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说明:1. 本套试题答题时间120分钟,总分为150分。

2. 本套试题共分四部分:听力 (不计入总分)、阅读理解、语言知识运用、写作。




1. What does the woman mean?

A. She is too busy to get the opener.

B. She doesn’t know where the opener is.

C. She wants the man to help her dress the baby.

2. What is the man doing?

A. Writing.

B. Playing the video game.

C. Listening to the radio.

3. What do we know about the man?

A. He wants to make good use of his intelligence.

B. He asks the woman to find him a job.

C. He has found a well-paid job.

4. Where are the speakers?

A. On a bus.

B. On a plane.

C. On a train.5. What does the woman advise the man to do?

A. Take a break.

B. Drink some water.

C. Figure out the problem.




6. Why did the man come back by train?

A. There was an air strike.

B. He was late for his plane.

C. He wanted to enjoy the scenery along the way.

7. What does the man think of travelling by train?

A. Safe.

B. Tiring.

C. Enjoyable.


8. How does the man usually have dinner?

A. He eats at a restaurant.

B. He cooks himself.

C. His mother cooks.

9. What do we know about the man?

A. He is good at cooking.

B. He usually cooks Chinese food.

C. His family isn’t fond of Australian food.

10. What Australian food does the man think is interesting?

A. The meat pie.

B. The kangaroo meat.

C. The tomato sauce.


11. When did the man start school?

A. In 1965.

B. In 1969.

C. In 1974.

12. How did the man go to school?

A. By bike.

B. On foot.

C. By bus.

13. What was the worst punishment the man got at school?

A. He wrote a sentence many times.

B. He had to stand for hours.

C. He was hit by a teacher.


14. What does the man have to do before the movie?

A. Check if it’s playing.

B. Finish his report.

C. Have dinner.

15. What kind of movie will the speakers watch?

A. A thriller.

B. A comedy.

C. A science fiction.

16. Which movie will the speakers watch?

A. The 6:00 p.m. one.

B. The 6:30 p.m. one.

C. The 7:00 p.m. one.


17. What is the probable relationship between the speaker and the listeners?

A. Colleagues.

B. Waiter and customer.

C. Salesman and client.

18. Where is LaFleur Bar?

A. Next to the Irish Pub.

B. Opposite the Greenville Gallery.

C. Across from the Rodolfo Country Club.

19. What needs extra pay?

A. Food.

B. Soft drinks.

C. Alcoholic drinks.

20. What does the speaker suggest some listeners do in the end?

A. Drink less at the party.

B. Take public transportation.

C. Invite as many people as possible to the party.





Galaxies are huge groupings of stars, planets, gas and dust. Our sun is in the Milky Way, which measures about 100,000 light years across. That long thin milky bright shape across the middle of the night sky consists of about hundreds of billions of stars in our galaxy. Our galaxy is a spiral (螺旋式的) one, but there are other types.

SPIRAL GALAXIES: There are galaxies that have spiral arms that appear from the center. Our solar system is located on one of the arms of the Milky Way. Our galaxy has a huge black hole at its

center that billions of stars circled around.

ELLIPICAL GALAXIES: There are galaxies shaped like a huge egg. The stars in these galaxies tend to be very ancient. Furthermore, the old stars in elliptical galaxies tend to be yellow and

The Milky Way is only one galaxy among a few hundred

million galaxies in our universe (each with hundreds of

billions of stars).
