口译基础教案chapter 3
简明商务英语口译教程Unit 3

13.The boss has been promising to give us an increase in salary, but nothing has happened so far.
5.We seek to build up the strength of our friendship, our cultural and commercial ties and our important strategic relationship.
6.We will implement the strategy of developing the country through science and technology.
简明商务英语口译教程Unit 3
Section A
Get Your Pronunciation Right
这个环节的练习将通过对比学习,进一步了解 和掌握一些英语单词随着词性的转化而发生变 音现象,主要表现在重音移位和元音变音。
1.From recorded time, man has been fascinated with music.
8.You can go to my office to fetch some reference book.
9.These represent humanity’s deepest aspirations for security and personal fulfillment: We want peace. We want freedom. We want a better life.
实用口译unit 3 Coherence in interpreting

Examples Analysis
由于霸权主义的做法和强权政治的使用是国际形势动乱的 根源,中国反对霸权主义和强权政治。
China is opposed to hegemonism and power politics, which are the root cause of turmoil in the international situation.
这个问题啊,在广东来讲,要惩治腐败,要建设廉洁的政 府,这个和全国的任务是一样的。我认为,并不因为广东 省是处在我们国家的边缘或者在门口而更严重一些。我不 认为这样。但是呢,我认为我们决不能少看这项工作。这 要两方面来看,情况并不认为我们这里一定那么严重,但 这项工作我们和全国一样都在重视。
and the society.
Examples Analysis
南北问题尖锐地摆在我们的面前,解决发展问题与解决和 平问题同等迫切重要。
The North-South relations have become an acute issue. To seek development and peace are equally urgent and important tasks.
(Thompson, 1996:7, Introducing Functional Grammar )
Coherence – 3 Types
1) Morphemic Coherence (词素连贯) 词素连贯不仅要求词素与词素之间能构成有效的形式
和语义连贯, 而且还要求这一语义连贯能同原文概念所 指的实物、行为或特征之间构成有效的语义关联。
英汉汉英口译基础教程Unit 3 Dazzling Entertainment

D. Pair Work: Note-taking and Interpretation
Text two Note-taking
我同时向所有的相关的女士和他们的亲 属,为他们受到的任何的伤害进行道歉,
我知道香港很多年轻人都崇拜这个社会 的偶像,在这方面我没有成为一个榜样,
在我离开的这段时间,我做出了很重要的决定, 我将全心的履行我所有的承诺。在这个之后, 我将完全的退出香港的娱乐圈。
E. Group Work: Sight Interpretation
Text Two Difficult Sentences 伴着奥运到来前那股汹涌的建筑潮,北京在短
短几年间已从一片单调乏味的水泥森林摇身一 变,成为吸引创新、宏大建筑的磁石。 With its Herculean pre-Olympics construction push, Beijing has in just a few years transformed itself from a city of concrete superstructures to a magnet for innovative and ambitious architecture.
E. Group Work: Sight Interpretation
这座规模庞大、掘地三尺的太空时代椭圆 形建筑由法国的保罗•安德鲁(Paul Andreu) 设计,表面由钛金属包裹,周围还有人工 湖环绕。
The vast, low-lying space-age oval designed by Frances Paul Andreu is covered in titanium and surrounded by a pool of water.
最新口译第三次课 教案

教案1配、教学方法、帮助手段)2. How to do preparation before the interpreting?(Answers: (1) Collect the background information of the speaker and the topic.(2) Prepare for the professional words and expressions of the topic.(3) Communicate with the speaker.(4) Have good psychological qualities.B. professional words and expressions of the topic(1) welcome(2) tourism (page 10-11)II. In-Class Activities: (70’)The 1st part aims to help students know how to receive western guests at the airport. In this part, the students will hear two dialogues about the reception at the airport, and the students need to interpret the English one into Chinese, and vice versa. (30’)A.Task 1 (Mr. Huang receives Susan at the airport.)Susan: Nice to meet you, Mr. Huang.译员: 很高兴见到你,黄先生。
黄斌: 我也很高兴见到您,西蒙女士。
译员: Nice to meet you too, Ms. Simon. Welcome to Wuhan. How was your flight?接您去我们工厂参观产品和生产线;下午洽谈合同事宜; 如果一切顺利的话,后天带您游览一下武汉。

英语口译教学教学教案Title: Teaching Plan for English Interpreting InstructionIntroduction:English interpreting is an essential skill in today's globalized world. This teaching plan aims to provide a comprehensive framework for English interpreting instruction. The plan is designed to enhance students' understanding of interpreting principles, develop their language proficiency, and cultivate their interpreting competence. The following sections outline the specific components and objectives of each module.Module 1: Introduction to English InterpretingObjective: To familiarize students with the basics of interpreting and its significance in various fields.1. Definition and Scope of Interpreting:- Explanation of different interpreting modes (consecutive, simultaneous, whispered).- Overview of the role of interpreters in conferences, meetings, and other settings.2. Interpreting Techniques and Skills:- Practice exercises for note-taking, memory retention, and voice modulation.- Introduction to coping strategies for challenging interpreting situations.Module 2: Language Proficiency EnhancementObjective: To enhance students' language skills, including vocabulary, grammar, and idiomatic expressions.1. Vocabulary Development:- Incorporation of specialized vocabulary related to various fields (e.g., business, law, technology).- Vocabulary-building exercises through reading, listening, and context-based activities.2. Grammatical Accuracy:- Revision of common grammatical errors in English.- Practice activities targeting specific grammar rules (e.g., verb tenses, conditionals).3. Idiomatic Expressions and Collocations:- Explanation of commonly used idiomatic expressions in English.- Application exercises to improve idiomatic usage and collocation skills.Module 3: Interpreting Strategies and TechniquesObjective: To equip students with effective strategies and techniques for successful interpreting.1. Preparation Techniques:- Research and familiarization techniques to prepare for different interpreting assignments.- Development of background knowledge in various subject areas.2. Active Listening and Comprehension:- Activities to enhance listening comprehension skills, including extracting main ideas and capturing details.- Strategies for handling complex speeches, accents, or terminology challenges.3. Cultural Competence:- Sensitization to cultural differences and their impact on interpreting.- Awareness of potential cultural pitfalls and strategies for maintaining neutrality.Module 4: Simultaneous Interpreting TrainingObjective: To develop students' skills in simultaneous interpreting, a demanding mode commonly employed in conference settings.1. Training with Short Texts and Recordings:- Simultaneous interpretation exercises using short speeches or audio recordings.- Emphasis on speed, accuracy, and maintaining the speaker's intended meaning.2. Advanced Simultaneous Interpreting Exercises:- Progression to longer and more complex speeches with technical or specialized content.- Practice exercises for improving multitasking, split attention, and managing stress.Module 5: Consecutive Interpreting TrainingObjective: To enhance students' ability to perform consecutive interpreting, a mode frequently used in bilateral meetings and small-scale settings.1. Note-Taking Techniques:- Introduction to efficient note-taking methods, symbols, and abbreviations.- Practice exercises to improve note-taking speed and accuracy.2. Consecutive Interpreting Practice:- Interactive activities featuring mock scenarios such as negotiations, interviews, or presentations.- Feedback sessions to identify areas for improvement in fluency, intonation, and coherence.Conclusion:This teaching plan provides a structured approach to English interpreting instruction, covering basic principles, language proficiency enhancement, strategies, and interpreting techniques. By following this plan, students can progress from fundamental concepts to advanced skills, ultimately becomingcompetent English interpreters. Continuous practice, feedback, and individual effort are crucial for achieving proficiency in this challenging field.。

口译第三次课教案精品文档教学目的和要求学占八、、占八、、教学进程(含章节教学内容、学时分配、教学万法、帮助手段)教案第3次课2学时无笔记陪同口译(1)欢迎光临&景点游玩Welcome& Tourism unit 1&3Teach ing Aims:After this lecture, the stude nts should1. Know how to receive western guests at the airport.2. Know how to tour around the scenic spots with the western guests.3. Master some com mon words and expressi ons about recepti on andtourism.Difficult Points :1. How to receive western guests at the airport.2. How to in troduce the famous sce nic spots for theguests.I. Lead-in Part: (20')A. In this part, the teacher aims to tell students how to make preparations before the interpreting.1. Why should we do preparations before the interpreting?(An swers: in terpreti ng in cludes various kinds of areas, such as economy, politics, tech no logy, culture, etc., therefore, the in terpreter should be Jack of all trades.)2. How to do preparati on before the in terpret ing?(Answers: (1) Collect the background information of the speaker and the topic.(2) Prepare for the professi onal words and expressi ons of the topic.(3) Communi cate with the speaker.(4) Have good psychological qualities.B. professi onal words and expressi ons of the topic(1) welcome裔务;—f ~ —T.斌載/会任f寺审V Rnesidenl2.■辛食主席/W事隹ChairmAn (board trf directors)X 94 Director4-执行萱事fixcrcutive Director&■嚴干事DlrecHjr-GflTifjra](k 理・TruatfrafGauncil MembarV* J. Ji A-r kM UW gv ISG.彩经理tjcnurai Manager (GM] 訓,总疑邂Assiatanl GeneTaJManager 总经理肋理Gflneral Manafifir Assisi^nl 公義前轻理PR(Public RelAtion*;} K^anagsr 措能部堆毋能“當ManAgnr 芦、p稣齊Majiftgnr经理MoirkuLing Muungur 生产和疑理RuducliunMdiidK^r 汀塔环嵯理R ft El f Rftsflarrrh And D BV目1叫即记刑)MrmitK^i15*1B.17. 14Z4£44.45,部怅MinistBr靜.部长Vkfi-VfinifitHr都长助理Afsiatanl Minister 雀长GovernorIZ I JF ________ie.广歩Factory Mf.raging Diifirtor19.车阍主任Workshop NUn躬x30.哥艰工着师S CHIOT Engineer21 工程師Eugiiieer32,助理工曲帀Assistant Engiroor23. 亂嗥执巧官丿总裁CIEQ (Chief Executive Officer)24. 首席财务官删务总监CTO (Chief Financial Officer)25 财务主■ Finftncial ControllerM 高麵会计师SEnlor At enuntantZZ 会计师Accountant2B” @i 理裟ii!lT Asskiant AccountflntZ9L 注卅發计师CertifiedPubUc Aicountanl (CPA)30l 会计屍TrflasurfirU tbM 员TeUe;4Z 3U百知市檢丨Vlca /Deputy48.5051.證M.I 0|'克务制(省长/市托J Senior (Vice-C;oveTnoT;Vire-―厅妊/司怅Director-G A neral. . De pa rima nt 局怅Director G«neraL ...Bureau 勺卜菲Director, Division科长Section ChEaf 和厅K/司幻局机扯K) Depui>K我一直盼整•堆来口We have oeen expect mg your arrival,17.我们荟经理向鄭值恆。
口译教程UNIT 3 第三单元教案

UNIT 3 第三单元教案来源:口译-学院精品课程作者:Jay J YangSpeech Performance演讲技巧Unit Objective (单元目标)After reading this unit you should☆ understand the nature of interpreting speech.☆ know how to prepare for interpretation☆ master the best performance as an interpretor.Warm-up (准备)1. Two students are requested to sit at the Interpreting Desk or Booth, acting as interpretors of the class. Their performance is evaluated and graded by instructor.2.One or Two students are asked to present a piece of news or a weather forecast of the week.Theory of Interpretation III (口译理论三)口译员的演讲技巧:熟悉讲话场所;演讲的六大要素:音量、音调、节奏、停顿、发音、吐词。
Memoria Technica (记忆法)Listen to the following sentences, and try to catch the key words and details, then repeat as accurately as possible:1.The farmers in South China have enough food and clothing, and have beenbuilding new houses of more than three stories. Quite a few of them are leading a comfortable life.2.Nearly everybody agrees that money does not buy as much as it used to be.The purchase power is declining because of the inflation.3.All credit card organization charge interest on a monthly basis, which maywork out as high as 25% a year.4.The rural industries in China have been developing rapidly, and employedmore and more workers who were peasants for generations before 1978.5.We have prepared some souvenir for you, which are had-made by our ownstaff. We hope you will like them and we do hope you will be able to visit us again in the near future.6.Many foreign businessmen came to invest in the countryside in the formsof joint venture, cooperative, or wholely foreign-owned enterprises.7.Among the most popular books being written today are those that areusually classified as science fiction.8.If we can work together to our mutual benefit, arrangements will be madefor one of representatives to make a trip to USA and discuss with you in person.Retell a piece of News: Americans and their LegsCultural Salon or Seminar (文化沙龙或研讨会)In the last 20 minutes will be a cultural salon or seminar. Two or three students who have been asked to prepare a speech in advance on a given topic. Students in the booth will do the oral interpretation.Topic: EnvironmentHomework Assignments (课后作业)Retell the following articles with the help of your study partners:No. 1: 广东省地处中国南疆,临近港澳,与海南省隔海相望,是古代百越民族聚居之所,现为中国改革开放的综合试验区。

广西民族师范学院外国语学院课程教案课程代码:总学时/周学时:34/2开课时间:2017年2月23日第1周至第17周授课年级、专业、班级:英语(师范教育)2014级4班使用教材:口译基础教研室:英语教研室授课教师:阳琼Lecture1ABriefIntroductiontoInterpreting◇TeachingObjectivesHelpthestudentsachieveabasicunderstandingofinterpreting:itsnature,classification, evaluationcriteria,qualitiesofinterpreter,etc.◇Important&DifficultPoints1.Thenatureandevaluationcriteriaofinterpreting;2.Therequirementsofqualifiedinterpreter.◇Teaching MethodsCommunicativeteachingapproach◇Teaching ProceduresStep1Greeting(3mins)TheTeacherintroducesherselfStep2Lead-in(10mins)Coursedescription.?Step3Overview?of?Interpretation(40mins)1.Definition?of?InterpretationInterpretation?is?a?vocal?translation?to?the?information?delivered?by?vocal?utterance ?and?text.?2.Characteristics?of?Interpretation?*?Unpredictability??*?Bearing?on?big?pressure??????*?Independency??*?Comprehensive?language?and?skill?operations???????*?Extensive?communicative?information3.?Criteria?of?Interpretation?*accuracy?*fluency??4.?Process?of?Interpretation5.InterpreterQualificationRequirementsConformtotheForeignaffairsdisciplineSolidbilingualbasisCompleteabilityofutteranceQuick-mindedLearnedGoodmannerStep4Practices:Dialogue&passageinterpreting(30mins)会展中心介绍Vocabulary:国际会展中心InternationalExhibitionCenter仓储warehousing室内展厅indoorexhibitionarea室外展厅outdoorexhibitionarea中国国际投资贸易洽谈会ChinaInternationalFairforInvestmentandTrade国际石材展InternationalStoneFair体博会Sports&LeisureGoodsFair大堂lobby拖车trailer展位both多功能multi-functional装卸平台loadingplatformStep5Assignments(2mins)PreviewthecontentofUnit1.Lecture2IdentifyingKeyWordsinSentences◇TeachingobjectivesAttheendofthelesson,studentsshouldbeableto:1.identifykeywordsinsentenceswhilelisteningtothesourcelanguage;2.masterkeywords,expressionsandsentencesonareception3.improveinterpretingskillsandpractice◇Keypointstheabilitytoidentifykeyinformationthroughkeywords◇TeachingAllotment:2periods◇TeachingMethods:communicativeapproach;audio-lingualapproach◇TeachingProcedures:Step1Greeting&Warming-upStep2Interpretingskills(10mins)PleasegothroughPart1quicklyandfindtheanswerstothefollowingquestions.1)Whatstandardsdointerpretershavetomeetasforlistening?2)Whatistheso-called“keyword”inasentence?3)Fromwhichfourperspectivescanweidentifykeywordsinasentencetograspthekeyinformation?Step3Practices(65mins)(1)Sentenceinterpreting(15mins)1)对不起,您是来自英国电信(BritishTelegraph)的LisaAnderson女士吗?2)自上次在巴黎匆匆一晤,我们都好几年没见面了。

青岛滨海学院教师教案青岛滨海学院教师教案8. She went, with her neat figure, and her sober womanly step, down the street. 她顺着那条街走了,显出娇俏/利落匀称的身材,迈着女人端庄的步子。
9. Almost 500,000 additional primary school pupils arrived to enroll on the first day of school, double the number anticipated. 开学第一天,又有大约50万小学生报名,比预期数字多了一倍。
10. Everything is satisfying and we are confident of our success.一切都很让人满意/进展顺利,我们有信心成功。
11. 说是说了,没有结果。
It has been reported, /I've made proposals, but they proved futile. but still no answer yet.12. 吃苦在前,享受在后。
Be the first one to take hard job/bear hardships and the last one to enjoy the fruit/comfort.13. 别人不解,提及了他们往日的不和,他说:“我同意的是定他为国画教授,并没有说他可以做西洋画教授。
”Someone/When others felt puzzled and mentioned their begone disagreement/past conflicts. He said, "When I agree to promote him as ..I have agreed to appoint him as a national paiting professor, but I haven't said he could be Western painting professor./I don't mean that.." (答案的时态有问题?)14. 要有把握,就要有准备,而且要有充分的准备。
口译基础教案chapter 3

Chapter 3 Cohesive clues in interpretingI Teaching objectives:At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:1.identify key information through cohesive clues2.master key words, expressions and sentences on economy3. improve interpreting skills and practiceII Key points:the ability to identify key information with cohesive devicesIII Teaching Allotment:2 periodsIV Teaching Methods:communicative approach; audio-lingual approachV Teaching Procedures:1.Dialogue interpreting (10 mins)Performers: Group 2Interpreter: 李子莹2.Interpreting skills (10 mins)(1) In English, there are a large quantity of lexical, grammatical and logical connectors that help to form cohesion in a discourse. When it comes to listening, paying special attention to cohesive devices is also very essential for better understanding.(2) Please be familiar with the linking words on P26.3.Practices: Dialogue & passage interpreting (70 mins)(1) 开幕式主持词V ocabulary:阁下His/Her/Your Excellency东盟ASEAN (Association of South-East Asia Nations)中国—东盟博览会China-ASEAN Expo同舟共济to cross the river in the same boat参会客商business participants"10+1"自贸区"Ten plus One" Free Trade Area轮值主席rotating president远见卓识great vision源远流长have a long standing感受have a touch of邻邦友谊friendly neighborhood剪彩to cut the ribbon for ...广西壮族自治区主席Govenor of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region东道主host菲律宾总统阿罗约阁下Her Excellency Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, president of Philippines致辞/发言deliver a/his/her speech双边贸易额bilateral trade volume让我们以掌声恭请with a warm round of applause, l'm privileged to invite...(2) Inaugurating an International ConferenceV ocabulary:Cork 科克(爱尔兰共和国港口城市)alma mater 母校foremost 第一流的veritable 名副其实的vibrant 充满活力的impetus 推动力deliberations 商议Lord Mayor 尊敬的市长先生President Murphy 墨菲校长Former Ambassador to Ireland Shah Hilan 中国驻爱尔兰前大使沙希拉an international conference on China on the 21st Century 题为21世纪的中国的国际会议world-acclaimed representatives 享誉世界的知名人士VI Assignments(1)Preview Chapter 4 Part Two and Part Four(2)Review useful expressions in Chapter 3 Part Four(3)Group 3 and 4 prepare a Dialogue interpreting: Establishing a Sister City Relationship。

Foundational Interpreting (2-1)

《口译基础》课程教学大纲课程英文名称Basic Interpretation Skills课程代码:课程性质:专业方向理论课,选修适用专业:英语开课学期:5总学时数:32 总学分数:2编写年月:2006年6月修订年月:2007年6月执笔:一、课程的性质和目的本课程是英语专业学生的主干课程之一,主要通过讲授口译基本理论、口译背景知识以及对学生进行口译基本技巧的训练,使学生初步掌握口译程序和基本技巧,初步学会口译记忆方法、口译笔记、口头概述、公众演讲等基本技巧和口译基本策略,培养学生关心时事的信息意识,积累知识,掌握文献检索、资料查询的基本方法;培养学生的话语分析能力,提高学生的逻辑思维能力、语言组织能力和双语表达能力,提高学生跨文化交际的能力和英汉两种语言互译的能力,为进入下一阶段讨论式、按照口译语类对学生进行口译基本技巧的训练做准备。
二、课程教学内容及学时分配单主要教学内容学时分配作业数备注22 第二十二单元新闻发布(1)新闻发布会的作用和特点新闻发言人到底需要哪些素质新闻发布会语言特点口译注意事项观摩国新办新闻发布实况课堂口译练习布置下单元口译实践-分组围绕指定专题准备新闻发布会并进行现场口译2 分组为举行指定专题新闻发表会进行准备学生于下单元课堂上分组演示教师记录评分23 第二十三单元新闻发布(2)口译实践-分组围绕指定专题准备新闻发布会并进行现场口译现场录像分析讨论总结模拟考试2 从口译试题库中选一份试题作为样题供学生模考24 第二十四单元期末考试 2三、课程教学的基本要求1、利用学生已经获得的语言交际能力,帮助他们掌握双语思维的转换和交流技能。

Welcome to Shanghai Mr. Roberts. I’m Chen Tianmin, from Shanghai Post and Telecommunication Service Development Company. I’m director of the company’s Overseas Department.B: Nice to meet you, Directo r Chen. I’m very excited to visit your company and of course, to tour around Shanghai and the whole country.(很高兴见到您,陈主任。
(I’m very happy that you have come all the way from Britain. We are very proud and honored that you will work with us, and be part of our department. I sincerely hope that your visit will be worthwhile and meaningful.)B: It is indeed my pleasure and privilege to have received your gracious invitation and work with a distinguished group of people like Director Chen. I have been looking forward to this visit for years. I had a dream that someday I would visit China and work in the beautiful city of Shanghai for a while. I’m very grateful that you have made my dream come true.(受到贵公司的友好邀请,来此与陈主任这样杰出的人士合作共事,我深感愉快和荣幸。
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Chapter 3 Cohesive clues in interpreting
I Teaching objectives:
At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1.identify key information through cohesive clues
2.master key words, expressions and sentences on economy
3. improve interpreting skills and practice
II Key points:the ability to identify key information with cohesive devices
III Teaching Allotment:2 periods
IV Teaching Methods:communicative approach; audio-lingual approach
V Teaching Procedures:
1.Dialogue interpreting (10 mins)
Performers: Group 2
Interpreter: 李子莹
2.Interpreting skills (10 mins)
(1) In English, there are a large quantity of lexical, grammatical and logical connectors that help to form cohesion in a discourse. When it comes to listening, paying special attention to cohesive devices is also very essential for better understanding.
(2) Please be familiar with the linking words on P26.
3.Practices: Dialogue & passage interpreting (70 mins)
(1) 开幕式主持词
V ocabulary:
阁下His/Her/Your Excellency
东盟ASEAN (Association of South-East Asia Nations)
中国—东盟博览会China-ASEAN Expo
同舟共济to cross the river in the same boat
参会客商business participants
"10+1"自贸区"Ten plus One" Free Trade Area
轮值主席rotating president
远见卓识great vision
源远流长have a long standing
感受have a touch of
邻邦友谊friendly neighborhood
剪彩to cut the ribbon for ...
广西壮族自治区主席Govenor of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region
菲律宾总统阿罗约阁下Her Excellency Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, president of Philippines
致辞/发言deliver a/his/her speech
双边贸易额bilateral trade volume
让我们以掌声恭请with a warm round of applause, l'm privileged to invite...
(2) Inaugurating an International Conference
V ocabulary:
Cork 科克(爱尔兰共和国港口城市)
alma mater 母校
foremost 第一流的
veritable 名副其实的
vibrant 充满活力的
impetus 推动力
deliberations 商议
Lord Mayor 尊敬的市长先生
President Murphy 墨菲校长
Former Ambassador to Ireland Shah Hilan 中国驻爱尔兰前大使沙希拉
an international conference on China on the 21st Century 题为21世纪的中国的国际会议
world-acclaimed representatives 享誉世界的知名人士
VI Assignments
(1)Preview Chapter 4 Part Two and Part Four
(2)Review useful expressions in Chapter 3 Part Four
(3)Group 3 and 4 prepare a Dialogue interpreting: Establishing a Sister City Relationship。