






4. 密度:粉末状微晶纤维素的密度应在1.2~1.4g/cm3之间,系数








































A 色牢度试验项目 COLOUR FASTNESS TESTS皂洗牢度 washing摩擦牢度 rubbing/crocking汗渍牢度 perspiration干洗牢度 drycleaning光照牢度 light水渍牢度 water氯漂白 chlorine bleach spotting非氯漂白 non-chlorine bleach漂白 bleaching实际洗涤(水洗一次) actual laundering (one wash) 氯化水 chlorinated water含氯泳池水 chlorinated pool water海水 sea-water酸斑 acid spotting碱斑 alkaline spotting水斑 water spotting有机溶剂 organic solvent煮呢 potting湿态光牢度 wet light染料转移 dye transfer热(干态) dry heat热压 hot pressing印花牢度 print durability臭氧 ozone烟熏 burnt gas fumes由酚类引起的黄化 phenolic yellowing唾液及汗液 saliva and perspirationB 尺寸稳定性(缩水率)及有关试验项目(织物和成衣)DIMENSIONAL STABILITY (SHRINKAGE) AND RELATED TESTS (FABRIC & GARMENT)皂洗尺寸稳定性 dimensional stability to washing (washing shrinkage)洗涤/手洗后的外观 appearance after laundering / hand wash热尺寸稳定性 dimensional stability to heating熨烫后外观 appearance after ironing商业干洗稳定性 dimensional stability to commercial drycleaning (drycleaning shrinkage)商业干洗后外观(外观保持性) appearance after commercial drycleaning (appearance retention)蒸汽尺寸稳定性 dimensional stability to steaming松弛及毡化 dimensional stabilty to relaxation and felting缝纫线形稳定性 dimensional stability for sewing threadC 强力试验项目STRENGTH TESTS拉伸强力 tensile strength撕破强力 tear strength顶破强力 bursting strength接缝性能 seam properties双层织物的结合强力 bonding strength of laminated fabric涂层织物的粘合强力 adhesion strength of coated fabric单纱强力 single thread strength缕纱强力 lea strength钩接强力 loop strength纤维和纱的韧性 tenacity of fibres and yarnD 织物机构测试项目FABRIC CONSTRUCTION TESTS织物密度(机织物) threads per unit length (woven fabric construction) 织物密度(针织物) stitch density (knittted fabric)纱线支数 counts of yarn纱线纤度(原样) denier counts as received织物幅宽 fabric width织物克重 fabric weight针织物线圈长度 loop length of knitted fabric纱线卷曲或织缩率 crimp or take-up of yarn割绒种类 type of cut pile织造种类 type of weave梭织物纬向歪斜度 distortion in bowed and skewed fabrics (report as received and after one wash)圈长比 terry to ground ratio织物厚度 fabric thicknessE 成分和其他分析试验项目COMPOSITION AND OTHER ANALYTICAL TESTS 纤维成分 fibre composition 染料识别 dyestuff identification靛蓝染料纯度 purity of indigo含水率 moisture content可萃取物质 extractable matter填充料和杂质含量 filling and foreign matter content 淀粉含量 starch content甲醛含量 formaldehyde content甲醛树脂presence of formaldehyde resin 棉丝光度 mercerisation in cottonPH值 PH value水能性 absorbance关键词:资料纺织纺织品测试服装相关帖子:问版主,在英语听力中遇到的问题?2006-4-30 14:18:001楼:RE:〔资料〕纺织品与服装测试项目中英对照大全少校:一抹冰蓝(wrliao)积分:1273声望:1674时长:45749[查看该用户在资料中心上传的资料][个人资料][给他留言] [帖子合集][回复] [引用并回复] [维护]F 可燃性试验项目FLAMMABILITY TESTS普通织物的燃烧性能 flammability of general clothing textiles 布料的燃烧速率(45。





微晶纤维素质量标准 版本号:
文件编号: 第2页,共2页















5.1 物料代号:
5.2规格:PH-101,PH-102,PH-200,PH-301,PH-302 5.3检验项目及限度要求:
《物料、中间产品、成品取样管理制度》WJ/ZL·(gl)·001-06 《微晶纤维素检验标准操作程序》KY/H009·WJ/ZL·(bc) ·022-00 5.5 合格物料供应商
















微晶纤维素USP精选版微晶纤维素U S PDocument serial number【KKGB-LBS98YT-BS8CB-BSUT-BST108】Microcrystalline CelluloseCellulose [9004-34-6].DEFINITIONMicrocrystalline Cellulose is purified, partially depolymerized cellulose prepared by treating alpha cellulose, obtained as a pulp from fibrous plant material, with mineral acids.IDENTIFICATIONA. ProcedureIodinated zinc chloride solution: Dissolve 20 g of zinc chloride and 6.5 g of potassium iodide in 10.5 mL of water. Add 0.5 g of iodine, and shake for 15 min.Sample: 10 mgAnalysis: Place the Sample on a watch glass, and disperse in 2 mL of Iodinated zinc chloride solution.Acceptance criteria: The substance takes on a violet-blue color.氯化锌碘试液:取氯化锌20g、碘化钾6.5g,加水10.5ml。




Change to read:B. ProcedureSample: 1.3 g of Microcrystalline Cellulose, accurately weighed to 0.1 mgAnalysis: Transfer the Sample to a 125-mL conical flask. Add25.0 mL of water and 25.0 mL of 1.0 M cupriethylenediamine hydroxide solution. Immediately purge the solution with nitrogen, insert the stopper, and shake on a wrist-action shaker, or other suitable mechanical shaker, until completely dissolved. Transfer an appropriate volume of the Sample solution to a calibrated number 150 Cannon-Fenske, or equivalent, viscometer. Allow the solution to equilibrate at 25 ±0.1 for NLT 5 min. Time the flow between the two marks on the viscometer, and record the flow time, t1, in s.取本品1.3g,精密称定,置125mL具塞锥形瓶中,精密加入水25ml,再精密加入1mol/L双氢氧化乙二胺铜溶液25ml,立即通入氮气以排除瓶中空气,密塞,强力振摇,使微晶纤维素溶解;取适量,置25±0.1℃水浴中,约5min后,移至刻度为150的坎农-芬斯克毛细管粘度计或同等的黏度计内(毛细管内径为0.7 ~1.0mm,选用适宜粘度计常数K1 ),照黏度测定法,于25±0.1℃,按下式计算水浴中测定。

























◆(2)在装有具有38μm开口筛网(No.391,200mm内径)的空气喷射筛上筛选20g 微晶纤维素5分钟。



将100mL分散体转移至100ml量筒中,放置3小时:可见白色,不透明,无气泡的分散体,且在溶液的表面不形成沉清液体◆(3)取本品约1.3g,精密称定,置125mL具塞锥形瓶中,精密加水和1moL/mL 双氢氧化乙二胺铜试液各25mL。




按以下公式计算微晶纤维素的相对黏度:ηrel = ν / νo根据计算所得的相对粘度值ηrel,查附表,得[η]C值(特性黏度[η]mL/g)和浓度C (g/100ml)的乘积),按以下公式计算聚合度(P),应不得过350◆且在标签。

食品添加剂 微晶纤维素 JECFA标准

食品添加剂  微晶纤维素 JECFA标准

MICROCRYSTALLINE CELLULOSEPrepared at the 55th JECFA (2000) and published in FNP52 Add 8 (2000),superseding specifications prepared at the 51st JECFA (1998) andpublished in FNP 52 Add 6 (1998). An ADI “Not specified” was establishedat the 49th JECFA (1998).SYNONYMS Cellulose gel; INS No. 460DEFINITION Purified, partially depolymerized cellulose prepared by treating alpha-cellulose, obtained as a pulp from fibrous plant material, with mineral acids.The degree of polymerization is typically less than 400. Not more than 10%of the particles have a diameter below 5 µm.Chemical names CelluloseC.A.S. number 9004-34-6Chemical formula (C6H10O5)nAssay Not less than 97% of carbohydrate calculated as cellulose on the dry basis. DESCRIPTION Fine, white or almost white, odourless, free flowing crystalline powder. FUNCTIONAL USES Emulsifier, stabilizer, anticaking agent, dispersing agent CHARACTERISTICSIDENTIFICATIONSolubility (Vol. 4) Insoluble in water, ethanol, ether and dilute mineral acids. Slightly soluble in sodium hydroxide solutionInfrared absorption The infrared absorption spectrum of a potassium bromide dispersion of the sample corresponds to the infrared spectrum below.Suspensoid Mix 30 g of the sample with 270 ml of water in a high-speed (18,000 rpm)blender for 5 min. Transfer 100 ml of the mixture to a 100-ml graduatedcylinder, and allow to stand for 3 h. A white, opaque, bubble-free dispersionthat forms a supernatant, is obtained.PURITYLoss on drying (Vol. 4) Not more than 7.0% (105 o, 3 h)pH (Vol. 4) 5.0 - 7.5Shake 5 g of the sample with 40 ml of water for 20 min and centrifuge.Determine the pH of the supernatant.Sulfated ash (Vol. 4) Not more than 0.05%Test 10 g of the sample (Method I)Water soluble Substances Not more than 0.24%.Shake 5 g of the sample with approximately 80 ml of water for 10 min, filterthrough Whatman No. 42 or equivalent filter paper into a tared beaker, washresidue with 20 ml of water and evaporate to dryness on a steam bath. Dryat 105o for 1 h., cool, weigh and calculate as percentage.Starch Not detectableTo 20 ml of the dispersion obtained in the identification test for starch, add afew drops of iodine TS, and mix. No purplish to blue or blue colour shouldbe obtained.Lead (Vol. 4) Not more than 2 mg/kgDetermine using an atomic absorption technique appropriate to thespecified level. The selection of sample size and method of samplepreparation may be based on the principles of the method described inVolume 4, “Instrumental Methods”.METHOD OF ASSAY Transfer about 125 mg of the sample, accurately weighed, to a 300 ml Erlenmeyer flask, using about 25 ml of water. Add 50.0 ml of 0.5N potassium dichromate and mix. Carefully add 100 ml of sulfuric acid and heat to boiling. Remove from heat, allow to stand at room temperature for 15 min and cool in a water bath. Transfer the contents into a 250 ml volumetric flask, rinse flask with distilled water, add rinsings to the volumetric flask and dilute with water almost to volume. Allow the volumetric flask to reach room temperature (25o), then make up to volume with water and mix. Titrate a 50.0 ml aliquot with 0.1N ferrous ammonium sulfate using 2 or 3 drops of ortho-phenanthroline TS as the indicator and record the volume required as S in ml. Perform a blank determination and record the volume of 0.1N ferrous ammonium sulfate required as B in ml. Calculate the percentage of cellulose in the sample by the formula:Where: W is the weight of sample taken, in mg, corrected for loss on drying.Infrared Spectrum Microcrystalline cellulose。



纺织面料服装专业术语中英文对照大全【建议收藏】常用纺织专业中英文对照词汇一:原料涤纶:ployester锦纶:nylon/polyamide醋酸:acetate棉:cotton人棉:rayon人丝:viscose仿真丝:imitatedsilk fabric真丝:silk氨纶:spandex/elastic/strec/lycra长丝:filament短纤: spun黑丝:blackyarn阳离:cation三角异形丝:triangle profile空气变形丝:air-jettexturing yarn超细纤维: micro–fibric全拉伸丝: fdyfull drawn yarn)预取向丝: poy(preorientedyarn)拉伸变形丝: dty(drawtextured yarn)牵伸加捻丝: dt(drwwtwist)质量标准:qualitystandard(oeko-tex standard 100、iso9002、sgs、its、aatcc、m&s)客检: customerinspection台板检验:tableinspection经向检验: lampinspection色牢度: colorfastness氯漂白色牢度:chlorine bleach color fastness 尺寸稳定性: dimensional stability外观持久性:appearance retention拉伸强度: tensile strength撕破强度: tear strength接缝滑裂: seam slippage抗起毛起球性: pilling resistance耐磨性: abrasion resistance拒水性: water repellency抗水性: water resistance织物密度: thread per inch/stichdensity纱支: yarncount克重: weightwool 羊毛m mohair马海毛rh、 rabbithair 兔毛alalpaca 羊驼毛s silk 真丝j jute 黄麻l linen 亚麻ramramie 苎麻hem hemp大麻t polyester涤纶wscashmere 羊绒wa angora 安哥拉山羊毛la lambswool 羊羔毛ts tussah silk 柞蚕丝yh yarkhair 牦牛毛md modal莫代尔ch camelhair 驼绒cu cupro铜msmulberry silk 桑蚕丝ly lycra 莱卡kender kender 罗布麻silkool silkool 大豆蛋白纤维cvc cvc 涤棉倒比n nylon 锦纶r rayon 人棉v viscose 粘胶sp spendex 氨纶pp polypropylene 丙纶pv polyvinyl 维纶a acrylic 腈纶tel tencel 天丝二:纱线线:yarns棉及其混纺纱线:cotton,cotton mixed & blended yarns 棉纱:cottonyarns涤棉纱:t/c& cvc yarns粘棉纱:cotton/rayon yarns棉晴纱:cotton/acrylic yarns棉/氨纶包芯纱:cotton/spandexyarns棉与其他混纺纱:cotton/others blended yarns毛纺系列纱线:woollenyarn series羊绒纱:cashmere yarn series全羊毛纱:wool(100%) yarns毛晴纱:wool/acrylic yarns毛涤纱:wool/polyester yarns毛粘纱:wool/viscose yarns毛/丝纱:wool/silkyarnss羊毛/其他:wool/other yarns兔毛纱:angorayarns雪兰毛线:shetland yarns牦牛毛纱:yakhair yarns羊仔毛纱:lambswool yarns真丝系列纱线:silkyarn series白厂丝:whitesteam filature yarns双宫丝:duppionsilk yarns柞蚕丝:tussahsilk yarns绢丝:spunsilk yarns柞绢丝:tussahspun silk yarns柚丝:silknoil yarns真丝线:silkthreads丝棉混纺纱:silk/cotton blended yarns麻纺系列纱线:halmyarn series***系列纱线:hempyarn series亚麻系列纱线:linenyarn series苎麻系列纱线:ramieyarn series黄麻系列纱线:juteyarn series其他植物纤维纱线:otherplant yarns剑麻系列纱线:sisalyarn series人造纤维和合成纱线:manmade& synthetic yarns 晴纶纱:acrylicyarns晴纶仿羊绒:cashmere-like acrylic yarns仿兔毛:sundayangora yarns锦纶丝:polyamide yarns涤纶纱/丝:polyester yarns人造棉纱:spunrayon yarns天丝纱:tencelyarns弹力纱线:elastane yarns涤粘纱:t/r(polyester/rayon) yarns人棉混纺纱:spunrayon blended yarns其他化纤纱线:othersynthetic yarns人造长丝或线:viscosefilament yarns or threads 雪尼尔纱:chenille yarns大肚纱:big-belly yarns带子纱:tapeyarns马海毛纱:mohairyarns羽毛纱:featheryarns蜈蚣纱:centipede like yarns项链纱:neckline yarns辫子纱:pigtailyarns梯子纱:ladderyarns圈圈纱:loopyarnstt 纱:ttyarns结子纱:knotyarns乒乓纱:ping-pong yarns其它花色纱线:otherfancy yarns金属纱线:metalyarns绳、索及缆:twine,cordage, rope & cables 三.面料:靛蓝青年布:indigochambray人棉布植绒:rayoncloth flockingpvc植绒:pvcflocking针织布植绒:knittingcloth flocking珠粒绒:claimondveins倒毛:downpile making平绒:velveteen(velvet-plain)仿麂皮:microsuede牛仔皮植绒:jeansflocking尼丝纺:nylontaffeta (nylon shioze)尼龙塔夫泡泡纱:nylonseersucker taffeta素面植绒:plainflocking印花植绒:flocking(flower)雕印植绒:embossingflocking皮革沟底植绒:leatherimitation flocking牛仔植绒雕印:embossingjeans flocking兔羊绒大衣呢:angoracachmere overcoating羊毛双面呢:double-facedwoolen goods立绒呢:cutvelvet顺毛呢:overcoating粗花呢:costumetweed弹力呢:lycrawoolen goods塔丝绒: nylontaslon塔丝绒格子:n/taslonripstop桃皮绒:polyesterpeach skin涤塔夫:polyestertaffeta春亚纺:polyesterpongee超细麦克布:microfiber锦棉稠(平纹):nylon-cottonfabric (plain)重平锦棉稠:nylon-cotton-cottonfabric(double weft) 人字锦棉纺:nylon-cottonfabric斜纹锦棉纺:nylon-cottonfabric (twill)素色天鹅绒:solidvelvet抽条磨毛天鹅绒:ribfleece velvet雪花天鹅绒:melangevelvet轧花天鹅绒:ginningvelvet粒粒绒布:pelletfleece velvet麻棉混纺布:linen/cottonblended fabric麻棉交织布:linen/cottonmixed fabric素色毛巾布:solidterry蚂蚁布:fleecein one side素色卫衣布:solidfleece鱼网布:fleece彩条汗布:color-stripessingle jerseyt/r弹力布:t/rbengalinet/c色织格子布:t/c yarndyed check fabric弹力仿麂皮:microsuede with spandext/r仿麂皮:t/rmicro suede仿麂皮瑶粒绒复合布:100%polyestermicro suede bounding with polar fleece仿麂皮针织布复合:100%polyester bounding with knitting micro suede fabric仿麂皮羊羔绒复合布:100%polyester micro suede bounding with lamb fur蜡光缎:ciresatine全消光尼丝纺:fulldull nylon taffeta半消光尼丝纺:semi-dullnylon taffeta亮光尼龙:trilobalnylon全消光塔丝隆:fulldull nylon taslan全消光牛津布:fulldull nylon oxford尼龙格:nylonrip-stop塔丝隆格:taslanrip-stop哑富迪:fulldull micro polyester pongee全消光春亚纺:fulldull polyester pongee春亚纺格子:polyesterpongee rip-stop全消光涤纶桃皮绒:fulldull polyester peach宽斜纹桃皮绒:bigtwill polyester peach涤锦复合桃皮绒:poly/nylonpeach涤纶格子:polyestertaffeta rip-stop涤纶蜂巢塔丝隆:polyesterhoney taslan全消光涤纶低弹牛津布:fulldull poly textured oxford涤锦交织桃皮绒:nylon/polyesterinter-woven peach synthetic fibre四.合成纤维:chemical fibre 化学纤维jute 黄麻gunny cloth (bag) 黄麻布(袋)mixture fabric, blend fabric 混纺织物woven fabric 机织织物spun silk 绢丝linen 麻织物woolen fabrics 毛织物(品)cotton textiles 棉纺织品cotton velvet 棉绒cotton fabrics棉织物(品)non-crushable 耐绉的viscose acetal fibre 黏胶纤维matching, colour combinations 配色rayon fabrics 人造丝织物artificial fibre 人造纤维crewel work 绒线刺绣mulberry silk 桑蚕丝, 家蚕丝silk fabrics 丝织物silk spinning 丝纺linen cambric 手帕亚麻纱plain 素色figured silk 提花丝织物jacquard 提花织物applique embroidery 贴花刺绣discolourization 褪色mesh fabric 网眼织物bondedfibre fabric 无纺织物embroidered fabric 绣花织物flax 亚麻linen yarn 亚麻纱knitting 针织knitwear 针织品hosiery 针织物textile fabric织物 ramee, ramie 苎麻tussah silk 柞蚕丝calico 白布;本布serge 哔叽camel hair cloth 长毛骆驼绒plush 长毛绒tweed 粗(花)呢overcoating 大衣呢satin 缎子flannel 法兰绒worstedflannel 精纺法兰绒canvas 帆布valetin 立丁tartan 格子呢admiralty cloth 海军呢cotton prints花布gabardine 华达呢pongee 茧绸brocade 锦缎khaki drills 卡其布reversible khaki 双面卡cashmere 开司米anti-pressing standing velvet 抗拉力绒sheetings 阔幅平布;被单布faille, bengaline, tussore 罗缎melton 麦尔登呢woolserge 毛哔叽cottoncloth, cotton piecegoods 棉布bleached cotton cloth漂白棉布cottonserge 棉哔叽trueran 棉涤纶vinylon 维尼纶cotton sateen 棉缎cotton poplin 棉府绸cotton pongee 棉茧绸cotton plush 棉织长毛绒cotton gabardine 棉织华达呢palace 派力斯seersucker, blisger crepe, plisse crepe 泡泡纱georgette 乔其纱herringbone 人字呢;海力蒙flannelette 绒布taffeta 塔夫绸cotton venetians 泰西缎broche quilts 提花床单布mosquito netting 蚊帐纱grass cloth 夏布mackintosh cloth 橡胶防雨布drills 斜纹布embroidered gauze 绣花纱罗linen, linen cloth 亚麻布linen canvas 亚麻帆布linen checks 亚麻格子布iondanthren cloth 阴丹士林布camblet 羽纱tapestry satin 织锦缎crepe satin 绉(背)缎bobbin net 罗纱acrylic fibres 腈纶artificial cotton 人造棉artificial silk, rayon 人造丝artificial wool人造毛capron, kapron 卡普纶dacron, terylene 的确良modelon 毛涤纶nylon 锦纶(耐纶)nylon chiffon 尼龙薄绸orlon 奥纶terylene 涤纶c cotton 棉五.面料的缩写:cotton 棉:w:wool 羊毛m:mohair 马海毛rh:rabbithair 兔毛al:alpaca 羊驼毛s:silk真丝j:jute 黄麻l:linen 亚麻ts:tussahsilk 柞蚕丝yh:yarkhair 牦牛毛ly:lycra莱卡ram:ramine 苎麻hem:hemp ***t:polyester涤纶ws:cashmere羊绒n:nylon 锦纶(尼龙)a:acrylic 腈纶tel:tencel 天丝,是lyocell莱赛尔纤维的商品名la:lambswool羊羔毛md:model 莫代尔ch:camelhair 驼毛cvc:chiefvalue of cotton涤棉倒比(涤含量低于60%以下)ms:mulberrysilk 桑蚕丝r:rayon 粘胶里料:lining面料:fabric平纹:taffeta斜纹: twill缎面: satin /charmeuse绡: lustrine提花:jacquard烂花:burnt-out春亚纺:pongee格子:check条子: stripe双层: double– layer双色: two –tone花瑶: faille高士宝:koshibo雪纺:chiffon乔其:georgette弹力布:spandex/elastic/strec/lycra牛仔布:jeanet牛津布: oxford帆布: cambric涤棉p/c涤捻:t/r白条纺: whitestripe黑条纺: black stripe空齿纺: emptystripe水洗绒/桃皮绒: peachskin卡丹绒: peachtwill绉绒: peachmoss玻璃纱: organdy六.用服装英语缩写 ;a.h. armhole 夹圈abs area bounded staple fabric 面粘非织造布adl acceptable defect level 允许疵点标准aql acceptable quality level 验收合格标准attn. attention 注意aud. audit 稽查b. back 后b.h. button hole 钮门/扣眼b.l. back length 后长b.p. bust point 胸点bk. black 黑色bl bust line 胸围线bmt basic motion time 基本动作时间bnl back neckline 后领圈线bnp/bnpt back neck point 后领点br back rise 后浪bsp back shoulder point 后肩颈点btm. bottom 衫脚btn. button 钮扣c.v.c. chief value of cotton 棉为主的混纺物c/b (c.b.) center back 后中c/f (c.f.) center front 前中cad computer aided design 电脑辅助设计cae computer aided engineering 电脑辅助工程cal computer aided layout 电脑辅助排料cam computer aided manufacture 电脑辅助制造cap computer aided pattern 电脑辅助画样cbf center back fold 后中对折cbl center back line 后中线cbn-w center back neck point to waist 后颈点至腰cfl center front fold 前中对折ci corporate identify 企业标识cif cost, insurance & freight 到岸价clr. color 颜色cmt cutting, making, trimming 来料加工col. color 颜色cord. corduroy 灯心绒cs commercial standards 商业标准ctn. cotton 棉ctn. no. carton no. 纸箱编号d. denier 旦d. & k. damaged & kept 染厂对疵布的认赔d.b. double-breasted 双襟d/y delivery 出货, 交付dbl double 双dbl ndl double needle 双针dept. department 部门dk. dark 深色doz. dozen 打e.g. exampli gratia / for example 例如el elbow line 手肘线emb. embroidery 绣花, 车花etc. et cetera=and so forth 等等exp. export 出口f. front 前fab. fabric 布料faq fair average quality 中等品fb freight bill 装货清单fnp front neck point 前颈点fob free on board 离岸价fqc field quality control 现场质量控制fty. factory 工厂g. green 绿色g.w. gross weight 毛重gl grain line 布纹h. hips 坐围hl hips line 坐围线in. inch 英寸jkt. jacket 夹克k knit 针织l. large 大号l. line 莱尼/号(纽扣大小单位)l. length 长度l. left 左l.g. length grain 经向, 直纹lb. pound 磅lbl label 唛头, 商标loa length over all 全长m medium 中码m/b must be 必须m/c machine 机械mat. material 物料meas. measurement 尺寸mhl middle hips line 中臀围线mkt. market 市场mmts. measurements 尺寸n. to w.(n.-w.) nape to waist 腰直n.p. neck point 肩颈点ndl. needle 针nil nothing 无nk. neck 颈圈o/n order no. 定单号ojt on-the-job training 在职培训os over size 超大号ovrlk. overlock 及骨, 包缝p. purple 紫色p.o. no. production order no. 生产制造单编号p.o.b. post office box 邮箱p.p. paper pattern 纸样p.s.i. per square inch 每平方英寸p/c polyester/cotton 涤棉混纺织物pa polyamide 聚酰胺pap posterior armpit point 腋窝后点pb private brand 个人商标pc. price 价格pcs. pieces 件, 个pkg. package 包装pkt. pocket 口袋pls. please 请pnt point 点p-o-r product-o-rial system 吊挂系统pos. position 位置pp poly propylene 聚丙烯pv polyvinyl fibre 聚乙烯纤维pvc polyvinyl chloride 聚氯乙烯qc quality control 质量控制qly. quality 质量qpl qualified products list 合格产品目录qty. quantity 数量r. right 右r.s. right side 正面r.t.w. ready to wear 成衣ref. reference 参考, 参照rej. reject 拒绝rm. room 场所rn. rayon 人造丝s small 小码s.a. seam allowance 止口s.b. single breasted 单排纽扣, 单襟s.p. shoulder point 肩端点s.p.i. stitch per inch 每英寸线迹数s.p.m. stitch per minutes 每分钟线迹数s/b should be 应该sc shopping center 购物中心sgl ndl single needle 单针slv. sleeve 袖子smpl sample 样板snl single 单snp side neck point 颈侧点spec. specification 细则sq. ft. square feet 平方英尺sty. style 款式sz. size 尺码t/c terylence/cotton 涤棉织物t/s top stitches 间面线tqc total quality control 全面质量控制tqm total quality management 全面质量管理t-s t-shirt t恤衫ubl under bust line 下胸围线v. violet 紫色w woven 梭织w. waist 腰围w. width 宽度w.b. waistband 裤头w.i.p. work in process 半成品w.l. waist line 腰线w.s. wrong side 反面w/ withwmsp. workmanship 手工, 车工wt. weight 重量x king size 特大号xl extra large 特大号xxl extra extra large 超特大号y. yellow 黄色yd. yardage 码数gws garment wash sample 成衣洗水样板rn # reference number 参考号lcl less container loaded 拼柜?p/c polyester/cotton 涤纶/棉t/c terylene/cotton 涤纶/棉ext. extension number分机号cell. cellular phone 手机upc universal product code 通用产品码,通用货单代码cmpt cut/make/pack/trimiq including quotaeq excluding quotas/y sample yardagelsaw. 穿后左侧骨(leftside as weared)sku stock keeping unit为储存单位。

附录二 GB纤维成分中英文对照表

附录二 GB纤维成分中英文对照表

纤维中文名称纤维英文名称纤维中文名称纤维英文名称纤维中文名称纤维英文名称铜氨纤维Cupro 再生纤维素纤维Regenerated cellulose fibre 棉Cotton 莱赛尔、莱赛尔纤维Lyocell 甲壳素纤维Chitin 木棉Kapok 莫代尔、莫代尔纤维Modal 陶瓷纤维Ceramic fiber 苎麻Ramie 粘纤、粘胶纤维Viscose 、Rayon 金属镀膜纤维Metallized Fibres 亚麻Flax/Linen 醋纤、醋酯纤维Acetate 聚酰亚胺纤维Polyimide 黄麻Jute 三醋酯纤维Triacetate 玻璃纤维Glass fiber ,Glass 大麻Hemp 锦纶、尼龙、聚酰胺纤维Polyamide, Nylon 碳纤维Carbon fiber,Carbon 桑蚕丝Mulberry Silk 芳纶、芳香族聚酰胺纤维Aramid 金属纤维Metal fibre 柞蚕丝Tussah Silk 腈纶、聚丙烯腈纤维Acrylic 大豆蛋白纤维Soya Protein Fiber 羊毛Wool 维纶、聚乙烯醇纤维Vinylal 大豆蛋白复合纤维Composite fiber of soja protein/polyvinyl alcohol 羊驼绒Alpaca wool 乙纶、聚乙烯纤维Polyethylene 改性腈纶、改性聚丙烯腈纤维Modacrylic 羊驼毛Alpaca hair 丙纶、聚丙烯纤维Polypropylene 聚苯硫醚纤维Polyphenylene sulfide 山羊绒、羊绒Cashmere,Cashmere Wool 氯纶、含氯纤维Chlorofibre 海藻纤维Alginate 骆驼绒Camel,Camel Wool 氟纶、含氟纤维Fluorofibre 聚乳酸纤维Polylactide 骆驼毛Camel Hair 聚酯纤维Polyester 聚烯烃弹性纤维Elastolefin/lastol 马海毛Mohair,Mohair Wool 新型聚酯纤维(PTT)Polyester (PTT)超高分子量聚乙烯纤维Ultra-High Molecular Weight Polyethylene 牦牛绒Yak,Yak Wool 新型聚酯纤维(PBT)Polyester (PBT)二烯类弹性纤维,橡胶Elastodiene 牦牛毛Yak Hair 氨纶、聚氨酯弹性纤维、弹性纤维Elastane 、Spandex 石棉Asbestos 兔毛Rabbit Hair 竹纤维、竹原纤维Bamboo Fibre 附录二 GB 纤维成分中英对照(2011年4月更新)合成纤维天然纤维 4、红色加亮部分为更新内容。



微晶纤维素生产工艺质量标准及检验方法1 编号:FLBZ-070010 012 规格:名称微晶纤维素规格代码181407001001检验量(g)60执行文件JYGC-FL-070010 01供应商湖洲展望药业有限公司贮存密闭保存标准依据中华人民共和国药典2010年版二部3.名称:微晶纤维素3.1 拼音名:Weijing Xianweisu3.2 英文名:Microcrystalline Cellulose4来源:系纯棉纤维经水解制得的粉末,按干燥品计算,含纤维素应为97.0%~102.0%。

5 检验项目及质量标准5.1 性状为白色或类白色粉末,无臭,无味。


5.2鉴别(a)理化鉴别取本品10mg,置表面皿上,加氯化锌碘试液2mg ,即变蓝色。

5.3 检查(a)细度取本品20.0g ,置药筛内,不能通过七号筛的粉末不得过5.0%,能通过九号筛的粉末不得少于50.0%。

(b)酸碱度取本品2.0g,加水100ml ,振摇5分钟,滤过,取滤液,依法测定(中国药典二部附录Ⅵ H),pH值应为5.0 ~7.5 。


(d)氯化物取本品0.10g,加水35ml,振摇,滤过,取滤液,依法检查(中国药典二部附录Ⅷ A),与标准氯化钠溶液 3.0ml 制成的对照液比较,不得更浓(0.03%) 。

(e)淀粉取本品0.10g,加水5ml ,振摇,加碘试液0.2ml ,不得显蓝色。

(f)干燥失重取本品,在105 ℃干燥至恒重,减失重量不得过5.0 %(中国药典二部附录Ⅷ L)。

(g)炽灼残渣:取本品1.0g,依法测定(中国药典二部附录Ⅷ N),遗留残渣不得过0.2 %。

(h)重金属取炽灼残渣项下遗留的残渣,依法检查(中国药典二部附录Ⅷ H第二法)含重金属不得过百万分之十。



微晶纤维素生产工艺质量标准及检验方法1 编号:FLBZ-070010 012 规格:3.名称:微晶纤维素3.1 拼音名:Weijing Xianweisu3.2 英文名:Microcrystalline Cellulose4来源:系纯棉纤维经水解制得的粉末,按干燥品计算,含纤维素应为97.0%~102.0%。

5 检验项目及质量标准5.1 性状为白色或类白色粉末,无臭,无味。


5.2鉴别(a)理化鉴别取本品10mg,置表面皿上,加氯化锌碘试液2mg ,即变蓝色。

.5.3 检查(a)细度取本品20.0g ,置药筛内,不能通过七号筛的粉末不得过5.0%,能通过九号筛的粉末不得少于50.0%。

(b)酸碱度取本品2.0g,加水100ml ,振摇5分钟,滤过,取滤液,依法测定(中国药典二部附录Ⅵ H),pH值应为5.0 ~7.5 。


(d)氯化物取本品0.10g,加水35ml,振摇,滤过,取滤液,依法检查(中国药典二部附录Ⅷ A),与标准氯化钠溶液3.0ml制成的对照液比较,不得更浓(0.03%) 。

)淀粉e(.取本品0.10g,加水5ml ,振摇,加碘试液0.2ml ,不得显蓝色。

(f)干燥失重取本品,在105 ℃干燥至恒重,减失重量不得过5.0 %(中国药典二部附录Ⅷ L)。

(g)炽灼残渣:取本品1.0g,依法测定(中国药典二部附录Ⅷ N),遗留残渣不得过0.2 %。

(h)重金属取炽灼残渣项下遗留的残渣,依法检查(中国药典二部附录Ⅷ H第二法)含重金属不得过百万分之十。

(i)砷盐取本品1.0g,加氢氧化钙1.0g,混合,加水搅拌均匀,干燥后,先用小火烧灼使炭化,再在600 ℃炽灼使完全灰化,放冷,加盐酸5ml 与水23ml使溶解,依法检查(中国药典二部附录Ⅷ J第一法),应符合规定(0.0002%)。



简介微晶纤维素拼音名:Weijing Xianweisu英文名:Microcrystalline Cellulose书页号:2000年版二部-978本品系纯棉纤维经水解制得的粉末,按干燥品计算,含纤维素应为97.0%~102.0%。



鉴别取本品10mg,置表面皿上,加氯化锌碘试液2mg ,即变蓝色。

检查细度取本品20.0g ,置药筛内,不能通过七号筛的粉末不得过5.0%,能通过九号筛的粉末不得少于50.0%。

酸碱度取本品2.0g,加水100ml ,振摇5分钟,滤过,取滤液,依法测定(附录ⅥH),pH值应为5.0 ~7.5 。


氯化物取本品0.10g,加水35ml,振摇,滤过,取滤液,依法检查(附录Ⅷ A),与标准氯化钠溶液3.0ml制成的对照液比较,不得更浓(0.03%) 。

淀粉取本品0.1g,加水5ml ,振摇,加碘试液0.2ml ,不得显蓝色。

干燥失重取本品,在105 ℃干燥至恒重,减失重量不得过5.0 %(附录Ⅷ L)。

炽灼残渣取本品1.0g,依法测定(附录Ⅷ N),遗留残渣不得过0.2 %。

重金属取炽灼残渣项下遗留的残渣,依法检查(附录Ⅷ H第二法)含重金属不得过百万分之十。

砷盐取本品1.0g,加氢氧化钙1.0g,混合,加水搅拌均匀,干燥后,先用小火烧灼使炭化,再在600 ℃炽灼使完全灰化,放冷,加盐酸5ml 与水23ml使溶解,依法检查附录Ⅷ J第一法),应符合规定(0.0002%)。

含量测定取本品约0.125g,精密称定,置锥形瓶中,加水25ml,精密加重铬酸钾溶液(取基准重铬酸钾4.903g,加水适量使溶解并稀释至200ml )50ml,混匀,小心加硫酸100ml,迅速加热至沸,放冷至室温,移至250ml 量瓶中,加水稀释至刻度,摇匀,精密量取50ml,加邻二氮菲指示液3 滴,用硫酸亚铁铵滴定液(0.1mol/L)滴定,并将滴定的结果用空白试验校正。



1. Purpose: To establish the standard operation procedure for inspection of auxiliary materialmicrocrystalline cellulose, and guarantee the smooth inspection ofmicrocrystalline cellulose.2. Applicable Scope:The procedure is applicable to inspection of auxiliary materialmicrocrystalline cellulose.3. Responsibilities: QC lab technician shall be responsible for implementation of the procedure,and lab director shall be responsible for supervising and inspecting the effectiveimplementation of the procedure.4.Contents:4.1 Inspection basis: Chinese Pharmacopoeia 2010 Part 2.4.2 Source: The product is white powder obtained from pure cotton fiber through hydrolysis.4.3 Character: The product is white or off-white powder; odorless and tasteless. If the product isinsoluble in water, ethyl alcohol, acetone or methylbenzene, it will be judged qualified.4.4 Identification4.4.1. Tools and instruments: Balance, watch glass, test tube, and dropper.4.4.2 Reagents and test solutions: Zinc chloride iodine test solution4.4.3 Operation method: Take 10mg of the product, put it on watch glass, and add 2ml zincchloride iodine test solution.4.4.4 Result and judgment: If it turns blue immediately, it can be judged that it is positivereaction.4.5 Inspection4.5.1 Fineness4.5.1.1 Operation method, result and judgment: Take 20.0g of the product, put it in the medicinalsieve, and the powder not passing No. 7 sieve cannot exceed 5.0%, and the powder passing No. 9 sieve cannot be less than 50.0%.4.5.2 PH value4.5.2.1 Tools and instruments: Balance, test tube and funnel. Reagents and test solutions: Purified water, and pH test paper4.5.2.3 Operation method: Take 2.0g of the product, add 100ml water, vibrate it for 5min, thenfilter it, and take the filter liquor, and measure its pH value in appropriate method (Appendix VI H). Result and judgment: Its pH value shall be within 5.0~7.5, and in that case, it can bejudged qualified.4.5.3 Dissolved matter in water4.5.3.1 Tools and instruments: Balance, funnel, evaporating dish, water bath, drying oven andtest tube. Reagents and test solutions: Purified water. Operation method: Take 5.0g of the product, add 80ml water, vibrate it for 10min, thenfilter it, put the filter liquor into the constant-weight evaporating dish, evaporate it on water bath, and dry it at 105℃for 1h. Result and judgment: The remaining residue shall not exceed 0.2%, and in that case, itcan be judged qualified.4.5.4 Chloride: Tools and instruments: Balance, funnel, test tube and measuring cylinder. Reagents and test solutions: Purified water and standard sodium chloride solution. Operation method: Take 0.10g of the product, add 35ml water, vibrate it, then filter it, andtake the filter liquor, inspect it in appropriate method (Appendix VIII A), and compare it with the control solution prepared with 3.0ml standard sodium chloride solution. Result and judgment: The solution will not be thicker (0.03%), and in that case, it can bejudged qualified.4.5.5 Starch4.5.5.1 Tools and instruments: Test tube, measuring cylinder and balance. Reagents and test solutions: Purified water and iodine test solution. Operation method: Table 0.10g of the product, add 5ml water, vibrate it, and then add 0.2ml iodine test solution. Result and judgment: It cannot be blue, and in that case, it can be judged qualified.4.5.6 Loss on drying4.5.6.1 Tools and instruments: Drying oven and balance. Operation method: Take the product, and dry it at 105℃until the constant weight. Result and judgment: The weight loss cannot exceed 5.0% (Appendix VIII L), and in thatcase, it can be judged qualified.4.5.7 Residue on ignition4.5.7.1 Operation method, result and judgment: Take 1.0g of the product, and inspect it inappropriate method (Appendix VIII N). The remaining residue cannot exceed 0.2%, and in that case, it can be judged qualified.4.5.8 Heavy metal4.5.8.1 Operation method, result and judgment: Take the residue under the item of residue onignition, inspect it in appropriate method (Appendix VIII H Method 2), and the heavy metal content cannot exceed ten millionths, and in that case, it can be judged qualified.4.5.9 Arsenic salt4.5.9.1 Tools and instruments: Balance, glass rod, silica gel drier, alcohol lamp, high temperaturefurnace, and measuring cylinder, Reagents and test solutions: Calcium hydroxide, purified water and hydrochloric acid. Operation method: Take 1.0g of the product, add 1.0g calcium hydroxide, mix them, addwater to stir them evenly, and after drying, ignite them with small fire to carbonize them, and then burn them at 500~600℃until they are ashed completely, keep it cool, and then add 5ml hydrochloric acid and 23ml water to dissolve them, and then inspect it in appropriate method (Appendix VIII J Method 1) Result and judgment: It shall conform to provisions (0.0002%), and in that case, it shallbe judged qualified.4.6 Content determination4.6.1 Tools and instruments: Analytical balance, conical flask, measuring cylinder,electro-thermal furnace, measuring flask, burette, and transfer pipette.4.6.2 Reagents and test solutions: Purified water, potassium dichromate, sulfuric acid, phenanthroline indicating liquid, and ferrous sulfate.4.6.3 Operation method, result and judgment: Take 0.125g of the product, accurately weigh it,then put it into conical flask, add 25ml water, accurately add 50ml potassium dichromate solution (take 4.903g standard potassium dichromate, add an appropriate amount of water to dissolve it, and dilute it till 200ml), mix them evenly, slowly add 100ml sulfuric acid, quickly heat it till boiling, then keep it cool, and move it into 250ml measuring flask, add water to dilute it till the graduation line, then shake it evenly, accurately measure 50ml, add three drops of phenanthroline indicating liquid, titrate it with ferrous sulfate titrating solution (0.1mol/L), and correct the titration result with blank test. 1ml ferrous sulfate titrating solution (0.1mol/) is equivalent to 0.675mg cellulose.4.7 Microbial limit4.7.1 Operation method, result and judgment: Take the product, and inspect it in appropriatemethod (Appendix XI J), and among 1g test product, the bacterial count cannot exceed 1,000cfu, the mold and yeast count cannot exceed 100cfu, and no Escherichia coli can be detected, and in that case, it can be judged qualified.5. Supplementary Provisions:6. The document is drafted by QC, reviewed by QC director, and approved by QualityDepartment head.。



微晶纤维素Weijing XianweisuMicrocrystalline CelluloseC6n H10n+2O5n+1[ 9004-34-6] 本品系含纤维素植物的纤维浆制得的α-纤维素,在无机酸的作用下部分解聚,纯化而得。




(2)取本品约1.3g,精密称定,置具塞锥形瓶中,精密加水25ml,振摇使微晶纤维素分散并润湿,通入氮气以排除瓶中的空气,在保持通氮气的情况下,精密加1mol/L 双氢氧化乙二胺铜溶液25ml,除去氮气管,密塞,强力振摇,使微晶纤维素溶解,作为供试品溶液;取适量,置25℃±0.1℃水浴中,约5分钟后,移至乌氏黏度计内(毛细管内径为0.7~1.0mm,选用适宜黏度计常数K1),照黏度测定法(通则0633第二法),于25℃±0.1℃水浴中测定。

记录供试品溶液流经黏度计上下两刻度时的时间t1,按下式计算供试品溶液的运动黏度v1:v1= t1×K1分别精密量取水和1mol/L双氢氧化乙二胺铜溶液各25ml,混匀,作为空白溶液,取适量,置25℃±0.1℃水浴中,约5分钟后,移至乌氏黏度计内(毛细管内径为0.5~0.6mm,黏度计常数K2约为0.01),照黏度测定法(通则0633第二法),于25℃±0.1℃水浴中测定。

记录空白溶液流经黏度计上下两刻度时的时间t2,按下式计算空白溶液的运动黏度v2:v2= t2×K2照下式计算微晶纤维素的相对黏度:ŋrel=ν1/ν2根据计算所得的相对黏度值(ŋrel),查附表,得[ŋ]C值〔特性黏数[ŋ](ml/g)和浓度C(g/100ml)的乘积〕,按下式计算聚合度(P),应不得过350。

P=[] mC η95式中m为供试品取样量(g),以干燥品计算。






4 程序4.1依据:引用中国药典(2010年版)二部4.2仪器:酸度计、表面皿、天平、称量瓶、干燥器、电炉、高温炉、水浴锅、量瓶(250ml)、坩埚、比色管(50ml)、测砷瓶、蒸发皿、滴定管(25ml)、七号筛、九号筛。






4.7 检查4.7.1细度取本品20.0 g,称定重量,置上层七号药筛下层九号药筛(九号药筛下配有密合的接收容器)中,过筛。

取不能通过七号筛和能通过九号筛的粉末,称定重量,计算其所占比例(%)。计算:%100%⨯=供试品重量量不能通过七号筛的样品不能通过七号筛 %100%⨯=供试品重量能通过九号筛的样品量能通过九号筛 4.7.2酸碱度取本品2.0g ,加水100ml ,振摇5分钟,滤过,取滤液,按“1302·020-00 铁盐检查法”进行检查。

4.7.3水中溶解物取本品5.0g ,加水80ml ,振摇10分钟,滤过,滤液置恒重的蒸发皿中,水浴上蒸干,并在105℃干燥1小时,检查。计算:%100%⨯+=供试品取样量空蒸发皿重水中溶解物重水中溶解物 4.7.4氯化物取本品0.10g,加热水35ml ,振摇,滤过,取滤液,与标准氯化钠溶液3.0ml 制成的对照液比较,按“1302·040-00 氯化物检查法标准操作规程”测定。



面料专业术语的中英文对照TECHNICAL DETAILS 技术细节要求------------------------------with in centimeters : 150厘米内:150-----------------------------the composition of raw materials : 50% cotton 50%polyester原材料成分:50%棉50%聚酯------------------------------surface mass gr/m2 : 165表面每平米的克重:165-----------------------------density in 1cm : 53/28每一厘米的密度:53/28-----------------------------------------------the number of yarn in Nm the base /woof :50/1每条基纬线的纱线数:50/1------------------------------------------------cutting force 20*5 bade woof:800/400刻纹力20*5 纬线:800/400----------------------------------------------------cutting streching in % baes /woof:12,0/13,0每纬线的刻纹拉弹力度:12,0/13,0----------------------------------------shrinking in lenght or width:2,0/3,0宽度和长度里的缩水率:2,0/3,0--------------------------------------- stability of colour 色牢度----------------------------------- light :5-6浅色:5-6-----------------washing:4-5洗色:4-5-------------------sweat- acid alkali:4-5汗-酸碱:4-5------------------------------ dry cleaning:4-5干洗:4-5------------------------ friction:4-5/3-4摩擦:4-5/3-4----------------maintenance保养----------------------- washing:60stupnjeva水洗:60?------------------------ ironing:150stupnjeva熨烫:150?-----------------------dry cleaning干洗:P级----------------drying:Ⅲ烘干:III颜色方面增白: WHITE / SNOW WHITE特黑: BLACK / JET BLACK奶白: IVORY/ECRU/OFF WHITE/CREAM 大红: RED紫红: BORDEAUX/WINE紫色: BURGUNDY/PLUM/VIOLET/PURPLE 绿色: GREEN 灰色: GREY 玉色: OYSTER/PEACH黄色: YELLOW卡其: KAHKI雪青: LILAC古铜色: BROWN梅红: FUSCHIA墨绿: CHARCOAL豆绿: OLIVE藏青: NAVY/BLUE天蓝: SKY BLUE粉红: PINK米色: BEIGE橘黄: ORANGE驼色: CAMEL产品包装方面散装: LOOSE PACKING编织袋: WEAVING BAG纸箱: CARTON木箱: WODEN CASE中性包装: NEUTRAL PACKING卷杆: RILLING/WINDING单幅卷杆: ROLLED ON TUBES IN OPEN WIDTH双幅卷杆: DOUBLE FOLDED ON ROLLS双幅折板: DOUBLE FOLDED ON BOARD腰封: PAPER TAPES纸管: TUBE吊牌: LABLE / HANG TAG唛头: SHIPPING MARK船样: SHIPPING SAMPLE塑料袋: POLY BAG匹长: ROLL LENGTH拼匹: ROLL WITH SEWING / ROLL WITH JOIN拼箱: LCL整箱: FCL出口包装: EXPORT PACKING产品检验及标准方面质量标准: QUALITY STANDARD(OEKO-TEX STANDARD 100、ISO9002、SGS、ITS、AATCC、M&S)客检: CUSTOMER INSPECTION台板检验:TABLE INSPECTION经向检验: LAMP INSPECTION色牢度: COLOR FASTNESS皂洗色牢度: WASHING COLOR FASTNESS摩擦色牢度: RUBBING / CRICKING COLOR FASTNESS 光照色牢度: LIGHT COLOR FASTNESS汗渍色牢度: PERSPIRATION COLOR FASTNESS水渍色牢度: WATER COLOR FASTNESS氯漂白色牢度: CHLORINE BLEACH COLOR FASTNESS 尺寸稳定性: DIMENSIONAL STABILITY外观持久性: APPEARANCE RETENTION拉伸强度: TENSILE STRENGTH撕破强度: TEAR STRENGTH接缝滑裂: SEAM SLIPPAGE抗起毛起球性: PILLING RESISTANCE耐磨性: ABRASION RESISTANCE拒水性: WATER REPELLENCY抗水性: WATER RESISTANCE织物密度: THREAD PER INCH/STICH DENSITY纱支: YARN COUNT 克重: WEIGHT产品疵点方面疵点: DEFECT/FAULT经柳: STREAKY WARP断经: BROKEN END急经: RIGHT END粗纬: COARSE PICKS粗经: COARSE END断纬: BROKEN PICKS纬斜: SKEWING/SLOPE横档: FILLING BAR污迹: STAIN/DIRT异型丝: GOAT/FOREING YARN破洞: HOLE色花: SHADE VARIATION/COLOR DIFFERENCE/COLOR DIVIATION 色柳: COLOR STRIPE渗色: COLOR BLEEDING褪色: COLOR FADING/DISCOLOR擦伤: SCRATCH/BARASION/WINCH MARK 松板印: MOIRE EFFECTS折痕: CREASE MARK染料方面碱性染料: BASIC DYES酸性染料: ACID DYES活性染料: REACTIVE DYES分散染料: DISPERSE DYES阳离子染料: CATION DYES还原染料: VAT DYES直接染料: DIRECT DYES硫化染料: SULPHUR DYES非偶氮染料: AZO FREE DYES部分面料名称对照里料: LINING面料:FABRIC平纹: TAFFETA斜纹: TWILL缎面: SATIN / CHARMEUSE 绡: LUSTRINE提花: JACQUARD烂花: BURNT-OUT春亚纺:PONGEE格子: CHECK条子: STRIPE双层: DOUBLE – LAYER 双色: TWO – TONE花瑶: FAILLE高士宝: KOSHIBO雪纺: CHIFFON乔其: GEORGETTE塔丝隆: TASLON弹力布: SPANDEX/ELASTIC/STREC/LYCRA牛仔布: JEANET牛津布: OXFORD 帆布: CAMBRIC涤棉:P/C 涤捻: T/R 白条纺: WHITE STRIPE 黑条纺: BLACK STRIPE 空齿纺: EMPTY STRIPE水洗绒/桃皮绒: PEACH SKIN卡丹绒: PEACH TWILL绉绒: PEACH MOSS玻璃纱: ORGANDY原料方面涤纶:PLOYESTER锦纶:NYLON/POLYAMIDE醋酸:ACETATE棉; COTTON人棉:RAYON人丝:VISCOSE仿真丝:IMITATED SILK FABRIC真丝:SILK氨纶:SPANDEX/ELASTIC/STREC/LYCRA长丝: FILAMENT短纤: SPUN黑丝:BLACK YARN阳离子: CATION三角异形丝: TRIANGLE PROFILE空气变形丝:AIR-JET TEXTURING YARN 超细纤维: MICRO – FIBRIC全拉伸丝: FDY (FULL DRAWN YARN)预取向丝: POY(PREORIENTED YARN)拉伸变形丝: DTY(DRAW TEXTURED YARN)牵伸加捻丝: DT (DRWW TWIST) Main Material(主料类)1) A纱:BoA2) 边伦布:Nylex, tricot3) T/C布:T/C4) 牛仔布:Jean5) 尼龙布:Nylon6) 长毛绒:Hi-pile7) 针织布:Meryas8) 格织布:Checker9) 绸布:Trilobal10) 剪毛布:Velboa11) PU皮革:PU Leather12) V纱:Vonnel13) 色丁布:Satin14) 人造丝:Rayon15) 植绒布:Flocking16) 塔夫绸水洗皱布:taffeta17) 戟绒布:Felt18) 蜜丝绒:Velour19) 毛巾布:Towerlling20) 卷毛布:Tumbling---------Sub Material(辅料类) 1 眼睛:Eye2 眼纸朴:Eye Patch3 鼻子:Nose4 介子:Washer5 线:Thread6 海棉:Sponge7 喷胶棉:Padding/Batting8 丝印:Silk-Screen9 刺绣:Embroidery10 丝带:Satin Ribbon11 绳子:String12 织带:Webbing13 商标,布唛:Label14 贴纸:Sticker15 扣子:Button16 胡须线:Mono Filment17 橡筋:Elastic18 棉花:Fiber19 手指套:Finger Puppet20 手套:Hand Puppet21 脚(双脚):Foot(Feet)22 鞋:Shoes23 牙齿(金牙):Tooth(Teeth)24 花边:Lace25 头:Head26 帽子:Hat/Cap27 丝结:Neck Bow28 关节:Joint29 拉链:Zipper Teeth拉链齿 Zipper Pull拉链牌32 BB叫:Squeaker33 吊牌:Hang Tag34 胶袋:Poly Bag35 纸箱:Carton Box36 松紧带:Elastic Band37 铃铛:Bell38 横头卡:Header-card39 背卡:Backer-Card40 彩盒:Display-Box41 胶针:Plastic Pin42 挂钩:Hanger43 吊环:Loop。

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insert the stopper and shake until completely dissolved. Transfer 7.0 ml of the solution to a suitable capillary viscometer (2.2.9). Equilibrate the solution at 25°C ±0.1°C for not less than 5 min. Record the flow time t1 in seconds, between the 2 marks on the viscometer. Calculate the kinematic viscosity υ1 of the solution using the formula: t1(k1) where
制定: 年 月 分发部门: 标题 1.Characters 1.Characters 审核: 日 正文 年 月 日 审批:
登记号: 年 月 日
页数: 1/13 颁发部门:质量管理部 生效日期: 年 月 日
A white or almost white, fine or granular powder, practically insoluble in water, in acetone, in ethanol, in toluene and in dilute acids and in a 50 g/l solution of sodium hydroxide.
stirring, add dropwise 13.5M ammonia until the precipitate produced has completely dissolved. Keeping the temperature below 20°, add dropwise 30 ml of 10M sodium hydroxide, shaking continuously. Filter the precipitate through, wash the precipitate with
iodinated zinc chloride solution R. The substance becomes
violet-blue. B. Apparatus: capillary viscometer Reagent: nitrogen; Cupriethylenediamine Hydroxide Solution : Use a 1M solution in which the molar ratio of ethylenediamine to copper
k1 is the viscometer constant.
Dilute a suitable volume of 1M cupriethylenediamine
hydroxide solution with an equal volume of water R and measure
the flow time t2 using a suitable capillary viscometer. Calculate the kinematic viscosity υ2 of the solvent using the formula: t2(k2) where k2 is the viscometer constant. Determine the relative viscosityηrel of the substance to be examined using the formula: υ1/υ2 Determine the intrinsic viscosity [η]c by interpolation, using the Intrinsic Viscosity Table (Table 0316.-1). Calculate the degree of polymerisation P using the formula:
Add 0.5 g of iodine and shake for 15 minutes, filtering if necessary.Store protected from light. Method: Place about 10 mg on a watch-glass and disperse in 2 ml of
minutes, cool and filter.Produces a blue colour with free iodine in the presence of a prepared. 3.3.2 Method Prepare a column using 10.0 g in a tube about 20 mm in internal diameter. Pass 50 ml of peroxide-free ether soluble iodide.It must be recently
m为供试品的重量,单位g。b为干燥失重的百分比。 聚合程度应不大于350。
审批: 标题 3.Tests 3.检查 3.检查 3.1 Solubility 3.1.1 Apparatus 3.1.2 Reagent a sintered-glass filter (BS porosity No. 3) Copper Tetrammine, Ammoniacal Solution : Dissolve 34.5 g of copper(II) sulphate in 100 ml of water and whilst 年 正文 月 日 登记号: 页数: 4/13
3.3 EtherEther-soluble substances 3.3.1 Reagent of a Ether, Peroxide-free : Shake 1000 ml of eБайду номын сангаасher with 20 ml
solution of 30 g of iron(II) sulphate in 55 ml of water
Dissolve 50 mg in 10 ml of ammoniacal solution of copper
tetrammine R. It dissolves completely, leaving no residue.
3.1 溶解度 3.1.1 仪器 3.1.2 试剂 垂熔玻璃滤器(英国标准3号孔径) 四氨铜氨水溶液(取34.5g硫酸铜用100ml水溶解,搅拌,逐滴加 入13.5M的氨水至产生的沉淀完全溶解。保持温度在20度以下,逐滴 加入30ml10M NaOH,不断振摇。用垂熔玻璃滤器(英国标准3号孔径) 过滤沉淀物,用水洗涤,直至滤液澄清。向沉淀物加入200ml13.5M 氨水,搅拌。用垂熔玻璃滤器过滤,重复过滤操作,使残渣的量为最 小); 3.1.3 方法 渣。 取供试品50mg,用10ml四氨铜氨水溶液溶解。全部溶解,不留残
is 2.00 ± 0.04. Method:
审批: 标题 年 正文 Transfer 1.300 g to a 125 ml conical flask. Add 25.0 ml of 月 日 登记号: 页数: 2/13
water R and 25.0 ml of 1M cupriethylenediamine hydroxide solution. Immediately purge the solution with nitrogen R,
water until the filtrate is clear and stir
of 13.5M ammonia. Filter through repeat the filtration to reduce
the precipitate with 200 ml a sintered-glass filter and the residue to a minimum. 3.1.3 Method Method
and 3 ml of
sulphuric acid. Continue shaking until a small
produces a blue colour when shaken with an 2% w/v solution of potassium iodide and 0.1
sample no longer equal volume of a ml of starch
Starch Mucilage : Triturate 0.5 g of starch or soluble
starch with 5 ml of water and add, stirring continuously, to
sufficient water to produce about 100 ml. Boil for a few
where m is the mass in grams, of the substance to be examined and b is the loss on drying as a percentage. The degree of polymerisation is not more than 350.
审批: 标题 3.2 pH (2.2.3) 3.2.1 Apparatus 3.2.2 Method PH meter Shake 5 g with 40 ml of carbon dioxide-free water 年 正文 月 日 登记号: 页数: 5/13
R for
20 min and centrifuge. The pH of the supernatant liquid is 5.0 to 7.5. 3.2 pH 3.2.1 仪器 3.2.2 方法 PH计 参照B.P.附录(2.2.3)。取供试品5g加入40ml不含二氧化碳的 水,振摇20min,离心分离。澄清液的pH值为5.0-7.5。