外语一年两考题库选题 外语学院英语专业2007级本科毕业论文备选题

一. 法律英语1. Relationship of Age to Legal English Learning2. A Study of Adverbs in Legal English3. Linguistic Features of Legal English4. Legal English Vocabulary Teaching5. On Cultural Context in Legal English Articles6. Sources of Chinese and English Legal Terms7. Relationship between Culture and Law8. Characteristics of Legal Terms9. Functions of Languages in Legislation10. Skills of Expression in Legislative Language11. Translation of Complex Sentence in the Legal Language12. Killing and its Hyponyms in Legal English13. A Glimpse of the Common Law from the Different Expressions of a “Lawyer”14. The Difference Between the Legal Theory and its Translation15. An Approach to Legal Language16. The Characteristics of Legal Translation17. Similar Elements between Torts of Law and Criminal Law from the Perspective of a Case Study18. Punctuation in Legal English: for instance, comma, period, colon, etc.19. Principles of Legal English Translation20. Abbreviations in Legal English21. Semantic Differences in Legal English Translation22. Cultural Distinctiveness in Legal English Translation23. Differences between Chinese and English Legal Lexicons24. Transitional Words in Legal English25. Context in Legal English Translation26. Preciseness of Legal English27. Ambiguity in Legal English28. Discussion on the Translation of Commonly-used Sentence Patterns29. Characteristics and the Functional Orientation of Legal Texts30. Parataxis VS. Hypostasis in Legal Chinese and LegalEnglish31. The Usage of the Model Verbs “shall” and “should” in Legal English法律语言中情态动词shall, should的用法32. The Application of the Fuzzy Words in Legal English法律语言模糊性词语的运用33. The Comparison Between the Chinese and English Compound Sentence Structures英汉法律语句中复合句结构对比34. The Vocabulary Vacancy in Legal English Translation法律翻译中的词语空缺35. The Translatability and Untranslatability of the Words in Legal English英语法律词语/语言的可译性和不可译性36. On the Characteristics of Legal English Language法律语言的特点37. The Differences of the Legal Discourse in Chinese andEnglish英汉法律语篇的结构差异38. The Features of the Legislative Language立法/司法语言的特征39. The Features of the Judicial Language二. 商务英语40. The Influence of Cultural Elements on the Translation of the idioms in Commercial English试论文化因素对经贸领域中习语翻译的影响41. Commercial English: its characteristics and translation 经贸英语的特点与翻译42. The Characteristics of Business Contract Wording in English & its Translation英语经贸契约的用词特点与翻译43. On the Usage and Translation of Prepositions andPrepositional Phrases in Business Contracts in English英语经贸契约介词和介词短语的用法及翻译44. Understanding and Translation of the Divisional Phenomena in English Economic Contracts英语经贸契约分隔现象的理解与翻译45. Lexical Features of Business Contract English and Its Translation经贸合同英语词法特征及其翻译46. Characteristics and Distinctive English Translation of Words in Business Contracts商务合同英语用词特点及翻译的特色标记47. The Characteristics and the Present Situation of Foreign trade English Translation对外经贸翻译的特点与现状48. On the Translation of Commercial Advertisement谈商业广告的翻译49. On the Role of Social Context in Business English Translation浅议经贸英语翻译中语境因素的作用50. On the Criteria of Translating English in to Foreign- oriented Economy and Trade Affairs试论经贸英语翻译的标准51. Translation Characteristics of Economy and Trade English经贸英语的翻译特点52. Understanding and Translation of the Divisional Phenomena in English Economic Contracts英语经贸契约分隔现象的理解与翻译53. On Abbreviations in Business English谈经贸英语中的缩略语现象54. On the Strategies of the Mistranslation in Business English论经贸英语误译的对策55. Multi-angle Views On Business English Translation经贸翻译的多视角56. A Classification & Translation of Words Denoting Major Positions in Business English经贸英语中主要职务用词的分类与翻译57. The Classification and Translation of the Business English Terms with the Reference of "Money"经贸英语中含有"钱款"意义词汇的分类及翻译。



一、翻译类毕业论文选题1.Study on Translation of Trade Marks and Culture商标翻译与文化研究2.The Social and Cultural Factors in Translation Practice影响翻译实践的社会和文化因素3.On the Translation of English Idioms论英语习语的翻译4.Study on Features and Translation of English Idioms英语习语翻译特点研究5.The Comparison and Translation of Chinese and English Idioms中英习语翻译与比较6.Study on Loyalty in English-Chinese Translation中英互译的忠实性研究7.Cultural Equivalence in Translation翻译中的文化对等性研究8.Literature Translation and the Important of it文学翻译与重要性研究9.On the Du Fu’s Poems Translation论杜甫的诗词翻译10.The Analysis of Techniques for Learning a Foreign Language Through Translation通过翻译学习外语的技巧分析11.中英颜色词的文化差异及翻译Cultural Differences and Translation in Chinese and English Color words翻译中不可译性的文化阐释12.An Cultural Perspective on Untranslatability中英动物文化内涵的不同及翻译13.Cultural Connotation and Translation in Chinese and English Animals浅论翻译中的译者主体性发挥的度14.On Degree of Translator's Subjectivity in Translation修辞策略在广告英语中的效用探究15.A Probe of the Effect of Rhetorical Devices in English Advertisement 16.Error Analysis of the English Translation of the Information about Scenic Spots in Wuhan武汉旅游景点资料的英译错误分析17.Semantic--Transliteration-the Most Favorable Method for Translating Foreign Words into Chinese音意兼译—外来词中译之首选方法18.A Tentative Study on the Cohesion and Coherence in Sun Zhili’s Chinese Translation of Pride and Prejudice浅论《傲慢与偏见》孙致礼中译本的衔接与连贯19.Chinese Translation of Attributive Clauses in English for Science and Technology科技英语中定语从句的汉译20.Film Titles and Their Translation——A cross-cultural perspective从跨文化角度分析电影片名及其翻译21.Translating Expressions on Public Signs from Chinese into English汉语公示语英译22.论文化差异与翻译Cultural differences and translation23.商标名的翻译原则与品牌文化The Translation Principle of Brand Names and Brand Culture24.英文电影片名的翻译策略与翻译方法研究On Translation of English Film Names25.意美、音美、形美--英文商标的汉译Beauty in Sense, Sound and Form--On Translation of English Trademarks into Chinese26.中文商标英译探On the Translation of Trademarks from Chinese into English二、文化类毕业论文选题27.国际商务谈判中的双赢语用策略The Win-Win Pragmatic Strategies in International Business Negotiation 28.Grice 的合作原则在国际商务谈判中的应用The Application of Grice’s Cooperation Principle in International Business Negotiation29.中西文化面子观差异比照分析An Analysis on Differences between Chinese and Western Ideas on Face 30.中西文化中女性角色意识差异及其对职业发展影响Differences between Chinese and Western Role Awareness of Women and the Effects on Their Career Development31.英语学习中文化障碍Cultural Obstacles in English Learning32.从中西委婉语的比照透视中西文化差异Understand Chinese and English Cultural Differences through the Comparison between Chinese and western Euphenism33.中英禁忌语比较A Comparison between Chinese and English taboos34.从隐私权看中西文化差异A Comparison between Chinese and Western Cultural Differences from the Aspect of Privacy right35.中西社会习俗比较A Comparison Between Chinese and Western Social Conventions36.言语行为理论及其应用Speech Act and its Application37.湖北经济学院英语自主学习现状调查A Survey on the Students’ English Autonomous Learning in Hubei University of Economics38.湖北经济学院双语课程学习现状调查A Survey on Bilingual Courses’ Learning in Hubei University of Economics 39.1The Cultural Connotation of English Etymology and the Teaching of English Vocabulary英语词源的文化内涵与词汇教学40.English idioms—A Mirror Reflecting British Culture英语习语与英国文化反映41.On Values of Chinese from Perspective of Lexicon从词汇角度读中国人的价值观42.On Cultural Differences of Body Language between English and Chinese 论中英体态语文化差异43.The Analysis on the Differences of Interpersonal Relationship between Eastern and Western People东西方人际关系要素差异探析44.Approach to Cultural Differences in Sino-U.S. Business Negotiation and its Impacts中美商务谈判中的文化差异及其影响探析45.Asymmetrical Features of Politeness Principle in Cross-cultural Communication跨文化交际中的礼貌原则的非对称性研究46.English and Chinese Euphemisms: A Comparison between Their Cultural Implications从英汉委婉语比照中透析中西文化差异47.On the Cultural Differences of the Etiquette Norms in Chinese and English Nonverbal Communication中英非语言交际礼俗标准的文化差异研究48.A Comparative Study on the Different Cultural Connotations of Basic Chinese and English Color Words英汉基本颜色词文化内涵比照研究49.Characteristic and Cultural Differences of the English and Chinese Idioms 中英文习语的特点以及文化差异50.Chinese and Western Culture Values in Advertising Language从广告语中看中西方文化观51.The Differences of Family Values between China and American中国和美国家庭观差异52.The Comparison of Chinese and Western Interpersonal Relationships中西人际关系比较53.Cultural Difference Between Chinese and English on Politeness从中英文礼貌用语中看文化差异54.谈跨文化交际中的“面子”观On Face Perception in Cross-cultural Communication55.委婉语在跨文化交际中的应用The Application of Euphemism in Cross-cultural Communication56.从英汉习语看东西方文化异同Differences and Similarities between Eastern and Western Cultures in Chinese and English Idioms57.中英文化中的礼貌比照研究A Contrastive Study of Politeness in English and Chinese Cultures58.解析文化差异引起的语用失误The Study of Pragmatic Failure: From the Perspective of Cultural Differences 59.从文化角度论英汉语中的性别歧视On the Sexism in Chinese and English from the Cultural Perspective60.中美商务谈判中的文化因素探析Approach to Cultural Factors for the Sino-American Business Negotiation 61.英汉抱歉语的比照研究A contrastive study of apologies in English and Chinese62.跨文化交际中颜色词的运用Application of colors in intercultural communication63.英汉应酬语的差异研究Some difference of small talks between Chinese and English64.不同交际风格中恭维语及其回应的研究Compliment and its response with different communication styles65.英汉动物词汇文化内涵意义比照研究The cultural connotations of animals in Chinese and English66.英语委婉语的功能与效果研究On functions and effects of euphemism in English67.中外幽默的跨文化比照A intercultural comparison between Chinese and foreign humor68.英语副语言交际研究A survey on communication of paralanguage三、语言类毕业论文选题69.语篇分析中的语境功能研究The function of context in discourse analysis70.语篇分析在英语阅读教学中的运用研究Discourse analysis in the application of teaching English reading71.英语广告语言特点分析An analysis on the feature of English advertisement72.非语言交际与身势语研究Nov-verbal communication and gesture language73.英语委婉语研究About English euphemism74.On Puns in English Advertisements—from the Perspective of Relevance Theory从关联理论看英语广告双关语75.(My) Dialects and its Negative Effect upon English Pronunciation Learning (本人)方言及其对英语语音学习的负面影响76.A Comparative Study of Euphemisms in English and Chinese英汉委婉语比照研究77.A Study of Sexism in the English Language英语语言中的性别歧视研究78.Thematic Theory and Its implications to English Writing主位理论及其对英语写作的启示79.英语拒绝方式研究Research on the Ways of Rejection in English80.论中美广告中所反映的文化价值观On the Cultural Values in the Advertisements of China and US81.从历史文化的发展看某个英语词或短语的语义演变Semantic Evolution of A Word or Phrase from the Perspective of History 82.社会不平等现象在美国英语中的反映The Reflection of Social Inequality in American English83.英语财经报道的语言特点Language Features of English Financial Report四、英语教育类毕业论文选题84.Body Language in English Teaching英语教学中的身体语言研究85.The Diversification of English Language Teaching英语教学多样性研究86.The Present Situation of Bilingual Education in China中国双语教学现状研究87.Culture and English Teaching文化与英语教学88.Consideration on Bilingual Teaching双语教学的思考89.The English Teaching Based on Multimedia基于多媒体的英语教学90.Cultural Difference and English Teaching文化差异与英语教学91.Cross-cultural Communication and English Teaching跨文化交际与英语教学92.Some Designs on English Learning in school93.中学英语教学设计The Contrast of Middle School Education between China & West94.中西方中学教育比照研究The Practice of English Class Teaching95.英语课堂教学实践96.English Classroom Teaching: Teacher-dominant or Student-centered英语课堂教学——教师主宰还是学生中心97.Personality Factors to the Success of Foreign Language Learning个性因素在外语学习中的作用98.The Application of Communicative Approach Techniques in English Learning交际法手段在英语学习中的运用99.On the Reading Strategies of English as a Foreign language谈英语的阅读策略100.Cultural influence on English Reading论文化背景知识在英语阅读中的作用101.On basic qualities of a successful English teacher论英语教师的基本素质102.On the principle of adhering to student-centred teaching论以学生为中心的教学原则103. On the principle of combining restriction and utilization of native language in foreign language teaching论在外语教学中控制和利用母语的原则104. Applying the Communicative Approach in the middle school English teaching交际法在中学英语教学的运用105. Cultivating students’ reading skills in English text teaching in middle school在中学英语课文教学中培养学生的阅读技巧106. Analysis of Factors Influencing College Student on Autonomous English Learning影响大学生英语自主学习的因素分析107. Evaluation of Autonomous English Learning自主英语学习的质量评估108. Application of Internet and Multi-media in English Teaching网络多媒体在英语教学中的应用109. A Survey Research on Relevance between English vocabulary and reading ability词汇量与英语阅读能力的相关性调查研究110. A Survey of using College English Network Platform大学英语网络学习平台使用情况调查研究111. The Effect of Conceptual Metaphor Theory on the English Vocabulary Acquisition of Chinese Senior High School Students概念隐喻理论对中国高中生英语词汇习得的影响112. Negative Transfer of Native Language in Chinese Senior High School Students' EFL Writing and Its Implications to the English Language Teaching 中国高中生英语写作中的母语负迁移及其对英语教学的启示113. On Developing Communicative Competence in Teaching English to Chinese High School Students论中国中学英语教学中学生交际能力的培养114. An Investigation of Vocabulary Learning Strategies Taken by Chinese Senior High School Students中国高中生英语词汇学习策略调查115. An Investigation of the English Learning Motivation of Three-year College Students and Its Implications for English Language Teaching大专生英语学习动机调查研究及其对英语教学的启示116. 经济院校非英语专业学生自主学习态度调查研究A Survey on the Attitude towards Learner Autonomy of Non-English Majors in the University of Economics117. 大学生使用英语多媒体学习光盘现状的调查研究A Survey on the Use of Multimedia Learning CD by College Non-English Majors118. 论多媒体辅助英语教学环境下教师、教材和学生的角色与作用On the Role and Functions of Teachers, Teaching Materials and Learners in the Multimedia-aided English Classroom119. 语用推理对英语听力理解的影响The Effect on English Listening Comprehension from Pragmatic Interference 120. 论阅读理解教学中学习者写作能力的培养On the Cultivating of Learner’s Writing Competence in Teaching Reading五、英语文学类毕业论文选题121. The Independent Spirit of Hester Brynne in The Scarlet Letter《红字》中海丝特。

英语专业翻译类毕业论文选题题目参考翻译类选题1.study on translation of trade marks and culture商标翻译与文化研究2.the social and cultural factors in translation practice影响翻译实践的社会和文化因素3.on the translation of english idioms论英语习语的翻译4.study on features and translation of english idioms英语习语翻译特点研究5.the comparison and translation of chinese and english idioms中英习语翻译与比较6.study on loyalty in english-chinese translation中英互译的忠实性研究7.cultural equivalence in translation翻译中的文化对等性研究8.literature translation and the important of it文学翻译与重要性研究9.on the du fu’s poems translation论杜甫的翻译10.the analysis of techniques for learning a foreign language through translation通过翻译学习外语的技巧分析11.中英颜色词的文化差异及翻译cultural differences and translation in chinese and english color words翻译中不可译性的文化阐释12.an cultural perspective on untranslatability中英动物文化内涵的不同及翻译13.cultural connotation and translation in chinese and english animals浅论翻译中的译者主体性发挥的度14.on degree of translator's subjectivity in translation修辞策略在广告英语中的效用探究15.a probe of the effect of rhetorical devices in english advertisement16.error analysis of the english translation of the information about scenic spots in wuhan武汉旅游景点资料的英译错误分析17.semantic--transliteration-the most favorable method for translating foreign words into chinese音意兼译—外来词中译之首选方法18.a tentative study on the cohesion and coherence in sun zhili’s chinese translation of pride and prejudice浅论《傲慢与偏见》孙致礼中译本的衔接与连贯19.chinese translation of attributive clauses in english for science and technology科技英语中定语从句的汉译20.film titles and their translation——a cross-cultural perspective从跨文化角度分析电影片名及其翻译21.translating expressions on public signs from chinese into english汉语公示语英译22.论文化差异与翻译cultural differences and translation23.商标名的翻译原则与品牌文化the translation principle of brand names and brand culture24.英文电影片名的翻译策略与翻译方法研究on translation of english film names25.意美、音美、形美--英文商标的汉译beauty in sense, sound and form--on translation of english trademarks into chinese26.中文商标英译探on the translation of trademarks from chinese into english。

英语专业毕业论文可选题目参考一、翻译类毕业论文选题1.Study on Translation of Trade Marks and Culture 商标翻译与文化研究2.The Social and Cultural Factors in Translation Practice 影响翻译实践的社会和文化因素3.On the Translation of English Idioms论英语习语的翻译4.Study on Features and Translation of English Idioms 英语习语翻译特点研究5.The Comparison and Translation of Chinese and English Idioms中英习语翻译与比较6.Study on Loyalty in English-Chinese Translation 中英互译的忠实性研究7.Cultural Equivalence in Translation翻译中的文化对等性研究8.Literature Translation and the Important of it文学翻译与重要性研究9.On the Du Fu’s Poems Translation论杜甫的诗词翻译10.The Analysis of Techniques for Learning a ForeignLanguage Through Translation通过翻译学习外语的技巧分析11.Cultural Differences and Translation in Chinese and English Color words中英颜色词的文化差异及翻译12.An Cultural Perspective on Untranslatability翻译中不可译性的文化阐释13.Cultural Connotation and Translation in Chinese and English Animals浅论翻译中的译者主体性发挥的度14.On Degree of Translator's Subjectivity in Translation 修辞策略在广告英语中的效用探究15.A Probe of the Effect of Rhetorical Devices in English Advertisement16.Error Analysis of the English Translation of the Information about Scenic Spots in Wuhan武汉旅游景点资料的英译错误分析17.Semantic--Transliteration-the Most Favorable Method for Translating Foreign Words intoChinese音意兼译—外来词中译之首选方法18.A Tentative Study on the Cohesion and Coherence in Sun Zhili’s Chinese Translation of Prideand Prejudice浅论《傲慢与偏见》孙致礼中译本的衔接与连贯19.Chinese Translation of Attributive Clauses in English for Science and Technology科技英语中定语从句的汉译20.Film Titles and Their Translation——A cross-cultural perspective从跨文化角度分析电影片名及其翻译21.Translating Expressions on Public Signs from Chinese into English汉语公示语英译22.论文化差异与翻译Cultural differences and translation23.商标名的翻译原则与品牌文化The Translation Principle of Brand Names and Brand Culture24.英文电影片名的翻译策略与翻译方法研究On Translation of English Film Names25.意美、音美、形美--英文商标的汉译Beauty in Sense, Sound and Form--On Translation of English Trademarks into Chinese26.中文商标英译探On the Translation of Trademarks from Chinese into English二、文化类毕业论文选题27.国际商务谈判中的双赢语用策略The Win-Win Pragmatic Strategies in International Business Negotiation28.Grice 的合作原则在国际商务谈判中的应用The Application of Grice’s Cooperation Principle in International Business Negotiation29.An Analysis on Differences between Chinese and Western Ideas on Face中西文化面子观差异对比分析30.Differences between Chinese and Western Role Awareness of Women and the Effects on TheirCareer Development 中西文化中女性角色意识差异及其对职业发展影响31.Cultural Obstacles in English Learning英语学习中文化障碍32.Understand Chinese and English Cultural Differences through the Comparison betweenChinese and western Euphemism从中西委婉语的对比透视中西文化差异33.A Comparison between Chinese and English taboos中英禁忌语比较34.A Comparison between Chinese and Western Cultural Differences from the Aspect of Privacyright从隐私权看中西文化差异35.A Comparison Between Chinese and Western Social Conventions中西社会习俗比较36.Speech Act and its Application言语行为理论及其应用37.A Survey on the Students’ English Autonomous Learning in Hubei University of Economics湖北经济学院英语自主学习现状调查38.A Survey on Bilingual Courses’ Learning in Hubei University of Economics湖北经济学院双语课程学习现状调查39.The Cultural Connotation of English Etymology and the Teaching of English V ocabulary英语词源的文化内涵与词汇教学40.English idioms—A Mirror Reflecting British Culture 英语习语与英国文化反映41.On Values of Chinese from Perspective of Lexicon从词汇角度读中国人的价值观42.On Cultural Differences of Body Language between English and Chinese论中英体态语文化差异43.The Analysis on the Differences of Interpersonal Relationship between Eastern and WesternPeople东西方人际关系要素差异探析44.Approach to Cultural Differences in Sino-U.S. Business Negotiation and its Impacts中美商务谈判中的文化差异及其影响探析45.Asymmetrical Features of Politeness Principle in Cross-cultural Communication跨文化交际中的礼貌原则的非对称性研究46.English and Chinese Euphemisms: A Comparison between Their Cultural Implications从英汉委婉语对比中透析中西文化差异47.On the Cultural Differences of the Etiquette Norms in Chinese and English NonverbalCommunication 中英非语言交际礼俗规范的文化差异研究48.A Comparative Study on the Different Cultural Connotationsof Basic Chinese and EnglishColor Words英汉基本颜色词文化内涵对比研究49.Characteristic and Cultural Differences of the English and Chinese Idioms中英文习语的特点以及文化差异50.Chinese and Western Culture Values in Advertising Language从广告语中看中西方文化观51.The Differences of Family Values between China and American中国和美国家庭观差异52.The Comparison of Chinese and Western Interpersonal Relationships中西人际关系比较53.Cultural Difference Between Chinese and English on Politeness从中英文礼貌用语中看文化差异54.On Face Perception in Cross-cultural Communication 谈跨文化交际中的“面子”观55.The Application of Euphemism in Cross-cultural Communication委婉语在跨文化交际中的应用56.Differences and Similarities between Eastern and Western Cultures in Chinese and EnglishIdioms从英汉习语看东西方文化异同57.A Contrastive Study of Politeness in English and Chinese Cultures中英文化中的礼貌对比研究58.The Study of Pragmatic Failure: From the Perspective of Cultural Differences解析文化差异引起的语用失误59.On the Sexism in Chinese and English from the Cultural Perspective从文化角度论英汉语中的性别歧视60.Approach to Cultural Factors for the Sino-American Business Negotiation中美商务谈判中的文化因素探析61.A contrastive study of apologies in English and Chinese 英汉道歉语的对比研究62.跨文化交际中颜色词的运用Application of colors in intercultural communication63.英汉寒暄语的差异研究Some difference of small talks between Chinese and English 64.不同交际风格中恭维语及其回应的研究Compliment and its response with different communication styles65.英汉动物词汇文化内涵意义对比研究The cultural connotations of animals in Chinese and English 66.英语委婉语的功能与效果研究On functions and effects of euphemism in English67.中外幽默的跨文化对比A intercultural comparison between Chinese and foreign humor 68.英语副语言交际研究A survey on communication of paralanguage三、语言类毕业论文选题69.The function of context in discourse analysis语篇分析中的语境功能研究70.Discourse analysis in the application of teaching English reading语篇分析在英语阅读教学中的运用研究71.An analysis on the feature of English advertisement 英语广告语言特点分析72.Nov-verbal communication and gesture language 非语言交际与身势语研究73.About English euphemism英语委婉语研究74.On Puns in English Advertisements—from the Perspective of Relevance Theory从关联理论看英语广告双关语75.(My) Dialects and its Negative Effect upon English Pronunciation Learning(本人)方言及其对英语语音学习的负面影响76.A Comparative Study of Euphemisms in English and Chinese英汉委婉语对比研究77.A Study of Sexism in the English Language英语语言中的性别歧视研究78.Thematic Theory and Its implications to English Writing 主位理论及其对英语写作的启示79.Research on the Ways of Rejection in English英语拒绝方式研究80.On the Cultural Values in the Advertisements of China and US论中美广告中所反映的文化价值观81.Semantic Evolution of A Word or Phrase from the Perspective of History从历史文化的发展看某个英语词或短语的语义演变82.The Reflection of Social Inequality in American English 社会不平等现象在美国英语中的反映83.Language Features of English Financial Report 英语财经报道的语言特点四、英语教育类毕业论文选题84.Body Language in English Teaching英语教学中的身体语言研究85.The Diversification of English Language Teaching 英语教学多样性研究86.The Present Situation of Bilingual Education in China 中国双语教学现状研究87.Culture and English Teaching文化与英语教学88.Consideration on Bilingual Teaching双语教学的思考89.The English Teaching Based on Multimedia基于多媒体的英语教学90.Cultural Difference and English Teaching文化差异与英语教学91.Cross-cultural Communication and English Teaching 跨文化交际与英语教学92.Some Designs on English Learning in school中学英语教学设计93.The Contrast of Middle School Education between China & West中西方中学教育对比研究94.The Practice of English Class Teaching英语课堂教学实践95.English Classroom Teaching: Teacher-dominant or Student-centered英语课堂教学——教师主宰还是学生中心96.Personality Factors to the Success of Foreign Language Learning个性因素在外语学习中的作用98.The Application of Communicative Approach Techniques in English Learning交际法手段在英语学习中的运用99.On the Reading Strategies of English as a Foreign language 谈英语的阅读策略100.Cultural influence on English Reading论文化背景知识在英语阅读中的作用101.On basic qualities of a successful English teacher 论英语教师的基本素质102.On the principle of adhering to student-centred teaching 论以学生为中心的教学原则103. On the principle of combining restriction and utilization of native language in foreignlanguage teaching 论在外语教学中控制和利用母语的原则104. Applying the Communicative Approach in the middle school English teaching交际法在中学英语教学的运用105. Cultivating students’ reading skills in English text teaching in middle school在中学英语课文教学中培养学生的阅读技巧106. Analysis of Factors Influencing College Student on Autonomous English Learning影响大学生英语自主学习的因素分析107. Evaluation of Autonomous English Learning自主英语学习的质量评估108. Application of Internet and Multi-media in English Teaching网络多媒体在英语教学中的应用109. A Survey Research on Relevance between English vocabulary and reading ability词汇量与英语阅读能力的相关性调查研究110. A Survey of using College English Network Platform 大学英语网络学习平台使用情况调查研究111. The Effect of Conceptual Metaphor Theory on the English V ocabulary Acquisition of ChineseSenior High School Students 概念隐喻理论对中国高中生英语词汇习得的影响112. Negative Transfer of Native Language in Chinese Senior High School Students' EFL Writingand Its Implications to the English Language Teaching中国高中生英语写作中的母语负迁移及其对英语教学的启示113. On Developing Communicative Competence in Teaching English to Chinese High SchoolStudents 论中国中学英语教学中学生交际能力的培养114. An Investigation of V ocabulary Learning Strategies Taken by Chinese Senior High SchoolStudents 中国高中生英语词汇学习策略调查115. An Investigation of the English Learning Motivation of Three-year College Students and ItsImplications for English Language Teaching大专生英语学习动机调查研究及其对英语教学的启示116. A Survey on the Attitude towards Learner Autonomy of Non-English Majors in theUniversity of Economics经济院校非英语专业学生自主学习态度调查研究117. A Survey on the Use of Multimedia Learning CD by College Non-English Majors大学生使用英语多媒体学习光盘现状的调查研究118. On the Role and Functions of Teachers, Teaching Materials and Learners in theMultimedia-aided English Classroom论多媒体辅助英语教学环境下教师、教材和学生的角色与作用119. The Effect on English Listening Comprehension from Pragmatic Interference语用推理对英语听力理解的影响120. On the Cultivating of Learner’s Writing Competence in Teaching Reading论阅读理解教学中学习者写作能力的培养五、英语文学类毕业论文选题121. The Independent Spirit of Hester Brynne in The Scarlet Letter《红字》中海丝特。


英语专业毕业论文可选题目参考(1)一、翻译类毕业论文选题1.Study on Translation of Trade Marks and Culture商标翻译与文化研究2.The Social and Cultural Factors in Translation Practice 影响翻译实践的社会和文化因素3.On the Translation of English Idioms论英语习语的翻译4.Study on Features and Translation of English Idioms英语习语翻译特点研究5.The Comparison and Translation of Chinese and English Idioms中英习语翻译与比较6.Study on Loyalty in English-Chinese Translation中英互译的忠实性研究7.Cultural Equivalence in Translation翻译中的文化对等性研究8.Literature Translation and the Important of it文学翻译与重要性研究9.On the Du Fu’s Poems Translation论杜甫的诗词翻译10.The Analysis of Techniques for Learning a Foreign Language Through Translation通过翻译学习外语的技巧分析11.中英颜色词的文化差异及翻译Cultural Differences and Translation in Chinese and English Color words翻译中不可译性的文化阐释12.An Cultural Perspective on Untranslatability中英动物文化内涵的不同及翻译13.Cultural Connotation and Translation in Chinese and English Animals浅论翻译中的译者主体性发挥的度14.On Degree of Translator's Subjectivity in Translation 修辞策略在广告英语中的效用探究15.A Probe of the Effect of Rhetorical Devices in English Advertisement16.Error Analysis of the English Translation of the Information about Scenic Spots in Wuhan武汉旅游景点资料的英译错误分析17.Semantic--Transliteration-the Most Favorable Method for Translating Foreign Words into Chinese音意兼译—外来词中译之首选方法18.A Tentative Study on the Cohesion and Coherence in Sun Zhili’s Chinese Translation of Pride and Prejudice浅论《傲慢与偏见》孙致礼中译本的衔接与连贯19.Chinese Translation of Attributive Clauses in English for Science and Technology科技英语中定语从句的汉译20.Film Titles and Their Translation——A cross-cultural perspective从跨文化角度分析电影片名及其翻译21.Translating Expressions on Public Signs from Chinese into English汉语公示语英译22.论文化差异与翻译Cultural differences and translation23.商标名的翻译原则与品牌文化The Translation Principle of Brand Names and Brand Culture24.英文电影片名的翻译策略与翻译方法研究On Translation of English Film Names25.意美、音美、形美--英文商标的汉译Beauty in Sense, Sound and Form--On Translation ofEnglish Trademarks into Chinese26.中文商标英译探On the Translation of Trademarks from Chinese into English二、文化类毕业论文选题27.国际商务谈判中的双赢语用策略The Win-Win Pragmatic Strategies in International Business Negotiation28.Grice 的合作原则在国际商务谈判中的应用The Application of Grice’s Cooperation Principle in International Business Negotiation29.中西文化面子观差异对比分析An Analysis on Differences between Chinese and Western Ideas on Face30.中西文化中女性角色意识差异及其对职业发展影响Differences between Chinese and Western Role Awareness of Women and the Effects on Their Career Development 31.英语学习中文化障碍Cultural Obstacles in English Learning32.从中西委婉语的对比透视中西文化差异Understand Chinese and English Cultural Differencesthrough the Comparison between Chinese and western Euphenism33.中英禁忌语比较A Comparison between Chinese and English taboos 34.从隐私权看中西文化差异A Comparison between Chinese and Western Cultural Differences from the Aspect of Privacy right35.中西社会习俗比较A Comparison Between Chinese and Western Social Conventions36.言语行为理论及其应用Speech Act and its Application37.湖北经济学院英语自主学习现状调查A Survey on the Students’ English Autonomous Learning in Hubei University of Economics38.湖北经济学院双语课程学习现状调查A Survey on Bilingual Courses’ Learning in Hubei University of Economics39.1The Cultural Connotation of English Etymology and the Teaching of English Vocabulary英语词源的文化内涵与词汇教学40.English idioms—A Mirror Reflecting British Culture英语习语与英国文化反映41.On Values of Chinese from Perspective of Lexicon从词汇角度读中国人的价值观42.On Cultural Differences of Body Language between English and Chinese论中英体态语文化差异43.The Analysis on the Differences of Interpersonal Relationship between Eastern and Western People东西方人际关系要素差异探析44.Approach to Cultural Differences in Sino-U.S. Business Negotiation and its Impacts中美商务谈判中的文化差异及其影响探析45.Asymmetrical Features of Politeness Principle in Cross-cultural Communication跨文化交际中的礼貌原则的非对称性研究46.English and Chinese Euphemisms: A Comparison between Their Cultural Implications从英汉委婉语对比中透析中西文化差异47.On the Cultural Differences of the Etiquette Norms in Chinese and English Nonverbal Communication中英非语言交际礼俗规范的文化差异研究48.A Comparative Study on the Different Cultural Connotations of Basic Chinese and English Color Words英汉基本颜色词文化内涵对比研究49.Characteristic and Cultural Differences of the English and Chinese Idioms中英文习语的特点以及文化差异50.Chinese and Western Culture Values in Advertising Language从广告语中看中西方文化观51.The Differences of Family Values between China and American中国和美国家庭观差异52.The Comparison of Chinese and Western Interpersonal Relationships中西人际关系比较53.Cultural Difference Between Chinese and English on Politeness从中英文礼貌用语中看文化差异54.谈跨文化交际中的“面子”观On Face Perception in Cross-cultural Communication 55.委婉语在跨文化交际中的应用The Application of Euphemism in Cross-culturalCommunication56.从英汉习语看东西方文化异同Differences and Similarities between Eastern and Western Cultures in Chinese and English Idioms57.中英文化中的礼貌对比研究A Contrastive Study of Politeness in English and Chinese Cultures58.解析文化差异引起的语用失误The Study of Pragmatic Failure: From the Perspective of Cultural Differences59.从文化角度论英汉语中的性别歧视On the Sexism in Chinese and English from the Cultural Perspective60.中美商务谈判中的文化因素探析Approach to Cultural Factors for the Sino-American Business Negotiation61.英汉道歉语的对比研究A contrastive study of apologies in English and Chinese 62.跨文化交际中颜色词的运用Application of colors in intercultural communication 63.英汉寒暄语的差异研究Some difference of small talks between Chinese andEnglish64.不同交际风格中恭维语及其回应的研究Compliment and its response with different communication styles65.英汉动物词汇文化内涵意义对比研究The cultural connotations of animals in Chinese and English 66.英语委婉语的功能与效果研究On functions and effects of euphemism in English67.中外幽默的跨文化对比A intercultural comparison between Chinese and foreign humor68.英语副语言交际研究A survey on communication of paralanguage三、语言类毕业论文选题69.语篇分析中的语境功能研究The function of context in discourse analysis70.语篇分析在英语阅读教学中的运用研究Discourse analysis in the application of teaching English reading71.英语广告语言特点分析An analysis on the feature of English advertisement72.非语言交际与身势语研究Nov-verbal communication and gesture language73.英语委婉语研究About English euphemism74.On Puns in English Advertisements—from the Perspective of Relevance Theory从关联理论看英语广告双关语75.(My) Dialects and its Negative Effect upon English Pronunciation Learning(本人)方言及其对英语语音学习的负面影响76.A Comparative Study of Euphemisms in English and Chinese英汉委婉语对比研究77.A Study of Sexism in the English Language英语语言中的性别歧视研究78.Thematic Theory and Its implications to English Writing 主位理论及其对英语写作的启示79.英语拒绝方式研究Research on the Ways of Rejection in English80.论中美广告中所反映的文化价值观On the Cultural Values in the Advertisements of China and US81.从历史文化的发展看某个英语词或短语的语义演变Semantic Evolution of A Word or Phrase from the Perspective of History82.社会不平等现象在美国英语中的反映The Reflection of Social Inequality in American English 83.英语财经报道的语言特点Language Features of English Financial Report四、英语教育类毕业论文选题84.Body Language in English Teaching英语教学中的身体语言研究85.The Diversification of English Language Teaching英语教学多样性研究86.The Present Situation of Bilingual Education in China 中国双语教学现状研究87.Culture and English Teaching文化与英语教学88.Consideration on Bilingual Teaching双语教学的思考89.The English Teaching Based on Multimedia基于多媒体的英语教学90.Cultural Difference and English Teaching文化差异与英语教学91.Cross-cultural Communication and English Teaching跨文化交际与英语教学92.Some Designs on English Learning in school93.中学英语教学设计The Contrast of Middle School Education between China & West94.中西方中学教育对比研究The Practice of English Class Teaching95.英语课堂教学实践96.English Classroom Teaching: Teacher-dominant or Student-centered英语课堂教学——教师主宰还是学生中心97.Personality Factors to the Success of Foreign Language Learning个性因素在外语学习中的作用98.The Application of Communicative Approach Techniques in English Learning交际法手段在英语学习中的运用99.On the Reading Strategies of English as a Foreign language谈英语的阅读策略100.Cultural influence on English Reading论文化背景知识在英语阅读中的作用101.On basic qualities of a successful English teacher论英语教师的基本素质102.On the principle of adhering to student-centred teaching论以学生为中心的教学原则103. On the principle of combining restriction and utilization of native language in foreign language teaching 论在外语教学中控制和利用母语的原则104. Applying the Communicative Approach in the middle school English teaching交际法在中学英语教学的运用105. Cultivating students’ reading skills in English text teaching in middle school在中学英语课文教学中培养学生的阅读技巧106. Analysis of Factors Influencing College Student on Autonomous English Learning影响大学生英语自主学习的因素分析107. Evaluation of Autonomous English Learning自主英语学习的质量评估108. Application of Internet and Multi-media in English Teaching网络多媒体在英语教学中的应用109. A Survey Research on Relevance between English vocabulary and reading ability词汇量与英语阅读能力的相关性调查研究110. A Survey of using College English Network Platform 大学英语网络学习平台使用情况调查研究111. The Effect of Conceptual Metaphor Theory on the English Vocabulary Acquisition of Chinese Senior High School Students概念隐喻理论对中国高中生英语词汇习得的影响112. Negative Transfer of Native Language in Chinese Senior High School Students' EFL Writing and Its Implications to the English Language Teaching中国高中生英语写作中的母语负迁移及其对英语教学的启示113. On Developing Communicative Competence in Teaching English to Chinese High School Students论中国中学英语教学中学生交际能力的培养114. An Investigation of Vocabulary Learning Strategies Taken by Chinese Senior High School Students中国高中生英语词汇学习策略调查115. An Investigation of the English Learning Motivation of Three-year College Students and Its Implications for English Language Teaching大专生英语学习动机调查研究及其对英语教学的启示116. 经济院校非英语专业学生自主学习态度调查研究A Survey on the Attitude towards Learner Autonomy of Non-English Majors in the University of Economics117. 大学生使用英语多媒体学习光盘现状的调查研究A Survey on the Use of Multimedia Learning CD by College Non-English Majors118. 论多媒体辅助英语教学环境下教师、教材和学生的角色与作用On the Role and Functions of Teachers, Teaching Materials and Learners in the Multimedia-aided English Classroom 119. 语用推理对英语听力理解的影响The Effect on English Listening Comprehension from Pragmatic Interference120. 论阅读理解教学中学习者写作能力的培养On the Cultivating of Learner’s Writing Competence in Teaching Reading五、英语文学类毕业论文选题121. The Independent Spirit of Hester Brynne in The Scarlet Letter《红字》中海丝特。


学生应利用已积累的知识和经验,经过科学思维加工和再造, 产出新知识、新思想、新方法和新成果。
选题点应牵涉宽广的面,需将其置放到宽广平面去分析,研究文学人物或作品需研究其同时代人物或语境,既通过面阐释点,又通过点阐释面, 实现点面互释,面要求宽广视野、比较眼光、全局胸怀;小而新的题目需以厚实的材料和严谨的分析使其丰厚、沉稳;对问题采取多方面、立体或层层推进的研究,从而给人以丰厚的感受。
二、选题范围:论文选题分为以下四个研究方向:1、英语语言学及应用语言学方向(包括语言学一般理论的研究;以及英语教学法、测试学、二语习得等方面的研究等)2、英美文学、文化方向(英美文学的文化研究;经典文学作品分析;西方英语国家文化研究以及与中西文化的比较研究等)3、翻译方向(翻译理论与实践探讨、译本研究以及名家名著翻译作品对比研究等)4、法律英语方向(法律英语翻译研究、法律翻译案例分析、法律语言学一般理论研究等)三、英语专业本科毕业论文历年选题(仅供参考,不得雷同)1.Jane Austen's Marriage Conception in Pride and Prejudice简•奥斯汀的婚姻观在《傲慢与偏见》中的体现2. The Youngest Old Continent--A Sketch of American Culture古老大洲的年轻生活——美国文化速写3.English idioms—A Mirror Reflecting British Culture浅析英语习语中的文化现象4. The Beauty of Horror-a Brief Analysis of Allen Poe's Gothic Fictions恐怖的魅力-浅析爱伦•坡的哥特小说5. The Great Gatsby: A look at American Culture《了不起的盖茨比》看美国文化6. The Homosexual Element in the English Cinematographic and Television Works英语影视作品中的同性元素7. An Analysis of the Female Characters Molded by Edith Wharton浅析伊迪斯•华顿笔下的女性形象8. Being a Women: Sense or Sensibility?---An Analysis of Jane Austen's Novel Sense and Sensibility女性的理智与情感——简奥斯丁的《理智与情感》赏析9. China’s Choice on Traditional Culture under the Era of Globalization全球化时代下中西文化的碰撞及中国传统文化的抉择10. On the Translation of Trademark谈商标的翻译11. Analysis of the Characteristics of Gentleman through Pride and Prejudice 从傲慢与偏见中分析绅士的性格特征12. Grace Under Pressure---Hemingway and the Hemingway Hero优雅面对压力——海明威与海明威式的英雄13. The Cultural Value of Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen 浅析傲慢与偏见的文化价值14. The Growth of the Black Women --A study of the Color Purple by Alice Walker从爱丽丝•沃克的紫色谈黑人女性的成长15. 19th-Century Western Feminism ----Analysis on Jane Austen's Concept of Marriage and Love从简.奥斯汀的视角分析19世纪西方女性主义的婚姻爱情观16. Analysis on Marriage and family in Pride and Prejudice傲慢与偏见中的婚姻家庭观17. Being a Woman: Sense Or Sensibility?—An Analysis of Sense and Sensibility做一个感性还是理性的女人?——评析简奥斯丁的小说理智与情感18. Great Gatsby and American Dream《了不起的盖茨比》与美国梦19. A Brief Analysis on the Animal Figures in Animal Farm浅析《动物庄园》的动物形象20. A Comparison between the Human-caused Tragedy and Non-human-caused Tragedy in Tess of the D'Urbervilles《德伯家的苔丝》中人为悲剧因素与非人为悲剧因素的对比21. Brief Analysis of the Madwoman in the Attic in Jane Eyre简析《简爱》中阁楼上的疯女人22. The Analysis of features of humanism in Hamlet浅析<哈姆雷特>中的人文主义形象特征23. The Coexistence of Pagan and Christian Elements in Beowulf《贝奥武甫》中的异教与基督教元素24. Studies on English and Gender论英语与性别25. Legal Terminology in Translation法律术语翻译研究26. Overcoming Differences in Common Law and Civil Law in Legal Translation 法律翻译中如何克服不同系的文化差异27. Probe the Development of Bilingual Teaching in China探讨双语教育在中国的发展28. The Situation of English under the Development of Educational System教育升级下英语的处境29. A Very General Study on the Influence of Early 20th Century Translated Literature Works That Made in the Use of Every Day Chinese浅谈20世纪初文学翻译对现代人常用语的影响30. From Romeo and Juliet to Shakespeare in Love从《罗密欧与朱丽叶》到《莎翁情史》31. The Broken American Dream--An Analysis of Symbolism in the Great Gatsby对《伟大的盖茨比》中象征主义的分析32. A Victim of Asceticism----The Analysis on the Tragedy of the Protagonist in The Thorn Birds宗教禁欲的囚徒------《荆棘鸟》主人公悲剧解析33. Discuss the Ways in which Christian Concepts Resonate in the Writings of Aestheticism and decadence试论基督教思想对唯美主义和颓废主义文学创作的影响34.19th Century British Female Novel and the Wakening Feminist 19世纪英国女性文学与觉醒的女性主义35. From a Cross-cultural Angle to See Ang Lee"s Movies李安电影的跨文化视角36. From Gossip Girl to the American Upper Class从《绯闻女孩》到美国上流社会37. Jack London: The Call of the Wild杰克•伦敦:《野性的呼唤》38. On Charles Dickens Style in Bleak House论狄更斯《荒凉山庄》中的语言风格39. Cultural Difference Between Chinese and English on Politeness中英礼仪的文化差异40. On the Future of Foreign Cultural Integration of China's Animation Industry Through the Success of "Kongfu Panda""从“功夫熊猫”的成功论中国动画制作产业文化交融的未来之路41. A Study on Body Language in Nonverbal Communication对非言语交流中的身势语的研究42. On Plot Setting of Sidney Sheldon's The Other Side of Midnight浅谈西德尼•谢尔顿《午夜情挑》的情节设置43. On the Four Developmental Stages of Jane Eyre's Characters浅析简爱性格发展的四个阶段44. The Reaction of Racial Discrimination in English种族歧视在英语中的体现45. A Brief Analysis on the Personalities of the Main Characters in Lord of the Rings《指环王》中主要人物的个性分析46. Analysis of the Collapse of American Dream ---- Based onTthe Great Gatsby浅析“美国梦”的破碎-----从《伟大的盖茨比》说起47. Cultural Conflicts in the Novel The Joy Luck Club小说《喜福会》中的中西文化碰撞48. Edgar Allan Poe’s Art of Short Fiction in His Own Work爱伦坡的短篇小说创作艺术在其作品中的体现49. Advertisement English and Its Translation广告英语及其翻译50.Comparison between two English versions of the selected poems from Dream of the Red Mansion14首《红楼梦》诗词两种英文译本的翻译比较51. Principles and Techniques of Chinese Element Translation in Movies论电影中中国元素翻译的原则与技巧52. The Basic Features and Rules in Translation of Literary Work文学翻译中的基本特点及原则53. The Comparison of Different Translation Versions of A Dream of Red Mansions《红楼梦》不同版本的比较54. On English Translation of Chinese Dish Names论中式菜名的英译55. Analysis on Sentence Patterns in the English Version of Chinese Contract Law中国合同法英译本的句式分析56. On Translation of Tourist Guide论旅游指南的翻译57. The choice of words in legal translation--Analysis of the Two Translation Versions of the Foreign Trade law of the People's Republic of China法律翻译的用词选择--<中华人民共和国对外贸易法>两个英文版本的对比分析58. A Study of the Chinese Version of Titles of English Films英语电影片名汉译研究59.An Approach to the Translation of Literature Works’Artistic Conception在译本中重现原作文学意境的方法探讨60. The Basic Theory and Skill on Oral Interpretation口译的基本理论和技巧61. Translation of Captions of English Movies英文电影字幕的翻译62. On the translation of chapter titles of Vanity Fair《名利场》章节标题翻译研究63. Translation of Modal Verbs in Legal English法律英语中情态动词的翻译64. A Study on the English Introduction of Tourist Attractions of China浅析中国旅游景点的英文介绍65. On English Translation of Chinese Slogans论汉语标语的英译66. On the change of word categories and sentence structures in translation论翻译中词性与句子结构的转换67. The Deconstruction Approach to the Translations of A Dream of the Red Mansion解构主义视角下的红楼梦翻译68. On the Application of Major Principles of Plain English to Non-literary Chinese-English Translation论简明英语基本原则在汉英非文学翻译中的应用69. Dickens’Humanism in A Tale of Two cities 《双城记》中狄更斯的人道主义思想70.The Critical Discourse Analysis of the Discourse in Oral English Classes英语口语课堂话语的批判话语分析71. Contrastive Analysis of the Discourse Formation in Oral English Class and English Listening Class (or Literature Class)英语口语课堂与听力课堂(或文学课堂)的话语结构对比分析72. Contrastive Analysis of the Sentence Patterns in Legal English and Chinese Legal Language法律英语与汉语法律语言的句式特点对比分析73. On the Investigation and Analysis of the Strategies of Vocabulary Acquisition词汇习得策略的调查与分析74.Factors that Facilitate Successful Learners in Their English Learning Process—a Case Study of Four Successful Students 促进成功的英语学习者的学习过程的因素分析——对四个成功的英语学生的个案分析75. The Study on Children's English Teaching对少儿英语教学的探究76. The Technique of Self-portrait in a Law School Personal Statement论法学院申请文书之个人陈述中的自我刻画77. Test Oriented Teaching--A New Teaching Plan Targeting Freshmen of English Major考试指向型教学——针对大学英语系一年级新生的新教学计划78. A Comparative Study of English and Chinese Rhetoric in Advertising Language广告语言中的英汉修辞对比79. On the Influence of Latin on English论拉丁文对英语的影响80. Business English Rhetorical Art and Techniques Contemplated in the Light of Various Theories多视角下的商务英语言语修辞研究81. on Animal Farm (by using any literary theory you think appropriate)82. on Scarlet Letter (by using any literary theory you think appropriate)83. on Jane Eyre (by using any literary theory you think appropriate)84. on Tess of the D’urbervilles (by using any literary theory you think appropriate)85. on Daisy Miller (by using any literary theory you think appropriate)86.Model verbs and different discourse genre 情态动词与文本类型的关系87.Features of institutional talk.机构性话语语言性特征88.Evasion in spokespersons’ speeches. 代言人语言中的“回避”现象89.Motivation as a contributing factor in second language acquisition. 外语学习中的“动力”因素90.Differences and similarities between dictionaries for English learners and for native English speakers. 英语学习者字典与母语英语学习者字典的不同与相似。

07届本科毕业论文备选题(英语专业)英汉翻译方向On Foreignization and Domestication of Cultural Factors in Translation(浅谈翻译中文化因素的异化和归化)On Treatment of Cultural Factors in Translation (翻译中文化差异的处理方法)On English Translation of Public Signs in Chinese (汉英公示语的翻译)On Translation of English Names of Commendation (英语商品名称的翻译)The relationship between Cultural Difference and Translation Skill 中英文化差异与翻译An Approach to the Translation of Poetic Image诗歌翻译的意象问题探讨A Study of the Chinese Version of Titles of English Films英语电影片名汉译研究A Study of the Chinese Version of Titles of English Novels英语小说题目的汉译问题A Comparative Study of the English Version of the Poem “ Untitled “ by Li Shangyin 李商隐的诗〈无题〉的英译比较研究Foreignization and Translation of IdiomsOn Culture Translation under ForeignizationOn Faithfulness in TranslationOn Fidelity and Expressiveness in TranslationInterpreting and Interpreting SkillsOn Literal Translation and Free TranslationThe Comparison and Translation of Chinese and English IdiomsEquivalence and its Application in TranslationCultural Equivalence in TranslationLearning a Foreign Language Through TranslationArts in Verse TranslationA Comparative Study of Two English Version of Hong Lou MengOn Translating the Passive VoiceOn the Translation of English Long SentencesThe Social and Cultural Factors in Translation PracticeThe Application of Functional Equivalence in English and Chinese Cross-cultural Trans Exploring English-Chinese Audiovisual TranslationOn Chinese Translation of Journalistic EnglishOn the Criteria of InterpretationOn the Unit of TranslationThe Cultural Differences and Arts of Translation in Advertising LanguageOn Transformation between Parts of Speech in E-C TranslationExploring Substitution and Ellipsis in TranslationOn English Proverbs TranslationOn the Criteria of TranslationThe Analysis of Translation StyleCultural Differences and Translation StrategiesTranslation and Foreign Language YeachingChinglish in C-E YranslationA Contrastive Study of English and Chinese Allusions and their Translation English Neologisms in Newspaper and their TranslationOn Translation of Humor in Pride and PrejudiceOn Features of Journalistic English and its TranslationCultural Discrepancies and their Influences on TranslationEnglish and Chinese Translation Song lyricsTranslation of Address Term between English and ChineseOn the Importance of Context in TranslationOn the Translation of English Pun into ChineseThe Role of Dictionary in TranslationThought Pattern and its Influence on TranslationLexical Characteristics of Legal English and Legal Lexicon Translation Features of Foreign Trade English and its Translation ModelOn Euphemism TranslationTranslation of Metaphor from English into ChineseFeatures of Tourism English and its Translation翻译中的文化因素影视字幕翻译的原则影响长句翻译的因素例析英译汉中形象语言的处理生活中广告英语的翻译特色对翻译原则“以信为本,求真求美”的思考翻译中的中国英语与中国式英语南昌旅游景点中英翻译错误及纠错对策背景知识在口、笔译中所扮演的角色分析商务英语翻译的不对等性英美文学The Gift of Magi and ConsumensmA Brief Comment on An American TragedyAn Analysis of the Source of Dichson's Death PoemsOn The Call of the WorldLove Tragedy and War—An Analysis of A Farewell to ArmsSister Carrie and Jennie GerhardtThe Evil of Mankind Portayed in Moby DickOn Henry Heming in The Red Badge of CourageEmily Dickingson and her PoemsAnalysis of A Rose of EmilyThe Aesthetic Interpretation of Ezra Pound's PoetrySymbolism in The Great Gatsbyan Analysis of the theme of adventures of Huckleberry FinnOn the symbolism of The Old Men and the SeaSome English Learner’ image of America(survey and study)Influence of the Bible on English LiteratureDeviation and Foregrounding in … (using literar y works for a case study)The Language of Shakespeare’s Sonnets, or of any particular literary worksCultural Shocks in the English Language TextbooksDeep Love And Deep Hate—A Brief Analysis On Wuthering HeightsPsychological Descriptions In Hemingway’s The Snows Of KilimajaroOn Ernest Hemingway And His Novel The Sun Also RisesDifference Between China And The West Reflected In Social Manners鸟的赞歌--------评英国浪漫派诗歌《呼啸山庄》的悲剧分析海明威英汉形象和冰山风格《名利场》的现实意义苔丝的形象分析哈姆雷特的犹豫再探讨爱伦坡小说的艺术创作成就爱伦坡小说人物塑造O Neill剧作对美国戏剧的影响华兹华斯的语言风格华兹华斯的自然观诗人哈代简述哈代的悲剧性叙事艺术On Hardy's tragedy narrative art奥斯丁与勃朗特写作风格异同The comparison between Austen and Bronte in writing style 杰克·伦敦(或某作家)《》(某作品)评述On Farewell to Arms of Hemingway浅析《失乐园》中撒旦的形象塑造《还乡》的悲剧艺术特色蓓基形象再解读蘩漪与伯莎梅森的比较研究爱玛形象的魅力海明威研究——浅析海明威笔下的女硬汉子《苔丝》的悲剧性与现代性 Tragedy and Modernity in Tess of D’Urbervilles华兹华斯诗歌的和谐观 On the View of Harmony in Word sworth’s Poetry海明威小说的悲剧意识从《老人与海》看海明威的创作特点《红色英勇勋章》的叙述技巧分析论《白鲸》的象征含义论吴尔夫的《一间自己的房间》中的女权主义论简.奥斯汀对《爱玛》主人公的塑造《红字》中的象征哈姆雷特的人物特征及悲剧根源华兹华斯《孤独的割麦女》赏析杰克·伦敦的个人奋斗莎士比亚的悲剧人物《名利场》人物与艺术特色之分析简析英国浪漫派诗人:1800年左右安东尼奥与夏洛克的对抗肖伯纳的戏剧评论简论十九世纪英国女性生活The Beauty in Sense, in Sound and in Form关于德伯维尔家族的叙述在《苔丝》中的重要作用德莱塞的自然主义论海明威的死亡意识The Negative Influence of Society on the Oliver TwistMrs. Browning’s Sonnets from the PortugueseLove Stories in William Cather’s “O Pioneers”The Literature Characteristics in A Tale of Two CitiesOn the Symbolism of wrence’s “The Rainbow”Simple Analysis on Milton and Paradise LostOn the Author and the Major Characters of The PearlThe Analysis of Santiago’s CharacterRobinson Crusoe and the Colonial EmpireA Farewell to Arms—A Clear MirrorOn the Humanism in "A Tale of Two Cities"The Modernist Features in "Wuthering Heights"A Feminist Study of "Heart of Darkness"Naturalism as Reflected in "The Call of the Wild"论《天路历程》的象征和社会意义论《名利场》的社会意义浪漫的现实——丁尼生作品浅析《蝇王》中的象征迪金森的自然诗麦琪悲剧的成因——《弗洛斯河上的磨坊》解读从存在主义视角解读《永别了武器》《永别了武器》中主人公亨利形象分析《蝇王》的主题分析《蝇王》的象征意义英语教学法On Sino—Western Cultural Differences and the Structure of Chinese College Students' 中西文化差异与中国大学生中式英语结构The Application of Cooperative Learning Theory in Senior High School English Reading 高中生英语阅读教学中合作学习理论的运用Interaction in Oral English Teaching 英语口语教学中的互动On Developing English Reading Skills 论英语阅读技能的培养The Strategies of Topic Controlling in Spoken English 英文口语中的语题控制策略Communicative Competence and Focused Task-based Teaching ApproachError Analysis and English TeachingOn Developing English Reading SkillsInteraction in Oral English TeachingRole-play in English TeachingCultural Teaching in English in Middle SchoolUsing Questions in English ReadingResearch on the Improvement of Middle School Students’ Communicative CompetenceOn Bilingual Teaching in Primary SchoolHow to Design Questions in the Classroom TeachingNew Concepts of Modern English TeachingHow to Arouse Students’ Potentialities in Learning English by Using Non-intelligence Autonomous Language Learning in CALL EnvironmentsOn Attitude and Motivation in Second Language LearningMaking Use of Resources on the Internet to Assist English LearningTask-based Language Teaching Methodology and its Application in ReadingUsing Task-based Method and Internet Resources to Improve Teaching of Classroom Readi The Study of Learner’s Motivation and its In fluence upon Learners and their Learning On Communicative Competence, Exploring the Learning Process in China’s Context Interaction and English Language TeachingTeacher’s Roles and their Impact upon Learner’s Learning ProcessThe Comparison or Analysis of Different ELT Methods and its Application in China’s L The Student’s Learning Autonomy and Language TeachingTeaching the Different Skills Based on the Interactive Approaches.The Relationship between Affective State and Language Learning.Errors and Language Learning.Teacher’s Talk and Students’ LearningMy Perspectives of Senior/Junior English for ChinaCognitivism and English Teaching of Listening and SpeakingA Survey of Students’ Motivation of Learning EnglishExtracurricular Activities and English TeachingA Study on Cooperative Learning in Classroom TeachingCommunicative Approach and Grammar TeachingNetworked Multimedia and Senior/Junior English TeachingIs Multimedia Effective for Language Learning/Teaching?Improving English Reading through Online NewspapersReflections on CALL/CAINetwork-based English Teaching of Reading/Writing/Listening: What Advantages? Applying Task-based Teaching Principles to Organize Oral Classroom Activities Interactive Theory and the Teaching of Listening ComprehensionEffective Ways to Improve Efficiency of Vocabulary LearningImprove Students' Oral Proficiency by UsingCommunicative Language Teaching MethodTeaching English by Student-centered ApproachHow to Combine Traditional English Teaching Methods with Communicative Language Teach Importance and Feasibility of Improving Students' Communicative CompetenceMake the Best of Language Learning Strategies to Improve English Learning Efficiency How to Improve Students' Learning Style in Classroom TeachingThe Importance of Understanding Mild Tones in Studying the English LanguageThe Role of Cultural Background Knowledge in Studying the English LanguageOn English Vocabulary AcquisitionEnglish and Chinese Comparison and TranslationDifferences between American and British EnglishA Cognitive Approach of English OnomatopoeiasA Brief Analysis of English MoviesEnglish Ambiguity and Its FunctionThe Pragmatic Analysis of the Motivations for EuphemismInfluence of Science and Technology on English VocabularyA Study of Student-Centered English Vocabulary TeachingFactors Influencing English Learning and Possible SolutionsComputer-assisted English ReadingApplication of Non-verbal Communication in English TeachingPsychology in English TeachingHow to Develop Students’ Abilities to Listen and Speak English EffectivelyHow to Make Use of Mother Tongue in English TeachingPrinciples of English Learning and TeachingStrategies on Intercultural Communication Training in English TeachingReading Efficiently: An English Classroom Model Focusing on Students’ Reading Abilit Factors Affecting English Listening and its Appropriate MeasuresIntensifying Cultural Awareness in Middle School English Teaching—With A Sample Teac Apply Communicative Approach to Pleasant Teaching—Analysis Of My Sample Teaching Exp The Strategic Difference between Effective Listeners and Ineffective ListenersOn Error-Correction Strategy in Oral English ClassroomOn the Use of Interactive Approach in Writing ClassroomOn the Reciprocal Method of Teaching English ReadingOn Developing English SkillsCollaborative Learning in Writing ClassMotivation in English LearningTask-based Teaching in Writing ClassThe Brain-storming in English WritingIncreasing Cultural Awareness in English WritingThe Importance of Free WritingThe Application of Multimedia Technology in College English TeachingThe Connection between College English Teaching and CET-BAND4How to Improve the Students' Listening Ability Effectively in English TeachingTask-based Method of English Teaching in Middle School英语单词科学记忆如何提高英语阅读速度与质量How to improve English reading speed and quality如何在阅读教学中培养学生的跨文化意识如何在英语阅读教学中体现师生的互动略论课外阅读与英语写作的关系外语工作者如何为江西在中部地区崛起做出贡献略论英语听力能力的培养如何培养大学非英语专业学生的四项基本技能如何提高大学生的英语写作水平大学英语专业学生词汇量与阅读能力相关性研究课堂里的艺术--口语教学研究增强课堂活力-英语听力课的教学探索和实践提高中学英语课堂教学质量的途径快乐活动性原则及其在儿童英语教学中的应用科技英语口译人才培训研究口语教学中的模拟训练方法精读教学法在外语教学中的利与弊教师行动研究在中学英语教学中的应用中国初中英语教师素质探究论多媒体辅助大学英语课堂教学的利与弊浅谈新课标背景下中学英语课堂活动教学论“互动”教学法提高英语学习兴趣的有效途径高校专业英语阅读教学模式初探优秀语言教师素质--专业学生的观念调查学生评教的意义和问题专业学生英语自主学习模式研究建构支持专业英语学习的校园环境专业英语课程设置合理性问题探讨课堂交互性调查--中方和外方教师课堂比较外教在提升专业英语水平的角色探讨专四对英语学习的影响(后效作用)专八对英语学习的影响(后效作用)专业英语学习中管理策略的使用如何利用多媒体辅助教学手段促进中学外语教学?英语教学中语言与文化的关系几种外语教学方法的比较问题、思考、改进——使每个学生学好英语英语教学中的文化意识英语教学中如何实施被动学习向主动学习的转化英语阅读教学的发展趋势与探索英语课堂教学中的双向交流英语教学几种课型的安排教学评价之我见改革英语教学方法注重培养学生能力浅谈“pairwork”在课堂教学中的运用英语教学中的“互动”教学模式多媒体英语教学与学生自主学习能力的培养英语教学活动中作业布置法的实践与研究从英语写长法学习英语写作江西农村中学外语教学现状调查江西农村小学外语教学现状调查论多媒体教学条件下的师生互动论外语教学模式与大学生学习动机的相融性大学英语常用段落展开手法双语教学实践与研究英语专业泛读教学的思考与实践英语专业“阅读”课教学改革英语专业基础阅读课与短期强化培训阅读课比较英语口语学习策略英语听力学习中的干扰因素分析英文电影与英语听说教学任务型教学方法在中学外语教学中的应用研究非言语交际与外语教学焦虑对听力理解的影响论学习风格和英语成绩的关系互联网在外语教学中的作用课堂提问的方式和技巧中英恭维语比较英语语言学可理解输出假设的中国现实性The Local Reality of the Comprehensible Output Hypothesis可理解输入假设的心理现实性The Psychological Reality of the Comprehensible Input HypothesisAn Analysis of the Access Effect Advantages of the Prefabricated Chunks预制语块提取效应优势分析The Presentation of the Second Language’s Mental Lexicons of Chinese Middle School S 中国中学生二语心理词汇的表征Ways of Child Language Acquisition儿童语言习得方法The Change of English Word Meaning: Factors and Types英语词义改变:因素与类型The Linguistic Characteristics of Advertising EnglishOn Linguistic Features in O Henry's WorksOn the Formation and Use of Parody in English and Chinese英语语音学浅析从翻译视角看中西方思维差异被动意义表达的英汉对比研究英汉复合名词对比研究英汉否定表达比较研究英汉语序比较与翻译问题研究语篇(话语)分析功能语言学与阅读教学翻译理论与实践词汇教学方法与技巧语言问题研究语用学与教学英汉句法对比研究认知语法与句法教学语用失物分析再谈认知隐喻交际修辞的语用分析探究语篇信息度的认知分析英语语音学的理论与实践语言与文化The Analysis on the Differences of Interpersonal Relationship between Eastern and Wes 东西方人际关系要素差异探析On Values of Chinese from Perspective of Lexicon从词汇角度读中国人的价值观Research on Sino-Western Differences of Cooperative Principles合作原则的中西方差异初探The Comparison of Euphemism in Wording of Sino-Western Letters中西书信用语的委婉语比较How to avoid ambiguity in different culture如何避免由文化差异造成的歧义On the Influence of Network Vocabulary on Chinese Language英语网络词汇对汉语的影响The Cultural Connotation of English Etymology and the Teaching of English Vocabulary 英语词源的文化内涵与词汇教学An Analysis of the Political Prejudice in VOA 《美国之音》的语汇与政治偏见分析A Comparison Between News Report of BBC and VOA BBC 与VOA新闻报道之比较English idioms—A Mirror Reflecting British CultureAmerican culture Reflected in the Use of Words of American EnglishTranslation of Brand Names and their Cultural AssociationsOn Cultural Differences of Body Language between English and ChineseA Comparative Study on Sexism in both English and ChineseEuphemism—Their Construction and ApplicationCultural Comparison in IdiomsThe Cultural Conflict in the Cross-Cultural CommunicationA Talk of Cultural Difference between China and the WestOn Language and Culture in TranslationFamily Education Differences between China and Western CountriesThe Effect of Context on the Meaning of WordsA View on the Differences between Chinese and English Cultures with Regard to TaboosA View on the Differences between Chinese and English Cultures with Regard to Etiquet A View on the Similarities and Differences between Chinese and English Cultures in Te Proverbs and CultureExotic Cultures Influence on English VocabularyThe Differences Between Chinese and Western Cultures and English Education The Impact of Economic Globalization on World CultureThe Cultural Effect Of Civilized English On English Writing从现代汉语中的英语外来词看中国文化对西方文化的吸收与处理中国学生英语习得中的母语迁移现象论影响跨文化沟通的主要因素校园交际中的语码选择唐诗英译中文化意象保留英语教学中汉文化的参与和渗透母语和第二语言阅读的文化差异与认知体系英语写作中汉语干扰因素分析中英文化交际差异对比英语词汇与变化类比在现代中英词汇中的应用拟声理据的应用词的理据与文化历史的关系小说《喜福会》中的文化碰撞广告语篇翻译中的跨文化交际汉语的负迁移与英语学习论中西文化的差异对中西餐饮业的影响英汉词汇的社会文化内涵漫谈美语口语中的俚语现象透析汉英颜色词背后的文化英汉习语文化差异探源浅析英语委婉语。

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附:英语专业论文参考选题(Suggested Topics of Graduation Papers for English Majors)1. A Brief Analysis of the Heroine Personality in Jane Eyre《简爱》的主人翁个性分析2. A Brief C omment on O’Henry Short Stories亨利的短篇小说述评3. A Comment on Hardy’s Fatalism 评哈代的宿命论4. A Comparison between the Themes of Pilgrimage to the West and Pilgrim’s Progress《西游记》与《天路历程》主题的比较5. A Probe into the Feminist Idea of Jane Eyre《简爱》男女平等思想的探索6. A Study of Native American Literature 美国本土文学的研究7.About the Breaking of American Dream from the Great Gatsby从《了不起的盖茨比》看美国梦的破碎8.Characterization in Charles Dickens’ Novels 狄更斯小说中的人物塑造ment on Bernard Shaw’s Dramatic Art评肖伯纳的戏剧艺术10.Humor and Satire in Pride and Prejudice《傲慢与偏见》的幽默与讽刺11.Influence of Mark Twain’s Works in China马克吐温的作品在中国的影响12.Jane Austen and the Heroine in Pride and Prejudice简奥丝丁和《傲慢与偏见》的女主人13.Metaphoric Expressions in Poem …论《…》诗中的暗喻14.On Charles Dickens Style in …论狄更斯的《…》中的语言风格15.On T.S. Eliot’s Mythological Consciousness 论艾略特的神话意识16.On the Character of Shylock in The Merchant of Venice论《威尼斯商人》中的人物夏洛克17.On the Development of Jane Eyre’s Character 论简爱的性格发展18.On the Humour of Mark Twain 马克吐温的幽默观19.On the Linguistic Features of the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn《哈克贝利费恩历险记》的语言特点20.On the Poetry of Robert Frost (1874-1963) 评议弗罗斯特的诗歌21.On the Poetry of William Wordsworth (1770-1885) 评议沃兹沃斯的诗歌22.On the Similarities and Differences of the Speeches by Elder and Younger Bush 论老布什、小布什语言风格的异同23.On the Style of Withering Heights《呼啸山庄》的文体分析24.On the Tragedy of Loman’s Family in Death of A Salesman《推销员之死》中罗曼一家的悲剧25.On the Vividness and Images in Poem …论《…》诗文的生动性与比喻26.On Winston Churchill’s Prose Writing 评邱吉尔的散文写作27.Points of View and the Mode of Discourse in Vanity Fair论《名利场》的观点及言语方式28.Rhetorical and Narrative Devices in A Farewell to Arms《永别了,武器》的修辞与描写手法29.Scarlet and Black in The Scarlet Letter《红字》中的红与黑30.Study of “Hemingway Style”论“海明威风格”31.Syntax in John Milton’s Paradise Lost弥尔顿的《失乐园》的句法探讨32.Techniques of Theme Production in Wuthering Heights 《呼啸山庄》主题的表现手法33.The Influence of Wars on American Literature 战争对美国文学的影响34.Thomas Hardy and his Tess of the D’Urbervilles哈代和他的《苔丝》35.The Linguistic Charms of the Adventures of Tom Sawyer《汤姆索亚历险记》的语言魅力36.About Transform of Parts of Speech in Translation 论翻译中词性的转换37.The E/C Translation of Metaphors 暗喻的英汉翻译38.The Negation in Translation 论正说反译和反说正译39.The Theory of “Dynamic Equivalence” and its Application in E/C Translation 等效翻译理论及其在英汉翻译中的应用40.The Translation of Proper Names 专有名词的翻译41.The Understanding and Translation of Attributive Clause 定语从句的理解与翻译42.Translation of Rhetoric Devices in EST (English for Science and Technology) 论科技英语中修辞格的翻译方法43.Translation Techniques of Idioms and Slangs 成语、俚语的翻译技巧44.Translation Techniques of Proverbs, Loanwords and Colloquialisms 谚语、外来语和俗语的翻译技巧45.On the Criteria of Translation 议翻译标准46.On the Principles for Translation 浅议翻译原则47.Choice of Correct Words in Translation在翻译中如何准确选词48.On the Importance of Translation Theory 翻译理论的重要性rmation Theory and Translation 信息论与翻译50.Cultural Differences and Idiomatic Expressions in Translation 论翻译中的文化差异及习惯表达法51.Cultural Factors and Limitations in Translation 翻译的文化因素局限性52.Dialectics in Translation 翻译中的辩证法53.Inter-Translation of English and Chinese Proverbs 英汉谚语的互译54.The Characteristics of Computer Language V ocabulary 计算机语言词汇的特点55.A Study of the Translation of Sports Terms 体育专有名词的翻译56.Euphemistic Expressions in Foreign Affairs 外事用语中的委婉表达57.Features of Network English 网络英语的特点58.On Translation of Tourist Guide 论旅游指南的翻译59.Influence of Science and Technology on English V ocabulary 科学技术对英语词汇的影响60.Semantic Analysis of Nominalisation in EST 科技英语名词化语义分析61.Food Culture in America and China 中美饮食文化比较62.63.64.Syntactical Features of Business English 谈商务英语写作的句法特征65.On the Writing / Translation of Foreign Trade Contracts 论涉外经济合同写作/翻译66.Linguistic Features of Business Contracts 商务合同的语言特征67.Linguistic Features of English Advertisements 英语广告的语言特征68.On Translation of Computer Terms 论计算机的术语翻译69.On Translation of Trade Names and Names of Export Commodities 论商标、出口商品名称的翻译70.Cross-culture Failures by Chinese learners of English中国英语学习者跨文化交际中的误区71.Body Language Difference in Meaning in Cross-cultural Communication 体态语在跨文化交际中的意义差异72.Pragmatic Failures in the Cross-cultural Communication 跨文化交际中的语用失误73.Lexical Gaps in Chinese and English Inter-Translation 英汉互译的词义差异74.Similarities and Dissimilarities of British and American Englishes论英式英语和美式英语的异同75.Linguistic Taboos in Chinese and English Languages 谈汉英语言中的禁忌现象76.How to Appreciate English Prose: Traditional and Modern Ways 如何欣赏英语散文——传统与现代方法比较77.Application of English Idioms in Daily Life 英语习语在日常生活中的运用78.Sex Differentiation and Sexism in English Language 论英语中的性别现象及性别歧视79.On the Words and Expressions Belittling the Female 蔑视女性的词汇和表达法80.Linguistic Features of Abraham Lincoln’s Addresses 论林肯演说词的语言特征81.Symbolism in Idiomatic Expressions 论习语中的象征手法82.The Use of Nouns in English 英语中名词的使用83.The Ways of Expressing Emphatic Ideas in English 英语中强调语气的表达方式84.A Study of Transitional Words and Expressions 过渡词及表达法的研究85.Parallelism in English英语中的排比现象86.On the Functions of Ambiguity in English 论英语歧义的功能87.About the Quality-oriented Education in English Language Teaching 英语教学中的素质教育88.Developing S tudents’ Cultural Awareness through Foreign Language Teaching 通过外语教学培养学生的文化意识89.Logical Fallacies in English Writing 英文写作中的逻辑谬误90.On the Relations of Basic Language Skills 基本语言技能的关系91.Politeness and Indirect Speech Acts 礼貌与间接言语行为92.Relationship between … Theory and Language Research 论…理论与语言研究的关系93.Relationship of Age to SLA (Second Language Acquisition) 论年龄与第二语言习得的关系paring First and Second Language Acquisitions 二语习得与母语的比较研究95.Professional Skills for Foreign Language Teachers in Chinese Middle Schools 中国中学外语教师的专业技能96.Relations of Speed and Understandability in Reading Comprehension 阅读理解中速度与理解性之间的关系97.Differences between Audio-lingual Method and Functional Approach 听说法与交际法的区别98.On the Feasibility of Communicative Approach in China 谈交际法在中国的可行性99.100.Effects of Learner’s Motivation in Foreign Language Learning外语学习中学习动机的影响101.English Classroom Teaching: Teacher-dominant or Student-centered 英语课堂教学——教师主宰还是学生中心102.Error Analysis in English Learning as a Foreign Language 英语学习中的错误分析研究103.The Application of Communicative Approach Techniques in Modern Foreign Language Teaching and Learning 交际法的教学手段在现代外语教学中的运用104.The Function of Grammar in English Study 英语学习中语法的功能105.On Teacher-Learner Classroom Communication 论教师与学生之间的课堂交流106.On the Learning Strategy of English as a Foreign language 谈英语的学习策略107.108.The Influence of L1 on the Learning of a Foreign Language 母语对外语学习的影响109.Personality Factors to the Success of Foreign Language Learning 个性因素在外语学习中的作用110.The Cognitive and Affective Factors in Task-based English Teaching英语任务型教学中的认知和情感因素111.Social Context in the Foreign Language Teaching and Learning 外语教学中的社会语境112.A Study of Student-Centered English V ocabulary Teaching 以学生为中心的英语词汇教学113.The Role of Grammatical Rules in English Language Learning 语法规则在英语学习中的地位114.The Significance of Communicative Competence in Foreign Language Testing 外语测试中交际能力的重要性115.Methods and Procedures in Language Teaching 语言教学的方法及过程116.Needs Analysis of Language Learners 语言学习者的需求分析117.On Attitudes and Motivation in Second Language Learning 论第二语言学习的态度及动机118.外国语学院2006年11月20日。

英语专业语言学论文题目2(中英文对照)英语专业语言学论文题目2(中英文对照)1.中式英文在中国流行的分析An Analysis of the Popularity of Chinglish inChina2.英语中的性别差异及性别歧视Sexual Differentiation and Sexism in theEnglish Language3.论第二语言学习的态度及动机On Attitudes and Motivation in SecondLanguage Learning4.试论因特网在第二语言习得中的辅助作用The Assisting Function of theInternet in Second Language Acquisition5.英语缩略语在汉语语境中的功能分析Functional analysis of Englishacronyms in Chinese context6.汉语新闻报道中英语缩略语的语用优势Pragmatic advantages of Englishacronyms in Chinese reports7.非语言因素在第二语言习得中的作用The Function of non-linguistic factorsin Second Language Acquisition8.汉语方言口音对英语发音的影响Influences of Chinese Dialectic Accents onEnglish Pronunciation9.英语动物隐喻研究A Study on Animal Metaphors in English10.英语体育新闻语篇文体特征浅析Stylistic Features of Sports News English11.英语与汉语中暗喻的对比Contrast between English Metaphor andChinese Metaphor12.英汉语言禁忌对比研究A Contrastive Study of Verbal Taboo in Chinese andEnglish13.英汉拒绝语的对比研究A Contrastive Study of English and ChineseExpressions in Refusing or Declining14.语言模糊现象在语言交际中的运用An Analysis of the Application of FuzzyLanguage in Communication15.On Politeness Norms and Mistakes in Interactive Communication of SpokenEnglish英汉口语中互动性交际的礼貌规范与失误16.Pragmatic Analysis on the Approximating Quantities with Numbers数词模糊语的语用分析17.刻意曲解(Deliberate Misinterpretation)的语用动机和功能18. A Study of the Elements in Improving English Listening Ability underComputer- and- Internet- Assisted Circumstance计算机网络下的英语听力能力提高的元素19.A Cognitive Semantic Analysis of Color Terms in English and Chinese英汉颜色词的认知语义分析20. A Study of Symbolic Meanings of English and Chinese Numeral Words英汉数字词的象征意义研究21.英汉歧义句对比研究A Comparative Study of Ambiguous Sentences in English and Chinese22.英汉幽默语用研究A Comparative Study of Humor in English and Chinese23.英语专业学生作文选词策略A Study of Diction-Choosing Strategies in English Majors’ Compositions24.网络聊天室缩略语及其原词语的特点分析An Analysis of the Characteristics of Abbreviations and Their OriginalWords in Online Chatroom25.The Phenomenon of Mother Tongue Transfer in English Writing英语写作中的母语迁移现象26. A survey of the Use of Reading Strategies by College Students大学生英语阅读策略运用的调查及分析27.A Survey of the Use of Writing Strategies by College Students大学生英语写作策略运用的调查及分析28.A Comparison between English and Chinese Analogic Rhetoric英汉比喻修饰格的对比29.Pragmatic Failures in the Cross-cultural Communication 跨文化交际中的语用失误30. Cross-culture Failures by Chinese Learners of English中国英语学习者跨文化交际中的误区上一页下一页。

英语专业翻译类毕业论文选题题目参考翻译类选题1.study on translation of trade marks and culture商标翻译与文化研究2.the social and cultural factors in translation practice影响翻译实践的社会和文化因素3.on the translation of english idioms论英语习语的翻译4.study on features and translation of english idioms英语习语翻译特点研究5.the comparison and translation of chinese and english idioms中英习语翻译与比较6.study on loyalty in english-chinese translation中英互译的忠实性研究7.cultural equivalence in translation翻译中的文化对等性研究8.literature translation and the important of it文学翻译与重要性研究9.on the du fu’s poems translation论杜甫的翻译10.the analysis of techniques for learning a foreign language through translation通过翻译学习外语的技巧分析11.中英颜色词的文化差异及翻译cultural differences and translation in chinese and english color words翻译中不可译性的文化阐释12.an cultural perspective on untranslatability中英动物文化内涵的不同及翻译13.cultural connotation and translation in chinese and english animals浅论翻译中的译者主体性发挥的度14.on degree of translator's subjectivity in translation修辞策略在广告英语中的效用探究15.a probe of the effect of rhetorical devices in english advertisement16.error analysis of the english translation of the information about scenic spots in wuhan武汉旅游景点资料的英译错误分析17.semantic--transliteration-the most favorable method for translating foreign words into chinese音意兼译—外来词中译之首选方法18.a tentative study on the cohesion and coherence in sun zhili’s chinese translation of pride and prejudice浅论《傲慢与偏见》孙致礼中译本的衔接与连贯19.chinese translation of attributive clauses in english for science and technology科技英语中定语从句的汉译20.film titles and their translation——a cross-cultural perspective从跨文化角度分析电影片名及其翻译21.translating expressions on public signs from chinese into english汉语公示语英译22.论文化差异与翻译cultural differences and translation23.商标名的翻译原则与品牌文化the translation principle of brand names and brand culture24.英文电影片名的翻译策略与翻译方法研究on translation of english film names25.意美、音美、形美--英文商标的汉译beauty in sense, sound and form--on translation of english trademarks into chinese26.中文商标英译探on the translation of trademarks from chinese into english。

2007外语系英语专业本科毕业论文选题汇总表(翻译方向)论文题目Two Principles of Pragmatic Translation in the Fictional ConversationStudy on Literal Translation and Free TranslationThe Features of Translation of English for Science and TechnologyDomestication and Foreignization Translation in IntercultureBasic Knowledge and Two Important Skills of TranslationA Study on the Order of Translation from English to ChineseON Cultural Factors in TranslationOn Dynamic Equivalence in English –Chinese TranslationA comparison of the color words in Chinese and EnglishThe Translation of Proper Nouns between English and ChineseCulture Factors and Translation in English and Chinese IdiomsCultural Gaps and losses and Compensation in TranslationThe Translation of English IdiomsThe Discussion on Literal Translation and Free TranslationTranslation for Business EnglishInfluence of Cultural Difference on English and Chinese IdiomsThree Difficulties of Poem TranslationTrademark Translation in Different CulturesLiteral translation and free translationCultural Differences and Idioms TranslationOn the Problems Existing in the Translation of Film Titles and CountermeasuresOn the trademark translation between Chinese and EnglishSubjectivity of Translators in TranslationTranslating the Lengthy English Sentences into ChineseCultural Differences in Translations between Chinese and EnglishOn English TaboosOn Precedence of Semantic EquivalenceThe Cultural Connotation of Numerals and the Translation of Numeral IdiomsTranslation of Trademark WordsStrategies Adopted in Translating Chinese Advertisements into English OnesA Study of Animal Metaphor in English and ChineseOn Skills of Advertisement TranslationOvercoming Limitation of Language and Culture off Met in TranslationThe Comparison and Translation Between English and Chinese IdiomsThe Comparison and Translation Between English and Chinese IdiomsThe translation of public signsCultural Equivalence Adopted in TranslationThe Social and Cultural Factors in Translation PracticeA Study on Cultural Differences in Idiom TranslationHow to Be an Aspirant InterpreterThe Research of Metonymic Translation in the Domains of Cognitive Linguistic TheoryThe Translation of Movie TitlesOn The Translation of English MetaphorA Tentative Study of Three Chinese Versions of “A Psalm of Life”Domestication and Foreignization in Idiom TranslationCultural Differences of Words Connotation and Their TranslationChina English and Chinese EnglishThe Treatment of Punctuation Marks in E-C Translation & Its Aesthetic Effectiveness2008外语系英语专业本科毕业论文选题汇总表(翻译方向)题目The cultural Differences on Advertisement TranslationForeign zing Translation of IdiomsOn Brand Name TranslationAbout Amplification in English-Chinese TranslationDiscussion about Domestication and Foreignization of TranslationUse Literal Translation and Free Translation ProperlySlang--Its Qualities, Use and FunctionAnalysis of Chinese and English ProverbsA Brief Exploration on the Trademark TranslationAdvertising TranslationThe Comparison between Metaphorical Meaning of Color Words in English and Chinese Culture-loaded Words and Their TranslationThe Translation of AdvertisementsTranslation in advertising EnglishFour-character Structure in English-Chinese TranslationThe comparison and appreciation of the translation of the Recruiting at Shi Hao Village The Translation of Common Expressions in Business EnglishFeatures and Translation of offer in Business letterOn the Translation of English Proverbs—Strategies to Preserve the National Characteristics On the Translation of Chinese Dish NamesPreconditions and Three Main Methods in Foreign Brand Name TranslationOn English Color Words and Their Translation into ChineseThe Influence of Cultural Factors on Advertisement TranslationContext and English-Chinese TranslationOn the Current Situation in Movie Name Translationand the StrategiesTranslation of Cultural WordsYan Fu and His Criteria of TranslationTranslation of Brand Names in AdvertisementThe Influence of the Cultural Difference between English and Chinese on Translation Cultural Context in TranslationTranslation EquivalenceOn the Approaches to English translation of Chinese Movie SubtitlesOn the Translation of ArticlesCultural Differences in Idiom translationIdioms and Their TranslationsOn Some Characteristics of Onscreen Language TranslationThe Connotation of Animal Idioms and Their Translation Between Chinese and EnglishTranslation of English IdiomsEnglish Background Information Approached in Light of English Chinese TranslationThe Advertising English TranslationOn Translating Chinese Dish Names into EnglishSemantic Change Approached in TranslationThe Constitution and Translating Technologies of the Technical NeologismThe Characteristics of Advertising English and Strategy of TranslationLiteral Translation and Free TranslationBrand Name Translation in Intercultural CommunicationUntranslatability—— A Cultural Approach2009外语系英语专业本科毕业论文选题汇总表(翻译方向) On Translating English Movie Titles into ChineseContext and TranslationOn Beauty Presentation of Chinese Poetry TranslationCulture and Movie TranslationLiteral Translation and Free TranslationTranslation on the Titles of Egnlish MoviesCulture Approach to Translate Chinese Idioms into EgnlishA Theory of the Translation for Merchandise Brand's NameOn Language and Culture of Tourist Material TranslationThe Theory of Three Beauties in Comparison of Three Versions of 再别康桥On English Advertising TranslationOn the Improvement of Ability of Egnlish Listening, Speaking,Reading and WritingHow to Translate InstructionsOn Fuzzy Phenomenon in Advertising English and Translation Strategies Numeral Culture and Numeral TranslationThe Tendency of Translation MethodsOn the Proper Use of Literal Translation and Free TranslationOn the Translation of Book Title between Egnlish and ChineseThe Study of Advertisements' TranslationOn the Translation of Egnlish IdiomsOn the Features of Egnlish News Headline and Its TranslationThe Role of Emotion in English TeachingMistranslation of Brand Names from Chinese to EgnlishDissimilation and Domestication of Egnlish Literary Book Title TranslationHow to Understand and Choose the Meaning of Original English Articles Approaches in the Chinese Film Titles TranslationElements Affecting English Idioms TranslationForeignization of Domestication -- Translation of MetaphorsOn Metaphor and Its Translation--from the Viewpoint of Cognitive Linguistics Characteristics of Advertising EnglishThe Changes of Enghlish Lexical MeaningChinese Popular Neologisms and Their TranslationOn Idiom TranslationConversion of Parts of Speech in English-Chinese TranslationA Study of Cultural Influence on Translation from the Translators' AnglesOn Dynamic Equivalence in Film Subtitle Translation On Translation of English for Science and TechnologyOn Literal and Free Translation of Advertising LanguageBrand Name Translation in Cross-Cultural CommunicationCultural Influence On the Translation of Chinese PoetryOn the Functional Equivalence in TranslationOn Translation of English Long SentenceOn the Translation of English PreposionAn Ideological Study of LinShu's Translation of Robinson CrusoeSome Tips about Translation in International CommerceA Brief Approach to Cultural Distinction and the Effects on Idiom TranslationThe Transaltion of English Idioms Involving coloursOn the Translation of TrademarksOn the Translation of Film TitlesOn the Translation of Approximators from the perspective of Functional Equivalence TheoryOn the Translation of Public SignsOn Mistranslation of Words of English for Science and TechnologyApplication and Translation of Puns in English AdvertisementsOn Translating the Theme Song of the 29th Olympic GamesThe Metaphorical Meaning of Color Words in TranslationOn Translation of English IdiomsOn the Animals in Culture between the West and ChinaA Comparative Study in the Two English Versions of HongLoumeng by Yang and HawkesAbout Transformation of Parts of Speech in translation。
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2007外语系英语专业本科毕业论文选题汇总表(翻译方向)2007外语系英语专业本科毕业论文选题汇总表(翻译方向)论文题目Two Principles of Pragmatic Translation in the Fictional ConversationStudy on Literal Translation and Free TranslationThe Features of Translation of English for Science and TechnologyDomestication and Foreignization Translation in IntercultureBasic Knowledge and Two Important Skills of TranslationA Study on the Order of Translation from English to ChineseON Cultural Factors in TranslationOn Dynamic Equivalence in English –Chinese TranslationA comparison of the color words in Chinese and EnglishThe Translation of Proper Nouns between English and ChineseCulture Factors and Translation in English and Chinese IdiomsCultural Gaps and losses and Compensation in TranslationThe Translation of English IdiomsThe Discussion on Literal Translation and Free TranslationTranslation for Business EnglishInfluence of Cultural Difference on English and Chinese IdiomsThree Difficulties of Poem Translation Trademark Translation in Different Cultures Literal translation and free translation Cultural Differences and Idioms Translation On the Problems Existing in the Translation of Film Titles and CountermeasuresOn the trademark translation between Chinese and EnglishSubjectivity of Translators in Translation Translating the Lengthy English Sentences into ChineseCultural Differences in Translations between Chinese and EnglishOn English TaboosOn Precedence of Semantic EquivalenceThe Cultural Connotation of Numerals and the Translation of Numeral IdiomsTranslation of Trademark WordsStrategies Adopted in Translating Chinese Advertisements into English OnesA Study of Animal Metaphor in English and ChineseOn Skills of Advertisement Translation2008外语系英语专业本科毕业论文选题汇总表(翻译方向)题目The cultural Differences on Advertisement TranslationForeign zing Translation of IdiomsOn Brand Name TranslationAbout Amplification in English-Chinese TranslationDiscussion about Domestication and Foreignization of TranslationUse Literal Translation and Free Translation ProperlySlang--Its Qualities, Use and Function Analysis of Chinese and English ProverbsA Brief Exploration on the Trademark TranslationAdvertising TranslationThe Comparison between Metaphorical Meaning of Color Words in English and ChineseCulture-loaded Words and Their TranslationThe Translation of Advertisements Translation in advertising EnglishFour-character Structure in English-Chinese TranslationThe comparison and appreciation of the translation of the Recruiting at Shi Hao Village The Translation of Common Expressions in Business EnglishFeatures and Translation of offer in Business letterOn the Translation of English Proverbs—Strategies to Preserve the National CharacteristicsOn the Translation of Chinese Dish Names Preconditions and Three Main Methods in Foreign Brand Name TranslationOn English Color Words and Their Translation into ChineseThe Influence of Cultural Factors on Advertisement TranslationContext and English-Chinese TranslationOn the Current Situation in Movie NameTranslationand the StrategiesTranslation of Cultural WordsYan Fu and His Criteria of Translation Translation of Brand Names in Advertisement The Influence of the Cultural Difference between English and Chinese on Translation Cultural Context in TranslationTranslation EquivalenceOn the Approaches to English translation of Chinese Movie SubtitlesOn the Translation of ArticlesCultural Differences in Idiom translation Idioms and Their TranslationsOn Some Characteristics of Onscreen Language TranslationThe Connotation of Animal Idioms and Their Translation Between Chinese and English Translation of English IdiomsEnglish Background Information Approached in Light of English Chinese TranslationThe Advertising English TranslationOn Translating Chinese Dish Names into EnglishSemantic Change Approached in Translation The Constitution and Translating Technologies of the Technical NeologismThe Characteristics of Advertising English and Strategy of TranslationLiteral Translation and Free Translation Brand Name Translation in Intercultural CommunicationUntranslatability—— A Cultural Approach2009外语系英语专业本科毕业论文选题汇总表(翻译方向) On Translating English Movie Titles into ChineseContext and TranslationOn Beauty Presentation of Chinese Poetry TranslationCulture and Movie TranslationLiteral Translation and Free TranslationTranslation on the Titles of Egnlish MoviesCulture Approach to Translate Chinese Idioms into EgnlishA Theory of the Translation for Merchandise Brand's NameOn Language and Culture of Tourist Material TranslationThe Theory of Three Beauties in Comparison of Three Versions of 再别康桥On English Advertising TranslationOn the Improvement of Ability of Egnlish Listening, Speaking,Reading and WritingHow to Translate InstructionsOn Fuzzy Phenomenon in Advertising English and Translation Strategies Numeral Culture and Numeral TranslationThe Tendency of Translation MethodsOn the Proper Use of Literal Translation and Free TranslationOn the Translation of Book Title between Egnlish and ChineseThe Study of Advertisements' TranslationOn the Translation of Egnlish IdiomsOn the Features of Egnlish News Headline and Its TranslationThe Role of Emotion in English TeachingMistranslation of Brand Names from Chinese to EgnlishDissimilation and Domestication of Egnlish Literary Book Title TranslationHow to Understand and Choose the Meaning of Original English Articles Approaches in the Chinese Film Titles TranslationElements Affecting English Idioms TranslationForeignization of Domestication -- Translation of MetaphorsOn Metaphor and Its Translation--from the Viewpoint of Cognitive Linguistics Characteristics of Advertising EnglishThe Changes of Enghlish Lexical MeaningChinese Popular Neologisms and Their TranslationOn Idiom TranslationConversion of Parts of Speech in English-Chinese TranslationA Study of Cultural Influence on Translation from the Translators' AnglesOn Dynamic Equivalence in Film Subtitle TranslationOn Translation of English for Science and TechnologyOn Literal and Free Translation of Advertising LanguageBrand Name Translation in Cross-Cultural CommunicationCultural Influence On the Translation of Chinese PoetryOn the Functional Equivalence in TranslationOn Translation of English Long SentenceOn the Translation of English PreposionAn Ideological Study of LinShu's Translation of Robinson CrusoeSome Tips about Translation in International CommerceA Brief Approach to Cultural Distinction and the Effects on Idiom Translation The Transaltion of English Idioms Involving coloursOn the Translation of TrademarksOn the Translation of Film TitlesOn the Translation of Approximators from the perspective of Functional Equivalence TheoryOn the Translation of Public SignsOn Mistranslation of Words of English for Science and Technology Application and Translation of Puns in English AdvertisementsOn Translating the Theme Song of the 29th Olympic GamesThe Metaphorical Meaning of Color Words in TranslationOn Translation of English IdiomsOn the Animals in Culture between the West and ChinaA Comparative Study in the Two English Versions of HongLoumeng by Yang and HawkesAbout Transformation of Parts of Speech in translation。