关于中西方称赞语差异的对比分析王焱 MF1020030摘要:我们学习任何一种语言,其根本目的就是用来交际,而在我们的日常交际中,有一种现象就是称赞语的广泛使用。
关键词:中西方称赞语;差异;对比分析一、什么是称赞语称赞语,又称恭维话,我们先来看牛津大词典对它的解释:“Compliments, as a kind of speech act, is considered to be closely related to politeness. It is the expression of praise, admiration, approval,etc”(Oxford Dictionary,1997:283)。
恭维的信息功能在于它的评价意义, 而其情感功能表现在表达欣赏、羡慕、敬仰或鼓励的同时, 能创造出一种融洽、和谐的交际气氛, 因此又被称为社会润滑剂。
( Manes and Wolfson Holmes Her bert ) 由于文化背景的不同, 英汉语言中恭维语的内容、使用场合、形式和应答等方面存在较大差异。
20 世纪80 年代以来, 国内外的语言学界对恭维语进展了大量研究(Pomerantz Valdes&PinoM anesW olfson Ho lmes H er bert, Zuo H uanqi Zou WeichengZhao Y ingling L in Feng 。
他们所采用的研究方法, 大多是随机抽取日常生活中的恭维语素材和其应答局部。
M anes和Wolfson把恭维语的收集对象主要放在美国的中产阶级上, 他们发现恭维语的句法和语义构成有一定的规律性。
继他们之后, Holmes和Herbert对恭维语展开进一步的研究, 其研究涉及到恭维语的应答局部,在研究中他们还发现性别差异对恭维语有一定影响。
在国内, 贾玉新对80名不同层次的中国人使用恭维语的情况做了详细的调查。
结果显示, 无论是在句法构造上还是在语义组成上, 汉语恭维语都是高度格式化, 其句法构造与英语恭维语句法相比, 有的大相径庭, 有的极为相似。
以上研究, 都是针对口头恭维语进展的, 对书面恭维语所作的研究相比照拟少, 这必须引起我们的充分重视。
一、关于恭维内容的比照因为社会价值观不同, 引起社会评价的注意焦点不同,也就决定了中西方语言中作为恭维话题的内容存在着差异。
例如有关外表和能力的恭维语出现频率都很高, 但所侧重的内容却有所不同。
在英语国家特别是在美国, 占据最主要地位的就是关于个人外貌仪表的积极评论, 而个人的服饰与发型更是恭维的重心所在。
From English-Chinese Greetings See the Differences between Chinese and WesternCultureClass:two Number:200814025226 Name:Zhong XinghuaAs a conventional greeting terms, it is widely used in the human daily language communication. In Chinese and western cross-cultural communication, the started contact between people is greeted each other. Some with profound "China brand" greeting in western eye is puzzled; Some with a "western characteristic" greeting for Chinese people also don't understand. This mutual view about "don't understand" serious impact on the smooth communication, even caused serious cultural conflict, so I think it is necessary to find out the deep reason, and take some measures to avoid the cultural conflict.1. the conflict on languageThe greeting is the most common people's life of oral communication, it is the beginning to cut the topic, so the usage of greeting is directly related to communicatesmoothly. Erving Goffman thought the greeting is communicative signal of the beginning to recognize. China and the western countries have different cultural background, different historical origin.In greeting, the language of them also have a big difference. For example, the Chinese meeting and greeting people often used to say "you eat?" (Have you had the meal?) , "where to go?" (Where are you going?) and so on, as people life changes in the concept of, new greetings appears, such as "a raise?" (Have you got your salary raised?) , "You went out to play in holidays?" (Have you been traveling during the holidays?)and so on.As for the Chinese speaking, these are very common greeting and it's literally words, they care to each other, and the fine words about their asking can reflect the concern to others, but westerners may anger, they thought it was inquiring about other people's privacy, not polite behavior, is not appropriate topic, was disgusted. Westerners meet an acquaintance in the most commonly say “hello” that is "Good morning" ,"Good afternoon"or "Good night" (Good evening), and so on. Western greetings content is simple, is not mixed withspecific information, just on the meaning of expressing politeness. But ,for Chinese people, this is not enough enthusiasm greeting. The language content to difference of the Chinese and western is not successful communication, which is the language of the conflict. Greeting from language style aspect, there are also differences between Chinese and western. In China, for example, people mention their partners are more implicative tactful, some women to greet him when says "you damn fool", this make westerners puzzled, don't understand what's so called their husband. In the west, between a husband and wife say "hello" common "dear", this kind of word call our lover to show the feeling of happiness, but this style of greetings in China does not exist more.We all know, the language is the tool to exchange of information.As one of the language, it will lead to different language of the conflict, the language differences in essence reflect the cultural conflict. The language is a part of the culture, at the same time, it is the carrier of culture. Words can't exist separating from culture, because language can see a variety of ethnicculture. E. t. Hall said: "culture is humanized life environment. Every aspect of human life is from the influence of culture and with the cultural changes ,or rather, the existence of cultural decided, including self expression way and swept away way." Knowing the culture to the research of the language is very important. So, through the surface analysis greetings, the conflict on language is actually different from analyzing of the cultures of the conflict.2. cultural conflictAlong with the development of economic globalization, the diverse culture exist the phenomenon of popularization.we are bringing in different cultures of western society people more and more opportunities. In this case, in order to achieve successful cross-cultural communication, in order to achieve "universal harmony", the author thinks that we need to understand the differences between the Chinese and western culture and the differences of cultural conflict brought, from which we can avoid further this conflict happened, so as to promote between Chinese and western greetings and conversation better.(1) greetings clubby code viewGreetings communication standard is a man in the communication what to do and not to do what is basic principle and attitude. In Chinese and western different cultural background, people often say "hello" communication in their own place or social standards of behavior to determine each other behavior of rationality. The standards of behavior is different, it often can cause unhappy, even the conflict on communication. For example, when the Chinese say "hello" child, like on the other side, head gently patting or clench ears to show friendly. The greeting in western eye is highly respect the practice of children, parents will be very angry and resentful. Say so, in cross-cultural communication, people to identify and correct usage of behavioral standards to ensure that communication is smooth. (2) "benevolence" conceptIn Chinese traditional culture, "benevolence" the idea to communication language influence, especially in the choice of greeting. "Just the lover" require people to live together in harmony, helping others, caring and loving for others to sympathy. In this principle, peopleare actively building harmonious relations between people, trying to establish mutual affection. This kind of care about each other in human relations is based on greeting the selection of language effect. It makes people communicate with care, as far as possible to remind the greeting and greet each other, such as "the day was cold and wearing more" (It 's so cold that you need wear more clothes.), "Don't tired" (Don' t be tired.), and so on. This kind of greeting to be gradually expandto greet the aspects of the basic necessities, involving the other party of the health, life, family and various aspects of personal situation. In the Chinese view, this is a decent greeting type, it will closes the distance, build a kind of sweet atmosphere, but this kind of greeting can cause westerners antipathy, resulting in the communication misunderstandings and cut off.3. Cross cultural conflict strategic countermeasures (1) respecting personality and characteristicsIn order to avoid the conflict on language, incross-cultural communication, we need to learn from each other's cultures and pragmatic habit and thedifferences between Chinese and western culture objectively. In order to strengthen the understanding of these differences, we should read western culture background and related books through watching the film and TV programs. Westerners in exchange greetings had better convert western daily to greet, also want to spread the national culture essence, make the other side can also understand the differences. we mustrespect ,understand and compare, eventually to exchange and communicate.(2) joining the foreign languageOur aim is eliminating communicating conflicts, learning to this group communication culture, to foster intercultural communication competence. The final purpose of foreign language learning is to improve intercultural communication competence. The classroom is the main place of foreign language learning. So as a foreign language teacher, in the teaching of foreign language at the same time should use class to communicate culture content, it should include cultural phenomenon , descripte deep cultural explored. Only in this way, students can understand the western cultureand cultivate their different cultural tolerance ability. (3) in-depth study Chinese and western daily languageIn order to conform to the global integration, in order to strengthen the different language and cultureof the people mutual understanding and communication, some daily language, such as the greeting, farewell language and thank words need to study so as to promote the daily cross-cultural communication, achieve a global integral harmony.In short, the greeting is an important form of speech communication. Understanding the differences between Chinese and western greeting and leading to the differences of cultural conflict need time, people have responsibility to analyze these conflicts and find good countermeasures to resolve these conflicts, so do the real intercultural communication.。
而无论是在汉语称赞语还是英语称赞语中,外貌方面的恭维大多是给女性的,例如,“The new nurse is pretty.”而对于男性则集中在能力或者成就方面,例如,Our boss works really hard.在称赞外貌时,英语侧重修饰性方面,例如“Your new hair-style looks nice.”而汉语则倾向自然的外表,例如“你的发质不错!”对于能力的称赞,英语偏向赞扬对方经过努力后所取得的成就,如“You did a good job.”而汉语除了赞扬对方的成就之外,还会提及对方为此所做的努力,如“你这个学期的成绩不错,看来是下苦功了!”(二)运用的场合不同研究表明,英语称赞语倾向于表达平等、一致的关系,而汉语则侧重于表示尊敬和关心对方。
例如别人请客吃饭,英语文化背景下的客人除了表达感谢多数会表示自己很享受这样的待遇,例如“I really enjoyed tonight.”而汉语文化背景下,称赞的话更多以道歉的方式来传达,如“点了那么多菜,真是让你破费了”。
From Compliments to Discuss Cultural Distinction in Daily Communication Between the East and the West摘要恭维语是一种普遍的社会现象, 恰到好处的使用它能拉近交际双方的距离,避免语用失误。
在跨文化交际中 ,它们起着问候、鼓励、致谢、开启话题及缓解矛盾等作用,同时由于中西方在社会结构,以及文化背景方面的不同,导致了恭维语在实施过程中的文化差异,了解其中的文化差异不仅有助于人们在跨文化交际中恰当的使用恭维语,而且还可以避免文化冲突,同时比较中西方恭维语在语言形式、应答、恭维目标几个方面的差异,指出跨文化交流中恭维和接受恭维造成误解的原因,对于跨文化交际具有重要意义。
关键词: 恭维语;差异;应答;误解;跨文化交际。
AbstractCompliments are a universal social phenomenon. If we use it exactly, we can shorten the distance of our communicator and avoid pragmatic failure. In the process of cross-cultural communication, they play a role of greeting, expressing one's thanks congratulating and encouraging others, opening a conversation and loosing conflicts etc. At the same time, owing to the different social systems and cultural backgrounds between the east and the west, such complications result in a cultural difference in the course of using compliments .To understand the difference can not only help one use compliments correctly ,but also can avoid cultural conflicts in the intercultural communication. Probing the differences between Chinese and Western compliments in a cross-cultural perspective and analyzing the course of misunderstanding are the key to a successful cross- cultural communication. In cross-cultural communication, the Chinese have always been reserved, sticking to the principle of prudence and reticence, obeying the principle of self-control and carefulness when communicating, having a high degree of sensitivity toward other’s languages. By contrast, the Americans are outgoing. They are prone to express themselves and willing to use language to express their inner world. They also believe the creativity of language, emphasizing the outward extension of the individual. So only if we understand each nation’s cultural backgrounds can we have a good cross-cultural communication. Language and culture are inseparable, only do we strive to master the language as well as their cultural backgrounds can minimize the cross-cultural communication errors. This does not only aim at the compliment language, but also is equally important to speech act.Key words: compliment; difference; response; misunderstanding; cross- cultural communication.Contents1.Introduction (1)2.The Main Existing Reasons for Cultural Differences in Chinese and Western Compliments (2)3.Difference in Using Language (3)4.Difference in Response Formulas .................................................................. .. (4)5.Difference in Target of Compliment (6)5.1 Appearance (6)5.2 The Difference of Complimenting Other's Ability and Achievement (7)6.Dispel Misunderstanding in Cross-cultural Communication. (8)7.Conclusion (11)Works Cited (12)1. IntroductionLanguage is the carrier of social culture, it recording and transferring the culture. With no exception, compliment as a language phenomenon and the most common speech are very common in daily life. When people use the language of compliment, there would be under certain social environment, they should pay attention to those differences, such as different nationalities, cultures, historical periods, economic base, people’s values, living habits and different aesthetic manners. In the process of implementation, compliments can reflect each other’s social status. Generally speaking, such differences are a reflection of cultural diversities. In the process of cross-cultural communication between eastern and western countries, compliment is one of the most common used languages. It often plays a role of greeting, gratitude, opening the topic, as well as the role of loosing the contradictions. But each nation has its own language and culture which are different from the other nations. These languages and cultures have their own unique form and content which have a distinctive national characteristic. As different nations, there are huge differences in the use of compliment and response, for example: When one was invited to dinner at a friend’s house, the Americans always boast, “your wife is very beautif ul”, while in China people always said, “Your child is clever”. With regard to compliment and its response, the Chinese and westerners are different. Westerners tend to bravely say “Thank you”, whereas the Chinese are not as straightforward as they are, th ey often say “不行, 不行” , “哪里,哪里” or “差远了” and so on to express his humble attitude .Therefore, in the process of verbal communication, the Chinese and westerners often make some jokes when they use the language of compliment, which sometimes even cause unpleasant results. The paper aims at pointing out that it is not enough to only master the language itself. The key in cross-cultural communication is to study the culture which hides behind language such as values, customs and taboos by making use of the differences among the form of language, response and compliment.2. The Main Existing Reasons for Cultural Differences in Chinese and Western ComplimentsChinese and Western cultures are totally two different types of culture. Because of different social structures and cultural backgrounds, each nation formed its own values, ways of thinking and cultural statute. As we know, China is a country with five-thousand-year’s history and culture. Meanwhile China is also a traditional agricultural country, whose culture is based on morals of farming civilization. The Chinese often regard the nature as a whole harmony and claim the integration between human beings and the whole universe, which forms the ideology of “Nature and Humanity" and the values based on groups. While due to the impact of traditional education of ancient China, China is a hierarchy society and attach great importance to the doctrine of “noble if the upper, humble if the down” and “lower oneself to show respect to others”. O n the other hand western countries didn’t have such a long history, especially the United States which is relatively a short history country with multi-ethnic and multi-cultural capitalist rule. The early immigrants came to the North American continent to find a new life in order to keep away from the shackles of feudal tradition and their oppression. Therefore, such sentences “that all men are equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of Happiness” were written in Declaration of Independence. The principle that “All men are born to equal” has become every American’s pursuit, and they are deeply rooted in their hearts. So from this point of view, this principle is based on objects and extravagant local business as well as is one typical western culture. The western culture emphasizes on the universe philosophy called “Separation of the Universe from Man” and their value is mainly based on the individual. So the westerners take little about the concept of hierarchy and the thought of respecting the noble. When communicating with people, they often adopt the “strategy of seeking the same” in order to maintain equality with each other.3. Difference in Using LanguageOne evidential feature for our Chinese using the compliment is to express respect to the people who is worthy. When asked about the names of others, the Chinese always say, “你贵姓?” or “ 你尊姓大名?”. When someone built a new house, people always say, “恭喜你大厦落成”. When a family had a baby, people always say, “恭喜你喜得贵子”. The above utterances can be heard at any time in our daily life. While the westerners have a different state. They think that such language is entirely superfluous. When asked about one’s name, they simply use this question, “Can I have your name?” or “What’s your name?” After the other side giving a short answer, the questioners always reply “You have a lovely name” and they seldom use respect language at the beginning. In many occasions the Chinese always use compliment to heighten the opposite people and detract himself, however westerners use compliment to advocate equality. They think that it is inappropriate to use immoderate courtesy and compliment, thus they often adopt a rather simple adjectives to praise people, such as “good, great, nice”. In order to achieve the effect of humor and exaggeration, sometimes they even add an adjective before derogatory term, such as “terrific, awfully”, “You are awfully nice.” When using compliment, a significant difference here is the different position of personal pronouns. The Chinese people always like to put the second person “you” on the first place of the sentence when they compliment on somebody, such as “Your dress is so saucy”, “Your design is so fashionable”. While the westerners use the first person, putting “I” on the first place of sentence. Please look at the following examples:⑴. I think your coat suits you.你的外套蛮合身。
375文|徐 静恭维语的运用在中西文化中的差异摘要:恭维语是我们日常生活中常用的语言之一,正确使用恭维语能够缩短交际双方的距离。
应为西方文化背景下的称赞语强调双方平等一致,所以恭维语在西方国家当中几乎成为了一种日常用语,用于日常的打招呼,比如,朋友之间会说:“hey!You look good today!”西方文化背景中的称赞语的频率很高,然而,汉语文化背景下的人会觉得那些称赞有点多余或者言不由衷。
2) is due to people's social status and role relationship is not fixed, especially women, use compliments to coordinate the relationship between the two sides of communication of "consistency", which put it as a compliment a harmonious social relations, promote feelings or friendship each other means.
So compliments are shared by English and Chinese culture formulaic speech act, known as the "verbal gift", "social lubricant"
However, influenced by their social psychology, cultural orientation, values and other factors, the topic, compliment structure model, response strategy aspects of a national culture deeply, to reflect the cultural characteristics of different nations.
In addition, there are a lot of invisห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ble
而无论是在汉语称赞语还是英语称赞语中,外貌方面的恭维大多是给女性的,例如,“The new nurse is pretty."而对于男性则集中在能力或者成就方面,例如,Our boss works really hard.在称赞外貌时,英语侧重修饰性方面,例如"Your new hair-style looks nice.而汉语则倾向自然的外表,例如"你的发质不错!”对于能力的称赞,英语偏向赞扬对方经过努力后所取得的成就,如“You did a good job. ” 而汉语除了赞扬对方的成就之外,还会提及对方为此所做的努力,如“你这个学期的成绩不错,看来是下苦功了!”(二)运用的场合不同研究表明,英语称赞语倾向于表达平等、一致的关系,而汉语则侧重于表示尊敬和关心对方。
于是用地道的中国方式回复说:“哪里哪里,就是一条普通的裙子,我在中国买的…….”这位西方女士顿时觉得有些尴尬,难道我的品味有问题?不知道什么是漂亮裙子…….?西方认为,这样的回答“fishing for compliments”,意思是“等着别人夸奖”之嫌。
中西恭维差异英语作文Title: Cultural Differences in Compliments betweenChina and the West。
In cross-cultural communication, understanding the nuances of compliments is essential for effective interaction. Compliments serve as social lubricants, establishing rapport and conveying positive regard. However, the way compliments are given and received varies significantly between China and Western cultures. Let's delve into the differences in complimenting etiquette between these two cultural spheres.Firstly, in Chinese culture, compliments are often more indirect and modest compared to Western cultures. It's common for individuals to downplay their accomplishments or attributes when receiving compliments. For instance, if someone praises a Chinese person's appearance, they might respond with a modest "It's nothing special" or "You're too kind." This modesty stems from Confucian values emphasizinghumility and avoiding arrogance.Conversely, in Western cultures, directness andsincerity are valued in compliments. When someone receivesa compliment, they are more likely to accept it graciously without downplaying their achievements or attributes. For example, if praised for their outfit, a Westerner might respond with a simple "Thank you, I'm glad you like it," without diminishing the compliment.Moreover, the topics of compliments differ betweenChina and the West. In China, compliments often focus on qualities related to hard work, diligence, and perseverance. Academic or professional achievements are highly regarded, and compliments may center around someone's dedication or improvement in these areas. For instance, praising someone for their persistence in overcoming challenges or for their continuous efforts to excel in their studies or career is common.In contrast, in Western cultures, compliments extend beyond just achievements and often encompass individualismand personal expression. Compliments may revolve around creativity, uniqueness, or charisma. For example, someone might compliment another person's sense of humor,creativity in problem-solving, or their ability to think outside the box.Furthermore, the frequency of giving compliments varies between the two cultures. In China, compliments are often sparingly given, especially in formal or professional settings. Excessive praise may be perceived as insincere or even as an attempt to curry favor. Instead, compliments are usually reserved for genuinely remarkable accomplishments or behaviors.On the other hand, in Western cultures, compliments are more freely given as a way to express appreciation andbuild rapport. It's common to offer compliments in both personal and professional settings, whether it's admiring someone's work performance, acknowledging their contributions in a meeting, or simply appreciating their kindness.Additionally, cultural norms dictate the manner in which compliments are expressed. In China, compliments may be conveyed indirectly through gestures, such as offering gifts or gestures of respect. Non-verbal cues, such as a smile or nod of approval, can also serve as subtle compliments.In Western cultures, verbal communication plays a more prominent role in complimenting. Compliments are often articulated explicitly, with individuals expressing admiration or praise through words. Whether it's a simple "You did a great job" or a more elaborate acknowledgment of someone's talents, verbal compliments are valued for their clarity and sincerity.In conclusion, while compliments serve similar social functions across cultures, the manner in which they are given and received can vary significantly between China and the West. Understanding these cultural differences is crucial for effective cross-cultural communication and building meaningful relationships. By respecting eachother's complimenting etiquette, individuals can navigate cultural differences with grace and appreciation.。
In Chinese
• Exactly the different • It is rare for Chinese to praise other’s work ability and achievements of the same level, but it’s common to flatter their superiors on the ability and achievements to get a favorable impression.
3.1.3 More differences about the compliments in social occasions
• In the English and American culture • They often praise their own families, including their spouses, parents and children. • In the Chinese culture • The compliments receivers are usually others’ family members instead of their own.
• 3.1.1 To praise a woman
• A male will say: You are the most beautiful woman I have seen! • A female will say: You certainly look elegant today!
The difference...
1.Definition of compliment
• Compliment is one of the most frequently used language phenomena in both Chinese and American societies. The differences of social systems and cultural backgrounds between china and America lead to the dissimilarities of compliment performance and response. • This paper discusses the similarities and differences between Chinese and American cultures from the implementation of and response to compliments.
收稿日期:2008-10-23作者简介:张 鸾,女,现在呼伦贝尔学院外国语学院任教。
中美恭维语对比研究张 鸾(呼伦贝尔学院 外国语学院,内蒙古 呼伦贝尔 021000)摘 要:恭维语的使用是建立和谐人际关系的一个重要手段。
关键词:中美文化;恭维语;差异;对比研究The Contrastive Study of Chinese and American ComplimentsAbstract:Compliments serve as aIl im portant means to build up harmonious intcrpexsonalrelationship.Due to the differences in social institutions and the cultural backg rounds.Americans and Chinese behave quite differently in the use and response of compliments.Taking the cultural differences into account can help one use compliments appropriately and avoid cultural collision.Key words:Chinese and American culture:compliments:differences;the contrastive study 中图分类号:G112 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1008-0155(2009)01-0087-03恭维语的使用是建立和谐人际关系的一个重要手段。
1.论中美恭维语在日常交际中的差异 [J], 卜时红
2.中美文化中不同社会地位对恭维语应答策略的对比研究 [J], 王利君;邹白茹
3.从中美语言策略看中美文化差异 [J], 刘林林
4.中西日常交际中的恭维语语用对比分析 [J], 席于霞
5.中美文化中恭维语语用差异与语用失误 [J], 王君兰
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4.2 Chinese’s responses
4.2.1 Obscure and inexplicit reply. • Most Chinese are introverted and veiled, they usually choose not to unveil their inner heart, and sometimes it is difficult for us to judge the truth from a Chinese’s words or facial expression. So, some people think Chinese culture is a kind of “Block Culture”(墙文化).
3.2.2 Compliment purpose…
In the US • The compliments often come from the superior to the subordinates to maintain good relation between them. Notes: • In the US, compliment on ability and achievements is a very serious thing, only one who is qualified enough can pay compliment to others.
In Chinese
• Exactly the different • It is rare for Chinese to praise other’s work ability and achievements of the same level, but it’s common to flatter their superiors on the ability and achievements to get a favorable impression.
• What complimentors say are affected greatly by their values,social regulations,cultural backgrounds,etc. • Both differences and similarities exist.
3.1 On the appearance
4. The different attitudes and responses towards the compliments
• Generally speaking, people’s attitudes and responses are limited by the rule of “agree” and “modest”, still, under the different cultural background, their responses are different.
• To a close female friend: “Sexy skirt ” • To a common female friend: “nice sweater ”
Notes: But to male friends, no compliments will be used. Similarly, in Chinese culture, most men think “Appearance is to women what ability is to men.”
• A: I like your shoes. They are lovely. • B: I got them three years ago, but I still love them very much.
• 4.1.2 Compliment back • In this way, the compliment will come back to the giver. Eg:
Men • Focus on the knowledge of outer world, their thinking is creative and outgoing, the character is straight, independent and competitive. Women • Focus on the knowledge of inner world, they use the instinct, imagination and inspiration to see the world in a whole, they are veiled, mild and harmonious.
Below is a typical example to show this… • A: 祝贺你荣获大赛第一名! • B: 惭愧惭愧!我真不配得这个奖,我的 作品其实比别人的差多了…
1.Definition of compliment
• Compliment is one of the most frequently used language phenomena in both Chinese and American societies. The differences of social systems and cultural backgrounds between china and America lead to the dissimilarities of compliment performance and response. • This paper discusses the similarities and differences between Chinese and American cultures from the implementation of and response to compliments.
4.2.2 negative reply. • In this kind of reply,speaker think the person or something is not worth the praise, the reply sounds that the compliment doesn’t tell the truth. • Chinese often focus on the veiled meaning, and they will never praise themselves in public. So, when they hear the compliment, they are likely to negate or low themselves to show modest.
• 3.1.1 To praise a woman
• A male will say: You are the most beautiful woman I have seen! • A female will say: You certainly look elegant today!
The difference...
3.1.3 More differences about the compliments in social occasions
• In the English and American culture • They often praise their own families, including their spouses, parents and children. • In the Chinese culture • The compliments receivers are usually others’ family members instead ofision between Chinese and American cultures
—From the Perspective of Compliments
1. 2. 3. Definition of compliment Aim of the study The topics concerned about the compliments 3.1 On the appearance 3.2 On the achievement or ability 4. The different attitudes and responses towards the compliments 5. The different cultures between China and America ---- [notes] 6. What makes the differences? 7. Conclusion
Some pundits reckon…
• Chinese traditional thinking modes • Womanish • Western (American) thinking modes • Close to man
3.1.2 In the US,when a man meets a woman wearing beautiful clothes:
2. Aim of the study
• Avoid misunderstanding, trouble, and help us • Help to deal with the problems coming from cultural diversity
3. The topics concerned about the compliments
Chinese • A: 你的毛衣真漂亮! • B: 还凑合吧,昨天买的。 American • A: That’s a nice sweater,I like it. • B: Thanks,I’m glad you like it. Notes: • According to the conversations above, we can see, American reply is straight, frank and makes compliment giver comfortable. While Chinese choose to say something else, it sounds rather wasting other’s good intention.