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杜邦安全训练观察计划STOP培训手册之认识stop系统(DOC 41页)
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现在,就让你和你的公司使用杜邦的STOP系统,创造公司的成功安全吧!欢迎来到STOP杜邦安全训练观察计划(Safety Training Observation Program),大家普遍简称为STOP,是一种以行为为基准的观察计划,能让你拥有达到安全绩效卓越的条件。
8 – GearsIntroductionD ELRIN®acetal resins and Z YTEL®nylon resins are used in a wide variety of gear applications throughout the world. They offer the widest range of operating temperature and highest fatigue endurance of any thermoplastic gear mate-rial, accounting for their almost universal use in non-metallic gearing.The primary driving force in the use of plastic vs. metal gears is the large economic advantage afforded by the injection moulding process. In addition, cams, bearings, ratchets, springs, gear shafts and other gears can be designed as integral parts in a single moulding, thus elim-inating costly manufacturing and assembly operations. Tolerances for plastic gears are in some cases less critical than for metal gears because the inherent resiliency enables the teeth to conform to slight errors in pitch and profile. This same resilience offers the ability to dampen shock or impact loads. The use of Z YTEL®nylon resin as the tooth surface in engine timing chain sprockets is an outstanding example of this latter advantage. In this case, timing chain life is extended because nylon dampens somewhat the transmission of shock loads from fuel igni-tion. Z YTEL®nylon resin and D ELRIN®acetal resin have low coefficients of friction and good wear characteristics, offering the ability to operate with little or no lubrication. They can also operate in environments that would be adverse to metal gears. A summary of the advantages and limitations of plastic gears is given in Table 8.01. Knowledge of the material performance characteristics and use of the gear design information to follow is impor-tant to successful gear applications in D ELRIN®acetal resin and Z YTEL®nylon resin.Gear DesignThe key step in gear design is the determination of the allowable tooth bending stress. Prototyping of gears is expensive and time consuming, so an error in the initial choice of the tooth bending stress can be costly.For any given material, the allowable stress is dependent on a number of factors, including:–Total lifetime cycle.–Intermittent or continuous duty.–Environment – temperature, humidity, solvents, chemicals, etc.–Change in diameter and centre to centre distance with temperature and humidity.–Pitch line velocity.–Diametral pitch (size of teeth) and tooth form.–Accuracy of tooth form, helix angle, pitch diameter, etc.–Mating gear material including surface finish and hard-ness.–Type of lubrication (frictional heat).Selection of the proper stress level can best be made based on experience with successful gear applications of a simi-lar nature. Fig. 8.01 plots a number of successful gear applications of D ELRIN®acetal resin and Z YTEL®nylon resin in terms of peripheral speed and tooth bending stress. Note that all of these applications are in room temperature, indoor environments. For similar applications operating at higher temperatures, the allowable stress should be corrected, see factor C1in Table 8.02. Since fatigue endurance is reduced somewhat as temperature increases, this effect must also be considered. Where very high tem-peratures are encountered, thermal ageing may become a factor.Where suitable experience is not available, the allowable tooth stress must be based on careful consideration of all the factors previously outlined, and on available test data on the gear material of choice.Table 8.01Advantages and Limitations of Plastic GearsAdvantages LimitationsEconomy in injection moulding Load carrying capacityCombining of functions Environmental temperatureNo post-machining or burr removal Higher thermal expansion coefficientWeight reduction Less dimensional stabilityOperate with little or no lubrication Accuracy of manufactureShock and Vibration dampingLower noise levelCorrosion resistance5960A number of years ago, DuPont commissioned a series of extensive gear tests on gears of D ELRIN ®acetal resin and Z YTEL ®nylon resin, which resulted in the information summarised in Tables 8.02 and 8.03. This data can be combined with environmental operating conditions to arrive at an allowable tooth bending stress.Whether similar experience exists or not, it is essential that a prototype mould be built and the design carefully tested in the actual or simulated end-use conditions.®®Table 8.03Fatigue Strength (σ1) for DuPont gear materials for 106cycles (MPa)LubricationMaterial Mating Material Continuous InitialD ELRIN ®100Steel 4827D ELRIN ®500Steel 3618Z YTEL ®101Steel 4025Z YTEL ®101Z YTEL ®10118Once the admissible tooth bending stress has been deter-mined, the designer can proceed with the selection of theother variables, for which an understanding of the basic terminology used in gear work is helpfull. The terms most commonly used to describe gears are:–Pitch diameter (d) is the diameter measured at the pitch circle.–Diametral pitch (P d ) is the number of teeth per inch of pitch diameter, commonly used in USA.–Module (M) is pitch diameter divided by number of teeth (z). Thus: M = d/z.For standard gears:•external diameter = d + 2M;•tooth thickness = 0,5 πM;•tooth height = 2M + clearance.–Pinion is the smaller of a pair of meshing gears.–Gear is the larger of a pair of meshing gears.–Ratio is number of teeth gear/number of teeth pinion.Fig. 8.01Speed versus stress: Typical gear applications placed on curve61Gear with off-centre webin the rim or the web, then web thickness should equalhub thickness, as no section of a given thickness can befilled properly through a thinner one.The maximum wall thickness of the hub should usuallynot exceed 6 mm. For minimum out-of-roundness, useOn gears which are an integral part of a multifunctionalcomponent or which have to fulfill special requirementsas shown in Fig. 8.20-8.25, it could be impossible toapproach the ideal symmetrical shape as shown inFig. 8.03, in which case the assembly must be designedto accept somewhat less accuracy in the gear dimensions.The following additional examples illustrate a few moregear geometries which could lead to moulding and/orfunctional problems:Relatively wide gears which have the web on one sidewill be rather difficult to mould perfectly cylindrical,especially if the centre core is not properly temperaturecontrolled. If the end use temperature is elevated, thepitch diameter furthest from the web will tend to besmaller than the pitch diameter at the web (Fig. 8.04).Effect of radial ribs Ribbed worm take-off gear 6263Low shrinkageHigh shrinkageGate3 GatesWeld linesFig. 8.08Holes and ribs in moulded gearsFig. 8.09Centre gated gearFig. 8.10Web gated gear Measurement of tooth profile errorTotal profile errorBacklash and Centre DistancesAs shown in Fig. 8.11-e backlash is the tangential clear-ance between two meshing teeth. Fig. 8.12 providesa suggested range of backlash for a first approach.It is essential to measure and adjust the correct backlash at operating temperature and under real working condi-tions. Many gears, even though correctly designed and moulded fail as a result of incorrect backlash at operating conditions.64Center distance measuring instrumentFig. 8.11-c Center distance variation diagramFig. 8.11-d Moulding tolerances from center distance diagramTotal composite errorRunoutOne revolution of gearTooth-to-tooth errorT 1T65LubricationExperience has shown that initial lubrication is effective for a limited time. Units disassembled after completion of their service life showed that all the grease was thrown on the housing walls; hence the gears ran completely dry. Initial lubrication does not allow a high load, it should be considered as an additional safety factor. It should, however, always be provided as it helps greatly during the run-in period.On applications where lubricant cannot be tolerated, the combination of D ELRIN®acetal resin and Z YTEL®nylon resin offers great advantages. Even under dry conditions such gear trains run smoothly and with little noise. Where continuous lubrication of gears in D ELRIN®acetal resin and Z YTEL®nylon resin is practical, and where surface pressure on the meshing teeth is not excessive, wear is negligible and service life is determined exclu-sively by fatigue resistance.Testing Machined PrototypesThough it would appear that the easiest way to determine whether a proposed gear will show the expected perform-ance would be to test machined prototypes, results thus obtained must be interpreted with great care. A designer has no guarantee that a subsequently moulded gear will have the same performance characteristics. Therefore no final conclusion can be drawn from test results using machined gears. Making a trial mould is the only safe way to prototype a gear design. It allows not only mean-ingful tests but also the measurement of shrinkage, tooth profile, pitch diameter and overall accuracy.It is highly recommended to check tooth quality on a pro-file projector which enables detection of deviation from the theoretical curve.Prototype TestingThe importance of adequate testing of injection moulded prototype gears has been emphasized. Here are some guidelines:–Accelerated tests at speeds higher than requiredof a given application are of no value.–Increasing temperature above normal working tempera-ture may cause rapid failure whereas under normal working conditions the gear may perform well. Test conditions should always be chosen to come as close as possible to the real running conditions.The following examples further explain the need for meaningful end-use testing.–Gears under a high load (e.g., in appliances) which operate only intermittently should not be tested in a continuous run, but in cycles which allow the whole device to cool down to room temperature between running periods.–Infrequently operated, slow-running gears (such as window blinds) can be tested in a continuous run but at the same speed, providing temperature increase on the tooth surfaces remains negligible.–Other applications like windshield wiper gears reach their maximum working temperature quickly, and oper-ate most of their service life under these conditions. They should therefore be tested on a continuous-run base.Valuable conclusions can often be drawn from the static torque at which a moulded gear fails. If breaking torque proves to be 8-10 times the operating load, it can usually be taken as an indication that the gear will provide a long service life in use. However, plastic gears often operate very close to the endurance limit, and the above relation should not be considered as valid in all cases.In any event, backlash must be checked during all tests. Once a gear has failed, it is almost impossible to deter-mine whether incorrect backlash was partially or entirely responsible.Helical Gear DesignWhenever possible, helical gears should be used in pre-ference to spur gears. Among other advantages they run more smoothly and have less tendency to squeak. However, they require not only perfect tooth profiles but also exactly matching helix angles. This requirementis sometimes difficult to fulfill, especially if the plastic gear meshes with a metal gear.Helical gears generate axial thrust which must be con-sidered. It is advisable to use helix angles not greater than 15°. Compared to a spur gear having the same tooth size, a helical gear has slightly improved tooth strength. Since small helix angles are most commonly used, this fact can be neglected when determining the module and it should be considered as an additional safety factor only.66Fig. 8.13One piece worm gear9 side coresFig. 8.14Side-cored worm gearFig. 8.15Half throated worm gearFig. 8.16Split worm gear676869Worm gearof D ELRIN®dαWorm of Z YTEL® 101Fig. 8.18Can opener with worm drive70Fig. 8.21Impact resistant webFig. 8.20Ratchet and gear combinedFig. 8.22Backlash-free gear71Backlash-free gearFig. 8.24Torque limiting gearFig. 8.25Gear with sliding coupling 72When to use D ELRIN®Acetal Resin or Z YTEL®Nylon ResinZ YTEL®nylon resin and D ELRIN®acetal resin are excellent gear materials, used extensively in a variety of applica-tions. The choice of one over the other may at first seem unclear, but as one examines the specific requirements of the application, it becomes relatively easy. Although the two materials are similar in many ways, they have distinct property differences, and it is these differences upon which the selection is made. Some guidelines are as follows:Z YTEL®Nylon Resin–Highest end-use temperature–Max. impact and shock absorption–Insert moulding–Max. abrasion resistance–Better resistance to weak acids and bases–Quieter runningD ELRIN®Acetal Resin–Best dimensional stability–Integrally moulded springs–Running against soft metals–Low moisture absorption–Best resistance to solvents–Good stain resistance–Stiffer and stronger in higher humidity environmentAs previously pointed out, running D ELRIN®acetal resin and Z YTEL®nylon resin against each other results in lower wear and friction than either material running against steel (not always true when high loads are encountered and heat dissipation is controlling). Some designers have used this combination in developing new, more efficient gear systems.When properties of D ELRIN®acetal resin are needed,D ELRIN®100 is the preferred gear material. As previously stated, D ELRIN®100 outperforms D ELRIN®500 by about 40%. D ELRIN®100 is the most viscous in the melt state, and cannot always be used in hard to fill moulds. D ELRIN®500 and 900 have been used successfully in many such cases.When Z YTEL®nylon resin is the chosen material,Z YTEL®101L is the most common material used.Z YTEL®103HSL, a heat stabilized version ofZ YTEL®101L, should be specified if the service life and end use temperature are high.Glass reinforced versions of either material should be avoided.The glass fibres are very abrasive and the wear rate of both the plastic gear and the mating gear will be high. Gears which operate for extremely short periods of time on an intermittent basis have been used with glass reinforcement to improve stiffness, strength or dimen-sional stability.Very careful testing is mandatory.The moulding conditions must be controlled carefully, not only for the usual purpose of maintaining gear accuracy, but also because glass reinforced resins will exhibit large differences in surface appearance with changes in mould-ing conditions, particularly mould temperature. It is pos-sible to vary mould temperature without changing dimen-sions, by compensating through adjustments in other process variables. Thus, establish surface smoothness specifications to be sure the type of gear surface tested is reproduced in mass production.73。
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启动前安全检查对于新的和改造后的设备提供一个 最后核查点,以确认所有工艺安全管理相关的要素 皆符合要求,可以安全投料(输送能量),启动和 操作。
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检验装置的设备、管道、阀 门、电气、仪表、计算机等 的性能和质量是否符合设计 与规范的要求;
一般应先从单系统开始,然 后扩大到几个系统或全装置 的联运。如可能,尽量使用 液体而非气体进行试运行。
整体PSSR, 回顾、签署 并确认开车
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Microsoft Word Document
开车前安全评审根据需要由生产部门(包括操作人员)、技术、维修,以 及设计和安全代表组成的多专业小组来进行。
开车前安全评估文件,参加做PSSR小组的每个成员要签字,业主要授权签 字。文件存档。
PSSR成员要做出以下结论: PSSR 组得出结论,即在完成了开车前要求完成的建议之后,设备符合当前 的监管要求和工厂或单元操作许可声明的允许范围,并且设备开车是安全 的。
杜邦安全手册 d-3-1 易燃材料 – 贮存,搬运,和运输
![杜邦安全手册 d-3-1 易燃材料 – 贮存,搬运,和运输](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/da16ffb965ce050876321378.png)
3.2 MSDS 信息
MSDS(材料安全数据表)的“物理数据部分”将 显示蒸气密度(比空气重还是轻,指示上升还是下 降的蒸气),挥发性和蒸发速率。“着火与爆炸数 据部分”给出了爆炸上限(UEL)和爆炸下限 (LEL),在这两个极限之间爆炸危险就存在。闪 点信息也将区分易燃性和可燃性分类。
由于静电聚集的危险,当从一个金属容器向另一个 倾倒时,严禁使用塑料漏斗、提桶等。必须保证金 属漏斗与所连接容器的直接接触。
最好能使用一个辅助容器来收集溢出物,以防止溢 出物污染地板材料或外部区域。
在把易燃液体运输到工地现场时,只能使用 UL 实 验室认证的金属安全罐,并清楚地标明里面所装的 东西及其易燃性。
对于易燃或可燃液体的室内贮存,不得有多于 25 加仑允许贮存在经批准的贮存柜外面。
超过 60 加仑的易燃液体、或 120 加仑的可燃液 体不得贮存在一个柜子内。
对于更大的数量,表 1 和表 2 中详细地给出了室 内室外一个区域可以贮存的容器的最大数量。
因为此类材料的拖车贮存是施工现场最常见的惯 例,所以我们提供下列规定作为安全指南:
– 必须使用“NFPA 704 菱形标签”,在拖车的 侧面张贴。所有贮存区域都必须在内侧和外侧 明显地标上此类标志“易燃--不得靠近--严禁 烟火”。
– 整个贮存区域必须避免不必要的可燃材料的聚 集。杂草和草坪必须除去,并为室内和室外提供 一个定期清理程序。
3.5 移动式贮罐贮存
大众达基达斯特第三版 2023年10月 商品说明书
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EXTREME, A LOOK MORE DUSTER THAN EVER Dacia Duster Extreme is instantly recognisable thanks to the attention given to the finishes. Inside, screen-printed door sills and floor mats welcome you on board. As for the shimmer provided by the Copper Brown finishes, it embellishes the air vents and the base of the gear lever, the front door topstitching, the central armrest and the handbrake. Finally, the washable mixed MicroCloud plasticcoated fabric upholstery is designed to cope with any type of adventure.COPPER BROWN DACIA LOGO ON THE TAILGATEGLOSSY BLACK ALLOY WHEELS WITH COPPER BROWN CENTRE CAPSCOPPER BROWN DOOR MIRROR SHELLSOn the outside, Copper Brown details can be found on the mirrors, identity marking on the sides, modular roof bars and rear tailgate. It exudes a thirst for adventure with its glossy black alloy wheels decorated with Copper Brown centre caps, its wheel arch mouldings and its shark fin antenna.OVERCOME OBSTACLESFeel free: Dacia Duster takes you wherever you want to go with complete peace of mind.With its robust chassis, high ground clearance and off-road capabilities (in the 4-wheel drive version), it makes light work of rough terrain and uneven surfaces. Hill Start Assist allows you to tackle the steepest of slopes; adaptive Hill Descent Control* prevents skidding by controlling the speed of your SUV.The 4x4 Monitor feature with built-in compass and altimeter makes sure you always have the right information at the right time. Adjust the knob*, switch from traction to four-wheel drive and enjoy your adventure playground!REAL OFF-ROAD CAPABILITIESCOMPASS AND ALTIMETER4X4 KNOB* On 4x4 versions.BUILD YOURS MENUA FULL Y-EQUIPPED PASSENGER COMPARTMENTInside, comfort is also on the agenda with the sliding centre console offering additional storage space (almost 1.1 L). On the steering wheel, the backlit buttons are easier to identify. The dashboard accommodates a large 8-inch, semi-flush touch screen, as well as two USB ports.SMARTPHONE MIRRORING VIA USB CABLEAndroid Auto™ is a trademark of Google Inc.Apple CarPlay™ is a trademark of Apple Inc.* Depending on version.Two multimedia systems are now available to meet all individual needs: Media Display and its intuitive, user-friendly interface feature an 8-inch screen, four speakers, Bluetooth® connectivity and smartphone replication with Android Auto™ and Apple CarPlay™. Media Nav, meanwhile, comes with MAP CAREon-board navigation (Western or Eastern Europe maps + 6 free updates for 3 years on-board) and two additional speakers. In the back, passengers have two USB* sockets for charging tablets and smartphones. Peace of mind on long journeys!BOOT SPACE AND FULL OF IDEASYou won’t believe what you can take with you in Duster. So don’t hold back! Luggage, parcels, furniture... your SUV is always ready. The extremely modular layout lets you adapt the passenger compartment to your needs or desires: the loading capacity of the boot, the flexibility in using the interior space (60/40 split fold rear bench seat, but all of the seats can be folded down) maximise your carrying options.The many storage spaces in the doors and on the backs of the front seats invite you to empty your pockets and enjoy freedom while driving!FOLDING REAR BENCH SEAT418 LITRES OF BOOT VOLUMEDRIVE IN COMPLETE SAFETYTrue adventurers prioritise safety. Dacia Duster is no exception to this rule, comprising features that let you drive with complete peace of mind, wherever you choose to go. A reinforced body structure, front and side airbags and the Isofix child seat mounting system make sure that everyone is protected.MULTIVIEW CAMERA The MultiView Camera gives you more eyes! It provides front, rear and side views, helping you detect holes, rocks or obstacles that are not always easy to see, and making driving easier for you.HILL DESCENT CONTROL Hill Descent Control maintains a constant speed that is adaptable between 5 km/h and 30 km/h in «Lock» mode to prevent skidding in the 4x4 version.AUTOMATIC WINDSCREEN WIPERS The rain sensor at the top of the windscreen automatically activates the wipers.BUILD YOURS MENU ABS + Emergency brake assistHill Start Assist Blind spot warning Multiview camera Hill Descent Control Rear view cameraRear parking sensorsAutomatic windscreen wipers Cruise control and speed limiterCOLOURSURBAN GREY CEDAR GREENDUSTY KHAKIARIZONA ORANGEGLACIER WHITESLATE GREYPEARL BLACK(1) Solid paint. (2) Metallic paint. (3) Special paint. *not available on Extreme. ** only available on Extreme. Non-binding photos.AMBIANCESESSENTIALMAIN EQUIPMENTEQUIPMENT-6 airbags (front, shoulders, curtains) -ABS and emergency brake assist -Automatic headlights -Luggage cover-Remote central locking-Electric variable power steering-Eco Mode, Stop & Start and gearshift indicator-ESC and hill start assist-Storage spaces in rear doors-Isofix anchorage for lateral rear seats -Inflation kit-Electric front windows-Speed limiter and cruise control with steering wheel controls -Front central ceiling light -12 V socket in front-Manual adjustable door mirrors -Eco-LED headlights-Split and folding rear bench seat 1/3-2/3-Dacia Plug & Music (DAB radio, jackand USB sockets, Bluetooth ®phone connectivity with steering wheel-mounted controls) -4 speakers-Height- and reach-adjustable steering wheel-Soft feel steering wheel -Manual air conditioning -Front fog lights-Rear parking sensors-180 kmh / 112 mph Speed Limiter DESIGN-New grille featuring Dacia logo and white decorative inserts -Body-coloured bumpers -Steel Grey air vent grilles-Steel Grey circular air vent surrounds -16-inch steel wheels-Black door handles and exterior mirrors-Fabric upholstery-LED daytime running lights -Black longitudinal roof bars OPTIONS-Spare wheel and jack (not available on TCe100 Bi-Fuel versions) -Slate Grey metallic paint -Dusty Khaki special paintEXPRESSIONMAIN EQUIPMENTEXPRESSION = ESSENTIAL +(1) The "spare wheel" option replaces the "inflation kit" equipment.Android Auto™ is a trademark of Google Inc. Apple CarPlay™ is a trademark of Apple Inc.EQUIPMENT-2 central front roof lights (driver and passenger)-Driver's side one-touch electric window-Rear electric windows-Seat-back pockets for front seats -12 V socket at the rear -Rear parking sensors -Reversing camera-Electric and heated exterior mirrors -Driver's seat with height adjustment lever-Soft-feel steering wheel with Steel Grey decorations-8" Media Display: DAB radio, smartphone replication via USB cable and WIFI, compatible with Android Auto™ and Apple CarPlay™,Bluetooth ®connection, 4 speakers, 8" touch screen, audio streaming andBluetooth ®telephony with controls on the steering wheelDESIGN-16" Oraga alloy wheels-Body-coloured exterior door handles -Silver-look exterior mirrors-Steel Grey interior door handles -Steel Grey circular air vent outlines with white sliders-Glossy Black gear lever knob -'Expression' upholstery OPTIONS-Spare wheel + jack(except for TCe 100 Bi-Fuel)(1) -Metallic or special paintJOURNEYMAIN EQUIPMENTJOURNEY = EXPRESSION +(1) On 4x4 version.(2) The "spare wheel" option replaces the "inflation kit" equipment.Android Auto™ is a trademark of Google Inc. Apple CarPlay™ is a trademark of Apple Inc.EQUIPMENT-Automatic air conditioning -Automatic wipers-Automatically folding exterior mirrors with control pad on driver's door-Multiview camera-Media Nav 8": navigation with MAP CARE (Western or Eastern Europe map + 6 free updates over 3 years), DAB radio, smartphone replication via USB cable and wifi compatible with Android Auto™ and Apple CarPlay™, 6 speakers,8" touchscreen, Bluetooth ®audio streaming and telephone controlson steering wheel, 4x4 info (1), Eco-driving coaching-Driver's seat with lumbar adjustment -Blind spot warning-Semi-high center console with sliding TEP armrest and 1.1L storage -Central ceiling light for rear passengers-Illuminated glove box -Modular roof bars -Heated front seats -Keyless entry card-Two USB sockets in the rearDESIGN-Exterior Look Pack: front and rear skis, roof bars, and exterior mirror covers in Megalith Grey, tinted windows, side windows, and rear hatch-17" Tergan alloy wheels-TEP door panels with stitching-Front door pull handles in Fog Grey -"Journey" upholstery-Fog Grey interior decorative elements with climate controls OPTIONS-Spare wheel + jack (except for TCe 100 Bi-Fuel)(2)-Metallic or opaque paintEXTREMEMAIN EQUIPMENT EXTREME = JOURNEY +DESIGN-17” black alloy wheels withDacia emblem and Copper Brown center caps-Black shark antenna-Grille with the new Dacia visual identity-Copper Brown mirror shells, door and side stickers with topographic patterns, Dacia logo on the tailgate -Plastic wheel arches front and rear -Modular roof bars with Copper Brown Duster lettering-Washable TEP MicroCloud mixed upholstery with specific screen printing-Washable MicroCloud TEP door medallions with Copper Brown stitching-Copper Brown details on air vents-Copper Brown stitching on handbrake and central armrest-Serrated rubber floor mats front and rear-Screen-printed front door sills OPTIONS-Spare wheel + jack(except TCe 100 Bi-Fuel)-Metallic & special paintMENUBUILD YOURSACCESSORY PACKSSide stepsDoor sill side protectors & front and rear wing protectors Available for versions with & without blind spot protection Not compatible with Extreme versions Available in 2WD and 4WD versionsDOWNLOAD ACCESSORIES BROCHUREFront styling bar Separation grid KENWOOD front dash cam Illuminated door sills Rear styling barModular boot linerKENWOOD rear camFront & rear mud guardsBoot linerRoof bars, Roof box 480L Roof bars, 2 x bike carriers for roofStorage pack + available with 2 tray tables & fixings for £252Boot storage box Magnetic phone holderRear tray table & fixingsSwan neck towbar 13 pin £599 inc. fitting Removable towbar 13 pin £780 inc. fittingAll accessories purchased prior to vehicle registration come with a 3 year manufacturers warrantyAccessories are fitted post production and may have an impact on WLTP fuel (actual) consumption and CO 2 figuresSTYLING PACK£379 inc. fittingSIDE STEP PACK £499 inc. fittingOFF ROAD PACK £359 inc. fittingPROTECTION PACK£305 inc. fittingPET PACK£205 inc. fittingDASH CAM PACK£422 inc. fittingTOURING PACK£499CYCLE PACK£400STORAGE PACK£150TOWBAR PACKPremium textile floor mats*also available on 4WDRubber boot liner 2WD*Safety kit PREMIUM DELIVERY PACK £95Premium textile floor mats Safety kitPREMIUM DELIVERY PACK+ £160Premium textile floor mats Safety kitRubber boot liner 2WD*PREMIUM DELIVERY PACKSMENUBUILD YOURS TCe 90TCe 100 Bi-fuelTCe 130TCe 150 EDCMax. unladen kerb weight 1,1891,2891,2421,263Gross train weight (GTW)2,9342,9602,9672,978Maximum permissible laden weight (MPLW)1,7341,7601,7671,778Max./min. payload (5) 460/545460/478460/525450/515Max. braked towing weight 1,2001,1001,2001,200Max. unbraked towing weight 630665655665Min. boot volume under luggage space cover with repair kit /with spare wheel (6) (dm 3 VDA)445/445445/445445/445445/445Max. boot volume with rear bench seat folded down with repair kit/with spare wheel (6) (dm 3 VDA)1,478/1,4781,478/1,4781,478/1,4781,478/1,478Min. boot volume under luggage space cover with repair kit/with spare wheel (litres)478/478478/478478/478478/478Max. boot volume with rear bench seat folded down with repair kit/with spare wheel (litres)1,623/1,6231,623/1,6231,623/1,6231,623/1,623MENUBUILD YOURS Blue dCi 115Blue dCi 115 4WDMax. unladen kerb weight 1,3501,439Gross train weight (GTW)2,9983,445Maximum permissible laden weight (MPLW)1,7981,945Max./min. payload (5) 460/490460/513Max. braked towing weight 1,2001,500Max. unbraked towing weight 690740Min. boot volume under luggage space cover with repair kit /with spare wheel (6) (dm 3 VDA)471/428411/376Max. boot volume with rear bench seat folded down with repair kit/with spare wheel (6) (dm 3 VDA)1,504/1,4611,444/1,409Min. boot volume under luggage space cover with repair kit/with spare wheel (litres)494/471467/414Max. boot volume with rear bench seat folded down with repair kit/with spare wheel (litres)1,574/1,5511,614/1,559(1) Petrol engines with particle filter (DPF): to reduce particle emissions, the new direct injection petrol engines now include a particle filter in the exhaust line. The filter removes particles in the exhaust gases, then burns them using automatic and very regular regeneration. The particle filter requires no maintenance. (2) The vehicle's starter and battery are adjusted for use with the Stop & Start system. (3) Official consumption and emissions according to applicable regulations. (4) Blue dCi Diesel engines: to reduce pollutant emissions, the new Blue dCi Diesel engines are equipped with a selective catalytic reduction device (SCR*) operating with AdBlue ® (a non-toxic solution, available at most service stations). This technology converts the nitrogen oxides from Diesel engines into harmless gases. Your vehicle reminds you when it is time to refill the AdBlue ® tank. *Selective catalytic reduction involves injecting ammonia (NH3) from the AdBlue ® into the exhaust catalytic converter. The resulting chemicalreaction transforms nitrogen oxides (NOx) into non-polluting gases (water vapour and harmless nitrogen). Actual fuel and AdBlue ® consumption depends on vehicle use, equipment, the user's driving style and the load. (4) WLTP (Worldwide Harmonized Light Vehicle T est Procedures ): this new protocol provides results much closer to those found in daily use compared to theNEDC protocol. Fuel consumption and CO 2 emissions are certified using a standard, regulated method. It is identical for allmanufacturers and allows vehicles to be compared. (5) The payload indicated is for the lowest equipment level. (6) According to ISO standard 3832.EQUIPMENT AND OPTIONS• :available as standard; ¤ : available as an option; -: not available. (1) Disconnectable only on 4x4 versions.(2) The "spare wheel + jack" option replaces the "tyre inflation kit".ESSENTIALEXPRESSIONJOURNEYEXTREMEElectrical power-assisted steering ••••On-board computer with11 functions (LCD screen): overall totaliser, partial totaliser, fuel used, average fuel consumption, predicted driving range, average speed, service/oil changeintervals, gear change indicator, exterior temperature, clock and fuel gauge•---On-board computer with13 functions (TFT screen): overall totaliser, partial totaliser, fuel used, average fuel consumption, predicted driving range, average speed, service/oil changeintervals, gear change indicator, driving speed, language settings, door open warning light, clock, exterior temperature (1)• (if automaticgearbox or ECO-G)•• •Visual and audible front seat belt warning••••Eco Mode (Euro 6) + Stop & Start + gear change indicator••••Hill Descent Control system (only on 4x4)••••Cruise control and speed limiter ••••Rear parking sensors ••••Rear view camera -•••Multiview camera--••• :available as standard; o: available as an option; -: not available. (1) Disconnectable only on 4x4 versions.(2) The "spare wheel + jack" option replaces the "tyre inflation kit".EQUIPMENT ANDOPTIONS (CONTINUED)MENUBUILD YOURS ESSENTIALEXPRESSIONJOURNEYEXTREMENavigation Pack: rear view camera, Media NAV with MAP CARE navigation (Western or Eastern Europe map + 6 free updates for 3 years)and smartphone replication via USB cable-¤••Comfort+ Pack: half-height centre console with sliding armrest and storage, 2 USB ports in the rear, driver’s seat with lumbar adjustment---•Techno Pack: keyless entry, two USB ports in the rear--¤•PRICINGOPTIONSCO 2 G/KM WLTPFUEL TYPECOMBINED FUEL CONSUMPTION (MPG) - WLTPBHPBENEFIT IN KINDVED YEAR 1BASIC PRICEVAT 20%TOTAL RETAILPRICEON THE ROAD PRICE*TCe 100 Bi-Fuel MY23.5145(Petrol)/ 127(LPG)Petrol/LPG 44.1 (6.4) & 35.8 (7.9)10034%£245£16,166.67£3,233.33£19,400.00£20,295TCe 130 4x2 MY23.5141Petrol 45.6 (6.2)13033%£255£17,325.00£3,465.00£20,790.00£21,695TCe 1504x2 EDC MY23.5141Petrol 45.6 (6.2)15033%£255£18,991.67£3,798.33£22,790.00£23,695Blue dCi 115 4x2 MY23.5126Diesel 58.9 (4.8)11530%£210£17,737.50£3,547.50£21,285.00£22,145Blue dCi 115 4x4 MY23.5141Diesel52.3 (5.4)11533%£255£19,616.67£3,923.33£23,540.00£24,445ESSENTIALEXPRESSIONJOURNEYBASIC PRICEVAT 20%TOTAL RETAILPRICEMetallic & opaque paint ¤ ¤ ¤£541.67£108.33£650Spare Wheel (excluding Bi-Fuel)¤¤¤£250.00£50.00£300* ’’On the Road’’ price includes delivery to the dealer premises, number plates, 12 months government road fund license (depending on CO 2 emissions) and First Registration Fee at £55.WE’VE GOTYOU COVEREDYou might think our shockingly affordable prices mean our cars aren’t made to last. Actually, the Dacia range is one tough cookie. To prove it, you get a 3-year* warranty (or 60,000 miles, if you reach that first). This means we will replace any part which has been deemed by a Dacia approved dealer to be defective due to a manufacturing fault, free of charge. To keep the good times rolling, you can extend your warranty up to 7 years for a great price. We also give you a 2-year paintwork and 6-year anti-corrosion warranty, so you can kick back knowing that your Dacia will stay looking good-as-new for years to come.ROADSIDE ASSIST ANCEAlthough our cars are built for plain sailing, you can rely on us if you have a breakdown – 24/7 365, wherever you are in the UK or Northern Ireland. This offer also stands for the first 3 years/60,000 miles∆ after you buy your new Dacia.DACIA CAR INSURANCE 1Dacia Insurance has been specifically created to provide superb protection for you and your car. Unlike most other UK insurers, in the event of an accident, your Dacia will be repaired at a Dacia Approved Bodyshop using only Dacia approved parts and approved repair methods. This maintains your Dacia’s safety rating, protects its resale value and helps to maintain its Dacia warranty^. Dacia Insurance also offers a courtesy car for the duration of a repair at a Dacia Approved Bodyshop.Dacia car insurance: 0330 102 7795 Lines are open Mon - Thurs 8.30am - 7pm, Fri 9am - 6pm, Sat 9am - 5pm SERVICINGDacia Service Plans are the ultimate hassle free way to take care of yourvehicle. Depending on the Service plan you purchase (see opposite grid) your servicing needs are covered and you benefit from;• I nflation Proof Servicing – You know exactly what you’ll pay and there are no hidden costs• P eace of Mind – No matter where life takes you, we’ll be there in over 5000 workshops across Europe• D acia Expertise & Quality – Our highly trained technicians know your Dacia inside outThe Dacia Service Plan contains Dacia services in-line with the manufacturer’s service schedule, plus comes with a complimentary vehicle health check to ensure your Dacia is in the best condition possible.* D acia warranty ends when you reach the age or mileage limit (whichever comes first), from date of registration. Subject tostatus, terms and conditions apply. For full Dacia Extended Warranty Terms and Conditions visit /warranty-and-assistance/warranty∆Roadside assistance for the first 3 year / 60,000 miles, which ever is reached first, from date of registration. For full Terms and Conditions visit /warranty-and-assistance/assistance† Dacia Extended warranties are available to purchase from first date of registration up to end of manufacturer warranty. For full Dacia Extended Warranty Terms and Conditions visit /warranty-and-assistance/warrantyThe monthly service plan offer is available at point of signing agreement for vehicle purchased under HP and PCP finance agreement provided by Dacia Finance Ltd. (Not available on cash purchases).T he Service plan offer is available for eligible retail vehicles only and valid at participating dealers only. Vehicles must be ordered between 3 October to 3 January and registered by 31 March 2024. The Dacia Service plan covers the manufacturer’s minimum maintenance programme requirements for the term of the Service plan purchased (refer to the Warranty and Service sheet in the Handover Document wallet for details). The plan ends when you reach the age or mileage limit (whichever comes first). Services must be carried out in line with the manufacturer’s minimum maintenance programme requirements and servicing intervals within +/- 1 month or 1,000 miles of the service interval and can only be carried out at a Dacia Approved outlet. Service plans do not cover wear and tear items such as (but not limited to) tyres, wiper blades or brakes. For Service plan full Terms & Conditions visit /services-and-finance/service-plan. Cannot be part exchanged, refunded or transferred.◊ T he service schedule and intervals are subject to the registration number. Ask your local dealer to confirm your service schedule / intervals as the above is a guideline.** 36 or 48 monthly payments options are only available at point of signing a finance agreement provided by Dacia Finance, Rivers Office Park, Denham Way, Rickmansworth, WD3 9YS. Guarantees and indemnities may be required. You must be a UK resident (excluding the Channel Islands) and over 18 to apply for finance. Terms and conditions apply.1 D acia Insurance is arranged and administered by Verex Insurance Services Ltd, which is registered in England and Wales No. 05686831 at Batchworth House, Church Street, Rickmansworth, Herts, WD3 1JE and authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority,No. 487185. Verex Insurance Services Ltd arranges policies from a panel of insurers, details are available on request.^If your insurer uses non-approved parts which subsequently fail, they may not be covered under your manufacturer’s warranty.Dacia Extended warranty ends when you reach the age or mileage limit (whichever comes first). For full Warranty Terms and Conditions visit /warranty-and-assistance/assistanceSERVICE PLAN^C a s h P r i c eM o n t h l y p a y m e n t s w i t h D a c i a F i n a n c e **2 years / 20,000 miles Service Plan -£9.99 per month 3 years / 30,000 miles Service Plan £576£12.99 per month 4 years / 40,000 miles Service Plan + 1 MOT£1,056£16.99 per monthSERVICING^ + EXTENDEDWARRANTY PLAN + 1 MOT4 years / 60,000 miles£1,464£17.99 per monthEXTENDED WARRANTY T o t a l R e t a i l P r i c e4 years / 60,000 miles †£1655 years / 60,000 miles †£2756 years / 60,000 miles†£4154 years / 100,000 miles †£4905 years / 100,000 miles †£5656 years / 100,000 miles†£715Y e a r 1Y e a r 2Y e a r 3Cabin filter changeOil change + Cabin filter changeCabin filter change + Brake fluid changeY e a r 4Y e a r 5Y e a r 6Oil change + Cabin filter change + Brake fluid changeCabin filter change +Coolant 150km changeCabin filter change + Belts 150km changeSERVICE INTERV ALS ◊Annual servicing OR servicing at 18,000 miles (whichever comes first)Service Schedule ◊DIMENSIONS1,5631,570* / 1,580**2,673* / 2,676**2,020* / 2,002**4,341826* / 824**842* / 841**217* / 214**1,4031,41697790089214°14°1,693* / 1,682**1,8042,052Dimension in mm. *Version 4x2. **Version 4x4BOOT (L)Min. boot volume under luggage space cover with spare wheel (4x2/4x4) 478/414Max. boot volume with rear bench seat folded down with spare wheel (4x2/4x4)1,623/1,559TO GOFURTHERCLICK AND CONFIGUREAccess the DACIAFacebook accountAccess the DACIATwitter accountAccess the DACIAInstagram account。
Priority Hazards 首要危险 Wrenches Slipping Causing Muscle Strains 扳手松动引起的肌肉拉伤 Wrenches Slipping Causing Struck By/Against Accidents 扳手松动引起的击中事故 Back Strains While Shoveling 铲东西时后背损伤 Eye Injuries From Objects Flying As A Result of Using Striking Tools 使用敲击类工具时溅起物落进眼睛造成伤害 9
Maintenance and Repair 保养和维修 Tool Quality 工具质量 What to Look For 要检查什么 Redressing and Sharpening Tools 矫形和磨利的工具 Handles 把柄
General Controls 总体控制
Training Inspection Enforcement
培训 检查 实施
© 1995. Liberty Mutual Group/Boston. All rights reserved © 1995.利宝互助集团 / 波士顿. 版权所有.
© 1995. Liberty Mutual Group/Boston. All rights reserved © 1995.利宝互助集团 / 波士顿. 版权所有.
Konzernnorm VW 01132Ausgabe 2015-02 Klass.-Nr.:01762Schlagwörter:Blechdurchzug, Direktverschraubung, FDS, Fließlochformen, Prüfung, gewindeformende SchraubenLoch- und gewindeformende SchraubenPrüfungFrühere AusgabenVW 01132: 2007-04ÄnderungenGegenüber der VW 01132: 2007-04 wurden folgende Änderungen vorgenommen:–Norm wurde inhaltlich vollständig überarbeitet und neu strukturiert–Fachverantwortung geändertSeite 1 von 20 Norm vor Anwendung auf Aktualität prüfen.Die elektronisch erzeugte Norm ist authentisch und gilt ohne Unterschrift.Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Weitergabe oder Vervielfältigung ohne vorherige Zustimmung einer Normenabteilung des Volkswagen Konzerns nicht gestattet.© Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft VWNORM-2014-06a-patch5Seite 2VW 01132: 2015-02InhaltSeiteAnwendungsbereich ...................................................................................................2Begriffe .......................................................................................................................4Zeichnungseintragungen und Bezeichnung ...............................................................4Schraubenzeichnung .................................................................................................4Zeichnung der Verbindung .........................................................................................5Anforderungen ...........................................................................................................5Qualitätsmerkmale .....................................................................................................6Allgemeines ................................................................................................................6Äußere Qualitätsmerkmale ........................................................................................6Innere Qualitätsmerkmale ..........................................................................................8Festigkeitsmerkmale ................................................................................................11Prüfung der Qualitätsmerkmale ...............................................................................11Allgemeines ..............................................................................................................11Prüfung der äußeren Qualitätsmerkmale .................................................................13Sichtprüfung nach DIN EN 13018 ............................................................................13Maßprüfung ..............................................................................................................13Prüfung der inneren Qualitätsmerkmale ..................................................................13Probenentnahme ......................................................................................................13Probenpräparation ...................................................................................................13Festigkeitsuntersuchungen ......................................................................................14Allgemeines ..............................................................................................................14Scherzugprüfung ......................................................................................................14Schälzugprüfung ......................................................................................................16Kopfzugprüfung ........................................................................................................17Beurteilung der Fügeverbindung ..............................................................................19Äußere Qualitätsmerkmale ......................................................................................19Innere Qualitätsmerkmale ........................................................................................19Festigkeitsuntersuchungen ......................................................................................19Gesamtbeurteilung der Fügeverbindung ..................................................................19Fertigstellungslösung ...............................................................................................20Mitgeltende Unterlagen ............................................................................................20Literaturverzeichnis ..................................................................................................201233.13.2455. Norm gilt für die Prüfung von 2- und 3-Material-Verbindungen mit selbstlochenden und ge‐windefurchenden Schrauben in Leichtmetall- und Stahl-Werkstoffen im Fahrzeug-Karosseriebau.Das Verfahren eignet sich besonders für metallische Werkstoffe als Einschraubteil. Faserverstärk‐te Kunststoffe werden momentan nicht als Einschraubteil genutzt.Als vorgelochtes Klemmteil können nahezu beliebige metallische Werkstoffe sowie faserverstärkte Kunststoffe verwendet werden. Für die Ausführung mit ungelochtem Klemmteil entfallen hoch- und höchstfeste Stähle sowie faserverstärkte Kunststoffe als Klemmteil.Die Verbindung kann mit und ohne Klebstoff in der Fügeebene gefertigt werden. Die Anwendbar‐keit dieses Verfahrens setzt aufgrund von hohen Anpresskräften eine robotergeführte Schrauban‐lage voraus.In dieser Norm wird sowohl das loch- und gewindeformende Schrauben mit einem bzw. mehreren Vorlöchern, als auch ohne Vorlochoperation betrachtet. Sie soll durch einheitliche Prüfvorgaben vergleichbare Prüfergebnisse sicherstellen.1Seite 3VW 01132: 2015-02 Eine Besonderheit des Schraubverfahrens ist der Einsatz in Dünnblechbereichen von 0,6 mm bis 6,0 mm Wandstärke. Der Schraubenwerkstoff besitzt dabei eine höhere Werkstoffgüte als der Ein‐schraubwerkstoff. Bei der Ermittlung eines Überdrehmomentes versagt grundsätzlich das Gewinde des Einschraubwerkstoffs. Durch das Formen eines spielfreien Gewindes und des hohen Reib‐schlusses durch die Prozessführung wird immer eine gute Selbsthemmung erzeugt. Die Vorspann‐kräfte in der Schraube sind dadurch von geringer Bedeutung.Der Einsatzbereich ist auf den Schraubendurchmesser 3 mm bis 6 mm begrenzt. Materialdicken‐kombinationen müssen über Versuche abgesichert werden. Der Prozessablauf zum Einbringen loch- und gewindeformender Schrauben mit klemmteilseitigem Vorloch ist in Bild 1 und der Pro‐zessablauf zum Einbringen loch- und gewindeformender Schrauben ohne Vorlochoperation ist in Bild 2 dargestellt.Bild 1 – Prozessablauf zum Einbringen loch- und gewindeformender Schraubenmit klemmteilseitigem VorlochBild 2 – Prozessablauf zum Einbringen loch- und gewindeformender Schraubenohne VorlochoperationSeite 4VW 01132: 2015-02BegriffeDeutscher Verband für Schweißen und verwandte Verfahren e. V.Europäische Forschungsgesellschaft für Blechbearbeitung e. V.Faserverstärkter KunststoffMaximale Scherzugkräfte, Schälzugkräfte oder Kopfzugkräfte in kNMindestwert der Scherzugkräfte, Schälzugkräfte oder Kopfzugkräfte in kN Mittelwert der Scherzugkräfte, Schälzugkräfte oder Kopfzugkräfte in kN ProduktdatenmanagementTechnische Leitlinie Dokumentation Verbindungstechnik ApplikationWerkzeug- und Verbindungsdatenmanagement Spalt unter dem Schraubenkopf in mm Spalt zwischen den Fügepartnern in mmAbstand zwischen Mittelpunkt des Schraubenschaftes bis zum Punkt, bei dem das Spaltmaß zwischen den Fügepartnern X S ≤ 0,1 mm ist in mm minimaler Randabstand bzw. minimaler Abstand zur Beschnittkante in mm Fügeflanschbreite in mmminimaler Radienabstand bzw. minimaler Abstand zur Radienauslauflinie in mmProbenbreite in mm Probenlänge in mmFreie Einspannlänge der Proben in mm Länge der Überlappung in mm StandardabweichungZeichnungseintragungen und BezeichnungVon dieser Norm abweichende Festlegungen der Entwicklung sind in der Zeichnung anzugeben.SchraubenzeichnungIn die Zeichnung der Schraube sind außer den Maßangaben und Toleranzen folgende Angaben einzutragen:–Werkstoff der Schraube,–Härte der Schraube (HV im Querschliff gemessen mit Angabe des Messortes(Kopf/Schaft/Oberfläche/Kern etc.),–Beschichtungsart und -dicke, z. B. nach TL 245 und TL 233 (z. B. t 610; t 611; t 650),–im Falle einer zusätzlichen Gleitmittelbeschichtung ist Produktname und Auftragsdicke anzu‐geben,–für partielle Beschichtungen ist zusätzlich der Auftragsbereich in der Zeichnung darzustellen,–Angabe der Norm- oder Wiederholteilnummer,–Zeichnungshinweis: …Sprödbrüche durch prozessbedingte Wasserstoffanreicherung sind nichtzulässig“ siehe auch DIN EN ISO 4042 (Verbindungselemente und galvanische Überzüge)und DIN EN ISO 15330 (Verspannungsversuch),–Baumusterfreigabe,–Information über spezielle Funktionseigenschaften z. B. trilobularer Schaftanteil2 DVS EFB FVK F max F min F mittel PDM TLD VTA WVM X KS X S X SF a Bmin a Fa RALminb 0l 0l F l Üs 33.1Seite 5VW 01132: 2015-02Die Anforderung, die Schraubverbindungen nach dieser Norm zu prüfen, ist in Zeichnungen oder Lastenheften wie folgt anzugeben:Prüfung Loch- und gewindeformende Schrauben nach VW 01132Legende Schraube d 1Gewindenenndurchmesser d 2Scheibendurchmesser k Kopfhöhes Scheibendicke (angepresst)l g nutzbare Gewindelänge lNennlängeBauteil t 1Klemmteildicke t 2Einschraubteildicke bGewindelänge min.Bild 3 – Geometrische Kenngrößen der VerbindungZeichnung der VerbindungIn die Zeichnung der Verbindung sind folgende Angaben einzutragen:–Schraubenbezeichnung (Norm- bzw. Wiederholteilnummer),–Einschraubrichtung,–Fügepunktbezeichnung nach VTA,–Anzugsdrehmomente müssen mit einem geeigneten Werkzeug (Tool) dokumentiert werdenz. B. PDM, WVM, Fügedatenbank etc.AnforderungenGrundlage für die Beurteilung der Verbindung mit loch- und gewindeformenden Schrauben ist die freigegebene Bauteilzeichnung. Vom Umfang dieser Norm abweichende Anforderungen werden in der Zeichnung festgelegt und haben Vorrang. Zusätzlich notwendige Maßnahmen zur Erfüllung3.24Seite 6VW 01132: 2015-02spezieller Qualitätsanforderungen sind zwischen den Verantwortlichen der Planung, Konstruktion und Qualitätssicherung abzustimmen.Die Erstellung eines durchgängigen Prüfkonzeptes ist Aufgabe der Planung unter Berücksichti‐gung der Prüfnorm. Detaillierte Prüfanweisungen werden auf Grundlage der jeweils geltenden Nor‐men und Zeichnungsangaben durch den Betreiber erstellt.Die Prüfmethoden und die Prüfhäufigkeit werden entsprechend den Anforderungen an die Füge‐verbindung und der Prozesssicherheit zwischen der Planung, der Qualitätssicherung und dem Be‐treiber abgestimmt und festgelegt.Qualitätsmerkmale AllgemeinesDie Qualität der Verbindung mit loch- und gewindeformenden Schrauben wird generell über ein vorgegebenes Prozessfenster der Fertigungsanlage sichergestellt.Die Qualität der Verbindung mit loch- und gewindeformenden Schrauben ist durch entsprechende Prüfungen der äußeren und inneren Qualitätsmerkmale nachzuweisen (siehe Tabelle 1 und Tabelle 2).Wird eine Fügestelle als n. i. O. bewertet, so sind geeignete Maßnahmen zu ergreifen, um zu ei‐nem i. O.-Ergebnis zu gelangen. Das in der Zwischenzeit gefertigte Los ist zu kontrollieren und ge‐gebenenfalls fertigzustellen bzw. nachzuarbeiten.Prozessbegleitende Prüfungen der Schraubverbindungen müssen an Proben erfolgen, die unter gleichen Bedingungen wie die Bauteilverbindungen hergestellt werden und in ihren Eigenschaften dem zu prüfenden Fall entsprechen. Beim Einsatz von Klebstoff werden die Prüfungen …Innerer Qualitätsmerkmale“ immer mit ausgehärtetem Klebstoff und …Festigkeitsuntersuchungen“ immer mit nicht ausgehärtetem Klebstoff durchgeführt.Die Prüfung eines Nachziehdrehmomentes kann mit geeigneten Drehmomentschlüsseln am Bau‐teil durchgeführt werden. Wenn nicht gesondert vereinbart, ist die Prüfung der gefügten Proben vor einer Karosserie-Wärmebehandlung vorzunehmen. Fügestellen mit zusätzlichem Einsatz von Klebstoff lassen sich nachträglich nicht sinnvoll über ein Nachziehdrehmoment bewerten.Auf die Festigkeit der Verbindung mit loch- und gewindeformenden Schrauben kann in der Regel durch eine mechanisch-technologische Prüfung (z. B. Scherzug-, Schälzug- und Kopfzugprüfung)geschlossen werden.Bei der serienbegleitenden Prüfung kann bei einer i. O.-Beurteilung der inneren Qualitätsmerkmale auf die Scherzug-, Schälzug- und Kopfzugprüfung verzichtet werden.Spezielle Anweisungen zur Ausführung der Prüfung und zum Verhalten bei n. i. O.-Ergebnissen sind in einer Prüfanweisung festzulegen.Prüfhäufigkeit, Prüfumfang und Prüfverfahren sind in einem Prüfkonzept festzulegen und zwischen Planung, Betreiber, Qualitätssicherung und bei Bedarf der Technischen Entwicklung abzustimmen.Jedes Qualitätsmerkmal wird eigenständig bewertet.Äußere QualitätsmerkmaleGrenzwerte für äußere Qualitätsmerkmale sind in Tabelle 1 festgelegt.5 5.15.2Seite 7VW 01132: 2015-02Tabelle 1 – Grenzwerte für äußere Qualitätsmerkmale und BewertungNr.Merkmal DarstellungBeschreibungGrenzwerteBewertung 1.1Schraub-verbindung––vorhanden i. O.nicht vorhanden n. i. O.1.2Position––gemäß Zeichnungi. O.nicht gemäßZeichnungn. i. O.1.3Füge-richtung––gemäß Zeichnung i. O.nicht gemäß Zeichnung n. i. O.1.4Kopf-auflageDie Kopfauflage bzw. der Spalt unter dem Schrauben‐kopf X KS wird mit einer Prüflehre an der nicht zerstörten Karosserie überprüft.X KS < 0,05 mmi. O.X KS ≥ 0,05 mm n. i. O.mit Vorloch ohne Vorloch1.5Rand-abstandBei Flanschbreiten ≤ 18 mm müssen die Grenzwerte in‐dividuell festgelegt werden.a Bmin ≥d 22 +1 mmi. O.a Bmin <d 22 +1 mmn. i. O.1.6Radien-abstanda RALmin ≥d 22 +1 mmi. O.a RALmin <d 22+1 mmn. i. O.Seite 8VW 01132: 2015-02Innere QualitätsmerkmaleGrenzwerte für innere Qualitätsmerkmale sind in Tabelle 2 festgelegt.Tabelle 2 – Grenzwerte für innere Qualitätsmerkmale und BewertungNr.Merkmal Darstellung Beschreibung Grenzwerte Bewertung mit Vorloch ohne Vorloch2.1Kopf-auflageDie Kopfauflage bzw. der Spalt unter dem Schrau-benkopf X KS wird mit einer Messlehre an der nichtzerstörten Karosserie überprüft. Die Bewertung imSchliffbild ist nicht sinnvoll, da durch Präparations‐artefakte größere Spalte generiert werden können.–Bewertung nichtsinnvoll 2.2Gewinde im ver‐schraubtenMaterial–intakteGewindegängei. O.zerstörteGewindegängen. i. O.2.3Gewindeflankender Schraube (imBereich l g)–intakteGewindeflankeni. O.ausgebrochene oderabgearbeiteteGewindeflankenn. i. O. 5.3Seite 9 VW 01132: 2015-02Nr.Merkmal Darstellung Beschreibung Grenzwerte Bewertung mit Vorloch ohne Vorloch2.4Abdeckung desVorlochs imKlemmteil–vollständige Abdeckung i. O.keine vollständigeAbdeckungn. i. O.2.5Spalt zwischenFügepartnernDer Spalt zwischen den Fügepartnern muss nachdem definierten Abstand X SF = 9 mm ein SpaltmaßX S ≤ 0,2 mm aufweisen. Der Abstand X SF wird vomMittelpunkt des Schraubenschaftes gemessen. DasAnzugsdrehmoment muss erreicht werden Falls dieSpaltsituation mit Klebstoff gefüllt ist, sind auchSpalte X S > 0,2 mm zulässig.für a F = 18 mmX SF ≤ 9 mmi. O.Für a F > 18 mm ist dieVerbindung als i. O. zuwerten, auch wenn X SF> 9 mm, der Spalt je‐doch zur Flanschbe‐schnittkante geschlos‐sen ist und dasAnzugsdrehmomenterreicht wird.i. O.für a F = 18 mmX SF > 9 mmn. i. O.2.6PartielleKopfauflage–vollständige Kopfaufla‐gei. O.partielle Kopfauflagemit zusätzlicher Abdich‐tungi. O.partielle Kopfauflage n. i. O.Seite 10VW 01132: 2015-02Nr.Merkmal Darstellung Beschreibung Grenzwerte Bewertung mit Vorloch ohne Vorloch2.7Füllung derGewindeflanken–nicht vollständig gefüllt,Anzugsdrehmomenterreichti. O.vollständig gefüllt,Anzugsdrehmomentnicht erreichtn. i. O.2.8Durchbiegung desverschraubtenMaterials–Eine Durchbiegung des verschraubten Materialstritt insbesondere bei Materialdicken kleiner 1 mmauf. Hierbei ist besonders darauf zu achten, dassmindestens ein vollständiger, tragender Gewinde‐gang vorhanden ist.Durchbiegung, abermindestens ein voll‐ständiger, tragenderGewindegangi. O.Durchbiegung, aberkein vollständiger Ge‐windegang.n. i. O.FestigkeitsmerkmaleF min. und F mittel sind abhängig von der Materialdickenkombination und der (Nenn-)Festigkeit der durch loch- und gewindeformende Schrauben gefügten Werkstoffe. Erreichbare Werte müssen ex‐perimentell ermittelt werden.F min. wird wie folgt ermittelt:F min = F mittel - 2s(1)Die ausgewerteten Festigkeitswerte müssen dabei aus nach Abschnitt 5.3 i. O. geprüften Proben‐reihen ermittelt werden.Die Bewertung der Bruchart und Bruchfläche erfolgt gemäß Tabelle 3.Tabelle 3 – Brucharten und zugeordnete KennbuchstabenNr.MerkmalDarstellungAbkürzung3.1Aufreißen des Loches im Klemmteil F3.2Ausknöpfen desSchraubenkopfes aus dem Klemmteil K3.3Ausreißen des Schrau‐benschaftes aus dem Einschraubteil S 3.4Abscheren des Schraubenkopfes A 3.5Abscheren im Bereich des SchraubenschaftesEPrüfung der Qualitätsmerkmale AllgemeinesBei Bemusterungen ist eine Gesamtbeurteilung der Fügeverbindungen erforderlich. Dies umfasst den Nachweis, dass alle in dieser Norm beschriebenen Qualitätsmerkmale i. O. sind.Nach Optimierungen, Anpassungen von Prozessparametern usw. ist eine Freigabeprüfung nach ausgewählten, wie in der Serie angewandten Qualitätsmerkmalen, durchzuführen.Die zum Einsatz kommenden Qualitätsmerkmale der Serienprüfung (Linienprüfung und TLD-Raum oder entsprechend) werden im Team Planung, Fertigung, Qualitätssicherung und wenn nötig Kon‐struktion und Verfahrenstechnik abgestimmt und festgelegt. Diese Qualitätsmerkmale müssen in ihrer Gesamtheit geeignet sein, die Stabilität des Prozesses und damit die Qualität der Fügeverbin‐dung zu überwachen.Zu jedem Qualitätsmerkmal können Prüfverfahren nach der Matrix in Tabelle 4 ausgewählt werden.5.4 66.1Tabelle 4 – Prüfung der QualitätsmerkmaleQualitätsmerkmalPrüfungS i c h t p r üf u n gM a ßp r üf u n gM e t a l l o g r a f i eM e i ße l p r üf u n g F a l z öf f n u n gU l t r a s c h a l l p r üf u n gT h e r m o g r a f i eF a r b e i n d r i n g p r üf u n gS c h e r z u gS c h äl z u g K o p f z u g Äu ße r e Q u a l i t ät s m e r k m a l eSchrauben-verbindung x ––––––––––Position x ––––––––––Fügerichtung x ––––––––––Kopfauflage –x –––––––––Randabstand –x –––––––––Radienabstand –x –––––––––I n n e r e Q u a l i t ät s m e r k m a l eKopfauflage –x –––––––––Gewindeim verschraubten Material ––x––––––––Gewindeflanken der Schraube (im Bereich l g )––x ––––––––Abdeckung des Vorlochs im Klemmteil ––x ––––––––Spalt zwischen Fügepartnern ––x ––––––––Partielle Kopfauflage ––x ––––––––Füllung derGewindeflanken ––x ––––––––Durchbiegung des verschraubten Materials––x ––––––––F e s t i g k e i t s m e r k m a l eScherzugkraft ––––––––x ––Schälzugkraft–––––––––x –Kopfzugkraft ––––––––––xPrüfung der äußeren QualitätsmerkmaleDie Anzahl, die Position und die Fügerichtung der Verbindung mit loch- und gewindeformenden Schrauben muss entsprechend der gültigen Zeichnung gegeben sein.Der Rand- und Radienabstand muss mittels Messschieber oder ähnlichem geprüft werden. Die Unregelmäßigkeiten der äußeren Qualitätsmerkmale sind nach Tabelle 1 zu bewerten.Sichtprüfung nach DIN EN 13018Die Sichtprüfung ist ein zuverlässiges Verfahren zur Bewertung der äußeren Qualitätsmerkmale von Verbindungen mit loch- und gewindeformenden Schrauben. Die Fügeverbindungen sind mit bloßem Auge zu prüfen.MaßprüfungDie Maßprüfung ist ein Verfahren unter Anwendung von Messmitteln, wie z. B. Messschieber oder Messuhr, zur Erfassung geometrischer Kenngrößen.Prüfung der inneren QualitätsmerkmaleDie Unregelmäßigkeiten der inneren Qualitätsmerkmale sind nach Tabelle 2 zu bewerten.Prozessüberwachung und zerstörungsfreie Prüfung sind anstatt zerstörender Prüfung zulässig. Die Ergebnisse sind jedoch regelmäßig durch zerstörende Prüfung zu verifizieren.ProbenentnahmeDie Probenentnahme soll nach einem Schnittplan erfolgen. Zur Prüfung werden die zu untersuch‐enden Schraubverbindungen mittig längs der Schraubenachse geschnitten und metallografische Schliffe angefertigt. Die Schnittrichtung sollte senkrecht zum Flanschbeschnitt erfolgen.ProbenpräparationDie Schliffflächen sind so zu präparieren, dass die in Tabelle 2 aufgezeigten Q-Merkmale eindeutig beurteilbar sind. Bei Serienprüfungen sind in der Regel Makroschliffe ausreichend. Prozessbeglei‐tende Prüfungen erfolgen anhand von Makroschliffen. Bei Unregelmäßigkeiten und zur Analyse müssen Mikroschliffe erstellt werden. Bei Freigabeprüfungen müssen bei der Schliffbildanalyse die tatsächlichen Blechdicken im Schraubbereich vermessen werden. Es sollen jeweils 5 Schliffe pro Materialpaarung genommen werden. Die Untersuchung der Verbindung erfolgt bei geeigneter Ver‐größerung, um die gesamte Verbindung und das Umfeld der Verbindung erfassen zu können. Soll‐te es notwendig sein, Schliffe einzubetten, so müssen Materialpaarungen, die FVK beinhalten,stets kalt eingebettet werden.6.2 AllgemeinesScherzugkräfte, Schälzugkräfte und Kopfzugkräfte werden vorzugsweise an Arbeitsproben (Pro‐bebleche) ermittelt, die unter gleichen Bedingungen wie die Bauteilverbindungen hergestellt werden und in ihren Eigenschaften dem zu prüfenden Fall entsprechen. Beim Einsatz von Kleb‐stoff werden die Prüfungen immer mit nicht ausgehärtetem Klebstoff durchgeführt.Dies gilt für:–das Probenmaterial (Werkstoff, Dicke, Festigkeit, Oberflächenbeschaffenheit und Oberflä-chenbehandlung)–die Fügevorrichtung und Fügewerkzeuge–die Angabe zum Klebstoff (bei Vorhandensein)–die Wärmebehandlung der FügepartnerIm Prüfprotokoll müssen folgende Angaben vorhanden sein:–die Fügeparameter Setzkraft und Anzugsdrehmoment –die Material-Dickenkombination –die Fügerichtung–die Probenform und verwendete ÜberlappungslängeAlternativ dazu ist es zulässig, Festigkeitskennwerte an Bauteilproben aus Realbauteilen zu ermit‐teln. Dabei ist sicherzustellen, dass Messwerte nicht durch Präparationseinflüsse verfälscht werden.Für weitergehende Informationen bezüglich der Festigkeitsprüfung wird auf das DVS-EFB 3480-1verwiesen.Scherzugprüfung ProbengeometrieDie Probengeometrie ist in Bild 4 dargestellt. Der Einspannbereich ist dunkelgrau markiert. Für 2-Material-Verbindungen beträgt die Probenbreite 45 mm, die Länge der Einzelbleche mindestens 110 mm und die Überlappung der Fügepartner (Blech und Profil) 18 mm. Für Gusswerkstoffe und faserverstärkte Kunststoffe beträgt die Überlappung der Fügepartner 25 mm.Für 3-Material-Verbindungen müssen geeignete Überlappungslängen gewählt und in der Ergebnis‐darstellung aufgeführt werden.Für bauteilähnliche oder prozessbegleitende Prüfungen kann die Überlappungslänge der vorlie‐genden Flanschlänge im Fahrzeug angepasst werden. Dies muss jedoch in der Ergebnisdarstel‐lung aufgeführt werden.Der Fügepunkt befindet sich im geometrischen Mittelpunkt der Einzelblechüberlappung.Für die Gewährleistung einer Vergleichbarkeit der ermittelten Ergebnisse ist es notwendig, dass die freie Einspannlänge und die Überlappung konstant gehalten werden.Für alle Prüfungen ist eine Mindestanzahl von 5 Proben notwendig.6.4 4 – Probengeometrie für ScherzugprüfungPrüfungsdurchführungBei der Scherzugprüfung werden die Maximalkraft der Verbindung und die Bruchart ermittelt. Die Bruchart muss entsprechend den Abkürzungen in Tabelle 3 im Prüfbericht festgehalten werden.freie Einspannlänge der Proben 95 mm Prüfgeschwindigkeit 10 mm/min Probenanzahl≥ 5Unterlegbleche zum Ausgleich der Blechdicke sind bei Einzelblechdicken der Proben von 3 mm und größer erforderlich.Für faserverstärkte Kunststoffe wird empfohlen, die Proben im Bereich der Einspannfläche mit ei‐ner geeigneten Verstärkung zu versehen, um ein Rutschen aus der Einspannung zu vermeiden.AnforderungenEin Abscheren des Schraubenkopfes (A) oder ein Abscheren im Bereich des Schraubenschaftes (E), siehe Tabelle 3, stellt ein besonderes Schadensbild dar. Hier ist eine Analyse der Bruchflä‐chen und deren Dokumentation notwendig.BeurteilungDie Beurteilung gilt für Freigabeprüfungen (Prozessqualifikation) und für die Serienüberwachung.Für die Freigabeprüfung sind 5 Proben nach Abschnitt anzufertigen.Für die serienbegleitende Prüfung sind beim Auftreten von Unregelmäßigkeiten im Schliff 5 Proben nach Abschnitt 5.3 anzuliefern, die unter den Bedingungen der laufenden Serie gefertigt wurden (gleicher Werkstoff, Materialdicke, Wärmebehandlung, ...). Bei einer i. O.-Beurteilung nachAbschnitt 5.3 kann bei der serienbegleitenden Prüfung auf Scher-, Schäl- und Kopfzugprüfung ver‐zichtet werden.Die Mindestscherzugkraft und der Mindestmittelwert der Scherzugkräfte sind abhängig von der Materialdickenkombination und der (Nenn-)Festigkeit der verschraubten Werkstoffe. Erreichbare Werte müssen experimentell ermittelt werden, siehe Formel (1).Die ausgewerteten Festigkeitswerte müssen dabei aus nach Abschnitt 5.3 i. O. geprüften Proben‐reihen ermittelt werden.。
安全训练观察计划S AFETYT RAININGO BSERV ATION P ROGRAM单元一认识STOP系统前言前言.................................... 错误!未定义书签。
欢迎来到STOP ........................ 错误!未定义书签。
你可以从这本手册得到什么?........... 错误!未定义书签。
STOP的辉煌成果 ...................... 错误!未定义书签。
安全理念............................. 错误!未定义书签。
STOP的运作方式 ...................... 错误!未定义书签。
STOP自我研习手册..................... 错误!未定义书签。
团体讨论............................. 错误!未定义书签。
在职训练............................. 错误!未定义书签。
你的每日观察......................... 错误!未定义书签。
联合安全巡察......................... 错误!未定义书签。
伤害及冒险行为.......................... 错误!未定义书签。
行为及安全:重要的关联............... 错误!未定义书签。
不安全行为及不安全状况............... 错误!未定义书签。
沟通:成功的关键..................... 错误!未定义书签。
STOP和惩戒制度应分开作业............. 错误!未定义书签。
你对安全的责任.......................... 错误!未定义书签。
负起责任............................. 错误!未定义书签。
让安全拥有同等重要地位............... 错误!未定义书签。
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目录1 杜邦介绍2~3 杜邦产品在汽车上的应用4~7 工程塑料及高性能材料8~9 Kelar ®和Nomex ®在汽车领域的应用10~11 Dymetrol ®纤维及座椅解决方案12~13 Vitonhe ®和Vamac ®在汽车领域的应用14~15 杜邦高性能涂料系统16~17 Krytox ®高性能润滑剂18~19 Kelar ®防护手套、Tyvek ®喷漆防护服20~21 Sontara ®表面处理系统、Tyvek ®汽车表面防护系统22 杜邦TM Izon ®全方位防伪方案、杜邦安全管理咨询服务23 杜邦中国研发中心24 杜邦创新科技,助力明日汽车01Tyvek®汽车表面防护系统高性能弹性体Viton®、Vamac®)工程塑料(Crastin®、Zytel®、Hytrel®、Vespel®)Krytox®高性能润滑剂Kevlar®聚酰胺有机纤维Dymetrol®纤维杜邦汽车漆P21P16P08P10 P14P12P04杜邦产品带来的卓越性能03杜邦能为您的汽车创造更多价值提高部件性能,降低产品成本工程塑料及高性能材料07是杜邦公司发明的芳香族聚酰胺有机纤维,它们独特的性质和化学成分(凯芙拉)具有独特的高强度、高模量、高具有非常高的断裂伸长率以及优异的耐热稳定性、耐疲劳性、耐磨已经广泛应主要特性及优点:·比等重的钢丝强5倍·优良的耐热稳定性·优良的耐化学腐蚀性·质轻Kevlar ®(凯芙拉Para-Aramid)主要特性及优点·优良的耐热稳定性·优良的耐疲劳性·优良的耐化学腐蚀性·优良的耐磨性应用部位轮胎、刹车片、胶管、空气弹簧、传动带等。
LifeSpan C3-DTDesk Bike 产品说明书
![LifeSpan C3-DTDesk Bike 产品说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/98e765e6ed3a87c24028915f804d2b160a4e861c.png)
DT3Console Owner’s ManualC3-DTDesk Bike Owner’s ManualWelcomeNeither LifeSpan Fitness nor its representatives can accept responsibility for any damages or injury incurred as a result of information presented in this manual except under the termsof the product warranty.Congratulations on choosing the LifeSpan Workplace™ line of products. These products give you the opportunity to remain productive while taking care of yourself as you integrate movement with normally sedentary tasks.The average American now spends eleven hours, five days a week, sitting, and burns one-hundred fewer calories each day than they did a few decades ago. Sitting for long periods slows your metabolism, reduces calories burned, and increases your risk for heart disease and diabetes.Whether you plan on placing this product in a TV room, replace your desk at home or are adding another workspace in the office, LifeSpan Workplace™ products are a great way to add movement to an otherwise sedentary activity.Before you assemble or operate your product, please read this manual thoroughly. Important information, including safety precautions, ongoing product maintenance, assembly instructions, and information on proper operation are included.If you need to contact LifeSpan customer service, visit our website at and select customer service. Complete the information requested and we will respond to your inquiry within one business day. In the United States and Canada you can also call (877) 654-3837 and choose option 4.Table of Contents WelcomeGetting StartedWarrantySpecificationsSafetyAssembling Your C3-DT Desk Bike Exploded View & Hardware Assembly InstructionsGeneral MaintenanceMovingTroubleshootingAssembly InstructionsC onnecting your C3 Desk Biketo the DT3 consoleDesk Bike OperationsConsole OverviewStarting the Desk Bike Innovative FeaturesTroubleshootingPersonal SettingsDisplay Details 6 11 22 23WarrantyWarrantyYour LifeSpan treadmill/bike desk comes with the following limited warranty valid in North America. If you are outside of this area contact your local authorized LifeSpan dealer.LifeSpan warrants that the equipment it manufactures is free from defects in materials and workmanship under normal use and services. The periods above are based on the date of purchase. During these periods, LifeSpan will repair or replace any defective part. Free labor is included on all parts that are not normally assembled or replaced by the customer within the labor period.If within the time frames specified above, any part fails to operate properly, login to our website at , click on “Customer Service” and complete the form to request assistance or call 877.654.3837 option 4 for a Customer Service Agent (please note that certain kinds of service should only be performed by a qualified service technician).LifeSpan reserves the right to make changes and improvements to our products without incurring any obligations to similarly alter any product purchased. In order to insure our product warranty and to ensure the safe and efficient operation of your LifeSpan product, only authorized parts can be used. The warranty is void if any parts other than those provided by LifeSpan are used.Exclusions and Limitations:• This warranty does not apply to any defects caused by negligence, misuse, improper assembly, or maintenance, accident, or “act of God.”• This warranty does not apply to discoloration of paints or plastics.• LifeSpan shall not be responsible for incidental or consequential damages. • This warranty is non-transferable from the original owner.C3-DT Desk Bike Frame Parts LaborDT3Parts6 Hr/Day Lifetime 2 Years 1 Year2 YearsSpecificationsC3-DT Desk BikeMechanical and PerformanceSeat Molded, contoured seatSeat Adjustment Height - 19 positionsResistance System Magnetic - Eddy CurrentPedals Self balancingFlywheel Weight18 lbs (8.1 kg)Max. User Weight400 lbs (181.4 kg)Dimensions22” W x 28” L (55cm W x 71cm L)Transport Wheels Rear MountedDT3 ConsoleMechanical and PerformanceResistance16 LevelsDimensions12.5” W x 3”D x 2”H32cm W x 7.6cm D x 5.1cm HSafety FirstWhen using active workstations, basic precautions should always be followed, including:• Never drop or insert any object into any opening. If an object falls intoan opening, turn the power off and unplug the power cord from theoutlet. Remove the object or call customer service at 877.654.3837option 4.• Never operate this desk bike if it has been damaged or partiallysubmersed in water.• To reduce the risk of electric shock, unplug the desk bike from the wall outlet when not in use, before performing any maintenance, or before moving the desk bike.• Do not use outdoors or in areas of high humidity or extremetemperature changes.• Do not operate where aerosol spray products are being used or where oxygen is being administered.• Never place the power cord under carpeting or place any object on top of the cord, this may pinch or damage the cord causing fire damage or personal injury.• Use this product for its intended use as described in this Owner’sManual. Do not use attachments that are not recommended byLifeSpan.Children and Pets• Keep children from playing on your desk bike at all times.• When in use children and pets should be kept at least 10 feet (3m) away. • This desk bike can be used by children ages 12 years and aboveand persons with reduced physical, sensory or lack of experienceand knowledge if they have been given supervision or instructionconcerning use of the appliance in a safe way and understand thehazards involved.• Cleaning and user maintenance shall not be made by children without supervision.Bike AssemblyAssembling Your C3-DT Desk BikeAssembling Your C3-DT Desk BikeHardware Bag ContentsPre-installed HardwareHardware will need to be removed and re-installed during the installation process.Assembling Your C3-DT Desk BikeStep 1: Remove Components from BoxA. Remove plastic bags and lay all parts out on the floor.B. Locate the hardware bag.Step 2: Rear Support AssemblyA. Place the Main Frame Assembly (1) on a solid level surface. It may benecessary to prop the back of the frame up slightly to give clearance for step B.B. Align the Rear Support Assembly (3) with the Main Frame Rear Bracket (A).C. Install two long M8x70L Bolts (8) and Curve Washers (9), found in thehardware bag, through the Rear Support Assembly (3) and into the Main Frame Rear Bracket (A). Do not tighten bolts yet.D. Insert two short M8 Boltsx16L (10) and Curved Washers (9) throughthe top of the Main Frame Rear Bracket (A) and into the Rear SupportAssembly (3). Do not tighten bolts yet.E. Securely tighten the two long M8x70L Bolts (8) first, then tighten the twoshort M8x16L Bolts (10).15Assembling Your C3-DT Desk Bike512N OStep 3: Seat AssemblyA. Pull on the Seat PostAdjustment Knob (M) to release the locking pin and slide the Seat Post (4) down into the Seat Post Tube (L).B. When the desired height isreached, release the Seat Post Adjustment Knob (M) to allow the locking pin to engage.Step 4: Seat AssemblyA. Place the Seat (5) over theSeat Mount Post (N).B.Align the Seat (5) so the front of the seat is centered and parallel to the floor.C.Securely tighten the pre-installed Nut (12) on each side of the Seat Mounting Bracket (O) under the Seat (5).Assembling Your C3-DT Desk BikeStep 5: F ront Support AssemblyA. Adjust the Seat Post so it is at the highest setting.B. Tilt the bike back until it is resting on the Seat and the Rear SupportAssembly (as shown below.)C. Align the Front Support Assembly (2) with the Front Main FrameBracket (B).D. Install two short M8x16L Bolts (10) and Washers (11) through the topholes of the Front Main Frame Bracket (B) and into the Front Support Assembly (2). Do not tighten bolts yet.E. Install two short M8x16L Bolts (10) and Washers (11) through themiddle holes of the Front Main Frame Bracket (B) and into the Front Support Assembly (2). Do not tighten bolts yet.F. Install two short M8x16L bolts (10) and Washers (11) through thebottom holes of the Front Main Frame Bracket (B) and into the Front Support Assembly (2). Do not tighten bolts yet.G. Securely tighten the two M8 Middle Bolts (10) first, then securelytighten the two M8 Top Bolts and two M8 Bottom Bolts.16Assembling Your C3-DT Desk BikeStep 6: Right and Left Pedal AssemblyA. Identify which pedal goes on the right side and which goes on the leftside by locating the “R” on the top of the Right Pedal (6) and the “L” on the top of the Left Pedal (7).B. Hand tighten the Right Pedal into the Right Crank Arm (R) by turningclockwise.C. Hand tighten the left pedal into the left crank arm (Q) by turningcounter clockwise. Be careful not to cross thread the threads.D. Tighten both pedals with the provided 15mm Wrench (13).17Assembling Your C3-DT Desk BikeYour C3-DT bike comes with two Leveling Feet (P) in the front and two Stationary Feet (Q) in the rear. Gently rock the bike back and forth to see if any of the feet are not sitting on the floor. Adjust the Front Feet (P)until all 4 feet are sitting on the floor.18Assembling Your C3-DT Desk BikeSeat Height AdjustmentsYour C3-DT bike allows for 19 positions of height adjustment. To adjustthe seat, pull the Seat Post Adjustment Knob (M) out and adjust the seat height to the desired position. Once the desired position is reached, release the Seat Post Adjustment Knob.19Maintenance and TIpsGeneral Maintenance1. Keep the desk bike clean and dry. It is a good idea to wipe the desk bikedown after each workout.2. If the unit is not going to be used for any extended period of time it is agood idea to unplug the unit and store in a clean environment.3. Clean only with mild soap and a slightly damp cloth. Never use solventswhen cleaning.Moving the C3-DT Desk BikeYour C3-DT desk bike is equipped with two Transport Wheels (R) located on the rear support. Move the wire that is coming from the bottom of the frame to the console so it will not get pinched when moving the bike. Carefully tilt the front of the bike up until the Transport Wheels in the back make contact with the floor and roll the bike to the desired location. It may be difficult to roll the bike in plush carpeting.techniques. Bend your knees and elbows, keep your back straightand pull up evenly with both arms.20Troubleshooting TroubleshootingProblem: Unit is unstable or rocks while in use.Solution: Make sure unit is on a solid, level surface. Adjust the front adjust-ment feet until all 4 feet are sitting solid on the floor.Problem: No power at console.Solution: Try using another outlet or testing somethig else at the outlet being used to make sure there is power at the outlet. Also check the console wire harness tomake sure it has not come loose. If still a probel, contact LifeSpan Customer Service.Problem:Rough feeling in pedals when in use.Solution: If everything is tight, contact LifSpan Customer Service for replacment pedals.General Maintenance1. Keep the unit clean and dry. It is a good idea to wipe the unit down aftereach workout to keep it clean.2. If the unit is not going to be used for any extended period of time it is agood idea to unplug the unit and store in a clean environment.2122Assembly InstructionsAfter assembling the bike, roll it to the desired location. Plug the console connector into the connector coming from the bottom of the bike. Be sure to screw the two connectors together with the attached thumb screws.Safety KeyWhen using the DT-3 with a bike please use Safety Key (E).Desk Bike Operations2324Console Power Buttons1. On/Start : If the console is in sleep mode, press and hold this button forthree seconds to turn the console on. Once the console is turned on, press to start the console function.2. Stop : Stops the bike, pausing your use. If pressed for one second, resetsthe console (all data readouts are reset to zero).3. Preset : When the bike is operating, changes the resistance to Level 1,or to a custom resistance that is set in Settings. See separate section on Preset, as well as the section on Settings.4.: Increases or decreases resistance.5. Enter/Mode : Changes the data readout between Time (the default), PedalRevolutions, Calories, Distance and Speed. Press and hold for one second to automatically cycle through readouts every five seconds; press again to stop this automatic change.Desk Bike Console OverviewStarting the Desk Bike1. Press the On/Start key to turn on the console.2. The current user weight will be flashing on the display panel. Adjust yourweight to obtain accurate calorie calculations.3. Press Start, and start pedaling. The console will start counting up from0:00.4. Press the Up/Down buttons to adjust resistance, or use the Preset key togo directly to your preferred level. See the separate section on Preset, as well as the section on Settings, for more details.25Desk Bike Console OverviewDesk Bike Innovative FeaturesPersonal Settings – there are several features that can be set using our Personal Settings feature to tailor LifeSpan desk bike to your specific preferences. These include:• R esume Level: after pressing pause and returning to the desk bike the default resistance will be 0, which is the normal starting speed. The resume resistance level can be modified to default to return to the previous resistance level.In addition, the following features are applicable to desk bike users.• A udible Safety Beep : On / Off setting. Each time the control buttons on the console are depressed an audible beep is used as an alertthat a change was made. This is designed to prevent accidentalspeed adjustments being made without users being aware that they may be accidentally depressing a button.• M etric versus Standard Readouts : Change the display readouts for speed and distance between Metric (SI) and English (EN).• C harging Port : This port can be used to charge your wireless mobile devices.Desk Bike TroubleshootingThis desk bike has been designed and manufactured to be reliable and easy to use. However, if you have a problem, these troubleshooting steps may help you find the cause.Problem:The console is erratic or not lighting up.Solution: Check to make sure the bike is properly plugged in. Make sure the console connector is properly plugged into the connector coming the front of the bike.Problem:“UART” appears in the display.Solution: Unplug and re-plug the power supply to the bike. Disconnect and reconnect the console connector to the bike. Make sure the thumb screws are properly tightened. Unplug the bike and plug it back in and check to see if it functions properly.Problem:“dc-6” appears in the display.Solution: Unplug and re-plug the power supply to the bike. Disconnect and reconnect the console connector to the bike. Make sure the thumb screws are properly tightened. Unplug the bike and plug it back in and check to see if it functions properly. Also make sure the bike is plugged into the wall socket and not into an extension cord or power strip.26Desk Bike Personal SettingsPress and hold "STOP" and "" for three seconds to enter Settings mode.F001 should show up on the display.Press the or arrows to move through the various settings.Press Enter to choose a setting to change.Press the or arrows to move through the various choices for that setting. Press Enter to select a choice. This takes you back to settings mode, where you can move through the other settings.Remove and reinstall the safety key.Personal Setting OptionsUnits of measure — Choose English for miles (EN) or Metric for kilometers (SI). Beep — Turns off the normal beep that happens at every keypress.Level Reset — Controls whether, after a Pause, the bike resumes the most recent resistance level, or resets to 0. If ON, the resistance level resets to 0. Total Distance — Displays the total distance you have pedaledTotal Hours — Displays the total hours you have pedaledDisplay Details27P.O. Box 981316Park City, Utah 84098-1316Phone: 877.654.3837C3-DT3Desk Console /Bike。
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安全和健康 保护环境 职业操守 尊重他人与平等待人
1 杜邦介绍
2~3 杜邦产品在汽车上的应用4~7 工程塑料及高性能材料
8~9 Kelar ®和Nomex ®在汽车领域的应用10~11 Dymetrol ®纤维及座椅解决方案12~13 Vitonhe ®和Vamac ®在汽车领域的应用14~15 杜邦高性能涂料系统16~17 Krytox ®高性能润滑剂
18~19 Kelar ®防护手套、Tyvek ®喷漆防护服
20~21 Sontara ®表面处理系统、Tyvek ®汽车表面防护系统22 杜邦TM Izon ®全方位防伪方案、杜邦安全管理咨询服务23 杜邦中国研发中心
24 杜邦创新科技,助力明日汽车
P10 P14
Kevlar ®
Nomex ®
• 3涂1烘(3Wet):溶剂型和水性体系
• Eco-concept体系:精益涂装Eco-Concept
• 采用了双组分底色漆,省却了中涂工艺,直接在双组分底色漆喷涂清漆。
• 省却中涂工艺中要使用的中涂机器人、输漆系统、喷漆房、闪干区、烘房、打磨间和擦净区,减少涂装车间占地面积,降低投资成本
• 省却了涂装车间中涂喷漆房、烘房以等水、电能耗,以及中涂设备的维护成本;减少非生产材料如清洁用品、手套和打磨砂纸等的消耗,降低了运行成本
• 在油漆消耗、溶剂挥发以及工艺能耗等方面大幅度降低,有利于环保
Tyvek®(特卫强®)喷漆防护服 应用部位:主要用于汽车喷涂车间及所有行业的喷涂作业流程,保护汽车漆面免受人身掉落碎屑困扰,保护工人免受油漆气溶胶侵袭。
• 保护汽车漆面
• 保护工人
2006年2月1日,欧盟针对汽车行业颁布规定,2011年以后所有投放市场的新车型用的制冷剂GWP (全球温室效应潜值)必须小于150,2014年以后所有新车的制冷剂GWP必须小于150。