
沧州市智慧城市⼤数据中⼼-需求规格说明书(终稿)沧州市智慧城市建设办公室城市⼤数据中⼼建设项⽬需求规格说明书项⽬代码:版本管理⽬录第⼀章综述 (7)1.1阅读前的注意事项 (7)1.2术语定义 (7)1.2.1J2EE体系架构 (7)1.2.2SOA服务架构 (7)1.2.3ETL (7)1.2.4ESB (7)1.2.5RBAC模型 (7)1.2.6ACL机制 (8)1.2.7HDFS (8)1.3参考资料及条例规定 (8)1.4附加说明 (8)第⼆章项⽬概要 (9)2.1项⽬背景及⽬标 (9)2.1.1建设背景 (9)2.1.2建设⽬标 (9)2.2使⽤该系统的⽤户⾓⾊ (10)第三章信息库需求 (12)3.1空间地理库 (12)3.1.1数据需求 (12)3.1.2功能需求 (17)3.2⼈⼝综合信息库 (18)3.2.1功能需求 (18)3.2.2数据需求 (18)3.3法⼈综合信息库 (19)3.3.2数据需求 (19)3.4宏观经济库 (19)3.4.1功能需求 (19)3.4.2接⼝需求 (20)3.5视频联⽹及视频专题库 (22) 3.5.1功能需求 (22)3.5.2接⼝需求 (23)3.6城市部件专题库 (24)3.6.1功能需求 (24)3.7房屋专题库 (26)3.7.1功能需求 (26)3.8信⽤专题库对接 (27)3.8.1功能需求 (27)3.8.2接⼝需求 (29)3.9电⼦证照库对接 (29)3.9.1功能需求 (29)3.9.2接⼝需求 (31)第四章应⽤系统需求 (32)4.1信息资源⽬录系统 (32) 4.1.1⽬录注册 (32)4.1.2⽬录导航 (33)4.1.3维护管理 (34)4.2沧州政务信息共享门户 (36) 4.2.1数据订阅 (36)4.2.2订阅审核 (36)4.2.3数据获取 (37)4.3数据交换共享平台 (39) 4.3.2关系型数据库交换 (40) 4.3.3⽂件交换 (41)4.3.4接⼝类型数据交换 (41) 4.3.5数据上报功能 (41)4.3.6业务系统接⼝重构 (43) 4.3.7交换监控 (43)4.3.8信息资源订阅交换⽀持 (45) 4.4数据开放平台 (45)4.4.1开放数据 (45)4.4.2云接⼝ (46)4.4.3云服务 (47)4.4.4开放需求 (48)4.4.5⽤户中⼼ (49)4.5数据管理平台 (50)4.5.1前置机管理功能 (50)4.5.2数据系统管理 (52)4.5.3元数据管理 (54)4.5.4数据关系地图 (56)4.5.5数据处理 (57)4.5.6租户管理 (58)4.5.7⽤户管理 (59)4.5.8部门管理 (61)4.5.9⾓⾊管理 (62)4.5.10服务器管理 (63)4.5.11应⽤服务管理 (64)4.5.12运⾏环境监控 (65)4.6数据应⽤平台 (66)4.6.2资源管理 (75)4.6.3资源图谱 (76)4.6.4⽬录活化系统 (77)4.6.5运营管理 (79)4.6.6运维管理 (81)4.6.7通⽤服务 (82)4.7数据可视化系统 (84)4.7.1功能需求名称 (84)4.8⼤数据决策⽀持系统 (87) 4.8.1经济运⾏监测预警 (87) 4.8.2⼤数据管税 (100)4.8.3精准招商 (107)4.8.4精准扶贫 (114)4.8.5多规合⼀ (120)4.8.6低保核查 (122)4.8.7⼩升初 (126)4.8.8对接电⼦车标库 (128)第五章系统⾮功能需求 (132)5.1基础软硬件平台需求 (132)5.2标准体系建设需求 (132)5.2.1数据标准 (132)5.2.2应⽤开发标准 (132)5.2.3应⽤⽀撑标准 (133)5.2.4安全标准 (133)5.2.5管理标准 (133)5.2.6服务体系标准 (133)5.3关键技术需求 (133)5.5其他需求 (134)第六章签字确认 (136)第⼀章综述1.1 阅读前的注意事项本⽂件涉及具体的业务知识和少量的技术知识,需要掌握相应的业务和技术知识才能正确完全地理解本⽂。

创新创业大数据平台项目 需求规格说明书贵州航天云网科技有限公司修订记录版本号修订人修订日期修订内容签批目录1 .项目背景 (4)2 建设解决方案 (4)2.1 大数据支撑体系建设 (4)2.1.1 大数据支撑平台 (5) 基础设施支撑平台IaaS (5) 大数据分析处理平台PaaS (6) 大数据典型示范应用层SaaS (6) 标准和先进的平台 (6) 互联网舆情信息模块 (7)2.1.2 数据管理子系统 (9) 元数据服务系统 (9) 数据目录和接口标准管理系统 (9) 数据挖掘和分析系统 (10) 数据信息管理系统 (11) 数据日志系统 (12) 数据审计系统 (12) 数据使用权标记系统 (12)2.1.3 创新创业管理子系统 (13) 创新创业应用管理系统 (13) 开放数据API管理系统 (13)2.1.4 数据统一展示门户子系统 (13) 数据统一展示门户 (13) 数据共享交换系统 (15) 数据访问规则系统 (16)2.1.5 用户及权限管理子系统 (16) 用户信息管理系统 (16) 授权管理系统 (17) 身份认证与访问控制系统 (18)2.2 大数据平台运营维护服务 (18)2.2.1 平台内部资源的监控管理 (18)2.2.2 平台故障处理管理 (20)2.2.3 日常平台管理任务自动化 (20)2.2.4 故障处理自动化 (21)1.项目背景大数据正在改变信息社会,我们正从IT时代走向DT时代。

1.3定义1.4参考文献司法部关于报送《全国监狱信息化建设规划》(司法函[2007]111号)司法部关于印发《全国监狱信息化建设规划》的通知(司法通[2008]124号)《全国监狱信息化工程(一期)项目建设建议书》关于印发《全国监狱信息化应用软件开发建设任务分工意见》的通知([2010]司狱字277号)《国家发展改革委关于全国监狱信息化一期工程项目建议书的批复》(发改高技[2010]1389号)GB 8566 计算机软件开发规范GB 8567 计算机软件产品开发文件编制指南GB/T 12505 计算机软件配置管理计划规范国家计算机软件工程规范ISO9003国际标准首都信息化标准体系2项目概述2.1目标《国科政信数据交换平台》是一个以解决电子政务实施过程中对于基于异构数据平台上的数据无法进行有效交流和沟通的问题的一个通用的、分布式的数据集成平台。
尚硅谷大数据技术之 Hadoop(生产调优手册)说明书

尚硅谷大数据技术之Hadoop(生产调优手册)(作者:尚硅谷大数据研发部)版本:V3.3第1章HDFS—核心参数1.1 NameNode内存生产配置1)NameNode内存计算每个文件块大概占用150byte,一台服务器128G内存为例,能存储多少文件块呢?128 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 / 150Byte ≈9.1亿G MB KB Byte2)Hadoop2.x系列,配置NameNode内存NameNode内存默认2000m,如果服务器内存4G,NameNode内存可以配置3g。
HADOOP_NAMENODE_OPTS=-Xmx3072m3)Hadoop3.x系列,配置NameNode内存(1)hadoop-env.sh中描述Hadoop的内存是动态分配的# The maximum amount of heap to use (Java -Xmx). If no unit # is provided, it will be converted to MB. Daemons will# prefer any Xmx setting in their respective _OPT variable.# There is no default; the JVM will autoscale based upon machine # memory size.# export HADOOP_HEAPSIZE_MAX=# The minimum amount of heap to use (Java -Xms). If no unit # is provided, it will be converted to MB. Daemons will# prefer any Xms setting in their respective _OPT variable.# There is no default; the JVM will autoscale based upon machine # memory size.# export HADOOP_HEAPSIZE_MIN=HADOOP_NAMENODE_OPTS=-Xmx102400m(2)查看NameNode占用内存[atguigu@hadoop102 ~]$ jps3088 NodeManager2611 NameNode3271 JobHistoryServer2744 DataNode3579 Jps[atguigu@hadoop102 ~]$ jmap -heap 2611Heap Configuration:MaxHeapSize = 1031798784 (984.0MB)(3)查看DataNode占用内存[atguigu@hadoop102 ~]$ jmap -heap 2744Heap Configuration:MaxHeapSize = 1031798784 (984.0MB)查看发现hadoop102上的NameNode和DataNode占用内存都是自动分配的,且相等。

xx公司大数据平台需求规格说明书文档修订摘要目录1.需求概述 (1)1.1.建设背景 (1)1.2.系统目标定位 (1)1.3.系统建设原则 (2)1.4.业务框架 (2)2.系统概述 (3)2.1.系统功能框架 (3)2.2.系统技术架构 (4)2.3.两阶段的建设考虑 (5)3.业务需求 (6)3.1.标签体系 (6)3.1.1.标签构建 (6)3.1.2.标签使用 (6)3.2.IMCD智慧营销 (6)3.2.1.界面使用 (6)3.2.2.复杂事件营销 (6)3.2.3.实时营销 (6)3.3.流量价值提升 (7)3.3.1.流量价值提升影响因素分析 (7)3.3.2.恶意刷机用户分析 (7)3.3.3.终端信息自动运维 (7)3.4.客服专区 (7)3.4.1.客服KPI监控 (7)3.4.2.客服流程分析 (7)3.4.3.投诉分类、热点分析 (7)3.4.4.投诉舆情分析 (7)3.4.5.区域投诉分析 (7)3.5.网络智能分析 (7)3.5.1.行业APN业务保障智能分析与监控 (7)3.5.2.小区网络监控、分析 (7)3.5.3.PCC管控策略分析与监控 (7)3.6.星级专区 (7)3.7.融合专区 (7)3.8.4G专区优化 (7)3.9.集团专区 (8)4.一线支撑需求 (8)4.1.自助分析优化 (8)4.2.一线支撑APP (8)4.3.增值业务支撑APP (8)5.基础功能需求 (8)5.1.数据源采集与解析 (8)5.1.1.数据源扩展 (8)5.1.2.信息增强 (8)5.2.数据处理与交换 (8)5.2.1.数据融合 (8)5.2.2.跨平台数据处理 (8)5.2.3.跨平台统一调度 (9)5.2.4.数据处理监控 (9)5.3.数据融合 (9)5.4.IMCD智慧营销 (9)5.4.1.策略管理 (9)5.4.2.事件管理 (9)5.4.3.个性化推荐 (9)5.4.4.触点渠道管理 (9)5.5.投诉智能处理 (9)5.5.1.投诉文本分词、关键词处理 (9)5.5.2.投诉文本挖掘 (9)5.5.3.投诉文本营销商机挖掘 (9)5.6.服务开放 (9)5.6.1.服务开放平台 (9)5.6.2.自媒体广告平台 (9)5.7.综合管控 (9)5.7.1.数据资产管理优化 (9)5.7.2.平台多租户管理 (10)6.附录 (10)6.1.二级目录 (10)6.1.1.三级目录 (10)四级目录 (10)五级目录 (10)1.需求概述1.1.建设背景利用大数据能力实现的精细化、智能化、个性化的市场营销与服务,以及与之配套的数据分析驱动的方案策划、营销执行、渠道协同、接触管理、过程优化、效果评估等功能。


联通大数据公司政务大数据产品手册2018年7月目录1产品基本信息 (3)1.1产品名称 (3)1.2产品定义 (3)1.3产品功能 (3)1.3.1政务基础支撑平台 (3)1.3.2工商大数据 (6)1.3.3信用大数据 (11)1.3.4社会治理大数据 (14)1.3.5人口大数据 (17)1.3.6宏观经济大数据 (20)1.4类别属性 (21)2产品聚焦客户 (22)2.1政务基础支撑平台 (22)2.2工商大数据 (22)2.3信用大数据 (22)2.4社会治理大数据 (22)2.5人口大数据 (23)2.6宏观经济大数据 (23)3产品运营流程 (24)3.1售前流程 (24)3.2售中流程 (25)3.3售后流程 (26)4产品应用案例 (26)4.1国家统计局人口统计项目 .................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
14.2北京市统计局区域洞察动态监测项目 ................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
4.3北京市西城区区域洞察应用项目 ........................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
4.4武汉市公安局区域交通-主干道人流预警项目 ................................... 错误!未定义书签。
4.5成都市政务信息资源目录体系建设项目 (26)4.6崇州市共享交换平台 ............................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
4.7安徽大数据交易平台建设项目 (27)4.8北京市西长安街道数字红墙项目 ........................................................ 错误!未定义书签。

ICS 35.020L 70团体标准T/GSIA 002—2022大数据产品评估规范Big Data Product Evaluation Specification2022-02-25发布2022-02-26实施全国团体标准信息平台目 次目 次 (I)前 言..............................................................................................................................................................................II 1范围....................................................................................................................................................................................12规范性引用文件................................................................................................................................................................13术语和定义 (1)4评估内容要求 (2)5组织实施............................................................................................................................................................................36管理与监督........................................................................................................................................................................5附录A (规范性)大数据产品评估申请表............................................................................................................6附录B(规范性)初审不合格通知书 (9)全国团体标准信息平台前 言本文件按照GB/T 1.1-2020《标准化工作导则第1部分:标准化文件的结构和起草规则》的规定起草。
AmigoCloud 大数据平台与相关服务商品介绍说明书

AmigoCloud delivers a big data platform and associated services that enable organizations to collect geographic information system (GIS) data in the field, upload theinformation securely to the cloud, and analyze it along with other proprietary and publiclyavailable datasets to solve highly complex geospatial problems. Founded by a team ofGIS experts in 2013, AmigoCloud is headquartered in San Francisco and has a branchoffice in Lima, Peru.AmigoCloud’s client list is diverse, and includes investment firms wanting to identifythe real estate properties most likely to be profitable, utilities needing to streamlineservices to customers, and transportation departments that must track everything frompotholes to street signs. The company serves several U.S. government agencies as well,which impose highly specific security requirements and demand frequent compliancecertifications.“In general, GIS data is not very sensitive, as things like road networks and streetsigns are not private information,” explains Daniel Caldwell, director of engineering forAmigoCloud. “But that changes significantly when we do work related to the nationalelectrical grid. And it changes in a big way when it comes to intelligence activities.”Cloud-first from Day OneAmigoCloud has utilized a cloud-based architecture from the beginning, in an effort todeliver the flexibility, scalability, and total cost of ownership (TCO) required to profitablydeliver its wide range of services. “Our customers’ needs are very diverse, so we requirean agile and flexible infrastructure to deliver to their specifications,” says Caldwell.“We use our in-house data center for testing and some production projects, but mostof our data analysis work takes place in the cloud,” Caldwell continues. “We started byleveraging public clouds, ultimately settling on Amazon Web Services (AWS)—and itsGovCloud offering for government customers. But because of customer requirements,we now also have a private cloud infrastructure that we built five years ago, and much ofour newer work is being housed there.”CASE STUDY“FortiGate gives us transparent visibility across our entire hybrid architecture, both the on-premises data center and the AWS cloud.”– Daniel Caldwell, Director of Engineering, AmigoCloud Building Security and High Availability for Complex, Cloud-based Geospatial AnalysisDetails Customer: AmigoCloud Industry: TechnologyLocation: San Francisco, California,USA Deployment n n FortiGate n n FortiSwitch n n FortiGate Unified Threat Management Bundle n n 24×7 FortiCare SupportStruggling with Piecemeal SecurityWhen AmigoCloud built out its initial solution offerings, Caldwell elected to use an open-source firewall and router to protect the data center. But a few years in, their experience with that solution was less than positive. For one thing, because of consumer-grade components in place at the time, they could only use one of the data center’s two connections, essentially cutting throughput in half.In addition, the system had inadequate failover capabilities, which compromised availability and reliability and made it difficult to perform even scheduled maintenance. “Installing an infrastructure upgrade could bring down the whole system,” says Caldwell. “It got to be an unacceptable level of risk.”The open-source firewall also posed problems for troubleshooting. “The worst part was the lack of visibility,” Caldwell says. “When an application began to have poor response times, my team might have a sense of where the problem was located, but they couldn’t pin it down. The tools were inadequate. As a result, it was impossible to know what was truly happening in our network.”Meeting Strict Security Requirements for U.S. AgenciesAn opportunity to address these problems began a year ago, when a U.S. agency asked for proposals to build a geospatial analysis platform for highly sensitive intelligence projects. AmigoCloud would not host this analysis at all; the customer wanted to do all the data analysis on-premises using dedicated hardware, with limited and secure connectivity even within its own data center.After a rigorous procurement process, the agency awarded the contract to AmigoCloud, which included providing the dedicated hardware infrastructure and an instance of AmigoPlatform. The latter can analyze datasets up to petabyte scale and display the results in a customizable graphical format.Above all, the agency needed to avoid interruptions to its critical intelligence workflows. “High availability was a crucial requirement for both the hardware and the software,” says Caldwell. “If an outage lasts longer than 48 hours, the agency can impose a big fine on AmigoCloud, which would be a highly embarrassing incident for both parties.” Becauseof the sensitive nature of the data, the AmigoCloud network had to be physically separate from other networks in the agency.Turning to a Trusted Advisor“Regarding security, our first big decision was, ‘Should we do it ourselves using theopen-source firewall or outsource the project to a cybersecurity vendor?’” Caldwell says. “Given our experience, we were not confident that our incumbent firewall could do the job.” AmigoCloud had an existing relationship with Fortinet, so Caldwell and his team approached that company to jointly design security into the dedicated hardware platform from the ground up.AmigoCloud opted for two FortiGate next-generation firewalls (NGFWs) configured in high-availability (HA) mode. “We chose FortiGate in part because of its ability to provide visibility and management control across a container-based environment,” says Caldwell. “It also met our client’s requirements for high availability.”The company chose the FortiGate Unified Threat Protection (UTM) bundle to extendprotection to web- and email-based attacks. The architecture also includes twoFortiSwitch secure access switches that are cross-connected to the servers forredundancy.AmigoPlatform is a cloud-native application based on containers with Kubernetesorchestration. In case of a component failure, the Kubernetes cluster reallocateshardware resources to ensure continued service availability. FortiGate NGFWs arecontainer-aware, automatically updating dynamic addresses for Kubernetes andproviding a high level of visibility and control across the end-to-end environment.Deployment with No Outside ResourcesThe agency’s tight security imposed significant constraints on the installation team.“Once you go inside the facility, you are not allowed to communicate with the outsideworld: no phone calls, no texts, no emails, no Google searches,” explains MarcoFlores, professional services tech lead for AmigoCloud. “Therefore, we decided toprototype the complete setup in our lab, perform extensive testing to ensure properoperation, then document the process on paper so we could do it again at thecustomer’s location.”Local engineers from the Fortinet team were called in to help with the prototypingphase. The Fortinet engineers worked side by side with AmigoCloud to set up theequipment, configure the Kubernetes clustering and the FortiGate HA mode, test failover times and other requirements, and—most importantly—carefully and thoroughly document every aspect of the installation. “With the help of the Fortinet team, we created a detailed notebook that showed every physical connection, every configuration setting, every part number—everything,” Flores says. “Our meticulous preparation paid off, because the installation went without a hitch.”Supporting the Agency’s MissionAfter 24 months of production operations, the AmigoCloud system is doing its job for the intelligence agency. “Everything has been working great,” says Caldwell. “The FortiGate devices are handling a lot of traffic without any problems.”The agency is particularly pleased with the ease of security management made possible by the tight integration of the FortiGate and FortiSwitch devices. “The agency’s security team can manage port-level security and policy enforcement from the FortiGate GUI,” Caldwell says. “There is no need to go directly to the switch. They don’t have to worry about separate switch and firewall layers or failing to completely account for east-west traffic.”The AmigoCloud team relies on FortiCare 24×7 technical support to meet the agency’s service-level agreement (SLA) for remediating outages. “The response times that we get from Fortinet are phenomenal—not like other vendors that make you wait 48 hours to get a real response,” says Caldwell.Upgrading the Hybrid CloudThe agency deployment worked so well that AmigoCloud has decided to rearchitect its hybrid cloud environment using Fortinet products and services. Caldwell’s team has developed a set of requirements for the upgrade based on what they learned during the agency deployment. “For one thing, we want the same level of high availability that the agency has achieved with the Fortinet HA configuration,” says Caldwell.However, AmigoCloud has additional requirements for its hybrid cloud that go beyond those of the agency. To provide gigabit Ethernet connectivity between servers, Caldwell’s team plans to pair together its two connections to the company’s co-location facility to increase throughput.Scalability and flexibility are additional goals of the upgrade. “We want to avoid investing in hardware that we only need temporarily,” Caldwell notes. For example, AmigoCloud often runs TensorFlow model analyses, which are compute-heavy workflows that require a GPU. “It would cost us thousands of dollars to replicate the GPU capabilities that AWS provides on a pay-as-you-go basis,” he explains.Copyright © 2019 Fortinet, Inc. All rights reserved. Fortinet , FortiGate , FortiCare and FortiGuard , and certain other marks are registered trademarks of Fortinet, Inc., and other Fortinet names herein may also be registered and/or common law trademarks of Fortinet. All other product or company names may be trademarks of their respective owners. Performance and other metrics contained herein were attained in internal lab tests under ideal conditions, and actual performance and other results may vary. Network variables, different network environments and other conditions may affect performance results. Nothing herein represents any binding commitment by Fortinet, and Fortinet disclaims all warranties, whether express or implied, except to the extent Fortinet enters a binding written contract, signed by Fortinet’s General Counsel, with a purchaser that expressly warrants that the identified product will perform according to certain expressly-identified performance metrics and, in such event, only the specific performance metrics expressly identified in such binding written contract shall be binding on Fortinet. For absolute clarity, any such warranty will be limited to performance in the same ideal conditions as in Fortinet’s internal lab tests. Fortinet disclaims in full any covenants, representations, and guarantees pursuant hereto, whether express or implied. Fortinet reserves the right to change, modify, transfer, or otherwise revise this publication without notice, and the most current version of the publication shall be applicable. Fortinet disclaims in full any covenants, representations, and guarantees pursuant hereto, whether express or implied. Fortinet reserves the right to change, modify, transfer, or otherwise revise this publication without notice, and the most current version of the publication shall be September 27, 2019 2:03 PM Saving Time and Improving EfficiencyWhile the internal upgrade process is ongoing, AmigoCloud is reaping benefits from the Fortinet devices already installed. “FortiGate gives us transparent visibility across our entire hybrid architecture—the on-premises data center and private cloud as well as the AWS cloud,” say Caldwell. “Just getting the alerts right saves me three hours every week.”Thanks to the internal DNS capabilities of FortiGate, AmigoCloud has streamlined the process of delivering results to its customers via custom URLs—something that happens two or three times a month on average. “Our analyses drive critical decisions such as whether or not to buy a particular tract of land for mining operations,” Caldwell says. “With such a high-value product, we don’t want to give them a long, complicated link to see their results; instead, we set up a simplified URL using the customer’s own name.” In the past, Caldwell had to configure the switches manually, something that happened at least three times a month. “FortiGate saves me five hours every time we set up a dynamic DNS for our clients,” Caldwell observes.For the initial project with the U.S. government agency, the centralized visibility provided by the FortiGate NGFWs is a key benefit. “Being able to have full visibility and control over each Kubernetes container fulfills a key need for this customer,” Caldwell relates.Keeping Ahead of the CurveTo increase productivity and improve operational efficiency, AmigoCloud is actively working to automate manual processes across the board. Caldwell’s team is currently evaluating FortiAnalyzer to bolster the company’s ability to identify threats and automate log management.“We installed FortiAnalyzer to test out its capabilities,” Caldwell relates. “As soon as it was live, we could identify the sources of unusual or suspicious traffic. When we saw a large amount of traffic coming from Peru, where we have an engineering office, we knew this wasn’t an issue. But if we see traffic influxes from China, for example, then we know that we need to pay attention. We are impressed with the level of analysis we can do.”Caldwell expects AmigoCloud’s relationship with Fortinet to grow even more in the future. “The Fortinet team has been extremely helpful in our deployments so far, and the fact that everything is seamlessly integrated will make it easy to add protection,” Caldwell concludes.。

MODIS大数据说明书(经典)MCD45A1 Combined Tile500m MonthlyBurned AreaMOD09GATerraTile 500/1000mDailySurface Ref实lec用ta标nc准e 文案 Bands 1–7表面反射MYD09GA MOD09GQ MYD09GQ MOD09CMG MYD09CMG MOD09A1 MYD09A1 MOD09Q1 MYD09Q1 MOD13A1 Aqua Terra Aqua T erra Aqua Terra Aqua Terra Aqua TerraTile 500/1000mDailySurface Reflectance Bands 1–7Surface ReflectanceTile250mDailyBands 1–2Surface ReflectanceTile250mDailyBands 1–2CMG 5600m CMG 5600mDaily DailySurface Reflectance 陆地 2 级标准数据产品,内容为表面反射;空间分辨率 250mBands 1–7日数据。
Surface Reflectance Bands 1–7Surface ReflectanceTile500m8 DayBands 1–7Surface ReflectanceTile500m8 DayBands 1–7Surface ReflectanceTile250m8 DayBands 1–2Surface ReflectanceTile250m8 DayBands 1–2Vegetation IndicesTile500m 16 Day 植被指数MYD13A1 MOD13A2 MYD13A2 MOD13Q1 MYD13Q1 MOD13A3 MYD13A3 MOD13C1 MYD13C1 MOD13C2 MYD13C2 MOD44WAqua Terra Aqua Terra Aqua Terra Aqua Terra Aqua Terra AquaTerraTile Tile Tile Tile Tile Tile Tile CMG Tile CMG CMGTile500m 16 Day Vegetation Indices1000m 16 Day Vegetation Indices1000m 16 Day Vegetation Indices250m 250m 1000m16 Day 16 DayVegetation Indices陆地 3 级标准数据产品,内容为栅格的归一化植被指数和增强Vegetation Indices数( NDVI/EVI ),空间分辨率 250m 。

Agilent 34970A数据采集仪是一种精度为6位半的带通讯接口和程序控制的多功能数据采集装置,外形结构如图1、图2所示:其性能指标和功能如下:1.仪器支持热电偶、热电阻和热敏电阻的直接测量,具体包括如下类型:热电偶:B、E、J、K、N、R|T型,并可进展外部或固定参考温度冷端补偿。
kΩ、5 kΩ、10 kΩ型。
13.交流电压测量根本准确度:0.05+0.04(读数的℅+量程的℅)〔10Hz ~20kHz 时〕。
14. 交流电流测量根本准确度:0.1+0.04(读数的℅+量程的℅)〔10Hz ~5kHz 时〕。
FusionCube BigData Machine V100R001C00SPC200版本说明书

FusionCube BigData MachineV100R001C00SPC200 版本说明书FusionCube BigData MachineV100R001C00SPC200 版本说明书文档版本01发布日期2017-12-14版权所有 © 华为技术有限公司 2017。
华为技术有限公司地址:深圳市龙岗区坂田华为总部办公楼邮编:518129网址:客户服务邮箱:******************客户服务电话:4008302118前言概述本文档提供了FusionCube BigData Machine V100R001C00SPC200的版本发布说明。
修改记录说明书目录目录前言 (ii)1 DA200版本说明 (1)1.1 DA200 (1)1.2 DA200 (3)1.3 DA200 (4)2 SA200版本说明 (6)2.1 SA200 (6)2.2 SA200 (7)3 版本配套文档 (10)3.1 配套文档 (10)3.2 使用HedEx Lite获取文档包 (10)1 DA200版本说明1.1 DA200 DA200 DA200 DA200发布版本日期2017-12-07发布许可版本FusionCube BigData Machine V100R001C00SPC200软件版本配套表硬件配套表上次更新版本FusionCube BigData Machine V100R001C00SPC100新增特性l新增兼容Red Hat Enterprise Linux(RHEL) 7.3、CentOS 7.3、SUSE Linux Enterprise Server(SLES) 12.2。

大数据平台架构设计说明书大数据平台总体架构规格说明书V1.0版, 目录, 目录 ..................................................................... ...................................................... 2 I. 简介 ..................................................................... ............4 1. 目的 ..................................................................... (4)2. 词汇表 ..................................................................... .................................................................. 4 3. 引用 ..................................................................... (4)II. 整体介绍 ..................................................................... ........5 1. 系统环境 ..................................................................... .............................................................. 5 2. 软件介绍 ..................................................................... .............................................................. 5 3. 用途 ..................................................................... (6)4. 简介 ..................................................................... (6)5. 核心技术 ..................................................................... .............................................................. 7 , 大规模并行处理MPP .................................................................... ................................. 7 , 行列混合存储 ..................................................................... ............................................ 8 , 数据库内压缩 ..................................................................... ............................................ 8 , 内存计算 ..................................................................... ................................................... 9 6. MASTERNODE ................................................................... .............................................................. 9 7. DATA NODE ................................................................... ................................................................. 9 III.MASTERNODE ...................................................................10 1. 简介 ..................................................................... ....................................................................10 2. CONTROL 模块...................................................................... ........................................................10 3. SQL 模块...................................................................... .............................................................10 4. ACTIVE-PASSIVESOLUTION ............................................................... ................................................16 IV. DATANODE ................................................................... ........19 1. 简介 ..................................................................... ....................................................................19 2. 重要模块 ..................................................................... . (19)第 2 页共 31 页3. 数据存储 ..................................................................... .............................................................20 4. 数据导入 ..................................................................... .............................................................21 V. 分布式机制 ..................................................................... .....23 1. 概括 ..................................................................... ....................................................................23 2. 数据备份和同步 ..................................................................... ...................................................24 3. 时间同步机制 ..................................................................... (27)LEASE机制查询过程备忘 ..................................................................... ............................27 4. 分布式VI. 内存管理机制 ..................................................................... ...29 VII. V3.0版的初步设计思路 (30)第 3 页共 31 页I. 简介1. 目的本文详细描述了DreamData数据库系统。
瑞智大数据系统 使用说明书

瑞智大数据系统 使用说明书v3.22019年09月瑞智大数据系统功能介绍目录一、平台运行环境要求 (1)1.浏览器版本 (1)二、平台登陆及退出 (1)1.平台登陆网址 (1)2.平台登陆 (1)3.平台登陆密码修改 (3)4.平台退出 (4)三、平台功能操作 (4)1.主题监测 (4)2.添加自定义主题 (8)3.逻辑运算符使用规则 (12)4.重点监测 (13)5.搜索 (15)6.事件分析 (18)7.如何打印H5报告 (22)8.多人协作编辑 (23)9.转载分析 (24)10.人工预警 (25)11.自动预警 (27)12.关闭预警声音提示的方法 (30)13.报告 (31)14.舆情报告 (35)15.图片素材/视频素材 (36)16.H5报告内容编辑 (37)17.附:谷歌浏览器下载地址 (38)一、平台运行环境要求1.浏览器版本²谷歌浏览器6.2及以上版本。
²Firefox 7.0及以上版本。
FortiAnalyzer Big Data 大数据网络分析器说明书

1FortiAnalyzer Big DataFortiAnalyzer Big Data delivers high-performance big data network analytics for large and complex networks. It is designed for large-scale data center and high-bandwidth deployments, offering the most advanced cyber threat protection byemploying hyperscale data ingestion and accelerated parallel data processing. Together with its new distributed software and hardware architecture and Fortinet’s high performance next generation firewalls, this powerful 4RU chassis offers blazing fast performance, enterprise-grade data resiliency, built-in horizontal scalability, and consolidated appliance management.DATA SHEETBig Data Analytics Scalable Performance Built-in High AvailabilityHigh Performance§Totally redesigned and optimized architecture, employing the newest Big Data Kafka/ Hadoop/ Spark technologies §Massive Parallel event streaming and data processing for high-speed ingestion, data storage, and search capabilities §The highest performing FortiAnalyzer appliance:300 000 logs/sec out-of-box, horizontally scalable to petabytes of storage Unified Appliance Management§Enterprise-grade Big Data Appliance with consolidated hardware and software monitoring through the Cluster Manager §Simple installation, updating, expansion, and data management §Built-in automation and customizable job templates Reliable and Scalable Deployment§Built-in enterprise high availability and data resiliency based on a newly optimized software and hardware architecture §Designed for rapid scalability with multiple Big Data appliances using high speed 40 Gb/s built-in switch modules §Specifically designed to accelerate the visibility and expansion of the Fortinet Security FabricBig Data Security Analytics§Monitor and analyze your entire network from end-to-end at an accelerated rate, maximizing the visibility of your entire attack surface, network traffic, applications, users, and end-point hosts §Interactive dashboards and informative reports using real-time tracking of key security metrics, link health status, and application steering performance §Ready to use and customizable report templates for compliance, security posture assessments, and system performance checks §Use log analytics to query IPFIX log messagescollected, when Ingestion is configured in Flow mode Rapid Incident Detection and Response§Intuitive event and incident workflow for SOC teams to focus on critical alerts §The built-in correlation engine automates and groups alerts to remove false positives §Out-of-box connectors and extensive APIs for security teams to automate repetitive tasksAvailable in:ApplianceVirtual MachineDATA SHEET | FortiAnalyzer Big Data2HIGHLIGHTSFortiAnalyzer Big Data supports all of the features and technologies of FortiAnalyzer family. FortiAnalyzer Big Data alsoprovides additional scalability and high-speed performance using new massive parallel data processing and Columnar Data Store processes. After the data ingest, the FortiAnalyzer Big Data provides an easy to use front-end UI that interacts with the distributed big data SQL engine to search, query, and aggregate the data.Security Analytics Log View✓⃝✓⃝Interactive FortiView Dashboards ✓⃝✓⃝Fabric View - Assets and Identity ✓⃝✓⃝Out-of-Box Report Templates✓⃝✓⃝Global Search across all Big Data clusters —✓⃝IPFIX Support—✓⃝Incident Response Indicators of Compromise Service ✓⃝✓⃝Event Correlation and Alerting✓⃝✓⃝Incident Escalation Workflow and Management✓⃝✓⃝Automation and Integration Security Fabric Connectors ✓⃝✓⃝Security Fabric Integration ✓⃝✓⃝REST API✓⃝✓⃝Multi-Tenancy and RBAC ADOM✓⃝✓⃝Role-Based Access Control ✓⃝✓⃝Performance and ScalabilityDeploymentSmall, Medium Enterprise Large Enterprise and ServiceProvidersHigh Availability and Redundancy Yes, requires a second unit Yes, built-in HA andredundancy Sustained Rate Up to 100 000 logs/secStart at 300 000 logs/secHorizontal Scalability —✓⃝Big Data Analytics Engine —✓⃝Massive Parallel Data Processing —✓⃝Distributed Architecture —✓⃝Columnar Data Store—✓⃝Appliance Management Chassis—✓⃝Cluster Manager—✓⃝To download the FortiAnalyzer Datasheet, please visit - https:///content/dam/fortinet/assets/data-sheets/fortianalyzer.pdfFortiAnalyzer Big Data Virtual MachinesFortinet offers FortiAnalyzer Big Data in a stackable Virtual license model, with a-la-carte services available for 24x7 FortiCare support and subscription licenses for the FortiGuard Indicator of Compromise (IOC), FortiAnalyzer SOC component, and FortiGuard Outbreak Detection Service.This software-based version of the FortiAnalyzer Big Data hardware appliance is designed to run on many virtualization platforms, which allows you to expand your virtual solution as your environment grows.3Total Interfaces 4x 40 GE QSFP and 8x 10 GE SFP+Storage Capacity Blade#1: 2 x NVMe 750 GB SSD = 1.5 TB; Blade#2 ~#14: 13 x 2 x 7.68 TB SSD x = 200 TBUsable Storage 200 TBRemovable Hard Drives28 (Max) SSD, each blade 2 x 2.5” Storage DeviceRedundant Hot Swap Power Supplies**✓⃝* The max number of days if receiving logs continuously at the sustained log ingestion rate. This number can increase if the average log rate is lower.** All four power supplies must be installed and plugged in to a reliable power source when the device is turned on / powered up. Three power supplies are required for the device tofully operate, which allows hot swap of one power supply at a time. The max power consumption of the unit is 4967 W and each PSU supports 2200 W. The fourth power supply provides redundancy.SPECIFICATIONSSafety CertificationsFCC Part 15 Class A, RCM, VCCI,CE, UL/cUL, CBversion. Visit https:///product/fortianalyzer-bigdata/ and find the Release Information at the bottom section. Go to “Product Integration and Support” -> “FortiAnalyzer BigData [version] support” -> “Virtualization”FBD-DAT-R6-20220524Copyright © 2022 Fortinet, Inc. All rights reserved. Fortinet , FortiGate , FortiCare and FortiGuard , and certain other marks are registered trademarks of Fortinet, Inc., and other Fortinet names herein may also be registered and/or common law trademarks of Fortinet. All other product or company names may be trademarks of their respective owners. Performance and other metrics contained herein were attained in internal lab tests under ideal conditions, and actual performance and other results may vary. Network variables, different network environments and other conditions may affect performance results. Nothing herein represents any binding commitment by Fortinet, and Fortinet disclaims all warranties, whether express or implied, except to the extent Fortinet enters a binding written contract, signed by Fortinet’s General Counsel, with a purchaser that expressly warrants that the identified product will perform according to certain expressly-identified performance metrics and, in such event, only the specific performance metrics expressly identified in such binding written contract shall be binding on Fortinet. For absolute clarity, any such warranty will be limited to performance in the same ideal conditions as in Fortinet’s internal lab tests. Fortinet disclaims in full any covenants, representations, and guarantees pursuant hereto, whether express or implied. Fortinet reserves the right to change, modify, transfer, or otherwise revise this publication without notice, and the most current version of the publication shall be applicable.Fortinet is committed to driving progress and sustainability for all through cybersecurity, with respect for human rights and ethical business practices, making possible a digital world you can always trust. You represent and warrant to Fortinet that you will not use Fortinet’s products and services to engage in, or support in any way, violations or abuses of human rights, including those involving censorship, surveillance, detention, or excessive use of force. Users of Fortinet products are required to comply with the Fortinet EULA (https:///content/dam/fortinet/assets/legal/EULA.pdf ) and report any suspected violations of the EULA via the procedures outlined in the Fortinet Whistleblower Policy (https:///domain/media/en/gui/19775/Whistleblower_Policy.pdf).ORDER INFORMATIONFortiAnalyzer-BigData-4500FFAZ-BD-4500FFortiAnalyzer high-performance chassis for big data analytics with 14 blade servers, 4x 40 GE QSFPPorts, 8x 10 GE SFP+ Ports, 300 000 logs/sec ingestion rate, and 200TB SSD storage in a single system. Horizontally scalable up to petabytes of storage.Hardware BundleFAZ-BD-4500F-BDL-466-DD Hardware plus 24x7 FortiCare and FortiAnalyzer Enterprise Protection.Enterprise Protection Bundle FC-10-BD45F-466-02-DD Enterprise Protection (24x7 FortiCare plus Indicators of Compromise Service, SOC Subscription license, and FortiGuard Outbreak Alert service).SOC Subscription License FC-10-BD45F-335-02-DD Subscription license for the FortiAnalyzer SOC component.IOC Subscription LicenseFC-10-BD45F-149-02-DD Subscription license for the FortiGuard Indicator of Compromise (IOC).Outbreak Alert Subscription License FC-10-BD45F-462-02-DD Subscription license for FortiGuard Outbreak Alert Service.24x7 FortiCare Contract FC-10-BD45F-247-02-DD 24x7 FortiCare Contract.FortiAnalyzer-BigData-VMFAZ-BD-VM FortiAnalyzer-BD virtual appliance with 150 000 logs/sec ingestion rate and 200TB storage capacity to start. Support add-on to scale up performance and storage.FortiAnalyzer-BigData-VM Add-On * FAZ-BD-VM-UGFortiAnalyzer-BD virtual appliance ADD-ON to add additional capacity with 50 000 logs/sec ingestion rate and 50TB storage. Multiple ADD-ONs can be stacked together to scale up the ingestion rate and storage.Enterprise Protection Bundle VM FC-10-ZBDVM-575-02-DD Enterprise Protection (24x7 FortiCare plus Indicators of Compromise Service, SOC Subscription license, and FortiGuard Outbreak Detection service).SOC Subscription License VM FC-10-ZBDVM-335-02-DD Subscription license for the FortiAnalyzer SOC component.IOC Subscription License VMFC-10-ZBDVM-149-02-DD Subscription license for the FortiGuard Indicator of Compromise (IOC).Outbreak Alert Subscription License VM FC-10-ZBDVM-462-02-DD Subscription license for FortiGuard Outbreak Detection Service.24x7 FortiCare Contract VMFC-10-ZBDVM-248-02-DD24x7 FortiCare Contract.* FortiAnalyzer-BD virtual appliance ADD-ON can stack up to a maximum of 500 000 logs/sec。

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源数据层:主要描述数据管控体系的数据源信息,包括标准格的业务元数据;镜像业务系统关系数据库;ETL 系统标准元数据信息;平台相关技术元数据信息;模型设计文件元数据和咨询涉及的其他标准元数据文件成果。
3.1.2 物理系统架构数据管控体系系统物理架构采用应用服务和数据库服务器独立方式设计,同时,两台服务器具体内部互补自动切换功能,有效防止由其他因素导致的系统瘫痪。
1000M交换机防火墙业务用户办公网1000M 交换机数据仓库服务器统一认证Citrix平台元数据和数据质量生产网元数据和数据质量互通互备3.2 系统数据流程下面展示元数据和数据质量系统数据流程图示如下:3.3网络和安全MetaOne元数据系统部署于企业的业务网段,通过代理将应用服务器地址反向映射办公网段,仅开通WEB服务端口,向位于办公网段的业务管理用户提供服务;其他业务系统的接入均在企业的业务网段内,与外部环境隔离。
3.3.1开放的Internet标准系统建立在开放的Internet标准之上,例如:SSL,HTTP,XML,TCP/IP,SOAP,支持多层次的客户机/服务器体系结构,其通过TCI组件支持多种报文的传输、组包、解包;利用web service 实现与异构系统之间的数据交换。
3.3.4统一身份认证针对统一身份认证系统的要求,系统采取一种适用(针对)于WebLogic Server的、简洁的、有效可行的统一认证即单点登陆(SSO)解决方案。
而且方案简单可行,不需要对原有应用做较大更改,适合快速解决Single Sign-On问题,符合行内系统的要求。
其主要采用SAML Browser Post Profile 方案,通过推模式获取SAML Token,由Identity Provider推Assertion到Service Provider.而后验证Assertion将用户重新定向到目标URL。
系统采用SQL SERVER 2008数据库服务器支持的双机热备容错方案来实现系统的备份策略,由两台机器共享一个磁盘阵列(共享磁盘组),当其中一台机器发生故障时,另外一台机器接管整个磁盘阵列,从而实现双机容错。
●基本管理平台(MetaOne Platform)由元数据仓储、Web应用程序、元数据接口层、统一数据源管理客户端、元模型操控台以及元数据基本维护管理功能组成的组件集合,是MetaOne产品的基本功能集。
●元数据存储库(MetaData Repository)基于关系数据库的元数据存储库,用于实现元数据的物理存储。
●元数据基本维护界面(MetaOne WebAPP)B/S结构的Web管理程序,实现用户对元数据的一般管理、维护操作。
●对外服务接口(MetaOne Interface(MOI))一组基于Java RMI的API集合,内容包括对元数据、元模型的所有基本操作,配套提供使用方法论,使用户方便调用,实现二次应用开发。