




它是由以火山灰(BOTELAN) 或硫铝酸盐加上铝酸盐加上氟铝酸盐加上辉绿岩粉加上石膏加上极配硅砂加上以无水硫酸钙、硅酸二钙为主的其它矿物质组成的混合物89.5-95.5份为基料,再加入胶粘剂1.0-1.5份、促凝剂2.0-3.5份、硬化剂1.5-3.5份以及渗透剂0.5-1.5份所组成的。

其用中基料中含硫铝酸盐20-27份、铝酸盐9-12份、氟铝酸盐14-17份、辉绿岩粉5-12份、石膏3-7份、极配硅砂5-12 份、无水硫酸钙、硅酸二钙为主的其它矿物质30-37份。


















Ground quick lime …… 生石灰粉
Quick lime …… 生石灰
Slaked lime …… 熟石灰
Ground quick lime …… 生石灰粉
Ground hydrated lime …… 熟石灰粉
Lime paste …… 石灰膏
Organic materials …… 有机材料
compressive strength …… 抗压强度
high strength concrete …… 高强混凝土
deposit concrete …… 现浇混凝土
precast concrete …… 预制混凝土
premixed concrete …… 预拌混凝土
shotcrete concrete …… 喷射混凝土
Inorganic materials …… 无机材料
Asphalt …… 沥青
Compound material-tackiness agent …… 合成材料-胶粘剂
Binding materials …… 胶凝材料
Building gypsum …… 建筑石膏
Admixture …… 外加剂
Chapter 1
Material …… 材料
Density …… 密度
Apparent density …… 表观密度
Bulk density …… 堆积密度
Solidity …… 密实度
Porosity …… 孔隙率
Pores …… 孔隙
Voidage …… 空隙率
Impregnated concrete …… 浸渍混凝土
prestressed reinforced concrete …… 预应力钢筋混凝土








1. 水泥 - Cement水泥通常是由石灰石和粘土等矿物经煅烧得到的熟料,通过磨粉、加入适量石膏或其他调节剂而制成。


2. 熟料 - Clinker水泥的原料熟料是粉状物质,通常是由石灰石和粘土混合而成的。


3. 石灰石 - Limestone石灰石是一种由碳酸盐类矿物质构成的沉积岩,是制造水泥熟料的主要原材料之一。


4. 粘土 - Clay粘土是一种细碎的土壤或泥土,通常由不同程度的硅酸盐、氧化物和有机物质组成。


5. 混凝土 - Concrete混凝土是由水泥、石子、沙子和水等材料混合制成的一种人造材料。


6. 纤维混凝土 - Fiber-reinforced concrete纤维混凝土是混凝土中添加纤维材料的一种材料。



7. 抗裂剂 - Crack-resistant agent抗裂剂是一种种类繁多的添加剂,用于防止混凝土在固化过程中出现开裂。


8. 增强剂 - Strengthener增强剂是一种添加剂,用于增强混凝土的硬度和耐久性。


Notes to Physician消防扑救方法
Reported by: (报告人)
Company Name : _______________________
Authorized Person: _________________
报告人Date: ____________________日期:










三、适用范围1. Ⅰ型聚合物水泥基防水涂料:主要用于做屋面防水层或有较高伸延性能的场合做防水。

2. Ⅱ型聚合物水泥基防水涂料:主要用于地下室,地下隧道、卫浴间、水池等,特别潮湿及长期在水中浸泡的条件下的施工。

3. Ⅲ型聚合物水泥基防水涂料: 主要用于做立面需要粘贴瓷片的部位做防水。

四、技术指标执行GB/T 23445-2009《聚合物水泥防水涂料》标准指标。


2. 聚合物水泥基防水涂料配料Ⅰ型聚合物水泥基防水涂料配比(重量比):液料:32.5R以上普硅水泥=1:0.5。

Ⅱ型聚合物水泥基防水涂料配比(重量比): 液料:32.5R以上普硅水泥=1:1。

Ⅲ型聚合物水泥基防水涂料配比(重量比): 液料:32.5R以上普硅水泥=1:(2~2.5)。

3. 节点部位处理泼水湿润基面,对于阴阳拐角、穿墙管道、地漏口、施工缝等用Ⅱ型聚合物水泥基防水涂料加玻纤布进行加强处理,厚度约为1.0mm。

4. 防水层涂刷按规定的比例取料,用搅拌器充分搅拌约5分钟左右,直至料涂中不含团粒,如需加水,则要先在液料中加水,用搅拌器边搅拌边徐徐加入粉料。



公司名英文MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET (MSDS) 一、Product and Company IdentificationProduct Name : PVC Plastic pelletsProduct Code :塑胶料号英文填写Address & Tel. of Manufacturer or Agent ∙ 公司名英文+地址英文填写处!Emergency Phone Number/Fax :卷L:电话填写处FAX:传真填写处五、Fire Fighting MeasuresSuitable Extinguishing Media: Carbon Dioxide Gas, Dry Chemical, and Regular Foam Water Special Hazards in Fire : -------Special Fire-Fighting Procedures : N/ARequired Special Protective Equipment for Fire-Fighters : When outside temperature is higher than the fire point, it will have odor and smoke, then should wear face guard.六、Accidental Release MeasuresPersonal Precautions: Wear a simple dust mask to avoid inhalation from the respiratory tract Environmental Precautions : The reject can be sold, and should callback.Methods for Cleaning: PVC Plastic pellets can be clear generally, the remnant adhesive should to be clean use the alcohol and cotton.七、Handling and StorageHandling :1.Avoid to storage with the corrosive and volatility solvent, and regard to water and flame2.PoUr into a SUitabIe COntainen fb】reuse Or disposal.Storage :1.Ventilation, dryness and moistureproof, feasible temperature is 15~35°C, relative humidity is30% ~70%; the holder and support's surface is plane, not to stack on the ground.2.PVC resin contains trace amounts of residual VCM, which will volatilize into a suspectedcarcinogen when heated in a closed container, locomotive or storage cabinet.3.Keep away from heat, sparks and flames.4.The storage area should be properly ventilated.八、Exposure Controls, Personal Protection九、Physical and Chemical Properties十、Stability and ReactivityStability : Steady in generalPossible Hazard Reaction Under Special Conditions: High temperature incineration may ProdUCe HCL gasConditions to Avoid: Avoid open flame, heat speak and any other sources of ignition. Materials to Avoid: Avoid acid, alkali, oil and volatility solvent.Hazardous Decomposition Products: Non decompounded-∣—、Toxicological Information十二、Ecological informationPossible Environmental Impact: None decompounded, the reject can be sold, and callback. 十三、Disposal considerationsDisposal Methods: Pour into a suitable container for reuse or disposal. 十四、Transport informationInternational Transportation Regulations : -------UN Reference NO.: -----DomeStiC TranSPOrtation RegUIatiOnS : --------Special Transportation Methods and Precautions: Avoid leakage of PVC pellets during transportation十五、Regulatory informationApplicable Regulation : ------十六、Other information。



化学品安全技术说明书(MSDS)中英文对照及翻译完整版各位读友大家好,此文档由网络收集而来,欢迎您下载,谢谢篇一:化学品安全技术说明MSDS-亚硫酸氢钠(中英文对照版本)Sodium Bisulfite1) Chemical Product and Company IdentificationMSDS Name: Sodium Sulfite, AnhydrousCatalog Numbers: S80195, 1MSS44-20, 1MSS4420, BP355 500, BP355-500, BP355500, S430 10, S430 3, S430 500, S430-10, S430-3, S430-500, S43010, S4303, S430500, S447 3, S447 500, S447-3, S447-500, S4473, S447500 Synonyms: Sulfurous acid, disodium saltRisk Phrases: 22 36/37/383) Hazards IdentificationEMERGENCY OVERVIEWAppearance: white. Air sensitive. Moisture sensitive. Warning! Causes eye and skin irritation. May cause digestive tract irritation. Causes respiratory tract irritation. May be harmful if swallowed.Target Organs: Central nervous system.Potential Health EffectsEye: Causes eye irritation. May cause chemical conjunctivitis.Skin: Causes skin irritation.Ingestion: May cause gastrointestinal irritation with nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. May be harmful if swallowed.Inhalation: Causes respiratory tract irritation. Can produce delayed pulmonary edema.Chronic: Effects may be delayed.4) First Aid MeasuresEyes: Flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes, occasionally lifting the upper and lower eyelids. Get medical aid.Skin: Get medical aid. Flush skin with plenty of soap and water for at least 15 minutes while removing contaminated clothing and shoes. Wash clothing before reuse.Ingestion: If victim is conscious and alert, give 2-4 cupfuls of milk or water. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. Get medical aid immediately.Inhalation: Remove from exposure to fresh air immediately. If not breathing, give artificial respiration. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. Get medical aid. Notes to Physician: Treat symptomatically and supportively.5) Fire Fighting MeasuresGeneral Information: As in any fire,wear a self-contained breathing apparatus in pressure-demand, MSHA/NIOSH (approved or equivalent), and full protective gear. During a fire, irritating and highly toxic gases may be generated by thermal decomposition or combustion. Wear appropriate protective clothing to prevent contact with skin and eyes. Wear a self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) to prevent contact with thermal decomposition products.Extinguishing Media: Substance is noncombustible; use agent most appropriate to extinguish surrounding fire. Do NOT get water inside containers. Use water spray, dry chemical, carbon dioxide, or appropriate foam.6) Accidental Release MeasuresGeneral Information: Use proper personal protective equipment as indicated in Section 8.Spills/Leaks: Vacuum or sweep upmaterial and place into a suitable disposal container. Clean up spills immediately, observing precautions in the Protective Equipment section. Avoid generating dusty conditions. Provide ventilation. Place under an inert atmosphere. Do not get water inside containers.7) Handling and StorageHandling: Wash thoroughly after handling. Use with adequate ventilation. Minimize dust generation and accumulation. Avoid contact with eyes, skin, and clothing. Keep container tightly closed. Avoid ingestion and inhalation. Handle under an inert atmosphere. Store protected from air. Do not allow contact with water. Wash clothing before reuse. Keep from contact with moist air and steam.Storage: Store in a tightly closed container. Keep from contact with oxidizing materials. Store in a cool, dry,well-ventilated area away from incompatible substances. Keep away from strong acids. Do not expose to air. Store protected from moisture. Store under an inert atmosphere.8) Exposure Controls, Personal ProtectionEngineering Controls: Facilities storing or utilizing this material should be equipped with an eyewash facility and a safety shower. Use adequate ventilation to keep airborne concentrations low.listed for this chemical.Personal Protective EquipmentEyes: Wear appropriate protective eyeglasses or chemical safety goggles as described by OSHA’s eye and face protection regulations in 29 CFR or European Standard EN166.Skin: Wear appropriate protective gloves to prevent skin exposure.Clothing: Wear appropriate protectiveclothing to prevent skin exposure.Respirators: A respiratory protection program that meets OSHA’s 29 CFR and ANSI requirements or European Standard EN 149 must be followed whenever workplace conditions warrant a respirator’s use. Follow the OSHA respirator regulations found in 29CFR or European Standard EN 149. Always use a NIOSH or European Standard EN 149 approved respirator when necessary.9) Physical and Chemical PropertiesPhysical State: SolidAppearance: whiteOdor: odorlesspH: Not available.Vapor Pressure: Not available.Vapor Density: Not available.Evaporation Rate: Not available.Viscosity: Not available.Boiling Point: Not available.Freezing/Melting Point: Notavailable.Autoignition Temperature: Not available.Flash Point: Not available.Decomposition Temperature: > 500 deg CNFPA Rating: (estimated) Health: 2; Flammability: 0; Reactivity: 0Explosion Limits, Lower: Not available.Upper: Not available.Solubility: 23 g/100 mL water (20°C)Specific Gravity/Density: /cm3Molecular Formula: Na2O3SMolecular Weight:10) Stability and ReactivityChemical Stability: Stable at room temperature in closed containers under normal storage and handling conditions.Conditions to Avoid: Incompatible materials, dust generation, moisture,exposure to air, excess heat.Incompatibilities with Other Materials: Strong oxidizing agents, acids, organics, moisture, air, combustible materials.Hazardous Decomposition Products: Oxides of sulfur.Hazardous Polymerization: Has not been reported.11) Toxicological InformationRTECS#:CAS# 7757-83-7: WE2150000LD50/LC50:CAS# 7757-83-7:Oral, mouse: LD50 = 820 mg/kg;Carcinogenicity:CAS# 7757-83-7: Not listed by ACGIH, IARC, NIOSH, NTP, or OSHA.Epidemiology: No information available.Teratogenicity: No information available.Reproductive Effects: No information available.Neurotoxicity: No information available.Mutagenicity: No information available.Other Studies: No data available.12) Ecological InformationEcotoxicity: No data available. No information available.Environmental: No information found.Physical: No information found.Other: No information available.13) Disposal ConsiderationsChemical waste generators must determine whether a discarded chemical is classified as a hazardous waste. US EPA guidelines for the classification determination are listed in 40 CFR Parts Additionally, waste generators must consult state and local hazardous wasteregulations to ensure complete and accurate classification. RCRA P-Series: None listed.RCRA U-Series: None listed.US FEDERALTSCACAS# 7757-83-7 is listed on the TSCA inventory.Health & Safety Reporting ListNone of the chemicals are on the Health & Safety Reporting List.Chemical Test RulesNone of the chemicals in this product are under a Chemical Test Rule.Section 12bNone of the chemicals are listed under TSCA Section 12b.TSCA Significant New Use RuleNone of the chemicals in this material have a SNUR under TSCA.SARASection 302 (RQ)None of the chemicals in this material have an RQ.Section 302 (TPQ)None of the chemicals in this product have a TPQ.SARA CodesCAS # 7757-83-7: acute.Section 313No chemicals are reportable under Section 313.Clean Air Act:This material does not contain any hazardous air pollutants. This material does not contain any Class 1 Ozone depletors. This material does not contain any Class 2Ozone depletors.Clean Water Act:None of the chemicals in this product are listed as Hazardous Substances under the CW A. None of the chemicals in this product are listed as Priority Pollutantsunder the CWA. None of the chemicals in this product are listed as Toxic Pollutants under the CWA.OSHA:None of the chemicals in this product are considered highly hazardous by OSHA. STATECAS# 7757-83-7 is not present on state lists from CA, PA, MN, MA, FL, or NJ.California No Significant Risk Level: None of the chemicals in this product are listed. European/International Regulations European Labeling in Accordance with EC DirectivesHazard Symbols:XNRisk Phrases:R 22 Harmful if swallowed.R 36/37/38 Irritating to eyes, respiratory systemand skin.Safety Phrases:S 24/25 Avoid contact with skin and eyes.WGK (Water Danger/Protection)CAS# 7757-83-7: 1CanadaCAS# 7757-83-7 is listed on Canada’s DSL List. CAS# 7757-83-7 is listed on Canada’s DSL List.This product has a WHMIS classification of D2B.CAS# 7757-83-7 is not listed on Canada’s Ingredient Disclosure List.Exposure Limits16) Additional InformationMSDS Creation Date: 7/15/1999Revision #1 Date: 8/02/2000The information above is believed to be accurate and represents the best information currently available to us. However, we make no warranty of merchantability or any other warranty,express or implied, with respect to such information, and we assume no liability resulting from its use. Users should make their own investigations to determine the suitability of the information for their particular purposes. In no event shall Fisher be liable for any claims, losses, or damages of any third party or for lost profits or any special, indirect, incidental, consequential or exemplary damages, howsoever arising, even if Fisher has been advised of the possibility of such damages.亚硫酸氢钠1)化学品名称化学品中文名称:亚硫酸氢钠化学品英文名称:sodium bisulfite篇二:化学品安全技术说明书(MSDS)篇三:详细化学品安全技术说明书(MSDS)化学品安全技术说明书二〇〇六年二月目录表1-001 乙炔气............ 1 表1-002 表1-003 表1-004 表1-005 表1-006 表1-007 表1-008 表1-009 表1-010 表1-011 表1-012 表1-013 氧气.............. 二氧化碳......... 氢气............. 氩气............. 甲烷............. 四氢噻吩......... 活性炭........... 三乙胺........... 硫代磷酰氯....... 硫黄............ 甲胺磷........... 多聚甲醛........ 5 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 30 32表1-014(附表1-3)甲缩醛34 表1-015 黄磷............ 36 表1-016 氯.............. 38 表1-017 表1-018 表1-019 表1-020 表1-021 表1-022 表1-023 表1-024 表1-025 表1-026 表1-027 表1-028 三氯化磷......... 甲醇............. 液碱............. 氨水............. 硫酸二甲酯....... 甲胺磷........... 液氨............. 氯仿............. 二氯乙烷......... 二硫化碳......... 甲苯............. 盐酸............. 41 45 47 49 52 54 57 59 61 64 66 68表1-029 氯甲烷........... 71 表1-030 硫酸............. 73 表1-031 二甲苯........... 76 表1-032 表1-033 表1-034 表1-035 表1-036 表1-037 表1-038 表1-039 表1-040 表1-041 表1-042 表1-043 醋酸酐........... 多聚甲醛......... 草甘膦........... 稻瘟灵........... 异丙胺........... 漂白粉........... 氯化氢........... 氰化氢........... 氰化钠........... 氯乙酸........... 甲缩醛........... 丙烯腈..........78 81 82 84 86 88 90 93 95 97 99 102《化学品安全技术说明书(MSDS)中英文对照及翻译完整版》各位读友大家好,此文档由网络收集而来,欢迎您下载,谢谢。






Tungsten(VI) oxide(1314-35-8)Company informationName: Ningbo p'eng Hing Chemical Company Limited Address: Ningbo City, Zhongshan Road East China Sea dawn building zip code: 315000In charge of the Department: Department of Technology Responsible person: Li RongxingPhone: 86-574-66835775Fax: 86-574-66835775Tight level Liaison Office: Technology DepartmentPhone: 86-574-66835775Prepared by: Shen TangyongPeng chemical safety technical specifications of tungsten trioxide 1: chemical nameChemical name: Chinese tungsten trioxide chemical name: tungsten oxide English Name: tungsten trioxide Chemical English Name: tungsten oxide Technical specifications of coding: 2738 CAS No : 1314-35-8The production company name: Ningbo p'eng Hing Chemical Company LimitedAddress: Ningbo City, Zhongshan Road East China Sea dawn building Effective date : 2011-07-082: Composition / information on ingredientsHarmful ingredients: tungsten trioxide content: 99% CAS No:1314-35-83: risk overviewRisk categories:Invasive approach:Health hazards: low toxicity. To the eyes, skin irritation. Smelting steel workers appear general weakness, fever, morbilliform rash, proteinuria, and melting on inhaled tungsten trioxide.Environmental hazards:Explosive danger: it is inflammable, irritating.4: first aid measuresSkin contact: remove contaminated clothing, wash with plenty of water flow.Eye contact: speaking of the eyelid, with the flowing water or saline rinse. Medical treatment.Inhalation: from the scene quickly to fresh air. Keeping the respiratory tract unobstructed. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. If not breathing, give artificial respiration. Medical treatment.Ingestion: drink plenty of warm water, emetic. Medical treatment.5: fire fighting measuresHazardous characteristics: with a halogen compound such as five, three bromine trifluoride chlorine fluoride reacts violently.Hazardous combustion products: toxic gas:.Fire extinguishing method: fire personnel must wear body fire suits, the wind direction on fire. Fire as much as possible to remove the vessels to open office. Then according to the selection of appropriate fire causes of fire extinguishing6: Leakage Emergency TreatmentEmergency treatment: isolation of contaminated area, restricted access. Recommended emergency personnel wear dust masks, wearing ordinary work clothes. Do not directly contact with leakage. A small leak: avoid dust, carefully scan, collected in dry, clean, a container with a lid. Large leak: collection of recycling or shipped to the disposal of waste disposal sites.7: handling and storageOperation note : closed operation, local exhaust ventilation. Prevention of dust in the air of workplace release to. The operator must go through specialized training, strict compliance with operating procedures. Proposed operators wear self-absorption filter type dust mask, wear protective chemical safety glasses, wear rubber acid and alkali resistant clothing, wearing rubber gloves. Avoid creating dust. Avoid five bromine fluoride, fluoride three chlorine contact. Equipped with emergency treatment equipment for leakage. May be left empty containers of hazardous material.Storage note: stored in a cool, ventilation of the treasury. Away from fire, heat source. To prevent direct sunlight. Packing seal. With five bromine fluoride,fluoride three chlorine stored separately, avoid mixing reservoir. Storage areas should be equipped with appropriate materials asylum leakage.8: access control / personal protectionChinese MAC ( mg / m3 ): failure to develop standardThe former Soviet Union MAC ( mg / m3 ): failure to develop standard TLVTN: failure to develop standardTLVWN: failure to develop standardMonitoring method:Engineering controls: closed operation, local exhaust ventilation. Respiratory protection: dust concentration in air exceeded, must wearself-absorption filter type dust mask. Emergency rescue or evacuation, they should wear air respirator.Eye protection: wear protective chemical safety glasses.Body protection: wear rubber acid and alkali resistant clothing.Hand protection: wear rubber gloves.Other protective: workplace smoking, eating and drinking, to wash their hands before dinner. After work, a locker. To maintain good health habits.9: physicochemical propertiesAppearance and properties: Yellow powder.PH:Melting point ( c ) : 1472 relative density ( water = 1 ) : 7.16Boiling point ( c ) : 1837 relative density ( air = 1 ): no dataMolecular formula: WO3 molecular weight: 231.85Main components:Saturation vapor pressure ( kPa ): no data heat of combustion ( kJ / mol ): no meaningCritical temperature ( c ): no significant critical pressure ( MPa ): no meaning Octanol / water partition coefficient of numerical: no dataFlash point ( c ): meaningless upper explosive limit % ( V / V ): no meaning Ignition temperature ( c ): meaningless lower explosion limit % ( V / V ): no meaningDissolve: insoluble in water, soluble in alkali, slightly soluble in acid.Main uses: used for preparation of tungsten and its compounds.Other physico-chemical properties:10: stability and reaction activityStability:Ban compound: five, three bromine trifluoride chlorine fluoride.Avoid contact conditions:Hazardous polymerization:Decomposition products:11: toxicology informationAcute toxicity: LD50: 840 mg / kg ( rat oral )LC50: no dataAcute and chronic toxicity of:Irritant:Allergenicity:Mutagenicity of:Teratogenicity:Carcinogenicity:12: ecological informationEcological toxicology toxicity:Biodegradability:Non biodegradable:Biological enrichment or biological accumulation:Other deleterious effects:13: waste disposalWaste properties:Waste disposal method : recommendations for incineration disposal. In the use place of repeated use of a container or provisions in place.Waste matters needing attention:14: Transport InformationDangerous goods code: no dataUN number: no dataPacking mark:Packaging category:Packing method: no data.Transportation matters needing attention: shipment to complete the packing, loading should be safe. Transportation process to ensure that the container does not leak, no collapse, not falling, no damage. With no halide, halide, edible chemicals mixed mixed operation. Transit should prevent insolation, drench, anti high temperature. Transport vehicles should be thoroughly cleaned. Highway transportation according to the prescribed route.15: regulation informationRegulatory information chemical dangerous goods safety management Ordinance ( promulgated by the State Council on February 17, 1987 ), chemical dangerous goods safety management regulations implementing rules ( of the [1992 ] 677 date), the use of chemicals in workplace safety regulations ( [1996 ] labor department No. 423) regulations, for dangerouschemicals production, storage, use, safety transportation, loading and unloading has corresponding regulations.16: other informationReference.Guidance department:Data verification unit:Revision description:Other information:。









(图4) FLW-CCCW防水材料中的活性物质以水做载体渗透到混凝土的毛细管孔道中,使水泥再水化,形成不溶性的晶体,使任何方向来的水及其它液体被堵塞和封闭。



二主要性能及特点1 水泥基渗透结晶型防水系统能长期耐受强水压。











抗风揭:风的作用力对单层屋面系统影响很大,经常出现分把卷材边缘掀起/揭起的现象,所以测试有了'‘抗风揭” 一项,意为抵抗风的揭起作用。















air entrainment meter含气量测定仪air evacuation valve排气阀,抽气阀air extractor抽气设备,抽气机air filter空气过滤器air flow①气流 ②空气流量air foil profile verticality翼缘板垂直度air gage(空)气压(力)表air gauge(空)气压(力)表air hammer气锤air heater空气加热器air hole风洞,风眼,通风孔,气孔air hose风管,压缩空气软管air housing冷烟室air humidity空气湿度air infiltration漏风,漏气,空气渗漏air insulation空气绝缘,空气隔热air intake吸气(口),进气(口)air leakage漏风air lift气力提升air lift pump空气提升泵,气力提升泵air line空气管道,风管air lock锁风阀,气闸air manifold压缩空气分配总管air moistening空气加湿air output送风量,出气量air permeability specific surface apparatus透气法比表面积测定仪air permeability value透气法(勃氏)比表面积值air pipe通气管,风管,压力管air pocket气炮,气穴,气包air pollution大气污染,空气污染air preheater空气预热器air pump空气泵air purge piping吹灰管air rate风量air receiver储气器,风包air recycling空气再循环air regulation空气调节,风量调节air relief valve放气阀,安全阀air requirement空气需要量air saturator空气增湿器,空气饱和器air seal气密封air seal ring密封圈air separation风力选粉,风力分级air separator空气选粉机air separator mill带空气选粉机的磨机air shaft通风井air slide空气输送斜槽air strainer空气过滤器air suspension preheater气流式悬浮预热器air trough conveyor空气输送斜槽air vane风扇叶片,(选粉机)叶片air vessel储气罐air vibrator气动振动器air voids①气隙,气孔;②孔隙率air volume空气量,风量air vortex classifier空气涡流分离器air well通风井air-activaated bulk cement contaner空气松料散装水泥罐air-activated conveyor气动输送机air-activation system充气[流态机]系统,空气活化系统air-admission valve进气阀air-atomizing buner空气雾化喷燃器air-blast circuit breaker气吹断流器air-blast gun空气炮air-last valve排气阀air-blending silo预均化库,空气搅拌库air-blow pipe喷气管air-virculating cooler空气循环冷却机air-conditioning duct空调管道,通风管air-cooled compressor风冷压缩机air-cooled jacket气冷套air-cooled mill气冷磨air-current mill气流磨air-discharge compartment排风室air-distributing valve配气阀air-dried brick风干砖,砖坯air-driven气(力传)动的air-dry aggregate风干集料air-dry state of aggregate集料风干状态air-entrained cement加气水泥air-etrained concrete加气混凝土air-entraining agent引气剂,加气剂air-entrained Portland cement加气硅酸盐水泥,加气波特兰水泥air-flow choking plate控制风门air-flow classifier气力分选机,粗粉分级器air-flow distribution气流分布air-flow dryer气流干燥机,热风烘燥机air-flow meter空气流量计air-flow rate气流速率air-flow separator气力分离器,粗粉分离器air-handing fan送风机air-hardening cement气硬功水泥air-hardening lime气硬性石灰air-inlet nozzle进风管口air-intake filter进气滤清器air-jet mill喷射磨air-jet oil-atomizing burner压缩空气高压油雾化燃烧器air-jet screen气喷式筛分机air-lock feeder锁风喂料机air-lock gate空气锁定闸,气闸闸门air-operated damper controller阀的气动控制器air-pad conveyor气动输送机air-pipe strainer气管滤器air-pressure brake气闸,气压制动器air-pressure tank空气压力罐air-quenching clinker空气骤冷熟料air-quenching cooler风动冷却机air-quenching grate clinker cooler空气骤冷篦式熟料冷却机air-quenching type shaker cooler空气骤冷振动(篦式)冷却机air-release valve排气阀air-seal dust valve密封排灰阀air-sealed discharging device卸料密封装置air-sealed discharging gate闸门密闭卸料器air-sealed rotary discharging分格轮密闭卸料(器)air-separating mill带空气选粉机的磨机air-setting cement气硬性水泥Airslide空气输送斜槽[商品名,美国富勒公司产品] airslide conveyor空气输送斜槽air-stream mill气流磨air-swept coal plant风扫式磨煤机air-swept conical ball mill风扫锥形球磨机air-swept dryer风扫式烘干机air-swept grinding plant风扫式粉磨设备air-swept hammer mill风扫锤式破碎机air-swpet mill气流磨,风扫磨air-swept system风扫磨系统air-tight concrete气密混凝土,不透气的混凝土air-volume intake进气量air-volume meter风量计alabaster雪花石膏alader硅铝合金alarm报警alarm annunciator警报信号器alarm signal报警信号alarm switch报警开关alarm thermometer报警温度计aligner校准器,调整器,整直器aligning procedure校准程序alignment according to the level相对标高找正(窑安装)alignment of cross center line and span横向中心线,跨距找正alte阿利特水泥石,硅酸三钙石alkali chloride碱的氯化物alkali compound碱化合物alkali content含碱量alkali feldspar碱性长石alkali oxide碱金属氧化物alkali waste碱渣alkalic碱性的,碱的alkaline碱性的,碱的alkamine electrolyte碱性电解液alkaline rock碱性岩alkalinity碱度alkali-resistant(mineral wool) reinforced cement耐碱(矿棉)增强水泥allen wrench内六角扳手alligator颚式破碎机alligator wrench管钳,管扳手allite铝铁土,铝土岩all-level sample多点试样[从几个储库面上取出的试样] allotter分配器allowance for bulking(细集料)湿胀容许量alloy steel合金钢alloy steel pipe合金钢管alloying加合金元素,合金配制alpha dicalcium silicateα-硅酸二钙alteration蚀变(作用)alternate stacking method交替堆料法altetmate stockpiling交替堆料(法)alternating strain交变应变alternation of freezing and thawing冰融循环alternative denial与非门altitude海拔高度alumina氧化铝,矾土alumina cement高铝水泥,矾土水泥alumina fireclay brick矾土耐火砖alumina magnesia brick铝镁砖alumina ratio铝率alumina refractory高铝耐火材料,矾土耐火材料alumina self-stressing cement铝酸盐自应力水泥alumina-iron ratio铝氧率,铁铝率alumina-silica refractory brick硅铝(耐火)砖,粘土(耐火)砖aluminate cement铝酸盐水泥aluminate refractory铝酸盐耐火材料aluminoferric铝铁剂,铁矾土aluminoferrite mineral铁铝酸盐矿物aluminosilicate brick硅酸铝质砖aluminous cement高铝水泥,矾土水泥alunite cement明矾石水泥alunite expansive cement明矾石膨胀水泥ambient air环境空气ambient standard环境标准ambient temperature外界温度,环境温度American sack美国袋装水泥(每标准袋为42.6公斤)ammeter电流表,安培表ammonium铵ammonium acetate醋酸铵ammonium nitrate explosive硝酸铵炸药ammonium nitrate oil explosive铵油炸药amorphous carbonate非晶质碳酸盐amount of gas风量,废气量amount of mixing搅拌量amount of raw mix生料量ampere安培ampere mater安培计,电流计amplification①放大;②放大率,放大倍数amplifier放大器amplitude of fluctuation波动幅度amplitude of vibration振幅analog control模拟控制analog electronic signal模拟电子信号analog output模拟输出analog signal模拟信号analog(ue)模拟analog-digital converter模数转换器analog-to-digital converter模拟信息-数字信息转换器analyser分析器,检偏振器,测定器analysis分析,解析analysis tolerance分析允许误差analytical sample分析样品,分析试样analyzer分析器,检偏振器,测定器anchor bolt地脚螺栓anchor cup锚圈套anchor nut托板螺母,刺钉螺母,地脚螺母anchor plate锚定板,基础板,地脚板anchor plate in prestressed concrete预应力钢筋混凝土中的锚定板anchorage zone锚固区,锚固带anchoring hole grouting地脚孔灌浆andesite安山岩anemograph风速计,风力记录仪angle①角;②角钢angle branch弯管,肘管angle check valve转角止回阀,直角止回阀angle iron角铁angle of atomizer燃油雾化角angle of nip颚板夹角,咬入角,钳角angle of repose休止角,自然堆积角angle of rotation旋转角angle of slope倾斜角angle of twist扭转角angle of widening扩大角angle pipe弯管,角管angle square角尺angle steel角钢angle valve转角阀angular spiral liner角螺旋衬板angular velocity角速度anhydrite硬石膏,无水石膏anhydrite cement硬石膏水泥anhydrous calcium sulfate无水石膏anhydrous calcium sulfoaluminate无水硫化铝酸钙anhydrous gypsum plaster无水熟石膏anhydrous lime生石灰anion阴离子annealed clinker缓冷熟料annealing process熟料二次煅烧annular ball mill环球磨annular gap环形间隙,环形缝隙annular kiln轮窑annular mill环流磨annular shaft kiln环形立窑annunciator报警器,信号器anorthosite斜长岩anthracite无烟煤anthraxolite碳沥青anti-abrasion brick抗磨砖anti-acid cement耐酸水泥antiager抗老化剂anticipate预料,预先anti-clockwise rotation反时针方向旋转,逆时针方向旋转anticorrosion layer防腐层anticorrosive agent抗绣剂,防腐剂anticorrosive with bitumen沥青防腐剂antifluctuator缓冲器antifreeze防冻剂antifreezer防冻剂anti-freezing mixture防冻剂,防冻掺合料anti-friction bearing滚动轴承,耐磨轴承anti-hunting device防振装置anti-stripping alumina brick抗剥落高铝砖APCM(The Associated Portland Cement ManufacturesLimits波特兰水泥制造协会(英国)aperture①孔,口,缝隙;②开度aperture size筛眼孔径apparent porosity表观孔隙率,视孔隙率apparent viscosity表观粘度,视粘度appearance density表面密度application of high chromium cast liners高饹浇注衬套的应用approach switch接近开关approval test鉴定试验,合格证试验apron挡板,裙板apron conveyor板式输送机apron conveyor with closed pans槽形输送带运输机apron feeder裙板式喂料机apron feeder spillage板式喂料机漏料aptitude test适应性试验,性能试验aqueduct导水管,桥管,高加渠,渡槽,水道aqueous phase液相aqueous rock水成岩,沉积岩aragonite文石arc cutting弧切arc seam welding弧缝焊接arc spectrograph火花光谱分析arc spot welding弧点焊接arc wall围墙拱(砌窑)arc wall bricking贺弧墙砌筑(砌窑)arc-welding electrode弧焊电焊条area of bearing支承面积,支承表面area of grates篦板面积areal stockpiling平面堆料arenaceous clay砂质粘土arene(风化)粗砂arentilla细砂,含钛铁矿石,黑磁铁矿石argillaceous limestone泥质灰岩,粘土质石灰石argillaceous rock泥岩argillaceous sand泥砂argillaceous shale泥质页岩argillte硅质粘土岩,泥质板岩arm of mixer搅拌机桨臂arm stirrer桨叶式搅拌机armature rheostat control电枢变险控制armature volage control电枢电压控制armor plate(磨机)衬板,防护板armored chain conveyor加链式输送机armored concrete钢筋混凝土armour plaate(磨机)衬板,防护板arrangement diagram布置图arrangement of wires布线arrangement plan布置图aritculated bearing铰接支承articulated frame铰接框架AS(air separate)单独三次风管(预分解窑)[德国伯力鸠斯公司预分解窑商品名称]asbestos cement石棉水泥asbestos joint sheet gasket sealling石棉板垫气密封asbestos ribbon石棉带asbestos rope石棉绳asbestos-cloth sealing石棉绳密封asbestos-cloth sealing gasket石棉绳密封垫asbestos-filling metal gasket带石棉金属垫片ash灰(渣),灰分ask bin灰仓ask cellar灰槽,灰坑ash determination灰分测定ash entering the clinker熟料中的(煤)灰份ash ring窑口圈aspiration①吸尘(作用)②吸气assemble安装,装配assemble drawing装配图assemble joint拼装接头assembly drawing组装图,装配图assembly line装配线assembly of precast units预制件装配assurance coefficient安全系数,保险系数asynchronous异步的AT(air through)德国伯力鸠斯公司预分解窑商品名称atmosphere①大气压②大气层atmospheric pressure(atm.press.)大气压(力)atmospheric relief valve大气安全阀,大气泄放阀atomic absorption (spectro chemical)analysis原子吸收(化学光谱曲)分析atomic absorption spectrometry原子吸收光谱测定(法)atomic absorption spectrophotometer原子吸收分光光度计atomic H welding氢原子焊atomic hydrogen welded tube氢原子焊管atomization雾化,粉化atomizer喷雾器,雾化器atomizer nozzle雾化喷嘴Atox mill艾托克斯辊磨[商品名,丹麦史密斯公司产品] attenuant稀释剂attenuator衰减器,消音器attrition磨损,磨蚀attrition mill碾磨机attrition-type preliminary mill一次粉磨用的磨机attritor碾磨机auger-type idstributor螺旋式布料器,螺旋式分配器AUMUND hoister奥蒙德提升机austenitic grain size test奥式体晶料度试验autoclave-cured concrete压蒸混凝土autogenous grinding mill自磨机autogenous mill自磨机,无介质磨autogenous welding气焊automatic arc-welded tube自动(电)弧焊缝管automatic commissioning自动调试automatic control for the preblending stockyard预均化堆声自动控制automatic control paned自动控制盘automatic controller自动控制器automatic detecting device自动检测装置automatic electronic assembly自动电子装配automatic feed grate自动喂料篦子automatic frequency control自动频率控制automatic grinding自动研磨automatic measurer for the liter weight of clinker熟料升重自动测量仪automatic palletizer自动集装机automatic plug mill process自动轧管法automatic regulating system自动调节系统automatic sampling system自动取样系统automatic shaft kiln自动立窑,机械化立窑automatic stacker自动堆料机automatic steel易切钢,自动机床用钢automatic valve bag pakcer自封口水泥装袋机automatic vertical kiln自动立窑,机械化立窑automatic weigh batching(混合料组成材料的)自动称量配料automatic welding自动焊接automation自动化automotive vehicle for bulk cement散装水泥汽车auxiliary air二次空气,辅助空气,补给空气auxiliary air heater辅助热风炉,辅助空气,加热器auxiliary burner辅助燃烧器auxiliary furnace辅助燃烧炉auxiliary kiln drive窑的辅助传动(装置)auxiliary mill辅助磨机auxiliary relay辅助继电器availability①采用价值②可用性③可供性available①可采用的②有效的③可供的available output①有效输出量②有效功率average sample平均样品average size of sand砂平均料径average value平均值avoirdupois英国常衡制axial backlash limitation轴向限定间隙axial deposition轴向堆料axial direction轴方向axial fan轴流式通风机axial omvement of the rotary kiln回转窑的轴向窜动axial piston hydraulic system轴向活塞液压系统axial stockpiling轴向堆料(法)axial torque轴向转矩axial-flow fan轴流风机axial-flow vane(风机) 轴流式叶片axiality of a cyclon and a gas pipe旋风筒与风管同轴度axis bearing轴向轴承axis of coordinates坐标轴axle轴,轮轴axle base轴距axle bearing轴颈轴承,轴向轴承axle distance轴距axle steel车轴钢axletree轴,轮轴,车轴azotate硝酸盐azotometer测氮管,氮量计BB.FLG(blind flange)盲法兰b.e.s.a.(british Engineering StandardsAssociation)英国工程技术标准协会Babbitt巴氏合金,铅锡锑系合金[轴承合金]Babcock Type E mill E型辊磨[法国FCB公司产品]bacillus(水泥)杆菌back bias generator反偏压发生器back digger反铲挖掘机,反铲back end①(回转窑)窑尾,喂料端,冷端②后端,尾端back end crops切尾back filling回填土back liner背衬back plate底板,支承板,压板,背板back pressure bypass(valve)单向旁通阀,止回旁通阀back stay后拉索,后拉杆back test秤用弹簧加载卸载鉴定试验[弹性复原试验] back wiring diagram背面布线图backboard底板,连接板,背板backbone中心,中枢,供给中心,主干线back-end air duct窑尾风管back-end draft窑尾通风,窑尾抽力back-end duct窑尾风管back-end processor后端处理机back-end temperature窑冷端温度,窑尾温度backfire回火,逆火,倒焰back-flow nozzle回流式喷嘴backflow valve回流阀backhoe反向铲backhoe excavator反铲挖掘机backhousing除尘室backing(窑胴体与耐火砖之间的)隔热层backing run封底焊(缝),背焊backing strip衬板,垫板backing-off铲齿,铲,凿backlash①间隙,偏移②退回,反冲back-pressure valve止回阀,逆止阀backstop反转防止装置,反转止动器back-up brick衬裹砖backward chaining①反向链,逆向链②反向链接backward channel capacity反向信道容量backwater回水baffle①挡板②(磨机)隔仓板baffle plate①挡板,缓冲板②分布板baffler导流板,挡板bag cement袋装水泥bag conveyor袋式输送机bag deflector袋包抓起板bag dust collector袋式收尘器bag dust filter袋式收尘器bag filler包装机bag filter袋式吸尘器,袋式收尘器bag house袋式收尘器,袋收尘室bag loader袋装机bag of cement袋装水泥bag room袋式收尘器,袋滤捕尘室bag set袋内水泥凝结bag-cleaning device清袋器bagged cement袋装水泥bagging袋装,包装bagging machine包装机bag-loading machine水泥袋装车机bag-type dust collector袋式收尘器bail桶,吊环,斗,吊桶bailer挖斗,铲斗,抽泥筒,捞砂筒Bailey gas analyzer拜莱气体分析仪bake烘烤,烘干,烘,焙balance①平衡②天平,秤③差额④余款balance of material物料平衡,物质平衡balance of matter物料平衡,物质平衡balance weight摆锤,平衡重量balanced bridge平衡电桥balanced dynamically动力平衡的balanced moment平衡弯矩balanced stste平衡状态ball bearing滚珠轴承ball bearing steel plate滚珠轴承钢板ball charge磨机装球量ball check球阀ball check valve止回球阀ball grading球磨分选ball grinding mill球磨机ball hardness(布氏)钢球压入硬度ball hardness number布氏硬度值,钢球硬度值ball impact test球落(冲击强度)试验ball joint球节,球形接合ball loss磨球磨损ball mill球磨ball mill pulverizer细磨球磨机ball milling球磨机粉磨ball race mill辊球磨ball valve球形磨ball-and-race mill球环磨balling of clinker熟料结成大球balling pan成球盘balling-up of cement水泥结团ball-ring mill环球磨ball-up成球band brake带闸band dryer带式干燥机band feeder带式喂料机band filter带式过滤机band iron扁钢,带铁band saw带锯band screen带筛band steel带钢band-type conveyor胶带输送机,带式输送机bank up堆积,封炉bar①巴[气压单位1巴=0.9869标准大气压②杆,条bar bender①钢筋弯曲机②钢筋工bar dowel叉筋,接合钢销bar grizzly棒篦条,格筛bar mat钢筋网bar mill棒磨机bar of hexagonal section六角棒材bar bolt基础螺栓,棘螺栓,地脚螺栓bare cable裸电缆,裸线bare wire裸线,明线bar-flight feeder链条刮板喂料机bargain谈判,讲价,交易barge(unloading)elevator卸船用的斗式提升机barite重晶石barium fluoride氟化钡barium sulfate硫酸钡barometer气压计barometric pressure大气压力,气压barrel-vault shell筒(拱)壳(体)barren rock废石barrier property防渗性barrow excavation露天开采,手车采矿bar-type grate棒形篦条baryte重晶石,重晶石混凝土base acceptance基础验收base bearing主轴承,基础轴承base flange基座法兰base metal基底金属,母材base plate底板,支撑板base rock基岩base shell lifting底座筒体吊装base-plate guide track基板导轨(磨安装)baseplate positioning and aligning基板就位找正(磨安装)basic①碱性的②基本的basic brick碱性砖basic diorite基性闪长岩basic input/output system基本输入输出系统basic line基准线basic lining碱性衬砌basic pig iron碱性生铁basic refractory碱性耐火材料basic size公称尺寸,标称直径basic structure基本结构basic technical features主要技术性能batch①批,次②分批配料batch agitator间歇式搅拌机batch bin配料仓batch charger定量装料机batch feed批量喂料,间歇喂料batch feeder定量喂料机batch grinding间歇粉磨batch hopper配料料斗batch house配料车间batch kiln间歇式窑batch mill间歇磨batch weigher重量配料器,重量配料装置batcher配料器batch-homogenizing间歇均化batching bin配料(贮)仓batching equipment配料设备batching hopper批量喂料斗batching table配料盘bathtub zone窑扩大带batt粘土质页岩battery电池battery charger充电器bauxite铝土矿,(铁)矾土bauxite cement矾土水泥bead焊珠,熔珠bearing支承,支座,轴承座bearing bush轴瓦,轴套bearing carrier承重构件bearing plate垫板,底垫bearing play轴承游隙bearing resistance①承压强度,抗压力②轴承阻力bearing roller①支座滚柱②惰轮,托轮bearing strength支承强度,承压强度bearing structure支承结构bearingless vibrator无轴承振动器beater mill冲击磨机beater pulverizer锤式粉碎机beater-type agitator冲击式搅拌机beating crusher冲击式破碎机,锤式破碎机bed grate drive speed篦条驱动速度bed grate speed炉篦子速度bed on the grate篦子上的物料层beidellite贝得石belit B岩,斜硅灰石,硅酸二钙bell喇叭口,承口bell end pipe承插管bell jar①钟形罩②钟形烧结炉bell mouth承口,钟形口,漏斗口belled pier锥形基础支墩[抗向上拔力]bell-mouthed pipe承插管bellow膜盒,波纹管,风箱bellow-type expansion jiont波纹管膨胀节,波形补偿接头belt conveyor皮带输送机belt conveyor scale皮带秤belt cover输送机皮带罩belt elevator胶带提升机belt feeder带式提升机belt guard皮带护挡belt idler胶带托轮belt off-center run皮带走偏belt pulley皮带轮belt reducer皮带减速机belt scale皮带秤belt slippage皮带打滑belt speed transducer带速传感器belt stacker皮带堆料机belt training胶带位置校正belt weigher皮带秤bench of burners喷燃器组bend弯头bend angle弯曲角度bend axle弯曲轴bend down向下弯曲bend pulley转向辊筒,改向滚筒,转向轮bend shape弯曲形状bend strength抗弯强度bend up 向上弯曲bending fatigue (钢丝绳的)弯曲疲劳bending force 弯曲力bending load 弯曲荷载bending radius 弯曲半径bending stress 弯曲应力bentonite 膨润土,膨土岩best quality优质,优质品bevel-planetary gear drive 伞齿轮行星减速机Bid No.投标号bid price 标价bifurcated chute 分叉油槽big blaster (处理结棚或粘度的)空气炮big gear ring 大齿圈bilateral discharge 两侧卸料bill清单bill of materials 材料单billion ①(美、法)千兆,十亿②(英、德)兆兆,万亿bin仓bin and coal feeding system 中间仓喂煤系统bin and feeder firing system 中间仓喂煤系统[出磨煤粉先经中间仓再入窑]bin feeder 仓式给料机,斗式喂料机,供料斗bin feeding 仓喂料bin gate 料斗闸门,仓门bin indicator 料喂指示器bin level indicator 料喂指示器bin level transmitter 料喂传感器bin outlet料仓出口bin system of coal grinding and firing 经中间仓喂料的煤粉制备燃烧系统bin vibrator 料仓振动器binary blends 两组分混合水泥binder 粘合剂binder course 粘合层,结合层,连接层binding agent 粘合剂,胶结剂binding layer 结合层,粘合层binding power 结合能,粘结能,粘合力bitter spar 白云石,菱镁矿bitumen 沥青bituminous coal 烟煤,生煤black meal process (立窑煅烧)黑生料法black ore 煤矿石,黑矿bladder 气囊blade 叶片,锯条,刮板blade mixer刮板式搅拌机,桨叶式搅拌机bladed rotor separator 叶片回转分离器blank flange 堵头法兰,盲板法兰blank plate 盲板blank zone 无衬区blast capacity鼓风量,鼓风能力blast gate风阀,风闸blast room鼓风室,喷砂室blaster①爆破器②喷砂机blast-furnace roasting①高炉煅烧②立窑鼓风煅烧blast-furnace slag cement高炉矿渣水泥blasting gelatine胶质炸药,甘油炸药blasting vibration爆炸震动blast-volume controller风量控制器blast-volume meter风量计blast-volume regulator风量调节器blast-volume trace风量记录bleeder valve排气阀,抽气阀,吸出阀bleeding cock排气阀,排放旋塞阀,卸放阀blend混合,搅拌blended cement混合水泥blended cements混合胶凝材料blended Portland cement混合硅酸盐水泥,混合波特兰水泥blender搅拌机blending bed混合料堆blending bin搅拌仓blending chamber silo混合室库blending pile混合堆料blending stockyard混合堆料场blind coal无烟煤blind flange盲法兰bloating agent膨胀剂block diagram方框图blockage阻塞blocking分组,分块,成块,成组blow bar(反击式破碎机的)打击板blow sand喷砂,吹砂blow valve通风阀blow-egg method(仓式泵)气动输送方法blower鼓风机blowing rate鼓风速率,风量blowing tube吹灰管blow-off cock急泄旋塞blowoff valve放气阀BM(ball mill)球磨BMH China Ltd.BMH中国有限公司BMH grate cooler BMH篦冷机board板bog lime泥灰岩,湖白垩,沼灰土boiler锅炉boiler plate锅炉钢板boiler tube for high-pressure service高压容器用锅炉管boiling bed沸腾层,流化床bolt螺栓bolt hole螺栓孔bolt socket螺栓插座式预埋件bolt liner螺栓(固定的磨剂)衬板bolt method螺栓固定法boltless liner无螺栓衬板bondability(钢筋及预应力钢丝与混凝土的)握裹力bonding agent粘接剂,粘合剂boom托架,桁梁,构架boom hosit吊臂绞车,臂式吊车,悬臂起重机boom raising-and-lowering gear吊臂升降机构boom stacker悬杆堆料机boot进料斗border wire(混凝土钢筋及弹簧等)绑接钢丝bore machine凿岩机bore pit钻探坑boring bar钻杆,镗杆boring head钻头,镗头boring machine钻孔机boring rod钻杆,镗杆boron-containing cement含绷水泥borrow pit取土坑,采料场bottom opening of jaw crusher颚式破碎机排料口bottom opening of jaws颚式破碎机排料口bottom-dump bucket底卸式料斗,活底铲斗boulder巨砾,漂石boulder flint卵石,燧石Bourdon tube gauge波登管式压力计bowl(辊磨)磨盘,磨碗bowl-liner(旋回破碎机的)碗形衬板bowl-type mill碗辊磨box feeder箱形喂料机box grider箱形梁BPCA(British Portland Cement Association)英国波特兰水泥学会bracket托架,托座bracke motor制动电动机,带刨闸电机brash碎石,瓦砾bray stone碎石,多孔砂岩Brazilian pebble石英BRE(Buiding Research Establishment)建筑研究站(英国)break破裂,破碎breakaway torque脱离力矩,断裂扭矩breakdown test破坏试验breaker破碎机breaker grid①破碎机的篦条②反击篦棒breaker bar①反击式破碎机的反击棒②破碎机篦条breaker plate反击板,料板breaking load破坏强度,抗断强度,断裂强度braaking stress抗断应力,破裂应力breaking-down test破坏试验breather valve通风报信,呼吸阀breeze煤粉,矿粉,焦炭渣brick砖brick(work)ring耐火砖圈brick anchoring laying砌锚固砖(砌窑)brick laying砌砖brick liner砖(内)衬brick lining砖(内)衬,砖衬砌brick seat砖过梁brick selection equipment cleaning砌砖选料设备清洗(砌窑) brick setting砌砖brick work①砌砖②砖砌体bricking砌砖,砖衬bricking flow砌筑砖工艺(砌窑) bricking rig砌砖平台,砌砖支架bricks for the standard expansion seam标准型膨胀缝专用砖(砌窑) bricks for the top liner顶部用砖(砌窑)ridge cable吊桥索,桥缆bridge plate桥梁钢板bridge stacking system桥式堆料系统brideg-type reclaimer桥式取料机bridge-type scraping reclaimer桥式刮板取料机Brinell hardness(HB)布氏硬度birquet标准水泥试块,模制试块briquette标准水泥试块,坯块,试块brittle脆的,易脆的brittle material脆性材料brittleness test脆性试验broken rock碎石,破碎岩层Brokk 高效拆除窑衬的智能型打砖机[瑞典赫尔姆系统公司产品]brown coal褐煤brute force feeder强力喂料机bucket capacity斗容,料斗容积bucket chain excavator链斗挖掘机bucket conveyor斗式输送机bucket elevator斗式提升机bucket elevator casing斗式提升机壳体bucket elevator frame斗式提升机架bucket elevator with double-roller type chains双辊链斗式提升机bucket elevator with return run可反转的斗式提升机bucket Ferris wheel料浆斗式喂料机bucket wheel斗轮,勺轮bucket wheel excavtor斗轮挖掘机,斗轮取料机bucket-inclined conveyer斜斗输送机buffer①缓冲②缓冲机,缓冲器③缓冲垫buffer bin中间储存仓,缓冲料仓buffer hopper缓冲料斗buffer spring缓冲弹簧buggy物推车Buhler-Miag raw mix preheater比勒-米亚格生料预热器build and bind reinforcing steels钢筋制作绑扎build mould模板支架build coumns装配支架building insulation layer砌隔热层build-up welding堆焊built-in beam固端梁,砌入梁bulb beam球头工字钢梁bulb plate球头扁钢bulb-rail steel球头丁字钢bulk cement散装水泥bulk cement boat散装水泥专用船bulk cement exchange station散装水泥中转站bulk container vehicle散装物料运输罐车(或槽车)bulk density毛体积密度,松密度bulk handing散装装卸,散装搬运bulk loader散装车bulk loader head散装装车头bulk loading spou with an integral dust filter带收尘器的散装下料口bulking agent填充剂,膨胀剂bull dozer推土机bunker①煤仓②料斗,料仓burden①配料,炉料②覆盖岩层burned clay烧粘土burned lime烧石灰,生石灰,氧化钙burner燃烧器,喷嘴burner fan(=primary fan)一次风机burner glasses看火境burner hood窑罩头burner liner炉衬burner port燃烧器喷口burner tip燃烧器尖端,燃烧器喷嘴burner's platform看火平台burning(=sintering)烧成burning chamber煅烧室burning process in the rotary kiln回转窑内的煅烧过程burning teperature烧成温度,煅烧温度burning tip喷煤嘴burning zone loading烧成带喂料burning zone temperature烧成带温度,燃烧带温度burnt lime烧石灰,生石灰,氧化钙bursting panel防爆阀busbar母线,母排bush衬套,轴瓦,轴衬,绝缘套管bushing衬套,轴衬,套管butt seam对缝间隙butt seam values of steel plates钢板对缝间隙数值butt weld对接焊,对头焊接,平式焊接butt welder对焊机butt welding对头焊接butt-and-collar joint套筒接合butterfly damper蝶闸butterfly nut蝶形螺母butterfly permutation蝶式排列butterfly twin蝶形双向阀butterfly valve蝶阀button switch按钮开关button test(钢丝的)自身缠绕试验button-head anchorage圆头锚具button-head bolt圆头螺栓button-heat rivet圆头铆钉buttress支墩,扶壁butt-welded tube对缝焊管,焊缝管buzzer①蜂音器②轻型凿岩机③砂轮by railroad由铁路(运输)by railway由铁路(运输)by sea经海路(运输),海运by truck卡车运by-pass旁路,旁通管,放风by-pass cyclone旁路式旋风筒by-pass pipeline旁通管道,放风管道by-pass system旁路放风系统bypass valve旁路阀byproduct副产品,副产物BZT(burning zone temperature)烧成带温度,燃烧带温度Cc.f.(centrifugal force)离心力c.f.s.(cubic feet per second)立方英尺/秒c.ft.(cubic foot)立方英尺c.v.(calorific value)热值c/s ratio氧化钙与氧化硅摩尔比,氧化钙与氧化硅重量比cable钢索,电缆cable bridge高架电缆桥cable channel电缆沟cable cramp电缆夹头cable ditch电缆沟cable duct电缆管cable hosit缆索绞车,卷扬机cable junction box电缆接线箱cable laying电缆敷设cable rack电缆架cable terminal box电缆终端盒cable-belt conveyer钢绳牵引皮带运输机cableway架空索道cabling layout电缆布置图CAD(computer-aided design)计算机辅助设计cage mill笼形磨cage rotor induction motor笼式旋转感应电动机cailloutis卵石,砾石cake结块,烧结,粘结caked clinker熟料大块calc石灰质,钙质calc sinter石灰华,钙华calcareous marl钙质泥灰岩calcareous shale(石)灰质页岩,钙质页岩calcareous spar方解石calcareous tufa石灰华,钙华calcic石灰质的,钙质的calcination①煅烧②碳酸盐分解calcined lime生石灰calciner分解炉,煅烧炉calcining chamber分解室calcining combustor分解炉,煅烧室calcining furnace分解炉,煅烧炉calcining kiln煅烧窑calcining plant煅烧设备calcite方解石calcium aluminate cement高铝水泥,铝酸盐水泥[旧称矾土水泥] calcium carbonate碳酸钙calcium chloride氯化钙calcium clay钙质粘土calcium ferrite铁酸钙calcium fluorde氟化钙,萤石calcium hydroxide氢氧化钙,熟石灰calcium lignosulfonate木质磺酸钙calcium lime生石灰,未消石灰calcium oxide生石灰,氧化钙calcium plumbite铅酸钙calcium quicklime生石灰calcium silicate hydrate水化硅酸钙calcium sulfate石膏,硫酸钙calcspar方解石calculation of raw mix proportions生料配料计算calibration标定,校准calibrator校准器,校准设备CALIBRATOR商品名[德国KHD公司生产的锥式破碎机的商标] calibrator for compressive testing machines压力试验机校准仪calipers齿轮游标卡尺,侧径器caloric receptivity①感热性②热容量calorie卡(路里)[热量单位]calorific efficiency①发热量,热值,卡值②热量效率calorific intensity发热强度calorific loss热(量)损失calorific value热值calorifier热风机calorimeter量热计calorstat恒温器,恒温箱calory(=calorie)卡(路里)[热量单位]cam凸轮cam controller凸轮控制器campaign life of lining炉期,炉龄,窑衬寿命canal管路,槽沟canal mud河泥cancrinite钙霞石canister罐,筒,箱,容器canned data存储信息,已存数据canning装罐cantilever悬臂,悬臂梁canvas帆布cap帽套,罩,塞cao nut外套螺帽,盖形螺母capacitance-type level meter电容式料位计capacitive sensor电容传感器capacitor电容器capcitor coupling电容耦合capcity for picking up the coating粘挂窑皮的能力capacity level indicator电容料位指示器capacity of shaft kiln per unit cross sectional area立窑单位截面积产量capacity of shaf kiln per unit volune立窑单位容积产量capacity operation满载运行,全量操作capacity production额定产量,标准产量capacity reactance电容电抗,容抗capilarity毛细管作用,毛细管现象capillary crack发状裂缝,细裂纹capital expenditure基本建设费用capstan绞车,绞盘car dumper自卸卡车,汽车倾斜机car load①装在车上用地磅(过重)②车辆载荷CARAPOL高效选粉机[商标,德国伯力鸠斯公司产品] carbide slag电石渣,碳化炉渣CARBODOS 卡伯度斯计量配料装置[商品名,德国伯力鸠斯公司产品]carbon碳,碳素carbon constructional quality steel优质碳素钢结构carbon content碳含量carbon dioxide二氧化碳carbon electrode碳极,碳棒carbon fibre reinforced cement碳(或石墨)纤维增强水泥carbon limestone碳化石灰石,石炭纪石灰岩carbon monoxide一氧化碳carbon seal element石墨密封件carbon steel碳素钢carbon steel pipe for pressure service压力(管道)用碳素钢管carbon tool steel plate碳素工具钢板carbon tool strip碳素工具钢带carbonaceous coal半无烟煤,贫煤carbonaceous limestone碳质石灰岩carbonaceous shale碳质石灰岩carbonate attack碳酸盐侵蚀carbonate of lime碳酸钙,石灰石carbonate rock碳酸盐岩carbonated lime concrete碳化石灰混凝土carbonation碳化作用carbonatite碳酸岩盐carbonic oxide一氧化碳carbonic sandstone碳质砂岩carboniferous limestone石炭纪石灰石carbonification碳化作用carbonization碳化作用carclazyte高岭土,陶土,白土card①记录卡②印刷电路板cardan(joint)万向节,万向接头cardan shaft万向轴Cardox method卡特克斯爆破法[一种炸除厚窑皮的方法] cargo carrier运货工具,运输机具CAROPOL风道叶轮选粉机[德国伯力鸠斯公司产品] carrier air空气载体,承载空气carrier idler托辊,承载空转辊carry scraper铲运机carryall轮式铲运机,刮刀carrying roller(回转窑、烘干机等的)托轮cascader扬料器,扬料板cascading(窑内或球磨内物料的)梯流casing外壳罩casing of filter收尘器外壳,过滤器外壳cast iron铸铁cast lining浇制窑衬cast steel铸钢cast steel flight铸钢扬料板cast stone lining plate铸石衬板castable①浇注料②可铸的castable refractory浇注耐火材料cast-in-place concrete现场浇注混凝土catalyst催化剂cataphoresis电泳,电渗。



MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET_______________________________________________________1.CHEMICAL PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATIONMaterial IdentityProduct Name: cement base waterproofing materialGeneral or Generic ID:Appearance: cement grey powderOdor: weak odorCompany IdentificationShanghai ChangYao chemical Co., LTDposition/Information on Ingredient : the mixture the solid is powderyIngredient name CAS NO % EC NO ClassificationQuartz(Sio2)14808-60-7 50-75 238-878-4 not classified(1) Cement 65997-15-1 25-35 266-043-4 xi;R41,R37/38(1)(2) See section 16 for the full text of the rphrases declared above(1)substance classified with a health or environmental hazard(2)substance with a workplace exposure limitoccupational exposure limits,if available,are listed in section 8_______________________________________________________________________________ 3. Hazards IdentificationEMERGENCY OVERVIEWCaution: Avoid contact and inhalation.Target organ(s): skin. Eyes respiratory system.For additional information on toxicity, please refer to Section 11._______________________________________________________________________________ 4. First Aid MeasuresORAL EXPOSUREDo not induce vomiting unless directed to do so by medical personnel.Maintain an open airway. Seek immediate medical attentionINHALATION EXPOSUREGet medical attentionSKIN EXPOSUREFlush contaminated skin with plenty of water. Remove contaminated clothing and shoes. Continue to rinse for at least 10 minutes. Obtain medical attention if symptoms occurEYE EXPOSUREGet medical attention immediately. immediately flush eyes with plenty of water,occasionally lifting the upper and lower eyelids. Check for and remove any contact lenses. Continue to rinse for at least 10 minutes. Chemical burns must be treated promptly by a physician ______________________________________________________________________________ 5 - Fire Fighting MeasuresFLASH POINTN/AAUTOIGNITION TEMPN/AFLAMMABILITYN/AEXTINGUISHING MEDIASuitable: use an extionuishing agent sitable for the surrounding fireNot suitable:none knownSpecial exposure hazards:no specific fire or explosion hazardFIRE FIGHTINGProtective Equipment: the fire-fighters should wear appropriate protective equipment andself-contained breathing apparatus(SCBA) with a full face-piece operated in positive pressure mode.Specific Hazard(s): Emits toxic fumes under fire conditions._______________________________________________________________________________ 6. Accidental Release MeasuresPERSONAL PRECAUTIONSKeep unnecessary and unprotected personnel from entering. Do not touch or walk through split material. Avoid breathing dust. Provide adequate ventilation. Wear appropriate respirator when ventilation is inadequate. Put on appropriate personal protective equipment ENVIRONMENTAL PRECAUTIONSAvoid dispersal of spilt material and runoff and contact with soil,waterways,drains and sewers. Inform the relevant authorities if the product has caused environmental pollution(sewers,waterways,soil or air)LARGE SPILLMove containers from spill area. Prevent entry into sewers,water courses, basements or confined area, Vacuum or sweep up material and place in a designated,labeled waste container. Avoid creating dusty conditions and prevent wind dispersalSMALL SPILLMove container from spill area. Vacuum or sweep up material and place in a designated, labeled waste container_____ ________________________________________________________________7. Handling and StorageHANDLINGPut on appropriate personal protective equipment.Eating drinking and smoking should be prohibited in areas where this material is handled,stored and processed.Workeds should wash hands and face before eating,drinking and shoking,Do not get in eyes or on skin or clothing,DO not breathe dust,Use only with adequate ventilation,Wear appropriate respirator when ventilation is inadequate.Keep in the original container or an approved alternative made from a compatible material,kept tightly closed when not in use,Emptycontainers retain product residue and can be hazardousSTORAGEStore in accordance with local regulations.Store in original container protected from directsunlight in a dry,cool and well-ventilated atea,away from incompatible materials and food and drink.Keep container tightly closed and sealed until ready for use.Container that have been opened must be carefully resealed and kept upright to prevemt leasage.Do not store in unlabelled containers.Yse appropriate containment to avoid environmental contaminationPACKAGING MATERIALS RECOMMENDEDUse original container____ __________________________________________________________________8. Exposure Controls / PPEENGINEERING CONTROLSMechanical exhaust required. Safety shower and eye bath.PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENTOther: Wear appropriate government approved respirator,chemical-resistant gloves, safety goggles, other protectiveclothing.GENERAL HYGIENE MEASURESDiscard contaminated clothing and shoes._______________________________________________________________________________ 9. Physical/Chemical PropertiesAppearance powderProperty Value At Temperature or PressureMolecular Weight N/ApH N/ABP/BP Range N/AMP/MP Range N/AFreezing Point N/AVapor Pressure N/AVapor Density N/ASaturated Vapor Conc. N/ASG/Density N/ABulk Density N/AOdor Threshold N/AV olatile% N/AVOC Content N/AWater Content N/ASolvent Content N/AEvaporation Rate N/AViscosity N/ASurface Tension N/APartition Coefficient N/ADecomposition Temp. N/AFlash Point N/AExplosion Limits N/AFlammability N/AAutoignition Temp N/ARefractive Index N/AOptical Rotation N/AMiscellaneous Data N/ASolubility N/AN/A = not available_______________________________________________________________________________ 10. Stability and ReactivitySTABILITYStable: Stable. Under normal conditions of storage of storage and use,hazardous polymerization will not occur.Materials to Avoid: No Specific data.HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTSUnder Normal conditions of storage and use,hazardous decomposition products should not be produced.HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATIONHazardous Polymerization: Will not occur_______________________________________________________________________________ 11. Toxicological InformationROUTE OF EXPOSURESkin Contact: Irritation to skin.Eye Contact: Severely irritating to eyes,Risk of serious damage to eyesInhalation: Irritating to respiratory systemIngestion:Irritating to mouth,throat and stomachMultiple Routes: May be harmful by inhalation, ingestion, orskin absorption.TARGET ORGAN(S) OR SYSTEM(S)Eyes. Respiratory system.Mouth.Skin, Stomach,ThroatSIGNS AND SYMPTOMS OF EXPOSURETo the best of our knowledge, the chemical, physical, andtoxicological properties have not been thoroughly investigated.12.Ecological information.Ecotoxical effects: Avoid contact of spilt material and runoff with soil and surface waterways.Do not empty into drains;dispose of this material and its container in a safe way______________________________________________________________________________ 13. Disposal ConsiderationsMETHODS OF DISPOSALThe generation of waste should be avoided or minimized wherever possible.Dispose of surplus and non-recyclable products via a licensed waste disposal contractor.Disposal of this product,solution and anyby-products should at all times comply with the requirements of environmental protection and wast disposal legislation and any regional local authority requirements.Avoid dispersal of spilt material and runoff and contct with soil,waterways,drains and sewers.EUROPEAN W ASTE CATALOGUE(EWC)17 01 01 concretePACKAGINGCompletely emptied packagings may be given for recycling. Empty packaging may still contain hazardous residus.empty packaging should be removed by a licensed waste contractor_______________________________________________________________________________ 14 . Transport Information.DOTProper shipping name: noneNon-hazardous for transport: This substances is considered to be non-hazardous for transport. IATA:Non-hazardous for air transport: Non-hazardous for air transportIMO:Non-hazardous for sea transport: Non-hazardous for sea transportADR/RID Class: NoneNon-hazardous for transport: This substances is considered to be non-hazardous for transport._______________________________________________________________________________ 15. Regulatory InformationUS CLASSIFICATION AND LABEL TEXTUS Statements: Caution: Avoid contact and inhalation.Target organ(s): Skin. Eyes. Respiratory systemUNITED STATES REGULATORY INFORMATIONSARA LISTED: NoCANADA REGULATORY INFORMATIONWHMIS Classification: This product has been classified inaccordance with the hazard criteria of the CPR, and the MSDScontains all the information required by the CPR.DSL: NoNDSL: No_______________________________________________________________________________ 16. Other InformationDISCLAIMERFor R&D use only. Not for drug, household or other uses. Suitable for waterproof and dampproof construction in basement, bathroom and bedroom and etc.WARRANTYThe above information is believed to be correct but does notpurport to be all inclusive and shall be used only as a guide. Theinformation in this document is based on the present state of ourknowledge and is applicable to the product with regard toappropriate safety precautions. It does not represent anyguarantee of the properties of the product.。



防水材料英文Waterproof Materials。

Waterproof materials are essential for a wide range of applications, from construction to outdoor gear. These materials are designed to repel water and prevent moisture from penetrating surfaces. In this document, we will explore the different types of waterproof materials and their uses.One of the most common types of waterproof materials is polyurethane. Polyurethane is a versatile material that can be used in a variety of applications, including clothing, footwear, and outdoor gear. It is known for its excellent water resistance and durability, making it a popular choice for outdoor enthusiasts and professionals alike.Another popular waterproof material is Gore-Tex. Gore-Tex is a breathable, waterproof fabric that is often used in outdoor clothing and footwear. It is designed to keep water out while allowing moisture to escape, keeping the wearer dry and comfortable in a variety of conditions. Gore-Tex is also known for its durability and longevity, making it a popular choice for outdoor enthusiasts and athletes.In addition to clothing and footwear, waterproof materials are also used in construction. Waterproof membranes, such as asphaltic bitumen and synthetic rubber, are commonly used to protect buildings from water damage. These materials are applied to roofs, walls, and foundations to create a barrier against moisture, preventing leaks and water damage.Waterproof materials are also used in electronics and electrical equipment. Silicone rubber, for example, is often used to create waterproof seals and gaskets for electronic devices. This helps to protect sensitive components from moisture and ensures that the devices continue to function properly, even in wet conditions.In conclusion, waterproof materials play a crucial role in a wide range of applications, from outdoor gear to construction and electronics. By repelling water and preventing moisture from penetrating surfaces, these materials help to keep people and property dryand protected. Whether it's a waterproof jacket for outdoor adventures or a waterproof membrane for a building, the right waterproof materials are essential for a variety of uses.。



水泥名称与品种Cement Nomenclature and Categories水泥cement水泥牌号cement brand水泥标号cement mark, cement grade袋装水泥bagged cement, sacking (sacked) cement散装水泥bulk cement桶装水泥barreled cement硅酸盐水泥Portland cement普通硅酸盐水泥ordinary Portland cement矿渣硅酸盐水泥Portland slag cement火山灰质硅酸盐水泥Portland pozzolana cement粉煤灰硅酸盐水泥Portland fly-ash cement抗硫酸盐硅酸盐水泥sulphate resistant Portland cement 混合硅酸盐水泥mixed Portland cement防潮硅酸盐水泥hydrophobic Portland cement塑化硅酸盐水泥plasticized Portland cement加气硅酸盐水泥air-entraining Portland cement白色硅酸盐水泥white Portland cement彩色硅酸盐水泥colored Portland cement高强硅酸盐水泥high-strength Portland cement高镁硅酸盐水泥high magnesia Portland cement无熟料水泥cement without clinker钢渣水泥steel furnace slag cement钢渣矿渣水泥steel and iron slag cement沸石水泥zeolite cement硬石膏水泥anhydrite cement石膏矿渣水泥,过硫化水泥supersulphated cement石灰矿渣水泥lime pozzolanic cement石灰火山灰质水泥lime pozzolanic cement石膏化铁炉渣水泥cupola slag sulphated cement赤泥硫酸盐水泥red-mud sulphated cement[钠]明矾石高强水泥alunite high strength cement高钙粉煤灰水泥high calcium fly-ash cement喷射水泥jet cement灌浆水泥grout-cement, cement for grouting or injection型砂水泥sand casting cement浇注水泥cement for joints低热硅酸盐水泥low heat Portland cement低热水泥low heat of hydration cement中热硅酸盐水泥moderate heat Portland cement钙镁铝酸盐水泥calcium magnesium aluminate cement高碱度水泥high pH value cement低碱度水泥low pH value cement含硼水泥boron containing cement钡[硅化]水泥barium silicate cement锶[硅化]水泥strontium silicate cement矿渣锶水泥slag strontium cement抗菌水泥antibiosis cement, anti-bacteria cement防藻水泥anti-weeds cement砌筑水泥masonry cement聚醋酸乙烯水泥polyvinyl acetate cement橡胶水泥rubber cement快凝水泥rapid hardening cement, quick setting cement快硬硅酸盐水泥rapid hardening Portland cement快凝快硬硅酸盐水泥quick setting and rapid hardening Portland cement 特快硬硅酸盐水泥super-high early strength Portland cement高铝(矾土)水泥high alumina cement特快硬高铝水泥super aluminous cement快硬硫铝酸盐水泥sulphoaluminate early strength cement膨胀水泥expansive cement低热微膨胀水泥low heat slag expansive cement明矾石膨胀水泥alunite expansive cement抗渗性膨胀水泥permeability resisting expansive cement抗渗性无收缩水泥permeability resisting non-shrinkage cement 硅酸盐膨胀水泥silicate expansive cement矿渣膨胀水泥slag expansive cement硫铝酸盐膨胀水泥sulphoaluminate expansive cement石膏矾土膨胀水泥gypsum aluminate expansive cement氧化铁膨胀水泥ferric-type expansive cement自应力水泥self-stressing cement硅酸盐自应力水泥silicate self-stressing cement铝酸盐自应力水泥alumina self-stressing cement硫[代]铝酸盐自应力水泥sulphoaluminate self-stressing cement 铝酸盐耐火水泥aluminate refractory cement低钙铝酸盐耐火水泥low lime aluminate refractory cement防潮水泥waterproof cement火山灰水泥trass cement火山灰硅酸盐水泥trass Portland cement含铁水泥ferreous cement改性树脂水泥resin-modified cement石灰渣水泥grappier cement胶质水泥glue-cement正常凝结水泥normal setting cement无收缩水泥non-shrinking cement气硬性水泥hydraulic cement水硬性水泥hydraulic cement耐碱性水泥alkali-resisting cement保温水泥insulating cement早强水泥high early strength cement超早强水泥super high early strength cement高强度水泥high-strength cement高标号水泥high-grade cement高膨胀水泥high-expansion cement低标号水泥low-grade cement低强度水泥low-strength cement低矿渣水泥low-slag cement低碱水泥low-alkali cement低石灰水泥low-lime cement表面水化的水泥surface hydrated cement补偿收缩水泥shrinkage compensating cement水泥性能与试验方法Characters and Testing Methods of Cement细度finenesss标准筛standard sieve筛余residue on the sieve比表面积specific surface area粒度分布particle size distribution水泥浆标准稠度需水量water requirement for normal consistency of cement paste 凝结时间setting time水泥安定性soundness of cement饼形试件试验pat test压蒸试验autoclave test标准砂standard sand水泥砂浆cement mortar水泥砂浆流动度flow of cement mortar水泥砂浆强度strength of cement mortar水泥砂浆需水量water requirement of cement mortar水泥砂浆需水量比water requirement ratio of cement mortar矿渣水泥slag cement硅酸盐水泥portland cement主导产品leading product年产量annual output基准reference体系system完全燃烧complete combustion不完全燃烧incomplete combustion机械不完全燃烧mechanical incomplete combustion化学不完全燃烧chemical incomplete combustion雾化atomization雾化介质atomizing medium物料平衡material balance实际空气量amount of actual air for combustion理论空气量amount of theoretical air for combustion理论烟气量amount of theoretical burned gas;amount of theoretical flue gas 形成热heat of formation单位热耗unit heat consumption标准煤Standard coal标准煤耗standard coal consumption实物煤耗raw coal consumption窑炉的余热利用waste heat utilization of kiln干燥周期drying cycle焙烧周期firing cycle热损失thermal loss;heat loss燃烧热heat of combustion有效热effective heat热效率heal efficiency燃烧效率combustion efficiency一次空气primary air二次空气secondary air系统漏入空气量false air空气系数air coefficient废气含尘浓度dust content in stack gas热平衡表heat balance table热流图heat balance diagram回转窑rotary kiln窑胭体内容积inside volume of kiln shell窑胴体有效内表面积effective inside surface of kiln shell窑或预热器排出飞灰量dust emit out from the Kiln or preheater system入窑回灰量dust fed back into kiln system飞损飞灰量amount of flying loss of dust生料中可燃物质combustible components in raw meal生料带入空气量air volume carrying by raw meal冷却机烟囱排灰量dust content emitting from stack of cooler煤磨从窑系统抽出的热气体量hot gas volume from Kiln system for coal mill入窑回灰脱水及碳酸盐分解耗热heat consumption for dehydration and decarbonation for dust fed back into kiln system回转窑用煤应用基coal used in rotary kiln system立窑shaft Kiln漏风系数false air coefficient普通立窑cement shaft Kilt / ordinary shaft Kiln机械化立窑mechanized cement shaft kiln立窑喇叭口inversed cone inlet of shaft kiln立窑单位截面积产量production of shaft kiln for unit cross section立窑单位容积产量production of shaft Kiln for unit volume白生料common meal干白生料耗consumption of drying raw meal立窑断面平均风速average velocity in cross section of shaft kiln卸料管漏出风量amount of leaked out air for discharging tube窑面废气成分composition of combustion gas at the upper in surface of shaft Kiln 黑生料black meal入磨煤量internal fuel amount of raw meal半黑生料semi-black meal入窑煤量external fuel amount of raw meal隧道窑tunnel Kiln倒焰窑down draft kiln检查坑道inspection pit预热带preheating zone烧成带firing zone;burning zone冷却带cooling zone窑车kiln car匣钵sagger棚板deck气幕air curtain直接冷却direct cooling间接冷却indirect cooling窑尾冷风cooling gas in the kiln outlet窑内断面温差difference of temperature in cross section of kiln进车间隔时间kiln car time schedule坯体内结构水含量structural water content in body坯体的入窑温度inletting body temperature零压面neutral margin轮窑annular Kilt / ring Kilt circular kiln窑门wicket隧追式干燥室tunnel dryer湿坯wet green干坯dried green绝干坯absolute dried green普通砖common brick窑的部火数number of fire travels in annular kiln内掺燃料(简称内燃料)carbonaceous materials added to raw materials外投燃料(简称外燃料)external fuel added into firing-hole of a kiln焙烧反应热heat of burning reaction操作放热损失heat losses in the opening and closing of kiln wicket and firing holes 隧道式干燥室-轮窑(隧道窑)体系热效率(简称体系热效率)(ηtx)the fmal efficiency of tunnel dryer-annular kiln (tunnel kiln)system隧道式干燥室-轮窑(隧道窑)体系单位热耗(简称体系单位热耗)unit heat consumption of tunnel dryer-annular Kiln(tunnel kiln)system隧道式干燥室,轮窑(隧道窑)体系单位煤耗(简称体系单位煤耗)(mtxm)unit coal consumption of tunnel dryer-annular Kiln(tunnel kiln)system全厂各子项原料粉磨及废气处理Raw Material Grinding and Exhaust Gas Treatmen烧成窑头Cooler水泥储存及汽车水泥散装站Cement Storing and Bulk Loading Station For Truck烧成窑尾Cyclone Preheater熟料储存及次熟料库Clinker Storing and Under-Burned Clinker Silo熟料输送Clinker transportation 原料预均化堆场及储存Raw Material Prehomogenizing and Storing石灰石破碎Limestone Crushing铁矿石耐火粘+堆棚及输送Iron Ore、Fire Clay Yard and Transportation空压机站Compressed Air Station 烧成窑中及三次风管Kiln and Tertiary Air Duct中央控制室Central Control Room生料粉磨电气室Raw Material Grinding Electrical Room中央化验室Central Laboratory烧成窑尾电气室Cyclone Preheater Electrical Room水泥磨喂料Cement Laboratory水泥粉磨电气室Cement Grinding Electrical Room 生料入窑系统Kiln Feeding System生料均化库Raw Meal Homogenizing Silo石灰石输送Limestone transportation原料配料站Raw Proportioning Station 燃油系统Fuel Oil System石膏破碎及输送Gypsum Crushing and Transportation烧成窑头电气室Cooler Electrical Room水泥粉磨及输送Cement Grinding and Transportation原料处理变电所Raw Treatment Substation水泥包装及纸袋库Cement Packing and Bag House水泥包装变电所Cement Packing Substation粘土破碎及输送Clay Crushing and Transportation 供油泵站Oil Supply Pump Station 循环泵房Circulating Pump Room生产过程(Process)石灰石、粘土破碎及输送Limestone & Clay crushing and Transportation中心实验室Central Laboratory原料预均化及储存Raw Material Prehomogenizing and Storing燃油系统Fuel Oil System原料粉磨及生料输送Raw Material Grinding and Transportation水泥粉磨Cement Mill生料预均化及窑喂料系统Raw Meal Homogenizing and Kiln feeding System 篦冷机Grate Cooler熟料储存、石膏破碎及输送Clinker Storing Gypsum Crushing and Transportation 废气处理Waster Gas Treatment水泥包装及袋装水泥发运Cement Packing and Bagged Cement Dispatching 压缩空气站Compressed Air Station水泥储存及散装水泥Cement Storage and Bulk Cement烧成系统Clinker Burning System生产过程(Process)石灰石、粘土破碎及输送Limestone & Clay crushing and Transportation中心实验室Central Laboratory原料预均化及储存Raw Material Prehomogenizing and Storing燃油系统Fuel Oil System原料粉磨及生料输送Raw Material Grinding and Transportation水泥粉磨Cement Mill生料预均化及窑喂料系统Raw Meal Homogenizing and Kiln feeding System 篦冷机Grate Cooler熟料储存、石膏破碎及输送Clinker Storing Gypsum Crushing and Transportation 废气处理Waster Gas Treatment水泥包装及袋装水泥发运Cement Packing and Bagged Cement Dispatching压缩空气站Compressed Air Station水泥储存及散装水泥Cement Storage and Bulk Cement 烧成系统Clinker Burning System。






一般情况下,水泥的主要成分包括:- 硅酸盐- 铝酸盐- 铁酸盐- 石膏三、安全注意事项在使用水泥时,请遵循以下安全注意事项:1. 接触皮肤和眼睛:水泥可能导致皮肤和眼睛刺激。


2. 吸入:避免吸入水泥粉尘,以防止呼吸系统刺激和损害。


3. 吞咽:水泥不应直接食用,因为可能导致刺激和消化系统不适。


四、急救措施如果在使用水泥过程中出现不适或事故,应立即采取以下急救措施:1. 接触皮肤:立即用清水冲洗受影响的皮肤区域,如果出现持续刺激,请寻求医疗帮助。

2. 接触眼睛:立即用清水冲洗受影响的眼睛,迫使患者频繁眨眼以洗净眼睛。


3. 吸入:将患者转移到新鲜空气区域,如果出现呼吸困难,请寻求紧急医疗救助。

4. 吞咽:如果不慎吞咽水泥,请给予足够的清水漱口,如有不适,请咨询医生。



六、紧急联系信息如果发生紧急情况,请立即联系以下紧急联系人:- 紧急救援[XXX-XXXX-XXXX]- 医疗急救[XXX-XXXX-XXXX]请注意,本文档提供的信息仅供参考,使用者应自行判断风险并采取相应的安全措施。




specific absorption of quality质量吸水率 specific absorption of volume体积吸水率 water percentage of quality质量含水率 hygroscopic 吸湿性 water resistance 耐水性 saturation 饱和
Chapter 4
Words and Phases
alkali-aggregate reaction: 碱-骨料反应 potassium: 钾 sodium: 钠 gravel: 碎石 scree: 卵石 insoluble matter: 不溶物
Chapter 4
Words and Phases
Chapter 3
Words and Phases
magnesium-oxy-chloride cement: 氯氧镁 水泥 general cement: 通用水泥 special cement: 专用水泥 characteristic cement: 特性水泥 aluminous cement: 铝酸盐水泥 sulfoaluminate cement: 硫铝酸盐水泥
Chapter 3
Words and Phases
Portland cement:波特兰水泥(硅酸盐水泥) Ordinary Portland cement: 普通硅酸盐水 泥 ordinary Portland cement: 普通硅酸盐水泥 furnance-slag cement: 矿渣硅酸盐水泥 Portland Pozzlana cement: 火山灰质硅酸盐 水泥 Portland fly-ash cement: 粉煤灰硅酸盐水泥 composite Portland cement: 复合水泥 high-alumina cement: 高铝水泥




欧美称为:Capillary/Crystalline Waterproofing Materials,简称CCCW。










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MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET_______________________________________________________1.CHEMICAL PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATIONMaterial IdentityProduct Name: cement base waterproofing materialGeneral or Generic ID:Appearance: cement grey powderOdor: weak odorCompany IdentificationShanghai ChangYao chemical Co., LTDposition/Information on Ingredient : the mixture the solid is powderyIngredient name CAS NO % EC NO ClassificationQuartz(Sio2)14808-60-7 50-75 238-878-4 not classified(1) Cement 65997-15-1 25-35 266-043-4 xi;R41,R37/38(1)(2) See section 16 for the full text of the rphrases declared above(1)substance classified with a health or environmental hazard(2)substance with a workplace exposure limitoccupational exposure limits,if available,are listed in section 8_______________________________________________________________________________ 3. Hazards IdentificationEMERGENCY OVERVIEWCaution: Avoid contact and inhalation.Target organ(s): skin. Eyes respiratory system.For additional information on toxicity, please refer to Section 11._______________________________________________________________________________ 4. First Aid MeasuresORAL EXPOSUREDo not induce vomiting unless directed to do so by medical personnel.Maintain an open airway. Seek immediate medical attentionINHALATION EXPOSUREGet medical attentionSKIN EXPOSUREFlush contaminated skin with plenty of water. Remove contaminated clothing and shoes. Continue to rinse for at least 10 minutes. Obtain medical attention if symptoms occurEYE EXPOSUREGet medical attention immediately. immediately flush eyes with plenty of water,occasionally lifting the upper and lower eyelids. Check for and remove any contact lenses. Continue to rinse for at least 10 minutes. Chemical burns must be treated promptly by a physician ______________________________________________________________________________ 5 - Fire Fighting MeasuresFLASH POINTN/AAUTOIGNITION TEMPN/AFLAMMABILITYN/AEXTINGUISHING MEDIASuitable: use an extionuishing agent sitable for the surrounding fireNot suitable:none knownSpecial exposure hazards:no specific fire or explosion hazardFIRE FIGHTINGProtective Equipment: the fire-fighters should wear appropriate protective equipment andself-contained breathing apparatus(SCBA) with a full face-piece operated in positive pressure mode.Specific Hazard(s): Emits toxic fumes under fire conditions._______________________________________________________________________________ 6. Accidental Release MeasuresPERSONAL PRECAUTIONSKeep unnecessary and unprotected personnel from entering. Do not touch or walk through split material. Avoid breathing dust. Provide adequate ventilation. Wear appropriate respirator when ventilation is inadequate. Put on appropriate personal protective equipment ENVIRONMENTAL PRECAUTIONSAvoid dispersal of spilt material and runoff and contact with soil,waterways,drains and sewers. Inform the relevant authorities if the product has caused environmental pollution(sewers,waterways,soil or air)LARGE SPILLMove containers from spill area. Prevent entry into sewers,water courses, basements or confined area, Vacuum or sweep up material and place in a designated,labeled waste container. Avoid creating dusty conditions and prevent wind dispersalSMALL SPILLMove container from spill area. Vacuum or sweep up material and place in a designated, labeled waste container_____ ________________________________________________________________7. Handling and StorageHANDLINGPut on appropriate personal protective equipment.Eating drinking and smoking should be prohibited in areas where this material is handled,stored and processed.Workeds should wash hands and face before eating,drinking and shoking,Do not get in eyes or on skin or clothing,DO not breathe dust,Use only with adequate ventilation,Wear appropriate respirator when ventilation is inadequate.Keep in the original container or an approved alternative made from a compatible material,kept tightly closed when not in use,Emptycontainers retain product residue and can be hazardousSTORAGEStore in accordance with local regulations.Store in original container protected from directsunlight in a dry,cool and well-ventilated atea,away from incompatible materials and food and drink.Keep container tightly closed and sealed until ready for use.Container that have been opened must be carefully resealed and kept upright to prevemt leasage.Do not store in unlabelled containers.Yse appropriate containment to avoid environmental contaminationPACKAGING MATERIALS RECOMMENDEDUse original container____ __________________________________________________________________8. Exposure Controls / PPEENGINEERING CONTROLSMechanical exhaust required. Safety shower and eye bath.PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENTOther: Wear appropriate government approved respirator,chemical-resistant gloves, safety goggles, other protectiveclothing.GENERAL HYGIENE MEASURESDiscard contaminated clothing and shoes._______________________________________________________________________________ 9. Physical/Chemical PropertiesAppearance powderProperty Value At Temperature or PressureMolecular Weight N/ApH N/ABP/BP Range N/AMP/MP Range N/AFreezing Point N/AVapor Pressure N/AVapor Density N/ASaturated Vapor Conc. N/ASG/Density N/ABulk Density N/AOdor Threshold N/AV olatile% N/AVOC Content N/AWater Content N/ASolvent Content N/AEvaporation Rate N/AViscosity N/ASurface Tension N/APartition Coefficient N/ADecomposition Temp. N/AFlash Point N/AExplosion Limits N/AFlammability N/AAutoignition Temp N/ARefractive Index N/AOptical Rotation N/AMiscellaneous Data N/ASolubility N/AN/A = not available_______________________________________________________________________________ 10. Stability and ReactivitySTABILITYStable: Stable. Under normal conditions of storage of storage and use,hazardous polymerization will not occur.Materials to Avoid: No Specific data.HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTSUnder Normal conditions of storage and use,hazardous decomposition products should not be produced.HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATIONHazardous Polymerization: Will not occur_______________________________________________________________________________ 11. Toxicological InformationROUTE OF EXPOSURESkin Contact: Irritation to skin.Eye Contact: Severely irritating to eyes,Risk of serious damage to eyesInhalation: Irritating to respiratory systemIngestion:Irritating to mouth,throat and stomachMultiple Routes: May be harmful by inhalation, ingestion, orskin absorption.TARGET ORGAN(S) OR SYSTEM(S)Eyes. Respiratory system.Mouth.Skin, Stomach,ThroatSIGNS AND SYMPTOMS OF EXPOSURETo the best of our knowledge, the chemical, physical, andtoxicological properties have not been thoroughly investigated.12.Ecological information.Ecotoxical effects: Avoid contact of spilt material and runoff with soil and surface waterways.Do not empty into drains;dispose of this material and its container in a safe way______________________________________________________________________________ 13. Disposal ConsiderationsMETHODS OF DISPOSALThe generation of waste should be avoided or minimized wherever possible.Dispose of surplus and non-recyclable products via a licensed waste disposal contractor.Disposal of this product,solution and anyby-products should at all times comply with the requirements of environmental protection and wast disposal legislation and any regional local authority requirements.Avoid dispersal of spilt material and runoff and contct with soil,waterways,drains and sewers.EUROPEAN W ASTE CATALOGUE(EWC)17 01 01 concretePACKAGINGCompletely emptied packagings may be given for recycling. Empty packaging may still contain hazardous residus.empty packaging should be removed by a licensed waste contractor_______________________________________________________________________________ 14 . Transport Information.DOTProper shipping name: noneNon-hazardous for transport: This substances is considered to be non-hazardous for transport. IATA:Non-hazardous for air transport: Non-hazardous for air transportIMO:Non-hazardous for sea transport: Non-hazardous for sea transportADR/RID Class: NoneNon-hazardous for transport: This substances is considered to be non-hazardous for transport._______________________________________________________________________________ 15. Regulatory InformationUS CLASSIFICATION AND LABEL TEXTUS Statements: Caution: Avoid contact and inhalation.Target organ(s): Skin. Eyes. Respiratory systemUNITED STATES REGULATORY INFORMATIONSARA LISTED: NoCANADA REGULATORY INFORMATIONWHMIS Classification: This product has been classified inaccordance with the hazard criteria of the CPR, and the MSDScontains all the information required by the CPR.DSL: NoNDSL: No_______________________________________________________________________________ 16. Other InformationDISCLAIMERFor R&D use only. Not for drug, household or other uses. Suitable for waterproof and dampproof construction in basement, bathroom and bedroom and etc.WARRANTYThe above information is believed to be correct but does notpurport to be all inclusive and shall be used only as a guide. Theinformation in this document is based on the present state of ourknowledge and is applicable to the product with regard toappropriate safety precautions. It does not represent anyguarantee of the properties of the product.。
