英汉互译Unit 1 Introduction

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– You can’t be too careful. – It is five years since he smoked. 2. Broad knowledge – Big brother; kick bucket; – Hannibal (247-183 BC.) had us for lunch,
2.Avoid cultural misunderstanding
Love me, love my dog.
Every dog has its day.
That funny guy often talks horse.
He became dissatisfied with modern life and man’s selfish wish for private wealth, so he went and joined a Hippie commune. 出于对现代生活的不满和对人们自私的个人 财富占有欲的反感,他加入了嬉皮士群居社。
The process of understanding
first reading , general reading for main idea, theme, background second reading, careful reading for details final reading for stylistic features, spirit
The chief criminals shall be punished without fail.
– 主要罪犯绝对要受到惩罚。
– 首恶必办。
Didn’t you go to see the film last night?
No, I didn’t.
– 你昨晚没去看电影是吗?
– 是的,我没去。
I am sorry. I will eat my words.
4. Faithful to the style
Formal / informal
Positive / negative
Humorous / rigid
– That man was so rude to me. I wouldn’t go back to that job for all the tea in China!
1. man 2. I want my Martini dry. 3. An apple a day keeps a doctor away. 4. soft music / soft drinks
Translating consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source-language message, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style. ( Eugene A. Nida and Charles R.Taber, 1982:12)
Faithfulness and smoothness
Be faithful to the content
– 1. Avoid word for word translation – 2. Avoid cultural misunderstanding – 3. Avoid the misunderstanding of
3. Avoid the misunderstanding of idioms
You can not trust him to keep a secret, he is sure to spill the beans before long.
切勿相信他会保守秘密,过不久他肯定会 泄露于人的。
Faithfulness, expressiveness, closeness (信达切) -----刘重德《翻译十讲》 Spiritual conformity (神似) -----傅雷 Sublimed adaptation (化境) -----钱钟书 Excellent translation faithfully reflects all the original passage in vocabulary, syntax, even punctuation and spelling.
How to understand
1) contextual analysis
– The slums offered an ugly contrast to the classical grandeur of official Washington.
– The baseball season opens this afternoon and I suspect that most of official Washington are out at the field, including the president and many of the members of the Cabinet.
translation, selective translation, abstract translation , etc.
Qualities for a Good
1. Good bilingual competence, especially understanding and expressing
Some terminologies:
ຫໍສະໝຸດ Baidu
– source language
– target language/ receptor language
– translator
– original version
– translation
Classification of Translation
Unit 1
Introduction: Translation and Translation Techniques
General Introduction
– Different in phonetics, lexicology, grammar, & syntactic structures;
1-2. Understanding the background
潺潺长江水, 悠悠远客情。 落花相与恨, 到地一无声。
Mournfully, mournfully rolls the long River, Saddened, ah saddened, the stranger’s breast. The flowers as they fall, his fate recall, As each flutters down in the earth to rest.
– The Ming and Qing Dynasties – The period of May 4th Movement
Functions of translation:
– A means of bilingual & bicultural communication;
– An instrument for transmitting culture;
Be faithful to the style
1.Avoid word for word translation
The greatest compensation for wrongful imprisonment.
– 1.对错误监禁的最大数额的赔偿。
– 2.最大数额的冤狱赔偿金。
– 那人对我太无礼了,我无论如何也不再去做那份 工作了。
– 那家伙对我太无礼了,八抬大轿来请,我也不去 做那份工作了。
– I am up to my neck in your bullshit.
– 你害得我好苦。
– 你让我倒他妈的八辈子邪霉了。
Process of translation
– A technique for bettering language acquisition;
– Improving social development main
Definitions of Translation
语言学派;交际学派;社会符号学派;文艺学派 Cross-linguistic transformation of meaning – Denotative meaning (外延); – Connotative meaning (内涵); – Collocative meaning; – Contextual meaning ; – Stylistic meaning;
question, problem, trouble, point, issue 当时我们正在长征的路上,每天行军一百多 里。
We were on the Long March. Every day we marched a hundred li or more.
3. Edition & finishing touches
1-1. Understanding the meaning of diction in the
A) Draw a line from A to B. B) The ship crossed the line. C) Cooking is more in your line than mine. D) They were given their marriage lines after the registration. E) She bought an overcoat lined with silk.
1. Intralingual / interlingual translation 2. Interpretation, translation, machine
translation 3. Translation of different genres (EST
translation, literary translation, etc.) 4. Complete translation, adapted
– Similar in living patterns.
Origin of translation:
– The Zhou Dynasty; – First recorded in the Western Han Dynasty;
History: 3 periods of climax
– The Eastern Han Dynasty -- the Tang & Song Dynasties
1. Comprehension
– 1. Comprehending the meaning of diction in the context
– 2. Comprehending the background
2. Expression & Reexpression
– 1. Expressing – 2. Reexpressing
Clarice. 3. Translation strategies and techniques 4. Careful and conscientious attitude
Principles of Translation
Faithfulness, expressiveness, elegance (信达雅) -----严复《天演论》(Evolution and Ethics)
march — walk 《高级英汉双解词典》: march: walk as soldiers do, with regular and measured steps. 《朗曼当代英语词典》: to walk with regular, esp. forceful steps like a soldier.