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听句子。从每小题所给的A 、B 、C 三个选项中,选出与对话内容相符的图片。听完每句话后,你将有5秒钟的作答时间。每个句子读二遍。










听下面6段对话,每段对话后面有几个小题,从题中所给的A 、B 、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你将有10秒钟的作答时间。每段对话读两遍。


6. What was Mary doing when Jack called her?

A. Waiting for a bus.

B. Looking for the key.

C. Taking a shower.

7. Why did Jack call Mary?

A. He wanted her to cheer him up.

B. He wanted her to join his team.

C. He wanted her to find the key.


8. What does Jack think of the story?

A. Very interesting.

B. A little exciting.

C. A little silly.

9. Who thinks the story is educational?

A. Jack.

B. Linda.

C. Yu Gong.


10. Who is reading a story book?

A. Jack.

B. Hansel and Gretel.

C. Mary.

11. When will Jack read the book?

A. In two days.

B. In three weeks.

C. In three days. 听第9段材料,回答第12—14小题。

12. What are they talking about?

A. History.

B. Geography.

C. English.

13. Which is the second longest river in the world?

A. The Nile.

B. The Yellow River.

C. The Amazon.

14. How many questions did the teacher ask Jack?

A. 3.

B. 4.

C. 2.


15. Who has read Treasure Island?

A. Judy.

B. Nick.

C. Nick’s classmate.

16. What does Judy think of the book?

A. Exciting.

B. Boring.

C. Educational.

17. What’s Nick going to do tonight?

A. Go out to the sea.

B. Read the book.

C. Watch the movie.


18. How many CDs has “ Mayday” made?

A. 7

B. 5.

C. 8

19. What kind of music does “ Mayday” play?

A. Pop music.

B. Rock music.

C. Country music.

20. Why do they like the music?

A. It’s quiet.

B. It’s loud.

C. It’s easy to sing.




21. What’s Jack talking about?

A. His traveling story.

B. His traveling plan.

C. His work plan

22. Where and how is he going on the trip?

A. Taiwan and by train.

B. Taiwan and by plane.

C. Wuhan and by plane.

23. What time does he have to get to the airport(飞机场)?

A. At 9:20

B. At 8:20

C. At 10:20

24. What does Jack like doing on the plane?

A. Sleeping.

B. Reading.

C. Chatting.

25. How’s the weather like?

A. Cool.

B. Cold.

C. Warm.


从所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。( )—26、Which singer do you like best?

— Wang Fei. I think her _________is very special.


B. voice

C. noise

D. Cry

()27、—What do you think of the song “See you again”?

—A little sad! It ______ me of the famous actor Paul.

A. asks

B. provides

C. advises

D. reminds

()28、— When will Mary get to the station?

—I’m not sure, but she’ll call you as soon as she ____.

A. arrives

B. arrived

C. was arriving

D. will arrive

()29、—How’s your dog now, Mary?

—She was dead last week. I’m_____ sad ____I don’t want to eat anything.

A. too; to

B. such; that

C. enough; to

D. so; that

()30、—What were you doing just now?

—When I walked past the park, I saw some old people __ Chinese Taiji.

A. do

B. did

C. doing

D. are doing

()31、—What do you think of the white dress, Mary?

—It is more expensive than ______dress in the shop.

A. many

B. any other

C. some

D. the others

()32、— Would you mind opening the window? I want to _______some fresh air.

— Of course not.

A. take on

B. take in

C. look after

D. look at

()33、—I think Li Ping can understand what I said ____ of all.

—Yes, and he is also ______at sports than other boys.

A. better, better

B. best, better

C. better, best

D. best, best

()34、—Look, Tom, your desk is ________ books.

—They are my favorite.

full with. B. full of. C. back of. D. back with.

()35、-Who is your Chinese teacher?

-Miss Wang. He teaches Chinese very well _______he has only taught for few years.

A. our, because

B. us, because

C. our, though

D. us, though

()36、-Are you hungry?

-Not at all, I have had my breakfast.

A. ever

B. never

C. already

D. yet

()37、-Mum, where is my dictionary?
