ROTORK IQ3中文使用说明书IQ Mk3
![ROTORK IQ3中文使用说明书IQ Mk3](
PUB002-039-00出版时间11/12目录1. 简介 _________________________________ 31.1. 执行器部件识别 (3)1.2. Rotork设定器 (4)1.3. 手册简介 (5)2. 健康与安全 ___________________________ 52.1. ATEX/IECFM认证的执行器 (6)3. 保存 _________________________________ 64. IQ执行器的操作 ______________________ 74.1. 手轮操作 (7)4.2. 电动操作 (7)4.3. 显示–就地指示 (8)4.4. 显示-主屏幕选项 (9)4.5. 显示状态指示-行程 (10)4.6. 显示状态指示-控制 (10)4.7. 显示报警指示 (10)4.8. 电池报警 (10)5. 准备驱动轴套 _________________________ 115.1. IQ所有的A、Z3型底座 (11)5.2. B型非推力底座 (12)6. 安装执行器 __________________________ 136.1. 提升杆式阀门 - 顶装 (14)6.2. 带齿轮箱的阀门 - 侧装 (14)6.3. 非提升杆式阀门 - 顶装 (14)6.4. 手轮密封 (15)6.5. IQM调节型执行器 (15)6.6. IQL和IQML直行程驱动装置 (15)6.7. IQL和IQML直行程驱动装置的调试 (16)7. 电缆连接 ____________________________ 177.1. 接地连接 (17)7.2. 卸下接线端子箱盖 (17)7.3. 电缆入口 (17)7.4. 连接至端子 (18)7.5. 回装接线端盖 (18)8. 调试 - 基本设定 ______________________ 198.1. 连接至执行器 (20)8.2. 安全 - 口令 (21)8.3. 基本设定菜单 (22)8.4. 基本设定 - 限位 (23)8.5. 关阀设定 (24)8.6. 开阀设定 (24)8.7. 力矩开关旁路 (25)9. 维护、监视及故障排除_________________ 2610. 环保处理 ____________________________ 2811. 重量和油量 __________________________ 2912. IQ认证 _____________________________ 3013. 认可的保险丝 ________________________ 3114. 振动、冲击和噪音 ____________________ 3115. 安全使用条件 ________________________ 3121.简介1.1.执行器部件识别手轮控制器盖电机底座接线端子箱盖电池密封塞金属(需要8 mm艾伦内六角扳手)塑料(需要10 mm艾伦内六角扳手)酌情而定。
IQAir GC系列中文使用说明书
![IQAir GC系列中文使用说明书](
OrderingReplacementFilters Pleasecontactyourpointofpurchaseforalyourfiltereplacementneeds.
HowtoRegisteryourAirCleaningSyste m
框架模組1 底座
• 底座採用弧形設計,其兩端均有空氣入口。 • 框架模組1由框架1和初級過濾器組成,該過濾器用四個過濾器夾具安裝在框架內。 • 風扇馬達由兩個機殼模組組成,裡面有離心風扇。 • 框架模組2由框架2和鋼底座板組成,四個氣體過濾筒利用卡口槽鎖定,固定於系統上。 • 框架模組3涵蓋了4個氣體過濾筒和4個後過濾器套筒。 • EvenFlow 擴散器有全方位空氣出口通道。 • 擴散器頂部的手柄設計用於搬遷IQAir系統 • 鎖臂將機殼元件全部固定在一起。打開鎖臂時,可以輕鬆接觸到所有過濾器。
erthewarr antyperiod,pleasecontactyourpointofpurchase.
Toexpediteyourservicerequest,pleasegivethefolowinginform ationwhencontactingus:
• M odel • Articleandserialnumber(foundatthebaseoftheunit) • Yourdetails(name,address,phone,e-mail) • Dateofpurchase • Descriptionofprobl
2 –安裝
可以選擇是否安裝隨附的腳輪。安裝腳輪可以方便空氣 清淨機在房間之間的移動。 注意:將腳輪移過門檻或其它障礙物時,請輕輕地小心 滾動腳輪,以免腳輪損壞。 移動式腳輪套件包含: 1.安裝導軌(x2) 2.腳輪(x4)
输出轴的孔和键均符合ISO 5210标准。驱动轴套无需加工。
Butterfly iQ iQ+ 产品说明说明书
![Butterfly iQ iQ+ 产品说明说明书](
UltrasoundQuick GuidexPlanexPlane allows clinicians to image both the transverse and sagittal views simultaneously.1. Optimize the live 2D image of the desiredanatomy.2. Touch xPlane on the touchscreen.the trackball is moved. This ensures that theB-plane image corresponds to the A-planesample volume placement and Doppler trace.When Doppler Auto Update is disabled, the user must press the Update trackball button to update the B-plane image. This feature can be turned on or off in Setups > System Settings > Mode > Color/Doppler.vessel or structure.3. Touch 4D or 4D HV on the right side of the touchscreen.Tip: In 4D Half Volume the A-plane and B-plane MPR crosshair defaults to the center of the image area. Move the crosshair to the correct location.Vasc Carotid 4D Half Volumethe XL14-3 while in one of the 3D or 4D modes. 1. In 2D, confirm that the Scan Orient is set correctly for the transducer’s orientation to the vessel or structure. The Scan Orient can be set to either Long or Trans and is set by Scan Orient rotary on the right of the control panel.2. Select the preferred 3D or 4D scanning mode on the touchscreen.3. Touch the preferred AutoVue on the 3D tab.Tip : During an exam, the last AutoVue selected will be remembered when switching between 3D and 2D. For example, if the user had the short axis volume of the carotid selected and then returns to 2D to perform another acquisition, when the users enters 3D again, they will be returned to the short axis AutoView instead of the default long axis AutoVue.Vasc Carotid Vessel Cast with CPA4. T ouch 4D on the right side of thetouchscreen or press the Start trackballbutton.Vascular Tips• xPlane CPA is great for outlining vessel lumens.• When using a vascular TSP, the system defaults to the long axis AutoVue.• The 4D Half Volume mode can show half of a vessel in the orthogonal plane with a higher frame rate than standard 4D.This can be useful during procedures when visualizing balloon placement, for example.Please consult the user manual for further information.© 2019 Koninklijke Philips N.V. All rights are reserved. Philips reserves the right to make changes in specifications and/or to discontinue any product at any time without notice or obligation and will not be liable for any consequences resulting from the use of this publication. Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips N.V. or their respective Printed in The Netherlands. 4522 991 48421 * MAY 2019。
锁输入信号,执行器将操作, 关闭阀门。如果只提供一个信 号,或一个信号丢失,执行器 将保位或停止而防止故障。当 组态为有条件的远程控制时, 就地操作无需联锁输入。
加长阀杆 对于应用于高温介质的明杆阀 门,如实心或弹性楔型闸阀, 则必须加长阀杆,否则会导致 阀门损坏或泄漏。加长或缩短 阀杆的效果要好于在执行器的 输出部位安装Rotork温度补偿器。
防火和极冷 在高达70℃的温度下完全可正常运转, 通过使用外加箱体、覆盖膨胀涂层, 标准IQ执行器可在火中(温度可能迅速 升至1000°C时)运行长达30分钟。 也可加以更改,以便在-50°C低温下 正常工作。
数据纪录 每个IQ都有一个的数据记录器。这个 记录器获取和存储诸如阀门、执行器 以及控制信号操作和状态数据:
● 阀门力矩分布图,在对应的阀位 开/关的瞬时和平均力矩
● 操作的次数。 ● 阀门和执行器位置状态纪录
● 操作信号纪录 ● 执行器控制状态纪录 ● 统计 记录的数据带有时间和日期, 可以被回放,进行实时分析, 或以事件为基础进行分析。
IQT速度控制 通过把在AQ系列中使用了20多年 的电机控制技术与IQ"执行器集成 芯片"相结合,使得在不影响输出 力矩的情况下调整IQT的输出速度。
丰富的电动执行器使用经验使 得Rotork能够在执行器保护 方面居世界领先地位。在从沙 漠到苔原、海面到地下这些潮 湿、极热或极寒、强腐蚀性 空气的环境中,执行器都能可 靠运行。 Rotork知道,执行器可靠性方面 最重要的因素是不受环境影响 - 简而言之就是防护壳体。
目录12保存3IQ3.1 手动操作3.2 电动操作3.33.444.1 IQ7至A和Z 4.2 IQ7至B4.3 IQ40至A和Z 4.4 IQ40至B 181919192021303061636871表如无意外,气元件。
(参见第23页3页)4.7是在执行有效(参见第4.7)都将显示,执行器大约104个螺栓固4.3 I Q40至A和Z 图8,将加,使定位螺栓与底5.1 提顶部安装a)体-执行器图19 转角箱的输入(或长形次的调节控至S450%。
线必须使用环型接,分清端子安装前应确保参见第10 P?PC Ir Cr使用距离名称1.*2.*3.4.5.,可看到窗口*, 7.3按键+阀位。
福斯3200IQ说明书 中文版
![福斯3200IQ说明书 中文版](
福斯3200I Q说明书中文版-CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1Logix3200IQ智能定位器调试说明一、简介Logix3200IQ智能定位器接受4-20mA模拟量输入,4-20mA模拟量输出。
二、定位器操作面板介绍Logix3200IQ智能定位器就地操作面板由能够自动调校零点和满量程的QUICK-CAL快速调校按钮与可以手动操作定位器的两个点动按钮(↑和↓)以及八个DIP 开关和可以调节定位器增益的旋转开关组成。
三、定位器DIP开关的设置定位器运行之前,首先设置DIP开关,下面就每一个DIP开关的设置进行了说明1、作用方式作用方式分气开式(A TO)和气关式(A TC)两种,调试前根据阀门的类型进行设置。
2、阀门关闭的信号4mA 信号4mA时阀门处于全关位置,信号20mA时阀门处于全开位置20mA 信号20mA时阀门处于全关位置,信号4mA时阀门处于全开位置3、阀位与信号对应曲线线性曲线(Linear)阀门位置与信号成线性关系选择曲线(Optional)选择了这个按钮,就激活了下一个DIP开关4、可选择曲线%=阀位与信号成等百分比Custom 用户自定义曲线5、自动校准on 每次按动QUICK-CAL按钮,定位器就自动调整参数进行调试off 每次调试时,只能根据出厂前的预设置即调节定位器增益的旋转开关的位置进行调试无论哪一种情况,调节定位器增益的旋转开关都可以进行调节,调节完毕,不用重新进行调试,是即时生效的。
6、稳定性开关Low-Friction V alves 适用低摩擦力调节阀High-Friction V alves 适用高摩擦力调节阀7、备用开关8、定位器调试方式Auto 定位器自动调试Jog 手动调试,用户可以根据需要手动确定阀门的100%的位置二、手动点动调试首先将调校DIP开关拨到Jog位置,用户只能手动设置满量程,不能设置全关位,阀门全关位为默认状态。
1. 便携式气体检测仪2. 量程:0-3%(20、50、100、200、500、1000PPM或更高浓度%LEL选择,由业主确定)3. 最小分辨率:0.01 % (0.1、1.0PPM由厂家根据测定的范围而确定)4. 运行温度:-20-50℃5. 湿度:0-95% (无凝结水)6. 报警:内设报警装置(声、光)7. 显示:高清晰数字显示8. 取样方式:内置取样气泵9. 电力:8、或14小时的电池选择10. 充电器:外接充电器11. 尺寸(mm):181.1Х85.9Х101.612. 重量(Kg):1.1KG(包括电池)特性:电源:4C 碱性或镍镉电池碱性电池:24小时镍镉电池:12 小时标准可用气体:二氧化碳:2000PPM,1%体积百分数,10%体积百分数碳氢化合物:10,000PPM,100%LEL,100%体积甲烷氧气:25%体积百分数一氧化碳:1%体积百分数或更高对于所有气体要求有其它可用的量程其它可用气体:乙醛、丙酮、丙烯醛、苯、丁烷、环己胺、二乙基胺、二甲胺、乙烷、乙醇、乙烷基苯、乙撑氧、甲醛、氟里昂152、氟里昂134A、四氟甲烷、庚烷、甲醇、丙烷、苯乙烯、二甲苯等传感器:二氧化碳(CO2)和碳氢化合物(HCS):红外线传感器氧气(O2):长寿命电化学传感器指示器:低、高报警发光二极管指示,工作发光二极管指示,低电池发光二极管指示,泵发光二极管指示。
报警:带有发光二极管指示的2 报警设定点(低报警和高报警)和声光报警。
器进行二级设定。*维Fra bibliotek-故障排除。*销售和服务。
RotorkIQ系列执行器 - 全世界首家推出无需打开电气端盖即可进行调试和查询的阀门执行器。
IQ2010仪器使用说明1、硬件需求及接法图示PC机1套、IQ综测仪1台、IQ仪器专用USB连接线1根、功分器3个、RF线7条、数据线4根(连接电脑及手机各两根)、屏蔽箱耦合板各2个2、IQ仪器驱动的安装A、双击安装程序图标出现点击OK出现勾选后三个选项如上所示,然后点击Install Selected ItemsOk 出现Install出现Next出现选Modify 然后Next出现Next 出现Install出现点击Finish然后等待4秒钟,自动出现下一个对话框如下Next出现选I accept the terms in the license agreement然后nextInstall选安装目录盘,一般选C盘然后okNextInstall点击Finish然后等待4秒钟,自动出现下一个对话框如下Next选I accept the terms in the license agreement然后nextNextInstall点击Finish完成IQ仪器驱动安装,此时桌面会多出一个快捷图标3、驱动安装验证在桌面图标我的电脑上右键管理打开设备管理器如下查看通用串行总线控制器会多出红框所示的两个驱动且无叹号显示,即表示驱动安装已安装完毕。
或者双击打开桌面快捷图标后出现鼠标单击红框选中地方connect tester出现鼠标单击红框显示地方Connect开始连接仪器如下红框选择地方显示表示成功关闭对话框后开始测试。
4、测试软件中IQ仪器配置说明智能平台中,IQ仪表配置与其他仪器配置主要不同是:综测仪控制类型及无线仪表类型:此处配置主要根据当前所使用仪器与电脑的连接方式,IQ2010主要是通过IQ专用USB连接线来连接的,根据机型要求此处选择LXI/LAN或者USB 两种,配置下端口其他不需配置。
IQ200series multi-function harmonic component meter user manualA.Function,technical parameter1、Function1)、Measurement of three-phase voltage,current,active power,reactive power,apparent power,Four quadrant power,power factor,frequency,maximum power2)、Measurement of3-63sub harmonic of each phase voltage,current harmonic content and total content3)、1active energy pulse output,1reactive energy pulse output 4)、Maximum Demand(U,I,P,Q,S)5)、6DI,2DO(relay output),2Analog Output4-20mA6)、1RS485,MODBUS-RTU,LCD display2、Technical Data B,Programming and operating1、Display:three-phasevoltagefrequencythree-phasecurrentPower factorThree-phaseactive powerPsumThree phasereactive powerQs(Figure1)(Figure2)(Figure3)(Figure4)Three phaseapparent powersumThree phasepower factorTotal powerfactoractive energy(forward/backforward)reactive energy(forward/backforward)(Figure5)(Figure6)(Figure7)(Figure8)Total harmoniccontent ofvoltage3-63secondharmoniccontentTotal currentharmoniccontent3-63secondharmoniccontentThe MaximumDeamandandThe CurrentDemand6input state2output state(Figure12)Note1(Figure11)Note2(Figure10)Note3(Figure9)Explain:1)Figure1-Figure10shows the interface of common data display instrument,according to the""or""button switch interface.2)According to the""button in the common data interface,enter the phasevoltage harmonic data display interface such as(Figure12).3)According to the""button in the common data interface,enter the datadisplay interface such as phase current harmonics(Figure11).4)In the harmonic data display interface,press"MENU"key,can return to thecommonly used data display interface.Note1:according to the""key A/B/C phase voltage harmonic distortiondata display interface switchingAccording to the""or""can choose to display the time harmoniccontent(3-63).Note2:according to the""key A/B/C phase current harmonic distortion datadisplay interface switchingAccording to the""or""can choose to display the time harmoniccontent(3-63).Note3:at this screen,you can press the"MENU"key to see the otherDemand Values(I-current,P-total active power,Q-total reactivepower,S-total apparent power)2.Setting up:Press"MENU".""."".""."".""to finish setting up.MENU:press this button to enter into the programming mode when inMeter measurement display,displaying‘password’on the meter.Programand set up the meter only after entering the correct password,instrumentfactory initial password0001;the other function of the“MENU”button is to backspace during theprogramming process.Press“”and“”to choose the parameter for modification select thenumber in each digit(in XXXX form).“”and“”key:select the parameters or to increase or decrease thecursor position data""key parameters:enter the next layer of menus or save theModified value and returns a layer on the menu.The organizational structure of the menu is as follows:Users can choosethe appropriate programming setting parameters according to the actualsituation.Featrue DataWiring3-phase3-wire,3-phase4-Wire Citification GB/T 22264.1-2008 (China)Input voltage AC380V(100%-120%)Continuous Input Current0~5A Continuous:20Ie/1s Voltage Operation AC220V(85~265V)Active power pulse output5000imp/kwhReactive power pulse output5000imp/kvarhDigital Input Passive contact inputDigital Output Relay output AC220V5A Communication interface RS-485、MODBUS-RTU Accuracy0.2classDisplay LCDFrequency40~60Hz,0.1HzConsumption≤5VAEnvironment -10~55℃without corrosive gas (at20℃RH≤90%,at40℃RH≤50%)Dimensions96×96×75(L*W*D)Level1Level2Level3DescriptionPasswordInput passwordDefaultpassword0001Enter into programmingonly when the enteredpassword is correctSystemsetupChangePassword0-9999Reset passwordEnergyclearance YES/NOElectric energy is clearedto zero after confirmation backlighttime0-9999Unit:second.Default value:120NetWorksetupConnectionmodeN.3.4N.3.3Default value:N.3.4Voltagetransformingratio1-9999Set up voltage signal atio=Primary alue/secondaryvalueCurrenttransformingratio1-9999Set up current signal ratio=Primary alue/secondaryvalueComm.setupComm.rate BAUD4800,960019200Default:9600Communication data type N.8.1N.8.1:nonecannot changeAddress1-247Meter addressrange:1-247AlarmsetupUaMax0-9999(V)Set A/B/C phase alarmvoltage valueThe default setting of0,touse the alarm functionUbMax0-9999(V)UcMax0-9999(V)Analog1/2outputsetupEnable ON/OFF Turn on or turn off theAnalog outputItem Ua/Ia/Ps……Set Part-E to get more info Up Limit0-7500Set Part-E to get more infoDemandsetupEnable ON/OFF Turn on or turn off thisfunctionTime15(min)Demand Periodcannot changeClear YES/NO Clear the DemandDC220V±15%Page.01Page.02Page.03Page.04Page.05Page.06C.Mounting and wiring1.Mounting dimensions:2.Mounting method:Installed in a dark way installed on the panel 2.Terminalwiring:Note:L-N is the auxiliary power supply.Make proper wiring according to themeter enclosure wiring diagram!1)Auxiliary power supply:The IQ200series multi-functional power meter has universal AC/DC switch power supply input interface,offering standard products with the 220V AC/DC or 110V AC/DC power supply interface when not stated specially.The meter’s operating power supply voltage limit is 85to 265V (AC/DC).Make sure that the supplied power supply is suitable for this series product,to avoid damages to the product.A).For AC power supply,it is recommended to install a 1A fuse on thelive-wire side.B).In regions of worse power quality,it is recommended to install a surgeprotector in the power supply circuit to avoid lightning,and install a fast pulse burst suppressor.2)Input signal:The IQ200series product uses the calculation method of individual collection in each measurement channel,ensuring consistency and symmetry when in use,suitable for different load types.Remark:A)Voltage input:the input voltage should not exceed the product’srated input voltage (100V or 400V).Otherwise,a PT should be considered to use,and a 1A fuse must be installed in the voltage input end.B)Current input:the standard rated input current is 5A.An externalCT should be used for above 5A current.If the used CT is connected to other meters,serial connection should be made.Make sure to disconnect the CT’s primary circuit or short circuit the secondary circuit before removing the product’s current input wiring.A connection bar is recommended to use.Do not directly connect to the CT,convenient for removal.C)Make sure that the input voltage and current are corresponding,with consistent phase sequence and direction;otherwise,value and symbol errors (power and energy)will occur!D)The meter input network is configured to the CT quantity in thesystem.Choose the 3-phase 3-wire 2-compnent method for 2-CT cases,while the 3-phase 4-wire 3-component method is chosen for 3-CT cases.The input net setup in the meter wiring and meter programming should be consistent with the wiring methods for the measured loads.Otherwise,this will result in incorrect voltage or power measurements by the meter.In a 3-phase 3-wire system,the voltage measurement and displayed value are related to line to line voltage,while in a 3-phae 4-wire system,the voltage measurement and displayed value are phase to phase voltage.3)communication port:41for the RS485(A+),42for the RS485(B-),43for the shieldeThe communication line adopts ZR-RVSP 2×1.5mm2two core shielded twisted pairThere must be a shield must be tightly twisted 4)electric energy pulse output:31-active power pulse output (-)32-active power pulse output (+)33-reactive power pulse output (-)34-reactive power pulse output (+)5)2 way relay output (4-7):4-5 for a set of ,6-7 for a set of .Normally open passive contact signal output,the contact capacity of 5A AC220V (resistive load) (the relay controlled by the communication command)6)digital input (60-66):6sets of passive contact input,60for the COM (common)7)analog output (50-52):2analog output,50is the common GND for the analog.the maximum load 400Ω,the output current 4-20mA.see the Part-E to get the output items info.this feature is optional.D.Digital communication The serial asynchronous half-duplex RS485communication interface is offered,using MOD-BUS-RTU protocol.E.Analog Output ItemsThe following items are the secondary side of the electrical parameters that IQ200mesaured.Eaton corporationAsia Pacific Headquarterne 280,Linhong Road Changning District Shanghai 200335Tel:86-21-52000099Eaton is a registered trademark of Fax:86-21-52000200Eaton Corporation All trademarks are property of their respective owners © 2018 Eaton Corporation All Rights Reserved Printed in China APr -20188) screw reated tightening torque (0.5N.m)。
西门子 iQ500 洗衣机 洗衣机使用说明书
![西门子 iQ500 洗衣机 洗衣机使用说明书](
Manual del mejor uso de tu lavadora.Como mejor funcionan tus electrodomésticoses usándolos entre toda la familia. QuickDrive TM2 M a n u a l d e l m e j o r u s o d e t u l a v a d o r a3Manual del m ejor uso de t u lavadoraPONER LA LAVADORA Y CUALQUIER TAREA DOMÉSTICA ES COSA DEHOMBRES Y DE MUJERES, POR IGUAL.Si nunca has puesto una, hoy es un gran día para comenzar.TM .Nadie nace sabiendo cómo funciona una lavadora. Sigue estos pasos para familiarizarte con ella.4 M a n u a l d e l m e j o r u s o d e t u l a v a d o r a5Manual del m ejor uso de t u lavadoraTe lanzamos algunas ideas para que, además de poner la lavadora, empieces a repartir cualquier tarea de casa como hay que hacerlo: EN EQUIPO.“AYUDAR” NO VALE.Las tareas domésticas sonresponsabilidad de todos, por lo tanto no vale con “ayudar”. Mejor hazlas.12TOMA LA INICIATIVA.No esperes a que tu pareja te diga qué hacer. Nadie debería encargarse de dirigir y coordinar las tareas domésticas. ¿El cesto está lleno? ¡Pon la lavadora! ¿Se acerca la hora de cenar? ¡Seguro que sabes lo que toca!3REPLANTEA EL REPARTOSi el peso de “poner la lavadora” o de cualquiertarea crea conflictos o algún miembro de la familia considera que el reparto no es justo, habrá que dialogar y pensar nuevas estrategias.4DIALOGA POR UN REPARTO JUSTOPara que todos los miembros asuman su responsabilidades importante que haya una negociación en la queparticipen todas las partes implicadas. Que uno solo sea quien tome la decisión no suele dar buen resultado. Y si no os ponéis de acuerdo, entra en y usa nuestro configurador de tareas5ASIGNA TAREAS POR GUSTOSSi a ti no te importa poner la lavadora y a tu pareja le supone un drama, adjudícate esa tarea. Si vais compensando gustos será más fácil ponerse en marcha.6EQUILIBRA LOS HORARIOSEl equilibrio es importante: Si pasas 8 horas en la oficina y tu pareja 4, hay que tenerlo en cuenta ¡Un inciso! Trabajar desde casa, cuidar a los hijos o a una persona mayor también es trabajar. La excusa de: “pero si estás en casa” no cuela.7MISMOS DESCANSOSPara que el reparto de tareas sea más justo lo suyo es que el reparto del tiempo de descanso también lo sea. Mientras uno hace la cena, que el otro bañe a los niños, mientras uno pone la lavadora, que el otro recoja la mesa... Si todos colaboráis, podréis disfrutar antes de una peli juntos.8REVISA EL PLANSi pasado un tiempo el reparto ha dejado de funcionar, tendréis que repensarlo de nuevo. Es mejor renegociarlo cuando haga falta, que perder tiempo y energía todos los días debatiendo a quién le toca poner la lavadora.6M a n u a l d e l m e j o r u s o d e t u l a v a d o r a7Manual del m ejor uso de t u lavadorade Psicología Clínica y especializado en crianza y asesoramiento a padres.“Las tareas del hogar no son del hombre ni de la mujer, tampoco de los padres. Todos los que vivimos bajo el mismo techo compartimos la responsabilidad de las tareas de casa, y hay que repartirlas de forma corresponsable: nadie tiene que “ayudar” a poner la lavadora o a hacer la cena, son cosas que hay que hacer y alguien tiene que hacerlas. Los miembros de la pareja se pueden ayudar con tareas del trabajo o con cosas externas a la casa, pero si hablamos de cocinar la cena o lavar la ropa, aquí nadie ayuda a nadie porque es cosa de todos. Como todos tenemos que comer, y a todos nos gusta llevar la ropa limpia, todos tendremos que remangarnos y ponernos manos a la obra. Si todos colaboramos es más fácil que todos estemos a gusto en casa.”1ENSÉÑALESParece obvio pero antes de realizar cualquier tarea, debes enseñarles cómo hacerlo: baja a su nivel, usa un lenguaje sencillo y ve paso a paso ¡Para ti puede ser fácil, pero para ellos no tiene por qué serlo!2CADA TAREA A SU TIEMPOAdáptate a su edad. Por ejemplo, con dos años pueden llevar la ropa sucia al cesto; con tres o cuatro pueden poner y quitar la mesa, con cinco o seis cocinar algo sencillo (¡con tu ayuda!), y con ocho o nueve años pueden quitar el polvo, poner la lavadora o el lavaplatos.*3DEJA QUE FALLEN¡Permíteles cometer errores! Si quieres queaprendan, les tendrás que dejar meter la pata ¿Cómo si no van a aprender!4DA EJEMPLORecuerda que eres su modelo. Para cada niñolo normal es lo que ha visto siempre en casa. Ayúdale a crecer sin pensar que las tareas de casa son cosa de papá o de mamá.LAS TAREAS DOMÉSTICAS TAMBIÉN SON COSA DE NIÑOS.Para implicarles en ellas debéis tener en cuenta esto.* Afirmación avalada por el psicólogo Alberto Soler#YaNoHay ExcusasUna iniciativa de Lavadoras Samsung QuickDrive TMPoner la lavadora y cualquier tarea domésticaes cosa de hombres y de mujeres por igual.Reparte equitativamente y contribuye a crearuna sociedad más justa.https:///es/quickdrive/yanohayexcusas/。
Rotork IQ系列执行器 说明书
![Rotork IQ系列执行器 说明书](
本安型IQ通讯器可用于使 用在危险区域的执行器。通 讯器可对执行器的组态、状 态和数据记录进行访问、分 析和重新组态,还可用通讯 器将执行器的文件传送到安 全区域,用装有IQ - Insight 的PC来下载和分析。
有关IQ-Insight和IQ通讯 器的更多信息请参见出版物 E111 E。
在电源刚接通时,执行器自 动检测必要的工作电路和存 储设备以确保正确操作。如 发生异常设备问题,IQ会自 动检测原因,并将信息以图 标方式显示于执行器窗口。 电动操作将被禁止 ,以防止
随着一些国际标准的出现, 如IEC 61508/11 ISA84和 DIN 19250,使工艺系统整 体安全性的评估成为需求。 本公司将非常乐于讨论您的 要求。
远程控制输入采用光隔离接 口,能抵御 2KV 高压。标准 控制为正极开关 (如特殊说 明可提供负极开关)。
标准IQ执行器可使用如下规 定的远程控制信号:
用户外部供电控制电源: 范围 20 - 60V AC/DC 或 60 - 120V AC
执行器内部供电控制电源: 24V DC。(如有特殊要求, 也可为120V AC)
Rotork IQ 系列执行器
控 制 及 监 视 设 备
出版物E120C 2001年11月出版
IQ执行器是对阀门进行就地及远程电动控制 的非侵入式自控设备。
包括一个电机、减速齿轮、现场控制反转启动器、 带电子逻辑控制的力矩、限位和监视装置。这些 装置均封装在标准为IP68(3米 - 48小时)、NEMA 4和6的双密封防水外壳内。使用非侵入式、手持、 红外线IQ设定器可对力矩、限位和可组态的指示 触点进行设定。设定器随订单配送。
只需简单按下设定器的一个 键,执行器即可显示瞬时的 阀位和力矩指示。
IQ100X Series User ManualA, Catalogue Number Data2, Function1), V I KW Kvar, reactive power, apparent power, four-quadrant energy, power factor, frequency,2), 1 active energy pulse output, 1 reactive energy pulse output3), 1 AO:4-20mA4), 1 RS485,MODBUS RTU5), 6 DI,2 DO(relay output)6), LCD displayB, Programming and operating1, Display:VVV3-phase KWH Power factor FrequencyPFPress ▲ and ▼ to change the parameters。
Set DIS-DIS.P-AUTO to change display automatically2.Setting up:Press “MENU”, “▲”, “▼”, “►”, “◄”, “” to finish settingup.MENU:press this button to enter into the programming mode when in metermeasurement display, displaying ‘PROC’ on the meter. Press “”, anddisplay “code”. Program and set up the meter only after entering the correctpassword (default value: 0001); the other function of the “MENU” button is tobackspace during the programming process. Press “►” and “◄” to choosetheparameter for modification and to select the number in each digit (inXXXX form). “▲”and “▼”is to increase and decrease values, while the“” key is used to confirm the modified parameter.The organizational structure of the menu is shown as below. Users canselect proper programming setup parameters according to their actualsituations.The diagram below is the programming menu structure. Press the MENU keyto enter into the following programming operations.- 2 -C. Mounting and wiring1. Mounting dimensions:2. Mounting method:1)Choose a proper position on the fixed switchboard to cut out a mounting hole as per the cutout dimension.2)Remove the meter, and loosen the locating clip.3)Mount and insert the meter into the meter hole of the switchboard. 4)Insert the meter ’s locating clip.3. Terminal wiring:Note: L-N is the auxiliary power supply. Make proper wiring according to the meter enclosure wiring diagram!1)Auxiliary power supply: The IQC series multi-functional power meter has universal AC/DC switch power supply input interface, offering standard products with the 220V AC/DC or 110V AC/DC power supply interface when not stated specially. The meter ’s operating power supply voltage limit is 85 to 265V (AC/DC). Make sure that the supplied power supply is suitable for this series product, to avoid damages to the product.A). For AC power supply, it is recommended to install a 1A fuse on thelive-wire side.B). In regions of worse power quality, it is recommended to install asurge protector in the power supply circuit to avoid lightning, and install a fast pulse burst suppressor.2) Input signal: this series product uses the calculation method of individual collection in each measurement channel, ensuringconsistency and symmetry when in use, suitable for different load types. Remark:A) Voltage input: the input voltage should not exceed the product ’srated input voltage (100V or 400V). Otherwise, a PT should be considered to use, and a 1A fuse must be installed in the voltage input end.B) Current input: the standard rated input current is 5A. Anexternal CT should be used for above 5A current. If the used CT is connected to other meters, serial connection should be made. Make sure to disconnect the CT ’s primary circuit or short circuit the secondary circuit before removing the product ’s current input wiring. A connection bar is recommended to use. Do not directly connect to the CT, convenient for removal.C) Make sure that the input voltage and current are corresponding,with consistent phase sequence and direction; otherwise, value and symbol errors (power and energy) will occur!D) The meter input network is configured to the CT quantity in thesystem. Choose the 3-phase 3-wire 2-compnent method for 2-CT cases, while the 3-phase 4-wire 3-component method is chosen for 3-CT cases. The input net setup in the meter wiring and meter programming should be consistent with the wiring methods for the measured loads. Otherwise, this will result in incorrect voltage or power measurements by the meter. In a 3-phase 3-wire system, the voltage measurement and displayed value are related to line to line voltage, while in a 3-phae 4-wire system, the voltage measurement and displayed value are phase to phase voltage.D. Digital communicationThe serial asynchronous half-duplex RS485 communication interface is offered, using MOD-BUS-RTU protocol.。
IQ-1500 校准功率计 说明书
![IQ-1500 校准功率计 说明书](
•High accuracy measurements•±1% or ±2% uncertainty measurement •Step-by-step calibration procedure •Detailed calibration report •5 mm detectorIQ-1500Calibration Power MeterHigh accuracy measurementsThe IQ-1500 is ideal for all types of high-accuracy measurements with uncertainties of ±1% or ±2% at reference conditions. It also offers ±0.01 dB linearity and 0.0001 dB display resolution for high accuracy measurements at any power within its dynamic range.The IQ-1500 module is a highly accurate calibration power meter of the IQ-200 product family. Like all other IQ products, the IQ-1500 offers exceptional performance,flexibility, ease-of-use, and extensive integration capabilities.The IQ-1500 can be used with the IQ-2100 DFB Laser Module as part of the IQ Optical Calibration System for in-house instrument verification. Certified according to internationally recognized standards (NIST), the IQ Optical Calibration System performs local calibration of any optical power meter with ±1% or ±2% uncertainty at reference conditions. The IQ-2100 DFB Laser Source is perfectly suited for calibration purposes in both its 1310 nm or 1550 nm wavelength versions due to its high wavelength stability.A step-by-step Windows™ based calibration procedure is included in the IQ-1500 application software. Each step leads the user through a detailed procedure ensuring a systematic, repeatable, and scientifically valid power meter calibration. For experienced users, all steps can be directly accessed from the main window. The procedure also generates a “Calibration Report”including total calibration uncertainty for each calibration wavelength. Both random and systematic uncertainties are included in total uncertainty calculation.The IQ-1500 module is offered with two different types of detectors: with a Silicon detector(450 nm to 1100 nm) or with a Germanium detector (750 nm to 1800 nm). With its 5 mm detector, the IQ-1500 is the perfect tool for measuring the total output power of passive components such as fibers with large diameter and numerical aperture as well as ribbon connectors.The IQ-1500 Windows™ compatible application software is easy to use and guarantees instrument flexibility. All configuration parameters are easily selected from a single setup window. The IQ-1500 Calibration Power Meter allows power meter calibration by comparing its highly precise reading (using a stable laser) with a reading taken from the power meter under test. Data can be stored on a floppy disk or on the system hard drive, so storage space is practically limitless.IQ-2100 DFBLight SourcePower MeterUnder TestIQ-1500 CalibrationPower MeterT ypical Calibration SetupAccurateCalibrationMeasurementsThe IQ SolutionBenefits include:•Immediate local calibration verification, thus eliminating long manufacturer calibration delays•High-accuracy power meter for all types of precision measurements•5 mm detector applicationsPOWER METERUNDER TESTDocumenting the measurement con-ditionsEnter general and specific information identifying the actual measurement conditions. This information will be included in the calibration report.Simple graphic user interface •Windows TM compatible•Easy control with mouse, front panel keys, or keyboard•Multiple-user configuration storage •Simultaneous multiple applications for true multitasking •Online HELPDetailed calibration reports Produce detailed calibration reports that includeinstrumentation identification,environmental information reference conditions, and a calibration summary for each wavelength.SummaryComplete calibration results displayed. These include mean power,calibration factor, as well as total uncertainty.Null ButtonEliminate electronic offsets and dark currents to ensure good accuracy.Display unitsChoose display units:dBm or watt.Auto storeSelect the number of measurements and intervals between readings for automatic IQ-1500 measurements.SetupWavelength and units are selected from a single window.Source wavelength.Power meter under test wavelength setting.IQ-1500 mean measured power.Step-by-stepInitiate the step-by-step procedure.High resolution Resolution of 0.001 dB.Source spectral width (FWHM).Number of calibration measurements.Standard deviation of the calibration factor.Calibration factor by which the reading of the DUT must be multiplied in watt.Total uncertainty of the corrected DUT readings.Current DUTIdentification and wavelength.DUT resultsEnter DUT power measurements.C a l i b r a t i o n M o d e W i n d o wDetailed Calibration SummaryOPTICAL SPECIFICATIONSMODEL IQ-1501IQ-1502Detector typeSi Ge Detector size (mm) 55Dynamic range (dBm)+5 to -60+5 to -60Spectral range (nm) 450 to 1100750 to 1800Linearity (dB)1±0.01 (-15 to -50 dBm)±0.01 (+5 to -50 dBm)Uncertainty (dB)±2%2±2%2Display resolution (dB)0.0010.001Spectral resolution (nm)0.10.1OPTIONSQ1±1% uncertainty at 3 user-specified wavelengths, at NIST referenceconditions 3Q2±1% uncertainty at 3 user-specified wavelengths, ±2% every 10 nm,at NIST calibration conditions 4OPERATING ENVIRONMENTTemperature operating 23°C ±5°/73°F ±9°storage-40°to 70°C/-40°to 158°F Relative humidity0 to 80% non-condensingMECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONSDimensions (H x W x D)12 x 3.8 x 26.2 cm 4 3/4x 1 1/2x 10 1/3in.Weight0.63 kg/1.40 lbNOTES1.At a ±1°C constant temperature at ±0.02 dB from -10 to -50 dBm for Si.2. ±2% Uncertainty at EXFO reference conditions:a)Silicon detector:•±2% uncertainty at 845 ±1 nm, 50/125 µm (C) fiber, power level of -10 dBm CW and source spectral width (FWHM) <10 nm.•±3% uncertainty from 450 to 1100 nm, 62.5/125 µm (D) fiber, power level of -10 to -50 dBm CW and source spectral width (FWHM) ≤12nm.•FC connector (ceramic ferrule) with FOA-222.b)Germanium detector:•±2% uncertainty at (845 ±1 nm, 1310 ±0.1 nm and 1550 ±0.1 nm), power level of 0 to -10 dBm CW, 9/125 µm (B) fiber at 1310 and 1550 nm,50/125 µm (C) fiber at 845 nm and source spectral width (FWHM) <10 nm.•±3% uncertainty from 750 to 1800 nm, power level of 0 to -50 dBm CW, 62.5/125 µm (D) fiber and source spectral width (FWHM) ≤12 nm.•FC connector (ceramic ferrule) with FOA-222.3.±1% Uncertainty at 3 user-specified wavelengths, at NIST reference conditions:•For Si detector: at 672 ±0.5 nm, 786 ±0.5 nm and choice between(835 to 855) ±0.5 nm. The typical uncertainty is ±1%, maximum ±1.2%.•For Ge detector, at 3 wavelengths within the following ranges, 786 ±0.5 nm, from (835 to 855) ±0.5, from (1280 to 1320) ±0.5 nm, and from(1520 to 1570) ±0.5 nm. Typical uncertainty is ±1%, maximum ±1.1% at 850 and 1310 nm and ±1.3% around 1550 nm.•Power Level -10 dBm CW.•9/125 to 62.5/125 µm (B to D) fiber.•FC, ST, SC or HMS-10 connector (ceramic or metallic ferrule).•Fiber-optic adapter (FOA) used at NIST.•Source spectral width (FWHM) <10 nm.4.±1% Uncertainty at 3 user-specified wavelengths, ±2% over the range at NIST reference conditions.As for the ±1% conditions except:•For Si, the range is 450 to 1100 nm and the power level is -10 to -50 dBm CW.•For Ge, the range is 750 to 1800 nm and the power level is 0 to -50 dBm CW.•Same fiber, connector, fiber-optic adapter as used at NIST.5.All uncertainties are specified with a 95% confidence level.ORDERING INFORMATIONIQ-1500 Power MeterIQ-150X-QX-XXXSPIQ1500.3AN 98/08STANDARD ACCESSORIESInstruction manual, Certificate of Calibration, fiber-optic adapter (FOA), and reference test jumperBased on the selected connector type, you will receive the following fiber-optic adapter:Detector code 1 = TEC-Si 2 = TEC-GeOptions0 = ±2% uncertainty1 = ±1% uncertainty at 3λ, NIST2 = ±1% uncertainty at 3λ, ±2%every 10 nm, NISTFiber codeB = 9/125 µm SinglemodeC = 50/125 µm MultimodeD = 62.5/125 µm MultimodeConnector code 50 = FC/PC (MM)54 = SC/PC (MM)58 = FC/APC (SM)74 = ST/PC (MM)88 = SC/APC (SM)89 = FC/UPC (SM)90 = ST/UPC (SM)91 = SC/UPC (SM)1-800-663-3936*************CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS:465 Godin Avenue, Vanier, QC, G1M 3G7, Canada Tel.: 418-683-0211 Fax: 418-683-2170EXFO AMERICA:903 North Bowser, Suite 360, Richardson, TX, 75081, USA Tel.: 1-800-663-3936 Fax: 972-907-2297EXFO EUROPE:Centre d’Affaires-Les Metz, 100, rue Albert Calmette, 78353 Jouy-en-Josas, France Tel.: +33 1 34 63 00 20 Fax: +33 1 34 65 90 93I 90S O 01EXFO is certified ISO 9001and attests to the quality of its products. Theseproducts are accompanied by a 24-month warranty and an excellent after sales support service.Contact EXFO for prices and availability, or to obtain the phone number of your local EXFO distributor.This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference,and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.EXFO has made every effort to ensure that the information contained in this brochure is accurate. However, we accept no responsibility for any errors or omissions, and we reserve the right to modify design, characteristics and products at any time without obligation.DESCRIPTIONFOA-222 = NTT-FC, FC/PC, FC/APC, FC/SPC, FC/UPC FOA-232 = AT&T type ST and ST/PC, ST/SPC, ST/UPC FOA-254 = NTT-type SC/PC, SC/SPC, SC/UPC FOA-84 = Diamond 2.5 HMS-10, SC/APC。
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Rotork Controls Ltd, Bath, UK
Rotork Controls Inc, Rochester, USA
Rotork IQ 智能型阀门执行机构- 精益求精
Rotork经过实验和测试的IQ系列智能型 电动阀门执行器现得到了进一步的发 展,新增加了角形程的IQT电动执行器 保留了IQ名扬四海的特性,如Rotork独 有的双密封系统和"非侵入式"红外设定 功能。
加长阀杆 对于应用于高温介质的明杆阀 门,如实心或弹性楔型闸阀, 则必须加长阀杆,否则会导致 阀门损坏或泄漏。加长或缩短 阀杆的效果要好于在执行器的 输出部位安装Rotork温度补偿器。
防火和极冷 在高达70℃的温度下完全可正常运转, 通过使用外加箱体、覆盖膨胀涂层, 标准IQ执行器可在火中(温度可能迅速 升至1000°C时)运行长达30分钟。 也可加以更改,以便在-50°C低温下 正常工作。
IQ的现场调试无需卸掉电气箱端盖。 所有设定和调整包括设定IQT的速 度,均使用提供的红外线设定器来 完成。在我们制造厂的受控环境 中组装后,空气的对流就被杜绝了, 所有的内部元件都得到终身的保 护。非侵入式控制意味着没有穿 过控制箱体的贯通轴。
双密封 双防护
IQ的防护等级为IP68 - 水下,下7米, 72小时,NEMA4/4X/6。完全防水防尘, 而且不“透气”。 Rotork双密封系统确保内部元 件受到保护,因为它们被防水 接线端子模块将内部电缆与接 线端子箱隔离。即使在现场接 线期间,移去接线端盖,保护 仍得以维持,且接线端子模块 压盖密封。
数据纪录 每个IQ都有一个的数据记录器。这个 记录器获取和存储诸如阀门、执行器 以及控制信号操作和状态数据:
● 阀门力矩分布图,在对应的阀位 开/关的瞬时和平均力矩
● 操作的次数。 ● 阀门和执行器位置状态纪录
● 操作信号纪录 ● 执行器控制状态纪录 ● 统计 记录的数据带有时间和日期, 可以被回放,进行实时分析, 或以事件为基础进行分析。
我们的成功是由于Rotork在生产作业的各个阶段 和各个环节上坚定不移地重视质量。
从最初的现场测量、规格定制和设计到材料、制 造和检测工序、安装、调试和售后服务,我们 的信誉卓著、堪称一流。
公司成功的关键是拥有一支出类拔萃的员工队伍 - 训练有素、意识先进的工程师和技术支持人员,他们 各司其职,在维护Rotork无可匹敌的信誉方面发挥 着重要作用,为用户提供创新、可靠和一流的支持。
IQ过热防护 在电机线圈内装有两个温度调节器,用以直 接检测线圈的温度。如果线圈过热, 可将执行器的控制电路断开。
IQT过热防护 在环形的变压器线圈中有两个温度调节器, 以提供全面的电机电源模块保护。
自动自检测和诊断功能 (ASTD) 在任何时刻,一旦执行器接通电源, 它将自动检测操作电路,以确保正确 的操作。对于很少发生的设备故障, 可以被诊断出来并以图标方式自动显 示在屏幕上,同时执行器的电动操 作将被禁止,以便于现场维护。
IQT速度控制 通过把在AQ系列中使用了20多年 的电机控制技术与IQ"执行器集成 芯片"相结合,使得在不影响输出 力矩的情况下调整IQT的输出速度。
丰富的电动执行器使用经验使 得Rotork能够在执行器保护 方面居世界领先地位。在从沙 漠到苔原、海面到地下这些潮 湿、极热或极寒、强腐蚀性 空气的环境中,执行器都能可 靠运行。 Rotork知道,执行器可靠性方面 最重要的因素是不受环境影响 - 简而言之就是防护壳体。
简单、可靠 IQ综合了简化的设计风格,同时扩 展了规格和性能。
力矩测量 执行器能够可靠和精确地测定操作 一个阀门的作用力,这是对阀门和 执行器提供保护的基础。IQ系列使 用的是经过试验测试并被工业实践 所验证的技术,不论频率、电压和 温度如何变化,都可获得精确的、 可重复的力矩测量值。
阀门卡住时电机的保护 如果阀门被卡住,当启动信号发出 后7秒内无任何动作,逻辑电路可将 响应的接触器断开,以防止电机过热。
IQT使用24v的直流电机。对于单相 和三相执行器,电机电源通过变压 整流器提供(如果是24v的直流供 应,则只需要整流器)。无论是何 种的电源类型和连接方式,IQT都 始终以正确的方向运行。一旦有一 相或多相电源(或直流电源电极) 失电,IQT执行器就停止工作。
显示支持 Rotork认识到在任何时候都需 要就地和远程阀位指示,即使 在执行器电源关断时也是如此。 IQ包括了一个电池,以便在电 源关断时保持并更新阀位指示 该电源还支持断电时数据记录、 和调试。
设定 用提供的本安型IQ红外线设定 器进行设定、调整和查看,可 以让用户通过液晶显示器方便 地进入执行器的组态。
IQ将继续保持使它成为世界领先的所 有关键性优点, 这些优点如下:
终身使用 不论在何种环境、任何应用IQ都已是 可靠性的代名词。简明的设计、双密 封的防水外壳,红外线设定以及全面
排除故障简便 易读的、带有背景照明的显示器 提供了阀门运行状况、控制和执 行器的报警图标。
使用IQ设置工具访问综合实时诊 断帮助屏幕可以全图显示本地和 远程系统控制状态、执行器结构
瞬时反转保护 在执行器接到瞬时反转命令时,自动延 时电路用以防止冲击负载对阀杆和齿轮 箱所产生的不必要的磨损。该电路还可 以通过接触器限制浪涌电流。
* 执行器只使用二相-参见电路图。
即使Rotork的标准IQ执行器已提供 了广泛的控制和显示的灵活性,仍可 按照用户要求提供多种功能,以考 虑个别用户的需求。用于多转式和 角行程阀门的齿轮箱大型及慢速移 动的闸阀和球阀可通过电动执行器 下面安装的伞形齿轮或直齿轮来驱 动。IQT系列提供中小型角行程阀门 6矩大小达2000Nm的直接操作,IQ执行 器可与角行程的蜗轮、涡杆齿轮箱相 连,通过增加力矩、降低速度来操 作角行程阀门。有关用于角行程及 多转式阀门的执行器选型程序存储 在CDROM光盘上。
相同步器可防止因接线错误而 损坏阀门 Rotork独有的"相同步器"自动旋转 调整装置,用以防止因电源接线 不正确而导致阀门损坏,可确保 IQ的三相电机始终具有正确的电 源相序。
单相保护 为进一步防止电机过热,IQ的电子 装置不断监视着电源的三相。如果 一相或多相丢失,可以防止控制电 路将接触器激励。作为标准功能,可 获得电源掉相时的现场和远程报警。
条件控制 对于高度安全完整性的应用,要 求IQ组态为条件控制。在这一方 式下,操作取决于两个独立的信 号。以关阀命令为例,同时提供 一个远程关阀输入信号和关阀联
锁输入信号,执行器将操作, 关闭阀门。如果只提供一个信 号,或一个信号丢失,执行器 将保位或停止而防止故障。当 组态为有条件的远程控制时, 就地操作无需联锁输入。
● 简洁、易控制和指示功能
● 简单的力矩和位置控制,增强 可靠性
● 合理的电子工艺 -“系统集成芯片技术
● 综合控制和指示灵活性
阀位测量 可靠的过程控制取决于阀门行 程末端的准确定位,而液压控 制取决于阀门行程中间的准确 定位。拥有专利的非接触式阀 位测量系统则是执行器控制中 最简单的设计。只有一个活动 部件的分解器把输出中心套筒 的旋转转换成电信号,然后与 存储在安全、永久的存储器中 的限位来比较。
的防护系统,使得IQ成为可信 赖的阀门控制领域的领导者。
IQT是居于新技术前沿的产品研发结 果。现在Rotork IQ可以提供一个完 整的执行器系列,可适应大部分需要 控制和指示的角行程和多转式阀门的 应用器,用户以高标准的性能品、质 量以及价值标准。
用红外线设定器可进行简单、 安全和快速的非侵入式调整。 使用“随按随用”的IQ设定器 可进入和调整执行器的设定, 如力矩值、限位、控制及显示 功能。Rotork提供的、独特的 本安型设定器在任何环境中, 无论动力电源提供与否,均可 对执行器进行非侵入式设定。
Rotork知道我们的用户需要技术支 持。工厂停工、延迟调试计划和不 恰当维护的费用和高额罚款,不允 许无效的支持。通过IQ-IrDA(红外 线数据协议)通讯和内置数据记录 器,IQ系列现在可以提供完整的产 品服务,包括分析和配置。Rotork有 完善的全球服务网络,用户可随时 获得专家的建议。
数据记录器可以通过IrDA接口 被兼容的设备(见下述)通讯。 数据记录器中的数据可通过PC机 上的IQ-Insight软件进行分析, 详见第8页。
IrDA 通信 IQ支持IrDA兼容通信方式。IQ 的设置和记录数据可以通过非 侵入式的红外线通信接口进行访 问。可以通过IrDA接口和兼容 的PDA进行数据交换,笔记本 或PC机上的IQ-Isight PC软件 提供了与执行器及内置的数据 记录器的通信接口。
屏幕上的诊断图标 液晶显示器中有四个专用报警 图标,可以清晰地显示阀门、 控制系统和执行器的报警。
帮助屏幕 用IQ设定器可调出九个帮助屏 幕,因而能够对控制信号、阀 门和执行器状态以及指示状态 进行实时、分组分析。
阀门力矩指示 用设定器通过IQ液晶显示器可 以实时观察对应于阀位的阀门 力矩,因此,阀门工作条件的 分析成为标准功能。
和相对位置的力矩分布情况。 内置数据记录器可记录操作、警 报和阀门力矩分布数据,可提 供宝贵的操作运行状况和运 行条件的信息。
IQ现在为阀门执行机构提供了一 系列强大无比的卓越特性,包括:
● 适合各种多转式和角行程阀门 ● 三相、直流和单相电源执行器
● 标准功能的内置数据记录器
● 兼容IrDA标准,通过PC对执行 器进行就地和远程分析。
带有向上或向下短轴的落地支 架,可通过用户提供的连杆和