducing coupling1.6 BU 内外螺纹接头 Bushing1.7 UN 活接头 Union1.8 HC 软管接头 Hose coupler1.9 SE 翻边短节 Stub end1.10 NIP 短节 Pipe nipple or straight nipple1.10.1 SNIP 异径短节 Swaged nipple1.11 CP 管帽(封头) Cap1.12 PL 管堵(丝堵) Plug1.13 BLK 盲板 Blank1.13.1 SB 8字盲板 Spectacle blind (blank)1.14 RP 补强板 Reinforcing pad2.法兰2.1 FLG 法兰 Flange2.1.1 WNF 对焊法兰 Welding neck flange2.1.2 SOF 平焊法兰 Slip-on flange2.1.3 SWF 承插焊法兰 Socket-welding flange2.1.4 T 螺纹法兰 Threaded flange2.1.5 LJ 松套法兰 Lapped joint flange2.1.6 REDF 异径法兰 Reducing flange2.1.7 BF 法兰盖(日法兰) Blind flange2.2 FSF 法兰密封面 Flange scaling face2.2.1 FF 全平面 Flat face 2.2.2 RF 凸台面 Raised face2.2.3 MFF 凹凸面 Male and female face2.2.4 LF 凹面 Female face2.2.5 LM 凸面 Male face2.2.6 RJ 环连接面 Ring joint face2.2.7 TG 榫槽面 Tongue and groove face2.2.8 TF 榫面 Tongue face2.2.9 GF 槽面 Groove face3.垫片3.1 G 垫片 Gasket3.1.1 NMG 非金属垫片 Non-metallic gasket3.1.1.1 AG 石棉垫片 Asbestos gasket3.1.1.2 RG 橡胶垫片 Rubber gasket3.1.1.3 TEG 聚四氟乙烯包复垫片 PTFE envelope gasket3.1.2 SMG 半金属垫片 Semimetallic gasket3.1.2.1 MJG 金属包垫片 Meta-jacket gasket3.1.2.2 SWG 缠绕式垫片 Spiral wound gasket3.1.3 MG 金属垫片 Metallic gasket3.1.3.1 FMG 金属平垫片 Flat metallic gasket3.1.3.2 SMSG 齿形金属垫片 Solid metal serrated gasket3.1.3.3 LER 透镜式金属环垫 Lens ring gasket3.1.3.4 OCR 八角形金属环垫 Octagonal ring gasket3.1.3.5 OVR 椭圆形金属环垫 Oval ring gakset3.1.3.6 IR/OR 内外定位环 Inner ring and outer ring3.1.3.7 IR 内定位环 Inner ring3.1.3.8 OR 外定位环 Outer ring4.坚固件4.1 B 螺栓 Bolt4.1.1 SB 螺柱 Stud bolt4.2 NU 螺母 Nut4.3 TB 花蓝螺母 Turnbuckle4.4 WSR 垫圈 Washer4.4.1 SWSR 弹簧垫圈 Spring washer5.阀门5.1 GV 闸阀 Gate valve5.2 GLV 截止阀 Globe valve5.3 CHV 止回阀 Check valve5.4 BUV 蝶阀 Butterfly valve5.5 BAV 球阀 Ball valve5.6 PV 旋塞阀 Plug valve (cock)5.7 CV 调节阀 Control valve5.8 SV 安全阀 Safety valve5.9 RV 减压阀 Pressure reducing valve5.10 ST 蒸汽疏水阀 Steam trap5.11 PRV 泄压阀 Pressur relief valve5.12 BV 呼吸阀 Breather valve5.13 NV 针形阀 Needle valve5.14 AV 角阀5.15 DV 隔膜阀5.16 TWV 三通阀5.17 SGV 插板阀6.管道上用的小型设备6.1 SPR 气液分离器 Separator 6.2 FA 阻火器 Flame arrester6.3 SR 过滤器 Strainer6.3.1 SRY Y型过滤器 Y-type strainer6.3.2 SRT T型过滤器 T-type strainer6.3.3 SRB 桶式过滤器 Bucket type strainer6.3.4 TSR 临时过滤器 Temporary strainer6.4 SIL 消声器 Silencer6.5 SG 视镜 Slight glass6.6 SC 取样冷却器 Sample cooler6.7 DF 排液漏斗 Drain funnel6.8 LM 管道混合器 Line mixer6.9 RO 限流孔板 Restriction orifice6.9.1 MO 混合孔板 Mixing orifice6.1 RD 爆破片(爆破膜) Rupture disk6.11 EJ 补偿器 Expansion joint7.隔热、伴热7.1 INS 隔热 Thermal insulation7.1.1 H 保温 Hot insulation7.1.2 C 保冷 Cold insulation7.1.3 P 防烫伤隔热 Personnel protection insulation7.2 T&I 伴热 Tracing and insulation7.3 T 管道伴热(冷) Tracing7.3.1 EST 蒸汽外伴热 External steam tracing7.3.2 IST 蒸汽内伴热 Internal steam tracing7.3.3 SJT 蒸汽夹套伴热 Steam-jacket tracing7.3.4 ET 电伴热 Electric tracing8.配管材料和等级8.1 M 金属材料 Metallic material 8.1.1 CS 碳钢 Carbon steel8.1.2 CAS 铸钢 Cast steel8.1.3 FS 锻钢 Forged steel8.1.4 AS 合金钢 Alloy steel8.1.5 SS 不锈钢 Stainless steel8.1.6 AUSTSS 奥氏体不锈钢 Austenitic stainless-steel8.1.7 CI 铸铁 Cast iron8.1.8 MI 可锻铸铁 Malleable iron8.1.9 DI 球墨铸铁 Ductile iron8.1.10 AL 铝 Aluminum8.1.11 BRS 黄铜 Brass8.1.12 BRZ 青铜 Bronze8.1.13 CU 紫铜 Copper8.1.14 LAS 低合金钢 Low alloy steel8.1.15 FLAS 低合金锻钢 Forged low alloy steel8.1.16 CLAS 低合金铸钢 Cast low alloy steel8.2 THK 壁厚 Thickness8.2.1 SCH 表号 Schedule number8.2.2 STD 标准 Standard8.2.3 XS 加强 Extra strong8.2.4 XXS 特强 Double extra strong9.装置布置9.1 CN 建北 Construction north9.2 E 东 East9.3 W 西 West9.4 S 南 South9.5 N 北 North9.6 H 水平 Horizontal9.7 V 竖直、铅直、直立 Vertical9.8 GRD 地坪 Ground9.9 UG 地下 Underground9.10 BL 装置边界线 Battery limit line9.11 ESEW 事故沐浴洗眼器 Emergency shower and eye washer 9.12 HS 软管站 Hose station9.13 ML 接续分界线 Match line9.14 PS 管道支架(管架) Piping support9.15 PR 管桥 Pipe rack9.16 STRU 构架(构筑物) Structure9.17 BLDG 建筑物 Building9.18 PD 清扫设施 Purge device9.19 PT 池 Pit9.20 SHLT 棚 Shelter9.21 COFF 围堰 Cofferdam9.22 FL 楼板 Floor9.23 PF 平台 Plateform10.尺寸标注10.1 EL 标高 Elevation 10.2 BOP 管底 Bottom of pipe10.3 COP 管中心Center of pipe10.4 TOP 管顶 Top of pipe10.5 FOB 底平 Flat on bottom10.6 FOT 顶平 Flat on top10.7 CL(屯) 中心线 Center line10.8 TL 切线 Tangent line10.9 SYM 对称的 Symmetrical10.10 BOS 支架底 Bottom of support10.11 TOS 支架顶 Top of support10.12 CL 净距(净空) Clearance10.13 CTC 中心至中心 Center to center 10.14 CTF 中心至面 Center to face10.15 CTE 中心至端部 Center to end10.16 ETE 端到端 End to end10.17 FEF 法兰端面 Flange and face10.18 FTF 面到面 Face to face10.19 D 直径 Diameter10.20 DN 公称直径 Nominal diameter10.21 ID 内径 Inside diameter10.22 OD 外径 Outside diameter10.23 DIM 尺寸 Dimension10.24 MAX 最大 Maximum10.25 MIN 最小 Minimum10.26 AVG 平均 Average10.27 APP 约、近似 Approximate10.28 PT.EL 点标高 Point elevation11.图表11.1 PFD 工艺流程图 Process flow diagram11.2 PID 管道和仪表流程图 Piping & instrument diagram11.3 COD 接续图 Continued on drawing11.4 DTL 详图 Datail11.5 SPDWG(ISODWG) 管段图 Spool drawing (each line isometric drawing) 11.6 DWGNO 图号 Drawing number11.7 DWGI 所在图号 Drawing identification11.8 LOW 材料表 List of material11.9 MTO 汇料 Material take-off11.10 APPX 附录 Appendix11.11 JOB. No. 工号 Job Number11.12 BEDD 基础工程设计数据 Basic engineering design data 11.13 DEDD 详细工程设计数据 Detail engineering design data 11.14 REV. No. 修改号 Recision number11.15 REFDWG 参考图 Reference drawing11.16 SC 采样接口 Sample connection12.操作方式及工作参数12.1 AUT 自动 Automatic 12.2 ML 手动 Manual control12.3 CHOP 链条操作 Chain operated12.4 CSC 铅封关 Car seal close12.5 CSO 铅封开 Car seal open12.6 LC 锁闭 Lock closed12.7 LO 锁开 Lock open12.8 NC 正常关 Normally close12.9 NO 正常开 Normally open12.10 ATM 大气压 Atmosphere12.11 PN 公称压力 Nominal pressure12.12 A 绝压12.13 G 表压12.14 (T) 温度 Temperature12.15 (P) 压力 Pressure13.施工13.1 W 焊接 Welding13.1.1 AW 电弧焊 Arc welding13.1.2 GSAW 气体保护电弧焊 Gas shielded-acr welding 13.1.3 EFW 电熔焊 Elecric fusion welding13.1.4 ERW 电阻焊 Electric Resistance welding13.1.5 GW 气焊 Gas welding13.1.6 LW 搭接焊 Lap welding13.1.7 BW 对焊 Butt welding13.4.8 TW 定位焊 Tack welding13.1.9 SW 承插焊 Socket welding13.1.10 CW 连续焊 Continuous welding13.1.11 SEW 密封焊 Seal welding13.1.12 SFG 堆焊 Surfacing13.1.13 FW 现场焊接 Field welding13.2 HT 热处理 Heat treatment13.2.1 PH 预热 Preheating13.2.2 SR 应力消除 Stress relief13.2.3 PWHT 焊后热处理 Post weld heat treatment13.3 EIT 检查、探伤和实验 Examination, inspection & testing 13.3.1 VE 外观检查 Visual examination13.3.2 UI (UT) 超声探伤 Ultrasonic inspection (test)13.3.3 RI (RT) 射线探伤 Radiographic inspection (test)13.3.4 MPI (MT) 磁粉探伤 Magnetic particle inspection (test) 13.3.5 LPI (PT) 液体渗透检验 Liquid penterant inspection (test) 13.3.6 HADT 硬度实验 Hardness testing13.3.7 HYDT 水压实验 Hydraulic testing13.3.8 PNET 气压实验 Pneumatic testing13.3.9 CE 焊条 Covered electrode13.3.10 WW 焊丝 Welding wire13.3.11 ASSY 装配、组合 Assembly13.3.12 F 现场 Field13.3.13 F/F 现场制造 Field faricated13.3.14 SF 现场决定 Suit in field13.3.15 CSP 冷紧 Cold spring13.3.16 BCT 螺栓冷紧 Bolt cold tightening13.3.17 BHY 螺栓热紧 Bolt hot tightening13.3.18 CO 清洗口 Clean out13.3.19 ANNY 退火 Annealed13.4 PE 平端面 Plain end13.5 BE 坡口端 Belelled end13.6 THR 螺纹 Thread13.7 HB 布氏硬度 Brinnel hardness13.8 RC 洛氏硬度14.其他14.1 FDN 基础 Foundation14.2 INF 信息(资料) Information14.3 REF 参考 Reference14.4 REV 修改 Revision14.5 SEQ 序号(顺序) Sequence14.6 W/E 设备带来 With equipment14.7 W/I 仪表带来 With instrument14.8 CM 色标 Colour mark14.9 CA 腐蚀裕度 Corrosion allowance14.10 UTL 公用系统 Utility14.11 UC 公用工程接头 Utility connection14.12 QTY 数量 Quantity14.13 WT 重量 Weight14.14 MHR 工时 Man hour14.15 BC 螺栓分布圆 Bolt circle14.16 HP 高点 High point14.17 LP 低点Low point14.18 SUC 吸入(口) Suction14.19 DIS 排出(口) Discharge14.20 SO 蒸气吹扫(口) Steam out14.21 NPT 美国标准锥管螺纹 National standard taper pipe thread 14.22 NPS 美国标准直管螺纹 National standard straight pipe thread 14.23 DR 排液 Drain14.24 VT 放气 Vent14.25 RTG (压力)等级 Rating14.26 CL 等级 Class14.27 SMLS 无缝 Seamless14.28 螺旋缝。

编号缩写中文名称英文名称1.管子及管件1.1 P 管子 Pipe1。
2 EL 弯头 Elbow1。
2.1 ELL 长半径弯头 Long radius elbow1。
2.2 ELS 短半径弯头 Short radius elbow1。
3 MEL 斜接弯头(虾米腰弯头) Mitre elbow1.2.4 REL 异径弯头 Reducing elbow1.3 T 三通 Tee1。
1 LT 斜三通 Lateral tee1.3.2 RT 异径三通 Reducing tee1.4 R 异径管接头(大小头) Reducer1.4.1 CR 同心异径管接头(同心大小头) Concentric reducer 1。
2 ER 偏心异径管接头(偏心大小头) Eccentric reducer 1。
5 CPL 管箍 Coupling1。
5.1 FCPL 双头管箍 Full coupling1。
2 HCPL 单头管箍 Half coupling1。
5.3 RCPL 异径管箍 Reducing coupling1.6 BU 内外螺纹接头 Bushing1。
7 UN 活接头 Union1.8 HC 软管接头 Hose coupler1.9 SE 翻边短节 Stub end1.10 NIP 短节 Pipe nipple or straight nipple1。
1 SNIP 异径短节 Swaged nipple1。
11 CP 管帽(封头) Cap1。
12 PL 管堵(丝堵) Plug1。
13 BLK 盲板 Blank1.13.1 SB 8字盲板 Spectacle blind (blank)1.14 RP 补强板 Reinforcing pad2.法兰2.1 PLG 法兰 Flange2.1。
1 WNF 对焊法兰 Welding neck flange2。
2 SOF 平焊法兰 Slip—on flange2.1。

管道管件等等英文缩写教学内容编号缩写中文名称英文名称1.管子及管件1.1 P 管子Pipe1.2 EL 弯头Elbow1.2.1 ELL 长半径弯头Long radius elbow1.2.2 ELS 短半径弯头Short radius elbow1.2.3 MEL 斜接弯头(虾米腰弯头)Mitre elbow1.2.4 REL 异径弯头Reducing elbow1.3 T 三通Tee1.3.1 LT 斜三通Lateral tee1.3.2 RT 异径三通Reducing tee1.4 R 异径管接头(大小头)Reducer1.4.1 CR 同心异径管接头(同心大小头)Concentric reducer 1.4.2 ER 偏心异径管接头(偏心大小头)Eccentric reducer 1.5 CPL 管箍Coupling1.5.1 FCPL 双头管箍Full coupling1.5.2 HCPL 单头管箍Half coupling1.5.3 RCPL 异径管箍Reducing coupling1.6 BU 内外螺纹接头Bushing1.7 UN 活接头Union1.8 HC 软管接头Hose coupler1.9 SE 翻边短节Stub end1.10 NIP 短节Pipe nipple or straight nipple1.10.1 SNIP 异径短节Swaged nipple1.11 CP 管帽(封头)Cap1.12 PL 管堵(丝堵)Plug1.13 BLK 盲板Blank1.13.1 SB 8 字盲板Spectacle blind (blank)1.14 RP 补强板Reinforcing pad2.法兰2.1 PLG 法兰Flange2.1.1 WNF 对焊法兰Welding neck flange2.1.2 SOF 平焊法兰Slip-on flange2.1.3 SWF 承插焊法兰Socket-welding flange2.1.4 T 螺纹法兰Threaded flange2.1.5 LJ 松套法兰Lapped joint flange2.1.6 REDF 异径法兰Reducing flange2.1.7 BF 法兰盖(日法兰)Blind flange2.2 FSF 法兰密封面Flange scaling face2.2.1 FF 全平面Flat face2.2.2 RF 凸台面Raised face2.2.3 MFF 凹凸面Male and female face2.2.4 LF 凹面Female face2.2.5 LM 凸面Male face2.2.6 RJ 环连接面Ring joint face2.2.7 TG 榫槽面Tongue and groove face2.2.8 TF 榫面Tongue face2.2.9 GF 槽面Groove face3 . 垫片3.1 G 垫片Gasket3.1.1 NMG 非金属垫片Non-metallic gasket3.1.1.1 AG 石棉垫片Asbestos gasket3.1.1.2 RG 橡胶垫片Rubber gasket3.1.1.3 TEG 聚四氟乙烯包复垫片PTFE envelope gasket 3.1.2 SMG 半金属垫片Semimetallic gasket3.1.2.1 MJG 金属包垫片Meta-jacket gasket3.1.2.2 SWG 缠绕式垫片Spiral wound gasket3.1.3 MG 金属垫片Metallic gasket3.1.3.1 FMG 金属平垫片Flat metallic gasket3.1.3.2 SMSG 齿形金属垫片Solid metal serrated gasket LER 透镜式金属环垫Lens ring gasket3.1.3.4 OCR 八角形金属环垫Octagonal ring gasket3.1.3.5 OVR 椭圆形金属环垫Oval ring gasket3.1.3.6 IR/OR 内外定位环Inner ring and outer ring3.1.3.7 IR 内定位环Inner ring3.1.3.8 OR 外定位环Outer ring4 . 坚固件4.1 B 螺栓Bolt4.1.1 SB 螺柱Stud bolt4.2 NU 螺母Nut4.3 TB 花蓝螺母Turnbuckle4.4 WSR 垫圈Washer4.4.1 SWSR 弹簧垫圈Spring washer5 . 阀门5.1 GV 闸阀Gate valve5.2 GLV 截止阀Globe valve5.3 CHV 止回阀Check valve5.4 BUV 蝶阀Butterfly valve5.5 BAV 球阀Ball valve5.6 PV 旋塞阀Plug valve (cock)5.7 CV 调节阀Control valve5.8 SV 安全阀Safety valve5.9 RV 减压阀Pressure reducing valve5.10 ST 蒸汽疏水阀Steam trap5.11 PRV 泄压阀Pressur relief valve5.12 BV 呼吸阀Breather valve5.13 NV 针形阀Needle valve5.14 AV 角阀5.15 DV 隔膜阀5.16 TWV 三通阀5.17 SGV 插板阀6. 管道上用的小型设备6.1 SPR 气液分离器Separator6.2 FA 阻火器Flame arrester6.3 SR 过滤器Strainer6.3.1 SRY Y 型过滤器Y-type strainer6.3.2 SRT T 型过滤器T-type strainer6.3.3 SRB 桶式过滤器Bucket type strainer6.3.4 TSR 临时过滤器Temporary strainer6.4 SIL 消声器Silencer6.5 SG 视镜Slight glass6.6 SC 取样冷却器Sample cooler6.7 DF 排液漏斗Drain funnel6.8 LM 管道混合器Line mixer6.9 RO 限流孔板Restriction orifice6.9.1 MO 混合孔板Mixing orifice6.1 RD 爆破片(爆破膜) Rupture disk6.11 EJ 补偿器Expansion joint7. 隔热、伴热7.1 INS 隔热Thermal insulation7.1.1 H 保温Hot insulation7.1.2 C 保冷Cold insulation7.1.3 P 防烫伤隔热Personnel protection insulation 7.2 T&I 伴热Tracing and insulation7.3 T 管道伴热(冷)Tracing7.3.1 EST 蒸汽外伴热External steam tracing7.3.2 IST 蒸汽内伴热Internal steam tracing7.3.3 SJT 蒸汽夹套伴热Steam-jacket tracing7.3.4 ET 电伴热Electric tracing8 . 配管材料和等级8.1 M 金属材料Metallic material8.1.1 CS 碳钢Carbon steel8.1.2 CAS 铸钢Cast steel8.1.3 FS 锻钢Forged steel8.1.4 AS 合金钢Alloy steel8.1.5 SS 不锈钢Stainless steel8.1.6 AUST SS 奥氏体不锈钢Austenitic stainless-steel 8.1.7 CI 铸铁Cast iron8.1.8 MI 可锻铸铁Malleable iron8.1.9 DI 球墨铸铁Ductile iron8.1.10 AL 铝Aluminum8.1.11 BRS 黄铜Brass8.1.12 BRZ 青铜Bronze8.1.13 CU 紫铜Copper8.1.14 LAS 低合金钢Low alloy steel8.1.15 FLAS 低合金锻钢Forged low alloy steel8.1.16 CLAS 低合金铸钢Cast low alloy steel8.2 THK 壁厚Thickness8.2.1 SCH 表号Schedule number8.2.2 STD 标准Standard8.2.3 XS 加强Extra strong8.2.4 XXS 特强Double extra strong9. 装置布置9.1 CN 建北Construction north9.2 E 东East9.3 W 西West9.4 S 南South9.5 N 北North9.6 H 水平Horizontal9.7 V 竖直、铅直、直立Vertical9.8 GRD 地坪Ground9.9 UG 地下Underground9.10 BL 装置边界线Battery limit line9.11 ESEW 事故沐浴洗眼器Emergency shower and eye washer 9.12 HS 软管站Hose station9.13 ML 接续分界线Match line9.14 PS 管道支架(管架)Piping support9.15 PR 管桥Pipe rack9.16 STRU 构架(构筑物)Structure9.17 BLDG 建筑物Building9.18 PD 清扫设施Purge device9.19 PT 池Pit9.20 SHLT 棚Shelter9.21 COFF 围堰Cofferdam9.22 FL 楼板Floor9.23 PF 平台Plateform10 . 尺寸标注10.1 EL 标高Elevation10.2 BOP 管底Bottom of pipe10.3 COP 管中心Center of pipe10.4 TOP 管顶Top of pipe10.5 FOB 底平Flat on bottom10.6 FOT 顶平Flat on top10.7 CL(屯)中心线Center line10.8 TL 切线Tangent line10.9 SYM 对称的Symmetrical10.10 BOS 支架底Bottom of support10.11 TOS 支架顶T op of support10.12 CL 净距(净空)Clearance10.13 CTC 中心至中心Center to center10.14 CTF 中心至面Center to face10.15 CTE 中心至端部Center to end10.16 ETE 端到端End to end10.17 FEF 法兰端面Flange and face10.18 FTF 面到面Face to face10.19 D 直径Diameter10.20 DN 公称直径Nominal diameter10.21 ID 内径Inside diameter10.22 OD 外径Outside diameter10.23 DIM 尺寸Dimension10.24 MAX 最大Maximum10.25 MIN 最小Minimum10.26 AVG 平均Average10.27 APP 约、近似Approximate10.28 PT.EL 点标高Point elevation11. 图表11.1 PFD 工艺流程图Process flow diagram11.2 PID 管道和仪表流程图Piping & instrument diagram11.3 COD 接续图Continued on drawing11.4 DTL 详图Datail11.5 SPDWG (ISODWG管段图Spool drawi ng (each line isometric drawi ng)11.6 DWG NO图号Drawing number11.7 DWGI 所在图号Drawing identification11.8 LOW 材料表List of material11.9 MTO 汇料Material take-off11.10 APPX 附录Appendix11.11 JOB. No. 工号Job Number11.12 BEDD 基础工程设计数据Basic engineering design data 11.13 DEDD 详细工程设计数据Detail engineering design data 11.14 REV. No. 修改号Recision number11.15 REF DWG 参考图Refere nee drawi ng11.16 SC 采样接口Sample connection12 . 操作方式及工作参数12.1 AUT 自动Automatic12.2 ML 手动Manual control12.3 CHOP 链条操作Chain operated12.4 CSC 铅封关Car seal close12.5 CSO 铅封开Car seal open12.6 LC 锁闭Lock closed12.7 LO 锁开Lock open12.8 NC 正常关Normally close12.9 NO 正常开Normally open12.10 ATM 大气压Atmosphere12.11 PN 公称压力Nominal pressure12.12 A 绝压12.13 G 表压12.14 (T) 温度Temperature12.15 (P) 压力Pressure13 . 施工13.1 W 焊接Welding13.1.1 AW 电弧焊Arc welding13.1.2 GSAW 气体保护电弧焊Gas shielded-acr welding 13.1.3 EFW 电熔焊Elecric fusion welding13.1.4 ERW 电阻焊Electric Resistance welding13.1.5 GW 气焊Gas welding13.1.6 LW 搭接焊Lap welding13.1.7 BW 对焊Butt welding13.4.8 TW 定位焊T ack welding13.1.9 SW 承插焊Socket welding13.1.10 CW 连续焊Continuous welding13.1.11 SEW 密封焊Seal welding13.1.12 SFG 堆焊Surfacing13.1.13 FW 现场焊接Field welding13.2 HT 热处理Heat treatment13.2.1 PH 预热Preheating13.2.2 SR 应力消除Stress relief13.2.3 PWHT 焊后热处理Post weld heat treatment13.3 EIT 检查、探伤和实验Examination, inspection & testing 13.3.1 VE 外观检查Visual examination13.3.2 UI (UT) 超声探伤Ultrasonic inspection (test)13.3.3 RI (RT) 射线探伤Radiographic inspection (test)13.3.4 MPI (MT) 磁粉探伤Magnetic particle inspection (test) 13.3.5 LPI (PT) 液体渗透检验Liquid penterant inspection (test) 13.3.6 HADT 硬度实验Hardness testing13.3.7 HYDT 水压实验Hydraulic testing13.3.8 PNET 气压实验Pneumatic testing13.3.9 CE 焊条Covered electrode13.3.10 WW 焊丝Welding wire13.3.11 ASSY 装配、组合Assembly13.3.12 F 现场Field13.3.13 F/F 现场制造Field fabricated13.3.14 SF 现场决定Suit in field13.3.15 CSP 冷紧Cold spring13.3.16 BCT 螺栓冷紧Bolt cold tightening13.3.17 BHY 螺栓热紧Bolt hot tightening13.3.18 CO 清洗口Clean out13.3.19 ANNY 退火Annealed13.4 PE 平端面Plain end13.5 BE 坡口端Belelled end13.6 THR 螺纹Thread13.7 HB 布氏硬度Brinnel hardness13.8 RC 洛氏硬度14. 其他14.1 FDN 基础Foundation14.2 INF 信息(资料)Information14.3 REF 参考Reference14.4 REV 修改Revision14.5 SEQ 序号(顺序)Sequence14.6 W/E 设备带来With equipment14.7 W/I 仪表带来With instrument14.8 CM 色标Colour mark14.9 CA 腐蚀裕度Corrosion allowance14.10 UTL 公用系统Utility14.11 UC 公用工程接头Utility connection14.12 QTY 数量Quantity14.13 WT 重量Weight14.14 MHR 工时Man hour14.15 BC 螺栓分布圆Bolt circle14.16 HP 高点High point14.17 LP 低点Low point14.18 SUC 吸入(口)Suction14.19 DIS 排出(口)Discharge14.20 SO 蒸气吹扫(口)Steam out14.21 NPT 美国标准锥管螺纹National standard taper pipe thread 14.22 NPS 美国标准直管螺纹National standard straight pipe thread 14.23 DR 排液Drain14.24 VT 放气Vent14.25 RTG (压力)等级Rating 14.26 CL 等级Class14.27 SMLS 无缝Seamless。

编号缩写中文名称英文名称1.管子及管件1.1 P 管子 Pipe1.2 EL 弯头 Elbow1。
2.1 ELL 长半径弯头 Long radius elbow1.2.2 ELS 短半径弯头 Short radius elbow1。
2.3 MEL 斜接弯头(虾米腰弯头) Mitre elbow1。
4 REL 异径弯头 Reducing elbow1。
3 T 三通 Tee1。
1 LT 斜三通 Lateral tee1.3.2 RT 异径三通 Reducing tee1。
4 R 异径管接头(大小头) Reducer1。
1 CR 同心异径管接头(同心大小头) Concentric reducer 1。
2 ER 偏心异径管接头(偏心大小头) Eccentric reducer 1.5 CPL 管箍 Coupling1.5。
1 FCPL 双头管箍 Full coupling1。
2 HCPL 单头管箍 Half coupling1.5.3 RCPL 异径管箍 Reducing coupling1。
6 BU 内外螺纹接头 Bushing1.7 UN 活接头 Union1。
8 HC 软管接头 Hose coupler1.9 SE 翻边短节 Stub end1.10 NIP 短节 Pipe nipple or straight nipple1.10.1 SNIP 异径短节 Swaged nipple1.11 CP 管帽(封头) Cap1。
12 PL 管堵(丝堵) Plug1.13 BLK 盲板 Blank1.13.1 SB 8字盲板 Spectacle blind (blank)1。
14 RP 补强板 Reinforcing pad2.法兰2。
1 PLG 法兰 Flange2.1。
1 WNF 对焊法兰 Welding neck flange2.1。
2 SOF 平焊法兰 Slip—on flange2.1.3 SWF 承插焊法兰 Socket—welding flange2.1。

压力管道分为:长输管道为GA类,级别划分为:1.符合下列条件之一的长输管道为GAl级:(1)输送有毒、可燃、易爆气体介质,设计压力P>1.6 MPa 的管道;(2)输送有毒、可燃、易爆液体流体介质,输送距离(输送距离指产地、储存库、用户间的用于输送商品介质管道的直接距离)≥200km且管道公称直径DN≥300mm的管道;(3)输送浆体介质,输送距离≥50km且管道公称直径DN≥150mm的管道。
三、工业管道为GC类,级别划分如下:1、符合下列条件之一的工业管道为GC1级:(1)输送GB5044《职业性接触毒物危害程度分级》中规定毒性程度为极度危害介质的管道;(2)输送GB50160《石油化工企业设计防火规范》及GBJl6《建筑设计防火规范》中规定的火灾危险性为甲、乙类可燃气体或甲类可燃液体介质且设计压力P≥4.0MPa的管道;(3)输送可燃流体介质、有毒流体介质,设计压力P≥4.0 MPa 且设计温度≥400℃的管道;(4)输送流体介质且设计压力P≥10.0MPa的管道。
2、符合以下条件之一的工业管道为GC2级:(1)输送GB50160《石油化工企业设计防火规范》及GBJl6《建筑设计防火规范》中规定的火灾危险性为甲、乙类可燃气体或甲类可燃液体介质且设计压力P<4.0MPa的管道;(2)输送可燃流体介质、有毒流体介质,设计压力P<4.0MPa 且设计温度≥400℃管道;(3)输送非可燃流体介质、无毒流体介质,设计压力P<10MPa 且设计温度≥400℃的管道;(4)输送流体介质,设计压力P<10MPa且设计温度<400℃的管道。
3、符合以下条件之一的GC2级管道划分为GC3级:(1)输送可燃流体介质、有毒流体介质,设计压力P<1.0MPa 且设计温度<400℃的管道;(2)输送非可燃流体介质、无毒流体介质,设计压力P<4.0MPa 且设计温度<400℃的管道。

管道英文缩写通用术语管道英文缩写通用术语AAnchor 固定ABS *Absolute 绝对的AISI *American Iron andSteel Institute 美国钢铁学会ANSI *American NationalStandards Institute 美国国家标准学会API *American Petroleum Institute 美国石油学会APPROX*Approximate 大约,近似的ASB Asbestos 石棉ASME *American Society Of Testing Material 美国机械工程师协会ASSY *Assembly 装配,组装ASTM *American Society OfTesting Material 美国材料实验协会ATM *Atmosphere 大气压AWG *American Wire Gage 美国线规AWS *American Wel**** Society 美国焊接协会AWWA *American Water Works Association 美国水工协会BBB Bolted BonnetOpen 在开启状态下封住CUST Customer 客C.V Check Valve 止回阀DDEG *Degree 度DF Drain funnel 排液漏斗DIA *Diameter 直径DIM *Dimension 尺寸DISCH *Discharge 出口,排出Diaphragm VELVE 隔膜阀DMF Double Male And Female 双重凹凸DN *Double Male And Female 公称直径DN Down 下DR Drain 排液DS Directional Stop 定向限为架DWG *Drawing 图EE *East 东EC External Coating 外面涂防腐层ECC Eccentric 偏心EFW Electric Fusion Welded 电容焊的EL(ELEV)*Elevation 标高;立面ELL Elbow 弯头EQIOP Equipment 设备,装置EQUIV Equivalent 相当的E.R. Eccentric Reducer 偏心异经管ERW Electric Resistance Welded 电阻焊的EW Eye Washer & Shower 洗眼器及淋浴器EXP.JT Expansion Joint 膨胀节FFDN Foundation 基础FF Flat Faced Or Full Faced 全平面;满平面F-F Face To Face 面至面FGW Fusion Gas Wel**** 气熔焊FIG *Figure 图FL Floor 楼面FLEX TUBE Flexible Tube 挠性管FLG Flange 法兰FLGD Flanged 法兰式的FLGF Flanged Face 法兰面FOB Flat On Bottom 底面平FOT Flat On Top 顶面平FP Fix Point 固定点FS Forged Steel 锻钢FTF Fitting To Fitting 管件直连FTG Fitting 管件FURND Furnished 提供的,装设的FW Field Weld 现伤焊GG Guide 导向GA *Gage 表,表压,规(线规)GALV *Galvanize 镀锌GL Ground Level 地面GLV Globe Valve 截止阀GEAR OP Gear Operated 齿轮传动的GMAW Gas Metal Arc Wel**** 金属极惰气体保护焊GSKT Gasket 垫片GTAW (Inert)Gas Tungsten Arc Wel**** 惰性气体保护钨极电弧焊GV Gate Valve 闸阀HH Hanger 吊架HC Hose Connection 软管接头H.CPLG Half Coupling 半节管接头HDR Header 总管HEX *Hexagon 六角形HF Hard Alloy Face on阀内件(阀心)为Valve Trim 硬质合金密封面HH Hand Pole 手孔HOR Horizontal水平的H.P *High Pressure 高压HS Hose Station 软管IID *Inside Diameter 内径IN *Inch 英寸INS Insulation 隔热INST Instrument 仪表INV Invert (inside bottom of pipe) 管子内底IPS Iron Pipe size 铁管尺寸ISO Isometric Drawing 周测图(空视图)I.S.B.L Inside Battery Limit 装置边界内恻ISNS Inside screw & Non-rising Stem 内螺纹非升杆ISRS Inside screw & Rising stem 内螺纹升杆JJT Joint 接头JS Jack Screw 顶开(起)螺栓LLC Locked Closed 在关闭状态下锁定LEP Large end plain 大端为平的LET Large end Threaded 大端带螺纹LG Long 长LGF Lens Gasket Face 透镜垫连接面L.H.THD Left Hand Thread 左螺纹LIFT Lift Type 升降式LJ Lap Joint 搭接LJF Lap Joint Flange 松套法兰LO Locked Open 在开启状态下锁定L.P. Low Pressure 低压LR Long Radius 长半径LRE Long Radius Elbow 长半径弯头LTG Large Tongue & Groove 大椎槽MMATL Material 材料MAX Maximum 最大MB Machine Bolt 机器螺栓(单头)MF Male and Female 凸和凹MFG Manufacture 制造MF *Manufacture 制造厂MH Manhole 人孔MI Malleable Iron 可锻铸铁MIN *Minimum 最小MJ Mechanical Joint 机械接头M.L Match Line 连续线MSS * Manufacturers Standardization Society of the Valveand Fittings Industry, Inc.美国阀门和管件制造商标准化协会MTO Material take-off 材料统计MW Minimum Wall 最小壁厚M.W. Mineral Wool 矿(物)棉NN *North 北NB Nominal Bore 公称孔径N.B. Non-Bonnet 无阀盖NC Normally Closed 常闭NIP Nipple 短管NO Normally Open; 常开*Number号;数量NO INS No Insulation 不隔热NOM Nominal 公称的;额定的NOZ Nozzle 管口NPS Nominal Pipe Size 公称管径NPSH Net Positive Suction Head 净正吸入压头NPT *American National Taper 美国锥管螺纹Pipe Thread NS Nominal Size 公称直径NV Needle Valve 针形阀OOD *OutsideDiameter 外径OET One end Threaded 一端带螺纹OR Outside Radius 外半径ORF Orifice 孔板ORIENT Orientation 方位OS & Y Outside Screw and Yoke 外螺纹阀杆和阀轭OSNB Outside Screw Non-Bonnet 外螺纹无阀盖PP Plug 堵头PAP Piping Arrangement Plan 管道布置平面图PB Pressure Seal Bonnet 压力密封的阀盖P-B Plain End –Bevel End 平端—坡口端PC Pressure Seal Cap 压力密封的阀帽P.C.D. Pitch Circle Diameter 节圆直径PE Plain End (not beveled) 平端(无坡口)PF Platform 平台PID Piping & Instrument Diagram 管道及仪表流程图PN *Nominal Pressure 公称压力PN Plant North 工厂北向POS point of Support 支承点P-P Plain End—Plain End 两端为平端PREP Preparation 加工准备PSIA *Pounds Per Square InchAbsolute 磅/PSIG Pounds Per Square Inch Gage 磅/PT Point 点PTFE*Polytetrafluoroethyle ne 聚四氟乙烯PT.NO Part No. 件号PV Plug Valve 旋塞阀PVC *Poly Vinyl Chloride 聚氯乙烯QQTY *Quantity 数量RR *Radius 半径RED Reducer 异径管REF Reference 参考REINF Reinforce 加强REQD Required 需要;申请REV *Revision 修改RF Raised Face 凸面RG Ring Gasket 环形垫片R.H.THD Right Hand Thread 右螺旋RJ Ring Joint 环垫接头RO Restriction Orifice 限流孔板RPM *Revolutions Per Minute 转/分RPS *Revolutions Per Second 转/秒RS Resting Support 支承架,滑动架RTJ Ring Type Joint (见RJ)RV Relief Valve 安全泄液阀SS *South 南S Spring 弹簧(管架用)SAW(Automatic)Submerge d Arc Wel**** 自动埋弧焊SB Stud Bolt 双头螺栓SB Screwed Bonnet 螺纹阀盖SC Sample Cooler 取样冷却器SCH *Schedule 管壁厚系列号SCRD Screwed 螺纹SEP Small end Plain 小端为平的SET Small end Threaded 小端带螺纹SF Semi-Finished 半光SG Sight Glass 视镜SH Surface Hard Facing 硬质密封面SK Sketch 草图SMAW Shielded Metal Arc Wel**** 有保护的金属电弧焊SMLS Seamless 无缝SN Swaged Nipple 异径短管SO Slip –On 滑套SOF Slip –On Flange 滑套法兰SPEC *Specification 规定,说明SPL Sound Pressure Lever 升压水准SQ *Square 方的,平方SR Shout Radius 短半径SRE Short Radius Elbow 短半径弯头SS *Stainless Steel 不锈钢ST Steam Trap 蒸汽疏水阀STD *Standard 标准STG Small Tongue & Groove 小椎槽面STL *Steel 钢STM Steam 蒸汽STM.TR Steam Tracing 蒸汽拌热SUCT Suction 吸入口SV Safety Valve 安全泄气阀SW Socket Weld 承插焊SWG Swage 锻造,模锻SWMG Swing Type 旋启式SYM Symmetrical对称的TT Tee 三通TE Threaded End 螺纹端TEMP*Temperature 温度TG Tongue & Groove 椎槽THD *Threaded 螺纹的THK *Thickness 厚度TL Tangent Line 切线TN True North 真实北向TOC Top of Concrete 混凝土北向TOP Top of pipe 管顶TOS Top of Support 支架顶面Top of Steel 钢结构顶面TYP Typical 典型的UUB Union Bonnet 带活接头的阀盖UC Union Cap 带活接头的阀帽UN Union 活接头VV Valve 阀V AC Vacuum 真空V AR Variable 可变的VERT Vertical 垂直的VOL *Volume 卷,册,容量,体积WW *West 西WB Weld Branch 焊接支管WC Weld Cap 焊接管帽WD Width 宽度WE Weld End 焊接端WL Wel**** Line 焊接线WN Wel**** Neck 对焊法兰(颈部)WNF Weld Neck Flange 对焊法兰WP Working Pressure 工作压力W.P. Working Point 工作点WT Wall Thickness 壁厚Weight 重量XXH Extra Heavy 加强的,加厚的XXH Double Extra Heavy 双倍加强(厚)的XS Extra Strong 加强的XXS Double Extra Strong 双倍加强的YYP Yield Point 屈服点。

管道专业常用英文缩写1、管子及管件缩写中文名称英文名称P管子PipeEL弯头ElbowELL长半径弯头Long radius elbowELS短半径弯头Short radius elbowMEL斜接弯头(吓米腰弯头)Mitre elbowREL异径弯头Reducing elbowT三通TeeLT斜三通Lateral teeRT异径三通Reducing teeR异径管接头(大小头)ReducerCR同心异径管接头(同心大小头)Concentric reducerER偏心异径管接头(偏心大小头)Eccentric reducerCPL管箍CouplingFCPL双头管箍Full couplingHCPL单头管箍Half couplingRCPL异径管箍Reducing couplingBU内外螺纹接头BushingUN活接头UnionHC软管接头Hose couplerSE翻边短节Stub endNIP短节Pipe nipple or straight nipple SNIP异径短节Swaged nippleCP管帽(封头)CapPL管堵(丝堵)PlugBLK盲板BlankSB8字盲板Spectacle blind (blank)RP补强板Reinforcing pad2、法兰缩写中文名称英文名称PLG法兰FlangeWNF对焊法兰Welding neck flangeSOF平焊法兰Slip-on flangeSWF承插焊法兰Socket-welding flangeT螺纹法兰Threaded flangeLJ松套法兰Lapped joint flangeREDF异径法兰Reducing flangeBF法兰盖(盲法兰)Blind flangeFSF法兰密封面Flange dealing faceFF全平面Flat faceRF凸平面Raised faceMFF凹平面Male and female faceLF凹面Female faceLM凸面Male faceRJ环连接面Ring joint faceTG榫槽面Tongue and groove face TF榫面Tongue faceGF槽面Groove face3、垫片缩写中文名称英文名称G垫片GasketNMG非金属垫片Non-metallic gasketAG石棉垫片Asbestos gasketRG橡胶垫片Rubber gasketTEG聚四氟乙烯包复垫片PTFE envelope gasket SMG半金属垫片Semimetallic gasketMJG金属包垫片Meta-jacket gasketSWG缠绕式垫片Spiral wound gasketMG金属垫片Metallic gasketFMG金属平垫片Flat metallic gasket SMSG齿形金属垫片Solid metal serrated gasket LER透镜式金属环垫Lens ring gasket OCR八角形金属环垫Octagonal ring gasket OVR椭圆形金属环垫Oval ring gasketIR/OR内外定位环Inner ring and outer ring IR内定位环Inner ringOR外定位环Outer ring4、紧固件缩写中文名称英文名称B螺栓BoltSB螺柱Stud boltNU螺母NutTB花篮螺母TurnbuckleWSR垫圈WasherSWSR弹簧垫圈Spring washer5、阀门缩写中文名称英文名称GV闸阀Gate valveGLV截止阀Globe valveCHV止回阀Check valveBUV蝶阀Butterfly valveBAV球阀Ball valvePV旋塞阀Plug valve(cock)CV调节阀Control valveSV安全阀Safety valveRV减压阀Pressur reducing valveST蒸汽疏水阀Steam trapperPRV泄压阀Pressur relief valveBV呼吸阀Breather valveNV针形阀Needle valveAV角阀DV隔膜阀TWV三通阀SGV插板阀6、管道上用的小型设备缩写中文名称英文名称SPR气液分离器SeparatorFA阻火器Flame arresterSR过滤器StrainerSRY Y型过滤器Y-type strainerSRT T型过滤器T-type strainerSRB桶式过滤器Bucket type strainerTSR临时过滤器T emporarySIL消声器SilencerSG视镜Sight glassSC取样冷却器Sample coolerDF排液漏斗Drain funnelLM管道混合器Line mixerRO限流孔板Restriction orificeMO混合孔板Mixing orificeRD爆破片(爆破膜)Rupture diskEJ补偿器(膨胀节)Expansion joint7、隔热、伴热缩写中文名称英文名称INS隔热Thermal insulationH保温Hot insulationC保冷Cold insulationP防烫伤隔热Personnel protection insulation T&I伴热Tracing and insulationT管道伴热(冷)TracingEST蒸汽外伴热External steam tracingIST蒸汽内伴热Internal steam tracingSJT蒸汽夹套伴热Steam-jacket tracingET电伴热Electric tracing8、配管材料和等级缩写中文名称英文名称M金属材料Metallic materialCS碳钢Carbon steelCAS铸钢Cast steelFS锻钢Forged steelAS合金钢Alloy steelSS不锈钢Stainless steelAUST·SS奥氏体不锈钢Austenitic stainless-steel CI铸铁Cast ironMI可锻铸铁Malleable ironDI球墨铸铁Ductile ironAL铝AluminumBRS黄铜BrassBRZ青铜BronzeCU紫铜CopperLAS低合金钢Low alloy steelFLAS低合金锻钢For low alloy steelCLAS低合金铸钢Cast low alloy steelTHK壁厚ThicknessSCH表号Schedule numberSTD标准StandardXS加强Extra strongXXS特强Double extra strong9、装置布置缩写中文名称英文名称CN建北Construction northE东EastW西WestS南SouthN北NorthH水平HorizontalV竖直、铅直、直立VerticalGRD地坪GroundUG地下UndergroundBL装置边界线Battery limit lineESEW事故淋浴洗眼器Emergency shower and eye washer HS 软管站Hose stationML持续分界线Match linePS管道支架(管架)Piping support PR管桥Pipe rack STRU构架(构筑物)Structure BLDG建筑物BuildingPD清扫设施Purge device PT池PitSHLT棚Shelter COFF围堰CofferdamFL楼板FloorPF平台Plateform10、尺寸标注缩写中文名称英文名称EL标高EBOP管底BCOP管中心CTOP管顶TFOB底平FFOT顶平FCL(屯)中心线CTL切线TSYM对称的SBOS支架底BTOS支架顶TCL净距(净空)C CTC中心至中心C CTF中心至面C CTE中心至端部C ETE端到端EFEF法兰端面FFTF面到面FD直径DDN公称直径DID内径IOD外径ODIM尺寸DMAX最大MMIN最小MAVG平均AAPP约、近似A PT、EL点标高P 11、图表缩写中文名称英文名称工艺流程图管道和仪表流程图接续图详图管段图SPDWG(ISOD-WG)DWG-NO。

管道专业常⽤的英⽂及缩写词.3 按中⽂分类排列汉语词英语词英语缩写3.1 阀门类3.1.1常⽤阀闸阀截⽌阀(球⼼阀节流阀针型阀⾓阀(⾓式截⽌阀 Y型阀(Y型截⽌阀球阀三通球阀蝶阀柱塞阀旋塞阀三通旋塞阀四通旋塞阀旋塞隔膜阀夹紧式胶管阀⽌回阀Gate valveGlobe valveThrottle valveNeedle valveAngle valveY-valve(Y-boby globe valveBall valve3-Way ball valveButterfly valvePiston type valvePlug valve3-Way ball valve4-Way ball valveCockDiaphragm valvePinch valve北京⽯油化⼯设计院2005—7—26批准 2005—8—15实施3.1.2其它阀安全泄汽阀(安全阀安全泄液阀(卸荷阀安全泄压阀罐底排污阀波纹管密封阀电磁阀电动阀⽓动阀低温⽤阀蒸汽疏⽔阀呼吸阀减压阀控制阀调节阀3.1.3不表明结构的阀切断阀⼿动控制阀调节阀快开阀隔断阀三通阀夹套阀排污阀排液阀放空阀卸载阀排出阀吸⼊阀多路阀取样阀⼿动阀旁路阀冲洗阀根部阀底阀3.2 管⼦与连接3.2.1管⼦管⼦(标准规格钢管铸铁管衬⾥管复合管(包复⾦属管 Safety valveRelief valveSafety relief valveFlush-bottom tank valveBellow sealed valveSolenoid valveElectrically operated valve Pneumatic operated valve Cryogenic service valveSteam trapBreather valveReducing valveControl valveBlock valve, Shut-off valve ,Stop valve Hand control valve Regulating valveQuick opening valveIsolating valve3-Way valveJacketed valveBlow down valveDrain valveVent valveUnloading valveDischarge valveSuction valveMultiport valveSampling valveHand operated valve, Manually operated valve By-pass valve Flush valveRoot valve, Primary valve, Header valve Foot valvePipeTubeCast iron pipeLined cining pipeClad pipeSVTRVHCVVTV汉语词英语词英语缩写碳钢管合⾦钢管不锈钢管奥⽒体不锈钢管铁素体合⾦钢管]⽆缝钢管焊接钢管镀锌钢管⽔煤⽓钢管塑料管玻璃管橡胶管壁厚系列号(管⼦表号壁厚3.2.2管⼦零件弯头异径弯头长半径弯头短半径弯头180°弯头(回弯头三通(T型三通异径三通等径三通45°三通正三通(Y型三通四通(⼗字通异径管(⼤⼩头同⼼异径管⽀管连接⽀管台(凹台活接头管接头(管箍管帽短节(短管管堵(丝堵焊接管帽盲板,管道盲板8字盲板特殊管件3.2.3连接对焊的法兰的Carbon steel pipe Alloy steel pipeStainless steel valve Austenitic stainless steel pipe Ferric alloy steel pipe Seamless steel pipe Welded steel pipeWater gas steel pipe Galvanized steel pipe Plastic pipeGlass tubeRubber tube Schedule number Wall thickness Elbow Reducing elbow Long radius elbow Short radius elbow Return elbow TeeReducing tee Straight tee45°LateralTrue “Y”CrossReducer Concentric reducer Eccentric reducer Branch connection BossUnionCouling, Full coupling CapNipplePlugWelded capBlank, Blind, Line blank Spectacle blank Special pipe fittings Butt weldedFlangedSch.NoW.TLRECNIPPLGWCL.BS.PBWFLGD汉语词英语词英语缩写螺纹的承插焊的承插的对焊连接法兰连接螺纹连接管螺纹连接承插焊连接承插连接,套筒连接整体法兰螺纹法兰承插焊法兰松套法兰对焊法兰平焊法兰板式平焊法兰松套板式法兰滑套法兰(平焊法兰法兰盖孔板法兰异径法兰螺栓圆直径法兰⾯光⾯,光滑⾯榫槽⾯榫⾯槽⾯环连接⾯,梯型槽密封⾯全平⾯,满平⾯光滑突⾯螺栓热紧螺栓冷紧螺纹管帽螺纹焊管座承插焊管帽承插焊管座垫⽚⾮⾦属包覆垫⽚ThreadedSocket weldedBelledButt welded jointFlanged jointThreaded jointPipe threaded jointSocket welding flangeBell and spigot jointIntegral pipe flangeThreaded flangeSocket welding flangeLap joint flangeWeld neck flangeSlip on flange, Slip on weld flange Welding plate flange Loose plate flangeSlip-on-welding flangeBlind flange, BlindOrifice flangeReducing flangeFlange facing, facing of flange Plain face Raised faceMale-female(Seal contactface Male face Female faceTongue groove face Tongue faceGroove faceRing joint faceFlat face, Full face Smooth raised faceBolt hot tighteningBolt cold tightening Thread capThread letSocket welded cap Socket welded let Gasket Non-metallic jacked gasket THDSWBWTSWTHDF LJF WNF BCD FOF PFRF MFM MF FMF TGF TFGF RJF FF SRF THDC THLET SWC SWLET汉语词英语词英语缩写⾦属包覆垫⽚缠绕式垫⽚内环外环⾦属垫⽚3.3 管道附件3.3.1组件⽓液分离器阻⽕器临时粗滤器永久粗滤器(固定粗滤器 Y型粗滤器T型粗滤器⽹状粗滤器过滤器永久过滤器消⾳器(消声器视镜浮球式视镜全视镜取样冷却器喷嘴,喷头喷射器洗眼器膨胀器(伸缩接头波纹膨胀节球型补偿器填函式补偿器安全淋浴器3.3.2元件排液漏⽃漏⽃爆破板限流孔板混合孔板软管接头。

1.管子及管件P 管子 PipeEL 弯头 Elbow1.2.1 ELL 长半径弯头 Long radius elbow1.2.2 ELS 短半径弯头 Short radius elbow1.2.3 MEL 斜接弯头(虾米腰弯头) Mitre elbow1.2.4 REL 异径弯头 Reducing elbowT 三通 Tee1.3.1 LT 斜三通 Lateral tee1.3.2 RT 异径三通 Reducing teeR 异径管接头(大小头) Reducer1.4.1 CR 同心异径管接头(同心大小头) Concentric reducer 1.4.2 ER 偏心异径管接头(偏心大小头) Eccentric reducer CPL 管箍 Coupling1.5.1 FCPL 双头管箍 Full coupling1.5.2 HCPL 单头管箍 Half coupling1.5.3 RCPL 异径管箍 Reducing couplingBU 内外螺纹接头 BushingUN 活接头 UnionHC 软管接头 Hose couplerSE 翻边短节 Stub endNIP 短节 Pipe nipple or straight nipple1.10.1 SNIP 异径短节 Swaged nippleCP 管帽(封头) CapPL 管堵(丝堵) PlugBLK 盲板 Blank1.13.1 SB 8字盲板 Spectacle blind (blank)RP 补强板 Reinforcing pad2.法兰PLG 法兰 Flange2.1.1 WNF 对焊法兰 Welding neck flange2.1.2 SOF 平焊法兰 Slip-on flange2.1.3 SWF 承插焊法兰 Socket-welding flange2.1.4 T 螺纹法兰 Threaded flange2.1.5 LJ 松套法兰 Lapped joint flange2.1.6 REDF 异径法兰 Reducing flange2.1.7 BF 法兰盖(日法兰) Blind flangeFSF 法兰密封面 Flange scaling face2.2.1 FF 全平面 Flat face2.2.2 RF 凸台面 Raised face2.2.3 MFF 凹凸面 Male and female face2.2.4 LF 凹面 Female face2.2.5 LM 凸面 Male face2.2.6 RJ 环连接面 Ring joint face2.2.7 TG 榫槽面 Tongue and groove face2.2.8 TF 榫面 Tongue face2.2.9 GF 槽面 Groove face3 .垫片3.1 G 垫片 Gasket3.1.1 NMG 非金属垫片 Non-metallic gasket3.1.1.1 AG 石棉垫片 Asbestos gasket3.1.1.2 RG 橡胶垫片 Rubber gasket3.1.1.3 TEG 聚四氟乙烯包复垫片 PTFE envelope gasket 3.1.2 SMG 半金属垫片 Semimetallic gasket3.1.2.1 MJG 金属包垫片 Meta-jacket gasket3.1.2.2 SWG 缠绕式垫片 Spiral wound gasket3.1.3 MG 金属垫片 Metallic gasket3.1.3.1 FMG 金属平垫片 Flat metallic gasket3.1.3.2 SMSG 齿形金属垫片 Solid metal serrated gasket LER 透镜式金属环垫 Lens ring gasket3.1.3.4 OCR 八角形金属环垫 Octagonal ring gasket3.1.3.5 OVR 椭圆形金属环垫 Oval ring gasket3.1.3.6 IR/OR 内外定位环 Inner ring and outer ring IR 内定位环 Inner ring3.1.3.8 OR 外定位环 Outer ring4 .坚固件B 螺栓 Bolt4.1.1 SB 螺柱 Stud boltNU 螺母 NutTB 花蓝螺母 TurnbuckleWSR 垫圈 Washer4.4.1 SWSR 弹簧垫圈 Spring washer5 .阀门GV 闸阀 Gate valveGLV 截止阀 Globe valveCHV 止回阀 Check valveBUV 蝶阀 Butterfly valveBAV 球阀 Ball valvePV 旋塞阀 Plug valve (cock)CV 调节阀 Control valveSV 安全阀 Safety valveRV 减压阀 Pressure reducing valveST 蒸汽疏水阀 Steam trapPRV 泄压阀 Pressur relief valveBV 呼吸阀 Breather valveNV 针形阀 Needle valveAV 角阀DV 隔膜阀TWV 三通阀SGV 插板阀6. 管道上用的小型设备SPR 气液分离器 SeparatorFA 阻火器 Flame arresterSR 过滤器 Strainer6.3.1 SRY Y型过滤器 Y-type strainer6.3.2 SRT T型过滤器 T-type strainer6.3.3 SRB 桶式过滤器 Bucket type strainer 6.3.4 TSR 临时过滤器 Temporary strainer SIL 消声器 SilencerSG 视镜 Slight glassSC 取样冷却器 Sample coolerDF 排液漏斗 Drain funnelLM 管道混合器 Line mixerRO 限流孔板 Restriction orifice6.9.1 MO 混合孔板 Mixing orificeRD 爆破片(爆破膜) Rupture diskEJ 补偿器 Expansion joint7. 隔热、伴热INS 隔热 Thermal insulation7.1.1 H 保温 Hot insulation7.1.2 C 保冷 Cold insulation7.1.3 P 防烫伤隔热 Personnel protection insulationT&I 伴热 Tracing and insulationT 管道伴热(冷) Tracing7.3.1 EST 蒸汽外伴热 External steam tracing7.3.2 IST 蒸汽内伴热 Internal steam tracing7.3.3 SJT 蒸汽夹套伴热 Steam-jacket tracing7.3.4 ET 电伴热 Electric tracing8 .配管材料和等级8.1 M 金属材料 Metallic material8.1.1 CS 碳钢 Carbon steel8.1.2 CAS 铸钢 Cast steel8.1.3 FS 锻钢 Forged steel8.1.4 AS 合金钢 Alloy steel8.1.5 SS 不锈钢 Stainless steel8.1.6 AUST SS 奥氏体不锈钢 Austenitic stainless-steel 8.1.7 CI 铸铁 Cast iron8.1.8 MI 可锻铸铁 Malleable iron8.1.9 DI 球墨铸铁 Ductile iron8.1.10 AL 铝 Aluminum8.1.11 BRS 黄铜 Brass8.1.12 BRZ 青铜 Bronze8.1.13 CU 紫铜 Copper8.1.14 LAS 低合金钢 Low alloy steel8.1.15 FLAS 低合金锻钢 Forged low alloy steel8.1.16 CLAS 低合金铸钢 Cast low alloy steelTHK 壁厚 Thickness8.2.1 SCH 表号 Schedule number8.2.2 STD 标准 Standard8.2.3 XS 加强 Extra strong8.2.4 XXS 特强 Double extra strong9. 装置布置CN 建北 Construction northE 东 EastW 西 WestS 南 SouthN 北 NorthH 水平 HorizontalV 竖直、铅直、直立 VerticalGRD 地坪 GroundUG 地下 UndergroundBL 装置边界线 Battery limit lineESEW 事故沐浴洗眼器 Emergency shower and eye washer HS 软管站 Hose stationML 接续分界线 Match linePS 管道支架(管架) Piping supportPR 管桥 Pipe rackSTRU 构架(构筑物) StructureBLDG 建筑物 BuildingPD 清扫设施 Purge device9.19 PT 池 PitSHLT 棚 ShelterCOFF 围堰 CofferdamFL 楼板 FloorPF 平台 Plateform10 .尺寸标注EL 标高 ElevationBOP 管底 Bottom of pipeCOP 管中心 Center of pipeTOP 管顶 Top of pipeFOB 底平 Flat on bottomFOT 顶平 Flat on topCL(屯) 中心线 Center lineTL 切线 Tangent lineSYM 对称的 SymmetricalBOS 支架底 Bottom of supportTOS 支架顶 Top of supportCL 净距(净空) ClearanceCTC 中心至中心 Center to center CTF 中心至面 Center to faceCTE 中心至端部 Center to endETE 端到端 End to endFEF 法兰端面 Flange and faceFTF 面到面 Face to faceD 直径 DiameterDN 公称直径 Nominal diameterID 内径 Inside diameterOD 外径 Outside diameterDIM 尺寸 DimensionMAX 最大 MaximumMIN 最小 MinimumAVG 平均 AverageAPP 约、近似 Approximate10.28 PT.EL 点标高 Point elevation11. 图表PFD 工艺流程图 Process flow diagramPID 管道和仪表流程图 Piping & instrument diagramCOD 接续图 Continued on drawingDTL 详图 DatailSPDWG (ISODWG) 管段图 Spool drawing (each line isometric drawing) DWGNO 图号 Drawing numberDWGI 所在图号 Drawing identificationLOW 材料表 List of materialMTO 汇料 Material take-offAPPX 附录 AppendixJOB. No. 工号 Job NumberBEDD 基础工程设计数据 Basic engineering design dataDEDD 详细工程设计数据 Detail engineering design dataREV. No. 修改号 Recision numberREF DWG 参考图 Reference drawingSC 采样接口 Sample connection12 .操作方式及工作参数AUT 自动 AutomaticML 手动 Manual controlCHOP 链条操作 Chain operatedCSC 铅封关 Car seal closeCSO 铅封开 Car seal openLC 锁闭 Lock closedLO 锁开 Lock openNC 正常关 Normally closeNO 正常开 Normally openATM 大气压 AtmospherePN 公称压力 Nominal pressure12.12 A 绝压12.13 G 表压(T) 温度 Temperature(P) 压力 Pressure13 .施工W 焊接 Welding13.1.1 AW 电弧焊 Arc welding13.1.2 GSAW 气体保护电弧焊 Gas shielded-acr welding 13.1.3 EFW 电熔焊 Elecric fusion welding13.1.4 ERW 电阻焊 Electric Resistance welding13.1.5 GW 气焊 Gas welding13.1.6 LW 搭接焊 Lap welding13.1.7 BW 对焊 Butt welding13.4.8 TW 定位焊 Tack welding13.1.9 SW 承插焊 Socket welding13.1.10 CW 连续焊 Continuous welding13.1.11 SEW 密封焊 Seal welding13.1.12 SFG 堆焊 Surfacing13.1.13 FW 现场焊接 Field weldingHT 热处理 Heat treatment13.2.1 PH 预热 Preheating13.2.2 SR 应力消除 Stress relief13.2.3 PWHT 焊后热处理 Post weld heat treatmentEIT 检查、探伤和实验 Examination, inspection & testing13.3.1 VE 外观检查 Visual examination13.3.2 UI (UT) 超声探伤 Ultrasonic inspection (test)13.3.3 RI (RT) 射线探伤 Radiographic inspection (test)13.3.4 MPI (MT) 磁粉探伤 Magnetic particle inspection (test) 13.3.5 LPI (PT) 液体渗透检验 Liquid penterant inspection (test) 13.3.6 HADT 硬度实验 Hardness testing13.3.7 HYDT 水压实验 Hydraulic testing13.3.8 PNET 气压实验 Pneumatic testing13.3.9 CE 焊条 Covered electrode13.3.10 WW 焊丝 Welding wire13.3.11 ASSY 装配、组合 Assembly13.3.12 F 现场 Field13.3.13 F/F 现场制造 Field fabricated13.3.14 SF 现场决定 Suit in field13.3.15 CSP 冷紧 Cold spring13.3.16 BCT 螺栓冷紧 Bolt cold tightening13.3.17 BHY 螺栓热紧 Bolt hot tightening13.3.18 CO 清洗口 Clean out13.3.19 ANNY 退火 AnnealedPE 平端面 Plain endBE 坡口端 Belelled endTHR 螺纹 ThreadHB 布氏硬度 Brinnel hardnessRC 洛氏硬度14. 其他FDN 基础 FoundationINF 信息(资料) InformationREF 参考 ReferenceREV 修改 RevisionSEQ 序号(顺序) SequenceW/E 设备带来 With equipmentW/I 仪表带来 With instrument14.8 CM 色标 Colour markCA 腐蚀裕度 Corrosion allowanceUTL 公用系统 UtilityUC 公用工程接头 Utility connectionQTY 数量 QuantityWT 重量 WeightMHR 工时 Man hourBC 螺栓分布圆 Bolt circleHP 高点 High pointLP 低点 Low pointSUC 吸入(口) SuctionDIS 排出(口) DischargeSO 蒸气吹扫(口) Steam outNPT 美国标准锥管螺纹 National standard taper pipe threadNPS 美国标准直管螺纹 National standard straight pipe thread DR 排液 DrainVT 放气 VentRTG (压力)等级 RatingCL 等级 ClassSMLS 无缝 Seamless。

管件的各种英文缩写管道英文缩写A Anchor 固定ABS *Absolute 绝对的AISI *American Iron andSteel Institute 美国钢铁学会ANSI *American NationalStandards Institute 美国国家标准学会API *American Petroleum Institute 美国石油学会APPROX *Approximate 大约,近似的ASB Asbestos 石棉ASME *American Society Of Mechanical Engineers美国机械工程师协会ASSY *Assembly 装配,组装ASTM *American Society OfTesting Material 美国材料实验协会ATM *Atmosphere 大气压AWG *American Wire Gage 美国线规AWS *American Wel**** Society 美国焊接协会AWWA *American Water WorksAssociation 美国水工协会BBB Bolted Bonnet 栓柱连接的阀盖BB By Buyer 买方供货B-B Beveled End-Beveled End 两端为坡口端BC Bolt Circle 螺栓中心圆B.C Bolted Cover(cap) 螺栓连接的阀兰盖(帽)BE Beveled End (for wel****) 坡口(焊接用)B.E Bell End 承口BEP Both Ends Plain 两端平BET Both Ends Threaded 两端带螺纹BL Battery Limit 装置区边界BF Blind Flange 盲板法兰BLD Blind 盲板BLDG *Buil**** 建筑物BM Bill Of Material 材料表BOP Bottom Of Pipe 管底B-P Beveled End —Plain End 坡口端.平端BV Butterfly valve 蝶阀BWG * Birmingham Wire Gage 伯明翰线规BW Butt Weld 对焊CC Cap 管帽C-C Center to Center 中至中C-E Center to End 中至端面C-F Center to Face 中至面CH-OP Chain Operated 链条操纵的CH.PL Checkered Plate 花纹钢管C.I *Cast Iron 铸铁CL *Class 英制压力等级,等级,种类CLEAR Clearance 间隙COD Continued on Drawing 接续图COL *Column 柱,塔CONC Concentric 同心的CONN Connection 连接,接口CONT *Continue 连续CONT.V. Control Valve 控制阀CPLG Coupling 管接头,连轴节C.R. Concentric Reducer 同心异径管C.S. *Carbon Steel 碳钢C.S. Cold Spring 冷紧C.S.C. Car Seal Close 在关闭状态下封住C.S.O. Car Seal Open 在开启状态下封住CUST Customer 客C.V Check Valve 止回阀DDEG *Degree 度DF Drain funnel 排液漏斗DIA *Diameter 直径DIM *Dimension 尺寸DISCH *Discharge 出口,排出Diaphragm VELVE 隔膜阀DMF Double Male And Female 双重凹凸DN Norminal Diameter公称直径DN Down 下DR Drain 排液DS Directional Stop 定向限为架DWG *Drawing 图EE *East 东EC External Coating 外面涂防腐层ECC Eccentric 偏心EFW Electric Fusion Welded 电容焊的EL(ELEV) *Elevation 标高;立面ELL Elbow 弯头EQIOP Equipment 设备,装置EQUIV Equivalent 相当的E.R. Eccentric Reducer 偏心异经管ERW Electric Resistance Welded 电阻焊的EW Eye Washer & Shower 洗眼器及淋浴器EXP.JT Expansion Joint 膨胀节FFDN Foundation 基础FF Flat Faced Or Full Faced 全平面;满平面F-F Face To Face 面至面FGW Fusion Gas Wel**** 气熔焊FIG *Figure 图FL Floor 楼面FLEX TUBE Flexible Tube 挠性管FLG Flange 法兰FLGD Flanged 法兰式的FLGF Flanged Face 法兰面FOB Flat On Bottom 底面平FOT Flat On Top 顶面平FP Fix Point 固定点FS Forged Steel 锻钢FTF Fitting To Fitting 管件直连FTG Fitting 管件FURND Furnished 提供的,装设的FW Field Weld 现伤焊GG Guide 导向GA *Gage 表,表压,规(线规)GALV *Galvanize 镀锌GL Ground Level 地面GLV Globe Valve 截止阀GEAR OP Gear Operated 齿轮传动的GMAW Gas Metal Arc Wel**** 金属极惰气体保护焊GSKT Gasket 垫片GTAW (Inert)Gas Tungsten Arc Wel**** 惰性气体保护钨极电弧焊GV Gate Valve 闸阀HH Hanger 吊架HC Hose Connection 软管接头H.CPLG Half Coupling 半节管接头HDR Header 总管HEX *Hexagon 六角形HF Hard Alloy Face on阀内件(阀心)为Valve Trim 硬质合金密封面HH Hand Hole 手孔HOR Horizontal 水平的H.P *High Pressure 高压HS Hose Station 软管IID *Inside Diameter 内径IN *Inch 英寸INS Insulation 隔热INST Instrument 仪表INV Invert (inside bottom of pipe) 管子内底IPS Iron Pipe size 铁管尺寸ISO Isometric Drawing 周测图(空视图)I.S.B.L Inside Battery Limit 装置边界内恻ISNS Inside screw & Non-rising Stem 内螺纹非升杆ISRS Inside screw & Rising stem 内螺纹升杆JJT Joint 接头JS Jack Screw 顶开(起)螺栓LLC Locked Closed 在关闭状态下锁定LEP Large end plain 大端为平的LET Large end Threaded 大端带螺纹LG Long 长LGF Lens Gasket Face 透镜垫连接面L.H.THD Left Hand Thread 左螺纹LIFT Lift Type 升降式LJ Lap Joint 搭接LJF Lap Joint Flange 松套法兰LO Locked Open 在开启状态下锁定L.P. Low Pressure 低压LR Long Radius 长半径LRE Long Radius Elbow 长半径弯头LTG Large Tongue & Groove 大椎槽MMATL Material 材料MAX Maximum 最大MB Machine Bolt 机器螺栓(单头)MF Male and Female 凸和凹MFG Manufacture 制造MF *Manufacture 制造厂MH Manhole 人孔MI Malleable Iron 可锻铸铁MIN *Minimum 最小MJ Mechanical Joint 机械接头M.L Match Line 连续线MSS * Manufacturers Standardization Society of the Valve and Fittings Industry, Inc.美国阀门和管件制造商标准化协会MTO Material take-off 材料统计MW Minimum Wall 最小壁厚M.W. Mineral Wool 矿(物)棉NN *North 北NB Nominal Bore 公称孔径N.B. Non-Bonnet 无阀盖NC Normally Closed 常闭NIP Nipple 短管NO Normally Open; 常开*Number号;数量NO INS No Insulation 不隔热NOM Nominal 公称的;额定的NOZ Nozzle 管口NPS Nominal Pipe Size 公称管径NPSH Net Positive Suction Head 净正吸入压头NPT *American National Taper 美国锥管螺纹Pipe ThreadNS Nominal Size 公称直径NV Needle Valve 针形阀OOD *Outside Diameter 外径OET One end Threaded 一端带螺纹OR Outside Radius 外半径ORF Orifice 孔板ORIENT Orientation 方位OS & Y Outside Screw and Yoke 外螺纹阀杆和阀轭OSNB Outside Screw Non-Bonnet 外螺纹无阀盖PP Plug 堵头PAP Piping Arrangement Plan 管道布置平面图PB Pressure Seal Bonnet 压力密封的阀盖P-B Plain End –Bevel End 平端—坡口端PC Pressure Seal Cap 压力密封的阀帽P.C.D. Pitch Circle Diameter 节圆直径PE Plain End (not beveled) 平端(无坡口)PF Platform 平台PID Piping & Instrument Diagram管道及仪表流程图PN *Nominal Pressure 公称压力PN Plant North 工厂北向POS point of Support 支承点P-P Plain End—Plain End 两端为平端PREP Preparation 加工准备PSIA *Pounds Per Square InchAbsolute 磅/PSIG Pounds Per Square Inch Gage 磅/PT Point 点PTFE *Polytetrafluoroethylene 聚四氟乙烯PT.NO Part No. 件号PV Plug Valve 旋塞阀PVC *Poly Vinyl Chloride 聚氯乙烯QQTY *Quantity 数量RR *Radius 半径RED Reducer 异径管REF Reference 参考REINF Reinforce 加强REQD Required 需要;申请REV *Revision 修改RF Raised Face 凸面RG Ring Gasket 环形垫片R.H.THD Right Hand Thread 右螺旋RJ Ring Joint 环垫接头RO Restriction Orifice 限流孔板RPM *Revolutions Per Minute 转/分RPS *Revolutions Per Second 转/秒RS Resting Support 支承架,滑动架RTJ Ring Type Joint(见RJ)RV Relief Valve 安全泄液阀SS *South 南S Spring 弹簧(管架用)SAW (Automatic)Submerged Arc Wel**** 自动埋弧焊SB Stud Bolt 双头螺栓SB Screwed Bonnet 螺纹阀盖SC Sample Cooler 取样冷却器SCH *Schedule 管壁厚系列号SCRD Screwed 螺纹SEP Small end Plain 小端为平的SET Small end Threaded 小端带螺纹SF Semi-Finished 半光SG Sight Glass 视镜SH Surface Hard Facing 硬质密封面SK Sketch 草图SMAW Shielded Metal Arc Wel**** 有保护的金属电弧焊SMLS Seamless 无缝SN Swaged Nipple 异径短管SO Slip – On 滑套SOF Slip – On Flange 滑套法兰SPEC *Specification 规定,说明SPL Sound Pressure Lever 升压水准SQ *Square 方的,平方SR Shout Radius 短半径SRE Short Radius Elbow 短半径弯头SS *Stainless Steel 不锈钢ST Steam Trap 蒸汽疏水阀STD *Standard 标准STG Small Tongue & Groove 小椎槽面STL *Steel 钢STM Steam 蒸汽STM.TR Steam Tracing 蒸汽拌热SUCT Suction 吸入口SV Safety Valve 安全泄气阀SW Socket Weld 承插焊SWG Swage 锻造,模锻SWMG Swing Type 旋启式SYM Symmetrical 对称的TT Tee 三通TE Threaded End 螺纹端TEMP *Temperature 温度TG Tongue & Groove 椎槽THD *Threaded 螺纹的THK *Thickness 厚度TL Tangent Line 切线TN True North 真实北向TOC Top of Concrete 混凝土北向TOP Top of pipe 管顶TOS Top of Support 支架顶面Top of Steel 钢结构顶面TYP Typical 典型的UUB Union Bonnet 带活接头的阀盖UC Union Cap 带活接头的阀帽UN Union 活接头VV Valve 阀VAC Vacuum 真空VAR Variable 可变的VERT Vertical 垂直的VOL *Volume 卷,册,容量,体积WW *West 西WB Weld Branch 焊接支管WC Weld Cap 焊接管帽WD Width 宽度WE Weld End 焊接端WL Wel**** Line 焊接线WN Wel**** Neck 对焊法兰(颈部)WNF Weld Neck Flange 对焊法兰WP Working Pressure 工作压力W.P. Working Point 工作点WT Wall Thickness 壁厚Weight 重量XXH Extra Heavy 加强的,加厚的XXH Double Extra Heavy 双倍加强(厚)的XS Extra Strong 加强的XXS Double Extra Strong 双倍加强的YYP Yield Point 屈服点。

压力容器常用词汇和缩写中英文对照化工设备常用词汇和缩写中英文对照2008-7-26缩写/ 英文/中文AB Anchor Bolt 地脚螺栓Abs Absolute 绝对的Abs Abstract 文摘、摘要A/C Account 帐、帐目AC Alternating Current 交流电Add Addendum 补充、补遗、附录ADL Acceptable Defect Level 允许的缺陷标准Adpt Adapter 连接器、接头AE Absolute Error 绝对误差AET Acoustic Emission Examination 声发射检验AISC American Institute of Steel Construction 美国钢结构学会AISI American Iron and Steel Institute 美国钢铁学会AL Aluminium 铝Alk Alkaline 碱的、强碱的ALM Alarm 报警Alt Alternate 交流、改变Amb Ambient 周围的Amt Amount 数量、金额Anh Anhydrous 无水的ANSI American National Standard Institute 美国国家标准学会API American Petroleum Institute 美国石油学会App Apparatus 设备App Appendix 附录、补遗Appl Applied 应用的Appl Applicable 适当的、合适的Approx Approximate 大约、近似Appx Appendix 附录、附件Arrgt Arrangement 布置AS Alloy steel 合金钢Asb Asbestos 石棉ASL Above Sea Level 海拔高度ASM American Society for Metals 美国金属学会ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers 美国机械工程师学会Assem Assembly 装配ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials 美国材料试验学会Atm Atmosphere 大气atm Atmosphere pressure 大气压Auto Automatic 自动Aux Auxiliary 辅助设备、辅助的Avail Available 有效的、可用的Avg Average 平均AW Arc welding 电弧焊AW Automatic Welding 自动焊A.W.G. American Wire Gauge 美国线规AWS(AWI) American Welding Society(Institute) 美国焊接学会BAB Babbitt Metal 巴氏合金Baf Baffle 折流板、缓冲板BB Ball Bearing 滚珠轴承BC Between Centers 中心距、轴间距BC Bolt circle 螺栓中心圆BD Blow down 放空、放料BEDD Basic engineering design data 基础工程设计数据Bet Between 在…之间Bev Bevel 斜角、坡口BF Back face 背面、反面BF Blind flange 法兰盖(盲法兰)BHN Brinell hardness number 布氏硬度值BL Battery Limit 界区BL Battery Line 界区线B/L Bill of Loading 载荷数据表Bld Blind 盲板Blk Black 黑色Blk Blank 空白BM Bench Mark 基准标志BM Bending Moment 弯矩B/M (BOM) Bill of Material 材料表Bot Bottom 底BP Back Pressure 背压BP Base plate 底板BR Basic Requirements 基本要求BRG Bearing 轴承BRKT Bracket 支架Brs Brass 黄铜BS Both Side 两边BS British Standard 英国标准BS Balance Sheet 平衡表Bskt Basket 筐BTU British Thermal Unit 英国热量单位BV Back View 后视图BV Butterfly Valve 碟阀BW Brine Vater 冷冻盐水BW Butt Welding 对焊BWG Birmingham Wire Gauge 伯明翰线规BWRA. British Welding Research Association 英国焊接研究协会C Centigrade(degree) 摄氏度数CA Chemical Analysis 化学分析CA Corrosion Allowance 腐蚀裕量Calc Calculate 计算Cap Capacity 能力、容量CAS Cast Alloy Steel 铸造合金钢Cat Catalyst 触媒、催化剂Catg Catalog 目录、样本C-C(C/C) Center to center 中心距cc carbon copy 复写(纸复制)本cc cubic centimeter 立方厘米CCW Counter clockwise 反时针方向CD Cold Drawn 冷拉的、冷拔的CE Covered Electrode 焊条Cent Centrifugal 离心的CF Centrifugal Force 离心力CFW Continuous Fillet Weld 连续角焊缝CG Center of Gravity 重心CH Case-Hardening 表面硬化Ch Chapter 章节Cham Chamfer 倒角、斜角、斜面Chan Channel 通道、沟槽、管箱、槽钢Chk Check 检查CI Cast Iron 铸铁CIF Cost,Insurance and Freight 到岸价格Circ Circumference 圆周、环向CL Class 等级、类别CL Center Line 中心线CL Clearance 间隙CLAS Cast Low Alloy Steel 低合金铸钢CM Center of Mass 质量中心Cnds Condensate 冷凝液CO Clean Out 清除Co Company 公司Coef Coefficient 系数Col Column 柱、塔Comb Combination 组合Comp Compare 比较Comp Compound 化合物、复合的Compn Composition 组分Conc Concrete 混凝土Conc Concentration 浓度Cond Conductor 导体Cond Condition 条件Conn Connection 联接、接口Const Constant 常数、恒定的Const Construction 结构Cont Control 控制Cont Contain 包含Cont Content 内容、含量Corp Corporation 公司Corr Corrosion 腐蚀CP Centipoise 厘泊CP Center of Pressure 压力中心Cpl Coupling 管箍Cplg Coupling 联轴节CR Chloroprene Rubber 氯丁橡胶CS Carbon Steel 碳钢CS Center Section 中心截面CSTG Casting 铸造、铸件Ctr Center 中心CW Cooling Water 冷却水CW Continuous Welding 连续焊Cy Cycle 循环Cyl Cylinder 气缸、圆筒D Density 密度Dbl Double 二倍、双DEDD Detail Engineering Design Data 详细工程设计数据Def Definition 定义Deg Degree 度、等级Dept Department 部门Des Design 设计Det Detail 详细Detn Determination 确定、决定Dev Deviation 偏差Dev Device 装置DF Design Formula 设计公式Df Deflection 偏斜Dia Diameter 直径Diag Diagram 图Dim Dimension 尺寸Dir Direction 方向Disch Discharge 排出、出口Distr Distribution 分布Div Division 部分、区分DL Dead load 静载荷、自重Doc Document 文件、资料DP Design Pressure 设计压力DP Differential Pressure 压差、分压Dr Drill 钻孔Dr Drive 驱动DW Dead weight 静重、自重DW Demineralized Water 脱盐水Dwg Drawing 图E East 东EC Elasticity Coefficient 弹性系数Ecc Eccentric 偏心EF Electric Furnace 电炉Eff Efficiency 效率eg exempli gratia 例如EHP Effective Horsepower 有效功率EJ Expansion joint 膨胀节EL Elevation 标高Elb Elbow 弯头Elec Electric 电的Elem Element 元素、元件Ellip Ellipsoidal 椭球的、椭圆的Emer、Emerg Emergency 事故、紧急Encl Enclosure 密封、封闭Engrg、Eng Engineering 工程、设计EP Explosion Proof 防爆Eq Equipment 设备Eq Equation 公式、方程式Eq Equivalent 当量ES Electrostatic 静电EST Estimate 估计ESW Electro-Slag Welding 电渣焊ET Eddy Current Examination 涡流检验etc et cetera (and so on) 等等Evap Evaporate 蒸发Ex Example 例如Ex Excess 过剩、超过Exam Examination 检验Exh Exhaust 废气、排气Exp Expansion 膨胀Exptl Experimental 实验的Ext External 外部Ext Extreme 极端的FAO Finish All Over 全部加工FAX Facsimile 传真FB Flat Bar 扁钢FCAW Flux Cored Arc Welding 熔剂芯弧焊(手工焊)Fdn Foundation 基础FDW Feed Water 给水FF Flat Face 平面F/F Field Fabricated 现场制造Fig Figure 图Fin Finish 加工、完成FL Full Load 满载Flex Flexible 挠性Flg Flange 法兰FOB Free On Board 离岸价格FOC Free Of Charge 免费Forg Forging 锻件FOS Factor Of Safety 安全系数FREQ Frequency 频率FST Forged Steel 锻钢Ft Feet 英尺Ftg Fitting 管件、装配F.V. Full Vacuum 全真空FW Fresh Water 新鲜水FW Field Weld 现场焊接FW Fillet Weld 角焊缝GA General Average 平均值Gal Gallon 加仑Gen General 一般、总的Genr Generator 发电机、发生器GF Groove Face 槽面Gl Glass 玻璃GL Ground Level 地面标高GMAW Gas Metal Arc Welding 气体保护金属极电弧焊Gnd Ground 接地、地面Govt Government 政府GP General Purpose 一般用途、通用Gr Grade 等级Gr Gravity 重力Grd Ground 地面Grp Group 分组、类Gr- wt Gross weight 总重、毛重HB Brinell Hardness 布氏硬度HC Hydrocarbon 烃类HC High Capacity 大容量HD Head 压头Hex Hexagon 六角HH Hand Hole 手孔Hor Horizontal 水平、卧式hp Horsepower 马力HP High Pressure 高压HR Rockwell Hardness 洛氏硬度HR(hr) Hour 小时HRC Rockwell C Hardness C级洛氏硬度HS High Pressure Steam 高压蒸汽HS Shore Scleroscope Hardness 肖氏硬度HSC High Pressure Condensate 高压蒸汽凝液HT High Temperature 高温HT Heat Treatment 热处理HT Hydrostatic Test 水压试验HV Vickers Hardness 维氏硬度Hvy Heavy 重的、重型的HW Hot Water 热水ICW Inter Cooling Water 中间冷却水ID Inside Diameter 内径IF Interface 交接面Illus Illustration 说明、图解IN Inlet 进口in Inch 英寸incl Including 包括Ind Indicate 指示Ins Insulation 保温INSP Inspection 检验Instl Installation 安装Int Internal 内部的Int Intermediate 中间的Intmt Intermittent 间歇的、间断的I/O Input/Output 输入/输出Jt Joint 连接、接头KG Kilogram 公斤KW(kw) Kilowatt 千瓦LAS Low Alloy Steel 低合金钢lb pound 磅LC Level Control 液位控制器Leng Length 长度LF Female Face 凹面Lg Long 长的LG Level Glass 液位计LH Left Hand 左手Lin Linear 线性的Liq Liquid 液体Lj Lap joint 搭接LJ Lapped Joint 松套LM Male Face 凸面LMTD Logarithmic Mean Temperature Difference 对数平均温差LN Liquid Nitrogen 液氮LN Level Normal 正常液位Lng Lining 衬里LNG Liquefied Natural Gas 液化天然气Lo Lubrication oil 润滑油Lo Low 低LOA Length Over-All 全长\总长LOC Location 位置Log Logarithm(to the base 10) 对数(以10为底)Long Longitudinal 纵向LP Low Pressure 低压LPG Liquefied Petroleum Gas 液化石油气LT Low Temperature 低温LT Leak Testing 气密试验Ltd Limited 有限Ltr Letter 字母、信Lub Lubricate 润滑LW Lap Welding 搭接焊LWN Long Welding Neck 对焊长颈LWS Longitudinal Welded Seam 纵向焊缝M(m) Meter 米、公尺Mach Machine 机器Maint Maintenance 维修Mat(Mat’l) Material 材料MAWP Maximum Allowable Working Pressure 最大允许工作压力Max Maximum 最大MDMT Min. Design Metallic Temperature 最低设计金属温度Mech Mechanical 机械的Mfd Manufactured 制造的Mfr Manufacturer 制造商MG(mg) Milligram 毫克MH Manhole 人孔MI Melt Index 熔融指数MIG Metal Inert Gas Arc Welding 熔化极惰性气体保护焊Min Minimum 最小MIN(min) Minute 分钟MJG Metallic Jacketed Gasket 金属包复垫片Mk Mark 标志ml Milliliter 毫升mm Millimeter 毫米MP Medium Pressure 中压MPC Maximum Permissible Concentration 最大许用浓度MS Medium Pressure Steam 中压蒸汽MS Medium Steel 中碳钢MSL Mean Sea Level 平均海平面MT Magnetic Particle Examination 磁粉检测MTD Mean Temperature Difference 平均温差Mtd Mounted 安装、装配MTR Material Testing Report 材料试验报告MU Measurement Unit 测量单位MV Mean Value 平均值MW Mineral Wool 矿渣棉N North 北NA Not Applicable 不适用的NAT Natural 天然的Natl National 国家的NC America National Coarse Thread 美制粗牙螺纹NDT Nondestructive Testing 无损检验Neg Negative 负NF American National Fine Thread 美国细牙螺纹Nip Nipple 螺纹管接头、短节Nom Nominal 名义Nor Normal 正常NOZ Nozzle 接管NPS American Standard Straight PipeThread 美国标准直管螺纹NPSHA Net Positive Suction Head Available 有效汽蚀裕量NPSHR Net Positive Suction Head Required 要求汽蚀裕量NPT American Standard Taper Pipe Thread 美国标准锥管螺纹NT Net Tonnage 净吨数NTP Normal Temperature and Pressure 标准温度和压力NTS Not To Scale 不按比例Num Number 数、编号、号码Obj Object 目标、对象OC Operating Characteristic 操作特性OD Outside Diameter 外径OH Open Hearth 平炉Oper Operating 操作Opp Opposite 对面、相反OR Outside Radius 外半径OR Outside Ring 外环Orien Orientation 方位Ovhd Overhead 高架的、顶部的Oxyg Oxygen 氧P Page 页P Pressure 压力Par Parallel 平行Para Paragraph 节、段Pc Piece 件PE Polyethylene 聚乙烯PFD Process Flow Diagram 工艺流程图Perform Performance 性能PF Power Factor 功率因素PID Piping & Instruments Diagram 管道和仪表流程图Pl Plate 板Pneum Pneumatic 气、气动PO Purchase Order 订货单Port Portable 便携式、轻便Posit Positive 正Posit Position 位置ppb Parts per billion 十亿分之几ppm Parts per million 百万分之几Prod Product 产品Proj Project 项目、工程PS Polystyrene 聚苯乙烯psf Pounds per square feet 磅/平方英尺psi Pounds per square inch 磅/平方英寸PT Liquid Penetrants Examination 液体渗透检测PTFE Polytetrafluoroethylene 聚四氟乙烯PVA Polyvinyl Acetate 聚醋酸乙烯PVAL Polyvinyl Alcohol 聚乙烯醇PVC Polyvinyl Chloride 聚氯乙烯PWHT Post Weld Heat Treatment 焊后热处理QA Quality Assurance 质量保证QC Quality Control 质量控制Qty Quantity 数量Qual Quality 质量R Radius 半径Rad Radial 径向RC Rockwell Hardness 洛氏硬度Recip Reciprocate 往复式Recirc Recirculate 再循环Recom Recommended 建议、推荐Ref Reference 参照、基准Refract Refractory 耐火材料Reg Regulator 调节器Regen Regenerator 再生器、再生塔Reinf Reinforce 加强Rel Relative 相对Rep Report 报告Rep Repeat 重复Reqd Required 要求、需要的REV Revision 修改、版次Rev Review 评论、检查Rev Revolution 旋转、转数RF Raise face 突台面RH Relative Humidity 相对湿度RH Right Hand 右手RMS Root Mean Square 均方根ROT Rotating 旋转rpm revolutions per minute 转/分rps revolutions per second 转/秒RT Radiographic Examination 射线照相检验S South 北SAW Submerged Arc Welding 埋弧焊Sc Scale 刻度、比例SC Standard Condition 标准状态(温度压力)SCH Schedule 表号、管厚号、进度Sec Second 秒Sec Section 剖面、节、段Seg Segment 节、段Sep Separator 分离器Seq Sequence 次序、顺序SG Specific Gravity 比重SHP Shaft Horsepower 轴马力SI Standard International 国际单位制Sig Signal 信号Sld Solid 固体SMAW Shield Metal Arc Welding 手工焊Smls Seamless 无缝的SO Slip on 平焊(法兰)Sol Solution 溶液SP Spare parts 备件Sp Special 特殊的、专门的SP Static pressure 静压力Spec Specification 说明、规定SpGr Specific Gravity 比重Sq Square 方形、平方SR Stress Relief 消除应力SS Stainless Steel 不锈钢Sta Station 站STD Standard 标准STDWT Standard Weight 标准重量STL Steel 钢STP Standard Temperature and Pressure 标准温度和压力Suc Suction 吸入Suppl Supplement 补充SW Shop Welding 车间焊接SW Spot Weld 点焊SW Socket Welding 承插焊(法兰)SWP Safety Working Pressure 安全工作压力SYM Symbol 符号、标志SYM Symmetry 对称SYS System 系统T Ton 吨TC Tungsten Carbide 碳化钨Tech Technique 技术TEMA Tubular ExchangerManufacturers Association 管壳式换热器制造商协会(美国)Temp Temperature 温度Term Terminal 终端、接头Thk Thickness 厚度TIG Tungsten Inert Gas Arc Welding 钨极惰性气体保护焊TL Tangent line 切线Tol Tolerance 公差Tot Total 总Trans Transfer 输送器TW Total Weight 总重TW Tack Welding 定位焊Typ Typical 典型、标准UNC Unified National Coarse Thread 统一标准粗牙螺纹UNF Unified National Fine Thread 统一标准细牙螺纹US Undersize 尺寸过小UT Ultrasonic Examination 超声波探伤UTS Ultimate Tensile Strength 抗拉强度极限Vac Vacuum 真空Vap Vapor 蒸汽Var Variable 变化、变量Vel Velocity 速度Vert Vertical 垂直Vol Volume 体积VT Visual Testing 宏观(目测)检查W Watt 瓦WL Welding Line 焊缝线WL Water Line 水线WPS Welding Procedure Specification 焊接工艺规程WP Working Pressure 工作压力WRC Welding Research Committee 焊接研究委员会(美国)WS Water Supply 供水WT Weight 重量W/V Wind Velocity 风速XR X-Ray X射线Yd Yard 码YP Yield Point 屈服点Yr Year 年几个管材压力容器钢结构常用标准AISC:American institute of steel constructionAISI:American iron and steel institute ANSI:American national standard instituteAPI:American petroleum institute(standards)ASME:American society of mechanical engineersASTM:American society for testing and materialsAWS:American welding systemBS:British standards institute CICIND:Model code for steel chimneys DIN: Deutsche normenDIN EN 12952:Water-tube boilers and auxiliary installationsEPA:Environmental protection agency IEEE:Institute electrical and electronic engineersIEC:International electro technical commissionISO:International organization for standardizationNEMA:National electr. Manufacturers associationNFPA:National fire protection organizationOSHA:Occupational safety/healthadministrationSSPC:Steel structure Painting council TEMA:Tubular exchangers manufacturers association (USA) UBC:Uniform building codeVDI:Verein deutscher ingenieure。

3 按中文分类排列汉语词英语词英语缩写3.1 阀门类3.1.1常用阀闸阀截止阀(球心阀)节流阀针型阀角阀(角式截止阀) Y型阀(Y型截止阀) 球阀三通球阀蝶阀柱塞阀旋塞阀三通旋塞阀四通旋塞阀旋塞隔膜阀夹紧式胶管阀止回阀Gate valveGlobe valveThrottle valveNeedle valveAngle valveY-valve(Y-boby globe valve)Ball valve3-Way ball valveButterfly valvePiston type valvePlug valve3-Way ball valve4-Way ball valveCockDiaphragm valvePinch valveCheck valveTRV3.1.2其它阀安全泄汽阀(安全阀) 安全泄液阀(卸荷阀) 安全泄压阀罐底排污阀波纹管密封阀电磁阀电动阀气动阀低温用阀蒸汽疏水阀呼吸阀减压阀控制阀调节阀3.1.3不表明结构的阀切断阀手动控制阀调节阀快开阀隔断阀三通阀夹套阀排污阀排液阀放空阀卸载阀排出阀吸入阀多路阀取样阀手动阀旁路阀冲洗阀根部阀底阀3.2 管子与连接3.2.1管子管子(标准规格)管子(非标规格)钢管铸铁管衬里管复合管(包复金属管) Safety valveRelief valveSafety relief valveFlush-bottom tank valveBellow sealed valveSolenoid valveElectrically operated valvePneumatic operated valveCryogenic service valveSteam trapBreather valveReducing valveControl valveBlock valve, Shut-off valve ,Stop valveHand control valveRegulating valveQuick opening valveIsolating valve3-Way valveJacketed valveBlow down valveDrain valveVent valveUnloading valveDischarge valveSuction valveMultiport valveSampling valveHand operated valve, Manually operated valveBy-pass valveFlush valveRoot valve, Primary valve, Header valveFoot valvePipeTubeSteel pipeCast iron pipeLined cining pipeClad pipeSVTRVHCVVTV汉语词英语词英语缩写碳钢管合金钢管不锈钢管奥氏体不锈钢管铁素体合金钢管]无缝钢管焊接钢管镀锌钢管水煤气钢管塑料管玻璃管橡胶管壁厚系列号(管子表号) 壁厚3.2.2管子零件弯头异径弯头长半径弯头短半径弯头180°弯头(回弯头) 三通(T型三通)异径三通等径三通45°三通正三通(Y型三通)四通(十字通)异径管(大小头)同心异径管偏心异径管支管连接支管台(凹台)活接头管接头(管箍)管帽短节(短管)管堵(丝堵)焊接管帽盲板,管道盲板8字盲板特殊管件3.2.3连接对焊的法兰的Carbon steel pipeAlloy steel pipeStainless steel valveAustenitic stainless steel pipeFerric alloy steel pipeSeamless steel pipeWelded steel pipeWater gas steel pipeGalvanized steel pipePlastic pipeGlass tubeRubber tubeSchedule numberWall thicknessElbowReducing elbowLong radius elbowShort radius elbowReturn elbowTeeReducing teeStraight tee45°LateralTrue “Y”CrossReducerConcentric reducerEccentric reducerBranch connectionBossUnionCouling, Full couplingCapNipplePlugWelded capBlank, Blind, Line blankSpectacle blankSpecial pipe fittingsButt weldedFlangedSch.NoW.TLRESREREDCONECCCNIPPLGWCL.BS.PBWFLGD汉语词英语词英语缩写螺纹的承插焊的承插的对焊连接法兰连接螺纹连接管螺纹连接承插焊连接承插连接,套筒连接整体法兰螺纹法兰承插焊法兰松套法兰对焊法兰平焊法兰板式平焊法兰松套板式法兰滑套法兰(平焊法兰)法兰盖孔板法兰异径法兰螺栓圆直径法兰面光面,光滑面突面凹凸面凸面凹面榫槽面榫面槽面环连接面,梯型槽密封面全平面,满平面光滑突面螺栓热紧螺栓冷紧螺纹管帽螺纹焊管座承插焊管帽承插焊管座垫片非金属包覆垫片ThreadedSocket weldedBelledButt welded jointFlanged jointThreaded jointPipe threaded jointSocket welding flangeBell and spigot jointIntegral pipe flangeThreaded flangeSocket welding flangeLap joint flangeWeld neck flangeSlip on flange, Slip on weld flangeWelding plate flangeLoose plate flangeSlip-on-welding flangeBlind flange, BlindOrifice flangeReducing flangeBolt circle diameterFlange facing, facing of flangePlain faceRaised faceMale-female(Seal contact)faceMale faceFemale faceTongue groove faceTongue faceGroove faceRing joint faceFlat face, Full faceSmooth raised faceBolt hot tighteningBolt cold tighteningThread capThread letSocket welded capSocket welded letGasketNon-metallic jacked gasketTHDSWBWTSWTHDFLJFWNFBCDFOFPFRFMFMMFFMFTGFTFGFRJFFFSRFTHDCTHLETSWCSWLET汉语词英语词英语缩写金属包覆垫片缠绕式垫片内环外环金属垫片3.3 管道附件3.3.1组件气液分离器阻火器临时粗滤器永久粗滤器(固定粗滤器) Y型粗滤器T型粗滤器网状粗滤器粗滤器过滤器永久过滤器消音器(消声器)视镜浮球式视镜全视镜取样冷却器喷嘴,喷头喷射器洗眼器膨胀器(伸缩接头)波纹膨胀节球型补偿器填函式补偿器安全淋浴器3.3.2元件排液漏斗漏斗爆破板限流孔板混合孔板软管接头金属软管橡胶管挠性管(柔性管)快速接头旋转接头Metallic jacket gasketSpiral wound gasketInner ringOuter ringMetallic gasketGas-liquid separationFlame arrested(Flame trap)Temporary strainetPermanent strainetY-type strainerT-type strainerGauge strainerStrainerFilterPermanent filterSilencerSight glass(Sight flow glass)Floating ball sight flow indicatorFull view sigh flow indicatorSample coolerSpray nozzleEjectorEye washerExpansion jointBellow expansion jointBall type expansion jointSlip type(packed type)expansion jointSafety showerDrain funnelFunnelRupture diskRestriction orificeMixing orificeHose connectionMetal hoseRubber hoseFlexible hoseQuick couplingSwivel jointE.WS.SRPROHC汉语词英语词英语缩写减压器3.4材料3.4.1 金属材料碳钢合金钢合金结构钢工具钢不锈钢奥氏体不锈钢马氏体不锈钢锻钢铸钢铸铁灰铸铁可锻铸铁球墨铸铁高硅铸铁铝铜黄铜铝镁合金蒙乃尔合金(镍铜合金)钛铅型钢角钢槽钢工字钢(工字梁)宽翼线工字钢(H钢)T字钢方钢扁钢园钢钢带钢板网纹钢板3.4.2非金属材料塑料丙烯晴、丁二烯、苯乙烯橡胶聚乙烯聚氯乙烯ReducerCarbon steelAlloy steelStructural alloy steelTool steelStainless steelAustenitic stainless steelMartensitic stainless steelForged steelCast steelCast ironGrey cast ironMalleable ironNodular cast iron, Nodular cast graphite ironHigh silicon cast ironAluminumCopperBrassAluminum magnesiumMonelTitaniumLeadShaped steelAngle steelChannelI—BeamWide flanged beamT—BarSquare BarFlat BarRound steel, rodStrap steelPlateCheckered platePlasticAcrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene rubberPolyethylenePloy vinyl chlorideREDC.SS.SC.IM.IABSPEPVC汉语词英语词英语缩写氯化聚氯乙烯聚丙烯聚苯乙烯氯化聚醚聚碳酸酯有机玻璃聚四氟乙烯碳纤维聚三氟氯乙烯氯化聚乙烯氯磺化聚乙烯环氧树脂泡沫聚苯乙烯玻璃纤维增强聚酯丁腈橡胶氯丁橡胶天然橡胶丁基橡胶丁苯橡胶顺丁橡胶不饱和聚酯聚氨酯耐火砖陶瓷搪瓷石棉3.5 设备安装3.5.1布置装置边界边界内边界外中心线接续线设备布置标高,高程,立面图绝对标高坐标坐标原点装置北真实北方位危险区Chlorinated ploy vinyl chloridePoly propylenePolystyreneChlorinated polyetherPolycarbonatePoly methyl methacrylatePolytetrafluoroethleneCarbon fiberPoly chlorotrifluoroethyleneChlorinated poly ethyleneChlorosulfonated polyethyleneEpoxy resinExpanded poly styreneGlass fiber reinforced polyesterNitride butadiene rubberNeoprene rubberNatural rubberButyl rubberStyrene-Butadiene rubberCis-polybutadiene rubberUnsaturated polyesterPolyurethaneFire brickCeramicPorcelain enamelAsbestBattery limitInside battery limitOutside battery limitCenter lineMatch lineEquipment arrangement; Equipment layout; Plot PlanElevationAbsolute elevationCoordinateOrigin of coordinatePlant northtrue northOrientationHazardous areaCPVCPPPSCPEPCPMMAPTFECARPCTFECPE;CMCSM;CSPREPEPSFRPNBRNRPIBISBRCBRUPPUB.LL.S.B.LO.S.B.LM.LELTN汉语词英语词英语缩写铺砌区非铺砌区楼面地面标高平台场地管廊电缆槽(架) 建筑物钢结构基础柱梁桁架墙篦子板吊装孔吊梁架顶面钢结构顶面混凝土顶面梁顶面板表面吊勾顶面,上面底面,底下支撑点固定点建筑北设计北电缆沟管沟明沟明火地点散发火花地点防火间距支架间距地面坡度吊装孔道路地面内径外径汉语词Paving areaUnpaving areaFloorGround levelPlatformYardPipe rackCable tray(channel)BuildingSteel structureFoundationColun ; Post; StanchionBeamGirderWallGrate; GratingErection openingHoisting beamTop of supportTop of steelTop of concreteTop of BeamPlat faceHookTopBottomPoint of supportFixed pointConstruction northDesign northElectric cable duct; Electrical trenchPipe trenchOpen trenchOpen fire placeSend-out spark placeFire protection spacingSupport spacingGround gradeErection openingRoadGround; Ground levelInside DiameterOutside Diameter英语词GLPFHBTOSTOSTOCTOBPLATFTOPBOTPOSFPDNGRDIDOD英语缩写公称直径公称压力切线中心线门窗地下底板底面控置室分析室配电室变压器室通风室更衣室贮藏室维修室盥洗室,厕所办工室门卫室,传达室接待室,会客室地秤室泵房压缩机室电池室消防栓电气盘仪表盘就地盘3.5.2设备塔洗涤塔吸收塔冷却塔精馏塔换热器空冷器水冷却器冷却器螺旋板换热器套管换热器石墨换热器板片换热器汉语词Nominal diameter; Nominal(pipe)sizeNominal pressureTangent lineCenter lineGateWindowUnder groundBottom of base plateControl roomAnalyzerSubstationTransformer roomVentilation roomLocker roomStorage roomMaintenance roomCloste ; Toilet; WashroomOfficeEntrance guard room; Janito r′s roomReception roomWeigh-bridge roomPump house; Pump roomCompressor house(room)Battery roomFire plugElectrical panelInstrument panelLocal panelTower; ColumnScrubberAbsorberCooling towerFractionating towerHeat exchangerAir coolerWater coolerCondenserSpiral plate exchangerDouble pipe heat exchangerGraphite heat exchangerPlate type heat exchanger英语词DNPNTLUGBBPW.CFPL英语缩写板翅式换热器板式塔填料塔浮阀塔反应器贮罐缓冲器混合罐浮顶罐内浮顶罐固定顶罐卧式储罐球罐罐,鼓,筒,桶气柜螺旋式气柜湿式气柜干式气柜离心泵涡轮泵旋涡泵转子泵齿轮泵内啮合齿轮泵螺杆泵柱塞泵双作用往复泵计量泵,定量泵泥浆泵管道泵手摇泵深井泵输送泵屏蔽泵液下泵潜水泵多级泵立式泵磁力泵气动泵轴流泵混流泵Plate-fin heat exchangerPlate towerFloating distillation towerValve towerReactorTankKnock-out drumMixing tank(drum)Floating roof tank; Pontoon roof tankFloating internal roof tankStationary roof tankHorizontal tankSpheroid; Spherical tankDrumGas holderHelical gas-holderWet gas holderDry gas-holderCentrifugal pumpTurbine pumpV ortex pumpRotary pumpGear pumpInternal gear rotary pump; Crescen gear pump Screw pumpPlunger pumpDouble action reciprocating pumpMetering pumpSlurry pump; Sludge pump; Mud pumpInline pumpHand pump; Wobble pumpDeep well pumpTransfer pump; Delivery pumpShielding can-type pump; Canned pump Submerged pump; Submersible pumpSubmerged pump; Immersible pumpStage pump;, Multistage pumpVertical pump;Magnetic transmission pump; Magnetic coupled pump Pneumatic pumpAxial flow pumpMixed flow pump汉语词英语词英语缩写陶瓷泵陶制泵自吸泵消防泵真空泵叶片式真空泵水环式真空泵(压缩机) 液环泵(压缩机)活塞式压缩机螺杆压缩机离心压缩机多级压缩机往复式压缩机风机,风扇鼓风机离心机离心分离机离心过滤机压滤机板框式压滤机厢式压滤机带式过滤机转鼓式过滤机盘式过滤机板式塔填料塔浮阀塔带式(皮带)运输机螺旋输送机加热器搅拌器炉子烟囱火炬锅炉发电机汽轮机电动机起重机,吊车板式起重机Ceramic pumpStoneware pumpSelf suction pump; self priming pumpFire pumpVacuum pumpVane vacuum pumpWater ring vacuum pump(compressor)Liquid ring pump(compressor)Piston compressorHelical screw compressorCentrifugal compressorMultiple stages compressorReciprocating compressorFan; VanBlowerCentrifugerCentrifugal separatorCentrifugal filterPressure filterPlate and frame filter pressBox type filer pressBelt filterRotating drum type filterTray filterPlate towerPack tower; Packed columnValve tower; Floating distillation towerRibbon conveyer; Belt conveyerScrew convery ; Spirla conveyer; Worm conveyerHeaterAgitatorFurnaceStackFlareBoilerGeneratorSteam turbineMotorGraneBridge crane汉语词英语词英语缩写吊车梁电动葫芦成套设备附属设备,附件干燥器混合器蒸发器萃取器结晶器澄清器喷射器喷头分离器旋风分离器,旋风除尘器布袋收尘器电除尘器除尘器,吸尘器振动筛破碎机颚式破碎机粉碎机,磨碎机提升机,卷扬机斗式提升机电梯泡沫站软管站3.6 管道布置3.6.1设计文件管道布置管道布置平面管道研究“X”视图“A-A”视图详图轴测图,空视图索引图接续图管道及仪表流程图工艺控制图工艺流程图汉语词Crane beam; Hoist beamMotor hoist; Electric hoist; Electric blockPackage unitAttachment equipmentDryerMixerEvaporatorExtractorCrystalligerGravity settlerEjectorSprayerSeparatorCyclone; Cyclone separator deviceCloth envelop collectionElectrostatic precipitator; Electridust precipitatorDuster; Dust arresterVibrating screen; Riddler; Oscillating sieveBreaker; Cracker mill; Crusher; Crushing millJaw breaker ;Jaw crusher; AlligatorGrinder; Pulverizer; Disintegrator; AtomizerHoister; Lifter; Gig; ElevatorBucket elevatorElectrical lift; ElevatorFoam stationHose stationDesign documentPiping assembly; Piping layoutPiping arrangement planPiping studyView“x”Section“A-A”Detail drawingIsometric drawingKey planContinue on drawingPiping and Instrument diagramProcess control diagramProcess flow diagram英语词H.SPAPCODP&ID英语缩写公用工程流程图总图总平面布置图放大图节点地上地下地面附图草图图例符号比例蒸汽伴管热水伴管电伴热夹套管高压中压低压大气,大气压工作压力,操作压力设计压力工作温度,操作温度设计温度管口取样接口清除口,清洗口排出口出口入口连接,接头管口方位排液放空污水坑,污水池地坑,井地漏下水管人孔手孔关闭后加铅封(封关)开启后加铅封(封开)汉语词Utility flow diagramGenera planGeneral arrangement planEnlarged viewNodeAbove groundUnder groundGroundFigueSketchLegendSymbolScaleSteam tracingHot—water tracingElectrical tracingJacketed tracingHigh pressureMedium pressureLow pressureAtmosphereOperating pressure; Working pressureDesign pressureOperating temperatureDesign temperatureNozzleSampling connectionClean outExhaustOutlet; DischargeInlet; suctionConnectionNozzle orientationDrainVentSump pitPitFloor drainSewerManholeHandholeCar seal closeCar seal open英语词UFDAGUGGRDH.P.M.P.L.P.ATMS.CC.ODISCHINLETVENTF.DM.HH.HC.S.CC.S.O英语缩写关闭后加锁(锁关)开启后加锁(锁开)正常时关闭正常时开启故障时关闭故障时开启垂直,正交平行管顶管底管内底底平顶平水平的,卧式的立式的,垂直的水平安装垂直安装管件直连管间距管道跨距管道等级管道材料规定等级分界隔热分界管道附件管道元件面至面中心至面中心至中心中心至端面坡度公称直径公称压力外径内径螺栓圆直径软管接头管段,短管可拆短管直管弯管管内底标高汉语词Locked closedLocked openNormally closedNormally openValve closes on failure of actuating energyValve opens on failure of actuating energyPerpendicularParallelTop of pipeBottom of pipeInvert, Inside bottom of pipeFlat on bottomFlat on topHorizontalVerticalHorizontal installationVertical installationFitting to fittingLine spacingLine spanPiping classPiping material specificationMaterial Specification breakInsulation breakPiping attachmentPiping elementFace to FaceCenter to FaceCenter to CenterCenter to EndSlope; GradeNominal DiameterNominal pressureOutside DiameterInside DiameterBolt circleHose connectionSpool piece; SpoolRemovable joint spoolRun pipe; Straight pipeBendInvert elevation英语词L.CL.ON.CN.OFCFOTOPBOPINVFOBFOTHORVERTFTFF-FC-FC-CC-EDNPNODIDB.CHCRSPIE英语缩写不许出现袋形孔板孔,洞开孔低点标高低点高点平台袋形管外壳3.6.2 管道安装管托管卡管架支耳U型卡带状卡托座吊耳导向板,夹板底板顶板予埋件支承环加强板垫片(垫平用)锚固件预焊件(设备上) 聚四氟乙烯滑动板连接板连接杆限制杆鞍座裙座支承架滑动架固定架导向架吊架弹簧架弹簧托汉语词Not allow pocketOrifice plateHoleCaving holeLow point elevationLow pointHigh pointPlatform; Flat; Floor; Surface plateBag-Shape pipe(outside)Shell; Case(shell);Casing; CoverShoeClampPiping supportLugCleviceStrap clampStoolEarCleatBase plateTop plateEmbedded part; Inserted plateRingStiffenerShimClipClip(on equipment)PTFE sliding plateTie plateTie rodLimit rodSaddleSkirtResting supportSliding supportAnchorGuideHangerSpring supportResting type spring support英语词NO.PC.HLP.LELPHPPF英语缩写弹簧吊架恒力吊架滚动支架减振器悬臂架三角架支腿N型管架L型管架柱式管架墙架管墩,低管架特殊管架(予埋螺栓)伸出长度对中心,找正跨度力矩弯矩扭矩荷载反力位移角位移冷紧,冷位约束固定点应力惯性矩断面系数安全系数3.6.3 焊接与热处理电弧焊电熔焊气熔焊电阻焊气焊等离子焊电渣焊焊条焊丝平焊角焊间断焊汉语词Spring hangerConstant hangerRolling hangerSnubberCantilever supportTriangular supportLegn-type supportL-type supportPole type supportSupport on wallSleeperSpecial supportExtrusionAlignmentSpanMomentBending momentTorqueLoadReactionDisplacementAngular rotationCold springRestraintFix point; Anchor pointStressMoment of inertiaSection modulesSafety factorArc weldingElectric fusion weldingFusion gas weldingElectric resistance weldingGas welding; flame weldingPlasma weldingElectroslag weldingWelding electrode(rod)Welding wireFlat weldingFillet weldingIntermittent welding英语词EFWFGWERW英语缩写点焊对焊搭焊现场焊工厂(车间)焊接坡口无损检验肉眼检验,外观检验超声波控伤磁粉探伤荧光渗透试验水压试验气压试验退火回火正火淬火调质高频淬火渗氮渗碳3.6.4 隔热及涂漆玻璃棉岩棉泡沫玻璃硅酸钙硅酸铝纤维珍珠岩泡沫混凝土蛭石矿渣棉硅藻土石棉板石棉布聚氨酯泡沫聚苯乙烯玻璃布沥青油毡镀锌铁丝镀锌铁丝网管壳毡(被)汉语词Spot weldingButt weldingLap weldingField weldShop weldGrooveNon-Destruction testingVisual testingUltrasonic testMagnetic particle testFluorescent penetrate inspectionHydraulic testingPneumatic testingAnnealingTemperingNormalizingQuenchingQuenching and temperingInduction hardeningNitrogen case-hardeningCarbonizationGlass woolRock woolFoam glass; Cellular glassCalcium silicateAluminosilicace fiberPerliteFoamed concrete; Cellular concreteVermiculiteMineral woolKieselguhr; DiatomiteAsbestos boardAsbestos clothPolyurethaneCellular polystyreneGlass(fiber)clothAsphaltAsphalt feltGalvanized wireGalvanized wire meshShellBlanket英语词F.W英语缩写镀锌铁皮铝板隔热,隔离,绝缘保温保冷人身保护隔音吸声导热系数支承环分贝涂漆底漆面漆防锈漆醇酸瓷漆酚醛漆沥青漆聚氨酯漆有机硅漆环氧树脂漆过氯乙烯漆无机富锌漆3.6.5 紧固件螺栓六角头螺栓方头螺栓双头螺栓环头螺栓沉头螺栓地脚螺栓松紧节,花兰螺栓U型螺栓T型螺栓自攻螺钉膨胀螺栓六角螺母方螺母蝶形螺母锁紧螺母垫圈方垫圈斜垫圈汉语词Galvanized(sheet)ironAluminum sheetInsulationHot instructionCold instructionPersonal protectionSound insulationSound-absorbingThermal conductivity factorSupport ringDecibelPaintingPrimary coat; Bottom coatFinishing coatAntirust paintAlkyd enamelPhenolic paintBituminous paintPolyurethane paintOrganic silicon paintEpoxy resin paintEthylene perchloride paintInorganic zinc-rich paintBoltHexagonal head boltSquare head boltStud boltEye boltCountersunk(head)screwAnchor bolt; Foundation boltTurnbuckleU-boltT-boltSelf tapping screwExpansion boltHexagonal nutSquare washerWing nutLock nutWasherSquare WasherSlant Washer英语词INS英语缩写弹簧垫圈开口销定位销铆钉右螺纹管螺纹锥管螺纹直管螺纹美国标准直管螺纹管子内螺纹梯形螺纹公制螺纹粗牙螺纹通长螺纹,全螺纹粗制的精制的3.7 相关词语基础设计详细设计规划布置阶段初步阶段分析设计阶段成品设计阶段先期确认图纸资料最终确认图纸资料数据表设计文件设计注释设计规定设计规定汇总表详细设计版用户变更通知命名表,管道表规划研究版设计布置图概略版设备布置图投标版设备布置图合同版设备布置图送审版设备布置图成品版设备布置图施工版设备布置图工作程序界区条件标准汉语词Spring washerCotter pinDowel pinRivetRight hand threadPipe threadTaper pipe threadStraight pipe threadAmerican standard taper pipe threadInternal pipe threadTrapezoid threadMetric threadCoarse threadFull threadCoarseFinished; FineBasic designDetail designPlanning stagePreliminary stageAnalytical Engineering phaseProduction design phaseAdvanced certified finalCertified finalData sheetDesign documentDesign noteDesign specificationDesign specification summary sheetDetail design issueClient change noticeNomenclaturePlanning plot planConceptual plot planProposal plot planAward plot planApproval plot planProduction plot planConstruction plot planWorking procedureBattery limit conditionStandard英语词NPTIPTACFCFSPECDSSSDDICCNSTD;STAND英语缩写参考,基准开工会议项目审核会厂商协调会项目进展情况报告顾客承包安装建设试车说明待定版次修改,修订审核提纲审定校核制图部门部,科,室专业图号项目项目号工厂,装置买方(供货)卖方(供货)制造厂(供货)由仪表(专业负责) 铭牌询价净正吸入压头静电接池分散控制系统附件合同号外汇备忘录公章索赔交货付款摄氏汉语词ReferenceKick-off meetingProject review meetingVender co-ordinative meetingProject status reportClient; CustomerContractorErectionConstructionCommissioningDescriptionHoldIssueRevision; ModifyCheck listApprovedCheckedByDepartmentDivisionDisciplineDrawing numberProjectJob No.PlantBy buyerBy sellerBy venderBy instrumentName plateInquireNet positive suction headStatic groundingDistributed Control SystemsAttachmentContract numberForeign exchangeMemorandumOfficial sealClaim indemnityCash on deliveryCentigrade英语词K.O,MVCMPSRREVAPVDCHKDBYDWG. No.Job. No.B.BB.SB.VB.INSTDCSCont No.C.O.DC英语缩写华氏国际单位制美国材料试验协会阀门及配件制造工业标准化协会(美) 全国消防协会(美)石油管线协会(美)美国国家标准协会(美)美国机械工程师学会国际标准化组织国际电工技术委员会美国石油学会美国自来水厂协会美国仪表学会全国电气制造商协会(美) 日本工业标准加拿大标准协会英国标准德国工业标准FahrenheitSystem InternationalAmerican Society for Testing and MaterialsManufacturer s′Standardization Society of ValvAnd Fittings Industry National Fire Protection AssociationAssociation of Oil Pipe LinesAmerican National Standard InstituteAmerican Society of Mechanical Engineers InternationalOrganization for Standardization International Electrotechnical CommissionAmerican Petroleum InstituteAmerican Water Works AssociationInstrument Society of AmericanNational Electrical Manufactures Association Japanese Industrial StandardCanadian Standard AssociationBritish StandardDeutsche Industrie NormFSIASTMMSSNFPAAOPLANSIASMEISOIECAPIAWW AISANEMAJISCASBSDIN4 按英文字母排列英语词英语缩写汉语词3-Way ball valve3-Way ball valve3-Way valve4-Way ball valve45°LateralAAbove groundAbsolute elevationAbsorberAcrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene rubber Advanced certified finalAgitatorAir coolerAlignmentAlkyd enamelAlligatorAlloy steelAlloy steel pipeAluminosilicace fiberAluminum英语词AGABSACF英语缩写三通球阀三通旋塞阀三通阀四通旋塞阀45°三通地上绝对标高吸收塔丙烯睛·丁二烯:苯乙烯橡胶先期确认图纸资料搅拌器空冷器对中心,找正醇酸瓷漆颚式破碎机合金钢合金钢管硅酸铝纤维铝汉语词Aluminum magnesium Aluminum sheetAmerican National Standard Institute American Petroleum InstituteAmerican Society for Testing and Materials American Society of Mechanical Engijeers American standard taper pipe thread American Water Works Association Analytical Engineering phaseAnalyzerAnchorAnchor boitAnch pointAngle steelAngle valveAngular rotationAnnealingAntirust paintApproval plot planApprovedArc weldingAsbestAsbestos boardAsbestos clothAsphaltAsphalt feltAssociation of Oil Pipe Lines AtmosphereAtomizerAttachmentAttachment equipmentAustenitic stainless steelAustenitic stainless steel pipeAward plot planAxial flow pumpBBag-Shape pipeBall type expansion jointBall valveBase plateBasic designBattery limit英语词ANSIAPIASTMASMENPTAWW AAPVDAOPLATMB.L英语缩写铝镁合金铝板美国国家标准协会(美)美国石油学会美国材料试验协会美国机械工程师学会美国标准直管螺纹美国自来水厂协会分析设计阶段分析室固定架地脚螺栓固定点角钢角阀(角式截止阀)角位移退火防锈漆送审版设备布置图审定电弧焊石棉石棉板石棉布沥青油毡石油管线协会(美)大气,大气压粉碎机,磨碎机附件附属设备,附件奥氏体不锈钢奥氏体不锈钢管合同版设备布置图轴流泵袋形管球型补偿器球阀底板基础设计装置边界汉语词Battery limit condition Battery roomBeamBell and spigot joint BelledBellow expansion joint Bellow swaled valve Belt filterBendBending moment Bituminous paintBlankBlanketBlindBlindBlind flangeBlock valveBlow down valve BlowerBoilerBoltBolt circleBolt cold diameter Bolt cold tightening Bolt hot tightening BossBottomBottom coat Bottom of base plate Bottom of pipeBox type filer press Branch connection BrassBreakerBreather valve Bridge crane British Standard Bucket elevator BuildingButt weldedButt welded joint Butt welding Butterfly valve英语词L.BL.BB.CBOTBBPBOPBSBWBW英语缩写界区条件电池室梁承插连接,套筒连接承插的波纹膨胀节波纹管密封阀带式过滤机弯管弯矩沥青漆盲板,管道盲板毡(被)盲板,管道盲板法兰盖法兰盖切断阀排污阀鼓风机锅炉螺栓螺栓圆直径螺栓圆直径螺栓冷紧螺栓热紧支管台(凹台)底面,底下底漆底板底面管底厢式压滤机支管连接黄铜破碎机呼吸阀板式起重机英国标准斗式提升机建筑物对焊的对焊连接对焊蝶阀汉语词Butyl rubberByBy buyerBy instrumentBy sellerBy venderBy-pass valveCCable tray(channel)Calcium silicateCanadian Standard Association Canned pumpCantilever supportCapCar seal closeCar seal openCarbon fiberCarbon pipeCarbon steel CarbonizationCase(shell)Cash on deliveryCasingCast ironCast iron pipeCast steelCaving holeCellular concreteCellular glassCellular polystyreneCenter lineCenter to CenterCenter to EndCenter fo FaceCentigradeCentrifugal compressor Centrifugal filter Centrifugal pump Centrifugal separator CentrifugerCeramic英语词PIBIBYB.BB.INSTB.SB.VCASCC.S.CC.S.OCARC.SC.O.DC.IC.HC-CC-EC-FC英语缩写丁基橡胶制图买方(供货)由仪表(专业负责)卖方(供货)制造厂(供货)旁路阀电缆槽(架)硅酸钙加拿大标准协会屏蔽泵悬臂架管帽关闭后加铅封(封关)开启后加铅封(封开)碳纤维碳钢管碳钢渗碳外壳交货付款外壳铸铁铸铁管铸钢开孔泡沫混凝土泡沫玻璃泡沫聚苯烯中心线中心至中心中心至端面中心至面摄氏离心压缩机离心过滤机离心泵离心分离机离心机陶瓷汉语词。

北京石油化工设计院体系文件管道专业常用的英文及缩写词BPDI BE321321-05l 范围本文件规定了管道专业在设计文件上常用的英文及缩写词,在设计文件中使用的其它专业缩写词应按相关专业的规定执行。
2 说明本文件编制目的是为了统一用词和词的缩写,使设计文件的用词统一、规范并推荐在图纸上采用英文缩写词,尽量减少使用汉字,以利于国际交流。
3 按中文分类排列汉语词英语词英语缩写3.1 阀门类3.1.1常用阀闸阀截止阀(球心阀)节流阀针型阀角阀(角式截止阀) Y型阀(Y型截止阀) 球阀三通球阀蝶阀柱塞阀旋塞阀三通旋塞阀四通旋塞阀旋塞隔膜阀夹紧式胶管阀止回阀Gate valveGlobe valveThrottle valveNeedle valveAngle valveY-valve(Y-boby globe valve)Ball valve3-Way ball valveButterfly valvePiston type valvePlug valve3-Way ball valve4-Way ball valveCockDiaphragm valvePinch valveCheck valveTRV北京石油化工设计院2005—7—26批准 2005—8—15实施3.1.2其它阀安全泄汽阀(安全阀) 安全泄液阀(卸荷阀) 安全泄压阀罐底排污阀波纹管密封阀电磁阀电动阀气动阀低温用阀蒸汽疏水阀呼吸阀减压阀控制阀调节阀3.1.3不表明结构的阀切断阀手动控制阀调节阀快开阀隔断阀三通阀夹套阀排污阀排液阀放空阀卸载阀排出阀吸入阀多路阀取样阀手动阀旁路阀冲洗阀根部阀底阀3.2 管子与连接3.2.1管子管子(标准规格)管子(非标规格)钢管铸铁管衬里管复合管(包复金属管) Safety valveRelief valveSafety relief valveFlush-bottom tank valveBellow sealed valveSolenoid valveElectrically operated valvePneumatic operated valveCryogenic service valveSteam trapBreather valveReducing valveControl valveBlock valve, Shut-off valve ,Stop valveHand control valveRegulating valveQuick opening valveIsolating valve3-Way valveJacketed valveBlow down valveDrain valveVent valveUnloading valveDischarge valveSuction valveMultiport valveSampling valveHand operated valve, Manually operated valveBy-pass valveFlush valveRoot valve, Primary valve, Header valveFoot valvePipeTubeSteel pipeCast iron pipeLined cining pipeClad pipeSVTRVHCVVTV碳钢管合金钢管不锈钢管奥氏体不锈钢管铁素体合金钢管]无缝钢管焊接钢管镀锌钢管水煤气钢管塑料管玻璃管橡胶管壁厚系列号(管子表号) 壁厚3.2.2管子零件弯头异径弯头长半径弯头短半径弯头180°弯头(回弯头) 三通(T型三通)异径三通等径三通45°三通正三通(Y型三通)四通(十字通)异径管(大小头)同心异径管偏心异径管支管连接支管台(凹台)活接头管接头(管箍)管帽短节(短管)管堵(丝堵)焊接管帽盲板,管道盲板8字盲板特殊管件3.2.3连接对焊的法兰的Carbon steel pipeAlloy steel pipeStainless steel valveAustenitic stainless steel pipeFerric alloy steel pipeSeamless steel pipeWelded steel pipeWater gas steel pipeGalvanized steel pipePlastic pipeGlass tubeRubber tubeSchedule numberWall thicknessElbowReducing elbowLong radius elbowShort radius elbowReturn elbowTeeReducing teeStraight tee45°LateralTrue “Y”CrossReducerConcentric reducerEccentric reducerBranch connectionBossUnionCouling, Full couplingCapNipplePlugWelded capBlank, Blind, Line blankSpectacle blankSpecial pipe fittingsButt weldedFlangedSch.NoW.TLRESREREDCONECCCNIPPLGWCL.BS.PBWFLGD螺纹的承插焊的承插的对焊连接法兰连接螺纹连接管螺纹连接承插焊连接承插连接,套筒连接整体法兰螺纹法兰承插焊法兰松套法兰对焊法兰平焊法兰板式平焊法兰松套板式法兰滑套法兰(平焊法兰)法兰盖孔板法兰异径法兰螺栓圆直径法兰面光面,光滑面突面凹凸面凸面凹面榫槽面榫面槽面环连接面,梯型槽密封面全平面,满平面光滑突面螺栓热紧螺栓冷紧螺纹管帽螺纹焊管座承插焊管帽承插焊管座垫片非金属包覆垫片ThreadedSocket weldedBelledButt welded jointFlanged jointThreaded jointPipe threaded jointSocket welding flangeBell and spigot jointIntegral pipe flangeThreaded flangeSocket welding flangeLap joint flangeWeld neck flangeSlip on flange, Slip on weld flangeWelding plate flangeLoose plate flangeSlip-on-welding flangeBlind flange, BlindOrifice flangeReducing flangeBolt circle diameterFlange facing, facing of flangePlain faceRaised faceMale-female(Seal contact)faceMale faceFemale faceTongue groove faceTongue faceGroove faceRing joint faceFlat face, Full faceSmooth raised faceBolt hot tighteningBolt cold tighteningThread capThread letSocket welded capSocket welded letGasketNon-metallic jacked gasketTHDSWBWTSWTHDFLJFWNFBCDFOFPFRFMFMMFFMFTGFTFGFRJFFFSRFTHDCTHLETSWCSWLET金属包覆垫片缠绕式垫片内环外环金属垫片3.3 管道附件3.3.1组件气液分离器阻火器临时粗滤器永久粗滤器(固定粗滤器) Y型粗滤器T型粗滤器网状粗滤器粗滤器过滤器永久过滤器消音器(消声器)视镜浮球式视镜全视镜取样冷却器喷嘴,喷头喷射器洗眼器膨胀器(伸缩接头)波纹膨胀节球型补偿器填函式补偿器安全淋浴器3.3.2元件排液漏斗漏斗爆破板限流孔板混合孔板软管接头金属软管橡胶管挠性管(柔性管)快速接头旋转接头Metallic jacket gasketSpiral wound gasketInner ringOuter ringMetallic gasketGas-liquid separationFlame arrested(Flame trap)Temporary strainetPermanent strainetY-type strainerT-type strainerGauge strainerStrainerFilterPermanent filterSilencerSight glass(Sight flow glass)Floating ball sight flow indicatorFull view sigh flow indicatorSample coolerSpray nozzleEjectorEye washerExpansion jointBellow expansion jointBall type expansion jointSlip type(packed type)expansion jointSafety showerDrain funnelFunnelRupture diskRestriction orificeMixing orificeHose connectionMetal hoseRubber hoseFlexible hoseQuick couplingSwivel jointE.WS.SRPROHC减压器3.4材料3.4.1 金属材料碳钢合金钢合金结构钢工具钢不锈钢奥氏体不锈钢马氏体不锈钢锻钢铸钢铸铁灰铸铁可锻铸铁球墨铸铁高硅铸铁铝铜黄铜铝镁合金蒙乃尔合金(镍铜合金)钛铅型钢角钢槽钢工字钢(工字梁)宽翼线工字钢(H钢)T字钢方钢扁钢园钢钢带钢板网纹钢板3.4.2非金属材料塑料丙烯晴、丁二烯、苯乙烯橡胶聚乙烯聚氯乙烯ReducerCarbon steelAlloy steelStructural alloy steelTool steelStainless steelAustenitic stainless steelMartensitic stainless steelForged steelCast steelCast ironGrey cast ironMalleable ironNodular cast iron, Nodular cast graphite ironHigh silicon cast ironAluminumCopperBrassAluminum magnesiumMonelTitaniumLeadShaped steelAngle steelChannelI—BeamWide flanged beamT—BarSquare BarFlat BarRound steel, rodStrap steelPlateCheckered platePlasticAcrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene rubberPolyethylenePloy vinyl chlorideREDC.SS.SC.IM.IABSPEPVC氯化聚氯乙烯聚丙烯聚苯乙烯氯化聚醚聚碳酸酯有机玻璃聚四氟乙烯碳纤维聚三氟氯乙烯氯化聚乙烯氯磺化聚乙烯环氧树脂泡沫聚苯乙烯玻璃纤维增强聚酯丁腈橡胶氯丁橡胶天然橡胶丁基橡胶丁苯橡胶顺丁橡胶不饱和聚酯聚氨酯耐火砖陶瓷搪瓷石棉3.5 设备安装3.5.1布置装置边界边界内边界外中心线接续线设备布置标高,高程,立面图绝对标高坐标坐标原点装置北真实北方位危险区Chlorinated ploy vinyl chloridePoly propylenePolystyreneChlorinated polyetherPolycarbonatePoly methyl methacrylatePolytetrafluoroethleneCarbon fiberPoly chlorotrifluoroethyleneChlorinated poly ethyleneChlorosulfonated polyethyleneEpoxy resinExpanded poly styreneGlass fiber reinforced polyesterNitride butadiene rubberNeoprene rubberNatural rubberButyl rubberStyrene-Butadiene rubberCis-polybutadiene rubberUnsaturated polyesterPolyurethaneFire brickCeramicPorcelain enamelAsbestBattery limitInside battery limitOutside battery limitCenter lineMatch lineEquipment arrangement; Equipment layout; Plot PlanElevationAbsolute elevationCoordinateOrigin of coordinatePlant northtrue northOrientationHazardous areaCPVCPPPSCPEPCPMMAPTFECARPCTFECPE;CMCSM;CSPREPEPSFRPNBRNRPIBISBRCBRUPPUB.LL.S.B.LO.S.B.LM.LELTN铺砌区非铺砌区楼面地面标高平台场地管廊电缆槽(架) 建筑物钢结构基础柱梁桁架墙篦子板吊装孔吊梁架顶面钢结构顶面混凝土顶面梁顶面板表面吊勾顶面,上面底面,底下支撑点固定点建筑北设计北电缆沟管沟明沟明火地点散发火花地点防火间距支架间距地面坡度吊装孔道路地面内径外径Paving areaUnpaving areaFloorGround levelPlatformYardPipe rackCable tray(channel)BuildingSteel structureFoundationColun ; Post; StanchionBeamGirderWallGrate; GratingErection openingHoisting beamTop of supportTop of steelTop of concreteTop of BeamPlat faceHookTopBottomPoint of supportFixed pointConstruction northDesign northElectric cable duct; Electrical trenchPipe trenchOpen trenchOpen fire placeSend-out spark placeFire protection spacingSupport spacingGround gradeErection openingRoadGround; Ground levelInside DiameterOutside DiameterGLPFHBTOSTOSTOCTOBPLATFTOPBOTPOSFPDNGRDIDOD公称直径公称压力切线中心线门窗地下底板底面控置室分析室配电室变压器室通风室更衣室贮藏室维修室盥洗室,厕所办工室门卫室,传达室接待室,会客室地秤室泵房压缩机室电池室消防栓电气盘仪表盘就地盘3.5.2设备塔洗涤塔吸收塔冷却塔精馏塔换热器空冷器水冷却器冷却器螺旋板换热器套管换热器石墨换热器板片换热器Nominal diameter; Nominal(pipe)sizeNominal pressureTangent lineCenter lineGateWindowUnder groundBottom of base plateControl roomAnalyzerSubstationTransformer roomVentilation roomLocker roomStorage roomMaintenance roomCloste ; Toilet; WashroomOfficeEntrance guard room; Janito r′s roomReception roomWeigh-bridge roomPump house; Pump roomCompressor house(room)Battery roomFire plugElectrical panelInstrument panelLocal panelTower; ColumnScrubberAbsorberCooling towerFractionating towerHeat exchangerAir coolerWater coolerCondenserSpiral plate exchangerDouble pipe heat exchangerGraphite heat exchangerPlate type heat exchangerDNPNTLUGBBPW.CFPL板翅式换热器板式塔填料塔浮阀塔反应器贮罐缓冲器混合罐浮顶罐内浮顶罐固定顶罐卧式储罐球罐罐,鼓,筒,桶气柜螺旋式气柜湿式气柜干式气柜离心泵涡轮泵旋涡泵转子泵齿轮泵内啮合齿轮泵螺杆泵柱塞泵双作用往复泵计量泵,定量泵泥浆泵管道泵手摇泵深井泵输送泵屏蔽泵液下泵潜水泵多级泵立式泵磁力泵气动泵轴流泵混流泵Plate-fin heat exchangerPlate towerFloating distillation towerValve towerReactorTankKnock-out drumMixing tank(drum)Floating roof tank; Pontoon roof tankFloating internal roof tankStationary roof tankHorizontal tankSpheroid; Spherical tankDrumGas holderHelical gas-holderWet gas holderDry gas-holderCentrifugal pumpTurbine pumpV ortex pumpRotary pumpGear pumpInternal gear rotary pump; Crescen gear pump Screw pumpPlunger pumpDouble action reciprocating pumpMetering pumpSlurry pump; Sludge pump; Mud pumpInline pumpHand pump; Wobble pumpDeep well pumpTransfer pump; Delivery pumpShielding can-type pump; Canned pump Submerged pump; Submersible pumpSubmerged pump; Immersible pumpStage pump;, Multistage pumpVertical pump;Magnetic transmission pump; Magnetic coupled pump Pneumatic pumpAxial flow pumpMixed flow pump陶瓷泵陶制泵自吸泵消防泵真空泵叶片式真空泵水环式真空泵(压缩机) 液环泵(压缩机)活塞式压缩机螺杆压缩机离心压缩机多级压缩机往复式压缩机风机,风扇鼓风机离心机离心分离机离心过滤机压滤机板框式压滤机厢式压滤机带式过滤机转鼓式过滤机盘式过滤机板式塔填料塔浮阀塔带式(皮带)运输机螺旋输送机加热器搅拌器炉子烟囱火炬锅炉发电机汽轮机电动机起重机,吊车板式起重机Ceramic pumpStoneware pumpSelf suction pump; self priming pumpFire pumpVacuum pumpVane vacuum pumpWater ring vacuum pump(compressor)Liquid ring pump(compressor)Piston compressorHelical screw compressorCentrifugal compressorMultiple stages compressorReciprocating compressorFan; VanBlowerCentrifugerCentrifugal separatorCentrifugal filterPressure filterPlate and frame filter pressBox type filer pressBelt filterRotating drum type filterTray filterPlate towerPack tower; Packed columnValve tower; Floating distillation towerRibbon conveyer; Belt conveyerScrew convery ; Spirla conveyer; Worm conveyerHeaterAgitatorFurnaceStackFlareBoilerGeneratorSteam turbineMotorGraneBridge crane吊车梁电动葫芦成套设备附属设备,附件干燥器混合器蒸发器萃取器结晶器澄清器喷射器喷头分离器旋风分离器,旋风除尘器布袋收尘器电除尘器除尘器,吸尘器振动筛破碎机颚式破碎机粉碎机,磨碎机提升机,卷扬机斗式提升机电梯泡沫站软管站3.6 管道布置3.6.1设计文件管道布置管道布置平面管道研究“X”视图“A-A”视图详图轴测图,空视图索引图接续图管道及仪表流程图工艺控制图工艺流程图Crane beam; Hoist beamMotor hoist; Electric hoist; Electric blockPackage unitAttachment equipmentDryerMixerEvaporatorExtractorCrystalligerGravity settlerEjectorSprayerSeparatorCyclone; Cyclone separator deviceCloth envelop collectionElectrostatic precipitator; Electridust precipitatorDuster; Dust arresterVibrating screen; Riddler; Oscillating sieveBreaker; Cracker mill; Crusher; Crushing millJaw breaker ;Jaw crusher; AlligatorGrinder; Pulverizer; Disintegrator; AtomizerHoister; Lifter; Gig; ElevatorBucket elevatorElectrical lift; ElevatorFoam stationHose stationDesign documentPiping assembly; Piping layoutPiping arrangement planPiping studyView“x”Section“A-A”Detail drawingIsometric drawingKey planContinue on drawingPiping and Instrument diagramProcess control diagramProcess flow diagramH.SPAPCODP&ID公用工程流程图总图总平面布置图放大图节点地上地下地面附图草图图例符号比例蒸汽伴管热水伴管电伴热夹套管高压中压低压大气,大气压工作压力,操作压力设计压力工作温度,操作温度设计温度管口取样接口清除口,清洗口排出口出口入口连接,接头管口方位排液放空污水坑,污水池地坑,井地漏下水管人孔手孔关闭后加铅封(封关)开启后加铅封(封开)Utility flow diagramGenera planGeneral arrangement planEnlarged viewNodeAbove groundUnder groundGroundFigueSketchLegendSymbolScaleSteam tracingHot—water tracingElectrical tracingJacketed tracingHigh pressureMedium pressureLow pressureAtmosphereOperating pressure; Working pressureDesign pressureOperating temperatureDesign temperatureNozzleSampling connectionClean outExhaustOutlet; DischargeInlet; suctionConnectionNozzle orientationDrainVentSump pitPitFloor drainSewerManholeHandholeCar seal closeCar seal openUFDAGUGGRDH.P.M.P.L.P.ATMS.CC.ODISCHINLETVENTF.DM.HH.HC.S.CC.S.O关闭后加锁(锁关)开启后加锁(锁开)正常时关闭正常时开启故障时关闭故障时开启垂直,正交平行管顶管底管内底底平顶平水平的,卧式的立式的,垂直的水平安装垂直安装管件直连管间距管道跨距管道等级管道材料规定等级分界隔热分界管道附件管道元件面至面中心至面中心至中心中心至端面坡度公称直径公称压力外径内径螺栓圆直径软管接头管段,短管可拆短管直管弯管管内底标高Locked closedLocked openNormally closedNormally openValve closes on failure of actuating energyValve opens on failure of actuating energyPerpendicularParallelTop of pipeBottom of pipeInvert, Inside bottom of pipeFlat on bottomFlat on topHorizontalVerticalHorizontal installationVertical installationFitting to fittingLine spacingLine spanPiping classPiping material specificationMaterial Specification breakInsulation breakPiping attachmentPiping elementFace to FaceCenter to FaceCenter to CenterCenter to EndSlope; GradeNominal DiameterNominal pressureOutside DiameterInside DiameterBolt circleHose connectionSpool piece; SpoolRemovable joint spoolRun pipe; Straight pipeBendInvert elevationL.CL.ON.CN.OFCFOTOPBOPINVFOBFOTHORVERTFTFF-FC-FC-CC-EDNPNODIDB.CHCRSPIE不许出现袋形孔板孔,洞开孔低点标高低点高点平台袋形管外壳3.6.2 管道安装管托管卡管架支耳U型卡带状卡托座吊耳导向板,夹板底板顶板予埋件支承环加强板垫片(垫平用)锚固件预焊件(设备上) 聚四氟乙烯滑动板连接板连接杆限制杆鞍座裙座支承架滑动架固定架导向架吊架弹簧架弹簧托Not allow pocketOrifice plateHoleCaving holeLow point elevationLow pointHigh pointPlatform; Flat; Floor; Surface plateBag-Shape pipe(outside)Shell; Case(shell);Casing; CoverShoeClampPiping supportLugCleviceStrap clampStoolEarCleatBase plateTop plateEmbedded part; Inserted plateRingStiffenerShimClipClip(on equipment)PTFE sliding plateTie plateTie rodLimit rodSaddleSkirtResting supportSliding supportAnchorGuideHangerSpring supportResting type spring supportNO.PC.HLP.LELPHPPF弹簧吊架恒力吊架滚动支架减振器悬臂架三角架支腿N型管架L型管架柱式管架墙架管墩,低管架特殊管架(予埋螺栓)伸出长度对中心,找正跨度力矩弯矩扭矩荷载反力位移角位移冷紧,冷位约束固定点应力惯性矩断面系数安全系数3.6.3 焊接与热处理电弧焊电熔焊气熔焊电阻焊气焊等离子焊电渣焊焊条焊丝平焊角焊间断焊Spring hangerConstant hangerRolling hangerSnubberCantilever supportTriangular supportLegn-type supportL-type supportPole type supportSupport on wallSleeperSpecial supportExtrusionAlignmentSpanMomentBending momentTorqueLoadReactionDisplacementAngular rotationCold springRestraintFix point; Anchor pointStressMoment of inertiaSection modulesSafety factorArc weldingElectric fusion weldingFusion gas weldingElectric resistance weldingGas welding; flame weldingPlasma weldingElectroslag weldingWelding electrode(rod)Welding wireFlat weldingFillet weldingIntermittent weldingEFWFGWERW点焊对焊搭焊现场焊工厂(车间)焊接坡口无损检验肉眼检验,外观检验超声波控伤磁粉探伤荧光渗透试验水压试验气压试验退火回火正火淬火调质高频淬火渗氮渗碳3.6.4 隔热及涂漆玻璃棉岩棉泡沫玻璃硅酸钙硅酸铝纤维珍珠岩泡沫混凝土蛭石矿渣棉硅藻土石棉板石棉布聚氨酯泡沫聚苯乙烯玻璃布沥青油毡镀锌铁丝镀锌铁丝网管壳毡(被) Spot weldingButt weldingLap weldingField weldShop weldGrooveNon-Destruction testingVisual testingUltrasonic testMagnetic particle testFluorescent penetrate inspectionHydraulic testingPneumatic testingAnnealingTemperingNormalizingQuenchingQuenching and temperingInduction hardeningNitrogen case-hardeningCarbonizationGlass woolRock woolFoam glass; Cellular glassCalcium silicateAluminosilicace fiberPerliteFoamed concrete; Cellular concreteVermiculiteMineral woolKieselguhr; DiatomiteAsbestos boardAsbestos clothPolyurethaneCellular polystyreneGlass(fiber)clothAsphaltAsphalt feltGalvanized wireGalvanized wire meshShellBlanketF.W镀锌铁皮铝板隔热,隔离,绝缘保温保冷人身保护隔音吸声导热系数支承环分贝涂漆底漆面漆防锈漆醇酸瓷漆酚醛漆沥青漆聚氨酯漆有机硅漆环氧树脂漆过氯乙烯漆无机富锌漆3.6.5 紧固件螺栓六角头螺栓方头螺栓双头螺栓环头螺栓沉头螺栓地脚螺栓松紧节,花兰螺栓U型螺栓T型螺栓自攻螺钉膨胀螺栓六角螺母方螺母蝶形螺母锁紧螺母垫圈方垫圈斜垫圈Galvanized(sheet)ironAluminum sheetInsulationHot instructionCold instructionPersonal protectionSound insulationSound-absorbingThermal conductivity factorSupport ringDecibelPaintingPrimary coat; Bottom coatFinishing coatAntirust paintAlkyd enamelPhenolic paintBituminous paintPolyurethane paintOrganic silicon paintEpoxy resin paintEthylene perchloride paintInorganic zinc-rich paintBoltHexagonal head boltSquare head boltStud boltEye boltCountersunk(head)screwAnchor bolt; Foundation boltTurnbuckleU-boltT-boltSelf tapping screwExpansion boltHexagonal nutSquare washerWing nutLock nutWasherSquare WasherSlant WasherINS弹簧垫圈开口销定位销铆钉右螺纹管螺纹锥管螺纹直管螺纹美国标准直管螺纹管子内螺纹梯形螺纹公制螺纹粗牙螺纹通长螺纹,全螺纹粗制的精制的3.7 相关词语基础设计详细设计规划布置阶段初步阶段分析设计阶段成品设计阶段先期确认图纸资料最终确认图纸资料数据表设计文件设计注释设计规定设计规定汇总表详细设计版用户变更通知命名表,管道表规划研究版设计布置图概略版设备布置图投标版设备布置图合同版设备布置图送审版设备布置图成品版设备布置图施工版设备布置图工作程序界区条件标准Spring washerCotter pinDowel pinRivetRight hand threadPipe threadTaper pipe threadStraight pipe threadAmerican standard taper pipe threadInternal pipe threadTrapezoid threadMetric threadCoarse threadFull threadCoarseFinished; FineBasic designDetail designPlanning stagePreliminary stageAnalytical Engineering phaseProduction design phaseAdvanced certified finalCertified finalData sheetDesign documentDesign noteDesign specificationDesign specification summary sheetDetail design issueClient change noticeNomenclaturePlanning plot planConceptual plot planProposal plot planAward plot planApproval plot planProduction plot planConstruction plot planWorking procedureBattery limit conditionStandardNPTIPTACFCFSPECDSSSDDICCNSTD;STAND参考,基准开工会议项目审核会厂商协调会项目进展情况报告顾客承包安装建设试车说明待定版次修改,修订审核提纲审定校核制图部门部,科,室专业图号项目项目号工厂,装置买方(供货)卖方(供货)制造厂(供货)由仪表(专业负责) 铭牌询价净正吸入压头静电接池分散控制系统附件合同号外汇备忘录公章索赔交货付款摄氏ReferenceKick-off meetingProject review meetingVender co-ordinative meetingProject status reportClient; CustomerContractorErectionConstructionCommissioningDescriptionHoldIssueRevision; ModifyCheck listApprovedCheckedByDepartmentDivisionDisciplineDrawing numberProjectJob No.PlantBy buyerBy sellerBy venderBy instrumentName plateInquireNet positive suction headStatic groundingDistributed Control SystemsAttachmentContract numberForeign exchangeMemorandumOfficial sealClaim indemnityCash on deliveryCentigradeK.O,MVCMPSRREVAPVDCHKDBYDWG. No.Job. No.B.BB.SB.VB.INSTDCSCont No.C.O.DC汉语词英语词英语缩写华氏国际单位制美国材料试验协会阀门及配件制造工业标准化协会(美) 全国消防协会(美)石油管线协会(美)美国国家标准协会(美)美国机械工程师学会国际标准化组织国际电工技术委员会美国石油学会美国自来水厂协会美国仪表学会全国电气制造商协会(美) 日本工业标准加拿大标准协会英国标准德国工业标准FahrenheitSystem InternationalAmerican Society for Testing and MaterialsManufacturer s′Standardization Society of ValvAnd Fittings Industry National Fire Protection AssociationAssociation of Oil Pipe LinesAmerican National Standard InstituteAmerican Society of Mechanical Engineers InternationalOrganization for Standardization International Electrotechnical CommissionAmerican Petroleum InstituteAmerican Water Works AssociationInstrument Society of AmericanNational Electrical Manufactures Association Japanese Industrial StandardCanadian Standard AssociationBritish StandardDeutsche Industrie NormFSIASTMMSSNFPAAOPLANSIASMEISOIECAPIAWW AISANEMAJISCASBSDIN4 按英文字母排列英语词英语缩写汉语词3-Way ball valve3-Way ball valve3-Way valve4-Way ball valve45°LateralAAbove groundAbsolute elevationAbsorberAcrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene rubber Advanced certified finalAgitatorAir coolerAlignmentAlkyd enamelAlligatorAlloy steelAlloy steel pipeAluminosilicace fiberAluminum AGABSACF三通球阀三通旋塞阀三通阀四通旋塞阀45°三通地上绝对标高吸收塔丙烯睛·丁二烯:苯乙烯橡胶先期确认图纸资料搅拌器空冷器对中心,找正醇酸瓷漆颚式破碎机合金钢合金钢管硅酸铝纤维铝英语词英语缩写汉语词Aluminum magnesiumAluminum sheetAmerican National Standard Institute American Petroleum InstituteAmerican Society for Testing and Materials American Society of Mechanical Engijeers American standard taper pipe thread American Water Works Association Analytical Engineering phaseAnalyzerAnchorAnchor boitAnch pointAngle steelAngle valveAngular rotationAnnealingAntirust paintApproval plot planApprovedArc weldingAsbestAsbestos boardAsbestos clothAsphaltAsphalt feltAssociation of Oil Pipe Lines AtmosphereAtomizerAttachmentAttachment equipmentAustenitic stainless steelAustenitic stainless steel pipeAward plot planAxial flow pumpBBag-Shape pipeBall type expansion jointBall valveBase plateBasic design ANSIAPIASTMASMENPTAWW AAPVDAOPLATM铝镁合金铝板美国国家标准协会(美)美国石油学会美国材料试验协会美国机械工程师学会美国标准直管螺纹美国自来水厂协会分析设计阶段分析室固定架地脚螺栓固定点角钢角阀(角式截止阀)角位移退火防锈漆送审版设备布置图审定电弧焊石棉石棉板石棉布沥青油毡石油管线协会(美)大气,大气压粉碎机,磨碎机附件附属设备,附件奥氏体不锈钢奥氏体不锈钢管合同版设备布置图轴流泵袋形管球型补偿器球阀底板基础设计Battery limit 英语词B.L英语缩写装置边界汉语词Battery limit condition Battery roomBeamBell and spigot joint BelledBellow expansion joint Bellow swaled valve Belt filterBendBending moment Bituminous paintBlankBlanketBlindBlindBlind flangeBlock valveBlow down valve BlowerBoilerBoltBolt circleBolt cold diameter Bolt cold tightening Bolt hot tightening BossBottomBottom coat Bottom of base plate Bottom of pipeBox type filer press Branch connection BrassBreakerBreather valve Bridge crane British Standard Bucket elevator BuildingButt weldedButt welded joint Butt welding L.BL.BB.CBOTBBPBOPBSBWBW界区条件电池室梁承插连接,套筒连接承插的波纹膨胀节波纹管密封阀带式过滤机弯管弯矩沥青漆盲板,管道盲板毡(被)盲板,管道盲板法兰盖法兰盖切断阀排污阀鼓风机锅炉螺栓螺栓圆直径螺栓圆直径螺栓冷紧螺栓热紧支管台(凹台)底面,底下底漆底板底面管底厢式压滤机支管连接黄铜破碎机呼吸阀板式起重机英国标准斗式提升机建筑物对焊的对焊连接对焊Butterfly valve英语词英语缩写蝶阀汉语词Butyl rubberByBy buyerBy instrumentBy sellerBy venderBy-pass valveCCable tray(channel)Calcium silicateCanadian Standard Association Canned pumpCantilever supportCapCar seal closeCar seal openCarbon fiberCarbon pipeCarbon steel CarbonizationCase(shell)Cash on deliveryCasingCast ironCast iron pipeCast steelCaving holeCellular concreteCellular glassCellular polystyreneCenter lineCenter to CenterCenter to EndCenter fo FaceCentigradeCentrifugal compressor Centrifugal filter Centrifugal pump Centrifugal separator CentrifugerCeramic PIBIBYB.BB.INSTB.SB.VCASCC.S.CC.S.OCARC.SC.O.DC.IC.HC-CC-EC-FC丁基橡胶制图买方(供货)由仪表(专业负责)卖方(供货)制造厂(供货)旁路阀电缆槽(架)硅酸钙加拿大标准协会屏蔽泵悬臂架管帽关闭后加铅封(封关)开启后加铅封(封开)碳纤维碳钢管碳钢渗碳外壳交货付款外壳铸铁铸铁管铸钢开孔泡沫混凝土泡沫玻璃泡沫聚苯烯中心线中心至中心中心至端面中心至面摄氏离心压缩机离心过滤机离心泵离心分离机离心机陶瓷。
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(1)输送有毒、可燃、易爆气体介质,设计压力P>1.6 MPa的管道;
≥ 200km且管道公称直径DN≥300mm的管道;
(3)输送浆体介质,输送距离≥50km且管道公称直径DN≥150mm 的管道。
(2)输送GB50160《石油化工企业设计防火规范》及 GBJl6《建筑设计防火规范》中规定的火灾危险性为甲、乙类可燃气体或甲类可燃液体介质且设计压力P≥4.0MPa的管道;
(3)输送可燃流体介质、有毒流体介质,设计压力P≥4.0 MPa 且设计温度≥400℃的管道;
(1)输送GB50160《石油化工企业设计防火规范》及 GBJl6《建筑设计防火规范》中规定的火灾危险性为甲、乙类可燃气体或甲类可燃液体介质且设计压力P<4.0MPa的管道;
(2)输送可燃流体介质、有毒流体介质,设计压力P< 4.0MPa 且设计温度≥400℃管道;
(3)输送非可燃流体介质、无毒流体介质,设计压力P< 10MPa 且设计温度≥400℃的管道;
(1)输送可燃流体介质、有毒流体介质,设计压力P< 1.0MPa 且设计温度<400℃的管道;
(2)输送非可燃流体介质、无毒流体介质,设计压力P< 4.0MPa 且设计温度<400℃的管道。
2008-10-25 16:05 常用容器制造术语英文缩写。
MET(mechanical efficacy test)——力学性能试验
(2)CT(chemical constitution test)——化学成分分析
(3)NDT(nondestructive testing)——无损检测(4)DT(dimensional testing)——尺寸检查(5)VT(visual testing)——外观检查
(6)RT(radiographic testing)——射线检测(7)UT(ultrasonic testing)——超声检测
(8)MT(magnetic particle testing)——磁粉检测(9)PT(penetrant testing)——渗透检测
(10)HB(brinell hardness)——布氏硬度
(11)HV(vickers hardness)——维氏硬度(12)HR(rockwell hardness)——洛氏硬度
SMAW-shielded metal arc welding-手工电弧焊SAW-submerged arc welding 埋弧焊
GMAW-gas metal arc welding 气保焊
GTAW-gas tungsten arc welding 氩弧焊
FCAW-fux cored arc welding 药芯焊
PW-plasma welding 等离子焊
ESW-electroslag welding-电渣焊
SW-stud welding 螺柱焊
LBW-laser beam welding 激光焊
EBW-electron beam welding-电子束焊
RW-resistance welding-电阻焊
OAW-oxyacetylene welding
SS-stainless steel 不锈钢
CS-carbon steel 碳钢
API-American Petroleum Institute 美国石油学会
ANSI-American National Standard Institute 美国国家标准学会
ASTM-American Society for Testing and Mat erials美国材料试验学会
atm-Atmosphere pressure 大气压
BC-Bolt circle螺栓中心圆
BWG-Birmingham Wire Gauge 伯明翰线规CA-Corrosion Allowance 腐蚀裕量
CG-Center of Gravity 重心
CL-Center Line 中心线
Hor-Horizontal 水平、卧式
in-Inch 英寸
lb-pound 磅
MDMT-Min. Design Metallic Temperature 最低设计金属温度
TIG-Tungsten Inert Gas Arc Welding 钨极惰性气体保护焊
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