



文件名称:新奥燃气控股有限公司制定内部控制体系文版本:v1.4件流程流程编号: FM5.1发布日期:流程管理部门:燃气控股财务部流程主管:1、流程说明“内部控制体系”是企业风险防范体系,它是由公司股东大会、董事会、经理阶层和职员实施的。









7、关键数据无8、流程图内部控制体系建设风险控制环境及策略风险控制组织体系、程序措施控股职能部门控股财务部成员企业风险管理委员会指导下发开始反馈备案上报结束01初步风险评估02风险点分解03工作事务流程化、规范化04对手册中执行关键信息资讯的细节补充05试行06修订07汇集08审批09形成固化定稿9、流程描述[01]初步风险评估:经营管理层流程和机制、管理信息风险、经营舞弊风险评估;[02] 风险点分解:按照业务进程将梳理出的风险点分解到各相应归口职能部门;[03]工作事务流程化、规范化:规划相应的资源计划、时间计划、实施方案,逐步实现流程规范、文档规范、风险评估、控制到位,最终形成操作手册初稿;[04]对手册中执行关键信息资讯的细节补充:成员企业根据业务的实际进程对手册进行完善,区域财务总监负责牵头、协调所在区域的内控细节补充完善工作;[05] 试行:逐步建立规范化、流程化、模板化、知识化的管理模式,强化经营风险管理体系中的最基础、最前线、最主动的一层控制(程序措施)。



文件名称:新奥燃气控股有限公司总账与月结流程版本:v1.0流程编号: FM1.2发布日期:流程管理部门:燃气控股财务部流程主管:1、流程说明总账与月结流程,根据业务的性质的不同形成的应收、应付账款、固定资产、及各种费用的账务汇总,完成收入的确认与成本费用的归集过程,最后完成期末结账;2、流程适用范围新奥燃气控股有限公司及所属成员企业3、流程范围[1]起点:发出关账计划表[2]终点:月结4、接口关系[1]上游流程:应收帐款与收款流程、应付账款与付款流程、工程与固定资产流程、内部交易结算流程[2]下游流程:编制法定报表流程[3]其它接口:无5、职责分工[1]成员企业财务部:接受共享中心的关账计划表要求,负责组织各业务模块的关闭;[2]共享中心应收组:负责对应收账款模块的关闭;[3]共享中心应付组:负责对应付账款模块的关闭;[4]共享中心固定资产组:负责对固定资产模块的关闭;[5]共享中心总账组:负责成本费用整理归集,结转损益;同时应组织协调各个组之间的协调;[6]共享中心负责人:负责全面工作;6、关键KPI[1]成员企业:各业务模块关账及时性[2]共享中心:结账及时性7、关键数据●试算平衡表●●●●8、流程图总帐与月结流程图FM1.2成员企业共享中心负责人共享中心总帐与报表组共享中心固定资产组共享中心应付组共享中心应收组开始01发出关账计划表03处理最后一笔业务凭证06关闭应付帐款模块04计提折旧费用08计提其他费用09归集生产成本05关闭应收帐款模块07关闭固定资产模块11结帐10编制试算平衡表编制法定报表流程审核是否02关闭各业务单元模块结束9、流程描述[01]发出关账计划表:共享中心负责制定关账计划,关账计划表制定了相关的各业务单元模块与共享中心应收账款、应收账款、固定资产、总帐模块的关账规则与要求;同时分发给业务单元组与共享中心各组并要遵循次关账计划表;[02]关闭各业务单元模块:各业务单元接到共享中心关账计划表,应及时根据计划表的要求进行业务模块的具体操作;[03]处理最后一笔业务凭证:共享中心应收、应付组收集业务的最后一笔业务,并进行账务处理;[04]计提折旧:共享中心固定资产组根据会计准则要求计提当月折旧,并进行账务处理,[05]应收账款关账:共享中心应收账款组在处理完当月的业务情况下,同时根据关账计划表的相关要求进行应收账款关账;[06]应付账款关账:共享中心应付账款组在处理完当月的业务情况下,同时根据关账计划表的相关要求进行应付账款关账;[07]固定资产关账:共享中心固定资产组根据关账计划表进行关账;[08、09]计提其他费用、归集成本:共享中心总账组进行当月其他费用的计提或结转,同时归集生产成本;[10]编制试算平衡表:共享中心总账组编制试算平衡表,检测各分类账的合理性,并进行相应的调整;[11]结帐:经过共享中心负责人审核后进行总账的关闭,进行本月结帐;10、业务规则[1]各组必须遵循关账计划表的具体规定,保证在每月最后一天关闭总账;11、相关制度1、财务共享中心核算制度2、财务共享中心管理办法3、费用科目使用规范。

IBM-新奥燃气控股集团—04 处置二级流程关键点梳理目录

IBM-新奥燃气控股集团—04 处置二级流程关键点梳理目录
技术性与经济性分析的准确性ຫໍສະໝຸດ 残值评估方案合理性与适用性

IBM-新奥燃气控股集团—工程公司 售后服务管理 V3.0 20060417

IBM-新奥燃气控股集团—工程公司 售后服务管理 V3.0 20060417














Business Consulting Services
页码 1. 项目进展回顾 …………………………….……………………………...3 2. 对新奥燃气战略升级和业务转型的理解……….…………………..….6 3. 核心流程战略理解及现状分析…………………………...…………….20 4. 变革管理…………………………………………………………….…..153 5. 春节前计划…………………………………………………….........….158
象舞计划 战略理解与现状分析
Business Consulting Services
业务现状(六大业 务流程领域)的
Business Consulting Services
战略定位 ▪ 创业积累
▪ 清洁能源利用 ▪ 公用事业
▪ 清洁能源开发与 利用
▪ 成立新奥燃气有限公司
战略举措 和廊坊新奥
▪ 开展第一次“三个管理 年
▪ 成立12家成员企业 ▪ 城市天然气核心主业完 ▪ 城市天然气业务抢
5-10年,完成业务结构的优化调整,形成以能源化工、能源装备、能源分销 为核心的、由上市公司支撑的三大支柱产业; 10-15年,培育完成新的竞争优势,完成产业战略的升级和拓展,打造一个具 有国际竞争力的新奥,实现新的事业提升和跨越。
2006年—2008年,借助技术创新的牵引力和全面信息化的推动力: ▪ 完成城市燃气向能源分销的战略跃升; ▪ 完成燃气机械向能源装备的战略拓展; ▪ 完成能源化工的战略展开。



文件名称:新奥燃气控股有限公司成本费用控制说明书版本:v1.4流程编号: FM6.5发布日期:流程管理部门:燃气控股财务部流程主管:1、流程说明“成本费用控制”是指新奥燃气控股有限公司依据成本费用标准制定年度计划预算并依据标准控制成本费用发生金额。








三级流程包括:⏹PO-01.01.01申请安全认证⏹PO-01.01.02审核⏹PO-01.01.03 申请控股安全认证⏹PO-01.01.04 培训、评估⏹PO-01.01.05 发放认证书2、流程适用范围各成员企业3、流程范围[1]起点:申请安全认证[2]终点:合格发证4、接口关系[1]上游流程:无[2]下游流程:持证管理[3]其它接口:制定培训计划5、关键KPI无6、关键流程描述⏹PO-01.01.01申请资格认证⏹1级:主要是从事燃气作业的操作员工,对应的任职资格等级为3级职员。





⏹PO-01.01.04 培训、评估⏹燃气培训基地负责拟订培训计划、制作培训内容;⏹通过对参加培训的人员进行理论笔试、现场操作两项考试,综合评估,分为合格与不合格;7、流程图8、业务规则无9、相关制度无1、流程说明该流程描述了对取得职业资格认证证书的所有员工的日常管理,通过《操作工持证上岗管理规定》具体实施。

三级流程包括:⏹PO-01.01.01成员企业安全管理部门考核;⏹PO-01.01.02 控股安全管理部门抽查管理⏹PO-01.01.03吊销安全认证证书⏹PO-01.01.04 继续持有证书2、流程适用范围各成员企业3、流程范围[1]起点:员工取得职业安全认证证书[2]终点:继续持证或者吊销证书4、接口关系[1]上游流程:燃气职业安全认证[2]下游流程:无[3]其它接口:《操作工持证上岗管理规定》5、关键KPI无6、关键流程描述⏹PO-01.02.01成员企业安全部门考核各成员企业具体负责对操作工日常管理工作。



















新奥集团全面信息化项目资料 编号:XA_CONTRACT_060424_v5.0 密级:机密
1. 新奥在设计KPI中碰到的一些问题 2. 本次KPI优化设计的目的和工作范围 3. 新奥燃气控股KPI优化设计总体思路
新奥集团全面信息化项目资料 编号:XA_CONTRACT_060424_v5.0 密级:机密
新奥集团全面信息化项目资料 编号:XA_CONTRACT_060424_v5.0 密级:机密
本次KPI优化设计有两个目的。第一个目的是优化设计燃气控股现行KPI;第 二个目的是把KPI设计的方法论和技能转移给新奥。工作范围包括:燃气控股 及其职能部门、一个典型成员企业及其支持部门和一个专业公司
① 每类部门KPI分开设计 ② 如果业务部门能量化的指标多些,它
们的可变新酬比例也可以大些,职能 能量化的指标少些,它们的可变薪比 例也应小些
如何把关键流程KPI落实到组织考核的KPI中? ① 确定流程关键步骤和指标 现在流程没有KPI,因此无法通过考核推动流程 (各部门考核没有涉及到具体流程,结果各部 ② 将流程指标落实到部门
设计公司总部 职能部门的KPI --明确定位和贡献 --设计部门KPI
讨论KPI方法论 和了解现状
确定成员企业公司 层面关键成功因素
--讨论业务模式CSF --讨论成员工作重点
制订公司层面战略 地图和平衡计分卡
--制订战略地图 --制订平衡计分卡
设计成员公司 支持部门的KPI
新奥集团全面信息化项目资料 编号:XA_CONTRACT_060424_v5.0 密级:机密



STANDARD CONDITION 4B OF THEGAS TRANSPORTER TRANSMISSION LICENCENATIONAL GRID NTS STATEMENT OF PRINCIPLES AND METHODS TO BE USED TO DETERMINE CHARGES FOR NATIONAL TRANSMISSIONSYSTEM CONNECTION SERVICESPublication date –[ ] 2005Effective date –[ ]2005IntroductionThis Statement applies to charges determined from the Statement Effective Date and remains effective until superseded by any future Statement, which will be furnished to the Authority and published. It also provides information in support of National Grid NTS’ Ten Year Statement in respect of National Transmission System connections.This Statement applies exclusively to connections to, modification of, disconnection of, or diversions of sections of, the National Transmission System (NTS). Distribution Network (DN) owners (including National Grid plc in its capacity as a DN owner) publish similar statements and the reader is advised to refer to the relevant statement and contact the relevant DN owner regarding works that may involve connections to, modification of, disconnection of, or diversions of sections of any relevant DN pipes.This is a Statement of the principles on which, and the methods by which, National Grid NTS will determine from the Effective Date the charges specified in Standard Condition 4B of its Gas Transporter Licence.This statement is complimentary to National Grid NTS’ Incremental Entry Capacity Release (IECR) methodology statement, which details the criteria by which National Grid NTS would release any incremental entry capacity above the previous obligated levels in accordance with National Grid NTS incentives.This statement is also complimentary to National Grid NTS’ Incremental Exit Capacity Release (IExCR) methodology statement, which details the criteria by which National Grid NTS would release any incremental exit capacity for the period up to 30 September 2010. This is in accordance with the Authority’s decision, in June 2005, to delay the implementation of the “enduring” offtake arrangements by two years to September 2007 for the release of NTS exit capacity from 1 October 2010 onwards1.1 151/05, Ofgem open letter on enduring offtake arrangements, June 2005This document contains sections which outline how National Grid NTS will charge for diversion of, modification to and disconnection of NTS apparatus. It also includes information about capacity availability.·Section 1 describes the principles that National Grid NTS has adopted in respect of its NTS connection charging regime.·Section 2 outlines the methodology that shall be adopted to determine National Grid NTS connection charges.·Section 3 contains connection charging examples.·Section 4 details NTS diversion, disconnection and modification services, provided by National Grid NTS and describes how they are charged. (This section is not a requirement of Standard Condition 4B; it has been included for the benefit of customers.)·Annex A includes a number of key definitions.·Annex B contains contact information.·Annex C explains some additional points, related to the availability and allocation of NTS capacity. (These are not part of the Licence Condition 4B Statement.)Further information relating to National Grid NTS connection services and the IECR and IExCR methodology statements may be obtained from the National Grid web site, www.National Grid , or by writing to the address given in Annex B.Section 1 - PrinciplesNational Grid NTS aims to recover the costs that it reasonably expects to incur when it provides NTS connection services.Charges reflect the cost of labour, materials, and any other expenses required to carry out the work to the customer’s requirements including applicable Lane Rental Charges2. Each cost element will carry an appropriate level of overhead. National Grid NTS will charge for the design of new NTS connections, and diversions and modifications of existing apparatus. National Grid NTS will also charge for the design of preliminary works and reinforcement upstream of the Connection Charging Point for Exit connections. Design charges will be identified within quotations and will be based upon the anticipated cost of design works. Any design charge in respect of reinforcement may be refunded when the project proceeds.National Grid NTS may carry out work additional to that which is required to meet the requirements of the customer to ensure that it develops the NTS in an economic and efficient manner. Where this occurs, the cost of any additional works will not be charged to the customer.All charges are made subject to the appropriate conditions of contract, which will be made available in respect of specific projects.Bespoke quotations will include any assumptions that are used in the determination of the cost.2 National Grid NTS is obliged to pass on only those costs which have been efficiently incurredSection 2 - Methodology2.1 Connection Design PhilosophyNational Grid NTS will construct apparatus on a least project cost ‘fit for purpose’basis taking into account the customer’s requirements and National Grid NTS’relevant Licence obligations. Where there are different fit for purpose design solutions, which meet a customer’s requirements, National Grid NTS will normally select the one that is anticipated to have the lowest overall cost of construction. In instances where National Grid NTS selects a solution that has a lower whole-life cost, then National Grid NTS will base the charge to the customer on the solution with the lowest overall cost of construction.The term ‘fit for purpose’ refers to a design that will safely transport the requisite quantity of gas at an appropriate pressure throughout the life of the apparatus taking into account the Gas Act requirement for economic pipe-line system development.2.2 Connection Work ChargingConnection works include Remotely Operable Valve (ROV) installations and system extensions and system reinforcement downstream of the Connection Charging Point for Exit connections.Charges for connection works are calculated using:·National Grid NTS direct costs associated with undertaking any connection works and,·individually tendered rates (including labour and materials), any special expenses plus overhead costs, as may be appropriate, related to themanagement of contractors, materials and the general costs of providingconnections activities.Charges for connection works include excavation, backfill and reinstatement in the public highway and excavation, backfill and routine reinstatement on private land except where requested otherwise.A chargeable design study will be carried out prior to the quotation of charges for connection works as described in 2.3 below.2.3 Connection Design ChargesNational Grid NTS will quote for, charge and carry out the design of connection works prior to estimating the cost of constructing any equipment. The design study will be quoted, charged, completed and paid for, before the constructionphase is commenced and irrespective of whether the construction of connection apparatus later takes place.Charges made for connection design works will be calculated on the basis of the cost that National Grid NTS expects to incur, plus overheads, in carrying out such a design and is dependent upon the information provided by the customer, other publicly available information and information relating to the NTS.Where the customer requests National Grid NTS to design a system extension to the customer’s premises, National Grid NTS will supply the customer with a copy of the design report once a study has been completed. Should the customer not choose National Grid NTS to construct the system extension, then the customer may use the information in this report, under licence, in respect of the hire of a Utility Infrastructure Provider to construct the pipeline. Should the customer then choose to use a Utility Infrastructure Provider to construct the pipeline, then the customer must inform National Grid NTS and ask for a revised quotation for the final connection/ROV installation (see 2.5 below).2.4 Design Charges for ReinforcementNational Grid NTS will quote for, charge and carry out the design of reinforcement design works as may be necessary.The design works may be split into stages e.g. feasibility study, conceptual design study etc. with each stage being quoted, charged, completed and paid for before the commencement of a subsequent phase.The charges will be calculated on the same basis as connection design charges. However, design charges in respect of Exit reinforcement upstream of the Connection Charging Point may be refunded should National Grid NTS subsequently proceed with construction.2.5 Remotely Operable Valve (ROV) installationsAll NTS connections will include a Remotely Operable Valve (ROV) installation which may be situated either at a point on the NTS, where the customer wishes to construct a pipeline with a view to owning and operating the pipeline (such pipeline would not be a system extension as it would not be owned and operated by National Grid NTS), or to use a Utility Infrastructure Provider to build a pipeline with the intention that it will transfer to National Grid NTS under Taking Ownership of Connection Apparatus arrangements (in which case it would become a system extension) or alternatively at the termination point of a system extension constructed by National Grid NTS. The costs of the ROV installationform a part of the connection charge irrespective of whether the connection is for Exit, Entry or Storage purposes.Where a connection is requested at or adjacent to an existing Entry point (Aggregate System Entry Point), National Grid NTS will at its sole discretion determine the most appropriate connection point taking into account potential costs of connection, future operational costs, security of supply and operational flexibility.National Grid NTS does not provide gas flow and energy measurement equipment.In addition to the equipment provided by National Grid NTS, there are a variety of requirements that a customer must fulfil if it is to have a connection to the NTS. These are not within the scope of License Condition 4B and consequently they are not included within this Statement. Prospective customers should contact National Grid NTS for details using the address in Annex B.2.6 Gas Quality Instrumentation for Entry and Storage connectionsAll ROV installations that are to be used for the entry of gas to the NTS require Gas Quality Instrumentation to be installed by either National Grid NTS or the customer at the interface between the NTS and the connected Entry/Storage facility (normally at the ROV installation). The costs of National Grid NTS provided Gas Quality instrumentation will form part of the connection charge. National Grid NTS’ requirements in respect of the quality of gas entering the NTS are contained in the Transmission Ten Year Statement, which may be obtained from the National Grid web site, www.National Grid , or by writing to the address given in Annex B.2.7 System extensions and reinforcement for Entry and Storage connectionsWhere connection of Entry or Storage facilities necessitates system extension or reinforcement of existing infrastructure, the associated costs will not be charged to the customer within the connection charge, but will instead be taken into account in the auction price applicable in any capacity auction.Additionally, should a shipper (acting independently or on behalf of a developer that is not a shipper) require capacity rights at a point that is not connected to the NTS, and requires National Grid NTS to provide a system extension from the NTS to the prospective facility, the costs of such system extension will not be charged to the customer within the connection charge, but will instead be taken into account in the auction price applicable in any capacity auction.National Grid NTS will publish a price schedule based on reinforcement and system extension costs against which bids would be assessed in a subsequent long term capacity auction.In accordance with the National Grid NTS Gas Transporters Licence, where National Grid NTS receives a clear signal that sufficient demand exists to justify the release of incremental capacity, National Grid NTS would expect to release firm capacity rights consistent with the quantities and periods demanded.In respect of existing Entry and Storage points, the price schedules at these prospective points will be based on the methodology established in the National Grid NTS Incremental Entry Capacity Release (IECR) methodology statement and Transportation Charging Statement, which include the principle that price schedules should reflect the level of incremental costs associated with additional gas flows across the NTS. National Grid NTS would not normally expect to allocate capacity rights or undertake physical capacity provision in the absence of a clear auction based signal.Further details can be found in the National Grid NTS published IECR methodology statement, the Transportation Charging Statement and the network code (as defined in Standard Special Condition A3 of National Grid NTS’s Transportation Licence, for the allocation process).2.8 System Extensions and Reinforcements for NTS Exit connectionsSystem extensions for Exit purposes are treated as a component of connection apparatus and their costs form part of the connection charge as discussed in item 2.3 above.Reinforcement required to permit the connection of identified new consumers firm transportation requirements, or to permit an increase in flow rate in respect of an existing consumer or to enable an existing consumer to change from interruptible to firm transportation is known as Specific Reinforcement.National Grid NTS apportions the cost of Specific Reinforcement according to its location in relation to the Connection Charging Point. Specific Reinforcement downstream of the Connection Charging Point is charged to the customer and will form part of the Connection works. National Grid NTS funds Specific Reinforcement upstream of the Connection Charging Point.The Connection Charging Point is the closest economically feasible3 point on the NTS, which is deemed to have enough capacity to supply the new load3 A consumer’s premises may be closer to a pipeline that is on the ‘wrong’ side of a significant obstacle(e.g. a river) than it is to another pipeline. In this circumstance the Connection Charging Point would be deemed to be on the alternative pipeline as the cost of laying a connection pipe across the obstacle would be prohibitive.disregarding existing loads. The Charging Point creates the financial distinction between connection costs, that are fully chargeable to the person concerned and upstream reinforcement costs, which may be funded by National Grid NTS subject to any contractual requirements.In respect of where National Grid NTS proposes an alternative route that provides lower overall reinforcement and connection costs, the customer contribution will be based on the lower of;·the overall costs of the alternative route including any associated contribution towards any Specific Reinforcement that is associated withthe alternative connection, or·the connection costs plus any contribution towards any Specific Reinforcement associated with the original Connection Charging Pointroute.If the customer insists on making a connection at another point, which represents a sub-optimal NTS development solution, then National Grid NTS will charge the full cost of any associated reinforcement.In respect of NTS Supply Points and NTS Connected System Exit Points, requests for incremental NTS Exit Capacity Firm loads (as defined in the IExCR) at existing or new connections more than 586,000,000kWh (20 million therms) per annum (equivalent 1.6m kWh per day) that require Specific Reinforcement will require a DC ARCA.In respect of NTS/LDZ Offtakes, requests for incremental NTS Offtake (Flat) exit capacity (as defined in the IExCR) at existing or new connections more than 586,000,000kWh (20 million therms) per annum, (equivalent 1.6m kWh per day), that require Specific Reinforcement will require a DN ARCA. In addition, any request for incremental NTS Offtake (Flexibility) Capacity (as defined in the IExCR) that requires Specific Reinforcement will also require a DN ARCA.It is sometimes necessary for National Grid NTS to upsize a connection or reinforcement pipe beyond that which is required to enable the connection of a load. National Grid NTS does this to ensure efficient development of the NTS. National Grid NTS will do this when the anticipated cost of subsequent reinforcement is greater than the predicted cost of upsizing apparatus, taking into account the time value of money and probability that subsequent reinforcement will be required. Where necessary National Grid NTS will fund the marginal cost of upsizing apparatus that it adopts. In this circumstance National Grid NTS will ask the Utility Infrastructure Provider to quote for the upsizing works and will use this quotation when deciding whether to proceed with upsizing.The person requesting the connection (or increase in load or interruptible to firm load transfer), which will give rise to the reinforcement, must pay for designworks prior to their receiving a quotation. Charges for design will include an appropriate level of overhead. If the reinforcement subsequently proceeds and is funded by National Grid NTS, with the load as it was originally proposed, and there has been no substantive change to the environment through which the new apparatus must pass, the person will not have to pay for a subsequent study and may receive their money back.2.9 Quotation AssumptionsQuotations for design and/or connections will include a statement to the effect that the customer, in accepting the quotation will also be accepting that the assumptions are appropriate and understood. If it is determined later that any stated assumption is significantly wrong, National Grid NTS will decide whether the customer’s charge should be varied. In circumstances where the charge is increased, National Grid NTS may cease or delay works pending a customer’s agreement to pay the increased charge.2.10 Taking Ownership of Connection ApparatusSubject to the exceptions detailed below and appropriate commercial arrangements, National Grid NTS will take ownership of fit for purpose connection apparatus that is connected to the NTS and that is not intended to be operated by another system operator (e.g. a Connected System Operator that has received a Gas Act derogation).National Grid NTS will not take into ownership:·apparatus designed to operate at pressures below those normally found in the NTS upstream of the connection point·apparatus that forms part of a system of pipes that includes any apparatus that will become a connected system that will not also be adopted byNational Grid NTS·gas flow and energy measurement and associated equipment·apparatus that is not fit for purposeNational Grid NTS will charge for audit work to determine whether connection apparatus, to be installed by a third party and adopted by National Grid NTS, is fit for purpose.Charges will be based upon the cost of employing National Grid NTS staff together with any costs incurred by service providers employed by National Grid NTS. Charges will include an appropriate level of overheads.Customers are strongly advised that they should contact National Grid NTS to explain their intentions and discuss the ‘Taking Ownership’ procedure before carrying out any works in respect of the design or construction of apparatus that they wish National Grid NTS to take into ownership.2.11 Lane Rental ChargesWhere they are incurred, National Grid NTS will pass on the cost of efficiently incurred connections related Lane Rental Charges to customers.2.12 Bilateral AgreementsAs defined in Uniform Network Code National Grid NTS will require a customer to enter into a Supply Point or Connected System Network Exit Agreement (NExA/CSEP NExA), NTS/LDZ Supplemental Agreement, Network Entry Agreement (NEA), Interconnector Agreement or Storage Connection Agreement (SCA) as appropriate.2.13 Connection – Load Size ThresholdLoads (or sources of gas) below 58,600,000kWh (2 million therms) per annum shall not be connected, or be permitted to connect, to the NTS.Section 3 – Connection charging examples3.1 Connection for Exit - a Power StationJob Details·Power station located in Kent approximately 17.5 km from nearest NTS pipeline·Anticipated annual consumption: 25,500GWh·Anticipated peak flow rate: 307,800 standard cubic metres per hourIndicative price details (At the time of publication)Connection apparatus (excluding any System Extension):Conceptual design £ 20,000 - £ 50,000Construction£ 520,000 - £700,000Sub Total£ 540,000 - £750,000System extension:Feasibility study£ 150,000Construction & design£ 11,880,000Sub Total £ 12,030,000Notes:1. In this example the Customer would enter into a single design and build agreement foran ROV installation and a system extension pipeline. Within this agreement, the design elements would be charged separately and in advance of the construction works.2. All costs shown include applicable overheads.3. The example is for indicative purposes only and may be affected by complicationsassociated with specific projects.4. The charges shown in this section do not include gas flow and energy measurementequipment, as National Grid NTS does not offer new transmission connection metering installations.5. Charges shown in these examples do not include VAT, which may be applicabledepending upon circumstances.3.2 Connection for a System Entry FacilityJob Detail·New offshore gas fieldIndicative price details (At the time of publication)Connection apparatus - ROV:Conceptual design £ 20,000 - £ 50,000Construction£ 520,000 - £700,000Sub Total£ 540,000 - £750,000Notes:1. In this example the Customer would enter into a design and build agreement for a ROVinstallation located immediately downstream of the system extension pipeline. Withinthis agreement, the design elements would be charged separately and in advance of the construction works.2. In this example the customer would provide the Gas Quality Instrumentation to NationalGrid NTS’ satisfaction.3. The customer would not be asked for a capital contribution towards a system extensionpipeline between the NTS and the ROV, or Reinforcement as these would be providedsubject to the rules of the IECR methodology statement.4. All costs shown include applicable overheads.5. This example is for indicative purposes only and may be affected by complicationsassociated with specific projects.6. The charges shown in this section do not include gas flow and energy measurementequipment, as National Grid NTS does not offer new transmission connection metering installations7. Charges shown in these examples do not include VAT, which may be applicabledepending upon circumstances.Section 4 – Disconnection, diversion and modification of gas connection apparatusIn general National Grid NTS will follow the same principles that it applies to connection works in respect of disconnection, diversion and modification services.National Grid NTS will not charge the additional cost where it carries out works, which are in addition to those required to fulfil the requirements of a customer and which are designed to enhance the NTS.4.1 DisconnectionsNational Grid NTS will charge the cost that it reasonably expects to incur. Charges will include appropriate overheads.4.2 Diversions and ModificationsServices providedNational Grid NTS will divert sections of the NTS subject to appropriate commercial arrangements. Charges will be levied in the same way as for chargeable connection works.Annex A - Definitions1. National Grid The Connection Charging Point is the closesteconomically feasible point on the NTS, which is deemed to have enough capacity to supply the new load or incremental exit capacity requestdisregarding existing loads. The Charging Point creates the financialdistinction between connection costs, that are fully chargeable to theperson concerned and upstream reinforcement costs, which may befunded by National Grid NTS subject to any contractual requirements.2. Connection Costs are the costs of physical connection works, whichalways include the costs of a ROV installation and may, for Exitconnections, include system extension costs and Specific Reinforcementcosts downstream of the Connection Charging Point.3. DC ARCA stands for Direct Connect Advanced Reservation ofCapacity Agreement. A DC ARCA is required when a firm load at anNTS Supply Point or NTS Connected System Exit Point is to be registered (this includes firm load increases and interruptible to firm transfers) forincremental NTS Exit Capacity requests that exceed 586,000,000kWh (20 million therms) per annum in aggregate that require SpecificReinforcement upstream of the charging point. A DC ARCA will oblige the person making the connection (or load increase or transfer) to eitherensure that their Registered User apply for firm capacity (in respect oftheir supply point, to at least the level of the DC ARCA) or to pay National Grid NTS an appropriate amount to compensate for the loss oftransportation revenue. In turn, the DC ARCA obliges National Grid NTSto accept the nominated Registered User’s applications for capacity up to the level stated in the DC ARCA, and incur failure to make gas availablefor offtake payments as defined in the Uniform Network Code in the event of unavailability of such capacity. Each DC ARCA will remain in force forthe time specified within it.4. DN ARCA stands for Distribution Network Advanced Reservation ofCapacity Agreement. A DN ARCA is required when NTS Offtake (Flat)Capacity or NTS Offtake (Flexibility) Capacity is to be registered at anNTS/LDZ offtake for incremental NTS Offtake (Flat) Capacity that exceed 586,000,000kWh (20 million therms) per annum, and for any incrementalNTS Offtake (Flexibility) Capacity, that require Specific Reinforcement. ADN ARCA will oblige the relevant DN Owner to either ensure that theyapply for the capacity (in respect of their NTS/LDZ offtake, to at least thelevel of the DN ARCA) or to pay National Grid NTS an appropriate amount to compensate for the deemed loss of transportation revenue. In turn, the DN ARCA obliges National Grid NTS to accept the DN Ownersapplications for capacity up to the level stated in the DN ARCA, and incurfailure to make gas available for offtake payments as defined in theUniform Network Code in the event of unavailability of such capacity.Each DN ARCA will remain in force for the time specified within it.5. A Design Study is the design work, which must occur before constructionworks can commence. Projects may require several stages of DesignWorks, e.g. a project may require a feasibility study before it is possible to proceed to a detailed design study.6. Design works can be defined as the preparatory work required before thePhysical Connection activity can commence.7. A Disconnection occurs when an existing connecting pipe isdisconnected.8. A Distribution Network(DN) is a geographically defined network ofdistribution pipes, typically comprising interconnected local transmission, intermediate pressure, medium pressure and low pressure networks,connected to and downstream of the NTS (see Special Condition C8A of National Grid NTS’s Gas Transporter Licence for formal definition).9. A Diversion is a change made to the route of an existing pipeline or therelocation of other gas transportation (not normally connecting pipeassociated) assets.10. Entry connections: connections to delivery facilities processing gas fromgas producing fields or, LNG vaporisation (i.e. importation) facilities, for the purpose of delivering gas into the NTS.11. Exit connections: connections that allow gas to be offtaken from the NTSto premises (a ‘Supply Point’), to Distribution Networks or to Connected System Exit Points’ (CSEPs). There are several types of connectedsystem including:• A pipeline system operated by another gas transporter• Any other non-National Grid NTS pipeline transporting gas to premises consuming more than 2,196MWh per annum.12. Gas Quality Instrumentation comprises instrumentation that may beinstalled by either the customer or National Grid NTS at the ROVInstallation to monitor compliance of gas entering the NTS with legislative and contractual specifications.13. Incremental exit capacity is as defined in Paragraph 1 of SpecialCondition C18 of National Grid’s NTS GT licence。




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