


星火认知大模型指令集-概述说明以及解释1.引言1.1 概述本文旨在介绍星火认知大模型指令集,该指令集是一种用于学习和认知过程的工具,旨在帮助个体更好地理解和运用知识。










1.2 文章结构文章结构指的是文章整体的组织架构和章节安排。












支持硬件 TCP/IP 协议:TCP, UDP, ICMP, IPv4, ARP, IGMP, PPPoE 支持 8 个独立端口(Socket)同时通讯 支持掉电模式 支持网络唤醒 支持高速串行外设接口(SPI 模式 0,3) 内部 32K 字节收发缓存 内嵌 10BaseT/100BaseTX 以太网物理层(PHY) 支持自动协商(10/100-Based 全双工/半双工) 不支持 IP 分片 3.3V 工作电压,I/O 信号口 5V 耐压 LED 状态显示(全双工/半双工,网络连接,网络速度,活动状态) LQFP48 无铅封装(7x7mm,间距 0.5mm)
W5500 数据手册 版本 1.2 (2015 年 01 月)
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方框图Leabharlann W5500 数据手册 版本 1.2 (2015 年 01 月)
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目 录
1 引脚分配 ....................................................................... 3 1.1 引脚描述 ................................................................... 3 2 主机接口 ....................................................................... 8 2.1 SPI 工作模式 ............................................................... 9 2.2 SPI 数据帧 ................................................................. 2 2.2.1 地址段 .............................................................. 2 2.2.2 控制段 .............................................................. 3 2.2.3 数据段 .............................................................. 5 2.3 可变数据长度模式(VDM)Variable Length Data Mode (VDM) ..................... 2 2.3.1 写访问—VDM 模式 ..................................................... 2 2.3.2 读访问—VDM 模式 ..................................................... 2 2.4 固定数据长度模式(FDM)Fixed Length Data Mode (FDM) ........................ 2 2.4.1 写访问—FDM 模式 Write Access in FDM ................................. 2 2.4.2 读访问—FDM 模式 Read Access in FDM .................................. 2 3 寄存器和内存构成 Register and Memory Organization .............................. 2 3.1 通用寄存器区 Common Register Block ......................................... 2 3.2 Socket 寄存器区 Socket Register Block ...................................... 2 3.3 内存 Memory ................................................................ 3 4 寄存器描述 Register Descriptions ............................................... 4 4.1 通用寄存器 Common Registers ................................................ 4 4.2 Socket 端口寄存器 Socket Registers .......................................... 2 5 电气规范 ...................................................................... 16 5.1 绝对最大额定值 ............................................................ 16 5.2 绝对最大额定值 (电气灵敏度) ............................................... 16 5.3 直流特性 .................................................................. 18 5.4 功耗 Power Dissipation .................................................... 19 5.5 交流特性 .................................................................. 19 5.5.1 复位时钟 ........................................................... 19 5.5.2 唤醒时间 ........................................................... 19 5.5.3 晶体特性 ........................................................... 20 5.5.4 SPI 时钟 ............................................................ 20 5.5.5 变压器特性 ......................................................... 21 5.5.6 极性变换 MDIX ....................................................... 22 6 封装描述 ...................................................................... 23 文档历史信息 .................................................................... 24



me的梯形图程序总是从Main程序块开始执行,称为主 程序块,子程序块必须在main中调用才能被执行。 变量声明 别名(程序注解的一种),可为各个程序地址所用 的一种任选1到7个字符的识别符(可为ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้~Z, 0~9或特殊符号+,-,<,>,=,@,#和&。)必须以 字母开头,不区分大小写。 变量参考地址, 寄存器参考地址:%R,%AI,%AQ,%P,%L 离散量地址: %I,%Q,%M,%T,%S 变量描述,为多达32个字符的任选文本说明。
不允许输入一个带有错误格式或语法的回路 程序逻辑由不同的元素组成 元素在回路中组合,每个回路最多可达8行10列 两个回路必须单独输入
9.创建一个reference view表
对于每种寄存器类型,me都自动生成一个变量 表 , 其 中 值 可 显 示 为 DWORD\DINT \FLOAT \INT \十进制、十六进制数、调试者可根据需 要变换显示方式。 如需同时监控多个类型寄存器变量,可自定义 一个变量显示表。
1.GE RX7i控制器简介 支持多达32K bits的数字量I/O以及各32K words的模拟量I/O。 支持自动分配地址的符号变量。 支持模块化编程,可支持多达512个程序块, 每个功能块最大可达128KB。 支持高效率运行的C语言块(32位C编译器,每 个块可达128KB)。
2.Cimplicity ME编程软件的特点:
Cimplicity ME软件
1.GE RX7i控制器简介 由GE Fanuc在2003年第二季度推出的新一代产 品 ,适用于大中规模的系统,采用开放式结构 的PLC。 CPU采用高性能的Pentium III处理器 (300MHZ 或700MHZ);内嵌10/100M自适 应高速以太网卡,采用标准RJ45接口,方便连 接;并可采用EGD方式通讯,快速可靠。


MVI56-MCM ControlLogix 控制平台 Modbus 主/从通讯模块
用户手册 2009 年 11 月
1 / 76
1、使用此模块需要对 Rockwell 自动化的 ControlLogix 平台硬件模块具有一定的 使用经验。因为该模块的例程是通过 Logix5000 编制的。因此,对于负责项目的工 作人员,了解现场应用需求并确保人员和设备处于安全和合适工作环境是非常重要 的。 2、本手册旨在帮助用户掌握该模块的使用方法。我们力求提供的所有内容都是准 确的,而且能够如实的反映产品的安装要求。为确保用户能够对本产品的操作熟练 掌握,用户必须阅读有关A-B 硬件操作的所有Allen-Bradley应用文档。 3、在任何情况下,对于由用户间接或使用不当造成的设备损坏, ProSoft-Technology 公司不承担任何责任。 4、未经 ProSoft Technology 授权许可,任何人员不得对本手册进行复制发行。 5、本手册内容如有更改,恕不通知,随着产品的更新,我们的手册也会及时进行 阶段性的修改。
五、状态诊断和故障处理 ..................................................................................................................28 5.1 通过RsLogix5000 读取状态数据 ..........................................................................................28 5.2 通过终端软件读取状态数据 ...............................................................................................28 5.2.1 软硬件要求 ................................................................................................................28 5.2.2 通过超级终端诊断步骤 ............................................................................................29 5.2.3 调试菜单 ....................................................................................................................31 5.3 LED状态查看 .......................................................................................................................... 37 5.4 故障处理 ............................................................................................................................... 37



1.1过程与资源定义DPM(Digital Process for Manufacturing)数字制造过程用于垂直的过程规划和仿真应用。












如TRANSPORT TOOL 运输工具,如小坦克等。














集合经验模态分解r语言 -回复

集合经验模态分解r语言 -回复

集合经验模态分解r语言-回复什么是集合经验模态分解(EEMD)集合经验模态分解(Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition,简称EEMD)是一种非参数的信号处理方法,由Wu和Huang于2009年提出。

EEMD通过将信号分解为多个本地或本征振动模态函数(Intrinsic Mode Functions,简称IMF)和一个残差项来揭示信号的内在特征。







1. 安装和加载R包首先,确保安装了R包“imfr”和“rEEMD”,这两个包提供了EEMD的实现函数。

可以使用以下命令进行安装和加载:Rinstall.packages("imfr")install.packages("rEEMD")library(imfr)library(rEEMD)2. 读取信号数据将需要进行EEMD分解的信号数据读入到R环境中。

可以使用以下命令读取CSV或其他常见格式的数据文件:Rdata <- read.csv("signal.csv")3. 数据预处理如果信号数据存在噪声或者趋势,可以通过滤波或差分等方法进行预处理,以便更好地进行分解。


R# 示例:应用低通滤波器filtered_data <- filter(data, filter="lowpass", cutoff_freq=100)4. 进行EEMD分解使用EEMD进行信号分解的关键函数是`eemd()`。
















2.LAMMPS的功能总体功能:可以串⾏和并⾏计算分布式MPI策略模拟空间的分解并⾏机制开源⾼移植性C++语⾔编写MPI和单处理器串⾏FFT的可选性(⾃定义)可以⽅便的为之扩展上新特征和功能只需⼀个输⼊脚本就可运⾏有定义和使⽤变量和⽅程完备语法规则在运⾏过程中循环的控制都有严格的规则只要⼀个输⼊脚本试就可以同时实现⼀个或多个模拟任务粒⼦和模拟的类型:(atom style命令)原⼦粗粒化粒⼦全原⼦聚合物,有机分⼦,蛋⽩质,DNA联合原⼦聚合物或有机分⼦⾦属粒⼦材料粗粒化介观模型延伸球形与椭圆形粒⼦点偶极粒⼦刚性粒⼦所有上⾯的杂化类型⼒场:(命令:pair style, bond style, angle style, dihedral style, improper style, kspace style)对相互作⽤势:L-J, Buckingham, Morse, Yukawa, soft, class2(COMPASS), tabulated.带点对相互作⽤势:Coulombic, point-dipole.多体作⽤势:EAM, Finnis/Sinclair EAM, modified EAM(MEAM), Stillinger-Weber, Tersoff, AIREBO, ReaxFF粗粒化作⽤势:DPD, GayBerne, Resquared, Colloidal, DLVO介观作⽤势:granular, Peridynamics键势能:harmonic, FENE, Morse, nonlinear, class2, quartic键⾓势能:harmonic, CHARMM, cosine, cosine/squared, class2(COMPASS)⼆⾯⾓势能:harmonic, CHARMM, multi-harmonic, helix, OPLS, class2(COMPASS) 不合理势能:harmonic, CVFF, class2(COMPASS)聚合物势能:all-atom, united-atom, bead-spring, breakable⽔势能:TIP3P,TIP4P,SPC隐式溶剂势能:hydrodynamic lubrication, Debye长程库伦与分散:Ewald, PPPM, Ewald/N(针对长程L-J作⽤)可以有与普适化⼒场如CHARMM,AMBER,OPLS,GROMACS相兼容的⼒场可以采⽤GPU加速的成对类型杂化势能函数:multiple pair, bond, angle, dihedral, improper potentials(多对势能处于更⾼的优先级)原⼦创建:(命令:read_data, lattice, create-atoms, delete-atoms, displace-atoms, replicate)从⽂件中读⼊各个原⼦的坐标在⼀个或多个晶格中创建原⼦删除⼏何或逻辑原⼦基团复制已存在的原⼦多次替换原⼦系综,约束条件,边界条件:(命令:fix)⼆维和三维体系正⾓或⾮正⾓模拟空间常NVE,NVT,NPT,NPH积分器原⼦基团与⼏何区域可选择不同的温度控制器有Nose/Hoover和Berendsen压⼒控制器来控制体系的压⼒(任⼀维度上)模拟合⼦的变形(扭曲与剪切)简谐(unbrella)束缚⼒刚体约束摇摆键与键⾓约束各种边界环境⾮平⾏太分⼦动⼒学NEMD各种附加边界条件和约束积分器:Velocity-verlet积分器Brown积分器rRESPA继承时间延化积分器刚体积分器共轭梯度或最束下降算法能量最⼩化器输出:(命令:dump, restart)热⼒学信息⽇志原⼦坐标,速度和其它原⼦量信息的⽂本dump⽂件⼆进制重启⽂件各原⼦量包括:能量,压⼒,中⼼对称参数,CAN等⽤户⾃定义系统宽度或各原⼦的计算信息每个原⼦的时间与空间平均系统宽量的时间平均原⼦图像,XYZ,XTC,DCD,CFG格式数据的前处理与后处理:包⾥提供了⼀系列的前处理与后处理⼯具另外,可以使⽤独⽴发⾏的⼯具组, 它可以进⾏LAMMPS模拟的设置,分析,作图和可视化⼯作。














APT和APZ 可以独立的开发和改进,它们的发展是相互独立的。












是由使用面向对象分析和设计方法的开发者所 设计的 已经变成面向对象 建模的一个有力的标准 记号法
在中间,在底部的区段中是操作 在对象类 之间的关系( 关联)用对象之间的连线表示 继承是一个泛化,在层次结构中表现为“向上”而 不是“向下”

语义数据模型描述系统导入和导出的数据的 逻辑结构 对象模型描述系统中实体及其分类关系和聚 合关系
三 行为模型

行为模型用来描述系统的全部行为 行为模型的两种类型
处理的 状态机模型:说明系统如何响应事件的

3.1 数据流模型

数据流模型是描述数据处理的直观的方 式 数据流模型用来描述数据是如何在系统 中流动的 数据流模型是需求分析方法的重要组成 部分 数据流模型采用简单和直观的符号,以 利于客户的理解
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最新资料,WORD文档,可下载编辑!SME实用手册SME Manual本手册指在帮助中小企业所有人在自己企业内建立操作手册。

The manual is designed to assist SME owners to implement an operations amnaul within their business.目录TABLE OF CONTENTS概述OVERVIEW ..................................................................... 经营手册Operations Manual .......................................................... 企业概述Business Overview .......................................................... 人力资源管理HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT .............................................. 雇佣政策Employment Policies ........................................................ 员工记录Team Member Records ........................................................ 招聘和选拔Recruitment and Selection ................................................ 业绩管理Performance Management ..................................................... 培训Training ....................................................................... 沟通和激励Communication and Motivation ............................................. 职业健康和安全Occupational Health and Safety ....................................... 客户服务CUSTOMER SERVICE ........................................................... 服务标准Service Standards .......................................................... 顾客选择Customer Selection ......................................................... 顾客反馈Customer Feedback .......................................................... 市场营销MARKETING .................................................................. 企业识别Corporate Identity ......................................................... 战略营销Strategic Marketing ........................................................ 公共关系Public Relations ........................................................... 采购和存货管理PURCHASING AND STOCK MANAGEMENT ...................................... 采购Purchasing ..................................................................... 存货管理Stock Management ........................................................... 行政管理ADMINISTRATION ............................................................. 电话、信息和电子邮件Telephone, Messages and Email .................................. 邮件和重要信函Mail and Couriers .................................................... 计算机和互联网Computers and the Internet ........................................... 安全Security ....................................................................... 会计ACCOUNTING ................................................................... 应付账款Creditors .................................................................. 应收账款Debtors .................................................................... 银行往来账Bank Accounts ............................................................ 固定资产Fixed Assets ............................................................... 领导能力LEADERSHIP .................................................................概述OVERVIEW经营手册Operations Manual经营手册的目的Purpose of the Operations Manual本经营手册旨在提供必要的资源, 以帮助员工改进工作表现, 并帮助企业达成目标。



用于 Windows 7/Vista/XP 的 Tekla Structures 17.0© 2010 Tekla 公司及其版权所有者。




兼容性Tekla Structures 17.0 适合在 Windows 7、Windows Vista SP2 和 Windows XP SP3 上运行。

如果您安装的是 64 位 Windows 操作系统,建议您安装 64 位 Tekla Structures 以便完全利用硬件和操作系统中可用的所有内存。

32 位 Tekla Structures 在 64 位的 Windows 操作系统上也能运行,但程序会在 32 位模式下运行,这意味着用于 Tekla Structures 的最大虚拟内存地址空间为 4 GB。

Tekla Structures 17.0 无法在 Windows 95、98、ME、NT 或 2000 上运行。

使用现有模型您可以使用 Tekla Structures 17.0 打开在较早版本的 Tekla Structures 中创建的模型。

一旦在 Tekla Structures 17.0 中保存模型,您将无法在 Tekla Structures 16.0 或较早版本的 Tekla Structures 中打开该模型。

卸载要卸载 Tekla Structures 17.0,请执行以下操作:•在 Windows 7 和 Windows Vista 中: 使用 Windows 控制面板中的程序和功能选项。

•在 Windows XP 中: 使用 Windows 控制面板中的添加/删除程序选项。

更多信息Tekla Structures 帮助Tekla Structures 帮助包含了有关 Tekla Structures 的概念和工具的详细指南以及丰富的示例。

MVI56-MCM ControlLogix 平台 Modbus通讯模块用户手册(中文)

MVI56-MCM ControlLogix 平台 Modbus通讯模块用户手册(中文)
2.5.1 模块设置数据............................................................................................. 8 2.6 主站命令数据列表............................................................................................. 9 2.7 从站状态数据块............................................................................................... 10 2.8 命令控制数据块.............................................................................................x 平台 Modbus 通讯模块
August 2003
请阅读以下注意事项 成功的应用这个模块需要对 Allen-Bradley PLC/SLC 硬件知识和现场应用方式有充分的了解。因 此,对于负责完成应用的工作人员,了解应用需求并确保人员和设备不处于不安全或不适当的工作 环境是非常重要的。 这本手册是用作帮助用户。我们力求提供的每个信息都是准确的,而且如实的反映产品的安装要 求。为确保对本产品操作的完全理解,用户必须阅读有关 A-B 硬件操作的所有 Allen-Bradley 应用 文档。 在任何条件下,ProSoft Technology, Inc.都不负责间接的或由用户使用或应用本产品而造成的损 害。 在没有得到 ProSoft Technology 许可的情况下,禁止任何对本手册内容整体或部分性的复制。 本手册内容如有更改,恕不通知。ProSoft Technology, Inc.并不承担这个义务。并会随时改进和/ 或更改此文档或产品。这些更改会阶段性的进行,以更改技术的不准确和印刷排版错误。




本文为对AMESIM2010自带帮助文件的翻译,限于读者水平所限,翻译中有不妥的地方希望大家批评指正!1.1 引言AMESIM液压系统包括:●常用液压元件:泵、马达等●胶皮管和管路的子模型●压力源和流量源●压力和流量传感器●液体属性定义液压系统是通过控制液体流动来完成某项功能。







1.2 例1:一个简单的液压系统目标:建立一个简单的液压系统介绍最简单的管路子模型运用汽蚀理论解释实验结果图1.1 一个简单的液压系统本例子是液压系统中最简单的实例,它主要有液压库(蓝色)和机械库组成。





图1.2 第一个液压库第一步:用新建按钮建立一个液压控制系统选择libhydr.amt点击OK就可以建立一个新的液压系统,然后一个液压的标志按钮会出现在窗口的左上角。



Copley CME2手册--汉语

Copley CME2手册--汉语

Copley CME2调试软件用户向导Chinese Revision 1Nov 2009Written by Paul目录1.软件的安装、启动及向导 (4)1. 1 安装软件 (4)1. 2 启动CME2软件 (4)1. 3 串口设置 (4)1. 4 CAN网络参数配置 (6)1. 5 CME2连接到驱动器 (6)1. 6 CME2软件向导 (7)2.基本配置 (9)2.1 改变基本设置 (9)2.2 ServoTube电机配置 (12)3.电机/反馈参数配置 (14)3.1 电机/反馈参数窗口概览 (14)3.2 旋转电机参数设置 (14)3.3 直线电机参数设置 (15)3.4 反馈参数,旋转电机 (16)3.5 反馈参数,直线电机 (17)3.6 反馈注意事项 (17)3.7 Brake/Stop 参数 (18)3.8 Brake/Stop 注意事项 (18)3.9 计算功能 (19)4.数字输入/输出配置 (21)4.1 数字输入 (21)4.2 数字输出 (23)4.3 同步PWM开关频率 (28)5.电机相位 (29)5.1 用Auto Phase 整定电机相位 (29)5.2 选择Auto Phase时Current和Increment Rate值向导 (34)5.3 Auto Phase过程中的微调 (34)5.4 用Motor Phase Manually整定电机相位 (35)6.控制面板 (40)6.1 Control Panel 概览 (40)6.2 状态指示和消息 (41)6.3 Control Panel 监控通道 (41)6.4 控制功能 (42)6.5 Jog 模式 (42)7.控制环路 (44)7.1 电流环设置和调试 (44)7.2 电流环自动调节 (46)7.3 电流模式和电流环的注意事项 (48)7.4 速度环设置和调试 (50)7.5 速度模式和速度环的注意事项 (52)7.6 位置环设置和调试 (54)7.7 位置模式和位置环的注意事项 (59)8.驱动器错误 (62)8.1 错误参数配置 (62)8.2 错误锁定注意事项 (63)8.3 位置速度误差注意事项 (63)9. 命令输入 (66)9.1 模拟命令设置 (66)9.2 PWM输入设置 (68)9.3 数字位置输入设置 (69)9.4 软件编程输入设置 (71)10. CAN网络配置 (72)11. 回原点 (73)1.软件的安装、启动及向导1. 1 安装软件1.到/Motion/Products/Software/index.html下载CME2软件,解压缩后,双击“Setup.exe”文件进行软件安装。



cmd = CMEM_IOCALLOCHEAP | params->flags; allocDesc.alloc_heap_inparams.size = size; allocDesc.alloc_heap_inparams.align = params->alignment == 0 ? 1 : params->alignment; allocDesc.alloc_heap_inparams.blockid = blockid; rv = ioctl(cmem_fd, cmd, &allocDesc); if (rv != 0) { __E("allocHeap: ioctl %s failed: %d\n", cmd == CMEM_IOCALLOCHEAP ? "CMEM_IOCALLOCHEAP" : "CMEM_IOCALLOCHEAPCACHED",rv); return NULL; } physp = allocDesc.physp; __D("allocHeap: allocated phys buffer %#lx\n", physp); /* Map the physical address to user space */ userp = mmap(0, size, // Preferred start address // Length to be mapped
static void *alloc(int blockid, size_t size, CMEM_AllocParams *params) { if (params == NULL) { params = &CMEM_DEFAULTPARAMS;//如果未指定 params,使用默认的 params。 } if (!validate_init()) { return NULL; } if (params->type == CMEM_POOL) {


4.运行模式 根据需要,设置合适的采样时间间隔,仿真起始时刻可根据 需要设定(不一定为0时刻),将元件各物理量拖至空白处即可 显示时域曲线。 可将运行所得的数据导出至origin等图形处理软件中进一步 处理,步骤为file—export values—存至某盘下—记事本打开
1.仿真模型不是简单复制原理图,应根据研究侧重点不同,选择 其中关键元件构成模型。 2.遇到相对复杂的系统时,建议将模型拆分逐个试验。
最好的学习资料—help文件 思维拓展—爱液压论坛,北航两版教材, /
根据所研究的系统对元件特性考虑侧重点的不同,为每个元件 选择合适的子模型,默认情况下的子模型为premier submodel, 子模型不同,参数设置不同。
3.参数模式 根据对元件各参数的理解,依照样本设置各参数,内部封装的 数学模型可查阅help文件。
P--增强系统快速性,减小稳态误差,但同时会使系统稳定性下降; I--提高系统低频响应增益,减小甚至消除稳态误差,但对系统动态特性稍 有影响; D--改善系统的动态特性,如选择适当,可减小超调,减小调整时间,但
1.AMESim文件不能使用中文命名 2.所有的文件勿直接放在桌面上,最好统一放在某盘固定 文件夹下(会生成很多临时文件),否则可能无法运行 3.从生成的曲线中导出数据时,必须将文件放在某盘符下, 若直接放在桌面上,则无法导出 4.目前无中文版,任何时候都勿使用中文





cmem模型的建模方法可以分为以下几个步骤:1. 问题定义:首先,我们需要明确问题的定义和目标。


2. 概念抽象:在cmem模型中,我们需要将现实世界中的对象、事物和属性抽象为概念。


3. 关系建立:在cmem模型中,我们需要建立概念之间的关系。



4. 规则定义:在cmem模型中,我们可以使用规则来描述概念之间的逻辑关系和行为。


5. 模型构建:在上述步骤完成后,我们可以开始构建cmem模型。



6. 模型验证:完成模型构建后,我们需要对模型进行验证。


7. 模型应用:最后,我们可以将建立好的cmem模型应用于实际问题求解中。








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NCHRP PROJECT 25-11 VEHICLE EMISSIONS DATABASEINTRODUCTIONAn extensive vehicle emissions testing program was conducted from April 1996 to September 1998 at the College of Engineering-Center for Environmental Research and Technology (CE-CERT) at the University of California Riverside. This program was carried out as part of a four-year project sponsored by the National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP, Project 25-11) to create and verify a comprehensive modal emission model. Details of the overall project can be found in the CMEM User’s Guide and (forthcoming) NCHRP Project 25-11 Final Report.In the first phase of the vehicle-testing program, a total of 327 vehicle tests were performed over 18 months. Of the 327 vehicle tests, 315 of the data sets are considered valid and are includedon this CD. In the fourth phase of the test program an additional 31 vehicles were tested and are included in this database (test numbers 400 and above). Vehicles were typically tested over three test cycles: the 3-bag FTP (Federal Test Procedure), the US06 cycle (Bag 4 of the Supplemental FTP), and an in-house designed modal emission cycle, MEC. The FTP cycle is part of the standard certification test procedure and provides baseline information about a vehicle’s emissions which can be used as a reference when comparing with existing vehicle tests. The FTP test data also provides cold and warm start information. The high speed US06 test cycle targets “off-cycle”, non-FTP operation that is more characteristic of modern driving patterns. The modal emission cycle (MEC) was specially designed and included to provide emission data that canmore easily be matched to specific driving modes: various steady-state cruise speeds, accelerations, decelerations, and idle.Vehicle testing was performed by CE-CERT’s Vehicle Emission Research Laboratory (VERL) and were processed and recorded by CE-CERT’s Transportation Systems Research (TSR) group. Vehicle test data sets are referred to by their TSR assigned test number. The raw emission data were post-processed and validated. The raw emission data from VERL were received as concentration values and subsequently converted from gas concentrations in parts-per-million (ppm) to a mass emission rate in grams per second. This was done using algorithms for the dynamometer and gas analyzers which must account for parameters such as emission densities, exhaust flow rates, and differences in dry and wet gas measurements. The equations and procedure used to account for such factors are given in Appendix B of the NCHRP Project 25-11 Final Report. For both post-processing procedures, the post-processed modal data were appended to a log file which also includes the vehicle name, cumulative modal emission rates in grams per mile for CO2, CO, HC, and NOx and comparable integrated emission results obtained by the bag analyses. The final step for all the test data is comparing the cumulative modal and integratedbag results as well as making visual checks to determine the need for any more post-processingof the data.An important part of the post-processing sequence is the time alignment of the emission data. This is a necessary step since there is a time delay inherent in each of the gas analyzer response times. Time aligning is done as part of the processing step by simply shifting the pollutant concentrations at each second an appropriate time step. The proper time shift is determined through several steps. An initial time shift for each pollutant is provided by VERL as part of the validation and calibration of the emission benches. The second step is to determine time shiftsfor each pollution pair via a cross correlation analysis of the second-by-second emission data. The calculated time shifts are then compared to those expected. Since time shifts may be off by less than the one-second increment at which data are collected, time shifts of plus and minus one second are also evaluated. The shifted second-by-second results are integrated and compared with measured bag results for the various pollutants. The time shift with which the integrated second-by-second results agree most closely is compared with the expected time shifts. Since the time shift is a function of the analyzer system only, it should be consistent across all tests and vehicles. This procedure ensures the accuracy of the time alignment and helps detect any differences in the modal and bag emission values.Valid vehicle parameter data were collected on 67 vehicles using a Scan Gra-Fix TM datalogging tool connected to the vehicle ECU (engine control unit) during testing. Data were collected forall vehicles supported by the tool when used with a 1994 and later Domestic Combination Primary cartridge, a 1993 GM Primary cartridge, or a 1992 and later Asian Import Primary cartridge. With this it was possible to directly obtained measurements of vehicle parameters such as engine speed, throttle position, etc. The vehicle data variables change from model-to-model and year-to-year so the variables included in the files are not standardized.CONTENTS ON CD:Below is a list of files contained on this CD and brief description of each.DATA README.doc - This README.doc file.project_vehicle_summary.xls - this is a quick vehicle summary sheet in a Microsoft Excel (97) format which contains various vehicle and test information. The format of this file is described below.vehXXX.xls (example: veh052.xls) - This CD contains 345 vehicle test data sets in Microsoft Excel (97) workbook format. These data set workbooks include vehicle, test, emission summary, second-by-second emission data, and where available the second-by-second vehicle parameter data as separate “sheets” in the workbook. Each filename consists of “veh” followed by the TSR vehicle number and the recognized Excel extension “.xls”. The format of these files is described below.FILE FORMATSproject_vehicle_summary.xlsThis file is an 18-column Excel worksheet. The following is a description of each column: Column 1 (num) - The TSR assigned vehicle number. This is the number whichcorresponds to the individual vehicle test data files.Column 2 (Veh. Name) - An abbreviated vehicle name. This name usually consists ofvehicle make, vehicle model, and vehicle model year.Column 3 (MY) - This is the vehicle model year.Column 4 (date) - This is the testing date.Column 5 (test n1) - This is the VERL cross reference test number for the FTP test.Column 6 (test n2) - This is the VERL cross reference test number for the MEC test and the US06 test (if it exists).Column 7 (Cat) - This is the assigned vehicle category that is used in the developedcomprehensive modal emissions model (CMEM).Column 8 (FTP) - Refers to the FTP cycle. If “E” is present here than engine-out dataexists. If “T” is present here then tailpipe data exists.Column 9 (US06) - Refers to the US06 cycle. If “E” is present here than engine-out data exists. If “T” is present here then tailpipe data exists.Column 10 (MEC) - Refers to the MEC cycle. If “E” is present here than engine-out data exists. If “T” is present here then tailpipe data exists.Column 11 (AC) - Refers to the air-conditioning data. If “E” is present here than engine-out data exists. If “T” is present here then tailpipe data exists.Column 12 (RPT) - Refers to repeat mode data. If “E” is present here than engine-outdata exists. If “T” is present here then tailpipe data exists.Column 13 (Mass) - This is the mass of the vehicle in pounds.Column 14 (Tier) - This is the Tier emission standard classification of the vehicle.Column 15 (Veh Type ) - This is the vehicle type, either car or truck.Column 16 (State) - This indicates whether the vehicle is certified for California emission standards or for 49-state emission standards.Column 17 (Odom) - This is the recorded odometer reading.vehXXX.xlsThis Microsoft Excel file is an Excel workbook containing as many as eight worksheets depending on the test data available. Each worksheet is described below.Vehicle Summary SheetThis 16 row worksheet contains various vehicle information. The following is a description of each row:Row 1 (Make) - Vehicle make.Row 2 (Model) - Vehicle model.Row 3 (Year) - Vehicle model year.Row 4 (Engine Size) - Engine size in liters.Row 5 (Number of Cylinders) - Number of cylinders.Row 6 (List Weight) - Listed vehicle weight in lbs.Row 7 (Odometer) - Odometer reading in miles.Row 8 (Rated Power) - Rated vehicle power in hp.Row 9 (Catalyst) - Catalyst type.Row 10 (Fuel System) - Fuel system type.Row 11 (VIN Code) - Vehicle Identification Number.Row 12 (License Number) - Vehicle license number.Row 13 (Vehicle Category) - CMEM vehicle categorization (1-23).Row 14 (Tier Type) - Vehicle tier emission standard level.Row 15 (Vehicle Type) - Vehicle type (eg. car,truck).Row 16 (State) - CA or 49-state certified vehicle.Test Summary Sheet for FTPThis 32 row worksheet contains information about FTP testing conditions. The following is a description of the rows:Row 1 (Test) - TSR test name.Row 2 (Date) - Date the vehicle test was performed.Row 3 (Time) - Time of day the vehicle test was performed.Row 4 (Cycle) - The cycle which was used for the vehicle test.Row 5 (Driver) - The driver during the vehicle test.Row 6 (Operator) - The test operator during the test.Row 7 (Dyno Inertia) - The vehicle weight in pounds which was used by the testcomputer for the vehicle test.Row 8 (Dyno AHP) - The vehicle power in horsepower (hp) which was used by the testcomputer for the vehicle test.Row 9 (A) - Tractive power coefficient A in hp/mph.Row 10 (B) - Tractive power coefficient B in hp/mph2.Row 11 (C) - Tractive power coefficient C in hp/mph3.Row 12 (bag1Temp) - The temperature in degrees Fahrenheit at the start of the first bagtest.Row 13 (bag2Temp) - The temperature in degrees Fahrenheit at the start of the secondbag test.Row 14 (bag3Temp) - The temperature in degrees Fahrenheit at the start of the third bagtest.Row 15 (bag1Pressure) - The pressure in inches of mercury at the start of the first bagtest.Row 16 (bag2Pressure) - The pressure in inches of mercury at the start of the second bag test.Row 17 (bag3Pressure) - The pressure in inches of mercury at the start of the third bagtest.Row 18 (bag1Humidity) - The humidity as a percent at the start of the first bag test.Row 19 (bag2Humidity) - The humidity as a percent at the start of the second bag test.Row 20 (bag3Humidity) - The humidity as a percent at the start of the third bag test.Row 21 (bag1bkHC) - The background HC concentration in ppm at the start of bag1.Row 22 (bag2bkHC) - The background HC concentration in ppm at the start of bag2.Row 23 (bag3bkHC) - The background HC concentration in ppm at the start of bag3.Row 24 (bag1bkCO) - The background CO concentration in ppm at the start of bag1.Row 25 (bag2bkCO) - The background CO concentration in ppm at the start of bag2.Row 26 (bag3bkCO) - The background CO concentration in ppm at the start of bag3.Row 27 (bag1bkNOx) - The background NOx concentration in ppm at the start of bag1.Row 28 (bag2bkNOx) - The background NOx concentration in ppm at the start of bag2.Row 29 (bag3bkNOx) - The background NOx concentration in ppm at the start of bag3.Row 30 (bag1bkCO2) - The background CO2 concentration in percent volume at the start of bag1.Row 31 (bag2bkCO2) - The background CO2 concentration in percent volume at the start of bag2.Row 32 (bag3bkCO2) - The background CO2 concentration in percent volume at the start of bag3.Test Summary Sheet for MECThis 18 row worksheet contains information about MEC testing conditions. The following is a description of the rows:Row 1 (Test) - TSR test name.Row 2 (Date) - Date the vehicle test was performed.Row 3 (Time) - Time of day the vehicle test was performed.Row 4 (Cycle) - The cycle which was used for the vehicle test.Row 5 (Driver) - The driver during the vehicle test.Row 6 (Operator) - The test operator during the test.Row 7 (Dyno Inertia) - The vehicle weight in pounds which was used by the testcomputer for the vehicle test.Row 8 (Dyno AHP) - The vehicle power in hp which was used by the test computer forthe vehicle test.Row 9 (A) - Tractive power coefficient A in hp/mph.Row 10 (B) - Tractive power coefficient B in hp/ mph2.Row 11 (C) - Tractive power coefficient C in hp/ mph3.Row 12 (Temp) - The temperature in degrees F at the start of the MEC test.Row 13 (Pressure) - The pressure in inches of mercury at the start of the MEC test.Row 14 (Humidity) - The humidity as a percent at the start of the MEC test.Row 15 (bkHC) - The background HC concentration in ppm at the start of the MEC test.Row 16 (bkCO) - The background CO concentration in ppm at the start of the MEC test.Row 17 (bkNOx) - The background NOx concentration in ppm at the start of the MECtest.Row 18 (bkCO2) - The background CO2 concentration in percent volume at the start of the MEC test.Test Summary Sheet for US06This 18 row worksheet contains information about US06 testing conditions. The following is a description of the rows:Row 1 (Test) - TSR test name.Row 2 (Date) - Date the vehicle test was performed.Row 3 (Time) - Time of day the vehicle test was performed.Row 4 (Cycle) - The cycle which was used for the vehicle test.Row 5 (Driver) - The driver during the vehicle test.Row 6 (Operator) - The test operator during the test.Row 7 (Dyno Inertia) - The vehicle weight in pounds which was used by the testcomputer for the vehicle test.Row 8 (Dyno AHP) - The vehicle power in horsepower which was used by the testcomputer for the vehicle test.Row 9 (A) - Tractive power coefficient A in hp/mph.Row 10 (B) - Tractive power coefficient B in hp/ mph2.Row 11 (C) - Tractive power coefficient C in hp/ mph3.Row 12 (Temp) - The temperature in degrees F at the start of the US06 test.Row 13 (Pressure) - The pressure in inches of mercury at the start of the US06 test.Row 14 (Humidity) - The humidity as a percent at the start of the US06 test.Row 15 (bkHC) - The background HC concentration in ppm at the start of the US06 test.Row 16 (bkCO) - The background CO concentration in ppm at the start of the US06 test.Row 17 (bkNOx) - The background NOx concentration in ppm at the start of the US06test.Row 18 (bkCO2) - The background CO2 concentration in percent volume at the start of the US06 test.Emission Summary TableThis worksheet contains summary information for the second-by-second emission files and is split up into as many as four sections. The number of sections will depend on which cycles are included in the vehicle test data set. The sections in order are the FTP, MEC, US06, and a comment section. The following is a description of the sections:FTP section - The first two fields of this section are data length in seconds and distance traveled in miles. These two fields refer to information about the entire FTP data set. The fields following refer to bag 1, bag 2, bag 3 and composite bag data as labeled. Data in these fields includes average speed in mph, the engine out emissions CO2, CO, HC and NOx, and the tailpipe out emissions CO2, CO, HC and NOx in grams per mile. Composite bag data is calculated base on the percentages 0.207 for bag 1, 0.518 for bag 2, and 0.275 for bag 3. MEC section - The first two fields of this section are data length in seconds and distance traveled in miles. These two fields refer to information about the entire MEC data set.The fields following refer to averages for seconds 1-400 and 1-900 of the MEC cycle. Data in these fields includes average speed in mph, the engine out emissions CO2, CO, HC and NOx, and the tailpipe out emissions CO2, CO, HC and NOx in grams per mile.US06 section - All fields in this section refer to the entire data set. The first two fields are data length in seconds and distance traveled in miles. The following fields are average speed in mph, the engine-out emissions CO2, CO, HC and NOx, and the tailpipe out emissions CO2, CO, HC and NOx in grams per mile.Comment section - This section contains any comments about the test vehicle, testing conditions, or test data.Second-by-Second Data for FTPThis is an 11-column worksheet which contains second by second test data for the FTP. The following is a description of the columns:Row 1 (Time) - Time in increments of one second.Row 2 (V_TARGET) - Target velocity in mph which the test vehicle was trying toachieve.Row 3 (V_ACTUAL) - Actual velocity in mph which the test vehicle did achieve.Row 4 (ECO2) - Engine out CO2 in grams.Row 5 (ECO) - Engine out CO in grams.Row 6 (EHC) - Engine out HC in grams.Row 7 (ENOx) - Engine out NOx in grams.Row 8 (TCO2) - Tailpipe out CO2 in grams.Row 9 (TCO) - Tailpipe out CO in grams.Row 10 (THC) - Tailpipe out HC in grams.Row 11 (TNOx) - Tailpipe out NOx in grams.Second-by-Second Data for US06This is an 11-column worksheet which contains second by second test data for the US06.The following is a description of the columns:Row 1 (Time) - Time in increments of one second.Row 2 (V_TARGET) - Target velocity in mph which the test vehicle was trying toachieve.Row 3 (V_ACTUAL) - Actual velocity in mph which the test vehicle did achieve.Row 4 (ECO2) - Engine out CO2 in grams.Row 5 (ECO) - Engine out CO in grams.Row 6 (EHC) - Engine out HC in grams.Row 7 (ENOx) - Engine out NOx in grams.Row 8 (TCO2) - Tailpipe out CO2 in grams.Row 9 (TCO) - Tailpipe out CO in grams.Row 10 (THC) - Tailpipe out HC in grams.Row 11 (TNOx) - Tailpipe out NOx in grams.Second-by-Second Data for MECThis is an 11 column worksheet which contains second by second test data for the MEC. The following is a description of the columns:Row 1 (Time) - Time in increments of one second.Row 2 (V_TARGET) - Target velocity in mph which the test vehicle was trying toachieve.Row 3 (V_ACTUAL) - Actual velocity in mph which the test vehicle did achieve.Row 4 (ECO2) - Engine out CO2 in grams.Row 5 (ECO) - Engine out CO in grams.Row 6 (EHC) - Engine out HC in grams.Row 7 (ENOx) - Engine out NOx in grams.Row 8 (TCO2) - Tailpipe out CO2 in grams.Row 9 (TCO) - Tailpipe out CO in grams.Row 10 (THC) - Tailpipe out HC in grams.Row 11 (TNOx) - Tailpipe out NOx in grams.Second-by-Second Vehicle Parameter Data for FTPThis is a worksheet which contains second by second vehicle parameter data for the FTP cycle. The engine data collected varies from vehicle to vehicle, depending on make and model year. As an example, the following is a description of the columns for a 1992 Ford Taurus.Row 1 (TIME) - Time mark.Row 2 (RPM) - Engine speed in revolutions per minute.Row 3 (O2S1_mV) - Oxygen sensor 1 voltage in milliVolts.Row 4 (O2S2_mV) - Oxygen sensor 2 voltage in milliVolts.Row 5 (TP_TPS_V) - Throttle position.Row 6 (TP_MODE) - Throttle position mode.Row 7 (ECT_V) - Emission control temperature.Row 8 (ECT_F) - Emission control temperature in degrees F.Row 9 (IAT_ACT_V) - Idle air temperature.Row 10 (MAF) - Mass air flow.Row 11 (EPC_PSI) - Evaporative pressure control in pounds per square inch.Row 12 (INJ_PW1_mS) - Injector pulse width 1.Row 13 (INJ_PW2_mS) - Injector pulse width 2.Row 14 (VPWR) - Vehicle power.Row 15 (VREF_V) - Vehicle reference voltage.Row 16 (SPARK_ADV) - Spark Advance in degrees.Row 17 (WAC_WOT_A/C) - Wide open throttle air conditioning either on or off.Row 18 (FP_FUEL_PUMP) - Fuel pump either on or off.Row 19 (CANP_PURGE) - Canister purge either on or off.Row 20 (VEH_SPEED_MPH) - Vehicle speed in miles per hour.Row 21 (PARK/NEU_POS) - Park neutral position.Row 22 (TR_GEAR) - Gear.Row 23 (BOO_BRAKE_SW) - Brake signal.Row 24 (OPEN/CLSD_LOOP) - Open loop.Row 25 (LFC_LOW_FAN) - Low fan either on or off.Row 26 (HFC_HIGH_FAN) - High fan either on or off.Row 27 (ACCS_A_C) - Air conditioning either on or off.Row 28 (OCTANE_ADJ) - Octane adjustment either on or off.Second-by-Second Vehicle Parameter Data for MECThis is a worksheet which contains second by second vehicle parameter data for the MEC cycle. The engine data collected varies from vehicle to vehicle, depending on make and model year. Second-by-Second Vehicle Parameter Data for US06This is a worksheet which contains second by second vehicle parameter data for the US06 cycle. The engine data collected varies from vehicle to vehicle, depending on make and model year. For comments or questions regarding this database, please email: cmem@.。
