共9页 第2页
BPMF 北京石油机械厂
QJ165K-Ⅰ全机械式随钻震击器是一种新型随钻震击解卡工具,其设计和制造考虑了高 温、大扭矩和腐蚀性介质等恶劣工况,能满足陆上和海洋钻井所需要的各种高性能标准。
与目前已广泛使用的各种随钻震击器相比,该型震击器有两个显著特点:特点之一是上、 下击为一体,长度比较短,便于井下钻具组合的设计;特点之二是释放力的调整通过组装时 适当增减调整垫片来实现,钻井现场不需要调节,因而整体结构十分简单,提高了该型震击 器的可靠性。由于该型随钻震击器具有上述两大特点,所以适合常规的随钻工作,具有良好 的发展前景。
5.2.2 向下震击
本使用说明书的某些内容可能不适用某些特殊应用,操作人员应当对产品的选择和使用 以及使用中出现的问题做出正确的判断。
由于钻井技术的不断进步,顾客不断会有新的使用要求。我们愿意和您一起,不断改进 我们的产品,满足您的特殊使用要求。我们共同做出的每一项改进,都会提高您的工作效率, 为我们带来更多的效益。
北京石油 机械厂
2002 年 3 月
BPMF 北京石油机械厂
文字说明1 概述2 结构与工作原理3 使用与操作4 维修5 地面实验附图图一 BZ随钻震击器外形图及主要尺寸图二运行位置示意图图三新装间隔衬套修理尺寸图四调节震击力方向示意图产品总图随钻震击器使用说明书1.概述机械式随钻震击器是全机械式随钻震击、解卡工具。
QY-A 型随钻震器使用说明书
本产品的设计、制造和服务执行如下标准: SY/T 5496-2000 《震击器及加速器》 ISO 9001:2000 质量保证体系 依据:GB/T 19001-2000 idt ISO 9001:2000 证书注册号:00603Q10513R3M
地 址 : 北京市 海淀区 志新路 41 号 邮 编 : 100083 电 话 : 010-83597657(销售)
由于钻井技术的进步,顾客不断有新的使用要求。我们愿意和您一起,持续改进我们的产品,满足您的使 用要求。您的满意是我们的追求,我们欣赏您本人和您代表的企业,也欢迎您随时提出宝贵的意见和建议。
1. 概述............................................................................................................................................................... 1 2. 型号说明........................................................................................................................................................ 1 3. 结构及工作原理............................................................................................................................................. 1 4. 使用方法........................................................................................................................................................ 3
型号 外径 内径 mm mm 接头螺纹 API 最大抗拉负荷 最大工作扭矩 MN k N·m 开泵面积 cm2 上击行程 mm 下击行程 mm 总长(锁紧位置) mm
JZ95 JZ121 JZ159Ⅲ JZ165 JZ178 JZ203
27/8REG NC38 NC46 NC50 NC50 65/8REG
jz型机械式随钻震击器机械表钻数男机械魔法背击苏州天钻机械神圣震击宏震击监视器和保险箱震击器钻展点击率裂震钢钻法术作用于一体,采用全机械式的随钻 震击器。其上、下震击负荷范围比较广,可以在维修站或现场 根据需要进行调节。特殊的挠性接头可以有效地降低震击器本 体的挠应力,因此它是打直井、深井、复杂井和定向井的首选 随钻震击工具。
0.8 1.4 2.2 2.2 2.3 2.5
8 13 15 15 15 20
32 60 100 100 100 176
200 198 149 149 147.5 144.5
200 205 166 166 167.5 176.5
5800 6 343 6 517 6 517 6 570 7 244
121 51.4 159 57 165 57 178 57 203 71.4
序号 1 2 3 准备工作 考 核 项 目 考核内容及要求 挡好天车大绳,大钩、吊环要拴保险绳; 检查井架,大绳及刹车机构应安全可靠 校正好指重表 配分 2 2 2 未检查扣2分 未检查扣2分 未检查扣2分 位置不对未使震击器在受拉状态下工作 扣5分 未用提升短节将震击器吊上钻台扣2分 未按要求操作一项扣1分 不符合要求扣5分 将任何夹持吊装工具卡在上轴拉开部位 扣5分 未按要求操作一项扣1分 评分标准
5 6 7 8 9
2 3 5 5 3
在连接螺纹处涂好密封脂,按规定扭矩将震击器拧紧在钻柱上,提起钻柱、取下 上轴卡箍(保管好)。
起、下钻 作 业 震击器在井内起、下钻过程中,始终处于拉开状态。 若起、下钻过程中,决不允许将任何夹持吊装工具卡在上轴拉开部位(即上轴镀 铬面的外露部分),以防损坏上轴。 起钻时,上轴呈拉开状态,必须在上轴镀铬面处装好卡箍,方可编入立柱放在钻 杆盒内。
上提钻柱时用中等程度的震击力,以后逐渐增加。上击时,指重表显示的吨位应 下降。 如果上提震击器不震击,可能是震击器没有完全回位,可重新下放钻柱,此次应 比上一次下放的吨位大一些。若再不震击,应分析原因或将震击器起出维 修。 按上述步骤,可反复进行上击。 下放钻柱对震击器施加约98KN的压力,关闭震击器。 上提钻柱,使震击器被拉开一定行程,在方钻杆上作一刻度来测量拉开行程。
11 12
震击器作业时指重表的读数(上提吨位)=震击器上部的钻具重量+所需的震击 吨位+钻具与井壁的摩擦阻力(估算),所需的震击吨位不允许超过最大 震击吨位。 下放钻柱对震击器施加约为98KN的压力,关闭震击器。
哈里伯顿随钻震击器介绍哈里伯顿Sperry-Sun’s Sledgehammer™HMD (液压机械随钻)震击器(机械向下,液压向上)连接在井下钻具组合上,用于在卡钻情况下对钻柱进行解卡。
HMD 震击器允许司钻上提或下放管柱产生应力,当应力释放时将产生高的冲击力,可以上击也可以下击。
Sledgehammer™ HMD 震击器设计上有三个明显的优点: • 低磨擦力机械卡瓦装置 • 精密机械加工的花键轴 • 温度补偿液压计量装置 1.设计特点• 低磨擦力、可靠锁定的机械卡瓦装置延长了密封及部件的寿命•不需要“爪环”,卡瓦装置可以保持工具在井架上处于伸长状态 • 人工控制液压上击,简单的机械式下击 • 大的油路通道可以减少自由行程时的液压阻力• 高温补偿(达到400°F/204°C )消除了液压油膨胀时产生的反作用力 • 采用“浮动活塞”进行水力平衡• 密封润滑的花键设计减小了磨擦、反冲力及部件的疲劳破坏 • 三个完全密封的油腔使部件和密封达到最大的使用寿命震击器开泵压力=钻头压降+震击器至钻头压力损耗(通过井下马达、钻铤等)• 操作时,在设定的卡瓦解锁力内可处于受拉状态也可以处于受压状态2.震击器操作卡瓦腔:低磨擦力,可靠锁定的机械卡瓦装置延长了密封和部件的寿命2.1在钻柱中的位置决定于井下情况,操作者可将震击器放置在BHA(底部钻具组合)的上部附近(受拉),或者放置在钻头附近(受压),震击时将在稳定器和钻头附近产生最大的效力。
JZ型机械式随钻震击器1. 概述次上击。
2.3 下击工作原理使震击器处于锁紧位置,下压钻柱,受上面一组弹性套作用,迫使钻柱储能、延时。
3. 使用与操作3.1 下井前的准备3.1.1 经重新装配后的产品,各联接螺纹应紧扣。
3.1.2 下井前震击器处于锁紧状态。
3.1.3 钻具配置应使震击器处于钻柱中和点偏上的受拉位置。
3.1.4 推荐的钻具组合下钻铤(外径不得小于震击器外径)+屈性长轴+JZ型震击器+加重钻杆(外径不得大于震击器外径上3.1.5 当震击器接入立柱后,取下卡箍,保存好待起钻时用。
3.2 操作方法3.2.1下钻时应先开泵循环,再缓慢下放,切忌直通井底造成“人为下击”。
3.2.2 在正常钻进过程中,震击器应处于打开位置,在受拉状态下工作,但当下部钻柱重量不大于震击器上击锁紧力的一半时可在锁紧状态下工作。
3.2.3 发生卡钻事故需上击时,按以下步骤进行:①下放钻具直到指重表读数小于震击器以上钻具悬重3~5吨(即压到震击器心轴上的力),震击器回到“锁紧”位置。
②上提钻具产生震击(符号含义同随钻震击器)上提力=G1-G2+G3+G4+G5+G6-G73.2.4 发生卡钻事故需下击时,按以下步骤进行:①下放钻具直到指重表读数小于震击器以上钻具悬重3~5吨(即压到震击器心轴上的力),震击器回到“锁紧”位置。
②下压钻具产生震击下压力=地面调定的下击吨位+泥浆阻力+摩擦阻力+指重表误差3.3 现场保养使用时间短或中等程度震击,且震击次数少的情况下,可在钻台现场进行:在井场钻台上起出井口后,冲洗震击器外表面、水眼的泥浆,冲洗油堵部位。
目录文字说明1 概述2 结构与工作原理3 使用与操作4 维修5 地面实验附图图一BZ随钻震击器外形图及主要尺寸图二运行位置示意图图三新装间隔衬套修理尺寸图四调节震击力方向示意图产品总图随钻震击器使用说明书1.概述机械式随钻震击器是全机械式随钻震击、解卡工具。
2.1 结构外形及主要尺寸如图一。
2.2 上击工作原理图一所示为装配调试合格的位置,即准备出发(解锁)状态。
2.3 下击工作原理在运行套的上部,还有一组三件与26,27,28完全相同的弹簧管。
3.使用与操作3.1 下井前的准备3.1.1震击器下井前应该经台架试验合格,见本说明书第5节。
QY-A DRILLING JAR OPERATION MANUALBEIJING PETROLEUM MACHINERY CO.SEP 2010ForewordThis new kind of drilling jar, including its structure, principle and application is introduced in this manual. After the drilling jar being used and repaired by customers, its reliability and performance may have some changes. These changes depend on the application conditions and maintenance level.Because of the continuous improvements on the products, some details in the manual may not be same as in actual operation. These differences don’t affect the understanding of the product's structure, the performance and the application by customers. If having any questions, please contact us.The service-life of the drilling jar and operation effects are related with not only designing and manufacturing but also properly operating of customers.We would like to supply customers with high quality products in compliance with specification of the quality assurance system of ISO9001, and also hope that the operators can carefully read the manual to insure the performance of products and successfully achieve the expectant drilling operations.The drilling jar and the information in this manual may not be suitable in some special applications. The operator should make right judgment on the selection and the application of the drilling jars.As the continuous improvements on the drilling technology, the customers will have new requirements on the application. We will be very happy to continuously improve our products to meet your special requirements.Welcome to contact us by the following methods!BPM Beijing Petroleum Machinery Co.Address: No. 41 Zhixin Road, Haidian District, Beijing 100083, China86-10-62098867Fax: 86-10-62311837,Phone: 86-10-83597657(Sale)86-10-83597659(Technical)Homepage: E-mail: bpm.tech@Content (1)1. Description2. Model Illustration (1)3. Principle (1)4. Application Notice (3)in the BHA (3)4.2 Position4.3 Frictionthe drill string (4)of (4)4.4 Pump-openForce4.5 Jarring up (5)4.6 Jarring down (5)4.7 Methods of the adjusting of the release force (5) (6)5. Maintenance5.1 Preparation (6)5.2 Disassembling Procedure (7)Procedure (8)5.3 Assembling5.4 Repair & Coordinate the limiter (9)6. Test & Oil Filling (10)Filling (10)6.1 Oil6.2 Release force test (10)6.3 Sealing Test (11)7. Trouble & Solutions (11)8. Damageable Components (12)9. Notices for Ordering (12)1. DescriptionQY-A hydraulic drilling jar is a new kind of drilling jar which is suitable for a wide range of drilling operations. This drilling jar overcomes the defects of pure mechanical drilling jar or pure hydraulic drilling jar and combines with merits of them. Mechanical lock and hydraulic delay works together in the process of jarring up and jarring down.The QY-A drilling jar has following features:1) It can avoid unexpected strike effectively.2) No need any safety clamps or other special actions on the drilling or tripping.3) Free position in the BHA (in tension, neutral or compression).4) Mechanical lock unit is not affected by the torque.5) The release force of jarring up or down can be adjusted on the drilling platform. Its operation isvery simple, exact and stable.6) Hydraulic delay allows the driller to adjust the jarring up or down force.7) Enclosed oil chambers increase seals and components life.8) Suitable to work in high temperature situation.9) It is an ideal tool for controlled directional well and horizontal well.2. Model Illustration3. PrincipleThe structure of QY-A drilling jar is shown in Figure 1, which be made up of housings, mandrels, valve unit, spring unit and lock unit and so on.QY-A is a new kind of drilling jar which combines the mechanical with hydraulic structures. The hook lifts the drill strings to make the mandrel move up, the spring unit takes place elastic deformation at the pull or push. The more energy from the hook, the spring unit does the greater deformation. When the deformation reaches high-point, the trip sleeve opens immediately and engages with friction sleeve, and then the jar enters the hydraulic-delay state. The cable hoist is baked at the same time. The drilling jar isCode (Drilling jar with adjustable release force)pulled slowly in the effect of pull force and hydraulic resistance force. The jar enters striking state after these series actions. The trip mandrel moves to the limit position quickly along its fixed path. After striking, set down the drill strings to make the jar reset for drilling or striking.Figure 1 the Structure of QY-A Drilling Jar Friction SleeveSpline MandrelStabilizerSpline Housing Upper Valve Housing Hydraulic Cylinder Lower Valve HousinSealBack NutSafe RingUpperValveMandrelValve UnitLower Valve MandrelUpper control HousingMiddle Control HousinConnect UnitLower HousingBottomTripLimiterLock ScrewUpper Adjusting SleeveSpring UnitPistonOil PlugLower Adjusting SleeveExtendedTrip SleeveLocated SleeveAdjusting SleeveWhen jarring down is needed, push the drilling jar until the pressure exceeds the release force. The lock unit opens soon and the trip sleeve opens immediately and engages with friction sleeve, and then the jar enters the hydraulic-delay state. The cable hoist is baked at the same time. The drilling jar is pulled slowly in the effect of pull force and hydraulic resistance force. The jar enters striking state after these seriesactions. The trip mandrel moves to limit position quickly along its fixed path producing huge jarring down force. The lock unit locked again when the drilling string is pulled, then the drilling or striking can be continued.The release force on the drill strings can be adjusted by the adjusting sleeve and the connect unit. In the adjustment process, first disassemble the cover screw, and then turn the adjusting sleeve by the spanner or the screwdriver alongside the thread to make an axial displacement and thus adjust the release force.4. Application Notice4.1 Prepare before down-hole operationThe drilling jar in the down-hole operation must be new or repaired after being used. The continuous working period of a new drilling jar for a single trip may not exceed more than 500 hours, not more than 300 hours for a repaired one. In high temperature or under the condition of acrid medium in the well fluid, it is not suitable to work for a long time. To avoid failure, the drilling jar should be repaired after being used in down hole, or else it is forbidden to use again.4.2 Position in the BHAJarring up or down of the hydraulic drilling jar is a whole section, and this can be subjected to a slightly pull force or push. In order to avoid free vibration of drill string affecting the jar’s life, it is important to avoid putting the jar on a neutral point of drill string. An ideal position is below the neutral point of the drill string, and this can make the pressing force on the drill string equal to the pump-open force.The drilling jar must be placed at the right position in the BHA to guarantee its proper effects and avoid some accidents. The jar's proper position is determined to the well conditions. Generally, the lower position, the better effect. In addition, the large pull or push force could result in unexpected strike.(1) Disposal on the lower location of the assembly (be pushed).The drilling jar is located above one drill collar at least where the collar is above the top centralizer.The drill collars located between a centralizer and a drilling jar can make the jar safer. For example, the drilling jar can not be stuck and dislodged by the rock cutting deposit. If a shock absorber locates in the drill strings, the drilling jar should be above it.(2) Disposal on the upper location of the assembly (be pulled).If it is predicated that the drill collars occur drill pipe stuck caused by pressure difference, the jar should be assembled on the position which is high enough in the drilling strings and always above the stuck point. But the disadvantage is that the distance between the jar and the stuck point would be too long and it could affect the jarring effect if the bit or the centralizers are stuck.4.3 Friction of the drill stringFriction is a kind of force generated between the drilling tool and borehole wall. Its empirical value is 50 kN ~200 kN. The friction is relevant with the BHA, mud condition and well bore structure. The force should be determined by the work site.During practical operation, the operators should exactly estimate the friction of the drill string.4.4 Pump-open ForcePump-open force is a kind of force exerting on the jar caused by the mud pressure in the drill strings in normal running. If the mud pressure is high enough, it will pull the jar open. Thus, the hook weight should deduce the pump-open force in the jarring up or down when calculates the force.The pump-open force is proportional to the pressure in the drill string and the piston equivalent area. So the pump-open force can be work out following:Pump-open force (kN) = piston area (mm2) -pumping pressure (MPa) ×10-3The piston equivalent area is related to the structure of the drilling jar. The pump-open force of QY-A drilling jar lists on the below table 1.Table 1 the Pump-open Force of QY-A Drilling Jar (kN)QY203AQY229AModel QY121A QY159A QY165A QY178APiston Area/mm24806 7835 7835 10722 13823 18850Pump Pressure/MPa971327555557 341381881077810 487819415026411014 6711027637721420 961571574.5 Jarring upWhen the jarring up is needed, lifting the drill strings to make the pull force reach the standardrelease force of the jar, an up-strike force would be produced. Pushing the drilling tools to make the jarreturn the reset position, the locking unit relocks again. Repeating the above steps will achieve the effectof continuous up strike. In jarring up, the hook load is calculated as follows:Hook load = hang weight on the drill string above the jar + frictional force on the drill strings +standard release force - pump-open force4.6 Jarring downWhen the jarring down is needed, lowering down the string to make the press force reach thestandard release force of the jar, a down-strike force would be produced. Pulling the drilling tools tomake the jar return the reset position, the locking unit relocks again. Repeating the above steps willachieve the effect of continuous down strike. In down strike, the hook load is calculated as follows: Hook load = hang weight on the drill string above the jar - standard release force- Frictional forceon the drill strings - pump-open force4.7 Methods of the adjusting of the release forceWe can make use of the adjusting sleeve on cover screw of the drilling jar by the spanner or thescrewdriver to adjust the release force. The upper adjusting sleeve is used for adjusting the up-strikerelease force, and the lower adjusting sleeve for the down-strike release force.There are 25 adjusting grooves on the circumference of the nut that is made letters on the bottomof the grooves. It marks "+" and "-" beside the cover hole, which represents the increase or the decreasedirection of the release force. Letters near the cover hole represent the position of the standard releaseTable 2 the adjusting value every grooveforce on ex-works or on the maintenance.During the adjusting (increasing or decreasing), when the upper or the lower adjusting sleeve can’t be adjusted, it reaches limited position, i.e. maximum or minimum release force.Notice: During the adjusting (increasing or decreasing), lock screw is forbidden to be disassembled or loosen.The every groove can adjust the release force as table 2. On the actual application, adjust the upper or the lower adjusting sleeve every time for one or a number of limiting grooves and record theletter till it reaches the proper tons. It canachieve the adjustment of the force5. MaintenanceOnce the new drilling jar continuously works in the down hole more than 500 hours or 300 hours for the repaired one, it must be checked and disassembled. It is suggested that the drilling jar should be abandoned after it has worked for 1500 hours or 2 years.Before disassembly, the drilling jar should be tested and the data should be recorded.5.1 Preparation①Break-out / Make-up equipment and proper tools, including pipe wrench, chain wrench, nylon slinging belt, etc. is needed.②Sealing and wearing parts. Model Adjusting Value (kN) QY121A 25QY159A 30 QY165A 30 QY178A 40 QY203A 50QY229A 60╋ ╋Page 7 of 12③Lubricants, molybdenum disulfide(MoS 2) lubricant oil and L-HM 32 hydraulic oil. ④Technical files and service drawings of the drilling jar. 5.2 Disassembling ProcedureIn disassembly, it is forbidden to damage sealing surfaces or outer surface of the thin wall housing. Before the disassembly, the drilling jar must be in reset position.The housing threads of the drilling jar are cone screw threads and painted Y680 bounded agent. Locally heat the connection place of all cone screw thread to make bounded agent invalid for dismantling. The surface temperature after heating cannot go beyond 250 and it is noticed that the ℃heating area cannot extend to protect seal parts from damage.(1) Before the disassembly, confirm the drilling jar in the reset (latched) position. Then prepare the oilcontainer, disassemble the oil plug by a spanner, empty the hydraulic oil in the cavity and disassemble the cover screws and lock screws. (2) Disassemble the bottom sub.(3) Disassemble the piston with the special tool and valve unit.(4) Disassemble the lower housing. After loosen the threads, hoist and dislodge it horizontally by thehanging belt. Take notice of the coaxial with upper control housing and the rest.(5) Disassemble the connect unit, turn out the lower adjusting sleeve. (Record the position of thembefore turning out.)(6) Disassemble the middle control housing. The disassembly way is same as the lower housing. Takeout the spring unit, separating sleeve, lining, friction sleeve and adjusting ring in the middle housing in sequence.(7) Disassemble the trip sleeve. First disassemble the extended mandrel, seize up the bottom end ofthe trip sleeve by the hanging belt and pulling it out by assembling test unit. Take out the separating sleeve and the spring unit on the mandrel in sequence.(8) Disassemble the upper control housing. The way is the same as the lower control housing. And turnout the lower adjusting sleeve. (Record the position of them before turning out.) (9) Disassemble the lower valve housing.(10) Disassemble the lower valve mandrel and the valve unit.(11) Disassemble the upper valve housing, as the way of the lower valve housing.(12) Disassemble the upper valve mandrel, the valve unit and the back nut.(13) Disassemble the spline housing, stabilizer and the spline mandrel.(14) Disassemble all the seal components.(15) Flush all the components by cleaning equipment. Check the injury status of the components. Afterchecking, the housings, the spline mandrel, the trip mandrel, friction sleeve, trip sleeve, spring unit, adjusting sleeve and the trip mandrel coupling should be detected. The displacements are replaced according to the destructive status.(16) After taking out the drilling jar from the well, all the seal components should be replaced every time.5.3 Assembling Procedure(1) Pick out invalid parts, substitute new available components and prepare a set of seal and the toolsfor oil injection.(2) Clip the stabilizer with the chain clamp of the assembling unit. First, assemble the wiper ring, sealring and supporting ring into the stabilizer. Then hoist the spline mandrel horizontally, and carefully boot the spline into it and pay attention not to damage the spline body and seal parts.(3) Insert the spline mandrel into the stabilizer(the bare length of the spline mandrel is about 310mm )(4) Assemble the orienting sleeve and seal components into the spline housing.(5) Assemble the clamp ring. Turn the back nut into the spline mandrel and install the spline mandreland the upper valve mandrel. Tighten the back nut and the upper valve mandrel.(6) Assemble the supporting ring to the upper valve mandrel; tighten it with the spline mandrel. Installthe seal part on the mandrel. Assemble the spline housing and upper valve housing together.(7) Pull the spline mandrel to the max trip and install the valve unit.(8) Assemble the seal parts and locker screw on the lower valve mandrel.(9) Assemble the hydraulic cylinder and upper valve housing.(10) Assemble the seal part on the lower valve housing, tighten the hydraulic cylinder and lower valvehousing together.(11) Assemble the seal part on the lower valve mandrel and tighten it with the upper valve mandrel andtrip mandrel (the special tool is needed).(12) Screw the upper adjusting sleeve into the upper control housing. When the distance between theend surface of the adjusting sleeve and that of the housing is “X” (the up strike is 0), the value of Page 8 of 12Page 9 of 12“X” is different from the model of QY-A drilling jar, check it on table 3, install the upper control housing.Table3 the distance between the end surface of adjusting sleeve and that of housingModelDistanceQY121A QY159A QY165A QY178A QY203A QY229AX 5 8.4 8.4 11.5 11.2 11.8 Y 4.7 8.4 8.4 11.8 11.6 12(13) Install the extended mandrel and the trip mandrel.(14) Assemble the spring unit and the separating sleeve on the mandrel in the order. Plug the trip sleeveinto the trip mandrel to make it into the groove, i.e. the reset position.(15) Assemble the bushing, adjusting ring, locating bush, and trip sleeve into the middle housing. Installthe middle housing.(16) Screw the lower adjusting sleeve into the connect unit and ensure that the distance between thehead face of the adjusting sleeve and that of the housing is Y (the down strike is 0), the value of “Y” is different from the model of QY-A drilling jar, check it on table 3, then install the connect unit. (17) Assemble the seal part on the piston and tighten it with the extend mandrel. (18) Assemble the lower control housing with the rest. (19) Install the top sub and assembling is accomplished.All the threads should be screwed down according to the make-up torque on table 4.Table 4 the make-up torque list of the threads (kN·m)ModelthreadsQY121A QY159/165A QY178A QY203A QY229A torque feed torquefeed torque feed torque feed torque feed housings 14 MoS 2 25 Y68035 Y68045 Y680 60 Y680mandrels 5 MoS 2 8 MoS 28 MoS 211 MoS 2 11 MoS 2Mandrel/piston 4 MoS 2 7MoS 28MoS 29MoS 211MoS 25.4 Repair & Coordinate the limiterIf the release force can not meet the requirement after long time using, repairing and coordinating the limiter is a good solution. If the custom wants to ascend the max release force, pare the end face nearing the adjusting sleeve. The length calculates as this formula:Page 10 of 12L=fptΔ25 L: The pared length, mm.p: The adjusting sleeve’ screw-pitch ,check it on table 5, mm.t: Difference between the max release force required on table 1and fact force, kN. Δf: Increase or decrease force dialing every groove of the upper/lower sleeve, kN.Table 5 the adjusting sleeve’ screw-pitch (mm)Model QY121A QY159A QY165A QY178A QY203A QY229Ap 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.23 4.5 6.356.Test & Oil Filling6.1 Oil FillingWhen the drilling jar has been assembled, it must be filled the oil into the cavity before the release force test.The liquid in the drilling jar is L-HM32 hydraulic oil. During oil filling, the drilling jar is required in the reset position.First, inject the barrel of the pump with the filtrated L-HM32 hydraulic oil. Before injection, lift upward the hole on the jar and then incline it by the traveling hoist at the angle of more than 30 degrees, in addition the large end of the mandrel is upward.The following is the connecting way between the oil pump and the hole on the jar. The hosepipe on the oil injection pump is connected with the bottom housing; one end of the return line connects to the hole on the spline body, and the other end inserts into the tubing. After connecting, the pump starts up. Wait till the air bubbles in the return line disappear for a long time so that all the remnant air is discharged, disassemble the pipe, assemble the pipe plug, and then put down the jar in horizontal position, disassemble the feed pipe, and finally install the pipe plug on the bottom housing, completing oil filling.6.2 Release force testThe reassembled drilling jars must come up to the standard in the release force test and seal test before used.After oiling the just-assembled drilling jar, test it’s jarring up and jarring down force on the push-pullBefore the test, it is suggested to locate the limiter as pre-disassembled. Please reference”6.4 repair & coordinate limiter” if you want to adjust the max release force in the adjustable extent of the limiter.After setting up the release force, record the letter locating near the setting nut vessel, and print it on the labeled vessel nearing adjustable aperture(print it behind all the letters ),then assemble limit nut and adjustable nut.The drilling jar must be reset after having been tested.6.3 Sealing TestThe nozzle is plugged by special pressure test connection. One end of the high-pressure hose is connected with the water inlet on the sub, the other end with the outlet on the electric pump. Make the air vent upward and disassemble the plug on the vent.Start up the pump and inject water into the jar. When the water fills up the jar and overflows from the air vent, stop the pump and install the core vent. After the above steps, start the pump again. When the pump pressure is up to 30MPa, stop it and retain the pressure for 5 minutes. If the pressure drops less than 0.5MPa, it represents the pressure test is ok. Disassemble the subs on the two ends. After drying the hole, paint the sealing grease and assemble the screw protector.7. Trouble & SolutionsBecause of the simple structure and the reliability of the mechanical QY-A drilling jar, a new jar or a jar after a normal repair won't have trouble. The trouble shooting during the application is as follows:a. the upper/lower adjusting sleeve can not be adjusted(1) If the upper/lower adjusting sleeve can adjust only toward one way, it indicates that the drilling jar has already been the max or min release force position. It is normal.(2) The drilling jar is not reset .Please pull or push it aptly. Push make jar reset when the jar has been up jarring or pull after down jarring.(3) The tool is too small to adjust the sleeve, please change a bigger one.b. No strike after the drill string lifted up(1) The jar is already at up-strike position. More drill springs would be lowered down to make the drilling jar be pushed, and then lift the strings up.(2) If the down-strike release force on the drilling jar is adjusted too low or too high, lift the jar outPage 11 of 12(3) If the lock unit of the jar is stuck and lodged, lift up the jar and repair it.c. No strike after the drill string lowered down(1) The jar is already at down-strike position, pull jar and lower down the drill string again.(2) If the down-strike release force on the drilling jar is adjusted too low or too high, lift the jar out to modulate.(3) After the drilling jar strikes for many times, and if the locking unit on the jar is stuck and lodged, lift the jar up and repair it.d. Vibration during normal drilling (unexpected strike)(1) If the release force on the drilling jar is adjusted too low, the vibration on the drill string will cause unexpected strike. Try to decrease the vibration on the string or increase the release force on the drilling jar.(2) If the jar in BHA locates at an inappropriate position, it will undertake so much larger pull force or compress force in normal drilling operation. If unexpected striking down, try to decrease the drilling pressure or increase the position of the drilling jar on the drilling assembly; otherwise, if unexpected striking up, try to increase the drilling pressure or decrease the position.8. Damageable ComponentsAfter the jar has worked in the well one time, all the sealing parts must be replaced.Check the stress-containing and frictional parts. If having any damage, replace it. Damageable components and special tools are shown in the following additional table.9. Notices for Ordering(1) Model of the products should be written clearly and completely.(2) If having special requirements on the connect threads, please give us a detailed information when ordering. If no details, we will supply our standard supplies.(3) Name, order number and quantity should be written clearly if ordering spare parts and tools.Page 12 of 12Additional Table 1:Damageable Components of QY121A Drilling JarSerial Number Items Order Number Quantity RemarkMandrel 9324610001 11 SplineSleeve 9314620004 22 SealHousing 9324610002 13 SplineNut 9314620008 14 Back5 Up Valve Mandrel 9324610004 16 Valve Unit 9314620200 2 complete setMandrel 9324610006 1Valve7 DownMandrel 9324610009 18 Trip9 Limiter 9314631007 2Screw 9314620010 210 LockScrew 9314620011 211 CoverUnit 9314620100 2 completeset12 SpringSleeve 9314630012 213 LocatedSleeve 9314630014 114 FrictionSleeve 9314630013 115 Trip16 TopSub 9324611010 117 Seal Components 9324610900 1 complete setSpecial Tools of QY159A Drilling JarSerial Number Items Order Number Remark1 Special Spanner 9316220810 Install valve mandrel piston2 Screw Plug 9316220820 Install trip sleeve3 Screw Block 9316220830 lead while trip installing4 Axle Pin 9316220840 Install valve coreIAdditional Table 1:Damageable Components of QY159A Drilling JarSerial Number Items Order Number Quantity RemarkMandrel 9326211001 11 SplineSleeve 9316220005 22 LeadHousing 9326210002 13 SplineNut 9316220009 14 Back5 Up Valve Mandrel 9326210004 16 Valve Unit 9316220200 2 complete setMandrel 9326210006 1Valve7 DownMandrel 9326210009 18 Trip9 Limiter 9316220014 2Screw 9316231002 210 LockScrew 9316230008 211 CoverUnit 9316220100 2 completeset12 SpringSleeve 9316220018 213 LocatedSleeve 9316220020 114 FrictionSleeve 9316220021 115 Trip16 TopSub 9326211011 117 Seal Components 9326210900 1 complete setSpecial Tools of QY159A Drilling JarSerial Number Items Order Number Remark1 Special Spanner 9316220810 Install valve mandrel piston2 Screw Plug 9316220820 Install trip sleeve3 Screw Block 9316220830 lead while trip installing4 Axle Pin 9316220840 Install valve corePage II of 12Additional Table 1:Damageable Components of QY159A Drilling JarSerial Number Items Order Number Quantity RemarkMandrel 9326211001 11 SplineSleeve 9316220005 22 LeadHousing 9326210002 13 SplineNut 9316220009 14 Back5 Up Valve Mandrel 9326210004 16 Valve Unit 9316220200 2 complete setMandrel 9326210006 1Valve7 DownMandrel 9326210009 18 Trip9 Limiter 9316220014 2Screw 9316231002 210 LockScrew 9316230008 211 CoverUnit 9316220100 2 completeset12 SpringSleeve 9316220018 213 LocatedSleeve 9316220020 114 FrictionSleeve 9316220021 115 Trip16 LowerHousing 9324610010 117 Seal Components 9324610900 1 complete setSpecial Tools of QY121A Drilling JarSerial Number Items Order Number Remark1 Special Spanner 9314620810 Install valve mandrel and piston2 Screw Plug 9314630810 Install trip sleeve3 Axle Pin 9316220840 Install valve coreIII。
Spline housing
压紧螺母 Packing
屈曲接头 Flex joint
外径 内径 扣型 位置
6 5/8
28 49.6 76.8 46.5 35
上击 准备击发 下击
F 位置 位置
5 15.5
单位(lbs) 1000lbs=0.453t5ຫໍສະໝຸດ 二、机械式随钻震击器的结构
1、外部结构 (以8”anadrill机械式随钻震击器为例)
Lower control housing Spline mandrel
顶部接头 上部控制
Top sub
套 Upper
中部套筒 Middle housing
2)下井前震击器处于锁紧状态。 3)钻具配置应使震击器处于钻柱中和点偏上的受拉位置。 为增加钻具的挠性,减小工具的弯曲应力,震击器下部必须联接 屈性长轴。 4)推荐的钻具组合:下钻铤(外径不得小于震击器外径)+ 屈性长轴+震击器+加重钻杆(外径不得大于震击器外径)
1)下钻时应先开泵循环,再缓慢下放,切忌直通井底造成 “人为下击”。若在下钻过程中发生遇卡,可启动震击器实施 上击解卡。
上提力=G1-G2+G3+G4+G5+G6。 G1---原悬重(井内钻具重量); G2---震击器以下钻柱重量 G3---震击器所需的震击力; G4---泥浆阻力,约为上拉力的5%; G5---摩擦阻力,与井斜影响较大,约为上提力的 5~20%; G6---指重表误差(指重表本身精度决定)
QJ178A随钻震击器使用说明书北京石油机械厂2002年10月目 录 1概述...........................................................................................................1 2型号说明.................................................................................................1 3技术参数.................................................................................................1 4工作原理.................................................................................................3 5随钻震击器在钻具组合中的配置...............................................4 6摩擦力和开泵力的计算方法.........................................................4 6.1钻柱摩擦力............................................................................................4 6.2开泵力......................................................................................................4 7操作方法.................................................................................................5 7.1向上震击.................................................................................................5 7.2向下震击.................................................................................................5 7.3释放力调节方法..................................................................................5 8维修...........................................................................................................5 8.1准备...........................................................................................................5 8.2拆卸步骤.................................................................................................6 8.3装配步骤.................................................................................................6 9试验与充油............................................................................................7 9.1释放力试验............................................................................................79.2充油...........................................................................................................8 9.3密封试验.................................................................................................8 10故障及排除............................................................................................8 11订货须知.................................................................................................9 1 概述 QJ178A型随钻震击器是一种新型可调全机械整体式随钻震击器,它具有两个特点:一是上、下击一体,整机长度短,结构简单,安全可靠;二是上、下击的释放力大小可以分别调节,且调节简便易行、准确、稳定。
Griffith 震击器
![Griffith 震击器](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/c9f2a5a6284ac850ad024239.png)
Griffith 液压/机械随钻震击器使用手册1.1概述随钻震击器是连接在井下钻具组合中的一种工具,在钻井卡钻事故中能立即被用来对钻柱中的卡住部分产生震击作用,以达到解卡的目的。
机械式随钻震击器的缺点为:●震击器在井下的震击力不可以变化;●当震击器锁定设置值被克服后会即刻震击,这种震击器有可能损坏提升设备(Hoisting Equipment);●旋转类型受扭矩影响(Rofary type affected by torque)。
液压震击器的优点是;●在井下的震击力可通过改变超载拉力(amcunt of overpull)来改变;●因有时间延迟,从而有时间在钻台带上刹车,以保护提升设备;液压震击器的缺点为:●起下钻作业或单独吊震击器时有可能意外震击;●在BHA钻具组合中的位置受限制,必须在钻具组合中总是处于张力状态;●在起下钻作业时有特殊步骤要求;●在钻台上操作时需要安全卡瓦(Safety collar);●在钻进时有轴向活动,这样加快了磨损速度;●在连续震击后,有容易出故障的名声。
1.2 Griffith 液压/机械随钻震击器的特点Griffith 液压/机械随钻震击器的开发,结合了液压和机械震击器的特点,克服了这两种震击器的固有缺点。
它的独特设计把液压延迟释放与机械锁定机理混合在一个相对较短的双作用随钻震击器上,使这种井下工具可提供几种相对传统液压或机械震击器的优点:●液压延迟时间允许操作者可施加不同的超载拉力(overpull),同时可应用刹车系统(draw-works drum brake)。
(一)、Z SJ型随钻震击器X1. 概述J型随钻震击器是连接在钻具中,随钻具进行钻井作业的井下工具。
若在正常钻井Z SX过程中因种种原因井下发生遇阻、遇卡或卡钻时,可以启动震击器进行上击或下击,及时解除井下卡钻事故。
使用随钻震击器具有如下优点:1.1 随钻密封性能好,随钻具使用周期500小时左右,超过了一支钻头的使用时间,所以不会因随钻本身不能使用的原因而起钻影响纯钻时间。
1.2 可以随震击需要产生上击或下击。
1.3 解除井下卡钻事故迅速及时,而且震击效果好,这就给正常钻井作业带来了无比的优越性,不仅减少了事故,而且减少了因事故而带来的无法估计的经济损失。
1.4 使用时操作简单方便,而且便于记忆,上提即产生上击力,下放就产生下击力,因而司钻操作时不会搞错。
2. ZSJ型随钻上击器结构随钻上击器,由外筒部分、心轴部分、活塞部分和各部位的密封件组成。
3. ZSJ型随钻上击器工作原理3.1 上击器的回位随钻上击器采用液压工作原理实现上击,机构为锥形活塞结构,它是由锥体,旁通体,密封体和油封四件组成。
3.2 贮能过程上击器心轴向上运动时(即司钻上提钻具),密封体上端面与锥体下端面贴合,上、下油腔关闭,此时液压油只能从锥体底面的泄油槽通过,形成阻力,液压油受压,钻柱受拉伸产生弹性伸长,同时钻具贮存了能量,钻具继续伸长,储能相应增加。
3.3 释放震击过程当锥体活塞到达压力体的卸荷腔的瞬时,受压的液压油以极高速度沿锥体外表面向下腔流动,高压油腔突然减压,受拉的钻柱在弹性作用下以极高的速度向上运动,直到延长心轴上端面碰击到花键体花键下台肩面上,这就产生了猛烈的向上震击。
1、外部结构 (以8”anadrill机械式随钻震击器为例)
Lower control housing Spline mandrel
顶部接头 上部控制
Top sub
套 Upper
中部套筒 Middle housing
2)下井前震击器处于锁紧状态。 3)钻具配置应使震击器处于钻柱中和点偏上的受拉位置。 为增加钻具的挠性,减小工具的弯曲应力,震击器下部必须联接 屈性长轴。 4)推荐的钻具组合:下钻铤(外径不得小于震击器外径)+ 屈性长轴+震击器+加重钻杆(外径不得大于震击器外径)
1)下钻时应先开泵循环,再缓慢下放,切忌直通井底造成 “人为下击”。若在下钻过程中发生遇卡,可启动震击器实施 上击解卡。
机械式随钻震击器是全机械式随钻震击、解卡工 具。它集上、下震击作用为一体,可解除钻进作业中 井下遇阻、遇卡等钻井事故,另外在修井过程中也得 到了广泛的应用。它在不需要震击时,是钻柱的一部 分,需要震击时,随时可以作业,因而震击器的出现 大大提高了海上作业的工作效率。
车间震击器 主要规格
1、结构“文策”随钻震击器是机械—液压结构,上击机构为液缸、阻力阀,位于随钻下部;下击机构为卡瓦、碟簧,位于随钻上部 (如图所示) 。
史密斯全液压式随钻震击器现场操作指导卡(2013)1前期检查使用人员对随钻震击器地合格证、标识、外观、二端连接螺纹进行检查,全部合格后方可入井使用;2钻柱中连接位置2.1 随钻震击器在钻柱组合中地位置执行钻井设计地规定,推荐如下:钻头+扶正器+钻铤若干(外径不小于随钻震击器外径)+全液压随钻震击器(芯轴端向上)+钻铤2~3 根+加重钻杆+钻杆;2.2 根据需要可考虑安放在钻柱中与点附近;防压差卡钻可安放在相对靠上地位置;防机械卡钻可安放在相对靠下地位置;3操作中注意事项3.1 使用方在装卸车时严防碰撞工具两端地丝扣,严禁在运输过程中将绳索绑在芯轴镀光面上;3.2 上下钻台,严防碰撞,按相应地钻铤上扣扭矩将随钻震击器上紧;3.3 下钻时,推荐先开泵循环,缓慢下放,防止下放遇阻或直通井底造成“人为下击”;3.4 随钻震击器正常钻进使用,应保持锁紧状态,不能承受过大地拉力或压力,防止误震击;禁止:夹持芯轴镀光部分,造成震击器报废;拆卸外筒连接螺纹,造成漏油及损坏;4随钻震击器现场保养及维护随钻震击器起出井口后,冲洗其外表面、芯轴镀光面、油堵部位地泥浆,检查本体、芯轴有无弯曲、胀大、超标磨损、坑槽,密封部位与密封件有无损坏失效,油堵、销堵为否松动泄漏等情况,两端配戴护丝;5工作原理全液压式随钻震击器地工作机构:上泻流阀—上阀芯轴、下泻流阀—下阀芯轴;上击工作过程:回位(锁紧状态)—上拉—延时—上击;下击工作过程:回位—下压—延时—下击;重复上述过程,可使随钻震击器循环工作;6 6.1 上下击操作随钻震击器回位6.1.1 向下回位,下放钻柱至指重表读数小于随钻震击器以上钻柱悬重 3 ~5 吨,使随钻震击器回位;6.1.2 向上回位,提升钻柱至指重表读数大于随钻震击器上部钻柱重量 3 ~5 吨,使随钻震击器回位;6.2 上击作业6.2.1 校准指重表,使随钻震击器回位,操作参照 6.1 条;6.2.2 以一定地拉力上拉钻柱,震击器解锁,液压延时,一般经过30~90 秒产生上击,延时时间长短与震击器受地拉力成反比;上击时,指重表读数简单地计算方法为钻柱卡点上部地钻柱悬重加上随钻震击器设定地上击解锁吨位(简称上击吨位),但实际上应考虑到井壁摩擦阻力、钻井液阻力、开泵效应、指重表误差等地影响;开泵力(等于泵压×随钻震击器开泵面积),泵压越高开泵力越大,相对于停泵打捞,随钻震击器上击所需地上拉力减少,下击所需地下压力增大;6.3 下击作业6.3.1 校准指重表,使随钻震击器回位,操作参照 6.1 条;6.3.2 下放钻柱,震击器解锁,液压延时,一般经过30~90 秒产生下击,延时时间长短与震击器受地压力成反比;下击时,指重表读数简单地计算方法为随钻震击器上部地钻柱悬重减去钻震击器设定地下击吨位,但实际上应考虑到井壁摩擦阻力、钻井液阻力、开泵效应、指重表误差等地影响;7 故障排除7.1 上击不工作7.1.1 随钻震击器未能完全回位,在弯曲井眼中可加大向下负荷,延长回位时间或停止循环泥浆,使上击易于回位;7.1.2 上拉力过小,弯曲井眼中可延长释放时间或加大上提拉力;7.2 下击不工作7.2.1 随钻震击器没有回位,应重新上提使其回位,或开泵使其易回位;7.2.2 下压力过小,弯曲井眼中可加大下压力;8 使用规定8.1 随钻震击器正常钻进使用,井温高于190℃时,工作240h;井温为150~190℃时,工作500h;井温在150 ℃以下,工作720h,应回收;8.2 随钻震击器钻进使用未到规定时间,但进行过猛烈震击作业或起钻后发现漏油、弯曲、胀扣、倒扣、芯轴镀光面损坏等异常情况,应回收;9资料填写使用方要准确填写《工具跟踪卡》,并在回收时随工具返回;10 规格及性能参数表规格及性能参数表型号4 3/4" 6 1/4" 8"项目外径121 159 203mm内径57 70 76mm上击行程203 203 203 mm下击行程178 178 178 mm芯轴总行程635 635 635 mm接头螺纹API NC35 NC46 NC56最大抗拉负荷kN 2046.08 3247.04 7116.80屈服扭矩kN·m28.47 67.79 159.98最大工作提拉载荷k N 355.84 667.20 1334.40″史密斯随钻震击器尺寸示意图6 1/4精品学习资料——勤奋,为踏入成功之门地阶梯第 5 页,共 6 页″史密斯随钻震击器尺寸示意图4 3/4精品学习资料——勤奋,为踏入成功之门地阶梯第 6 页,共 6 页。
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1 概述
2 结构与工作原理
3 使用与操作
4 维修
5 地面实验
图一 BZ随钻震击器外形图及主要尺寸图二运行位置示意图
它集上、下震击作用于一体, 可接触钻进作业中遇阻、遇卡等钻井事故。
它在不需要震击时, 是钻柱的一部分, 需震击时, 随时可作业, 因而提高了工作效率。
2.1 结构
内部结构如本说明书后附产品总图( 图中未画出曲屈接头) 。
2.2 上击工作原理
图一所示为装配调试合格的位置, 即准备出发( 解锁) 状态。
运行轴与运行套的内齿对应啮合, 运行套外部齿与摩擦衬套内部齿是齿顶对齿顶的摩擦状态。
当钻柱上提, 经过上接头1, 上控制套3, 中部套筒28, 下控制套37, 下调节套29, 压缩弹簧管25, 26, 27使运行套21相对摩擦衬套下移。
当运行套的外齿齿顶与摩擦衬套的齿间相对应时, 运行衬套在运行轴的作用下涨开, 运行轴的齿从运行套内齿滑出, 如图二中图。
此时钻柱储备的能量释放, 向上震击。
下放钻柱, 整个工具又恢复图二上部的状态, 即准备击发状态。
2.3 下击工作原理
在运行套的上部, 还有一组三件与26, 27, 28完全相同的弹簧管。
当下压钻柱时, 经过上接头1, 上控制套3, 上调节套18, 压缩上面一组弹簧管。
运行套相对于摩擦衬套上行, 钻柱储能。
当达到预定的吨位, 运行套的齿顶与摩擦衬套的顶间相对应, 运行衬套涨开, 运行轴齿从运行套内的齿中滑出, 产生下击, 与上击方向相反如图二下图所示。
3.1 下井前的准备
3.1.1震击器下井前应该经台架试验合格, 见本说明书第5节。
3.1.3钻具配置应使震击器处于钻柱系列中平衡点以上的张力部分, 并承受最少5吨的张力。
BZ型震击器最好是在张力状态下工作, 但也可在压力状态下工作, 可把震击器接入张力压力平衡点以下, 承受5吨的压力。
3.1.4为增加钻具的挠性, 减少工具的弯曲应力, 震击器下部必须连接屈曲接头, 屈曲接头的位置如图一所示。
3.2 操作方法
3.2.1 下钻时应先开泵循环, 再缓慢下放, 切忌直通井底造成”人为下击”。
若在下钻过程中遇卡, 可启动震击器实施上击解卡。
3.2.2 在正常钻井过程中, 震击器应处于锁紧状态, 在受拉力状
态下工作, 但当下部钻柱重量不大于震击器上击力的一半时可在准备击发位置下工作。
3.2.3 发生卡钻事故需上击时, 按以下步骤进行:
1) . 下放钻具直到指重读数小于震击器以上钻具悬重3~5吨( 即压到震击器心轴上的力) , 震击器回到”准备击发位置”位置。
如已为”准备击发位置”下井的震击器( 即下部钻柱重量不大于震击器上击力的1/2时在”准备击发位置”的震击器) 不进行此步骤。
进行本步骤操作时, 可在井口钻杆上划一刻线, 下放一个上击行程可确认震击器回到”准备击发位置”位置。
2) . 以拉力G上提钻具产生震击
一般方法是: 震击器上部的钻柱悬重加上调定的上击吨位。
但实际上影响这一负荷的因素较多, 考虑到井壁的摩擦阻力, 泥浆效应。
指重表误差的影响, 可用下式计算:
G ------ 上提拉力
G1 ----- 原悬重( 井内钻具)
G 2 ----- 震击器以下钻柱悬重
G3 ----- 地面调定在上击吨位
G4 ----- 泥浆阻力( 约为上提拉力在5%)
G5------ 摩擦阻力( 约为上提拉力在10%~20%)
G6 ----- 指重表误差
G7 ----- 开泵力( G7=泵压×密封面积, 密封面积见图一) 直井:
3.2.4 当发生卡钻事故需下击时, 按以下步骤进行:
1) 与上击时回位方法相同, 使震击器回到”准备击发位置”位置( 已处于”准备击发位置”的震击器不进行此步骤) 。
2) 以压力G’下压钻具产生震击。
一般方法是: G’=地面调定的下击吨位+泥浆阻力+摩擦阻力+指重表误差
使用时间短或中等程度震击, 而震击次数少的情况下, 可在钻台现场进行:
在钻井平台上将震击器起出井口后, 冲洗其外表面、水眼的泥浆, 冲洗油堵部位。
清洗花键轴镀铬面, 擦干后抹上黄油, 戴上卡箍, 两端接头配戴护丝。
长期在井下运转使用( 正常运转500小时后) , 或猛烈震击作业之后, 应在管子站进行大修。