
思科认证CCNA认证试题和答案中文版思科认证CCNA认证试题和答案中文版想要获得思科认证,首先要参加由思科推荐并授权的培训中心(Cisco Training Partner,简称CTP)所开设的培训课程。
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16、路由器A串口0配置如下interface serial0link-protocol pppppp pap local-user huawei password simple quidwayip address路由器B串口及全局配置如下local-user huawei service-type ppp password simple quidway!interface serial0link-protocol pppppp authentication-mode papip address当两台路由器串口0相连时,两台路由器是否可以连接到对端()(A) 能(B) 不能答案:A17、关于千兆以太网,以下说法正确的是( )(A) IEEE802.3ab定义了千兆以太网(B) 在同一冲突域中,千兆以太网不允许中继器的互连(C) IEEE802.3z专门定义了千兆以太网在双绞线上的传输标准(D) 千兆以太网支持网络速率的自适应,可以与快速以太网自动协商传输速率答案:AB参考知识点:华为3com认证教材第一册3-8页18、高层的协议将数据传递到网络层后,形成( ),而后传送到数据链路层(A) 数据帧(B) 信元(C) 数据包(D) 数据段答案:C参考知识点:华为3com认证教材第一册1-20页19、在路由器上配置帧中继静态map必须指定( )参数(A) 本地的DLCI(B) 对端的DLCI(C) 本地的协议地址(D) 对端的协议地址答案:AD20、路由器的主要性能指标不包括( )(A) 延迟(B) 流通量(C) 帧丢失率(D) 语音数据压缩比答案:D【思科认证CCNA认证试题和答案中文版】。

答案:D 注释:这个题目不是太严谨,应该加上子网掩码. A:224. 0. 0. 5 是多播地址 B: 127. 0.0. 0 保留作为测试使用 C:网络地址 26、 设置主接口由 up 转 down 后延迟 30 秒切换到备份接口,主 接口 由 down 转 up 后 60 秒钟切换回主接口的配置为()
答案:D 注释:255. 255. 255. 255 是全网广播,DHCP 客户端发送全网广播来 查 找 DHCP 服务器. 24、 下而有关 NAT 叙述正确的是() (A) NAT 是英文“地址转换”的缩写,又称地址翻译 (B) XAT 用来实现私有地址与公用网络地址之间的转换 (C) 当内部网络的主机访问外部网络的时候,一定不需要 NAT (D) 地址转换的提出为解决 IP 地址紧张的问题提供了一个有效途 径 答案:ABD 25、 以下属于正确的主机的 IP 地址的是()
(A) arp-a (B) traceroute (C) routeprint (D) displayiprouting-table
答案:D 23、 D0. 0. 0 (B) 10. 0. 0. 1 (0127. 0. 0. 1 (D)255. 255. 255. 255
192. 168. 1. 1
答案:D 注释:PC 的'默认网关要指向路由器的以太网口的 IP 地址. 28、 ISDNB 信道速率是()
(A) 16kbps (B) 64kbps

第3章练习1.两台计算机可以使用什么方法来确保数据包不会因为过多数据发送过快而被丢弃?(d)a.访问方法b.响应超时c.封装d.流量控制2.什么是专有协议?(c)a.可供所有组织或供应商自由使用的协议b.称为TCP/IP 协议簇的协议集合c.由控制协议定义和操作的组织开发的协议d.由私人组织开发且能在所有供应商硬件上运行的协议3.网卡根据哪个地址来决定是否接受帧?(d)a.目的IP 地址b.源以太网地址c.源IP 地址d.目的MAC 地址e.源MAC 地址4.Web 客户端向Web 服务器发送一个网页请求。
这种通信属于哪一类型?(b)a.广播HTTPb.组播c.ARPd.单播6.当主机网卡收到来自网络介质的位时,将使用哪种PDU 格式?(c)a.数据段b.文件c.帧d.数据包7.用户正在查看Web 服务器上的HTML 文档。
哪种协议可将消息分为数据段并管理Web 服务器与Web 客户端之间每次会话中的数据段?(a)a.TCPb.ARPc.DHCPd.HTTP8.下列有关TCP/IP 和OSI 模型的说法,哪一项是正确的?(a)a.TCP/IP 传输层与OSI 第4 层提供类似的服务和功能。
b.OSI 第7 层和TCP/IP 应用层提供相同的功能。
c.前三个OSI 层描述TCP/IP 网络层提供的相同常规服务。
d.TCP/IP 网络接入层与OSI 网络层具有类似的功能。
9.哪种IEEE 标准可使无线网卡连接到由不同制造商制造的无线AP?(b)a.802.3b.802.11c.802.1d.802.210.网络设备使用开放标准协议有什么好处?(b)a.Internet 访问可以由每个市场中的单个ISP 控制。

思科CCNA学习试题答案CCNA课程测试一、单项选择题:1、介质100BaseT的最大传输距离是:( )A: 10m B:100m C:1000m D:500m2、路由器下,由一般用户模式进入特权用户模式的命令是:()A:enable B:config C: interface D:router3、哪个命令可以成功测试网络:( )A: Router> ping Router# ping Router> ping Router# ping、介质工作在OSI的哪一层()A:物理层 B:数据链路层 C:网络层 D:传输层5、100baseT的速率是( )Mbit/sA: 1 B:10 C:100 D:10006、在启用IGRP协议时,所需要的参数是:( )A:网络掩码 B:子网号C:自治系统号 D:跳数7、基本IP访问权限表的表号范围是:( )A: 1—100 B:1-99 C:100-199 D:800-8998、查看路由表的命令是:( )A:show interface B:show run C:show ip route D:show table9、工作在OSI第三层的设备是:( )A:网卡B:路由器 C: 交换机 D:集线器10、OSI第二层数据封装完成后的名称是:( )A:比特 B: 包C:帧 D:段11、为了禁止网络210.93.105.0 ftp到网络223.8.151.0,允许其他信息传输,则能实现该功能的选项是:( )A:access-list 1 deny 100 deny tcp eq ftpC:access-list 100 permit ip any anyD:access-list 100 deny tcp eq ftpaccess-list 100 permit ip any any12、路由器下“特权用户模式”的标识符是:( )A: > B:! C:# D: (config-if)#13、把指定端口添加到VLAN的命令是:( )A: vlan B: vlan-membership C: vtp D:switchport14、交换机工作在OSI七层模型的哪一层( )A:物理层B:数据链路层C:网络层 D:传输层15、在OSI七层模型中,介质工作在哪一层( )A:传输层 B:会话层C:物理层 D:应用层16、交换机转发数据到目的地依靠( )A:路由表B:MAC地址表 C:访问权限表 D:静态列表17、为了使配置私有IP的设备能够访问互联网,应采用的技术是( )?A:NAT B:VLAN C:ACCESS-LIST D:DDR18、VLAN主干协议VTP的默认工作模式是( )A:服务器模式B:客户端模式C:透明模式D:以上三者都不是19、路由器的配置文件startup-config存放在( )里A:RAM B:ROM C:FLASH D:NVRAM20、配置路由器特权用户“加密密码”的命令是:( )A:password B:enable password C:enable secretD:passwd21、某网络中,拟设计10子网,每个子网中放有14台设备,用IP 地址段为199.41.10.X ,请问符合此种规划的子网掩码是( ) A: B: D:、在路由表中到达同一网络的路由有:静态路由、RIP路由、IGRP 路由,OSPF路由,则路由器会选用哪条路由传输数据:( ) A:静态路由 B: RIP路由 C:IGRP路由 D:OSPF路由23、扩展IP访问权限表的表号范围是:( )A: 1—100 B:1-99 C:100-199 D:800-89924、把访问权限表应用到路由器端口的命令是:( )A: permit access-list 101 out B: ip access-group 101 out C: apply access-list 101 out D: access-class 101 out 25、混合型协议既具有“距离矢量路由协议”的特性,又具有“链路状态路由协议”的特性,下列协议中属于混合型协议的是:( ) A: RIP B: OSPF C:EIGRP D: IGRP26、在路由器上,命令show access-list的功能是():A:显示访问控制列表内容 B:显示路由表内容C:显示端口配置信息 D:显示活动配置文件27、RIP路由协议认为“网络不可到达”的跳数是:( )A: 8 B:16 C:24 D:10028、查看E0端口配置信息的命令是:( )A:show access-list B:show ip routeC:show version D:show interface e029、配置路由器时,封装PPP协议的命令是:( )A:encap ppp B:ppp C: group ppp D: int ppp30、路由器上“水平分割”的功能是:( )A:分离端口B:阻止路由环路C:简化配置D:方便故障处理31、OSI七层模型中,“包”是哪一层数据封装的名称()A:物理层 B:数据链路层C:网络层 D:传输层32、OSI七层模型中,“段”是哪一层数据封装的名称()A:物理层 B:数据链路层 C:网络层 D:传输层33、备份路由器IOS的命令是:( )A: copy flash tftpB: copy running-config tftpC: copy IOS tftpD: copy startup-config tftp34、PPP工作在OSI的哪一层()A:物理层B:数据链路层 C:网络层 D:传输层35、FTP工作在OSI哪一层()A:会话层 B:表示层 C:传输层D:应用层36、TELNET工作在OSI哪一层()A:会话层 B:表示层 C:传输层D:应用层37、SMTP工作在OSI哪一层()A:会话层 B:表示层 C:传输层D:应用层38、IP地址为:,掩码为:,则该IP地址所在子网的子网号为()A: B: D:、IP地址为:,掩码为:,则该IP地址所在子网的广播地址为()A: B: D:、IP地址为:,掩码为:,则该IP地址所在子网的子网有效IP为()A:、IP地址为:,掩码为:,则该IP和掩码结合,共划分了多少个子网(不包括全0子网和全1子网)()A: 8 B:30 C:6 D:1442、IP地址为:,掩码为:,则该IP和掩码结合划分子网时,每个子网的容量为()A:8 B:4 C:12 D:643、网络172.12.0.0需要划分子网,要求每个子网中有效IP数为458个,为了保证子网数最大,则掩码应为()A: B: C:、哪一个命令可以设置路由器特权用户的“明文密码”()A:enable password B:password C:enable secretD: secret45、RIP协议的管理距离是()A:100 B:110 C:120 D:15046、下列路由协议中,属于链路状态路由协议的是()A:RIP B:EIGRP C:IGRP D:OSPF47、默认情况下,RIP定期发送路由更新的时间是()A:15S B:30S C:60S D:90S48、如果网络中的路由器都是cisco路由器,则优先选择哪一个路由协议()A:RIP B:EIGRP C:IGRP D:OSPF49、下列对RIP的配置中,合法的命令是()A: router rip 100network router rip 100network router ripnetwork router rip 100network、为了查看路由器的E0端口上,是否挂接了访问权限表,应该使用的命令是()A:show access-list B:show interface e0C: show ip interface e0 D:show e051、关于帧中继的说法,正确的是()A:速率最大为1Mbit/s B: 不提供差错校验功能C:可以偷占带宽 D:数据传输质量高于DDN52、关于PPP和HDLC的说法中,错误的是()A:PPP是通用协议,HDLC是CISCO私有协议B:PPP有验证功能,HDLC无验证功能C:PPP效率低,HDLC效率高D:在配置ISDN时,广域网协议不能封装成PPP,但可以封装成HDLC 53、对交换机的描述,正确的是()A:单广播域,单冲突域的设备B:单广播域,多冲突域的设备C:多广播域,单冲突域的设备D:多广播域,多冲突域的设备54、对路由器的描述,正确的是()A:单广播域,单冲突域的设备B:单广播域,多冲突域的设备C:多广播域,单冲突域的设备D:多广播域,多冲突域的设备55、交换机上VLAN的功能描述中,正确的是()A:可以减少广播域的个数B:可以减少广播对网络性能的影响C: 可以减少冲突域的个数D: 可以减小冲突域的容量56、两个VLAN之间要想通信,应该使用的设备是()A:集线器 B:二层交换机C:路由器 D:PC机57、要把交换机的配置文件保存到tftp服务器,应使用的命令为()A:copy ios tftp B:copy running-config tftpC: copy flash tftp D:copy config tftp58、命令“ping”的功能是()A:测试网卡是否正常 B:测试网关是否正常C:测试TCP/IP协议是否正常 D:测试介质是否正常59、路由器上的命令“show version”的功能是()A:显示版本信息 B:显示端口配置信息 C:显示路由表D:显示路由协议信息60、路由器上激活端口的命令是()A:shutdown B:no shutdown C: up D:no up61、某台PC,能ping通路由器,但不能telnet到路由器,可能的原因是(D )A:PC的IP地址设置错误 B:路由器端口IP设置错误C:路由器端口处于关闭状态D:telnet密码未设置62、OSI七层模型中,网络层的数据封装名称为()A:比特 B:帧C:包 D:段63、OSI七层模型中,物理层的数据封装名称为()A:比特 B:帧 C:包 D:段64、OSI七层模型中,数据链路层的数据封装名称为()A:比特B:帧 C:包 D:段65、OSI七层模型中,传输层的数据封装名称为()A:比特 B:帧 C:包D:段66、帧中继环境下,为了区分虚电路,应该使用的地址是()A:IP地址 B:MAC地址 C:DLCI D:IPX地址67、路由器“路由模式”的提示符号是()A: # B: (config)# C:(config-if)# D:(config-router)# 68、EIGRP 的管理距离()A:90 B:100 C:110 D:12069、RIP协议负载均衡的路径数量为()A:无限制B:最多4条C:最多5条D:最多6条70、下面有关交换机的描述中,正确的是()A:所有交换机都支持VLAN功能B:交换机端口数量最多为48口C:交换机独占带宽D:交换机端口的最大速率为100Mbit/s71、为了阻止交换机环路,交换机上所采用的技术为()A:水平分割B:生成树协议C:触发更新D:地址学习72、帧中继环境中,CIR的含义是()A:提高线路速率B:保证线路速率C:降低线路速率D:配置线路速率73、路由器上端口fa0/0,其最大传输速率是()Mbit/sA:128 B: 10 C:100 D: 100074、帧中继环境中,在物理端口上,建立子接口的命令是()A:create B:interface C:encapsulation D:ip address 75、路由器上,命令“show int s0”的显示结果为:Serial0 is up , line protocol is down出现该结果的可能原因是()A:端口处于关闭状态 B:物理端口被烧毁C:两端设备协议不一致 D:路由表中无路由76、如果把路由器的某个端口的IP配置为:,掩码配置为:,则该端口()A:能和其他设备正常通信B:会变成“administratively down”状态C:端口被烧毁D:出现错误提示,配置命令执行失败77、网关的功能()A:过滤数据包B:不同网段通信 C:校验数据帧D:把数据封装成“段”78、能够分配给设备的IP,应该是()A:网络有效IP B:网络号 C:网络广播地址 D:任意IP 79、路由器“全局模式”的提示符为()A: > B: # C: (config)# D: (config-router)#80、路由器当前的模式为“端口模式”,要退回到“特权模式”,应该使用的快捷键为()A:ctrl+b B: ctrl+z C:ctrl+c D:ctrl+p81、下列命令中,无法正确执行的是()A:Router(config)#show runB: Router#ping Router(config)#hostname ciscoD: Router#reload82、路由器上,设置端口速率的命令是()A:clock rate B:bandwidth C:set D:encap83、路由器上,清空路由表的命令是()A:clear ip B:delete ip route C:delete routeD: clear ip route *84、路由表中,某条路由的“路由代码为D”,则表明该路由为()A:直连路由 B:静态路由 C:IGRP路由 D:EIGRP路由85、两台路由器直连到一起,应该使用的线缆为()A:交叉线缆B:直通线缆C:反转线缆D:任意线缆86、通过路由器的“配置端口console”对路由器进行配置,应该使用的线缆为()A:交叉线缆B:直通线缆C:反转线缆D:任意线缆87、下面对Cisco2621路由器和Cisco2501路由器描述中,错误的是()A:Cisco2621路由器的可扩展性优于Cisco2501路由器B:Cisco2621是模块化路由器C:Cisco2501上提供一个100Mbit/s的快速以太网端口D:Cisco2501是固定端口的路由器88、为了连接“帧中继”线路,网络中的路由器需要提供的端口类型为()A:FastEthernet B:Serial C:BRI D:Ethernet89、路由器“特权模式”的提示符是:()A:> B:# C:(config)# D: (config-if)#90、下列关于路由器和交换机的描述中,错误的是()A:路由器可以用来连接internetB:二层交换机可以用来实现“异地网络”互连C:路由器可以用来做路径选择D:交换机可以转发广播二、多项选择题:正确答案的个数在每题的题后括号中有说明91、在路由器上,可以使用的命令有:( ) [选3个]A:ping B:show interfaces C:show ip route D:ipconfig E:wincfg92、在配置帧中继子接口时,在物理接口上应该配置的内容是:( )[选3个]A:配置IP地址B:封装帧中继协议C:指定子接口类型D:设定子接口 E:配置密码93、请选出交换机处理帧的三种模式:( )[选3个]A:直通模式 B:存储转发模式 C:侦测模式 D:分段模式E:阻塞模式94、对于IP为199.41.27.0,子网掩码为255.255.255.240,则该IP地址和子网掩码相作用会得到一系列IP,从下列选项中选出属于“有效IP”的选项:( ) [选3个]A: B: C: E: F: 95、属于私有IP段的是( )[选3个]A: C:、下列哪一设备工作时,要用到OSI的七个层(一层到七层)()[选3个]A:PC B:网管机 C:WEB服务器 D:交换机 E:路由器97、网络中经常使用DDN服务,请选出DDN的优点()[选3个] A:传输质量高 B:接入方式灵活 C:偷占带宽D:使用虚电路E:专用线路98、网络中经常使用“帧中继”服务,请选出帧中继的优点()[选3个]A:偷占带宽B:提供拥塞管理机制C:可以使用任意广域网协议D:灵活的接入方式99、默认情况下,IGRP衡量路径好坏时,考虑的因素为()[选2个]A:带宽 B:可靠性 C:最大传输单元D:延时100、交换机的三大功能为()[选3个]A:地址学习 B:转发过滤 C:消除回路 D:发送数据包。

C i s c o C C N P842-813e x a m Question:1uses layer 3 switches in the Core of their network. Which method of Layer 3 switching uses a forwarding information base (FIB)A. Topology-based switchingB. Demand-based switchingC. Route cachingD. Flow-based switchingE. None of the other alternatives applyAnswer: AQuestion:2You need to design the VLAN scheme for the network. Which two statements are true about best practices in VLAN design (Select two)A. Routing should occur at the access layer if voice VLANs are utilized. Otherwise, routingshould occur at the distribution layer.B. Routing should always be performed at the distribution layer.C. VLANs should be localized to a switch.D. VLANs should be localized to a single switch unless voice VLANs are being utilized.E. Routing should not be performed between VLANs located on separate switches. Answer: B, CQuestion:3If you needed to transport traffic coming from multiple VLANs (connected between switches),and your CTO was insistent on using an open standard, which protocol would you useA.B. spanning-treeC.D. ISLE. VTPF.Answer: CQuestion:4Under what circumstances should an administrator prefer local VLANs overend-to-endVLANsA. Eighty percent of traffic on the network is destined for Internet sites.B. There are common sets of traffic filtering requirements for workgroups located in multiplebuildings.C. Eighty percent of a workgroup’s traffic is to the workgroup’s own local server.D. Users are grouped into VLANs independent of physical location.E. None of the other alternatives applyAnswer: AQuestion:5What are some virtues of implementing end-to-end VLANs (Choose two)A. End-to-end VLANs are easy to manage.B. Users are grouped into VLANs independent of a physical location.C. Each VLAN has a common set of security and resource requirements for all members.D. Resources are restricted to a single location.Answer: B, CQuestion:6Which of the following statements is true about the 80/20 rule (Select all that apply)A. 20 percent of the traffic on a network segment should be localB. no more than 20 percent of the network traffic should be able to move across a backbone.C. no more than 80 percent of the network traffic should be able to move across a backbone.D. 80 percent of the traffic on a network segment should be localAnswer: B, DQuestion:7The LAN is becoming saturated with broadcasts and multicast traffic. What could you do to help a network with many multicasts and broadcastsA. Creating smaller broadcast domains by implementing VLANs.B. Separate nodes into different hubs.C. Creating larger broadcast domains by implementing VLANs.D. Separate nodes into different switches.E. All of the above.Answer: AQuestion:8The LAN switches are being configured to support the use of Dynamic VLANs. Which of the following are true of dynamic VLAN membership (Select all that apply) A. VLAN membership of a user always remains the same even when he/she is moved toanother location.B. VLAN membership of a user always changes when he/she is moved to another location.C. Membership can be static or dynamic.D. Membership can be static only.E. None of the other alternatives apply.Answer: A, CQuestion:9The LAN switches are being configured to support the use of Dynamic VLANs. What should be considered when implementing a dynamic VLAN solution (Select two)A. Each switch port is assigned to a specific VLAN.B. Dynamic VLANs require a VLAN Membership Policy Server.C. Devices are in the same VLAN regardless of which port they attach to.D. Dynamic VLAN assignments are made through the command line interface. Answer: B, CQuestion:10In the three-layer hierarchical network design model; what’s associated with the access layer(Select two)A. optimized transport structureB. high port densityC. boundary definitionD. data encryptionE. local VLANsF. route summariesAnswer: B, EQuestion:11You are assigning VLANs to the ports of switch PG1. What VLAN number value is anassigned to the default VLANA. VLAN 1003B. VLAN 1C. VLAN OND. VLAN AE. VLAN 0Answer: BQuestion:12The VLANs in switch PG1 are being modified. Which of the following are updated in PG1every time a VLAN is modified (Select all that apply)A. Configuration revision numberB. Configuration revision flag fieldC. Configuration revision reset switchD. Configuration revision databaseE. None of the other alternatives apply.Answer: A, DQuestion:13What is a characteristic of assigning a static VLAN membershipA. VMPS server lookup is requiredB. Easy to configureC. Easy of adds, moves, and changesD. Based on MAC address of the connected deviceAnswer: BQuestion:14Static VLANs are being used on the network. What is true about static VLANsA. Devices use DHCP to request their VLAN.B. Attached devices are unaware of any VLANs.C. Devices are assigned to VLANs based on their MAC addresses.D. Devices are in the same VLAN regardless of which port they attach to. Answer: BQuestion:15Two switches are connected via a trunk using VTP. Which VTP information does a Catalyst switch advertise on its trunk ports when using VTP (Select two)A. STP root statusB. VTP modeC. Negotiation statusD. Management domainE. Configuration revision numberAnswer: D, EQuestion:16You need to investigate a VTP problem between two switches. The lack of which two prevents VTP information from propagating between switches (Select two)A. A root VTP serverB. A trunk portC. VTP priorityD. VLAN 1E. None of the other alternatives applyAnswer: B, DQuestion:17PG1 and PG2 are switches that communicate via VTP. What is the default VTP advertisement intervals in Catalyst switches that are in server or client modeA. 30 secondsB. 5 minutesC. 1 minuteD. 10 secondsE. 5 secondsF. None of the other alternatives applyAnswer: BQuestion:18You want to configure switch PG1 to propagate VLAN information across the network using VTP. What must be configured on a Cisco switch in order to advertise VLANinformationA. VTP modeB. VTP passwordC. VTP revision numberD. VTP pruningE. VTP domain nameF. None of the other alternatives applyAnswer: EQuestion:19The switches have all been upgraded to use VTP version 2. What are two benefits provided in VTP Version 2 that are not available in VTP Version 1 (Select two)A. VTP version 2 supports Token Ring VLANsB. VTP version 2 allows VLAN consistency checksC. VTP version 2 allows active redundant links when used with spanning treeD. VTP version 2 reduces the amount of configuration necessaryE. VTP version 2 saves VLAN configuration memoryAnswer: A, BQuestion:20The network administrator needs to enable VTP pruning within thenetwork. What action should a network administrator take to enable VTP pruning on an entiremanagement domainA. Enable VTP pruning on any switch in the management domainB. Enable VTP pruning on any client switch in the domainC. Enable VTP pruning on a VTP server in the management domainD. Enable VTP pruning on every switch in the domainE. None of the other alternatives applyAnswer: CQuestion:21VTP is configured on switch PG1. Which of the following features were added in VTP version2 that were not previously supported in VTP version 1 (Select two)A. Supports Token Ring VLANs.B. Allows VLAN consistency checks.C. Saves VLAN configuration memory.D. Reduces the amount of configuration necessary.E. Allows active redundant links when used with spanning tree.Answer: A, BQuestion:22The switches are configured to use VTP. What’s true about the VLAN trunking protocol (VTP) (Select two)A. VTP messages will not be forwarded over nontrunk links.B. VTP domain names need to be identical. However, case doesn’t matter.C. A VTP enabled device which receives multiple advertisements will ignore advertisementswith higher configuration revision numbers.D. A device in “transparent” V TP mode will not forward VTP messages.E. VTP pruning allows switches to prune VLANs that do not have any active ports associatedwith them.Answer: A, DQuestion:23Switch PG1 and PG2 both belong to the VTP domain. What’s true about the switch operation in VTP domains (Select all that apply)A. A switch can only reside in one management domainB. A switch is listening to VTP advertisements from their own domain onlyC. A switch is listening to VTP advertisements from multi domainsD. A switch can reside in one or more domainsE. VTP is no longer supported on Catalyst switchesAnswer: A, BQuestion:24VTP devices in a network track the VTP revision number. What is a VTP configurationrevision numberA. A number for identifying changes to the network switch.B. A number for identifying changes to the network router.C. A number for identifying changes to the network topology.D. None of the other alternatives apply.Answer: CQuestion:25Switch PG1 is configured to use the VLAN Trunking Protocol (VTP). What does PG1 advertise in its VTP domainA. The VLAN ID of all known VLANs, the management domain name, and the total number oftrunk links on the switch.B. The VLAN ID of all known VLANs, a 1-bit canonical format (CF1 Indicator), and the switchconfiguration revision number.C. The management domain name, the switch configuration revision number, the knownVLANs, and their specific parameters.D. A 2-byte TPID with a fixed value of 0x8100 for the management domain number, theswitch configuration revision number, the known VLANs, and their specific parameters.E. None of the other alternatives apply.Answer: CQuestion:26VTP switches use advertisements to exchange information with each other. Which of thefollowing advertisement types are associated with VTP (Select all that apply)A. Domain advertisementsB. Advertisement requests from clientsC. Subset advertisementsD. Summary advertisementsAnswer: B, C, DQuestion:27Switch PG1 is part of the VTP domain. What’s true of VTP Pruning within this domain (Select all that apply)A. It does not prune traffic from VLANs that are pruning-ineligibleB. VLAN 1 is always pruning-eligibleC. it will prune traffic from VLANs that are pruning-ineligibleD. VLAN 2 is always pruning-ineligibleE. None of the other alternatives apply.Answer: AQuestion:28What action should you execute if you wanted to enable VTP pruning on your entire management domainA. Enable VTP pruning on any client switch in the management domain.B. Enable VTP pruning on any switch in the management domain.C. Enable VTP pruning on every switch in the management domain.D. Enable VTP pruning on a VTP server in the management domain.E. Disable VTP pruning on a VTP server in the management domain.Answer: DQuestion:29Switch PG1 is configured with VTP. Which two VTP modes will make PG1 capable of creatingand deleting VLANs on itself (Select two)A. ClientB. ServerC. TransparentD. Pass-throughE. No-negotiateAnswer: B, CQuestion:30When the Catalyst switch PG1 is enabled to use VTP, which information does it advertise onits trunk ports (Select two)A. VTP modeB. STP root statusC. Negotiation statusD. Management domainE. Configuration revision numberAnswer: D, EQuestion:31Two switches are connected via a trunk link. In this network, the original frame is encapsulated and an additional header is added before the frame is carried over a trunk link.At the receiving end, the header is removed and the frame is forwarded to the assigned VLAN.This describes which technologyA. DISLB. ISLC. DTPD. IEEEE. MPLSF. None of the other alternatives applyAnswer: BQuestion:32The core switches use trunks to connect to each other. How doestrunking keep track of multiple VLANsA. It tags the data frame with VLAN information and recalculates the CRC valueB. It encapsulates the data frame with a new header and frame check sequenceC. It modifies the port index of a data frame to indicate the VLAND. It adds a new header containing the VLAN ID to the data frameE. None of the other alternatives applyAnswer: AQuestion:33The core switches are configured to use trunks. Which three statementsare correct with regard to the IEEE standard (Select three)A. The IEEE frame format adds a 4 byte field to a Ethernet frameB. The packet is encapsulated with a 26 byte header and a 4 byte FCSC. The protocol uses point-to-multipoint connectivityD. The protocol uses point-to-point connectivityE. The IEEE frame uses multicast destination of 0x01-00-0c-00-00F. The IEEE frame retains the original MAC destination addressAnswer: A, D, FQuestion:34Switch PG1 has been configured with DTP using the desirable option. Which statementdescribes Dynamic Trunking Protocol (DTP) desirable modeA. The interface actively attempts to convert the link to a trunk link.B. The interface is put into permanent trunking mode but prevented from generating DTPframes.C. The interface is put into permanent trunking mode and negotiates to convert the link into atrunk link.D. The interface is put into a passive mode, waiting to convert the link to a trunk link.E. None of the other alternatives applyAnswer: AQuestion:35You need to configure a new switch for trunking. Which switch command enables a trunking protocol that appends a four byte CRC to the packetA. Switch(config-if)#switchport trunk encapsulation dot1qB. Switch(config-if)#switchport trunk encapsulation itefC. Switch(config-if)#switchport trunk encapsulation fddiD. Switch(config-if)#switchport trunk encapsulation islE. None of the other alternatives applyAnswer: DQuestion:36While using a packet analyzer, you notice four additional bytes being added to the packets inthe network. Which protocol inserts a four byte tag into the Ethernet frame and recalculates CRC valueA. DTPB. VTPC.D. ISLE. None of the other alternatives applyAnswer: CQuestion:37You need to configure a new switch to support DTP. Which DTP switchport mode parameter sets the switch port to actively send and respond to DTP negotiation framesA. AccessB. No negotiateC. TrunkD. Dynamic desirableE. Dynamic autoF. None of the other alternatives applyAnswer: DQuestion:38A new switch was just configured using the “switchport trunk native vlan 7”command. What does this interface command accomplishA. Causes the interface to apply ISL framing for traffic on VLAN 7B. Configures the trunking interface to forward traffic from VLAN 7C. Configures the interface to be a trunking port and causes traffic on VLAN 7 to be taggedD. Configures the trunking interface to send traffic from VLAN 7 untaggedE. None of the other alternatives applyAnswer: DQuestion:39You need to connect two core switches via an ISL trunk. Which statement is true regarding the configuration of ISL trunksA. A Catalyst switch cannot have ISL and IEEE trunks enabled.B. All Catalyst switches support ISL trunking.C. A Catalyst switch will report giants if one side is configured for ISL while the other side isnot.D. ISL trunking requires that native VLANs match.E. None of the other alternatives applyAnswer: CQuestion:40Which of the following technologies would an Internet Service Provider use to supportoverlapping customer VLAN ID’s over transparent LAN servicesA. tunnelingB. ATMC. SDHD. IP Over Optical NetworkingE. ISLAnswer: AQuestion:41If you were to configure an ISL Ethernet trunk between two Cisco switches, named PG1 andPG2, what would you have to include at the end of the link for the trunk to operate correctly(Select two)A. An identical VTP mode.B. An identical speed/duplex.C. An identical trunk negotiation parameter.D. An identical trunk encapsulation parameter.Question:42Refer to the exhibit. On the basis of the information provided in the exhibit, which two sets of procedures are best practicesfor Layer 2 and 3 failover alignment (Choose two.)A .Configure the D-SW1 switch as the active HSRP router and the STP root for all VLANs.Configure the D-SW2 switch as the standby HSRP router and backup STP root for all VLANs.B. Configure the D-SW1 switch as the standby HSRP router and the STP root for VLANs 11 and 110.Configure the D-SW2 switch as the standby HSRP router and the STP root for VLANs 12 and 120.C. Configure the D-SW1 switch as the active HSRP router and the STP root for VLANs 11 and 110.Configure the D-SW2 switch as the active HSRP router and the STP root for VLANs 12 and 120.D. Configure the D-SW2 switch as the active HSRP router and the STP root for all VLANs.Configure the D-SW1 switch as the standby HSRP router and backup STP root for all VLANs.E. Configure the D-SW1 switch as the active HSRP router and the backup STP root for VLANs 11 and 110.Configure the D-SW2 switch as the active HSRP router and the backup STP root for VLANs 12 and 120.F. Configure the D-SW1 switch as the standby HSRP router and the backup STP root for VLANs12 a nd 120.Configure the D-SW2 switch as the standby HSRP router and the backup STP root for VLANs 11 and 110.Answer: CFExplanation:Basically, each of the routers that provides redundancy for a given gateway address is assigned to a common HSRP group. One router is elected as the primary, or active, HSRP router, another is elected as the standby HSRP router, and all the others remain in the listen HSRP state. The routers exchange HSRP hello messages at regular intervals, so they can remain aware of each。

单臂路由器VLAN 间路由有哪三项特征?(选择三项。
)需要使用VTP需要使用子接口减少广播域的数量使用过多VLAN 时会影响性能需要在路由器和至少一台交换机之间采用接入链路比用于VLAN 间路由的其它方法更加经济规定至少要在路由器和交换机之间使用两个交换机端口2如果将允许使用中继链路的VLAN 范围设置为默认值,表示允许哪些VLAN?仅管理VLAN除扩展范围VLAN 之外的所有VLAN除VLAN 1 和VLAN 1002-1005 之外的所有VLAN所有的VLAN3请参见图示。
最近安装了SW1 用于取代集线器。
主机1 和传送数据。
由于主机 1 和主机4 都连接到交换机,因此不会发生冲突。
交换机将根据交换机MAC 地址表中的信息将数据转发到相应的端口。
主机 2 和主机3 会获分配更短的回退值,从而获得访问介质的优先权。
为了防止再发生冲突,交换机会在设定时间内阻塞与主机2、主机 3 和主机4 连接的端口。
网络管理员east-hosts VLAN 并将属于该VLAN 的交换机端口用到一个现有VLAN 中。
如果要从S1-Central 完全删除VLAN 2,同时及其所有接口工作正常,应该使用哪两组命令?(选择两项。
)S1-Central> enable S1-Central# reloadS1-Central> enable S1-Central# erase flash:S1-Central> enable S1-Central# delete flash:vlan.datS1-Central> enable S1-Central# configure terminal S1-Central(config)# no vlan 2S1-Central> enable S1-Central# configure terminal S1-Central(config-if)# interface fastethernet 0/1S1-Centralswitchport access vlan 37请参见图示。

CCNA思科考试答案(全)第 1 章考试1一家拥有10 名员工的小型公司使用单个LAN 在计算机之间共享信息。
哪种类型连接适合此公司?由当地电话服务提供商提供的拨号连接能够使公司方便且安全地连接员工的虚拟专用网络通过当地服务提供商建立的私有专用线路通过当地服务提供商提供的宽带服务(如DSL)答案:4解析:对于这种小型办公室,比较适合通过被称为数字用户线路(DSL) 的常见宽带服务实现Internet 连接,这种服务由当地的电话服务提供商提供。
如果公司员工需要通过Internet 与公司联系,则采用虚拟专用网。
2哪种网络情况需要使用WAN?员工工作站需要获取动态分配的IP 地址。
员工在出差时需要通过VPN 连接到公司电子邮件服务器。
员工需要访问托管在其建筑物内DMZ 中的公司Web 服务器上的网页。
答案:2解析:当出差的员工需要通过WAN 连接到公司电子邮件服务器时,VPN 将通过WAN 连接在员工笔记本电脑与公司网络之间创建一个安全隧道。
通过DHCP 获取动态IP 地址是LAN 通信的功能。
在企业园区的不同建筑物之间共享文件可通过LAN 基础设施来实现。
DMZ 是企业LAN 基础设施内一个受保护的网络。
3以下哪项描述了WAN 的特征?WAN 和LAN 在同一地理范围内运行,但有串行链路。
WAN 网络归运营商所有。
所有串行链路均被视为WAN 连接。
WAN 可提供到园区主干网的终端用户网络连接。
答案:2解析:WAN 可用于将企业LAN 互连到远程分支机构站点LAN 和远程工作人员站点。
WAN 归运营商所有。
虽然WAN 连接一般通过串行接口实现,但并不是所有串行链路均连接至WAN。
4电路交换WAN 技术的两个常见类型是什么?(请选择两项。

cisco CCNA官方第三学期第三章官方测试题和答案

当管理员输入no vlan 1命令时,收到错误消息。
此命令为什么产生错误消息?在任何情况下都不能删除VLAN 1。
只能通过删除vlan.dat 文件来删除VLAN 1。
只有删除VLAN 1 的所有端口后才能删除VLAN 1。
只有将VLAN 1 的角色分配给其它VLAN 后,才能删除VLAN 1。
2网络管理员希望将大楼A 中的主机划分到编号分别为20 和30 的VLAN 中,下列关于VLAN 配置的说法中哪两项正确项。
)可以为这些VLAN 命名。
VLAN 信息保存在启动配置中。
手动创建的非默认VLAN 必须使用扩展范围的VLAN 编号。
网络管理员可在全局配置模式或VLAN 数据库模式下创建VLAN。
两个VLAN 都可命名为BUILDING_A 以与处于不同地理位置的其它VLAN 区分。
3下列有关802.1q 中继协议的说法中哪项正确?802.1q 是Cisco 专有协议。
802.1q 帧通过MAC 地址映射到VLAN。
802.1q 不需要重新计算原始帧的FCS。
802.1q 对通过接入端口转发出去的帧不会执行操作。
4下列哪两种说法正确描述了VLAN 的优点?(选择两项。
)VLAN 通过调节流量控制和窗口大小来提升网络性能。
VLAN 使交换机可通过VLAN ID 过滤将数据包路由到远程网络。
VLAN 通过减少交换机上所需的物理端口数量来降低网络开销。
VLAN 通过识别有权访问敏感数据和应用程序的用户来提升网络安全性。
VLAN 将网络划分为较小的逻辑网络,这降低了网络对广播风暴的敏感性。
SW1 和SW2 是将要安装到图中所示拓扑中的新交换机。
交换机SW1 的Fa0/1 接口已将中继模式配置为“打于交换机SW1 和SW2 之间形成中继链路的说法中哪项正确?交换机SW2 的Fa0/2 接口如果支持DTP,则会协商成为中继链路。
交换机SW2 的Fa0/2 接口只有在静态配置为中继接口的情况下才能成为中继链路。

C i s c o C C N P842-813e x a m Question:1uses layer 3 switches in the Core of their network. Which method of Layer 3 switching uses a forwarding information base (FIB)?A. Topology-based switchingB. Demand-based switchingC. Route cachingD. Flow-based switchingE. None of the other alternatives applyAnswer: AQuestion:2You need to design the VLAN scheme for the network. Which two statements are true about best practices in VLAN design? (Select two)A. Routing should occur at the access layer if voice VLANs are utilized. Otherwise, routingshould occur at the distribution layer.B. Routing should always be performed at the distribution layer.C. VLANs should be localized to a switch.D. VLANs should be localized to a single switch unless voice VLANs are being utilized.E. Routing should not be performed between VLANs located on separate switches. Answer: B, CQuestion:3If you needed to transport traffic coming from multiple VLANs (connected between switches),and your CTO was insistent on using an open standard, which protocol would you use?A. 802.11BB. spanning-treeC. 802.1QD. ISLE. VTPF. Q.921Answer: CQuestion:4Under what circumstances should an administrator prefer local VLANs overend-to-endVLANs?A. Eighty percent of traffic on the network is destined for Internet sites.B. There are common sets of traffic filtering requirements for workgroups located in multiplebuildings.C. Eighty percent of a workgroup’s traffic is to the workgroup’s own local server.D. Users are grouped into VLANs independent of physical location.E. None of the other alternatives applyAnswer: AQuestion:5What are some virtues of implementing end-to-end VLANs? (Choose two)A. End-to-end VLANs are easy to manage.B. Users are grouped into VLANs independent of a physical location.C. Each VLAN has a common set of security and resource requirements for all members.D. Resources are restricted to a single location.Answer: B, CQuestion:6Which of the following statements is true about the 80/20 rule (Select all that apply)?A. 20 percent of the traffic on a network segment should be localB. no more than 20 percent of the network traffic should be able to move across a backbone.C. no more than 80 percent of the network traffic should be able to move across a backbone.D. 80 percent of the traffic on a network segment should be localAnswer: B, DQuestion:7The LAN is becoming saturated with broadcasts and multicast traffic. What could you do to help a network with many multicasts and broadcasts?A. Creating smaller broadcast domains by implementing VLANs.B. Separate nodes into different hubs.C. Creating larger broadcast domains by implementing VLANs.D. Separate nodes into different switches.E. All of the above.Answer: AQuestion:8The LAN switches are being configured to support the use of Dynamic VLANs. Which of the following are true of dynamic VLAN membership? (Select all that apply)A. VLAN membership of a user always remains the same even when he/she is moved toanother location.B. VLAN membership of a user always changes when he/she is moved to another location.C. Membership can be static or dynamic.D. Membership can be static only.E. None of the other alternatives apply.Answer: A, CQuestion:9The LAN switches are being configured to support the use of Dynamic VLANs.What should be considered when implementing a dynamic VLAN solution? (Select two)A. Each switch port is assigned to a specific VLAN.B. Dynamic VLANs require a VLAN Membership Policy Server.C. Devices are in the same VLAN regardless of which port they attach to.D. Dynamic VLAN assignments are made through the command line interface. Answer: B, CQuestion:10In the three-layer hierarchical network design model; what’s associated with the access layer?(Select two)A. optimized transport structureB. high port densityC. boundary definitionD. data encryptionE. local VLANsF. route summariesAnswer: B, EQuestion:11You are assigning VLANs to the ports of switch PG1. What VLAN number value is anassigned to the default VLAN?A. VLAN 1003B. VLAN 1C. VLAN OND. VLAN AE. VLAN 0Answer: BQuestion:12The VLANs in switch PG1 are being modified. Which of the following are updated in PG1every time a VLAN is modified? (Select all that apply)A. Configuration revision numberB. Configuration revision flag fieldC. Configuration revision reset switchD. Configuration revision databaseE. None of the other alternatives apply.Answer: A, DQuestion:13What is a characteristic of assigning a static VLAN membership?A. VMPS server lookup is requiredB. Easy to configureC. Easy of adds, moves, and changesD. Based on MAC address of the connected deviceAnswer: BQuestion:14Static VLANs are being used on the network. What is true about static VLANs?A. Devices use DHCP to request their VLAN.B. Attached devices are unaware of any VLANs.C. Devices are assigned to VLANs based on their MAC addresses.D. Devices are in the same VLAN regardless of which port they attach to. Answer: BQuestion:15Two switches are connected via a trunk using VTP. Which VTP information does a Catalyst switch advertise on its trunk ports when using VTP? (Select two)A. STP root statusB. VTP modeC. Negotiation statusD. Management domainE. Configuration revision numberAnswer: D, EQuestion:16You need to investigate a VTP problem between two switches. The lack of which two prevents VTP information from propagating between switches? (Select two)A. A root VTP serverB. A trunk portC. VTP priorityD. VLAN 1E. None of the other alternatives applyAnswer: B, DQuestion:17PG1 and PG2 are switches that communicate via VTP. What is the default VTP advertisement intervals in Catalyst switches that are in server or client mode?A. 30 secondsB. 5 minutesC. 1 minuteD. 10 secondsE. 5 secondsF. None of the other alternatives applyAnswer: BQuestion:18You want to configure switch PG1 to propagate VLAN information across the network using VTP. What must be configured on a Cisco switch in order to advertise VLANinformation?A. VTP modeB. VTP passwordC. VTP revision numberD. VTP pruningE. VTP domain nameF. None of the other alternatives applyAnswer: EQuestion:19The switches have all been upgraded to use VTP version 2. What are two benefits provided in VTP Version 2 that are not available in VTP Version 1? (Select two)A. VTP version 2 supports Token Ring VLANsB. VTP version 2 allows VLAN consistency checksC. VTP version 2 allows active redundant links when used with spanning treeD. VTP version 2 reduces the amount of configuration necessaryE. VTP version 2 saves VLAN configuration memoryAnswer: A, BQuestion:20The network administrator needs to enable VTP pruning within thenetwork. What action should a network administrator take to enable VTP pruning on an entiremanagement domain?A. Enable VTP pruning on any switch in the management domainB. Enable VTP pruning on any client switch in the domainC. Enable VTP pruning on a VTP server in the management domainD. Enable VTP pruning on every switch in the domainE. None of the other alternatives applyAnswer: CQuestion:21VTP is configured on switch PG1. Which of the following features were added in VTP version2 that were not previously supported in VTP version 1? (Select two)A. Supports Token Ring VLANs.B. Allows VLAN consistency checks.C. Saves VLAN configuration memory.D. Reduces the amount of configuration necessary.E. Allows active redundant links when used with spanning tree.Answer: A, BQuestion:22The switches are configured t o use VTP. What’s true about the VLAN trunking protocol (VTP)? (Select two)A. VTP messages will not be forwarded over nontrunk links.B. VTP domain names need to be identical. However, case doesn’t matter.C. A VTP enabled device which receives multiple advertisements will ignore advertisementswith higher configuration revision numbers.D. A device in “transparent” VTP v.1 mode will not forward VTP messages.E. VTP pruning allows switches to prune VLANs that do not have any active portsassociatedwith them.Answer: A, DQuestion:23Switch PG1 and PG2 both belong to the VTP domain. What’s true about the switch operation in VTP domains? (Select all that apply)A. A switch can only reside in one management domainB. A switch is listening to VTP advertisements from their own domain onlyC. A switch is listening to VTP advertisements from multi domainsD. A switch can reside in one or more domainsE. VTP is no longer supported on Catalyst switchesAnswer: A, BQuestion:24VTP devices in a network track the VTP revision number. What is a VTP configurationrevision number?A. A number for identifying changes to the network switch.B. A number for identifying changes to the network router.C. A number for identifying changes to the network topology.D. None of the other alternatives apply.Answer: CQuestion:25Switch PG1 is configured to use the VLAN Trunking Protocol (VTP). What does PG1 advertise in its VTP domain?A. The VLAN ID of all known VLANs, the management domain name, and the total number oftrunk links on the switch.B. The VLAN ID of all known VLANs, a 1-bit canonical format (CF1 Indicator), and the switchconfiguration revision number.C. The management domain name, the switch configuration revision number, the knownVLANs, and their specific parameters.D. A 2-byte TPID with a fixed value of 0x8100 for the management domain number, theswitch configuration revision number, the known VLANs, and their specific parameters.E. None of the other alternatives apply.Answer: CQuestion:26VTP switches use advertisements to exchange information with each other. Which of thefollowing advertisement types are associated with VTP? (Select all that apply)A. Domain advertisementsB. Advertisement requests from clientsC. Subset advertisementsD. Summary advertisementsAnswer: B, C, DQuestion:27Switch PG1 is part of the VTP domain. What’s true of VTP Pruning within this domain? (Select all that apply)A. It does not prune traffic from VLANs that are pruning-ineligibleB. VLAN 1 is always pruning-eligibleC. it will prune traffic from VLANs that are pruning-ineligibleD. VLAN 2 is always pruning-ineligibleE. None of the other alternatives apply.Answer: AQuestion:28What action should you execute if you wanted to enable VTP pruning on your entire management domain?A. Enable VTP pruning on any client switch in the management domain.B. Enable VTP pruning on any switch in the management domain.C. Enable VTP pruning on every switch in the management domain.D. Enable VTP pruning on a VTP server in the management domain.E. Disable VTP pruning on a VTP server in the management domain.Answer: DQuestion:29Switch PG1 is configured with VTP. Which two VTP modes will make PG1 capable of creatingand deleting VLANs on itself? (Select two)A. ClientB. ServerC. TransparentD. Pass-throughE. No-negotiateAnswer: B, CQuestion:30When the Catalyst switch PG1 is enabled to use VTP, which information does it advertise onits trunk ports? (Select two)A. VTP modeB. STP root statusC. Negotiation statusD. Management domainE. Configuration revision numberAnswer: D, EQuestion:31Two switches are connected via a trunk link. In this network, the original frame isencapsulated and an additional header is added before the frame is carried over a trunk link.At the receiving end, the header is removed and the frame is forwarded to the assigned VLAN.This describes which technology?A. DISLB. ISLC. DTPD. IEEE 802.1QE. MPLSF. None of the other alternatives applyAnswer: BQuestion:32The core switches use 802.1Q trunks to connect to each other. How does 802.1Q trunking keep track of multiple VLANs?A. It tags the data frame with VLAN information and recalculates the CRC valueB. It encapsulates the data frame with a new header and frame check sequenceC. It modifies the port index of a data frame to indicate the VLAND. It adds a new header containing the VLAN ID to the data frameE. None of the other alternatives applyAnswer: AQuestion:33The core switches are configured to use 802.1Q trunks. Which three statements are correct with regard to the IEEE 802.1Q standard? (Select three)A. The IEEE 802.1Q frame format adds a 4 byte field to a Ethernet frameB. The packet is encapsulated with a 26 byte header and a 4 byte FCSC. The protocol uses point-to-multipoint connectivityD. The protocol uses point-to-point connectivityE. The IEEE 802.1Q frame uses multicast destination of 0x01-00-0c-00-00F. The IEEE 802.1Q frame retains the original MAC destination addressAnswer: A, D, FQuestion:34Switch PG1 has been configured with DTP using the desirable option. Which statementdescribes Dynamic Trunking Protocol (DTP) desirable mode?A. The interface actively attempts to convert the link to a trunk link.B. The interface is put into permanent trunking mode but prevented from generating DTPframes.C. The interface is put into permanent trunking mode and negotiates to convert the link into atrunk link.D. The interface is put into a passive mode, waiting to convert the link to a trunk link.E. None of the other alternatives applyAnswer: AQuestion:35You need to configure a new switch for trunking. Which switch command enables a trunking protocol that appends a four byte CRC to the packet?A. Switch(config-if)#switchport trunk encapsulation dot1qB. Switch(config-if)#switchport trunk encapsulation itefC. Switch(config-if)#switchport trunk encapsulation fddiD. Switch(config-if)#switchport trunk encapsulation islE. None of the other alternatives applyAnswer: DQuestion:36While using a packet analyzer, you notice four additional bytes being added to the packets inthe network. Which protocol inserts a four byte tag into the Ethernet frame and recalculates CRC value?A. DTPB. VTPC. 802.1QD. ISLE. None of the other alternatives applyAnswer: CQuestion:37You need to configure a new switch to support DTP. Which DTP switchport mode parameter sets the switch port to actively send and respond to DTP negotiation frames?A. AccessB. No negotiateC. TrunkD. Dynamic desirableE. Dynamic autoF. None of the other alternatives applyAnswer: DQuestion:38A new switch was just configured using the “switchport trunk native vlan 7”command. What does this interface command accomplish?A. Causes the interface to apply ISL framing for traffic on VLAN 7B. Configures the trunking interface to forward traffic from VLAN 7C. Configures the interface to be a trunking port and causes traffic on VLAN 7 to be 802.1qtaggedD. Configures the trunking interface to send traffic from VLAN 7 untaggedE. None of the other alternatives applyAnswer: DQuestion:39You need to connect two core switches via an ISL trunk. Which statement is true regarding the configuration of ISL trunks?A. A Catalyst switch cannot have ISL and IEEE 802.1q trunks enabled.B. All Catalyst switches support ISL trunking.C. A Catalyst switch will report giants if one side is configured for ISL while the other side isnot.D. ISL trunking requires that native VLANs match.E. None of the other alternatives applyAnswer: CQuestion:40Which of the following technologies would an Internet Service Provider use to supportoverlapping customer VLAN ID’s over transparent LAN services?A. 802.1q tunnelingB. ATMC. SDHD. IP Over Optical NetworkingE. ISLAnswer: AQuestion:41If you were to configure an ISL Ethernet trunk between two Cisco switches, named PG1 andPG2, what would you have to include at the end of the link for the trunk to operate correctly?(Select two)A. An identical VTP mode.B. An identical speed/duplex.C. An identical trunk negotiation parameter.D. An identical trunk encapsulation parameter.Question:42Refer to the exhibit. On the basis of the information provided in the exhibit, which two sets of procedures are best practicesfor Layer 2 and 3 failover alignment? (Choose two.)A .Configure the D-SW1 switch as the active HSRP router and the STP root for all VLANs.Configure the D-SW2 switch as the standby HSRP router and backup STP root for all VLANs.B. Configure the D-SW1 switch as the standby HSRP router and the STP root for VLANs 11 and 110.Configure the D-SW2 switch as the standby HSRP router and the STP root for VLANs 12 and 120.C. Configure the D-SW1 switch as the active HSRP router and the STP root for VLANs 11 and 110.Configure the D-SW2 switch as the active HSRP router and the STP root for VLANs 12 and 120.D. Configure the D-SW2 switch as the active HSRP router and the STP root for all VLANs.Configure the D-SW1 switch as the standby HSRP router and backup STP root for all VLANs.E. Configure the D-SW1 switch as the active HSRP router and the backup STP root for VLANs 11 and 110.Configure the D-SW2 switch as the active HSRP router and the backup STP root for VLANs 12 and 120.F. Configure the D-SW1 switch as the standby HSRP router and the backup STP root for VLANs12 a nd 120.Configure the D-SW2 switch as the standby HSRP router and the backup STP root for VLANs 11 and 110.Answer: CFExplanation:Basically, each of the routers that provides redundancy for a given gateway address is assigned to a common HSRP group. One router is elected as the primary, or active, HSRP router, another is elected as the standby HSRP router, and all the others remain in the listen HSRP state. The routers exchange HSRP hello messages at regular intervals, so they can remain aware of each。

C C N A思科第三学期E S w i t c h i n g E x a m正确答案集团标准化办公室:[VV986T-J682P28-JP266L8-68PNN]单臂路由器VLAN间路由有哪三项特征(选择三项。
哪一个口令可让管理员进入特权执行模式c isco1cisco2cisco3cisco请参见图示。
如果要从S1-Central VLAN2,同时保证交换机及其所有接口工作正常,应该使用哪两组命令(选择两项。

ccna考试题及答案1. 以下哪项是网络层的功能?A. 路由选择B. 错误检测C. 流量控制D. 封装数据包答案:A2. 在OSI模型中,哪一层负责在网络中传输数据?A. 应用层B. 传输层C. 会话层D. 网络层答案:D3. 以下哪个协议是用于在IP网络中发现网络设备的?A. ARPB. RARPC. ICMPD. OSPF答案:A4. 在TCP/IP模型中,哪一层与OSI模型的传输层相对应?A. 应用层B. 互联网层C. 网络接口层D. 传输层答案:D5. 以下哪个地址是一个有效的IPv4地址?A. 172.16.300.1答案:B6. 在配置路由器时,以下哪个命令用于进入全局配置模式?A. enableB. configure terminalC. privileged execD. user exec答案:B7. 以下哪个命令用于在Cisco设备上显示当前配置?A. show running-configB. show startup-configC. show configD. show current-config答案:A8. 在Cisco设备上,以下哪个命令用于保存当前的配置到启动配置文件?A. copy running-config startup-configB. copy startup-config running-configC. save running-configD. save startup-config答案:A9. 以下哪个命令用于在Cisco设备上查看所有接口的状态?A. show interfacesB. show ip interface briefC. show interface statusD. show running-config interface答案:B10. 在Cisco设备上,以下哪个命令用于关闭接口?A. shutdownB. no shutdownC. disableD. no enable答案:A11. 以下哪个命令用于在Cisco设备上启用接口?A. shutdownB. no shutdownC. disableD. no enable答案:B12. 在配置静态路由时,以下哪个命令用于指定下一跳地址?B. ip static-routeC. route ipD. static-route ip答案:A13. 以下哪个命令用于在Cisco设备上清除ARP表?A. clear arp-cacheB. clear arpC. clear arp tableD. clear ip arp答案:D14. 在配置动态路由协议时,以下哪个命令用于在接口上启用RIP?A. ip rip enableB. ip rip receiveD. network rip答案:C15. 以下哪个命令用于在Cisco设备上查看RIP路由表?A. show ip ripB. show ip route ripC. show ripD. show ip protocols答案:B16. 在配置EIGRP时,以下哪个命令用于指定自动汇总?A. metric weightsB. auto-summaryC. network auto-summaryD. no auto-summary答案:B17. 以下哪个命令用于在Cisco设备上查看EIGRP邻居?A. show ip eigrp neighborsB. show eigrp neighborsC. show ip eigrpD. show eigrp interfaces答案:A18. 在配置OSPF时,以下哪个命令用于指定路由器ID?A. router-idB. router ospfC. networkD. area答案:A19. 以下哪个命令用于在Cisco设备上查看OSPF路由表?A. show ip ospfB. show ip ospf databaseC. show ospfD. show ip route ospf答案:D20. 在配置VLAN时,以下哪个命令用于创建一个新的VLAN?A. vlan databaseB. configure terminalC. vlan [vlan-id]D. new-vlan答案:C21. 以下哪个命令用于将接口分配给VLAN?A. switchport mode accessB. switchport mode trunkC. switchport access vlan [vlan-id]D. switchport trunk vlan [vlan-id]答案:C22. 在配置交换机时,以下哪个命令用于将接口设置为Trunk 模式?A. switchport mode accessB. switchport mode trunkC. switchport access vlan [vlan-id]D. switchport trunk vlan [vlan-id]答案:B23. 以下哪个命令用于在Cisco设备上查看VLAN配置?A. show vlanB. show vlan briefC. show vlan detailD. show vlan all答案:B24. 在配置VTP时,以下哪个命令用于将交换机设置为VTP服务器模式?A. vtp mode serverB. vtp mode clientC. vtp mode transparentD. vtp mode off答案:A25. 以下哪个命令用于在Cisco设备上查看VTP状态?A. show vtp statusB. show vtp statisticsC. show vtp passwordD. show vtp configuration答案:A26. 在配置STP时,以下哪个命令用于设置根桥?A. spanning-tree root primaryB. spanning-tree root secondaryC. spanning-tree root primary [priority]D. spanning-tree root secondary [priority]答案:C27. 以下哪个命令用于在Cisco设备上查看STP状态?A. show spanning-treeB. show spanning-tree detailC. show spanning-tree summaryD. show spanning-tree interface答案:A28. 在配置VLAN Trunking Protocol (VTP) 时,以下哪个命令用于设置VTP域名?A. vtp domain [domain-name]B. vtp password [password]C. vtp mode [mode]D. vtp version [version]答案:A29. 以下哪个命令用于在Cisco设备上查看当前的VTP版本?A. show vtp statusB. show vtp statisticsC. show vtp passwordD. show vtp configuration答案:A30. 在配置端口安全时,以下哪个命令用于限制接口上可以学习到的最大MAC地址数量?A. switchport port-security maximum [mac-count]B. port-security maximum [mac-count]C. switchport port-security violation restrictD. port-security violation shutdown答案:A这些题目和答案仅供学习和参考之用,实际的CCNA考试内容和形式可能会有所不同。

此试题参考以下领域的内容:Routing and Switching Essentials• 1.1.2 交换网络2思科无边界架构接入层的基本功能是什么?正确响应您的响应聚合第 2 层广播域聚合第 3 层路由边界为用户提供访问权提供高可用性思科无边界架构接入层的功能是为用户提供网络访问。
第 2 层广播域聚合、第 3 层路由边界聚合和高可用性是分布层的功能。
也有说答案是聚合第 3 层路由边界此试题参考以下领域的内容:Routing and Switching Essentials• 1.1.1 融合网络3思科无边界架构分布层的基本功能是什么?正确响应您的响应充当主干聚合所有园区块聚合第 3 层路由边界为用户提供访问权思科无边界架构的分布层的一项基本功能是在不同的VLAN 之间路由。
此试题参考以下领域的内容:Routing and Switching Essentials• 1.1.1 融合网络4若将大端口密度、容错和低价作为重要指标,应使用哪个交换机外形因素?正确响应您的响应固定配置交换机模块化交换机可配备机架的1U 交换机可堆叠式交换机堆叠式交换机可以使用特殊电缆实现互联,从而在交换机之间提供高带宽的吞吐量,并像单个大型交换机一样运行。

ccna测试题及答案CCNA测试题及答案一、选择题1. 在Cisco设备上,以下哪个命令用于查看当前的路由表?A. show ip routeB. show running-configC. show interface statusD. show version答案:A2. 以下哪个协议用于在网络中自动发现其他设备?A. ARPB. CDPC. ICMPD. TCP答案:B3. 以下哪个命令用于配置Cisco设备上的接口?A. configure terminalB. interfaceC. ip addressD. hostname答案:A二、填空题4. 在Cisco设备上,使用命令_________可以查看接口的配置信息。
答案:show interface5. 静态路由配置中,_________命令用于指定下一跳地址。
答案:ip route6. 动态路由协议可以自动适应网络变化,其中_________是最常见的一种。
答案:RIP(路由信息协议)三、简答题7. 请简述VLAN(虚拟局域网)的作用。
8. 描述交换机和路由器在网络中的基本功能。
四、计算题9. 假设一个子网掩码为255.255.255.192,计算这个子网的可用IP地址范围。
五、实验题10. 请根据以下配置文件,列出Router1的接口配置信息。
```Router1show running-configinterface FastEthernet0/0ip address autospeed auto!interface FastEthernet0/1no ip addressshutdown!interface Serial0/0/0ip address rate 64000!router ospf 1network area 0network area 0!```答案:- FastEthernet0/0: IP地址为192.168.1.1,子网掩码为255.255.255.0,双工模式和速度均为自动。

ccnp测试题及答案1. 在CCNP认证中,关于VLAN的以下哪个说法是正确的?A. VLAN是将交换机端口划分为多个广播域B. VLAN是将路由器端口划分为多个广播域C. VLAN是将无线接入点划分为多个广播域D. VLAN是将服务器划分为多个广播域答案:A2. 在Cisco网络设备中,哪个命令用于创建一个新的VLAN?A. `switchport mode access`B. `switchport mode trunk`C. `vlan database`D. `configure terminal`答案:C3. 以下哪个协议用于在不同VLAN之间路由?A. EIGRPB. OSPFC. RIPD. VTP答案:A4. 在Cisco设备上,如何将接口配置为Trunk模式?A. `switchport mode access`B. `switchport mode trunk`C. `interface vlan 1`D. `interface fastethernet 0/1`答案:B5. 以下哪个命令用于在Cisco设备上查看VLAN信息?A. `show vlan`B. `show interfaces`C. `show ip interface brief`D. `show running-config`答案:A6. 在CCNP考试中,关于EIGRP协议的以下哪个说法是错误的?A. EIGRP是一个距离矢量路由协议B. EIGRP使用DUAL算法计算最短路径C. EIGRP支持VLSM和CIDRD. EIGRP仅在Cisco设备上可用答案:D7. 在Cisco设备上,如何配置EIGRP的自动汇总?A. `router eigrp 100`B. `no auto-summary`C. `ip summary-address eigrp 100`D. `metric weights 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1`答案:C8. 以下哪个命令用于在Cisco设备上查看EIGRP邻居?A. `show ip eigrp neighbors`B. `show ip ospf neighbors`C. `show ip rip neighbors`D. `show ip eigrp interface`答案:A9. 在CCNP考试中,关于OSPF协议的以下哪个说法是正确的?A. OSPF仅在Cisco设备上可用B. OSPF使用RIP算法计算最短路径C. OSPF支持VLSM和CIDRD. OSPF使用广播来发现邻居答案:C10. 在Cisco设备上,如何配置OSPF的Hello和Dead间隔?A. `ip ospf hello-interval 10`B. `ip ospf dead-interval 40`C. `timers 10 40`D. `ospf hello-interval 10 dead-interval 40`答案:C结束语:以上是CCNP测试题及答案,希望对您的学习和准备有所帮助。

Cisco试题保存路由器配置文件问题:Which command will copy the routers configuration script from RAM to NVRAM?A. copy running-config startup-configB.NVRAM is read-only,so this is not possible.C. copy allD. save ramE. save ram nvramSelect the 1 best answer题目大意:那个命令是将路由器的配置文件从RAM中拷贝到NVARM中。
题解:RAM :相当于计算机的内存,但掉电的时候,内存里面的东西将会丢失。
在语句中的Running-config 是存在于RAM中,Startup- config 存在于NVRAM,"copy running-config startup-config" 是一个COPY命令,讲RAM中的数据或配置文件拷贝到NVARM中。
同时在实际中可以用copy run start来简写这个命令。
正确答案:A参考资料:CCNA:Cisco Certified Network Associate Study Guide Fourth Edition------Page194:Hands-on Lab 4.3:Saving a Router ConfigurationCisco试题:路由协议考题分析问题:The acronym BGP stands for which protocol?A.Backgroud Gateway ProtocolB.Backdoor Gateway ProtocolC.Border Gateway ProtocolD.Basic Gateway ProtocolSelect the 1 best answer题目的意思:BGP是下面那个协议的缩写?正确答案:C题解:BGP is an acronym for Border Gateway protocolBGP:边界网关协议。

Cisco路由协议试题及答案Cisco 路由协议Cisco 路由协议试题及答案2022年-01-05 CBSi中国.cn 类型: 转载1、解决路由环问题的方法有(ABD)A. 水平分割B. 路由保持法C. 路由器重启D. 定义路由权的最大值2、下面哪一项正确描述了路由协议(C)A. 允许数据包在主机间传送的一种协议B. 定义数据包中域的格式和用法的一种方式C. 通过执行一个算法来完成路由选择的一种协议D. 指定MAC 地址和IP地址捆绑的方式和时间的一种协议3、以下哪些内容是路由信息中所不包含的(A)A. 源地址B. 下一跳C. 目标网络D. 路由权值4、以下说法那些是正确的(BD)A. 路由优先级与路由权值的计算是一致的B. 路由权的计算可能基于路径某单一特性计算,也可能基于路径多种属性C. 如果几个动态路由协议都找到了到达同一目标网络的最佳路由,这几条路由都会被加入路由表中D. 动态路由协议是按照路由的路由权值来判断路由的好坏,并且每一种路由协议的判断方法都是不一样的5、IGP的作用范围是(C)A. 区域内B. 局域网内C. 自治系统内D. 自然子网范围内6、距离矢量协议包括(AB)A. RIPB. BGPC. IS-ISD. OSPF7、关于矢量距离算法以下那些说法是错误的(A)Cisco 路由协议A. 矢量距离算法不会产生路由环路问题B. 矢量距离算法是靠传递路由信息来实现的C. 路由信息的矢量表示法是络,metric) D. 使用矢量距离算法的协议只从自己的邻居获得信息8、如果一个内部网络对外的出口只有一个,那么最好配置(A) A. 缺省路由 B. 主机路由 C. 动态路由9、BGP是在(D)之间传播路由的协议 A. 主机 B. 子网 C. 区域(area) D. 自治系统(AS) 10、在路由器中,如果去往同一目的地有多条路由,则决定最佳路由的因素有(AC) A. 路由的优先级 B. 路由的发布者 C. 路由的metirc值D. 路由的生存时间11、在RIP协议中,计算metric 值的参数是(D) A. MTU B. 时延 C. 带宽 D. 路由跳数12、路由协议存在路由自环问题(A)A. RIP B. BGP C. OSPF D. IS-IS 13、下列关于链路状态算法的说法正确的是:(bc ) A. 链路状态是对路由的描述 B. 链路状态是对网络拓扑结构的描述 C. 链路状态算法本身不会产生自环路由 D. OSPF和RIP都使用链路状态算法14、在OSPF同一区域(区域A)内,下列说法正确的是(d ) A. 每台路由器生成的LSA都是相同的 B. 每台路由器根据该最短路径树计算出的路由都是相同的 C. 每台路由器根据该LSDB计算出的最短路径树都是相同的Cisco 路由协议D. 每台路由器的区域A的LSDB(链路状态数据库)都是相同的15、在一个运行OSPF的自治系统之内:(ad )A. 骨干区域自身也必须是连通的B. 非骨干区域自身也必须是连通的C. 必须存在一个骨干区域( 区域号为0 )D. 非骨干区域与骨干区域必须直接相连或逻辑上相连16、下列关于OSPF协议的说法正确的是:(abd )A. OSPF支持基于接口的报文验证B. OSPF支持到同一目的地址的多条等值路由C. OSPF是一个基于链路状态算法的边界网关路由协议D. OSPF发现的路由可以根据不同的类型而有不同的优先级17、禁止RIP 协议的路由聚合功能的命令是(c )A. undo ripB. auto-summanyC. undo auto-summanyD. undo network、下列静态路由配置正确的是()A. ip route 16 serial 0B. ip route 16 ip route 16 ip route、以下不属于动态路由协议的是()A. RIPB. ICMPC. IS-ISD. OSPf20、三种路由协议RIP 、OSPF 、BGP和静态路由各自得到了一条到达目标网络,在华为路由器默认情况下,最终选选定() 路由作为最优路由A. RIPB. OSPFC. BGPD. 静态路由21、IGP 包括如下哪些协议()A. RIPB. BGPC. IS-ISD. OSPFCisco 路由协议22、路由环问题会引起(abd )A. 慢收敛B. 广播风暴C. 路由器重起D. 路由不一致23、以下哪些路由表项要由网络管理员手动配置(a )A. 静态路由B. 直接路由C. 动态路由D. 以上说法都不正确24、在运行Windows98的计算机中配置网关,类似于在路由器中配置()A. 直接路由B. 默认路由C. 动态路由D. 间接路由25、关于RIP协议,下列说法正确的有:(ac )A. RIP协议是一种IGPB. RIP协议是一种EGPC. RIP协议是一种距离矢量路由协议D. RIP协议是一种链路状态路由协议26、RIP协议是基于(a )A. UDPB. TCPC. ICMPD. Raw IP27、RIP协议的路由项在多少时间内没有更新会变为不可达?(c )A. 90sB. 120sC. 180sD. 240s28、解决路由环路的方法有(abcd )A. 水平分割B. 抑制时间C. 毒性逆转D. 触发更新29、RIP协议在收到某一邻居网关发布而来的路由信息后,下述对度量值的正确处理有哪Cisco 路由协议些?( )A. 对本路由表中没有的路由项,只在度量值少于不可达时增加该路由项B. 对本路由表中已有的路由项,当发送报文的网关相同时,只在度量值减少时更新该路由项的度量值C. 对本路由表中已有的路由项,当发送报文的网关不同时,只在度量值减少时更新该路由项的度量值D. 对本路由表中已有的路由项,当发送报文的网关相同时,只要度量值有改变,一定会更新该路由项的度量值30、关于RIP V1和RIP V2,下列说法哪些正确?(bc )A. RIP V1报文支持子网掩码B. RIP V2报文支持子网掩码C. RIP V2缺省使用路由聚合功能D. RIP V1只支持报文的简单口令认证,而RIP V2支持MD5认证31、在rip中metric等于(d )为不可达A. 8B. 10C. 15D. 1632、RIP协议引入路由保持机制的作用是(b )A. 节省网络带宽B. 防止网络中形成路由环路C. 将路由不可达信息在全网扩散D. 通知邻居路由器哪些路由是从其处得到33、以下配置默认路由的命令正确的是:“a"A. ip route ip route ip router ip router、已知某台路由器的路由表中有如下两个表项"d" Destination/Mast protocol preferen Metric Nexthop/Interface OSPF 10 50 RIP 100如果该路由器要转发目的地址为9.1.4.5的报文,则下列说法中正确的是A. 选择第一项,因为OSPF协议的优先级高B. 选择第二项,因为RIP协议的花费值(Metric)小C. 选择第二项,因为出口是Ethternet0,比Serial0速度快D. 选择第二项,因为该路由项对于目的地址9.1.4.5来说,是更精确的匹配35、Quidway系列路由器上,路由表中的直接路由(Direct)可能有以下几种来源"abc"A. 本路由器自身接口的主机路由Cisco 路由协议B. 本路由器自身接口所在的网段路由C. 与本路由器直连的对端路由器的接口的主机路由D. 缺省路由36、与动态路由协议相比,静态路由有哪些优点?"cd"A. 带宽占用少B. 简单C. 路由器能自动发现网络拓扑变化D. 路由器能自动计算新的路由37、在RIP路由协议中,以下有关减少路由自环的方法正确的是"abcd"A. 触发更新是从减少路由自环发生的概率方面来考虑问题的B. 水平分割的方法只对消除两台路由器之间的自环有作用C. 设置抑制时间的方法可能导致路由的慢收敛D. 为了减轻路由自环产生的后果,RIP协议规定了最大跳数38、路由协议在收到某一邻居发布而来的路由信息后,下述对度量值的正确处理有哪些?"bd"A. 对本路由表中已有的路由项,当发送该路由信息的邻居相同时,只在度量值减少时更新该路由项的度量值B. 对本路由表中已有的路由项,当发送该路由信息的邻居相同时,只要度量值有改变,一定会更新该路由项的度量值C. 对本路由表中已有的路由项,当发送该路由信息的邻居不同时,只要度量值有改变,一定会更新该路由项的度量值D. 对本路由表中没有的路由项,只在度量值少于不可达时增加该路由项39、假设有这样的组网实例: 两个Quidway(假设为RTA和RTB)通过串口相连接,其中RTA的串口IP地址是10.110.0.1/30,RTB的串口IP地址是10.110.0.2/30,RTA通过以太口连接的本地局域网的IP地址是11.110.0.0/16,RTB通过以太口连接的本地局域网IP地址是11.111.0.0/16,在上面所有的接口上都启动RIP V1(仅仅RIP V1)协议,那么,下列说法正确的是"cd"A. 在RTA的本地局域网上的计算机可以访问在RTB本地局域网上的计算机B. 在RTB的本地局域网上的计算机可以访问在RTA本地局域网上的计算机C. 在RTA的本地局域网上的计算机不能访问在RTB本地局域网上的计算机D. 在RTB的本地局域网上的计算机不能访问在RTA本地局域网上的计算机40、在Quidway路由器上,应该使用什么命令来观察网络的路由表? "b"A. Show ip pathB. dis ip routC. Show interfaceD. Show running-configE. Show ip rip41、下面哪些协议是可路由协议(routed protocol)? "ab"Cisco 路由协议A. IPB. IPXC. RIPD. __42、以下协议属于路由协议的是"abcg"A. RIPB. IS-ISC. OSPFD. PPPE. IPF. IPXG. BGP43、下列哪些技术有助于避免路由环路? "bcdef"A. 直通交换B. 采用链路状态路由协议C. 水平分割D. 路由保持(holddown)E. 定义最大跳计数F. 路由中毒(poison reverse)44、距离矢量路由协议使用水平分割(split horizon)技术的目的是什么? "ac"A. 避免在毗邻路由器之间产生路由环路B. 确保路由更新数据报文沿着接收路线方向发送C. 与保持间隔(holddown)机制协同工作,为保持间隔的计算提供更多的可靠性D. 代替路由中毒(poison reverse)算法45、静态路由的优点包括:"acd"A. 管理简单B. 自动更新路由C. 提高网络安全性D. 节省带宽E. 收敛速度快46、静态路由配置中关键字reject 和blackhole 的区别在于:"be"A. 发往reject 路由的报文被丢弃,并且不通知源主机B. 发往blackhole 路由的报文被丢弃,并且不通知源主机C. 发往reject 路由的报文被丢弃,发往blackhole 路由的报文不被丢弃D. 发往blackhole 路由的报文被丢弃,发往reject 路由的报文不被丢弃E. 发往reject 路由的报文被丢弃,并且通知源主机F. 发往blackhole 路由的报文被丢弃,并且通知源主机47、以下对于缺省路由描述正确的是:"bc"Cisco 路由协议A. 缺省路由是优先被使用的路由B. 缺省路由是最后一条被使用的路由C. 缺省路由是一种特殊的静态路由D. 缺省路由是一种特殊的动态路由48、对路由器A配置RIP协议,并在接口S0(IP地址为10.0.0.1/24)所在网段使能RIP路由协议,在全局配置模式下使用的第一条命令是:"a"A. ripB. rip network network、对于RIP协议,可以到达目标网络的跳数(所经过路由器的个数)最多为:"b"A. 12B. 15C. 16D. 没有限制50、支持可变长子网掩码的路由协议有:"bcd"A. RIP v1B. RIP v2C. OSPFD. IS-IS51、在路由器所有接口上使能RIP协议的命令是:"a"A. network allB. neighborC. enableD. rip enable52、当接口运行在RIP-2广播方式时,它可以接收的报文有:"ac"A. RIP-1广播报文B. RIP-1组播报文C. RIP-2广播报文D. RIP-2组播报文53、以下对路由优先级的说法,正确的是"bcd"A. 仅用于RIP和OSPF之间B. 用于不同路由协议之间C. 是路由选择的重要依据D. 直接路由的优先级缺省为054、您认为下列说法哪些是不正确的?"cd"A. 每条静态路由的优先级也可以不相同Cisco 路由协议B. 缺省情况下路由优先级的次序是OSPF RIPC. 路由算法产生一种权值来表示路由的好坏。

2023年CCNP考试真题答案解析CCNP(Cisco Certified Network Professional)认证是思科公司推出的中级级别网络工程师认证,旨在验证网络工程师具备设计、配置和管理复杂网络架构的能力。
题目一:请简述SDN(Software-Defined Networking)的基本概念和架构,并说明其在网络领域中的优势和应用。
SDN的优势和应用体现在以下几个方面:1. 灵活性和可编程性:SDN架构使网络设备的控制逻辑与数据转发分开,提供了更高的灵活性和可编程性,可根据需求快速配置和自动化管理网络,提高网络的可调整性和可扩展性。
2. 网络集中管理:SDN的控制器层集中管理网络中的所有设备,实现了网络的集中控制和监控。
3. 创新应用和服务:SDN架构为网络创新提供了更好的平台,可以支持各种应用和服务的开发,如虚拟网络、多租户网络和网络功能虚拟化等,加快了网络技术的发展和应用。
4. 故障隔离和快速恢复:SDN可以通过控制器层实现网络的动态配置和故障隔离,当某一设备出现故障时,可以快速重新规划路径并恢复网络的正常运行。
题目二:请描述OSPF(Open Shortest Path First)协议的工作原理,并解释其在网络中的应用场景。

(2)配置OSPF路由协议,保证OSPF各区域路由正常;R1(config)#router ospf 110 注意:进程号是cisco的私有技术R1(config-router)#network area 0 (正/反掩码皆可)R1(config-router)#network area 0①将区域2配置成nssa区域;router ospf 110area 2 nssaarea 2 nssa default-information-originate注意:NSSA区域不会自动产生默认路由,要手动下发一条②区域0需要MD5认证,密码为cisco;区域2需要简单口令认证,密码ccna第一步:进程下启用router ospf 110area 0 authentication Message-digest //启动密文认证第二步:接口下配密码int s1/0ip ospf message-digest-key 1 md5 cisco //配密文密码③R1的s0/0的hello interval 设置为5秒,dead-interval设置为20秒④控制DR选举,使得R2没有机会成为DR.R1(config-if)#ip ospf hello-interval 5R1(config-if)#ip ospf dead-interval 20R2(config-if)#ip ospf priority 0 修改优先级(3)配置RIP V2路由协议,KEYCHAIN名字为CCIE,路由器R1和R5采用MD5验证,key的ID为1,密码为cisco,路由器R4和R6采用明文验证,密码是cisco。
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(2)配置OSPF路由协议,保证OSPF各区域路由正常;①将区域2配置成nssa区域;R2:area 2 nssa no-sunmmaryR4:area 2 nssa②区域0需要MD5认证,密码为cisco;区域2需要简单口令认证,密码ccna R1:router ospf 1area 0 authentication message-digestint s0/0ip ospf message-digest-key 1 md5 ciscoint e1/0ip ospf message-digest-key 1 md5 ciscoR2:router ospf 1area 0 authentication message-digestint s0/0ip ospf message-digest-key 1 md5 ciscoint e1/0ip ospf message-digest-key 1 md5 ciscoexitint s0/2ip ospf authenticationip ospf authentication-key ccnaR4:int s0/2ip ospf authenticationip ospf authentication-key ccna③R1的s0/0的hello interval 设置为5秒,dead-interval设置为20秒int s0/0ip ospf hell-interval 5ip ospf dead-interval 20④控制DR选举,使得R2没有机会成为DR.R2:int e1/0ip ospf priority 0(3)配置RIP V2路由协议,KEYCHAIN名字为CCIE,路由器R1和R5采用MD5验证,key的ID为1,密码为cisco,路由器R4和R6采用明文验证,密码是cisco。
R1:router ripversion 2network auto-summarykey chain CCIEkey 1key-string ciscoexitint e1/1ip rip authentication key-chain CCIER5:router ripversion 2network auto-summarykey chain CCIEkey 1key-string ciscoexitint e1/0ip rip authentication key-chain CCIER4:router ripversion 2network auto-summaryexitdo sh ip routekey chain CCIEkey 1key-string ciscoexitint e1/0ip rip authentication key-chain CCIER6:router ripversion 2network auto-summaryexitkey chain CCIEkey 1key-string ciscoexitint e1/0ip rip authentication key-chain CCIE(4)配置EIGRP路由协议,采用MD5验证,KEYCHAIN名字为EI,,key的ID为1,密码为cisco,并且关闭自动汇总。
R2:key chain EIkey 1key-string ciscoexitrouter eigrp 1network auto-summaryexitint s0/1ip authentication mode eigrp 1 md5ip authentication key-chain eigrp 1 EIR3:router eigrp 1no auto-summarynetwork auto-summaryexitkey chain EIkey 1key-string ciscoexitint s0/1ip authentication mode eigrp 1 md5ip authentication key-chain eigrp 1 EI(5)R1和R5配置EBGP路由协议,用环回接口做更新源,通告R5的L50和L55。
在路由器R1上配置BGP属性,使得:A: L50的as-path属性追加300 400 500B: L55的起源为EGP 600C:L50的local-preference值为2000R1:Router bgp 100bgp router-id synchronizationneighbor remote-as 500neighbor ebgp-multihop 255neighbor update-source Loopback0neighbor route-map BGP inexitaccess-list 50 permit 55 permit BGP permit 10match ip address 50set local-preference 2000set as-path prepend 300 400 500!route-map BGP permit 20match ip address 55set origin egp 600R5:router bgp 500no synchronizationbgp router-id log-neighbor-changesnetwork mask mask remote-as 100neighbor ebgp-multihop 255neighbor update-source Loopback0no auto-summary(6)在R1上向OSPF网络注入一条默认路由,并将OSPF网络重分布到BGP中,为了确保网络的畅通,请在R5上配置一条指向192.15.1.1的默认路由。
R1:router ospf 1default-information originate alwaysrouter bgp 100redistribute ospf 1R5:ip route在路由器R2上执行EIGRP和OSPF的双向重分布:①将EIGRP路由重分布到OSPF时,用route-map实现,第三位为奇数的路由条目,类型为1,度量值为130,第三位为偶数的路由条目,类型为2,度量值为50,其他路由条目采用默认,不做控制。
R2:access-list 1 permit 2 permit test permit 10match ip address 1set metric 50exitroute-map test permit 20match ip address 2set metric 130set metric-type type-1exitroute-map test permit 30exitrouter ospf 1redistribute eigrp 1 subnets route-map testexitrouter eigrp 1redistribute ospf 1 metric 100000 100 255 1 1500exit(8)在路由器R4上执行RIP和OSPF的双向重分布,RIP重分布到OSPF参数均采用默认,OSPF重分布到RIP中,metric为5。
R4:router ospf 1redistribute rip subnetsexitrouter ripredistribute ospf 1 metric 5exit(9)将R6配置成DHCP服务器,具体如下:DHCP:网络: 默认网关: 域名: ,地址排除:不需要测试)。
R6:ip dhcp excluded-address dhcp pool testnetwork (10)配置RIPng 或者OSPFv3协议,保证IPv6路由通。
OSPF v3用MD5或者sha1的验证。
R6:ipv6 router ospf 1router-id 0 authentication ipsec spi 2346 sha1 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789(11)在R1上配置策略路由,使从R5方向来的HTTP数据流走R1的s0/0接口,使从R5方向来的TELNET和FTP数据流走R1的F2/0接口。
R1:access-list 110 remark HTTPaccess-list 110 permit tcp any any eq wwwaccess-list 120 remark FTP and TELNETaccess-list 120 permit tcp any any eq telnetaccess-list 120 permit tcp any any eq ftp-dataaccess-list 120 permit tcp any any eq ftp route-map ABC permit 10match ip address 110set interface Serial0/0exitroute-map ABC permit 20match ip address 120set interface Ethernet1/0exitint e1/1ip policy route-map ABC。