Flow-3D Cast 安装步骤-Windows系统


flow3d 使用说明(英文)

flow3d 使用说明(英文)

Modelling of groundwater flow in three-dimensional groundwater systems using finite element methods GGU-SS FLOW3DV ERSION 2April 2002Copyright and author: Prof. Johann Buß, BraunschweigContents:1Preface (6)2Installation and language selection (6)3Starting the program (7)4Program concept (7)5Short description (8)6Theoretical principles (10)6.1Overview (10)6.2Differential equation (11)7Explanation of the individual menus and items (13)7.1Overview (13)7.2File menu (14)7.2.1“New” menu item (14)7.2.2“Load” menu item (14)7.2.3“Save” and “Save as” menu items (15)7.2.4“Read ASCII file” menu item (15)7.2.5“Save ASCII file” menu item (15)7.2.6“Print output table” menu item (16)7.2.7“Printer preferences” menu item (17)7.2.8“Print and export” menu item (17)7.2.9“Batch print” menu item (19)7.2.10“Quit” menu item (19)7.2.11“1, 2, 3, 4” menu items (19)7.3Mesh(x/y) menu (20)7.3.1“Preferences” and “Mesh” menu items (20)7.3.2“Outline” menu item (20)7.3.3“Define nodes” menu item (20)7.3.4“Change nodes” menu item (21)7.3.5“Move nodes” menu item (22)7.3.6“Edit nodes” menu item (22)7.3.7“Array” menu item (22)7.3.8“Common systems” menu item (24)7.3.9“Mesh “by hand”” menu item (25)7.3.10“Automatic” menu item (25)7.3.11“Round off” menu item (25)7.3.12“Delete” menu item (26)7.3.13“Optimise” menu item (26)7.3.14“Refine mesh” menu item (27)7.4z menu (30)7.4.1“Standard depths” menu item (30)7.4.2“Standard soil columns” menu item (31)7.4.3“Individual depths” menu item (31)7.4.4“Manipulate depths” menu item (31)7.4.5“Depths in section” menu item (32)7.4.7“Contours (layer thickness)” menu item (33)7.4.8“Define section” menu item (33)7.4.9“Save section” menu item (33)7.4.10“Mesh” menu item (33)7.4.11“Outline” menu item (33)7.4.12“Refine” menu item (34)7.4.13“Unrefine” menu item (34)7.5I mesh menu (34)7.5.1“Interpolation mesh” menu item (34)7.5.2“Nodes” menu item (35)7.5.3“Mesh” menu item (35)7.5.4“Manipulate” menu item (35)7.5.5“Contours” menu item (35)7.5.6“Read/save” menu item (35)7.5.7“Assign” menu item (36)7.6Boundary menu (36)7.6.1“Preferences” menu item (36)7.6.2“Individual potentials” menu item (36)7.6.3“In section” menu item (37)7.6.4“Linear” menu item (37)7.6.5“Single source”, “Line source” and “Area source” menu items (37)7.6.6“Individual soils” and “In section” menu items (38)7.7System menu (38)7.7.1“Info” menu item (38)7.7.2“Project identification” menu item (39)7.7.3“Test” menu item (39)7.7.4“Soil properties” menu item (39)7.7.5“Run” menu item (39)7.8Graphics preferences menu (41)7.8.1“Refresh” menu item (41)7.8.2“Zoom” menu item (41)7.8.3“Pens” menu item (41)7.8.4“Font” menu item (41)7.8.5“WINDOWS font” menu item (41)7.8.6“Mini-CAD” and “Header-CAD” menu items (41)7.8.7“Smarticons1” menu item (42)7.8.8“Smarticons2” menu item (42)7.8.9“Layer/Plane legend” menu item (43)7.8.10“General legend” menu item (44)7.8.11“Soil legend” menu item (44)7.8.12“Section legend” menu item (45)7.8.13“kr = f(u) function legend” menu item (45)7.8.14“Move” menu item (45)7.8.15“Save and Load preferences” menu items (45)7.9Page size and margins menu (45)7.9.2“Manual resize (mouse)” menu item (46)7.9.3“By “hand”” menu item (46)7.9.4“Page size and margins” menu item (46)7.9.5“Font size selection” menu item (46)7.10Evaluation menu (47)7.10.1“Normal contours” menu item (47)7.10.2“Coloured” menu item (48)7.10.3“3D” and “3D array” menu items (48)7.10.4“Discharges” menu item (50)7.10.5“Values along line” menu item (51)7.10.6“Values in section” menu item (52)7.10.7“Velocities” menu item (52)7.10.8“Contours + velocities” menu item (53)7.10.9“Individual values” menu item (53)7.10.10“Flow line preferences” menu item (53)7.10.11“With distance increment” menu item (55)7.10.12“With time increment” menu item (56)7.113D menu (56)7.11.1“Wire model” menu item (56)7.11.2“External model” menu item (56)7.11.3“Potential external model” menu item (57)7.11.4“Isosurface” menu item (58)7.11.5“Seepage surface” menu item (58)7.11.6“Discharge in vertical section” menu item (58)7.12? menu (58)7.12.1“Copyright” menu item (58)7.12.2“Maxima” menu item (59)7.12.3“Help” menu item (59)7.12.4“GGU on the web” menu item (59)7.12.5“What’s new ?” menu item (59)7.12.6“Translation” menu item (59)8Tips (59)9 A worked example (60)9.1Step 1: Defining the system (60)9.2Step 2: Preparing the program (61)9.3Step 3: System input (62)9.4Step 4: Assigning z ordinates (63)9.5Step 5: Refining the mesh (64)9.6Step 6: Assigning soil numbers (65)9.7Step 7: Defining boundary conditions (66)9.8Step 8: Refining the mesh in “z” (66)9.9Step 9: Assigning soil properties (67)9.10Step 10: Compute system (67)9.11Step 11: Evaluating the potentials in “horizontal” planes (68)9.12Step 12: Evaluating the potentials in section (69)9.13Step 13: Representing a cut-away system (69)9.14Step 14: Evaluating discharge (70)9.15Step 15: Removing the weak spot (71)10Index (72)Index of figures:Figure 1 Planes and layers (8)Figure 2 k r = f(u) (12)Figure 3 Unsaturated zone (12)Figure 4 Planes and layers (14)Figure 5 Optimisation of diagonals (26)Figure 6 Basic mesh for description of mesh refinement (28)Figure 7 Mesh refinement using method 1 (29)Figure 8 Mesh refinement using method 2 (29)Figure 9 Mesh refinement using method 3 (30)Figure 10 System (60)Figure 11 Section (61)1 PrefaceThe GGU-SS FLOW3D program allows modelling of steady-state groundwater flow in three-dimensional groundwater systems using finite element methods. The program includes a powerful mesh generator and routines (contour lines, 3D graphics, etc.) for comfortable evaluation of the modelling results.Data input is in accordance with conventional WINDOWS operations and can therefore be learned almost entirely without the use of a manual. Graphic output supports the true-type fonts supplied with WINDOWS, so that an excellent layout is guaranteed. Colour output and Bitmap graphics are supported. DXF files can also be imported by means of the integrated Mini-CAD module (see the Mini-CAD manual).It is not the aim of this manual to give an introduction to finite element methods. For details offinite element methods you are referred to O. C. Zienkiewicz, The Finite Element Method, pub-lished by McGraw-Hill. The hydraulic principles upon which the FEM program is based may be taken from, e.g., Buss, “Unterströmung von Deichen” (Percolation Below the Base of Embank-ments) (Mitteilungsheft 92, Leichtweiß-Institut, TU Braunschweig – Announcements of theLeichtweiß Institute, No. 92, Technical University of Braunschweig). The program has been used in a large number of projects and has been thoroughly tested (using analytical solutions and incomparison with other FEM applications). No faults have been found. Nevertheless, liability for completeness and correctness of the program and the manual, and for any damage resulting from incompleteness or incorrectness, cannot be accepted.2 Installation and language selectionFor installation and subsequent registration of GGU software, please refer to the information inthe “Installation notes for GGU Software”, which are supplied the program.GGU-SS FLOW3D (International version) is a bilingual program. You may choose to work inGerman or English. The international version is delivered with English as the default menu and graphics language.If you would like to work with GGU-SS FLOW3D (International version) in German, start theprogram and go to “File / New” in the initial menu bar. An expanded menu bar appears. Go to the “?” menu and there to the menu item “International version” and deactivate the switch for translat-ing the menus and graphics (see also Section 7.12.6).3 Starting the programAfter starting the program you will see two menus at the top of the GGU-SS FLOW3D window: • File• ?After clicking on the “File” menu, a previously analysed system can be loaded by means of the“Load” menu item, or a new one created using “New”. After selecting the system, the menu bar will show eleven menus:• File• Mesh(x/y)• z• I mesh• Boundary• System• Graphic preferences• Page size and margins• Evaluation• 3D• ?After clicking one of these menus, the so-called menu items roll down, allowing you access to all program functions.The program works on the principle of “What you see is what you get”. This means that the screen presentation represents, overall, what you will see on your printer. In the last consequence, thiswould mean that the screen presentation would have to be refreshed after every alteration youmake. For reasons of efficiency, and as this can take several seconds for complex screen contents, the GGU-SS FLOW3D screen is not refreshed after every alteration. If you would like to refresh the screen contents, press either [F2] or [Esc]. [Esc] will additionally set the screen presentation to A3 format.4 Program conceptThe program uses the finite element method. The real solution is a linear approximation for each element. Triangular prisms are used as finite elements. To simplify data input, the mesh is initially generated in plan. The projection of the triangular prisms onto the plan surface results in triangles, so you must first generate a triangular mesh. Depending on the complexity of the system, a num-ber of height ordinates are associated with each node of this basic mesh, which describe the sys-tem in the third dimension. The height ordinates can possess different values at each node. Theonly condition is that every node has the same number of height ordinates. This allows complex systems to be generated.Using this type of mesh generation, successive planes of nodes are located above each other,whereby “plane” can be somewhat misleading because the nodes of a “node plane” are not neces-sarily on one plane. Instead of the term “node plane” we will simply use “plane”.The regions between these planes are called “layers”. They are filled with triangular prisms.Figure 1 Planes and layersYou can assign a boundary condition to each node (source or potential). You can also assign dif-ferent soil properties to each triangular prism.If you have already worked with the GGU program GGU-SS FLOW2D (formerly GW2), you will hardly encounter problems with the GGU-SS FLOW3D mesh generator. The additional effortinvolved consists of having to manage a “battery” of z ordinates for each node.5 Short descriptionSince I know from personal experience that reading user-manuals is quite a chore, there will now follow a short description of the main program functions. After studying this section, you will be in a position to model steady-state groundwater flow. More detailed information about theprogram can be obtained from the subsequent chapters as you require it.• Design the system to be modelled.• Start GGU-SS FLOW3D and go to “File / New”. Enter the number of element layers. This can be increased or decreased later.• If necessary, adjust the sheet coordinates to fit your system. Use “Page size and margins / By hand” to do this.• Then go to “Mesh(x/y) / Define nodes”.• Using the mouse, click the governing nodes (points) in your system. The points will be numbered. Alternatively, you can also enter the nodes in tabular form using “Mesh(x/y) / Change”. Each newly generated node is awarded the values entered in “z / Standarddepths” as z ordinates. During and after mesh generation, you can edit the z ordinates asso-ciated with a node at will (see below).• If the nodes lie outside of the visible sheet coordinates, go to “Page / Auto-resize” or press [F9].• Now go to “Mesh(x/y) / Mesh “by hand”” and unite groups of three nodes to single trian-gular elements. In this manner you generate a rough structure for your system. Alterna-tively, by using “Mesh(x/y) / Automatic”, you can have the program do this work auto-matically for you. During automatic mesh generation the triangular prisms are assigned the standard soil column for all new triangular elements. The standard soil column defines the soil numbers of the individual triangular prisms. The soil numbers can also be subsequently edited at any time.• If you want to edit the positions of mesh nodes, select one of the menu items “Mesh(x/y) / Edit”, “Mesh(x/y) / Change” or “Mesh(x/y) / Move”.• To define the depths of the planes, enter the plane surfaces in the “z / Standard depths”menu item.• If you want to delete a triangular element, select the “Mesh(x/y) / Mesh “by hand”” menu item once again and click the three corner nodes of the corresponding element. After select-ing this menu item, try a double-click in a triangular element.• You can refresh the screen at any time using [ESC] or [F2].• Turn your rough structure into a fine structure by using the menu items “Mesh(x/y) / Indi-vidually refine” or“Mesh(x/y) / Section” or “Mesh(x/y) / All”.• After mesh refinement, you can still edit your system at will using “Mesh(x/y) / Define nodes”, “Mesh(x/y) / Mesh “by hand””, etc.• For demonstration purposes, use the menu item “Mesh(x/y) / Move” to generate one or more acute, and thus numerically unfavourable, triangular elements. Then select the“Mesh(x/y) / Optimise” menu item and follow the effects on the screen.• Previously, each node was assigned the standard depths during mesh generation. If you want to see your mesh in a vertical section, use “z / Define section” to define a section through the system.• Use “Boundary / Individual potentials”, for example, to define the boundary conditions governing your system. A potential can be assigned to the node in the current plane or to all nodes associated with this point.• You can move through the planes using the and tools, which you can find in the toolbar at the lower left of the program window. The plane and layer in which you now find yourself are shown in a separate legend.• If you wish, you can edit the soil number using the “Boundary / Individual soils” or “Boundary / In section” menu items. Every soil number can subsequently be assigned dif-ferent soil properties. The soil numbers defined refer to the current layer.• If necessary, edit the soil properties using the menu item “System / Soil properties”.• Once you have completed mesh generation, go to “System / Run” to commence modelling.Where required, a bandwidth optimisation will be carried out before modelling com-mences, in order to achieve a numerically favourable equation system.• If wished for, you can send the results to a printer as an output table or write them to a file once modelling is finished. However, this method of result presentation is generally less than satisfactory to the client.• So, proceed immediately to the “Evaluation” or “3D” menus. You can almost always leave the subsequent dialogue boxes using the “OK” button, without having to make furtherchanges. The program will usually suggest sensible input. The “Determine extreme val-ues” switch, which appears in a number of dialogue boxes, should be clicked once how-ever, otherwise an error message will appear.• Define a section (menu item “z / Define section”) and then press Return. Now select thetool from the toolbar at the lower left of the program window. You will now see a “cut-away” of the system. You may rotate the system in steps around the z axis using thetool. Try pressing the F9 function key (or use “Page size and margins / Auto-resize”).Change the current plane from the one you are now in.• If you find yourself in a section and wish to return to a representation or evaluation in plan, go to “Mesh(x/y) / Mesh”.• If you have a colour printer correctly installed in WINDOWS, you can create colour output by going to “File / Print and export” and then pressing the “Printer” button in the subse-quent dialogue box. For black and white printers, grey scales will be used.• At the end of this manual, the program is described using a comprehensive example.This short description demonstrates that only a few items need be selected to model a groundwater system. All further menu items deal principally with saving data, layout and further evaluation of the model, where required. The description will ensue in the following chapters.6 Theoretical principles6.1 OverviewAn analytical solution can be given for simple groundwater systems. When modelling complexsystems, we must rely on numerical methods of solution. In principle,• finite difference methods (FDM) and• finite element methods (FEM)are employed. To facilitate this, the whole area is subdivided into numerous small (finite) sub-areas (elements). When employing FEM, triangles are generally used to represent these sub-areas.Within the triangles, simple, generally linear, approximation functions are applied. The real, com-plex total solution is composed, mosaic-like, of the numerous simple partial solutions. This gives rise to equation systems, the number of unknowns of which correspond to the number of system nodes. Using the finite difference method, we normally only have the option of discretising thetotal area by means of rectangular sub-areas. In contrast to FEM therefore, FDM is substantially less flexible with regard to adjustment to complex boundary structures. Mesh refinement is also less simple to perform in certain areas. In addition, the equation systems which result for FEM are numerically more stable. The principle advantage of FDM consists merely of the theoretically less complex underlying mathematical relationships, which will generally be less interesting to theprogram user. GGU-SS FLOW3D makes use of the finite element method.When using this program, please remember that all finite element or finite difference procedures are approximation methods. The quality of the approximation compared to the real solution in-creases with the fineness of the mesh. You should take care that the mesh is tighter in those areas where the principal subsurface hydraulic activity takes place (e.g. wells, seepage elements). The shape of the triangles also exercises a certain influence. The optimum conditions are provided by isosceles triangles. You can get an idea of the quality of the solution by modelling the same sys-tem again, but using a either a finer or a coarser mesh and comparing the results of the two model-s.The following further general remarks are important:• Triangular elements are used.• Darcy’s Law applies.• The piezometric heads are computed linearly for each element.• A constant approximation of velocities for each element results from the linear approxima-tion of the piezometric heads. In order to improve the quality of the velocity approxima-tion, the velocities for computation of flow lines are converted to mean node values in afollow-up computation.The procedure is:The velocities from the neighbouring elements are added for each element node and thendivided by the number of neighbouring elements. This allows an improved representationof velocity. By the nature of things, the results at the boundary nodes are not as exact.Moreover, the approximation quality of velocities in the region of element nodes belongingto elements of varying material types can deteriorate. If the velocities in such “boundarynodes” are of great interest, some assistance can be had by refining the element mesh inthese regions.6.2 Differential equationThe application solves the differential equation:k r ∗ k x∗∂2h/∂x2 + k r ∗ k y∗∂2h/∂y2 + k r ∗ k z∗∂2h/∂z2 + Q = 0 Where• k x, k y, k z= permeability in m/s, for example, for the x, y and z directions• h= piezometric head in m, for example• k r= coefficient for determining the permeability in the unsaturated zone(dimensionless)• Q= discharge in m³/s, for example• x, y, z= coordinates in m, for exampleThe parameter k r takes account of the change in permeability in the unsaturated zone r above the groundwater table and assumes values between 0.0 and 1.0. In the saturated zone, k r is equal to1.0. The parameter k r is a function of the porewater pressure u. The porewater pressure u is calcu-lated from the piezometric head h, the elevation head y and the unit weight of water γw.u = (h - z) ∗γwThe curves corresponding to three typical soils are shown in Figure 2. The inclusion of this pa-rameter in the differential equation offers the significant advantage, among others, that phreatic lines can be very simply computed during the ensuing finite element analysis.Figure 2 k r = f(u)Further explanation is provided by Figure 3. In the case of a horizontal groundwater table, all four parameters h, y, u and k r are given as a function.Figure 3 Unsaturated zoneIf unsaturated zones are present in the system and computation of the phreatic line is needed, this will require an iteration process, as the location of the phreatic line is not known from the outset.In the first iteration step, the program initially assumes that all system regions are saturatedk r = 1.0After the initial computation of the piezometric heads at the system nodes, the porewater pressures u are computed and k r determined. Using the thus modified permeabilities, the system is remod-elled with new piezometric heads and correspondingly new porewater pressures and k r values. The iteration process is continued until the difference in piezometric heads in iteration step (i) and (i -1) fall below the user-defined limit value (iteration deviation).Remark on boundary conditions:The case of an impermeable boundary is considered automatically by the finite element method.All system boundaries that do not posses water level or source boundary conditions are automati-cally impermeable.7 Explanation of the individual menus and items7.1 OverviewA few of the program functions cannot be reached by means of the menu items. These programfunctions can only be activated via the toolbar in the lower left program window.If you click the corresponding tool in the toolbar with the left mouse button and keep it pressed, the program functions “hidden” behind these icons are shown in the bar at the bottom of the pro-gram window. Of particular importance are the iconsand and ,with which you can move from one plane to the next. This is important when defining soil num-bers, z ordinates and when evaluating modelling results for example.In this chapter, the individual menus and their associated menu items will be explained.7.2 File menu7.2.1 “New” menu itemAfter selecting “New”, the number of element layers must be specified in the dialogue box.Element layer numbering begins at the bottom with “1”, the planes bounding an element layer are also numbering continuously from bottom to top. The number of element layers is – because the system ends at the base – one less than that of the planes; see the schematic section below.Figure 4 Planes and layers7.2.2 “Load” menu itemIf you have entered data at a previous “session” at the computer, and saved these as described in the “Save” menu item, you can reload them by selecting this menu item. It is then possible to edit the data according to your wishes.7.2.3 “Save” and “Save as” menu itemsYou can save data entered during program use to a file, in order to have them available at a later date, or to archive them. For reasons of transparency, it makes sense to use “.F3D” as the fileextension, as the file requester box for the “Load” menu item only shows files with this extension.If you do not enter an extension when saving, “.F3D” will be used automatically. If the currentsystem has been modelled, the results can be saved to a dataset. If this file is later reloaded, theresults remain available for evaluation without renewed computation.7.2.4 “Read ASCII file” menu itemIf the coordinates of FEM mesh nodes are available as an ASCII file, this data can be read into the program. The data must consist of rows containing the x value and the y value of each node. Deci-mal fractions must have a point and not a comma. When loading the ASCII file, you only need to specify in which columns the x and y values are located. New x and y coordinates are assigned the standard depths.The current line of the ASCII file is shown at the top. You can move through the file using thearrow buttons on the right. If all the information is correct, the result for the row is shown in the box below each column. Otherwise, “Error” appears. You may need to change the column delim-iter. If the file contains invalid as well as valid rows, these will simply be skipped during reading.Finally, select the “Read data” button. You can then process the coordinates to a new FEM mesh.7.2.5 “Save ASCII file” menu itemIf a FEM mesh has been generated, the node coordinates can be saved in an ASCII file. The x and y coordinates of the underlying mesh (2D) are saved and, in addition, if the system has been mod-elled, the potential of the current plane.7.2.6 “Print output table” menu itemYou can print an output table. The results can be sent to the printer or to a file (e.g. for further editing in a word processor). The output contains all analysis information, including the system data. First decide the extent of output,by activating the corresponding switches.You can then define more output preferences. Using the “Edit” button, the current printer prefer-ences can be changed or a different printer selected. Using the “Save” button, all preferences from this dialogue box can be saved to a file in order to have them available for a later session. If you select “GW3.DRK” as file name and save the file in the program folder (default), the file will be automatically loaded next time you start the program. Using the “Page format” button you candefine, among other things, the size of the left margin and the number of lines per page. The“Head/foot” button allows you to enter a header and footer text for each page. If the “#” symbol appears within the text, the current page number will be entered during printing (e.g. “Page #”). If you do not wish pagination to begin with “1” you can add an “offset” number to the check box.This offset will be added to the current page number. The text size is given in “pts”. Using thebuttons at the bottom of the dialogue box you start output to the “Printer” or to a “File”, the name of which must be subsequently entered. If you select the “Window” button the results are sent to a separate window. Text editing options are available in this window, as well as loading, saving and printing.7.2.7 “Printer preferences” menu itemYou can edit printer preferences (e.g. swap between portrait and landscape) or change the printer in accordance with WINDOWS conventions.7.2.8 “Print and export” menu itemThe following dialogue box appears:• “Printer”allows graphic output of the current screen contents to the WINDOWS standard printer orto any other printer selected using the menu item “Printer preferences”. For direct output(printer), the following dialogue box appears:。



1.1 FLOW-3D LICENSE AGREEMENTThis License Agreement (the “Agreement”) is between You and Flow Science, Inc., a New Mexico corporation ("Licensor"). This Agreement authorizes You, on a nonexclusive and nontransferable basis, to use a copy of FLOW-3D (the "Code") and related documentation subject to the terms and conditions set out in this Agreement. By installing the Code, you are signifying Your agreement to the terms of this Agreement. 1.The Code is licensed to You on the basis of commercial terms specified in an agreement betweenLicensor and You (or the entity that has authorized Your use of FLOW-3D for your work, research or study). Said agreement governs such terms as number of licenses for the FLOW-3D solver, price, license term, right to technical support and upgrades, and so on. IF YOU ARE AN ACADEMIC USER, YOU AGREE TO RESTRICT YOUR USE OF THE CODE STRICTLY TO TEACHING, TO ACADEMIC AND/OR UNSPONSORED RESEARCH, OR TO SPONSORED RESEARCH THAT CAN AND WILL BE FREELY PUBLISHED WITH NO PROPRIETARY RESTRICTIONS.2.In connection with the License granted herein, Licensor shall license to You a user authorization device,such as a hardware key or a license file (hereinafter referred to as "Key"), to be shared by all processors that can access the Code on Your network. You agree that the number of simultaneous simulations using the Code’s solver module shall not exceed the number of Keys licensed to You in accordance with the FLOW-3D Purchase Agreement. Title to each Key will remain with Licensor, and You shall assist Licensor in reclaiming such Keys in the event of Your breach of this Agreement. If Your copy of the Code must be replaced for any reason, except for the replacement of defective media or software errors, there shall be a replacement fee not to exceed $500.00. If a Key is lost, Licensor will provide a replacement Key at Licensor’s then current fee for a replacement Key. Additional Keys may be provided to You at Licensor’s then current fees.3.If arrangements for technical support have been made, only a person designated as a “Registered User,”or persons who have attended a FLOW-3D Training Class, will be entitled to contact Licensor to seek technical support. Licensor may provide technical support via telephone, e-mail, fax, and/or mail to You during the License period.4.If You are an academic user, technical support is limited to the following: (a) Licensor will provide Userwith software upgrades when they become available; (b) Licensor will assist in installation of the code and will answer questions about how to use the input variables to implement the various models in the Code; (c) at its option, Licensor will analyze results that appear obviously incorrect because they don’t seem to reproduce simple analytical results or expected conservation laws; (d) Licensor will also provide access to a number of subroutines to allow users to implement small changes to the Code, including boundary conditions and material properties; (e) Licensor will not assist in the making of revisions or customizations to the Code.5.This Code, FLOW-3D, and its documentation are the property of Flow Science, Inc. You recognize thatthe Code is subject to the copyright laws of the United States of America and embodies technology, methods, algorithms, trade secrets, trademarks, and service marks that are proprietary to the Licensor. No title to or ownership of the Code or any part thereof is hereby transferred to You. You acknowledge that, by virtue of this Agreement, You acquire only the right to use the Code pursuant to the terms of this Agreement. You agree to take all necessary action to protect the confidential and proprietary information in the Code, including appropriate instruction and agreement with its employees, to avoid the disclosure of the contents of the Code to any other person, firm, or corporation, and to treat the Code with the same degree of care that it provides its own confidential information. You agree to credit FLOW-3D when presenting results derived from the Code.6.You, your employees, agents or representatives: (i) shall not sell, assign, distribute, nor market the Codeor any portions thereof without prior written consent of Licensor; (ii) shall not copy the Code (except for one archival copy for backup purposes), but You may reproduce related documentation; or (iii) shall not decompile, disassemble, or otherwise reverse engineer the Code. Use, duplication, or disclosure of the Code is restricted under the conditions of this Agreement and/or the provisions of FAR 52.227 and DFARS 252.227-7013, as may be amended or superseded.7.No sublicensing, assignments of rights or interest, or delegation of duties under this agreement shall bemade or become effective without the prior written consent of Licensor. This prohibition of sublicensing, assignment, and delegation extends to all sublicensing, assignments and delegations that may be lawfully prohibited by this Agreement. Any attempt at sublicensing, assignment, or delegation without the prior written consent of Licensor shall be wholly void and ineffective for all purposes.8.At the termination of the license, You will return or destroy all copies of the Code, in any form, in itspossession. If You elect to destroy all copies of the Code, You shall provide Licensor with a certificate attesting to the destruction.9.The Licensor warrants that it has the right to grant to You a license and warrants that the Code does notinfringe third party intellectual property rights. Licensor shall indemnify and hold You harmless from and against any claim of infringement of a United States patent or copyright based upon the Code, provided You gives Licensor prompt notice of and the opportunity to defend any such claim. Licensor shall have the right to settle such claim or, at Licensor’s option, provide You: (i) a paid-up license; (ii) substitute functionally equivalent software; or (iii) a refund of a pro rata portion of the license fee paid for the Code.10.The warranty and the obligation and liability of Licensor expressed in the Agreement are in lieu of, andYOU HEREBY WAIVE, ALL OTHER GUARANTEES AND WARRANTIES OR OBLIGATIONS AND LIABILITIES OF LICENSOR HEREUNDER, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, ARISING BY LAW OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR MERCHANTABILITY AND ALL OBLIGATIONS AND LIABILITIES WITH RESPECT TO USE OF THE CODE OR USE OF RESULTS AND DATA DERIVED FROM SUCH USE, LOSS OF USE, DATA, REVENUE, OR PROFIT, OR INDIRECT, SPECIAL, PUNITIVE, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. You agree that the obligations of Licensor as set forth herein shall constitute the sole remedy for a claim relating in any way to the Code provided under this Agreement. The liability of Licensor shall in all cases be limited to the purchase price of the Code.11.The parties’ exercise of, or failure to exercise, any right, remedy, or privilege under this Agreement willnot constitute a waiver of any rights of that party under this Agreement.12.A determination that any provision of this Agreement is invalid, illegal, or unenforceable shall not affectthe enforceability of any other provision.13.This Agreement shall terminate immediately upon Your failure to conform to any term, condition, orrestriction of this Agreement; and Licensor shall have the immediate right, without notice, to repossess the Code, any copies thereof and all related documentation. All sums paid pursuant to the Agreement shall be retained by Licensor as liquidated damages as damages cannot be reasonably ascertained. In addition, Licensor shall have all other remedies and damages available to it in law or equity. Licensor is entitled to reimbursement from You for any expenses, legal fees, and/or court costs incurred in the enforcement of its rights hereunder or in the collection of damages.14.Licensor reserves the right, without limitation, and without obtaining prior approval from or notice toYou, to make changes in and to the Code.15.This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the United States andthe State of New Mexico, as applied to agreements entered into and to be performed entirely within New Mexico between New Mexico residents without reference to conflict of laws. This Agreement and theperformance of the Parties required hereunder shall not be governed by or otherwise subject to the United Nations Convention for the International Sale of Goods. Any civil suit or proceeding relating to this agreement shall be brought only in U.S. Federal District Court or State District Court within the State of New Mexico, and each of the Parties consent to the personal jurisdiction and venue of such courts.Judgment upon any award made in such proceeding may be entered and enforced in any court of competent jurisdiction.16.Licensor shall not be liable or in default under this Agreement for failing to perform if such failure resultsfrom acts of God or other reasonable causes beyond the control of Licensor.17.Absent Licensor’s express written acceptance thereof, terms and conditions contained in any purchaseorder or other communication—whether oral or written—issued by You for the Code, other than the quantity or classification of the Code ordered, shall not be binding on Licensor to the extent that such terms and conditions are additional to or inconsistent with those contained in this Agreement. Any modifications to this Agreement must be in writing and signed by authorized representatives of both parties. In the event of any conflict between the terms stated herein and the terms of a written, executed License Agreement between You and Licensor, the terms of the written, executed License Agreement shall prevail.1.2.2 Moving License ServersWhen a floating license is locked to a fixed host ID, such as an Ethernet address or host ID, it is recommended that users choose a server which is likely to be used for the duration of the license. Changing fixed host IDs during your license term may incur a re-licensing fee. Re-licensing fees are not necessary (maximum one year) when users utilize a USB or parallel port hardware key (dongle) as their host ID. To move the dongle (and hence license server) to a different computer, the user simply needs to change the first line in their license file to reflect the computer name change. For example, if the license server was previously running on a server named Celsius and you wish to move it to Kelvin, you would change the first line in the license file from:SERVER Celsius FLEXID= “your ID”toSERVER Kelvin FLEXID= “your ID”Installations1.2.3 NewWindows Vista/XP InstallationsNote: You must have Administrator privileges to install FLOW-3D under Windows XP/Vista. Before installing FLOW-3D, you should close all other programs that might be running on your computer.Step One—The installation of FLOW-3D on a computer running Windows is a relatively automated process. If Autorun is enabled on your CD-ROM drive, the installation should begin when the CD is inserted. If Autorun is not enabled or if, for some reason, the installation process does not begin on its own, simply run the setup.exe program in the root directory of the CD. This can be done by either running it from the Run command under the Start button or by double-clicking on setup.exe in Windows Explorer. Once you have started setup.exe, you will see the Preparing to Install dialog displayed on the screen. This dialog requires no user input and will be gone after several seconds.Step Two—The next dialog you will see is the Welcome dialog. Click Next to move to the next step.Step Three—The next dialog is the FLOW-3D License Agreement. Please read it carefully. If you agree to all the terms, click the Next button to signify your agreement and move to the next dialog.Step Four—The next dialog is the User Information dialog Enter your name and the company name here, and then click Next to move to the next step.Step Five—On the next dialog, choose a destination location for FLOW-3D on your computer. The default location for FLOW-3D is c:\flow3d\”version” where “version” represents the version being installed.If a license server is currently running in the selected installation directory, a dialog will appear which will assist you in terminating this license server easily. If the license server is not terminated, a reboot will be required to complete the installation.Step Six—The Choose an Installation Option dialog box appears next:1.2 INSTALLATIONDetailed information on new installations of FLOW-3D is given below in New Installations. Help with upgrade installations for FLOW-3D is given below in Upgrade Installations. Instructions for installing a new or replacement license file is contained in Installing a New/Replacement License File.1.2.1 General Licensing MattersLicense Technology and TermsFLOW-3D uses the licensing package FLEX lm,by Acresso Software. FLEX lm enables FLOW-3D licenses to be shared across a network. More information about FLEX lm and its tools can be found below under FLEX lm License Administration Tools. A FLEX lm end-user manual is available in the “utilities” subdirectory of the installation. Flow Science will provide you with a FLOW-3D license file, named flow3d.lic.License Files and ServersA valid license file from Flow Science is required to use FLOW-3D. This license file will be sent to you as an email attachment from licenses@, Flow Science’s License Administrator. As described in later portions of these instructions, this license file must be saved in a FLOW-3D directory on a computer you choose to be your "license server."FLOW-3D can be used on multiple computers on your network. However, one computer must be selected to be the license server. If the computer you choose to be the license server will not actually be used to run FLOW-3D, then only the FLEX lm license server needs to be installed on it.If you plan to install the FLEX lm license server on a Windows computer, a dongle that attaches to the parallel or USB port of your computer will be provided by Flow Science. This key should have been enclosed in your FLOW-3D package.TokensThe total number of FLOW-3D solver processes that you can run concurrently is determined by the number of "tokens" contained in your license file. The number of tokens available depends on how many were purchased. The license server checks tokens out to client computers on your network, and then checks them back in when the application has completed. In this process, tokens are counted by the license server and when the total number of tokens that you have purchased has been reached, no more tokens can be checked out until a used token is checked back in.There are essentially an unlimited number of tokens available to run FLOW-3D’s auxiliary programs such as the preprocessor, the postprocessor, and the various visualization options.There are several different types of solver tokens. The most important distinction is between "serial" solver tokens and "parallel" solver tokens. Flow Science offers multi-processor versions of FLOW-3D for both shared-memory (SMP) and distributed-memory (cluster) environments. A shared memory parallel solver token (shown in your license file as “hydr3dp”) enables you to run FLOW-3D simulations using more than one processor on a multiprocessor computer. For the distributed-memory version (FLOW-3D/MP), a hydr3d or hydr3dp instance token is required as well as hydr3dmpi rank tokens. For example, to run a simulation on 16 processors using FLOW-3D/MP, the license file must have a hydr3d or hydr3dp token and 15 hydr3dmpi tokens.Unless you have purchased tokens for one of the multi-processor versions, your license file will contain one or more serial solver tokens (“hydr3d”). These serial solver tokens can be used on either single-processor or multiple-processor computers running any supported operating system.Definition of Client and License ServerAny computer running FLOW-3D is referred to as a “client.” The computer on which the FLEX lm license server is installed will be referred to as the “license server.” A computer that runs both FLOW-3D and the license server is called a “client/server.”“Software Package” and “Software Distribution”The terms “software package” and “software distribution” will be used to refer to the directory structure containing all of the data files and executables needed to run FLOW-3D on a particular computer. Floating vs. Node-Locked LicensesThere are two general types of licenses used to enable FLOW-3D: "floating" and "node-locked." A floating license is the most common type of license and is available to any computer on your network. You can also ask for your license to be a node-locked license. Node-locked licenses can only be used on the designated computer.Both floating and node-locked licensing schemes require that one computer be designated as the license server.Floating LicensesTo utilize floating licenses, it is important that both the computer you intend to use as your license server and your network are reliable. The TCP/IP protocol must be loaded and functional, and all intended clients must be able to access the license server. Floating licenses may also be accessed through a VPN tunnel.The computer that is acting as your license server may be any computer on your network, and that computer does not need to have FLOW-3D installed on it. The license server may be a Windows or a Linux computer.. You may load FLOW-3D on any client with a supported Linux or Windows computer on your network. A hardware key is not needed on a client computer unless it utilizes a node-locked license.Running FLOW-3D on a stand-alone computerTo employ a floating license on a single computer, select the client/server option.Running FLOW-3D over a networkThe license server and the clients may reside on the same local area network, over a WAN, or across VPN. FLOW-3D must be installed on each locally on each client.Node-Locked LicensesUsers may choose to have their solver tokens locked to a particular computer so that only that computer can run the solver.Advantages and DisadvantagesBoth floating and node-locked licensing schemes have their advantages and disadvantages. A floating license is advised if several people are sharing a license, or if you want to be able to run FLOW-3D on a different computer if a particular computer is busy. With a floating license, you can also setup a problem on one computer while using another to run the FLOW-3D solver on a second problem. Of course, if others are using all available tokens, the solver won't run until a token becomes available. The main advantage of a node-locked license is the ability to insure that your token(s) are always available to you and not available to others on your network.Note: All licenses are floating licenses unless specifically requested as node-locked.FLEX lm License Administration ToolsAcresso Software provides utilities for you (or your license administrator) to help manage FLEX lm licensing activities.A FLEX lm End User Manual is available in the "utilities" subdirectory of the distribution. This manual is available in both PDF and HTML format. The PDF file can be read using Adobe Acrobat. For Windows computers, a program (lmtools.exe) is provided with all installations. With LMTOOLS, you can start, stop and configure FLEX lm license servers, get system information, get server information, and more. For more information, see Section 7.16 of FLEX lm End User Manual.On Windows computers, the license manager daemon (lmgrd) will restart automatically whenever the computer is rebooted. On Linux computers, however, you will have to start the license manager each time the computer is rebooted. To have the license manager start automatically on Linux requires editing the appropriate boot script and inserting the appropriate startup commands. See Section 6.2 of the FLEX lm End User Manual for more information.A summary of commonly used administration tools on Linux is included here. Full descriptions of these and other available utilities can be found in Chapter 7 of the FLEX lm manual.lmdiag – diagnoses license checkout problems.(Useful debugging command: lmutil lmdiag –n –c full_license_file_path )lmdown – gracefully shuts down all license daemons on the license server node.lmgrd – the main daemon program for FLEX lm.lmhostid – reports the hostid of a system.lmreread – causes the license daemon to reread the license file and start any new vendor daemons.lmstat – helps you monitor the status of all network licensing activities.(Useful debugging command: lmutil lmstat -a -c full_license_file_path )lmver – reports the FLEX lm version of a library or binary file.Note: It is not recommended to use "kill –9" to shut down the license server on Linux computers.Either use "lmdown" or use the "kill" command without the "-9" parameter.Option 1—"Client/Server" -- Choose the first option if you intend to run FLOW-3D on this computer and you want this computer to control your FLOW-3D licenses (that is, act as the license server) for use on other computers across a network. This situation is reflected below:Be sure to copy your FLOW-3D license file (flow3d.lic) to your “licenses” directory once installation is complete. Your computer will be acting as a license server, and can issue tokens to any FLOW-3D clients on the network.Note: Choose the server for your FLOW-3D environment carefully. The license server requires a stable computer. Moving the FLOW-3D license to a new computer before your license period expires may entail a re-licensing fee.Option 2—“Client (FLOW-3D)” -- Choose this option if you intend to only run FLOW-3D on your computer, and the computer is not going be used as the license server(i.e., this computer is a client only and another computer is the license server). Be sure to copy the license file from the server to your licenses directory and also make sure the server name for your license server computer is listed in your FLOW-3D license file.No FLEXlm license server components are installed.Option 3—“Server (license server)”—Choose Option 3 if you wish to have your computer function only as a license server and you do not intend to run FLOW-3D simulations on it. This choice will only install the FLEX lm server on your computer. FLOW-3D itself will not be installed, and thus cannot be run on this computer.After making your selection in the Choose an Installation Option dialog box, click OK to move on. Step Seven—If you chose Option 1 or 3 in Step Six, a dialog will appear asking you to choose the type of key to which your license will be locked. The most common key type is a USB key and looks very similar to a USB memory stick. If you have a parallel port key (Windows only), choose that option. If your license will be locked to your Ethernet address (uncommon), then choose this option. If you are not sure what your license will be locked to, select the last option, “Don’t know.” All possible drivers will be installed. Select Next to continue.At this point, the installation displays the following screen which will assist you in shutting down currently running FLOW-3D license servers.Step Eight—At this point, installation of FLOW-3D and all required drivers is ready to begin. Click Install to complete the installation.Step Nine—At this point, FLOW-3D should be installed and the final step is to install your license file. If you have already received your license file, simply copy it to the "licenses" directory and proceed to Step Eleven to start your license server. If you have not received your license file, follow the instructions in Step Ten to obtain a license file.Step Ten—In order to issue a license file, Flow Science needs both the host name and the host ID of your server. To obtain this information from your server, double-click on the lmtools.exe program file in the licenses subdirectory under the FLOW-3D installation directory and select the System Settings tab. If using a hardware key, provide the FLEXID and the Computer/Hostname to Flow Science. If you are not using a hardware key, provide Flow Science the Ethernet address and the Computer/Hostname.Once your Hostname and Ethernet or FLEXID have been received, the License Administrator at Flow Science will send you a license file ("flow3d.lic"), which will come in the form of an attachment to an email. It is an ASCII file with encryption codes that allow it to be used for only one Host_ID. Check the license file to be sure that it contains the Hostname and Host_ID that matches your license server. Now copy the attachment to the "licenses" folder in your FLOW-3D installation directory.Step Eleven—Start the license server (Client/Server and Server installations only). In LMTOOLS, click on the Start/Stop/Reread tab to display the Start Server, Stop Server, and ReRead License File buttons. Click on the Start Server button to start the license server. If the message in the lower left corner reads, “Server Started” then the server successfully started. If it reads, “Server Start Failed,” select the Stop Server button and then select the Start Server button again. You should see the message, “Server started.” If not, contact Flow Science, Inc., at support@ or 505-982-0088.If you chose Option 1 or 3 in Step Six of New Computer Installations, then, in order to ensure that the license server will be started each time you reboot your computer, you should go to the Config Services tab and make sure that the Start Server at Powerup and Use Services boxes are checked.At this point, you should be ready to run FLOW-3D.Linux InstallationsInstallation OverviewTo install the FLOW-3D software package on a Linux computer, you will need to accomplish the following: •Install FLOW-3D from the CD-ROM onto your hard disk using the “install” program or an alternate way is to use the “install_flow3d” script;•Copy your license file into the "licenses" subdirectory and start the license server (if it is not already running);•Execute the flow3d.sh (or flow3d.csh for c-shells) script to set the required environment variables.Step-by-Step ProcedureStep One—Insert the distribution CD into your CD drive.Step Two—Open a command prompt and set the current working directory to the CD mount directory and then to the "unix" subdirectory. For example, if the mount directory is "/cdrom," then:cd /cdrom/unixStep Three—Run the installation program “install” (or alternately, run the script "install_flow3d") Both scripts are in the current working directory:./install-or-./install_flow3dStep Four—The next dialog is the FLOW-3D License Agreement. Please read it carefully. If you agree to all the terms, click the Accept button to signify your agreement.Step Five – This dialog contains a default file location for FLOW-3D. If you wish for FLOW-3D to be installed in another location, modify the path and then click the Next button.Step Six – The next dialog displays the operating system types and installation types as shown here.Please select the “Local Operating System” that matches the device where you are currently installing FLOW-3D. Also, please select a “Type of Installation” from the list.Note: If this computer is only going to serve as your license server and you do not intend to run FLOW-3D on it, then you can choose to install “FLEX lm license server only.” On the other hand, if this computer is only a client, you should install only the FLOW-3D files.When you have selected an option in both catagories, click on the Install button and the installation will begin.Step Seven—Determine the "Host_ID" information.In order to receive your license file, you must first send Flow Science your computer’s Host_ID.If you are a new user, Flow Science will send you a "Customer License Issuance/Renewal Form" to fill out and return, and on this form you provide the necessary information. In filling out your information form, you must be careful to distinguish between the number zero "0" and the letter "o." You will also need to be careful to distinguish between the lower-case letter "l" and the number one "1."If you are an existing user, that is, you are using a new license server, send an email to Flow Science (licenses@) stating your name, the registered user’s name, your company name, and your telephone number. Include the file "host_id.txt" as an attachment.If you do not already know your computer’s Host_ID, you can find it out by running the script "get_host_id." Log on to the license server. Set your working directory to the "licenses" subdirectory in the distribution directory. One of the files in the "licenses" subdirectory is the script "get_host_id"; run this script to generate the output file "host_id.txt" which contains "host_id" information about your license server. For example, if the distribution directory is "/home/flow3d," then type:。




1. CAST软件的安装安装CAST软件的PC机需具备以下配置和程序:·处理器PentiumIII,主频700M·操作系统:Windows2000或XP·推荐512M以上内存·最小的显示:1024×780·以太网端口100Mbits·需安装 Framework 2.0程序若没有安装 Framework 2.0程序,可打开数采器MVX光盘中MVX-3.1.1.x\ CSM+VIO_3.0.0.0 \Install .NET Framework 2.0进行安装。


安装完成后可通过桌面上的快捷图标或开始菜单中的相应程序打开该程序2. CAST软件的配置与使用打开CAST软件,运行界面如下图所示,在Language项下选择English,然后选择“Configure”(该选项既可以读取数采器相关信息也可对数采器相关信息进行配置或写入,选择“Browse”选项可直接进入界面,但只能读取数采器信息),在Password中输入密码:OneproD(注意大小写)。




下面以数采器MVX为出厂设置的状态为例,演示CAST程序的使用:当数采器MVX接入能够分配动态IP地址的网络时,在上图界面的IP Address or Serial Number框中输入数采器MVX的序列号,并且在密码栏Password框中输入大写的MVX,将出现下图所示的界面。



利用薄膜振动产生墨珠 15
© 2009 Hi-Key Technology
FLOW-3D® 计算结果演示
1.4 计算结果演示
© 2009 Hi-Key Technology
Байду номын сангаас
FLOW-3D® 计算结果演示
1.4 计算结果演示
© 2009 Hi-Key Technology
1.5 计算结果演示
油箱运动规律 时间(s) 0~3 3~6 6~9 9~10
X轴加速度(m/s2) 5 -5 5
© 2009 Hi-Key Technology
1.5 计算结果演示
© 2009 Hi-Key Technology
FLOW-3D® 的应用领域


水流流过阶梯的过程 14
© 2009 Hi-Key Technology
FLOW-3D® 的应用领域

复杂几何的网格 © 2009 Hi-Key Technology
能够精确地模拟具有自由界面的流动问题 (TruVOF®) ;

FLOW D Cast介绍 理论培训教程

FLOW D Cast介绍 理论培训教程
Flow-3D Cast Training
FLOW-3D ® Cast 理论培训
FLOW-3D Cast Training Class
Flow-3D Cast Training
何谓 Flow-3D Cast?
FLOW-3D Cast 是Flow Science公司推出一款针对于铸造工程的专 用版本,其具有简洁友善的中文操作界面、简单的网格设置以及强大的 求解计算核心,让用户快速有效的掌握软件。 FLOW-3D Cast 提供了精准的填充流态和凝固缺陷分析,让工程师和 设计者在开模前有所依据,优化设计方案,减少试模次数,进而降低生 产成本。 FLOW-3D Cast 为铸造工程提供了一系列物理模型,几乎涵盖所有的 铸造方向应用。如重力铸造、高压铸造、低压铸造、消失模铸造、精密 铸造、半固体铸造、挤压铸造等等。
Flow-3D Cast Training
利用 pyADMesh 检查 STL 图
• STL图形可以利用 FLOW-3D Cast 的 “pyADMesh”功能
FLOW-3D Cast Training Class
Flow-3D Cast Training
FLOW-3D Cast 内建几何工具
长方体 圆柱体
对 STL 图进行坐标转换(平移/旋转/比例缩放),注意单位 为毫米。
若导入后进行修改,请点击“建模/几何/几何导入/几何重新 定位”
Flow-3D Cast Training
FLOW-3D Cast Training Class
第二节 FLOW-3D Cast 几何建立
建立几何 导入几何 从库中几何导入
FLOW-3D Cast Training Class
Flow-3D Cast Training



Flow3D培训教程FLOW-3D V9.3.2 水利教程上海飞熠软件技术有限公司目录1. 为何选择Flow-3D软件, ............................................................ 2 2. Flow-3D软件界面 (2)3. Flow-3D分析流程 (2)3.1 运行FLOW-3D (2)3.2 几何体的设置 (2)3.3 General设置 (2)3.4 Physics设置 (2)3.5 Fluids设置 (3)3.6 Meshing _Geometry设置 (3)3.7 Boundary设置 (3)3.8 Initial设置 (4)3.9 Output设置 (4)3.10 Numerics设置 (4)3.11 计算 ..................................................................... ... 4 案例1 渠道流动状况 ....................................................................4 案例2 波浪运动 ..................................................................... ... 6 案例3 卷气量分析 ......................................................................7 案例4 球从半空中掉下 (7)案例5 强制球在水面移动 ................................................................ 8 案例6 开闸泄流 ..................................................................... ... 9 案例7 搅拌不同密度流体 (11)3.1 为何选择Flow-3D软件,网格可以自由分割,不需要与几何文档建立关联, FAVOR可以描述非常复杂的流场运动模式,TruVOF与自由液面模型描述,多网格区块建立技术能够大幅度地提高计算效率,运动物体GMO碰撞模型设置简单方便。

第二章 FLOW-3D 有效地使用GUI

第二章 FLOW-3D  有效地使用GUI

10. Add Simulation Copy… - 在树状结构选定的模拟复 制一个模拟文件. 11. Add Example… - 打开一个FLOW-3D模拟文件样品 的目录. 12. Save Simulation - 在当前目录中的位置保存当前工 作模拟文件. 13. Save Simulation As… - 更改模拟输入文件的名称( prepin )并保存在选定的位置。 14. Edit Simulation - 在树状结构选定的模拟使用此命 令用文本编辑器打开模拟输入( prepin )文件. 15. Rename - 在树状结构选定的模拟重新命名模拟导 入文件. 16. Close Workspace – 移除工作区. 17. Remove Simulation – 从工作区移除模拟文件.(这个 命令不会从档案的目录删除模拟,按Delete键也可 实现.) 18. Exit – 退出FLOW-3D.
完成 时间 和时 间步 长控 制
选择 和压 力求 解收 敛控 制
显性和 隐性求 解选择 和融合 的管制
流体 界面 平流 选项
平流某 些物理 模型方 法的选 择
按此按钮来传送所做的 更改项目的输入文件并 关闭对话框
覆盖原先的数据来重新启动 模拟
prpplt.*:Preprocessor 图形档记录(#) flsgrf.*:postprocessor 分析结果(#)
Sharp Interface
FLOW-3D 内定单位 为: ① SI(m, Kg, …) ② CGS(cm, g, …) ③ ENGINEERING (英制) ④ Custom(定制)


• 压铸特点是快速填充,在整个高速压射阶段,融熔金属以 30~60 m/sec的速度通过内浇口进入型腔。此时融熔金属会包 卷气体,在这种情况下可考虑让气孔分布在何处不影响关键位 置。
• 由于型腔的截面积远大于内浇口,当冲头速度不大于 0.8m/sec时,融熔金属在型腔内是以近似于层流的方式运动, 这一阶段不会产生卷气。
气体/金属的混合率Cair用来代表卷气量 多少
氧化渣计算主要是基于金属液面与空气接触时间的长短。 结果数值是代表夹渣和流痕缺陷发生的可能性,数值越大可能 性就越大.
C u C R a te t δ
1 , 0 ,
at free surface in the bulk
C(x,t) - oxide film concentration;t – time.
C a t
R α 2 ΔE ρ
ΔE m a x (0E, t u rb Es t a b)
σ L
Eturb ρk
卷气主要是由于三个物理因素的作用产 生:
- 紊流turbulence造成自由液面的扰 动
- 重力gravity和表面张力surface tension是流体稳定的主要作用力
最完整的仿真方式 (切换位置及速度必须接 近真实条件)
案例二 (充型分析)
1. 铸件和渣包和浇道图,转出 STL格式
• 成型金属: ADC 12 • 成形金属温度:670 ℃ • 模具材料:H-13 • 初始模具温度均一:220℃ • 模具+初始流体+高低速切换 • 低速:0.3 m/sec • 高速:2 m/sec • 切换时刻:0.12 sec



FlowScienceFLOW-3D11.2破解安装激活图⽂教程(附下载)FLOW-3D 11.2破解版是由Flow Science带来的⼀款给长专业的流体模拟软件。



新版FLOW-3D v11.2.0继续简化⼯程师的仿真⼯作流程,使他们能够更快地设置仿真,避免常见错误,识别并输⼊缺失数据,并对后处理结果进⾏快速⽣成关键和有⽤的信息。

这⾥带来的是FLOW-3D 11.2 update2最新安装包,内含ssq团队的补丁⽂件,可以完美激活FLOW-3D 破解版 11.2 update2,具体参考本⽂教程!FLOW-3D(流体⼒学分析软件) v11.2 安装免费版(附安装教程)类型:3D制作类⼤⼩:428.2MB语⾔:英⽂软件时间:2017-05-11查看详情FLOW-3D 11.2破解激活教程:1.如果你之前安装过 FLOW-3D,⼀定要卸载Flow-3D许可证服务器2.安装软件之前,选配置Flow-3D11.2的许可证服务器,将_SolidSQUAD_⽬录内的 SSQ_UniversalLicenseServer_Core_20170718和SSQ_UniversalLicenseServer_Module_FlowScience_20170718复制到c盘根⽬录并解压,只要是因为权限问题,所以我们复制过去再操作3.将SSQ_UniversalLicenseServer_Core_20170718⽂件夹内的SolidSQUAD_License_Servers复制到根⽬录4.将SSQ_UniversalLicenseServer_Module_FlowScience_20170718⽬录内的Vendors⽂件夹复制到SolidSQUAD_License_Servers⽬录内5.运⾏C:\SolidSQUAD_License_Servers⽬录内的install_or_update.bat,激活授权服务器6.下⾯开始安装软件,运⾏安装包FLOW-3D_v11.2_Update2.exe7.点next继续8.选择接受协议,点next9.确认安装⽬录C:\flow3d\v11.2,点next10.取消安装许可证服务器11.输⼊C:\SolidSQUAD_License_Servers\Licenses\lmgrd_SSQ.lic12.安装中,耐⼼等待13.安装完成14.安装完成后,解压FLOW.SCIENCE.FLOW-3D.v11.2u2.WIN64-SSQ.7z⽂件,将⾥⾯的v11.2复制到安装⽬录并覆盖,默认安装⽬录在C:\flow3d\v11.215.破解完成,所有功能都可以免费使⽤了16.新建⼀个,操作试试吧使⽤帮助仿真管理器该模拟管理器是⼀个标签FLOW-3D,它主要⽤于组织模拟,运⾏仿真,并在运⾏模拟显⽰状态信息。

FLOW-3D V9.4 Linux版系统详细安装说明

FLOW-3D V9.4 Linux版系统详细安装说明

安装linux版的flow3d流程:1、复制flow3d安装CD盘中unix文件夹到linux系统桌面;(或从CD中直接安装也可以)服务器上Linux版软件存放位置:/hpc/install/flow3d_soft/FLOW-3D_V9.4.2_linux_2010082、从terminal进入unix文件夹;3、./install_flow3d4、提示是否接受license协议,回答:yes;5、提示输入安装路径:/user/FLOW3D/v9.4/6、提示选择下列linux操作系统:1. 32-bit RHEL 3 or above2. 32-bit SUSE 9 or above (client only)3. 64-bit RHEL 3 or above4. 64-bit SUSE 9 or above (client only)5. None of the above -- exitPlease enter a number from 1 to 5:根据自己具体情况选择;(如果系统是RHEL版本可以选择1或者3)7、提示选择flow3d的安装类型:1. FLOW-3D 9.4 and Flexlm License Server - Client/Server Installation2. FLOW-3D 9.4 only - Client Installation3. Flexlm license server only - Server Installation4. None of the above -- exitPlease enter a number from 1 to 4:根据自己需要选择;(一般选择1)8、选择完后,自动安装软件,并检查系统的兼容性,判断所需要的库文件是否都已经安装,如果缺少库文件,会自动提示所缺的库文件。

Checking system compatibilityshared library libqwt5.so.1 not found/root/FLOW3D/v9.3//gui/lib/qt is required in LD_LIBRARY_PA TH for libqwt5.so.1shared library libifcore.so.5 not found/root/FLOW3D/v9.3//gui/lib/ifort is required in LD_LIBRARY_PA TH for libifcore.so.5shared library libifport.so.5 not found/root/FLOW3D/v9.3//gui/lib/ifort is required in LD_LIBRARY_PA TH for libifport.so.5 shared library libimf.so not found/root/FLOW3D/v9.3//gui/lib/ifort is required in LD_LIBRARY_PA TH for libimf.so shared library libQtXml.so.4 not found/root/FLOW3D/v9.3//gui/lib/qt is required in LD_LIBRARY_PA TH for libQtXml.so.4 shared library libQtOpenGL.so.4 not found/root/FLOW3D/v9.3//gui/lib/qt is required in LD_LIBRARY_PA TH for libQtOpenGL.so.4 shared library libQtGui.so.4 not found/root/FLOW3D/v9.3//gui/lib/qt is required in LD_LIBRARY_PA TH for libQtGui.so.4 shared library libQtCore.so.4 not found/root/FLOW3D/v9.3//gui/lib/qt is required in LD_LIBRARY_PA TH for libQtCore.so.4 shared library libirc.so not found/root/FLOW3D/v9.3//gui/lib/ifort is required in LD_LIBRARY_PA TH for libirc.soSome require shared libraries were not found in your system.FLOW-3D will use the libraries bundled with this installationTo resolve the missing libraries on your system, the LD_LIBRARY_PA TH environment variable has been appended in the flow3dvars.sh and flow3dvars.cshfiles to include the libraries included with FLOW-3D. The libraries includedwith FLOW-3D provide maximum compatibility but may not be the latest availablefor your system. If you choose to resolve these libraries by installing theappropriate package, comment out the corresponding setting in flow3dvars.shand/or flow3dvars.csh and source them to refresh the LD_LIBRARY_PA TH environment variable.To use FLOW-3D please run 'source /root/FLOW3D/v9.3//local/flow3dvars.sh' or'source /root/FLOW3D/v9.3//local/flow3dvars.csh' in the shell oradd it to your .bashrc or .cshrc, respectively.File /root/FLOW3D/v9.3//install.log contains a log of installation.如果缺少库文件时,需要执行下面指令:source /root/FLOW3D/v9.4/local/flow3dvars.sh9、现在可以进入flow3d安装目录的licenses文件夹,cd /user/FLOW3D/v9.4/licenses启动license server:./lmgrd -c flow3d.lic -l flow3d.log &如果出现下面提示,说明lmgrd启动成功了:License server status: 27000@flow3dLicense file(s) on flow3d: /user/FLOW3D/v9.4/licenses/flow3d.lic: flow3d: license server UP (MASTER) v11.6V endor daemon status (on flow3d):F3DTKNUX: UP v11.610、进入flow3d安装目录的local文件夹,cd /user/FLOW3D/v9.4/local启动flow3d:./flow3d如果此时出现error while loading shared libraries:libqwt5.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory 则需要执行分享库文件指令:source /user/FLOW3D/v9.4/local/flow3dvars.sh这样再./flow3d就可以正常运行了!。


此程序仅支持AutoCAD2004及AutoFra bibliotekAD2006版




1. CAST软件的安装安装CAST软件的PC机需具备以下配置和程序:·处理器PentiumIII,主频700M·操作系统:Windows2000或XP·推荐512M以上内存·最小的显示:1024×780·以太网端口100Mbits·需安装 Framework 2.0程序若没有安装 Framework 2.0程序,可打开数采器MVX光盘中MVX-3.1.1.x\ CSM+VIO_3.0.0.0 \Install .NET Framework 2.0进行安装。


安装完成后可通过桌面上的快捷图标或开始菜单中的相应程序打开该程序2. CAST软件的配置与使用打开CAST软件,运行界面如下图所示,在Language项下选择English,然后选择“Configure”(该选项既可以读取数采器相关信息也可对数采器相关信息进行配置或写入,选择“Browse”选项可直接进入界面,但只能读取数采器信息),在Password中输入密码:OneproD(注意大小写)。




下面以数采器MVX为出厂设置的状态为例,演示CAST程序的使用:当数采器MVX接入能够分配动态IP地址的网络时,在上图界面的IP Address or Serial Number框中输入数采器MVX的序列号,并且在密码栏Password框中输入大写的MVX,将出现下图所示的界面。

Flowmaster V7安装向导

Flowmaster V7安装向导

Flowmaster V7安装向导1 安装Flowmaster V7前的准备(1)获取有效的license文件(2)具备管理员权限(3)卸载任何已有的Flowmaster V7 数据库(4)卸载任何已有的Flowmaster V7 版本(5)检查“exe”文件或者“dll”文件是否已经从Flowmaster程序文件夹中删除。

通常在如下地址:C:\Program Files\Flowmaster\FlowmasterV72 安装Flowmaster V7首先,确保安装时是以Administrator的身份登陆的,具备Administrator的权限。

然后,把Flowmaster V7的安装盘放进光驱(或把安装文件拷贝到磁盘中点击安装图标,即setup.exe),根据弹出的安装提示进行安装。

如下图所示,Flowmaser安装向导里有四种安装类型可选,分别为:Standalone Installations——Complete(个人完全安装)⏹Standalone Installations——Costom(个人定制安装)⏹Client Installations——Flowmaster V7 Application(客户端安装)⏹Server Installations——Flowmaster V7 Datebase and License servers(服务器端安装)依据实际需求,选择合适的安装类型。



安装完成后,会自动打开Flowmaster Configuration Utility面板。


3 配置Flowmaster V7Flowmaster配置包括以下三方面:(1)粘贴数据库文件(2)配置Microsoft SQL Server 用户账户(3)配置license◆以上三种配置完成后,方可正常运行Flowmaster。

Flowmaster V7安装向导

Flowmaster V7安装向导

Flowmaster V7安装向导1 安装Flowmaster V7前的准备(1) 获取有效的license文件(2) 具备管理员权限(3) 卸载任何已有的Flowmaster V7 数据库(4) 卸载任何已有的Flowmaster V7 版本(5) 检查“exe”文件或者“dll”文件是否已经从Flowmaster程序文件夹中删除。

通常在如下地址:C:\Program Files\Flowmaster\FlowmasterV72 安装Flowmaster V7首先,确保安装时是以Administrator的身份登陆的,具备Administrator的权限。

然后,把Flowmaster V7的安装盘放进光驱(或把安装文件拷贝到磁盘中点击安装图标,即setup.exe),根据弹出的安装提示进行安装。

如下图所示,Flowmaser安装向导里有四种安装类型可选,分别为:Standalone Installations——Complete(个人完全安装)Standalone Installations——Costom(个人定制安装)Client Installations——Flowmaster V7 Application(客户端安装)Server Installations——Flowmaster V7 Datebase and License servers(服务器端安装)依据实际需求,选择合适的安装类型。



安装完成后,会自动打开Flowmaster Configuration Utility面板。


3 配置Flowmaster V7Flowmaster配置包括以下三方面:(1)粘贴数据库文件(2)配置Microsoft SQL Server 用户账户(3)配置license以上三种配置完成后,方可正常运行Flowmaster。

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