



猴哥 ARGUMENT写作快速入门第一节 ARGUMENT 写作特点Argument主要是要找到原文论断的逻辑错误(漏洞),然后,通过说出其它可能性,来攻击这些逻辑漏洞。




第二节 ARGUMENT模板第一段:1、归纳论点2、说明论点有问题。


(1、其它原因 2、因果倒置 3、原因的真实性)第三段攻击论证(类比不成立)A和B不同,A发生,B不一定可以发生。




第三节 ARGUMENT主题阅读式备考法范例Six months ago the region of Forestville increased the speed limit for vehicles traveling on the region's highways by ten miles per hour. Since that change took effect, the number of automobile accidents in that region has increased by 15 percent. But the speed limit in Elmsford, a region neighboring Forestville, remained unchanged, and automobile accidents declined slightlyduring the same six-month period. Therefore, if the citizens of Forestville want to reduce the number of automobile accidents on the region's highways, they should campaign to reduce Forestville's speed limit to what it was before the increase.翻译:6个月前,Forestville地区提高了本地区公路上的最高时速限制,比原先提高了10公里。



20天左右时间,其他事情不能影响1. 吸收上课内容2. 其他放弃,复习考试。

3. 背单词;issue&argument30min&45min时间不自由篇幅要求字数:550,600以上issue450以上,500左右argument成绩:verbal&quantitativeAnalytiacal Writing:output style没有技巧,实践性强标准化考试1. 重心在argument,可短期突破,满分作为努力方向;2. issue 2~3分大量复习效果不明显,4分为目标;总分4分为底线。


4分以下根本不够!feminist 女权主义者机经,比较有道理。

认真准备高频题目issue 部分模板固定每一句话的表达长期写作形成习惯In This statement,重视逻辑借鉴范文Issue 范文看逻辑,分论点建立,论据。

语言差(表达方面匮乏):1.Reading passage(6级,考研)单词使用,先译成中文,一个星期;2.新概念英语第四册,主要看议论文体;论据积累:1.Personal acknowledge, Persuasive. Well known stories. 先读issue题目,再记录论据:CNN,discovery, national geography. (Crisis, etc)2.Familiar to Western!(William Wallish), A beautiful mind. 肖申克的救赎,Persuit ofHappyness,3.Encarta,百度百科针对性工作:题目分类P21看题目,想论据,查Encarta网站:寄托,太傻,北美范文电子版,经验复习;20天搞定,机经,高频题;其他书籍: 写作工具箱,猴哥GRE满分教程,韦晓亮GRE写作大讲堂,网上下载,GRE写作电子书韦氏字典:(stimulate)写作用词:1.应用写作词汇,stimulate,5000左右,四六级词汇2.选词原则,get, fetch, gain, 书面语表达,positive, very, really, completely, absolutely, 少用小词作弊条件:1.北美范文不能使用3句以上;2.模板痕迹太大;讲课顺序Argument,issueArgument:Evidence, Conclusion, Assume, Not contained.一切逻辑漏洞的根源。

Argument 提纲的整理

Argument 提纲的整理

242 道Argument 题目的分析1.Nature’s Way 论断:在Plainsville开店会赚钱。




2.Deerhaven Acres homeowners 论断:统一外观就能提高地价·这是他人经验,尽管离得近,但是否适用于该地很可疑。












w firms in the city of Megalopolis 论断:大公司向毕业生提供更多福利、激励并减少工作时间,就能吸引毕业生前来工作。






审题1.提示语有用吗?无攻击背景:where who2.无背景歧视原则:语义,常识,北京专业知识(术语)-> 不攻击审题四步走->UAECUnderstand 结论Analyze 逻辑性Evaluate 谬误Convey 准确性开头:结论+前提/证据+谬误(2~3句)1.可以引用题目,最好简写(主干/术语)2.不要歪曲前提3.自己分析一般现在式,引用原文时保留时态4.只能说观点站不住脚,不能说false,wrong5.谬误开放式罗列式e.g. The conclusion that…may mask other causes…Overlook the differences between … lead to/result in…结论段:1.作者未能有效支持自己的说法2.根据中间段落攻击的逻辑谬误指出如何在哪些方面纠错3.注意归纳中间段落而非照抄正文段:1.共计顺序逻辑层数(1)纵向{从大前提开始一次让步攻击,逻辑链各个前提-让步语气}◆The speaker unfairly assumed that…◆Even if… the speaker still…◆Even if… the speaker unfairly(2)横向: 并列或复合:除非层次太多/可以合并;否则都攻击段之间的连词:firstly further ,in addition,finally2.什么是必须攻击的逻辑链主线-> 完整审题3.是不是每个层次都要攻击:中间段落3-4段每段5句左右每层都要攻击4.是不是每个谬误都要攻击?a.明显谬误:频率谬误false analogyGeneralization语言明显:Cause-effect/survey篇幅明显: 短题整句;长题整层不能扔b.可以充分展开的谬误(5句)1.指出谬误2.解释谬误3.纠正谬误注意深度分析,不要堆砌空话和废话注意事项:不要歪曲原题1.忽略细节:(两句之间是否有信息差异=> 存在隐含条件)2.混淆并列和复合(无法分辨,以复合为主)3.事实-》解释-》结论的逻辑链Issue和Argument的区别。



A rgumentH ow to write the introduction1. 复述结论(照搬原文,除非原文结论很长)C2. 简要复述论据和假设(简介概括1~2句)E3. 指出作者论述过程中存在的缺陷(承上启下)FP192 T149(1)T he arguer/speaker/author/writer/title● I nevitably● A utomatically● N ecessity● C ause(贬义词,造成不好的影响)● B e the main/leading cause of….● B e responsible for…..(贬义词)● T rigger/spark/precipitate(贬义词,小错误导致大结果)(2)造成结果● R esult in …● B ring about…● A ccount for…● C ontribute to…● P lay a part in…● G ive rise to…(3)归因于:● A ttribute/ascribe(结果)…to(原因)…● P ut(结果)…down to(原因)…(4)“声称”● recommend/ conclude/ claim/ assert/ state/ contend/ maintain● A llege(贬义词,声称坏事属实)● S pecious似是而非的(贬义词)● P aradoxical 似非而是的“建议”recommend/ suggest/ advise/ advocate/ propose“对未来现象的预言”predict/ foretell/ forecast/ foreseeP roject/ expect/ anticipate注意:针对性的词汇比通用性强的词汇好。

开头段的变化和调整:1. 改变顺序CEF→ECF→FEC(C:conclusion E:evidence F: faulse)2. 简化或省略evidence3. 合并(1)(EC)F● I n this argument, the arguer cites the evidence that… to reach the conclusionthat…(CE)● B y citing the evidence that… the arguer concludes that…(EC)(2) E(CF) 参考:P186 6分满分作文开头段4. 添加让步(C‟=concede让步)(1)C‟(CF)/ (C‟C)EFA ccept/ agree/ concede that…A ppear to be convincing/ is not without merits(貌似有说服力)+T o support/justify the claim/conclusion, the arguer point out that…+However/ Nonetheless/ Nevertheless,…(2)EC(C‟F)I t is true that /admittedly/Granted,… but...注意:Granted that(=though)…(后面不能有but)(3)CE(C‟F)✧ 做练习:题库,练习写开头段。













结合Direction,一道Argument题目正确的解题步骤如下:1. 通读Argument,准确定位结论和论据2. 逻辑图梳理Argument的论证过程3. 根据Direction,分析已梳理出的逻辑图The following appeared as part of an article in a business magazine.“A recent s tudy rating 300 male and female advertising executives according to the average number of hours they sleep per night showed an association between the amount of sleep the executives need and the success of their firms. Of the advertising firms studied, those whose executives reported needing no more than 6 hours of sleep per night had higher profit margins and faster growth. These results suggest that if a business wants to proper, it should hire only people who need less than 6 hours of sleep per night.”“最近的一项研究根据每晚平均睡眠时间对300名广告业高管进行了评分,结果显示,高管所需的睡眠时间与他们公司的成功之间存在关联。




Argument模板和美丽句型的整理开头试验结论In this argument, the arguer concludes that …doing…will lead to …To support the conclusion, the arguer points out that…In addition, the arguer reasons that…The argument suffers from several critical fallacies.自己应当干吗依据观看和现象自己改正依据因果In this argument, the arguer recommends that … should advise … to …To justify this claim, the arguer provides the evidence that… Thus… should follow the study’s recommendation and … in order to …自己尝试新方法依据猜测和假想The conclusion in this argument is that … can expect to … by doing … In support of this prediction, the arguer claims that … Moreover, the arguer assumes that this attempt has … benefits:1) to; 2)to; 3)to; This argument is fraught with vague, oversimplified, and unwarranted assumptions.换一个供应商In this argument, the arguer advocates that … should … This recommendation is based on the observation that … Meanwhile, the arguer assumes … to be a better choice … because … This argument is problematic for … reasons.自己应当干吗依据其他州的状况In this analysis, the arguer claims that … should … To substantiate the conclusion, the arguer cites the example of … where … In addition, the arguer assumes that … This argument is unconvincing for several critical flaws.正文:The major problem with this argument is that …Another flaw that weakens this argument is that. …In addition, the arguer ignores several factors that might undermine the argument.… the arguer fails to consider several other relevant factors that might influence …For instance … since … what’s more … etc.样本的问题:When samples are used to make general claims about a particular group, the samples should be close enough in time to the generation they are used to support, so that historical changes will not invalidatethe generalization调查survey 的问题:The sample of the survey conducted by the … is vague.But we are told nothing about the way the poll was conducted and how well it represented the public opinions..(民意测验)How many people participated?The sample of the survey is not representative.数据的问题:(平均值)The study revealed, on average, only a small statistical correlation between(试验的数据不行靠) the data of the research is unconvincing (样本太小)the sample is too small to... (光数字没比例)the ratio of four to sixthere is only figures but no proportion of the survey 还是ratio?Insufficient SampleIf the [respondents] only stand for a tiny proportion of the whole [group], we should not be so sure about the conclusion that [the whole group…]The arguer commits afallacy of hasty generalization.It was only carried out in Sun City, but the arguer applies its result to all the company’s markets while doesn’t show us whether Sun City is arepresentative market of the whole markets.试验组的人:性别,年龄,生理特征副作用有的病人会对抗生素过敏错误的类比:But the problem is that the two situations are not similar enough to justify the analogical deduction.错误的比较:The comparison in this argument is incomplete and selective. The arguer discovers that …However, the arguer fails to provide any information regarding … respectively …别的因素:Furthermore the arguer ignores the possibility that … may … Unless the arguer also takes this factor into consideration, the comparison is unconvincing.It is very likely that … and hence… varies significantly.没有因果:Confusing causal relation with correlationthe arguer commits a fallacy of hasty generalization. Even if the maintenance of the airline has been improved as a result of sending its mechanics to the Seminar, which is, of course, an unwarranted assumption, it does not follow that 就算怎样,也不怎样Finally, the arguer hints that … but he fails to analyze the causes. Is it because… or because … ?-----------------------------------------------------------其他:The fact that … does not necessarily imply that …First of all, the argument is based on a hasty generalization. According to the cited studies … which is understandable.It is very likely that … and hence… varies significantly.分析常用:the actual amount of time for doing … respectively …The survey is based on two isolated examples. The arguer should survey more hospitals of both types.How large was the sampleHow many people participated?What extent do this participators improve their …speed?The arguer fails to indicate the attitude of the residents to the ABCs performance.循环假设The arguer commits a fallacy of begging the question in assuming that …-------------------------------------------------------------结尾:To sum up, the conclusion lacks credibility because the evidence cited in the analysis does not lend strong support to what the arguer maintains. To strengthen the argument, the arguer would have to provide more evidence concerning the percentage of the affected families and their geographical distribution.In summary, the conclusion reached in this argument is invalid and misleading.In conclusion, the arguer fails to establish a causal relationship between …To strengthen the argument, the arguer would have to provide evidence that …To better evaluate the argument, we would need more information about …As it stands, the argument is not well reasoned. To make it logically acceptable, the arguer would have to demonstrate that … is the only condition that …Additionally, the arguer must provide evidence to rule out other possible causes of the …To conclude, this argument is not persuasive as it stands.新GRE写作Argument范文Discuss how well reasoned you find this argument.The following appeared in a letter from a department chairperson to the president of Pierce University.Some studies conducted by Bronston College, which is also located in a small town, reveal that both male and female professors are happierliving in small towns when their spouses are also employed in the same geographic area. Therefore, in the interest of attracting the most gifted teachers and researchers to our faculty and improving the morale of our entire staff, we at Pierce University should offer employment to the spouse of each new faculty member we hire. Although we cannot expect all offers to be accepted or to be viewed as an ideal job offer, the money invested in this effort will clearly be well spent because, if their spouses have a chance of employment, new professors will be more likely to accept our offers.For the past five years, consumers in California have been willing to pay twice as much for oysters from the northeastern Atlantic Coast as for Gulf Coast oysters. This trend began shortly after harmful bacteria were found in a few raw Gulf Coast oysters. But scientists have now devised a process for killing the bacteria. Once consumers are made aware of the increased safety of Gulf Coast oysters, they are likely to be willing to pay as much for Gulf Coast as for northeastern Atlantic Coast oysters, and greater profits for Gulf Coast oyster producers will follow.The following appeared in a memo from the marketing director of Bargain Brand Cereals.One year ago we introduced our first product, Bargain Brand breakfast cereal. Our very low prices quickly drew many customers away from the top-selling cereal companies. Although the companiesproducing the top brands have since tried to compete with us by lowering their prices, and although several plan to introduce their own budget brands, not once have we needed to raise our prices to continue making a profit. Given our success selling cereal, Bargain Brand should now expand its business and begin marketing other low-priced food products as quickly as possible.The Mozart School of Music should obviously be the first choice of any music student aware of its reputation. First of all, the Mozart School stresses intensive practice and training, so that students typically begin their training at a very young age. Second, the school has ample facilities and up-to-date professional equipment, and its faculty includes some of the most distinguished music teachers in the world. Finally, many Mozart graduates have gone on to be the best known and most highly paid musicians in the nation.新GRE写作Argument范文Discuss how well reasoned you find this argument.The following is a letter that recently appeared in the Oak City Gazette, a local newspaper.Membership in Oak City‘s Civic Club-a club whose primary objective is to discuss local issues-should continue to be restricted to people who live in Oak City. People who work-in Oak City but who live elsewhere cannot truly understand the business and politics of the city. It isimportant to restrict membership to city residents because only residents pay city taxes and therefore only residents understand how the money could best be used to improve the city. At any rate, restricting membership in this way is unlikely to disappoint many of the nonresidents employed in Oak City, since neighboring Elm City‘s Civic Club has always had an open membership policy, and only twenty-five nonresidents have joined Elm City‘s Club in the last ten years.The following appeared in the annual report from the president of the National Brush Company.In order to save money, we at the National Brush Company have decided to pay our employees for each brush they produce instead of for the time they spend producing brushes. We believe that this policy will lead to the production of more and better brushes, will allow us to reduce our staff size, and will enable the company factories to operate for fewer hours-resulting in savings on electricity and security costs. These changes will ensure that the best workers keep their jobs and that the company will earn a profit in the coming year.The following is a memorandum written by the director of personnel to the president of the Cedar Corporation.It would be a mistake to rehire the Good-Taste Company to supply the food in our employee cafeteria next year. It is the second most expensive caterer in the city. In addition, its prices have risen in each ofthe last three years, and it refuses to provide meals for people on special diets. Just last month three employees complained to me that they no longer eat in the cafeteria because they find the experience ‘unbearable.‘ Our company should instead hire Discount Foods. Discount is a family-owned local company and it offers a varied menu of fish and poultry. I recently tasted a sample lunch at one of the many companies that Discount serves and it was delicious-an indication that hiring Discount will lead to improved employee satisfaction.The following is a recommendation from the personnel director to the president of Acme Publishing Company.Many other companies have recently stated that having their employees take the Easy Read Speed-Reading Course has greatly improved productivity. One graduate of the course was able to read a five-hundred-page report in only two hours; another graduate rose from an assistant manager to vice president of the company in under a year. Obviously, the faster you can read, the more information you can absorb in a single workday. Moreover, Easy Read costs only $500 per employee-a small price to pay when you consider the benefits to Acme. Included in this fee is a three-week seminar in Spruce City and a lifelong subscription to the Easy Read newsletter. Clearly, Acme would benefit greatly by requiring all of our employees to take the Easy Read course.新GRE写作Argument范文Discuss how well reasoned you find this argument.From a letter to the editor of a city newspaper.One recent research study has indicated that many adolescents need more sleep than they are getting, and another study has shown that many high school students in our city are actually dissatisfied with their own academic performance. As a way of combating these problems, the high schools in our city should begin classes at 8:30 A.M. instead of 7:30 A.M., and end the school day an hour later. This arrangement will give students an extra hour of sleep in the morning, thereby making them more alert and more productive. Consequently, the students will perform better on tests and other assignments, and their academic skills will improve significantly.Butter has now been replaced by margarine in Happy Pancake House restaurants throughout the southwestern United States. Only about 2 percent of customers have complained, indicating that 98 people out of 100 are happy with the change. Furthermore, many servers have reported that a number of customers who still ask for butter do not complain when they are given margarine instead. Clearly, either these customers cannot distinguish margarine from butter, or they use the term butter to refer to either butter or margarine. Thus, to avoid the expense of purchasing butter, the Happy Pancake House should extend this cost-saving change to its restaurants in the southeast andnortheast as well.Many employees of major United States corporations are fearful that they will lose their jobs in the near future, but this fear is largely unfounded. According to a recent study, a majority of companies expected to make new hires in the coming year, while fewer companies expected to lay off employees. In addition, although it is very disturbing to be laid off, the proliferation of programs and of workshops designed to improve job-finding skills has made being laid off far less painful than it once was.In the Bayhead Public Library, books that are rarely borrowed continue to take up shelf space year after year, while people who want to read a recent novel frequently find that the library‘s only copy is checked out. Clearly, the library‘s plan to replace books that are borrowed no more than once a year with sufficient copies of more recent books will solve this problem. The protest we have heard since this plan was made public has come from a small, and thus unrepresentative, group of some thirty people and so should therefore be ignored.Argument模板和美丽句型的整理。



Argument 典型错误总结1. 概念差异2. 与时俱进3. 因果关系4. 错误类比5. 草率推广6. 非此即彼7. 调查问题8. 成本收益9. 即非充分又非必要10. 必要而非充分11. 对比试验12. 自相矛盾13. 信息不完整14. 反证法1. 概念差异:攻击概念差异的最基本思路是先指出作者所提出的哪两个概念不能划等号,然后再具体说出他们的不同。


句式:a) The author falsely/simply equates A with B.b) The argument depends on the assumption that A is representative of B.攻击作者概念不清的句式:a) Even assuming…, it is nevertheless impossible to assess the author’s broader contention that …攻击词汇定义的句式:有时作者对某一关键词定义不清,或根本没定义,从而导致偷换概念的错误。

a) A threshold problem involves the definition of A; the author fails to define this critical term.b) If A is define as…, then … is irrelevant to whether…2. 时间变化:“与时俱进”The author’s inference that … rests on the poor assumption that during the … (the interim) allconditions upon which their effectiveness depend have remained unchanged.+推测法和列举法other facets.It is assumed without justification that background conditions have remained the same at differenttimes (conditions)3. 因果关系:句式:1) The author fails to establish the causal relationship between A and B.2) Without such evidence, it is equally possible that other factors are instead responsible for…3) However, the author provides no evidence to support that that is the case, nor does the authorestablish a causal relationship between A and B.前后关系混同于因果关系:1) The author commits a fallacy of “after this, therefore because of this” in assuming that …攻击相关性混同为因果性错误的句式:1) While a high correlation is strong evidence of a causal relationship, in itself it is not sufficient.2) The author has not shown any correlation, let alone a cause-and-effort relationship, between …and …4. 攻击错误类比First of all, the argument is based on an incomplete comparison and is wholly unpersuasive by this analogy. The author simply assumes that … but he does not provide any evidence that is indeedcomparable. As we know, the two situations are not similar enough to justify the analogical deduction.用列举和推测法指出差异. In short, lacking evidence that conditions on the two ** are relevantly similar, the author cannot convince me on the basis of **’s experience that … would be effective in attaining **’s goals.推测法句式:(1) Common sense and experience tells us this is not the case, and that a variety of other factors, suchas …, also play major roles.1(2) It is possible that …(3) Such alternatives may include that the fact that…, or …(4) If so, there may be … due to…, and not due to ….(5) For example, suppose 反例. If /With respect to 反例.5. 攻击草率推广一般在题目中如果出现了诸如all / every / any 这类词汇的时候,都会出现以少推多的差异范围。



三段论:1、简单陈述作者的论证2、用让步的方式具体阐述3、总结——有时间的话给出有用的建议开头段:Merely based on unfounded assumption and dubious(suspicious)evidence,the statement draws a conclusion substantiate(support)the conclusion,the arguer points out evidence addition,he indicates that------.furthermore,he cited the result of a recent survey in support of this recommendation.As first glance,the author’s argument appears to be somewhat convincing,but further reflection reveals that it omits some substantial concerns that should be addressed to substantiate the argument.In my point of view,this argument suffers from N logical flaws.ConclusionTo support this recommendation------cites the following facts about----:(1)(2)(3)Close scrutiny of each of these facts,however,reveals that none of them lend credible support to the recommendation.正文段:三中攻击方式——让步式攻击结尾段:To sum up,this arguer fail to substantiate its claim that-----,because the evidence cited in the analysis does not lend strong support to what the arguer maintains.To make the argument more convincing,the arguer would have to demonstrate that------.therefore,if the argument had included the given factors discussed above,it would have been more thorough and logically acceptable.调查类错误:1survey/study攻击:1、样本的质量和数量2、采样过程是否合理(1)ProcedureA.Selective sample样本选择不随机、不具有代表性攻击技巧:调查对象前一系列限定性定语或者修饰词B.Quantity of the sample攻击点:样本数量少,Unless the surveyor sampled a sufficient(充足的)number of------and did so randomly across the entire-----spectrum(范围),the survey results are not reliable to gauge(评估)------generally.The number of respondents/samples,in itself,does not ensure representativeness.for example,if thesample included only------,then the results would no doubt suggest-------.or if-----,(5000)would account for only a little percentage,which would renders the result of the survey meaningless.(2)Result of the survey1、194——数据无意义2、数据是否含糊——缺一个都不可All Many A number of MostPercentage proportion(决对数值不知道)1、“无相对比值”The argument tells us that“many”(a number of)-----.However,the speaker fails to indicate the percentage of-------,so this evidence is far too vague to be meaningful.2、“无绝对”The author fails to provide information regarding the absolute number of-----.(也许基数很少)3、Respondents(回应者有多少)The respondents must be statistically significant in number and representative of the overall-----.(3)Who conducted the survey?Cross-bencher中立的NonalignedThe surveyor must be cross-bencher/nonaligned.(4)When was the survey conducted?l做调查的时间和得出结论的时间一定要近A threshold(门槛)problem is that the editor neglects to indicate how recently he survey was actually conducted.When samples are used to make general claims about a particular group,the samples should be close enough in time to the generalization.All we know in this editorial is that the survey was recently published.The less recent the survey itself,the less reliable the results to indicate current interest levels.调查类总结:(攻击修饰词)样本数量质量——结果的得出(回应者+时间)充分必要条件类错误:(1)充分条件标志词:once(只要)A不足以导致B。



Development in Argument典型中间段的结构(顺序如下)1.写出原文中的一个推理/assumption/结论2.驳斥该推理/assumption/结论3.指出该推理/assumption/结论的各种可能的错误4.得出相应结论------------------------------1.写出原文中的一个推理/assumption/结论2.驳斥该推理/assumption/结论1)直驳式 2)反问式 3)因果式 4)让步转折式1)直驳式2. “When the Apogee Company had all its operations in one location, it was more profitable than it is today. Therefore, the Apogee Company should close down its field offices and conduct all its operations from a single location. Such centralization would improve profitability by cutting costs and helping the company maintain better supervision of all employees.”First, the author assumes that centralization would improve profitability by cutting costs and streamlining supervision of employees. This assumption is never supported with any data or projections.-----------------------------14. The following appeared as part of a newspaper editorial.“Two years ago Nova High School began to use interactive computer instruction in three academic subjects. The school dropout rate declined immediately, and last year’s graduates have reported some impressive achievements in college. In future budgets the school board should use a greater portion of the available funds to buy more computers, and all schools in the district should adopt interactive computer instruction throughout the curriculum.”First, the argument assumes that the decline of school dropout and theachievements of last year’s graduates’ results from the adoption of interactive computer instruction. However, there are several reasons why this might not be true.------------------或写为To begin with, this argument is a classic instance of “after this, therefore because of this” reasoning. The mere fact that the introduction of interactive computer instruction preceded the impressive performance of recent graduates and the decline in the dropout rate is insufficient to conclude that it was the cause of these events.----------------------2)反问式Second, the only reason offered by the author is the claim that Apogee was more profitable when it had operated from a single, centralized location. But is centralization the only difference relevant to greater past profitability? It is entirely possible that 3)因果式1. Over time, the costs of processing go down because as organizations learn how to do things better, they become more efficient. In color film processing, for example, the cost of a 3-by-5-inch print fell from 50 cents for five-day service in 1970 to 20 cents for one-day service in 1984. The same principle applies to the processing of food. And since Olympic Foods will soon celebrate its twenty-fifth birthday, we can expect that our long experience will enable us to minimize costs and thus maximize profits.”Second, it is highly doubtful that the facts drawn from the color-film processing industry are applicable to the food processing industry.Differences between the two industries clearly outweigh the similarities, thus making the analogy highly less than valid.带让步的因果式37 “Motorcycle X has been manufactured in the United States for over 70 years. Although one foreign company has copied the motorcycle and is selling it for less, the company has failed to attract motorcycle X customers—some say because its product lacks the exceptionally loud noise made by motorcycle X. But there must be some other explanation. After all, foreign cars tend to be quieter than similar American-made cars, but they sell at least as well. Also, television advertisements for motorcycle X highlight its durability and sleek lines, not its noisiness, and the ads typically have voice-overs or rock music rather than engine-roar on the sound track.”To begin with, the first reason rests on the assumption that what automobile customers find appealing is analogous to what motorcycle customers find appealing. This assumption is weak, since although there are points of comparison between automobiles and motorcycles, there are many dissimilarities as well.------------------------------4)让步转折式The author’s second reason is also problematic.Although the engine noise of Motorcycle X is not explicitly touted in advertisements, it does not necessarily follow that engine noise is not an important selling feature.Because Motorcycle X has been manufactured in the U.S. for over 70 years, its reputation for engine noise is probably already well known and need not be advertised.Moreover, the advertisers might use。

argument 总结by lianzhuxi

argument 总结by lianzhuxi

第一类错误:没有考虑其它原因(它因法)展开1:The arguer unfairly(gratuitously) assumes that (原命题中作者提供的原因) is the key factor that contributes to (原命题中的某种结果).简短形式:(1)However, any one of a myriad of other factors—such as (它因)—might have been responsible for (原命题中的某种结果).(2) However, (原命题中的某种结果) might have been due instead to (它因)(3) Lacking evidence to the contrary, (原命题中的某种结果) might have been dueinstead to (它因)Without ruling out all other reasons why (原命题中的某种结果),the argumentthat(结论) is dubious at best.完全形式:(1)Suppose that(导致上述结果的主体可能进行的其他行为),all of which might have been responsible for (原命题中的某种结果).Thus, only concerning the (原命题中作者提供的原因), may mislead (主体)to neglect other aspects that may be the true reasonscontributing to the (原命题中的某种结果).(2)Perhaps,(它因1). Or perhaps (它因2)展开2:correlation, link 和causal relationship 的差异A direct correlation between … and …does not necessarily prove that the formercauses the latter. While a high correlation is strong evidence of a causalrelationship, in itself it is not sufficient. The author must also account forall other possible factors leading to … such as ….展开3:颠倒因果To begin with, it is possible that the arguer confused the cause and effect by concluding that children on the breakfast plan were less likely to be absentfrom and late for school because they took part in the program. After all, thebreakfast were made available at school, so only those who always went to schoolearly could regale on the breakfast. Without accounting for this possibility,the argument might be totally unjustified.展开4:作者无端假设其他相关因素均不变The argument assumes all other factors affecting … have remained constant since ….第二类错误:与调查有关的错误1> A thresh-hold problem with the argument involves the study process. The study results arereliable only if all other factors that might affect incidence of heart attack and the level of cholesterol remained invariable during the study , and if the sample of this study was sufficient in size and representative of the overall group of people worldwide. Without evidence of the study’methodological and statistical reliability, the speaker’s conclusion based on the study is unjustifiable.2>The methodology of the first survey might be problematic in two aspects: First, we are notinform the exact number of the respondents and if those respondents were selected randomly.Lacking evidence to the contrary, it is entirely possible that the respondents only accountfor a small proportion of the overall population of students and that they have been chosen designedly. Nor are we informed whether survey responses were anonymous or even confidential.If they were not, then the respondents might have distorted their true preference due to girls’ coy nature. Either scenario, if true, would cast serious doubt on the arguer’s conclusion based on this survey.3>To begin with, the author provides no evidence that the study’s results are statisticallyreliable. In order to establish a strong correlation between dietary iron and heart disease, the study’s sample must be sufficient in size and representative of the over population of heart-disease victims. Lacking evidence of a sufficiently representative sample, the author cannot justifiably rely on the study to draw any conclusion whatsoever.4>Two final problems with the argument involve the experimental process. The experiment’sresults are reliable only if all other factors that might affect sleep patterns remained constant during the three-week period, and if the number of experimental subjects is statistically reliable. Without evidence of the experiment’s methodological and statistical reliability, the speaker’s conclusion is unjustifiable.5>Secondly, the author fails to indicate when the statistics showing this nationwide tendencywere collected. The longer the time between the collection of these statistics and the election, the greater possibility that the tendency has changed over this time span, and the less justifiable the author’s reliance on these statistics to support the claim that…第三类错误:False Analogy1>行业间的 False AnalogyThe arguer simply assumes that industrial1 and industrial2 perform many similar functions, but he does not provide any evidence that their functions are indeed comparable. As we known, the…of industrial1 and those of industrial2 differ conspicuously. Therefore, even though (industrial1’s success) , there is no guarantee that (industrial2’s success)./ Without accounting for these and other possible dissimilarities, the arguer cannot assumes that what resulted in (industrial1’s success) would bring out the same result in (industrial2’s success).2>地域间的 False AnalogyNor can the manager justify … on the basis of …’success. Or perhaps… . Or perhaps….In short, the manager cannot defend the recommendation on the basis of what might be a false analogy between two….It is entirely possible that similar(same) actions would be ineffective in… due to the…differences between… and ….Without accounting for such differences any analogy between the two… is premature, and any conclusion based on that analogy is unjustifiable.第四类错误:证据不足1>The mere fact that … is scant evidence that …2>The mere fact that … hardly suffices to infer that…3>The mere fact that …is not necessarily indicate that …4>The arguer assumes too hastily, on the basis of … , that …第五类错误:信息时效性问题1>时间太长To begin with, Walsh’s prior rate of placing laid-off XYZ employees is not necessarily a reliable indicator of what that rate would be now. Perhaps, the placement rate 8 years ago was due to general economic downturn or some other factors beyond Walsh’s control. For that matter, perhaps the rate was relative high among all placement service during that time period.2>时间太短Perhaps not enough time has passed to determine the effectiveness of this change in reducing the accident rate.3>数据来源单一Besides, a single years’s statistics hardly suffices to draw any general conclusion. Last year might have been exceptional—due to some unusually event that is unlikely to reoccur, such as … .第六类错误:没有全面权衡利弊Profitability is a function of both revenue and expense. Thus, it is entirely possible that the …(列举可能的costs), might render the … unprofitable despite its popularity. Without weighing revenue against expenses the argument’s conclusion is premature at best.第七类错误:局部推整体或整体推局部1>整体推局部The nationwide trends that(study showing that) …would lend credible support for the argument only if local residents(fans) typify residents(fans) nationwide.2>以小推大Even I were to concede that …this single sample is insufficient to draw any general conclusion about …. Without additional samples from diverse geographic locations , I cannot accept the author’s sweeping generalization about …第八类错误:论断中出现“should”或是“best”等绝对化词语1>Finally, in concluding that DR must hire Ad Lib in order to ensure similar success throughout the country, the manager assumes that Ad Lib’s services are both necessary and sufficient for this purpose.Yet the manager has not provide any evidence to substantiate either assumption. Lacking evidence to the contrary,it is just as likely that some other ad agency would be equally or more effective. Even if Ad Lib’s service are necessary to achieve the manager’s goal, it is entirely possible that Ad Lib’s service would not suffices to ensure similar success elsewhere—due to the sort of factors mentioned above that might have contributed to the M success but would not come into play in other cities.2>Without weighing the proposal against alternative methods by which the … could achievethe desired goal either, the author cannot confidently asserts that his proposal would be the optimal choice for …第九类错误:差异概念(缺少关键定义)1>Also, the memo unfairly equates the speed with which one finds a job with job-seeking success.Common sense, however, informs me that the effective of a job search depends not only on how quickly one finds a job, but also on compensation, benefits, location, and type of work.2> A threshold problem involves the definition of insomnia. The speaker fails to define thiscritical definition. If insomnia is defined as an inability to fall asleep, then how soundly or long a person sleeps, or how tired a person feels after sleep , is irrelevant to whether the person suffers from insomnia. In short, without a clear definition of insomnia it is impossible to assess the strength of the argument.第十类错误:结论的可行性问题。

Argument 笔记大全

Argument 笔记大全

Argument 核心词汇:questionable(有疑问的), fallacious( [fəˈleɪʃəs] 谬误的,不合理的), unconvincing(没有说服力的),open to doubt (值得怀疑),unfounded(无事实根据的),be biased against , unwarranted([ʌnˈwɔ:rəntɪd]没有根据的,无正当理由的),indefensible(无法防御的,站不住脚的),groundless(无理由的,无根据的),problematic(成问题的,有疑问的),unsounded(未经探测的,深度未明的),untenable(难以防守的,站不住脚的),unreliable(不可靠的,不可信任的),dubious([ˈdubiəs]半信半疑的,可疑的),unpersuasive(无说服力的),flawed(有缺陷的), unsubstantiated([,ʌnsəb'stænʃi,eitid] adj. 未经证实的; 没有事实根据的)一、开头(一)直接陈述式1、转述题目中的中心结论The author concludes that …This speaker draws the conclusion that …In this argument the author reaches the conclusion that…2、转述题目对该结论的支持言论或解释The reasons offered to support this conclusion ar e that …To support this conclusion, the speaker claims that …H is evidence is that …3、指出题目不具备说服力This argument suffers from several critical problems and is therefore unfounded.This line of reasoning is open doubt for a couple of reasons.This argument is biased because the author oversimplifies the problem and its solutions .(二)建议式1、转述题目中的建议This arguments advises/ suggests /recommends that…The advice /suggestion / proposal / recommendation endorsed in argument is that …2、转述该建议的根据The reason cited are that …The basis for this recommendation is that …In support of this reason the author cites these for statistics:3、指出题目是不具备说服力的The reasoning in this argument is problematic in several critical respects.A careful examination of this argument would reveal how groundless the conclusion is.This argument is fraught with(充满)vague (模糊的), oversimplified and unwarranted claims.This argument relies on a series of unsubstantiated assumptions , which render it indefensible.二、文章主体部分(一)基本结构逻辑连接词+驳斥分析1、逻辑连接词首先:in the first place/ to begin / start withA threshold problem with the argument includes…The chief /major /primary problem with the argument is …其次:furthermore/ moreover/ in addition / what is moreAnother point worth considering is that …Another problem that weakens / undermines the logic of最后:in the end / in the final analysisThe last problem with the argument is that it unfairly infers that …A final problem involves the assertion is that …2、驳斥分析1)列出错误的说法●作者说:The author (unfairly / falsely) assumes /assets /claims /states /advocates / implies / infers/reasons that …●题目的其中一个问题是:A problem with the argument is that it unfairly infers / deduces that …●作者……的说法/想法/做法是不可信的:The speaker’s claim/ idea /solution concerning … is not compelling(令人信服的) / well-reasoned(合乎逻辑的)/reliable (可信赖的)/persuasive(能说服的)2)分析该说法的思路或理由●作者的理由/证据是……The author’s reason / evidence /proof is that …●作者的推理过程是……The line of reasoning / inference of this argument is that …●作者这个说法基于一个理由……The editorial relies a(an) supposition / assumption that …3)指出该说法不具备说服力●但是,作者的推理是站不住脚的。




Argument模板和漂亮句型的整理开头实验结论In this argument, the arguer concludes that …doing…will lead to …To support the conclusion, the arguer points out that…In addition, the arguer reasons that…The argument suffers from several critical fallacies.自己应该干吗根据观察和现象自己改正根据因果In this argument, the arguer recommends that … should advise … to …To justify this claim, the arguer provides the evidence that… Thus… should follow the study’s recommendation and … in order to …自己尝试新方法根据预测和假想The conclusion in this argument is that … can expect to … by doing … In support of this prediction, the arguer claims that … Moreover, the arguer assumes that this attempt has … benefits:1) to; 2)to; 3)to; This argument is fraught with vague, oversimplified, and unwarranted assumptions.换一个供应商In this argument, the arguer advocates that … should … This recommendation is based on the observation that … Meanwhile, the arguer assumes … to be a better choice … because … This argument is problematic for … reasons.自己应该干吗根据其他州的情况In this analysis, the arguer claims that … should … To substantiate the conclusion, the arguer cites the example of … where … In addition, the arguer assumes that … This arg ument is unconvincing for several critical flaws.正文:The major problem with this argument is that …Another flaw that weakens this argument is that. …In addition, the arguer ignores several factors that might undermine the argument.… the argue r fails to consider several other relevant factors that might influence …For instance … since … what’s more … etc.样本的问题:When samples are used to make general claims about a particular group, the samples should be close enough in time to the generation they are used to support, so that historical changes will not invalidate the generalization调查survey 的问题:The sample of the survey conducted by the … is vague.But we are told nothing about the way the poll was conducted and how well it represented the public opinions..(民意测验) How many people participated?The sample of the survey is not representative.数据的问题:(平均值)The study revealed, on average, only a small statistical correlation between(实验的数据不可靠) the data of the research is unconvincing (样本太小)the sample is too small to... (光数字没比例)the ratio of four to sixthere is only figures but no proportion of the survey 还是ratio?Insufficient SampleIf the [respondents] only stand for a tiny proportion of the whole [group], we should not be so sure about the conclusion that [the whole group…]The arguer commits afallacy of hasty generalization.It was only carried out in Sun City, but the arguer applies its result to all the company’s markets while doesn’t show us whether Sun City is a representative market of the whole markets.实验组的人:性别,年龄,生理特征副作用有的病人会对抗生素过敏错误的类比:But the problem is that the two situations are not similar enough to justify the analogical deduction.错误的比较:The comparison in this argument is incomplete and selective. The arguer discovers that …However, the arguer fails to provide any information regarding … respectively …别的因素:Furthermore the arguer ignores the possibility that … may … Unless the arguer also takes this factor into consideration, the comparison is unconvincing.It is very likely that … and hence… varies significantly.没有因果:Confusing causal relation with correlationthe arguer commits a fallacy of hasty generalization. Even if the maintenance of the airline has been improved as a result of sending its mechanics to the Seminar, which is, of course, anunwarranted assumption, it does not follow that 就算怎样,也不怎样Finally, the arguer hints that … but he fails to analyze the causes. Is it because… or because … ?-----------------------------------------------------------其他:The fact that … does not necessarily imply that …First of all, the argument is based on a hasty generalization. According to the cited studies … which is understandable.It is very likely that … and hence… varies significantly.分析常用:the actual amount of time for doing … respectively …The survey is based on two isolated examples. The arguer should survey more hospitals of both types.How large was the sampleHow many people participated?What extent do this participators improve their …speed?The arguer fails to indicate the attitude of the residents to the ABCs performance.循环假设The arguer commits a fallacy of begging the question in assuming that …-------------------------------------------------------------结尾:To sum up, the conclusion lacks credibility because the evidence cited in the analysis does not lend strong support to what the arguer maintains. To strengthen the argument, the arguer would have to provide more evidence concerning the percentage of the affected families and their geographical distribution.In summary, the conclusion reached in this argument is invalid and misleading.In conclusion, the arguer fails to establish a causal relationship between …To strengthen the argument, the arguer would have to provide evidence that …To better evaluate the argument, we would need more information about …As it stands, the argument is not well reasoned. To make it logically acceptable, the arguer would have to demonstrate that … is the only condition that …Additionally, the arguer must provide evidence to rule out other possible causes of the …To conclude, this argument is not persuasive as it stands.新GRE写作Argument范文Discuss how well reasoned you find this argument.The following appeared in a letter from a department chairperson to the president of Pierce University."Some studies conducted by Bronston College, which is also located in a small town, reveal that both male and female professors are happier living in small towns when their spouses are also employed in the same geographic area. Therefore, in the interest of attracting the most gifted teachers and researchers to our faculty and improving the morale of our entire staff, we at Pierce University should offer employment to the spouse of each new faculty member we hire. Although we cannot expect all offers to be accepted or to be viewed as an ideal job offer, the money invested in this effort will clearly be well spent because, if their。

Argument 笔记

Argument 笔记

GRE Revised General TestAnalytical Writing强化班笔记李延隆新浪博客:h t t p://b l o g.s i n a.c o m.c n/l i y a n l o n g76新浪微博:h t t p://w e i b o.c o m/l i y a n l o n g76私人邮箱:l i y a n l o n g@x d f.c n“对于要去美国读研究生的人外国人来说,应该先考G R E,后考T O E F L。

”d e d u c t i v e a r g u m e n t:v a l i d;i n v a l i di n d u c t i v e a r g u m e n t:s t r o n g;w e a k“A n a l y z e a n A r g u m e n t”T a s k无需讨论原文信息的真实性和准确性。



逻辑思维能力语言表达能力P r e p a r i n g s t r a t e g i e s1.c r i t i c a l t h i n k i n g2.熟读题目3.积累闪光句式4.列出每道题的提纲5.形成各部分的论证模板6.全文练习10到20篇文章H o w t o a n a l y z e t h e t o p i cA r g u m e n t的题目结构Evidence (support) →Conclusion审题:分清论据结论;看清推理关系结论前的标志词:①t h e r e f o r e,t h u s,s o,h e n c e,c o n s e q u e n t l y...②c l e a r l y...③s h o u l d,m u s t...④t o d o s t h;i n o r d e r t o d o s t h...论据的种类①事实f a c t s②统计s u r v e y;s t a t i s t i c s③例子e x a m p l e s④类比a n a l o g i e s⑤对比c o m p a r i s o n s⑥a s s u m p t i o n s写作的目的:评价或质疑,并非批判或驳斥以下是上海市交管局的一份报告:去年,北京开始了机动车尾号限行制度。



GRE写作:ARGUMENT常用词汇只有在GRE写作中做到语句通顺衔接自然,才能令阅卷人读得舒畅,也才能获得新GRE 写作高分。


一系列:a series of; in a row;好像、可能:likely; possible; probably; perhaps; as though; maybe; may; might;解决方案:solution; approach; recipe; scheme方面:angles; aspect; facet; side; viewpoint;in all respects; in many fields;highlight an aspect of;in all likelihood;获得:acquire; gain; attain; achieve; pursue;影响;interfere with~;have/exert a profound influence on life/personality;have a dramatic/undesirable effect on;满足:meet; satisfy; accommodate the demand of; be accustomed to;很明显的:it is conceivable/ obvious/ apparent;conspicuous; strikingly; notably;类比:apply specifically/equally to;以上就是GRE写作argument常用词汇,包括一系列、好像、可能等,大家可以挑选自己熟悉的进行背诵,在写作时进行运用,帮助写出顺畅的GRE作文。




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1. 重点词汇
historic: 历史的,有历史意义的
theory: 理论,学说
purpose: 目的,用途
agreement: 一致,符合
argument: 争论,争吵
2. 重点短语
in order to: 为了,以便
so that: 以便,以致
according to: 根据,依据
as well as: 也,还
3. 重点语法
现在完成时态(Present Perfect Tense)的用法
- 用法:表示过去发生的动作对现在的影响或结果,以及过去开始并持续到现在的动作或状态。

- 结构:have/has + 过去分词
被动语态(Passive Voice)的用法
- 用法:表示主语是动作的接受者。

- 结构:be + 过去分词
4. 重要句型
It is + 形容词 + to do sth. (做某事是……的)
There is no doubt that + 句子(毫无疑问……)
5. 阅读理解技巧


6. 写作技巧



argument用法和搭配 -回复

argument用法和搭配 -回复







以下是几种常见的argument形式:1.归纳论证(inductive argument):基于特定的事实或案例,推导出一般性的结论。


2.演绎论证(deductive argument):从一般性原理推导出特殊性结论。


3.拟议论证(hypothetical argument):建立在假设或推测的前提上,通过推理得出结论。






2.并列(parallel argument):在论述时,我们可以使用多个理由或证据来支持同一个论点,从而增强说服力。



Argu 里可能用到的句子The ……concludes that ……,to support the conclusion the editorial cites various……that however this evidence provides liitle credible support for the editorial’conclusion.To begin with ……next……in conclusionThis is a false causation……The person’s reasoning does not indicate that ……The notion that…… seems at first glance to be an obivious conclusion.after all it is the……that However ……While it may be true that ……should/ought to ……The following appeared as a ……toThe author’s argument is weak ,though he ……obviously ,the author is not aware the fact thatThe paragragh begins by ……,than continues by ……,the author reasons that ……Then the author comes to a conclusion thatT he paragraph given merely scratches the surface of ……much more work is needed by Only after –ing ……might somebody ……However the author’s argument does not make a cogent case for ……The sample may not have been representative,-ing ……Unless the survey is fully representative ,valid and reliable ,it can not be used to effectively back the authors ‘ argument.Additionally,……consequently……Regardless of whether or not ,the author does not effectively show a connection between and .The auther unfair ly imply the reason that ……这是一种错误的因果联系可信么?(is it credible)有什么变化?However ,this author ‘argument is not likely significantly do something.生词:perspective 观点and prospective未来的Franchises专营merchants 商人modestly谨慎的适当的proponents and opponents赞成者和反对者executives 高管memorandum备忘录tremendously profitable非常盈利lane of traffic机动车道shortsight /a narrow vision目光短浅budgetary预算on-the job accidents 工伤work shifts 轮班insulation隔热electric generating plants 发电站promise允诺freeway高速公路alpaca overcoat羊毛大衣dairy products奶制品replenish补充overall inventory 总库存量discard丢弃family room 家庭娱乐休息室,well-appointed kitchen设备齐全的厨房state-of –the-art最先进的dining room餐厅symphoney交响乐团attendance出席commissioners 委员benches长椅sound system音响系统in light of 基于,根据coupon优惠券corporate downsizing企业裁员distinguished著名的杰出的alumnae女校友alumni 男校友stockholders股票持有者featured使有特色reliability可靠性amphibian两栖动物virtually 事实上sick days病假recorded music 录唱片potholes凹坑operating cost 运营成本profit margins利润空间market positioning 市场定位mopeds轻便摩托车the breeding of bacteria and viruses.细菌和病毒的滋生scale规模premise前提big proportion of思路:怎样实施的?由谁实施的?带来什么样的后果?majority and similarity等字样对于范围的概念,某种波动是否在正常的范围内(within the nomal range)?anothers reasons ,such as?一个成功了另一个效仿,但是是否考虑两者的相似性,所处环境,当对比两者环境不同的时候可以用(整体经济环境macro-economic environment ,市场供求情况supply and demand ,人口结构demographic structure ,土地供应land supply,居民生活水平living conditions 购买力purchase power , is there comparability?)也许是出于别的原因前者才实施了一定的措施,后者是否有必要实施?比例的问题,比例下降,量不一定下降。

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20天左右时间,其他事情不能影响1. 吸收上课内容2. 其他放弃,复习考试。

3. 背单词;issue&argument30min&45min时间不自由篇幅要求字数:550,600以上issue450以上,500左右argument成绩:verbal&quantitativeAnalytiacal Writing:output style没有技巧,实践性强标准化考试1. 重心在argument,可短期突破,满分作为努力方向;2. issue 2~3分大量复习效果不明显,4分为目标;总分4分为底线。


4分以下根本不够!feminist 女权主义者机经,比较有道理。

认真准备高频题目issue 部分模板固定每一句话的表达长期写作形成习惯In This statement,重视逻辑借鉴范文Issue 范文看逻辑,分论点建立,论据。

语言差(表达方面匮乏):1.Reading passage(6级,考研)单词使用,先译成中文,一个星期;2.新概念英语第四册,主要看议论文体;论据积累:1.Personal acknowledge, Persuasive. Well known stories. 先读issue题目,再记录论据:CNN,discovery, national geography. (Crisis, etc)2.Familiar to Western!(William Wallish), A beautiful mind. 肖申克的救赎,Persuit ofHappyness,3.Encarta,百度百科针对性工作:题目分类P21看题目,想论据,查Encarta网站:寄托,太傻,北美范文电子版,经验复习;20天搞定,机经,高频题;其他书籍: 写作工具箱,猴哥GRE满分教程,韦晓亮GRE写作大讲堂,网上下载,GRE写作电子书韦氏字典:(stimulate)写作用词:1.应用写作词汇,stimulate,5000左右,四六级词汇2.选词原则,get, fetch, gain, 书面语表达,positive, very, really, completely, absolutely, 少用小词作弊条件:1.北美范文不能使用3句以上;2.模板痕迹太大;讲课顺序Argument,issueArgument:Evidence, Conclusion, Assume, Not contained.一切逻辑漏洞的根源。


Key Points:1.Aspects(4~5);2.Logical, cogently developed;3.Well chosen transitional devices(表明前后两部分逻辑关系的元件); In addition, Once more并列关系:and, Additionally, Moreover, Furhtermore, One… Another…,What’s more;转折关系:but, However, Rather than, In contrast;因果关系:because, so, due to, therefore;空间时间关系4.Varied sentences and vocabularies. Significant, essential, important, count, rules,ect.;5.Free of mechanical errors;P1841.有效支撑驳斥的观点,为何犯这种错误;2.控制,熟练程度;3.4分特点:辨认分析要点,但不写连接语,用词用句未能多样化;4.3分特点:重要逻辑漏洞没有点到;5.0分:Off topic(Rejects topic); In a foreign topic, blank, non-verbal;6.6分长度长;Proposition&Evidence(推理与事实)B:Recommendation:T15Conlusion:T45Pridiction:T72结论一般在最后,但是可以段中。


A:Assumption弦外之音:T38consumption~Eating; Treatment~Catching cold Sub conclusions:Evidence: Sample, Statistical evidence, comparison, other facts.数据论据可能错误:统计时间(做统计时间,统计持续时间)统计发起人统计对象统计方法T28事实论据:事实本身的真实性不能被攻击,但是是背后有假设Argument中间段Intro, main body(4~5), conclusion.One body paragraph(四层写作结构1.Concession(让步) You are a good qualified student.(承上启下作用)Even if,2.However(但是) Unfortunately/Congratulations!The author unfairly assumes that…直接否定:unfairly,unreasonably先肯定,后否定,however, this may not be the case;3.反例,论据,分析,为什么会犯这种错误Perhaps, also perhaps, Furthermore, for example, for instance, it’s entirely possible 4.再踩一脚。

Without ruling out these possibilities, we can’t accept the author’s opinion.Without accounting for other factors which will…, I will not concede thatThe author has to prove that these scenarios are not likely, otherwise…Unless the author can illustrate this scenario is unlikely, I will not…For that matter, the author cannot conclude hastily that…中间段举例:P7Hasty Generalization(以偏概全,以小见大,基于统计学,小样本&随机抽样)小样本T191传统课程可以改编为远程教学内容,部分传统课程不能改变T144 200家也可以是小样本,孤立数据不代表任何问题特殊样本T168 80多岁法国妇女,髋关节骨折概率低,连接语改成similarly 不要用两段写同一个错误讲义举例:for that matter, also perhaps“Respondents” RepresentativeT205 高照度灯光与犯罪,以偏概全Misapplied Generalization以大推小T Jazz 1.10000 2. Living 3. RadioNational survey 以大推小讲义Throughout the country ~ In Parkville以大推小, Parkville’s characterOther flaws: Hasty generalization: 80 thousand~All; Baseball~Sports; Big city~all Experts(Assumption: The spare time is used in study; Need time to study)False Cause错误因果因果一定可以被攻击(排除其他原因)Post hoc, ergo propter hoc(A occurs before B, so A is the cause of B)分析方式:提出其他原因T2Brookville’s landscape and colorPerhaps: The development of the area; Traffic improvements; Population increase;Economic environment(Overall environment);讲义:Perhaps: 勤奋,此段较好,适合背诵Similarly, Inflation~CompetitionCum hoc, ergo propter hoc(同时发生不代表因果关系)T75:Obesity&Living Place分析:Unhealthy eating habbits including KFC&Potato Chips. 将反例具体描述Video games~obesity;Economic environment.讲义:TV&Crime分析:成年人监护问题;法制漏洞;宏观经济因素;几种表示因果的形式A is the cause of BB is the result of AA is responsible for BCum hoc, ergo propter hoc人事任用问题讲义:宏观经济因素;Due to; is the result of; be attributable toCorrelation to causationT80反例:讲义:相关关系不代表因果关系(两个)Heart disease&high-iron dietSimilarly, heart disease&meatT38Faulty analogy(类比问题,目的在于将某处经验用于别处)A effective,B may not be effictive.1.Different region2.Different fieldDifferent region:T18反例:道路车辆状况改变,等使BC状况改变PC与BC不同,汽车数目不同,道路状况不同讲义P9 借鉴句型Different fieldT67Garbage&library 不同点实施的背后有假设,其他错误:孤立比例;错误推理人数仍会减少。

讲义T168Automobile company&printing company人名不能缩写Special methods and supervision, for that matter, youth fits better All things are equal简单比较(比较问题,目的在于比较出哪个更好)T41需要建立在同一背景下1.比例与总量2.时间特殊性3.其他条件(气候,食品)可能是背景条件不同,不能比较出哪一个好讲义:全部都是简单比较,不能说明任何问题;Aberration 错误,失误,偏差Disparity不一致时间推广:过去不能推现在,过去不能推将来,现在不能推将来T23Prediction kind, :1.可能会出现很多竞争对手;2. 人们可能不会再吃海鲜3. 可能不会再是双收入;其他错误:(错误推理)1.本地海鲜菜肴的消费量可能不大;2.双收入家庭不一定足够有钱;3.以大推小;4.不在家做饭不一定在家吃海鲜;5.关注健康饮食代表人们会吃海鲜;多次出现的问题:某个部门或者厂商现在没有,将来也一定没有,可以用时间推广来解决。
