大气压电离源 Atmospheric Pressure ionization, API 1. 电喷雾电离源 ElectrosprayIonization, ESI 2. 大气压化学电离源 Atmosphere Pressure Chemical Ionization, APCI 3. 大气压光致电离源 Atmosphere Pressure Photo Ionization, APPI
12 units
Number of counts
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
•质量分析装置把不同质荷比的离子分开 •经检测器检测之后可以得到样品的质谱图
硬电离源:很多离子碎片峰,提供丰富的 质谱:称量离子质量的工具
12 units 12 units
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
• 质谱:称量离子质量的工具
12 units 14 units
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
• 质谱:称量离子质量的工具
• 单聚焦磁偏转质量分析器(single focusing) • 双聚焦磁偏转质量分析器(double focusing) • 四极杆质量分析器 (Quadrupole mass analyzer) • 飞行时间质量分析器(time of flight)
• m/z = H2R2/2U是磁分析器质谱方程,是设 计质谱仪的主要依据。
质谱基础知识 ppt
在讨论单聚焦分析器质量分离原理时,曾假定离子的初始能量为 零,离子的动能只决定加速电压。实际上,由离子源产生的离子, 其初始能量并不为零,而且其能量各不相同,经加速后的离子其能 量也就不同。因此即使是质量相同的离子,由于能量(或速度)的 不同。在磁场中的运动半径也不同,因而不能完全会聚在一起,这 就大大降低了仪器的分辨率,使相邻两种质量的离子m1和m2很难 分离。
以甲烷为反应气示例: 在电子轰击下,甲烷首先被电离:
CH4 + e→ C2H5+, CH5+, C3H7+, CH3+ 反应气离子与样品分子反应: CH5+ +M→[M+1]++CH4 C2H5+ +M→[M-1]++C2H6
Atmospheric Pressure ionization, API 1. 电喷雾电离源 ElectrosprayIonization, ESI 2. 大气压化学电离源 Atmosphere Pressure Chemical Ionization, APCI 3. 大气压光致电离源 Atmosphere Pressure Photo Ionization, APPI
• 单聚焦磁偏转质量分析器(single focusing) • 双聚焦磁偏转质量分析器(double focusing) • 四极杆质量分析器 (Quadrupole mass
analyzer) • 飞行时间质量分析器(time of flight)
2)化学电离源(Chemical Ionization,CI) 3)基质辅助激光解析电离(matrixassisted
laser desorption-ionization,MALDI) 4)快原子轰击(Fast atom bombardment,
1)用 EI source 轰击反应气,得到反应气离子 2)反应气离子与样品分子作用,使样品分子电离 3)较EI能量低,碎片峰较EI少,更容易获得分子离
由两组对角筒形构成,分别施加直流电压和射频交 流电压,在一定的直流电压和交流电压比(u/v)以 及场半径r固定的条件下,对于某一种射频频率, 只有一种质荷比的离子可以顺利通过电场到达质 量分析器,这些离子成为共振离子,其它离子在 运动过程中撞击在圆筒电极上而被过滤掉。
MS(mass spectrometry)
基本原理: 质谱分析是将样品转化为运动的带电气
称量离子质量的工具。 其整个过程类似于:
This analyser is commonly called the TOF. The TOF is used in single MS systems, with an LC introduction, with a GC introduction, or with MALDI ionisation. In MS/MS configuration, the TOF is associated to a quadrupole (QTof), or to another TOF (TOF-TOF) or to an Ion Trap (QIT/TOF).Principle of the time of flight analyser:In a Time–Of–Flight (TOF) mass spectrometer, ions formed in an ion source are extracted and accelerated to a high velocity by an electric field into an analyser consisting of a long straight ‘drift tube’. The ions pass along the tube until they reach a detector.After the initial acceleration phase, the velocity reached by an ion is inversely proportional to its mass (strictly, inversely proportional to the square root of its m/z value).Since the distance from the ion origin to the detector is fixed, the time taken for an ion to traverse the analyser in a straight line is inversely proportional to its velocity and hence proportional to its mass (strictly, proportional to the square root of its m/z value). Thus, each m/z value has its characteristic time–of–flight from the source to the detector.Time of Flight equations:The first step is acceleration through an electric field (E volts). With the usual nomenclature (m = mass, z = number of charges on an ion, e = the charge on an electron, v = the final velocity reached on acceleration), the kinetic energy (mv /2) of the ion is given by equation (1).mv /2 = z.e.E(1)Equation (2) follows by simple rearrangement.v = (2z.e.E/m)1/2(2)If the distance from the ion source to the detector is d, then the time (t) taken for an ion to traverse the drift tube is given by equation (3).t = d/v = d/(2z.e.E/m)1/2 = d.[(m/z)/(2e.E)] 1/2(3)In equation (3), d is fixed, E is held constant in the instrument and e is a universal constant. Thus, the flight time of an ion t is directly proportional to the square root of m/z (equation 4).t = (m/z) 1/2 x a constant(4)Equation (4) shows that an ion of m/z 100 will take twice as long to reach the detector as an ion of m/z 25:going through the reflectron, the dispersion of ions of the same m/z value is minimized, leading to a great improvement of resolutionCharacteristics of the time of flight analyser:Mass range:there is no upper theoretical mass limitation; all ions can be made to proceed from source to detector and the the upper mass limit exceeds 500 kDa. In practice, there is a mass limitation, in that it becomes increasingly difficult to discriminate between times of arrival at the detector as the m/z value becomes large. Another limitation is that very large molecules are difficult to ionise. Using an ionisation technique which produces multiply charged ions, like electrospray ionisation, extends the working range of the TOF analyserResolution:with a TOF instrument, it is possible to obtain 10000FWHM resolutionMass accuracy:better than 5 ppm, using a reference mass; that allows unambiguous formula determination of small organic molecules。
Today there are ~20 MS enterprises in Manchester… …Waters Micromass is the largest & most successful
©2005 Waters Corporation
LC/MS 系统构成
©2005 Waters Corporation
©2005 Waters Corporation
©2005 Waters Corporation
©2005 Waters Corporation
©2005 Waters Corporation
©2005 Waters Corporation
Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography-超高
– 液质联用的前提和基础=进样+分离 – 根据化合物的化学特性分离样品(比如极性化合物,非极性化合 物,酸性化合物,碱性化合物等等)
•分离技术 •分离效率高 •流动相参与分离 •连续流出,峰宽有限 •有时需要使用缓冲盐提高分离度 •高压环境工作(> 1000 psi)
©2005 Waters Corporation
Mass Spectrometry-质谱
质量是物质固有特征之一,不同的物质有不同的质量谱 分析物被转化为气相离子而被分析 这些离子按其质荷比 (m/z)被分离而被检测 质谱图即是相关的离子流对m/z的图
•灵敏度高 •定性/定量本领高 •脉冲扫描采集数据 •高真空环境工作 •溶剂参与反应(API电离源)
一) 离子源
1.电子轰击离子源 (Election Impact,EI) 使具有一定能量的电子直接作 用于样品分子,使其电离。(一般 能量为70ev)
M+e → M++2e
Electron Impact (EI)
: R1
: R2
: R3
: R4
(M-R2)+ (M-R1)+ M+
Specifity: 特异性; Sensitivity: 灵敏性; Speed: 快速性; Stoichiometry: 化学结合计量比的测定。
(1)异构体,立体化学方面区分能力差。 (2)定量重复性稍差,要严格控制操作条件 (3)有离子源产生的记忆效应,污染等问题。 (4)价格稍显昂贵,操作有点复杂。
4429.6 4428.6
4519.7 4649.7 4648.8
0 3000
4000 Mass/Charge
树枝状化合物 (Dendrimer)
基质:CHCA 溶剂:四氢呋喃 THF
CH3OH O2 差异
32.0261 u 31.9898 u 0.0363 u
分子式 C3H6O C2H2O2 C4H10
名义质量 36+6+16 = 58 24+2+32 = 58 48+10 = 58
①含Cl原子 a. 含一种Cl原子 n=1 所以(a+b)1=3+1
M: M+2=3:1
b.含两个Cl原子 n=2 所以 (a+b)2=(3+1 )2=9+6+1
②含Br原子 a.含一种Br原子 n=1 所以(a+b)1=1+1 M:M+2=1:1
一、电荷表达措施: ①电荷一般在π电子或者杂原子上分子离子以“ ”表达 奇电子离子(OE),如CH3OH (带未成对电子)
以“+”表达偶电子离子(EE),如CH3OH+(电子完全成对 ②电荷不明用[ ] 或[ ]+
③构造复杂旳化合物用┓ 或┓+
注意: 偶电子规律
因为 63.6 932 能够拟定m/z136和m/z93为母子关系
③ 亚稳离子峰一般要跨2~5个质量单位
4. 重排离子
重排离子是由原子迁移产生重排反应而形成旳离子。重排反应 中,发生变化旳化学键至少有两个或更多。重排反应可造成原 化合物碳架旳变化,并产生原化合物中并不存在旳构造单元离 子。
双电子转移,σ键断裂后, 两个电子归一种碎片保存
半异裂: R R R + ' R+ '
(1) -断裂 由自由基中心引起旳断裂反应,均裂,动力来自于自由基
分析化学英文课件15质谱 Mass Spectroscopy
If there is a molecular ion peak in mass spectrogram, its m/z is certainly the highest peak.
M+2/M is 1:1, then the compound must contain Br
3. Fragment ion peak
Ionization energy of organic compounds: 7-13 eV, Ionization voltage in MS: 70 eV, In the process of ionization,“fragment ion” was formed.
4. Metastable ion peak
The base peak
The largest peak in a mass spectrum is termed the base peak.
§15.3 Cleavage Types of Organic Compounds
ABCD + e - ABCD+ + 2e - molecular ion
1. Molecular ion peak
(1) Molecule ionized by one electron forms the molecular ion and gives the molecular ion peak.
(2) The mass of the molecular ion is equal to the molecular mass of the compound .
A Short Explanation for the Absolute Novice What does a mass spectrometer do?A mass spectrometer produces charged particles (ions) from the chemical substances that are to be analyzed. The mass spectrometer then uses electric and magnetic fields to measure the mass ("weight") of the charged particles.What are mass spectrometers used for?Mass spectrometers are used for all kinds of chemical analyses,ranging from environmental analysis (e.g. detection of poisons such as dioxin) to the analysis of petroleum products, trace metals and biological materials (including the products of genetic engineering).What does the mass tell us?O) as an example. A water molecule consists of two Let us use water (H2hydrogens (H) and one oxygen (O). The total mass of a water molecule is the sum of the mass of two hydrogens (approximately 1 atomic mass unit per hydrogen) and one oxygen (approximately 16 atomic mass units per oxygen):H: 1 u (atomic mass units)+ H: 1 u+ O: 16 u_______________________= H2O: 18 uLet's suppose that we put some water vapor into the mass spectrometer.A very small amount of water is all that is needed -- the water is introduced into a vacuum chamber (the "ion source") of the mass spectrometer. If we shoot a beam of electrons through the water vapor, some of the electrons will hit water molecules and knock off an electron. If we lose a (negatively charged) electron from the (neutral) water molecule, the water will be left with a net positive charge. In other words, we have produced charged particles, or "ions" from the water:H2O + 1 (fast) electron --> [H2O]+ + 2 electronsSome of the collisions between the water molecules and the electrons will be so hard that the water molecules will be broken into smaller pieces,or "fragments ". For water, the only possible fragments will be [OH]+, O+, and H+.The mass spectrum of water will show peaks that can be assigned to masses of 1, 16, 17, and 18, or:1 = H+16 = O+17 = [OH]+18 = [H2O]+Only certain combinations of elements can produce ions that have these masses. For example, the ammonium ion [NH4]+also has an approximate mass of 18 atomic mass units, but there would be peaks at mass 14 and 15 in the mass spectrum of ammonia corresponding to a N+ and [NH]+ (nitrogen is atomic mass 14).A trained mass spectrometrist can interpret the masses and relative abundances of the ions in a mass spectrum and determine the structure and elemental composition of the molecule. It has been said that "a mass spectrometrist is someone who figures out what something is by smashing it with a hammer and looking at the pieces". Computer programs, such as those that search libraries of mass spectra for the best match, can also be used to interpret a mass spectrum.Mass spectra can provide other information as well. For example, a high-resolution mass spectrometer (such as those manufactured by JEOL) can determine the mass of an ion very precisely. If we knew that the mass of our hypothetical ion at mass 18 was actually mass 18.010, we could easily distinguish it from an ammonium ion, which would have an exact mass of 18.035 (we wouldn't have to look for mass 14 and 15...). Given an accurate mass, and an estimated error tolerance, a computer can easily calculate the elemental composition of the molecule.How does a mass spectrometer work?There are many different kinds of mass spectrometers, but all use magnetic and/or electric fields to exert forces on the charged particles produced from the chemicals to be analyzed. A basic mass spectrometer consists of three parts:1. A source in which ions are produced from the chemical substances to be analyzed.2.An analyzer in which ions are separated according to mass.3. A detector which produces a signal from the separated ions.A magnetic field (in a "magnetic sector analyzer") separates ions according to their momentum (the product of their mass times their velocity). To understand how the force exerted by a magnetic field can be used to separate ions according to their mass, let us imagine that we have a bowling ball and a feather moving by us (both move at the same velocity). If we blow on the two objects in a direction perpendicular to the path of the objects, the feather will be deflected away from its path because it has a smaller mass (momentum), but the bowling ball, with its larger mass (momentum) will continue to move in its original path.JEOL produces "double-focusing mass spectrometers" that have analyzers with both an electric sector and a magnetic sector.∙The electric sector separates ions according to their kinetic energy (½mv^2)∙The magnetic sector separates the ions according to their momentum (mv)The combination of the two sectors provides very high resolution, or separating ability.Information in a Mass Spectrum:Exact mass: Elemental compositionFragmentation pattern: Structure & "fingerprint "Isotope abundances: Presence & number of certain elements "Tricks" and TechniquesForming Charged Particles (Ions):∙Electron impact (EI)∙Chemical Ionization (CI)∙Fast atom bombardment (FAB)∙Field desorption (FD)∙Electrospray ionization (ESI)∙Laser desorption (LD)Analyzing Mixtures: Combine the mass spectrometer with a:∙Gas chromatograph (GC/MS)∙Liquid chromatograph (LC/MS)Interpreting the Results:∙Library search∙Exact masses give possible elemental compositions∙Interpretive computer programs∙Chemist interprets the spectrum。
mass spectrograph and structure determination
S2 收集器
方向聚焦: 相同质荷比,入 电场
射方向不同的离子会 聚;
+ -
相同质荷比,速 度(能量)不同的离子 会聚;
S1 离子源
S2 收集器
质量相同,能量不同的离子通过电场和磁场时,均产生 能量色散;两种作用大小相等,方向相反时互补实现双聚焦;
+ ++
+ ++
++ +
++ + +
d<1mm 阴极
2. 质量分析器原理
加速后离子的动能 :
(1/2)m 2= e V = [(2V)/(m/e)]1/2
离心力 =向心力;m 2 / R= H0 e V 曲率半径: R= (m )/ e H0
质谱方程式:m/e = (H02 R2) / 2V 离子在磁场中的轨道半径R取决于: m/e 、 H0 、 V 改变加速电压V, 可以使不同m/e 的离子进入检测器。 质谱分辨率 = M / M (分辨率与选定分子质量有关)
方向聚焦; 相同质荷比, 入射方向不同 的离子会聚; S1 分辨率不高
第十四章 质谱分析
mass spectrometry,MS
第一节 基本原理与质谱仪
质谱分析法:mass spectrometry质谱:mass spectrum,MS棒图:bar graph选择离子检测:selected ion monitoring ,SIM直接进样:direct probe inlet ,DPI接口:interface气相色谱-质谱联用:gas chromatography-mass spectrometry,GC-MS 高效液相色谱-质谱联用:high performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry,HPLC-MS电子轰击离子源:electron impact source,EI离子峰:quasi-molecular ions化学离子源:chemical ionization source,CI场电离:field ionization,FI场解析:field desorptiion,FD快速原子轰击离子源:fast stom bombardment ,FAB质量分析器:mass analyzer磁质谱仪:magnetic-sector mass spectrometer四极杆质谱仪(四极质谱仪):quadrupole mass spectrometer紫外-可见分光光度法:ultraviolet and visible spectrophotometry;UV-vis 相对丰度(相对强度):relative avundance原子质量单位:amu离子丰度:ion abundance基峰:base peak质量范围:mass range分辨率:resolution灵敏度:sensitivity信噪比:S/N分子离子:molecular ion碎片离子:fragment ion同位素离子:isotopic ion亚稳离子:metastable ion亚稳峰:metastable peak母离子:paren ion子离子:daughter含奇数个电子的离子:odd electron含偶数个电子的离子:even eletron,EE 均裂:homolytic cleavage异裂(非均裂):heterolytic cleavage 半均裂:hemi-homolysis cleavage重排:rearragement分子量:MWα-裂解:α-cleavage 电磁波谱:electromagnetic spectrum光谱:spectrum光谱分析法:spectroscopic analysis原子发射光谱法:atomic emission spectroscopy肩峰:shoulder peak末端吸收:end absorbtion生色团:chromophore助色团:auxochrome红移:red shift长移:bathochromic shift短移:hypsochromic shift蓝(紫)移:blue shift增色效应(浓色效应):hyperchromic effect 减色效应(淡色效应):hypochromic effect 强带:strong band弱带:weak band吸收带:absorption band透光率:transmitance,T吸光度:absorbance谱带宽度:band width杂散光:stray light噪声:noise暗噪声:dark noise散粒噪声:signal shot noise闪耀光栅:blazed grating全息光栅:holographic graaing光二极管阵列检测器:photodiode array detector偏最小二乘法:partial least squares method ,PLS褶合光谱法:convolution spectrometry 褶合变换:convolution transform,CT离散小波变换:wavelet transform,WT 多尺度细化分析:multiscale analysis供电子取代基:electron donating group 吸电子取代基:electron with-drawing group荧光:fluorescence荧光分析法:fluorometryX-射线荧光分析法:X-ray fulorometry 原子荧光分析法:atomic fluorometry分子荧光分析法:molecular fluorometry 振动弛豫:vibrational relexation内转换:internal conversion外转换:external conversion 体系间跨越:intersystem crossing激发光谱:excitation spectrum荧光光谱:fluorescence spectrum斯托克斯位移:Stokes shift荧光寿命:fluorescence life time荧光效率:fluorescence efficiency荧光量子产率:fluorescence quantum yield荧光熄灭法:fluorescence quemching method散射光:scattering light瑞利光:Reyleith scanttering light拉曼光:Raman scattering light红外线:infrared ray,IR中红外吸收光谱:mid-infrared absorption spectrum,Mid-IR远红外光谱:Far-IR微波谱:microwave spectrum,MV红外吸收光谱法:infrared spectroscopy 红外分光光度法:infrared spectrophotometry振动形式:mode of vibration伸缩振动:stretching vibrationdouble-focusing mass spectrograph 双聚焦质谱仪trochoidal mass spectrometer 余摆线质谱仪ion-resonance mass spectrometer 离子共振质谱仪gas chromatograph-mass spectrometer 气相色谱-质谱仪quadrupole spectrometer 四极(质)谱仪Lunar Mass Spectrometer 月球质谱仪Frequency Mass Spectrometer 频率质谱仪velocitron 电子灯;质谱仪mass-synchrometer 同步质谱仪omegatron 回旋质谱仪。
最强峰为准分子离子; 谱图简单; 不适用难挥发试样;
+ 准分子离子
(M+1)+;(M+17) +;(M+29) +;
电压:7-10 kV;d<1 mm; 强电场将分子中拉出一个电子; 分子离子峰强; 碎片离子峰少; 不适合化合物结构鉴定;
+ ++
+ ++
++ +
++ + +
d<1mm 阴极
2. 质量分析器原理
加速后离子的动能 :
(1/2)m 2= e V = [(2V)/(m/e)]1/2
离心力 =向心力;m 2 / R= H0 e V 曲率半径: R= (m )/ e H0
分子质量精确测定与化 合物结构分析的重要工具;
早期应用:原子质量、 同位素相对丰度等;
29 15
71 85 99 113 142
40年代:高分辨率质谱仪出现,有机化合物结构分析; 60年代末:色谱-质谱联用仪出现,有机混合物分离分析; 促进天然有机化合物结构分析的发展;
S2 收集器
方向聚焦: 相同质荷比,入
第四章 质谱(MS)
+ +
R -e
R +
R +
R +
Mclafferty rearrangement(麦氏重排)
γ氢原子重排到不饱和基团上(通过六元环状过渡态), 同时伴随 ,原子间的键断裂。
横坐标:m/e (质荷比) ;
100 相 80 对 强 60 度 40 % 20 0 2
16 17
最强的峰为基峰,规定其强度为100%. 峰的强度与该离子 出现的几率有关。丰度最高的阳离子是最稳定的阳离子。
化合物分子通过某种电离方式,失去一个外层电子而形成的带 正电荷的离子。
第四章 有机质谱简介
• 1910年,英国剑桥Cavendish实验室的Thomson研制,发现了氖的 同位素,分辨率10。 • 1919年,Aston,速度聚焦质谱仪,测出氖同位素的丰度比为10:1, 分辨率130。 • 1934年,双聚焦质谱仪,大大提高了分辨率。 • 二战期间,用于美国原子弹制造计划(研究235U)。 • 1943年,进入民用,石油分析。 • 50年代,出现新型质量分析器,四极滤质器(1953),脉冲飞行 时间分析器(1955),及新的离子化手段,火花离子源、二次离 子源,气质联用。 • 60年代以后,新的离子化方法:FI,FD,CI,激光离子化,ICP, FAB,ESI,复杂的质谱仪推出,离子探针,三级四极杆,四极杆 飞行时间,磁场四极,磁场飞行时间,离子回旋共振等,液质联 用。 • 1974年等离子体质谱,1981年快原子轰击质谱,1988年,电喷雾 电离质谱, • 90年代以后,EPI-MS,MALDI-MS用于生物间非共价键作用研究, 联用技术发展迅速。
质谱(MS) mass spectrometry质谱法是将样品离子化,变为气态离子混合物,并按质荷比(m/z)分离的分析技术;质谱仪是实现上述分离分析技术,从而测定物质的质量与含量及其结构的仪器。
在有机混合物的分析研究中证明了质谱分析法比化学分析法和光学分析法具有更加卓越的优越性,其中有机化合物质谱分析在质谱学中占最大的比重,全世界几乎有3/4仪器从事有机分析, 现在的有机质谱法,不仅可以进行小分子的分析,而且可以直接分析糖,核酸,蛋白质等生物大分子,在生物化学和生物医学上的研究成为当前的热点,生物质谱学的时代已经到来,当代研究有机化合物已经离不开质谱仪。
EI(Electron Impact Ionization):电子轰击电离——最经典常规的方式,其他均属软电离,EI使用面广,峰重现性好,碎片离子多。
CI(Chemical Ionization):化学电离——核心是质子转移,与EI相比,在EI法中不易产生分子离子的化合物,在CI 中易形成较高丰度的[M+H]+或[M-H]+等‘准’分子离子。
英文介绍质谱工作经验全文共四篇示例,供读者参考第一篇示例:During my time working with mass spectrometry, I have been involved in a wide range of projects that have allowed me to explore different aspects of this field. One of the key tasks in mass spectrometry is sample preparation, where samples are carefully processed to ensure accurate and reliable results. I have developed expertise in various sample preparation techniques, including extraction, purification, and derivatization, which are essential for analyzing complex samples.第二篇示例:Mass spectrometry is a powerful analytical technique used to identify and quantify molecules based on theirmass-to-charge ratio. It has a wide range of applications in fields such as pharmaceuticals, environmental analysis, forensics, and proteomics. In this article, we will discuss my experience working with mass spectrometry and how it has helped me in my career.第三篇示例:IntroductionMass spectrometry is a powerful analytical technique widely used in various fields such as chemistry, biology, and pharmaceuticals. As a mass spectrometrist, I have accumulated years of experience in designing experiments, operating instruments, and interpreting data. In this article, I will share my experience and skills in mass spectrometry.第四篇示例:质谱技术是一种非常重要的科学分析方法,广泛应用于化学、生物、医学等领域。
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An Introduction to Mass SpectrometrybyScott E. Van BramerWidener UniversityDepartment of ChemistryOne University PlaceChester, PA 19013svanbram@/~svanbramrevised: September 2, 1998© Copyright 1997TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION (4)SAMPLE INTRODUCTION (5)Direct Vapor Inlet (5)Gas Chromatography (5)Liquid Chromatography (6)Direct Insertion Probe (6)Direct Ionization of Sample (6)IONIZATION TECHNIQUES (6)Electron Ionization (7)Chemical Ionization (9)Fast Atom Bombardment and Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (10)Atmospheric Pressure Ionization and Electrospray Ionization (11)Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization (13)Other Ionization Methods (13)Self-Test #1 (14)MASS ANALYZERS (14)Quadrupole (15)Magnetic Sector (17)Electric Sector/Double Focusing Mass Spectrometers (18)Time-of-Flight (19)Quadrupole Ion Trap (21)Ion Cyclotron Resonance (22)Self-Test #2 (23)DETECTORS (23)VACUUM SYSTEM (24)DATA SYSTEM (24)INTERPRETATION (24)Molecular Ion (25)Fragmentation (26)Isotope Abundance (31)Exact Mass (33)ACKNOWLEDGMENTS (34)END OF PAPER QUESTIONS (35)ANSWERS TO SELF-TEST QUESTIONS (36)LITERATURE CITED (37)Data SystemDetector Mass Analyzer Vacuum SystemSource Region Inlet More precisely mass spectrometry determines the mass of a molecule.*The mass to charge ratio (m/z ) is used to describe ions observed in mass spectrometry. By convention, m**is the numerical value for the mass of the ion and z is the numerical value for the charge of the ion. The unified atomic mass (u) and the elementary charge units (e ) are used for these values. The unified atomic mass is defined as 1/12 the mass of an atom of C. Older terms still in use but not accepted as SI units include the atomic mass unit 12(amu) and the dalton (Da). The amu is no longer acceptable because there are conflicting definitions. The dalton is frequently used for polymers, peptides and other large molecules. The elementary charge unit is defined as z is an integer equal to the number of electrons lost (or gained for negative ions). For most experiments one electron is lost during ionization so z is +1 and the m/z value is equivalent to the relative molecular mass of the ion. Because the unified atomic mass and the charge number are pure numbers the mass-to-charge ratio is a number and does not have any units. For calculations of the physical behavior of ions it is often necessary to use the actual mass (SI units of kilogram) and charge (SI units of coulomb).Figure 1. Mass Spectrometer Block DiagramINTRODUCTION:Mass Spectrometry is a powerful technique for identifying unknowns, studying molecular structure, and probing the fundamental principles of chemistry. Applications of massspectrometry include identifying and quantitating pesticides in water samples, it identifying steroids in athletes, determining metals at ppq (Parts Per Quadrillion) levels in water samples,carbon-14 dating the Shroud of Turin using only 40 mg of sample (1), looking for life on Mars, determining the mass of an Si atom with an accuracy of 70 ppt(2), and studying the effect of 28molecular collision angle on reaction mechanisms.Mass spectrometry is essentially a technique for "weighing" molecules. Obviously, this *is not done with a conventional balance or scale. Instead, mass spectrometry is based upon the motion of a charged particle, called an ion, in an electric or magnetic field. The mass to charge ratio (m/z ) of the ion effects this motion. Since the charge of an electron is known, the mass to **charge ratio a measurement of an ion's mass. Typical mass spectrometry research focuses on the formation of gas phase ions, the chemistry of ions, and applications of mass spectrometry.This paper covers the basics of mass spectrometry instrumentation and introduces the interpretation of mass spectra. It is only an introduction and interested readers are encouraged to consult more specialized books and journal articles for additional details. The articles and books referenced in this paper should be available at most college and university libraries.Figure 1 is a block diagram that shows the basic parts of a mass spectrometer. The inlet transfers the sample into the vacuum of the mass spectrometer. In the source region, neutral sample molecules are ionized and then accelerated into the mass analyzer. The mass analyzer is the heart of the mass spectrometer. This section separates ions, either in space or in time,according to their mass to charge ratio. After the ions are separated, they are detected and thesignal is transferred to a data system for analysis. All mass spectrometers also have a vacuum system to maintain the low pressure, which is also called high vacuum, required for operation. High vacuum minimizes ion-molecule reactions, scattering, and neutralization of the ions. In some experiments, the pressure in the source region or a part of the mass spectrometer is intentionally increased to study these ion-molecule reactions. Under normal operation, however, any collisions will interfere with the analysis.SAMPLE INTRODUCTION:The selection of a sample inlet depends upon the sample and the sample matrix. Most ionization techniques are designed for gas phase molecules so the inlet must transfer the analyte into the source as a gas phase molecule. If the analyte is sufficiently volatile and thermally stable, a variety of inlets are available. Gases and samples with high vapor pressure are introduced directly into the source region. Liquids and solids are usually heated to increase the vapor pressure for analysis. If the analyte is thermally labile (it decomposes at high temperatures) or if it does not have a sufficient vapor pressure, the sample must be directly ionized from the condensed phase. These direct ionization techniques require special instrumentation and are more difficult to use. However, they greatly extend the range of compounds that may be analyzed by mass spectrometry. Commercial instruments are available that use direct ionization techniques to routinely analyze proteins and polymers with molecular weights greater than 100,000 dalton.Direct Vapor Inlet. The simplest sample introduction method is a direct vapor inlet. The gas phase analyte is introduced directly into the source region of the mass spectrometer through a needle valve. Pump out lines are usually included to remove air from the sample. This inlet works well for gases, liquids, or solids with a high vapor pressure. Samples with low vapor pressure are heated to increase the vapor pressure. Since this inlet is limited to stable compounds and modest temperatures, it only works for some samples.Gas Chromatography. Gas chromatography is probably the most common technique for introducing samples into a mass spectrometer. Complex mixtures are routinely separated by gas chromatography and mass spectrometry is used to identify and quantitate the individual components. Several different interface designs are used to connect these two instruments. The most significant characteristics of the inlets are the amount of GC carrier gas that enters the mass spectrometer and the amount of analyte that enters the mass spectrometer. If a large flow of GC carrier gas enters the mass spectrometer it will increase the pressure in the source region. Maintaining the required source pressure will require larger and more expensive vacuum pumps. The amount of analyte that enters the mass spectrometer is important for improving the detection limits of the instrument. Ideally all the analyte and none of the GC carrier gas would enter the source region.The most common GC/MS interface now uses a capillary GC column. Since the carrier gas flow rate is very small for these columns, the end of the capillary is inserted directly into the source region of the mass spectrometer. The entire flow from the GC enters the mass spectrometer. Since capillary columns are now very common, this inlet is widely used.However, wide bore capillaries and packed GC columns have higher flow rates. This5M is the molecular ion produced by removing a single electron to form a radical cation. M is the *+ molecule, is the charge of the cation, andis the remaining unpaired electron of the radical.+ Adduct ions are produced by a chemical reaction between an ion and a neutral molecule. Many of these**reactions cause the addition of a proton (H ) to the molecule (M) and produce an adduct ion (MH ).+ +6significantly increases the pressure in the mass spectrometer. Several inlet designs are available to reduce the gas flow into the source. The simplest design splits the GC effluent so that only a small portion of the total flow enters the mass spectrometer. Although this inlet reduces the gas load on the vacuum system, it also reduces the amount of analyte. Effusive separators and membrane inlets are more selective and transport a higher fraction of the analyte into the source region. Each of these methods has efficiency and resolution drawbacks but they are necessary for some experiments.Liquid Chromatography. Liquid chromatography inlets are used to introduce thermally labile compounds not easily separated by gas chromatography. These inlets have undergone considerable development and are now fairly routine. Because these inlets are used fortemperature sensitive compounds, the sample is ionized directly from the condensed phase. These inlets are discussed in greater detail in the section on ionization techniques.Direct Insertion Probe. The Direct Insertion Probe (DIP) is widely used to introduce low vapor pressure liquids and solids into the mass spectrometer. The sample is loaded into a short capillary tube at the end of a heated sleeve. This sleeve is then inserted through a vacuum lock so the sample is inside the source region. After the probe is positioned, the temperature of the capillary tube is increased to vaporize the sample. This probe is used at higher temperatures than are possible with a direct vapor inlet. In addition, the sample is under vacuum and located close to the source so that lower temperatures are required for analysis. This is important for analyzing temperature sensitive compounds. Although the direct insertion probe is more cumbersome than the direct vapor inlet, it is useful for a wider range of samples.Direct Ionization of Sample. Unfortunately, some compounds either decompose when heated or have no significant vapor pressure. These samples may be introduced to the mass spectrometer by direct ionization from the condensed phase. These direct ionization techniques are used for liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry, glow discharge mass spectrometry, fast atom bombardment and laser ablation. The development of new ionization techniques is an active research area and these techniques are rapidly evolving. Direct ionization is discussed in greater detail in the next section.IONIZATION TECHNIQUES :A variety of ionization techniques are used for mass spectrometry. Most ionizationtechniques excite the neutral analyte molecule which then ejects an electron to form a radical cation (M ). Other ionization techniques involve ion molecule reactions that produce adduct + *ions (MH ). The most important considerations are the physical state of the analyte and the +**ionization energy. Electron ionization and chemical ionization are only suitable for gas phase ionization. Fast atom bombardment, secondary ion mass spectrometry, electrospray, and matrix assisted laser desorption are used to ionize condensed phase samples. The ionization energy isFilamentCo llecto rM e -e -e -e -M +e -e -Mo lecu les (M)In jected Into So urce Io ns (M )A cceleratedto Mass An aly zer +MMolecular ions are the intact ionized analyte molecule. Fragment ions are formed by subsequent*fragmentation of molecular ions.Some older literature will refer to EI as electron impact, but this term is not considered accurate. Electron**Ionization is the currently accepted term.7Figure 2. Electron Ionization Source.significant because it controls the amount of fragmentation observed in the mass spectrum. . Although this fragmentation complicates the mass spectrum, it provides structural information for the identification of unknown compounds. Some ionization techniques are very soft and only produce molecular ions, other techniques are very energetic and cause ions to undergo extensive *fragmentation. Although this fragmentation complicates the mass spectrum, it provides structural information for the identification of unknown compounds.Electron Ionization. Electron Ionization (EI) is the most common ionization technique used for mass spectrometry. EI works well for many gas phase molecules, but it does have **some limitations. Although the mass spectra are very reproducible and are widely used forspectral libraries, EI causes extensive fragmentation so that the molecular ion is not observed for many compounds. Fragmentation is useful because it provides structural information for interpreting unknown spectra.The electrons used for ionization are produced by passing a current through a wirefilament (Figure 2). The amount of current controls the number of electrons emitted by the filament. An electric field accelerates these electrons across the source region to produce a beam of high energy electrons. When an analyte molecule passes through this electron beam, a valence shell electron can be removed from the molecule to produce an ion.e -e -e -e -e -M M MM M M ++e -A ) B) C )D )E ) F)e -The SI unit for energy is the Joule. The energetics of chemical reactions are typically expressed in*kJ/mole. In many gas phase experiments (like mass spectrometry), the mole is not a convenient unit. The electron volt is frequently used as an energy unit for single molecules or atoms. 1 eV = 1.602 177 33 (49) x 10 J. So that:-191 eV (per molecule or atom) = 96.415 220 6 kJ/mole.8Figure 3 Electron Ionization Process. A) Ionizing electron approaches the electron cloud of a molecule; B)Electron cloud distorted by ionizing electron; C) Electron cloud further distorted by ionizing electron; D) Ionizing electron passes by the molecule; E) Electron cloud of molecule ejecting an electron; F) Molecular ion and ejected electron.Ionization does not occur by electron capture, which is highly dependent upon molecular structure. Instead, EI produces positive ions by knocking a valence electron off the analyte molecule (Figure 3). As the electron passes close to the molecule the negative charge of theelectron repels and distorts the electron cloud surrounding the molecule. This distortion transfers kinetic energy from the fast-moving electron to the electron cloud of the molecule. If enoughenergy is transferred by the process, the molecule will eject a valence electron and form a radical cation (M ).+ Since the ionization is produced by a single electron that is accelerated to 70 V, this iscommonly referred to as 70 eV EI. This is enough energy to cause extensive fragmentation, and at this level small changes in the electron energy do not significantly effect the fragmentation patterns. The amount of energy transferred during this process depends upon how fast the electron is traveling and how close it passes to the molecule. In most 70 eV EI experiments,approximately 1400 kJ/mole (15 eV) of energy is transferred during the ionization process.*There is, however, a distribution of energy and as much as 2800 kJ/mole (30 eV) is transferred to some molecules. Since approximately 960 kJ/mole (10 eV) is required to ionize most organic compounds and a typical chemical bond energy is 290 kJ/mole (3 eV), extensive fragmentation is often observed in 70 eV EI mass spectra. The distribution of energy transferred during ionization and the large number of fragmentation pathways results in a variety of products for a given analyte. Other electron voltages may be used to vary the amount of fragmentation produced during ionization. For most organic compounds the threshold energy for EI is about 10 eV.Because a mass spectrum is produced by ionizing many molecules, the spectrum is adistribution of the possible product ions. Intact molecular ions are observed from ions producedCH HHHHProduct or fragment ions may be called daughter ions in some literature articles, but the term is considered*controversial and is falling into disuse.9Figure 4. CH ion.5+with little excess energy. Other molecular ions have more energy and undergo fragmentation in the source region. The abundance of the resulting fragments, often called product ions , is*determined by the kinetics of the fragmentation pathways and the ionization energy. Changing the ionization energy changes the observed distribution of fragment ions. This distributionprovides the structural information for interpreting mass spectra and is discussed in detail in the section on interpretation.Chemical Ionization (3, 4). Chemical Ionization (CI) is a soft” ionization technique that produces ions with little excess energy. As a result, less fragmentation is observed in the mass spectrum. Since this increases the abundance of the molecular ion, the technique iscomplimentary to 70 eV EI. CI is often used to verify the molecular mass of an unknown. Only slight modifications of an EI source region are required for CI experiments.In Chemical Ionization the source is enclosed in a small cell with openings for theelectron beam, the reagent gas and the sample. The reagent gas is added to this cell at approximately 10 Pa (0.1 torr) pressure. This is higher than the 10 Pa (10torr) pressure typical -3 -5for a mass spectrometer source. At 10 Pa the mean free path between collisions is-3approximately 2 meters and ion-molecule reactions are unlikely. In the CI source, however, the mean free path between collisions is only 10 meters and analyte molecules undergo many-4collisions with the reagent gas. The reagent gas in the CI source is ionized with an electron beam to produce a cloud of ions. The reagent gas ions in this cloud react and produce adduct ions like CH (Figure 4), which are excellent proton donors.5+When analyte molecules (M) are introduced to a source region with this cloud of ions, the reagent gas ions donate a proton to the analyte molecule and produce MH ions. The energetics +of the proton transfer is controlled by using different reagent gases. The most common reagent gases are methane, isobutane and ammonia. Methane is the strongest proton donor commonly used with a proton affinity (PA) of 5.7 eV. For softer ionization, isobutane (PA 8.5 eV) and ammonia (PA 9.0 eV) are frequently used. Acid base chemistry is frequently used to describe the chemical ionization reactions. The reagent gas must be a strong enough Brønsted acid to transfer a proton to the analyte. Fragmentation is minimized in CI by reducing the amount of excess energy produced by the reaction. Because the adduct ions have little excess energy and arerelatively stable, CI is very useful for molecular mass determination. Some typical reactions in a CI source are shown in Figure 5.10A) EI of reagent gas to form ions:CH + e CH + 2 e 4 4- + -B) Reaction of reagent gas ions to form adducts:C H + CH C H + CH4 4 3 5+ +ORCH CH + H 4 3+ +CH + CH C H +H 3 425 2+ +C) Reaction of Reagent Gas Ions with analyte molecules:CH + M CH + MH 5 4+ +C H + M C H +MH 25 24+ +CH + M CH + (M-H)3 4+ +Figure 5 Chemical Ionization ReactionsFast Atom Bombardment and Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry. (5) Fast Atom Bombardment (FAB) and Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS) both use high energy atoms to sputter and ionize the sample in a single step. In these techniques, a beam of rare gas neutrals (FAB) or ions (SIMS) is focused on the liquid or solid sample. The impact of this high energy beam causes the analyte molecules to sputter into the gas phase and ionize in a single step (Figure 6). The exact mechanism of this process is not well understood, but these techniques work well for compounds with molecular weights up to a few thousand dalton. Since no heating is required, sputtering techniques (especially FAB) are useful for studying thermally labile compounds that decompose in conventional inlets (6, 7).ke V A tomB e a m S a m p le T o M as sA na lyz e rS pu tte r ed Io nsM +M +M B e a m S our c eLiquid SIMS (LSIMS) is very similar to FAB except Cesium ions are used for higher energy collisions.*11Figure 6. Fast Atom Bombardment Source.The most significant difference between FAB and SIMS is the sample preparation. InFAB the analyte is dissolved in a liquid matrix. A drop of the sample/matrix mixture is placed at the end of an insertion probe and introduced to the source region. The fast atom beam is focused on this droplet to produce analyte ions. Glycerol or similar low vapor pressure liquids aretypically used for the matrix. Ideally, the analyte is soluble in the liquid matrix and a monolayer of analyte forms on the surface of the droplet. According to one theory, this monolayerconcentrates the analyte while the dissolved sample provides a reservoir to replenish the monolayer as the analyte is depleted. Without this constant replenishment from the bulksolution, the ionizing beam will rapidly deplete the analyte and the signal is difficult to observe.SIMS experiments(8) are used to study surface species and solid samples. No matrix is *used and the ionizing beam is focused directly on the sample. Although this makes sampling more difficult, it is useful for studying surface chemistry. High resolution chemical maps are produced by scanning a tightly focused ionizing beam across the surface and depth profiles are produced by probing a single location(9, 10). Although SIMS is a very sensitive and powerful technique for surface chemistry and materials analysis, the results are often difficult to quantitate.Atmospheric Pressure Ionization and Electrospray Ionization . (11, 12, 13) Atmospheric Pressure Ionization (API) sources ionize the sample at atmospheric pressure and then transfer the ions into the mass spectrometer. These techniques are used to ionize thermally labile samples such as peptides, proteins and polymers directly from the condensed phase. The sample is dissolved in an appropriate solvent and this solution is introduced into the mass spectrometer. With conventional inlets the solvent increases the pressure in the source region of the massspectrometer. In addition, Joule-Thompson cooling of the liquid as it enters the vacuum causesDrying GasP umpPump 1 torr 10-3 torr 10-5 torr IonsTo MassSpectrometerD roplets P umpHigh VoltagePower Supply 12Figure 7. Electrospray Ionization Source.the solvent droplets to freeze. The frozen clusters trap analyte molecules and reduce the sensitivity of the experiment.API sources introduce the sample through a series of differentially pumped stages. This maintains the large pressure difference between the ion source and the mass spectrometer (Figure7) without using extremely large vacuum pumps. In addition a drying gas is used to break up the clusters that form as the solvent evaporates. Because the analyte molecules have moremomentum than the solvent and air molecules, they travel through the pumping stages to the mass analyzer.ElectroSpray Ionization (ESI) is the most common API application. It has undergoneremarkable growth in recent years and is frequently used for LC/MS of thermally labile and high molecular weight compounds. The electrospray is created by applying a large potential between the metal inlet needle and the first skimmer in an API source (Figure 7). The mechanism for the ionization process is not well understood and there are several different theories that explain this ionization process. One theory is that as the liquid leaves the nozzle, the electric field induces a net charge on the small droplets. As the solvent evaporates, the droplet shrinks and the charge density at the surface of the droplet increases. The droplet finally reaches a point where the coulombic repulsion from this electric charge is greater than the surface tension holding it together. This causes the droplet to explode and produce multiply charged analyte ions. A typical ESI spectrum shows a distribution of molecular ions with different charge numbers.Because electrospray produces multiply charged ions, high molecular weight compounds are observed at lower m/z value. This increases the mass range of the analyzer so that higher molecular weight compounds may be analyzed with a less expensive mass spectrometer. An ion with a mass of 5000 u and a charge of +10 is observed at m/z 500 and is easily analyzed with an inexpensive quadrupole analyzer.API Sources are also used for Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP/MS)and glow discharge experiments (14, 15, 16). In ICP/MS a nebulizer is used to introduce liquid samples into a high temperature plasma. The temperature of the plasma is high enough to efficiently ionize most elements. These ions are introduced to the mass spectrometer using an series of differentially pumped regions similar to the electrospray source discussed above. Glow discharge experiments are similar, but used for solid samples. The high sensitivity andLaser BeamProbe Tip - Analyte Molecue- Matrix Molecule++Target WithSample and Matrix13Figure 8. MALDI Ionizationselectivity of the mass spectrometer provides rapid multielement detection at very low levels. Because the high temperature of the plasma destroys any chemical bonds, these techniques are used for elemental analysis.Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization. (17, 18) Matrix Assisted LaserDesorption/Ionization (MALDI) is used to analyze extremely large molecules. This technique directly ionizes and vaporizes the analyte from the condensed phase. MALDI is often used for the analysis of synthetic and natural polymers, proteins, and peptides. Analysis of compounds with molecular weights up to 200,000 dalton is possible and this high mass limit is continually increasing.In MALDI, both desorption and ionization are induced by a single laser pulse (Figure 8). The sample is prepared by mixing the analyte and a matrix compound chosen to absorb the laser wavelength. This is placed on a probe tip and dried. A vacuum lock is used to insert the probe into the source region of the mass spectrometer. A laser beam is then focused on this dried mixture and the energy from a laser pulse is absorbed by the matrix. This energy ejects analyte ions from the surface so that a mass spectrum is acquired for each laser pulse. The mechanism for this process is not well understood and is the subject of much controversy in the literature. This technique is more universal (works with more compounds) than other laser ionizationtechniques because the matrix absorbs the laser pulse. With other laser ionization techniques, the analyte must absorb at the laser wavelength. Typical MALDI spectra include the molecular ion,some multiply charged ions, and very few fragments.Other Ionization Methods. There are several other ionization methods used for massspectrometry and interested readers are referred to the chemical literature for additional information about other techniques. Field Desorption (19) was used for ionization andvaporization of moderate sized molecules before the development of FAB, electrospray, and MALDI. It is still an important technique for some analysis and is typically used for non-polar。